Bye Bye Bakhmut

Here we go, boys and girls. We got ourselves another humdinger of a week ahead of us. Round and round it goes, and where it stops, nobody knows. Maybe it doesn't stop. Maybe it just keeps on going and going and going. It's all blather on my part, of course. It's me not knowing where to start this week's blog. It's me without inspiration. It's me with the Monday morning blues. Maybe a turnaround Tuesday will be better. God help me if I'm not up and running by the time Wednesday rolls around. Do I even feel like writing this morning? Do I have anything to say? Do I have anything to say that's interesting and new? I don't have any answers, just questions, and more questions. I've asked a few of them here this morning. Well, let's get this party started, shall we?


I don't know shit about politics in Turkey, but I do know that President Erdogan was one of two contestants on Election Day in Turkey yesterday. Turkey is a member of NATO, so I'm guessing some folks had opinions on Erdogan and whether or not his remaining in power was a good thing or a bad thing. The minute I read somewhere that Bumbles Biden and his toadies were trying to influence the race in Turkey to effect the ouster of Erdogan, I was all in for Erdogan. This is the same clown, and I'm talking about Bumbles here, who got into office with 81 million votes in 2020. Right. So, Bumbles and his toadies take their 2020 blueprint on the road to Ankara and beyond in order to get rid of someone whose politics they disagree with. I'm not even sure what a Leftist government in Turkey looks like. Erdogan is in tight with Putin, as I understand it, so maybe Bumbles and his boys wanted someone who would be less chummy with the Russian strongman. More to come.

I'm reading a lot of stories about people with reservations in hotels in Upstate New York who are being told that their reservations are being canceled so that the hotels can house illegal aliens. One hotel was reserved not for some wayward Mexicans or Guatemalans but rather for people from the Middle East. Wut? This tells me a lot about the diversity of these so-called aliens coming across our porous borders at the invitation of Bumbles Biden and his Democrat party. How sure are they that these folks plan to vote for Democrats when the day comes? There are probably plenty of these illegal aliens from Central and South America who are willing to take low-paying jobs to survive, but can the same be said for people from the Middle East? How about all of the Chinese Nationals coming into our country illegally? We're talking about some five million illegals at last count, so this is a problem foisted on the American people that isn't going away. But the real problem, according to Bumbles Biden, is White Supremacy. Loosely translated, he's talking about Trump supporters.

What is this bullshit about Biden Crime Family whistleblowers disappearing? What are we supposed to infer from that? Are we to infer that without the whistleblowers, we'll never see the Biden Crime Family brought to justice? You've got the damn bank records that lay out the extent of Biden's crimes across the globe, so take those records and build a racketeering case, for chrissakes. There is a RICO statute on the books last I knew. Subpoena each and every last Biden family member who received money to testify and let each and every one of them testify as to what they did, what service they provided, and let the appropriate indictments flow from those testimonials. Do I have to draw them a picture? I'm also just a little bit incredulous that the only examples of grift are from his days as Vice President. Certainly, you've heard the expression, power corrupts, and Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Right? Keep digging, boys. There's more here than meets the eye.

If what we're hearing about the whistleblowers is true, you can probably add murder to the list of crimes committed by Biden and his associates. We're talking Hillary Clinton level crimes here. Remember Vince Foster? He's the guy who worked with Hillary, and he turned up dead allegedly by his own hand. Others say that she had him killed because he threatened to expose their relationship. None of it was ever proven, but that doesn't mean there wasn't some truth to it. There have been any number of other Clinton associates who have turned up dead over the years, and a lot of them looked, well, to be unnatural, if you know what I mean. So, I'm not buying the disappearing bullshit. If they're not dead but just in hiding, find them and get them on the witness stand. We've got a Republic to save, and we're running out of time. If the Democrats win back the House in 2024, all the investigations go away. This is who they are. This is what they do.

Durham released his report yesterday. You know, the long-awaited report by Special Counsel Durham on the Russia-Gate hoax. That only took four fucking years. It proved conclusively that Hillary Clinton and her cabal, including a number of stooges from our Intelligence Agencies, plotted to distract and disgrace a duly-elected president of the United States. That tells you all you need to know about just how vindictive Hillary Clinton is and what she undertook to exact her revenge on the man that she blames for denying her her place in history. Let's get one thing straight. Donald Trump saved our Republic from an even swifter descent into hell than we're currently experiencing under Bumbles Biden had Hillary Clinton won the presidency instead of the Donald. Even after the release of Durham's report, clowns who were instrumental in the execution of the scam against Trump in the FBI, like Peter Strzok, who now works for CNN, had the audacity to go on television and say that Durham got it all wrong.

There were no recommendations in Durham's report that anyone be held to account. There were no referrals to the FBI for actions taken by these criminals to undermine a duly elected president of the United States. None of that makes any sense. Does that not just give the Democrats a license to wash, rinse, and repeat as needed when they disagree with the outcome of an election? This is the two-tiered system of justice that Republicans have been complaining about forever and a day. If you're a Democrat and you get charged with a crime, you likely see your charges dismissed or, should your case be heard, you end up with a slap on the wrist. If you're someone like Donald Trump, who they call an existential threat to our Democracy, laws get changed that enable your prosecution and make your imprisonment that much more likely. Anyone associated with you, if your name is Donald Trump, is investigated and brought up on trumped-up charges, which only get lessened if you agree to tell the investigators what they want to hear about Trump's alleged misdeeds. It's getting more than a little tiring.

The same is true of criminals like Sam Bankman Fried and that babe who ran the Theranos scam a few years back. Neither of them has seen a day in jail, thanks more than likely to their political connections. The Fried guy has yet to see his day in court and may never see the inside of a courtroom if he and his attorneys have any say in the matter. All of the scumbags involved in the Russia hoax, like James Comey and others of his ilk, are out there writing books, doing nightly shows on CNN and MSNBC, and laughing all the way to the bank while not losing one minute of sleep for their involvement in the crime of the century. The Theranos babe has actually been convicted of her crimes, yet I see pictures of her every day in the Daily Mail walking the beach with her children while her counterpart in the scam, I think his name is Sonny, is behind bars and will be for the next fourteen years. Where is the list of high-profile Democrats who spent time on Epstein's Island? That's what I'm talking about. It's fucking nowhere.

If the reports that I'm reading are correct, the Russians took out a Patriot Missle System last night in Ukraine. I suppose that's a righteous score if you're sitting in the Kremlin. If you're sitting in Kyiev, where they had placed this Patriot Missle System, you're probably wondering how the Ruskies had managed to pull this off. If I'm Putin, I'm targeting every Patriot Missle System that the Americans put in Ukraine. The same is probably true of the tanks that have been delivered to Ukraine in the last few months. I don't know that Sun Tzu had tanks and anti-air missile systems in mind when he wrote his book on waging war but taking out your opponent's ability to defend themselves had to be somewhat of a recurring theme in his writing. Beyond that, who the hell really knows what's going on in Ukraine? My sense is that this is a war that Ukraine is ill-suited to win, even with assistance from the West. Will Ukraine even exist after all is said and done? What will NATO have to show for its efforts if Ukraine ends up becoming a totally owned territory of the USSR? Just shooting from the hip here.

Can I get back to this Durham thing for a minute? I'm hearing a lot of people talk about the fact that nobody is being held to account for the soft coup that the Democrats, from Obama right down to the Leftists in our media, pulled off in an effort to oust a duly elected president of the United States. You heard that right. Not only Obama, but Bumbles Biden was in the Oval Office with Obama when the subject of this coup was discussed. That makes Bumbles complicit in the crime of the century, which nobody, well, most Democrats anyway, wants to now move on from. I heard some left-wing cuck on the telly last night telling the host of the show that he would like nothing better than to have the Republicans talk about 2016 and 2020 between now and the 2024 election because, in his humble opinion, Americans are ready to move on already. That's the tell. When they tell you to move on, what they're really saying is that they are afraid that all of this cabal and soft coup shit is going to come back and bite them in the ass.

Durham's report is really an expose' truth be told. It exposes the Democrats for the devious fucks that they are, and it tells you that they are willing to do whatever it takes, including conspiring with other agencies in our government to effect the change that they see as necessary. They so demonized Trump and his followers in the media and elsewhere that the public was willing to look the other way when it came to the hijinks that the Democrats were willing to employ. It was "the ends justify the means" on steroids. It was reminiscent of the good old days back in 2012 when the Speaker of the House, Harry Reid, lied on the floor of the Senate about Mitt Romney not paying his taxes. After Romney lost his bid for the presidency, Reid was asked about his comments that Romney hadn't paid his taxes, which Reid knew was a lie, and he replied, "It worked, didn't it"? This has to be part and parcel of the Republican messaging going into 2024. Our Republic needs a real come-to-Jesus moment if we're ever to get back on track, and Donald J Trump is the man who needs to carry that banner across the finish line. For starters, when Donald J Trump tells you that they stole the election from him in 2020, you can now believe him.

We're watching this reality show on Netflix, which takes you inside a New York City hospital where they take you through a typical day in the lives of doctors, patients, and caregivers. It's the real thing, so it comes with a warning label: If blood and guts make you queasy, this show may not be for you. I'm kidding about the warning label, but I'm not kidding about the blood and guts. I've never been all that curious about what getting a caesarian section looks like, but it's something that once you've seen it, you can't unsee it. If you asked me if I wanted to watch a brain surgeon extract a tumor from the brain of a two-year-old, I might well take a pass. I've seen that now, too, so I've increased my tolerance for something that I thought I'd never be able to do. Watching a surgeon insert a shunt into a fellow's spine from right behind his ear, and do so with considerable effort, was a bit difficult to watch, but I got through that too. There were a few gunshot patients, young black men mostly, and plenty of anti-gun rhetoric to go along with those stories. The care provided was real, and you can't say enough about the commitment of the people doing these jobs, be they surgeons or ambulance drivers. The missus likes the show, too, even if she does close her eyes when the going gets tough.

I've been practicing the Beatles song, Blackbird, on my guitar now for a while, and I think I'm starting to get it. I'm kind of a monkey-see, monkey-do player, so don't get any pictures in your head about my sitting down with the local Philharmonic Orchestra any time soon. I don't know if I'll ever be able to play it without looking at the strings, so I'll just put that out there. When I get to the point where I think I'm making some progress, I watch Paul McCartney play it on YouTube, and it reminds me that I still have work to do. I actually visualize playing it when from time to time without my guitar in hand, so that's kind of interesting. I wonder if musicians do that as a rule. The nice thing about YouTube is that you can see on any given day a good handful of people who play the very same song, and each one offers a different spin on this technique or that technique which you may or may not want to use in your own playing. I also have to admit to using the tabular stuff to get the precise notes down. I know, I know. That makes me a noob, to be sure. Sometimes, you do what you have to do. One thing I worry about, just a little bit, is that I spend so much time learning one song at a time, that I forget how to play the other songs I've learned to play. Oh, well. the trials and tribulations of a noob.


I stopped watching FOX after they canned Tucker Carlson. I've never cared for Hannity, whose show followed Tucker at nine o'clock, although he spent a lot of time putting on Biden bloopers, so the missus insisted that we tune in from time to time. I could never watch an entire Hannity show because I think he's a bit of an idiot. If I have to listen to him tell his story again about his being a paper hanger and a poor paper hanger at that in his youth, I think I'd rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick. I don't think he spent any more time than was necessary talking about the firing of Tucker Carlson, and maybe that shouldn't surprise anyone since Tucker cleaned his clock nightly in the ratings. Now, FOX is moving Hannity into Tucker's eight o'clock hour from his nine o'clock stint, thinking that this is their solution to bring back viewers that they lost when they fired Tucker. I've got news for FOX. They are never going to regain the trust of their viewers after firing a long line of trustworthy conservative hosts, including Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly, and others. FOX is the new Bud Light, as far as I'm concerned. Go woke, go broke, you motherfuckers.

The missus asked me the other day if I could use Chat GBT to make a written speech shorter. You know, more concise. Succinct. The speaker, not my missus, has a ten-minute limit, and the speech, at least on paper, looked to be longer than that. I was a little surprised to get this request from the missus since she is typically not all that trusting when it comes to putting proprietary materials out in the ether. That is precisely what you're doing when you use a tool like Chat GBT. That is the essence of AI. Algorithms don't work well unless they have access to a boatload of data from which to fashion responses. I wasn't sure how to pose the question to Chat GBT, so I put it as bluntly as I knew how. I think my specific request went something like this: "Make this speech more succinct." I then copied and pasted the section of the original speech into Chat GBT. The missus forwarded the two shortened sections that Chat GBT spit out to the speaker, or the author of the original speech if you will. He was astounded! He wrote back, Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic! He's a wordsmith par excellence, so I have to believe that what Chat GBT did for him was something that not even he could anticipate or expect. It saved, and this is no word of a lie, probably a good eight hours of work that he and my missus would have had to spend getting the speech down to the required length.

I read somewhere this morning that Ukraine has a law in place that is designed to keep people from posting videos online of the damage/carnage inflicted by the Russians. Yet, you can tune in to CNN at any time, day or night, and they can show you pictures of their choosing to go along with narratives of their choosing. CNN's coverage is predictable: The Russians are losing 100,000 soldiers a day, the Russians are running out of ammunition, The Russians are committing war crimes in Ukraine, and it's all Ukraine all the time. It's just a matter of time before Ukraine's counter-offensive starts and they take back Crimea. That's the CNN line. Well, the line of either the Ukrainians or the US military, anyway. I suppose social media has a part to play in the propaganda of war, so none of what CNN does or says should surprise anyone. Then again, propaganda only works as long as you have no other sources of information. Ukraine may have laws against getting out the truth, but truth tellers will find a way to get their message out, laws or no laws.

I saw a story yesterday about American companies picking up Ukrainian businesses for a song and a dance. The story went on to say that Bumbles Biden is now in a position where prolonging the war puts these American investments at risk. All of a sudden, stories abound of countries that were on the cusp of sending F-35s to Ukraine and are now hedging. Without the fighter jets, Ukraine cannot effectively wage a war against the Russians, and that will effectively force Zelensky to reconsider his current stance that there will be no negotiations that don't return all Ukrainian territories to Ukraine. It does beg the question somewhat about who is going to get what when this is all over. Or, maybe more to the point, how much of the former Ukraine territory will be ceded to the Russians. Maybe the Russians are on the verge of overrunning Ukraine in its entirety, and then who knows where we all go from there. I've never bought the line from the countries bordering Ukraine that Russia has designs on their territories, but that's not likely to stop NATO from indulging in such nonsense for their own collective benefit. To the victor go the spoils?

I placed my order this morning for a pair of earbuds designed by Amazon costing $39. I've never had a lot of luck with earbuds for whatever reason, but I think Amazon is one of those companies that, given half a chance, will get it right. I've never purchased Apple earbuds because I think they're too expensive. I've wondered, too, about just how easy they are to lose if one or more falls out while bike riding or whatever. I have a particular interest in being able to answer my iPhone while bike riding instead of having to stop my bike long enough to take the call. That isn't to say that anyone wants to hear me huffing and puffing while having a chat, although that might be something of an exaggeration on my part. There are no reviews available for these earbuds since the release date is in early June, so I guess I'm throwing a bit of caution to the wind here if that's the right expression. I'll also be wearing them around the house from time to time when the missus needs a little privacy, and I'm not wanting to disturb her. Who knows, if she likes them, maybe she'll fancy having a pair of her own.

I guess DeSanctimonious is finally jumping into the presidential race next week. Just what we fucking need, one more asshat telling everyone that Trump can't win. Don't we get enough of that from the Democrats? I think the Democrats believe it, but they won't say it publicly because they think Trump will be easier to beat than DeSanctimonious. Just between you and me, and let's pretend we're in the confessional here, the Democrats are planning to steal the election anyway, so it really doesn't matter which Republican wins the nomination. The only hope is if Trump so overwhelms the demented Bumbles Biden in the general election, that they can't steal it. Let's face it, DeSanctimonious needs the support of Trump supporters to win, and Trump supporters, or at least most of them, think that it was stolen from Trump in 2020, and they want another bite at the apple for their candidate in 2024. If DeSanctimonious or someone else steals the nomination from Trump, they ain't getting anywhere near the White House with Trump supporters sitting on their hands instead of going to the polls. Oh, and this goes without saying, I don't think it matters how many indictments they bring against the former president. He is, and will continue to be, the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room, bar none.

I don't know that Biden is a sure thing for the nomination on the Democrat side of the house either. Some people think that neither Trump nor Biden will be at the head of their respective tickets come 2024. I haven't even broached the possibility that a third-party candidate could enter the race. By the way, what the heck is going on with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? He's in it to win it, or so he says. I've seen a couple of full-page ads for him here and there, but I think he needs more television time. He's not going to get that from the main street media since they're solidly in the Biden camp. Why anyone thinks that getting behind that demented old fuck is their ticket to the White House, I'll never know. Maybe they figure that if he beat Trump the first time that he can beat him again. Maybe they think that he's the only Democrat who can beat Trump. I think that people may be underestimating just how much more demented Joe Biden will be a year and a half from now and just how much more people are going to be yearning for someone, anyone, who can start to turn this shithouse of a country around that we've become under Biden's "leadership." Let's not forget that a lot of people think that Joe Biden isn't really in charge.

With electricity rates going through the roof these days, I'm thinking that I might want to look at our old air conditioners and see if upgrading one or more of them makes sense. One of the units we have works really well, but it's the older of the two units that we have, and it's probably the least efficient unit of the two. What I worry about is that all of these new rules that Bumbles and his Climate Change freaks have put in place that offer plenty when it comes to efficiency, but they fall flat when it comes to performance. Put another way, they use less electricity, but they don't cool as well as they have in the past. I'm a big fan of bells and whistles, so I think I might be an easy sell if I see something that I like. Something as simple as a good remote or a Bluetooth connection might do the trick. It can't be any noisier than it already is, so there's that. The missus says that we should get the ball rolling and we shouldn't wait until it gets hot outside to make our move. Nobody wants to be in a fucking queue at their local Home Depot looking at air conditioners when temperatures are in the nineties, and the sweat is pouring off your brow.

Pictures and stories online about Bumbles Biden's attendance at the G7 meeting in Japan are just humiliating. One picture shows that he has a complete script in front of him, including instructions on when to speak and what to say. We're talking word for word here, not a framework or phrases that he might want to use. Another video clip shows him stumbling down a set of steps like an old fool. Were it not for a Japanese person who was standing at the bottom of the steps to offer a steadying hand, the fool might have taken a spill. He's had so much plastic surgery that I'm not even sure he can close his eyes anymore, much less blinking his eyes from time to time. Another video posted showed Bumbles needing a notecard to speak with fellow world leaders at the G7. WUT? Whose idea was it to put this demented old fool in this predicament? His handlers probably had no choice, given the weightiness of the meeting. What were they going to say? The debate on increasing our debt ceiling was more important? Can you imagine what the attendees of the G7 are thinking as they cast their eyes on the pathetic image of the man in their midst who is likely suffering from late-stage dementia and who purports to represent the United States of America? Is he in some way, shape, or form symbolic of America's decline on the world stage? God help us is all I can say.

It looks like Tim Scott, the senator from South Carolina, is going to enter the presidential sweepstakes this coming week. It's just a matter of time before maybe John Bolton and Chris Christie also jump in. Let's not forget Mike Pence. He's likely to get into the race as well. Oh, and then there's DeSantis. Some of these people are in the race for one reason and one reason only: To make sure that Donald Trump doesn't get the nomination. They will be seen for who and what they are: Assassins. Nobody likes or appreciates spoilers in the world of politics, so they'll all stay in until the first primary, when most or all of the one-percenters will drop out. It reminds me a little bit of 2016 when Ted Cruz was the last man standing in Trump's way until he wasn't. I suspect DeSantis will be the Ted Cruz of 2024 when all is said and done. Trump's base knows that 2020 was a stolen election, and they now have a chance to restore the man to his rightful place in our beloved White House for another four-year term. To that, I say huzzah!

I was heartened to read a story the other day about a trans type (biological male) who came in first place in a bicycle race of some kind. The good part of that story was that the real women, and it makes me sad even to have to throw in that qualifier, who came in second and third place in the race, decided against taking their rightful place in the winner's circle. That's how you do it, ladies. That's how you fight back against this poison that the Democrats have unleashed on our culture. I might have preferred that the ladies, and I'm talking about the contestants with the XX chromosomes here, not enter the race at all. Did they know that the rules had changed to allow biological men to enter the race? Would they have entered the race had they known? Now we learn that one of the two winners, either in second or third place, is saying that she didn't even know she was competing against a biological male. She had her own reasons for not appearing in the winner's circle. Call me a doubting Thomas on this one. You need to stand up and say it and say it proud and say it loud, ladies. This is no time for sissies. This is a fight worth fighting if there ever was. Let's do this!

Can you believe it? The Wagner Group, a private military company, defeated the Western proxy organized, trained, and supplied army, plus their foreign brigades and companies, by taking Bakhmut earlier today. It didn't happen overnight, but it's all over now, and that's not a good sign for Ukraine and its hopes for establishing and keeping a beachhead, as it were, against the mighty Russian forces. I'm not so sure, given what we've seen of Bakhmut, that it's not a pyrrhic victory as victories go. I think Bakhmut was once a thriving city of 70,000 Ukrainians before the shit hit the fan. Now, if you're looking down on Bakhmut from 10,000 feet, the city resembles a charcoal briquette turned to ash. Russia might as well have dropped a tactical nuke in the middle of City Hall in Bakhmut. It would have saved a lot more lives, assuming folks got a running head start out of town. NATO is really taking this loss on the chin. Someone has some splainin' to do. With all your horses and all your king's men, you couldn't beat this ragtag group of mercenaries sent by Wagner? Here's the kicker: You'll likely hear nothing about this humiliating defeat by the Russians and their proxies in the mainstream media. It's all over but the gaslighting.