New Year's Eve 2023

It's Christmas Day, 2023. I guess the only reason I'm sitting at this keyboard on Christmas morning is because I don't know what else to do with myself at this hour of the morning. The missus is still fast asleep, and the EV man won't be paying a visit until later this morning. I got all my wrapping done last night, so that's out of the way. I turned on all the Christmas lights in the living room so the missus will be pleased when she finally emerges from her slumber. We stopped by to see Mrs. G last evening to wish her a Merry Christmas and everything that goes along with it. We brought along the Ginger Ale she asked us to pick up for her a week or two back, but we never got around to dropping it off. I don't know what we were thinking. She's been sick for the better part of the last week with a nasty cold, and she could have benefitted from having the Ginger Ale on hand. We need to do better.


I was going to skip writing altogether this morning, but I'd likely pay the price by feeling like I was behind the eight-ball every morning this week when I sit down at this keyboard each morning. Behind the eight ball in the sense that I'll not get as much down on "paper" as I always do every other week of the year. I have no quota, per se, but I like to be consistent, so I usually keep to a certain length every week when it comes to this blog thing. That's just me, for better or worse. I have nothing in particular that I feel like I need to write about this morning, so I'm just blathering away, as you may have noticed. As for world news, all anyone seems to be interested in this morning is whether or not Santa Claus reached his destination. Maybe more to the point, how much further does he have to go to deliver all the goodies still on his sleigh? CNN has some street impersonator on a loop doing impersonations of Donald Trump, and word has it that Sri Lanka is freeing one thousand prisoners to mark Christmas.

Temperatures are going to be in the forties today so there will be no sledding or ice skating for those so inclined. Do you think it will ever get to the point when they don't even sell sleds or skates anymore because it never gets cold enough hereabouts to do those kinds of things? Al Gore has been on the telly as of late berating everyone and anyone who will listen that we're not doing everything we can to fight climate change. We're going to pay the price, he tells us, in the way of mass migration to the West of people looking to escape the heat of the Sub-Saharan climates. I've got news for Al Gore. His buddy, Joe Biden, has already opened the floodgates at our southern border for the passing of millions of illegal immigrants into our country and it has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change. It has everything to do with turning red States blue and creating their wet dream of a one-party country where Democrats rule like the Marxists that they are.

I think it's true what they say about Bejing Biden. China will do everything it can to see to it that Joe Biden wins re-election in November 2024. He's doing their bidding at every turn, and it's painfully obvious to anyone paying attention. Having a weak and demented president of the United States makes for a stronger China. They no longer have anyone like President Trump to push back against the expansionist goals of Xi and his fellow compatriots in places like Russia, North Korea, and Iran. They can dominate the waterways from the Straits of Taiwan to the South China Seas without any pushback from countries like the United States or their allies. Allies, I would hasten to add, who are leaving the United States to their own devices and do not want to sign on to the folly of a demented president and his goofball advisors. Just in the last week, Spain broke with the United States and will not be joining the coalition to protect ships in transit in the Red Sea. The United States Navy, under the Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden, had the audacity to insist that every nation in the coalition put their vessels under the control of a US-led force. So much for bumbling Joey's leadership on the world stage. Just another epic fail for the Biden administration.

Quite honestly, I don't know how China can help Joey and Jill keep their digs at 100 Pennsylvania Avenue knowing what we know about the likelihood that Trump is going to trounce them on Election Day in 2024. That's what the polls tell us anyway. Is this going to be another 2022-style election where, according to all the polls, it looked like the Republicans were going to dominate only to see them go on to lose or come in closer than anyone thought possible on Election Night? I still don't think anyone knows how that happened. Maybe it had something to do with abortion rights, and maybe it didn't. Was 2022 a dry run for the 2024 Presidential election? We all saw President Trump go on national television on Election Night 2020 and talk about how he was ahead by decent margins in the key swing states. He insisted, if my memory serves me correctly, that the Democrats were stealing the election right before our eyes with the mail-in-ballot thing. He wasn't wrong. That's exactly what they did. No one believes that Joe Biden got eighty-one million votes. No one. It was COVID and mail-in ballots in 2020. How far is Xi willing to go to get Joe Biden over the hump in 2024? Here's my advice: Fasten your fucking seat belts.

It's okay to wake up the day after Christmas feeling all anti-climactic about everything, isn't it? It's time to move on and the time is now. It's time to put away all the presents and start thinking about the new year. If I had my druthers, I would just as soon take down the tree, put away all the ornaments, and pretend like it never happened. The tree was nice, and I'm happy that we got our tree so early this year, but it's getting old already. What else? If I can get a handle on the kitchen after the missus leaves for her appointments, we'll all be better off. I'm already thinking that we need to get back to having salads for lunch and I'm not sure about waiting until after the New Year comes along to make that happen. Keep in mind that I've discussed none of this with the missus so how any of this ends up is merely speculation or wishful thinking on my part. I'm annoyed that we have another week left in the year where we're supposed to feel all holiday-ish and, quite frankly, I'm not in the mood. We're supposed to attend a little thing with Mrs. G later this week, and I don't think either of us, and I'm talking about the missus here, are in the mood. I don't want to speak for the missus so I won't. I'm just sayin'.

I hear Senator Joe Manchin is planning to visit New Hampshire in January. He's been threatening to run on a third-party ticket of some kind ever since he announced that he won't be running for his Senate seat in 2024. He's not running because Jim Justice, his Republican opponent from West Virginia, is going to kick his ass in the general election. West Virginia has had enough of the Democrats, just like everyone else across our fruited plains. It's almost as though the Democrats conspired with candidates that they knew would appeal to disillusioned Trump voters to run on this or that ticket in the hopes that they would drain votes from Trump in the general election. Joe Manchin is one of them, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the other one. Maybe the good news is that Trump is so far ahead of Biden in the polls that it won't matter. Sometimes, I think that Vivek Ramaswamy is running on a Trump-lite platform to siphon votes away from Trump in the primaries so these other runners-up like Haley and DeSantis can take either Iowa or New Hampshire or maybe both, thereby depriving Trump of some much-needed momentum going into other states. Is there nothing the Democrats (or Republicans) won't do to deny Trump a second term?

2024 is almost upon us, my fellow Americans. I was telling the missus yesterday that we need to make a list of things we want to get done in 2024. I like to have a running list of things I want to do so why not have one for the household is what I say. I think the missus agrees with me, although talking about it is one thing, and doing it is a horse of an entirely different color. There are things that we want to do, and there are other things that we need to do. I'll not get into any of them here for obvious reasons but understand that there are things that may not get done unless we add them to our list. We'll just lose sight of them, and they'll fly off into the ether like everything else that isn't nailed down around here. As far as projects go, I would like to see to it that we get rid of our shed. It no longer serves any useful purpose so it's time to go. I wish it were as easy as taking something out with the trash, but it's not that simple. Nor, that inexpensive I might add. Isn't it funny that the things that I want to do that have the biggest price tag invariably get done last or not at all? Maybe we can start with the boxes of clothes sitting in the room off the garage that we haven't opened in the last twenty-five years or so. You know, baby steps.

I read somewhere yesterday that ChatGBT will be able to call and make a restaurant reservation for you in 2024. That's pretty cool. Right? How will that work, exactly? I also heard about examples where people use ChatGBT to do bad things like build bombs and that sort of thing. I have to believe that all kinds of bells and whistles would go off in the ChatGBT database if they had some clown looking up certain chemical formulas associated with this, that, or the other thing. That's not unlike what I think the Alexa devices do which is to essentially eavesdrop on every household where an Alexa device exists. I don't know who they think they're kidding when they tell purchasers of these types of devices that they can prevent anyone from listening in by pressing a certain button on the device. And if you don't think that your government isn't spying on you by tapping into your cell phone, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. We can thank the idiot, George Bush, for all of this big government bullshit. After the calamitous event on September 11, 2001, his minions decided that they needed to spy on the American public to make sure that we never have another 9/11. I've got news for George Bush and his small-minded minions: Our fellow Americans are not the problem.

What's this I'm hearing about T-Mobile levying fines on people who use their services to spread "disputed content"? I suppose they decide what is and what isn't objectionable. Who the fuck do they think they are? Do they realize that other carriers will benefit from T-Mobile users who no longer want to do business with a company that not only spies on them but imposes fines for language that they don't like? This has AI (Artificial Intelligence) written all over it. The way things are going these days, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that T-Mobile is but one of many carriers planning to do this. This is the proverbial devil in the details that comes with the digital age in which we live. If you think this is bad, just wait until they foist a digital currency on us. What are we talking about here, anyway? Are they going to send me a bill for the language that I use when texting or on phone calls that they don't like? If I send a text expressing my beliefs about the number of possible genders, will the non-binary rubes manning the monitors tag my account as an account to be fined? This is where we need someone like Elon Musk to step in and offer an alternative to these fucks looking to curtail our freedoms at every turn. The sooner, the better.

We're thinking of taking a drive up Maine way tomorrow just to get the hell out of town for the day. We'll have to check in with the EV man to see if interested in coming along for the drive. He might have other plans, and that's okay too. I should also check the weather to see if that's going to be a problem. We've had nothing but rain so far here in New Hampshire this winter, but that doesn't mean it isn't snowing or hasn't snowed where we're thinking of going in Maine. If the weather is going to be inclement in the least, the missus would probably just take a pass. She's that fickle when it comes to driving in the bad weather. Not that I want to tempt fate, mind you, but I'm more likely than not to throw caution to the wind and see where it takes us. This week between Christmas and New Year is just an odd week, truth be told. Half of what you hear in the news is prerecorded, and the other half is just not that interesting since it's written or repeated by backbenchers. When you're a news junkie like me, that just doesn't cut the mustard. Is there really anything new when it comes to the tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing our southern border each day, or maybe something new when it comes to the war between Russia and Ukraine? How about the Israeli war against Hamas? See where I'm going with this?

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I do hope that what I'm hearing about the EV (Electric Vehicle) market is on the level. They can't give the fucking things away. That's music to my ears. That tells me that Biden's push to electrify the cars that we drive in his sick and demented effort to achieve a zero-based carbon environment is going nowhere. Maybe it was more of an issue when gas was over $5 a gallon, but prices at the pump have been falling. All those righteous Climate-Change cultists who ran to the dealerships to pay $50 or $60 grand for an electric car because they could, have to be rethinking things now that gas prices are coming down. It's no longer cool to have to plug your car in and sit around for five or six hours for a "fill-up." All of those bills passed by Congress and signed into law by Biden to fund the build-out of an appropriate infrastructure for electric vehicles have failed to produce much of anything, with most of the funds disappearing into the pockets of Democrat donors. It's been one big money laundering scheme after another. Does that not perfectly encapsulate everything we've come to learn about the entire Biden regime? It just breaks my heart to see car companies like Audi, for example, bend over for the Leftist freaks pushing this bullshit. The sooner they come to their senses, the better. GM (General Motors) is learning that the hard way.

We've got two primaries in January which should help further cull the candidates running on the Republican ticket for President. Trump is expected to win both contests in New Hampshire and Iowa so anything to the contrary coming out of these contests is likely to make things, well, interesting. I have to believe that we'll see one or more of the candidates drop out if they don't pass muster one way or another whatever that means and whatever that looks like. Then again, if the lot of them expects Jack Smith to put Trump in jail before the election, he or she may want to stay in and hope for the best. If either DeSantis or Haley performs better than expected, they will deemed to have the "big MO" as they say in the business. There is nobody more loved by the left-wing media than the dark horse who rises up out of the ashes like a Phoenix to take out the prohibitive favorite in the race. With Trump being the prohibitive favorite, they may not care one way or another how much of the "Big MO" they have or don't have. As Allen Dershowitz writes in his second-to-latest book, "Get Trump", it's all about getting Trump at any cost. Oh, and we'll see if this latest gaffe by Nimrata, I mean Nikki, Haley as it relates to slavery and the Civil War gets legs. Did I mention that her first name is Nimrata and not Nikki? Since her parents were not citizens of our country when she was born in 1969, is she really a natural-born citizen? Or, simply another anchor baby?

Now we have another dumb shit official in the State of Maine that has unilaterally decided that Trump cannot be on the ballot in that State. That makes two States in as many weeks that are doing their damnest to keep Trump off the ballot. What are they afraid of? Or, are they just showing the world what a leftist moonbat really looks like? I wish the damn Supreme Court would get off their lazy duffs and step up to the plate here to put this nonsense to rest. When you don't slap these mothers silly for taking the law into their own hands, you just encourage more moonbats in more moonbat States to follow suit. The court probably needs to address the "insurrectionist" issue more directly since that seems to be the basis on which these idiots are doing what they're doing. I don't know how many times they need to be reminded that January 6th in our nation's capitol was a lot of things, but it was not an insurrection. I also don't care how many Democrat-led Committees Congress throws together to hold kangaroo courts to find Trump guilty of insurrection. How many insurrections in history are you aware of where no firearms were confiscated? Lastly, and listen up here, calling it an insurrection doesn't make it an insurrection. It just doesn't.

We've got another 6,000 plus illegal aliens heading up to our Southern border through the Eagle Pass this very morning thanks to the open border policies of the Biden Administration. How many is that in total in 2023? Eight to ten million? Who the hell are these people? Does it bother anyone that most of them are military-age men in their late teens and twenties? Who's feeding and clothing them? What the hell are they doing here and what sort of havoc are they planning to unleash on our citizenry? Clearly, Joe Biden doesn't give a shit. He's off on a tropical island somewhere with his extended crime family sitting in the lap of luxury while this invasion continues on our Southern and Northern borders. Does this even begin to explain the hordes of Hamas supporters amassing in our major cities coast to coast and night after night calling for the destruction of the Jewish State? Does it surprise anyone that these invaders are being called "savages" by marginalized communities whose very livelihoods are being threatened by this influx of itinerant people from around the globe? We'll see if the mayors of these sanctuary cities are successful in their efforts to slow or stop the busses from rolling into their inner cities under the cover of darkness. Inner cities that now look more like the slums in Istanbul these days than the once-great cities designed and built by our forefathers.

I think I have an idea of how to fix Mrs. G's issue with her always having problems accessing Prime on her Samsung television. I can just hook her up with an Apple TV, and she should be good to go. The Apple TV is about as intuitive an interface as you'll find these days in the many and sundry ways one has to access online content. I was a little concerned that it would be just one more remote and one more device for her to manage, but after discussing the matter with her yesterday at the family holiday gathering, I think she's up for the challenge. Having come away from the get-together with an Apple gift certificate or two, the Apple TV is just a few clicks away from being delivered to my doorstep. I can't remember the last time I purchased an app on the Apple store. I also don't have any need for an Apple watch, computer, earbuds, tablet, or the like so the Apple TV is an easy decision. Before placing the order, I should probably take a dry run by bringing one of my Apple TVs over to Mrs. G's place and see how she likes it. She gets this stuff pretty quickly for a gal her age so I'm thinking she's going to be on board after the first few clicks. She'll probably wish she'd been on board sooner, but that's a story for another day.

Ruh-Roh. Debbie Rah-Rah has the dreaded Covid. Did I mention that she was at the post-Christmas party with the missus and me, along with the rest of her family? The missus phoned her immediately after receiving her text. She couldn't speak because she had a nasty case of laryngitis, so we spoke to W, who brought us up to speed. One always wonders what COVID-19 looks like since there are usually a half dozen or more variants floating around in the ether at any given point in time. You just can't kill this beast. Anyway, I looked it up, and it sounds like any other virus floating around with symptoms ranging from a runny nose to headaches and sneezing. You also have to wonder just how infectious this particular strain is and what are the chances of contracting the virus if you're in close proximity to the patient for a period of time. Were one or more of the partygoers more or less susceptible based on other health factors, age, or perhaps the number of boosters received? It may well be instructive to find out after the fact that not one other person at the party came down with the virus. None of us is outside the incubation period as yet so only time will tell just how instructive, if that's the right word, any of this turns out to be. Best wishes for a quick recovery, Ms. D. As for W, he'll be lucky to escape unscathed. Godspeed, nonetheless.

Here I am complaining about how dreadfully slow the news cycle is between Christmas and New Year's Eve and along comes this story about the Chinese spy balloon that flew over our country earlier this year and how the Biden Administration lied to the American people about what it was, what it was doing over our airspace, and how effective it was in transmitting data that it vacuumed up and sent back to Beijing with the assistance of one of America's premier Internet providers. I've always wondered why we didn't have congressional hearings over the matter. Why would our government, and Joe Biden specifically, approve and sign off on allowing one of our staunchest enemies to gather intelligence about our most secret military installations by allowing China to fly their spy balloon over our airspace from coast to coast? This is not unlike the kind of news story that Washington drops into the ether before a three-day holiday weekend with the expectation that nobody will be paying attention and those who are paying attention won't give a shit one way or another. This story has treason written all over it, and yet we hear not a peep from the uni party in Washington. It's a story that dwarfs anything that may come out of congressional hearings about the Bidens and their shell accounts and the millions of dollars that the Bidens have pocketed by peddling influence around the world. It should be article one when articles of impeachment are introduced in 2024.

Remember the faux outrage coming out of China when Biden approved the shootdown of the spy balloon off the coast of the Carolinas? Of course, it was faux outrage. China had already transmitted the stolen data back to Beijing well before the balloon was shot down, and Joe Biden knew it. Joe Biden, along with his paymasters in China, wanted the American public to think that by taking out the balloon, he was protecting our country's closest-held secrets and that he was doing his job as Commander-in-Chief to protect our sovereignty. China would play its part in the Kabuki Theater production by expressing its outrage while issuing idle threats of another cold war. None of it was true. In other words, Biden and Xi were in cahoots to play the American people for fools. Xi would get his data, and Joe Biden would happily facilitate the treachery and lie to the American people after the fact. Worse yet, as Commander-in-Chief, Joe Biden would implicate our military and our intelligence agencies in his scheme to ensure that China's spy mission was a success. We'll see who, if anyone, runs with this story in the new year. Will the New York Times, who got a Pulitzer for their coverage of the Russia hoax (which they were never asked to return once it became clear the story was a hoax) even bother covering this story? Color me skeptical.

The anti-Trump wing of the Republican Party is putting its cards on the table. They figure if they can get Trump in a head-to-head battle in the upcoming New Hampshire primary, then Haley has a chance to take out Trump. I think they're thinking that DeSantis might drop out after a lousy showing in Iowa. Then, they just have to hope that Chris Christie sees the light and drops out ahead of the New Hampshire Primary, leaving Haley in a head-to-head match-up with Trump. Christie is the only guy on the stump taking it to Trump so he may well jump out if that means increasing the odds that Trump will lose to Haley in some cockeyed fantasy of his. All of this presumes that most of the votes that would have gone to the other candidates will now accrue to Haley's benefit when the others drop out. As a Trump voter, I take Haley's promise that she'll pardon Trump when she becomes president for what it is: An exercise in sheer nonsense. It is presumptuous as hell, as well. It's just not a good look. And I can say with some level of confidence that Trump is never going to lose to an anchor baby. That just ain't happening. Haley's parents were not American citizens when she was born. That's just a fact. Vote accordingly.

As it stands here on New Year's Eve, the missus and I are a little bit under the weather, so we'll not be going dancing this evening. Not that we had any plans to go dancing, because we surely did not. That aside, I'd be a little concerned about attending any large gatherings knowing what we know about threats to our Republic with some 10-12 million illegal aliens now on American soil. Who knows if one or more of them have plans to terrorize our citizenry by doing what terrorists do? Would it surprise anyone if a Democrat wearing a Trump hat was found planting explosives or doing some other nefarious act so they can continue to push the narrative that Trump supporters are domestic terrorists? These are the same ass-clowns that keep yelling insurrection, insurrection, insurrection and insist that being an insurrectionist disqualifies Trump from appearing on ballots across our fruited plains. I'm counting on the Supreme Court to nip this insurrection bullshit in the bud when they rule this coming week on the Colorado ballot case. Send a damn message to any other moonbats out there who think that the insurrection ticket is the ticket to four more years of Joe Biden.

And All Through The House

I'm waking up to stories about the Houtis attacking a chemical tanker off the coast of Yemen and a story about the Israelis hacking and shutting down most of the gas stations in Iran. What's next? Car washes? Is this the Israelis' idea of striking back at their arch-nemesis in the Middle East for training and funding terrorists and terrorist nations that have been attacking them relentlessly since that fateful day in Israel, October 7th, 2023? I know, I know. They've been bombing the bejeesus out of Gaza, so that's not nothing. If Iran is behind all of this, which we all know to be true, going after Iran's gas stations this late in the game seems, well, a little ridiculous. Maybe they are trying to see how far they can go before Biden gets a diaper rash over it all and tells them in no uncertain terms that he won't tolerate their going after his dear friends, the Mullahs.


BP, which I think is British Petroleum, has ceased sending oil tankers through the Red Sea due to threats and recent attacks on vessels transiting the area. Oil futures are up 7% on the news. Oil prices have been dropping lately, and that has been good for the financial markets. Let's hope this doesn't screw the pooch when it comes to the Santa rally in the stock market that we've all been hoping would come along just in time to pay all the bills that filter in after Santa has come and gone. The United States and our allies could step in tomorrow to offer protection to those vessels and all of this hyperventilating over the price of oil could go away. The last thing Bumbles Biden wants to see now that prices have come down is to have prices revert to their previous nosebleed levels just in time for Americans to go to the polls to elect their next president. His approval ratings, now at an all-time low of 33%, can't get much lower so he'll have to do something. Put down your mashed peas and apple sauce, Mr. President, and get back to work.

Unless you've been spending any time on social media, you probably didn't know that a staffer on Senator Cardin's staff in Washington filmed himself having anal sex in one of the Senate hearing rooms over the weekend. You can't make this stuff up. Right? It was probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen coming out of our nation's capitol. His private parts were blurred out so we were all spared that end of the business. We also didn't catch sight of the other guy involved. I think both the staffer and the filmer have since been fired. This, to me, encapsulates the very essence of what we have today in the Democrat Party. There is no moral level of decorum that they are willing not to denigrate in the name of the Party. They cannot conceivably rebuild their Marxist wet dream without tearing down everything that is normal, good, and Godly. Whether we're talking about their endorsement of the heinous murders every year of tens of millions of the unborn or the radicalization and sexualization of our children, this is who they are, and this is what they do. Make no mistake about it. If they hadn't been outed by the film, no one would have lost their jobs.

There is also a story out there this morning about Biden's being involved in a car accident. I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that this is just their way of staying the hell out of Washington earlier than planned before the Christmas holiday. I can hear their praetorian guard, the mainstream media, now. The Biden family will be taking leave earlier than usual in order to go back to their home in Rehobeth to fully recover before heading back to the Capitol after the holidays to do the work of the American people. I know it's hard to believe, but millions of Americans will fall for their bullshit, and even more unbelievable is that the Bidens will be the beneficiaries of get-well cards from across our fruited plains before all is said and done. Maybe there's more than meets the eye here. Is this the mother of all opportunities that they now have to have Bumbles step down and bring in Kamala as our new Commander-in-Chief? Something needs to change if you're a president with an approval rating of thirty-three percent twelve months out from a presidential election.

Those pictures of illegal aliens surging northward to the United States and through Eagle Pass down in Texas are unbelievable. There are literally hordes of them. I'm talking thousands upon thousands of God only knows who coming into our country. The optics are particularly disturbing. It's one thing to hear the stories secondhand or to see these migrants in your own communities looking gobsmacked and in need of a good home-cooked meal. What most Americans don't realize is that the President of the United States, the very clown that they may have voted for in 2020, Joe Biden, has opened up the floodgates of our country for every Jose, Maria, and Vlad to come into our country. I'm guessing the numbers are ten million or more in just the first two years of Biden's first, and hopefully last, four years in office. The nastiness of this invasion is incalculable. The societal impact is beyond anyone's comprehension. All Biden and the Obama wing of the progressive party know and understand is that these illegal aliens will move them and their movement closer to the nirvana of their desire for a one-party state. If they can erase the imprint of whiteness in our culture in the process, all the better. A fundamental transformation, if you will.

The polls seem to suggest that most Americans want these illegal aliens deported. That would be a massive task to be sure. How exactly do you go into communities to extricate these illegals? Can we track them by using the iPhones that they've been given? Can we rely on them to self-report? We will probably know precisely which countries they've come from by using Artificial Intelligence to query their contacts using phone data. By rerouting jumbo 747s from wars around the world, which Trump will mandate on day one in office in 2025, we should have enough capacity to move a million or more back to their homelands in the first six months. A coast-to-coast sweep of inner cities for migrants lining up in food lines or waiting at bus stops in an effort to get out of town before they get rounded up will send just the right message to these feral interlopers. If going into schools nationwide to pluck out ne'er-dwells, then that's what we'll do. No stone will go unturned. The word will go out worldwide that there is a new sheriff in town, and the United States is no longer open to the world's criminals, perverts, social outcasts, and itinerants. Did I miss a class or two? The bottom line is that we don't have to stand idly by and suffer the consequences imposed on us by these politicians in Washington who do not have our country's best interests in mind. Oh, and let's not forget the terrorists.

Poor Rudy. He was once the talk of the town as the much-loved mayor of New York City. He brought down the mafia in the five boroughs, and he stood tall in the breach on 9/11 when terrorists took down the Twin Towers. He ably assisted Trump as his personal attorney during Trump's first term, and he fought the good fight to clear Trump's name and reputation in the wake of the stolen 2020 election. Getting the courts to listen to any of the arguments or to review any of the evidence that Rudy collected on Trump's behalf was a non-starter. Rudy no doubt had the goods on everything from Biden's alleged corruption in Ukraine and everything else under the sun as revealed on Hunter's laptop. Rudy's recent travails deal with his losing a defamation suit against women that Rudy believed, and he had the evidence to prove his case as he is wont to remind us, that there were shenanigans behind the scenes when they stopped counting votes in Georgia on Election Night 2020. Now that the courts have awarded damages to the two individuals defamed by Rudy, he has to cough up some $140 million or so to satisfy the judgment. If Rudy is right that the judge never allowed him to show his evidence, and we've all seen the videos, then there has clearly been a miscarriage of justice, the outrageous judgment aside. It pains me to see Rudy on bended knee across various and sundry media platforms asking for donations to help him with his legal expenses. A literal fall from grace, such as it is.

You knew this was coming. One or more moonbat courts were going to find that Trump is unqualified to hold public office because of his involvement in the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, 2020. First of fucking all, there was no insurrection. Now that we have ALL the video, we can see this fiasco for what it is: A Hoax perpetrated by the Democrats to hang around the neck of Trump designed to keep him off the ballot in 2024. I think the Democrats probably thought that the hearings by their kangaroo court of a Committee would be enough to sully Trump to the point that nobody would vote for him ever again. When that proved to be unlikely given the shitcan ratings of their hearings that were held in prime time and choreographed by a television producer straight out of Hollywood, they found a new narrative that said that according to some law going back to the days of the Civil War, Trump could be kept off the ballot and therefore denied a second term as president. It was a Hail Mary to be sure, but they were desperate. They had a clown car of a candidate named Joe Biden with approval ratings in the low thirties and time was of the essence. The moonbat Supreme Court of Colorado heard their clarion call and has now beclowned themselves by issuing their edict. Prepare to be spanked by the real Supreme Court. Let's make this unanimous, folks.

Who are these people calling themselves the Houthis and who the hell do they think they are threatening ship traffic in the Red Sea? From what I've seen, they're nothing more than a bunch of ragtag hooligans running around in rags and driving 25-year-old Toyota pickups. Where the hell did they get the weapons that they've been using to attack ships in the Red Sea and who taught them how to use the damn things? We know the answer to this question. It's Iran. One thing is clear. Either Iran or the Houthis need to be taught a lesson. Let's call it Project: Scorched Earth. If we take out their Toyotas, that has them traveling to their weapons stashes using camels or bicycles. It would be akin to shooting fish in a barrel, euphemistically speaking. Most of the ship traffic being targeted at the moment is heading to Israel so maybe Israel needs to be a little more proactive in protecting their own shipments. Maybe we can supply the napalm or whatever they choose to unleash on these terrorists. I have to believe if either the U.S. or Israel bombs them back to the Stone Age that they might reconsider their positions. A good punch in the nose is typically all it takes to deter a bully as we all know from our days in the schoolyard. I don't think it's our fight, so I'd prefer to see Israel take the lead, but if we had to pitch in here and there until the job is finished, so be it. As usual, Bumbles Biden is behind the eight ball in getting this party started. Maybe, more appropriately, it's fumbling, bumbling, bumbles Biden.

Kudos to Vivek Ramaswamy for coming out of the gate the minute the Colorado Supreme Court decision came down and declaring that he would remove his name from the ballot in Colorado until Trump's name was put back on the ballot. You gotta love this guy. He gets trumpier and trumpier every day. Vivek also urged Haley and DeSantis to do the same. Those two twats have said nothing (Update-Chimed in late) about the Colorado decision despite the fact that it's got to be one of the most ridiculous decisions coming out of any court in recent years. They are all in when it comes to Biden's Department of Justice using lawfare to take out the guy currently in the lead in every poll across our fruited plains. Trump's defeat by Biden's Justice Department is what they're counting on to pave the way for their ascension to the Republican nomination. As far as Haley and DeSantis are concerned, they are competing against each other and not Trump. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they've received assurances from Biden's Justice Department that they (Justice Department) will take out Trump one way or another and that they should run their races with that in mind. How else do you explain the fact that they are still in the race despite being some 40 points or more behind Trump depending on the poll you look at?


I saw a poll yesterday that has Haley at 30% here in New Hampshire. We're talking about the primary. We're talking about where she might come in in the primary in New Hampshire, which holds its primary some 30 days from today, give or take. I think the very same poll had Trump at 41%. That, to me, seems low for Trump. The difference may be the independents who favor Haley for some unknown reason. Maybe they favor her because she's not Trump. Primaries are supposed to be where the Party die-hards, or the most conservative of their lot, go to cast their votes. Right? Anyway, this latest debacle with the Colorado Supreme Court is likely to give Trump another bump in the polls, so what that means for Haley, I'm not sure. At this stage of the race, it's all about expectations. If she comes in in the low twenties after polling at 30%, that probably isn't going to help her prospects rolling into South Carolina. And, if Haley comes in second behind Trump, after coming in second in Iowa behind Trump, that has to mean the end of the DeSantis campaign. No? Like I said, they're waiting for Trump to be convicted and jailed so we probably won't see either Haley or DeSantis dropping out anytime soon.

I was listening to an hour-long radio talk show on Sirius yesterday, and the host was going over all of the cases currently underway against Trump. What he didn't say, but what I took away from the hour-long discussion, is that the sheer multitude of cases that the Democrats and their institutions have brought against Trump to do one thing and one thing only, which is to put him in jail before Election Day 2024, is all the evidence you need to call these cases what they are, which is lawfare. Or, as some folks say, it's election interference. It's plain as the nose on your face although you never hear anyone calling it out for what it is. The thinly veneered cases are an insult to American jurisprudence, yet no one has stood up to defend Trump against this assault on our election system and the rule of law. If they can do it to Trump, they can do it to anyone. If you find it indefensible when it comes to Trump, you should find it indefensible as a foundational principle of our justice system here in America. As such, it cannot stand. This is where our Supreme Court either allows the rogue lower courts to continue their plundering by the Left of our election, or they step in and restore what little semblance of law still exists to ensure that every man, including one Donald J. Trump, is innocent until proven guilty and has the right to appear on ballots across our fruited plains. Deciding the Colorado case with a 9-0 outcome would be a good start. The sooner, the better.

What is this bullshit about Xi Jinping telling Bumbles Biden back in November that China will reunify Taiwan, and it's only a matter of time before that takes place? The media reported none of this in the wake of their meeting in San Fransisco last November. Why are we hearing this now? What else don't we know because Bumbles and his sycophantic stooges have decided that we either don't need to know or they think it's none of our fucking business? Does this have anything to do with the fact that Biden can't remember what he had for breakfast on any given day of the week? Everything coming out of Biden's White House these days is a distraction play to keep one or more stories out of the headlines. When they start distracting us with stories this serious, it really has to make us wonder what the fuck they're trying to distract us from now. It's no surprise, quite honestly, that China has designs on Taiwan, and it's just a matter of time before they go into Taiwan guns-a-blazing. Is this like economic reports coming out of this Administration, where it looks all rosy at first blush, only to see downside corrections in subsequent reports? As for context, keep in mind that Biden is a wholly owned asset of the Communist Chinese Party. What we hear depends on what both Xi and Biden want us to hear. Does anyone think this is a problem?

I really do love my new birdbath. It was half the cost of my old one, and it's easily twice as nice. The material of the bath itself is easier to clean and manage overall. It's easier on the eyes with a Robin egg blue hue compared to my old black one which could pass for a wash tub on any given day. I have a small issue with just how shallow this new one is compared to my old one, but I think it's a blessing in disguise. It forces me to pay closer attention to water levels so that it doesn't go dry. Did I mention that it's a heated birdbath? I think you're not supposed to let them go dry. Nonetheless, I don't want to find out what happens when it does go dry. I'd have birds large and small coming to bathe in summers past. I took personal pleasure in giving them a place of respite during the hot summer months where they could drink and bathe at their leisure. I know that sounds goofy, but it is what it is. I think this shallower birdbath is just fine for the winter months, but I'm going to hold on to my older birdbath and bring it out next summer. That's the plan anyway.

The missus and I are watching this new show entitled "Archie." It's a four-episode show about the life and times of Carey Grant. I know who he is, but he was born in 1911, so he rose to fame in Hollywood well before I came of age. He had very humble beginnings but who didn't in those days? It's funny how you think differently about these people when you learn more about their lives, how they became who they became, and how they ended up when all was said and done. To some extent, I suppose it depends on who's writing the biography at the end of the day. What does it mean, if anything, that he had four wives or so and had only one child by his last wife, Dyan Cannon? The show tells me more about Dyan Cannon than I heretofore wanted to know so there's that. The scenes with Carey Grant in his seventies while courting Ms. Cannon some 30-plus years his junior were somewhat sad to watch. There are four actors playing the parts of Carey Grant at certain stages of his life so that took some getting used to. I took from the show that he and Alfred Hitchcock had a close personal and professional relationship so I'm planning to revisit a couple of Hitchcock movies like "North by Northwest" and "Suspicion" to get more of an up close and personal look at his body of work as an actor in Hollywood. You can only pack so much information into a four-episode series, but the producers of this show did well to portray Carey Grant in a not-surprisingly glowing puff piece with the occasional wart here and there. Who is it that said, "Life is like a box of chocolates?" "You never know what you're going to get."

Here we are, the Friday before Christmas, and we still have no snow on the ground. I need to get the chairs on my back deck sorted and ready for when the snow does arrive. I never did get around to clipping the tall grass plants on our property that I typically cut down just before Winter arrives. I may yet do that, but I haven't yet. I was out on my bicycle ride yesterday in 34-degree weather with 10-mile-an-hour winds blowing from west to east. I had on enough layers such that I never felt a moment of cold. At one point, I removed one of the two pairs of gloves that I was wearing before starting my return trip. Needless to say, I was not the only bicyclist out on the roadways. My ride takes me down a stretch of Ocean Boulevard along the Atlantic so it's a popular destination for bicyclists even during the colder months of the year. The missus has started wrapping presents, and that's likely to continue over the course of the weekend. I'll be making a spinach and mushroom lasagna for our Christmas dinner so everyone is looking forward to that. Some nice French garlic bread and a salad of sorts would be a nice addition to the lasagna if we can swing it. I'm not sure the Ev man has done anything when it comes to presents, so I'll throw his name on the presents I purchased and plan to wrap for the missus. The best news of all is that all the shopping is done, and we have no need to be out amongst the maddening crowds of the Christmas shopping season. That said, I do have a couple of things I need at the market, but that should be quick and, God willing, relatively painless.

The Supreme Court rendered a decision yesterday regarding Jack Smith's request to expedite a decision regarding Trump's having or not having immunity while performing his duties in the twilight of his presidency back in 2020. Let's get one thing straight. Smith is nothing but a two-bit hack, a hitman hired by Biden to put Trump in jail before Election Day 2024. Smith went straight to the Supreme Court requesting an expedited hearing on the matter in order to short-circuit Trump's attempts to prolong the case and tie things up in various and sundry appeals just long enough to get to Election Day when he, as our 47th president, would be able to pardon himself. The Supremes were having none of Smith's bullshit. They denied his request to expedite the matter. How do you like them apples, Jack-O? It doesn't hurt, and this is my opinion, that three of the conservative members of the Supremes were put on the Court by Trump in his first term. The Dems were so utterly convinced that the Supremes would give Jack-O his expedited hearing that they were completely caught off guard by the decision. Thank you, Santa! Fuck those fuckety-fucks! Most of the leftists in the moonbat media have taken the rest of the year off so I may have to wait for them to return to get a real sense of their collective angst. I've waited this long. I think I can wait a little longer.

Maybe these mothers should have thought twice before indicting Trump on 91 counts of bullshit charges. They took a victory lap with the announcement of each new indictment. Surely, the American people would never vote for a twice-impeached insurrectionist. We've gone from that silliness to what we have now which is the American people would never vote for a convicted twice-impeached president and insurrectionist. The Dems may never get the conviction that they need in order to give Bumbles Biden his second term. They crow endlessly about putting Trump behind bars, but you'll never hear them admit that without Trump behind bars, Biden or whoever replaces him on the ballot will never win the 2024 election. It's all about keeping our democracy they tell us. I do hope that the Supremes weigh in and weigh in soon on the Colorado case. The consensus there is that the Supremes will overturn that as well and that should put an end to the ridiculous issue of States across our fruited plains kicking people off the ballot based on some amendment that was added to the Constitution in the wake of the Civil War. What I like about a lot of these cases getting on up to the Supreme Court is that the Court, in its infinite wisdom, will remind these left-wingers that we live and die in our country, not by the words of some Marxist who's been dead for some 130 years, but by the words left to us by our Founding Fathers.

I'm reading this morning that Jack-O Smith got Judge Canon in the documents case in Florida to start the process of jury selection. Smith no doubt had this in his back pocket as a counter to a snub by the Supremes in the event that the Supremes denied his request for the expedited appeal. The leftist mob in the media can now admit to losing one in the Supreme Court while winning one in a related case. See how they did that? That's called a pivot, for lack of a better word. Trump's team is still holding out hope that they can push the May trial date in the documents case by filing motion after motion. Having a Trump-appointed judge on the case can't hurt. The Dems like their chances for a conviction on the Documents case, but I think that's nothing more than wishful thinking. You know how popular Trump is in Florida. Right? I'm assuming that this is going to be a jury trial, so all you need is one holdout to muck things up, even with the strongest case. You are going to have one or more jurists who have watched while they took box after box of stolen classified documents out of Joe Biden's various homes with some stolen documents going back to his days in the Senate without so much as a misdemeanor charge. You are also not going to convince one or more of the jurists that Biden hasn't used those stolen documents to enrich his family at the expense of our country's safety and security. You also can't deny that Trump had the legal authority to have those documents as an ex-president. If anything, Biden's Justice Department was too heavy and ham-handed in raiding Trump's Mar-a-Lago home while Trump was in the middle of negotiating the return of certain documents.

Here we are, the day before Christmas in the year of the Lord, 2024. Christmas Eve, if you will. We have a lot of things to do today. Thankfully, going shopping is not one of them. We have everything we need so that's a good thing. I'll have to think about what things are going to slip off the table since I'm not going to have time to do everything I have on my list. I've gone biking the last three days in a row so maybe that comes off the table today. Both the missus and I have a bit of cooking to do. I have a lasagna to make, and the missus will be making her Christmas cookies. Snickerdoodles, I think. She was not happy when we dropped by a store the other day to buy some Crisco, and they had been sold out. Well, wonders never cease, sweetness. What were you expecting? Do you think you're the only one with cookies to bake for the holidays? We also gave plans to pay Mrs. G a visit. We've not visited sooner because she had a particularly nasty cold that is just now, thankfully, going by the wayside. We would otherwise never be visiting this close to Christmas day. I have presents to wrap as well so I'll need to squeeze that in at some point. I'll catch my usual political shows this morning, and I'll catch the New England Patriots at 8 tonight to top it all off. I'm well aware of people around the world in war zones who are suffering unspeakable horrors during this holiday so my prayers go out to them. May God grant them a cease-fire wherever they may be. Wishes for a holiday chicken in every pot may be a bridge too far. Merry Christmas all, whoever and wherever you are!

Still No Snow

It rained pretty good overnight, but I never heard the wind they were calling for in the local forecasts. I suppose I ought to be grateful that we're not getting snow at this time of year instead of rain. It's supposed to be snowing in December. Right? It reminds me of the story about the new president of Argentina. I know, I know. Where am I going with this? He was touted as Trumpian before and after his win, and photos of him wielding a chainsaw went viral. I figured it was a good thing. The fewer leftists getting into office, the better. There were even stories of Trump paying him a visit in Argentina to congratulate him on his electoral victory. So, the next thing I read in the news is that he's coming to the United States. Not to visit with Trump, but to visit with Bill Clinton. You know, the very same Bill Clinton who erroneously claimed that he "did not have sex with that woman." The latest news is that Argentina will stay in the Paris Climate Agreement. That's not Trumpian. That's Clintonian. WTF.


The UPenn president stepped down over the weekend after Congressional hearings last week exposed her and three of her fellow university presidents as part of the problem and not part of the solution when and where it comes to ethics manuals and the harassment of Jewish students on campus. One fellow on Twitter, a Harvard alum, tweeted, "One down, two to go." The next head on the chopping block appears to be the president of Harvard University. By all accounts, she appears to be the least qualified of the three presidents sitting on the panel in front of Congress. Not just because she's black, mind you, but because she is a veritable nitwit based on what I saw of her testimony and a DEI hire to boot. That's a whole lot of virtual signaling by any measure. Did I mention that someone posted a rather lengthy tweet last night on Twitter exposing her as a plagiarist? One donor has already pulled a $100 million dollar gift from Harvard due to her testimony before Congress. Something tells me that the Jewish lobby is going to have the final word on Ms. Gay. That's a good thing.

The guys who put up our gutters did a pretty darn good job. I still think it was unnecessary to pull down all of our old gutters when they reshingled our roof, but it is what it is. Is it any surprise that the very same company that did the reshingling has a gutter division? That is by design, fellow travelers. Our new gutters are slimmer and more attractive, so out with the clunky ones and in with the slim ones. I'm guessing that as far as functionality goes, these puppies are going to work as well or better than the old gutters. I previously thought that I might like to try and do the gutter job myself, but after seeing how well it looks when professionals do the job, I now realize that it would have been a mistake for me to take on that job. I'm not even sure that I have the tools to do something like that, much less the know-how required to pull it off. I could watch YouTube videos until the cows come home and not even come close to doing as well as they did. That's about as much honesty as I can muster on a rainy Monday morning, so there you have it.

What the hell does that grifter Zelensky want now? He's back in Washington on bended knee looking for another tranche of our hard-earned tax dollars to fund Ukraine pensioners and fat-cat oligarchs. He'll tell you that if we don't fund their war against Russia, and Russia wins, Russia will certainly move on to take more territory to the West. He's full of shit to be sure. He'll tell you anything you want to hear as long as you pony up the big bucks for him and his fellow thieves in Ukraine. Don't think for a minute that he isn't siphoning off millions for himself and his family and stashing those monies away in Swiss bank accounts. Americans are getting sick and tired of Biden and his clown car of leftists paying off Zelensky so Zelensky doesn't spill the beans on the Biden Crime Family and their history of money laundering in Ukraine. The only way Zelensky gets any money is if Biden agrees to beef up our border security and I don't see that happening. The Democrats are too close to their goal of turning red states blue and having the one-party state/country that they have longed for to have it all snatched away by some demented old fool sitting in the Oval Office. Republicans in Congress would be wise to follow the sage advice of Nancy Reagan, the wife of the great Ronald Reagan, when she famously opined, "Just say no."

That asshole, Jack Smith, the Special Counsel Biden brought in from The Hague to bring down Donald Trump so he can't compete in the 2024 election, is getting desperate. He was coordinating his efforts with the judge in the case, a real leftist elevated to the court by Obama the goat herder, Judge Chutkin, to have Trump's trial start the day before Super Tuesday. That's a bit of a stretch given the various and sundry motions that are likely to come up in a trial of this sort. It's also election interference if you want to know the truth. None of it matters because Smith is determined to do Biden's bidding come hell or high water. He's also not taking any chances that Trump's attorneys will extend the dates by bringing appeal after appeal. He filed with the Supreme Court yesterday, and the Court agreed to hear expedited arguments. I just don't see how the High Court can agree with the Special Counsel that the president didn't have immunity from prosecution as a sitting president. That would be setting a very dangerous precedent to be sure. I'm counting on our conservative justices on the Court, three of whom were elevated to the Supreme Court by Trump during his first term, to do the right thing and find for Trump.

One problem with doing your Christmas shopping on Amazon is that your significant other can see what you're getting for him or her for Christmas. I don't care how many times they tell you that they never look, or how many times they tell you they have no plans to look, you know they're going to look. It may be inadvertent, but they're going to look. It could be in an e-mail when Amazon confirms your order. It could be in the "ordered" section on Amazon for anyone's prying eyes to see. Is that something that Amazon can fix? I suppose I could set up a separate account with a secret Gmail account. It shouldn't be that difficult. If a joint like Amazon can get you overnight delivery of your goods, they should be able to figure this out. Are they missing out on sales because they don't want to take the chance that their significant other will find out what's coming their way? What if I had a honey on the sidelines and I didn't want my main honey to find out that I was buying something nice and it wasn't for her? You also have the issue sometimes when you order a few things from Amazon all of which arrive at the same time, and you don't know which package belongs to who. You may even end up opening a present that was intended for you. All that side, who doesn't love shopping on Amazon?

Before I forget, I'm getting sick and tired of this nonsense about people not wanting either Biden or Trump as their only choices on the ballot come November 2024. Who's pushing this bullshit? I'm guessing it's the No-Name party trying to stay relevant. What they're not telling you is that you can write in anyone your little heart desires. You can always vote for a third party, say Jill Stein who is running as a Green Party candidate. Hell, if you're that unhappy, stay the hell home. Or, go and vote against one or more candidates on the ballot if you dislike them that much. We have a process, and that process is well underway for both, or should I say all, parties interested in running. Whoever wins the electoral college wins the presidency. That's the way it works, mother fuckers. Is this really just another way to suppress votes? I don't know what it is, but it's getting on my last nerve. And what's this I'm hearing about a New Hampshire resident being arrested for making death threats against Vivek Ramaswamy? You know Trump probably gets ten threats for every threat made against one of Trump's opponents. But, Vivek? He poses no threats to anyone's standing in the polls so why him? Maybe his constant baiting of his fellow Indian, Nikki Haley, on the campaign trail has irked someone to the point of doing something stupid. Enough already.

There is a new poll out this morning that seems to conclusively prove that a lot of people cheated in the 2020 presidential election. I, for one, am still firmly in the camp that says that there were never eighty-one million people who voted for Joe Biden in 2020. This is a guy who campaigned out of his basement for chrissakes. Trump was running around the country holding rallies with tens of thousands of people in attendance, and you periodically saw photos of Biden holding his rallies with maybe a dozen Democrat loons in attendance. None of it ever made any sense. You knew there was a plan underway by the Democrats to do something to rob Trump of a hard-earned victory at the polls on Election Day. Even Bumbles Biden, in his demented stupor, admitted to running a crooked campaign. The best ever, I think he said. The conspiracy to deprive Trump of a second term was so widespread and pervasive that those in the know knew he couldn't win. I don't know how, but the Democrats did the same thing in the run-up to the Congressional races in 2022. Don't think for a minute that there isn't a plan afoot to steal the 2024 election.

Now that Chris Sununu, the governor of New Hampshire, has endorsed Nikki Haley for president, do you think that it's going to make any difference at all? Sununu is a RINO's RINO, so nobody but Haley and her supporters really give two shits about his endorsement. I think he thinks he's the bee's knees and CNN and the other leftist networks out there will likely give him air time to spout his nonsense. I put Sununu's endorsement right up there with the endorsement of DeSantis by Iowa's governor. I think DeSantis actually went down in the polls following the governor's endorsement. Truth be told, this is all about stopping Trump for Sununu. He seems to be on a one-man mission to make sure that Trump doesn't get to the White House. It makes me wonder when he goes all in for taking out Trump at all costs if he isn't telling the voters of his State, explicitly or implicitly, that it's okay to cheat if that's what it takes to deny Trump a second term. It's a deal with the devil, it is. If they agree to cheat, he will agree to never look into election results that might prove election fraud played a key role in the election. It's justified, of course, since Trump represents an existential threat to our democracy don't you know.

I'm a little confused about this impeachment inquiry stuff going on in Congress. There's a vote today by the full House that will determine whether or not the Republicans can proceed with the impeachment inquiry of one Joseph Biden, President of the United States. I thought Kevin McCarthy kicked off an impeachment inquiry of Biden when he was Speaker of the House. So, why do they need a vote by the full house now? Pelosi never needed a vote by the full House when she launched an impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump. Anyway, the vote is today, and Republicans can only afford to lose a vote or two with margins being what they are after the expulsion of George Santos in the last few weeks. I'll be watching that vote with keen interest. If it works, it may well be the death knell for his 2024 campaign. With his son recently indicted on multiple charges and the full extent of Joe Biden's corruption while in office laid bare before the voting public, not to mention Biden's cognitive state which gets worse by the day, it could well be the end of the road for Joe Biden. Will his Party throw him out with the trash or will they work overtime to rehabilitate his reputation? Precisely how much stealing and cheating will be required to give him one last term in office? Does it make any difference to anybody that everyone knows he's never going to complete his second term due to his failing cognitive faculties? First things first. Let's get this impeachment inquiry off the ground.


Fast forward 24 hours and the good news is that the Republicans voted overwhelmingly to approve the Impeachment Inquiry of the corrupt Biden Crime Family. Even Rep Buck, who insisted that it wasn't warranted, stepped up to the plate and voted for the darn thing. That, my friends, is what a good day looks like in our nation's capitol. Not sure if it was a coincidence or not but it was the same day that the Republicans had subpoenaed Hunter Biden to appear before their Committee to answer questions behind closed doors. Is it me or does it feel like the door is closing on the Bidens and their decades of crimes? That cackling nutjob, Ocassio Cortez, was on mic ranting about the Republicans not having any witnesses or evidence to support their inquiry. Maybe she missed the two IRS whistleblowers and their testimony before Congress on the investigations they wanted to do but were stopped by Biden's Justice Department. Oh, and before I forget, Hunter did his little dog and pony on the steps of the Capitol building but did not appear for the hearing. Let's see if his father's Justice Department will treat him like they treated Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon when they failed to appear for their hearings. Spoiler alert: They've been convicted by a jury of their peers and now face jail time.

If anyone had a bad day yesterday, it was Jack Smith. The last thing Jacko wanted was to have Trump's trial date pushed back from the March 4th, 2024 date. Now that the Supremes have agreed to expedite their review of Trump's claim to presidential immunity while in office, it looks like a delay in the trial is all but certain. Judge Chutkan, the judge presiding over the case, has now seen the light and has taken Trump's case off the docket pending a review by the Supremes. I'm telling you, this has the libs and leftists in a rage. They so wanted Trump in jail by the time the 2024 election rolled around and that all looks very unlikely now. The other issue before the Supremes has to do with charges brought against the people involved in the January 6th fiasco. If the Supremes agree that those charges are unconstitutional, then many of the J6'ers will likely be released from prison. That will be a dark day indeed for Biden's Justice Department. It was a Trump judge who wouldn't prosecute using these soon-to-be-deemed unconstitutional statutes, and he will, in retrospect, be seen as a hero in an otherwise tragic series of events related to January 6th. Maybe someday we'll find out just how many federal agents were in the crowds at the capitol that fateful day facilitating the hoax known as January 6th. If there is a God, the perpetrators of the hoax will be brought to justice.

I hadn't been paying attention to the financial markets for the better part of the day yesterday as the Ev man and I were out doing a little shopping. By the time I got around to seeing the tweet that the DJIA was up over 500 points on the day, it was well past dinnertime. I knew Powell was speaking but didn't much care to hear what he had to say. I figured we were so close to Christmas that he probably wasn't going to rain on anyone's parade by making hawkish statements about interest rates or anything else. I hadn't factored in rate cuts, but they seemingly made it into the conversation. The markets were flatlining all day until Powell made his comments and then everything under the sun was off to the races. New highs were off the charts with practically no new lows when all was said and done. That's good market breadth. right? It wasn't that long ago when there were almost no new highs every day the market was open so this is a good sign. Is this the point in time when Aunt Mary and Uncle Bob empty their cookie jars and put their life savings in the stock market? It can't just be the institutional investors driving this rally. Is this the proverbial Santa Claus rally that we see from time to time? You hate to throw all of your chips into the middle of the table based on historical record, but it seems that's what we're seeing here. How long it lasts and how far it goes is anyone's guess. For the uninitiated, this started back in early November so it may be getting a little long in the tooth. I'll just leave you with this little gem posted on Twitter by Walter Deemer: "The most bullish thing the market can do is get overbought and stay so."

What the hell is going on with the remaining 137 hostages or so that are being held by Hamas in Gaza or God only knows where? And what is this nonsense about the White House throwing a holiday something at the White House and not inviting families of the American hostages being held in Gaza? I think I saw them cozying up to a microphone on the White House lawn and they did not look happy. I'm guessing they had a few things to say and not much of what they had to say was likely complimentary towards the current administration. They heretofore had kept their promise by not going to the media with stories about their loved ones. That would have embarrassed the Biden White House, and Biden's handlers couldn't have that. They have an election to win in 2024, and they are doing their level best to avoid the kinds of chyrons in the media that took Jimmy Carter out of the White House during the Iran hostage crisis. It looked something like this: DAY 444-AMERICANS HELD HOSTAGE IN IRAN. Biden's handlers probably told the families that going public would only endanger their loved ones. Now that next to no Americans were released during the 4-day pause, these families are beginning to realize that their loved ones may never come home. They have a right to be angry. Americans deserve to know the truth about why Biden kept all of this quiet and out of the mainstream media. It smells an awful lot like Afghanistan.

I still can't get over FBI Chief Chris Wray's comments to Congress back a couple of weeks ago. He said something about lights blinking red when asked about acts of terrorism in the United States. I can't recall if it was in response to a question about our open borders, but it's possible that it was. His boss, Bumbles Biden, has been letting terrorists into our country by the boatload while his Justice Department sits around in Congressional hearings talking about blinking red lights and the probability, not possibility, of a terrorist attack on our country. Wray knows full well why we're in the soup that we're in but fails to acknowledge that his boss is the guy responsible for putting our citizenry at risk. Houston, we have a fucking problem. I'm beginning to wonder if we as Americans aren't sufficiently inured to acts of terrorism given mass shootings and such that we may barely flinch when the proverbial shit hits the fan. We've been both horrified and further desensitized to acts of violence and terror by videos from the recent Hamas attack on Israel, and one has to wonder if there is anything short of a cataclysmic event that would even register with the American people. Maybe this has more to do with creating a situation "forcing" Biden's hand to institute martial law ahead of the 2024 election and, you guessed it, to call for a nationwide mandate employing absentee ballots.

Mrs. G had a nasty cold. I'm surprised that she didn't say something to us before we arrived on her doorstep for our weekly visit. That isn't the Mrs. G that I know. She came out wearing a mask when we arrived so that was the first sign that something wasn't quite right. Of course, the mask didn't cover everything, but that wasn't a huge surprise. You'd think that living in a facility with residents who survived the COVID-19 period relatively unscathed, that she and her fellow residents would know how to wear a mask. What did surprise us was the fact that Mrs. G hadn't been tested for COVID given her symptoms. Symptoms, by the way, that seemed to get worse the longer we sat there with her. By the time I got around to offering to get Mrs. G a glass of water to alleviate her distress, the missus was halfway out of her chair with coat in hand. Can you blame her? Nobody wants a raging cold in the days leading up to Christmas. It's not any more complicated than that. Whatever plans we had to help her with her computer problems or other things we barely touched on while we were there would have to wait. Did I mention that we forgot to bring over the four six-packs of Diet Ginger Ale that we had bought a week earlier? Of all the things to forget.

I think I'm in pretty good shape when it comes to presents and such. That is to say, I think I have all the things that I wanted to buy for everyone. Do I remember where I've hidden them all around the house? Maybe. I agree with the missus that we ought to start wrapping presents sooner rather than later. She wants to get started so that she doesn't have to do it all at the last minute. I want to do it so I don't forget who and what I bought presents for and, God forbid, where I might have stashed them around the house. I'm quite sure that the missus is already on to me when it comes to some presents since we share the same Amazon account. She'd probably tell me that she doesn't, but she's not a very good liar. You know what they say. Half of what it takes to be successful in our lives is just showing up. When it comes to Christmas, it means that you do your best to put something beneath the tree come hell or high water. You should have seen me and the Ev man pouring over $6.99 puzzles at Ocean Job Lots this past week. The missus loves puzzles so we're hoping she'll like what we picked out for her. There won't be any airline tickets for a week-long vacation in Florida this year so don't get your hopes up, sweetie pies. Speaking of pies, what, pray tell, should we have for dinner on Christmas this year? A holiday ham? A roaster chicken? A turkey perhaps, with all the fixings?

It wouldn't be Christmas if there weren't warnings here, there, and everywhere about scammers. The latest is when you get a text or e-mail from someone informing you that your computer is infected. I gather a lot of people fall for these scams so warning folks ahead of time can't hurt. The phishing scams are usually pretty obvious. Most of them have spelling errors that stick out like a sore thumb. You'd think that with all of the spelling programs out there these days that it would be close to impossible to compose an e-mail with spelling mistakes. How about the early morning calls to Grandma or Grandpa about their grandchildren being held hostage? If you live in a big city, you need to worry about being carjacked or pushed off a subway platform and onto the tracks by a neer-do-well with impaired faculties. I'm getting a little off track here. Did I intend to make a point other than to tell people to be careful around the holidays? I do enjoy the videos posted to social media sites that show the good guys getting the upper hand when it comes to robberies and such. The "good guy with a gun" is my idea of social justice. The only good crook is a dead crook? Do I have that right? Let's just say that you don't want me sitting on your jury if you've committed a serious criminal offense. Does anyone have any good Clint Eastwood quotes they'd like to share?

One last word on UFO's if I might. And what is this new name they're now using when they talk about UFO's? Is it UAP's? Not sure, but I'm going to use UFO's and that's my final answer. Anyway, we're not likely to get an answer one way or another from the federal government as to whether or not they actually exist. In fact, we're far more likely to find out who killed JFK before we learn anything new about UFO's. That's not the point I wanted to make. I wanted to say that UFO's are a worldwide phenomenon. That being the case, why wouldn't other countries spill the beans on what they know about UFO's? Is there a conspiracy between nations of sorts that sets the rules about what they want and don't want to communicate to their citizenry about the existence of UFO's? It seems nearly impossible that you would be able to get everyone on the same page when it comes to this sort of thing. Yet, whenever we hear about UFO's from the people in the know you'll notice that they never bother talking about what other nations know or don't know about the damn things. I don't know what to make of any of it. Maybe it's better that way.

I ordered a couple of smart plugs this morning. It's probably long overdue, and it's something that I've thought about buying but never followed through on it. We use a spotlight on the front lawn this time of year, and I'm always going outside to either plug it in or unplug it. We also have a Christmas tree that I am forever forgetting to turn on for the benefit of the missus when she gets out of bed every morning. I suppose I could use a timer, but I've never had much success with the timers that we've purchased. I also don't have any electrical devices that I can turn on and turn off by using an app on my phone. Not that I'm interested in doing that, mind you, but I have a specific use in mind with the spotlight (and the tree) so I want to give it a try. I can hear myself now: Alexa, turn off the fucking Christmas lights! That might be a bit harsh. I didn't mention that these plugs also work with Alexa? It's true. When the holidays have come and gone, maybe I use the plugs to turn my pot of chilli on and off during the day. I'm sure I'll have a thousand uses for the plugs once they arrive. Welcome to the 21st century, Johnny.

Quack Quack

There were gangs of anti-Israel protestors protesting outside a Jewish deli in Philadelphia last night. They were harping on some anti-semitic trope or other in a threatening fashion as they surrounded the deli in the street outside the deli. I have to believe that these are organized protests instead of just another group of ne'er-do-well miscreants who have nothing better to do on a Sunday night. Who would be trying to whip up hatred against a religious minority in our country if not someone or some group who has an agenda to fulfill? There is the obvious backdrop of the Israeli bombing of Gaza and the killing of thousands of innocent Palestinians if one is looking to make any sense of it, but I'm not sure that's all there is to it. Let's just say that collateral damage is a necessary evil when going to war against your enemy. What I worry about is the people and the organizations who, as the Democrats love to say, "never let a good crisis go to waste." Is this what we're seeing, or is there something more sinister going on? Will Joe Biden's Justice Department hold one or more of these people to account for their actions, or will they look the other way to achieve their political ends?


The New England Patriots are now 2-10 after losing to the Chargers this weekend. I'm delighted, of course, since I would like nothing more than to see them take it up the ass every weekend. We need to expose the ridiculously weak-kneed Bill Belichick for the lousy couch that he is. That was never going to happen with Tom Brady on the roster, and now that Tom is gone, we're seeing what a barebones Bill Belichick looks like, and it ain't pretty. Either the buck stops here, or it doesn't. Either he takes responsibility for the poor performance of the team he coaches, or he doesn't. Spoiler alert: He doesn't. I have to be careful here. If too many of my dreams come true, my football watching, which I've enjoyed this year more than most because of just how much the Patriots suck, will end when the regular season ends. It's the only reason I watch football. What will I do when I don't have a team to hate? You should hear me (screaming at the top of my lungs). "What's the matter, Billy Boy"? "Take him down!" I don't know what the missus is thinking, and I don't.

I'm watching this Maine marijuana story with great interest. Reports out of the State of Maine say that the Chinese have any number of marijuana-growing facilities across the State. What the hell is that all about? Is this just another example of the Chinese doing what they do to addle the minds of our citizens? If they can't kill our young people with Fentanyl, are they going to take another stab at it by using marijuana as a weapon? Or, is this just another way to buy property inside our country for nefarious reasons? Do you suppose that Americans have the same types of facilities in China? That's a rhetorical question. It's also possible that the Chinese are paying off Mainers and their politicians as they have in other countries across the globe in order to establish a base of operation from which to operate God only knows what. You know there is a problem when the cops shut down one or more million-dollar weed-growing operations in Maine and nobody gets arrested. Let's get one thing straight: China is not our friend. Maybe they figure that if they can buy off the president of the United States, which they have, there is no limit to what they can do and who they can buy off with the money they have to spend.

If the only benefit we derive from putting Trump in office in 2024 is that we get rid of the likes of John Kerry, I'd say it's well worth it. Did you hear that fool the other day talking about shutting down every last coal mine across the planet, including mines here in the United States? Who the fuck does he think he is? Who elected him to be king? And, my God, did you hear the applause from the clapping seals in the audience? The hysteria around this climate nonsense is cray-cray, as any toddler will tell you. Someone posted a picture the other day of a tarmac in some location where jets had been stranded by a raging snowstorm whose owners were on their way to a climate change conference. The symbolism was perfect. But this Kerry nutter has to go. He's the same ass clown who, back in the sixties, stood with Jane Fonda and the North Vietnamese communists against America and everything she was trying to accomplish in the Vietnam War. It's one thing to be against your country in a war that you think is unjust. It's quite another to sing the praises of a foreign government that is engaged in killing your fellow Americans. By endorsing this climate nonsense, Kerry is once again doing the work of our enemies and at the expense of our fellow Americans.

There seems to be a lot of hysteria in the media these days about Trump and what he plans to do when he beats Joe Biden in November 2024. Most of what they're warning about is extra-constitutional, so none of it will likely ever come to pass, but that hasn't stopped them from spouting their nonsense. It reminds me a little bit of the Russia Russia Russia nonsense that the CNNs of the world spun for years during Trump's first term and which turned out to be sheer nonsense. They (CNN) and their compatriots in the left-wing media indulged in what can only be described as Goebbels-level propaganda day in and day out for no other reason than to paint Trump as a traitor, a despot, and unworthy of holding the office of the Presidency. They were, of course, doing the bidding of Hillary Clinton when it came to the Russia thing. Hillary Clinton had the drapes in the Oval Office measured and the monogrammed silverware ordered only to see it all go up in flames on Election Day. Trump had to be spanked and spanked hard even if it meant fabricating stories about Trump and hookers in a hotel in Moscow. Hillary was going to get her pound of flesh one way or another, and the compliant left-wing media was more than happy to get on that bandwagon. So, I guess what I would say is, here we go again.

We're down to four candidates in tomorrow's Republican primary debate. Well, four Keebler Eleves anyway. From everything I'm reading, it seems like they (The Establishment) are trying desperately to get Nikki Haley to the finish line where Trump won't have much choice but to put her on the ticket as Vice President. If that doesn't work, they want her at the top of the ticket on the No Labels ticket where she will effectively run as a third party. If she can't win, she wants to be a spoiler, and that effectively means that she and her fellow neocons would rather put a senile Joe Biden back in office rather than Trump. We're in wars around the world under Joe Biden's "leadership" so why not? Right? If you want to know who the real Nikki Haley is, that is who she is. If I hear her running her mouth one more time about her chances of winning because she's never lost a race, I think I'm going to vomit. I've got a bad feeling about this bitch. Did you hear her in the last debate when she admonished Vivek Ramaswamy by uttering the following, "Keep my daughter's name out of your mouth"? How about when she called Vivek, "scum"? One or more of her fellow elves need to expose her for what she is in this debate. And, goddammit, do it with extreme prejudice. Git er done!

I'm behind the eight ball a little bit after being out of town for a couple of days with the missus. We had a pleasant trip to upstate New York where we spent a bit of time with the fam. We stayed at a different hotel so that was nice. The room was small but manageable. Having a microwave might have been nice. We brought our own little refrigerator so no worries there. Well, a cooler that doubles as a refrigerator in a pinch anyway. We ran into scattered snow showers here and there but mostly after we had arrived at our destination. The ride home was wonderfully sunny and refreshingly cold. Did I mention that the missus and I had some discombobulation after having omelets in the hotel's dining room? I don't know if it was the hash browns, the omelets themselves, or maybe the condiments we used. Maybe it was the damn jam that we put on our toast. Whatever it was, we seemed to get over it rather quickly with some lingering something but not enough to be a problem. We saw the people we needed to see, delivered the presents we needed to present, and got in and out in a couple of days. We both regret not getting up to the village, but there will be plenty of time to do that on future trips. And, no, the Ev man did not join us on this trip.

My prayers are with my seester this morning as she goes in for her procedure. She's in for an uphill battle that I can't go into here for obvious reasons. Needless to say, I'm calling in all my outstanding chips with the big guy for any and all favors he can muster. She's going to need them in spades. This is just the beginning of a longer road that my seester will have to travel down before all is said and done. The good news is that the fam is there for her in spades. The bad news is that she's in for the fight of her life. She's got just enough piss and vinegar to make it through so that's what we're all counting on. It's one day at a time, and she knows it. Nobody is offering her any false hope, and I think that's the right approach. That's what my seester would want. Give it to me in black and white you sons of bitches. I can hear her now. You can listen to the health professionals until the cows come home, but until you're doing what needs to be done, it's just words. All of that starts this morning at 7 am. We already have one update, and there's a reference to "nerves." Ya think? You know what I think? I think I know what I want for Christmas.


Can you imagine? The Republican congress is denying Biden any aid for Ukraine until Biden agrees to protect our borders. Now that it looks unlikely that the aid will be given because Biden refuses to protect our borders, Biden is threatening to send our sons and daughters to fight the Russians in Ukraine. Are you fucking kidding me? That damn war was lost a long time ago by Ukraine, and Ukraine hasn't bothered to look for a negotiated settlement for the simple fact that our country has been sending tens of billions of dollars to that hack Zelensy and his oligarchs not to negotiate a settlement. I suspect Zelensky is threatening to spill the beans on the corruption of the Biden Crime Family now if they don't receive yet another tranche of money with a lot of trailing zeroes. I think I saw a response from Russia just this morning with comments about Ukraine becoming another Vietnam if we send our sons and daughters to fight in Ukraine. For those of you confused about Russia's response, the United States lost some 55,000 lives in Vietnam during the years-long conflict. Considering the fact that we have a seriously demented "president" sitting in the Oval Office, don't be surprised if we see the return of the draft and God only knows what else until we can throw his senile ass out of office in November 2024. Tic Toc Tic Toc

Speaking of Vietnam, what the hell is Biden and his military complex trying to get us involved in now down in Central America? Yes, I'm talking about another war as if involving us in multiple wars around the world from Israel to Ukraine isn't enough. Venezuela has taken certain sections of Guyana by hook or crook, and they are now looking to exploit the various and sundry natural resources that they have allegedly co-opted. I don't know the extent of the militarization used in the operations by Venezuela, but I'm guessing one just doesn't waltz into an adjoining territory and start taking what you damn well please without some pretense of force real or imagined. And who the hell does this Venezuelan thug, Maduro, think he is? Do you think for a minute that he would be doing any of this without the imprimatur of Biden's White House? Would it surprise anyone to find that Biden was in bed with yet another dictator? How much are we talking about his time, Mr. President? The usual ten percent? I'm reading that Venezuela has given the EXXONs of the world 30 or 60 days or something to vacate their offshore platforms. This is real, folks. If you're not reading about it in the headlines, it's because Biden's praetorian guard, the media, has decided that it isn't in Biden's political interests to inform Americans about it. How do you like them apples?

Can I go back to the Republican debate referenced above? I thought Vivek brought the goods in the debate yet he is readily dismissed as a fringe candidate by the media across the board. Who the hell decides who is and who isn't a candidate when it comes to our presidential elections? The media? Did you see the look on Nikki Haley's face when Vivek challenged her to name three provinces in Ukraine that she thought Americans should be fighting in? Hell, I don't think she could have named one of the three provinces. Neither can I for that matter but I'm not running for president. She looked absolutely gobsmacked by the question. She had to be rescued by the fat fuck, Christie, who Vivek told in no uncertain terms to "get the hell out of the race." He said something else to Christie about going out for a meal, but that was pure unadulterated fat shaming, so Vivek didn't shouldn't have gone there. Honestly, Vivek. It just told me that Haley isn't ready for prime time. I've thought that all along so this is nothing new. Vivek brought the heat by bringing up the January 6th so-called insurrection and every other Democrat fabricated oppo play going back to God only knows when. Good for him. He's right about every last one of them. Is there anyone who speaks more clearly and truthfully about what the hell is going on in our country than Vivek Ramaswamy?

I guess I'm glad that the Feds are finally bringing charges against Hunter Biden. It doesn't mean shit, though. You know Scranton Joe, or is it lunchbucket Joe, is going to pardon him when all is said and done. He'll no sooner spend a day in jail than the man on the moon. I hadn't considered the possibility that Joe Biden would die before he could pardon his son, but I heard someone raise that possibility yesterday. You just have to take one look at the guy, and you know he's on his last leg. There is also the issue of what Hunter hasn't been charged with, and that would be FARA charges. You know, the Foreign Agent Registration Act where you need to register with the government before you do business with foreign governments. You know, the one charge that put Paul Mannafort in solitary confinement during Biden's first year in office. You know, the law that was never used on anyone until Trump was elected president. And then, they dusted that thing off and threw the book at several of Trump's people to put them behind bars. Of course, charging Hunter with the law would ensnare his father, Scranton Joe, and it's Scranton Joe's Justice Department making up the rules so you know how this movie ends.

Is anyone surprised that CNN is sponsoring two debates for the Republican candidates for president just days ahead of the New Hampshire primary? I'm quite sure they're doing it to influence the outcome of the primary. It's probably also no surprise that the candidates are pleased as punch to be involved. They know full well that the intent of the debate is not to highlight their candidacies but rather to take their (CNN's) one last chance to excoriate Trump in the hopes that they can bring him down just enough to call whomever it is that comes in a close second as the real winner. In any other world, the other Republican candidates would have either gotten out of the race altogether given Trump's lead or the Party would have forced them to get out so they could devote their time, energy, and money to the one candidate with the best chance to win. I'll be watching if only to watch Vivek go off on a tear or two against his insipid competitors on stage. It's also interesting to see just how rabid the CNN moderators are in their posturing and questioning, not that I don't already know what that looks like.

I've had our Christmas tree sitting in a bucket of water in the garage for the last week. Today seems like a good day as any to bring it into the house and dude it up. We also have this electronic tree kinda thing that we're planning to set up outside. With a storm of sorts coming on Sunday, I'm thinking waiting a day or two might not be the end of the world. The missus will drag out her boxes of ornaments, and she'll be off and running until that sucker is standing tall and looking good in our front room. I'm old enough to remember when tinsel was a thing, but I don't think they even sell tinsel anymore. I don't have a preference for lights or bulbs so whatever the missus decides on is fine with me. What I'd rather not do is to go searching in local stores this close to Christmas for lights to replace lights that no longer work. Of course, you don't know what works and what doesn't until you start unboxing everything. We're putting the tree in a different corner of our living room this year so we'll have to see how that works out. It's a corner of our living room that doesn't get a lot of attention, so maybe the fit is just right. You know what they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men. Right?

I heard someone say the other day that the only reason Taylor Swift was selected as Person of the Year by Time magazine was so they could use her as a tool to get the young vote out for Biden in 2024. I'm not just talking about her persona, or whatever it is that has every twaddle under the age of twenty going absolutely ga-ga for her. It's her pro-choice position on abortion that they think she can use to rally young women en masse to her cause. Time magazine, being the rabidly leftist magazine that it is, was willing to jeopardize its very reputation (lost that a long time ago) in order to help Bumbles Biden get back into office for another four years. It's obvious if you think about it. Can anyone with a straight face say that Talyor Swift has anything to offer the American public other than what she brings in her performances on stage? If she's living the American dream, I'm happy for her. That's what America is all about. Once she stoops to be a stooge for the Democrat Party and all of their Marxist wet dreams, count me out. There have been half a dozen people who have died this year, Henry Kissinger being one of them, who would have been a better candidate than Talyor Swift. I'm guessing Henry was pro-life and that's a non-starter. It's all about getting out the youth vote so let's call a spade a spade. Let's call it what it is.

That was something. It went viral. Surely, you've seen Elise Stefanik, the congresswoman from New York, questioning the three or four college presidents about their policies on genocide as it relates to their university's code of ethics regarding Jews. Every last one of them stepped in it. If it sounded like their answers to Setfanik's question were rehearsed, it's because they were. The problem was, it was the wrong answer. Each of the three college presidents included the word "context" in their answers. Of course, there is no such thing as "context" when it comes to genocide of any kind much less the genocide of Jews. You either condemn it out of hand, or you don't. When you don't, you effectively promote the genocide of Jews, and that is never a good thing for the Jews on your campus or campuses across our fruited plains. Maybe that was the point of the hearings, and maybe it wasn't. If the point of the hearings was to expose these nutjobs for the nutjobs they are, and one of them has stepped down since last week's hearing, then it's a step in the right direction. Oh, and these aren't just any colleges. These are the iviest of Ivy League colleges. If we can take out a DEI hire in the process like that dumb duck of a Harvard hire who spouted nonsense at the hearing along with her fellow presidents, all the better. Quack Quack

It looks like Alex Jones is coming back to Twitter (X.) I'm not sure why he ever got kicked off Twitter, but people like Alex Jones got kicked off all the time back in the day (before Musk purchased the company.) Alex may have gotten the boot over his posts having to do with the Sandy Hook school shootings. Sandy Hook aside, I never thought being a conspiracy theorist was grounds for having your voice silenced on social media. A lot of that changed during the Covid-19 craze when social media sites were getting called on a regular basis from Biden's White House demanding that certain posts get taken down. They had little to no tolerance for anyone who disagreed with Fauci's official position, and they were willing to do whatever it took to shut them down even at the expense of our God-given rights of free speech under the Constitution. Hats off to Musk for righting that ship as he has over time. And honestly, can the rantings of Alex Jones be any crazier than what is really going on behind the scenes. Every day it's something new in Biden's America. Put it all out there and let me decide what I want to believe or not believe. Twitter does its part in keeping everyone honest by posting Community Notes when Tweeters get off track so there's that. If that doesn't work, they can always shadowban your posts.

Pay the Piper

Israel has been going after Hamas hammer and tong for the better part of a month now, and they don't seem to be any closer to their objective of wiping Hamas off the face of the planet than they were when they started. Israel clearly doesn't have a clue where the hostages are being held, or they would have been freed long ago. That, to me, means that Israel clearly doesn't have the upper hand when it comes to figuring out which tunnels go where beneath the surface in Gaza. The fact that Hamas is still in a position to negotiate anything after a month-long bombing campaign by Israel also tells me that Hamas is still standing and maybe stronger than ever. The end game when it comes to this hostage release stuff is also a little fuzzy in my mind. Why would Hamas release every last hostage when doing so would signal a commencement of the war? Were I Hamas, I'd be televising a hostage beheading every night until Israel completely cleared out of Gaza. It's a little late for that now, so where this all goes and how it ends is anybody's guess.


Call it collateral damage or whatever you like, but the shooting of three Palestinian students in Vermont the other day did not happen in a vacuum. Who on earth would do such a thing? Apparently, one or more of these victims were wearing a scarf which identified them as Palestinians. What is that called again? I'm professing my ignorance here. No, really. What would drive someone to do what this shooter did? Was he locked and loaded and looking for people wearing scarves of the Palestinian variety? They have a person of interest in custody, so that's good. People who want to wear these kinds of scarves, much like Jewish people who are thinking twice these days about wearing yamulkas with everything we're hearing about antisemitism, might be well advised to hold off on sporting such attire until we're out of the proverbial woods. It also struck me as odd in the article that I read that these fellas were going to a Thanksgiving celebration. Since when is Thanksgiving a Palestinian holiday? That's probably nothing.

The hijacking of these Israel-linked tankers in the Gulf of Oman or wherever it is they are being hijacked is interesting. Even more interesting is the fact that the United States has been involved in liberating one or more of these hijacked tankers. What the hell is going on here? Since when are our soldiers responsible for risking their lives to liberate some hunk of junk, transporting whatever, and flying foreign flags off their stern? We are not the world's policeman. We need to mind our own fucking business and let the chips fall where they may when these things happen. I'm quite sure that the article I read said something about our working with Japan or some other country to secure the ship. I'm guessing Japan had no hand in the retaking of the ship, and the only reason Japan was mentioned is that someone didn't want anyone to know that the United States was acting unilaterally to do what they were doing. Unless and until our national interests are at stake, we need to mind our own fucking business when and where our troops are concerned. Is that too much to ask?

We've never bought our Christmas tree in November, but we may just do that in the next couple of days (Update: We bought the tree on Dec 1st). The missus is always reminding me that the trees we see on the lots hereabouts at this time of the year are not going to get any fresher between now and Christmas Day. I suppose we might get a fresher tree, if that's the right word, by cutting our own, but that's too much work, in my humble opinion. The selections are robust at this very moment in time and will only get less robust with the passing of time. I'm not seeing any signs offering discounts or any signs telling us what we might have to pay once we enter their lots. It's probably a little early for that. It should say, "Enter at your own risk." The risk is that you'll pay through the nose if dare buy your tree too early. The greater the selection, the lower the price. Isn't that economics 101? I still remember the one Christmas when we got a tree from Walmart at the last minute for five bucks or so. Those days are gone. The days are also gone when we'll be last in line to get whatever remains on the lot. That's some hooey from a guy who has no tree at the moment. We'll see if I'm talking the talk or walking the walk by the end of this week. Here's my advice for what it's worth: Don't hold your breath.

Taking a trip to upstate New York this time of year is always a catch-as-catch-can deal. The missus dreads driving into bad weather and will do everything she can to avoid it. By bad weather, I'm talking about snow, sleet, or, God forbid, ice. Don't get me wrong. The hills in Vermont are not for the faint of heart when things turn snowy or icy. The local constabulary likely does its best to keep driving deaths out of the media so as not to alarm the hordes of skiers and snowboarders from coming to hole up in their chalets, restaurants, and resorts. That's conjecture on my part, but probably not far from the truth. The missus and I have our go-to weather forecasts in the days and weeks leading up to our departure, and, you guessed it, they do not always agree. For me, it's all about windows of opportunity. If my forecast calls for snow in the evening, I'll push to get on the road early and ahead of any snowfall. If there is a hint of snow in the forecast, the missus gets anxious just thinking about it. We still have time to cancel our hotel reservations, so let's hope that we see a change in the forecast for the better in the coming days. As always, I'll give the missus the final word.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an alert of sorts about some sort of respiratory something in China. Is this, perchance, a precursor to what we experienced in 2020 with the global scourge of Covid-19? I'm also reading something this morning about the first human case of swine flu strain H1N2 in the UK. What are we talking about here? Has another pathogen or two made its way out of the lab in Wuhan? Is there anything connecting the release of these pathogens with the recent visit of Xi Jinping to the United States where he met with Joe Biden? Is it any coincidence that the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, which also allegedly came out of the labs in Wuhan, prompted the call for increased use of absentee ballots, and now we may be looking at the same thing all over again? Let me just come out and say it. Is China helping Joe Biden steal another election? I suspect that the last thing China wants is to see Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office. My guess is that China has far too much money and time invested in grooming their boy, Biden, to see it all go up in smoke on a rainy night in November, the year of the Lord, 2024. Need I remind you that Biden has never, even once, brought up the issue of the Wuhan labs and COVID-19 with Xi? The proof is in the pudding, boys and girls.

It's also pretty clear to anyone paying attention that Joe Biden has been sharing our country's secrets with China dating back to his days as a Senator. He's paid no price for having classified government documents in various and sundry places despite the fact that his having those documents was an explicitly criminal act. How exactly did he secret these documents from the various institutions over his time in the Senate, his time as Vice President, and now as President? It's quite obvious that he stole the documents. Was he and his family profiting from the sale of these documents to various bad actors across the globe? Since when are these alleged transgressions not treasonous? Why has the FBI determined that no crime has been committed? Are they complicit in his crimes? Does Joe Biden have the goods on the very same people who would pass judgment on him in the halls of Justice in our country? Something is very rotten in Denmark, and the American people are on to the grift that we know collectively as, The Biden Crime Family. It's high time, God willing, that they pay the piper.

Ron DeSantis is really taking it on the chin these days. His poll numbers continue to plummet, and his donors are all but threatening to jump ship if his numbers don't improve. Did I mention that Nikki Haley just got the endorsement of the Koch Brothers organization? All right, so what if there is only one Koch brother left? You get my point. DeSantis could have gone places had he not jumped into the 2024 race thinking that he could take down The Donald. He wanted to play the game. He wanted to be the big shot. He was going to be the Trump killer, and his donors were buying his jive hook, line, and sinker. The cabal of never-Trumpers had their collective heads up their asses, as usual, and they couldn't see that the train coming down the track was the one, the only, the inimitable, Donald J. Trump. Now, where does little Ronny go? I think this Koch thing may be the end of Ron and his Oval Office wet dreams. He's pretty much toast for the 2028 elections as well. Haley is about to find out that she's going nowhere, either. That bitch is like fingernails on the chalkboard. All of this portends good things for Trump. That has the Dems in a panic. Good.

I'm a little surprised that the price of heating oil hasn't dropped more. Gas at the pump, if you're filling up your car, is almost below $2 a gallon here in the Northeast. It was almost $4 a gallon a month or two ago. That has to be good for consumers. Right? If you're traveling for the holidays, you'll definitely have a couple of pesos left in your wallet after all is said and done. So, prices at the pump have fallen precipitously, but, prices for heating oil, not so much. I don't understand it. Are we talking about price gouging here? I just don't know. Thankfully, we have a bit of a credit left over from last year, so we're in pretty good shape as things go. Other families must be struggling. I hear a lot about the issue of affordability these days and how folks can't make ends meet. You need oodles of money and two incomes to survive. That's what they say, anyway. It's so bad that Biden and his minions are rueing the day when they decided to refer to what Biden was doing for the economy as "Bidenomics." I don't know who's benefitting from all of those bills that he signed off on, but it isn't the American people. If you're scraping by without two nickels to rub together, much less without a bank account to fall back on, you know what I'm talking about.


It's so bad that I read somewhere this morning that the Black Lives Matter organization is endorsing Donald J. Trump for president. Can that be true? It's also true that blacks were better off when Trump was president. I'm talking economics here. Inner-city blacks, especially in blue states, have the illegal immigrant thing to deal with now. Hell, the less fortunate among them had to stand in line at Thanksgiving to have a decent turkey dinner only to find that there was nothing left for them after they fed the hordes of illegal aliens being shipped into their cities by the plane load. Trump has promised to deport every last one of the illegal aliens, so that alone is a good reason to vote for Trump. They can get their lives back and they can have a chance at the American dream once again. They'll never get to stay in five-star hotels like the illegal aliens, and they won't get free sneakers, cell phones, and a stipend of $2,200 a month, but they will see the return of normalcy that all but disappeared when the illegals arrived on the scene. Hopefully, they've learned their lesson about voting for a demented old fuck like Joe Biden just because their ward boss told them that if they didn't vote for Biden that they weren't black.

There's a lot of buzz about UFOs in the ether these days and what our government is and is not telling us about them. You really just don't know who to believe about any of it. One story the other day talked about our government having a special unit dedicated to working UFO crash sites. Is the government worried about how the American public might respond to news that we're not alone in the universe? Is that why they're not spilling the beans? We've had a public congressional hearing here and there where people in the know spoke openly and candidly about what they've seen and experienced as it relates to UFOs. They can show videos and snapshots of what they think are UFOs until the cows come home, but without the proper context, they don't mean squat. Do you know how easy it is to doctor a photo or a 60-second video these days? I'm not saying it all just a bunch of hooey, and I'll likely not find it any more credible coming out of the mouths of government officials, but I need to reserve judgment until such a time someone can make a better case than what I've heard and seen to date. If it really is a thing, why do we not see more of them? Why are they so elusive? What do we think they want? I have questions.

It would be a big story were it true. It would effectively upend everything we've come to know about organized religion and every other thing under the sun that they've been selling us since time immemorial. It might well expose our governments for the frauds that they are, and it would all crumble before our very eyes. We'd likely see a collective realignment of priorities, both personal and professional, that would make your head spin. Would we turn to technology as the new religion? Will the promise of AI help bring any of this to the fore? What nation or nations on the face of our planet stand to benefit most from what these extraterrestrials have to offer? Will one or more nations use what they discover to lay waste to their long-time adversaries? Are there currently extraterrestrials walking among us? So much of this stuff is fantastical but is any of it real? And you have to admit, it's fun to think about. Think about the promise of curing diseases that have plagued our populations since the beginning of time. What about time travel? Never mind who wants to be a millionaire. Who wants to live forever? Would you do anything differently if you knew you were going to live forever? You just might.

Bumbles Biden was at it again yesterday. He referred to "Congressman" Trump at one point in a speech he was giving in Colorado. What the hell? At another point during his visit, he was walking around in some manufacturing plant or something when he turned to a guy and said, "My marine has the code to blow up the world." Please, Jesus, get this demented old fuck out of the Oval Office before he kills all of us. This is a disgrace. The article I read said something about Biden's comments raising eyebrows. Are you fucking kidding me? He is so far out there on the demented continuum that one never quite knows what he's going to say anymore. Our adversaries are probably assuming that someone or some other is keeping close tabs on him and not letting him anywhere near the nuclear codes. Nobody takes him at his word anymore, not that they ever did anyway, mind you. It will be a suitable defense when he is brought up on charges on everything from treason to bribery. More worrisome in these types of situations is, who the hell is making all the decisions knowing what we know about the extent of his senility? Who is in charge behind the scenes? Is it Dr. Jill? Is it Susan Rice? Is it Barry Obama? Is it Michael Obama? Is it Hunter Biden? Do we not have the right to know the answers to these types of questions? Where is President Harris for chrissakes?

I ended up watching the debate between DeSantis and Gavin Newsom on FOX last night as much as I didn't want to. I figured Newsom had agreed to the debate so he could act as a proxy for the Biden Administration. He said as much in the debate last night. He went so far as to say that he agreed 100% with everything the Biden Administration had done, and he supported Biden and Harris in the upcoming 2024 election. Can you imagine? Even the most hardcore supporter of Biden has to admit that his presidency has been a disaster for our country. The good news for every American watching that debate last night is that DeSantis exposed Newsom for the far-left fraud that he is. DeSantis pointed out time and time again that the Democrats intended to use California as a model for the country. If you love a one-party state, politically speaking, you're going to love a one-party nation. DeSantis is completely right, of course. I loved it when DeSantis pulled a picture out of his jacket pocket to show the audience the kinds of books that Newsom was allowing in California schools. He even read the labels out loud. It was some sick shit. Newsom had no defense and tried, unsuccessfully I might add, to pivot to one lie or another about DeSantis. The bad news for Newsom is that charts (statistics) don't lie. California under Newsom is a sewer both culturally and every other way. He knows it, and now we all know it. Advantage DeSantis.

I'm waking up this morning to the news that Israel is back to bombing the living Jesus out of Hamas. Not sure if Hamas has run out of hostages to hand over, or maybe it has something to do with Hamas killing three or four Israelis at a bus stop yesterday somewhere in Israel. Speaking of hostages, we've seen Hamas turn over mainly women and children. Where are all the men? Where are all the Americans? Never mind that Biden and his minions have decided that we Americans here in the States don't need to know how many Americans are being held by Hamas. That's not the real news, though. The real news is that Anthony Blinken, our childlike Secretary of State, told the Israelis in no uncertain terms in the last twenty-four hours that Joe Biden was not going to allow Israel to wage an all-out war against what remains of Hamas. Who the fuck does Blinken think he is? Who the hell does Biden think he is to tell the Israelis how to conduct war when it comes to the safety and security of their nation? This is all about politics and the 2024 election for Biden. As for the Israelis, it's about the very existence of their country. Based on what we're hearing this morning about Israeli's re-engagement in the war, it tells us a lot about how Israel responded to the ridiculous threats from Blinken. Good for Israel. Don't stop until the job is done.

I'm reading a back story about the debate that had Newsom's wife storming into the control room at FOX and shouting, "We're done here!" She's another one of these entitled bitches who probably saw her chances of being our country's First Lady going up in smoke with every passing exchange between her husband and Governor DeSantis. What is it with these women? Do you get the impression that the wives of these candidates want the power and prestige that goes along with living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue more than their husbands? What is it about living at that address that has them willing to slit the throats of their husband's opponents just to get through the front doors? If anyone is to blame for sinking her fortunes as it relates to a change of address, it's her husband. The same guy, I might add, who is solely responsible for everything that has gone to hell in a handbasket in California under his "leadership" as Governor of that once-great state. To think that the great Ronald Reagan once sat in the corner office in California. Now that I think of it, maybe we're assigning blame for the ruination of California to the wrong Newsom. He just does what he's told. That's another good reason not to vote for that pathetic fuck.

It's not even eight o'clock here in the morning, and our neighbor has two men running leaf blowers. It was so loud that I actually had to stick my head out the door to convince myself that I wasn't hearing a jet going overhead instead. I've never met these particular neighbors, but it doesn't surprise me that they could give a flying fuck about what their neighbors think because I've seen plenty of other examples suggesting as much. It has me wondering if we don't have ordinances in this town of ours that ban this sort of thing before and after certain hours of the day. I'm convinced that our neighbors are vindictive enough that should we complain, they would find a way to retaliate. Hell, they put in an in-ground pool on the other side of the hedges that separated our properties shortly after they moved in without so much as a word to us. In fact, I think it was their way of marking their property much in the way a dog will spray their urine on bushes to keep other dogs in the hood from violating their personal space or domain. Or, maybe they just did it because they wanted to let us know that this was their property and they could do whatever the hell they wanted to do with their property in spite of what their neighbors did or did not want. I don't like to use the word "cunts", but these people qualify so I'm going to make an exception in their case.

I'm ready for a Santa Claus rally in the stock market if it wants to show up here in the final month of the year. Let's rock and roll, babycakes! I'm of the opinion that the Biden Administration will shuffle and reshuffle the deck of financial cards between now and Election Day 2024 until everything comes up smelling like roses. You might say that they have everything to lose if they don't. The Fed would be hard-pressed to do anything too dramatic in the months leading up to the election. That would not bode well for the Fed head getting another term, whatever that looks like. We're more likely than not to hear a lot about soft landings and interest rate cuts to compensate for a slowing economy. Rate cuts, at least in the short term, are probably good for the stock market. If you have a peso or two in the Market, you're likely to feel a little more upbeat about having a little more discretionary income at your disposal. If you're feeling good about things, you're likely to spend more money, and that's good for the economy. We're currently about four percent off the all-time highs in the stock market going back to 2020 (or is it 2021?) so there's room to grow here going into 2024. Nothing goes straight up or down so factor pullbacks into the equation. Let's get this party started!

Thanksgiving Week

It's Thanksgiving week, boys and girls. It's time to start thinking about things we ought to be thankful for. That aside, it's also time to start putting a few dishes together ahead of the big day. I made an apple crisp yesterday while the missus was away, so that was good. I don't recall cooking things ahead of time in years past, so I'm not really sure as to why I'm doing it this year. I ran short of time yesterday, so never got around to making cranberry sauce from real cranberries. I'll get right on that today. I think the crisp came out good, but we won't know for sure until we dish it out and throw it in the microwave for a minute or two come Thanksgiving. Between now and then, and today is Monday, it will be a challenge not to have a forkful or more. Just a wee taste, as they say. The Ev man and I will pick up the turkey from Whole Foods tomorrow, along with some nice dinner rolls, turkey gravy, and some of the missus's favorite cranberry and brie pastry bites.


I cannot for the life of me figure out where the oil plug is on my lawn mower. Maybe more worrisome is the fact that I can't recall how I changed the oil in the past. Has it been that long, or is my memory playing tricks on me? I watched one video on YouTube yesterday where the oil plug was beneath the deck of the mower. You actually have to turn the mower over at a certain angle to get at it. I don't know what the folks at Briggs and Stratton were thinking when they designed these things. Of course, I turned over my mower and couldn't for the life of me see anything resembling an oil plug. It's not supposed to be this difficult. Right? One YouTube video showed a woman draining the oil from her mower by inserting a tube into the oil input hole and pumping it out using some type of vacuum pump. Buying a pump to remove the oil seems nuts to me. It just does. I had the mower out yesterday to mow the lawn for the last time this season, and a few leaves along with it, but I was not able to locate the oil plug, so I'll keep looking until I find it. It's starting to piss me off.

I've seen two videos in the last twenty-four hours where Biden is off the fucking rails. One piece of footage had Biden sitting at a table at a dinner somewhere when Xi Jinping was in town last week. The video showed Biden getting up from his seat in an impromptu fashion and going over to Xi's table, where he could be seen leaning over to Xi, maybe shaking his hand and maybe saying something that Xi couldn't understand because his interpreter was not there to interpret whatever it was that Bumbles was muttering. Aside from breaking with every conceivable protocol on the books, Biden was clearly having a stage-5 dementia moment. The only reason that Xi's security detail didn't take down Bumbles before he ever got to Xi's side is because they know full well the extent of Biden's senility. They've seen it before a hundred times in their own families. As Americans, we've seen it before as well in our own families, and it doesn't get any less embarrassing or even humiliating every time we see it. And we're definitely not accustomed to seeing it in our presidents. Not until Biden, that is.

The other cringe-worthy video was when Biden was addressing some roomful of I'm not sure who, when Biden saw a child sitting near the front of the stage. He approached the child and said something about the child's earrings or some such nonsense, and he went on to suggest that she was seventeen years old while leaning into her personal space. Another child sitting nearby chimed in that she was six years old. I swear to God that Bumbles was a stone's throw away from sniffing that child's hair. None of this should come as a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention to Biden and how he acts around children. No grown adult would get caught dead doing what he does when it comes to sniffing their hair and rubbing up on these children in what can only be described as "pervy." Keep in mind that his very own daughter, who was 12 years old at the time, wrote in her journal about taking showers with her father. I'm not making this shit up. Add to that the fact that Biden has approved and is literally overseeing the largest human trafficking event in the history of our country on our Southern border, and I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

We're learning more and more about the January 6th fiasco in our nation's capitol as time goes on. I hadn't heard that there were cops in the crowd who had opened fire on the crowd with rubber bullets outside the capitol building. I can't even imagine why anyone would do that sort of thing when the crowd was largely peaceful. Was it done to incite the crowd? We also now know that there were buses loaded with FBI agents dressed up as MAGA supporters in a back alley, as evidenced by photographs taken on that fateful day. Of course, none of this evidence was introduced at trial either in the J6 hearings or in the individual trials of the people charged with various and sundry crimes for their actions on that day. None of this would have come out were it not for Speaker Johnson releasing 40,000 hours of video taken on that day, so kudos to him. Now, we need him to put together a select committee to hold the people who conspired to create what they hoped would be an insurrection of all insurrections to stop Donald J. Trump from returning to the White House in 2024. This is not about vengeance. This is about accountability to make sure this sort of thing never happens again. I think it goes without saying that most, if not all, of the J6'ers now in jail should be released, and their records purged.

We're more than a month out from the October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas, and we here in the United States still don't have one name of any American or Americans who may have been taken hostage by Hamas. You and I know that Americans were taken hostage that day, yet their names are a complete mystery. The Biden Administration has put a lid on any and all information related to any American hostages so as not to suffer the fate of Jimmy Carter. As you may recall, Iran held American hostages for some 440 days when Carter was president, and they were only released once Ronald Reagan got elected. It didn't help Carter's reelection chances at the time that interest rates were hovering around 18%. I'm quite sure that families of these hostages have been told by the Biden Administration that if knowledge of their captivity becomes public, it would not bode well for their prospects. In other words, they were threatened and told to keep their mouths shut. Biden's praetorian guard, the mainstream media, is playing along for the same reason. I'm not sure why there isn't a greater hue and cry for the names of our citizens who are suffering day in and day out at the hands of their captors. Where are the posters of American citizens being held hostage? Where are they?

It isn't enough to try and tag Trump with a false insurrection. It isn't enough to bring indictments against the man and try to put him in jail so he can't win an election. It isn't enough to have a Republican Party continue with a primary process with loons like Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis when Trump is a full fifty points or more ahead of them in early primary states like New Hampshire and Iowa. It isn't enough to try and take his name off ballots in key states so he can't gain the necessary electoral votes to win an election. We now have a Democrat Representative out of New York, Dan Goldman, calling for the elimination of Donald J. Trump. How is this not against the law? How is this not a hate crime? How is this not a clarion call to all of the rabid Trump haters out there to do God knows only what to answer Goldman's call to duty? I listen to leftist talk shows, so you don't have to, and I can tell you that Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a real thing. I can literally hear the hate in their voices. It wouldn't take much to motivate any one or more of these nutjobs to do the bidding of someone like Goldman. Trump has Secret Service protection. When are they planning to pay a visit to Goldman? This is unacceptable.

I hadn't thought through all the various machinations of having so many people running for president. I heard something yesterday about what happens when nobody has the required number of electoral votes to win the presidency. I think they said something about Congress having the final say, although I'm not sure what that process looks like. Is this yet another conspiracy to keep Trump out of the White House? That may explain why Joe Manchin is looking at jumping into the race on the no-name ticket or whatever they're calling themselves these days. I keep hearing this bullshit about most Americans not wanting either Trump or Biden to return as president. It makes sense when it comes to Biden, but Trump has some 70 million plus Americans who voted for him in 2020 and who rightly believe that the election was stolen from him and now want to set things right by returning him to the White House for his second term. The other side of that equation is just how many people with TDS are willing and wanting to go to the polls to vote against Trump who otherwise might stay home given their druthers. With state deadlines to get on ballots and such fast approaching, we'll soon know the lay of the land for better or worse.

I have to laugh. The Ev man and I went into a store here in Portsmouth yesterday to look at throw rugs for his apartment. The Ev man is not, as a rule, much interested in browsing in stores, but he was okay with going into Ocean Job Lots with me. One never knows from one day to the next whether or not he's going to be willing to do such things, so I take my opportunities where and when I find them. Ocean Job Lots is a step or two above your local Salvation Army store or, similarly, a second-hand store where you can find things that you never thought you needed. We were no sooner through the front door of the place when he stalled out in front of a rack of Champion sweatpants. I had headed to the rear of the store, where they had rugs on display, and I was stopping every two minutes to look back over my shoulder to make sure that he hadn't stopped to look at something else. He was like a kid in a candy store. He was disappointed that the store didn't carry slippers in his size since he needed a pair of slippers, but that was fine with me since a lower price point doesn't necessarily guarantee a quality slipper. He picked up a few other things after a bit more browsing, and that was that. It was a surprisingly fun side trip on a day we were otherwise scheduled to pick up our holiday turkey from Whole Foods. Something tells me that it won't be our last trip to Ocean Job Lots.

This whole 5-day cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas seems like it's going to happen. Is it me, or does this strike you as a wash-rinse-repeat deal? I think it wasn't that long ago when Israel traded some one thousand Palestinians held in Israeli jails for one Israeli soldier being held by Hamas. It bears repeating because it gives you a glimpse into the value that Israel puts on every one of its citizens. It's also akin to an Achilles heel of sorts because it gives Hamas leverage when it comes to negotiating for their side. This deal calls for the release of 50 or so hostages of the 200 or more hostages being held by Hamas. One report suggests that this respite in the bombing of Gaza back to the Stone Age will give Hamas an opportunity to have reporters come into the hollowed-out Gaza and report out to the world on the horrors laid at the feet of the Palestinians by the Israelis. Israel is already taking it on the chin across the globe for the disproportionality of their actions in response to the attack by Hamas on October 7th, so we'll see if any of this comes true. Netanyahu says that the war will commence after the five-day cease-fire until they've reached their goal of dismantling Hamas. That, too, remains to be seen.

What's this story about terrorists blowing things up on our northern border with Canada earlier today on Thanksgiving Eve? Was it a car packed with explosives or simply a car that exploded after hitting a bridge abutment? Not to worry. Our indefatigable FBI is on it. What are the chances that it was an electric vehicle whose battery exploded on contact? Do you think we'll ever hear that story, or will it be covered up by Biden's minions because it doesn't fit the narrative that they've been forcing down our throats about electric vehicles and climate change? Nothing to see here. Move along. You say the FBI is now looking for another car that may have been involved? Are they making this up as they go along? I tweeted something about the initial story of the explosion, and one person responded with a single word: Jews. I'm not sure where they were going with that, but I didn't bother responding. So, what about this other car? Did I mention that two people died in the explosion? Can we get countries of origin and the immigration status of the victims, por favor? Is this much ado about something, or nothing?


Is anyone even slightly annoyed that no sooner did the word come out about this explosion on our northern border than the terrorism task force descended on the area like white on rice? Hello!!! They realize that we likely have terrorists coming across our southern and northern borders in record numbers week in and week out under the "watchful" eye of the Biden Administration. Right? Is this the strategy going forward? The sleeper cells pop up here and there doing what sleeper cells do, and we have these twats from the terrorism task force show up after the fact to put the kibosh on the story before the ink even dries on the story above the fold in newspapers across our fruited plain? I get it. Biden has an election to win in 12 months, and the agencies that do his bidding in the government have their marching orders: Fix this, and fix this fast. That's not how it's supposed to work, but then again, nothing is as it was prior to Biden taking office. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. In the interest of attribution, this is a direct quote from Steve Bannon of Warroom fame. He's not wrong.

Argentina voted in a conservative president a week ago and now it's the Netherlands turn. Kudos to Geert Wilders! That has to be unsettling news for the European Union. Both countries will now work to reduce or eliminate the mass migration of various underclasses from continents better known as shithole nations. Enough is enough. They will refer to men as men and women as women. They will put a stop to men competing in women's sports, and they will cease the practice of mutilating children who are confused about their sexuality. They will stop locking people up for misgendering their fellow man. They will restore peace to their streets by enforcing the laws and ensuring that there is no such thing as a two-tiered system of justice. In the Netherlands, farmers will no longer have to worry about losing their farms to the maniacal climate change policies of the left. In 2024, America will get back its groove when we throw one of the most corrupt and demented presidents in the history of our Republic out of office. The headlines today from the leftist press across Europe are hysterical in their descriptions of Wilders: Dutch Trump! Far-right! Populist! Anti-Islam! This is what they do. This is who they are. Just when you think that the Left has perfected the art of stealing elections, citizens rise up and take back their countries, and stolen elections be damned. This is where we are the year of the Lord, 2023.

The hypocrisy of the Leftists is just amazing. Here we have a bunch of loony Democrats in the US Senate who take issue with conservative Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, over a few fully paid fishing trips while a president in their own party flies off to the home of a billionaire on the island of Nantucket off the coast of Massachusetts to celebrate Thanksgiving with his extended crime family. It just irks the hell out of the Democrats that we have a conservative Supreme Court that will follow the Constitution when it comes to settling law in our Republic. They fail to understand that the Supreme Court is an equal branch of government, and when called to appear before those very same loons in the Senate, the Court can tell the Senate Democrats to go fuck themselves.

Going to Nantucket is one thing. Taking tens of millions of dollars from foreign countries looking to buy influence while Joe Biden was a senator, then a Vice President, and now President, and then accounting for those "donations" as loans is the very definition of money laundering. Maybe the senators would like to discuss that issue with Biden. Maybe they'd like to establish a code of ethics for Biden and hold him to account for any transgressions during his first and only term in office. When Trump gets back into office, he should get to work on replacing Republican Justices who are likely to retire during his term, and any Democrat Justices that he possibly can. I'm not saying that he needs to Scalia (found with a pillow over his face) one or more of them, so let's just see if Mother Nature won't intervene for the betterment of mankind. I won't be satisfied until we have a 9-0 Supreme Court. As for the House of Representatives, can we get this damn impeachment thing off the ground? How much more evidence do you need? Our damn Constitution compels you to do your duty. I feel like a damn exorcist sitting here lashing you with Holy Water just to get you to do what we sent you to Washington to do. Do your job!

Dolly Parton performed in a football halftime show on Thanksgiving Day, and it was, well, unforgettable. Unforgettable for all the wrong reasons, I might add. I like Dolly, but Dolly is no longer 23 years old and she needs to stop acting like she's 23 years old. Showing up on stage wearing a skimpy Dallas cheerleader uniform at her age (77) is just not a good look. To make matters worse, they paraded out the real Dallas cheerleaders, and they were a sight to behold. As for Dolly, by comparison anyway, not so much. Did you notice how Dolly was unstable on her feet? She constantly reached for a ledge behind her to stabilize herself as she moved slowly, even gingerly, from spot to spot on the stage. I don't know why they didn't just give her a microphone stand to grasp if she has mobility problems. That would have given her an excuse to stay in one place while belting out her tunes. Well, "belting out" might be too strong a word. I swear to the Baby Jesus that she was lip-synching her songs. Who could blame her? She's not the same Dolly that we knew back in the day when she was in the movie "Nine to Five" with Jane Fonda. She just isn't. Even the game announcers engaged in Dolly's post-performance snark, and for good reason. I think it's time, Dolly.

We had a nice Thanksgiving. Thank you for asking. The 13.2-pound turkey was cooked perfectly, although I could have done a better job browning it. It just browned unevenly, what can I say? I did the foil thing where you put it on and take it off after it's browned, but it was not perfect. The turkey, was, nonetheless, delicious. We ate so little of it when all was said and done that we now have a stash of turkey which should last us a good few days. I had complained about paying $7 for three large white potatoes, which we planned to convert to mashed potatoes, but they were more than enough for the three of us when all was said and done. They whipped up beautifully, and the missus did a masterful job by adding a bit of butter and garlic after the fact. We had cranberry sauce out of a jar this year, and it was one less chore to have to manage so that was good. Nobody complained. We had some pre-packaged uncooked rolls (dough), which we peeled off and baked for 20 minutes or so, and we'll probably do that again next year if the good Lord is willin' and the creek don't rise. We had gravy out of a carton, and I simply don't know who bothers with creating their own gravy anymore when they can buy ready-to-go gravy just as easily. Last but not least, I made an apple crisp that was just terrific. Next time around, if there is a next time around, I'll be sure to have more crisp than apple.

It's now the day after Thanksgiving, and we're on to what remains of the holidays for the 2023 year. I would usually put on a little Christmas music, but I'm not ready for that quite yet for whatever reason. I am by no means in the doldrums, and I have no reason to be in the doldrums, truth be told. It feels a little like the actual kickoff of the Winter season now that Thanksgiving is behind us. I still have a few leaves to deal with on our property, and I should probably get my snowblowers up and running. I've already purchased one Christmas present for the missus, and I have it stashed away in a room off our garage where she is unlikely to find it since she never sticks her head in there. I gave the Ev man specific instructions that should I get hit by a bus between now and Christmas, he will know where to find the goodies I've set aside for the missus. We're not talking about tiaras or cashmere here. Today is also Black Friday, but I have nothing I need to buy, so there's that. As I think I've mentioned, Black Friday is no longer a one-day affair. It's at least a week long now. Maybe they should call it Black November or December, although that sounds very dark. Very dark indeed. Later today, we'll pay Mrs. G a visit. Can you think of a better way to spend the day after Thanksgiving?

Fast forward 24 hours and I'm here to tell you that we never did get to see Mrs. G yesterday. You need to be careful about making plans to do anything the day after Thanksgiving. I think I was in recovery mode for the better part of the day yesterday. You don't realize how much the whole Thanksgiving experience takes out of you, much less how much time it takes to recover. Most places of employment give their employees the day after Thanksgiving off, and for good reason. We advised Mrs. G of our updated plans, and she took the opportunity to add a couple of items to the list of items that she asked us to bring over when we planned to visit. She prefers Lays potato chips so we picked those up last night. She likes both the plain chips and the salt and vinegar variety. Not sure why, but we could only find the party size in the salt and vinegar chips. She also asked that we pick up a couple of loaves of Scali bread and a bit of suet for her bird feeder. Since when does she feed the birds? I didn't even know she had a bird feeder. Oh, and she asked that we also pick up a bag of spearmint mints. That should do the trick.

Hamas released their first tranche of Israeli hostages yesterday. I think there were thirteen in total. Mostly old ladies and young children, but you take what you can get. I thought I saw one woman's name on the list of released hostages who was reported to have been killed in the bombing by Israel this past week. What's that all about? Imagine her family's surprise at seeing her name on the list. Hamas also released a couple of dozen Thai hostages. I hadn't heard that they were even holding Thai hostages. And how the hell did the Thai officials negotiate for the release of all of their people when not one American was released from captivity? Curious fucking minds want to know. Did it have anything to do with the fact that Biden paid Iran some five billion dollars for five American hostages barely a month or two ago? You bet your sweet ass it did. Can we toss this feckless old fuck out of office fast enough? Biden and his minions are so desperate to kiss the asses of the Mullahs in Iran that they can't bother to do what it takes to free our people from the clutches of Hamas and their paymasters in Iran. It's just a matter of time now before Biden gives the Mullahs in Iran what they need to put together a nuclear bomb. Then, it's good night Irene for the State of Israel. As for Joe Biden, Mission Accomplished.

Of course, no one knows precisely how many Americans are being held hostage by Hamas. Well, almost no one. Hamas knows. Biden and his minions likely know. Biden's praetorian guard, the media knows, but they're not saying becasue they've been told not to say anything by the Biden Administration. The families of the American hostages know, but they've likely been threatened to keep their mouths shut by Biden and his minions. We'll see today what the second tranche of released captives looks like and whether or not we see the release of any Americans. Keep in mind that every last one of the Palestinians released from Israeli jails as part of the deal is and always has been committed to the destruction of Israel. They were greeted by their fellow Palestinians upon their release as heroes and heroines, and every last one of them immediately wrapped the Hamas headscarves around their heads to show their solidarity with their fellow Palestinians. The October 7th attack by Hamas had nothing to do with Hamas not wanting the peace initiatives between the Saudis and the Israelis to come to fruition, as Biden would have you believe. And, if you think our having a force of some 100,000 men and equipment off the coast of Israel is to protect Israel, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in buying.

Just a quick update after our visit to see Mrs. G: She was not happy that the IT guy in her place didn't update the operating system software on her computer as he said that he did. Maybe she misunderstood him. That's possible. The update from Monterey to Sonoma takes about 45 minutes, so it doesn't surprise me that he didn't hang around long enough to install the update. I took care of it during our visit, so that's one less thing for her to worry about. The three of us put together a suet feeder from a left-over onion bag that she had hanging around, and we hung it outside on some branches and in direct view of where she sits inside her apartment. We've discussed bird feeders with her plenty of times in the past, but she's never expressed any interest. Now, she wants a bird feeder. Go figure. I gave her one of my tried and true suet cakes which have worked out well for me over the past few years, so I'm guessing it will work out well for her. Mrs. G also complained that the mute button on her television remote was no longer working. I repositioned the clock on her television stand that was blocking the infrared reader, and she was once again good to go.

The football team that I love to hate, the New England Patriots, play today. I think they're playing the New York Jets. Or, maybe it's the Giants. If I understand this stuff right, if they lose, they get a more favorable pick in the draft. Would it surprise anyone if they lost? How can you tell if a team loses on purpose? The Patriots have been accused of cheating in games before, so nothing would surprise me. They might even think that they've endured enough humiliation and defeat during their pathetic 2-8 record this year that they are somehow entitled to throw a game or two just to enhance their standing when it comes to adding better players to their roster. Belichick won't even announce who he plans to put in as quarterback for today's game after benching that turd of a quarterback, Mac Jones, in the last game they played for his absolutely horrible performance. Don't get me wrong. I want to see them lose, but not if that means they get first dibs on top players in the draft. Besides, I enjoy watching them suck too much, and I want that to continue. So, go Pats! Give em hell! Win this one for the Gipper, or whomever. Make us proud again! How am I doing so far?

Death Knell

That first batch of lentil soup that the missus cooked up a week or so ago was not the best. I was quite frank with the missus when I told her that I usually go back for seconds but, this time, not so much. I couldn't put my finger on what precisely was missing, but, were I to guess, I would say that it was a spice of one kind or another. I'm not sure if she agreed with me or not since she followed the same recipe that she always uses. Fast forward three weeks, throw in a more recently purchased container of minced garlic and some nice new cumin from Penzy's, and we've got what I think is the original recipe back in the house. I throw in a healthy dose of shaved parmesan and asiago cheese to taste, and I am good to go. The missus likes the cheese as well, and she'll add some croutons to top it all off. If I wanted croutons, I'd have a piece of buttered toast with the soup, but that's just me. De-lish!


Mrs. G sent us an e-mail yesterday commenting on the number of people with COVID-19 in her facility. I don't know what the fuss is all about. I asked Mrs. G over this last weekend if anyone had gotten downright ill with the virus, or were we just talking sniffles and a bit of a cough here and there. Nope, just the sniffles, I think she said, if my recollection is correct. I was thinking to myself that most of the people in her facility more than likely have the latest and greatest booster shot, so how anyone comes down with anything is a question someone ought to be asking. The last I heard, the more shots you got, the more susceptible you are to the virus. Nonetheless, they keep getting the shots thinking that they now have more protection than they did before from whatever form this virus is taking these days. I'm starting to think that this is more of a mind virus than anything else. We all bought a pig in a poke back in 2020 when this thing came along. They're not done with their scaremongering.

Senator Scott has suspended his campaign for the presidency. I don't think he was catching on all that much anyway, so not a big deal. That means we'll have one less person on the debate stage come time for the fourth debate scheduled for December. Scott had so few followers that I'm not sure anyone's numbers are going to change now that he's dropping out. I don't believe that he endorsed anyone on the way out the door. The focus will now be on the remaining candidates, Haley, DeSantis, Christie, and Ramaswamy. Trump is still fifty points ahead of whoever is leading on any given day, but that hasn't deterred any of the candidates to date. They all think that Trump will be in jail by the time the first votes are tallied in any one or more of the states holding early primaries. They also all think, wrongly, in my opinion, that if Trump is in jail, he'll not get enough support to win anything, much less a primary. The Trumpiest among the remaining candidates is Ramaswamy. I think he plans to stay in just long enough to mess everyone and everything up, and will then get out after endorsing Trump. He's smarter than the lot of them, so buckle up.

Trump was actually mocking DeSantis in one of his recent rallies. He mimicked DeSantis walking off the stage at the last debate, where DeSantis was walking unsteadily off the stage due to what appeared to be an issue of sorts with the boots he was wearing. There have been memes aplenty on the internet speaking to the efforts that DeSantis and his camp have been making to make him appear taller than he really is. Those have been some of the kinder and light-hearted memes if you ask me. Have you seen the one where he does this funny little thing flicking motion with his tongue? It's demonic, I tell you. And when he has a full-throated laugh of any kind, he comes across as a hayseed. That might work in Iowa, but it's not something that we, as Americans, like to see in our presidents. This is what you do with somebody like DeSantis. You chip away at their credibility as a candidate until they've been reduced to a laughingstock. And now I'm hearing that one of DeSantis's big donors is jumping ship and going with Trump. It's literally the definition of a death knell.

Republicans in Washington had a chance yesterday to impeach the one mother fucker responsible for the invasion of our country, and they failed miserably. I'm talking about Mayorkis, Biden's immigration Czar. He's facilitated the entrance of some eight million illegal aliens into our country since Bumbles Biden took office. Did I mention that most of them are military-aged males? There were a half dozen Republicans who voted against the articles of impeachment set forth by Congresswoman Marjorie Tayor Greene. Every last one of these fuckers is a Judas and ought to be run out of the Republican Party. These Chamber of Commerce fucks put their personal pocketbooks ahead of the interests of their constituencies, and that cannot stand. Who's lining their bank accounts? That's what I want to know. I thought my Republican Party stood for the rule of law. Where do we go from here? If Bumbles steals the 2024 election, he'll run up the number of illegal aliens to the tune of some twenty million or more. I guess that's what Globalism looks like. Trump was right when he said that without borders, we have no country. That appears to be the goal of the Globalists. That appears to be our destiny.

We also appear to be well on our way to one-party rule here in the United States, with millions of illegals now pouring into red states and poised to vote for the party that invited them into our great country. There will be no such thing as a red state, only variations on the color blue. To think that Republicans greased the skids allowing this to happen makes me sick. Do they not realize that they're voting for their own demise? It's true what they say about money being the root of evil. You know every last one of these traitors is getting his or her pockets lined by people who have little to no interest in our future as a Republic. They despise our beloved Constitution and would sooner throw it out with the trash than spend one more day paying allegiance to it and everything it represents. These Judas's also stand at the ready to protect Biden and his criminal enterprise from the throes of impeachment as per the requirements under our Constitution. That alone should disqualify them from public office. If we cannot count on our public officials to do their jobs, then all is lost. We are no better than the third-world banana republics whose citizens fled their countries for our shores. We have become them, and they have become us. So much for the shining city on the hill that Ronald Reagan spoke so eloquently about.

I knew this day was coming. I knew I would have a lot of work ahead of me once the trees had shed all of their leaves. It's a big job but not an impossibly big job. I think that it might be useful to have a leaf blower to use, but finding one to rent at this time of year might be very difficult. I don't want to buy one because I'm not convinced that they are better at the end of the day than the job that I can do without it. Does that make any sense? I could also pay someone to come and take care of everything, but I'm not one to pay somebody to do a job that I can do just as easily myself. I also like the sense of satisfaction that I get when everything is tidied up hereabouts, so that's not nothing. At some point in my life, it will be too much to do, and I'll make the usual concessions, whatever that looks like. I'm not there yet. Home Depot rents these things, so maybe I'll go out to their website and see if they have one available just for shits and giggles. I recall trying a leaf blower some years ago, and I wasn't all that impressed. Certainly not impressed enough to go out and buy one of my own. There are a lot of nooks and crannies hereabouts where raking simply doesn't work. I guess this is what a real-time discussion on the pros and cons of using a leaf blower sounds and looks like.

We've been buying bottles of wine for Mrs. G for a while now. She has never expressed a preference one way or another other than to say that she prefers red wine. Oh, and they have to be screwtops since she has trouble with the corked variety. We've never concerned ourselves with any particular price point, although the typical bottle of wine we've purchased cost between $10 and $20. I have to imagine that she may not have liked one or more bottles we've purchased on her behalf, but she never complained, not even once. So, you can imagine my surprise when she started singing the praises of one of our recent purchases. "Pick me up another bottle of this if you can", she said. We've bought so many bottles from so many stores that we honestly couldn't remember where we bought that particular brand. Not to worry. I found a nice cache of her wine at my local supermarket. Whether they will carry it a month from now is anyone's guess. I won't stock up on the wine since she may tire of it, and then we're back to where we started. For now, she's happy, so we're happy. That's just how we roll.

My neighbor is in Florida now, and she'll be there for the rest of the winter. I typically clear her driveway of snow during the winter, but I'll not be doing that this winter. She apparently thought that asking me to clear her driveway while she was away for the winter was a bridge too far. It's one thing to lend a helping hand while she's there, but it's a horse of a different color if she's not on the premises. I'm not a caretaker, and I don't play one on television. I also have no desire to be a caretaker. She sent an e-mail yesterday talking about this or that problem with her furnace and how we might expect a bit more traffic than usual coming and going from her house. I've decided that I'm not going to respond to her e-mail one way or another. I really don't want to have a running dialogue with her about matters concerning her house. Do I sound like a terrible human being? I did agree to send her a picture or two of her property over the course of the winter. I hope I don't regret that. Oh, Johnny, would you mind clearing a path for the oilman sometime this week? I can hear her now. What am I supposed to say? No?

I placed an order for a nice turkey from Whole Foods. I'll pick that puppy up two days before Thanksgiving, along with any other miscellaneous fixins that catch my eye while we're there. I'm guessing the Ev man will join me when I go to pick up our bird. She'll be anywhere from 12-14 pounds. I think that should be enough for the three of us. Don't you think? We ordered a few other things to go with the turkey last year but found the lot of them didn't live up to our expectations. If I recall, the stuffing we ordered was a bit on the dry side and way too salty. We also ordered an oven-roasted vegetable dish that simply didn't cut the mustard. To say that I was surprised was an understatement. We've come to expect nothing but the best from Whole Foods. We may have to adjust our expectations. The missus enjoys the little cranberry pastry puffs that we picked up last year, although I didn't see them on the menu this year when I was placing the order. I have to believe that they are a Thanksgiving favorite, so, despite them not being available to order online, I think they'll be available when we get to the store. We're still undecided on the pie we'll have, although the Ev man said something about an apple pie. The missus usually makes her grandmother's pumpkin pie recipe, but I think I'm with the Ev man when it comes to the pie. The Ev man also asked that we make more deviled eggs than usual, and spicier deviled eggs, so the missus will be in charge of that dish.

Thus far, these lawsuits brought in various states to keep Trump off the ballot for the primary have fallen flat. They've either been tossed out or discharged in short order. It was, as anyone with half a brain could see, another attempt to take Trump out using what we refer to as "lawfare." I only learned about the outcomes by noticing a byline beneath the fold somewhere or maybe a tweet on Twitter. It was crickets on CNN and MSNBC. They've moved on. This is what they do. This is who they are. When it was a thing, they were all in on the movement to take Trump off the ballot in various states. It was a 24/7 news cycle of judicial experts and left-wing toadies fanning the flames of a fire that they hoped would culminate in a pyre that would consume Trump and his campaign. It was all wishful thinking, of course. Just as one fire was being put out, Trump used the word "vermin" in a speech that he gave somewhere which, according to the Leftists, is reminiscent of the language used by dictators like Hitler and Mussolini. It's wash, rinse, repeat. The Leftists are off and running with another storyline that they hope will erode certain Trump constituencies. You know what they say: If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will come to believe it yourself. It's Goebbels 101.


I was under the mistaken impression that the people running against Trump were waiting for the long arm of the law to catch up with Trump at which point they would emerge as the likely successor to run away with the Republican nomination. The problem with that assessment is that Trump is likely to win the Republican nomination long before any jury or judge is able to convict him at the rate things are going. That has to be terribly frustrating for the four or five candidates currently in the race. It also begs the question about what precisely they hope to gain even if Trump were somehow prevented from running. Trump's base of followers just wouldn't bother to show up at the polls to vote if that were to happen, or they might go to the polls and just write in Trump's name. Nobody likes or respects a candidate who is relying on the demise of another candidate in order to elevate their own standings. New Hampshire just announced the date of their primary, the first in the country, of January 23rd. My God, that's right around the corner. Bumbles Biden will not be on the ballot. If the FOX poll that I saw yesterday that had Trump at 62% nationally is correct, I'm guessing Trump will do quite well in the NH primary. The dark horse coming in second, in my estimation, will be Vivek Ramaswamy.

Imagine the United States rolling out the red carpet for a Communist like Xi Jinping. Imagine a city like San Fransicko moving all of its homeless and drug-addicted citizens off the curbs of that once-great city just to impress a communist dictator. You don't think Xi knows that San Fransicko is a nest of vipers? It bears mentioning that California and China have one thing in common when it comes to their political infrastructure. They are both one-party swamps where the absence of an alternative political party results in a virtual or veritable dictatorship. Did you see the photos of Biden and his laughingstock of an entourage sitting across the table at a state dinner of sorts from Xi and his consorts? Blinken looked terrified sitting next to the senile Joe Biden, who might at any moment say or do something that nobody had planned for due to his late-stage dementia. The clownish and bumbling Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, looked like she was scanning the table for more of the mushrooms that she so enjoyed when she last visited China. She seemed impervious to the feckless old fuck sitting next to her. The soy boy, Jake Sullivan, looked entirely out of his element and somewhat cowed by his Chinese counterparts. And then there was the octogenarian with God only knows how many facelifts later, John Kerry, ever the dolt and sitting at the far end of the table, hoping against hope that someone might acknowledge his pathetic existence.

Does anyone know what the hell Xi was even doing here? Was it to buoy Biden's flagging stature ahead of what looks to be a grueling presidential race in 2024? Does anyone think for a moment that getting an agreement from the Chinese dictator on anything from Taiwan to Artificial Intelligence (AI) is worth the paper it's written on? And why would we agree to slow down or stop advancing our work on AI just so Xi can catch up? We have got to stop our kowtowing to the Chinese on every damn thing under the sun. I heard that Biden said something about Xi not invading Taiwan in the near future. Even if I had that in writing, I wouldn't trust the Chinese as far as I can throw them. When it comes to climate change, which we all know is a hoax, China couldn't be more pleased to see the United States embracing this nonsense. It empowers countries like China and emasculates countries like the United States. How do we fight a war without carbon-based fuels? That's easy. We don't. Do we have any solar-powered nuclear submarines in our fleet? Not so much. Just so you know, John Kerry sided with Jane Fonda and the communists of North Korea during the Vietnam War so you know whose side he's on. Is any of this starting to make sense?

I've been as busy as a one-armed paper hanger with all of this yard work. I was right about all the leaves that I've had to clean up. I knew early on this season that I'd have a lot of leaves to clean up in the Fall because of all the rain we were having. It just makes for a busy Fall. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. I do tend to put things off until the last minute, so I'll throw that out there. The more unpleasant the task, the longer it's going to take to get done. Take my shed, for example. It's mostly empty and ramshackle at best but critters here and there have made their way into the shed with their nesting materials and food for the winter. I've removed most things that they might otherwise nest in an effort to keep them from setting up shop. I've given up trying to plug the holes they've created to gain entrance to the shed so now I'm just biding my time until can find someone to remove the shed from our property. I'll probably run the mower one last time if only to warm it up so I can change the oil or mulch the last of the leaves that have fallen on our lawn. I made a metal run to the local recycling center yesterday with the last of the things from the shed. The last thing to go, and which I couldn't fit into the car, will be the Ev man's wheel-loady.

It seems like every time I find a good source of news on Twitter, no sooner do I tag it as my go-to newsfeed than it disappears into the ether. I liked this one particular newsfeed because it gave me updates on things going on in both Europe and the Middle East. The only conclusion that I can draw from the takedown of these sights is that someone doesn't want me and others like me to know what's really going on in these faraway places. The sight focused on both the war in Ukraine and the war going on in Israel. It never struck me as being biased, and that may be why I liked it as much as I did. It's easy to take sides in these things, so I'm not saying that I might like it more or less if it took sides or appeared to have a vested outcome in one or the other war. It was just a wealth of information, so I'm not happy to see that someone, maybe our government, decided that I shouldn't have access to the information. Now that I'm looking at what little else there is to see on Twitter when it comes to these wars, I'm more convinced than ever that there is an ongoing effort to keep information from the American people. I guess I'm also convinced that what I am seeing is what they want me to see. That leaves me feeling dubious at best about the information and angry that someone, whoever the fuck they are, has decided what information I can and cannot have access to. #PissedInPeoria

There seems to be some kind of all-out push in the media to rally around Nikki Haley as the alternative to Donald J. Trump. I heard someone suggest yesterday that they want to force Trump's hand to put her on the ticket with him. It's not a bad idea to have a woman on the ticket but why don't we let Trump decide who he does and doesn't want on the ticket with him? Besides, she's a neocon's neocon, and Trump is the first president ever who kept us out of wars and actively worked to reduce our military footprint in hellholes across the globe. It's the old oil and water thing. It would never work. If the Democrats take back the House of Representatives, how long do you think it would be before they would impeach Trump again and, in the chance that one court or another would convict him of one or more of the felonies he's been charged with, he might even get convicted in the Senate. Then, if Haley is Vice President, she'd slip into the Oval Office even though not one person ever voted to put her into the Oval Office. If Vivek can somehow take her down a peg or two, I can see him as a viable Vice President. I think he has a lot of support with whatever they're calling the youth vote these days so that would help the overall ticket get across the finish line. I also have to believe that he's on Trump's shortlist as a VP candidate so there's that.

I feel bad for that David Depape guy. He's the fella that has been accused of battery/assault, and who has just been found guilty in a court in San Fransicko, of attacking Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's husband. Something just stinks about that whole deal. My guess is that Depape was a male escort of sorts who was down on his luck and got a last-minute call in the early morning hours of such and such a date from an aging queen in the hoity-toity section of San Fransicko. They were probably having drinks and doing the things that aging queens and their consorts do, and Paul Pelosi inadvertently dialed 911. Once they knew the police were on their way, they devised a scheme to make it look like a break-in. How else do you explain the fact that Pelosi answered the door around 2 am wearing briefs and holding an adult beverage? My guess is that Depape gave Paul a whack as they had discussed, but it was a bit more than just a little whack with Depape not having much experience in using hammers to whack his Johns. I was hopeful but not optimistic that any of this would come out in court knowing what we know about what the Pelosis' had to do to protect the family name and reputation. Now, Depape is facing years in jail for playing along with a scheme that was never going to end well for him. I thought the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, was supposed to set you free?

Thank you, Speaker Michael Johnson. Thank you for keeping your word to release the January 6 tapes. His predecessor, the scurrilous Kevin McCarthy promised to release them too but never did. Just a real scumbag. We all know that the entire January 6 thing was a conspiracy by Pelosi and her ilk, with a major assist from our intelligence agencies, to frame Trump and all of his followers as insurrectionist and unworthy of the office of the Presidency. Trump's rally in our nation's capitol was the perfect launchpad for the execution of the so-called insurrection. With FBI agents infiltrating the crowds outside the capitol building, they effectively incited a riot which resulted in throngs of Trump supporters forcing their way into the capitol building. They were armed not with pistols and truncheons but with Trump flags and American flags. They peacefully roamed the hallways and offices of the building while Pelois's daughter and her camera crew ran for cover with her mother and other Democrats while filming what appeared to be a rushed and dangerous exodus. Her coverage was designed not for public consumption but rather for the upcoming show trial of the J6 Committee. Now that we have the footage, some 40,000 hours of it, the truth can finally be told of events that unfolded on that fateful day in our nation's capitol. It won't bring back Ashley Babbit, but it may lessen or void the eggregious sentences imposed by the corrupt DC courts and judges. If the good Lord's willin' and the creek don't rise, maybe we'll finally find out the truth about Ray Epps.

It looks like pies are out and apple crisp is in for Thanksgiving. I'm sitting here looking at a recipe that we have from one of our old cookbooks, and I'm thinking I need to tell the missus that we ought to make some of these dishes like the crisp ahead of time. We could make this one today were it not for the crowds that we might otherwise run into by going into the market the weekend before Thanksgiving. Us and everyone else, I might add. I don't mind crowds, but the missus does so I may be on my own if I decide to do this. I braved the crowds in the stores during the Covid craze while the missus rarely or never ventured out of the house. I wasn't happy about it, but there were days during the Covid craze when she would have put up with an empty refrigerator before exposing herself to the masses and their heavy breathing behind their masks in the stores. I don't think I ever caught her driving alone while wearing a mask, but I can't say for sure that she didn't. I've been content as of late to have her wait in the car while I run in to pick up a few things so that might work. It looks like we have a rainy day on our hands here on the Seacoast, so is there a better time to make this crisp recipe? What else can I make ahead of time? The missus likes to make cranberry sauce from whole cranberries so we could make that. That might be it.

We finally got around to watching the show entitled "Julia." It's the story of Julia Child and her rise to "stardom" back in the fifties as one of television's pioneers in the field of cooking shows. We've only watched two episodes so far, but that seems to be where it's all going. I readily admit to never having seen a show of hers but, then again, she was a bit behind my time. I certainly know of her reputation so none of what we're now watching is a mystery. Or, is it? Is there any truth to her being a spy back in the day? Where did I hear that? Thus far in the show, she's nothing if not a frumpy housewife with a quirky personality and a few good recipes under her belt from time spent in France while her husband toiled away during the day as our country's ambassador. Now back in the States and with her dutiful husband unemployed due to a change in administration, she has an opportunity to bring the joy of French cooking to the American public through her affiliation with a local public television station, WHDH. The missus would much rather be watching a Scottish drama, but she is, at least thus far, on board with the show and is willing to watch the remaining six episodes. I've heard a few curse words and some off-color humor here and there in the show that seem oddly out of place considering Cambridge, Massachusetts in the fifties, but these are likely mere distractions much like Julia's obsession with menopause and the ongoing rigamarole associated with getting a cooking show off the ground. Even more improbable considering today's technology and how far we've come from the fifties, is the fact that the original show was televised in black and white. Can you imagine?

Is it any surprise that there isn't a word anywhere in any of the usual headlines I look at that Republicans swept key races in Louisiana yesterday? If Democrats had won one or more seats that they would be crowing endlessly about the wins as a harbinger of things to come in the presidential elections just a year away. They would have a half dozen Democrat hacks on the Sunday morning talk shows this morning pushing narratives about the South coming of age and the power of the messaging relative to abortion, marginalized communities, LGBTQ rights, etc. I'll be watching the shows this morning, and I hope to see one or more Republicans raising the election wins and putting matters in the proper perspective. It's really just another example of the mainstream media doing what they do best: Touting their wins while ignoring wins by the other side. The only reason I know anything about the outcome of the races is that I saw a tweet this morning from Scott Pressler, who is a dedicated foot soldier (and a hero IMHO) in an effort to get Republicans out to the polls across our great country, congratulating both the winners of the various and sundry races as well as the people of Louisianna for getting out to the polls to vote. Huzzah!

False Flags

I don't know where to start this week. What will I write about? How many rabbit holes will I go down? Did I mention that I watched the New England Patriots football game on television yesterday? Yes, the vaunted New England Patriots with a 2-7 record. They played the Commanders in Foxboro Stadium in Massachusetts. Of course, I only watch them play because I like to see Bill Belichick and his team getting their asses kicked. It's all wishful thinking on my part, but with a 2-7 record, it's more likely than not that I'll be rewarded for the hours that I spend watching. At one point, when the Patriots were ahead by 4 points, I took a quick nap, fearing the worst (That the Patriots would go on to win). I woke up when the game was in the fourth quarter with the Commanders ahead and 14 minutes to go. They never looked back. It was glorious!


I'll probably watch the Republican presidential candidates in their third debate later this week. Trump will not be in attendance, per usual. Why should he? He's 50 or more points ahead of one or more of his rivals. I'll give the man a pass since he's got his hands full with any number of lawfare-related lawsuits and more. I don't think anyone would have predicted that the more indictments they brought against Trump, the more he'd rise in the polls with each passing indictment. The Democrats are so concerned with Biden losing to Trump in 2024 that they've dragged out David Axelrod, Obama's Chief Strategist, to see if he can't coax Bumbles Biden into taking an early retirement. Axelrod is on the scene for one reason and one reason only. That is, to make sure that Obama continues to run our country beyond the 2024 elections. There, I said it.

By the way, nobody is buying Obama's bullshit about his having nothing to do with the drowning death of his chef just offshore from Obama's Nantucket estate. Is it Nantucket, or is it Martha's Vineyard? I always get the two confused. I've never been to either, so that may help to explain my confusion. It's amazing how if you have the appropriate "cred," you'll never face justice in the courts in our land. When are we going to see the transcripts from the scene on that fateful day? When are we going to see or hear the officials interviewing Obama as to his whereabouts or, more to the point, his involvement in the "drowning" death of his chef? Will Michelle Obama be interviewed and asked about her relationship with the chef? Or, will these two scoundrels be protected by the same Justice Department that is currently running interference for the Biden Crime Family? Is there any truth to the rumor that the chef was penning an expose' of his time working for the Obamas? Do we have a motive now? You know, a motive as to why someone might want the chef dead? Me thinks we do.

Trump rolled out a number of Florida officials over the weekend who had previously endorsed DeSantis and who are now endorsing him. I think there were a half dozen or more who jumped camp and never looked back. That had to hurt. Is DeSantis even in double digits now after campaigning for several months? Barely, by the looks of things. The very fact that he jumped into the race to compete with Trump tells you all you need to know about his judgment. That's not the kind of judgment we need in a leader of our country. Certainly not when we already have a candidate in the race with a proven track record. It may also explain why DeSantis announced that Kim Reynolds, the governor of Iowa, was endorsing him over Trump. I don't know Kim Reynolds from The Man in the Moon, but here's my question: Who endorses a candidate who is running some fifty points behind the leading candidate in a race? Iowa is a key state in the early primaries, so I guess we'll see how it works out. Maybe this is all about not coming in third behind Nikki Haley in Iowa.

I honestly can't keep up with everything going on in the Middle East. It's beyond anything that I'm capable of comprehending. There are simply too many moving pieces. I'm also a little hard-pressed to understand why we have so many military assets in and around the Persian Gulf. I get the deterrence thing, but we now have nuclear-capable submarines on the scene? Does this have anything to do with the fact that our troops in the Middle East have been attacked some forty or fifty times since the beginning of the war, and Biden has done next to nothing to respond? Is this mother fucker planning a false flag operation to get us into a conflagration with Iran and other bad actors in the area? Is that the price he's willing to pay, the amount of American blood that he's willing to spill, to be a Commander-in-Chief in the months leading up to the next presidential election? Now that literally every power in the Middle East is laughing at Blinken and his efforts to force a cease-fire, Biden has dispatched the head of our CIA to the area. This is not going to end well for anyone.

Is it me, or is there something very "screechy" about Nikki Haley? You know how you can look at some people, and you just know there's an AHDH thing going on? It's like fingernails on the chalkboard for me. She's no Margeret Thatcher, that's for fucking sure. Mags was a steady hand back in the day. You don't mind if I call her Mags, do you? Haley has come up a few points in the polls lately, so you get the feeling that she's ready to measure the drapes if you get my drift. She'll have to climb over DeSantis and Trump to get there, but I get the feeling she's pole-vaulted over any number of strong men in her quest for political power over the years. I don't mean pole-vaulted in the Kamala Harris sense of the term, so don't read too much into that word/expression. I think she'll be going after DeSantis in the debate later this week, hammer and tong. That alone might be worth the price of admission for those of us tuning in just to see the fireworks. The smart money these days when it comes to getting into political office seems to be on who's most willing and able to wage the most wars, so maybe she's appealing directly or indirectly for the support of the military-industrial complex with that bad attitude of hers.

I thought for sure that the swine, Andy Beshear, Democratic governor of Kentucky, was going to go down in flames in last night's elections. The only way to explain why Republicans took the Attorney General spot in Kentucky, and the Secretary of State spots by large margins with Beshear keeping the corner office is, you guessed it, the Democrats stole another one. They've got this stealing thing down to a science. I'm surprised they didn't steal all of the spots. It might have been too obvious. Thank God Reeves pulled out the governor's race in Mississipi. Imagine thinking that you could ride the coattails of having the last name Presley in the state of Mississippi just to get into office. I think this Democrat clown is Elvis's second cousin or some such bullshit. Good riddance. Here in New Hampshire, a Republican won the mayor's race in the city of Manchester. This can't bode well for the Democrat he's replacing and who is now running for Governor of New Hampshire. New Hampshire is kicking Democrats to the curb one by one until we're rid of them. That's the goal, anyway. Some ballot initiative on abortion won in Ohio, so the Democrats think they now have the issue to win it all in 2024. I'll never understand why Democrats are so hot under the collar to kill every fetus they can get their hands on.

Word on the street was that if Glen Youngkin (Republican Governor - Virginia) was successful in filling certain seats in the Virginia House of Delegates and in the Virginia Senate, on election night, he would be poised to come out of Election night with the wind at his back and a satchel of cash from donors with deep pockets who were willing and ready to embrace his run for the presidency. How is that working out for you this morning, Mr. Red Vest? The donors thought they had the man to beat Trump and win the big enchilada next November. They've all but given up on DeSantis and Haley and will, in all likelihood, be voting for Biden instead of Trump now out of their sheer hatred for Trump. It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), in case you don't know. You'd think the donors would be satisfied with removing the most corrupt and demented president in the history of our republic from office before turning their sights on Trump. Nope. The Keebler Elves will all be on the stage tonight for their third debate, so that should be entertaining. Think of all of the money they're wasting on this debate malarky that could otherwise be used to bolster the Republican's chances going into next year's elections.

I finally got my water cooler thing squared away. The first machine I ordered got lost in transit. I had convinced myself that someone had rerouted it to some hotel or other where they had illegal aliens holed up. That was the only thing that made any sense. I've never had an Amazon order get lost, so I was entitled to go down a few rabbit holes while waiting for a machine that never showed up. I ordered a replacement, and that arrived ahead of schedule. I was specifically interested in a machine that gave me the option of turning off the hot water. Why pay for something that I have no intention of using? Right? I had also convinced myself that I was only going to buy a dispenser as long as I had access to my favorite spring water in five-gallon jugs, Poland Spring water. Lo and behold, I found a local store that sells Poland Springs. When I first set it up, I thought that the water wasn't as cold and crisp as I expected it to be. I somehow got that squared away, and we are now all systems go. Hopefully, this will be the last of my many trips to my local supermarket to buy gallon jugs of spring water. I've even convinced the missus to use the dispenser. So far, so good.

I've also had my hands full lately trying to square away a problem with my cable television. It just stopped working. One minute you have a signal, and the next minute, you don't. It was that quick. No rearranging of this or that, including HDMI cables, television ports, coax cables, online directions from the Xfinity AI helpline, or other, was helping to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. When I got to the point where they were offering to send out a technician, I decided that the cable box was the source of my problems, so off I went to a local Xfinity store to exchange the "broken" box for another box. In the meantime, I had been using a ROKU stick which gave me ready access to the channels I'm accustomed to watching. The ROKU menu isn't as user-friendly, and it's not something that I'm looking to live with longer term, but it worked in a pinch. The new box worked like a charm, so that was that. No more gnashing of the teeth and no more clutching of the pearls. I got no push-back from the Xfinity folks when asking for the exchange, so I'm grateful for that. I wasn't sure what I was going to have to offer them in the way of evidence that my cable box was the problem. It was all, as they say in the business, easy peasy. Order in the universe has been restored.

I was a bit off yesterday. I don't know if it was my visit to my eye doctor or maybe the hermits that I ate. As for the eye doctor, I had my eyes dilated. Thank the baby Jesus that it was a cloudy day because I walked out of her office squinting like crazy. I was going to say like a chinaman, but that seems racist, so I'm not going there. I'm not sure why I didn't bring my shades. I should have known I was going to have my eyes dilated. I also know from experience that getting my eyes dilated throws my entire day off. Part of me wanted to get under the covers when I arrived back home and go back to sleep. The dilation thing lasts a while, so you do what you can to minimize the impact. I ended up going to the gym, and it was a struggle-fest, any way you measure it. I pushed myself to go for a bike ride later in the day, and that, too, was a bitch. I only mention the hermit cookie thing because I think I have a problem with palm oil, one of the ingredients in the cookie I ate. It's one of those things that taste good going down, but you pay a steep price after the fact. Truth be told, it left me feeling bloated and very uncomfortable. I think I knew that about palm oil. I also had to run out the door for my appointment in the morning before I had a chance to write in this blog. That's never a good thing. I am, after all, a creature of habit.


It's snowing out. I'll be damned. I did not have snow on my bingo card. Isn't it a little early for snow? It's only November 9th, for chrissakes. We're talking about a smattering of snow, so I won't be getting out the shovels. That's for shit sure. The missus said something about "messy traveling" yesterday, but I was only paying half attention, so I don't think I bothered responding. You know she gets all apocalyptic when it comes to snow and driving. I think it's overkill myself, but that's just me. She has plans to be on the road later today, but it's mainly local travel, and the worst of whatever it is that we're in for is likely to be gone by then. Put on your big-boy pants and go about your business, is what I say. Just between you and me, I have a lot of raking to do, so this snow can't hang around for very long. That's wishful thinking on my part. As for the niceties associated with the first snow of the year, waking up to snow on the ground isn't quite the same as having the snow come down halfway through one's day. Maybe that's just me. Then again, maybe it's a distinction without a difference.

That was quite a debate last night. I don't think I heard a peep from anyone about immigration and our open borders. There was a lot of haranguing about fentanyl and such but nothing about the 8-10 million illegals with a smattering of terrorists who are now in our country by invitation from Bumbles Biden and his Democrat party. Vivek was firing on all eight cylinders last night. I think the only person he didn't set his sights on was Senator Tim Scott. Vivek came loaded for bear, taking down everyone from the moderators to Rona McDaniel, the Chair of the Republican National Committee. I loved his comment to Nikki Haley, accusing her of being "Dick Cheney in three-inch heels." As everyone knows, Dick Cheney was a warmonger amongst warmongers as George Bush's Vice President. Vivek was the only candidate on stage who wasn't prepped with sound bites. He had the facts, and he laid them out with the precision of a Swiss watchmaker. I think he stood head and shoulders apart from the other candidates, and, if I'm not mistaken, the moderators did their best not to call on him without being too obvious about it. When Trump gets into office in January 2025, I hope he has Vivek on speed dial. Well, on his Rolodex, anyway.

If I heard Chris Christie right last night on the debate stage, he said that he'd send nuclear-armed submarines off the coast of Taiwan to deter China from invading Taiwan. So, he's threatening to nuke China in the event that China goes into Taiwan? I don't think I heard anyone else threaten to nuke another country last night on the debate stage, so I'm surprised there's not more of a kerfuffle here, there, and everywhere, if you will, over his insane comments. I have to imagine that China might have something to say. Another comment that caught my attention was when DeSantis said if he caught any cartel member coming across our southern border carrying fentanyl or other drugs, he would "shoot them dead." I don't know where he's been in the past two and a half years while Mexican mules have been moving fentanyl into our country non-stop, but I'm pretty sure that I've not heard of any cases where he's shot anyone dead. Florida has no border with Mexico, but you know what I'm saying. It was just another soundbite coming from a man who's quick to remind us that he's five feet eleven. I've got news for you. If you're five feet eleven, you up that to six feet when asked. How come no one on the debate stage last night held his feet to the fire about the lifts that he wears in his boots? That would have been, in my opinion, low-hanging fruit.

I'm not a proponent of violence in any way, shape, or form, but I enjoyed reading the story about the 70-something-year-old American lawyer in Panama who shot and killed two eco-terrorists. I'll be quick to admit that it was probably overkill, pun intended, but these nutjobs have been making a nuisance of themselves across the globe as of late, so it doesn't surprise me that someone finally took matters into his own hands. I don't know how else you fight back against this sort of thing. If there is any good to come out of any of this, maybe these climate cultists will now think twice before pulling their stunts. I think if more people knew that they might lose their lives while indulging in these self-promoting acts of whatever, they might go down a different path. Just as the threat of being put behind bars for the rest of your life has never stopped people from killing their fellow man, this shooting isn't going to put a stop to the insanity of the various and sundry cults across the globe. I don't think these two cultists ever expected to lose their lives on the day of the shooting, but, then again, I don't think that the American lawyer left his house in Panama that morning expecting to end up in a Panamanian hoosegow at the end of the day charged with the murder of two eco-terrorists.

I suppose it's a good thing that we're able to support our ally in the Middle East, Israel, with whatever they need to battle back against the evil forces that surround them. At the same time, if Israel can't stand on their own two feet when things go sideways, what hope is there for their longstanding survival as a nation? I also have no problem with Israel going after Hamas as they have in Gaza this past month, but I don't care for the fact that our country is supplying the bombs that Israel is using to carpet bomb Gaza and ALL of its inhabitants. For all I know, the bullets coming out of the guns belonging to the IDF with a "Made in America" label. Doesn't that implicate us in the deaths of the civilians in Gaza? I don't care for that bullshit. Biden and his minions are bloodthirsty fucks so none of this surprises me. You'd think Bumbles was getting 10% of every pallet of munitions dropped off in both Ukraine and Israel. It's no wonder our Justice Department is in cahoots with the clown in the White House. They're getting their cut as well. Everybody is fat, dumb, and happy. Like pigs at the trough, you might say. Now you tell me that this criminal enterprise being run out of the White House is going to allow somebody like Trump to shut it all down in January 2025.

I was listening to some left-wing dribble on Sirius radio yesterday, and the host had on a guest from Ukraine who was painting a rather rosy picture of how Ukrainian forces were not only holding their own but gaining ground in their fight against Russian forces. It was pure unadulterated propaganda. It was yet one more fruitless attempt by the Ukrainians to see if they can't get our country to send another few billion their way. Besides, who doesn't want to support their allies when they are winning on the battlefield against the Russian forces? The rosier the picture they can paint, the more money we'll be willing to send their way. Right? Now that our Congress is waking up to the fact that sending money to Ukraine is essentially sending good money after bad, not to mention the fact that the Ukrainian oligarchs are stealing our money hand over fist, everyone is admitting that our own borders are more important than protecting Ukraine's borders. That's a good thing. I'll give the Ukrainians credit for coming up with a new strategy to win back the largesse of their Western "partners," but I suspect any success they achieve will be short-lived. If anything good comes of any of it, maybe Zelensky and his ilk will see the futility of waging what has always been a senseless battle against a more powerful foe. They will end up where they began before Joe Biden got involved and 500,000 Ukrainians lost their lives: at the bargaining table.

One of the casualties in wartime, as they say, is the truth. Who knows if what the Biden Administration is telling us about anything is true? They can lie through their teeth, and we wouldn't be any the wiser. They are quick to report that our forces are under attack here, there, and everywhere in the Middle East. I think the latest report has some forty different attacks by various and sundry militias. All of these so-called militias are Iranian-based, or so the reports suggest. In response, the United States has taken out a tool shed here and there but little else. So, as Americans, we're supposed to believe that we're under attack and we're not doing all that much to fight back. That has me and every other red-blooded American thinking that we have a feckless leader sitting in the Oval Office who doesn't have the wherewithal to order a more robust response. How can Biden go from a zero to a hero in a fortnight? He can unleash hell on Iran, and he'll quickly be back in the good graces as our great Commander-in-Chief. See how that works? Bumbles is probably trying to figure out how to do this without starting World War III. Don't think for a minute that he isn't working directly with the Iranians to pull this off. There, I said it.

Chairman Xi is coming to town. I'm seeing headline after headline about how Biden is going to be talking tough to Xi about this, that, and the other thing. One headline included the word "fierce." It's just laughable. Biden can barely manage to complete a full sentence without the use of cue cards. You don't think Xi is going to see what the hell he's dealing with when sitting across from Biden? Maybe that's what he's coming to town to see. He wants to see firsthand if all the reports he's seen on television are even close to being true. Steve Bannon says that Xi is coming to town to get a commitment from Biden that Biden will bail out China in the event they see additional deterioration in his country's financial situation. Who knows why Xi is really coming to town? It's disgusting to me that they are cleaning the streets in San Fansicko of all the homeless before Xi arrives. You don't think that Xi knows that San Fransicko is a human cesspool? Is Biden creating a Potemkin Village for the benefit of the American media? And, what in God's name is Bumbles planning to say to Xi about his government's persecution of the Uyghurs? Maybe Biden will regale Xi about his experiences back in the day with kids in the pool and how they tugged at the hairs on his legs. He's got a thousand stories he can tell. Very few, if any, of them are based in reality. Then again, nothing real happens in a Potemkin Village.

Moody's rating service downgraded America's debt rating to "negative" after the bell on Friday of this week. You don't think they conspired with the White House to release this bit of information not only at the end of the week but after the Markets closed on a Friday afternoon? By Monday, it will be old news, and financial markets will have moved on the the next big thing. This three-card-monte bullshit has got to stop. I suppose it tells us what we already know - that is, that the markets are rigged. If you are in the Market, I suppose it's good to know that your government has your back. You can be assured that stocks will never go down, so why not jump in with both feet? Never mind that the S&P has gone up for an unprecedented 8 or 9 days in a row now. No, really. The S&P is up ten percent in the last ten trading days. It's going to the moon, don't you know. Everything is so upside-down that the markets will probably rally on Monday because this Moody's thing probably means that the Fed will be less likely to hike interest rates at their next meeting. Not wanting to be a Johnny-come-lately, I'll probably throw a few chips into the center of the table before this so-called seasonal Santa Rally really gets started. Unlike Santa Claus, FOMO (Fear of missing out) is a real thing.

Holy cow! Did you see all the anti-Israel protestors in New York City? Maybe, more to the point, they were there to support the Palestinians. Maybe even Hamas, for chrissakes. Who the hell is paying for all the flags and other paraphernalia that the protestors are carrying? Are we talking about George Soros here? I think they literally closed down Grand Central Station because of the throngs of nasty fucks wreaking havoc on the streets in and around the Station. There was a separate throng, or maybe it was the same throng that had moved on, rampaging in front of the New York Times building. I'm not sure what bone or bones they had to pick with the Grey Lady. The NYT has historically been supportive of the Palestinians and critical of Israel, if I'm not mistaken. It was a raucous crowd, to be sure. One thing it wasn't was a safe place for Jews to assemble or to voice their opposition. There were no hints of an imminent Kristallnacht, otherwise known as the night of the broken glass, so that was good. Free speech is good; hate speech and race-based violence are against the law. Who knows where any of this goes if Israel continues killing innocent civilians in Gaza? What I'm not hearing are words of caution coming out of the White House. Maybe they want to turn the streets of our nation into killing fields. Imposing martial law will be the new Covid-19. Have you received your absentee ballots yet?

Gas prices sure have come down in the last month or so. Prices were surging a month ago, and we were looking at the prospect of paying nearly $4 a gallon. We had Imams and Saudi princes in the Middle East threatening to cut off oil supplies if Israel started to bomb Gaza. The bombing commenced, and the prices have come down instead of going up. Prices per gallon hereabouts are approaching $3. Some say that lower gas prices are a reflection of a softening economy or maybe even a recession. Whatever the reason, lower gas prices at the pump are a good thing. People who can afford to visit relatives in faraway places can load up the family and the station wagon and not have to take out a small business loan to fill up their car every so many miles. We're still paying a good dollar or more per gallon, a thirty-three percent increase, more than we were paying when Trump was president. Is this the Biden Administration working with the oil companies to finagle the price of gas to boost his ratings? What concessions have they made to the Saudis or others to bring the prices down? Just how much can he give up before he loses the support of the looney left Climate Cultists who put him in office in 2020?

I suppose it's time to start thinking about what we should do for Thanksgiving. Should we get a big ole turkey to put in the oven, or just buy a turkey breast to simplify things? We'll get some StoveTop dressing, a can of Leseur peas and onions, and we'll be good to go. Maybe we'll throw some nice flaky rolls in the oven, and the missus can bake one of her favorite pie recipes. That reminds me. We have a few things that we can donate to a food pantry or other, so we ought to get that done sooner rather than later. Maybe we'll just write them a check. Speaking of Thanksgiving, what the hell are we supposed to be celebrating this year anyway? Biden has brought our people and our country to the brink of World War III, and the fact that we have anything to celebrate is in spite of him and not because of him. Maybe we should just celebrate because we can. Do you know who's not celebrating? The person I've seen down at the beach living out of a rental van with their life's possessions filling nearly every window in the van. I don't know who they are or how they got where they are, but it's a reminder that there are good folk out there who are suffering one way or another and likely through no fault of their own, who need our love and support in these trying times. Prayers help, but they don't fill an empty stomach or an aching heart. Step up, if you can.

In For A Penny

There were a lot of stories in the news over the last couple of days about Jews both inside and outside our country coming under attack from groups sympathetic to the current plight of Hamas and the Palestinians residing in the living hell known as Gaza. One story had to do with a plane that arrived in Russia from Tel Aviv and was allegedly stormed by a mob looking for Jews. What they planned to do with the Jews that they found is anyone's guess, but it probably wasn't good. Another story out of Cornell University in New York saw multiple antisemitic comments posted somewhere within the University threatening Jews with violence. In a vacuum, these sorts of things seem both innocuous and random and well within the scope of our judiciary to resolve. Unfortunately, these events are part of a larger and more complex fabric of anti-Jewish sentiment across the globe due largely to Israel's alleged heavy-handed response to the murderous attacks by Hamas that unfolded in Israel on October 7th, 2023. I don't have a good feeling about any of this.


Is the new Speaker of the House, Michael Johnson, just another neocon? He's previously voted against funding for Ukraine based, I think, on the fact that we're spending more money to protect the borders of Ukraine than we are protecting our own borders. I like the fact that he wants to separate the funding bills for Ukraine and Israel when the bill comes up for consideration later this week in Congress. I'm troubled by his recent comments to the effect that if we don't stop Putin in Ukraine now, no country in Europe will be safe from Putin's aggression. It's just nonsense. That's Washington-speak for we'll fund Ukraine for as long as it takes. Johnson has been Speaker for a week now at best, and he's already folding to the Military Industrial Complex. Has he been threatened? Has he been offered untold riches? It would be consistent with what we see from the old fool, McConnell, in the Senate. He's all in for whatever it takes in Ukraine despite the wishes of the American people. Americans can't afford to feed their families, while Biden is opening our borders and funding and feeding every illegal alien that can find their way to our country. It doesn't seem to matter what the American people think or want anymore. I hope I'm wrong about Johnson.

I think there's a trial today in Colorado on the issue of removing Trump from the ballot for the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Maybe it doesn't matter what they decide since the final arbiters of such tomfoolery can only be decided, ultimately, by the nine justices of the Supreme Court. I think the original law in play here dates back to the Civil War and refers to something about insurrection. What took place on January 6th, 2020, in Washington DC was a lot of things, but it was not an insurrection. Call it a riot if you wish. Those were the exact words of Jonathan Turley, a conservative attorney and legal scholar, on the issue, if I'm not mistaken. I think Trump's attorneys are arguing that the state of Colorado doesn't have the authority to remove a candidate from the ballot in a Federal election. Just so we're clear on what's happening here, one man's insurrection is another man's protest. That is to say, we see plenty of protests these days that Republicans call insurrections, but the Democrats call protests and vice versa. This is just one more Hail Mary by the Democrats to demean and denigrate Trump and discourage his supporters from voting for him come November 2024.

I tweeted something yesterday about the fact that everyone and their brother across the globe are putting up posters with pictures of missing and presumably kidnapped Israelis. I'm talking about the hostages taken by Hamas on October 7th here. I further tweeted, has anyone seen even one poster of a missing and kidnapped American? Why have we seen no pictures, no posters, no newscasts, not one damn sign of our missing American brothers and sisters? Is it because it wouldn't benefit Joe Biden and his Democrat party in the upcoming 2024 presidential election? Why do we not hear the cries and demands of their loved ones on social media for the release of their parents, their children, and their relatives? Have the demons in the Biden administration secured their silence by convincing them that if they speak up that their loved ones will likely be targeted or held for ransom? Was it not the Biden administration who paid Iran $6 billion dollars for 5 American hostages? Here's the bottom line: Biden couldn't give a shit about the lives of American hostages. He's interested in one thing and one thing only - his re-election in 2024 for another four-year term.

This whole Iran nexus thing when it comes to who's really funding the terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas is interesting. As far as the Mullahs in Iran care, Hamas is expendable in the scheme of things. Iran funds these two terrorist groups and probably others that are less well known. If one goes down, they just put another together, and off they go. Their sole objective, at least one of them anyway, is the destruction of Israel, so those battles will continue until the State of Israel falls into the sea. Before the frightfully inept and corrupt Biden administration pushed Iran into a security relationship with Russia and China, we had an opportunity to assist Israel with the crushing of Iran for their sponsorship of the activities carried out by Hamas on October 7th, 2023. Now that I think of it, maybe we're in bed with China and Iran, knowing what we know about Biden being a fully paid asset of the Chinese Communist Party and the Biden administration's efforts behind the scenes to assist Iran with securing the means to produce a nuclear weapon. Are we playing both sides? To what end? Maybe none of this makes sense because Biden and his minions haven't a clue as to what they're doing. That much is obvious.

What is this nonsense about Matthew Perry? Who the fuck is Matthew Perry? Do I give a shit about who Mattew Perry is? The news of his death came across the wire on social media like a virtual firestorm. You would have thought they were announcing the second coming of the Big Guy himself. I hate it when that happens. I had an inkling that he was some twat on a sitcom a decade or two ago, but that was just a hunch on my part. I had no idea that his death was such a big deal. Why was it such a big deal? It's not like they don't find Hollywood types dying prematurely or floating face-first down in a hot tub after a night of ingesting God only knows what into their bodies every other week or so these days. We've seen the passing of a lot of Hollywood types this year. Most warrant a mention or two for a day or two, and then it's over and done with. Not this clown. No siree, Bob. Will I make any effort to go back and watch reruns of Friends to see what all the hullabaloo is about? Not on your life. Even more bizarre is the fact that here we are, some two weeks out from his death, and his co-stars on the show have yet to offer up their condolences. What do they know that we don't? Why should we care if they don't?

It's 34 degrees here this morning. Brrrr rabbit. The good news is that it's 57 degrees here in the house. And, no, we don't have the heat on. Is it true what they say about some people making an effort not to turn on their heat until November 1st at the earliest? Old wives' tales aside, it just feels too early to turn on the furnace, so I'm not going to do it. I have a portable heater that I turn on from time to time, and which I turned on this morning for a few minutes for the first time this Fall. You know, just to take the chill off a tad. I don't know if we had our first frost or not, but I'll probably start whacking away at the grasses and dead sunflower stalks hereabouts just to tidy things up ahead of the first snowstorm. It's the usual Fall cleanup. I'll need to check the oil in my snowblowers and generator and top off or change if necessary. The missus will be away during the day on either Saturday or Sunday, so I'll have no personal commitments to distract me from my tasks. I missed my bike ride yesterday because of the day-long rain, so I'm pleased as punch to be back in the saddle today. The missus said something about stopping by a shop in Portsmouth today on her way home today for calzones. That sounds good to me.

I'm very distracted this morning. There's a little mouse in the house and every little noise I hear has me looking here and there where I might have a chance to get him. I'd happily usher him outside if I had a chance to do that, but I don't think that's an option. I actually left the door open in the room here for a few minutes, hoping against hope that he'd find his way out and that would be the end of it. I left the door open long enough for him to get up and leave, but he either didn't know the door was open, or he decided that he'd take his chances inside where it was warm and he had things to nibble on here and there. There was even a good flow of cold air coming in through the door, which I thought, at a minimum, might entice him to move along and rejoin his family in the great outdoors. The last time we had a little mousie in the house, I made sure that we kept him contained in the room where we first discovered him and, ultimately, got the little bastard with one of those little wooden traps that snaps their fucking necks when they go for the bait. It took a couple of days, but we finally got him, and that was that. The good news for the missus, who spends a good deal of her time during the day in this room, is that little mousies sleep during the day and only come out at night. We'll be loaded for bear when he comes around after dark.

Israel dropped a bunker buster in the middle of a Gazan refugee center yesterday, which killed a lot of civilians and an untold number of Hamas militants. I know they dropped a bomb that killed lots of people, and based on the resulting hole in the ground that was seen on television worldwide, I'm guessing it had to be a bunker buster. The Israelis were no doubt targeting the tunnels beneath the refugee center, and, according to the Israelis, they killed a high-level commander in the Hamas organization in the attack. Civilian casualties are collateral damage during wartime, and this attack was no different. Reports this morning say that nine or so hostages also died in the attack. It's no secret that Hamas was keeping their hostages in the tunnels beneath Gaza, so no one should be surprised by this development. The seemingly indiscriminate nature of the bombing by Israel, despite this one being targeted as it was, has to be a source of great frustration and concern to those whose loved ones are being held hostage. Every one or more of some two hundred-plus families awaiting the safe return of their loved ones from the clutches of the Hamas militants in Gaza will now have to wait to find out if one or more of their loved ones were among the casualties found beneath the rubble in the bombing of the refugee center. #SleeplessNights

I have to laugh when I hear these fools on television going on and on about the fact that we can't let Russia win in Ukraine. If we stop funding Ukraine, then Russia will win. If Russia wins, then there is no stopping them. They will not stop with Ukraine. The entire continent of Europe will be at risk. What they are unwilling to admit is that Russia is winning in Ukraine. Some might say that Russia has already won. The only unanswered question at this point is when Ukraine will admit defeat and negotiate an end to the conflict. Of course, if they admit defeat, any and all funding flowing into Ukraine to arm and support the war effort there will slow to a trickle, if not stop altogether. Ukraine has become so dependent on the funds flowing into their country that they are willing to continue sending their young men into the meat grinder that awaits them on the battlefields of Ukraine so as not to disrupt the flow of funds. Meanwhile, the Russians are perfectly happy bleeding the West dry of their capital in the form of weaponry and other resources that might be needed in other conflicts across the globe. Is that the real endgame here? Does this have anything to do with Taiwan? How about the current conflict between Israel and Gaza? Good questions all.

I signed up to go to a local gym, which is right down the road from where we live. They offered a deal that was hard to refuse, so I'm officially now on board. Just between you and me, I have both the time and the inclination to do this sort of thing, so I think I'm good to go. They have no television screens for the people using the treadmills, and that is going to take some getting used to. I'll probably just pop my earbuds in and listen to my usual radio shows. It's not a big deal. Would I rather have shows to watch? Of course, said the horse. They require a 30-day notice for people wanting to quit, so I'm not tied into some extended deal that charges my credit card well after I've lost interest. I'm guessing this stint will take me into early Spring, when I typically start to ramp up my biking activity. I bike all winter long, although there are more off days than on days due to the weather, as you can probably imagine. Some days are just too cold to bike. I draw the line at single digits. Here's hoping that I don't tire too soon of the gym experience. I should just think of it as a way to get in shape ahead of what could be a grueling winter season, according to the Farmer's Almanac. Everything snow removal-related is on my shoulders, so let's do this. Git er done, Johnny.


I wonder if there is any truth to the rumor that every country in the Middle East views Hamas as a cancer and is secretly pleased as punch that they are taking the beating of their lives at the hands of the Israelis. They would like nothing better than to see Hamas as a terrorist organization wiped off the face of the earth. They also want to see Israel go down in flames, so they must be mightily conflicted if any of what I'm suggesting is true. I'm also a little curious as to why countries surrounding Gaza haven't jumped into the fray using Israeli's heavy-handedness as an excuse to weigh in with their armies or militias. Maybe they're waiting for Israel to finish the job they started before expressing their angst with the tactics used by Israel and, with Israel's forces largely exhausted and their resources stretched, move in for the so-called kill. Is that why the United States has roughly 100,000 troops in the Middle East? Biden can't find his butt with both hands, so don't give me this shit about him playing five-dimensional chess. He keeps talking about a cease-fire to appease his supporters in states like Michigan, who see him standing by twiddling his fucking thumbs while their fellow Palestinians die by the hundreds in Gaza. Netanyahu is having none of his twaddle. He wants to finish the job he started. Can you blame him?

I don't know what Xi is waiting for. If he wants to take Taiwan, now is the time to do it. The only country with the military wherewithal to run interference if and when China invades Taiwan is the United States, so there's that. I read this morning that the United States and Canada have warships moving through the Straits of Taiwan. Is that supposed to send a message to Xi that we've got Tawan's back if he has any half-cocked ideas about going into Tawan? I didn't even know Canada had a navy, so what's up with that? I'm also guessing that Xi isn't terribly concerned about the US pushing back since Biden is allegedly a wholly owned asset of the Chinese Communist Party. What cards might he play to out Bumbles and his entire family if Bumbles does something stupid? Who doesn't think that Xi and his boys have the receipts when it comes to the Biden Crime Family? Congress has had the goods on the Bidens all along, but they are either too stupid or too compromised to get anything off the ground. Xi would likely have no such compunctions. On the other hand, China seems to have more of a bark than a bite when it comes to international affairs, so it's possible that they could give two shits about Taiwan. I don't know. It's all very confusing. Maybe they just like to keep everyone guessing.

We're hearing about another 7,000-plus human caravan heading up through Central America coming to a neighborhood near you, thanks to Joe Biden. He's fucking destroying our country. Just add them to the eight million already here since Biden's inauguration in 2021. I hear the leader of that caravan is actually mocking Biden for his abject idiocy in promoting the destruction of his own country. Don't kid yourself. This is all Obama. Where did I see the other day that Biden is working with Obama on all things Artificial Intelligence? What the hell is that Kenyan goat herder doing anywhere near the White House? It's no secret that our beloved White House is crawling with Obama hires, so one has to wonder if Obama himself is the one pulling all the strings. It makes perfect sense. Obama promised to transform America fundamentally, and now we know what the hell he meant by that. I heard someone refer to New York City as the new Caracas, an obvious reference to the poisonous infusion of millions of migrants from all over the world thanks to Joe Biden. Well, thanks to Obama anyway. So that you know, Caracas is an open sewer.

The leader of Hezbollah, whose name escapes me at the moment, is expected to step up to the microphone today at 3 p.m. Beirut time. That's about an hour and a half from now in Eastern Standard Time. My guess is that he'll be giving the green light to his followers worldwide to jump into the war that's been declared by Israel. I need to brush up on who this guy is and who he represents, but I think we're talking about all things related to Iran and Iran's militias. How many additional fronts are likely to open on the current conflict as a result of his speech is anyone's guess. Does Israel have enough incendiary devices to keep what could be coming their way at bay? Is this the nightmare scenario that keeps every Jew on the planet awake at night? It could well explain why we have so many military assets off the shores of Israel, with more arriving every day. You know that this thing could go nuclear. Right? Netanyahu will not stand by and see his country and his people destroyed. Who will be the unlucky recipient of this bomb should it come to that? Would it be enough to stave off their enemies for another day and time when they might have another opportunity to push the Jews into the sea? It's not helping that both Russia and North Korea are now openly admitting to backing the Palestinians in the conflict.

I think we got the Ev man's toilet thing squared away. Finally. It seems like it all started when he broke off a section of a snake that he was using to unclog his toilet while unclogging his toilet. He finally got that out, but it was still not working quite right. What he wasn't saying was that the toilet wasn't flushing properly. The bowl would fill with water, but it would just swirl and not empty. It worked just often enough so that he didn't have an emergency on his hands, if you get my drift. He and I finally decided that we'd call in a work order to get it fixed. No one ever showed up, so I took a look on YouTube and came away with an idea or two. I decided that there were likely some mineral deposits that had built up along the inside of the rim of the toilet, and they were preventing the jets from releasing enough water into the bowl to effect a good flush. Listen to me. I sound like Joe the Plumber, for chrissakes. I picked up some mineral-busting product at Walmart and poured it into the back section of the toilet, and let it sit for a half hour or so before flushing it down. Voila! I gave the jets a bit of brushing for extra measure, and you could literally see the now-loosened mineral deposits running down into the toilet bowl. I don't think I've seen the Ev man with that big of a smile since God knows when. It's all good.

I like what Speaker of the House, Michael Johnson, is trying to do with the funding for Israel. Biden and the Democrats want both Ukraine funding and Israel funding tied together in one bill. Johnson is having none of it. There is also funding for the southern border in one version of the bill or another, which effectively helps to facilitate the movement of illegal aliens into our country. That's never a good thing. Johnson is taking a fiscally responsible approach to the funding of Israel by offsetting monies that would otherwise go to the funding of the IRS and the 87,000 new agents hired by Biden last year. Biden is threatening to veto the bill because Ukraine is cut out of the bill. That does not sit well with some of the Democrats who understand that Israel's needs are more pressing. I think the bill passed last night but may be dead on arrival in the Senate. If it gets to Biden's desk, let him be the one to veto the bill, and he can explain to Israel why they aren't getting the funds they need to fight the war they find themselves in. Would anyone put it past Biden to put American boots on the ground in Israel if Israel no longer had the means to wage war? Biden would do it out of spite, and he would blame Republicans for any American blood spilled as a result of their failure to fund both conflicts as he requested. I can see the old fool standing over the flag-draped caskets of American soldiers now. He's the guy checking his watch every two seconds.

I think the new gym is going to work out pretty well. I've been twice now, and I'm already starting to feel a little more toned than usual. The human body is an amazing thing. My body has always been very responsive to this or that form of exercise, be it biking or weight lifting. I don't mind using the treadmill, and I prefer to use it prior to moving on to weights. We have a treadmill at home, but I rarely use it for whatever reason. One thing I'd change if I had a magic wand, would be to have something to watch while I'm treading. Planet Fitness had televisions to watch, which offered a pleasant distraction from the monotony that sets in while using something like a treadmill. For now, anyway, I'm tuning in to a radio show that I like to listen to every so often. This gym is extremely spacious and airy, which I also like. They have more equipment than I knew even existed. They even have monkey bars for those inclined to use them. Everything is new, which is also nice. The next time you see me, which is never, I might add, I'll have a bit of a spring in my step. That's a good thing.

We ordered a few different spices from an online store called Penzy's Spices. I'm not sure why I'm referring to the store as an online store since they have at least one physical location in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which I've been to a couple of times or more. The owners of this business are probably about as far left on the political continuum as you can get without being full-blown Marxists. If you go to their store online and look at the categories in the header, you'll see that they have one category entitled "Republicans." I learned about their political leanings long before I decided to purchase anything from them, and them being leftists would not, in the normal course of business, be a show-stopper for me. The same can be said about other businesses like Starbucks, for example, and that's never stopped me from grabbing a flat white from them from time to time. I've never bothered clicking on the "Republican" category on Penzy's website. I imagine it's fraught with all kinds of nonsense about Republicans and, God forbid, even Donald Trump himself. It's probably the kind of pablum you probably see on CNN and MSNBC on a daily basis. That's pretty ballsy to have an actual category called "Republicans," though. You have to admit. In case you were wondering what I ordered, I ordered Ceylon cinnamon and cumin. Would I have ordered from them if I didn't have a gift certificate for their store? Probably.

There are a number of elections next Tuesday (November 7th) in places like Virginia, which may offer some insight into the kinds of issues that will drive people to the polls next November. I saved a link to a story entitled "10 races to watch next Tuesday." I think they refer to these as bellwether races. The Virginia races will decide who will run their House of Commons. I think that's what it's called. Word on the street is that if Republicans win, we may see Glen Youngkin, the current governor of Virginia, enter the 2024 presidential sweepstakes. If that happens, he shouldn't expect a warm, boozy embrace by either DeSantis or Haley. It bears mentioning that Youngkin would not have won the governor's seat in Virginia were it not for the Trump supporters who came out of the rural areas in Virginia at the behest of Donald Trump to vote for him. The other race I'm watching is the governor's race in Kentucky between Cameron and Beshear. Beshear recently vetoed a bill that would have kept men out of women's sports. He's a radical's radical who presents himself as the guy next door who you wouldn't mind having a beer with. He's nothing of the kind. Voters in Kentucky need to kick him to the curb next Tuesday with extreme prejudice. Did I mention that Beshear is also a proponent for whatever that surgery is that cuts off young women's breasts and young men's genitalia before they ever have a chance to get the counseling they need? This is who they are. This is what they do. I'm talking about the Democrat party.

These people taking to the streets of our country on behalf of the Palestinians in Gaza and against Israel are unbelievable. There are literally thousands upon thousands of them. Where the hell are they coming from? I know Michigan has a sizeable Muslim population, so I can see them taking to the streets on behalf of their brothers and sisters being slaughtered by the Israelis in Gaza. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of marchers in the streets around the White House last night. It's another insurrection, I tell you. Nope, not one of them will face justice. They can climb as many walls as there are to climb; They can deface as many statues as there are to deface; and they can call Bumbles Biden all the names in the book for his failure to insist on a cease-fire in Gaza. If you are not there to sing the praises of Donald J. Trump, you are good to go. It all has a terrible antisemitic feel to it. I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable in their presence if I were a Jewish person. I would probably agree with the rioters that there has been little about Israel's response to the horrors of October 7th that feels proportional. I would also agree with Israel that Hamas is now, more than ever, an existential threat to Israel's very existence. What I really want to know is, how many of these marchers have come into our country illegally from the Middle East. I guess I'll never know since it's against the law to ask about that sort of thing. You know who does know? Biden.

Mark Levin had some guy from some institute on his show on FOX last night, and they were talking about the various and sundry shortcomings of Joe Biden and his administration and how it all manifested itself in what we're seeing across the globe at this very moment. Mark's guest said something about Biden's appeasement of Iran, as evidenced by Biden's failure to enforce sanctions. Consequently, Iran has been making billions of dollars as a result of their oil sales to countries like China. I think he has it backward. This is all about Biden's appeasement to China, not Iran. The Biden family has allegedly been taking money from China hand over fist for years, and those chickens are now just coming home to roost. China is getting oil from Iran because Biden is looking the other way on those sales and transfers. Biden is looking the other way because he has been paid to look the other way.

I don't know why Mark's guest just couldn't come out and say it. We have the receipts for chrissakes. Let's not forget the alliance just signed off on by Iran, China, and Russia. Biden is there, presumably and by virtue of the evidence collected to date, to grease the skids and do the bidding of Xi and his Communist Party. They didn't talk about this, but I'll throw it out there anyway: What are the chances that Israel takes advantage of their war against Hamas to bomb the living bejesus out of Iran's nuclear facility before they have a chance to fire up the reactors? Alternatively, is it possible that the American armada sitting off Isreal's coast is really there not to protect Israel but rather to prevent Israel from leveling Iran's Nuclear infrastructure? In for a penny, in for a pound. Right?

The Way Life Should Be?

The Chinese have six warships heading for the Middle East. The United States has a few thousand troops sitting on destroyers and carriers off Israel's coast. Israel has yet to commence with sending troops into Gaza to ferret out Hamas, but that appears imminent. Countries bordering Israel are threatening to come to the aid of Hamas and the Palestinian people in Gaza if the shelling by Israel continues. It's a veritable tinderbox that could turn into World War III literally overnight. Republicans in Congress still have not replaced Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House here in our country, so we are, in a word, speaker-less. We have a president who can't read his own cue cards, and despots across the globe are moving forward with their own agendas to fill the vacuum of leadership resulting from our collective weakness on the world stage.


I heard someone suggesting yesterday that Bumbles Biden would be voted in for a second four-year term by the American people because they are loathe to replace a sitting president in the middle of an active war. I think most people realize that we wouldn't be in an active war across the globe were it not for Bumbles Biden and his abject failures in foreign policy. Bad actors around the world know a weak leader when they see one, and one doesn't need to look very far to see that the president of the United States is both cognitively impaired and about as corrupt and morally depraved as they come. I think that most Americans, and this is born out by polls, know full well that we're where we are because of Bumbles Biden and his leftist policies. I don't care how many wars we're in by the time Election Day rolls around a year from now, people will be crawling over broken glass to replace the clown that we have in our beloved White House.

Maybe this is the great reset that Alex Jones has been talking and writing about now for years. Bring the damn house down and rebuild it from the bottom up. That's what it feels like at the moment here in the United States. Our economy is teetering on the edge; We're sending billions of our taxpayer dollars around the globe to prop up fanatics and despots; We have military assets spread perilously thin from the Black Sea to the Persian Gulf; Millions of Hamas supporters are taking to the streets in our major cities to condemn Israel and the United States for supporting Israel; China is on the verge of reclaiming Taiwan as its own and, when that happens, they will control the flow of semi-conductor chips across the globe; We have, at last count, some eight-million young men of fighting age from countries around the world coming across our southern border at the invitation of Bumbles Biden and his Democrat party; It's just a matter of time before the next pandemic is unleashed on our people; 10-year Treasury yields are now above five percent for the first time in decades and heading higher; Layoffs and bankruptcies are spiraling out of control; And we have a demented president sitting in the Oval Office. What could go wrong?

I'd feel a lot better if I knew that someone in our government was trying to bring one or more of these conflicts around the globe to an end. Instead, we seem to be adding fuel to the fire and prolonging conflicts instead of trying to resolve them. It's hard even to say or know who the hell we're in bed with when it comes to these things. We're enriching Iran by not enforcing sanctions, yet Iran is behind both Hamas and Hezbollah, who are bombing the living hell out of Israel. We have known Iranian assets working inside our defense department who are acting on behalf of Iran and at the expense of our allies like Israel. We have a president who has sold off our oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the point where we're vulnerable should war come to our shores. It's almost as though that was the plan all along. Is this all about enriching the Military Industrial Complex at the expense of our existence as one of the greatest and most powerful nations on the face of the planet? Knowing what we know about the Biden Crime Family and their penchant for enriching themselves, maybe this has more to do with filling their coffers than advancing the interests of America.

I was watching a bit of football on television this past Sunday and was more than a little surprised to see ads for the iPhone 15 at every commercial break. I'm not accustomed to seeing a hard sell from Apple when it comes to iPhones. They literally sell themselves. There was little new in the way of functionality in the ads, and it was all about the aesthetics of the device. I've got news for Apple. Their devices have always been about aesthetics. This is nothing new. I don't care how you package the hard sell. Two ads in a row for any product, in my humble opinion, is a sign of desperation. It's like they got ahead of themselves in terms of how many iPhones they thought they were going to sell, and now they've got a serious backlog situation that nobody planned for. Does this have anything to do with stories about the new iPhone 15 overheating? And, pray tell, how the hell do you fix that sort of problem with a software patch? Has Apple really invented anything worthwhile since Steve Jobs unveiled the iPod way back when? Well, there was a watch and some overpriced earbuds, I suppose.

It's hard to know what's going on with the Americans kidnapped by Hamas in Israel two weeks ago. Thanks to the American media, I can't give you a single name of an American being held. They simply don't want to expose Bumbles Biden for the abject failure of an American president that he is ahead of the 2024 elections. They are, however, pleased as punch to put pictures of him and Dr. Jill walking along the beach near their home in Rehobeth, Delaware. I suppose if there were a byline to attach to the picture, it might be that this president is a president who takes his responsibilities as a president in stride, and despite his age and the challenges that confront him on the world stage, he faces adversity like a president half his age. What I see is a demented fool of a president who could give two shits about Americans held in Gaza by terrorists and, like the thirteen American soldiers killed in Afghanistan when Bumbles ordered our withdrawal, this mother fucker will sleep like a baby no matter how many Americans are held, tortured, or killed. Who the hell is going to speak for the hostages if not the president of the United States?

It is interesting that neither Russia nor China came out strongly against the murderous activities of Hamas in Israel two weeks ago. I think I heard one or the other say that nations have the right to protect themselves, but that is not in and of itself an indictment of Hamas and the country that sponsors their activities, Iran. Of course, everyone knows that Bumbles Biden is in bed with the Mullahs of Iran like his boss before him, Barack Hussein Obama. Some even say that Bumbles doesn't know what day it is, and that the real president behind the curtain is Obama. At first, I thought the warships sent by China to the Middle East were there to protect Iran's interests. If we're to believe that Bumbles has zero interest in anything having to do with bombing Iran back to the Stone Age on behalf of Israel, China would be wasting its time sending reinforcements to the region. So, what the hell is really going on? Does this have anything to do with China positioning assets in the Middle East to block the movement of American naval assets in the event they decide to take Taiwan? Don't think for a minute that China's destroyers aren't equipped with hypersonic missiles that can sink an aircraft carrier faster than you can say "lickety-split."

Wouldn't that be something if Republicans elected the first black Speaker of the House? Is "elected" the right word? Anyway, I like this Byron Donalds guy who has thrown his hat in the ring for the position. He is unapologetically MAGA, and that could be a problem for him. He seems to have the backing of a lot of his fellow congressmen, so I guess we'll have to see how it goes today. The vote is today. Right? Remember how the Democrats became apoplectic when Republicans nominated the first black man to the Supreme Court? They excoriated Clarence Thomas in a disgusting and racist fashion in the well of the United States Senate. It was despicable. They dragged out alleged victims of Clarence Thomas to sully his name and reputation without so much as an ounce of evidence. This is what they do. This is who they are. I'm already hearing the lies of Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media talking smack about this and that when it comes to Congressman Donalds. They would much prefer that their black man, Hakeem Jeffries, be the first black man to be Speaker, so expect them to pull out all the stops and then some to end Donald's nomination. Not wanting to jinx Donald's chances, Trump has not endorsed a candidate. I have a funny feeling that were he to endorse a candidate, Donalds would be his first choice.

So much for Donalds. He got out of the race and cleared a path for Emmer. Emmer is a never-Trumper so that you know. He would have been a disaster. The good news is that Trump, while not voicing a preference for those in the running, put up a post on Truth Social once it looked like Emmer was the likely candidate and winner that Emmer was not to his liking. That was the end of Emmer. He bowed out, knowing that he was never going to get the votes he needed. Why embarrass yourself? Right? I was a little worried that we'd see Democrats vote for Emmer since he'd likely be their best choice if they had a say in the matter. Anyway, he's out now. The new guy in the barrel is Mike Johnson, a conservative from Louisianna. From what I've seen of this guy over the years, he's smart as a whip and a solid conservative. I guess I'm not sure why his name wasn't tossed in the ring sooner. It sounds like they can wrap this up today if they get their act together. He's already said that his first act as Speaker was going to have something to do with funding Israel. I hope that means he's giving the middle finger to any Ukraine funding. Their European neighbors can help them out, or not, as the case may be.

I don't think we as Americans have any clue as to the immigration nightmare that awaits each and every one of us as a consequence of Biden's immigration policies. Never mind that some eight million illegals from every country across the planet have crossed into our country since Biden's inauguration. I heard yesterday that we have illegals coming into our country from terrorist hellholes, and they aren't even vetted. I don't know how much clearer I can be about the danger that these terrorists now pose to our citizenry here in our country. I don't live in or near a major city, so I feel somewhat safe and less exposed to the areas that might bear the brunt of any terrorism, but I fear for my fellow Americans who may be exposed. You have to ask yourself, why would a government do what Biden is doing? If we're to assume that Biden is just a continuation of the Obama Administration, and we know that most of the people in the Obama Administration now work in the Biden Administration, what we're seeing is a fundamental transformation of America. More loosely translated, an America that is more to the liking of a radical Marxist and the kind of society that is more familiar to the Muslim than the Christian. In many states, and maybe every state for all I know, it's against the law for the police to ask about someone's immigration status. Let that sink in.

I've been telling the missus that I don't think it's a good idea for her to continue to drive back and forth to Massachusetts to put in a few hours of work here and there anymore. The drive is too long, and the highway too perilous as highways go. Perilous in the sense that it is a major thoroughfare and fraught with speedsters, texters, and maybe illegal aliens, all of whom pose a considerable threat to someone who is not a frequent traveler on that particular roadway. Add bad weather, or god forbid snow, and things go from bad to treacherous in a snap. The missus has informed her employer as such, but I'm not sure he has her interests at heart since it's been two weeks since she's apprised him, and he's now requesting that she come in to work. I think he hears what he wants to hear, and he knows the missus does not want to disappoint him, given their lengthy working relationship going back literally decades. He's also become more frail in recent years and is more needy, if that's the right word, relying as he does on her assistance to do the work he continues to want to do. If anyone is going to put their foot down, it has to be the missus. She has to be the adult in the room. In another time and place, I'd tell her to grow a pair. She can be available by phone, so that has to count for something.


My neighbor is off to Florida for a few weeks in a few weeks. She says that she's made plans to have someone "punch" through any snowfall in her driveway, and she's asked that I give her a call if there are any problems with oil deliveries to her home during her absence. I usually snowblow her driveway, so I'm happy to be off the hook for that task for at least the time she's away. One less thing to do after a snowstorm is always a good thing. Her driveway is two cars wide and two cars deep, so not a big job as jobs go. Our driveway is just a bit bigger, so I do ours first and then go on to do hers. The missus would rather I not take on the extra work, but I just see it as an extension of the work that I do for myself. Calling my neighbor in Florida if her oil deliveries don't work out is something that I'm not sure I can get my arms around. How will I know if there's an issue? If there is an issue and I'm not aware of it, what does that look like? Will I be responsible if her pipes freeze? I'd rather just do the driveway and let someone else look out for the oil man, but that's just me. Then again, I'm happy to be off the hook for the driveway, so I'm willing to let the chips fall where they may.

Would someone kindly tell me why the governor of California, Gavin Newsome, is in China visiting with Xi Jinping? That's like the mayor of some province in Greece coming to the United States and meeting with the president of the United States. Is this supposed to elevate Newsome's status as a potential presidential candidate ahead of the 2024 elections? Is this Xi giving his implicit approval to Newsome as the candidate of Xi's choice? Is getting Xi's approval to run for president now a prerequisite for our presidential candidates? I've always suspected that China had a hand in delivering the White House to Biden in 2020. How China pulled that off, I can't be sure. Did they manufacture the fake ballots that put Biden over the top in the swing states after Trump was winning handily on Election night? We know one thing. We know that they unleashed the COVID-19 virus from the labs in Wuhan just ahead of the 2020 elections. That forced many states to use absentee ballots that, if my hunch is right, were produced in China and used to manipulate a win for Biden. Nobody, and I mean nobody, believes that Biden got 81 million votes. Didn't Biden even admit once that they were going to win the election by hook or crook, in so many words?

But this Newsome thing is concerning. California is a lovely state, but right-minded people can't move out of that state fast enough. It was so bad around about last Fall that you couldn't find a U-Haul truck or trailer to move your stuff even if you wanted to. Companies are fleeing Newsome's major cities due to crime, and, if they choose to stay, they are forced to lock down every last item in their store to prevent the theft of their merchandise. Newsome's California is the template for the Democrat's takeover of America and the installation of a one-party state from coast to coast. Newsome has presided over most of it, and California will likely never see another Republican governor going forward. If they have to resort to skullduggery to ensure that Democrats don't lose, then so be it. That's the price they are willing to pay to hold on to power. I would go so far as to say that the immigration policies under Newsome, which have turned the California citizenry more brown than white, is the model now in use by Biden to fundamentally transform the rest of our country into a one-party country. So, Xi's visit aside, why the hell would anyone want someone like Newsome to be the president of our great nation? The dirty little secret is, it doesn't matter what we the people want.

We have another mass shooting. This time, it's up in the State of Maine. At last count, there are twenty-two dead and 50 or more injured. Maine seems like the last place you'd expect to see this sort of thing, but it is what it is. Isn't their state motto, "The Way Life Should Be"? Hell, there are more moose than people in Maine. Not sure why that matters, but I thought it bore mentioning. That may go a long way toward explaining why they don't have this guy in custody. He's probably hunkered down in a duck blind somewhere with a month's ration of food on hand. That's a lot of people to kill, you have to admit. How do you even begin to explain what reason or reasons he may have had for inflicting this level of carnage on citizens of the city of Lewiston, Maine? I initially thought that the killer may have been lashing out at the Somalian community, given their infestation of the area in recent years. There are no reports now, some 12 hours later, on the racial makeup of the victims, so I'll not assume anything. There are reports of the alleged shooter having mental health issues. I'm not sure if those reports are misleading by design or factual. Reports of his being a shooting instructor in the National Guard may explain how it is that 22 people are now reported dead. The alleged shooter is a white man, so the story is likely not going away any time soon. It's only a matter of time before they report that he was a Trump voter and fan. That's how the media rolls.

The stock market seems to be in a definable downtrend. It's down ten percent from the most recent high. Year-to-date, the S&P is down seven-something percent. It's been a slow descent of sorts, not the elevator-down type action you usually see when things start to go to hell in a handbasket. Nonetheless, it's down four steps, up two, down four, up two, ad nauseam. I like the guy who says when the time comes to get back into the market, you won't want to. I think he's referring to a point in time when there is extreme fear in the market in terms of investor sentiment. I don't think we're quite there yet. And, what about the year-end rally in the markets that is typically on everyone's calendar at this time of year? That's the Santa Claus rally. Right? I suppose if the market drops another ten points or so, you can make the case that we're overdue for a relief rally. Every so-called relief rally I've seen lately has shit for breadth, meaning there are more stocks down than up on the trading day despite it being an up day, and almost every last one of them sells off into the close. That is the very definition of a bear market. Then, there's the guy with the handle "Wifey," who tweets quite often that, "whatever you think, it will be worse." What say you?

I watched Hannity's interview with the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, last night. Johnson won the speakership barely 72 hours ago and agreed to go on with Hannity. I think Hannity is an idiot, so I adjusted my expectations accordingly. Just between you and me, I think Hannity has a little bit of that demented stuff that we see in Bumbles Biden. If I hear him blather on one more time about his days when he did manual labor, I think I'm going to puke. There were times in the interview when I couldn't quite figure out where Hannity was going with his questioning. One minute, he's talking to Johnson about his time as an attorney defending this or that group back in the day, and the next minute, he's off in another direction that seems to have nothing to do with anything. I don't know if he was trying to ensnare Johnson or what. We all know that Hannity is a McCarthy rump swab, so it's possible he was looking to embarrass or humiliate Johnson. Whatever he was trying to accomplish, he failed miserably. Johnson came across as a reasonable, god-fearing conservative who took his guidance and inspiration from the bible and the Constitution. He spoke with incredible clarity and purpose, unlike any of the snake oil salesmen that I've ever seen coming out of the bowels of our nation's capitol. I couldn't help but wonder how much better off our country would be if we had a steady hand like Johnson sitting in the Oval Office. There, I said it.

Remember when Bumbles Biden warned the terrorists in the Middle East about intervening in Israel's routing of Hamas in Gaza? His admonition consisted of one word: Don't. I can still hear the Jihadists across the Middle East howling with laughter at Bumble's words. In the last two weeks or so, our troops in the Middle East have seen incoming from various factions and bad actors without any reprisals whatsoever from Bumbles and Fat Albert, his Defense Secretary. So much for red lines. Reminds you a little of Obama and his red lines. Right? So, last night, reports out of the Middle East were that the US conducted air strikes in Syria. If I had to guess, I'd say that our pilots took out a couple of camels and tents but little else so that they could say they did something. Everyone knows that Bumbles is in bed with the Iranians and their sponsors in Beijing, and anything that takes place that looks remotely retaliatory is purely performative. Bumbles is doing the bidding of his paymasters in Beijing, nothing more and nothing less. That means giving the Iranians the means to make a nuclear bomb come hell or high water. If bringing Iranian agents into our government is what it takes to achieve that end, it's game-on. We all know who they are, and, yes, they are still employed by the Biden Administration.

Am I the only one shocked by what I'm seeing on the streets of our country as it relates to our Jewish friends and neighbors and the seemingly unrelenting march toward antisemitism? I mean, holy jumping Jesus. Do I think for a moment that people carrying flags for Palestine while waging war on Jewish people in our country have a clue as to why they're doing what they're doing? I don't. Maybe it's just one more example of how polarized our society has become in recent years. That's probably an oversimplification. I also don't think that the utter decimation of the people in Gaza by Israeli troops is helping to win any hearts and minds across the globe. It's anything but measured as responses go. Is hatred of the Jews, as expressed in antisemitism, one of those centuries-old dilemmas that flare up from time to time regardless of what Jews do or don't do? I don't know where I'm going with any of this other than to say that what I'm seeing happening to Jewish people on the streets of our great country is very disturbing. It feels like a tinderbox of sorts, ready to explode at any time. We're not at the night of broken glass (Kristallnacht) yet, but it certainly looks and feels like we're moving in that direction. Just say no.

Don't be so fucking sensitive. I'm talking about Twitter. I saw a story yesterday about the Supreme Court in Colorado coming out with a ruling that irked me. I figured that the US Supreme Court would step in and remind them that their ruling was extra-constitutional or something along those lines, so I tweeted something about the US Supreme Court spanking them and spanking them hard. The next thing I know, I'm getting a note from Twitter informing me that I've broken this or that rule and my privileges were being curtailed for the next 12 hours. At the same time, I'm seeing post after post on Twitter of Israel wreaking complete havoc on the population of Gaza. I'm thinking to myself, you've got to be kidding. Maybe their AI picked up the word "spanking" and automatically tagged me as a domestic terrorist or some sexual pervert. I'm talking about context here. I've actually been a lot less snarky on Twitter in recent months, so I was very surprised to see the flags go up on my account. I couldn't imagine what it was that they thought I said that somehow violated their rules. Now that I know, I think I'll stick to using the service as a news feed and not a sounding board for my snarkiness.

A person very dear and near to me just received a diagnosis that is not good news. I have no experience in dealing with these kinds of things, so it's been kind of a roller coaster in the last few days. But this isn't about me, so I need to keep reminding myself of that fact. I want to be there for this person, whatever that means and whatever that looks like. I can't imagine how she feels about what's happening to her or about what her longer-term prospects may or may not look like, but I don't know how anyone prepares themselves to hear the news that she heard. It wasn't quite a "get your affairs in order," as I understand it, but she was nonetheless prepped for what's to come in the coming days and weeks. It's a path with a lot of different forks and, needless to say, more forks in the road that end up in the shit house than not. I understand that she took considerable comfort in the words tendered by the physician who gave her the news, and I'm grateful to the doctor for that. We're going to do this, that, and the other thing to try and get our arms around this problem, or something to that effect. That's me thinking out loud about the conversation that started this so-called journey that is just beginning. If you wondered why I was up in the middle of the night last night praying to the Baby Jesus, now you know. I'm just getting started. If this goes sideways, it won't be because I didn't call in every last favor I think I'm owed from the guy upstairs.

I need to start paying more attention to the electric vehicle (EV's) industry. Word has it that sales of EV's are falling off precipitously. So much so, in fact, that I think I heard something the other day about General Motors stopping the production of certain GM models due to a lack of demand. I hope that demand falls off the fucking cliff, but that's just me. I also hope that the CEO's of these companies are spanked and spanked hard (There's that expression again) for allowing themselves to get sucked into this green new deal bullshit by the Biden administration. I want to see junkyard after junkyard overflowing with EV's that nobody wants and that dealers literally can't give away. Can you imagine? Ford thought that they could convert one of their most popular models (F-150) into an electric version and that they'd have urban and rural cowboys lining up coast to coast to order them. Wrong. When I hear the people who own them trying to justify why they're sticking with them, their reasoning sounds more political than practical. If you're a left-wing Biden-loving Marxist, you're doing your part to save the environment. If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris tell you that the price of admission is to go zero-carbon, then you bend over and do what you're told.

Game Set Match

Bumbles Biden did an interview with Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes last night. You have to wonder just how much editing went on behind the scenes to clean up the nonsense coming out of Biden's mouth. What I did hear, and they were just snippets after the fact, told me that Biden has little to no understanding of what's happening behind the scenes in Israel or in Gaza. He was well known as the dumbest senator in Washington during his tenure as Delaware's Senator for the past fifty years or so, and now he's better known as the dumbest president in the history of our country. Factor in his late-stage dementia, and we have a real shit show on our hands. But, that is what shows like 60 Minutes do. It's all about cleaning up on aisle nine. Whatever it takes to get their guy over the finish line, shows like 60 Minutes are there to get the job done.


I'm not wanting to beat this Gaza thing to death, but there may be some things that stick out one way or another, and I'll be all over those things like white on rice. I saw one tweet this morning from some muckety muck in Germany who was warning Iran to stay out of the war in Israel. I'm thinking to myself, who is this clown? The other thing I was thinking is that Germany needs to stay in their own lane. They can barely afford to send what little they have to support the grifter Zelensky in Ukraine, so sticking their nose into another fracas halfway across the globe is probably not something I'd advise. Maybe this is Germany's way of saying we did some bad things back in the day, and this is the least we can do now to make amends. Maybe this is precisely the lane that Germany needs to be in. Maybe being late to the game with your support is better than not being there with your support at all. This is getting very circular.

I don't know how I feel about our country having so much military hardware sitting off the coast of Israel. I have no problem with our full-scale support of one of our strongest allies in the Middle East, but I worry that we're going to be seen as giving cover to Israel while they commit extreme atrocities against innocent Palestinian people living in Gaza. If we weren't there to support them, might Israel's efforts to decimate the ranks of Hamas take on a different look and feel? It's easy to be full of piss and vinegar when you know that someone has your back, but the real test is what you do when no one has your back. It all started with our country sending one aircraft carrier to Israel, and now we have enough military hardware in the region to wage a full-scale World War. Surely, you're familiar with the expression, "Watch what we do, not what we say."

Here I am thinking that the shuffle diplomacy being conducted by Biden's toadies like Anthony Blinken is all about getting the right parties to the table so we can help negotiate an end to the conflict. I wouldn't be surprised if we were offering vast sums of cash and cash equivalents to various factions in the fight in order to resolve matters. Maybe what Blinken and his milquetoast minions are really saying is, take the cash, or we're going to unleash holy hell in the region. Did you see the story in the Washington Post about the Saudi prince who kept Blinken waiting all night for a meeting? The headline reads as follows: "Blinken meets resistance in courtship of Egypt and Saudi Arabia on Gaza war." They have zero respect for the clowns in the Biden Administration. That's not going to stop most Biden-friendly media outlets from touting Blinken's efforts as the next coming of Henry Kissinger, so, again, it's important to watch what they do and not what they say. I'm not talking about Blinken.

I watched the New England Patriots yesterday go down in flames in game six against the Las Vegas Raiders. It was so sweet. What's your record now, Billy Boy? Is it 1-5? Let me spell that out for you: You've led your team to the worst record in the history of the New England Patriots with one win and six losses. Who does that and keeps his job as a coach in the NFL? It was Belachick's 500th game, and he was looking forward to being crowned as the coach with the most wins or something like that. The Patriot's quarterback, Mac Jones, was poised to deliver that win, but, as with every other game he's played thus far this season, he too came up short. Why do I come away from every game the Patriots play thinking that Mac Jones isn't ready for prime time in the NFL? He's got an inescapable air of incompetence about him that he carries on his back like an eight-hundred-pound gorilla. He just looks defeated. Whoever's decision it was to put this guy in the team's ranks ought to be fired. They just need to clean house: Belachick-Jones-Belachick's son, etc. Go right on down the line.

What is this about Biden traveling to Israel while Israelis are in the fight of their lives against Hamas and Hezbollah? If there's a point to all of this, it's lost on me. There's probably a photo-op or two scheduled in there, so that shouldn't surprise anyone. One radio talk show guy I like listening to says that Biden is going there to stop or slow down the invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israeli troops. Does that mean that Bumbles Biden is taking his marching orders from countries like Iran and Egypt? And, don't American presidents typically keep these kinds of trips on the down low so as not to tip off potential terrorists from targeting them either en route or when they step off onto the tarmac? If they take out Bumbles mid-flight, that might well position Kamala Harris very nicely to step into the role of Commander-in-Chief with just enough time ahead of the 2024 elections to get a little experience under her belt. For better, or worse, I might add. If Lunchbucket Joe is smart, he'll load up Air Force One on his return trip with Jewish Americans looking to escape the besieged country of Israel. That could tip the electoral scales in a state like Florida, which, not coincidentally, boasts a disproportionately large population of Jewish residents.

The other part that I don't get is that Bumbles Biden can't carry on a conversation without cue cards, so how on earth is he supposed to take part in a discussion with Israeli officials about events unfolding on the ground in Israel? As the dumbest president in the history of our great republic, forgetting for a moment that he is cognitively challenged and continually force-fed performance-enhancing drugs, there is no way he can make a contribution one way or another that will make any sense to the people sitting around the table with him in the bunker. So, I'll ask again: What the hell is he going to Israel for, and what is he expecting to achieve? Has he already dropped off pallets of cash to the Palestinians in exchange for the Americans that they are holding hostage? Would that surprise anyone? Keep in mind that this is the same guy who has a history of shaking down world leaders for cash in order to enrich his family members. Anyone who puts his own personal interests and those of his extended family ahead of his country as president is morally and ethically corrupt enough to continue that kind of corruption, especially if he believes it will significantly improve his odds of winning a second term as president.

I haven't been paying too much attention to the Speaker's race in Congress, so it is what it is. I was quite happy to see McCarthy ousted because he was doing Biden's bidding at every turn. He was a real weasel. It's Jim Jordan's chance today, so we'll see if he gets the votes he needs. Jordan is another swamp rat without a lot of accomplishments, so I'm not holding out a lot of hope that he'll hold the line on things like budgets, borders, and however many subpoenas are required to hold Joe Biden to account for his decades of corruption. I get the math that makes everything more difficult on the Republican side of the ledger, and there's a special place in hell for those squishy Republicans who care and are willing to fight harder for Democrat initiatives than Republican initiatives. Jordan will never get votes from those members of his caucus who think that he played a part in McCarthy's ouster, so that is just one of many flies in the ointment that Jordan needs to deal with if he is to end up with the gavel at the end of the day. McCarthy has endorsed Jordan, so maybe they're tight as ticks after all, as the saying goes. It's all about compromise at the end of the day anyway. Right? Not if your name is Hakeem Jeffries. No siree fucking Bob.

There was a huge explosion in Gaza last evening that leveled a hospital, killing some 500 Palestinians. Israel came out immediately and blamed the blast and the killing of hundreds of Palestinians on Hamas. Hamas pointed the finger at the Israelis for the bombing. Palestinians across the globe took to the streets, outraged at Israel for the bombing. Israeli and American embassies in a number of countries immediately came under attack by mobs of Palestinians and Palestinian sympathizers. With no proof whatsoever, pundits on both sides of the conflict assured their viewers and listeners that one side or the other bore responsibility for the blast. Even Bumbles Biden, not wanting to anger his Israeli hosts, declared, "Based on what I've seen, it was done by the other team. Not you. But, there's a lot of people out there who are not sure." Of course, he was repeating what he had on his cue cards in front of him, being the doddering old fool he is. I don't have any proof either, but it wouldn't be the first time that Israel denied something only to fess up after the fact. And, after seeing what Hamas was capable of in the cold-blooded massacring of Israelis a week ago, I wouldn't put it past them either.

I have to laugh. The bombing of the hospital was so over the top that the Jordanian leader canceled the meeting they had scheduled with Bumbles Biden. Bumbles, of course, had flown to Israel to meet with Netanyahu before going on to meet with the Jordanian leader. The American media went out of their way to cover for Bumbles by saying that the meeting was canceled without saying who canceled the meeting. To admit that anyone would cancel a meeting with the great Bumbles Biden during these perilous times was just a bridge too far for the fawning praetorian media in our country. Everything they say and do has to elevate the Democrat Party's increasingly demented and corrupt nominee, Bumbles Biden, no matter how much malarkey gets baked into the cake along the way. If you were an American citizen watching network news, you took the cancelation in stride while assuring yourself that Bumbles and his handlers knew what they were doing when they canceled the meeting. You had no idea you were being played. This is who they are. This is what they do.

We're probably all better off that Bumbles didn't meet with the Jordanian leader. Who the hell knows what would come out of Bumble's mouth at any point in time? And, which Bumbles would we see in these meetings? Would it be the Bumbles of the recent past who is prone to falling asleep in meetings and, God forbid, opening his mouth to speak, saying something stupid or incomprehensible? Would it be the Bumbles Biden of Neil Kinnock fame where he plagiarized Kinnock's speech while campaigning? Would it be the Bumbles Biden who makes things up out of whole cloth? How much of what he has to say would have to be fact-checked? How many aides would they need to assist the cognitively failing Commander-in-Chief? Did I mention that Bumbles said that he was born in Israel during his visit to Israel? Spoiler alert: He was born in Pennsylvania. He also denied reports that American troops would get involved if Hezbollah weighed in on the conflict. That, of course, was widely reported and believed to be the official position of the United States. Bumbles either forgot or was never briefed on the plans. Or, maybe he was briefed and still forgot.

The Lord works in mysterious ways. That's the only way I can explain how this problem I've been having got resolved. Around ten every morning, my Internet would drop the signal for maybe a minute or so before kicking back in. It was never a huge problem, but God forbid the missus was on a work phone call or in the middle of something when it happened. I don't even want to tell you how many things I tried to fix the damn problem before just giving up. None of the fixes I Googled seemed to have anything to do with what I needed to fix, or the fixes were so complicated that I wanted nothing to do with any of them. I was pretty well convinced that my problem had nothing to do with my equipment, although it seemed too trivial to warrant getting a technician to pay a visit. I can't recall when it started, but I think it's been going on for six months now. Just this past Monday, out of nowhere, it stopped going down. Tuesday came around, and with fingers crossed, we never lost the connection. As I sit here today, and it's now Thursday, we're a good four days now without an outage.


It occurred to me that the beginning and end of this irksome little problem began and ended with the arrival and departure of my neighbor's friend. He comes every Spring with his camper trailer and stays until the middle of October when he heads south to Florida for the winter. He parks his trailer on her property at the end of our cul-de-sac. How any of this has anything to do with the problem I was having, I haven't a clue. I would hasten to add that her friend, if I'm not mistaken, is not savvy enough when it comes to computers to cause me or anyone else any problems. I could be wrong. I also don't recall having this issue in past years, and he's been coming up from Florida for a lot of years. I've had a good mind to send an e-mail to our neighbors to inquire if they've had similar problems but have never quite gotten around to sending out that e-mail. Maybe they have, and maybe they got it squared away, which, in turn, squared away my problem. I don't know what I'm going to do if it just starts up again. I'm getting used to it being up now and like it. Fingers crossed.

I need to turn my attention today to a couple of other little projects I have around the house. I'm so inept when it comes to fixing these kinds of things. I just can't get my brain around how to even start thinking about how to fix the problems. Never mind that I don't have the tools that I think I need to fix what needs to be fixed. I can always rent the tools, but I don't even know what tool to rent. If it turns out that I need the tool for multiple days, I end up ponying up enough cash to buy the tool outright. I'll probably never need the tool again, so I'm hard-pressed to buy the tool outright. Does any of this make any sense? Here's the issue: I've got a piece of wood (approximately three feet in length) on my deck that I need to remove since it's rotting a bit on one end and needs to be replaced. My problem is that I can't really remove the piece of wood because I can't loosen the nails enough to pry the piece of wood from its mooring. I'll give it another try today, and, God willing, I'll get it done. It's been a bit of an eyesore, so the missus will be pleased if I can sort it out. you know what they say. Happy wife, happy marriage.

There's really been a bit of a buzz in various financial newsletters about an upcoming rally in the indices that coincides with the usual seasonal activity associated with the third year of a presidential term. With so many stocks now trading below their 50 and 200-day moving averages, and with little to no leadership, it's hard to see how any of that results in a year-end rally. Add to the mix the fact that ten-year treasuries are close to five percent and going higher, and Brent crude is now trading above $90 a barrel, it's a wonder the indices are staying afloat much less chopping around and trading close to all-time highs. In my opinion, a good rout in stocks may be just what the doctor ordered ahead of any rally we may or may not see this Fall. Someone said that when the time comes to get back into the market after a good washout, you probably won't want to get back in. Loosely translated, that means you should get back into the market when fear is at an all-time high (Extreme Fear). That's the time, assuming you have a few spare pesos floating around, that you take advantage of what could turn out to be the Mother Of All Buying (MOAB) opportunities. I'm thinking around 3900 on the S&P might do the trick. Pay no attention to Jim Cramer and his buds on CNBC. They do not have your best interests at heart.

Did y'all see Bumbles give his second primetime speech in his first term to the American people last night? The missus asked me, "Have his eyes always looked like that?" They were literally slits carved into his forehead. I don't know if it was the drugs running through his veins or the myriad of facelifts he's had over the years that created the ghastly effect we were witnessing on national television. They said he spoke for 20 minutes, but I think I tuned out after about 45 seconds. He was blathering on about this and that; we've heard it all before. He looked more reptilian than Churchillian, and the lighting in the room did him no favors. Bumbles reminded me a little of the grifter, Zelensky, who goes around the globe on bended knee, looking for more funding for himself and his oligarchs. Only this time, Bumbles was exploiting the deaths of Israeli children to continue sending our hard-earned tax dollars to both Ukraine and Israel. It was disgraceful. If I hear one more word about Putin's designs on the Baltic states were he to win in Ukraine, I think I'm going to lose it. And Bumble's half-hearted admonition to Hamas not to avail themselves of the one hundred million in aid Biden approved for the Palestinians was laughable. Everyone knows that the Palestinian people won't see a dime of that money.

It's weird when you think about it. Bumble's policies have actually enriched Iran, and the attack by Hamas on Israel just a week ago or so now probably wouldn't have happened had Bumbles continued Trump's policies. I'm not just talking about the six billion that Bumbles gave to Iran in exchange for five American hostages. Word has it that Bumbles has done little to enforce the existing sanctions Trump put on Iran. Bumbles and the Palestinian sympathizers in his inner circle actually look the other way while Iran gets richer by the day by peddling their petroleum products around the globe. It gets worse. Bumbles embraces the zero-carbon initiatives of the Climate Cultists to shut down oil and gas production in our country while driving prices higher on the world market, which further enriches countries like Iran. Bumbles then has the audacity to travel to Israel in the middle of a hot war to embrace Netanyahu, who knows full well about Bumble's complicity with the enemies in their backyard. Keep in mind that Bumble's people are still working on reviving the JCPOA deal, which will give Iran the nuclear bomb that they've longed for. That will, of course, be the beginning of the end for the state of Israel.

Can you imagine the chyrons on CNN day in and day out if Hamas was holding an untold number of Americans hostage during a Trump presidency? Yet, we don't have a clue about the number of Americans being held hostage. Nobody is even asking the question. The American media is silent on the subject. We all know why, of course. Bumbles Biden has an election to win in 2024, and his praetorian guard, the mainstream media, is doing everything they can to help him. Maybe more to the point, they are doing nothing to hurt him. Hamas has not only the Americans that they kidnapped that fateful day in Israel, but they also seem to have a lot more Americans roaming around in Gaza in various humanitarian capacities who are now looking to get out of the country before they too are targeted.

What are the chances that the one hundred million in "aid" sent to Gaza by Bumbles was Bumbles paying ransom once again? Bumbles can be the knight in shining armor riding into the shithole that is Gaza on Air Force One to fly American hostages out of the country and back to their tearful and appreciative relatives waiting on the tarmac in America. Part and parcel of that back-room deal designed to boost Bumble's ratings is Israel's participation in the agreement whereby there will be no ground invasion to ferret out the Hamas terrorists. They will live another day to kill and maim Israelis. Now you know why Bumbles went on national television to make the case for giving Israel billions of dollars. The Rubes in Congress seem to be none the wiser about any of it and will more than likely sign off on everything Bumbles is requesting. This is not Bumble's first rodeo. He knows how the game is played, and he and his extended family allegedly have untold millions of dollars hidden away in undisclosed locations to show for his efforts. The Clintons are pikers compared to Joe Biden.

I saw a national poll yesterday with Trump at 59% and everyone else in single digits. Thats right. You heard me right. Keebler Elves like DeSantis and Haley are in single digits. In any other world, the primary would be over. The political parties would be demanding that the candidates in single digits drop out. Why continue muddying the waters? The candidates in single digits aren't going to win the primary, so, should they stay in to fight another day, they will effectively drain resources and support from the person who appears to have a seemingly insurmountable lead. Why would the party not want to coalesce around the leader in terms of marshaling resources and support? I know. I know. National polls don't mean squat. That's not how we elect our leaders. It still begs the question, why do these hangers-ons continue to stay in the race? They must be banking on the 100+ indictments taking Trump out of the race. That's not the way that I'd want to win the primary, but that's just me. Is it me, or does it seem like Trump is trying to force the judge's hand by deliberately violating his gag order so the judge will sentence him to jail ahead of any sentence he may get as a result of one or more of the trials scheduled between now and Election Day? It would be easier for his supporters to cast a vote for him as a victim of Joe Biden's corrupt and vindictive Justice Department rather than as a criminal convicted by a jury of his peers. Just thinking out loud here.

I'm hoping that I'll have a few days ahead of me here to do a little painting before the guys come around to install our gutters. It would help if rain held off so I'm not trying to put a coat of paint on damp surfaces. I've got everything I need to slap a coat or two of paint on the house, so I'm as ready as I can be. I also need to do a little caulking on our new skylights. I've never really used a caulking gun, so I had to look it up on YouTube. It seems pretty straightforward. It also seems like the kind of job where I go out and buy what I need for the job, and then I put the job off until I'm forced to do it. Or, it never gets done at all. I don't know what's the matter with me sometimes. I think I'm just not suited for some things. It's the old square peg-in-a-round-hole thing. Who can I blame that on? I remember when I was ten years old, my dad asked me to get him a Philips head screwdriver. I returned with the wrong kind of screwdriver. That set a whole lot of things in motion, and from that day on, I don't think I ever got right in the head when it came to working with tools and the like. For all you dads out there, it's the little things in your relationship with your children that will ultimately make them or break them. I think I just answered my own question.

I also don't know what's going on with my bird feeders. I took them down for the summer based on both the cost of bird food and the natural ability of birds to fend for themselves during the summer months. As I recall, the birds were emptying my feeders at a record pace just before I took down the feeders. Now that the feeders are back up, the birds have not returned in the numbers I recall from earlier in the season. Even stranger is that the local squirrel population, which usually makes a beeline for my feeders, seems uninterested in the feeders. Maybe all of that will change with the coming of winter and the scarcity of food in their natural environment. Maybe I shouldn't be complaining that my feeders aren't emptying as quickly as they were earlier this Spring. At $25 for a 14-pound bag of bird food, it can be expensive. For those real granola types living off the grid who typically don't have two nickels to rub together, the price of bird food these days may well mean that they don't get fed. I wonder if we'll see the turkeys come around again. They disappeared when the bird feeders were taken away. Funny how that works.

I saw a headline in the news today about Biden missing his chance to fill our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) when the price of oil was cheap. Nonsense. This beleaguered old fool never had any intention of refilling the SPR. Whether he's not doing that because of his radical views on Climate Change or he's doing it because he's intentionally putting our nation at the mercy of our enemies in the coming holocaust of World War III, I can't tell for sure. I might have thought that he might refill it so he could empty it again ahead of the 2024 elections while taking a victory lap for lowering gas prices. But, the mainstream media is covering for this old fool as they usually do, and they're putting out headlines like the one I read to mislead, obfuscate, or just outright lie to the American people. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that Bumbles is making money on the side from the makers of electric vehicles like GM and Tesla. He and his extended family have been on the take for decades. The good news, if there is any, is that Comer's committee in Congress now has evidence of a direct payment to Bumbles from a foreign source. They've also tied the purchase of his beach home in Rehobeth to a $5 million dollar wire sent directly from the Communist Chinese Party. Game. Set. Match.

Did you hear about the 40-year-old Jewish woman stabbed to death in Detroit? Reports say that the investigation of her death is ongoing. She wasn't just any old 40-year-old woman in Detroit. She was the Board President of her congregation and a Jewish Community Leader as well as a Democratic activist. If you believe that this was just a random act of violence, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. This is a spillover of the violence in the Middle East. Is this any different than the landlord we heard about a week or so ago who killed a six-year-old Palestinian living in one of his apartments with his family? Maybe it's all a reaction to what people are seeing on their television sets coming from the Middle East or wherever. Don't forget about the Jewish stars scratched on the outside of people's homes in Britain in the wake of the Israeli massacre by the Hamas terrorists. I don't know where any of this ends, and I don't hear enough people yelling at the top of their lungs to make it stop. I honestly don't know where we go from here.

Sleeper Cells

In the wake of the massacre in Israel a day or two ago, I'm now seeing warnings on social media about sleeper cells here in the United States. Sleeper cells that have been allowed to walk into our country at the invitation of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. At last count, Biden has looked the other way, allowing some 8 million illegals to come across our southern border. Many have been young, military-age single men from countries like Syria and other hellholes across the globe. Don't ask me why Biden hasn't been thrown out of office or otherwise impeached for his failure to protect our borders. I don't know. What I do know is that he and his fellow Democrats know exactly what they're doing. The warnings I'm seeing are telling Americans to get out of our major cities before these sleeper cells are activated.


We now have warships on the way to the Middle East in the wake of the attacks on Israel. If push comes to shove, and no one doubts that Iran was the instigator behind the attack on Israel, I can easily see the United States attacking sites in Iran on behalf of Israel. Then again, Joe Biden was at the White House last night while Israel was still under attack. He and Dr. Jill were partying hardy with a live band while enjoying a BBQ outing with friends and family. Is that what a President of the United States does while one of our most important allies in the Middle East has just suffered an egregious attack on the level of Pearl Harbor on their home soil? I know, I know. This is all very confusing. Then again, the Wall Street Journal came out with a story overnight about Iran's role in the attack on Israel. Make no mistake, this story was leaked to the WSJ by our intelligence agencies. It sets up a predicate for taking action against Iran before there is any provable evidence to the contrary. Who knows? Maybe bombing the bejesus out of Iran will give Bumbles the boost he desperately needs to up his standings in the polls. Is that what this is all about?

I don't know enough about Middle Eastern politics to know what's best for Israel or Palestine when it comes to solving their seemingly intractable issues about this or that territorial dispute. What I find disturbing in the wake of the attacks on Israel, among other things, is the support across the world for the Palestinians. I hope to God the support has more to do with their belief that the Palestinians have every right to their own homeland and less to do with the carnage laid at the feet of the Israeli's on their home turf. Then again, massive gatherings of people supporting the Palestinians in American cities like Chicago and New York City last night were unmistakenly celebratory in nature. Were they actually celebrating the horrible rapes, kidnappings, and murders of innocent Israelis at the hands of the Palestinians? Do I need to make a distinction between Hamas and the Palestinian people? Is one the militant wing of the other? If they were celebrating the murders and mayhem, one can more easily comprehend how the horror of the holocaust found a footing in the psyche of the German people back in the day. Never again, is what I say.

I sat down to watch what I expected to be a fairly close and competitive football game yesterday between the New England Patriots and the New Orleans Saints. The Patriots were 1-3 going into the game, and the Saints were 2-2. The stats seemed to suggest that we'd see a pretty good skirmish between the two teams. The Patriots had come off a 30-something to 3 loss against a team whose name I can't recall. It was a pitiful performance, to be sure, by the clownish quarterback, Mac Jones, and his cocksure but addled coach, Bill Belichick. I figured we'd see the Patriots get it back together for the game against the Saints. Besides, when have the Patriots ever been down 1-4 in the first five games of their season? Well, the Patriots scored zero points against the Saints, who put 30-something points on the board in what turned out to be a routing of epic proportions against a once-vaunted team in the Eastern Conference. In their last two games, the Patriots scored a total of 3 points to 72 points for the opposing teams. The dirty little secret here is that I despise the Patriots, so I was happy as a clam taking it all in. The only thing that would have given me more pleasure is to see Bob Kraft fire Belichick on the sidelines of the game while playing at home. If you heard the boos of the fans in the stands that I heard yesterday, me thinks that a lot of Patriots fans agree with me.

You would think that as President of the United States Bumbles Biden would issue an ultimatum to the Hamas terrorists holding our people hostage that should they harm even one American, they will face the wrath of the United States. Instead, what do we hear from Biden? It's fucking crickets. Is he even awake yet? My guess is that these hostages, who have yet to be identified, have already been moved to Iran along with any and all other high-profile captives taken by Hamas. Israel can bomb Gaza back to the stone age but it won't do much to get back our hostages. It's also interesting that we know nothing about these so-called American hostages. You would think their names would be plastered all over social media and elsewhere if for no other reason than to put a face to the problem. Surely, they have mothers, brothers, sisters, and fathers who know that they are likely in the hands of the terrorists. Maybe that would be outing them when outing them might not help their situation. If I were a hostage, I think it might help that my keepers know that Joe Biden just gave Iran $6 billion for five American hostages.

This has the potential to become the fiasco that we saw with President Jimmy Carter back in the day when he sent a few helicopters into Iran to free some 50 or so hostages. The helicopters got sidelines in some godawful dust storm, as I recall, and that was the end of that mission. It was also one of the more enduring and defining moments of Jimmy Carter's presidency, forgetting if we can about interest rates hitting 18% during his first and only term, and it would forever cast the Democrat party as weak and feckless when it comes to foreign affairs. That doesn't mean that the Democrats don't love to start wars, because they do. I also don't want to discount the Israeli hostages who likely face a far worse fate if only because they have no one offering $6 billion dollars to save them. Maybe Bumbles offers another $6 billion for all the hostages, Americans, and other nationalities. I don't know where I'm going with all of this other than to hope and pray that not another life is lost in this seemingly protracted affair.

I'm hearing that the United States convinced Israel to send a good portion of its offensive weaponry to Ukraine in the weeks and months leading up to this attack by Hamas. That could leave them a bit shorthanded when it comes to waging a full-out frontal assault against Hamas, and it gets even more challenging should Hezzbollah weigh in on Israel's northern border. Being shorthanded is not where you want to be if you're Israel. I have to believe that even the United States has less to offer because they have given generously. perhaps too generously, to Ukraine in their war with Russia. This is where countries take sides, and the next thing you know, you have a world war on your hands. I suppose the cherry on the sundae now would be for China to invade Taiwan. I don't know about you, but I'm a little less concerned about our overseas ventures than I am about the invading forces that have come across our southern border, yes, all 7 million of them, since Biden became president. Suffice it to say that there's a lot on our collective plates.

The stock market actually went up here in the United States on the first workday after Israel declared war on Hamas. That was a little bit of a surprise. I thought the financial markets didn't like uncertainty. Maybe the trading was thin, thanks to yesterday being Columbus Day here in the States. For the politically correct, it was the Indigenous People's Day. Fuck that. I don't care how many slaves Columbus had. It's still Colombus Day in our household. Had I had my wits about me last night, I would have celebrated with a large bowl of pasta and marinara sauce. Columbus was of Italian heritage. Right? The price of Brent Crude crept up a few cents but a lot less than I would have thought, given the potential for clogs in the process given the issues in the Middle East. I think we're seeing around $80 something a barrel right now, but that could easily go a lot higher if things get ugly. I'll be looking today at treasuries to see how they're faring as a result of all of this tumult. Higher rates and escalating gas prices at the pump are never good for the stock market. That said, reactions thus far have been fairly benign to muted, so I'm not sure what it's going to take to move markets lower.

Has anyone noticed the difference between the images coming out of Israel and images coming out of Ukraine? It's like night and day. If Ukraine wonders why they're having trouble keeping their coffers full of cash and armaments, all they have to do is look at what Israel is doing in the wake of the Hamas attacks. There is nothing like pictures and videos of pure savagery against the innocent to whip up sentiment and get the dollars and the weaponry flowing into the hands of the people being savaged. I think that the grifter Zelensky decided early on that showing the end result of Russia's bombing was not something he wanted to do. He never wanted nations around the world to see that Russia had any success in their campaigns against Ukraine. He preferred that countries funding his country think that the weapons systems they were providing were instrumental in preventing damage to their people and their infrastructure. One way to do that was not to show, or, at a minimum, control what gets shown and what doesn't, and that in and of itself would keep the money and arms coming in by the boatload. Just ask yourself this morning: which country has an American aircraft carrier group off its coast? Hint: It's not Ukraine. I rest my case.

I know this sounds far-fetched, but I will throw it out there anyway. I think Biden is in cahoots with Iran to ensure his reelection. Remember the six billion sitting in escrow that Biden unfroze in exchange for the five Americans being held by Iran? We all thought it was crazy that Biden would give them access to that kind of money knowing what Iran is famous for doing, i.e., spreading terrorism around the globe. Here we are just a few weeks out from that deal, and we see what Hamas, who is allegedly funded by Iran, was able to do with those monies. Hamas not only massacred Israelis in their homeland but also took a hundred or more hostages during their incursion into Israel. It's becoming very obvious now that the assets unfrozen by Biden had less to do with the five hostages freed by Iran and more to do with the horror laid at the feet of the Israelis on that fateful Saturday morning. But, there's more. Is it possible that Biden worked with Iran to create a scenario whereby he could free said hostages and come out of the deal looking like a hero? Surely, that would assure his reelection.

Iran has benefitted hugely from Biden's time in office. There is very little they wouldn't consider if they had an opportunity to keep Biden in office for another four years. What better way to ensure that Biden stays in office than to help him burnish his image in the eyes of the American populace? If anyone knows anything about America and Americans, they know that every American loves a hero. Who doesn't love a president who stands in the breach while promising to protect our allies and bring the terrorists to justice while freeing hostages at the same time? Do you think it's a coincidence that we already have an extraction team in place in the Middle East? Do you think it's a coincidence that Biden never mentioned Iran in the one speech he gave in response to the horrors unleashed by Hamas on Israeli soil? Why is it that Biden, knowing everything he knows about the assault on Israel by Hamas and knowing full well that Hamas is controlled by Iran, is unwilling to re-freeze the six billion in assets sitting in a bank in the Middle East? For Joe Biden, it's business as usual.

I suppose we'll have to endure a few beheadings in the interim at the hands of Hamas so we can more fully appreciate the efforts of our "beloved" president once he effectively frees and glad-hands the ragtag array of international hostages on the tarmac and under the klieg lights at some shit hole of an airport in the dusty backwater in the Middle East. The once-reviled and most corrupt president in America's history will rise up like a Phoenix out of the ashes to claim his prize of a second term. Any and all efforts to impeach Biden due to his alleged treasonous activities will become a mere footnote in the history books. The cacophony of voices of his detractors will trail off into a whisper, and his dutiful followers in the left-wing media will sing his praises day in and day out. He'll waltz into the final months ahead of Election Day with the wind at his back and with any and all opposition polling outside the margin of error. Dr. Jill is already putting out her fishnet stockings for the Inaugural ball, despite being months away. Hunter is cleaning up his contact list in anticipation of inviting his wealthier clients to the ball. Life is good for the Bidens. It will be even better, and more lucrative, if that's possible, once he's reelected.

I'm seeing and hearing some pushback when it comes to the tactics Israel is using to punish Hamas within Gaza. Some of Israel's neighbors are making it clear that they do not want the good people in Gaza punished for the deeds committed by Hamas. My guess is that you can only unleash so many bombs, you can only destroy so many buildings, you can only uproot so many people before your work is considered done. There is no way to really know how many Hamas fighters still exist or, if they do exist, how much of a threat they still pose to your country or your fellow countrymen. With more fronts opening by the day, Hamas may the the least of Israel's problems. Hezbollah is far more dangerous and far better equipped to inflict damage inside of Israel. That's what I'm reading anyway. My theory about Biden's getting in bed with the Mullahs only works if what we're seeing today in the Middle East doesn't escalate out of control. That may explain why we now have two aircraft carriers sitting off the coast of Israel instead of one. That is not sitting well with President Erdogan of Turkey. He wants to know what they're doing there in the first place. That's not something you want to hear, especially considering that Turkey is a fellow NATO member. Erdogan isn't the only one asking questions.


You would think that if some terrorist organization killed 22 Americans in a foreign country that it might get the attention of our president. The Iranians killed one American contractor during President Trump's first term, and Trump killed their defense guy, Solemani. That's precisely the right message for the moment. On another occasion, Trump dropped a MOAB (Mother of all bombs) on a bunker filled with militants. Has Biden even said anything about the 22 Americans killed by Hamas? Does he have any intention of retaliating in any way, shape, or fashion? What about the Americans being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza? When Jimmy Carter was president, and Iran held our hostages, not a day went by when someone in the media didn't count off the day as one more day our hostages were in Iranian jails. Is there any recognition anywhere about any of the hostages that Hamas is holding? I think the New York Times published a few pictures of the missing but, again, just a handful. We know they have more. And then we saw Mr. Milquetoast himself, Anthony Blinken, Biden's Secretary of State, who went to Israel to offer his support to government officials, and he didn't bother to meet with any of the relatives of the missing or dead while there. What is it with these pathetic fucks in the Biden Administration?

When I see hundreds of Israeli reservists amassed on the border between Gaza and Israel, I see sitting ducks. Why would anyone even televise those photos? A missile or bomb, strategically placed, could end the lives of every last one of those reservists. It would take them out in one fell swoop. Poof! I just don't understand why they do that. And, what should we think about Israel's plan to shut off water, power, and food to Gaza, thereby starving them to death until they cough up the hostages? Maybe the idea is to weaken them just enough such that they will be easier to find and kill once the Israeli troops put boots on the ground in Gaza. I'm also guessing that Israel has lost enough innocent lives in the wake of the attack by Hamas, and they have little to no desire to lose more by sending troops into the lion's den (Gaza) any sooner than necessary. As strategies go, when has starving your foes to death ever worked in the annals of wars and skirmishes? I'm no war historian, so don't look to me for that answer.

It seems to be all Israel all the time this week. What the hell? Today is day of the jihad or some silly shit like that. It's when Muslims around the world come together to support their fellow Muslims in Gaza. I don't know that it's an anti-Jewish thing, per se. I've only seen one story this morning as I'm getting up about a Jewish person in China who was attacked. I don't even know, nor does the story suggest, that the Jewish person was attacked because of their ethnicity. Maybe I'm being just a little naive. I hear the NYC police have ordered all vacations canceled today in anticipation of what could be a crazy, and maybe violent day, on the streets of the Big Apple. It's all hands on deck, boys and girls. As for the hostages that were taken by Hamas just a week ago, it seems to be radio silence. If they're beheading them for the Western Media in response to the shelling by Israel, I've seen none of it. Nor, have I heard anything about it. I wouldn't watch that shit if you paid me to watch it. Israeli men and women continue flying into Israel from around the world to take up arms and fight for their country. God bless them all! Long live Israel!

The left-wing media and their Marxist moonbats in the liberal establishment are obsessed with domestic terrorists and Trump supporters, but cheer on Hamas and every other Palestinian cause under the sun. When I say they cheer on Hamas, I'm saying that they know full well the extent of what Hamas did to innocent Israelis just a week ago now, and they fully endorse their actions. That's some kind of hypocrisy. Right? That's like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Maybe it shouldn't surprise anyone that one of the hotbeds of outright hostility to Jewish people when it comes to this Hamas stuff lies smack dab in the middle of Harvard Square, Harvard University. They are particularly rabid in their political beliefs when it comes to the state of Israel and whatever it is that they think the State of Israel is responsible for doing to the Palestinian people. The good news is that people on the outside looking in are taking names and making sure that these crazy bastards face an uphill battle when they leave the University and start looking for a job. Maybe this marks the beginning of the end of the total radicalization of some of our institutions. It works for me.

Did I mention that we had our roof reshingled yesterday? The missus and I got out of town as quickly as we could so as to let these guys do their work and, more to the point, get away from all the banging and whatever that goes on when you have your roof done. We went up Maine way for the better part of the day and arrived home a little after four in the afternoon. It was raining a little bit, so I was surprised to see a few of the workers still up on the roof and hammering away when we got home. They were still putting down tiles even in the rain. That's not a good thing. Is it? I thought, at a minimum, that they might cover the unshingled portion with a tarp and return at a later date to finish the job. I thought roofing jobs were "weather dependent." What do I know? They also uncovered quite a bit of rot on the boards at the edge of the shingling, so we had all of that replaced at an additional cost. I should have seen that coming. We hadn't factored any of it into our cost estimates. We also lost a few gutters in the process, so we'll have to have them taken care of at some point. One last thing that surprised me was the amount of debris produced in the process. We've got a huge dumpster in our driveway even this morning since the workers aren't quite finished. I'm not sure the dumpster is big enough.

I think I'm going to need some new gutters now that they've stripped away my existing gutters when they reshingled our roof. I've put up a limited section of gutter in years past on our house without too much trouble, so I may take a whack at that again and see if I can save a few bucks. I think if I take one section at a time, I can get it done reasonably quickly. I'm not in a huge hurry, but the sooner it's done, the sooner I can stop waking up every day with gutters on the brain. Or, I can pay someone to do the job. I have to believe that it's probably one of those jobs that is quite expensive to have done by professionals. The cost of materials is minimal, so I'm probably paying for their expertise and their time. The roofing company that did our roof has a gutter division, and they have all of the measurements they need to give me an estimate, so I'll listen to what they have to say. I just want to be careful, after spending so much money on roofing, not to turn around and create even more expensive problems elsewhere by not taking care of this gutter thing. Does any of this make any sense?

I told the missus that I want to strip down the wood floor in our computer room next Spring and put down a new coat or two of polyurethane. That will be a big job. Not because renting a sander and sanding the floor is difficult, but rather because the room has so much furniture in it that needs to be removed before I can start the job. There are couches, treadmills, bookcases, desks, filing cabinets, and television stands, just to name a few. Some things will need to be disassembled and taken out one drawer at a time because I haven't the muscle or the inclination to kill myself in the process. I warned her that she may have to put up with the smell of polyurethane for the time that it takes to either get used to it or until it dissipates. The dust from the sanding is less of an issue. I can just shut the door and open the windows. I've sanded floors before, too, with great success, so it is not a job that I need to consider outsourcing. It's just too late in the season to consider doing it now, and I have lots of other things on my plate that need doing before Winter arrives.

Can we get back to the hostages held by Hamas for a moment? Can you imagine the hue and cry that we'd hear from the liberal media if Trump were president and the hostages were still being held by Hamas? It would be intolerable. It would be 24/7 nonstop wailing. Why hasn't he (Trump) freed them? How many more hostages have to die because of his (Trump's) incompetence? Both Trump and Netanyahu have blood on their hands! Did I already cover this in this week's blog? You know how I hate repeating myself. The hostages are still in the hands of Hamas, or already in Iran is what I'm thinking, and the mainstream media says nothing. Biden is their boy, and they'll do nothing to cast any more shade than is necessary between now and Election Day in 2024 to thwart his ascension to a second four-year term. Biden has his praetorian guard, the media, on a very short leash when it comes to messaging. There's not much he can do to control what they show when he's stumbling up or down this or that ramp or slurring his speech since other outlets have the same footage. All that aside, they are doing Biden's bidding at every turn. God help them if they don't.

I've also noticed that the videos I'm seeing on social media these days of Trump making this or that speech have been seriously doctored. One speech has him praising Hezbollah in no uncertain terms. Of course, none of that is true. Other cuts, and I have no idea where these are coming from, have him rambling on talking about Obama as though he thinks he's running against Obama. It seems that the game now is to give people the impression that Trump is no better than Biden when it comes to cognitive acuity. We're supposed to take from all of this that we're better off with a younger, more intellectually nimble president. You know, someone like Nikki Haley or, God forbid, Ron DeSanctimonious. If you can create enough doubt about your candidate and nibble away at the edges of his base, then that may be just enough to give Bumbles Biden the edge when the votes are tallied on Election Day. In a twisted sort of way, maybe Trump is putting these clips out. You know Trump. Right? He'll be the first to tell you that bad press is better than no press at all.

Trump was on a radio interview with Brian Kilmeade yesterday and mentioned Obama again. Kilmeade tried to correct him, and Trump pushed back by saying that Biden wasn't running our country and, more than likely, Obama was behind the scenes calling the shots. Trump clarified that this was merely his hypothesis or words to that effect, but that he was more often right than wrong when saying such things. I don't know if this was Trump cleaning up on aisle nine because of previous comments he made about Obama or not. My take on all of it is that I'd rather have a senile Trump running the country than a level-5 demented Marxist like Biden. Or, should I say, a level-5 Marxist like Obama because I agree with Trump when he says that Biden isn't running anything. I'd like to know what drugs his handlers pump him up with when he's out on the stump pushing his Bidenomics or some such malarkey. They have got that shit down to a science. Not because Bumbles ever looks or sounds normal, because he doesn't, but because he shows up and does what he has to do, gaffes and all. So that you know, he's not fooling anyone with that stupid stilted little jog he does when he arrives to give a speech. That has dementia written all over it.

It seems like every hour on the hour, we have another military asset or class of assets appearing out of nowhere in the Middle East. Zelensky must be seeing all of this on the telly and thinking to himself that if Ukraine had half the assets that the United States has sitting off the coast of Israel, they would have pushed Putin and his marauding troops back across the border by now. It does make you wonder what we're really trying to accomplish, or not accomplish, as it were, in Ukraine. Anyway, it's hard to make sense of everything we see and hear coming out of Israel. It's just a damn firehose of information. Everybody and their brother seem to be weighing in on the conflict. I'm talking about countries and their leaders here. China says Israel has gone too far. I'm guessing they'd like to see a more measured response. Iran is threatening to create an "earthquake" if something or other continues. What the hell does that mean? Do they have a damn nuke? Some other country is threatening to shut off the flow of natural gas to the West if they continue bombing Gaza. We have politicians in our country saying that we should not be opening our doors to any of the displaced people now living in Gaza. I think Biden is saying that the U.S. will assist if Hezbollah gets involved. The American hostages being held by Hamas seem to be the least of anyone's concerns. That tells us a lot about where this all seems to be going.

I wish Trump would stop saying that if he were president, none of this would be happening. It's just a stupid thing to say. It's unknowable, really, and he knows it. Just because none of this sort of thing happened while he was in office doesn't mean that it would never happen. Maybe he can find a way to say it where it makes more sense. Things were less hostile, if that's the right word when he was in office, so I think he can claim that to be true. Were things less hostile across the globe because he was president? I'd like to see some polling on that, but I think the results of said poll would be favorable to Trump's version of the world according to Trump. I'm not saying that I expect Trump to be less Trumpy. This is no time for carnival barkers or snake oil salesmen. Biden, or should I say Obama, has brought us to the brink of nuclear war or, at a minimum, World War III. We need more Henry Kissingers and fewer Hillary Clintons. We need someone to push back against the tyrannies of China, the Marxists in our midst, the New World Order, and the World Health Organization, all of whom are an existential threat to our viability as a sovereign country. Yes, more statesmen and fewer carnival barkers. A man for the moment that we find ourselves in, if you will.

On Tenterhooks

Can you believe that it's October already? Holy jumping Jesus. We have less daylight, cooler mornings and evenings, a lot of muted foliage, maybe due to all the rain we've got over the summer, and a sense of urgency hereabouts to get stuff tidied up before Winter arrives. I need to change the oil in my snow machines and, if I can remember, remove the spark plugs on my machines and give them a squirt or two of WD40. I saw that on YouTube. It makes perfect sense. Right? The machines sit for months on end with any and all lubrication settling to the lowest point in the unit. When the time comes to start the machines, the pistons lack the necessary lubrication to operate efficiently, and that's never good for the machines. Would it cause them to seize up? I don't know, and I don't want to find out. But that's just me.


It doesn't look like Amazon is going to deliver my water dispenser. It was scheduled for delivery, but the delivery day came and went, and still no water dispenser. We have an e-mail into the vendor, so we'll see what they have to say. I think the tracking site said something about FedEx picking up the unit, but that's all it says. That's where everything stopped. Is it sitting in a warehouse somewhere? Was there a work shortage or a strike of sorts that messed things up? Not that I know of is the quick and dirty answer. Do I still want the machine? It's just like the old eight-ball thing of days gone by when you gave it a vigorous shake until it spit out an answer for you. Remember? "It is decidedly so." That's the answer I'm looking for. That's my answer, and I'm sticking to it. In fact, I can't consider buying anything else until I get a resolution of some kind. I'd hate to buy another one only to have the original one that I ordered, and the one I thought was never coming, arrive on my doorstep.

The Cowboys vs. New England Patriots game yesterday exceeded my greatest expectations. You know I hate the New England Patriots. Right? I've long maintained that their coach, Bill Belichick, rode the coattails of Tom Brady for a good decade or more. The question no one knew the answer to was whether Belichick was the brains behind the duo or was it all Brady all the time. Was Brady's brilliance making up for, or covering up for, might be a better way to say it, Belichick's incompetence? Now we know. We've known for a few years now since Brady's departure. Last year, the Patriots didn't even get to the playoffs. Wait a minute. Who's hiring all the "talent" for the Patriots? It's Belachick. Who's coaching the "talented" players he hires? It's Belichick. Who put some putz like Mac Jones in as quarterback? Belichick. Who was coaching the Patriots in the game against the Cowboys yesterday when they lost to the Cowboys 38-3, the worst loss in the history of the franchise and in Belichick's run with the team? Belichick. It was downright delicious to watch. The Patriots, under Belichick's "leadership," are now 1-3 in their first four games. It's time for him to go.

So much for shutting down the government if the Republicans don't get what they want. I liked the idea of passing 12 appropriations bills instead of either a continuing resolution (CR) or an omnibus bill. That's what Speaker McCarthy promised his caucus when they elected him Speaker. Well, McCarthy is the rat that we've always thought he was, and, with votes from Democrats, he put through a continuing resolution to kick the can down the road for another 45 days. He also allegedly agreed to a side deal with Biden to fund Ukraine. Most Republicans wanted no part of funding Ukraine while we have an invasion at our own border. That's the height of insanity. All that remains now is for the caucus to remove McCarthy as Speaker for his skullduggery. That was the deal. Right? Keeping the Speakership role was conditional. I think his response when confronted with that question about his potential ouster as Speaker on one of the Sunday talk shows yesterday was, "Bring it." The Republicans will need Democrat votes to get it done, so we'll see how that goes. He might as well be a Democrat for everything he's done for Biden and the Democrats, so I think they like him right where he is. That's the Uni-Party for you.

I don't know what's going on with my legs. They were throbbing last night. I was tossing and turning for the better part of the night. It almost feels like my musculature is unwinding after not riding my bike for a couple of days. It goes right on up to my hips, and I'm not liking that one bit. Was I sitting around too much? Is my napping catching up to me? I was busy doing this and that around the house yesterday, so I can't easily attribute it to anything that I did or didn't do. This is an entirely new sensation, so I'll just throw that out there. I had half a mind to get out of bed in the middle of the night and take a couple of Motrin. If I had something stronger, I would have considered that too. I half thought to myself as I lay in bed, is this the throbbing stuff that the missus complains about from time to time? I'm going to get back on my bike this morning to see if I can shake this shit. I also have more cleaning scheduled, so I'll be up and about, which may help. What am I going to do if nothing helps? What if it gets worse rather than better? I think this bears watching.

Fast forward 24 hours, and the throbbing is no longer. Maybe it was a warning of sorts. I just don't know. I suppose I could Google it, but then I'd start seeing ads on every web page I visit for salves, ointments, and gels, and I want no part of that bullshit. The missus complains about that sort of thing all the time. She looks up a nice pair of shoes, and before she knows it she's getting reminders from Amazon that that very same brand or style of shoe is on sale on their site. It's fucking insidious, is what it is. I worried a little bit that when I laid down to go to sleep last night, I might conjure up the pain I felt from the night before if for no other reason than I feared too much that it might come over me again. Is that sheer stupidity on my part or just part and parcel of who and what I am? Don't answer that. I also got in a bike ride yesterday. I needed to dispense with the notion that not riding my bike was the cause of my leg issues. Now that I've had a ride and now that I've gone one night without my leg pain, what possible conclusions can I draw? This is getting very circular.

That story ended well. A nine-year-old girl disappeared in upstate New York earlier this week after going out on a biking trip with friends. The headlines were blaring that she was likely in imminent danger. What the fuck does that mean? Did that mean that neither of her parents were suspects? Did they know something that we didn't about potential child molesters or serial killers in the area at the time of her disappearance? The videos and photos of her online were equally disturbing when you considered the fact that her loved ones were going through hell at the very thought of what their child might be enduring at the hands of some pervert. It's a fate worse than death itself. You don't allow yourself to think that she might be dead, although death may be preferable to the excruciating physical and emotional pain she might otherwise experience while in the company of her abductor. She's now been found alive and well, all things considered, I suppose, and you take things one day at a time. What is this we're hearing about a ransom note? Why do we not know everything there is to know about the abductor? Was he or she an illegal alien? A member of a marginalized community? What are they hiding? Fess up, you fuckers.

Word has it that Russia is having a country-wide nuclear drill today. Is it true what they say about Russia having fallout shelters throughout their country? Would they be having these drills if they didn't think that they might be the recipient of incoming warheads in the weeks or months ahead? And how many fallout shelters do we have, dare I ask? What American politician wants to go out on a limb even to suggest that we might be the target of some rogue nation and their fanciful ideas about taking out the greatest country on the face of the earth with a barrage of nuclear missiles? We're effectively sleepwalking into God only knows what in an insanely more dangerous and unpredictable world under the "leadership" of Bumbles Biden. Russia gets it, and they are preparing for the worst. We should be doing the same. Are we closer than we think to what we experienced back in the sixties with the Cuban missile crisis? You won't hear those words coming out of the mouths of Democrats. Not in an election year or a pre-election year, anyway. No sirree, Bob. Keeping power is more important than saving American lives. This is who they are. This is what they do.

My guy on the talk show this morning was going on and on about the civil trial in New York City involving Trump and charges of fraud. This is all about dumping on Trump and trying to influence the outcome of the 2024 presidential elections. How do you even accuse someone of fraud when no one was effectively defrauded? Did he inflate his net worth or the value of his properties in order to hoodwink banks or lending institutions into lending him money? They make it sound like the banks or institutions had to take Trump's word for what he was worth and that they had little to no responsibility or ability to do their own due diligence. The judge could rule that Trump has to turn over his properties to a conservator if he's found guilty. I can't imagine that any of this would be upheld on appeal. I didn't hear my talk show guy say that the judge stated yesterday that anything prior to 2014 would not be subject to the ongoing litigation, thanks to the statute of limitations. That takes 80% of the case off the table, according to Trump. Did I dream that? Why was that not mentioned by my talk show guy? No callers referred to it either. WTF?

Whoa. I didn't see that coming. I did not see them voting the go-along-to-get-along Speaker of the House, Keven McCarthy, out of his position. I've always considered him to be the penultimate insider who would sell his soul to tow not the interests of his party but the interests of big government. There have been too many broken promises, too many side deals, and too much capitulation to Biden and the Democrats, especially on issues like money for Ukraine. Words that come to mind when I think of the rat McCarthy: Milquetoast/sell-out/traitor/Democrat/liar/swine/Ukraine whore, etc. Do I make myself clear? If you want to know who the real shills for unlimited big government are, just look at who was most upset after McCarthy's ouster. I didn't watch FOX, but I heard that, to a person, they were livid. And Newt Gingrich, for chrissakes. I've never seen him so steamed. He wanted Matt Gaetz expelled from Congress for his critical role in getting McCarthy thrown out. Gaetz is a hero in my mind. He and eight other principled conservatives delivered on their promise to hold McCarthy's feet to the fire after they helped to forge the agreement that put McCarthy in as speaker some 280 days ago. The icing on the cake? The temporary Speaker told Pelosi to vacate the Speaker's office immediately. Who knew that McCarthy had allowed her to keep her office space when she lost the Speakership?

What is this I'm seeing? You know that John Kirby guy? He's a mouthpiece for the Biden Administration. He was quoted as saying something along the lines of if Congress doesn't keep the money flowing to Ukraine, the Administration will have to put American boots on the ground. What kind of threat is this? You never heard anything like this when McCarthy was Speaker because there was never any real threat of money being withheld. McCarthy wore Ukraine's colors in his lapel at some big Washington soiree, for chrissakes, so that told you everything you needed to know about McCarthy. Is this just another story that is going to disappear into the ether, or is someone in Congress going to stand up and call Biden out for his reckless and irresponsible language? We're talking about American boys fighting and dying on foreign soil to protect another country's borders when we have yet to send a single American to protect our own borders if you discount soldiers sent there by Biden to assist the illegal aliens flowing into our country. Here's my memo to whoever gets promoted to Speaker of the House: Not one more fucking dime for Ukraine.


The other thing that I heard about McCarthy is that he put the kibosh on issuing a subpoena to Hunter Biden. Comer and his committee in Congress wanted to issue the subpoena a long time ago, but he was prevented from doing it by McCarthy. Let's hope things keep rolling with the Biden impeachment inquiry after however much time it takes to fill the Speaker's position. I'm a patient man, but I'm not that patient. We need to keep turning up the heat on the most corrupt president and administration in America's history. While we're at it, we also need to do a deep dive into the Department of Justice and its complicity in covering up for the many crimes of the Bidens. I also agree with Senator Ted Cruz, who wants Secretary Mayorkas's ass on a platter for his mishandling of our immigration policies. He knows that Mayorkas is just a Biden toady, and if he's removed from office, Biden will replace him with another one of his loyal brownshirts. Right? I understand Cruz's disgust with Mayorkas and everything he represents, but Mayorkis is just a symptom. You need to lance the boil, and Mayorkis is not the boil. In political parlance, that means you remove whoever you have to remove at the ballot box, or sooner, depending on opportunities that may come your way, such as impeachment, etc.

For the Democrats who voted en masse with the eight conservatives to oust McCarthy, here is what I say: Be careful what you wish for. I'm guessing that they were thinking that their votes would throw their Republican counterparts into a tumult that would invariably benefit their party. Short term, it's probably mission accomplished. Longer term, I'm hoping that we conservatives come out of all of this with an even bigger and even more conservative mandate. If that first volley out of the gate by the temporary speaker in telling Pelosi to vacate her office tells us anything, I think it will be game-on. I think we won't know what other skullduggery McCarthy was up to as Speaker until we see the new Speaker weighing in on issues where McCarthy was unwilling to go. Thus far, Scalise, Jordan, and the black congressman from Florida, whose name escapes me at the moment, have thrown their hat in the ring as potential nominees. Trump's name has been bandied about as well, but that seems a bit far-fetched. He's got bigger fish to fry with running for president.

I watched the video of that NYC activist getting killed on the streets of the Big Apple the other day, and as gruesome and hard as it was to watch, I found that I felt surprisingly little empathy for the guy. I don't know if the activist's assailant was a mentally deranged individual or maybe an illegal alien hell-bent on killing Americans, not that it mattered one way or another. I firmly believe that the once greatest city on the face of the earth, New York City, is now a living and barely breathing shit hole because of people like him and the policies that he and his Marxist brothers and sisters have been pushing for the past few decades. Would it surprise you to learn that the woman who was accompanying him at the time of his death now refuses to identify the assailant? What kind of madness is this? It's apparently more important to her that the killer not be brought to justice since his fate as a black American has already been determined by society at large, and jailing him will only perpetuate our collective and intolerant legacy of racial inequity. This is Marxism 101. Where and how does any of this end?

Have you heard about the kerfuffle in Foxboro, Massachusetts? The annual Army / Navy game is being held at Foxboro stadium this year, and any and all reservations in hotels in and around Foxboro have been effectively canceled due to the influx of illegal aliens in the State. Apparently, the State pays top dollar to the hotels to cover the costs of housing the illegals. Let me rephrase that. The taxpayers of the State of Massachusetts are footing the bill for housing these criminals, vagrants, pedos, and ne'er do wells. What I want to know is whether or not Bob Kraft and the hotels he owns inside of Gilette Stadium are also housing these illegals. Or, does he get a pass because of his political connections and the generous checks that he writes to the liberal politicians in the State? I think I know the answer to that question. Word also has it that these hotel rooms are being trashed left and right by the illegals. Imagine that. You come to our country from your dirt-poor existence in some squalid South American hellhole, you are provided with free telephones, $2,200 a month in cash, free education for your children, free healthcare for your family, free housing, and you ungrateful cunts trash everything in site in and around the hotels in which you reside. Thanks for nothing, Joe Biden. This is on you. This is your legacy.

I've been struggling a bit as of late with my bike riding. I don't know if it's my inability to adjust to this and that to account for the change of seasons, or maybe I've not yet recovered from not having not ridden my bike the entire week that I was away on vacation in September. Something is missing. I'm not riding as long as I usually do, and I'm feeling less physically able to complete my usual ride; forget the abbreviated version of the ride I sometimes take when I'm not feeling up to snuff. Even the missus has noticed, and she occasionally asks, "Did you do your normal ride"? It's a rhetorical question, really. She knows darn well I'm home ahead of schedule. Maybe she's expecting an explanation of sorts, but I offer none. My silence tells her everything she needs to know. She's been nudging me a bit lately to think about joining a local gym. Does that have anything to do with my less-than-stellar outings on my bike? You know, the ones she reminds me of every time I arrive back home ahead of schedule. You'll have to ask her. It's above my pay grade.

I sent the Ev man a text yesterday, and he never responded. The missus asked me yesterday if I heard back from him, and I told her that I hadn't. I probably should have given him a call. You know, just check in to make sure that he's okay. Here I am roughly twenty-four hours later, and I'm sending him a slightly more concerning text. He's never been all that prompt when it comes to responding to texts and phone calls, and it's not terribly unusual for him not to reply at all. I've always had a bit of a chuckle when we call him, and the call goes to voicemail, only to have him call us back within five minutes or so. Maybe that's his way of preserving what he prefers to think of as his privacy. I know it's early, so maybe he's not up and about yet. Or, he may be out and about looking to buy a cup of coffee to jump-start his morning. I'm making this up as I go along. I'm not going to call him just yet. I may wait until the missus is up and out of bed, although I'm not wanting to worry her when it may not be necessary. C'mon, Ev. Text me back. Pick up the phone and call me. It's been twenty-four hours. A very long twenty-four hours, now that I think of it.

I have to laugh when I hear the talking heads talking about the fact that someone like Jim Jordan can never be Speaker of the House because he'd never get the votes from the congressmen in his caucus who live in districts that voted for Biden. It's funny because I never hear Democrats talking about not being able to get something done in their caucus because their members reside in Republican districts. Don't think for a minute that the entire Democrat caucus wouldn't vote for their leader, the obvious radical and extreme leftist, Hakeem whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is, to become Speaker of the House if his name came up for nomination. They could give a flying fuck if one of their members who resides in a Republican district casts a vote that could cost him his position. They stick together, and they get things done. Imagine running for a congressional seat for the honor of representing your constituents only to end up in Washington and having some fuck or other tell you how you're going to vote on issues that impact your people back in your district. I'll never understand that. You know I'm referring to the Democrats here. Right? I suppose the people you represent are fully aware of what they're getting when they vote for you, so maybe it works for everyone involved. I'm just not sure that what we see in Washington these days, at least what we see with the Democrats, would pass muster with our Founding Fathers.

Man, that is some serious shit that went down in Israel last night. I think it's still going on even now. I saw videos of Hamas terrorists on social media using hang gliders to fly into the center of Tel Aviv or other to do their dastardly deeds. I saw one video of a dead Israeli woman lying face down on the bed of a truck surrounded by Hamas fighters screaming Allah Akbar. Hamas apparently now has taken any number of Israeli prisoners. It's a complete and utter shit show. A failure of Isralei's Intelligence agencies is what some are saying. Others are throwing shade on Biden and his recent gift to Iran of some $6 billion dollars as a catalyst for this terror attack. Leaders across the globe are urging restraint between the two parties, but Israel is close to declaring war against Hamas if they haven't already. I have to imagine that the level of retaliation about to be leveled on Hamas is going to be something otherwordly. I don't really know or understand the dynamics of everything at play, so I'll simply send prayers and well wishes to our ally, Israel, in her time of need. If not now, when?

I'm hearing that Biden is unleashing his agencies on MAGA extremists ahead of the 2024 presidential elections. What the hell is a MAGA extremist anyway? Is it someone who says bad things on social media about the inimitable, feckless, and demented Joe Biden? Is it someone who holds up signs at rallies or abortion centers decrying the policies of Biden and the Marxists whom he surrounds himself with? Is it someone who refuses to trade in their gas guzzler for an electric vehicle? Is it someone who calls Biden and his family members wholly-owned assets of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP)? Is a MAGA extremist and a card-carrying member of the Republican Party one and the same? To carry some or all of this to a logical conclusion, let's not forget that Hillary Clinton was recently quoted as saying that "at some point, there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members." Is that where we're going with all of this? Can she be any more clownish? It is precisely she and her minions who have been demonizing Trump supporters since he beat her ass good in the 2016 election. If the good Lord is willing, and the creek don't rise, he'll do it again in 2024. There, I said it. And no, that's not a prediction.

It's pretty sad when you think about it. How long did it take for Biden to step up to the microphone after Hamas fighters killed more than 300 (At last count) Israeli citizens to decry the hostilities and to call for restraint on both sides? A little too long if want to know the truth. It was a pathetic speech by any standards, and if it took two minutes from beginning to end, I'd be very surprised. He took questions for about forty-five minutes after his speech, much to the surprise of the media types in attendance. Correction: He took no questions and shuffled away from the podium while the media shouted questions, only to have them fall on deaf ears. This is the leader of the free world? This is who people across the globe look to in bad times and good times for guidance and inspiration? Did I mention that Biden ordered that the Biden White House be illuminated in Israel's colors in the wake of the terror attack, much like they did in Germany and other nation's capitols across the world? Nope, he didn't do that either. You know that Biden ordered the White House illuminated for an entire week during gay pride week. Right? And, how does one call for restraint after what can only be called Israel's 911? You tell them that it's okay to crush the animals who did this to your fellow countrymen.

One guy I follow on social media posted the following tweet on Twitter (X) last night: Gas up your car. What's that all about? Is he suggesting that we Americans not be caught flatfooted when the shit hits the fan? Is that to say that we should be prepared to move quickly to points south or wherever with our family and all our belongings when the word comes down? Is he suggesting that the price of Brent Crude is going to go through the roof now that the Middle East is being thrown into turmoil as a result of the attack on Israel, and we should fill up our tanks before the price at the pumps goes out of sight? Do his comments have anything to do with the fact that Biden has nearly drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR), and we'll not have any reserves to fall back on if and when world oil supplies dwindle? Now we know, I suppose, why Biden hasn't refilled the SPR to levels we saw under Trump's tenure. He never intended to refill the reserves. Think of all the electric cars they can sell when gas prices go nuts. Think of all the refineries they can shut down once people aren't driving gas guzzlers anymore. Brent crude dropped by some 10% last week on the world markets. My guess is that we get that back and more this coming week. Maybe that's what he's talking about.

Is it me, or does something seem fishy about this Israel thing? Is anyone buying this bullshit about their intelligence agencies not knowing anything about this before it happened? Somebody knew something, and you know it. If they knew something, why wouldn't they say something? Much like the hyped-up 9/11 event here in America in 2001, which gave the Bush White House carte blanche to invade Iraq, it's possible that Israel now has the imprimatur to bring the war to Hamas (And Iran) in a way they couldn't before all of this happened. I'm not saying the 9/11 event itself was hyped up, just the media firestorm that followed the event that claimed the lives of some 2,000 plus Americans. It was a firestorm that ignited passions in Americans from coast to coast, and we were ready and willing as a people to sign off on anything that restored our national dignity and pride. Sadly, but not surprisingly, we had politicians and a willing industrial-military complex more than happy to send our children to fight and die in foreign lands. So, I ask you this: Who in the Five-Eyes community wants a war in the Middle East? Let me rephrase that: Who in the Five-Eyes community benefits most from a war in the Middle East? Have I already answered my own question? You tell me.

Ad Nauseam

We're off and running again for another week, for better or worse. I have no bones to pick with anyone about anything one way or another, but that is always subject to change. I'll be watching to see if they close down our government by the end of the week and what that might mean for financial markets. I'm all for not funding the government of Ukraine and the pensions of people halfway around the world when we have our own problems here in the United States. I'll be watching as another busload or two, or three, or more, of illegal aliens, get dumped into NYC and how that works out for the Biden-loving politicians, and we'll have to see if the price of Brent Crude eclipses the $100 mark. Biden has already severely depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), so he'll not be able to use that to lower prices at the pump in the upcoming presidential year.


I suppose I'll watch the second Republican debate this Wednesday. If it's anything like their first debate a few weeks ago, it will do little to change the dynamics of the race where Trump is concerned. Trump didn't attend the first debate and reportedly has no plans to attend this upcoming debate. The only people who seem to care about Trump's participation in the debate are those people in the debate whose standing might be elevated at Trump's expense were he to attend and subject himself to the uppercuts and barbs of his ne'er-do-well opponents in the race. Then again, there is a long list of politicians in the rear-view who thought that getting the better of Trump in a debate was their ticket to the White House. Seventeen of them, in fact, if anyone's counting. All political heavyweights in their own right. They all have one thing in common: They learned the hard way that Donald J. Trump is the undisputed eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room.

I'm a little skeptical of that ABC poll that had Trump up by 10 points over Biden. They rolled that puppy out just ahead of the Sunday talk shows, and that probably wasn't a coincidence. It also makes sense to mention that it was a national poll, and we all know national polls don't mean shit in our electoral system. Was someone in the Democratic sphere trying to light a fire under the people who think that Biden is the key to their electoral success in 2024? One or more of the shows showed Trump kicking Biden's ass in every conceivable category, from the economy to the protection of our southern border. Maybe they're trying to tell that Jack Smith a-hole that he needs to conjure up a few more indictments and keep em coming until something breaks. I read a story yesterday about Jack Smith and that he hasn't provided Trump's defense team with much of anything ahead of the trials as scheduled between now and Election Day 2024. That does not bode well for Jack Smith.

I think it was Elon Musk who posted a tweet critical of the mainstream media for not covering the crisis created by Biden's open-border policies. He's not wrong. I pointed out to the missus the other day that I read the Boston Globe from cover to cover, and there was not so much as a mention of the seven million illegal aliens who have come into our country illegally since Biden's inauguration. Boston and her suburbs have been decimated with busloads and planeloads by the tens of thousands of illegals coming into her cities and towns at all hours of the day and night, yet not a fucking peep out of local newspapers like the Boston Globe. Keep in mind that the Boston Globe is owned by the New York Times. They love the destruction and mayhem these illegals bring to our shores and our Republic, so they're not likely to rat them out in the rags they pass off as newspapers. Elon wasn't wrong. They say nothing, and they hope that no one notices.

Speaking of blackouts, when was the last time you saw a piece anywhere about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s race for the Democratic nomination? This morning, there was an article in some mainstream newspaper about some Democrat or other considering a run against Biden. Nowhere in the article was there anything about Kennedy, who, at last count, had something north of twenty percent support in the Democrat party. He's getting no air time because the powers that be in the Democrat party have already decided on who they want to put up as their nominee, and it isn't RFK jr. I don't know what happens if Kennedy runs as a Libertarian. Cornell West has the far-far-left side of the political party nailed down, and that may take three to four points away from Biden. Not nothing, but not enough to do any real damage to Biden unless the results from election night are super tight at the margins. I'm a little worried about Kennedy's appeal to Republican voters and what that may mean in a tight race. Just thinking out loud here.

I ordered four free Covid tests yesterday. I know how much the missus loves to use those tests when she gets a case of the sniffles, so I'm just being a good and dutiful husband by placing the order before she asks me to place the order. It's really just stupid when you think of it. Who knows what variants are going to be floating around by the time it comes to use one of these test kits? Why do they distribute tests ahead of any one or more variants surfacing in the general population? It's almost like they know what's coming down the pike, and they want to be prepared. What else do they know about these viruses, and how is it that they know what they know? Are Biden and his corrupt cabal working with the Chinese Communists on the next best strain of these deadly variants? Are they determined to go through with their lockdowns so they can steal another election? Is that what this is really all about? How many Americans are Biden and his shock troops willing to sacrifice to get reelected? I'm guessing that the quick and dirty answer is however many it takes.

I guess I'm not the only one who watched the debate between Maria Bartiromo and Matt Gaetz this past Sunday on Maria's show, Sunday Morning Futures. I sat in stunned silence as Matt Gaetz laid out the case for pushing back against going along with Speaker McCarthy's desire to pass a short-term Continuing Resolution in order to keep the government open. Gaetz is one of five rebels within the Republican party in Congress who are insisting that they are done with going along to get along when it comes to aiding and abetting the criminal cabal called the Biden Crime Family. The Republicans have a four or five-member majority in Congress, which, just coincidentally, gives these five rebels more say in what gets or doesn't get passed. Anyway, Speaker McCarthy has been in bed with the Bidenistas every step of the way when it comes to funding the government. Gaetz and his fellow rebels have had enough of it. I was equally stunned when Maria pushed back like the McCarthy lackey that she's become. I thought she was better than that. Hers was such a harsh rebuke, and Gaetz made such a good case that she posted a tweet on Twitter after the fact and admitted that she was still evolving on the issues. It's a good start. We're several days out from the discussion, and everyone is still talking about it. It's literally gone viral.

I don't know that these so-called government shutdowns are that big of a deal. I also think that the jury's out when it comes to deciding who wins and who loses in the wake of a government shutdown. That is not to say that the fearmongering hasn't already begun. Just yesterday, Biden was quoted as saying that blacks will be impacted disproportionally. Biden is losing support in the black community hand over fist to Trump, maybe to the tune of 15-17%, according to some polls, so I suppose it behooves him not to say something, anything. Some reports say that the United States will lose its stellar credit rating should the shutdown be a prolonged affair. All of this nonsense is designed to force Gaetz and his gang to back off and succumb to the wishes of the Uni-Party in Washington. Oh, and as far as funding the war in Ukraine goes, that will trickle to a stop if she closes down. Here's what I say to Gaetz and his gang: Stay strong and stand in the breach as long as it takes to pass these single-item bills of yours. I don't care if it takes you two weeks or two months. Fuck the Ukrainians! Fuck our credit rating! Fuck the Uni-Party and McCarthy and their bending over for the Biden Cabal. Let's get this party started!

There is something distasteful about a bunch of Republican presidential candidates running around with their hair on fire in the hopes that the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room gets taken out of the race so they can take his place. You and I know that that is the only reason that any one or more of them is still in the race. It just isn't a good look. They should all bow out and get behind the candidate who is the clear choice of the American people by some 40 points, according to most polls. People will be voting for Trump even if he is sitting in a jail cell by the time Election Day rolls around. That's how determined most Americans are to put an end to the criminal conspiracy that is the Biden presidency. That door has to close on January 20, 2025, lest our blessed Republic be subjected to four more years, and God only knows how many more they will steal in the years ahead of Marxist rule. The longer these ne'er-do-wells stay in the race, the more likely it is that it will fracture our party ahead of the election, and that will not bode well for what remains of the Republican party should it come to that. DeSantis can help himself by bowing out now and pledging support to Trump. He will need their support in 2028 if he has any designs on the White House going forward. It may be too late for him. The damage has been done. Self-inflicted as it is.

I've got a nice mushroom and broccoli quiche in the oven this morning. The missus will be pleased. I told her that I was planning on making one the other day, so today is the day. I didn't tell her when I was going to make it, so that will be my surprise to her when she walks into the kitchen all blurry-eyed and still half asleep. I should have bought some grapefruit to go along with it, but I wasn't thinking. What else is new? Did I mention that I make my quiche without a crust? I'm not sure how I got on that kick, but it is what it is. I also saute the mushrooms and steam the broccoli before throwing it all together in a lightly greased 9-inch pie pan. Oh, and I top it off with a bit of cheddar and feta cheese. I think the feta cheese gives it a bit of a bite, if you will. I also never use a timer when I bake my quiche. I do keep a close eye on it, and if there is ever a question about it being cooked enough, I can always throw it in the microwave for a minute or two to firm things up. Honestly, if the top is browned nicely by the time I remove it from the oven, it is usually good to go. Tell me I'm not the only one who serves their quiche with a dollop of mustard on the side.

Temperatures dipped into the low forties along the seacoast here last night. Fall is here without being here, if you get my drift. I made a point of bringing our big palm plant in off our back deck last night, not knowing how cold it would get. Again, a real missus pleaser. I did something for her without her asking me to do it. That always gets me a few points. The plant is on the inside looking out this morning, and it looks perkier than usual. It's almost as though it's pleased to have been brought in when it could have spent a long cold night outside in the near-frosty weather. I think they call that anthropomorphizing. I could be wrong. We've had this palm plant forever, so I'm inclined to err on the side of caution when it comes to seeing to it that it has everything it needs not only to survive but flourish. I won't ever claim to know how much or how little water it needs, so I leave that up to the missus. I do know that it gets quite a lot of rain sitting outside all summer as it has, and it doesn't look any worse for wear, so we'll leave it at that.

It figures. No sooner had the news about the Communist Chinese Party wiring money directly to the home of one Joseph Biden come out than a moonbat judge in New York City ruled that Trump had defrauded this and that party over the last thirty years by inflating his net worth in order to build his real estate empire. It never fucking fails. Biden's praetorian guard, the mainstream media, can't possibly cover the Chinese wiring money to the Bidens, so it needs a backup story to run cover to cover. If the Trump story also sends chills and thrills up the backside of every moonbat New Yorker who has always wanted Trump either behind bars or bankrupt, then the timing of the Trump story couldn't be more opportune. Add this to the 130 counts that various moonbat district attorneys around the country have already filed against Trump, and they've got what they believe is the recipe for taking Trump out of the presidential race. They couldn't be more wrong, of course. This braindead judge actually valued Mar-a-Lago at $18 million. I'm guessing this all goes away when it gets appealed, but that's probably a couple of years away. Trump will be in the second year of his second four-year term when the ruling comes down in his favor. God willing.


This smash-and-grab shit in major cities here in the States is getting out of hand. Target said yesterday that they are closing four stores in four major cities due to crime, theft, etc. Just last night, there was a video on Twitter of the cops tussling with smash and grabbers running in and out of an Apple store in downtown Philadelphia. Did I mention that they were all black? Or do they prefer to be called African American? I'm a little surprised that the cops even showed up. Shop owners typically tell their employees not to interfere with thieves when they're pillaging and looting. No life is worth any amount of merchandise that they might lose to the robbers. Not to be cynical here, but it wouldn't surprise me to see the piece-of-shit governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, step up to the podium today to denounce the thieves and issue an ultimatum to any and all scum planning similar activities that it will not be tolerated. Imagine that. A governor of a blue state enforcing the letter of the law. I can hear the liberal establishment now. Josh for President! Josh for President! It's a fucking ruse. Don't fall for it. Good ole Josh is all about diversity, equity, and inclusion. This is racial and economic justice, but you'll not hear those words coming out of his liberal claptrap. That is, not until he's firmly installed as president.

My God, what a shite of a debate. I don't even know where to start. Two FOX moderators and some Spanish toady kicked the debate off IN SPANISH. What the fuck? I know FOX has gone to the damn dogs since they fired Tucker, but I barely recognized the FOX that was running this debate. Dana Perino is an old, washed-up Bush spokesperson, so you know where she was coming from, and she didn't disappoint. Did these clownish moderators even ask any questions about the Biden Crime Family and their treasonous exploits in selling influence across the globe for the last 25 years or more? They did not. The candidates constantly talked over one another, and the moderators were, to a person, unable to reel any one or more of them in. Nikki Haley was horrible. She showed her true colors when she told Senator Scott to "bring it" when he was accusing her of some impropriety or other. You could sense the venom running through her veins. Ms. Haley, I knew Margeret Thatcher. Margeret Thatcher was a friend of mine. Ms. Haley, you're no Margeret Thatcher. That's me talking. And what about Crispy Kreme? What's with calling Trump Donald Duck? How old are you? You want to be what again?

I saw a Daily Mail poll this morning after last night's debate, and they had Trump (who was not in attendance) winning the debate, with Ramaswamy running close second at 27%. I thought Vivek had a pretty good night, but in an all-out food fight, it's difficult, if not impossible, to pin a first-place medal on anyone's lapel. Senator Scott and Nikki Haley went after Vivek on his relationship with China, and I'm not sure he adequately defended himself. We already have one wholly-owned asset of the CCP in the White House. We certainly don't need another. He is the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to this line-up, so that has to count for something. Pence looked washed up and just tired. He made some ridiculous comment about sleeping with his wife for the last twenty-seven years, and you knew he was toast. It didn't matter what else he had to say the rest of the night. DeSantis had one more chance to separate himself from the Keebler Elves and failed miserably. I don't think they asked him a question until the debate was half over. FOX was clearly trying to highlight Nikki Haley. They've given up on DeSantis after his poll numbers have, in some cases, dropped into the single digits. I don't know what else to say. I don't think the debate changed the trajectory of Trump's ascendency to the nomination in the least. He's my guy, so I guess I'm good with that, everything else being equal.

The Republicans are officially kicking off their Biden impeachment inquiry today, starting at ten this morning. I'm not really sure what to expect. They have three witnesses who, I think, will be testifying as to what is required legally to proceed with such an inquiry. I believe the committee members will be revealing what evidence they've collected thus far. I'm also guessing the Democrats in attendance will be objecting strenuously to just about everything coming out of Comer's mouth. Comer is the guy running this thing for the Republicans. He's a dog with a bone, and that sits well with me. I don't know that there is anything new that I haven't heard before by way of evidence, but I'm open to being surprised. My other challenge will be to sit long enough to watch it all without feeling guilty that I'm wasting my day away. Maybe I can pick it up on the radio and do something else at the same time. I have windows to wash, just to name something top of mind. I'm also a little unclear as to where we go from here. Will any of this be in prime time? You know, like the Democrats who televised their January 6th hearings in prime time.

Upgrading operating systems is so much fun. I don't know why I bother other than to say that it's out there to download for free, so why not? Everything is supposed to be just a little bit better, a little bit brighter, and with bells and whistles that you'll probably never bother to use, but they're there for the taking nonetheless. What I failed to consider before I started downloading and updating everything is that if the missus needed the computer, and if I were to run into any glitchiness, which I did, it would put the kibosh on her planned activities. The longer our computer was out of commission, the more angst it would cause the missus, and that's never a good thing. Shame on me for not planning for these so-called contingencies. That's how I roll sometimes. I throw caution to the wind, and I'm off and running no matter the outcome. What could go wrong? Right? Long story short, my browsers wouldn't connect to my WiFi. Longer story short, it was due to known issues with antivirus software that I had to sort out, and that took more time to sort out than I'd like to admit. What else doesn't work?

I'm on a bit of a roll now. I've decided that if I clean two windows a day, I can have all the windows done in our home in a reasonably short period of time. It's surprisingly satisfying to see what a difference it makes. It's almost like living in a new home. Everything is so much brighter and cleaner. The light coming into the house is now much less diffused, and things that have been out of focus due to our dirty windows are now back in focus and deserving of their own attention. It was so gradual that you never noticed that you stopped noticing. We had so many trinkets and whatnot hanging from our kitchen windows, and now that they've been stripped away while I attended to the windows, I'm no longer certain that I want to put them back. I'm talking about funnels, glass hummingbirds, paper cutouts of our child's handprint, etc. Now that everything is so much clearer and cleaner, it's time to move on. Imagine how we're going to feel when every last window in our house has been cleaned. Then what? Where will I turn my attention to then? The walls? The floors?

I like Mark Levin as a radio talk guy, but the more I listen to him whining about his recent book (Democrats Hate America) not selling, or, even worse, being blacklisted, he's become an unbearable bore. He lashes out at retailers like Barnes and Noble for not making his book more available while praising companies like Costco for putting it front and center in their big box stores. His constant hawking on his shows about his book, the best one he's ever written, he's quick to tell you, has me running for the exits. I have no problem with self-promotion, but he seems like he won't rest until his book is at the top of every last number-one list in America. I want no part of that charade. I think the final nail in the coffin for me is his disingenuous arguments about the government shutdown brought about by the handful of, and these are his words and not mine, arsonists like Matt Gaetz and his colleagues. They want to shut off funding to the Ukraine government until Biden agrees to deal with the invasion on our southern border. Levin wants everything Ukraine funded until we're completely bankrupt, no matter the fallout. He won't tell you that, but that's the game he's playing. By the way, I've read a couple of excerpts from his book, and if you've listened to him on the radio for any period of time, his book is just a regurgitation of what you hear everyday ad nauseam on his radio show. There, I said it.

It sounds like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has had enough of the Democrat party. Can you blame him? They're cutting him off at the pass at every turn while he's running a reasonably robust ground game to try to win his party's nomination. Thanks to the stranglehold that the party has on the levers of power within the Democrat Party, Kennedy will never get enough oxygen to make it out of the primaries. I think he's about ready to announce that he's going to run as an Independent in early October. If there is a God, I hope he siphons off Democratic votes by the tens of millions from Biden when all is said and done. I think 76% of people in the Democrat party say that Joe Biden is too old and that they want someone else to run in his place. Here's their chance, is what I say. I think there are far fewer who feel the same way about Trump, so maybe it's less of an issue for him. I guess what I'm saying is that I want to get excited about Kennedy's upcoming announcement, but I'm still not sure what it means. Maybe in the short term, watching the gnashing of the teeth and the pearl-clutching amongst the Democratic elite about Kenney's announcement and what it means for their candidate, Bumbles Biden, will provide me with a much-needed dose of comic relief. I want to see them sweat. Does that make me a bad person?

What the hell happened to the water dispenser I ordered from Amazon? It's long overdue. If I'm reading this tracker shit right, the dispenser never made it out of wherever it was sitting when I first placed the order maybe a month ago. I am not a happy camper. I've been spoiled by Amazon, I suppose, since they usually deliver my orders on or ahead of time. Why is this particular item an outlier? I think I have no choice now but to cancel the order. That means that I'll be running around here and there to see who has what for water dispensers. Is it possible that every last machine on the market has been set aside for the illegal aliens who continue to arrive in our country by the tens of thousands every day? What else am I no longer going to have access to because of Biden's open border policies? I also have to say that the absence of communication from Amazon on the item I ordered surprised me. If you can't get it out the door, how about providing me with an eta? Notta. Not a fucking thing. Not an e-mail, not a text, not a phone call, nothing. I think I'm going to have to reassess my relationship with Amazon. I don't even know who to complain to. Do they even give two shits?

I saw an article somewhere last night that talked about the fact that the State of Maine, just north of here, is one of the whitest states in the union. It also has a very elderly white population and birth rates that will hardly help keep companies in Maine staffed in decades to come. The plan now is for Maine to import as many blacks and other minorities as they can while Bumbles Biden is still in a position to fulfill Obama's promise to transform America fundamentally. Maine will be the new Zimbabwe in years to come. If you prefer, the new South Africa. Will white farmers and landowners be forced from their properties to make way for members of the new marginalized communities? Will blood be shed on the streets of towns like Kennebunk and Augusta in the name of reparations? Is there enough white guilt in these heretofore-gilded townships to pass the torch to a new generation of barely educated interlopers? What, pray tell, does any of this portend for not only Maine but for America's future? We're about to find out.

How dare that bloated and disgusting traitor, General Milley, disrespect President Trump on his way out the door? He's the same old fat fuck who phoned either China or Russia behind Trump's back during Trump's first term to assure them that the United States had no intention of launching a nuclear first strike against them. He may not have mentioned Trump by name, but everyone knew who he was talking about when he was making his remarks on his way out the door. When Trump takes back the White House on January 20th, 2025, he should immediately have Milley arrested and charged with treason. He should be court-martialed by his betters and dispensed with per the code of whatever the fuck it is that deals with traitors to our country. Trump should have the honor of stripping the medals from Milley's uniform and perp-walking him out of the brig before he gets placed back into the general lockup for the duration of his days. If necessary, round up Milley's accomplices and subject them to the same judicial review and disposition if found guilty.

The missus and I were in the local Home Depot yesterday in search of the perfect water dispenser. Can someone tell me what the hell Home Depot is doing putting out Christmas shit in the month of September? They had everything from lights to fake trees to those stupid reindeer that people put on their lawns every Christmas season. I don't know when that stock rolled in because I'm not a frequent shopper at Home Depot, but if it was anytime during the month of September, then it was too early. Not that it probably matters much since there were probably more staffers in the store than customers despite it being a Saturday night. Maybe we missed the crush of shoppers hitting the stores during the daytime hours. Or, maybe the state of things these days says that people don't have a lot of discretionary income in Joe Biden's America, and what little discretionary income they do have, they are not spending it on tinsel and ornaments at their local Home Depot on a Saturday day or night. I don't think I heard any Christmas music playing in the background, but that is likely to change pretty quickly now that October has arrived. There is nothing like Christmas music to take your mind off things and, if the good is Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, get you to spend money that you don't have.

La-La Land

The New England Patriots are 0-2, with both games being lost at home. God, I love to see that team lose. I don't have any feelings about football one way or another, and I never watch football just to watch football, but I do love to see the Patriots lose when they do play. What does that say about me? I think it probably has more to do with my dislike for the scumbag coach, Bill Belichick. If you've ever heard him in his post-game pressers, especially when they lose, you know what I'm talking about. He hid behind Tom Brady for a lot of years when Tom was the best quarterback in the league. Tom carried that bastard on his back, and Belichick took maybe a little more credit for Tom's ascendency than he was justifiably entitled to. That's not my opinion, it's been born out by Belichick's subpar performance since Tom left the Patriots. We'll see how long Bob Kraft puts up with his bullshit. The clock is ticking.


I'm trying to follow this UAW strike as best I can. They seem to be asking for a lot, including 4-day work weeks, a thirty-something percent raise over maybe four years, and increased job security. How any of that squares with Biden's push to electrify our auto industry here in the United States is anyone's guess. I heard someone say this morning that building an electric car requires forty percent less labor than it does to build a non-electric vehicle. Did I mention that Americans don't want electric vehicles? You have your leftist moonbats who drive the stupid things around town while wearing their masks to ward off COVID-19, but that's about it. They're stupid enough to buy into the carbon footprint nonsense and would sooner walk than put one waft of carbon into the air. These are the same stupid ducks who tell you to believe the science. Science tells me that we'd be up shit's creek without carbon in the atmosphere, so there's that. Whatever the workers get out of this strike, it's likely to be pyrrhic at best if Biden gets his way. Remember what I said about the forty percent.

You don't see China or Russia trying to de-carbonize, do you? That's a rhetorical question. They would like nothing better than to see our country convert everything under the sun to electricity. It would make us an easy target if push came to shove. We'd collapse under our own weight in a matter of days. Word already has it that our electric grid is the first thing China would take out if and when things go south. Do we have an electrified military that can respond quickly in the event that we need to protect ourselves or our allies? We do not. Would it surprise anyone to learn that either China or Russia is behind the movement in the United States and other countries to decarbonize? With China's bankrolling of the Biden family, as evidenced by the various and sundry money transfers uncovered by the Republicans in Congress, one can only guess as to what motives China might have for making such investments. Maybe we don't have to guess. Seeing is believing.

Speaking of China, I'm reading reports every day about China flying more and more planes over Taiwan night and day and fleets of Chinese warships forming what can only be described as a blockade around the tiny island. It seems like China has the means and the desire to invade Taiwan, so what the hell are they waiting for? What's with the show of force day in and day out? Is it a game of intimidation? Are they expecting the Taiwanese just to hang out the white flag of surrender, and that's the end of it? It's a little like the boy who cried fire in a crowded theater. He can cry all he wants, but if there is no fire, then everyone goes back to watching what they went there to watch. Maybe China is testing the waters to see who does what when they do what they do. Once everyone is accustomed to not reacting to the perceived threats, they go in with guns a-blazing. Assuming that happens, we'll see how the chips fall, pun intended. The West is totally dependent on the semiconductor chips coming out of Taiwan, or so they say. How will any of that factor into what we do or don't do when it comes to our desire to defend Taiwan? Maybe it's true what they say about paper tigers.

I didn't see any hummingbirds around yesterday, so I'm guessing that they've gone for another season. It was fun while it lasted. We celebrate their arrival in early May each year, and we say goodbye to them around now each year as they head for parts south. I've made little to no progress in trying to figure out who is who and whether or not we see the same birds return year after year or simply another family of hummingbirds who are, for lack of a better word, new to the neighborhood. Their behavior is so predictable that one is inclined to think that you're seeing the same birds come and go each year. The dueling, the bobbing and weaving, the prancing, and the preening are always the same. So much of what we see happens around the feeders we put out each year, so maybe none of this should be a surprise. Is it not the same with woodpeckers who come around when we have the birdfeeders out? They select the largest nuts they can find and fly away with the nuts in their beaks to stash them away for future consumption. I suspect both woodpeckers and hummingbirds see the same predictable behavior in we humans. I hope they get as much satisfaction from watching us as we do them. It does make one wonder.

I wrote something last week about Senator John Fetterman and how I thought he had been replaced in the Senate chamber with a doppelganger. Everyone knows that he's a cognitive mess after God only knows how many strokes he's suffered since being elected to the Senate from Pennsylvania a year or two ago. He's had a few bouts of depression, which have taken him out of the well of the Senate for weeks at a time, and now rumors persist that the person calling himself John Fetterman in the Senate is not really John Fetterman. That aside, we also know Fetterman's personal preference for wearing a hoodie, sneakers, and shorts as his preferred garb while serving in the Senate at the behest of the good people of Pennsylvania. I don't know precisely when push came to shove about the decorum, or lack thereof, of his wearing what he damn well pleases when on the Senate floor, but Chuckles Schumer, the Speaker, changed the rules yesterday to allow senators to wear what they please instead of the historic rules in place regarding suits and ties. I'm guessing this was an accommodation of sorts that one usually sees when someone has a disability. I suspect the freak of the senate will continue to wear his hoodied attire while his fellow senators will continue to don the usual garb of their forefathers in the Senate. Or, will Fetterman's fellow democrats follow him into the swill of silliness with their own matching hoodies, sneakers, and gym shorts to make him feel less isolated?

I thought I saw something about Elon Musk wanting to charge people for their access to Twitter, or X. I think he called it a subscription fee of sorts. I might be more open to the idea of paying a small fee if I thought it was worth it. As it is, I'm really questioning the newsworthiness of the platform. I find that when I scroll down a page or two, I start seeing stories repeating themselves. I'm constantly clicking on the refresh button to see if there is any new content. I'm also noticing that the newsfeed I see has a "cleaned-up" look. That is to say, any and all hyperbole, possible misinformation, and mayhem, all the stuff that I like is gone. It's a little like the posts that I post that I see going nowhere after I post them. I know I have shit for followers, but having zero views makes no sense to me. And then there are other stories, like the F-35 that went missing after the pilot ejected over the Carolinas somewhere, that look like AI has them on a continual wash, rinse, repeat. Enough already. The last time I looked, Twitter wasn't in direct competition with the Daily Mail. I guess I'm saying that I won't miss Twitter if I take my business elsewhere because I don't consider his business model worthy of any fee, much less a small fee. It was fun while it lasted.

Did you hear about that guy who got killed at the Patriots game last week? This is the same game that I referenced in the opening paragraph of this week's blog post. The Patriots lost the game when they failed to capitalize on a last-minute play that would have given them a new set of downs on their own 5-yard line or so. The details in the press around the death of this fellow are sparse indeed. That should tell you how much influence the owner of the Patriots team has when it comes to revealing what really happened that fateful day. The last thing the owner of an NFL team like the Patriots wants in the aftermath of an event like this is to get bad press or to give the public the impression, for better or worse, that your loved ones are potentially in harm's way by attending a Patriots game. We know the victim in this case, but we know nothing about the person who allegedly threw the fatal punch or punches that ended the man's life. Why hasn't anyone been charged? I have to believe that the entire fracas was caught on film. Where is all the video? Everyone has a phone with a camera, so why hasn't someone posted the footage? How much alcohol was consumed by one or both parties? Fuck the Patriots and their memory-holing of this story. The public deserves to know the facts. Who the hell do they think they are?

It was awful. Bumbles Biden went to the UN yesterday to give his speech. The leaders of China, France, and Russia were not in attendance. They know how cognitively challenged Bumbles Biden is and decided to pass on the event. It was a weak and insipid speech by a weak and corrupt globalist. Both Bumbles and the grifter from Ukraine, Zelensky, sang the praises of globalism and Climate Change. You couldn't understand half the words coming out of Bumble's mouth, so I have to wonder what half of the audience who speak little to no English heard coming through their earpieces. Had the Western media bothered to show the faces of the audience, which they did not, you would have seen the look of abject boredom or laughter at the nonsense coming out of Bumble's mouth. He can't even read a teleprompter anymore. Maybe that's the point of putting him on the world's stage. His inability to project strength on the global stage is emblematic of America's decline. It is no different than when President Obama went on a tour of European capitals and apologized for America's behavior. For better or worse, at least Obama could deliver a speech using a teleprompter.

Trump still holds a very healthy lead on the road to his party's nomination. He's a good fifty to sixty points ahead of his next closest competitor, Ron DeSantis. Poor little Chris Christie is running his mouth, and he's just mad now that Trump will not be in attendance at the next debate coming up in a week or two. He said something recently about dogging Trump on the campaign trail, but here is what I say to him: Good luck. Christie says that the American people deserve to hear from Trump. Someone hasn't been paying attention. Trump is everywhere and anywhere where anyone will give him an interview. It seems inconceivable that Biden will be able to run for a second term despite his announcing that he's in it to win it. He's so feeble and infirm, forgetting his cognitive challenges for the moment, that no one wants him representing our country anymore. Well, maybe his Marxist followers and his died-in-the-wool stooges who have voted for the fool since he first ran for the Senate when he was 29 years old. That doesn't get him even close to the 81 million votes plus he'll need to win in 2024. It's also no secret that he will never finish his second term in office should he prevail. Maybe he wins if he replaces Kamala Harris with Michael Obama.

The financial markets have been really weird. You'd think that with all the tumult going on around the globe, we'd have a skyrocketing VIX. That is to say, we'd see more volatility in the markets day to day. Treasuries have been at all-time highs, and the price of Brent crude is approaching $100 a barrel. The bond market is trying to tell us something about inflation, and nobody's listening. Powell talks today at two, and the expectation is that he'll not raise interest rates despite inflation being on the rise. Will he signal to investors that he's done raising rates? Dunno. The Stock market is a few percentage points off the highs of 2021, even with interest rates at generational highs. Do valuations not mean anything anymore? Apple stock is 30 times earnings, while the average for Apple is 15 times earnings. It's also not lost on anyone that the big tech stocks like Amazon, Apple, and Nvidia are holding up the indices, given their weighting. There are few to no new daily highs in the market for tech stocks, and the carnage beneath the surface is real. What that means for the year-end rally is a good question. Will the market climb the proverbial wall of worry to new highs? How long will it last, and how far will it go? Where is my fucking crystal ball when I need it?


So, Bumbles was on a stage somewhere yesterday with Brazil's president. There may have been another person there, but I am unsure. There was one video clip where Bumbles was fiddling endlessly with his earpiece or microphone while the president of Brazil was standing next to him at the podium doing his thing. Bumbles was in la-la land, and anyone with half a brain could see that Bumbles was lost in whichever stage of dementia or senility he was currently immersed in. Dr. Jill was nowhere to be found, and no one was coming to Bumble's side to help him put it all together. It gets worse. When they finished their speeches, Bumbles shook hands with the other fellow on the stage, not Brazil's president, and strode off stage without so much as a nod to Brazil's president. Brazil's president threw up his hands in frustration and walked off stage by himself. Can you fucking imagine? How about the other day when Bumbles was in the Oval Office with the president of Israel, and he started making the sign of the cross while Netanyahu was still talking? You simply can't make this shit up. This has got to stop. Who the hell is running our country?

Did I mention that we probably had another ten thousand illegal aliens come across our southern border yesterday? They were handed their checks for $2,200 and given transportation to a city of their choice. How many is that now? Are we up to ten million yet? We have half a dozen states in our country that are less populated than the millions Biden has ushered into our country since he was inaugurated. I thought it was the job of the American president to protect our borders. Why has nobody been impeached for allowing this invasion to go on unchecked? Hell, why have we not put someone in jail for enabling the invasion? Our schools are overcrowded with people who don't speak our language; our hospitals are overrun with people bringing viruses and diseases that have long been eradicated in our country; and yet the Mexican Cartels and their American counterparts are making billions of dollars with one of the most significant mass migration movements since World War II. Are the cartels paying our politicians to look the other way? WHEN IS SOMEONE GOING TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR BORDERS AND OUR CULTURE?

How many of our children need to be raped or killed before we do something? How many of our neighborhoods will be destroyed before we do something? How many of our fellow Americans will be killed on our highways by illegal aliens who can't read the road signs yet are given licenses to drive by every blue state governor in our country? The governors of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts are giving illegal aliens driver's licenses. When they sign up for licenses, they are immediately registered to vote. Can you guess what kinds of identifications will be required when these illegal aliens show up to vote in our presidential elections? If you think none, you would be right. Can you imagine how many illegal aliens will vote for Biden over Trump when Biden is giving them $2,200 a month and Trump wants to deport them? Right again. All of them. Every fucking last one of them. These two states are just the first two. Every last blue state in our country will do the same in time. This is what they do, this is who they are. I'm not wrong when I say that Democrats hate America. They hate it so much that they are willing to destroy it if that is what it takes to take control of the apparatus in perpetuity.

I was listening to one talk show guy out of Boston, and he said that he was in a city called Methuen recently, and while stopping by a fast food joint, he noticed that no one was speaking English. Methuen is in Massachusetts, and Massachusetts is a sanctuary state, which may explain why it is getting harder and harder to find anyone speaking our native language in that state. The problem is that the illegals are pushing God-fearing American citizens who want no part of this Marxist wet dream to other states like the one where I reside, which is not a sanctuary state. We here in New Hampshire refer to the Marxists living in Massachusetts as Mass-holes, and for good reason. We want no part of their Marxist politics or their people, and, had we our druthers, we would erect a wall on our southern border to keep them from moving here and polluting our culture and politics. Our state motto is quite explicit, and we wear it on our collective sleeves here in New Hampshire: Live Free or Die.

I don't know who needs to hear this, but we must stop giving Ukraine money. We're fucking broke. There is some spending bill or other up for consideration in Congress, and we have a handful of Republican patriots standing in the way of its passage. They want no part in giving the grifter in Ukraine another nickel while our borders are completely open. I heard about some organization or other yesterday who discovered that the Biden Administration has been flying in planeloads of illegal aliens from Central and South America under the cover of darkness to some 22 American cities. These bastards are sending planes down there to pick up these illegal aliens. I believe they have transported some quarter million illegals year-to-date. They are flooding our country with these illegal aliens and doing it intentionally and with prejudice. I think "with prejudice" sounds worse, so I put that in for effect. They could not get the names of the airports, so who the hell knows where they're going? Anyway, Congress is still pushing back against sending money to Ukraine. Is it any coincidence here, the day after the news broke about not funding Ukraine, that there are now reports out of Ukraine that Ukrainian forces have broken through Russian lines? You know that's not true. They will say anything they have to say to keep the money flowing into the coffers of the corrupt bastards in Ukraine. There are no coincidences. Keep fighting the good fight, Patriots!

Did I mention that Poland has decided to stop sending resources to Ukraine? They likely see it as a lost cause and probably have better things to do with their money than send it into the money pit that is Ukraine. Poland is the first NATO country to stop funding Ukraine. There is probably a bit more to this story, but it is what it is. Good for Poland. Good for the people of Poland. Germany is not doing well economically, so it remains to be seen how long they can continue to send resources to Ukraine. For the life of me, I cannot understand what anyone is thinking when it comes to their commitments to what appears to be a lost cause. Ukraine is not going to win a war against Russia. Even here in the United States, I can't imagine that anyone thinks that sending Ukraine more money will make any difference in how this eventually ends. It has to be for the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex. Maybe Bumbles and his Marxist entourage in Washington, especially after their boondoggle in bungling the Afghanistan departure, can't let this go for fear of losing two wars back-to-back. That's not something you want on your resume when you want to win a second four-year term for the presidency. No siree, fucking Bob.

I hate doing this, but I must say what needs to be said. Bumbles was giving a speech yesterday to the National Hispanic Caucus in Washington, and, at one point in his remarks, he referred to the group sitting in front of him as the National Black Caucus. Wat? Can you imagine what any one or more of those attendees was thinking when they heard those remarks? Most attendees were likely aware that the person giving the speech, forgetting for a minute that it was the president of the United States, was a bit loosey-goosey with the facts. They've heard the stories and seen the video of the mostly embarrassing but always concerning reports about the diminished cognitive function of the most powerful man on the face of the planet, but they've never experienced it firsthand. It had to be frightening, to say the least. But, it's not every day that you get to be in the company of the President of the United States, so you keep your comments to yourself. There was also a story in the news yesterday about Bumbles telling one of his usual stories only to repeat the same story two minutes later to the same group. The media doesn't even bother referring to these things as gaffes anymore. They just don't cover them. Period.

I remember last year that we had very few acorns dropping on the roads and driveways in August and September, and it turned out to be an easy winter. It was easy because we had less snow than usual during the ensuing winter months. I can't recall if I was walking about day-to-day complaining about the warmer-than-usual temperatures. We used less oil throughout the winter, but that was due to our frequent buying and using a space heater. I also remember clearing the snow off our roof maybe three to four times during the winter, which was a handful of times less than usual. I remember thinking that I could probably get used to winters like this. Fast forward to this August and September, and we have a damn bumper crop of acorns. Lawns hereabouts are still green and lush even this far into the summer, thanks to the crazy and consistent rainfall we've experienced this year. Based on the acorns I'm seeing, I'm guessing that Mother Nature has something very different in mind for us this coming winter. I even heard a weather forecaster yesterday talking about weather patterns and how we're in store for a tougher-than-usual winter. Buckle up, boys and girls.

We took Mrs. G to Applecrest Farms in Exeter yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny day with temperatures in the sixties, and she was game, so off we went. She no longer drives, so we try to get her out for a ride every so often, if for no other reason than to give her a change of scenery. Who doesn't like a change of scenery every once and a while? I suspect she has a friend or two in her facility who might ask her to join them now and then for a ride, so that's good. Her facility also provides transportation for tenants who need to go to this or that appointment or get the hell off the premises if that's what they want to do. Applecrest was busier than usual due to families and other folks stopping by to do a little apple picking or maybe do a little shopping in their store. We got Mrs. G a shopping cart, and off she went. The missus and her mother exchanged pleasantries here and there when their paths crossed inside the store, but it was all good. I was a little surprised when we all left the store when Mrs. G asked me to pick her up a pumpkin at one of the local supermarkets in town. We were surrounded by damn pumpkins at the Farm! She didn't want to pay the price they were asking for their pumpkins, so that was that. Sometimes, you have to put your foot down. Will do, Mrs. G. I'm on it!

It's a lazy rainy afternoon here at home, and I'm thinking I need to write a couple more paragraphs here in this blog before I post it tomorrow. I just got back from a quick trip to Dunkin' with a nice hot latte for the missus and me, and I'm fired up after just a couple of sips. The missus suggested I go as we were lazing around in bed, so off I went. Now that I'm back, she's fast asleep. She never takes a nap, so it surprised me when I saw her eyes closed and the blankets pulled up around her chin. I stood there looking at her, thinking that she might open her eyes at any moment, but she was down for the count. The longer she sleeps, the more annoyed she's likely to get when she gets up and out of bed. I think I hear her grunting and groaning now. She probably doesn't know that I've returned from the store and I'm sitting here with a nearly-full cup of coffee just waiting for her to wake up. Check that - it's more of a moaning and groaning than a grunting and groaning. Will she be forever grateful for the gift of caffeine that I've brought home? Or, will she complain that it tastes like mud?

The New England Patriots are playing tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. They lost the first two games of the season, so what are the chances of them losing again? I only like to watch them when they lose, so I may have to pass on tomorrow's game. You heard me right. I only like to watch them when they lose. My personal animus with the team probably has more to do with their head coach, Belichick, than any one of the individual team members. I've always thought that he rode the coattails of Tom Brady for all of those years when Tom was taking the team to the Superbowl seemingly every other year. Part of me thinks that he wanted, and tried desperately, to take credit for Tom's achievements. That's never a good look.

Now, I'm just thinking that the Patriots are odds-on-favorites to win the game tomorrow against the Jets. In fact, because the Jets just lost their new and iconic quarterback to a torn ligament, Belichick and his team are now in a better position to win their conference title. Not because of Belichick, mind you, but because the Jets lost their best quarterback. That won't stop Belichick from taking credit for his team's winning performance on the ground. The more things change, the more things stay the same. Then again, if Belichick does lose the game tomorrow against the Jets, that may be more than Bob Kraft can bear. I'd love to see that fucker Belichick get canned on the fifty-yard line.

Have you ever seen that show on television called "On Patrol"? It might be "On Patrol Live." It's a Dan Abrams production. When Dan isn't doing his television show, he does a radio show on Sirius called "Abrams and the Law." He professes to be neither a liberal nor a conservative, but, to me, he leans left. Dan has an extensive team of cameramen who travel with cops in a dozen or so cities across our country, and they document their activities while they're on patrol. Dan and a couple of others on his production team coordinate and pivot to the various on-site locations from a snazzy control room in an undisclosed location. It's all quite entertaining if you enjoy watching high-speed chases, drug busts, vagrant interventions, domestic disputes, and just about everything else under the sun. My God, what the cops have to put up with.

In another lifetime, I might have enjoyed doing what they do. If I had to put my finger on the most common refrain that I hear on the show, it would be, "LET ME SEE YOUR HANDS!!.) I don't particularly enjoy seeing them interact with people who have obvious mental health issues, but I take some comfort in seeing them taken into custody for their own protection. Maybe that means they get a bed to sleep on and three meals a day for however long that lasts. Did I mention that some of the female cops are babes in their own right? Lastly, I just don't know what the people who try to elude the cops by driving away at a high rate of speed are thinking when they take off. They will get you, and they will arrest you. Give it a watch.

Full Stop

Coming back from vacation takes some adjusting. There, I said it. Everything looks and feels a little different now that we're back home. That's the way it's supposed to be. Right? We also seem to be in a rainy rut, if you will. That's fine. I wasn't wanting to jump back on my bike right away anyway. I've got some muscle memory in the biking realm, so let's hope things clear up sometime soon so I can get back on the road. I wouldn't want to lose all of that muscle memory I've worked so hard to store up. It's two steps forward and one step back. Wash, rinse, repeat. Did I mention that I just ordered a water cooler from Amazon? I think it's time to stop lugging jugs back and forth from the store. Having spent a week at a camp that had a cooler, I'm now more convinced than ever that having one of our own is the way to go.


I'll take the Ev man's car to get it inspected tomorrow. I'm considering returning it to the same place that inspected it last year. That should work. Right? They'll recognize that they inspected it last year and, voila, they'll slap a sticker on the car faster than you can say lickety-split. Ev will be good for another year. We'll need to get it registered as well, so I'll need to discuss the logistics around that with Ev. It's a little late to do it by mail, so we have to schedule a time to go to the town hall in his town. All I need to know from the clerk at the town hall is how much to write the check out for. Ev's car has been sitting in our garage since we all left for vacation a week ago, so the sooner we get some of these things done, the better. I don't know how much food he has in his refrigerator, and I'm not sure he'll let me know one way or another when his food stocks get low to non-existent.

The good news is that I mowed our lawn before the rain system moved into our area. That's always a good feeling. Thanks to all the rain we've had over the summer, our lawn looks as good as it did in early June. I think that's a first. Usually, our lawn has stopped growing by now, and we're starting to think a little about how we will get rid of the leaves once they start falling. I almost forgot to mention that we're having the shingles on our roof replaced. If they can get that done before the leaves start falling, we can be sure that every last nail or whatever's come off our roof during the re-shingling process will be summarily cleaned up and carted away by the roofing company. They even warned us that we might want to take pictures off our walls lest they come crashing down due to the constant hammering and whatever is on the roof. I'm guessing these words of wisdom come from experience, so we'll heed their advice.

Did y'all see demented Joe on the telly during his G-20 trip and his trip to Vietnam after that? I can't begin to tell you how humiliated I was as an American to see that senile old stooge looking and sounding every bit his age when he took to the podium to open his mouth. Whoever is pulling the strings behind the scenes has his, or her, hands full trying to make old Scranton Joe sound cogent and succinct. Maybe you'd prefer "lunchbucket" Joe. I thought the idea of sending our American president to foreign shores was to project American strength and American leadership. When you send one of the most corrupt and clearly one of the most cognitively challenged presidents of our lifetime to foreign shores, you're signaling to the despots of the globe that they can have at it should they desire to rape and pillage or, God forbid, plunder their neighbor's territories. I thought for sure Xi would have taken Taiwan by now. What the hell is he waiting for? And Kim from North Korea is on his way to Russia to meet with Putin. Who saw that coming?

Once again, and I think this was in Vietnam, Biden stood at the podium and said something about his staff giving him five names to call on when the time came to take questions. You fucking know that Bumbles had both the questions and the answers written out before him so he could just regurgitate whatever he had on his cue cards. Now you know why he hasn't held a news conference with the media in more than a year. He couldn't hold a contemporaneous presser if his life depended on it. It would just reveal him for the fraud that he is. He was one of the dumbest senators in our country for decades, and he's now brought that same level of idiocy to our country's beloved White House as president. Superimpose a level-four of five stage of advanced dementia to the equation, and you get a really dumbed-down duck of a president. Bumbles also commented on going to sleep or whatever while doing his overseas presser, and his staff pulled the plug before he went completely off the grid with his nutty comments. You're telling me that people are going to go to the polls in 2024 to vote to put this demented dick back in the White House for a second term?

I want to thank my brother from another mother for giving me a nice mesh router while I was up in his neck of the woods last week. The set-up was fairly straightforward, and everything, well, almost everything, now works better than before. Better, as in faster is probably a better way to put it. If I'm honest, I have a DLNA problem that I'm struggling with. That's the stuff that allows you to play shows that you have on your computer on your television. I need to understand why changing my router upset the proverbial apple cart. Another oddity is that I can pull up the menus and I can see the shows on my television screen, but when I try to play the video, I get the equivalent of the bouncing ball. As I'm sitting here, it just dawned on me that this may be a job for ChatGBT. ChatGBT will probably tell me to restart my computer or something stupid like that that I've not considered. I need to figure this out. It's the one last thing I need to "fix" before I can take any satisfaction from what appears to be a nice upgrade to my router set-up. Wish me luck.

This Bumbles Biden bullshit needs to stop. The fool who thinks he's president of the United States was up in Alaska yesterday when he should have been giving comments at ground zero in New York City on the anniversary of 9/11. Every president since 2001 has done that religiously. But, no, not the damn fool Joe Biden. And then he has the audacity to step up to the podium and talk about how he was in New York City the day following 9/11, and it was like looking into the gates of hell or something like that. There's only one problem. He wasn't in New York City the day after 9/11 in 2001. Who the duck does he think he's kidding? Of course, the mainstream media says nothing about it.

His ever-faithful praetorian guard does what they do best. They have Bumble's back, come hell or high water. Nobody should be surprised about anything the media does or doesn't do when it comes to Bumbles Biden. Maybe his comments were meant to distract from the fact that on 9/11, his people announced that they were unfreezing $6 billion of Iranian funds and releasing five Iranian prisoners BEFORE one American prisoner was released. While people are talking about his idiotic comments, Biden is essentially funding the most militant, terroristic, and anti-American country in the Middle East so they can continue doing what they do. You can't make this shit up.

I saw some headlines yesterday that the number of homeless in New York City is now approaching levels not seen since the great depression. I didn't dig any deeper into the details, but I'm guessing that the tens of thousands of illegal aliens shipped up from our southern border and now filling every shelter and available hotel in the city are probably contributing to the problem. There is simply no more capacity once the shelters and hotels are full, so they do what homeless people do, whatever that looks like. My guess is that NYC is going to look like a hellscape akin to the worst slums in Bhopal, India, before this is all over.

This is on Joe Biden and his Democrats, who will destroy our country if that is what it takes to stay in power. Massachusetts has a shelter law of sorts that says that the state is required to provide housing, etc., for homeless people. One official, who shall go nameless, pushed back yesterday and said that their town has reached its capacity to do any more than they are already doing. Their schools and their shelters are ill-equipped to accommodate even one more illegal alien. This is likely the story of every small town everywhere in America where illegal aliens are literally on every doorstep demanding that the largesses promised by Joe Biden be delivered and be delivered without further delay.

I hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but you have to admit that some of the videos of buildings coming down in and around ground zero in NYC looked mighty suspicious. Even Trump, who was at the Twin Towers site on 9/11, commented that he thought explosives were used to bring the towers down. There was no way, he said, that any 747 would be able to penetrate the towers the way these planes did. The steel used to build these towers was too strong and would never give in the way it did on one or both towers that day. Trump should know. Right? I saw a few videos of explosions at the Pentagon that day where you saw the explosion, but there was no plane involved. Yet, that was the story in the media. Our homeland was under attack. In retrospect, what better predicate was there than an attack on our country in order to wage war against a foreign adversary, rally Americans to the fight, and maybe create enemies, real or imagined, where we could once again rely on our Military Industrial Complex to do what they do best: Wage war. Is this too far-fetched?

I took the Ev man's car to be inspected yesterday. I always have a bit of dread in the back of my head when it comes time to get my cars inspected. I'm always thinking the worst, of course. I wouldn't put it past some of these places to break something just so they can charge you to fix it. Yes, I'm that cynical when it comes to auto repair places. I think next year I'm going to have Ev take the car to be inspected himself. I need to stop with the enabling thing. Anyway, I pulled into the dealership just behind another vehicle that, as it turned out, was also there to be inspected.

The driver, a young woman in her thirties, seemed to make a break for the entrance, perhaps thinking that I might get the jump on her and get my car inspected first despite her arriving ahead of me, and that was fine. I did not intend to get ahead of her since she was clearly there first, but she didn't know that. These inspections are usually quick, so I felt zero pressure to gain an advantage. Maybe this is one of those "be careful what you ask for" kinds of stories. Her car failed inspection, and mine passed with flying colors. I didn't feel any sort of vindication, per se, but I might have had a momentary snicker under my breath. It was someone else's turn to experience what I often dread when I go to have my car inspected. Not that I would wish that on anyone, mind you.

Speaker McCarthy finally pulled the trigger. He unilaterally declared the opening of an impeachment inquiry against Bumbles Biden yesterday. Apparently, no House vote was needed. I'm not entirely sure that he had the votes, even if the full House did vote. I think this has something to do with the fact that Pelosi did the same thing when she announced an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump during Trump's first term. Is that to say that he couldn't have done it without a full House vote had Pelosi not done it first? I don't know the answer to that question. As to McCarthy's three-minute speech, give or take, it was probably the weakest speech I've seen him give. It was almost as though his speakership depended on him giving a speech that he didn't want to give. No one said that he had to give his speech with conviction. After all, he is a uni-party rat, and I think if he had his druthers, he wouldn't have lifted a finger to bring the Biden Crime Family to account. McCarthy likely benefits from some of the same deep-pocket donors as Biden, so there's that. I'm guessing both are taking and have taken money from the Chinese Communist Party.

Some say that the Republicans will let this thing play out until January of 2024, and then they will throw in the towel while announcing that they want to let the American people decide in the election coming later in the year. Anything that keeps the details of the Biden Crime Family's exploits, which I expect to be extensive and historical when it comes to the corruption of American presidents in our Republic's history, hidden from the American public will be a non-starter in my humble opinion. If we're to make a judgment one way or another come Election Day in November 2024, we need to know everything there is to know about both candidates in the race. If McCarthy sweeps it all under the rug, that would be a serious disservice to the American public. Maybe even criminal in its intent, truth be told. McCarthy also said something about holding those in government who have been enabling Biden, to account. I'm guessing that was a reference to Biden's agencies far and wide, but perhaps more specifically, the FBI and Biden's Attorney General, Merrit Garland.


If I don't start to see subpoenas flying out of Congress like we saw in the days and weeks after Pelosi announced the inquiry against Trump, I'll be crying foul. Pelosi had Don Jr. and others in for questioning and threatened jail time for anyone who resisted. McCarthy and his clowns haven't subpoenaed a soul, much less scumbags like Hunter Biden or the Big Guy himself. I want the Big Guy on video, and I want him pressed hard until he cracks. If he soils his diaper or falls asleep during the proceedings, I want him awakened with a cattle prod if they have one handy. I want an interrogation, not one of these weak-kneed questioning sessions that the FBI gave to Hillary Clinton back in the day. Oh, Hillary. Can I get you a drink before your attorney arrives? Are you comfortable? Let us know if the questioning is too harsh. We know you didn't mean to destroy those 30,000 e-mails after you received a subpoena from Congress. You say that you and your folks used hammers to destroy the evidence? Can I refresh your drink? Get the damn Kleeg lights out if you have to. And we're not falling for any of Biden's dementia-related excuses. Oh, you can't remember, you say? WHACK! Wash, rinse, repeat.

Did you see Senator John Fetterman on video yesterday responding to the launching of an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden? You tell me with a straight face that that's the same John Fetterman who was elected to the Senate in 2020. He's a damn doppelganger for Fetterman and a lousy one at that. I don't know where they're keeping the original John Fetterman, but the guy I saw on television yesterday was not John Fetterman. Am I the only one thinking this way? How the hell does the Democrat party get away with this sort of skullduggery? Are you telling me that his fellow senators can't see that they have a John Fetterman body double in their midst? Maybe the guy never shows up at any meetings, so the charade continues. Where are the Republican senators? Stand the fuck up and call this out for what it is. This bozo I saw yesterday had on the requisite hoody and gym shorts which are Fetterman's fallback fashions when he's too depressed to wear a suit and tie in the hallowed halls of Congress, but this clown had more control over both his speech and his body than we've come to expect of the real Fetterman and knowing what we know about his past strokes and ongoing bouts of depression. C'mon, man.

Speaking of Hillary Clinton, I thought I saw a headline in the news yesterday about her taking a position in the White House. Who would let that conniving and unscrupulous old bag come up the driveway to the White House, much less work there? Maybe I'm wrong about her working in the White House. I hope I'm wrong. If I were Kamala Harris, I would hope I'm wrong about Hillary going to work in the White House, too. Too many people in Hillary Clinton's orbit have died over the years, most of which have gone unexplained. Put more simply, the deaths have been suspicious in nature. Would I put it above Hillary Clinton to deep-six Kamala Harris in order to get into the Oval Office? I would not. Kamala Harris should want Hillary about as far from the White House as she can get. Hillary knows all too well that Kamala Harris is both toxic and, let's call a spade a spade here, unelectable. That said, she is in line to succeed Biden should he step down, or, worse yet, be unable to continue as President for health reasons. With Kamala out of the mix, should Hillary get her way, Hillary could fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming our country's first female president. Pick your poison.

I don't know how these stories get out, but they do. Word has it that the White House issued orders to their state media yesterday to proclaim and to speak with one voice that there is no evidence of Joe Biden's corruption when it comes to the impeachment inquiry kicked off by Speaker McCarthy a day or two ago. Like the puppets that they are, they all chimed in on their newscasts and repeated the denials heretofore mentioned. I think the letter was actually issued by the White House Counsel's office. Is that not illegal? Are they not essentially obstructing a congressional investigation? The sad part is that the people listening to these newscasts believe everything they see and hear when they watch and listen to these shows. I would admit that there has been a lot more smoke than fire coming out of the investigations thus far when it comes to Joe Biden's direct involvement, but I'm also guessing that we've not seen everything there is to see. Word also has it that they are getting closer to finding the overseas accounts set up by the Bidens to hide the funds they've obtained through various and sundry illicit means, including bribery, money laundering, etc. Long story short, the walls are closing in on the Biden Crime Family. You'd never know that if you listened to or watched the mainstream nightly newscasts.

The missus and I went to see Robert F. Kennedy Jr. last evening. We have a venue in town where a certain family hosts presidential candidates from time to time. They have never hosted a Democrat, so this was an unusual event, to say the least. Then again, RJK Jr. is hardly your garden-variety Democratic candidate. He is also not your typical Marxist, which we see today in the Democrat Party. Like so many other died-in-the-wool democrats, the party left him, not the other way around. I suspect there were a lot of people at last night's event, and the place was jammed with cars up and down the road on both sides of the road for seemingly miles on end, who would vote for Kennedy in a heartbeat were he to become the candidate. I can even see Republicans voting for him under certain circumstances. The local constabulary had several police personnel on-site directing traffic in and around the venue. The missus and I never got close enough to see him, but we stood on the outskirts and listened to his comments, which played on loudspeakers. I even applauded his comments at one point when he said something about our country's senseless involvement in the Ukraine war. I wasn't the only one clapping.

I saw some footage yesterday where Biden was in a conference room in the White House, sitting at a table surrounded by the usual complement of whoever he surrounds himself with every day while pretending to be the president of the United States. Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but what the hell is Jill Biden doing sitting in on these meetings? She was sitting right next to him like she was his consigliere or something. Take your damn fucking fishnet stockings and get the hell out of the people's office. Do whatever it is that First Ladies do in the White House, but you can be damn sure that your place is not at the table where our nation's interests are being discussed. There is not a lot we can do about pillow talk since what you do behind closed doors is your business, but this is different. Nobody cast a single vote to put your sorry ass in a place where people meet to do the people's business. Maybe she's there to wipe the drool from her beleaguered husband's chin or the sweat from his brow brought about by the massive amount of dementia drugs running through his veins. Maybe she's there to suggest a diaper change or to pick up mid-sentence where her husband leaves off, no longer realizing where he is or what he's doing, much less what he was talking about.

I finally got the DLNA problem fixed with my new mesh router. Once again, a serious hat-tip to my brother from another mother for sending me home with this mesh router thing. It wasn't really a DLNA thing, if I'm honest. It was an SMB thing. Please don't ask me to explain the difference. I have an application called Infuse that somehow lost its connection when I replaced my old router with the new mesh router. I couldn't get it to work to save my life. I love that application, so I was determined to get it working again. ChatGBT was helpful, but I finally decided to add my old router to the new mesh router, which I think is what did the trick. The missus asked me how I got it to work, and I told her that I wasn't exactly sure. You get to the point where you try a lot of things, and then, sometimes, all of a sudden, it just works. If I had to do it all over again, I'm not sure I wouldn't struggle just as mightily as I did, and as I have, from the moment this all started. She's humming now, so that's all that matters. Oh, and the endless frustration that I've had with my favorite computer mouse acting erratically? I think the mesh router thing fixed that good. So it was electrical interference. I fucking knew it.

It's just Biden being Biden again. He was on the stump yesterday talking about how he had taught classes at the University of Pennsylvania. Where are the fucking fact checkers? He's never taught classes at the University of Pennsylvania. That's the Biden bullshit again. If I'm not mistaken, he was also making some comments about drug plans while addressing the same group, and a flash of anger crossed his face, followed by a nasty-sounding outburst, both of which came out of nowhere and completely caught the audience by surprise. We've seen these demented rants before from this cognitively diminished fool, and they always conjure up memories of elderly relatives we've all known whose descent into senility or dementia have all been preceded by the same kind of nut-fuckery we now see coming out of Biden's mouth. I need to remind you that we're talking about the sitting President of the United States. And, I think I'm going to lose my mind if I hear one more talking head refer to Biden's age as though his age has anything to do with anything. You can be 90 years old and be sharp as a tack. You can also be fifty-something and be cognitively challenged due to dementia. It doesn't help if you're a dumb fuck from the jump.

I'm beginning to wonder if this whole illegal immigration thing that has happened to our country thanks to Biden's open-border policies isn't going to turn a blue state or two red just in time for the 2024 presidential elections. Not a day passes when I see this or that group of citizens in states like New York and Illinois taking to the streets and pushing back against their local government officials and their plans to create tent cities or other forms of accommodation for the masses of illegal aliens ferried into town by Biden's people. The people who live in these communities know enough about their communities to know that introducing hundreds or thousands of feral dogs from shitholes around the world is not going to do a damn thing to improve one damn thing in their community. There aren't enough moonbat do-gooders in these places to make any of it right. The only way you fix it is to either keep them out of your communities from the start or kick them out of your community once they arrive in the middle of the night on the tarmac of your local airports. I still can't get over the picture I saw the other day of that small island off the coast of Italy with a population of six thousand people that was on the receiving end of some seven thousand African immigrants arriving by boat. Something is going to break and break hard.

Poor little Fanny Willis, the beleaguered district attorney in Atlanta, Georgia, who is doing her best to have 19 defendants, including President Trump and Rudy Guliani, tried on RICO charges. She wanted this all to go down in October of this year. The judge overseeing the case was having none of it. Forget for a moment that typical defendants in a RICO case are defendants being tried for terrorism or worse. Rudy knows this routine all too well. He brought down the five mafia families in New York City on RICO charges. Anyway, Fanny was bitch-slapped by the judge and told in no uncertain terms that her plans for a speedy takedown and jailing of some of our nation's greatest heroes were not going to happen on her timetable. It takes considerable chutzpah to take on an establishment that is hellbent on stealing an election, especially when the crime in question is in the rearview mirror. Their only "crime" was questioning the outcome of an election that was seemingly rife with errors, miscues, and maybe a handful or more questionable ballots. Questioning election outcomes is actually a time-honored tradition in our system. How many examples do you need?

I caught the tail-end of a conversation on television the other night between Chris Cuomo and Chris Christie. Cuomo is a died-in-the-wool Democrat who shills for leftist causes from his nightly perch on NewsNation. His dad is Mario Cuomo, the beloved and long-deceased governor of the state of New York back in the day, so Chris's political bona fides shouldn't surprise anyone. It also shouldn't surprise anyone that he interviewed Chris Christie, since Christie spends more time with leftist journalists than he does with journalists on the conservative side of the aisle like Mark Levin. They weren't two minutes into the conversation when Christie mentioned the word "Climate." What a fucking dufus.

Did he use that word because he thought it would go over well with Cuomo's independent viewers, some of whom might vote for him should he prevail against the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room in his fight for the nomination of his party? No self-respecting Republican candidate would admit to buying into the cult that is the Climate Change cabal. But Christie's only charge, seemingly, is to take down Trump. It has nothing to do with winning his party's nomination. So, Fatso, what up? Where are you and your advisors really going with this Climate Change bullshit? Inquiring minds want to know.

I used to like Marjorie Taylor Greene. She was an obnoxious gasbag, but I liked her politics, so that was fine. She was also a huge supporter of President Trump, so that was another check in the plus column for me. I also like my women a little feisty, and MTG was the queen of feisty in the world of politics. She ran a construction company before being elected to Congress, so you know that she's showing up in Washington with a little grease under her fingernails and probably distrustful of the political elites already burrowed into the establishment in Washington D.C. like ticks on the backside of a hound. She also had a mind of her own back in the day. That was then, and this is now.

After witnessing firsthand her sycophantic sucking up to Speaker McCarthy during those tumultuous days leading up to his being elected Speaker of the House, she seems to have sold her soul to the devil. I don't know what he's promised her or what she's assumed to be true of their relationship, but there doesn't seem to be anything that she won't say or do to protect McCarthy's flank. It's just not a good look. I'm guessing that there's no coming back from this if this is what she chooses to do. We'll have to wait and see if her constituents see what I see and whether or not they come, or have come, to the same conclusions as I have. Who is she really working for?

Vacation Week 2023

It’s our first day at the lake here in Lake George. Why is this font so small? Did you see that beautiful Heron on the dock this morning just before sunrise? I swear to God it stopped by just to say hello. It was looking here and there, craning its neck right and left, preening its feathers, and probably keeping an eye out for an early morning meal. If the windows in this damn place were a little clearer and had fewer screens in between me, my binoculars, and this beautiful specimen on the dock, I might have gotten a good picture to share with the missus and the Ev man.


It’s our second year here at Sandy Bay, and we’re staying at the same place. While it’s fun to stay in different places each year, we also like returning to places we’ve enjoyed. This is one of those places. Maybe it’s because we’re right on the shore with the lake literally steps away. Sandy Bay is a popular destination for boaters during the summer months, and things start to slow down after this weekend (Labor Day weekend) when cooler temperatures mean fewer boaters here. Did I mention that there is no public access to the pristine waters of Sandy Bay other than by boat? For those lucky enough to have a boat on Lake George, a limited number of buoys are available daily to tether to. It’s first come, first serve.

Weather-wise, it’s supposed to be a warm week here on the lake. With any luck, it will be less hot and humid here on the lake if that is what the forecast calls for. When I say hot, I’m talking about mid-eighties. I’m not sure what they are calling for in terms of humidity. I’m also not sure it matters since we can take a dip in the lake if things go sideways weather-wise. I’m a little disappointed that the owners of this joint didn’t leave us with a 5-gallon jug of spring water for the dispenser in the kitchen. We found everything else in great shape, so that’s good. I’ll pop down to Walmart today to see if I can’t pick up a 5-gallon container of Poland Springs water. We prefer that to the Primo water that we found here last year, which I think is a purified version of some local tap water. Here’s hoping that these jugs of water are interchangeable when it comes to the dispenser sitting in our kitchen.

I brought my bike on vacation last year but didn’t get on it even once, so I didn’t bother bringing it this year. It seemed less burdensome somehow, and I didn’t miss worrying about the damn thing swaying around wildly on the back of the car with every turn or bump in the road. One less thing to worry about is always a good thing. What’s up with the lack of a screen in the bathroom window here at the camp? The missus is not happy. And where is my coffee cup, if you don’t mind me asking? You say you packed it in the towels so it wouldn’t break? We only brought 10,000 towels, so which one did you tuck it into? Help me out here, sweetness. My morning coffee has come and gone, and still, no coffee cup.

I don’t know why, but the missus has a hair across her tuckus when it comes to the Walmart in Queensbury. She won’t go into the store for whatever reason. I guess that means on my own when it comes to going in for the Poland Springs water. The Ev man is probably uninterested in going into the store for maybe unrelated reasons that I’ll not go into here. God help them if there is something they want in Walmart. Not that I feel the need to go out of my way to have them join me in the store, but I’ll also not reward them by going into the store with their shopping lists. That’s not the way it works. The funny thing is, the missus is just fine with our Walmart back home. That’s what I don’t get. They’re all cut from the same cloth if you will. If you’ve seen one, you know what they all look like. Just get over your damn selves. There, I said it.

Monday-Labor Day 2023

My God. It’s barely after 7 in the morning, and the first three or four boats have already arrived here in Sandy Bay. The fear of not having a buoy to tie up to in one of Lake George’s most popular boating and swimming destinations looms large in the minds of these early arrivals. If today is anything like yesterday, every buoy will be taken, and most will be here for the entire day. It’s almost a sun-up-to-sun-down kind of thing for these hardcore Sandy Bayers. I said to the missus yesterday, where do these people go to the bathroom? I know some of the larger boats have toilets, but that may well explain why you occasionally run into warm spots when swimming in the bay. As long as that is the only thing I run into, I’m good.

The first boat on the scene here in Sandy Bay was a large pontoon boat with a sole occupant. Was she securing a spot for a larger group expected later in the morning? I’ll keep an eye on the pontoon boat during the day to see if that theory holds any water. See how I did that? It’s also of interest that the pontoon boat tied up to a buoy that secures another boat that, in our experience, always ties up to that same buoy. I watched as the “other” boat arrived shortly after the pontoon boat arrived, and they looked incredulous that some other boat beat them to their favorite buoy. If you know anything about the regimens of retirees, and this is my take on the two older folks who lost their buoy this morning to the pontoon boat, they don’t deal with change very well. Despite the fact that every other buoy in the bay, maybe some 30 buoys in total, was available to tie up to, the retirees tied up to a buoy right next to the pontoon boat with the sole occupant. Who does that?

I think it’s also true that a few of these boats are part and parcel of a larger group, or social circle if you will, who come together as a collective here in Sandy Bay to spend time together during the summer months. I’m guessing that most do not have homes on the lake, and they keep their boats at local marinas or use one or more of many launch sites on the lake to put their boats in every time they want to go out on the lake. Don’t get me wrong, these are beautiful boats we’re talking about. These are not your run-of-the-mill runarounds with a 25-horsepower Mercury outboard hanging perilously off the transom. I’d be happy to call any one or more of them my own. I have no boat, so I’d take any one or more of these boats in the shake of a lamb’s tail. Does that make any sense? Retirees aside, this bay on whose shores we share at least for the upcoming week, is just the kind of place you want to take your kids for the day. Temperatures are going to be in the upper 80s today, so yeah, that’s what we’re talking about.

I like the fact that the buoys in the bay are just far enough offshore to ensure the privacy of the homeowners on the lake. There are no “stay off my lawn” signs, per se, but you don’t see people straying all that far from their tethered buoys and onto or near enough to the shore such that anyone would issue a warning or sorts. There is a sumptuous and elongated stretch of wooded shoreline along the southernmost shore where parents can wade in with their toddlers or play pirates with their older children if and when anyone gets antsy. I see a surprising number of boat owners who have their dogs on board. How does that work, exactly? I saw one chap wading in waist-deep water yesterday while towing his dog, who was standing on a raft behind him. It’s also interesting to watch the traffic of boats throughout the day that enter the buoyed section of the bay looking for a spot only to drive off disappointed that every buoy has been taken. Yes, it’s true. The early bird gets the worm. Your momma was right.

If I had to guess, I’d say that there are probably 30-40 buoys in the bay that people can secure. It’s first come-first served. There were a couple of Lake George police boats around yesterday, but they didn’t seem to be bothering anyone. I suppose they could have asked to see a registration or two or maybe cite someone for having too many souls on board their crafts. I’m pretty sure they weren’t looking for boats that had been reported stolen or maybe responding to reports of drunk drivers. I also didn’t catch wind of any illicit marijuana smoke, and that would not have gone unnoticed sitting as we are practically a stone’s throw away from the nearest buoy. Yes, I said a “stones’ throw away. I suppose it doesn’t hurt to have the local constabulary in the area to ward off evils or evil-doers should they decide that it might be more fun to get into trouble than not. The demographic hereabouts is decidedly Caucasian and maybe middle to upper income, so it might be grist for the mill where the topic of racial and income equity and equality come up in the conversation. I don’t know that that’s either here or there, but let’s just call it “contextual.”

Wednesday-Labor Day week

Oops, missed writing in my journal yesterday. It might have something to do with the fact that I messed up my back. Well, maybe not my back, but something internal. Every time I cough or sneeze, it’s just excruciating. It’s bowl-over excruciating, truth be told. What the hell could it be? Is it the beginning of the end? Of course, I can’t really cough or sneeze, so I’m doing my best to avoid either or both of those things. I’m on vacation with the family, so I’m also trying not to let it interfere with stuff. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, Johnny. You can do this.

News reports say Jill Biden has Covid, and the old demented geezer of her husband, Bumbles, is walking around the White House wearing his mask. No sooner did that come out in the news, and no sooner did that lesbian Haitian spokesperson of theirs step up to the podium in the White House Press Room to announce it all, than did we see Bumbles arrive in person wearing no mask whatsoever to award some guy a Medal of Honor or something. The hypocrisy of these freaks is just astounding. Who the fuck do they think they’re kidding? I’m not even sure that there was one person in the audience at the ceremony wearing a mask. Someone didn’t get the memo.

We’re a year out from the 2024 presidential elections, and I’m thinking that the Democrats think that if they roll out a new variant now and scare the bejesus out of people that they can keep just enough people home on Election Day that will allow them to steal the election. Or, if they can gin up their absentee ballot machine to enroll the dead and the millions of other illegal voters, then there is no limit to what they can steal. Just think of all the damage that they can continue to do if they walk away from the elections with a so-called mandate. It won’t be a mandate, of course, and the American people know it, so the polarization in our country will continue unabated.

Here’s hoping that Bumbles and his stooges in the White House can only do so much given the independence of the states under the 10th amendment to our Constitution. I guess if I feel bad for anyone, I feel bad for the children who will be forced by leftist school administrators to wear masks while in school and, God forbid, take jabs and boosters that will have them dying at record rates. You know that not a day goes by when we hear a story about this or that young person just keeling over and dying. We all know it’s because of the MRNA vaccines, which they’ve known all along to kill young people. Maybe that’s been the goal all along. How many IQ points will our children give up this time around because Bumbles and his Democrat party want to “win” another election? It’s all about the power. It’s always been about the power.


What are all these stories we’re hearing about Chinese saboteurs and their activities around some of our secure military and other facilities? They say that this is precisely what happened in the days before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. I guess Biden’s Department of Justice is more concerned about White Supremacists and moms and dads who voice their opinions at school meetings than they are about Chinese infiltrators. You could even say that they are enabling the infiltrators if you consider the fact that they are walking into our country across our southern border at the invitation of Bumbles Biden. If you consider the fact that the Chinese have paid the Bidens millions of dollars over the years, you might say that they are getting their money’s worth. That would make the Bumbles and his entire family wholly-owned assets of the Chinese Communist Party. Have we become a satellite of Beijing without so much as a shot fired? It certainly would appear that way.

I don’t know who these so-called Proud Boys are, but they have been in the news lately and in a not-so-good way. One by one, they seem to be getting outlandish prison sentences for their activities related to January 6th. I think they were charged with being insurrectionists or something along those lines, which I guess is what Biden’s Department of Justice is using to justify the long prison sentences. Just so you know, I think the January 6th business was a complete scam and set up to bring down Trump and render him unqualified to run for a second four-year term. Remember those stupid Congressional hearings the Democrats held? It was a damn kangaroo court to give themselves an air of righteousness. We still don’t have the numbers of FBI agents and other stooges from other Intelligence agencies who fomented the madness of the crowd that day. They were all in on it.

I think the people who harmed police officers or did other egregious things that day should pay a price. The people who just went in and out of the people’s house, which may be trespassing, shouldn’t spend even a day behind bars. What about Terrio, who I think is Hispanic or black and was charged and tried as a White Supremacist? Did I mention that he wasn’t even in town that fateful day? They sentenced him to 22 years in prison yesterday. Are we supposed to believe that he actually tried to overthrow the government? It’s nonsense, of course. His crime was supporting Donald J. Trump for president. His sentence was a warning to anyone who had or has any ideas about supporting Trump or Trump-like characters going forward. The Bidenistas put their political opposition in prison, pure and simple. And yes, it’s banana-republic-level stuff. That’s how these Marxists roll. When they tell you who they are, listen up.

Thursday - Labor Day week

Mutha’s. These Marxists are trying to take Trump off the ballot so people can’t vote for him in the primary. Who the hell do they think they are? When is this bullshit going to stop? When will someone step up and tell the Marxists that their wet dreams of holding power in perpetuity in our great country are a wet dream? Nobody is going to tell us who we can and can’t vote for. I guess someone in Colorado has filed a lawsuit, so we’ll see where it goes. The Supreme Court will have to step in at some point and restore some semblance of sanity to a world gone mad. It’s Orange Man Bad on steroids.

I love it! Mayor Adams of New York City is warning that the city of New York, better known as the shitty of New York, is losing its luster under the weight of tens of thousands of illegal aliens flooding every neighborhood in the once great city. Texas and other border states are shipping their illegal aliens about as fast as they come across our borders to sanctuary cities like New York. Adams is on the stump telling anyone who will listen that every neighborhood is under assault and no neighborhood is safe from the influx. Good is what I say. Fuck them all. I hope they become an inescapable sewer as the sanctuary cities that they are. Keep shipping the feral dogs in until every curb is a pillow and every sidewalk is an open toilet. Biden is fulfilling his promise to open our borders, and every last one of you 81 million fools who voted for this demented fuck are getting what you voted for. God help the legal residents of NYC.

I’d like to think that Trump, once in office for his second four-year term, will assemble the largest and most robust deportation force ever conceived in American history. Things may be so bad by the time he gets in office that mayors like Mayor Adams will be singing Trump’s praises like there’s no tomorrow if he can deport every last piece of scum allowed into our country by Biden and his minions. You’d think a president of any political stripe wouldn’t have to start his term with such a back-breaking workload but thankfully, Trump is and may be the only president that is up to the task of doing what it is that needs to be done. Maybe that is why the Democrats are doing everything they can to keep the man off the ballot. They don’t want to fix the problem. Hell, it’s just one more marginalized constituency as far as the Democrats are concerned. Were it not for the marginalized communities and their endless demands to feed at the trough of big government, there would be no Democrat Party.

Who is that fool in Biden’s Administration whose name I can never remember and who is now threatening the North Koreans for working with the Russians to defeat the Nazis in Ukraine? I think of him as the “soy boy.” He’s just another pussy in Biden’s inner circle who is hiding behind a pussified military and sounding like a fool on the world stage. Does he even realize that North Korea is a member of the BRICS organization of some 40+ nations, including China and Russia? The soy boy isn’t just threatening the Hermit Kingdom, he’s leveling a threat against a rather ominous coalition of countries that might not look kindly on the rabid ramblings of one of Biden’s mouthpieces. Whatever happened to Biden, who ran for president in 2020, promising to restore our reputation on the world stage as a force for the better? You know, the leader of the free world bullshit. Nothing could be further from the truth. We’re pariahs on the world stage, threatening nations and imposing financial sanctions on countries whose politics and actions we disagree with. We are hardly a force for good. That has to change in 2024.

It’s been a hot week here at the camp on Lake George. Temperatures have been in the mid-eighties almost every day. I read that some school or maybe school system in Massachusetts is closing today because of the heat. You can’t make this shit up. If anything, the school systems should be able to provide students with a reprieve from the heat, assuming they have air conditioning. Keep the damn students in school where they belong for chrissakes. Maybe this is one of those school systems where they’ve now imposed mask mandates, and that, I suppose, could be suffocating, to say the least, if you have to wear a mask in that environment. I guess I’ve just never heard of things closing down because of the heat. It’s almost like they’re looking for reasons to close the schools. Or are they looking to continue the assault on childhood education that they began during the COVID craze in 2020? Just keep dumbing them down until they’re functionally incapable of contributing to society in any meaningful way.

Is it me, or does every photo of every criminal we see in the media these days appear to be, and I’ll just say it, a person of unknown origin and without a legal immigration status? I’m not talking about petty crimes here. These are the worst crimes you can imagine. These may be petty crimes by the standards of the countries from which they came, like Columbia or other South American shitholes, but they are clearly not petty crimes by our standards. I’d like to think that some statistician or other could make a good and convincing case for deporting these criminals, be they Americans or not, due to their inability to assimilate into American society. They clearly have no regard for the letter of the law, and they are essentially lawless by their very actions. I would extend this grouping to include the people storming our commercial enterprises in smash-and-grab crimes and every last ingrate who thinks that carjacking is a victimless crime. We’ve all seen the videos on YouTube. We know who they are, and we know where they live. Let’s round em up and move em out.

I’ve been in the water here in Sandy Bay every day since we arrived last Saturday. I like to go in after the last of the boats leave their buoys at the end of the day, although I sometimes can’t wait that long. It’s the first time ever that I’ve done this so faithfully. I guess it just feels good. I’m not sure it has much to do with the heat, but I might be less interested if the weather were cooler. I can walk out quite a distance before I’m even waist-deep in water, and the bay’s sandy bottom feels lovely beneath my feet. What is with all of the dogs on the boats this season? It’s looking more and more like a doggy park than a human sanctuary, but maybe it’s just me. I like dogs, so I’m happy to see them enjoying themselves in the water. I suppose some bay dwellers leave their dogs at home, which seems senseless when you can bring them to your favorite watering hole. And God only knows Sandy Bay, in all its glory, is big enough for everyone and their dogs to come and partake of everything Sandy Bay has to offer.

Truth be told, I don’t really swim here in the bay, even though I know how to swim. I’m much happier just wallowing in the warm water and pushing myself from spot to spot with my feet. The very act of properly swimming is much too demanding for my taste. If I weren’t in the water for whatever reason, I might be just as happy to dangle my feet in the water off the end of the dock. I’m not so sure that other people here in the bay, when and where they do congregate day after day, don’t disagree with me. They, like me, seem to be just fine with diving or flopping around in the water without the requisite arm strokes seen in more seasoned swimmers, of which there seem to be very few. I suppose some folks hereabouts don’t even know how to swim. The good news is that you don’t need to know how to swim when the water is waist-deep until you’re well out into the bay. The baby Jesus knew what he was doing when he created this place of unparalleled beauty and reprise.

Well, it was a splotchy week for journal stuff this past week. We got sidetracked by losing electricity on Thursday night and never got our electricity back until Saturday morning. It came back partially on Friday night, but only certain outlets worked, which I'll never understand. Nancy and I were awakened early Saturday morning, around 1 a.m., when trucks from the power company rolled through the neighborhood. That was a good sign. Everything worked when we awakened around 7 a.m. or so. That was good because we had to be out of the rental by 10 a.m. We were filling up our toilet tank with lake water so we could flush the toilet, for chrissakes, so that wasn't much fun. Did I mention that we had to throw out all the food in the refrigerator? Who wants to take a chance of coming down with some sort of bacterial something by eating food that's gone unrefrigerated for too long?

I told the missus that I thought it might be nice had the rental owner, knowing what we might have gone through with the electricity out and the rates we were paying to stay in his place for the week, that he might have offered us to stay an extra day. As far as we knew, it was the end of the season with no renters coming in after us, so I thought it might be magnanimous of him to make the offer. Not only did we not get any offers, but we never heard a peep from the guy. It's not like he wasn't aware of it. The entire area was down, including the area nearby where the owner operates a marina. I'm not going to lose a lot of sleep over it. As someone who rents their vacation properties to folks like us, would it be too much to ask that they have a generator backup in the event of a power outage? We left the place cleaner than we found it, so you'd never guess we had an issue were you to walk in as either the owner or subsequent renters. That's just how we roll.

The Ev man's childhood friend, Noah, joined us midweek and stayed with us for the rest of the week. The guys probably drank a little too much and partied a little too much, but none of it spilled over in a way that gave us cause to complain. It's been a good ten years since we've had Noah join us at the lake. Noah can be an effective Ev-whisperer when we're otherwise not on the same wavelength as the Ev man. You'll also not find a more even-keeled lad than Noah. I don't think I've ever heard him even raise his voice in a fit of anything. We rented a boat out of Yankee Boat Rentals in Bolton Landing, which was fun. We got in a morning of fishing on Friday when fair winds sent us drifting down the eastern side of the lake. We all caught fish, some bigger than others, some more than others, but it was all good. I released one of my fish only to have a gull swoop down and snag it off the surface of the water just as it was getting its bearings. It was an easy catch and release, so I was surprised to see it not just swim away.

If you discount the thunderstorms at week's end, the entire week was pretty warm and summer-like, with temperatures in the eighties every day. I might have preferred cooler temperatures, but that's just me. Why do you think I like to go up there in September? The damn leaves had started to turn, and you could see entire mountainsides of foliage changing before your eyes. The water temperature in Sandy Bay was just right, and all four of us spent as much time swimming in Sandy Bay as we possibly could. Noah was off snorkeling while the missus and I did more wallowing than anything else. The Ev man went in here and there and seemed to enjoy himself, which was good. Before I forget, Canadian nightcrawlers are not nightcrawlers. Next time round, we're getting real night crawlers. The big, fat, juicy ones that the fish in Lake George prefer. We should have known better than to buy our bait in Walmart.

Hat Tip

I listened to the nitwit Hugh Hewitt for a few minutes this morning until he started playing clips of his interview with Brett Baier (FOX) about something he calls "candidate casino." First of all, understand that Huey is in the tank for DeSantis. I think he can't wrap his head around the fact that Trump is going to run away with the nomination fight. He said something about Trump potentially losing the nomination because he wasn't actively doing interviews. I do think there's a danger to not being out and about in the media when the rest of the Keebler Elves are sucking up all the oxygen in the room. Trump used the media like the rock star that he was in 2015, and it paid off handsomely. I don't care how many surrogates Trump has running around the streets of America in pickup trucks flying American flags. He needs to be out there making his case to the American people. Labor Day is right around the corner. Let's get this party started!


Hewitt said something about DeSantis saying all the right things about this psycho who walked into a Dollar Store in Florida over the weekend and shot three people dead. What was DeSantis supposed to say, you damned fool? You want to sing his praises so badly that you have to have to wait until we see a tragedy unfold in a local retailer before you can get out your pom poms? What governor in his right mind, and running for president no less, wouldn't have a few solemn words to say on behalf of the people who lost their lives on that fateful day? You also sang the praises of Nikki Haley, that intolerable twat and the only woman amongst the Keebler Elves. Did I mention that she's never lost a race for political office? I've got news for her. That, my dear, is about to change. If any good comes out of this race, it will be that she gets her ass handed to her, and we won't have to listen to her insufferable claims about never losing a race again.

Something strikes me a bit odd about these murders in Florida. I'm not even sure that the bodies were cold before they announced that they had the killer's manifesto in hand. He was, of course, an avowed White Supremacist or racist if I'm to believe everything the mainstream media are telling me. I have no reason to believe otherwise. He also allegedly had serious mental health issues, although that aspect of the tragedy was played down by CNN and their brethren in the Leftist media. It just didn't fit their narrative. I'm surprised they haven't commented on his political affiliation yet. That suggests to me that he probably had a long history of voting for Democrats. I give credit to Vivek Ramaswamy for pushing back when Dana Bash (CNN) tried to suggest that the killer's manifesto was somehow a boilerplate plan for White Supremacists at large. Where is the manifesto of the tranny killer in New Orleans that they have never released, he asked. We all know why it wasn't released. My guess has always been that she went on a tear that day due to some past grievances quite possibly having to do with her being molested as a child in that very same institution where she gunned down those children. We'll probably never know.

What the hell is going on with all of these random fires or fire storms igniting all over the globe? Every other day, we seem to hear about a fire that has engulfed a refinery, a food processing plant, or complete neighborhoods like we saw in Maui. For a while there, it was non-stop train derailments and releases of toxins into the surrounding environs. I thought we'd start to see a similar pattern with airlines, God forbid, due to stories in the media about shortages of this and that and, even more worrisome, pilots keeling over mid-flight due to blood clots brought on by one too many jabs. That has not happened, but I'm not sure we're out of the woods just yet. I've heard some suggest that Bumbles Biden will use the fires as a pretense to declare a climate emergency. How orgasmic would that be for the radical left? I can't be sure what kind of hell that would unleash on the American public, but, knowing the radical left as I do, it wouldn't be good. That fool already tells us he has plans to mandate COVID-19 shots for everyone. What does he know that we don't?

I asked the Ev man if he might be interested in helping me fix our clothesline today. We'll probably need to pop over to Home Depot to get a section of material that needs to be replaced. I may have made a mistake when I put it together a few years back by using a piece of wood for one of the cross bars when I probably should have used some composite material that is practically indestructible. I do appreciate the Ev man lending a hand when he's available. You know what they say: two heads are better than one. He may not be in the mood, so we'll have to see. I may or may not go ahead without him. We need to put the line up because we have a few loads of wash to do, and the weather couldn't be nicer for hanging clothes outside. It's one of many jobs I could probably do around the house between now and the onset of Fall. There are windows to wash, snow-clearing machines that need an oil change or other, and spaces here and there inside and outside the house that could stand with a bit of decluttering. I'm thinking of the garage more specifically. Marie Condo, if you're listening.

We asked the Ev man to think a bit about what he might like to have for his upcoming birthday. He was at the house yesterday playing around with his mom's iPad and having a bit of fun with it, to be sure. I think he surprised himself at just how much fun he was having. I don't think of iPads as something young men his age take a fancy to, but he found that one of his games plays pretty well on the device, so he was off and running. I think he had some other gaming device in mind for his birthday, but that gaming device is probably in the rearview mirror due to his time on the iPad yesterday. He said something about taking his mom's device and her getting a new one, but I talked him out of that in no time flat. If it's your birthday, you deserve nothing but the best. That means getting a new device based on your specifications and preferences. The only outstanding question now is, when is the next scheduled update for the specific iPad he's interested in? The last thing you want to do is buy something outdated or nearly outdated the day you make the purchase.

The media is coming down hard on Vivek Ramaswamy for outing Nikki Haley's maiden name, one of Vivek's Republican opponents, in the race for the Republican nomination. According to Vivek's web page, her maiden name is Namrata Randhawa. Who knew? I have to guess that Vivek put her maiden name out there because it might work against her in some way, shape, or form. Is it safe to say that the two of them are battling for the Indian votes? Is what we know about the Indian culture being a male-dominated society a thing? Maybe he feels that if he can't win because of his Indian surname, he's going to take her down with him. Or, maybe he's just working at winnowing the field and figures that she's the political equivalent of low-hanging fruit. I'm also guessing that he's not crazy about how her poll numbers are improving in the wake of their recent debate, and he sees an opportunity to take her down a peg or two. She's probably toast if it ever comes down to the two of them, but we're not there yet. Vivek doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who takes prisoners. Just sayin'.

I've seen a few videos lately of climate change nutjobs lying down in front of traffic in various places across the globe. The ones I've enjoyed the most are the ones where the traffic doesn't stop, and, in some cases, never even slows down, before either running over the protesters or otherwise pushing them out of the way with their vehicles. Does that make me a bad person? I find myself not even caring much whether or not they lose their lives in the process. Do stupid things, win stupid prizes, is what I say. Does it have anything to do with the fact that I see these people and their cause as an existential threat to our well-being as an industrialized society? Maybe. Is it also true that I harbor these same feelings for the radical leftists who have infiltrated our government and institutions because I see them as an existential threat to our Republic? They are probably more deserving in a just world of spending the rest of their lives behind bars rather than meeting their fate beneath the wheels of a car, but we'll leave their sentences to the courts, who will, in time, decide how they will spend the remaining days of their lives.

I've got to give the Ev man a hat-tip this morning. He graciously offered his time to lend a hand yesterday to help me repair a failing clothesline. Never mind that we didn't have the requisite tools or the collective talent to do the job. I think we made a lot of good decisions along the way and maybe a few missteps. We found the right piece of wood we needed at Home Depot without their employees' help. They might have steered us away from purchasing the pressure-treated wood we purchased, but we had no such conversation. As such, we found just the right length (4 feet) that we needed, and buying pressure-treated wood would ensure that we had wood that wasn't going to rot away after a couple of seasons. Had I had my wits about me before we left the house for Home Depot, I might have looked around to see which screws I was going to need for the job. That was probably our biggest issue in trying to put it all back together again. I reused the existing eyelets, which was probably not the smartest thing to do since they were a bit rusted. Is that even what they're called? Eyelets?


I'm not sure I would have gotten it done had I not had the Ev man's assistance. He's a steady hand, I'll give him that. I think he actually enjoys doing that sort of stuff. He doesn't do it in the normal course, so that may explain why he's game when these opportunities present themselves. If he's learning anything from me, it probably has more to do with my mistakes. At one point, I handed him the drill to drill a hole or two in the cross beam we were working on. That was a bridge too far, so maybe the next time. He was handy with the ratchet in applying an extra turn of a screw or two when I had done the best I could, so I appreciated that. This was the second go-round for Ev and me on this particular section of the clothesline, so that may have given Ev a certain comfort level in the job we had to do. I think the pressure-treated wood was a more difficult material with which to work, which may explain why it took us more time than I thought it would. We got it done, and that's all that matters.

Mrs. G sent an e-mail about her personal information being hacked after an information breach in a local hospital where she previously received services. It seems the hackers made off with some personal information after a failed attempt to extort money from the hospital. I don't think it's the sort of stuff that's going to keep her up at night, but I searched for the article to get a better sense of what it all means. I didn't read too much into her once-sentence proclamation that her information had been hacked, so maybe she read what I read and drew the same conclusions. So what if they have her e-mail and telephone number? She's about as astute about these sorts of things as I am when it comes to this stuff. I'm not sure where she gets her spidey sense about this stuff since people from her generation are not typically computer savvy. I told the missus the other day that I think Mrs. G does her own troubleshooting on computer issues and is not afraid to pick up the phone to solve problems she can't solve. So that you know, I'm usually not the guy on the other end of the phone.

I watched a video of Glenn Greenwald this morning on Twitter (X). He was going off on Nikki Haley. What's that all about? Is he a Ramaswamy fan? He's always spoken highly of Trump for various of his policies despite his not being a Republican. Glenn's politics lean left, but he was a regular on the Tucker Carlson show before Tucker got the boot, so there's that. I think that gives the guy some credibility in my my opinion. He rightly pegged Haley as the neocon that she is and taking money, as she has and probably continues to do, from donors who want nothing more than to fund every war they can and for as long as they can. Glenn reminded me in the video that she left the Trump administration prematurely in order to cash in on her bona fides as a neocon. It tells us everything we need to know about where she is when it comes to funding the Ukraine fiasco should she become president. It also tells us something about who's rigging the polls that gave her a seemingly odd bump after the Republican debate a couple of weeks back. It's the big-bucks defense contractors and their ilk who never met a war they didn't want to fund. Haley is part of the swamp in Washington that people like Trump and Ramaswamy are running for president to drain. Good for Greenwald in calling her out.

I have to laugh when I see these stories about Bumbles Biden meeting with the heads of various countries to discuss things. This demented old fool is still looking for the men's room in the Oval Office, and he's been the sole occupant of the Oval Office for the last two to three years. He doesn't even know what damn day of the week it is at any given moment. Imagine the shell game his handlers have to put on to convince anyone that Bumbles, as president, is in charge of anything, much less his own faculties. And, I swear to God, if he tells that stupid story about almost losing his prized Corvette in a kitchen fire at his residence in Delaware back in the day, I'm going to kill myself. How do you think that stupid story went over with the people in Maui who lost everything in the fire that engulfed and destroyed 2,000 homes and countless lives a month ago or so? The damned fool even snickered when it came time to add the comment about his Corvette. Speaking of putting lipstick on a pig, NewsMax had a plastic surgeon on last evening talking about the extensive work they've likely done behind the scenes to stretch his stupid face into something less demented, less inept, and more presidential. Spoiler alert: It isn't working.

I've got this pesky little problem with our internet that I can't figure out. I lose the internet every so often, maybe a handful of times a day. I think this is a somewhat new-ish problem since I can't recall whining about it in the past. I've Googled it a few times but without success. The funny thing is that all the lights that are supposed to be on on my various and sundry devices when the internet is up and running like a charm are still up and twinkling away even when I lose the internet signal. I don't even know how to begin troubleshooting that issue. There is no issue if I'm to believe my eyes. I even have an application on my phone that gives me real-time feedback on what's going on with my router. It tells me in no uncertain terms that my internet is "offline" when I lose the signal. I'd like it better if it gave me a little guidance on how to get the signal back or fix the problem. And, here's the kicker: When it does go out, it goes out for a good minute and a half. That, at least, is predictable. It doesn't make me feel any better, but it gives me some satisfaction in knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am going to figure this out. I am going to figure this out. I am going to figure this out.

I wonder how many pieces have to fall into place before we're back in the throes of a full-fledged COVID pandemic/psychosis. I see that Bumbles has requested billions of dollars to be added to the next budget for pandemic-related expenses. You can bet your sweet ass that a few billion dollars of the monies requested will end up in the coffers of major democratic strongholds in "blue" cities across our fruited plains before all is said and done. You can say all you want about how nasty the Democrats are, but you can be assured of one thing: They take care of their own. Of course, the Republicans in the uni-party will sign off on these bills like the losers they are. And don't think Big Pharma isn't going to get their slice of the pie. Not to worry. There are plenty of American taxpayer dollars to go around.

With Bumbles getting his 10% cut from Big Pharma, pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer will write it off as an expense and move on to develop the next "miracle" MRNA drug for the masses no matter how many people die during the clinical trials. We've seen this movie before, and we know how it ends. There will be mask mandates, lockdowns, absentee ballots, media-induced mass hysteria, and a senile president sitting down before the nation on national television while rolling up his sleeve for the latest and greatest booster. What he'll not tell you, but you damn well know from looking at the old fool, is that he's not getting a booster but rather a jab containing saline solution. It's nothing but smoke and mirrors.

The missus and I watched the final episode of "The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart" on Prime last night. We really enjoyed the series. I think it got eight out of ten stars on Rotten Tomatoes, so it came highly recommended. I pegged the show as a drama depicting the cycle of violence in a family over the course of several generations as seen through the eyes of a young girl. I read one review that said the show didn't handle the protagonist's (Alice) transition from childhood to young woman very well. That was an understatement. The cycle of violence follows Alice into adulthood when she gets involved with a man who is physically abusive to her and, in some ways, is no different than her abusive father. Her abuser was never brought to justice, and worse than that, Alice continued corresponding with her abuser well after she had escaped his clutches. Maybe that says more about Australia's male-dominated culture than anything else, but I was left wondering when anyone was going to bring this guy (Dylan) to justice. Lulu could do it. Twig didn't have it in her. Sigourney Weaver was too sick to help, and it didn't help that Alice was unwilling to file a police report. And you had to be crazy not to fall in love with Candy Blue.

I'm hoping against hope, but I think I may have fixed the problem with my internet that I referenced just a couple of paragraphs back. I don't want to get too far out over my skis, but I feel good about not seeing any disruptions in the last twenty-four hours. It wasn't anything I read, but I had a hunch about what might be causing the problem. Tell me if this sounds plausible. I bought a new router recently when all of this began. It came with a security application embedded in the router software that notified me of any and all suspicious activity on my network. I think the software effectively shut down any violations and attacks or perceived violations and attacks by blocking any and all network traffic until such a time it could be determined that the activity was not malicious or that the attack was no longer viable. It probably wasn't a coincidence that every outage lasted approximately one to two minutes. I disabled the software yesterday and have seen no further intrusions or network outages since. That was fine because I did not intend to pay for the security software beyond the trial period anyway. It almost feels too easy. Stay tuned.

Speaking of too good to be true, is it true that we have someone from inside our government leaking copies of e-mails that Joe Biden (using a pseudonym) used to use when he was Vice President to communicate with government officials in various countries while shaking them down for bribes, etc.? Did I mention that Joe Biden cc'd his crackhead of a son, Hunter, on every last one of those e-mails? Wait a minute. Didn't Joe Biden tell us time and time again that he was never in business with his son? And, why would Joe Biden cc his son on every e-mail? It's simple. Hunter was the bagman. The guy who picked up the duffle bags of cash or whatever in exchange for whatever it was that Joe Biden was selling, be they highly classified documents for the Chinese or policy changes for people or governments looking for assistance from our country. It's all so treasonous, wouldn't you say? They say our government has some 5400 of these e-mails. And, they aren't turning over the 5400 e-mails without a fight. Yep, the same government department that ratted out Trump to the FBI when he didn't return his classified documents. That makes them complicit in Biden's crimes, wouldn't you say? Ready the fucking gallows is what I say.

I was one busy bee yesterday. It's funny how some days I'm all piss and vinegar, and other days it's all about finding a spot in the shade where I can wile away the day. Did I mention that it was a beautiful, cloudless day with nearly zero humidity? I started putting a few things away in the garage in the morning, and by midday, I was well on my way to having a load of things to take to the local Recycling Center. I was so meticulous and granular in my efforts that I had, at long last, I'd say, a box of assorted nails and other metal items to get rid of. That only took me fifteen years. I had one large garbage bag chock full of miscellaneous stuff that I tucked away in the car's back seat and out of sight of the missus. Had she seen it before I had a chance to bring it to the Center, she would have gone through the bag with a fine-toothed comb, looking for things she'd say I had no right getting rid of. I mowed the lawn, took care of a load of dishes, and visited Mrs. G in the late afternoon. I didn't get in as much guitar practice as I might have liked, but I got in a little practice, so that was good. Hopefully, I can get around to cleaning the windows (inside and out) in our car today. I am kicking butt and taking names. Make no mistake about it.

Ruling Junta

I'm thinking I'll probably tune into the debate on Wednesday night of this week. I'm not crazy about the thought of giving FOX, or the two twats they call moderators, any oxygen whatsoever, but what are you going to do? The alternative, as I understand it, is that Trump will not be attending the debate and will sit down with Tucker Carlson instead. The problem with that is that Trump is fairly predictable in terms of what he's going to say, the positions he holds on things, and the endless times he's going to repeat the stories that he repeats every time he sits down for an interview, ad nauseam. Besides, who doesn't like the idea of someone like Ramaswamy eviscerating DeSantis on the debate stage? Maybe he'll take out the clown, Chris Christie, while he's at it. Everyone else on the stage is a backbencher.

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I watched a video yesterday on Twitter (X) that seemed to expose this guy Ramaswamy as a huckster. Who knew? You know this is what happens to Republicans who start to show a little leg in the national polling. Is huckster the right word? Is that what you call someone who makes his money in an allegedly illegal or unethical way? Anyway, that's the charge. So what if he started a company selling products that he knew would never reach the markets? This has to do with a certain Alzheimer's drug his company was researching. It's probably too complicated of a schtick to raise in a debate, but we may know who's trying to cash in on this opposition research by who asks the question. For all I know, it could be the Democrats coming up with this stuff. My guess is that Vivek will be ready for this question. When have you ever seen this guy unprepared for any question asked of him? He's pretty darn good on his feet.

For some reason, I thought this BRICS meeting coming up here in a couple of days was the launching of a new coalition of countries. I thought I heard yesterday that the BRICS nations have met previously. Is it now just a thing because they are allegedly planning to discuss an alternative to the US dollar as a prime currency? If any of that comes to fruition, I think that wouldn't be a good thing for our economy. I also don't think it's something that happens overnight, so maybe we have time to prepare. I also understand that this involves the development of a digital currency to be used by the BRICS nations. We've all heard the horror stories of people whose governments have cut off access to their funds held in banks when they disagree with their politics. Worse than that is the absolute loss of privacy that comes with having to use digital currencies to conduct your day-to-day business. It's none of their goddamn business how I spend my money or what I spend my money on. There, I said it. It's no surprise that the countries contemplating the use of these currencies are not democracies as we understand the word democracy. In US parlance, it's Big Brother on steroids.

I don't know what's going on with Twitter (X.) Elon tweeted something the other day about doing away with a user's ability to block other tweeters. There's more. Then he, or one or more of his people, said something about everyone using the platform will now be required to submit a picture ID in order to remain on the platform. The blocking thing will be an annoyance, for sure. I block plenty of people whose views are predictably left of Karl Marx. I'm just not interested in seeing their tweets. I'm sure they probably block me as well. Maybe the idea is that outrage is a good thing, and if you can amp it up, then all the better. What good is social media if it isn't pissing you off about something? Right? The whole ID thing is more of a concern. I value my online anonymity, and I could care less about blue checks and other niceties offered by Twitter for a price. I might have to take my business elsewhere if I have to submit my ID to anyone in order to keep my account. I can't say that I didn't see this coming.

What is this nonsense about taking Trump's name off the ballot in various and sundry states across our fruited plains? I suppose they can try. They'll point to the 14th Amendment as the vehicle they intend to use to accomplish their task. Who doesn't think that they can get their left-leaning judicial systems to find Trump guilty of something or other and then use the 14th Amendment to keep his name off the ballot? All you need is to have a couple of Marxists out on the hustings floating this craziness, and the next thing you know, various District Attornies across the country will running roughshod over Trump's rights. Never mind that the Supreme Court will likely overturn them. The damage will be done, and they will be running around beating their chests at having taken Trump out of a race that was Trump's to lose were it not for shenanigans of the left. Whatever it takes to keep bumbling and demented Joey Biden and his sleazy wife, Dr. Jill, in the White House and the Democrats in power in one or more houses of Congress for the foreseeable future.

Who is this arsehole Hugh Hewitt and who is paying him to say nasty things about my man, Vivek Ramaswamy? Hewitt has this radio show on the Salem network, and he seems to be railing against Vivek for Vivek's comments about our government not giving us the truth about what went down on 9/11. Hewitt seems to have a problem with "truthers." That should tell you everything you need to know about Hewitt. He seems to think that we ought to take what our government tells us at face value and accept it as unvarnished truth. In a conversation with a talking head on CNN, Vivek referred to an unclassified document released in the dark of night by our government claiming that intelligence agencies within Saudi Arabia played a role in the 9/11 attacks. What do you say about that, Huey? I'm guessing Hewitt is probably a shill for DeSantis. Worse yet, maybe Chris Christie. And the nasty things that Hewitt says about Trump for not attending the debate like he's the fucking political sage with the only crystal ball in the room. Spoiler alert: He is not.

If it's a new day on the calendar, it's another day where our bumbling and illegitimate president, Bumbles Biden, is making a fool of himself. Did I mention that he is cognitively impaired? He and his fishnet-wearing wife finally made it out to Maui after the hellish firestorms on the island destroyed countless lives and property. How long did it take him to make it out to Maui after the firestorms began, and how many vacations did he have to put on hold in order to make the trip? I think it was a good three weeks. When he finally took to the podium to read his queue cards, he went on and on talking about the fire he and his wife, Jill, endured back in the day. You know, the little kitchen fire in his home in Delaware that the local fire department extinguished in twenty minutes. There are still some eight hundred people missing and probably dead, and this fool is drawing ridiculous comparisons to an incident in his kitchen decades ago. He saw dogs running around with booties on to protect their feet from the ground, which is still hot, and he made yet another inane comment that I'll not bother to repeat here. How much more must we as a people endure of this fool?

Trump says he'll be turning himself into Georgia officials the day after the debate, which Trump will not be attending, on Wednesday night of this week in response to the outstanding indictment against him. Hewitt was not happy with that announcement. It didn't occur to me until I heard Hewitt complaining about it that the timing of Trump's turning himself had more to do with sucking the oxygen out of the news cycle on a day when most analysts would be providing analysis of the debate the previous night. I'm quite certain Hewitt already has his notes drafted in order to jump into the fray with his fellow "journalists" pulling for his or her horse or horses in the race and, alternatively, punishing those candidates they see as threats to the candidates they are quietly supporting. Trump is still the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room. How much more proof do you need? Trump is well aware of the hard-on the media establishment gets every time he walks into a courtroom, and he's playing them like a fiddle once again. If any one or more of the candidates on the stage on Wednesday night are hoping to leave the stage at the end of the debate with the wind at their backs, Trump will be standing there with a bucket of cold water, figuratively speaking, of course.

I can appreciate Zelensky's desire to have the coveted F16s added to his arsenal, but, for the life of me, I don't see it making much of a difference. Like the tanks that have already been delivered to the killing fields of Ukraine, and which have been summarily targeted and destroyed by Russian ordinances, the F16s would no doubt face a similar fate. And the nonsensical promises to the donor countries that they only be used for defensive purposes on Ukrainian soil are farcical at best. So, what's the deal? Does it bring us one step closer to putting American boots on Ukrainian soil? Is that what this is all about? Is Biden going to send American boys to die in the fields of Ukraine? Nobody thinks that Russia will lose this war, and, with China and North Korea aiding and abetting Russia in the conflict, you see how upside down things could get in a hurry. The problem is that we have a cognitively impaired stooge in the White House with his fingers on the nuclear codes. The naked truth of our involvement in Ukraine, if we're to believe what Congressman Comer has to say about Biden and his bribery exploits in Ukraine, also seems to have more to do with Biden's being compromised by the Ukrainians than it has to do with any national interest we might have in protecting Ukraine from Russia. Keep digging, sir.

I was up way too early this morning. And, for no particular reason, really. When I lay in bed with my eyes wide open at four in the morning, it's too late to go back to sleep. What, so I can wake up an hour later feeling all groggy and whatever? You get up, and you go about your business. That's what you do. I half expected to climb back into bed after being up a couple of hours, but I'm sitting here instead, trying to get a couple of thoughts down on paper. The missus is off to an early morning appointment in downtown Portsmouth, so I have no distractions to speak of. I'm still not sure how I'm going to start my next paragraph, so there's that. Tonight is the first Republican debate of the 2024 presidential election cycle, so I think I'm probably going to catch that tomorrow sometime on YouTube. I'll not want to contribute in any way, shape, or form, to the number of suckers who tune into the FOX production with their two toady moderators, Brett Baier and Martha numbnuts MacCallum. Maybe I can pick up a couple of clips, if there are any worth watching, on Twitter just before bedtime.

It's rather insidious, don't you think? I'm hearing here and there about cases of Covid coming back around. It's so funny. The reports I'm seeing actually reference certain variants, some new and some old, which were once only seen in certain countries, and are now showing up in our country for the first time. It's almost like the freaks looking to profit from a new outbreak, be they politicians with their lockdowns, or Big Pharma with the big bucks they have to spread around to politicians who will mandate their vaccines for the right price, seem to think that we're overdue for another round of fearmongering to see just how much they can get away with this time around. Colleges are back to requiring masks and jabs of all incoming students, and I'm seeing more and more losers wearing their masks in stores and in public places. It won't be long before we see people driving here and there all by their lonesome while donning their masks. And don't think for a moment that the Democrats don't have their hands in this pie somewhere. They would like nothing better than to lock us all down and get their fake absentee ballot scam back up and running so they can install feckless and demented Joe Biden in our beloved White House for another four years.


I think their calculus is that Trump, assuming he wins the nomination, will never win while sitting in a jail cell, so they can put up just about anyone they choose, and it will be a slam dunk. Maybe it's time to put the first black woman in as president. No, I'm not talking about Kamala Harris. I'm talking about "Big Mike." That's right, Michelle Obama. That would put that Kenyan-born goatherder of a husband of hers right back in the Oval Office, which would be a non-starter since most Americans believe that it is Obama pulling the strings in the Biden Administration these days. You know, our first black president who had barely been sworn into office before telling the world that he wanted to "fundamentally transform America as we know it." Little did any of us realize what he had in store for us. Who else do we have for prospects? Gavin Newsome, maybe? He'll do what he's done for California for the entire country. That is to say, he'll transform the United States into a one-party country. You'll not hear those words pass his lips, but most Americans have a dim view of California as a result of his stewardship and want no part of it. Just ask the people who fled California during the 2020 COVID crisis and who couldn't find a U-Haul to rent. They were all on the road to states like Tennessee, Florida, and similar environs.

Maybe RFK Jr. upends it all and takes out Biden in the early primary states. Wouldn't that be something? He's getting very little air time, so it's just more of the same from the establishment media, which is in the fucking tank for Biden. All the mainstream media would have you believe is that RFK Jr. is a conspiracy theorist and that he is not a suitable candidate for president, given his views on any number of conspiracy theories ranging from the moon landing to the assassination of his uncle, John F. Kennedy back in 1960 or thereabouts. Oh, and we can't forget his outlandish comments about COVID-19 and the crimes he alleges were committed by Fauci and his labcoat-wearing stooges in the UNH. Do I have that acronym right? I've always wanted to read Kennedy's book entitled "The Real Anthony Fauci," but it was far too wonky for my tastes. My eyes glaze over when it comes to reading materials, generally speaking, so you can imagine the trouble I had getting into that book. I don't know who he wrote that book for, but it was not for guys like me.

I watched the debate of the Republican candidates for president on FOX last night, so you wouldn't have to. I agree with the missus; it was a complete cluster-you-know-what. Brett Baier and Martha MacCallum were horrible as the two moderators for FOX. They lost complete control of the debate and the candidates on the stage. It took them a good hour to ask serious questions about our border, Ukraine policy, etc. They put some questions to some candidates but failed to get responses from other candidates on the same question. I remember thinking to myself, wait a minute, I want to hear what Vivek has to say on that topic. It was crickets. If I apply the "Who would I want to sit down and have a beer with" test, that would be Vivek. All I heard from DeSantis all night long was, "Get off my damn lawn." It was all about tone. And, speaking of Nikki Haley, who the hell wears their bathrobe to a nationally televised debate?

It was funny listening to Chris Christie (Krispy Kreme) refer to Vivek as Mr. ChatGBT. I'm not so sure that's a bad thing. You put your shitty speech into ChatGBT, and ChatGBT can clean it up for you. Like I've said before, Vivek is smart as a whip, and it's refreshing to hear someone speak in complete sentences after three years of a president with stage 5 dementia in the White House. Some of the one-percenters on the stage had no business being there. At the end of the debate, I'd probably add Pence to that group along with Asa Hutchinson and the governor of North Dakota, whose name I can't remember. I don't know that Tim Scott did anything to help himself last night, either. God, was Pence insufferable or what? I wish someone on that debate stage last night had had the presence of mind to say that what Pence did on January 6th was NOT the right thing to do. The 2020 election was stolen, and that's a damn fact. Democratic District Attorneys across our fruited plains are now arresting everyone in sight who ever tried to make the case that it was stolen. I'm surprised that the FOX moderators didn't ask each and every candidate whether they thought the 2020 election was stolen.

It was interesting to see Vivek put Krispy Kreme in his place when he said something about Krispy Kreme hugging Obama. The reference to hugging Obama dates back to the hurricane that ravaged the New Jersey coastline when Krispy was governor of New Jersey, and there are photos circulating, even now, of Krispy rubbing up on Obama when Obama visited the state of New Jersey as President. When everyone was expecting Krispy to show up with guns-a-blazing against Trump, and he surely took a few shots at Trump, much to the dismay and boos of the 6,000-plus audience for his comments, it was Vivek who brought Krispy to his knees. Vivek, by his own admission, said that Trump was the best president in the 21st century, and he wasn't wrong. Kudos to Vivek for making the case in Trump's absence. As I sit here this morning, Trump's interview with Tucker, which took place during the debate last night, has some 140 million views. The number of viewers on FOX watching the bickering Keebler Elves are not in yet, but I suspect they will fall far short of the 140 million who watched Trump on Social Media. Stick that in your fucking pipe and smoke it, Rupert Murdoch.

That little bitch of a District Attorney in Georgia finally got the mug shot that she wanted. Trump was arrested and fingerprinted in Georgia yesterday, and his mug shot is now out in the ether forever more. The Democrat party has crossed the fucking rubicon. Since this is Trump's fourth indictment since the Democrats decided to criminalize free speech and jail their political opposition, I suppose you could say that this is the fourth Rubicon that they've crossed. There is a move afoot to move the trial out of State Court and into Federal court where Trump and his 18 other co-defendants can hopefully get a more fair trial. I don't understand why there isn't someone in the Judiciary somewhere, the Supreme Court perhaps, that, upon seeing this travesty of justice, isn't stepping up to the plate and shutting it all down. It is a clear case of election interference, and to sit back and watch this criminalization of the judicial process is to be complicit in it. This case in Georgia is being brought against people who disagreed with the outcome of an election and, now, simply questioning the outcome of an election seems to be a crime according to the cretins in the state of Georgia.

I just don't know what to say as an American citizen. I feel like I'm living in Venezuela. Maybe this is what they mean when they say that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Democrats probably figure if they can keep the White House for one more term, or four more years, they can turn the red states blue that they need never to lose a presidential election again. I'm talking about the fact that the Democrats have now ushered in some 7 million illegal aliens, and they are paying each and every last one of them $2,200 per month of our hard-earned tax dollars. The Democrats can probably get another 7-10 million across our southern border by the end of Biden's first term. They have little to no incentive to work, but you can bet your sweet arse that the Democrats will find a way to get them registered to vote and out to the polls by the time the next presidential election rolls around. Our only hope, at this point, is to elect Trump and have him deport every last one of these illegals that the Democrats have ushered into our country. They should call it, "Operation get your ass out of our country." We'll put our military to good use for a change and bring the lot of them home from these ridiculous overseas assignments to protect our own borders.

Speaking of illegal aliens, did I hear that right about Biden's Justice Department suing SpaceX (Musk's company) for not hiring illegal aliens? This is a joke. Right? Does anyone think that this isn't just Biden's Justice Department going after Musk because of his politics? They're actually suing SpaceX on behalf of every illegal alien who ever applied for a job at SpaceX going back several years. They are asking that the courts find for the illegal aliens and award them back pay. Are you fucking kidding me? If I were Musk, I'd tell the Government that two can play this game. Musk should threaten to shut down every last satellite operating in lower orbit over Ukraine until the Bidenistas withdraw their lawsuit on behalf of the illegal aliens. You know that this is just the first volley of shots across the bows of companies that don't comply with Biden and his criminal Justice Department to do Bumble's bidding. What illegal alien wouldn't want to come to our country if they catch wind of these stories? You've got the president of the United States suing companies on your behalf and offering to feather your nest and the nests of your family with million-dollar judgments from liberal courts and liberal juries. That's a lifetime of enchiladas and more.

I'm going to have to give up trying to learn the James Taylor song, "You've Got a Friend." I simply cannot get that damn bar chord down. I don't know if it's because of the crook that I have in my finger or maybe it's the neck of my guitar that, if I'm not mistaken, is a little warped. Maybe it's a combination of the two. That will give me a little more time to work on my Travis fingerpicking techniques every time I pick up my guitar. It's going to be a while before I can have my thumbs and my other fingers playing independently of each other, but you've got to start somewhere. Right? I may get back to strumming a song now and then, but I'm a little less interested in the strumming thing for whatever reason. That isn't to say that strumming is just for idiots. There's a damn art to it. If you don't think so, try playing a few Neil Young tunes on the guitar and get back to me. It might be more complicated than fingerpicking or maybe more subtle if that's the right word. I'll know I'm serious about all this stuff when I get around to using a metronome. For now, it's just one day at a time. It's all about trying to learn something new every day. Some days, it's about trying to play something better than I did the day before.

I was reading a story about Russians using lasers to target Ukrainian drones this morning. That's odd. Why haven't there been more stories about the use of lasers since this war began? The article talked about the fact that the lasers are capable of bringing forces to bear on the exterior of the incoming drones and, perhaps more importantly, they are capable of interrupting the electronics of the drones. The electronics have everything to do with getting the drones from point A to point B. This is pretty cool stuff. It seems that drones are all the rage on both sides of the conflict if we're to believe everything we read. How might World War II have gone had drones, or lasers for that matter, joined the battle on one or both sides? Probably not as decisive nor as deadly as using a thermonuclear device, but, incrementally speaking, it could have made a difference. This is unknowable stuff, to be sure. Drones have probably been fairly effective in evading the usual radar detection systems, given their ability to fly below the radar in many cases. If Russia can take Ukraine's drones, or more to the point, NATO's drones, off the battlefield with the use of lasers, it could be a game changer. Just what the doctor ordered, as they say in the movies.

Then there is the story of the Gerald R. Ford, the largest aircraft carrier we have in our fleet, making its way to the Middle East in a show of force. Don't quote me on the destination. Is it me, or are these ships a vestige of a long-gone era? In other words, they are sitting ducks and an easy target for any of the more modern weapons in the arsenals of our enemies these days. I think these hypersonic missiles that countries like China claim to possess are practically on top of their targets before their detection systems engage. That could send a lot of our fellow Americans to the bottom of the Pacific, or maybe it's the Black Sea in this case, without a whole lot of warning. Maybe it's the Straits of Hormuz. Where is my damn map when I need it. Remember when Japanese pilots committed suicide missions in WWII by flying their planes onto the decks of our ships? Man, how things have changed. I don't know a lot about submarines, but I suspect they could pose a problem for floating cities like the Gerald R. Ford as well. I guess all I'm saying is that size isn't everything. If anything, it makes for a bigger target. When the world is a tinderbox as it is these days, bigger is not necessarily better.

If it's Sunday, which it is, I'll need to check the listings and see who is on the talking head shows today. I'm guessing we'll have folks here and there talking about the recent debate and who is where in the recent polls. I'd like to hear more from the prosecutor in Ukraine who was fired after Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars in aid. Quite frankly, I don't know why we need this guy's testimony. We already have Bumbles on video threatening to do what he ultimately ended up doing. I'm starting to hear stories here and there about Speaker McCarthy being a card-carrying member of the swamp in Washington. That suggests to me that we'll not be seeing an impeachment anything coming down the pike. That would be a disgrace and a stain on our Republic. It's possible that we'll see and hear a lot from Vivek Ramaswamy today since he did a pretty good job in the debate and might even get the biggest bounce when all is said and done. You know he's doing well because we're starting to see a lot of stories about his not being a registered Republican, being an Obama clone, etc., and lots of questions about the companies he's started. I'm guessing DeSanctimonious is behind most of those stories. Certainly, DeSantis's supporters are out in force on social media these days, shilling for their boy.

Lastly, maybe it's true what they say about everybody in Washington being on the dole. I think that damn place is awash with politicians who have been taking money from China, and every other rogue nation on the planet, for this and that favor just about forever. They are bought and sold, as they say. It sounds a bit like the slave trade, doesn't it? Anyway, nobody can drop a dime on anyone else without exposing themselves as hypocrites once they get outed for doing the same thing. So, nobody goes there aside from a veiled reference from time to time so they can join the chorus of their constituents who know only too well that their communities can't come close to donating the millions of dollars required to run a congressional or senatorial campaign these days. So, it seems a little ludicrous to hold Joe Biden to account for getting his slice of the pie even though his path to personal enrichment involves crimes laid out in our Constitution as crimes worthy of and demanding impeachment. He's been on the take for the last fifty years, and everyone knows it. That makes them all complicit, and that also explains why he's corrupted so many of our once venerable institutions, which are now loathe to call a spade a spade when it comes to the criminal sitting in the Oval Office. I don't know how we fix this.

Keebler Elves

I thought I saw something this morning in my Twitter (X) feed about Google no longer using anything but mainstream news sources in its search engine. What does that tell you?" It tells me that they want you to see nothing but the narratives pushed by the Biden Administration and their praetorian guard, the CNNs and CBS's of the world. I, for one, appreciate the heads-up, and I'll be using everything but Google to do my searches. I have to tell you, though, there are days when I'm browsing Twitter, and it looks suspiciously like mainstream news. This new CEO Musk hired is just like the old CEO under Jack Dorsey. There's no less shadow banning, and some of the people I follow seem to either not be posting or, worse yet, I'm no longer alerted to their posts. I know that because if I look them up, their recent posts are all there. Anyway, Google can go to hell. I'm not sure Twitter is long for this world, either.

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Who are these twats talking smack about Michelle Obama running for President in 2024? Have we not had enough of these Kenyan grifters to last us a lifetime? It all seems quite preposterous to me, but think about it. They've got Trump going to prison for 450 years, and the next guy in line after Trump, if we're to believe the polls, is DeSantis, who is polling in the teens somewhere. It would be a cakewalk for any Democrat running, and even more so if that Democrat is an Obama. Someone is clearly floating a trial balloon on behalf of the Democrats, who would love nothing better than to have the Obamas back in the White House. My take is that Barry is the real guy behind the curtains, pulling the strings these days. Bumbles, the marionette, travels back and forth between the White House and his beach house in Rehobeth as directed, where you can catch him on any given day, either riding his bicycle with his shit-eating grin or sitting on the beach staring mindlessly out over the ocean at nothing in particular.

I'm getting a little sick and tired of these damn do-nothing Republicans in Congress. We gave them the damn majority in Congress with the expectation that they would do something to hold the Biden Crime Family to account. I don't care about the so-called August recess. I don't give two shits that they're back in their districts schmoozing with their constituents. That is not where they belong at this pivotal time in our country's history. Biden's Attorney General, Garland, just appointed a special prosecutor to look into Hunter Biden's crimes. You and I know that this is a sham of an appointment. The Republicans should be back in Washington pushing back against this nonsense. At a minimum, where is the fucking impeachment inquiry? McCarthy is looking more and more like a Biden rump swab every day he does nothing to fulfill his constitutional duty, which is to bring charges of Bribery and treason against a sitting corrupt president.

And that no-good piece of shit, Senator and Speaker McConnell, said something last week about not wanting to go down the impeachment road. Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that his wife has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), all of which would be exposed if they start looking into Biden's crimes and related shenanigans with the CCP? Biden has these people over a barrel. He knows where all the bodies are buried, so to speak. Do you think the Bidens are the only politicians in Washington, DC, that have been taking money from our enemies around the world?

That may explain why so much of what we see these days in Washington is performative. That is to say, it looks like they're doing something, but it's all smoke and mirrors. It pains me to point out the obvious, but I think it bears repeating. The Uni-Party protects its own. Now that Biden and the Democrat Party have effectively and wholly co-opted our intelligence agencies, there is no limit to the arrows that they now have in their quiver to control and silence their political opposition. Hell, they're proving the point by unleashing a prosecutor from The Hague to put Trump in jail for the rest of his life. Is it starting to make sense now? Are you awake yet?

Good old Fanny Willis. She's the Democrat hack of a District Attorney out of Georgia who just indicted Trump and a lot of others for "crimes" related to the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. This latest indictment makes it Trump's fourth indictment, in case you're keeping track. Everybody wants to be a hero, and this loser of a DA out of Georgia is no different. This little pudgy fucker thinks she is going to save Bumble's Biden's bacon in Georgia in 2024, and, God willing, should he "win" the election, he will appoint her to be his Attorney General in his second term. She will go down in history as one of the dumbest fucks of an Attorney General anywhere, and that says a lot. I can't speak for the people who put her in office, but if we've learned anything about Democrats and elections, we know that ballots can mean different things to different people. Would it be too much to ask how much of her campaign war chest came from George Soros? Did I mention that her office posted the indictments before the Grand Jury had even voted? You can't make this shit up.

I feel for the people in Maui. The fire that swept through that community in the last few days was fucking biblical. What do you do if you're one of the hundreds of people who now have no home to return to? Everything has been reduced to ash. What if you didn't have insurance? Do they even sell insurance on the island? Not to worry, though, Bumbles Biden has approved a payment of $700 to each and every citizen on the island. I'm not sure how one qualifies for the $700, but $700 is $700, so you do what you can to get a piece of that action. By the time all is said and done, $700 is probably what you'll spend for an outing at your local grocery store. I'm reading that people are so desperate that they are being robbed at gunpoint on the streets. How do the islanders process the fact that Bumbles Biden is supporting Ukraine and Ukrainians to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, but the best he can do for the islanders is a meager $700 per townie? Now, the islanders know how the people of East Palestine, Ohio, probably felt when they had a train derailment in town that poisoned their air and water earlier this year. Biden still hasn't stepped foot in the town. He has no plans to visit Maui either. His first response, when asked by a reporter about the unbelievably horrible events in Maui, was "no comment."

Can you imagine being an islander in Maui, sitting on the curb looking at a pile of ash where your home used to be, and hearing that kind of bullshit coming out of the President of the United States? That should tell you a lot about where Bumbles and his entourage are going to be when the nuclear weapons start coming to our shores. He'll be sitting pretty in the bunker several stories beneath the White House, watching real-time video of his favorite spot on Rehobeth beach and longing for the days when he can return to his spot beneath his favorite umbrella. He'll not be giving another thought to the millions of Americans vaporized by the incoming missiles and those who will wish they'd been vaporized but weren't by the grace of God.

We're talking about Scranton Joe here. He was going to restore civility to our people after four very long years of mean tweets by his predecessor. He was going to be the people's president, come hell or high water. Then came dementia, but Trump's tweets were still too mean. So mean, in fact, that he (Trump) still posed an existential threat to our Republic some three years after Biden's inauguration. Not wanting to leave anything to chance come the 2024 election, Bumbles has almost guaranteed his radical Marxist cult that he will imprison the one opponent he fears most will cost him the election. Welcome to Venezuela. Sorry, I digress. Prayers to the good people of Maui.

I still don't understand why the Supreme Court isn't stepping in to put a stop to this mess of election interference created intentionally by the Democrats to take out Joe Biden's opponent in the 2024 election. If they don't stand up to the illegal interference by one political party over their opposition party in our country's most important electoral process, they might as well pack up their bags and go home. He (John Roberts) is not the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He's the Chief Justice of the United States. How can he, and the other conservative Justices on the Supreme Court for that matter, stand idly by while the Democrats and their shills in courts across our land bring charges against an ex-president that threaten everything our country stands for when it comes to free speech, the right to contest elections and every other damn right that has been the birthright of politicians in our country since our founding? The only explanation that I can come up with is that they've bought into the narrative spun by the Main Street media since Trump came down the elevator in 2015. That is to say, Trump is an existentialist threat to our very democracy. When our highest court in the land drinks the Marxist Kool-Aid of the Left, it's all over. Like I said, pack your fucking bags.

What is this nonsense that we're hearing about China's economy falling on hard times? Who in their right mind believes a word coming out of Communist China when it comes to anything? In fact, I'm inclined to think the opposite when I hear them speak. One story in the news this morning is that they are asking the West to put a stop to any efforts by stockholders to unload sagging stocks ahead of what could be a real problem in China's real estate sector. What would that look like, exactly? I think I don't even understand what a sagging market in Beijing would mean for our economy here in the United States. Does it mean they buy fewer and fewer of our treasury bills because of a tanking yuan? Maybe more importantly, if any of what we're hearing about their economy is true, some are suggesting that Xi might look to distract his citizenry from their financial woes by rallying them to a nationalist call for unity by invading Taiwan. I'm just throwing things against the wall here to see if anything sticks. Our financial markets are off their recent highs and seem to be heading lower, so maybe I have my answer. Maybe it's time to head over to Walmart to see if they have any fire sale items I might be interested in.

I heard that the old hag, Hillary Clinton, was making the rounds on the Leftist talking head shows. She's taking a victory lap ahead of the potential jailing of one Donald J Trump. I think she thinks she's getting the last laugh. She may well be getting the last laugh, but as always, when it comes to Hillary Clinton, it just isn't a good look. I tweeted out that Trump should have put her behind bars when he had the chance. I'll never forget how relieved I was on the night of the election in 2016 when Trump won, and we, thankfully, averted the likely disaster of having the hag Hillary as our president for the next four to eight years. If you recall, she was the odds-on favorite to win that night. I still remember how all of her followers had piled into the Javits Center in New York City on Election night to celebrate with Hillary as the returns came in hour by hour. She was going to break the proverbial glass ceiling for women across the country who've dreamed of this night seemingly forever. Thank the baby Jesus that right-minded Americans had something else in mind when it came to Hillary Clinton. They had endured eight years of Obama's radicalism, and they weren't going to stand for yet another swinish candidate like Hillary Clinton to take the reins of our country. Enough was enough.

I'm not sure who has and who hasn't qualified for next week's Republican debate. I guess I'll tune in just to watch the hysterics of the clowns on the stage as they take potshot after potshot at Trump in an effort to see if it helps anyone or more of them to get out of the single digits. Trump is not expected to be in attendance. I saw a poll yesterday that, for the first time, had Trump at 60% with everyone else, as you can imagine, trailing badly. However, I will say this poll had Ramaswamy ahead of everyone else, although not by a large margin. I like Vivek, and I've said as much previously. I've always liked the idea of a businessman, or woman, running our country instead of these shithead politicians who think that they are entitled to be president by virtue of the fact that they've been politicians all their lives. That is not what our Founders had in mind when they created our Constitution. I expect Vivek to dominate the debate. Not because he is going to spend his time ripping Trump a new one because he probably won't, but rather because he is the one candidate most likely to elevate the conversation to talk about the issues that are of the most concern to everyday Americans. That's what he does. That's who he is.

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If Chris Christie walks into the debate like a bull in a China shop with his usual vitriol and disdain for the Donald, I'd like to see the audience, and I'm assuming there will be an audience, boo the bloody Jesus out of him. That should be a warning to every other Keebler Elf on the stage, with the exception of my man Vivek, who I'm guessing has no plans to talk about Trump other than what contributions Trump made during his first term, that trying to improve their lot at the expense of Trump is going to be a non-starter. I refer to Vivek as my main man because I'd like to see him in Trump's cabinet should Trump get back into the White House in 2024.

Hell, if Trump weren't running, I'd be all in for Vivek. He's a cool dude and smart as a whip. And who doesn't like a candidate who says that one of his first duties when he gets into the White House, is to get rid of all the three-letter agencies? I think everyone underestimates the appeal he has with the millennial-aged voters. If Vivek can corral them into Trump's camp when all is said and done, that can't hurt. I also need to give credit to Steve Bannon for coining the phrase "Keebler Elves." It fits all these never-Trumpers likely to be on the stage like a glove. Not that any one of them would admit to being a never-Trumper because that would be the end of their campaigns. Lastly, I think DeSantis has the most to lose in this debate. He comes across as a nasty, cold-blooded motherfucker, and with his numbers in some polls already in the single digits, that boy goes into this debate with his long-term prospects of being president already on life support.

Just when I thought we residents of New Hampshire were safe from the ravages of the millions of illegal aliens coming across our southern border because we do not live in a sanctuary state, I woke up to news yesterday that the Feds (ICE) had collared a Bolivian killer overnight in my town. I guess I was being a little naive, to say the least. Trump warned us that these shithole countries were emptying their prisons and shipping them off to our open borders, where welcome signs are posted every ten feet and in a hundred different languages. The Biden administration has ushered in roughly 7 million illegals in the last two years at the expense of every American in an attempt to turn red states blue. I guess I'm going to have to take stock of what weaponry I may or may not need in order to protect my loved ones. I'm not even sure that locked windows and locked doors are going to keep these animals from raping and pillaging their way through America. If I need to put up razor wire and turrets along the perimeter of our property, then desperate times call for desperate measures. What are you doing to protect your loved ones?

I also have to guess that stories like the one I referred to in the previous paragraph are not going to go very far in endearing the moonbats in Massachusetts, which is just south of here, to the pleas of their governor to open their homes, their vacant apartments, their spare rooms, and their hearts to the hordes of illegals flooding their state. Fuck that. Why would they do that when they're hearing stories of Bolivian contract killers on the loose just an hour away? Another story that I've been following is about a family who goes off with his or her family on vacation only to find upon their return that squatters have taken over their property. It gets worse. When the homeowner calls 911, he or she gets arrested. I'm not making this shit up. It seems like the only way to prevent this sort of thing is to not go on vacation in the first place. Stay in place with your firearm of choice at your side and hope for the best. Get yourself a good guard dog and sleep with one eye open. If you think starting a community watch program is the better option, go for it. I suspect this will not be the first criminal they arrest in my town, nor will it be the last.

What is this I'm hearing about Biden using a number of pseudonyms to communicate with Burisma officials when he was Vice President? Who does that? Maybe more to the point, why would someone do that? To make matters worse, he consistently carbon-copied Hunter, his crackhead of a son, when using these pseudonyms. Wait a minute. I thought Bumbles said that he was never in business with his son. Word has it that certain of these documents were leaked to Comer's committee in Congress. I gather that if you are not precise in terms of which documents you're requesting under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), no one is going to volunteer other documents that may or may not appear related. In other words, if you have a Leftist handling these requests and, quite frankly, running interference for Biden and the Democrat Party, you'll never get these documents that they know might somehow end up indicting Bumbles and his crackhead son. It's just more evidence of the alleged crimes of bribery and treason committed by Bumbles and his extended Biden Crime Family. Comer has given them two weeks to turn over the relevant documents.

It looks like the financial markets are in trouble again. Ten-year Treasury yields are spiking over 4.3%, oil is over $84 a barrel, and a gallon of gas at the pumps hereabouts is approaching $4. I don't think anyone's buying the inflation numbers coming out of Washington. There is no way that the month-over-month numbers are anywhere near 3.1%. Maybe that's a year-over-year number. Not sure. It was just a week ago that the S&P was up for 13 days in a row, and everyone began to think it would never go down. Maybe that's the definition of a Bull Market. Valuations are crazy high, so something had to give. I guess we'll see if what they say about markets taking staircase steps up and the elevator down is true this time around. The weird part, to me, is that we're in an elevated interest rate market with rates now over 5% and 30-year mortgages over 7%, and the stock market has just been gangbusters this year. That's not supposed to happen. Right? The market was down 20% to 30% last year, and we're up by roughly the same amount this year to date. We're not back to the highs of 2021, so this year may be nothing more than another leg up in an extended Bear Market Rally in an otherwise brutal bear market. Buckle up.

Kudos to the politicians in that New York City suburb who are saying "no" to Mayor Adam's efforts to move illegal aliens out of his city and into their town. I can't recall which township we're talking about, but they apparently have a large facility that could house large numbers of these illegal aliens were they to agree to do so. They want no part of these unvetted and illegal aliens who present an existential threat to the communities in which they may or may not be placed. Their social systems are already at capacity, their school systems are already maxed out for the upcoming school year, and to put it as bluntly as I can, the fucking inn is full. I'm paraphrasing, of course. If New York City wants to be a sanctuary city, that's fine. Find a way to deal with the hand you've been dealt. Busing these illegal aliens out of the city and into areas that want no part of them is a non-starter. Nobody in their right mind is going to sit back and suck it up when they see these overloaded buses arriving on their doorstep with illegal aliens demanding everything under the sun. It's a fight worth fighting if you ask me. Wins beget wins, and that's a good thing. The Marxist overlords in Albany may wish to pass bills to force the issue, but I don't see anyone taking this lying down. As long as we have pitchforks and a voice with which to speak, we'll be standing at the gates to protect our own. Nobody should expect anything less.

I don't know why but every time I read a story about a young man gone missing after a night out drinking, I'm reminded that the Smiley Face Killer is still out there and still operating under the cover of darkness. The latest story is of a young black man who took an Uber in San Fransisco and who is now nowhere to be found. They found his backpack containing two laptops and assorted accessories near the Golden Gate Bridge so that's not a good sign. Victims of this particular serial killer, if there really is a killer going by the name of the Smiley Faced Killer, are typically found floating in a body of water after the fact. The currents beneath the Golden Gate Bridge are particularly strong so his body, if it did end up in the water, is likely no longer in the vicinity of the bridge. This young fellow is, or was, depending on how things turn out, a recent graduate of Cornell University who was in San Fransisco to start a new job as a software engineer for Netflix. His loving parents are beside themselves as you might well imagine if I'm to glean anything from their appearances in the media. Their tears and pleas have thus far fallen on deaf ears. Do you know how many people go missing in a city the size of San Fransisco every year?

If it's August here in the Northeast, it's time to start paying attention to the New England Patriot football team. It's pre-season so it's never too early to start paying attention to how the team is shaping up for their 2023 season. I don't much care for the game myself, and even less so for the Patriots, but I do enjoy seeing the Patriots get their asses handed to them if and when that happens during the course of the season. I used to find the endless stream of malarky about the tag team of coach Belachick and quarterback Brady quite tiring despite their robust winning record. Like most people paying any attention at all to the team, I was never quite sure who, between Brady and Belachick, deserved what praise for winning everything they seemed to be winning back in the day. Was Belachick a genius? Was Brady the best quarterback in the league thanks to the coaching of Belachick? I guess we now know the answer to that question. Every since Brady left the Patriots, the Patriots have been a shit team under the coaching of Belachick. Now that we know who the fraud is, when is Kraft going to send the piece of shit, Belachik, to the sidelines? How many more seasons are the Patriots going to take it in the caboose before Kraft wakes up to the one person responsible for the endless losses and missed playoff opportunities under Belachicks "leadership"?

We've had some pretty torrential rains hereabouts lately but the sun is out and shining brightly this morning. The month of August is getting a little long in the tooth so I'm not sure if I still have to worry about running into heavy traffic and car lined streets when I head out on my bike ride. It's nice that the main road that I travel on has a nice bike path but it doesn't work too well when cars rather than bikes occupy that space. It forces beach goers with children and coolers onto the main road and that is just one more obstacle for me to consider as a bicyclist looking to avoid both traffic and people on foot. I think we're a week or two away from schools opening their doors for the 2023-2024 season so relief is right around the corner. That doesn't help me today so I think I'll still need to get out there early to see if I can avoid the crush of it all. Now you know why I prefer September of all the summer months to go biking. I like June for the same reason but summers can be such a hellscape for bikers hereabouts for the better part of two months and the relief when September rolls around is palpable, if that's the right word.

I don't know about that Mark Levin guy. He is hell bent on throwing the kitchen sink at Russia. To what end, I ask. How far does he want to escalate matters and how many Americans would he have die in the process? He's got a lot of bluster for a guy who sits behind a microphone four hours a day schooling his listeners on everything from the US Constitution to how the Unisted States should be conducting our foreign policy. By most accounts, Russia is eating Ukraine's lunch and it's just a matter of time before Kiev just keels over under the boots of their Russian invaders. I'm not convinced, like Levin is, that Russia is going to keep rolling into greater Europe once they reach Ukraine's borders. That's the kind of pablum that Washington sells the general public in order to keep the financing from petering out. The majority of Americans are now against sending as much as a dime more to the crooks and oligarchs in Ukraine. Some even believe everything they hear about Biden being so compromised by his alleged bribery of officials in Ukraine back in the day that he can't stop the financing without someone in the know in Ukraine dropping a dime if not an audio or visual recording or two of Biden's exploits with his crackhead son, Hunter.

The missus and I watched the televsion show, "A Small Light" over the last week or so. It's the story of the young woman, Ms. Mieps, who was largely responsible for providing shelter and sustenance to the Frank family in Nazi Germany for the two years before their their capture and delivery to the death camps. The missus was disinclined to watch the show given her hypersensitivity to anything having to do with the cruelty that was doled out to the Jewish people under Hitler's reign. Truth be told, she likes to keep any shows with even an iota of violence at arms length. That's just how she rolls. Anyway, I was a little surprised at how sympathetic certain Nazi's were portrayed in the film. It was almost as though they might have done something differently had they not doing the bidding of their Nazi masters. That was their argument once they were held to account in The Hague, for what it was worth. Not that it did them any good. Nobody was buying their bullshit. To this day, the collective guilt for buying into Hitlers fascism during his ascencion to power and beyond haunts Germany and their cittizenry. That should tell you something about their so-called sympathies towards Jews during that period.

Call Me Crazy

Here we go, boys and girls. We're off and running for another wild and wooly week. What the hell is a wooley week, anyway? I don't know, and I don't care. I'm hearing that China and Russia had warships off our coast of Alaska last week. Where was the mainstream media when all of this went down? Were they asleep at the wheel? Or were they doing the bidding of Biden's Deep State and keeping Americans in the dark? What were those warships doing off our coast, exactly? I suppose if they really wanted to make a statement, they might have picked a better spot to make a statement than to go off the coast of a barren ice-laden landscape populated not by American citizens but by polar bears and penguins. Did this really happen, or are we being gaslit by our own government again? Color me skeptical.

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Just like the stupid videos the White House keeps circulating of Bumbles Biden riding his bicycle around Rehobeth while waving to adoring crowds. They never show the adoring crowds waving back, just so you know. Nobody in their right mind puts an eighty-year-old man with late-stage dementia on a bicycle, much less a president of the United States with late-stage dementia. How fucking stupid do they think we are? Am I the only one asking this question? It's what they call a doppelganger, right? I think they're pulling the same stunt with the idiotic pictures of Bumbles on the beach in Rehobeth sitting under the umbrella with Dr. Jill. They've got AI working overtime to project these fake photos and videos of someone other than Bumbles Biden, and I ain't buying their bullshit.

If those warships running around in the Arctic are really a thing, maybe what we're seeing is that the China/Russia alliance is not as far-fetched as our woke generals would have you believe. In other words, waging a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is one thing. Taking Russia head-on, with China right behind them, when all else fails, is a horse of an altogether different color. Are we willing to take on two of the more powerful armies and navies in the world in order to vanquish our Russian foes? That would seem to be insanity on steroids, and I would hope our woke generals might realize that. I can't speak for the demented fool in the White House. If he, and I'm talking about Bumbles here, can't steer clear of the fog in his head before sending our boys to a certain death, then I guess we get what we deserve. There are far too many war games being played out on various landscapes across the globe for my tastes. And those are just the ones we're being informed of by our main street media.

I don't know what Trump is thinking sometimes. He puts out a tweet saying, "If you come after me, I'm coming after you." It sounds like a veiled threat against the prosecutor, Jack Smith, who is going after Trump hammer and tong in order to keep him from winning the 2024 presidential election. In Trump's defense, his tweet could have been directed at his Republican opponents. Smith has now gone running to the radical leftist judge overseeing the case, and he's looking to have the judge further restrict Trump from doing certain things that Trump needs to do in order to beat this shithole of a rap he's been indicted for. If this is what three-dimensional chess looks like, I'm not sure it's going to work. In fact, it neither looks nor sounds like three-dimensional chess. It looks like something that someone would say when they open their mouth before they think about what it is that they want to say. Something a little more measured might have been just as effective but less threatening. You know this judge is just looking for a reason to put Trump in jail. Do not give her a reason. Just don't.

My guitar practice is coming along well. There's only one problem. I've been learning this one particular song. I was getting the intro and the chorus down nicely when along came a section that called for a bar chord. I hate bar chords. I figured that I was sitting pretty and coming down the home stretch when I could relax a little bit and just play the song through from beginning to end without stopping. I have a little crook on my index finger, which isn't helping. I'm thinking if the crook crooked in the other direction, I might have an easier time of it. Now, what do I do? The guy in the tutorial said something about needing strength in your fingers to play this particular section. I'm not sure that I have a choice at this point. I like the song, I like how far I've come, and I'm not willing to throw it all away because I can't nail a bar chord. I think I'm going to make this work, crook and all. By hook or crook, as they say in the movies.

I was telling the missus that I was having second thoughts about asking Mrs. G about the Kentucky Fried Chicken nuggets we picked up in Seabrook last week. We ordered them as well. We found them to be, in a word, hideous. I don't even know how to describe what we didn't like about them. It would have been nice if they had been crispier. I thought Kentucky fried chicken was supposed to be crispy. It didn't help that they were no longer hot by the time we got around to eating them. That's probably true of most take-out food, maybe with the exception of pizza, which is sometimes better cold than hot. Mrs. G usually gets a couple of wings and maybe a drumstick or two. Not this time. The lot of us fell for the advertisement on the ordering board, and we went with the nuggets. Did I mention they were clumpy and soggy and came in a small box the size of a pack of playing cards? If we get feedback from Mrs. G to the contrary the next time we pay her a visit, we'll not say a thing. No need to rain on her parade. No siree, Bob.

It looks like we're in for a rainy day here on the seacoast. I hope it holds off long enough so that the Ev man doesn't need to drive to his dentist's office in the rain. I'm quite sure he doesn't care for driving in inclement weather, be it rain or snow. Hell, you can probably throw fog into the mix as well. I would have offered to give him a lift, but I've not heard a peep from him as yet this morning. That reminds me. I hope he hasn't forgotten about his appointment. The missus is off on a couple of appointments herself, so she'll be busy and out and about this morning. No, little darlings, no need to pick up any bagels while you're out and about. We've got a few things for the Ev man to take with him when he stops by after his dentist's visit, so he'll be happy about that. Anytime he can avoid going shopping, food shopping, more specifically, he's okay with that. Better than okay, I'd say. Am I enabling him in some way, shape, or form by having a few things on hand to pass along to him? Probably. Does that make me a bad person? Probably not.

The Hummingbirds will be happy. They love this weather. I've got both feeders completely topped off and ready to go. You'll laugh at this: I noticed that black ants were climbing all over one of my feeders to get to the sugary water in the well. I don't know how the hummingbirds feel about it, but it irritates me, so there's that. I rinsed the ants off into a bucket of warm sudsy water a couple of times when it was time to refill the feeder with sugar water. Another time, I put a smattering of Vaseline mixed with Cayenne pepper on the pole leading to the feeder to see if that wouldn't impede their travel. Just the other day, I turned our hair dryer on high heat and high air and literally blew them off the feeder through the screen in the window. That was very satisfying, to say the least. Whether they learned their lesson remains to be seen. I also know that I'm supposed to add less and less sugar to the water as the summer goes on, but I simply don't have the heart to give them less than what they become accustomed to if that makes any sense. God forbid they don't come back next year because of something I did or didn't do. I'd never forgive myself.

The Governor of the State of Massachusetts, just south of here, has declared a state of emergency. Not because of flooding or some other unanticipated natural disaster but because of the enormous influx of illegal aliens. Let's call this what it is: It is a disaster of their own making. Massachusetts is a Marxist hellhole, so no, one should be surprised that they embrace Biden's immigration policies with both hands. You'll not see these illegals ferried out to wealthier communities like Martha's Vineyard, Brookline, etc., so they need not worry about the impact of the illegal aliens on their housing values. You won't see the Governor herself taking in illegals, either. Her contribution will be measured in terms of how many driver's licenses, EBT cards, free sneakers and jeans, free health care, free education, and work permits she and her minions in state government are willing to issue. Her motto, and the motto of her fellow Democrat hacks, is simple when it comes to the illegals: I scratch your back, and you scratch my back. Loosely translated, that ensures that Democrats in the state of Massachusetts never lose another election. It's all about the votes.

I'm not even sure what the declaration of emergency means for the people in Massachusetts who want nothing to do with the hordes of unwashed illegals showing up on their shores. Or, more to the point, being flown and bussed in from our open southern border. Maybe even more surprising is the number of Democrats who would take a sharp stick in their eye before offering to take one or more of these people into their own homes. They had better decide where they stand and quickly because the flow of illegals into their state is just getting started. Hotels across the state are filled to capacity with illegals, and that leaves little to no room for people who want to visit Massachusetts, where they would otherwise spend their hard-earned money to the benefit of the communities across the state. Did I mention that winter will soon be here? Some of these illegals have never seen snow or experienced something even close to what we see here in the Northeast from November to March every year.

I cringe every time I see a story or a picture in the local papers of an illegal alien who has raped a child, killed an American, deprived an American citizen of his or her property, or some other act of criminality. The reports in the newspapers and in the press will never identify them as illegal citizens, although anyone with half a brain knows better. No one will tell you that they have a criminal record the length of one's arm back in their country of origin. I suspect that the sheer volume of criminality that we're about to see in every community across our country may well mean that they are too numerous to report on without inciting violence against these very same perpetrators and anyone who looks like them. Our entire social order is under assault, thanks to the radicals at the highest levels in our government. When they say that it is going to get worse before it gets better, that is probably an understatement. It probably doesn't matter who we impeach, be it Mayorkis or Biden. They will just be replaced by another leftist from the ranks of the swinish Democratic establishment who will continue the destructive policies of the Left until we can throw them out of office in 2024. That is unless they steal that election, too.

We get another CPI report today. That's the one that speaks to inflation. Is it getting better, or is it getting worse? Does anyone believe a fucking thing that comes out of the Biden Administration? They'll tell you that the sun is out while you're pulling your boots on to wade through a deluge of rain. Hell, they've co-opted our entire judicial system, so what makes you think they can't or wouldn't corrupt the people publishing the CPI number every month? I can hear them now: If you want to keep your fucking jobs, you'll put out the number we tell you to put out. So, we get a slow-and-steady number that makes it look like Joey and his minions are getting the job done when, behind the scenes, people are paying significantly more for just about everything under the sun. The stock market responds favorably, so that helps the folks who have not already tapped out their 401k's. It's all smoke and mirrors. And, God help you if you drive a car that requires premium gas. You're paying nearly $5 a gallon for gas in most states across the country.

Congressman Comer released another report yesterday about Biden's taking $20 million, give or take, from countries overseas. The usual line-up of Democrats was out in force crooning, "Nothing to see here, move along." "There's not one shred of evidence that Joe Biden profited personally from any of Hunter's overseas deals." I don't tune in to network news, but I can guess how they covered this story: Crickets. Whatever it takes to cover up for the most corrupt president in the history of our country. Wait a minute. I thought it was the job of network news to get to the bottom of stories like this. I thought that this was their bread and butter. You get the scoop, and you get it out there before your network rivals, and that's how you earn your bona fides in the rough-and-tumble world of network news. Is this the modern-day version of journalism? You sit back and wait for a governmental agency to send you the latest and greatest leak that you, in turn, use to write an elaborate expose using "unconfirmed sources" and "reliable sources"? No fucking wonder nobody believes a word you say anymore. It's a damn sorry state of affairs, as my dad used to say back in the day. Pops didn't know how right he was.

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The fact of the matter is that we don't know precisely how compromised President Biden is. We do know that he never sanctioned the wife of the mayor of Russia, who wired $3.5 million to the Bidens, while he put sanctions on every other Russian oligarch after Russia invaded Ukraine. We also know that the Bidens have taken millions of dollars from China. The fact that Joe Biden instructed his military not to shoot down China's spy balloon as it traversed our country and, in several instances, it flew directly over our most secret military installations is perhaps another indication of just how compromised Biden is. I think they call it "kompromat" in Russian. I'm not sure about the Chinese translation. I guess my question is, how many examples do we need before we call what Biden is doing as treasonous? If we don't follow the prescriptions laid out in the Constitution for these alleged crimes, what do we do the next time we have this level of criminality in one or more of our elected leaders? How far do we fall from grace before our beloved Constitution is nothing more than a 250-year-old document written by a bunch of old white men? With white people soon to be in the minority, it can't possibly still be relevant. Or, can it?

What the hell? Our FBI is out of control. They find some 300-pound guy in Utah posting threats to various public officials, and the next thing you know, the guy is lying in the gutter outside his home in a pool of blood after being pumped full of lead by a battalion of FBI agents. Do they not issue arrest warrants anymore? Don't tell me that they didn't have any number of opportunities to throw the cuffs on this fella if that is what they wanted to do. No one should condone the kinds of threats that this fella was making, but neither should we, as Americans, condone the use of deadly force by our Federal agencies against Americans whose politics they disagree with. These are the same assclowns, allegedly, that worked with governmental officials to pull off the January 6th ruse in order to paint and jail Trump supporters as insurrectionists and domestic terrorists. This is also the same organization that dispatched undercover resources to churches and school meetings to monitor God-fearing Americans. We'll likely never know what happened in Utah on that fateful day because Biden's Stasi will never hold their own responsible. Why should they? They have the full support of the President of the United States.

When I heard about the proposed deal, or at least the outlines of a proposed deal that the Biden Administration was negotiating to effect the release of Americans being held in Iranian prisons, all I could think of was one thing: Bo Bergdahl. Bergdahl, you may recall, was the soldier who went AWOL while serving in Afghanistan in 2009. President Obama traded five high-level Taliban terrorists for Bergdahl in a highly controversial trade. This deal with Iran had Bergdahl written all over it. This time, Biden was proposing to give Iran, a known terrorist state, six billion dollars in exchange for releasing the Americans being held. Who the hell does that? Why would you give Iran 6 billion dollars so that Iran can foment even more terror and death in the Middle East and across the globe? Truth be told, the six billion represents Iranian funds held by the United States going back to, I'm not sure when, but the end result is the same. How is this not appeasement? This is Jimmy Carter level appeasement. Does this not incentivize Iran to grab even more Americans wherever and whenever they can? It's enough to make you sick as an American. Bo Bergdahl sick.

Word has it now that Comer's committee in Congress is planning to subpoena Bumbles Biden and his profligate son to question them about the tens of millions that they have added to the Biden Family's coffers dating back to God knows only when. That's a good thing. Right? They have all the bank records they need, and now they just need to tie a nice bow on it in order to wrap things up. How delicious would it be to get Bumbles lying through his teeth while under oath? I suppose Bumble's supporters might say that questioning a man of Bumble's age and his alleged frailty, not to mention a man in Biden's cognitively challenged state, is a bridge too far. He's prone to say almost anything they might say. Why, just the other day, he referred to the Grand Canyon as one of the nine wonders of the world. He can barely pronounce the names of the public officials in attendance, for chrissakes, so you really shouldn't take anything he says seriously. He even refers to his vice president as "president" from time to time. All of that is true, of course. How much of it is real and how much of it is gaslighting, only his neurologist knows for sure. If anything good comes from the questioning under oath, it will be proof positive that he is not fit for the office in which he serves. Whether that makes any difference to anyone at the end of the day remains to be seen.

I don't know why people keep floating Gavin Newsome's name as a potential replacement for Biden in 2024. Has anyone noticed how he has practically and singlehandedly destroyed the beautiful state of California? People have been fleeing that state in greater and greater numbers over the past few years. It's essentially a one-party state. Just look at the shithole cities of San Fransicko and other bastions of liberal insanity. Retail outlets are leaving the state en masse thanks to bills signed off by Newsome that make retail theft a misdemeanor. We've all seen the videos of gangs of thieves walking into stores in California and walking out with cartloads of stolen merchandise while store security stands on the curb doing nothing. Newsome, to me, seems to be about the easiest guy out there on the Democratic side to beat like a drum on Election Day were he to be his party's nominee. Of course, that precludes any shenanigans that the Democrats might employ coast-to-coast to get their boy into office. You know, the same shenanigans they employed to steal the election from Trump in 2020. So, maybe it doesn't matter how anyone feels about Newsome. All that matters is that the Democrats and their ballot-stuffing mules get the job done in 2024. Is it me, or is all of this starting to feel more than a little preordained?

Let's call this appointment of a Special Counsel to look into Hunter Biden's transgressions what it is: It's bullshit. It's a blatant attempt to blunt the ongoing investigation by Congress into the lawlessness and likely treasonous activities of Joe Biden and, by extension, every member of his extended family who has benefitted either directly or indirectly from Joe Biden's criminal activities during the last several decades. Both Speaker McCarthy and Congressman Comer have called the appointment of the Special Counsel, or at least referred to it, as an attempt to muck up their investigations, and they've committed to moving forward in spite of the appointment. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but I think you get my drift. Both Joe and Hunter are probably getting a good laugh at this seemingly well-crafted sleight of hand put together by Joe's Attorney General. It potentially delays any number of proceedings that could embarrass Joey in the months leading up to his winning a second term in 2024. We'll see how much of what Comer and McCarthy tell us comes to fruition. Do they or do they not have the power to upend the shell game devised by the White House and General Garland? Here's hoping the answer to that question is "yes."

I need to give myself a pat on the back for a job well done in painting my bulkhead doors. It was just one of those things that needed to be done but wasn't getting done because I wasn't taking the initiative. It was also one of those things that wasn't easy to avoid day in and day out, so having it in my face helped to motivate me to move off the proverbial dime. Sometimes doing these things is easy once you have everything you need to do the job, but if you don't, it can seem a little daunting. Let's face it. I'm easily daunted. It's the story of my life, you might say. With all of that in the rearview mirror, at least as far as my bulkhead doors are concerned, I'm getting a certain amount of mileage, if you will, from looking at the before and after pictures of the bulkhead doors. I still have a little more to do around the edges, so I'm not quite done yet. The missus is similarly pleased, and I think she's not just saying it to make me feel good. All of a sudden, I'm seeing a million other things that need to be painted hereabouts. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

On the campaign trail, I love those videos of people chasing DeSantis around the Iowa State fairgrounds with a blowhorn calling him "pudding fingers," amongst other things, and telling him to go home. If I hear that fool, Pence, tell his audiences one more time that he "stood up for the law" that day in Congress back on January 6th when he failed to refuse to sign off on the electors, I think I'm going to puke. The people following him around on the fairgrounds holding "traitor" placards aren't wrong. You may disagree with the premise that what Trump wanted him to do was illegal, but it was a workable legal theory in a lot of ways despite what the mainstream media wants you to believe. It's also a little weird to me how these candidates, at least the two I'm talking about here, have their wives involved in the process. Maybe that's what it takes to get the female vote when neither of these two twats can get that done, I'm not sure. I think I've seen about as much as I want to see and hear from Casey DeSantis. Who are we prostituting next, pray tell? The children? Is this supposed to remind those of us who are old enough of the picturesque Kennedy clan in the White House back in the sixties? They were Democrats, for fuck sakes. Try harder.

Raise your hand if you want to celebrate the judge who sent the crypto wunderkind, Sam Bankman Fried, to jail yesterday for tampering with witnesses. You want to forget the judge and just celebrate Fried going to jail? That's okay too. A week or two back, they dismissed certain charges against him having to do with his involvement in campaign financing or something along those lines. I have no idea what charges he's facing in total, but when I heard about these charges being dismissed, I figured the whole ball of wax was coming undone. He's given millions to mostly Democratic candidates, and that has to be worth something. Right? He had to be thinking to himself, where is my damn get out of jail free card? This ruling by the judge tells me a lot about what has and what hasn't gone away. It tells me that his prospects for avoiding jail after all is said and done are probably not all that great, despite his extraordinary largesse to certain politicians who are probably now pretending that he doesn't exist. That says more about the sleazy politicians than it does about Fried, but that can't be a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention to what goes on in our nation's capitol. It remains to be seen how long he survives in prison. #Epstein

How delicious is it that while Bumbles Biden is traveling around the country touting his infamous "Inflation Reduction Act," inflation is actually starting to tick back up again? I think he was actually quoted as saying that he regrets calling it the Inflation Reduction Act. What do the Republicans who voted with Bumbles to pass that piece of shit of a bill have to say for themselves? It's fucking crickets, excuse my French. We've got their number, so don't worry. You know who else regrets voting for that bill? Joe Manchin. He was promised 30 pieces of silver for going along with the legislation that he knew was a farce, but he signed off on it all the same. To make matters worse, Bumbles never did give him his thirty pieces of silver, and now he's mad. He's threatening to leave the Democrat party, and maybe worse yet for Bumbles, he's threatening to run against him for his party's nomination for president. Maybe he and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can get a ticket together. Anything that takes Bumbles out of the game is fine with me. I think that Manchin is likely to lose his Senate seat to that Justice guy running against him in 2024, so what does Joe have to lose?

Man, those wildfires that destroyed Maui were something else. I think it was Maui, but don't quote me. I know shit about the Hawaiian island chain. I even had to look up how to spell "Hawaii" when I was putting my thoughts together this morning. Thank God for spell check. I'm hearing a lot of smack about what may have caused the devastating wildfires. It's pretty wild stuff, but I'm going to go with it anyway. We have billionaires with residences on the island, like Jeff Bezos and Oprah Winfrey, amongst others making a pitch to fund relief efforts, which seems innocent enough. Others are suggesting that these billionaires are now positioning themselves to buy up properties destroyed in the blaze in order to expand their ownership interests on the island. There was also something about displacing, once and for all, the claims of native Hawaiians to properties that have been in their families for generations. Did I mention that the homes owned by the billionaires went untouched by the fires? Some people seem to suggest that these fires were preternatural, which is to say they came out of nowhere and wreaked a level of devastation not generally seen in nature.

It's pretty crazy stuff, even by my standards. What kind of monster, or monsters, would put together a plan to raze thousands of acres of priceless oceanfront acreage on one of Hawaii's most popular islands, kill hundreds of people who were unable to escape the wall of fire that descended on them, burn down standing properties worth billions of dollars, and render the land a ruinous and barbecued landscape just to increase their own footprint on the island? Maybe the same group of people, or types of people, who conspired to lock down every last American and kill millions of our elderly and infirm citizens in order to enrich themselves at the alter of the Pharmaceutical industry when COVID-19 came to our shores? I don't know. I'm just thinking out loud here. Maybe the same group of people who don't want the American people to see our government files on the Kennedy assassination because it might well prove that our government had a hand in the assassination? Maybe the same group of people who don't want you to see what our government has on UFOs because it may upend everything our government has taught us about the origins of our planet and the fallacy of what we know about organized religion? What do you mean the world wasn't created in seven days after which the Lord deemed day seven, or Sunday on the Gregorian calendar, to be a day of rest?


For the first time this summer, I ran into several pockets of icy air while riding my bike along the ocean the other day on an otherwise hot and humid day. It occurred to me that this was Mother Nature's way of signaling a change in ocean currents, which, if I'm not mistaken, presages a change of seasons here in the Northeast. I just don't remember ever having to wait this far into the summer season to experience the kind of relief that these offshore breezes provide. There have been increased sightings of Great White sharks off the coast of Massachusetts this summer compared to past summers, and in the state of Florida, water temperatures off the coast have exceeded 100 degrees for the first time ever. The lawns hereabouts are about as lush as I ever remember them this late into the summer season due to record rainfall over the past month or two. I'm not sure what any of this means, but I think it bears watching. Less snow this winter would be nice if I had to pray for anything.

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Devon Archer is testifying before a closed-door session of Congress today. He's Hunter Biden's business associate who sat on the board of Burisma with Hunter and has intimate knowledge of the Biden Crime Family's shenanigans. He is allegedly going to spill the beans on the Big Guy, who, incidentally, has said from day one that he's had nothing to do with his son's business interests. Archer has had other commitments to testify before Congress that he's not kept, so we'll see how this works out today. Don't think for a minute that the Bidens wouldn't like to see Archer meet with an unfortunate accident on his way to his meeting with Congress, so let's not count our chickens until they hatch. With Biden's Department of Justice doing his bidding these days, no matter how corrupt or criminal his bidding be, Archer's life could be in serious jeopardy. Maybe he'll plead the fifth. I'd hate to think that the launching of the impeachment inquiry into Biden's corruption depends on Archer's testimony, but that may be where we are today. Let's git er done, Mr. Archer.

There's a little too much talk these days about that freak prosecutor from Biden's Department of Justice, Smith, putting Trump behind bars for my tastes. Anyone with half a brain can see that this is where they want to put Trump ahead of the 2024 presidential election. I think we're up to forty counts in the latest volley of indictments that Smith has brought against Trump in his hopes of getting even one count to stick where Smith can ask the judge to put Trump behind bars. Is there any doubt that the judges are in cahoots with the prosecutors to get Trump? It's all coming down from the top, my friends. Biden has declared this priority one for his praetorian guard in his Justice Department. You'll not see any evidence that Biden is pulling the strings, but you know it wouldn't be happening were it not coming directly from the Oval Office. Trump commented this past week that he's running no matter what, even if he has to do so from a jail cell. Something tells me that we'd see some 100 million writing in Trump's name if they remove him from the ballot in some states.

I guess that's that. Fast forward twenty-four hours, and we have Devon Archer on record telling the world that Joe Biden was on the phone with Hunter and the Burisma executives at least twenty times. This is the guy, and I'm talking about Joe Biden here, who claims he never once talked to his son about his business dealings. They have this fool Biden on a loop on the telly, making those farcical and far-fetched claims time after time going back to Joe Biden's time as Vice President. It begs incredulity. It truly does. In recent days, their story has gone from "I've never talked to my son about his business dealings" to "I've never been in business with my son." After Archer's testimony, according to Dan Goldman the democrat congressman, "What father doesn't talk to his son when his son calls"? Biden's lackeys used to claim that none of these so-called crimes occurred while Joe Biden was in office. Wrong. And, as for the charge of bribery and treason, Biden took a $3 million dollar bribe from a Russian oligarch and, just coincidentally, did not put her on the list of Russian oligarchs to be sanctioned.

Will Archer's testimony move the needle in getting an impeachment inquiry moving? Is this not the sort of thing that justifies impeachment hearings and removal of the president if found guilty in the Senate? If we had some Republicans sitting on the bench before Archer's testimony, have they now moved off the bench? Some things are so atrocious when it comes to the criminality of our sitting presidents that they can no longer be ignored. Our Constitution demands that our citizenry get the hearing they deserve in order to hold our representatives to account. If they fail to hold our representatives to account, they too shall be held to account for not meeting their obligations. Is the calculus on the part of Speaker McCarthy that not impeaching Biden will strengthen the hand of the Republicans in the 2024 election? Really? I, for one, will vote to remove any and all Republicans who fail to do their jobs as constitutional representatives. With extreme prejudice, I might add.

What the hell is going on in Niger? They had a coup in Niger, and they have since installed a new government, much to the chagrin of certain Western countries. I might have preferred a more democratic approach to changing political parties, but they do things a little bit differently in Niger, for better or worse. I also do not condone the use of violence to achieve political ends. Anyway, both France and the United States have now demanded that the previous president be restored to office. Is this overreach by the US government? Was the previous president of Niger a puppet installed by Biden and his minions? France is actually threatening to send in troops to restore the previous president. Niger's neighboring countries are now siding with Niger and threatening to come to the aid of Niger if they are attacked by foreign forces. It seems the coup is probably here to stay, at least as of the last twenty-four hours anyway. They have also cut off supplies of uranium and other rare earth metals to both the US and France for their bombastic and not-so-idle threats to restore the previous leader by force. Even imperialism has its limits.

I'm getting outside my comfort zone here talking about something I know nothing about. I'm talking about Niger and Niger politics. I have seen, in recent days, photos of Putin shaking hands with certain African leaders. Does this have anything to do with the coup in Niger? Did Putin back the ouster of the previous leader of Niger because he was a puppet of the West? I have a rather romanticized version of Africa in my head, thanks to my time as a child watching Tarzan reruns on the telly. That's crazy, right? The truth of the matter is that both China and Russia have made serious inroads into Africa in the last several years, both politically and physically. I'm not sure how that compares to the efforts of Western nations to do the same thing, but if what happened in Niger is any example, China and Russia seem to have more support from some, and maybe most, African nations at last count. Africa is a resource-rich nation, and that is not lost on any of those countries looking to profit from their affiliations with the Africans. I should probably stop while I'm ahead.

I don't know what point they are trying to make by putting photos of Biden at the beach out there for public consumption. I'm not seeing photos of other world leaders lounging at the beach with their coolers and their little sun umbrellas. Is this supposed to suggest to Americans that their president doesn't have a care in the world and he is out there enjoying time at the beach with his family like most other families in America at this time of year? Do they know how completely addled and stupid he looks? To me, it suggests that they want Biden as far away from the White House as they can get him so they can go about their business of running our country into the ground without him fumbling around the Oval Office and having to respond to his constant and nagging inquiries about the latest money transfers from his son and his overseas interests. Once a grifter, always a grifter. Put a tee shirt on, you old fool, before you get sunburned.

All it took was for the Biden grift story after Archer's testimony to linger for a day or two, and the Bidenistas had had enough. It was time to announce another indictment against Trump to get the Biden grift story out of the news cycle. Funny how that happens. What better way to redirect the news cycle than to give the media what it loves and craves: Another story that defames Trump and threatens to put him behind bars. This time, the asshole Jack Smith conjured up some really fantastic tales culled from the January 6th insurrection in order to support his indictment against Trump. If found guilty of all charges by a Washington, DC jury, and it's a certainty given the venue and their rabid hate for Trump, Trump will serve the next 455 years behind bars. It probably doesn't matter what they charge him with, he's going to be found guilty. That is unless Trump is successful in having the Supreme Court dismiss the case as they should. The charges have more to do with the suppression of free speech than anything related to January 6th. Questioning the outcome of an election is the right of every American. It's that simple.

I was so depressed yesterday. I never get depressed. The song I'm trying to learn is giving me fits. I'm following the tutorial to the tee, and I just can't get it down. Is this the equivalent of writer's block? The problem I'm having is that the notes he's telling me to play in the tutorial on YouTube are not the same notes that he plays when he plays that section of the song. I can't slow the song down slow enough to see which notes he is playing, nor can I replicate that small section of the tune with the notes he's telling me to play. I can usually see the notes that he plays, and that's a great help, but his fingers are all bunched up when he plays the section that I'm trying to learn, so I am shit out of luck. I've gone looking for other tutorials to see if they help, but it seems everyone plays this song a little differently. That's not a bad thing, but it's not much help to me. I'm pretty well along in learning the song, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I can't just stop where I am. I'll have to muddle through whatever that means. I'll take another poke at it today and see if I can see something that I didn't see yesterday. Does that make any sense?

What I don't get about this Trump stuff is how it all goes down, and there is seemingly no mechanism for calling it what it is: Election interference. Trump is being buried with indictments across the country by blue state Attorney Generals who want to put him in jail to take him out of the race or both. Trump is clearly favored to win the 2024 Presidential election, and every poll out there bears that out. This is too much to bear for the Bidenistas, so they and their Democrat hack counterparts across the country have unleashed the hounds of hell against Trump to take him out of the race. It's called lawfare, plain and simple. Are there no laws against this sort of thing? The Massachusetts Attorney General is looking into the Republican currently in second place and his role in flying illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard. In other words, they have lawsuits in the queue to bring against DeSantis once Trump is either jailed or taken out of the race. They'll look to put DeSantis in jail as well. Can Congress do anything here? What about the Supreme Court?

I need to get out in the yard today and start hacking away at everything and anything that is overgrown. I started the process yesterday and made some progress, so I need to build on that. I had a mind to go rent a chainsaw, but I think I can do what I need to do without the heavy machinery. I'm a little leery of getting tick bites, so I try to stay out of the thickets when I can avoid them. It shouldn't take me long, so that's not the issue. When all is said and done, I need to cart the cuttings across the street into the woods. It's so overgrown around the shed in the corner of our back lot that the shed is in danger of disappearing out of sight. I need to have someone come and cart that shed away as it's lost its usefulness in the last couple of years due to its somewhat dilapidated state. I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to do that myself, so I'll need to think about finding the right people or business to get the job done. If I owned a bulldozer, I'd bulldoze the damn thing and bring the resulting pile of wood to the local recycling center. I will not be renting a bulldozer.


I start every day these days by catching up on everything remotely geopolitical in Ukraine, Russia, and around the globe by reading tweets posted by "Spriter Team." He, or they, posted something today about Trump's opening a bar in New York City called "45" or something along those lines. The poster referred to Trump's new business as a "vanity" venture. Is that because Trump was the 45th president of our United States? That is what passes for a "vanity" project in the eyes of some? What if Bumbles Biden opened a bar somewhere and called it the "46th"? Would that be considered a vanity project? Or, is it just someone like Trump, who is the king of branding and someone who has successfully built some of the most awesome hotels and golf courses across the globe, that is so deserving of some twat's derisive commentary? Spriter has clearly been watching too much CNN, if I had to guess. Or, God forbid, MSNBC. I may have to reconsider how I start my days if Spriter can't get a grip on his Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

I suppose if anyone were going to do it, it would be Tucker. He sat down with Devon Archer for an interview. I'm not exactly sure what the point of the interview was other than to reveal the extent of the Biden Crime Family's exploits and, more specifically, Joe Biden's role as the Big Guy. I'm still a little confused as to why Archer wouldn't agree to sit down in front of Congress in an open session to tell his story. He went behind doors and met with a select group of congressmen and women instead. Maybe Tucker felt he had a responsibility to get this guy on record for Americans to see and hear for themselves what kind of lowlife and degenerate criminal we have sitting in the Oval Office. Is this the lynchpin testimony that will move those Republicans sitting on the fence when it comes to impeaching Biden? If so, they all need to get their asses back from vacation, and they need to get this thing moving. The well-being of our Republic demands it. Our Constitution demands it.

Trump will arrested and arraigned today in Washington, D.C. I'm not sure if he will appear in person or not. I could really care less. I'm sure the left-wing media will revel in the circus-like atmosphere that they've created for their moonbat audiences, and we may even hear a champagne cork popping here and there as the proceedings go down. I'm hearing some less-than-favorable things about the judge who will be presiding over the trial. Is it true that she actually worked at the same law firm as Hunter Biden back in the day? Dershowitz painted a very ugly picture of this particular law firm as one of the more scurrilous and unethical firms in the city of Washington. Those are my words, not his. What are the chances that she'll recuse herself from the case? What are the chances that she'll remove herself from the case where she will go down in our country's history as the judge who sentenced an ex-president of the United States to a life sentence behind bars? Not just any ex-president, mind you. President Donald J. Trump. She will be a hero in the eyes of the Marxists from coast to coast for time immemorial. You can't put a price on that kind of fame.

Some of these charges being leveled against Trump are a real reach. So much so, in fact, that some people say that they think the case may never actually go to trial. And, even if it does go to trial, and Trump is found guilty, which is likely given the venue in which the case will be heard, it will be overturned by either the Appeals Court or the Supreme Court. Is that what this slimeball of a prosecutor, Smith, is looking to do? He wants to dirty up Trump to erode his support with the hopes that a dirtied-up Trump will be less of a threat to Bumbles Biden when election day rolls around in late 2024? No, I'm quite certain that the goal is to have Trump sitting in a maximum security prison on Election Day in 2024, if not sooner and for longer. I heard one legal expert talking about the egregiousness of the case being brought by Smith and that Smith himself could be indicted for his blind judicial malevolence in trying to put an ex-president behind bars. Wouldn't that be lovely! He and Bumbles can share a bunk, God willing. One of the four charges being brought against Trump dates back to the Civil War and has something to do with the Klu Klux Klan. Have they lost their fucking minds?

If DeSantis thinks that Trump's legal troubles are going to increase his chances of success in securing his party's nomination, I think he has another thing coming. His donors are running, not walking away from his campaign. He's laid off any number of staff in order to reduce the burn rate of the monies sitting in his war chest, so that can't be good. Every time Trump gets indicted again, Trump's numbers go up, and DeSantis's numbers go down. Things have gotten so bad for DeSantis that he's no longer sharing videos of his performances at his so-called rallies. He's a stiff, and it just isn't a good look. Not only that, his "crowds" are more of a gathering than a crowd. It reminds me of the circles that Biden used to construct in parking lots at his rallies in order to keep his eight or nine supporters at a safe distance from each other during the height of the Covid craze. And now, I'm hearing that DeSantis has agreed to debate the Marxist governor of the state of California, Gavin Newsome. Newsome is rumored to be Biden's replacement if Bumbles can't run in 2024. That, my friends, is what they call "desperate." It's even a bit presumptuous if you ask me. Nobody likes "presumptuous."

What do you think of our Department of Defense putting our soldiers on commercial ships transiting the Straits of Hormuz? Let me get this straight. So, if there's an oil tanker delivering oil to China, we're protecting that transport with our soldiers? Let the ChiComs defend their own fucking transports. Is this yet another example of Biden, as a wholly-owned asset of the CCP, doing the bidding of his Paymasters in Beijing? I would venture to say that the answer to that question is a resounding "yes." And since when is it the business of the United States to protect others' interests in those faraway waters? When are we going to start minding our own damn business on this planet? No wonder countries across the planet, tired of our endless sanctions and our self-declared hegemony in global politics, are looking to get away from the US dollar and expel our so-called diplomats from their territories. Biden's minions and their collective bloodlust for military intervention and bullying around the globe have tainted what little respect any country had for us in the space of 2-plus years since his inauguration. Now that Biden has joined his fellow Marxists around the world by jailing his political opposition ahead of the 2024 elections, things are likely to get worse before they get better.

I like Mark Levin's proposal to have Trump take his case directly to the Supreme Court. Not so that they can interfere in the election process but rather that they can ensure that the political process remains a fair and balanced process for all parties. The Supreme Court can put any and all litigation across the country on hold until after the election. It's abundantly clear to anyone with half a brain as to what the Democrats are doing to ensure a win in the upcoming 2024 election. They are tying up the leading Republican candidate in a series of lawsuits that promise to take said candidate off the campaign trail and further constrain his campaign by robbing him of resources needed to run said campaign. It is a clear-cut case of election interference, and our Supreme Court has a role in seeing to it that elections for all political parties in our Republic are not hindered by the shenanigans and foul play of one party at the expense of another. Mark says it's the process, not the specific charges leveled in the indictments against Trump, that the Democrats have undertaken that run afoul of the rules of fair play.

I watched a video on YouTube yesterday that gave me five pointers on how to do a bit of maintenance on my snow removal equipment. More to the point, on one of my snow removal machines. It was pretty cool. I'm so bad at doing these kinds of things. It's more about procrastination than anything else. This guy made it look easy, so I think I'll head over to Walmart today to buy a quart of oil and a can of WD-40. I'm actually feeling a little guilty for neglecting the service that my machine needs. Think of it, if you will, of giving it a little love. I can probably do what I need to do in the space of a half hour. That's the kicker. I should have done all of this when I put the machine away after the final snowfall of the winter of 2022. This has been going on for a lot of years, so it's pretty ingrained in my psyche at this point. In other words, I'll not likely change in a significant way in the coming months and years. I'll aspire to do a better job, but I'm thinking I know how this movie ends.

My guitar practice is coming along pretty well. I've been spending a seemingly inordinate amount of time trying to learn to play this one particular song. They say that practice sessions should include a few different things, and no one says that you should devote your entire session to learning one song. One constant in learning anything is to try and do it every day or so. That's fine. Developing muscle memory around certain songs, chord progressions, and note selections is a good thing. I can actually play certain pieces of the song I'm learning without looking at the strings on my guitar. I feel good about that. It's also true that I've been struggling with certain parts to the point where I think I keep making the same mistakes because they are somewhat built into my muscle memory. Do I need to unlearn this somehow? I feel like I've dug myself a ditch of sorts which I now need to climb out of before I can move on. Will putting any of this down in writing help me get over this hump? The mind works in mysterious ways, so I guess we'll see. I guess I'll see. Who's we, Tonto?

What the hell is that fat slob, Chris Christie, doing in Ukraine? You've seen the pictures. He's shaking hands with the scoundrel and grifter, Zelensky. Did I mention that he was a comedian before he became president of Ukraine? I'm talking about Zelensky, not Christie. Is this now a requirement for candidates running to become president of the United States? You need to prostrate yourself in front of Zelensky and commit to your dying day, or at least for the four to eight years you are in office, to support his dying and corrupt regime with every last American taxpayer dollar you can muster? I want to be careful about maligning Christie because of his obvious struggles with his weight, but the contrast between the weasely little Zelensky and the rotund Christie was not lost on people around the world who saw the photo and thought that the contrast was, well, illustrative. Illustrative of the excesses of the West and, by comparison, the gaunt and deprived, if not hollowed out specter of everything Ukraine. Ironically, were it not for the excesses of the West and the weapons that the West has poured into Ukraine at the expense of every Ukrainian, Ukraine might well be a more robust, if not stronger, country than it was before the Russians invaded.

With a good 60% of Americans now calling for the defunding of Ukraine, it seems a little odd to me that any politician would want to embrace Zelensky and his shithole of a country. Maybe Christie is sending a message to the Military Industrial Complex that he will support their global warmongering initiatives with a kiss on both cheeks. That is to say, with a wink and a nod. I don't know that the Military Industrial Complex has a role in who does and who doesn't get elected at the end of the day, but one has to wonder if they can't tip the scales in one direction or another for their preferred candidate. Word has it that Biden is now looking to redirect funding from the catastrophe that he's helped to create in Ukraine to beefing up the military might of Taiwan. Will Christie be on the next junket to Taiwan? Who's next? That toadie of an ex-congressman, Hurd? How about DeSanctimonius? Is he in single digits yet? If I hear that clown, John Bolton, saying one more time that Trump is going to get our country out of NATO if he's elected in 2024, I'm going to puke. Sorry. I'm getting off on a bit of a tangent today. You deserve better.

There are stories in the news, and then there are stories in the news. Some end up in the news because they qualify as newsworthy, and others end up there because someone wants to create or perpetuate a narrative for one reason or another. This latest story about Obama and, according to his biographer, his "fantasizing back in the day about having sex with men" falls squarely in the latter category. I don't know if I worded that quite right, but you get the gist. This all comes on the heels of the story in the last week or two about Obama's chef who drowned while paddleboarding in the waters off the shores of Obama's estate on Martha's Vineyard. Oddly enough, Obama's whereabouts on the day his chef drowned has yet to be determined. Rumors suggest that he may have been one of the people who was present on the day his chef drowned. And then we saw the pictures in the days after his chef's death of Obama in public with bandaged fingers and sporting a black eye. Where is all of this coming from? Someone has it out for Obama, and I think they're not done. It's not nothing that everything they are now accusing Biden of was done while he was Obama's Vice president. That is to say, Obama is undeniably complicit. Was he, in fact, a co-conspirator? Have we been gaslit all along about who is and who isn't the "Big Guy"?

I was telling the missus that I think it's better that we let Mrs. G know ahead of time when we plan to take her out for a ride. Not that everyone doesn't like a surprise now and then but I think there's something to be said for being able to look forward to something. Maybe it's just me. Take yesterday for example. We showed up as we usually do around 3 or so on a Friday or Saturday afternoon. Mrs. G had her lists ready of things that she wanted us to help her with or otherwise discuss. It was all good. What we didn't want to do was to sit there for hours on end and then tack a drive in the country on at the end of our time there. There are only so many hours in a day. Taking the bull by the horns, as is my style, I offered to take the lot of us out for a drive before we barely had a chance to warm our seats. Mrs. G was delighted and accepted the offer without hesitation. We took the back roads to Seabrook where we got Kentucky Fried Chicken takeout and then we drove back to her place but not before stopping into Applecrest Farms. Did I mention that Mrs. G got her favorite, mashed potatoes and gravy, at KFC? It made for a bit of a long afternoon for everyone but it was a nice change of scenery for Mrs. G and that is always a good thing.

I need to sort out the problem with my mice. I'm talking computer mousies here. Some are working better than others. By that, I mean that some are downright erratic and others, not so much. I don't know why it has to be so complicated. I've jury rigged a couple of things when it comes to my peripherals so that might be contributing to the problem. My latest hunch is that I have a couple of my devices that are a little too close together and my problem stems from the resulting electronic interference. I can separate a few things here and there to see if makes a difference. If I thought just going out and buying another mouse would solve my problem, I would do that lickety split. Did I mention that I'm using a cordless mouse and that requires a receiver? I also have a mouse or two that connect wirelessly using Bluetooth. Even the Bluetooth mice I have get jiggy with me so I'm not sure what to make of it. Restarting my devices or unplugging and plugging in my receivers helps for a while but then everything gets jiggy again sooner or later.

Root and Branch

I think I'm going to listen to a little Melanie this morning to get the ball rolling. Melanie of the seventies fame that is. You'd be surprised how putting on a little music can help to grease the skids when it comes to putting something down on paper. Coffee helps, too, but that goes without saying. I saw somewhere in my travels this morning that Devon Archer is going to testify before Congress this week. He is expected to testify that Joe Biden was an active participant in many of the deals the Biden's put together to shake down this or that person or group in order to enrich themselves and their extended families. This rebuts Joe Biden's constant refrain when he says that he was never involved in his son's business pursuits. Oh, okay, Joe. Nothing to see here. Move along.


I get very irritated every time I think about the fact that by the time anyone catches up with Joe Biden, at the rate we're going anyway, he will be so far gone that we'll get very little to no satisfaction from anything that the courts may or may not decide. He's halfway there, if not more, as I sit here this morning for chrissakes. All of this gnashing of the teeth will have been for naught. The Democrats will move on to their next crisis, and we'll be off to the races all over again. It's wash, rinse, repeat. I'd love to see Dr. Jill in an orange jumpsuit along with her spawn, Hunter, and maybe a handful of Joe's brothers, so we'll see if any of that comes to pass. Do I have that right? Is Hunter Dr. Jill's spawn? Maybe not. I may have to be satisfied with the knowledge that Joe Biden will go down in history as the most corrupt President in the history of our Republic, bar none.

I don't know that I'll be watching the Republican debates when they air in late August. I hear that Trump is interested in holding an event of some sort on the night of the debate to distract from the candidates involved in the debate. That's right. As of today, he's thinking about not attending. Can't blame him, really. He's got such a lead in the polls that it makes little to no sense to have him show up so that every Tom, Dick, and Harriet can use him as a human punching bag. The lot of them would be utilizing Democrat and RINO talking points to try and take down the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room. I've heard rumors to the effect that Trump wants to sit down with Tucker on the night of the debate for an interview. My question would be, who is interviewing who? What if Trump turned the tables and interviewed Tucker as his prospective Vice President?

That's not to say that Trump's rivals won't be ripping him a new one even if he doesn't show up. They do so at their own peril. Trump is dangerous even when he's not in the room. I don't know that candidates like Chris Christie have much else to offer in a debate setting since taking down Trump is more important to him than winning any nomination by his party of record. That fat fuck spends more time talking about Trump on outlets like CNN and ABC than he does anywhere else. He's just a bloody bore. A broken record, if you will. I like Vivek. The guy is as smart as a whip. He'll keep the conversation on the debate stage elevated enough to secure a spot on Trump's ticket or in his cabinet should he prefer one or the other. I'd go so far as to say that should Vivek be our eventual nominee, that I would vote for him without hesitation. DeSantis has fallen so far in the polls that he may have to spend more time in the debate battling those people who are now nipping at his heels and, in some cases, threatening to surpass him in the polls.

I told the missus that I've really been enjoying the corn on the cob that we've been having lately, but I need to use less butter in the prepping process. I've never been much of a corn-on-the-cob guy, but I've eaten more corn this year than any year in recent memory. Maybe what I've really been enjoying is all of the butter and spice that I've been lathering and sprinkling on the corn. It's hard to be good when it tastes so good. Three minutes in the microwave is all it takes. I tried roasting a few ears on the grill, but that seems to be a lot of work and, quite frankly, a waste of propane just to cook an ear or two of corn. I sprinkle a little water on the shucked piece of corn, wrap it in a paper towel to absorb any excess water, and in the microwave it goes. Voila! Can I put your piece in now, little darlings? Those are the days, my friends. I thought they'd never end. Sorry, I'm listening to the song "Those Were the Days" by Mary Hopkin. This is what I'm talking about when it comes to the music. It can take you in any number of directions, some better than others. You don't know where it's going to take you until you get there.

It's two days and counting now until Target delivers the iPhone 8 that we ordered for Mrs. G. We've told her nothing about our ordering the phone, and it's probably just as well. She told us that she needed a phone with a bigger screen, so I think that this iPhone will do the trick. If I were to engage Mrs. G in a conversation about what she really wants, I'm not sure what that conversation would sound like. It's probably just as well that we show up for our next visit with the new telephone in tow. Everyone likes a surprise. Right? I don't know that there's anything to dislike about it since it is simply the PLUS version of what she already has. We've wondered somewhat recently about how much she really uses the iPhone that we gave her a couple of years back. She hasn't said so, but I'm thinking that being able to synch up her new hearing aids with her iPhone might be a contributing factor to this latest interest of hers in getting a phone with a larger screen. Let's hope nothing goes sideways with the delivery.

Speaking of hearing aids, we've been talking to Mrs. G about the various things you have to consider when buying hearing aids. First and foremost, hearing aids are a thing. I'd like to see some statistics on how many people need hearing aids as they grow older. Is this one of those things where everyone, sooner or later, needs hearing aids in order to function? I'm just ignorant about these kinds of things, but thanks to our conversations with Mrs. G, we're getting up to speed. One thing that jumps right off the page at me is how expensive they are. How does anyone justify charging some $3,000, give or take, for a damn amplifier that you stick in your ear? How is it that no one has come up with a cheaper alternative? God only knows there are thousands of manufacturers of earphones and earbud-type accessories. They can fit silicone chips on the head of a pin these days, so why can't they turn this market on its ear, pun intended, and send these companies that are fleecing our seniors packing at a time in their lives when they can least afford the expense involved?

I purchased a pair of earbuds from Amazon recently for $34. They hook up to my devices via Bluetooth. I've never had a pair of earbuds before, so I thought I'd give these a try. The price was right, and I wanted something I could use around the house while the missus was going about her business. Meanwhile, Apple sells earbuds for hundreds of dollars. I'm not sure that I could tell the difference between them, although I'm sure there's a difference in quality. Does the difference in quality justify the difference in price? I have to believe that the answer to that question is "no." I'm not spending my weekends listening to the Boston Symphony, so that should tell you a lot about my requirements when it comes to being able to listen to things with or without earbuds. I'm not saying that I want Elon Musk to pick up this ball and run with it, but it does seem to me that there's an opportunity here for someone to come up with a low-cost alternative that Auntie Harriet and Uncle Bill can afford. I hear losing the darn things is a problem as well for old folks, so add that to your requirements, Mr. or Ms. Whomever.

It sounds like Speaker McCarthy is getting ready to pull the trigger on an impeachment inquiry against Bumbles Biden. It's about damn time. When they get to the Senate's role in this thing, and the Democrats are in the majority in the Senate, will they be willing to pull the trigger on this old fool and convict him? You know that means Kamala Harris becomes President. Right? Would anyone be surprised to see her pardon every last Biden who took a dime from countries overseas? It's the least she can do for the old fart and, to a lesser extent, his detestable spawn who left her a country in tatters after three years of his abysmal "leadership." Then you have the polls that tell us all that Trump does even better against Harris than he does against Biden in the General Election. This is where good old Jack Smith, the Federal prosecutor, comes in with his quiver of indictments based on laws conceived during the Civil War era. At this point, we just need to make sure that none of these trials occur until after Trump wins in 2024. I'm voting Trump even if he's sitting in solitary confinement in Alcatraz. That's how badly we need to get these radical leftists out of our beloved White House.

Who gives a shit about UFO's? Congress is having hearings about UFO's this week, and I don't know who gives a flying fuck about tuning in. No, really. Maybe there are UFO's, and maybe there aren't. It's another one of those conspiracies that they roll out every once in a while when they need to gaslight the shit out of people. If we really are being visited from time to time by critters from outer space, I suppose we'd see something more tangible than just a few sightings by pilots who are otherwise bored to tears flying while around in circles at 10,000 feet in the air. I like the stories that have them, more often than not, circling our nuclear missile silos. They are here ostensibly to protect us from destroying our own planet with a nuclear holocaust. Right. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. It's all just a crock of hooey if you ask me. I suppose organized religion has a stake in keeping this out of the public square were it to be true, so there's that. Wait a minute. You're telling me that Jesus didn't create the world in 7 days? See where I'm going with this?

I don't know about you, but my eyes just gloss over every time I see something about the number of illegal aliens that have crossed into our country since Bumbles was inaugurated. I think we're up to 7 million or more at last count. Every time I see a picture of someone who's been arrested and whose picture appears in the media, I only have one question. Well, maybe two. I want to know their country of origin and their immigration status. You know these criminal fucks are bringing their criminality into our country, and Bumbles and his minions in the Democrat party are just counting down the days until they can turn either Texas or Florida blue. Electorally speaking, we'll never have another Republican president when that happens. They couldn't give two shits that these criminal rogues are raping our daughters and killing our children with Fentanyl. Secretary Mayorkis is before Congress today, and he'll lie through his teeth and tell you that our borders are secure. They aren't. The Democrats in Congress will sing his praises, and the Republicans will rip him a new one in their allotted five minutes. It's fucking wash, rinse, repeat. It makes one sick to one's stomach.

You should have heard Bumbles yesterday. He actually stood at a podium and said that he and his Administration cured cancer. I'm sure that came as a surprise to the millions of people in our country currently suffering from the affliction. I guess we can stop sending our donations to the Cancer Society. What a complete fucking idiot. How much more evidence do the American people need before they cart this bewildered old fuck out of our beloved White House in a white jumpsuit? He wasn't done. He went on to say that 100 people have died of Covid since the beginning of the pandemic. I think he said it twice in case no one heard him the first time. I mean, talk about addled. Some media simp asked him about the stories of him and his son being in cahoots. Maybe the question had more to do with Speaker McCarthy's recent comments about an impeachment inquiry as it relates to the alleged criminality of the Bidens. He just looked at the reporter and gave his best shit-eating grin that he could muster without saying a word. He just looked so incredibly demented in that moment.

I caught a little bit of Hannity's Town Hall meeting with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. last night. It was a little hard to watch as Hannity was out of his depth with Kennedy. Kennedy, at times, looked like he having a hard time tolerating Hannity's inaneness. I stopped watching Hannity a long time ago. He's nothing but a broken record. I felt a little sorry for Kennedy. I understand why he went on Hannity's show. The mainstream media won't give him any airtime, so he's forced to find alternatives where you wouldn't ordinarily expect to see Democrat candidates. In fact, I turned to CNN at one point last night, and the host had a couple of nasty anti-Kennedy shills in the studio who had a lot to say about how Kennedy's candidacy had run afoul of the usual Democrat constituencies. They had one job: Rip Kennedy a new asshole, while singing the praises of the bumbling fool in the White House. This is what Kennedy is up against. I liked the fact that Kennedy got a very respectable reception from the people at the Town Hall. When you tell people the truth, people respond to that regardless of what political party you represent. I would also say this about the man. People like a good story, and Kennedy is a good storyteller. That has to count for something.

I don't generally follow the trials and travails of Hunter Biden. He's a degenerate crackhead with a penchant for pre-adolescent girls, and God only knows what else. That's the rumor anyway. He had a date in a Delaware courtroom yesterday where he was supposed to agree to a plea deal for charges related to tax evasion and lying on a gun application. I think I have that straight. Everyone figured that this was a slam dunk of a case. He'd show up with his attorneys, and the judge would sign off on the so-called prearranged deal. What was less clear, but has now come out, was that the deal gave him immunity for any and all charges going forward. As everyone knows, and the judge now knows, is that there are several investigations ongoing into Hunter Biden and his dad, Joe Biden, more colloquially known as the Big Guy. The judge asked the prosecutors if the deal she was being asked to sign off on included potential FARA charges. That's the Foreign Agent thing that requires the person in question to be registered as a foreign agent to work with countries outside the U.S. As bagman for the Biden Crime Family, Hunter was not registered as a foreign agent and is now potentially liable if found guilty of FARA-related charges. The short answer to the judge's question was "yes." Wrong answer.


That was the end of the sweetheart deal as we know it. The judge wanted no part of giving the crackhead, Hunter, immunity from charges in perpetuity, especially in light of the fact that there are several ongoing investigations. Biden's praetorian guard, the media, who had been signaling for weeks that the signoff by the judge was nothing more than a formality, was in shock. There was more than enough humble pie to go around, but the backpedaling by the hacks in the media was a sight to behold. Biden's Justice Department had always greased the skids for the Bidens, and there was no expectation that this deal was any different. I wonder if the amicus briefs filed by several parties asking the judge not to sign off on the agreement had anything to do with her final decision. Word had it that Bumbles had cleared his schedule for the day at the White House. He was, no doubt, on pins and needles while still feeling pretty good about his son's prospects of getting this so-called sweetheart deal. This would be yet one more example of his far-reaching ability to weaponize our governmental institutions to protect himself and his corrupt and degenerate son. Only, it didn't turn out that way. Is this the beginning of the end of the Biden Crime Family? Time will tell, but hope springs eternal.

I was telling the missus that I had good energy on my bike ride yesterday morning. You know it when you have it. Everything is easier. It's easier to push ahead, and there's a certain unmistakable spring in your step. It's so good that you want to be able to replicate it on subsequent rides. Was it something that I ate or didn't eat before setting off on my ride? I used to think that I got a little more juice (energy) than usual during my rides if I drank a glass or two of water before going off. Being dehydrated is never a good way to start off, so there's probably some truth to the "glass of water" approach. I did have a shortbread cookie, a snack of sorts, if you will, before heading out yesterday morning, so I want to try that again this morning to see if I get the same results. It may have more to do with the fact that I'm not riding in the middle of the day or at the end of the day when my energy stores are typically flagging. The air is cooler in the early morning, the traffic is less congested, and my body is refreshed and well-rested after a good night's sleep. I guess we'll see. It's not yet 8 a.m., so I'll shoot to get out on the road between 8 and 8:30. Wish me luck.

This Jack Smith bullshit is really starting to piss me off. I'm talking about the disgraced federal prosecutor who has been dispatched by Biden's Department of Justice to make sure that Donald J. Trump is not on the ballot to run against Biden in 2024. What the fuck kind of banana republic do we live in? So, while Biden's thugs are doing what they can to take Trump off the ballot, Senate Republicans are telling Speaker McCarthy not to bring impeachment charges against Bumbles Biden. Have they read the damn Constitution? You know, the part about treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors? Oh, Senators like Rand Paul say we can't impeach every president of the opposition party when we get elected. It's not good for our country, he says. What else do they need to know about the crimes of Joe Biden and his crime family that they don't already know? Have they not read the accounts of the "Big Guy" and Hunter the Bagman? If what we already know about Biden's crimes doesn't rise to the level of impeachment, we're in trouble as a Republic. Keep in mind that the Democrats impeached Trump over a phone call. They are already on record saying that if Trump wins in 2024, they are going to impeach him immediately.

Anyway, Jack Smith added even more charges to the indictment that he's already brought against Trump as it relates to the Mar-a-Lago documents fiasco. It's as if adding more charges makes it seem more serious or more damning. This clown, Smith, even indicted one of Trump's maintenance men for his role in allegedly tampering with a video camera at Mar-a-Lago. Smith is desperate to have one or more of Trump's associates turn on him, to fabricate stories that serve to support the ridiculous charges brought by Smith, or just to scare the bejesus out of them by indicting them. Smith knows that Trump has and had every right to keep and maintain documents of his choosing as an ex-president, but he could give two shits. I keep waiting for someone to step in and put a stop to all of this skullduggery on behalf of the Biden Crime Family, but it's awfully quiet out there. The reticence on behalf of the Senate Republicans, in particular, to speak up against Biden suggests to me that the lot of them are intimidated by the width and breadth of Biden's Justice Department and what they are willing to do to silence Biden's detractors. Just look at the lengths to which Biden's Department of Justice has gone to protect Biden's criminality. They need to be torn root and branch from every last one of our institutions when Trump wins in 2024. If not on day one of Trump's second term, then certainly on day two.

I love learning to play new songs on my guitar, but, man, it is slow going. I don't know if it's me or something else. Why is it taking me so long to get some of these licks down? Am I making a mistake in thinking that I have to commit these things to muscle memory before moving on to the next section of the song? It is true that the more times I play the parts I'm trying to learn, the better they sound, so maybe there is a method to the madness. The better it sounds, the more committed I am to getting it right. You might say that it's the difference between having to see where I'm placing my fingers on the fretboard and related notes while playing versus being able to play the section without looking at the strings. It amazes me to no end as well that I can play the precise notes per the tutorial, but what I end up hearing on my guitar bears no resemblance to the sound of the lick played by the guitar player in the tutorial. Go figure. It's all good, though. It keeps me coming back until I get it right. I wish I had started playing a long time ago, but that horse left the barn. It's water under the bridge.

Fast forward a couple of days here, and I can now report back on the iPhone 8 Plue that we bought for Mrs. G. The phone was in great condition, and Mrs. G was thrilled to have it. If it was a bigger screen that she wanted, then that is what we delivered. I don't know that she was expecting the iPhone so quickly, so that had to be a plus for her. No pun intended. I unboxed the puppy and jumped through a few hoops with our carrier over the telephone before I had it up and running so she could use it. I was impressed with the phone and thought for a moment that Ev might like to have one for himself. He's a little leery of having a new iPhone as he's lost a couple of newer iPhones in the past. He's had better luck with older iPhones for whatever reason. We have a few more tweaks here and there to make with Mrs. G's iPhone before it's the bee's knees, but not to worry. She's happy as clam as it is, so I think it's all good. Now if we can just get her to stop stabbing the icons on her iPhone with her index finger instead of tapping them to open her applications, we can call it a day.

I went to the Ev man's dermatology appointment yesterday in Portsmouth so his doctor could take a look at a mole he was a little concerned about. I've been to that office, and if you don't know where you're going, it's easy to get lost. I didn't want the Ev man to get lost, so I told him I'd tag along for the visit. I don't think Ev has my sense of direction, but I wasn't taking any chances. He accepted my offer to tag along, and that was that. He told me ahead of time that if he got a clean bill of health that he was going to be on top of the world. I'm paraphrasing, of course, since I can't recall his exact words. He had had the mole removed in a previous visit, and it looked to the Ev man as though it might be returning. I told him that it reminded me of the mole I'd had removed, and I had the same concerns. I didn't go into the office with him to see the doctor, and this was not the doctor who had removed the mole previously, but Ev reported that it was a nothing burger when all was said and done. Just as I had suspected all along. His doctor, according to the Ev man, actually made a disparaging comment or two about the female doctors in the practice cutting people up unnecessarily. He said that he could have spared the Ev man a few scars in so many words. I like this guy.

You know who else I like? I like this Vivek Ramaswamy guy. He's a real up-and-comer if you ask me. His internal compass when it comes to everything political is unbelievable. I caught the tail end of a Twitter Spaces meeting that he had with Elon Musk and others yesterday, and Elon was admittedly impressed with Vivek and said as much. Is there anyone who doesn't think this guy has what it takes to be president? I saw some comments that he made on Twitter when asked whether he thought the 2020 election was stolen. It was one of those questions that they ask where they can take your response and craft a thousand different ads about your being an election denier. This is how insidious they are. You know who I'm talking about. Vivek saw this coming a mile away and said something about not seeing evidence to support that contention. I think that's the best you can do, especially if you haven't seen any evidence. I also saw Vivek on News Nation with Chris Cuomo, and Vivek danced circles around the News Nation host. Vivek's raw intelligence had Cuomo looking for a place to hide, but that's difficult to do when you're conducting the interview. I think Cuomo thought he was still working as a Democratic hack for his CNN paymasters judging by his questions, but Vivek schooled him and schooled him hard.

I've always liked the idea of a non-politician being president, and that is what we got when Trump was in office. Trump wasn't perfect, but he was pretty darn close. Who doesn't think that America First is the way to go? Who doesn't think we ought to be involved in zero wars with countries around the world? Who doesn't think we ought to have a merit-based immigration system and closed borders? Inflation was like one percent under Trump, give or take, and you could buy a gallon of gas for less than two bucks. And not or nothing, Trump's putting three Justices on the Supreme Court helped we conservatives put a stake through the heart of Roe Vs. Wade. How do you like them apples?

I think the politicians in our country took great exception to a guy like Trump, who went straight to the Oval Office without having to serve a day in public office. In other words, according to our hack politicians, if you've not worked your way through the system, you have no right to be president. Just how entitled are these mother fuckers? We need more Trumps going forward, and if the creek don't rise and the good Lord is willing, we'll have a Vivek or two to serve as president of our great nation once Trump is no longer running. The establishment isn't going to like it, but fuck them and the horse they rode in on. I'm talking to you, Karl Rove, Paul Ryan, Mittens Romney, and Mitch McConnell. I think I just heard something about Vivek wanting back into the Paris Accords or some goddamn globalist organization that Trump got us out of when he was president. I may have to reconsider my support for Vivek. I won't tolerate Vivek or anyone else putting foreign workers ahead of American workers in the food chain in this country. That's not who we are.

There he goes again. Just when you thought he was too bewildered and too senile to keep doing the kinds of things that he's on record for doing, and we're talking about his extensive history of alleged criminality here, Bumbles goes and hires someone who paid $850k for one of his son's paintings to sit on some board or other whose name escapes me at the moment. We've all known that Hunter's paintings that have gone on sale in this or that gallery to the highest bidder have been just another form of pay-for-play. The chore for Republicans looking into this scam has been to nail down the donor or donors so they can establish the pay-for-play or quid pro quo once and for all. These paintings are ridiculous, and I've seen more imagination in paint-by-numbers kits sold at Walmart. It takes a certain kind of stupidity to think that they would fetch any money, much less the hundreds of thousands of dollars that people have been putting up for them. Imagine if Don Jr. was selling his paint-by-number schlock at galleries across Manhattan to buyers who didn't want to be identified. If I had to guess, I'd say that the Democrats would have impeached the Donald a fourth time. They would have subpoenaed every last receipt to ferret out the buyers, and they would have jailed anyone resisting the efforts of their investigators.

Onwards and Upwards

We got ourselves another wonky week on the board, boys and girls. Just how wonky the week turns out remains to be seen. The Ukrainians and who knows who else bombed the Crimean bridge last night, so Putin says there will be no extension of the grain deal. I don't know what that means exactly other than it leads me to believe that someone somewhere will be paying more for a loaf of bread in the coming months. Some people may go without bread. Apparently, the bombing campaign was carried out by a couple of surface drones. I gather they were launched from an offshore vessel somewhere which explains why they were probably next to impossible to detect by the Russian forces. I'm guessing that the Ukrainians are thinking that if they can never regain control of Crimea, then they want to make life a living hell for the Russians now occupying the territory.


I thought Trump wanted US troops out of Syria during his presidency. If I recall, he pulled out all but a handful of troops that he left behind to control an oilfield somewhere in Syria. Now I hear that Biden is sending American troops to Syria. I can understand our interests in the oil fields, but quite honestly, that oil doesn't belong to us, so why do we have troops on the ground protecting the fields? Is it to deprive the State of Syria of profiting from the oil produced in the fields? And now, I guess we're also over there to make sure that the Russians don't gain air superiority over the skies of Syria. I have to believe that the Syrians want the lot of us, and that includes the Russians, to get the hell out of their country. The sooner, the better, I'm also guessing. Is it me, or does it seem like both Victoria Nuland and Jake Sullivan have their fingerprints all over these overseas fiascos we find ourselves in? The soy boy and the warmonger.

Turning Point USA had a big shindig over the past few days where Republican candidates spoke and rallied the base until all hours of the night. I don't know much about the Turning Point organization other than it's run by Charlie Kirk, and they hold any number of engagements on campuses across the country to get young people more involved in the political process. Their presidential poll, when all was said and done, had Trump at something like 89%, with everyone else trailing badly behind. That is consistent with recent polls nationwide where Trump is consistently 50-60 percentage points ahead of his closest rival, DeSantis. So far, so good, is what I say. If you need a straw poll to see how young people are feeling about the prospects of the current crop of candidates, or maybe how they feel about the candidates in general, Trump has to feel good about having as much widespread support as he does, considering the fact that he is the oldest candidate in the group currently running.

I'm bothered a bit about some comments that Trump made in an interview with Maira Bartiromo on FOX. His position on the war in Ukraine has, until now, always been, "I'll end the war on day one when I become President." If I'm not mistaken, he's now pivoting from that position. He told Maria that if both parties in the conflict failed to come to an agreement to end the hostilities that, he would, and I paraphrase, "give Ukraine all the weapons in the world to accomplish their task of beating the Russians." Is Trump just another fucking neocon, or is he playing three-dimensional chess here? Just to state the obvious, the Military Industrial Complex is doubling and tripling down on its warmongering, and the whole of the establishment is in with both feet when it comes to waging war with Russia, whatever the hell that means, and whatever the hell that looks like. When they're finished killing every last Ukrainian soldier on the battlefield, who knows who they will then toss into the meat grinder that is the Russian killing machine? Anyway, I have questions.

Maybe the US government offered Trump a get-out-of-jail-free card knowing what they do about his prospects for winning in the upcoming 2024 election. That is to say, it is more likely than not that Trump will beat Biden or whomever the Democrats put up as their candidate, and they know it. Here's the offer, take it or leave it: You give us (Military Industrial Complex) the support we need to continue to wage our war, and we'll cease and desist with the indictments and the harassment by our praetorian guard, the US media. Not only that, we'll grease the skids so you don't have to go into Election Night with a sizeable lead only to lose it all when the absentee ballots are counted in the days and weeks following the election. In other words, they made Trump an offer that he can't refuse. How else do you account for the complete reversal of Trump's "I'll end the war on day one" banter? Is it also possible that that position of his ending the war on day one will become, over time, more and more difficult to defend, so he's taking the heat now while his numbers are as strong as they are?

Thank God for social media. Were it not for social media exposing the lies of the mainstream media, we'd be fucked and fucked good. Take, for example, what the mainstream media is doing now to Robert F. Kennedy Jr's campaign for the presidency. They actually edited a tape of Kennedy making comments at a private fundraiser to suggest that Kennedy was blaming the Jews for unleashing COVID-19 on the public. Kennedy said no such thing. The next thing you know, Kennedy's extended family is making public statements about his comments being deplorable and his being unfit for office. They know full well what this is all about. Of course, most of them work in the Biden White House, so this makes their comments seem that much more vicious and, more to the point, political in nature. This is right out of the Debbie Wasserman playbook. Do what it takes to take your opponent off the field, even if it means lying through your teeth. The ends always justify the means when it comes to politics and the Democrats.

Kennedy must be kicking Biden's ass in the polls, but I'll be damned if I can find any evidence of it. Why else would they be going after him, hammer and tong? You even had the hideous lesbian Haitian Jeane Pierre, Biden's spokesperson, stand at the podium and decry Kennedy's comments as being despicable and not who we are as an American people. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but you get my point. I thought she wasn't supposed to be chiming in on political matters at the podium. Isn't that what the Hatch Act says? Just like her demented boss, she lies like a drunken sailor at the podium, and she's completely out of her element when it comes to addressing the reporters in the room on any issues that are considered even remotely sophisticated or controversial. I'm thinking it's going to take more than an edited tape to get rid of Kennedy. He's a fighter, and he knows these clowns and what they're up to inside and out. He'll be the first to tell you that the government killed his father and his uncle and has promised to release the documents on same if elected. If I can scrape together a few sheckles, I'll be happy to send him a donation if it means getting rid of that demented and corrupt old fuck in the White House, Bumbles Biden.

What is this I'm hearing about our Pentagon sending a nuclear sub to South Korea? Apparently, the message they want to send to the North Koreans is that if the North Koreans want to threaten our allies with a nuclear holocaust, that two can play that game. Maybe it puts the Hermit Kingdom on notice, and maybe it doesn't. Kim, along with his sister, who seems even crazier than him, has been rattling cages lately with threats to do this and that, so maybe a deterrent or two can't hurt. Trump visited the Hermit Kingdom when the two were exchanging insults back in 2019 or so. Biden sends a submarine capable of turning North Korea into a charcoal briquet. It's also important to note that Biden is physically and mentally incapable of engaging in any sort of rapprochement, so you need to throw that into the mix. Biden has always been more of a bully than a diplomat, so none of this should surprise anyone. Anyway, we'll see what Kim has to say about any of this if anything. There are a lot of things that he could do short of unleashing nuclear weapons, so that might be worth watching. Were I a South Korean, I'd be careful not to take too much solace in the fact that there's an American nuclear sub on standby. That, in an of itself, is a form of escalation.

It looks like Trump is going to get indicted again. This time, the veritable turd in the punchbowl, Jack Smith, is coming after Trump for his crimes associated with January 6th. I don't know how many times I have to say it. Biden can't beat Trump at the polls, so he's unleashing his dogs in his Department of Justice to put Trump in jail so he can no longer pose a threat to him come the presidential election in 2024. It's brazen, it's ruthless, it's downright criminal. It's what people in power in banana republics do. They jail their political opponents to keep them off the field of play come election time. It's encouraging to see Trump's poll numbers go up every time he gets indicted. It tells me that the American people see this for what it is, and they are both sickened by what Biden and his minions have done to our country, and they want to take our country back. I'd like to see a little more support for Trump coming out of our Congress in terms of what they can do to push back against the weaponization and politicization of our justice department, but I'll put my hopes on hold while they do whatever it is they are doing behind the scenes to bring the Biden Crime Family to justice.

We had the Ev man over for BLTs last night. He asked why we hadn't previously added BLTs to our summer cookout menu. Yes, the BLTs were that good. Ev has been without his car for a few days now since it is in the garage for repairs, so we picked him up and brought him back to the house here for a much-needed change of scenery. He's actually still here this morning, so we'll see how today goes. Maybe he stays another night, and maybe he doesn't. He lent me a hand yesterday to bring an old air conditioner and a microwave to the recycling center, so that was good. That damn air conditioner weighed a ton, if it weighed anything. I couldn't have done it without him. I'm all about getting rid of things that have lost their usefulness. The missus, not so much. I think the Ev man got my Marie Condo genes. I like the way they do things now down at the recycling center. You roll up in your car, they assess what you have in your trunk, and they present you with a bill, and you are good to go. None of this standing at the big bin for trash, wondering how much you need to put in the little box hanging near the bin for the items you're depositing in the bin. That's just old school. Welcome to the twenty-first century.

Where is the Dersh? I'm talking about Alan Dershowitz. He defended Trump in Trump's second impeachment, and he has been an ongoing and outspoken critic of the Democrats and their weaponization of our Justice Department. I used to see him on FOX quite a bit, but I don't watch FOX anymore since Tucker's departure from the network. I've seen him on Newsmax from time to time but not recently. I wonder if they got to him. He's a died-in-the-wool Democrat but an ardent defender of our beloved Constitution, so his voice is a critical voice at a time like this. He has a podcast, so I'll see if I can't find that and give it a listen. If even that has gone silent, then I'll know someone or other read him the riot act. I wouldn't surprised to hear that someone actually threatened him, although I would imagine someone would have to think twice before trying to threaten him with the long arm of the law. No one knows the law better than the Dersh. The lunatic left has threatened everyone and anyone in the legal profession about mounting a defense for Trump. They do it at their very peril. To assist Trump is to put your very livelihood at risk. I'd like to think none of this applies to the Dersh, but these are different times we live in.

There is something fishy about the story about the black American serviceman, Travis King, ending up in North Korea. Nobody in their right mind defects to North Korea. Right? I've seen the picture of him, and if I'm right about what I'm seeing, he looks a little light in the loafers, if you get my drift. I know nothing about the cultural sensitivities of the North Koreans, but if I had to guess, I'd say they probably don't do gay. Is this just a serviceman who had had enough of the torment by his fellow serviceman where he thought he might have a chance at a better life if he crossed into North Korea? I also don't know how easy or difficult it is to cross into North Korea from South Korea. It didn't take long after the initial story appeared before the American media started spewing this and that story about the soldier to make him out to be a kook not worthy of the uniform he wore. This is what they do, this is who they are. They celebrate President's like Obama when he trades five Taliban terrorists for American deserters like serviceman Bo Bergdahl, but they excoriate soldiers and their extended families when they make unilateral decisions, if that is what it was, to cross the border into North Korea. It's not something that I would have advised him to do, but everyone dances to the beat of their own drummer.


Jesus. I watched the two IRS whistleblowers on CSpan yesterday as they told tale after tale in a Congressional hearing on Capitol Hill about how Biden's Justice Department ran interference to prevent the IRS from getting to the bottom of any number of global pay-for-play arrangements that the Biden's engaged in and have been profiting from going back to Joe Biden's days as Vice President. I applaud these two men who had the courage of their convictions to step forward and tell the truth about the Biden's at the risk of losing everything they had worked years to accomplish. The whining and the gnashing of teeth on the part of the Democrats on the Committee sounded something akin to a last gasp when one gets tired of hearing their own voice and the end is near. You could hear, if you listened carefully, the fat lady starting to sing. They fell back on the usual tropes about Trump, a two-tiered legal system, and racism, but to no avail. All of the testimony ended up in the same place. None of it would have happened were it not for those in the Administration who made every effort to keep all of this from the doorstep of the Big Guy. They did so at the behest of the Big Guy. That much was clear. Everyone now understands, if they didn't before, that we are now dealing with a criminal conspiracy that goes right to the very top of our government. So, Mr. Speaker, the ball is in your court. Where do we go from here? If this isn't impeachable, what is?

Can you imagine? The sitting Governor or Massachusetts is asking, imploring even, that the good citizens of her state open their doors and their hearts to the illegal aliens who have found their way to the Bay State from God only knows where. If you have a room, or an apartment, or something along those lines, you have a moral imperative to provide for these people in need. The state is blue as blue can be when it comes to their politics, so the illegal aliens should be good to go. Right? I have to believe that people already living on the edge in Massachusetts, financially speaking, are not going to be at the front of the parade welcoming these so-called world travelers to their neighborhoods. They are an existential threat to their very existence. There are only so many food stamps, free cell phones, and free educational and free health care goodies to go around. Just a word of caution to those magnanimous enough to think that they can offer a hand to folks without risk to themselves and their own personal financial well-being. Judges presiding over eviction cases may well take a dim view of homeowners looking to oust these border-jumping freeloaders for non-payment of rent, destruction of said property, and violation of codes having to do with capacity. It is a veritable recipe for disaster.

I listened as much as I could yesterday to a Congressional hearing on the Weaponization of Government chaired by the Republicans. One of the four witnesses appearing before Congress was Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I believe he was there to speak to the Government's role in limiting free speech during the Pandemic. It was very interesting. The Democrat congressmen and women on the Committee were, to a person, there to vilify and denigrate Kennedy. Kennedy is, of course, running for President, and the faithful agents of the totalitarian regime of the Biden Administration were there to silence his voice and to cast him as a conspiracy theorist and worse. With his polling numbers getting stronger by the day, he now represents an existential threat to the candidacy of the demented and criminal cabal of the Biden Administration. I don't believe I've ever seen anything as vile as what I watched yesterday coming from the Democratic Congressmen and women in that televised meeting. I hope Americans coast to coast were tuning into what I can only describe as a vicious hit job by the Democrats. Maybe the good news for Kennedy is that were it not for his burgeoning popularity in the polls, nobody would have given a shit about his testimony or his presence in Congress for yesterday's hearing.

I think Kennedy represents the wing of the Democrat party that was left behind when the Marxists took over. I have to believe that there are millions of disaffected democrats who wonder to this very day how their party left them without a whimper. The last thing the Bidenistas need now in the months leading up to the 2024 presidential election is an intraparty squabble that will divide the party and hand it over to the Trump wing of the Republican party on Election Day. Kennedy represents that one hope for the old Democrat party. One thing Kennedy talked about during the hearing had to do with the Government silencing alternative medical views in the middle of a pandemic which, according to Kennedy, was just the opposite of what they should have been doing. He cited some sobering statistics about our country's COVID death rates which were substantially higher than other countries with much lower vaccination rates. Can you say Ivermectin? Somebody got big bucks from Big Pharma to quash alternative medicines. I would go so far as to say that our entire governmental complex was bought off by Big Pharma. It didn't matter that more Americans were doomed to die. Then again, maybe it was all about money, and maybe it wasn't. Here we go again with the grassy knoll shit.

We didn't win the Powerball thing, so life goes on as usual in the hood. Somebody won a billion dollars in this week's drawing. There was a single winner in Los Angeles. I'm guessing that he or she will end up with $500 million or so after taxes, which is still a pretty hefty haul. I hope it doesn't turn their life to shit when the dust finally settles. We've all heard the horror stories. After all was said and done, they want their lives back the way it was before they won. That's not the way it works, unfortunately. You made a deal with the Devil, and the Devil will get his due come hell or high water. The odds of winning are so infinitesimal that you have to believe that someone somewhere has their hand on the scale. Be it the Devil or the baby Jesus, one never knows. I had plans for the money had I won, but I was certainly tempered in my expectations as one should be when rolling the dice. I never got to the point where I had to factor the brothers and sisters into the equation. I'm guessing they were equally circumspect about my potential cut had they won. Would there be a point in time, assuming that I won, when they thought that my charity on their behalf had perhaps come up short? Would I care? Anyway, I want nothing but good things for those lucky enough to win such a prize. Keep your feet on the ground and get the best attorney that money can buy.

I'm still on the intro part in getting up to speed on the song "Killing Me Softly with his song." I don't know if I'm just dumb as a bag of rocks or just plain stupid, but it seems to be taking me forever to learn how to play this song on my guitar. I'm in it to win it now, so there's no turning back. It's helpful, encouraging even, that I'm getting better and better at playing the parts of the song I've learned so far by practicing every day. I add a few notes at a time once I feel comfortable with where I am, and that's always a good feeling. You can teach an old dog new tricks. I'm living proof of it. It's what gets me out of bed every morning, and I think not a night goes by when I don't visualize the progress that I've made during that particular day. I think I like learning this song as well because it's an unmistakable tune. Unlike other songs I've taught myself, which are not always recognizable as the popular tunes that they are because of my poor playing, even the missus knows this one when she hears it. I'm still fairly inhibited when I play within earshot of the missus, so I tend to practice when she's not around. The fewer distractions, the better.

I was reading a few tweets this morning by a woman whose name I recognize, but I couldn't tell you who she is or what she does. Anyway, she was going on and on about the US sending troops to the Middle East. I've caught a bit about that here and there but never put two and two together. I've read stories about troop deployments to the Middle East and other stories about our country dispatching naval assets to the Straits of Hormuz to support and defend commercial shipping interests. I've just assumed that it was more bullshit from the feckless Biden Administration and the neocons who drive our foreign policy these days. You know, the same old clowns that pop up in every administration who never met a war they didn't like or want. The tweeter went on to say something about our troops taking over the oil fields in Iran, much the same as we've done in Syria. I don't know if she came right out and said that we were going to war with Iran, but she did say something about Biden needing a win after his embarrassing forays in and out of countries like Afghanistan and Ukraine. I think she said that Kissinger's recent trip to China was an effort to get China to stay on the sidelines if we invade Iran. I think Iran is part of the BRICS coalition so that includes both Iran and China. That's a lot to chew on.

Now that the Russians have deemed the Black Sea as theirs for the taking and everyone and anyone else is fair game in love and war, watch for the mining or outright destruction of seagoing vessels by Russian assets. I think they said that any and all vessels traveling in and out of the Black Sea, especially those within proximity of Ukraine, will be regarded as carriers of arms or other and will be considered hostile in nature. Does this remind anyone of the Gulf of Tonkin situation back in the sixties? It sounds like Russia is expanding its militaristic domination on the ground and the air to the high seas. So much for Ukraine's counter-offensive. Or, should I say NATO's counter-offensive? If NATO really had the upper hand here, you wouldn't see Russia doing what they're doing in the Black Sea. I know some of what they're doing in the Black Sea has to do with the grain deal that Russia nixed, but that may just be one more sleight of hand by Putin and his planners. What do I know? All I know is what I read, and we all know there's a lot of disinformation and misinformation out there these days about just about everything. Is this going to war with Iran thing meant to distract us from NATO's disastrous failure on the ground in Ukraine? Just thinking out loud here.

Mark Levin is kinda my go-to guy for everything legal. He says that Judge Canon should have never scheduled Trump's trial on the classified documents case for May of 2024. It's months ahead of the November Election, where Trump is likely to be the Republican Party's candidate. Levin says that there would be no harm in waiting until after the election, so why muddy things up by having it prior to the election? In fact, he goes on to say that it not only screws up Trump's chances at winning, knowing full well that if they convict him on even one of the 37 or so charges, that they will look to remove him from the ballot in some states, but it also imperils many downstream races in Congress which are vital to keeping Republicans in power in at least one of the two houses of Congress. I thought Canon was a Trump appointee. She is, of course, but she is not above being pressured to do all the wrong things by a venal media who will descend upon her like a pack of jackals until she relents. Trump faces a damn minefield of lawfare cases between now and Election Day in 2024. It will be a damn miracle if he comes out of this unscathed. If there is a God, make Trump president and let him pardon himself if that's even possible.

We finally got everything squared away with Mrs. G. She sold her car, and she will not be renewing her driver's license when it comes up for renewal. It's all good. She's happy with the decisions that she's made, and that's all that matters. Now, she wants a telephone with a bigger screen. Who doesn't? Months ago, we ramped up the magnification on the phone that she's had for the better part of two years now, and that's been working pretty well, aside from the fact that it looks wonky. Well, to me anyway. I have a sneaky suspicion that one of her buds with whom she dines here and there has a screen on her phone that is bigger and maybe more appealing to Mrs. G. That's fine. Where do we go from here? If you know anything about the various versions of the Apple iPhone, you know they did away with the home button when they introduced the iPhone X in 2017. Her iPhone still has a home button, so it was pre-iPhone X. Once the X came along, navigation was a whole new ball of wax. All I'm saying is that learning how to use a new iPhone could be a challenge. Can we find a suitable iPhone pre-X that will fill the bill? Maybe. Are there alternatives to the iPhone that might do the trick? Maybe. Let's find out what she really wants.

I think I solved the iPhone issue. I saw a used iPhone 8 Plus online, and I pulled the trigger. It has a 5.5-inch screen instead of her 4.7-inch screen. That's what we're talking about. It will be delivered this coming Thursday. We'll throw a little wrapping paper on it, and we'll give it to Mrs. G next Friday. I'm thinking bee's knees. I can't imagine she'll not be interested. Has one of her peeps been talking to her about one or more of the newer iPhones that come with a few more whistles and bells? God, I hope not. The missus agrees with me, so it's onwards and upwards. Meanwhile, Bumbles Biden and his corrupt administration are plowing ahead to regulate our water heaters now. They weren't satisfied with trying to put us all behind the wheel of an electric vehicle and to ditch our gas-guzzling cars in order to meet their radical climate change goals. Will someone please get on the fucking stick and throw these criminals out of office? What the hell are they waiting for?

Ho Lee Sheet

I need to make a list. I get an idea from time to time, and then I usually forget to follow up on that idea. I think I'm more productive when I have a list to work from. I try not to go grocery shopping without one, so I know lists work. I also know how I typically forget to get one or more items while shopping when I don't have a list. I think that's God's way of telling me to make a list. I get ideas while riding my bike from time to time that I try not to forget by the time I arrive back home. The fact that I have to try to remember the ideas tells you a lot about how likely it is that I won't remember them by the time I get home. In fact, the harder I try to remember something, the more likely it is that I won't remember it. All of that is also true when it comes to having subject matter for this here journal.


I bought a new microwave through Amazon the other day. It should arrive sometime today. I don't know how these big box, or brick-and-mortar stores, stay in business. I knew what kind of microwave I wanted, but I had zero interest in finding out which store locally carried that particular brand of microwave. Why bother when I can sit down at my computer and have the thing on my doorstep in two days' time? I save both gas and time, and I get 5% back on my purchase to boot when I make the purchase with an Amazon credit card. Amazon had the unit I wanted on sale, so the decision to pull the trigger was easy peasy. The unit has no particular bells and whistles that I was interested in, but it was a seemingly more reliable unit than the one we now have sitting on our counter, so into my Amazon cart it went. I never did warm up to our old microwave. It might have had something to do with the fact that you could not see the insides of the unit when you were making something.

I saw a story in the media the other day about a tranny winning a beauty contest. We're not talking about some local yokel beauty contest. It was the Miss Netherlands beauty contest. I thought to myself, you have got to be kidding. I mean, talk about dystopia. It's absolutely Bizzaro land. Give the guy credit for winning the contest, but what the hell does it say about our cultural state of affairs these days when this guy walks away with a trophy intended for a female recipient? I have to assume that the "Miss" in Miss Netherlands means they're wanting to crown a female at the end of the day and not a man who thinks he's a woman. Carry this out to the extreme for a moment. Just humor me. Will we ever get to the point in these so-called pageants where women simply need not apply? May the best tranny win? I can even do this without the homophobic overlay because that's how insane it is. My apologies to the women in the pageant because they deserve better. I don't know how they fight back, but they need to figure this one out and figure it out quickly. Do not let it become the norm. It will never be the norm. Not now, not ever.

Does this have anything to do with Prime Minister Mark Rutte from the Netherlands stepping down? I know squat about the Netherlands, and I'm not sure I could find it on a map if my life depended on it. That said, I've heard a lot about Dutch farmers recently and their battles against their government which allegedly wants to kill their cattle and take over their farms. I've heard that it has something to do with Climate Change and the threats to the environment caused by large herds of bovine. I've also heard stories about the government in the Netherlands wanting to evict farmers from their farms in order to provide housing, shelter, and accommodation for illegal aliens. We've all seen the photos of the processions of farm tractors blocking major highways in and out of major cities in the Netherlands. This is how farmers fight back. It's less about torches and pitchforks and more about John Deere farm machinery when it comes time to push back against these cults like globalism and the climate change nutters. Whatever it is, it seems to be working. Good riddance, mother fucker. I'm talking to you, Mark Rutte.

Am I the only one having difficulty following the pieces on the chessboard when it comes to threats, both international and national? Last week the US announced that we were sending Ukraine cluster bombs. Today, I'm reading that France is going to be sending long-distance missiles to Ukraine for use against Russia. I'm guessing that these missiles can reach Moscow in a matter of seconds and not minutes when launched from Ukraine. Sweden and Finland have now joined NATO, which, if I'm not mistaken, is what Putin has been trying to avoid from day one. His preference is to weaken or fragment NATO, not strengthen it. As of this morning, India is saying that they want no part of the plan that has the BRIC countries coming up with their own currency as a bulwark against the sanctions and strongarming of the West. This may put a dagger through the heart of countries like China and Russia, who had hoped to use their latest affiliation to fight back against the hegemony of the US and their allies. And last, but not least, you have Kim's sister in North Korea threatening the United States with retaliation of sorts should our airplanes invade their airspace. Oh, and I think Iran is days, not months, away from having enough fissile material to make a nuclear bomb. Israel, are you listening?

If I'm sitting in Israel watching all of this come to pass in Iran, and considering the fact that Biden has not invited Netanyahu to the White House as yet while inviting leftists like Lula from Brazil, I'd be more than a little concerned. You've got these leftist hacks from Biden's White House working behind the scenes with their counterparts in Iran to come up with a new version of the JCPOA. You know, the same JCPOA that Trump canceled when he was president because it was not in Israel's best interests. Biden and his stooges couldn't care less about what's in Israel's best interests. Reading between the lines and knowing that the people working on this JCPOA thing are not involving Congress in the machinations, I can only surmise that this does not bode well for Israel. Thankfully, Israel is perfectly fine with doing what they need to do to keep their country safe with or without the sanctioning of the United States. The challenge for Israel may be getting at these nuclear devices on Iran's soil, which are likely buried stories deep beneath Iran's deserts.

I suppose I'll have to go and see this movie everyone's talking about entitled "Sound of Freedom." When I first heard of this movie, I was disinclined to go see a movie dealing with the subject of child trafficking. Anything dealing with the sexualization and trafficking of children is just not the kind of stuff I want to think about, much less go to see in a local theater. There isn't much that gets my dander up, but child molestation is one of those subjects that comes pretty darn close. When I think about child molestation and sexual crimes against children I think about the fact that we have a president of the United States who, according to his own daughter who kept a journal detailing these events, took showers with her when she was 11-12 years of age. Then I think about the fact that this very same president, one Joseph Biden, who not only condones but encourages and enables the mass migration of children of all ages into our country with full knowledge of the sexual crimes they are forced to endure not only while en route north to our country, but just as likely or maybe more likely once they reach American soil. That makes Joe Biden one of the most prolific child traffickers in the history of our country.

Now that I'm hearing a little more about the film, I'm hearing that it is less about the graphic nature of child trafficking and maybe more about the story of the men and women who do what they can to stop it. That isn't to say that it isn't a hard film to watch, because I think it is, but maybe for very different reasons. I like one of the main actors in the film, Jim Cavizel, and have enjoyed seeing him in other productions like "The Passion of the Christ." All I'm saying is that there's a wicked buzz about this film. The fact that the Hollywood types wanted nothing to do with this film tells me everything I need to know about where their loyalties lie. Are there some uncomfortable truths about the fact that Hollywood doesn't want anyone to see this film? You bet your sweet ass there are. What does it tell you when the mainstream media comes out against this film with every fiber of its being? I'm guessing that the mainstream media has built a wall of silence around this subject for years dating back to the crimes of the catholic church in the fifties and, more recently, their herculean efforts to hide Epstein's alleged crimes against children from the media to protect the reputations of the people involved.

Speaking of Bumbles Biden, did you happen to catch any of the videos of him while he was at the so-called NATO summit? Who in their right mind thought it was a good idea to send him out in public in his demented state? I can't even count the number of stupid things that he's said about anything, much less what the attendees must be thinking with this demented clown in their midst. They must be holding their breath every time he is at the microphone. There wasn't one photo in all the photos taken of Bumbles where he didn't have his cue cards placed firmly in his lap for reference. I suspect that those cue cards contained instructions for him to follow, the words with which to express himself, and, last but not least, the names of the people he would be addressing. I heard one fellow on the radio this morning, who is convinced that Bumbles will not be the candidate in 2024, remark that John Kerry was one of many potential backbenchers who might step in at the last minute to save the party when Bumbles bows out. I'm not sure where that leaves the inimitable Kamala Harris, but I'm guessing nowhere good. Just so you know, John Kerry is not going to be the next president of the United States.

I thought I heard something yesterday about some poll or other that has Trump beating DeSantis in the Florida primary. I mean, talk about putting one more nail in the coffin of DeSantis's candidacy. I'm also hearing that the money crowd is starting to lose confidence in DeSantis's ability to wrestle this thing away from Trump. They are taking a closer look at people like Nikki Haley, much to the chagrin and likely horror of the DeSantis camp. Even FOX is throwing in the towel on DeSantis if what I'm hearing is true. I think Kamala Harris dropped out of the 2020 presidential sweepstakes when she was at 3% in the polls, and it started to look like Biden was going to beat her in her own state, California. I know it's unlikely that we'll see Ron step down, and I'm not sure I know what it's going to take to make that happen. If Trump is able to forestall any of the legal proceedings now underway until after the election, that may well be the final straw for Mr. Inevitable. He and his wife, Casey, can take their roadshow back to the state of Florida, where it will die a slow but certain death. I think they refer to that process as "suspending the race until further notice."

I feel like this week's journaling has been a bit of a slog. I've struggled more than usual with things to put down on paper every morning when I sit down to write. That has to be obvious for anyone taking note. I hate this expression, but I'll say it anyway: It is what it is. The same thing is happening with this new song I'm teaching myself to play on my guitar. It's taking me forever to learn despite having the instructions right at my fingertip. The intro part of the song I ended up learning is not note for note but rather an interpretation of my own which sounds similar, but it's not the same. I actually feel pretty good about working through the intro section of the song despite the fact I ended up somewhere else. I hear that time and time again from instructors on YouTube. It's okay to do your own thing. It's okay not to play a bar chord despite the fact that that is how the original artist plays it. There is more than one way to play any number of chords. It's all about the journey, and it's never about the destination. Right? I just keep putting one foot in front of the other until I get where I'm going.

I don't know about you, but I'm going to be avoiding lab-grown meat at all costs. Some government agency or other approved the sale of these products to the public, and they did not mandate that they needed to be labeled as such. All I could think of was how much somebody got paid to avoid the labeling of these products. Don't you think the public has a right to know that their sirloin steak or hamburger originated in a lab and not from farm-raised animals? What is this all about anyway? Does this have anything to do with Climate change and the impact on the environment from farting cows? I'm hearing that the only way to ensure that you're not buying lab-grown meat is to look for a "grass-fed" label or to make sure that you buy a bone-in steak. Everything else is suspect. How much do you want to bet that Bill Gates has his fingerprints all over this bullshit? I'm sorry, but it just reeks of something genetically engineered, and I'm hard-wired to reject anything and everything genetically engineered. Hell, I even avoid farm-raised fish if you want to know how far I'm willing to go to avoid anything and everything unnatural. Maybe my dad was right when he warned us back in the day about artificial preservatives like BHT.


I was reading a story in the news yesterday about a black man in Tennessee who shot his orthopedic surgeon to death. Can it get any more senseless than that? The doctor leaves behind a wife and two children. Is it me, or does something not sound right about this story? The black guy looked like a gang member in the picture that I saw of him and not a model citizen if you get my drift. We can't all be outstanding citizens of our community, so that's fine. I get it. Even gang members need medical care from time to time. I'm just trying to get my head around how a normal visit to your doctor goes to hell in a handbasket and ends up with a doctor dead on the floor and his patient from the hood running for his life with cops on his heels, and a weapon tucked into his waistband. I mean, why does anyone even bring a gun into a doctor's office? Was he planning to kill him all along? Is it something the surgeon said to the patient? And, I could understand it if the doctor was an oncologist, and he gave the guy a handful of days to get his affairs in order. None of that is true based on facts we know so far. Was the killer a mental defective of sorts? I'm just saying none of this makes any sense. Were they lovers? Was the doctor buying drugs from the killer? A drug deal gone wrong? I just don't know. Make it make sense.

Nothing to see here. Move along. I'm talking about this business of the Secret Service finding cocaine in the White House. Who could it possibly belong to? What kind of reprobate brings a baggie of cocaine into our beloved White House? I can only think of one person who could have done this. It's likely the same crackhead who left his laptop filled with child porn and receipts from his several overseas pay-to-play shakedowns in the computer store for service and then forgot about it. What are the chances that it belongs to Bumbles himself? He's looked a little jittery from time to time, so we can't count him out as a suspect. But, lo and behold, the vaunted Secret Service couldn't crack the case after a ten-day investigation. In one of the most secure locations in the world with cameras around every corner, they just couldn't figure it out. I guess we can now add one more agency to the number of agencies that have been corrupted by the Biden Crime Family and their protectorates, the Department of Justice. It's just one more crime scene for them to cover up. It's just one more act of complicity on the part of our Institutions that gets us closer and closer to that third-world banana republic everyone talks about.

Bumbles announced the call-up of a few thousand reserves to go to the European theater where war rages out of control in Ukraine. Don't we already have thousands of American troops in NATO countries surrounding Ukraine? Whose war is this, anyway? It sure as shit is not our war. It's not in our backyard. Let the Europeans shed the blood of their sons and daughters on Ukrainian soil if they honestly think that the shithole Ukraine is worth protecting. This boosting of troops is reminiscent of the buildup of troops in past wars, where it starts as a trickle, and the next thing you know, it looks more like a firehose than a trickle. Bumbles will get the war that he so desperately wants, and he may get another term out of the deal since no one unseats a Commander-in-Chief in the middle of a "righteous" war. If it means that the body bags start to roll into Delaware, then that is the price we Americans will have to pay to fight Biden's illegal war. He won't be the first president to ramp up overseas conflicts in order to ensure that he sees a second term in office. This is not, as they say, unchartered territory.

Quite honestly, I think they tried to pin this cocaine thing on Kamala Harris. Their stories kept changing about where they found the baggie. This angle makes sense to me. Bumbles and his minions would like nothing better than to replace Kamala Harris with someone else. That someone else would step in at the last minute just before their party announces their candidate for the 2024 presidential race. No one would be surprised to see Bumbles step out of the way despite his family's best efforts to keep him propped up for another four years. I can hear them now, "President Biden has decided to retire to his home in Rehobeth, Deleware, where he will concentrate on writing his memoirs." But what to do with our nation's first black Vice President? I'm not even sure that she qualifies as the first black Vice President. One of her parents was either Haitian or Jamaican, neither of which qualifies her as a black person in the truest sense of the word. Be that as it may, you have to admit that you never see her in a flattering video. She is always making a fool of herself one way or another, and that is by design. If they can't dislodge her from her political moorings, why not have her arrested for crimes committed by your own son (Hunter) and let the chips fall where they may? It's Bidenesque, if nothing.

In the last day or two, speaking of Kamala Harris, she gave a speech somewhere where she said something about reducing the world's population so that "folks can have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink." What the hell do they know that we don't? Is this more of that climate change hogwash where they try to make the case that our planet can't support the billions of people that, in time, will increase exponentially to the point of no return? Does this have anything to do with George Soros and his plan to resettle the planet based on the World Health Organization's version of sustainability? Ask the good folks of Britain and Sweden how all of that is working out for them. Or, if you've been paying attention lately, maybe you've noticed the riots night after night in the streets of Paris, where horrendous mobs of Middle Eastern men of fighting age have been overwhelming the constabulary with their mayhem. Maybe people just dismiss anything Harris says because she has a history of saying stupid things. This comment got plenty of play on social media, though, so there may be something to it.

Do you know what else has gotten a lot of play in the last day or two? How about that video of Bumbles Biden in Finland and that little girl that he nuzzled as she looked back at him in horror? Her mom was holding her in her arms, and Bumbles moved in like a pedo priest sizing up an altar boy, and the next thing you know, he's munching on her bare skin like a pervert. His jaws were gyrating against her skin in an all too familiar pattern. My mind immediately went back to the horrors that his 12-year-old daughter must have experienced when she was forced to take showers with her father back in the day. This little girl in Finland had nowhere to hide as her mother tried time and time again to get a better angle with her iPhone of the President of the United States fiddling with her daughter. Little did she know what this demented old man had on his mind as he sniffed and tore into the little girl with his lashing tongue and his eyes rolling back in his head like a viper devouring his young prey. Americans have become inured to this kind of behavior from this old fool, and it's barely even mentioned anymore when it occurs. You see him walking prepubescent children, one on each hand, into the White House from the Rose Garden, and you pray for the very souls of his young victims. They will never be the same.

I didn't watch all of Blaze's TV coverage of Tucker Carlson interviewing the Republican candidates for president yesterday, but I saw enough. I have to believe that, almost to a candidate, they probably wished that they hadn't gone into the lion's den with Tucker Carlson. Each of them, maybe with the exception of the Vivek guy, made comments that basically disqualify them as candidates for the leadership of their party. Pence was more concerned for the people of Ukraine than he was for the citizenry of our country, and Tucker outed him on the issue. He's toast. The black guy, I think it was Senator Scott, said something about the global world order being the end-all and be-all. Good night, Senator Scott. Your campaign is finished. Nikki Haley thought that if she talked non-stop that Tucker couldn't find an opening to expose her Achilles' high heel. Little did she realize that there is nothing worse than a woman prattling on and on about nothing that tells one and all that she's not really ready for primetime. She also thinks that women naturally start from a position of weakness, so she tries as she might, as we all know to be more hawkish than most of her male counterparts when it comes to issues concerning Ukraine and using our military in general. We get it, you're a tough broad. Now get to the back of the line.

Asa Hutchinson, one of many candidates who are already hanging on by a very thin thread, disqualified himself by expressing his support for gender-affirming care for children. I'll give him credit for being consistent, but the gender-affirming care thing is the modern-day version of child mutilation, and it's a non-starter for any Republican candidate running for president. I know Trump was not in attendance for the interviews, and I didn't hear anything about interviews for either Christie or DeSantis. Trump said something in the last twenty-four hours about being circumspect about his Christopher Wray hire, know what we all know today about Wray being the ultimate deep-state hack for the Biden Administration that he is and has been, but when on to mention that Wray had been recommended by Chris Christie. Keep in mind that the only reason Christie is in the race is to take down Trump. He'll never admit that, but it's obvious to anyone not wearing blinders. I guess we'll have to wait for the post-interview polls to come rolling in to see what damage, if any, was laid at the feet of the people interviewed by Tucker. Who else haven't I mentioned?

Do you know what I'm not understanding? I don't get this latest move by the Pentagon to dispatch F-16s to the Gulf of Oman to protect oil tankers from being hijacked by Iranians in speedboats. How does that even work? What are they going to do? Drop ordinances on the rubber rafts manned by the Iranians? Are they going to strafe the boats as they get closer and closer to the tankers? How does that happen exactly? I think it doesn't because F16s fly at a speed of Mach 2 and carry bombs and missiles, not machine guns. Blackhawk helicopters would be better suited to the task, in my humble opinion. Besides, I thought we were using destroyers to keep watch on tankers as they transit the Gulf. Have we decided that the destroyers are needed elsewhere for reasons that have yet to be revealed to the American Public? Is this just another ruse by Bumbles and his fools in the military brass to move fighter jets into Ukraine without admitting that they are moving F16s into Ukraine? No matter what we're being told about who is training Ukrainians when and where on F16s, and no one is admitting it, you know none of what they're telling us is true. In fact, we're being gaslit daily. They're going to lie us right into World War III.

Holy cow! They finally nailed the serial murderer on Long Island, NY, who was killing sex workers and dropping their bodies off along a remote stretch of highway in that sleepy seaside town in and around 2010. I told the missus that he didn't seem to fit the stereotypical serial murderer, and she was quick to remind me of several instances where certain serial murderers turned out to be physicians, lawyers, etc. I don't know what I was expecting, quite frankly. I also want to make sure that I don't jump to any conclusions about his guilt or innocence. You are assumed innocent until you are convicted by a jury of your peers in this country. Did I mention that this alleged killer owned his own architectural firm? So, he wasn't a total schlep. Can you imagine how his wife and children feel today? Their lives are now total shite, thanks to him. What the fuck was he thinking? We also don't know yet how many of the bodies found dumped along that stretch of highway were dumped there by him. There is such a thing as copycat killers, just so you know.

Apparently, they used the most sophisticated tools available these days to find this guy. They say that they had him in their sites for the better part of a year before they pulled the trigger. I think the only reason they picked him up probably had something to do with the fact that they didn't want to take the chance that he would kill another sex worker while they had a tail on him. There were DNA and cell tower triangulations utilized and all of which only strengthened their case against him. Of course, now that they finally pinched him, we're seeing the usual array of neighbors who are coming forward with example after example where they thought the guy was, well, weird. We're hearing comments from his neighbors like, "he usually kept to himself," to imply somehow that he was a serial murderer in the making. I keep to myself, but that doesn't make me a serial murderer. I think the guy is sixty-four years old or so. I'm also thinking that a sixty-year-old man doesn't wake up one morning and decide that he is going to start killing prostitutes. How many more victims are there? It really is a shame that NY doesn't have capital punishment. If anyone deserves the chair, this guy does. Well, once he's found guilty, anyway.

Perilous Times

We're off and running on a new week here in journal-land. Welcome one, welcome all. I have no particular bones to pick with anyone or anything as I sit here wondering how I'm going to get through a few paragraphs just this morning if I have nothing to say. A little sunshine would be nice today after a day yesterday of seemingly relentless torrential rain. That might be too much to hope for. The missus and I talked about taking Mrs. G for a ride today, so that will give us an activity should it come to pass. Is there any question as to whether or not Mrs. G might like to get out to a local farmstand or maybe to her favorite take-out haunt, Kentucky Fried Chicken? In my humble opinion, no. We've not asked her yet, but I suspect she'll be in with both feet when we pose the question. Will you be having the three-piece meal or the four-piece meal today, Mrs. G?

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So, our Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, will be paying a visit to China in the coming days. I thought we were in a cold war of sorts with the Communist Chinese Party. I know they invited Biden's Secretary of State, Blinken, for a visit last month, and they demonstrated their disdain for the fool, and America by extension, by showing him in unflattering poses standing at Xi's side. That prompted Biden to refer to Xi as a dictator after Blinken was safely back on American soil. I think Xi and his comrades are still waiting for Biden's apology for having given the order to shoot down their spy balloon. Biden and compliant media issued no such apology, but rather they subsequently put out any number of false and misleading articles about how the spy balloon failed to vacuum up data and transmit it back to Beijing. It gets worse. Another spy balloon was seen last week over Wyoming or Montanna, and Biden's praetorian guard, the media, issued a full-throated denial that it was a Chinese spy balloon. They were, no doubt, lying through their teeth at the behest of Biden and his fellow Leftists.

Make no mistake about it, Biden is a fully owned asset of the Chinese Communist Party. China was on to Biden and his appetite for wealth and power well before he was installed as President of the United States, and they invested heavily and often in Joe Biden and his extended family accordingly. Even today, Biden is turning over countries in South America to the Chinese after supporting, funding, and ensuring the rise of socialism and socialist dictators like Lula in Brazil. Daniel Greenfield wrote just such an article in today. It is a continuation of Obama's policies which only gives credence to the suspicions that people have had all along, which is to say, knowing what we know about Biden's late-stage dementia, who is really in charge in our beloved White House? Xi's conditions for resuming normal relations with the United States include the lifting of tariffs on Chinese goods. This may well explain Yellen's visit to mainland China. Everything else you see and hear is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

It really is incredible when you think about it. We have a President who is selling out our country to a foreign adversary for a few pieces of gold, relatively speaking. It goes on day in and day out, and nobody can stop it. Our very infrastructure and institutions support and enforce the crimes of a derelict and compromised President and his criminal family members. Republican committees in Congress have unveiled an extensive patchwork of LLCs that the Bidens have used to launder monies from shakedowns of regimes across the globe, yet all we ever hear from anyone in the media is that there is no evidence that the Big Guy (Joe Biden) is involved in any of it. If I'm not mistaken, at last count, they accounted for some forty to fifty million dollars going into Biden's coffers from America's adversaries across the globe. Trump was impeached for a perfectly good phone call, yet the Republicans have yet to launch a formal inquiry into Biden's alleged criminal deeds. Can they not find a single example of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors?

Have we heard anything about anything when it comes to China setting up a military installation in Cuba? We have not. Biden knows that Cuba is just 90 miles off Florida's shores. Right? It's frightening when you think about the kinds of things China can launch from Cuba and just how quickly said launch or launches could reach American soil. Has the military brass informed Biden of China's arsenal of hypersonic missiles? You know, the missiles that can reach the United States in seconds, not minutes, not hours. Nobody ever talks about the accuracy of these types of weapons. I presume we have no defense against such weaponry. God forbid they scare the bejesus out of the American people by sharing what they know about the absolute power and destruction that these weapons can rain down on human populations. I suspect that's not something that Washington wants the people in America, from the corn fields in Iowa to the steel production facilities in Northern Maine, to know or worry about. I'm just thinking out loud here.

Is anyone worried about countries like Russia and China forging compacts with countries like Iran? I thought Iran was a lone bad actor on the world stage. Apparently, they're now buds with fellow bad actors. So much for the leadership of one Joseph Biden on the world stage. I saw some headlines this morning about Iran battleships being fitted with hypersonic missiles. Now, why would Iran need hypersonic missiles? Israel, are you listening? How is that Iron Dome working out for you? Can it defend against hypersonic missiles? All I'm saying is that we see a lot of things going on in the world that pose an existential threat to countries like the United States and Israel. What do we hear from Washington, DC? It's crickets. It's like we're watching things go from bad to worse, and nobody's doing anything about anything. That Douglas McGregor guy says that he doesn't think we'll have elections here in the United States in 2024. Talk about foreboding. What that suggests to me is that Biden will declare martial law and, like that clown in Ukraine, he'll jail his political opponents, and he'll cancel elections to prevent his own ouster at the hands of an outraged citizenry.

I'm still not convinced that having the collective West sending every last one of their military assets to that grifter, Zelensky, isn't part of a larger plan to deplete weapon stockpiles in order to weaken our countries against bad actors who would like nothing more than to send the lot of us to the dustbin of history. Is that why we and our NATO allies, what's left of them, are so hesitant to send our best jet fighters to the shithole in Ukraine? We're going to need them to defend ourselves should it comes to that in the end. Besides, how many Leopard tanks that countries have sent to Ukraine are still operating on Ukrainian soil?

The fact of the matter is Putin has targeted them and destroyed many of them before they ever saw any action on the battlefield. Some of that is guesswork on my part, and some of right out of rags like the Daily Mail. Who doesn't think that Russia has the wherewithal to ferret out these Leopard tanks and destroy them in one or more fell swoops? If it's true what they tell us about satellites being able to read license plates from outer space, then you have to guess that Russia has the technology and the weaponry to get the job done. Zelensky knows they have that capability, so what's that all about?

What the hell! Someone in the White House called in the hazmat teams when they discovered a bag of white powder on the premises. I'm not sure when they determined that the bag of white powder was cocaine, but that's what we're hearing at the moment. Did I mention that Biden's son Hunter, the crackhead, has been living at the White House
as late? One might jump to the conclusion that the cocaine belongs to Hunter, but that may not be true. Based on what we've seen of Hunter's dad, Bumbles, lately, with all of his yelling and whispering and looking hyper and lost at the same time, the cocaine could belong to him.

How about this? Dr. Jill is getting tired of Hunter muddying up her husband's prospects for a second term, and she's not about to let some crackhead like Hunter mess that up. So, you drop a dime on our husband's son and let the chips fall where they may. Maybe we have a mole in the White House, one of those long-term civil servants who stay on after Administrations come and go. They have the utmost respect for everything the White House represents, and they will not suffer the likes of the trailer trash and the debauchery that the Bidens have brought to the doorstep of their beloved White House. It's high time someone called 9-1-1.

It will be interesting to see how Biden's praetorian guard, the media, tries to hide this under the rug. You should also know that if they're talking about cocaine in the White House, they have precious little time to talk about the criminal activity of the Bidens. The White House would like nothing more than to change the subject after the WhatsApp message written by Hunter surfaced last week where he was shaking down his contacts in China for a $5 million dollar payout, which, to no one's surprise, showed up in Hunter's bank account a week later. We're coming off a 4-day holiday weekend, and the White House needed something to change up the conversation. You might even say that they were desperate to change the conversation.

Is this the sleaziest bunch of losers we've ever had in the White House, or what? We're also coming off a weekend of activities for Bumbles where, once again, he has shown the world just how cognitively challenged he really is. He was seen on stage speaking in what sounded like "tongues" and wandering aimlessly as he is prone to do these days. Kamala Harris has to be wondering each and every day these days if today isn't the day. The day Bumbles leaves the stage for good, and she becomes the first "black" female president. And, like every other day when that happens, she has to be thinking to herself, what the hell is it going to take to get this guy to step down? There is not one Democrat calling for the activation of the 25th Amendment to remove Joe Biden from office. That's not exactly an endorsement of Kamala Harris. They're all in for Bumbles and another four years in the White House. This is the hill they've decided they want to die on. It will be fitting if Trump is the guy who buries them in 2024.

The missus and I will be taking a ride down to Massachusetts today for her doctor's appointment. I was thinking I wouldn't go with her but thought better of it when I remembered just how miserable that drive is. Will it be any better now that we're halfway through the week that was, and still is, I suppose, a vacation week for a lot of people? The fourth fell on a Tuesday this year, so a lot of people just take the whole week off. We'll see if it makes any difference in the amount of traffic on the roads. I should be careful what I ask for. More traffic can make for a more modulated flow of traffic, and that's not a bad thing. I'd rather be going at a steady clip of 40-50 mph instead of a breakneck 65-75 mph, given my druthers. I also don't make that drive very often anymore, so getting reacclimated in real-time can be a challenge. The last thing anybody making that drive every day wants is a fellow driver who can't go with the flow. That's how people get in accidents. That's how people die.

Y'all know that Mark Levin guy? He's the talk show guy who is an uber-conservative and who has a show of his own on FOX and also appears occasionally on the Sean Hannity show. He's quite a historian in his own right, and his radio shows can be quite interesting if you're into that sort of thing. If you miss a show or two, you can always catch up by taking in one of his podcasts. Anyway, he's been whining a bit as of late because his new book is not getting the kind of attention that he thinks it deserves. He says quite often that his wife tells him that it's his best book yet. Of course, she does, you damn fool. What is she supposed to say? I don't know how much of what he's now saying about Target not carrying his book because it's too polarizing and is manufactured in order to sell more books, but it all seems just a little too contrived for my tastes. He says that Target has informed him that they will carry his book online but not in their stores. It's a little rich when you consider the fact that Target, with all their woke shit, is about as polarizing as you can get. I wish Mark luck, but his incessant whining makes me less inclined to buy his book than not. Maybe I'll reconsider when it hits the discount rack.

I keep thinking about Trump's rally in that small town in South Carolina a week or so ago. Crowd estimates ranged anywhere between 50,000-75,000 people. It was a barn burner of a rally. South Carolina is also an early primary state, so this rally tells us a little bit about which way the good people in South Carolina will be voting come Primary Day. It also says a lot about who may or may not be voting for the two other candidates from South Carolina, Nikki Haley and Tim Scott. Neither Haley of Scott could muster a crowd a quarter the size of Trump's crowd, so the Trump rally was tantamount to a political shot across both their bows. Both are viable vice presidential candidates, so there's that. I have to imagine that the sight of that crowd also set the DeSantis people back on their heels. They're still banking on Trump being in jail by the time the first vote is cast, so we'll see how that works out for them. If the DeSantis people are looking to the chump, Fanny Willis, in Georgia to save their asses by issuing her long-promised indictment against Trump, they'll need to be careful what they wish for. Thus far, indictments have increased Trump's appeal, not the other way around.

I'm thinking that I'd better get out on the road for my bike ride early today before the traffic picks up and things get congested. I'm not sure what we're expecting for the weather today, but the sun is out at the moment, so I'll assume it's going to be another hot one. Hopefully not as hot as yesterday, but we'll see. What I don't want to do is to ride in the middle of the day when things are really smoking, both in terms of traffic and when and where UV rays are concerned. I put the lotion on, but you know it's never enough. They say that skin cancer is on the rise this year. I don't know if that's coming from the Climate Change crowd or the folks trying to sell their sunblock products. Either way, it pays to be careful out there, especially when you have some control over how much exposure you get on any given day. I'm all in when it comes to wearing long sleeve shirts and visors to keep the sun off my face. I worry a little less about the exposure of my lower body, but I rarely miss a chance to spray on a bit of Trader Joe's suntan lotion just for shits and giggles.


I was having a chat with my brother from another mother the other day about Medicare stuff. He said something about sitting down with one of those people who volunteer to help folks get up and running when they first go on Medicare. I think he walked away more confused than when he first walked in. Just so you know, that's perfectly normal. It all needs to be sorted, and everyone does that in their own way. You can buy books, or you can look on the internet, where there is a virtual smorgasbord of material to digest. You kind of have to pick and choose what you think applies to you, and, in most cases, you think wrong. I think the Medicare folks have done a great job with their website, so that's where I would go were I looking to get up to speed on the signup process.

There are drug plans to consider, and then there are supplement plans you'll want to look at to cover the 20% or so not covered by Medicare's Plan B. The rules are generally pretty standard, but some rules can be state-specific. In other words, some states give you more or less flexibility when it comes to changing your individual plans. You never see much paper from Medicare once you're up and running unless you've not met your deductibles, so that's a good thing. That assumes, of course, that you're paying your Plan B and Plan D premiums online. If you collect social security, I think the plan B premiums come out of your monthly SS payment. There's lots to learn, so I think my bro is off to a good start.

Am I really running so low on material that I have to write something about Medicare? Maybe I'm better off not writing anything at all. Nobody gives a flying shite about Medicare. Well, almost nobody. I saw a story yesterday about the United States sending cluster bombs to the Ukrainians for use against the Russians. The Russians responded accordingly, accusing the United States of escalating the conflict or something along those lines. I'm paraphrasing, of course. Is this one of those deals with the frog in the hot water? The next thing you know, we'll be in a hot war with Russia, and we'll wonder how the hell it came to that. Don't think for a moment that Bumbles Biden wouldn't declare war on Russia if he thought it would cement another four years in the White House for him, Dr. Jill, and Hunter the Bagman/Crackhead. And don't think for a minute that Russia will be alone in its battle against NATO and the United States. These newly formed alliances with Russia, China, etc., will ensure that we go into a full-blown World War Three in short order.

I say let the Europeans fight their own battles when it comes to defending Ukraine. The United States has no strategic interests in the border skirmish between Russia and Ukraine. Unfortunately, the Military Industrial Complex in the United States is of a very different opinion on the matter. They've never met a war that they didn't like, and there's a boatload of money to be made. Everybody profits, and that's the end of the discussion. Why our politicians don't push back is another story. It probably has something to do with the decades of our government's demonization of Russia, and nobody dares to stand up and say enough is enough without sounding like a patsy for the Russians. That's a one-way ticket out of political office. You may recall how Trump was vilified mercilessly in the media when he said something about it being better to work with our "enemies" than to be at odds with them constantly. The media is, of course, the praetorian guard of our Intelligence agencies, so they do what they're told. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will probably tell you that his uncle Jack was killed by the CIA because of his anti-war stance. See where I'm going with this?

File this under "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The Federal Judge in Louisianna came down hard on the Biden Administration when they ruled that the Biden Administration can't work with Social Media to suppress free speech. There were plenty of examples in the case where Biden and his minions had Social Media sites take down postings that they didn't like or that they thought offered an alternative view to narratives that they were trying to impress upon the American public. Some posters on the sites were shadowbanned or taken down indefinitely after posting something that the Biden Administration didn't like. Sites like Twitter, prior to Musk purchasing the site, were often willing participants in the blackballing of conservative posters and often worked hand in hand with Biden's Intelligence Agencies to do their bidding. All it ever took was a quick e-mail, a phone call, or a text, and it was "mission accomplished." Here's the kicker: The Biden Administration is appealing the decision. So, they want to continue to suppress free speech? Do they want to continue to have social media sites help them steal elections? The quick and dirty answer is a resounding "yes."

Now there's a bit of a kerfuffle over the United States giving Ukraine cluster bombs when 50 countries across the globe have signed off on not using them for a number of mostly humanitarian-related reasons. I heard some commentary about "dud" rates being an issue and that the bombs we're giving Ukraine have a very low dud rate. Apparently, if any number of the individual bombs contained within a cluster bomb fails to explode on contact, they can explode at any time in the future. This has real-life consequences for populations well after the war is over. I've heard others say that Russia is using cluster bombs against the Ukrainians so that gives others like the United States moral cover for doing the same for Ukraine. Bumbles Biden was asked in the last day or two about the delivery of these bombs to Ukraine, and he responded by saying something about Ukraine running out of ammunition. What the hell is he even talking about? Did he really just admit to the Russians that the West's weapons stockpiles have been largely depleted? That has to be highly classified information. What am I missing?

I guess if the objective is to kill as many Russians as possible in order to drive them out of your country, why wouldn't you do what you could, including using cluster bombs, to achieve that objective? You would think Ukrainians fighting on the front lines would be pleased as punch to get more bang for their buck, so to speak. If you can use half the ammunition and kill twice or more the number of Russians shooting at you, why wouldn't you do that? Maybe this has more to do with how the generals wage their wars, and it has less to do with what grunts in the foxholes think about the weaponry they're using to kill the enemy. It wasn't that long ago when Bumbles Biden tagged Putin as a war criminal for doing something so heinous that he deserved to be judged not by the world's leaders but rather by the justices sitting in The Hague. Maybe Putin targeted civilian populations, I can't remember exactly. You need to steer clear of schoolchildren and nuns when you give orders to your troops. Anyway, I don't hear anyone calling Bumbles a war criminal, so clearly, there's a double standard in play here. Don't think for a minute that civilian populations in Ukraine are not at risk both in real-time and longer-term when these weapons are being deployed on Ukrainian soil.

The missus and I are watching a series on the telly entitled "Silo." It's an Apple production, so draw your own conclusions. We're five episodes into the ten-episode series, and I just don't know if we're going to make it through the rest of the episodes. It is so slow-moving that it feels like we're watching paint dry sometimes. It's just interesting enough that we tune in to see what's going to happen next, but then we stop watching after about 15 to 20 minutes. You hate to stop in the middle of something, but I think we're about to make an exception in the case of this show. It also feels like a weird thing to complain about. Were it a book, I might turn to the last page or two just to see how things turn out, and then I'd be done. I almost don't care what happens next to the characters that we've come to know and like or dislike, and there are plenty of both. I've had similar experiences with other Apple shows, and I'm thinking it's an Apple thing. I've also watched some Apple shows where I can't wait for season two to come around. This is not one of those shows. I'm probably a little less reluctant than the missus to scuttle the flick, but I'm on board if she comes to me this morning proposing that we move on. Okay, little darlings, whatever you say.

I just finished up a book about the Golden State Killer and how genealogy helped to find this elusive killer decades after his last victim died. He just stopped cold turkey back in the eighties. The DNA thing is just so cool when you think of it. The building of family trees based on genetics and the samples left behind by criminals is giving law enforcement a new set of tools to bring these animals to justice. Just as capital punishment on the books doesn't stop people from killing people, it's doubtful that knowledge about DNA will stop a pervert from carrying out this or that sick fantasy. I've read other accounts where killers deposit the bodies of their victims in a body of water to cleanse any and all residue of their crimes, so it's probably not a non-issue for killers with a plan to address such matters. Like everything else, DNA degrades over time. One scientist in the book was actually able to obtain DNA from a hair follicle without the associated roots. When you think about the number of things that we as humans shed in the course of any given day, you'd think that it would be easy pickings for the DNA police, yet this is an ever-evolving science with many pitfalls, some more obvious than others. If we can find these sickos before they die a natural death, there is a chance we can give the victims and their families the justice they deserve.

Did you see those pictures of Treasury Secretary Yellen bowing like a dog to one of Xi's compatriots on her recent trip to China? This comes on the heels of Tony Blinken's visit to China, where they showed him standing on a stage shaking hands with Xi, and Blinken looked completely subservient. China has no respect for these clowns being dispatched from Biden's White House, and that's abundantly clear from the photos they share with the world's media. Does anyone even know what these clowns are over there trying to accomplish? On one hand, you have Bumbles Biden warning Xi to "be careful" regarding China's role in the Ukraine war implying, for better or worse, that the United States has some control over China's economic well-being. On the other hand, you have Yellen kowtowing to her hosts in China and assuring them that the "world is big enough for both the US and China to thrive." Well, which is it, Madam Secretary? Is this what power-sharing looks like?

The woman that I follow on Twitter, who is in Taiwan with her husband for a two-year stint, is now warning about an imminent invasion of that island by China. She says that she's not leaving until she gets the order from our State Department to evacuate. I suggested to her that that order may not be forthcoming. Perhaps she is unaware of the protracted and deadly ordeal of the Americans left behind when Bumbles decided to withdraw from Afghanistan. It was not one of America's finest moments. One might say that Russia looked at the Afghan fiasco born of the Bumbles Administration and rightly concluded that they could do what they damn well pleased and not be any worse off for it. If any of what we're hearing daily in the American press about Bumble's being compromised by the Chinese thanks to China's having invested heavily in Biden and members of his extended family, then I have to believe that Taiwan is nothing more than low-hanging fruit for Xi and his generals. Americans on the island will no doubt become pawns in a global power play between Washington and Beijing. It will be the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis all over again. My advice would be to get out while you can. The sooner, the better.

I wonder if what they say about the sophisticated chips produced in Taiwanese factories is correct. That is to say, should the flow of chips be interrupted, we in the West would be in deep shit. Should the Chinese throw up a naval blockade around Taiwan and prevent the flow of goods from the island, they say that it would be Good Night Irene for us in the United States. Production lines on everything from cars to microwaves would literally stand still without the chips needed for final assembly. How did we as a country ever allow this to happen? It's not like we don't have the know-how and the finances to achieve independence when it comes to manufacturing chips and a thousand other things that are produced outside of the United States. Anyway, they've got us by the balls if they want to bring us to our knees. Imagine the concessions they could extract from our weak-kneed politicians. Did we learn nothing during the Covid nonsense when, to everyone's amazement and consternation, we discovered that most of our pharmaceuticals are made in China? Who's laughing now?

Decisions Decisions

I don't have much of a sense as to how this week is going to unfold so I'll take it one day at a time. There's nothing in particular that I have in mind to follow other than maybe the ongoing power struggle in Russia. Not that I care much about what happens in Russia, but it would be interesting to see if Putin gets the boot. I'm not buying any of the bullshit in the main street media about this Wagner Group guy and his alleged overthrow of Putin's regime. It's all wishful thinking on the part of the lunatic left. They fail to realize that there is a millennia-long legacy of strongmen leading Russia, and they should be careful about what they wish for. The big question with the Russians is and will always be, who will be in charge of Russia's nuclear weapons stockpile after the dust settles? Oh, and what plans does the new strongman, assuming there is a new strongman, have on the drawing board to use them to advance Russia's interests?


The Ev man came over for a little cookout yesterday afternoon. We threw a couple of chicken breasts on the grill and made grilled chicken sandwiches when all was said and done. He prefers his chicken sandwiches with lettuce, tomato, and onion. I think I sliced his onion a little too thick, truth be told. A little ketchup here, a few pickles there, a smidgeon of mayonnaise, and it all came together pretty nicely, in my opinion. The Ev man took the leftover chicken, rolls, lettuce, and tomato home for a late-night snack. I had him tend the grill at one point. He's not had much experience with grills, so it was funny to see how tentative he was when it came to turning over the chicken, etc. That needs to change. We committed as a family to sit down to a grilled meal at least once a week for the duration of the summer months. Why not? Right?

I'm pleased to report that our new air conditioner is working like a charm. As temperatures edged into the eighties and with humidity approaching 100% yesterday afternoon, I put the air conditioner on auto and let it run. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it cooled off the house as well, if not better than the air conditioning unit that it replaced. I think the jury was out until we had a good hot day to test the unit. I was a little concerned that the new standards the government has in place to minimize this and that as it pertains to the manufacturing of devices that consume energy, like our new air conditioner, would somehow lessen the performance of the very same device. It's a bit of a relief, actually, since I have no plan B. I suppose I could put the old unit back in the window, but I'm hard-pressed to even consider that option. I think we had a "Mikey likes it" moment here in the household when the missus gave me a thumbs-up when I asked if she was ok with the performance of our new air conditioner. As they say in the business, we are now "good to go."

I'm not sure who put him up to it, but I think it wasn't a bad idea. There were pictures of a buff Robert F Kennedy Jr in any number of newspapers and online yesterday where he was lifting weights and maybe doing a few push-ups while shirtless. Make no mistake about it, the guy appears to be in great shape for someone his age. If Biden has any ideas about taking this guy out behind the gym, he may want to think twice. Anyway, the visuals were about drawing a physical contrast between Kennedy and Biden, and it couldn't have been more stark. Who is better prepared to stand up to our country's challenges in the next four years? I mean physically and mentally prepared to meet those challenges. Who has the requisite musculature and mental acuity to do the job? Kennedy has already proven that he can speak in complete sentences without the need for cue cards. Now, thanks to the visuals provided by his campaign yesterday, we know he's got the so-called buff-ness required. It was interesting.

Did y'all see those videos online yesterday of the Pride parades in various cities around the country? It was the sickest shit I've ever seen. You had bare-assed males and females strutting their stuff to adoring crowds along the parade route. The men were actually nude from head to toe, and their junk was on display for all to see, including children of all ages. I thought we had laws in this country of ours against this sort of thing. I don't give a flying fuck about what consenting adults do in their own time. I care about our children's impressionable minds and what they may or may not get exposed to during their everyday lives. I don't want them getting exposed to porn in their school libraries, and I sure as shit don't want them sharing showers and restrooms with members of the opposite sex. There's a particular perversion and rot in our culture brought to our towns and cities by the Democrat Party that needs to be excised root and branch. It was on display in all of its putrid luridity yesterday in cities like Seattle, Boston, and New York City. God help us, and God help our children.

I don't know who the FBI agents think they were fooling. There was a video on the internet yesterday of a small group of masked men holding up nazi flags in front of an abortion clinic somewhere in Georgia. Who does that? Right? The next thing I know, I'm seeing a video of a group of seemingly well-intentioned men chasing these masked people down the street. They're pushing and shoving them and, in some cases, trying and actually unmasking some of these masked fools. I think the idea was to expose them as FBI agents, assuming that's what they were dealing with. The good news is that they did expose some of them as FBI agents. Of course, we knew that all along. Our Justice Department has been turned into a weapon of the radical left. Just don't put it past them to perpetuate any and all myths about the battle against White Supremacists and Nazis who, according to Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, are an existential threat to our society. Of course, we wouldn't know they exist were it not for FBI agents masquerading as white supremacists and a compliant media more than willing to televise their Kabuki theater. The ends always justify the means.

I keep thinking that if it had been Don Trump Jr shaking down the Chinese for $10 million instead of Hunter Biden, it would be a shitstorm in the media day in and day out. Instead, it's mostly crickets in the mainstream media. I'm beginning to think that the Bidens will get taken out sooner or later by the sheer volume of criminality and corruption going back a number of years. Day in and day out, we hear yet more stories, more WhatsApp texts, more this and that about the extortion plots and pay-for-play arrangements that the Bidens have been involved in with countries across the globe. That 10% for the big guy stuff seems to be the veritable tip of the iceberg when it comes to the level of corruption we are now learning about the Bidens. I think about the fact that if Hunter's laptop had been properly vetted during the 2020 election, polls show that Biden would have given up 7-8% of his support to Trump in the election. That was just the laptop. At what point is Biden so damaged politically now that he would lose to almost anyone running on the Republican ticket?

Knowing that taking down Trump would not pave the way for a Biden win raises any number of good questions. Do they even need to waste time and energy on Trump anymore? I mean, why bother if anyone can beat Biden? It only makes sense if the Democrats have another candidate in mind to replace Biden. But who? Elections aside, and speaking as an American here, I want to see the Bidens brought to Justice. I want to see the corruption and rot of our Justice Department ferreted out and torn root and branch from every last nook and cranny that they can find. This globalist bullshit our country has been courting has got to be brought to heel, and the likes of John Kerry brought before the Court in The Hague for crimes against humanity. These legions of sick perverted fucks that have been exposing themselves to our unsuspecting children in libraries and drag shows across our fruited plains need their own form of comeuppance, whatever that looks like. What would Jesus do? What would he do and say to a father who showers with his prepubescent daughter? Hell hath no fury like (you finish the sentence.)

I want to be careful about going down too many rabbit holes when it comes to teaching myself to play the guitar, but I think I owe it to myself to see if I can't learn to sight-read music. Otherwise, I think I'll find myself in a constant monkey-see-monkey-do type of thing. I guess I feel good about learning new songs and adding them to my oh-so-limited repertoire but to what end? I bought a thumb pick the other day because I'm wanting to learn and do something new with my instrument. Any fool can learn how to strum a few chords, but it takes more of an effort to fingerpick a tune or two. There is this Emanual guy on YouTube that has a few lessons out there for flat pickers or whatever you call guitar players who pick out songs rather than strum them to death like a John Denver. I'll never be that guy sitting around the campfire with a guitar over my shoulder, strumming out tunes from the Eagles and James Taylor. I'd rather stick myself in the eye with a hot poker. The funny thing is, I wish I could play music written by James Taylor. He's more of a classical finger picker than most people know. He was probably a bad example of what not to learn to play.

I watched Robert F Kennedy Jr's first nationally televised town hall last night. It was on News Nation, and Kennedy was interviewed by Elizabeth Vargas. God, she was a gasbag. I hate it when the interviewer becomes the story. She was a shill for the Biden Administration, judging by the number of times she interrupted him and disputed comments that he made on everything from vaccines to gun violence. I couldn't believe that Chris Cuomo brought her back on his show after the debate, where she continued to talk smack about Kennedy's performance. Did she ask one question about the criminal activity coming out of the White House and the Biden Crime Family? She did not. She was nearly apoplectic when Kennedy declined to say whether or not he would support the eventual nominee in the Democrat Party. I thought Kennedy was a lot like Trump in that he has a lot of appeal as an anti-establishment candidate. A populist even. Both he and Trump want to throw the lying elites out of office and restore honesty and integrity to the halls of government and the presidency. I like the guy, so I may change my party affiliation here in my state to vote for him in the primary against Bumbles.

I guess the last thing I would say about the Kennedy thing is that I wish they had interviewed more people who watched the event after the fact. Isn't that the idea behind these kinds of things? You have focus groups when all is said and done to gauge the impact of the candidate's performance. What grade did they give him? Would they consider voting for him based on what they saw and heard throughout the evening? They literally invited Democrats and independents to sit in the audience in multiple locations across our fruited plains, so why wouldn't you follow up with them? You might not if the candidate had a miserable time of it, but that was not the case. Kennedy acquitted himself as a thoughtful, intelligent, and serious person who thought that, as president, he would offer a viable alternative to the wobbly and imprecise candidacy of the current incumbent. Maybe News Nation got the word from on high, whoever the hell that is, that they could feel free to interview Kennedy, but they should do nothing that would effectively advance his candidacy. That would include, as you might imagine, showing glowing accounts from the people who watched the interview and who would now crawl over broken glass to cast their vote for Kennedy. That would simply be a bridge too far for the powers that be.


Biden was out on the stump last evening in Chicago, talking up his policy successes on the economy. It was a frightful performance by most accounts. Forget for a moment that nobody thinks that our economy is in all that great of shape. And the gaffes coming out of Biden's mouth were, as usual, off-the-charts stupid. He stumbled badly over several words, and at one point during the evening, he referred to Putin's war in Iraq. And, what the hell were those strap marks across the side of his face that surfaced when the lights hit him just so? His handlers put out the word, believe it or not, that they were strap marks from his CPAP machine. Do I have that right? It's the machine that people use to facilitate breathing while sleeping due to persisting or prolonged pulmonary issues. I'm making this stuff up as I go along, so feel free to make the necessary corrections. I'm believing none of it. Whatever the hell is going on, it more likely has to do with his receiving treatment for his late-stage dementia. It might even have something to do with making sure that he has the technology in place to do what he needs to do on the stump. Or, even crazier than that, maybe it's holding his mask in place. Maybe it's not Biden at all. See what happens when you get to the point where they lie so much about everything that your mind goes to great lengths and then some to answer simple questions about the things they say and do?

It looks and sounds like they have Attorney Garland dead to rights on lying to Congress. It's been a very convoluted road getting to the truth, but it seems like they have a handle on all of it now. I couldn't follow it at first, but I think I get it now. It helped to hear any number of people talk about it from their personal perspectives and experience. Even more surprising is the fact that the New York Times and CBS did pieces on the story, and they rarely, if ever, present facts to the public that are critical one way or another of the incumbent Democrat president of the United States. The gist of the story is that the Department of Justice colluded with President Biden and his people to prevent and effectively quash any and all inquiries that would implicate the president of the United States and his family members in a criminal conspiracy. Haven't the Democrats told us time and time again that "no one is above the law"? Garland lied to Congress about what authority the investigators had or didn't have when it came to following up with the people allegedly involved in the coverup, namely the president of the United States and his family members. He effectively perjured himself. That, my friends, is an impeachable offense.

We'll hear from the Supreme Court today about a couple of cases remaining on their docket for the 2022 term. Let's just say that I've not been impressed with the less-than-conservative outcomes I've seen in the last few of their announcements. It makes you wonder how much of what and how they decide cases is based on their desire to be popular or, at a minimum, not worthy of the rabid criticism leveled at them by the radicals on the left. It seems, in some cases, that holding vigils in front of the homes of the Justices pays dividends for the squishier of the Justices. Anyway, the Justices better deliver the right decision today on the issue of whether or not the president can wave debts owed by college students. Biden did just that to garner votes for the Democrats in the midterms, and he did it knowing full well that he did not have the power under the Constitution to do it. It should really be a nine-zero decision if you think about it. Matters of the purse are the purview of the Congress, plain and simple. The President cannot usurp the powers of Congress, no matter the cause. Get this one right, will ya? If you don't, the President will be queuing up reparations for blacks to ensure their support in 2024. It will be pay-for-play on steroids.

Oops. I think I missed the Supreme Court decision on the President's power to absolve debts by a day. The Supremes overturned affirmative action yesterday by a predictable margin of 6-3. Our conservative court has been waiting decades to overturn this one, and they did just that yesterday. The case was brought against Harvard and one other university in North Carolina by an individual who had been denied access despite the fact that his qualifications exceeded that of the minority students admitted at the time. Admissions have been race-based for the past fifty years, and that has essentially deprived other races of equal access to the same educational opportunities. Now, universities will be forced to admit students on merit instead of race. They will have to put their diversity quotas on the back burner. If blacks want to get into elite schools, they will have to demonstrate that they are qualified based on grades, test scores, etc. In other words, they will no longer be afforded a free ride based on skin color.

The radical leftists were absolutely beside themselves with this decision by the Court. I don't know why they thought it would turn out any differently than it did. We now need to move aggressively to take affirmative action out of other places in our institutions and our culture. I think we owe it to blacks who want equal opportunity and not a handout. But the clutching of pearls and the gnashing of teeth at this decision by the mainstream media and Biden himself, who referred to the Court as "not normal," was something else. I was sipping liberal tears from the moment the decision was announced sometime in the late morning here on the East Coast. "It's another attack on 50 years of precedence", they screamed. If nothing else, they want to tap into the rage of their leftist constituents by calling for the dismantling of the Court's conservative majority. Like the Roe v. Wade decision of 2022, they will make every effort to turn the court's decision into votes for Democrats in 2024. I'm guessing they will be forced to refocus their energies on yet another great decision (fingers crossed) by the Court today when the Court decides that the president does not have the power to absolve students of their debts. Long live the Supreme Court!

There is some other decision coming down today that deals with a person's right to sell their goods (as a vendor) to people of their choosing. In other words, if a baker doesn't want to make and sell cakes for same-sex couples or maybe some group that idolizes Satan, then he or she shouldn't have to do it. I know that's something of a thumbnail sketch, but I think it's close enough for government work. It seems to me that if you market your goods to the public, then you can't really pick and choose who you sell to without giving the appearance of discriminating against them. I suppose the public has the right to take their business elsewhere should that happen. Taken to the extreme, any number of stores could effectively pick and choose who they want to sell to, and to no one's surprise, that would make for a very weird marketplace. If I had to guess, I'd say that the conservatives on the Court will come down on the side of individual rights, and the libs will look at the collective impact on society and, more specifically, the impact on the rights of religious and racial-based minority groups. In two hours' time, we'll have decisions on both cases.

It scares the hell out of me to think of how these cases before the Supreme Court might have gone another way were it not for the fact that we have a conservative majority on the court. We'd have the courts signing off on presidents doing things that they simply are not entitled to do under our Constitution. It would effectively render our beloved Constitution as just another piece of paper with words on it that once meant something but is now meaningless for all intents and purposes. As for the case of the web designer, she would invariably be forced by the state to do something that is not in holding with her personal or religious beliefs. We would have colleges filling their student ranks based on diversity and past racial injustices at the expense of individuals applying based on merit and life experiences. The very fabric of our institutions, not to mention our culture, would be at risk in such a dystopian world. This is where we were headed, like a locomotive coming down the tracks, before the Court's decisions this week, so our collective concerns are not unfounded. I'm not sure I want to live in a country where the liberal majority has the final word. All three cases were 6-3 outcomes.

What the hell is going on in France? What are all these videos and pictures I'm seeing of cities and towns in France set on fire at the hands of disenchanted migrants? I'm not sure disenchanted is the right word, but they are clearly not happy with something. I heard one story about the rioting being caused by the actions of the police when handling (or mishandling) a motor vehicle incident involving one of their fellow migrants. It looked all too reminiscent of the George Floyd riots here in the States back a couple of years ago. Now that Bumbles Biden has let some fifteen million illegal aliens come unmolested across our Southern Border since his inauguration in 2021, perhaps it's just a matter of time before we see the same level of carnage and devastation laid upon our cities and towns by these people. Macron is blaming it on video games while dancing the night away at an Elton John concert well away from the fracas. Townspeople, especially fair-skinned townspeople, are at particular risk in going about their business. Did I mention that these rioters are armed? We're now several nights into this mayhem, and they say that the gendarmes are running low on ammunition thanks to France donating as much of their military might as they have to the Ukrainians in their fight against the Russians. Holy smokes.

Did you see that presidential poll coming out of the State of Ohio? Holy jumping Jesus. Trump had something like 59% to DeSantis's 15%. You go nowhere unless you win Ohio. Now where does DeSantis go? It seems that the harder he tries, the lower his approval ratings go. Every time I read a story about him, he's making yet another crazy promise to try and get his campaign back on track. His latest is that he is going to dissolve both the Department of Education (DOE) and the IRS. I think he's crossing over into la-la land with these things. I can see the DOE going by the boards, but the IRS? Quite frankly, it reeks of desperation. Trump is saying all the right things on the stump, and his latest promise to rid our government of every last departmental group working on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), is a real barn burner of an issue. The sooner we turn back the clock on these woke initiatives in our country, the sooner we can return to normal, whatever that looks like. Every other candidate is in the single digits and, more than likely, trying to put together an exit plan that saves face and stops the hemorrhaging of the few sheckles they have left in their meager bank accounts.

I told the missus that we picked a good time to have our driveway seal coated. We chose a day after our neighbor mowed her lawn so that all of that dust and dirt thrown into the air with the mowing of her lawn didn't come to rest on our nice new-ish looking driveway. We didn't actually plan it that way. That's just the way it worked out. We're now 48 hours later, and we've had just the right mix of sun, shade, and heat to facilitate the curing of the new coating. The missus thinks the weather has been a little too humid, but I respectfully disagree. I think 48 hours is the time it takes to cure it, so I'll just go with that, although I may put off driving on the driveway for another day or two just to be safe. We may get rain today, but I think we're sufficiently past the period of time when the rain would be an issue as it relates to the cure. When I think of all those little nooks, crannies, and spider-veined-sized fissures that got filled in with the seal coating, I'm delighted to know that not one of them is going to get any worse when winter rolls around in a few months. That's "peace of mind" in a nutshell.

I've also decided to take a very small break when it comes to loading my bird feeder with suet. This particular feeder is primarily a Woodpecker feeder. The Woodpeckers have been so ravenous lately that they come one after the other, sometimes waiting in what seems like an endless queue to have their turn at the suet. They came in various sizes and shapes, and I'm seeing what appear to be different generations of the same families of Woodpeckers appearing almost daily. I've even seen them feeding each other from time to time, putting the suet on their beaks and passing it along to maybe a mate or a sibling, I can't be sure. I swear to God that if I didn't have a suet feeder, and admittedly a suet that they've clearly taken a fancy to, that I might never see a Woodpecker in the hood. I'd likely hear the drumming of their beaks as they bore holes in the local trees in their search for insects, but catching a glimpse of them, maybe not so much. Anyway, maybe depriving them for a day or two might cut down on the number of birds coming around, if only for a time. I know my Hummingbirds will appreciate a little less traffic on our back deck where their feeders hang. Woodpeckers can be such bullies sometimes.

Feral Dogs

I put a few ears of corn on the grill over the weekend. They were the first of the season. When I saw them in the store, I thought they looked like they were right off the farm. Which farm, I don't know. I do know that the missus loves her corn, so far be it from me not to pick up a few ears. It's the least I can do. We'll sort out where the corn may have come from some other time. I've never grilled corn before, but I figured it can't be that difficult. So I fired up the grill, soaked the ears of corn in water, and proceeded to throw the ears on the grill and then lowered the cover. It was quite good when all was said and done. The next time around, and I read this after the fact, I'll need to strip away all but the innermost husks, and I'll need to snip off the silk before I grill the corn. De-Lish!


The corn that I purchased was almost too good, now that I think of it. The ears were particularly robust and insect free when peeling back the silk at the tip of the ears. It didn't look like the early-season corn that we typically see hereabouts this time of year. I'm guessing it was safe to eat, but who knows? What are the chances that it was some of that fancy schmancy corn grown in a lab somewhere that we've all heard about? That would explain the absence of bugs. I've never bought corn when I didn't have to toss an ear or two after checking for worms. Unlike many folks, I never check the husks at the store, so I usually buy an extra ear or two assuming one or more has an infestation of something. I think they've perfected the science behind growing corn, so we consumers are the beneficiaries once their product hits the shelves in our local supermarket.

I told the Ev man that I'll throw a chicken breast on the barbie the next time he's over. I'll make him one of those chicken sandwiches that he usually orders from Petey's down by the water. He loves it with lettuce, tomato, and pickle, so we'll have to ensure we have those items on hand when we fire up the grill. He really enjoyed the knockwurst that I grilled for him a week or two ago, so this grilling thing might have legs for the summer. The funny thing is, I rarely ever use the grill, and that's been true forever. I've often wondered why I even bought the grill since I almost never use it. Truth be told, the Ev man can be a little idiosyncratic when it comes to having a meal here at the homestead. He typically prefers take-out to prepared meals. I think that will change for the better now that he's seen what we can do with the grill.

I had no intention of going full Julia Childs when I sat down to do this blog thing this morning. It's not like there aren't other things going on that deserve my attention. I need to rush off to the store this morning if the missus and I are going to have salads for lunch, so that might partly explain my having food on the brain. Despite being a federal holiday, it's a work day for the missus. What the fuck is Juneteenth anyway? Was this a consolation prize Bumbles came up with to celebrate something or other related to race relations or maybe something having to do with queer people? Let me rephrase that: It's something to do with people with queer proclivities? Am I even close? Have I offended anyone? It's just a nothing holiday, so I'll not be waving any banners or doing anything unusual. They lost me long ago when they changed George Washington's birthday to President's Day. Bastards.

What's the deal with this submersible that has presumably lost contact with the ship on the surface while on a 12,000-foot deep dive to see the Titanic? It's a hyped-up deal to get someone or something in the news. Right? If this is the submersible company looking for attention, or perhaps more money from investors, I'm not sure this was a good idea. Has the vehicle been somehow compromised and is unable to maneuver back to the surface? Did it get entangled on the surface of the Titanic somehow and can't free itself? It's hard to believe, with the technology we have these days, that the lines of communication aren't open between the vessel and its support ship. It's possible as well that the submersible got lost while looking for the Titanic and is ambling aimlessly in the canyons on the ocean floor. One guy interviewed on the telly said that the craft has any number of ways to get to the surface. With only 48 hours' worth of oxygen left on board, it has to be all hands on deck.

Make no mistake about it. The media loves this shit. Everyone's talking about it. It gets even more interesting when you consider the people who are on board the submersible. There are five people on board in total. There are two operators of the craft and three paying customers. One fellow named Hamish something is allegedly a billionaire who had this trip on his bucket list. I don't know what kind of a safety record this craft has, but if you were a billionaire and had your choice of fun things to do, would this be at the top of your list? Never mind that the cost per person for this so-called adventure is something like $250k. I wonder if they feel like they are getting their money's worth as they sit on the bottom of the ocean with oxygen getting thinner by the minute in cramped quarters and with seemingly zero prospects for recovery. Efforts to locate and recover the submersible are ongoing and robust, so let's keep our fingers crossed here. If there is a God, now is the time.

Good for Robert F Kennedy Jr. He's going after Blinken hammer and tong for not doing more to stop the bloodshed in Ukraine. Now that Kennedy is getting a bit more traction in the media, YouTube has taken down something or other Kenedy posted to YouTube having to do with vaccines. It probably has less to do with anything vaccine-related and more to do with the fact that Kennedy's support is growing while support for a second term for Biden is in the proverbial dumpster. The shitter, as it were. I've seen some posts on social media indicating support for a Trump-Kennedy ticket which seems a bit insane. Add to that Kennedy saying something positive about Trump's appeal to the middle class, and it has me thinking there may be something to this. As for Blinken, his recent trip to China and his comments while in China about not supporting Taiwan's independence was a complete disgrace and a body blow to Taiwan's body politic. I thought Bumbles said that we were all in when it came to defending Taiwan. Let's just say that China is getting its money's worth if you get my gist.

As I think about this a little more, Kennedy might well be appealing to Trump's supporters in the event that Trump can't run for whatever reason. None of Trump's supporters have given any indication that they are jumping ship for any of the other Republicans in the clown car of candidates running on the Republican ticket should Trump's campaign get stopped out. Since nearly all of Trump's opponents have bad-mouthed Trump at one point or another, including candidates who have not come to Trump's defense with an adequate level of muscle or verve, he is likely to endorse none of them if and when he can no longer run. That leaves a rich vein of middle-of-the-road voters, both Independent and Republican, and maybe even a few disaffected Democrats, who can and probably will find a home in the Kennedy camp. That would be Kennedy's ticket to winning any number of primaries that would otherwise go to Biden. Well played, sir. Smaht.

What's the point? What's the point of anyone talking about the words coming out of Biden's mouth? Bumbles said something at a fundraiser in California about Xi being a dictator following Blinken's meeting with Xi in the last few days. I'm guessing that Blinkey told his boss, and I'm referring to Bumbles here and not Xi, that Xi humiliated him in any number of ways during his trip to China. Every picture I saw out of China showed an obsequious Blinken kowtowing to Xi. Blinken's body language in the photos was, in a word, embarrassing. The Chinese invited Blinken to China with the express intent of embarrassing him on the world stage. By extension, China was deliberately embarrassing America on the world stage. As Americans with Blinken as our proxy, we were deliberately treated like subservient dogs, and it was designed as such from the jump by Xi and his Chinese Communist Party. I'm guessing Bumbles took exception to the treatment of his boy, Blinky, at the hands of Xi and his comrades. Why else, pray tell, would you refer to another world leader as a "dictator"? Who does that?

I'm not sure that Biden's words had any impact on anyone, much less the leader of China. Everyone knows that Biden is a bought-and-sold asset of the Communist Chinese Party, so Biden's comments may be nothing more than a distraction play. You know, let Bumbles play the tough guy for consumption by American audiences while Xi and his boys keep their receipts of Biden's corruption close to the vest in order to safeguard their investment. Put more simply, both Bumbles and Xi are probably having a good laugh behind the scenes and likely over a nice cognac about the whole kerfuffle, orchestrated as it was. Just so you know, this is the same guy, and we're talking about Bumbles here, who worked with the Chinese to allow their spy balloons to traverse our country unmolested and is now working with Xi to put Chinese troops on Cuban soil just 90 miles off our coast. Did I mention that Bumbles has our border agents looking the other way while allowing some 10,000 Chinese Nationals of fighting age into our country by way of our southern border?

Does anyone think that this missing submersible thing in the news is nothing but a hoax? Here we are, some 12-24 hours before the five people in the submersible are allegedly going to run out of air, and all of a sudden, I'm reading reports of banging noises coming from the search area. So, someone is banging an empty tea cup against the wall of the submersible in the hopes of getting the attention of someone, anyone, that might be looking for them? It all seems so, well, contrived. Of course, I'm going to be eating a wee bit of humble pie if they locate the sub after the banging has stopped. That can only mean one thing. Besides, if they are trying to conserve every last breath with oxygen in the submersible running on empty, is it really a good idea to exert oneself by banging on the wall of the submersible? If this is a ruse to get their business in the headlines, I'm not sure that it's not going to backfire. Raise your hand if you're interested in getting on board knowing what we now know about the inherent dangers of going to sea in one of these crazy contraptions.

I'm a little irritated that the first Republican debate in August is going to be moderated by two of the turdier turds in the FOX line-up, Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. How about having Tucker Carlson moderate the debate? Would that be too much to ask? When is the Republican Party going to learn: The mainstream media is not their friend. FOX is the new CNN, so get that through your fucking heads. Bret Baier just gave Trump a bit of a run for his money when Trump sat down with him for an interview. Trump hasn't decided whether or not he'll be in attendance in August's debate, but I'm not sure how he can not be there knowing that every one of his ten-plus opponents will be gunning for him whether he's there or not. My advice would be to go and be himself. Trump is always at his best when Trump is being Trump. If he can find the inner strength to be the same Trump that appealed to the suburban moms in 2016, all the better. Immigration is still a hot topic, and Trump can own that conversation, unlike his opponents' hysterical posturing and prognostications on same. As usual, Baier and MacCallum will give him just enough rope to hang himself. DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT.

The oxygen in the submersible runs out this morning around now. It's Thursday, June 22nd, and the time is now 7:12 am. I'm unsure what to make of the reports of banging and clanging picked up by various sonar devices that have been dropped into the waters in and around the original drop zone in the last few days. I saw someone on social media refer to the noises as "wishful thinking." Someone else said that even if the submersible were floating around on the surface of the water somewhere, the fate of the people inside the submersible would be sealed since they cannot open the hatch from the inside. Some of the darker posts on social media show a video of the occupants of the Titanic opening their ballroom doors to welcome the souls of the Titan aboard. It's some pretty sick shit. I'm still trying to get my head around the idea of five intelligent and very wealthy people getting into that cylindrical-shaped coffin for a thrill ride to the bottom of the sea. What the fuck were they thinking? Unless something changes in the next hour or so, we'll likely never know.


There was another photo out there on the internet juxtaposing pictures of the massive public and private efforts undertaken by several nations to locate the 5-man submersible with both air and ocean-going assets to efforts that were literally nonexistent when it came to rescuing Great Britain-bound migrants facing a certain death on overcrowded rust buckets on the high seas. I can see their point. It is true that nobody gives a shit about migrants or their plights, whatever they may be. That is unless you need cheap labor or you're looking to gain an electoral advantage by flooding various areas with migrants who are more inclined to vote with your political party than not when they become eligible to vote. Oh, I almost forgot. You have declining birth rates in some countries, which pose yet another long and short-term threat. Migrants also represent a threat to existing welfare systems that are already under extreme pressure due to economic and other forces. There are only so many sheckles to go around, as they say. Safety nets are just that until they are torn asunder. Anyway, an interesting comparison nonetheless.

I watched a bit of the John Durham hearings in Congress yesterday. I came away thinking that Durham should have sent more people to jail over what was essentially a plot hatched by Hillary Clinton and the FBI to bring down a duly elected president. More people? He sent no one to prison. By comparison, the Mueller investigation into Trump's Russian ties resulted in the arrest of some 30-plus individuals. When Durham was asked by Congressman Matt Goetz about Joesph Misfud and why he wasn't served with a subpoena, Durham responded: We couldn't find him. WUT? And then there is the thing about Bill Barr's role in putting Durham on the case to begin with. Was this investigation designed to fail from day one? The investigation took some four ungodly long years and ended well after Trump's departure from office. How long does it take to deliver justice? I guess when your name is Trump, the answer is a resounding "never." Hillary Clinton is still running her scam of a Foundation, and the now-retired FBI agents who were involved in the conspiracy are raking in million-dollar book deals and stints on CNN and MSNBC. It was all just a colossal failure from the jump.

Yet another Congressional Committee came out with a press conference yesterday to talk about even more graft and corruption in the Biden Administration. They alleged everything from Biden's DOJ looking the other way when they had proof of corruption on the part of Hunter Biden to Biden's DOJ tipping off Hunter's attorney when the IRS had a raid planned on a storage space of sorts belonging to Hunter so he could clean the place out ahead of the raid. Congressman Smith put up a placard showing a text that Hunter sent to one of his high-level contacts in China, threatening to have his father (who Hunter stated was in the room with him at the time the text was sent) address the matter if monies were not paid immediately. So, we're actually talking about tax evasion, bribery, extortion, and God only knows what else. Perhaps worse than Hunter's crimes, as if those aren't bad enough, are the crimes of the so-called Justice Department and the IRS, who are essentially doing the bidding of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. When in our country's history have we seen this level of criminal activity and corruption not only out of the White House but down every last rat-hole agency in our Government? Tell me again why this is not an existential threat to our very Republic.

And on the very day the media informs the world that they've discovered a debris field on the surface of the ocean above the Titanic, ostensibly resulting from the implosion of the Titan submersible that they lost contact with some four days previous, we find out that the White House knew four days ago that the submersible had likely imploded. Yet, they allowed the multi-national and massive search effort to continue for four long agonizing days without acknowledging what they knew to be true. Who fed the monstrous nonsense to the media about the underwater metal clanging sounds our government's sonar devices picked up? What the fuck was that all about? They either knew precisely what the sounds were and where the sounds were coming from, or worse yet, they made it all up to perpetuate a lie they knew to be a lie. Was this yet one more "never let a crisis go to waste" deal brought to you by the Democrat Party? Were they hoping to time their release of the news about the implosion with the release of Congress's testimony about the corruption of the Biden family so as to bury the Biden story? Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that this is what they did? Oh, and then there was the daily and hourly countdown until the crew and their passengers ran out of oxygen. It was all a lie.

The missus and I are watching this show on the telly called "Perry Mason." Let's just say that this is not your grandparent's Perry Mason. I don't recall, for example, that Perry's assistant, Della Street, was a lesbian in the Perry Mason series back in the sixties. The full-frontal nudity and the bedroom scenes in the show we're watching, and I'm talking about the girls here, that is to say, Della and her sweetheart, took me by surprise. Is this some producer's idea of making a more modernized version of this classic from the sixties? Make no mistake about it, normalizing homosexual relationships on the big screen seems to be where it's at these days. Interracial relationships are so yesterday. It's all so woke and, well, Pride-ish. And the language in this flick, oy. The word "fuck" is repeated time and time again, and it catches me by surprise every time. I asked the missus, "Do you remember this show being this lewd back in the day"? It was a rhetorical question. Perry is still his old perspicacious self and just as good a lawyer as he ever was. It's all of the claptrap you have to wade through that makes me wonder if it's really worth watching at the end of the day.

I smell a rat. The head of the Wagner Group in Russia is allegedly taking his fight to Moscow after several of his troops were killed in a raid. I use the word "allegedly" because I'm not sure that any of what we're hearing in the news is true. Maybe that's because I've been brainwashed by our media to believe everything we hear coming out of Russia is disinformation. Not that I even watch or listen to our main street media, but you get my drift. I mean, the reports are just so incredulous when you think about it. Russia forces are bombing roads leading into Moscow to impede travel by Wagner's tanks? Wagner reportedly said that his fight is not with Putin but with the head of the defense forces for having killed his men. Of course, all of this is playing out with the Ukrainian conflict potentially hanging in the balance and with the collective West on tenterhooks, wondering if there isn't a play here to hobble the Russians and advantage the Ukrainians. I'm sitting here thinking to myself, do not believe your lying eyes. Putin is a master at this shit. He'll suck you in and fuck you up.

I'm not sure who said it, but I agree with the sentiment that says that the Bidens are feral dogs. I mean, who thought it was a good idea to have Hunter Biden attend a State Dinner for India's Prime Minister, Modi? The media showed scene after scene of that greasy fuck working the crowd at the dinner like a con man looking for his next mark. Everyone at that dinner was well aware of the fact that Hunter is about as sleazy a fuck as has ever attended a State Dinner at our beloved White House. They've all seen the now-famous photos from the laptop with Hunter hanging out with underage girls and posing in his jockstrap while sucking on a crack pipe. The same goes for the big guy, but we're stuck with that piece of shit, at least for the moment. I can't imagine how Modi and his entourage viewed having Hunter on the periphery, just waiting for him to come around looking to collect on any number of potential play-for-play opportunities. I'm talking influence peddling here, just to be clear. I'm talking ten percent for the big guy. Even the Indians know a piece of shit when they see one, or two.

The rain just started here on the coast, so I may not get a bike ride in after all. I was hoping to beat the rain and get one in, but it doesn't look good at the moment. The missus is off on a trip to Massachusetts for the day so I'm on my own. Maybe I'll clean the garage. That's way overdue. I have a cake mix that I think I'd like to make, if for no other reason than I think the missus might like a piece or two in a pinch. I'd hoped to do a little weed whacking today since I mowed the lawn late yesterday, and all I have left to do now is to trim around the edges here and there. The good news is that I have the energy to do whatever the hell I feel like doing today and maybe then some. If I can find the can of tuna that I think I have somewhere around here, I'll throw together a cold tuna salad with organic peas. Did I mention that I bought a thumb pick for my guitar? I'm going to be doing me a little finger-picking just like that retarded kid in the movie, Deliverance. What I wouldn't give to be able to play like him.

There's this cuck talk show guy out of Philly who I listen to on Sirius from time to time and who also has a part-time schtick on CNN. He puts up these polls on the web every day that seem to me to be nothing more than an indulgence in uber-liberal confirmation bias. So, today, when the news world is abuzz with news about Hunter Biden shaking down the Chinese, as evidenced by messages sent by Hunter using the WhatsApp app, this cuck out of Philly is running a poll on gender dysphoria. You know, gender dysphoria, a freakish condition that affects a mere .0001% of the American population. Of course, he wants nothing to do with news about the derelict and criminal element in our beloved White House and his perverted and felonious spawn, so why not run a poll that appeals to his 20,000-some-odd Marxist listeners? They don't want to hear anything that might detract from getting these clowns of theirs back in the White House for a second term where they can continue to deliver on the wet dreams of the radical left. This is who they are. This is what they do. Cucks through and through.

I was right. This whole Wagner thing was a ruse. Stories about Putin leaving Moscow on his plane as this Wagner guy and his troops were 100 miles out from Moscow and heading into Moscow for the so-called "coup", was nothing but a smokescreen. The collective West and the CNN's and MSNBC's fell for it hook, line and sinker. They were creaming themslves in antcipation of a Putin ouster as though this was the plan all along. They brought on the usual sychophantic ex generals and ex this and ex that and they were all falling all over themselves with their I-told-you-so prognostications. These armchair fucks proved just how clueless they were when this Wagner guy all of a sudden changed plans midstream causing the network cucks to stop drooling and admit that everything was not as it seemed. What they didn't see coming was that the Wagner group would effectively reposition themsleves in Belarus, just 100 miles from Kiev, the capitol of Ukraine. They are now in position to take Kiev and, with billions more in their bank accounts thanks to transfusions of cash from Western countries willing to pay good money to anyone willing to take down Putin, it's party-hearty time in Red Square as the chess pieces on the board now advantage Putin.

It was rather amusing, really, to hear news reports time and time again of President Biden being in contact with European leaders and this and that NATO group as events unfolded in Russia. It almost sounded collaboarative if you didn't know better. Biden can't find the men's room in the Oval Office so it seems unlikely that he'd be discussing much of anything with world leaders. He surrounds himself with sychophantic soyboys and woke toadies who fight for the rights of men to use women's rest rooms, the rights for men to wear heels and fishnet stockings when and where they like, and for men to compete with women in sports of their choosing. This is your lunchbucket Joe from Scranton, PA, don't you know. Video of Bumbles and his perverted and corrupt spawn, Hunter, appeared throughout the day boarding a helicopter on the lawn of the White House with the following caption: President and son head for Camp David. Should we now be adding the adjective "handler" to Hunter's long list of adjectives that include bagman, crackhead, felon, pedo, and scumbag? Maybe he's taking on the task of holding up the old man's flash cards when they are in off-camera situations. Is Hunter now in charge?

God Save The Queen

Whew! Let's go, folks! Let's do this. I said something in my last blog about Bumbles Biden coming out with the blockbuster report that they knew that China was spying on our country from a base in Cuba. The Pentagon initially denied the report when the WSJ came out with the story. What I failed to catch when I reported that Biden spilled the beans was that Biden said something about the spy program dating back to 2019. Well, maybe I said something about 2019. What I missed was that Biden threw in the 2019 date to say that it began on Trump's watch. That's a lie. Or, should I say, that's another lie. One of Trump's people set the record straight on the Maria Bartiromo show on Sunday. Anyway, now you know.

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I was out doing a little bit of food shopping the other day. There's not a lot of diversity in and around the hood hereabouts, so when I see diversity one way or another, it stands out like a sore thumb. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a distinctly Mexican-looking fella checking out with a couple of youngsters in tow. With hordes of Mexicans and other nationalities crossing our border in record numbers, I figured it was just a matter of time before they filtered up our way here in the Northeast. I watched as he inserted a credit card of sorts into the machine to pay for his purchases. I couldn't help but wonder if the card was a government-issued card, much like the phones and every other thing that we give these sods while our veterans go to sleep every night in the streets and back alleyways of our once-great country.

When the missus and I were walking out to our car, we noticed that the Mexican fella and his children were jumping into a rather large pickup truck bearing Texas license plates. I couldn't help but wonder. What was this fella doing so far from home? Was he taking his family away from the hellscape that the towns and cities on our southern border have become since Biden gave the green light to every Jose, Eduardo, and Felicia to come to America? That's the ticket. He's here looking for a better life for himself and his spawn. Right? I don't know. I really don't know. There was never any question in my mind that we'd sooner or later become just another border state in Biden's illegal scheme to flood our country with Democrat voters. Since they probably won't be self-deporting anytime soon, and I'm guessing reporting them to the Immigration Services won't do any good, I might as well get used to this new America brought to us by Bumbles Biden.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day. Trump will arrive in a courtroom in Miami to be indicted for the crimes alleged therein. This Jack Smith Prosecutor, a real hatchet man for Biden and his Department of Justice, is looking to put Trump away for the rest of his life. More to the point, he's looking to take Biden's main rival off the playing field so Biden can coast to another four-year term in 2024. Let's get one thing straight. Biden is a criminal and a thug. The fact that his Justice Department is working hand-in-hand with Biden to ensure Biden's victory should give every last American pause. All I've heard over the weekend is that there is a double standard when it comes to our Justice system. There is one set of rules for Democrats and another set of rules for Republicans. I would go so far as to say that there is an entirely different set of rules that apply if your name is Donald J Trump.

I keep expecting someone to step up to the plate and dismantle this effort by Bumbles and his brown shirts to take out his main rival. Who would that be, exactly? Who has that kind of political or judicial power? Can the Supreme Court do anything here? Do they need to wait until Trump is found guilty by some hack court? Maybe the good news here, if there is any good news, is that this is all happening in a Miami courtroom with a Trump-appointed judge. Miami is not downtown Manhattan. Just so you know, Trump is reviled in downtown Manhattan, but he is a legend and rock star in Florida. Trump's supporters will be out in strength when Trump arrives in town, and, if nothing else, it will highlight the charges' ridiculousness. It will lay bare the charade Biden and his cronies crafted to take out Trump. I'm hopeful that the judge will make a motion or two at the outset to expose Biden's intentions for what they are. This needs to stop before it gets started.

The latest CBS poll, which includes the timeframe when Trump's indictment was announced, has increased Trump's lead over his opponents. Take that, you mother fuckers. I think it has Trump at 60%, with the next closest person, DeSantis, at something like 23%. People have Trump's back; there's no question about it. They see what's going on, and they're having none of it. If our Congressmen and women can't remove the criminal, Biden, from the Oval Office, the good people of our country know who can. They couldn't care less what he's being charged with, and even if Trump is found guilty, they are willing to crawl over broken glass to put him back in office. Put me in the camp that has the Bidens being dragged physically from the White House on Inauguration Day in January 2025. Get that swine, Hunter, and all of his crack pipes and child porn out of our beloved White House. His days as a bagman for the Biden Crime Syndicate are over. Oh, and if they find a pair or two of fishnet stockings, they go out with the trash too.

I often say that our Justice Department is complicit in the crimes committed by the Bidens because they do nothing to stop any of it. In fact, Biden knows full well that he is insulated from any and all laws that might hold him and his family accountable, and that only emboldens him to commit even more crimes to benefit him and his extended crime family. Would it be a stretch to say that the Justice Department, and the Deep State more specifically, are the parties that put Biden in office, so, of course, they look the other way when crimes are committed? I think not. That's the very definition of a criminal cabal. It's the kind of stuff that kept our nation's founders up at night. I'm also guessing that we're not seeing Biden brought up on charges of treason or, at a minimum, being subjected to impeachment proceedings, because the Congressmen and women responsible for bringing those charges are also compromised. When I say compromised, I'm talking about being dirty. That is to say, they've taken money, or they have been filmed in compromising positions with God only knows what or whom, and they would face certain expulsion or, worse yet, jail time should they fail to cooperate with their "jailers."

What is this ungodly obsession that the Democrats have with everything LGBTQ? The White House even hung a rainbow flag between two American flags the other day at the White House, which put our nation's flag in a subservient position to the rainbow flag. This was on a day when Biden partied with Pride participants on the White House lawn featuring topless trans activists (flashing fake breasts) and queers of every conceivable stripe. Does this have anything to do with the fact that Biden showered with his twelve-year-old daughter back in the day? What connections can we draw between Hunter's obsession with porn and the big guy's obsession with children? And then there's Governor Pritzker of Illinois, who signed a bill banning the banning of books into law the other day while flanked by perverts who can't wait to get their sick and twisted novels into the hands of our prepubescent children. I think it was Governor DeSantis of Florida who put laws on the books to keep this sort of debauchery out of the hands of schoolchildren. Blue state governors can't get enough of it. WTF

Congressman Grassley stepped up to the microphone yesterday and said that the FBI has audio tapes proving that Joe and Hunter Biden were involved in some sort of extortion or blackmail racket involving certain oligarchs in Ukraine. I immediately tweeted that Congress should cease any and all funding to Ukraine until the tapes and the extent of the Bidens' involvement in the scheme can be fully assessed. What more evidence does Congress need before they do something to bring the Bidens to account for their crimes? This is what our Founders meant when they discussed high crimes and misdemeanors. You might as well throw a little treason in there as well, knowing what we know about the 20 LLCs that Comer's committee discovered after inquiring into the vast financial criminal network set up by the Bidens to evade prying eyes. I don't know how much longer the Bidens can effectively rearrange the deck chairs on this so-called Titanic venture of theirs. I believe we will hear from even more whistle-blowers as the walls continue to collapse on Biden's Crime Family Syndicate.

I noticed a tweet yesterday that had "distraction play" written all over it. It said something about the White House putting together plans to evacuate American personnel from Taiwan. The implication was that China's invasion of Taiwan was imminent, and American lives were potentially at risk. None of it was true. Who doesn't think that we have contingency plans in place to evacuate Americans should China attack Taiwan? Of course, we do. What I can't figure out is what the White House was trying to distract us from. Did they anticipate Grassely's comments and jump the gun? That is to say, they wanted the lead story in every evening newscast to involve the preparations to evacuate Americans from Taiwan. If everything went according to Hoyle, there wouldn't be any time left to air Grassely's grievances and accusations. I don't watch prime-time news, so I don't know how well the plans coming out of the White House worked, if at all.

Is it possible that the Communist Chinese collaborated with the White House to come up with these distraction plays? They've been flying sorties into Taiwan's airspace for the last few days, so one has to wonder. There was something in the news yesterday about the Biden Administration not getting in the way of certain countries doing business with China. It was yet another nod to the Chinese from the Biden White House, or seen another way, more kow towing by a feckless and possibly compromised Joe Biden. It was also a slap in the face to our domestic chip makers. Tell me again how Joe Biden and his extended lot aren't owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Communist Chinese Party. The Chinese are playing the perfect foil by denying Biden and his minions' visitation after visitation while communicating behind the scenes on everything from getting access to our military sites by orchestrating a flyover with their spy balloons to building a spy base in Cuba. What is Bumbles doing while China builds a spying operation in Cuba? He's lifting restrictions on flights to Cuba. I rest my case.

It's so funny. I'm learning to play "If you could read my mind" by Gordon Lightfoot on my guitar. I'm no guitar player, but I certainly give it a good go when I put my mind to it. It's slow going. I catch most of my tutorials on YouTube. I then fill in the blanks with tabs if I can find them online. Most of the stuff online costs money, which seems to be particularly true with this piece of music. Of all the types of guitar playing available, I find finger-picking music to be the most challenging to learn and the most fun to play. This song is a little like the last song I taught myself to play, "Blackbird" by Paul McCartney. It all starts out very slow and only starts to sound like something you might recognize after the passage of time. I don't want to tell you how long it took. It would be too embarrassing. You might say I'm still learning to play "Blackbird." My progress is so incremental that I could be playing it a year from now, and it would sound better but maybe only marginally so. I'm finding Lightfoot's song to be just as challenging and just as slow-going. If nothing else, it gives me a reason to pick up the instrument daily and do something with it. I'm going to figure this out.

I didn't tune in to any radio or television shows yesterday to watch or listen to activities involving Trump's arrival in Miami for his arrest yesterday. We're all pretty well accustomed to the circus deliberately created by the Deep State to taint Trump and paint his supporters as fascists and white supremacists. I did catch one thing. Trump stopped at a local cafe when he emerged from the courtroom, and being the rock star that he is, he was greeted by the people in the cafe with an overwhelming show of love and support. Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you know these arrests by the Deep State are nothing but a sham to prevent Trump from ascending to the presidency once again. The pisser part, at least for the deep state, is that the harder they try to lock him up, the more support he receives from every conceivable quarter of our beloved citizenry because, as Trump puts it, and he's not wrong, he's not fighting for himself, he's fighting for you (us.) They're not coming for Trump, they're coming for you (us.) He's actually increased his lead against DeSantis by ten points since these indictments began.

In one scene, I saw Jake Tapper from CNN looking at the scene in the cafe with utter disgust. The liberal's heads are exploding at the sight of Trump gaining support instead of bleeding support. The sight of Trump's adoring fans rubbing up against Trump in the cafe was so upsetting to Tapper that he yelled at his producer to cut away from the scene. You should have seen the look on his face. This was not an uptown Manhattan crowd where the loathing of Trump runs deep. This was Miami, the heart and soul of Trump country. I loved every minute of it. Who wouldn't want four more years of this? Four more years of Trump in office, is what I'm saying. I want to see liberal heads exploding every single day for each of those four years. There's only one man who can do that, and his name is Donald J Trump. I'm guessing Jake Tapper didn't tune in to Trump's speech at his Bedminster Golf Course last night. It was a victory lap if I've ever seen one. Who takes a victory lap after being indicted? Only one man on God's green earth can even pull that off. That's right, it's one Donald J Trump.

Of course, Jack Smith, the rabid, scurrilous, and unethical prosecutor that Biden has unleashed on Trump, would have preferred to bring this indictment in Manhattan or Washington DC where getting an uber-liberal juror might have helped to seal the deal and put Trump behind bars for the next 400 years. Some say that Smith erred in getting any number of favorable rulings in Washington DC or New York courtrooms instead of where the trial was technically required to be held (Miami). They say it could jeopardize Smith's case against Trump. The one outrageous ruling that allowed them to pierce the attorney-client privilege and get at notes between Trump and his attorneys is likely to be thrown out by the judge in Miami. The fact that Smith never mentioned the Presidential Records Act in any one of the 39 pages in the indictment returned against Trump is also a huge problem. If Smith is going to get spanked and spanked hard, this judge in Miami will happily oblige Trump's adoring public. Alan Dershowitz, better known as the Dersh, is calling to open the trial to the public. He says there are too many conflicting versions of what happens in the courtroom, and the public's distrust of the legal system is at an all-time low. I'm not sure I disagree with him.

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I'm hoping that the Ev man can find the time today or tomorrow to help me put in our new air conditioner. I think he thinks it's probably just a pop-it-in, and that's the end of it kinda deal. I didn't tell him that it was going to be a little more involved. We'll sort all of that out when the time comes. He and I have put a few things together in the past, so having a second set of eyes on everything this time around will be helpful. I also think it makes him feel good that I welcome his help and that I wouldn't consider taking on the job without his assistance. I can do it myself, but I always looking to involve the Ev man when possible. I don't see any heat waves on the horizon, so I suppose there's no hurry. I'm very curious about how this new-fangled inverter-type air conditioner will work, so I'll admit to being a little anxious about that. I know it's going to be quieter, but at what cost? When all is said and done, I'll need to Ev man to give me a hand bringing our old Frigidaire to the local recycling center. He may be less than keen on doing that.

Should we, as American citizens, be concerned about the fact that Biden's open borders policy has allowed some 10,000 Chinese nationals into our country since Biden was sworn into office? Has the orchestrated influx of illegal aliens some 5-6 million strong under Biden, provided a cover for these soldiers of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)? In other words, if you were a treasonous bastard who wanted to allow your enemy's foot soldiers into your country but you didn't want to raise any red flags, you'd look to conceal them any way you could. Well, if you have five million illegal aliens from countries other than China, and then you have a smattering of CCP agents interspersed in their ranks, who's going to notice? More importantly, what's the end game here? Is it one of those Nancy Pelosi deals where we have to get them all in here before we find out? Are any of them responsible directly or indirectly for the vast number of attacks on our infrastructure in the last year or so? Just what the hell is going on?

Speaking of oddball stories, have you heard about the housing project that someone is putting together in Texas to house illegal aliens? Apparently, someone purchased 35,000 acres of property in the heart of Texas to build a community for the illegal aliens coming into our country. Well, ain't that fucking ducky. Here's the deal: This may not be the only so-called community that someone is building. The macro view is, get all of these illegal aliens to vote Democrat in upcoming elections, and, voila, Texas is turning blue sooner or later. Without Texas in the Republican camp come time to tally electoral votes, there is no way a Republican can win the presidency. The penultimate wet dream of every leftist-leaning Democrat is to have a one-party rule in our Republic, ala California when all is said and done. That probably means we're not really a Republic at that point, but the Democrats have never really been fond of the Constitution anyway, so it's all good. Where is that piece of shit who calls himself a Republican governor in that state? Move in the bulldozers and the border agents and start cleaning house, dammit. Let's get this party started!

The missus and I decided that we might like to have a little lobster salad for dinner last evening. We're not huge fans of lobster, but we do enjoy an occasional lobster roll. We're definitely not the types who go out to a local restaurant along the beach on a Friday evening to sit down to a big lobster feast with bibs and nutcrackers. That's just not who we are. Our plan this time around was to purchase three one-pounders or so and have the store steam them on the premises. I don't know why we've not done this before, but it is what it is.

I suppose we could have purchased lobster meat outright by laying out fifty to sixty dollars a pound for the stuff, but that would have been too easy (and too expensive.) I'm not against throwing the crustaceans in a pot of boiling water myself, but having someone else do it is just one less thing on our plate when the time comes to throw it all together. Some seasonal local corn on the grill might have been nice, but it's a little early in the season for corn. We grilled up some lightly oiled and seasoned asparagus instead, and it was heavenly. I think we ended up with about 13 ounces of lobster meat when all was said and done. We enjoyed a couple of toasted and buttered brioche rolls piled high with lobster meat while sitting on our back deck while watching our resident woodpeckers make a nuisance of themselves. Life is good.

It just doesn't stop. Bumbles Biden is giving a speech somewhere, and he starts babbling on and on about building a railroad that will go across the entire Indian Ocean. Has he lost his fucking mind? I think we know how this movie ends, and it ain't pretty. Everyone across the globe is getting a glimpse into this dunce's dementia, and it ain't pretty. They have to be asking themselves, what the hell is wrong with an America that allows someone like Bumbles, who is clearly demented and cognitively challenged beyond comprehension, to remain in the highest office in the land? Where are all the Democrats who lamented day in and day out during Trump's time in office that he ought to be removed from office using the 25th Amendment? You know, the same ones who had their hair on fire day in and day out because Trump had access to the nuclear codes? It's fucking crickets when it comes to lunchbucket Joe from Scranton.

A reporter asked Bumbles in the last twenty-four hours about references to his being the Big Guy in various stories about monies flowing in and out of the Biden Crime Family's coffers. Bumbles responded, "What a stupid question." He then laughed aloud at the inference that he was crooked as the day is long with that stupid shit-eating grin of his. His responses are always the same when asked about his involvement in using his position in government to shake down various countries for financial gain that benefits him and his family: "It's malarkey," he says. Again, there is that shit-eating grin that stretches all the way back to his molars. And holy cow, did you see the DeSantis campaign ad that is a visual reservoir of Biden's better-known sniffing and molesting exploits with children? The video montage ends with a stark warning to America's Commander-in-Chief: STAY AWAY FROM OUR CHILDREN. It was stunning. In just the last twenty-four hours, there is the video of Bumbles embracing Eva Longoria on stage, and he attempts to caress her breasts as she backs away from his embrace in an attempt to escape his greasy clutches. Make it stop!

I watched Tucker on Twitter, episode 3, last night. That man speaks truth to power, doesn't he? Tucker was talking about why the powers that be won't allow Trump to ascend to the presidency. More to the point, he was talking about why Trump currently finds himself in the predicament that he does. It was all about Trump's telling the truth about the wars we've been in and the lies our leaders have told to get our country into endless wars, and how those wars have made certain groups of people very rich over the years. He didn't come out and say it but had he had more time, he might have referenced Eisenhower's admonishments to the American people back in the 1950s about the dangers of an ever-expanding Military Industrial Complex. I think the part that Tucker was saying out loud without saying it out loud was that people have the power to elect leaders of their choosing regardless of their positions on when and where we as a country should be involved in wars or not. Trump made a very strong case in 2016 against the war in Iraq, and the American people, for the most part, agreed with him and sent him to Washington to fulfill his promise to keep our country out of war. One of many kept promises. Tucker's not wrong.

I'll have to take a look at the Supreme Court calendar. When is the last day for them to release decisions this month for the 2022-2023 term? I thought it was mid-month or thereabouts. There has been so little in the news about their decisions, either already announced or yet to be announced. Maybe they're waiting until the very last day to release one or more of the more controversial decisions. I'm not even sure what those would be, truth be told. I fully expect that the court will decide against Biden on his loan forgiveness bullshit. It was nothing more than a ploy to get the youth vote back during the 2022 midterms. They need to spank Bumbles and spank him hard on the loan forgiveness issue. And for all of you who took out loans to pay for your education, let's get on the ball and do the right thing for chrissakes. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Black Californians are learning that the hard way as they see this and that reparations bill move further and further away from final passage. You are not going to collect five million dollars per person, so don't go loading up those credit cards in anticipation of a windfall that will likely never come along.

If you're wondering about my reference to "God Save the Queen," it was Bumbles again. There he was, giving one of his stupid speeches again, railing as he usually does against guns and everything else under the sun. He ends his speech by blurting out, "God Save The Queen." It was truly one of Bumble's more bizarre ramblings. It was an instant meme and about as viral a meme as one can imagine as evidenced by the number of retweets I saw on Twitter. This one even had the Brits scratching their heads. If he wanted to pay homage to the Monarchy, you'd think he would make a reference to King Charles and not the Queen. The Queen has been dead for the better part of a year now. His comment likely had more to do with his late-stage senility and all that entails and less to do with anything having to do with the Monarchy. His staff stepped in and said something about Bumbles responding to someone in the crowd when he said what he said. It's nonsense. Or, as the Brits like to say, it's bloody nonsense. The fool is an embarrassment on the world stage and it leaves one to wonder: Who the hell is really in charge in our beloved White House?

There was a story in the news this morning about a fourteen-year kid who Elon Musk hired to work at his company, Space X, as one of the "youngest software engineers on the planet." His doctors said something about his "IQ being maxed out." I flipped to some video of the kid being interviewed by a couple of talking heads on a news station out of San Fransicko only to hear the kid say something about the fact that he listens to NPR on the way to work every day. I thought to myself, that poor befuddled little fuck. They got to him. One of his favorite subjects is politics, or so he said. His parents are probably leftist moonbats who have been filling his head with anti-Trump and anti-Republican hogwash as far back as he can remember. If this kid, with all of his genius and his other obvious and not-so-obvious God-given gifts and talents, can be brainwashed into believing the nonsense that the Democrats are selling these days, then I fear for what that means for the everyday Joe. I know there was a Marxist somewhere along the line that said something about getting to the children while they're young. I'll take "Mission Accomplished" for $200, Alex.

Speaking of moonbats, this Gavin Newsom clown out of California seems to be mounting some kind of something that will put him in the White House. Why else would he threaten to arrest Governor DeSantis for kidnapping illegal aliens and busing them into California? It's nothing more than a publicity stunt. It's also the Democrats doing what they do best these days: Plotting to eliminate their political rivals by putting them in jail. Newsom isn't even a declared candidate for the presidency, yet he's going after the second-place candidate on the Republican already in the race hammer and tong.

Maybe he hasn't noticed, or maybe he doesn't care, but Robert F Kennedy Jr, a fellow Democrat and definitely not a California-style loon, is already in the race and polling at a respectable 20% or so. Newsom's jockeying into an already somewhat crowded field while not yet a declared candidate suggests that there is a power play afoot to install this Californian clown at the expense of any and all other candidates already in or maybe not yet in the race. Maybe the Democrat Party is thinking that Newsom can do for our country what he's done for California. That is to say, ensure that the Democrats remain in power in perpetuity. He's done it for California. Maybe he can do it for our country.

Game Set Match

Why is everything so glitchy all of a sudden? My keyboard and mouse are acting up, and I'm not sure why. Things that were working just fine yesterday are working like shite today. It's been raining for about three days straight here on the seacoast. Do you think that has anything to do with anything? We had a few hours here and there where I probably should have gotten my bike ride in, but I didn't. Thems the shakes, babycakes. But it's a new week, so we get to do everything anew. The coffee and the music are helping this morning, but I may need more than music and coffee as the week wears on. Sometimes a simple nap will do. A walk on the beach? A nice meal with the missus? Maybe all of the above, or none of the above.

Nice Beach

It's so funny and yet so predictable. The hummingbirds that come back year after year to our feeders and our backyard just disappear for a couple of weeks in or around the beginning of June. I suppose it has something to do with their nesting or whatever. What, pray tell, are they snacking on while they're not having the lovely nectar that the missus and I serve up to them day after day? It's nothing but a sugar water concoction, but you'd think it was the nectar of the Gods the way they sip it down. I worry a little bit that our feeding them keeps them away from the nutrients that they typically get when they drink from the seasonal plants and flowers hereabouts. I'm not sure that's time well spent on my part. The feeders will be there when you get back, my little friends. Not to worry.

I never change the water in the feeders without wearing plastic gloves. When it comes to the feeder on our back deck, I know for a fact that we have a resident raccoon who occasionally drinks the sugar water from the feeder, so God only knows what germs he or she leaves behind. It doesn't happen every night, but it happens often enough that I need to do a better job of planning to either take the feeder down or otherwise position it so the raccoon can't get at it. I went to Walmart the other day looking to buy more plastic gloves, and they had none. Well, not the kind that I was looking for, anyway. I hate it when that happens. Just when you find something that you like and something that works well, it disappears from the shelves. Now what do I do? Do I look online to see what Amazon carries? Do I look for a suitable or not-so-suitable substitute? File this under "The Lord works in mysterious ways": I found exactly what I was looking for at Ocean Job Lots. Never mind that the gloves came from China. I bought five 100-packs of gloves for one dollar a package. Thank you, Jesus!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. will be on Twitter Spaces today with Elon Musk. That's pretty cool. I hope it goes better than the Spaces experience with DeSantis and Elon. Let's just say I hope they've worked out the kinks. I won't be voting for Kennedy, but I do want him siphoning off Biden's votes and fragmenting the Democrat Party Politics. I like Kennedy, and I think he's more of a middle-of-the-roader than the majority of the Democrat party, whose politics have gone hard left toward Socialism. Maybe he can bring them back from the brink if he gets in. You'll still have the lefties who won't settle for anything short of communism, so that's worth keeping an eye on. To a person, they go to bed each night with a tattered and well-read book by Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals," under their pillow. Now, if the major networks would just give the guy, I'm talking about Kennedy here, a little more oxygen. Twitter Spaces is a good start.

Kennedy will also be on with Michael Smerconish on Sirius this morning at 11. The last time Smerconsih gave Kennedy air time, he spent the majority of the time asking him about Trump. Or, maybe he was grilling him about his stance on vaccines and the war in Ukraine. Smerconish won't admit it, but he's a card-carrying member of the Democrat party, and he faithfully executes his role in same by doing their bidding at every turn while pretending to be a neutral observer. He's not kidding anyone. Did I mention that he is also a CNN host and lackey? So, he'll pretend to interview Kennedy while putting a knife in his backside as only Smerconish can. It's Biden or bust. The worst he makes Kennedy look, the better it is for both Biden and Smerconish, and that is not lost on Smerconish. If he loses a few listeners who were leaning Kennedy, so be it. It's a small price to pay for getting Bumbles and his corrupt administration across the finish line in 2024. A win is a win.

I don't know about you, but I don't have much faith in the people in Washington whose job it is to hold our public officials responsible. It really is a cabal. A veritable rats nest, if you must know. We all knew the fix was in for Bumbles Biden when the cabal learned about Biden's digitally raping Tara Reade and simply looked the other way. It's true what they say about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely. And now, we're hearing that the FBI has irrefutable proof that Biden changed American policy in his role as Vice President in the Obama administration in exchange for $5 million dollars. I'm not sure which country we're talking about, but it really doesn't matter. That, my friends, is the definition of treason. The FBI has refused to turn over the document to Congress despite threats of being held in contempt. So, our Justice Department, an oxymoron if I've ever heard one, is now complicit in the crimes of the Biden Crime Family. This will go nowhere, and the sickness in our institutions will continue unabated. If only the Republican Party had the stones to do what the Democrats would have done long ago if a Republican sitting in the White House were accused of similar crimes. I'm talking about impeachment.

What do you think about Robert F. Kennedy Jr's allegation that Anderson Cooper (CNN) took $12 million dollars from Pfizer to tout Pfizer's vaccine during the Covid-19 craze? How does that work exactly? Now that the management of CNN is aware of the allegation, is this something worth pursuing? There must be something in the fine print of his employment contract that says taking money from an advertiser to push their products is unethical or immoral. Right? With everything now coming to light about the dangers of the vaccines back in the day and the relentless push by the media and government officials to mandate or cajole the unvaccinated to get vaccinated, and to think that the people pushing the vaccines the hardest were getting rich at the same time, there's a bit of a stench to all of it. The Andersen Coopers of the world told us time and time again that the vaccinated couldn't spread the virus and, if you were vaccinated, you wouldn't get the virus. They were all lies. They lied, and people died. Here we are again. Where is the accountability?

I listened to Kennedy on Twitter Spaces yesterday with Elon Musk and others. I can't tell you how refreshing it was to listen to a man who has actual convictions and who has a worldview that he can actually articulate. If you listened to the same thing I listened to, you more than likely walked away with a total understanding of why the Biden camp has to do everything it can to make sure that Biden doesn't end up on a debating stage with Kennedy. That's kind of sad if you think about it. Bumbling Joe would be exposed for the fraud and the intellectual lightweight that he is, and Kennedy would offer the Democrats and Americans at large a vision of a multi-textured future for America that Joe Biden could never come close to articulating. The promise of a better America has to be at the top of every American's wish list, and it's critical that any and all contenders for the Presidency of our country articulate that vision. Kennedy isn't my cup of tea for a variety of reasons, but he deserves a place on the stage. Shame on the Democrats if they continue to silence his voice.

Do you happen to have any extra bedrooms or space in your house that is, in a word, underutilized? Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, is now talking about paying people to take illegal aliens into their homes. Apparently, they are running short of five-star hotels in the Big Apple to house these illegals. They've effectively evicted disabled vets and other Americans who have fallen on hard times to make room for the hordes of illegals that have been bussed into New York City from our southern border. Adams isn't screaming at the top of his lungs to stop the madness and close the borders. No siree, Bob. He wants you and others like you in New York to accommodate these people by opening your doors and your hearts to their plight. What he's not telling you is who these people are, where they come from, what diseases they carry, what threats you and your family may face by putting them up, and which jails or mental health facilities they were released from before they were bussed to our borders and invited in by Bumbles Biden and the radical socialists in the Democrat Party.

Adams seems to think that anyone in New York who has fallen on hard times and who may be having a hard time keeping a roof over their head may now be interested in this new incentive program being offered by the City. Make no mistake; today, it's the carrot. Tomorrow, it will be the stick. Sooner or later, anyone and everyone who was willing to take the offer will have taken the offer. We still have hundreds, if not thousands, of illegal aliens, coming across our borders every day, so you do the math. I don't know if it's eminent domain or something like eminent domain, but mayors across our country will sooner or later mandate that anyone who can take illegals into their homes must take them in or face the consequences. All I can say is, thank God for the second amendment. A man's home is his castle, and he has the right to protect his home and his family. Beyond that, he has the right to push back against the tyranny of a government that would threaten the sanctity of both our homes and our Republic. Now you know why they want to take your guns.

It looks like the Republican Party is going to call for a vote in the House tomorrow morning (Thursday - June 8th) to hold Wray, the head of the FBI, in contempt of Congress for not turning over the document that allegedly proves that Joe Biden took five million dollars from a foreign country in exchange for altering American foreign policy. Wray briefed Congress the other day on the document that they had in their possession but that they chose not to provide to James Comer and his Committee. The FBI said something about people's lives being put at risk were the document to see the light of day. No sooner had the FBI finished their briefing than the Democrat chair of the Committee took to the podium to downplay the document and its importance. When it comes to the Democrat Party, it's all about protecting Bumbles Biden at all costs. By extension, you can probably link in Obama since Bumbles was Vice President under Obama at the time. What did Obama know, and when did he know it? Were Biden's treasonous ways going on right under his nose, and he didn't know anything about it? That's highly unlikely. Now, that very same Democrat, Raskin is his name, just a foul fuck of a Congressman, is looking to strip off Republicans so they don't have enough votes to hold Wray in contempt. We'll see.

(Update) Wray will be sharing the document referenced above with Comer's committee. There will be no vote to hold Wray in contempt of Congress. Ok, let's put that down in the "we're making progress" column. On a completely different subject, what did you all think about Tucker's return to the airwaves? His new show on Twitter is entitled "Tucker on Twitter." It wasn't long enough if you ask me. It was a brief and very quick ten minutes. If you didn't know any differently, you might have thought he was back in the saddle at FOX. He still wore a suit and tie and didn't look any different. There was a different background suggesting that he might be broadcasting from his summer place in Maine. I made a point of waiting until eight at night to watch the "show." What can I say? Old habits die hard. I've been tuning into Tucker for years at eight o'clock at night on FOX, so now I'll do it on Twitter instead. That's how I roll, babycakes. FOX is suing him now for breach of contract, whatever that means. I'm guessing FOX doesn't appreciate him replicating his old show on a different platform. Too bad.


Trump has now been notified that he is the target of a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice. Everyone is on pins and needles, expecting an indictment to drop any day now. To say that network wonks aren't gleeful with this development would be an understatement. Biden is so desperate to put his main political opponent behind bars that he has to be absolutely chomping at the bit. There is simply no pathway to a second term for Biden as long as Trump remains in the race. There's only one problem with Biden's devious plan. Everyone sees it for what it is. It gets worse. Biden is far more guilty of process crimes and other crimes related to classified documents, and again, everyone knows it. We've all seen the pictures of Biden's garage in Delaware with classified documents strewn about next to his beloved Corvette. With Wray now revealing the documents that put Biden at the center of a $5 million pay-for-play arrangement with a foreign government, we're no longer talking about classified documents. We're talking about treason. Before I forget, remember that Trump had every right to the documents he took from the White House. Your move, Attorney General.

My new Echo Buds arrived yesterday. I've never had a pair of earbuds that just hang from your ears without any cords attached. Truth be told, they feel weird. I told the missus that I'll not be wearing them while biking for a while. Not until I get some comfort level with them that they'll not be falling out of my ears while riding anyway. I thought that I could answer phone calls with them by tapping twice on the buds. I had the missus call me a couple of times, and I was unable to answer my iPhone by tapping on the buds. What the hell am I doing wrong? Or did I buy a pig in a poke? It's not like this was a purchase off eBay, for chrissakes. I expect more from Amazon. Apple wouldn't be pulling this shit. I noticed, too, that the packaging that the buds came in was eerily similar to the packaging I've seen in the past of Apple products. It was flimsier, cheaper, and not at all up to snuff compared to what Apple ships. The buds weren't terribly expensive ($39 on sale) compared to how much Apple charges for their buds. Is this one of those "you get what you pay for" deals?

If you told me that I'd be buying my next air conditioner from Amazon, I might have told you that you were out of your mind. We have this old 10,000 BTU air conditioner that is getting a little long in the tooth, and it's probably not all that energy efficient. Neither the missus nor I can even remember where we got the air conditioner if that tells you anything about how old it might be. It has always done a nice job for us, so it will be like saying goodbye to an old friend who has been with us through thick and thin when I finally get around to bringing it to the recycling center. I'm a little concerned that this new unit we're buying won't do as good a job as my old unit for the simple fact that it's one of those newfangled energy-efficient models. It has the same BTU output, so time will tell. There is also some bracketing I'll need to sort out as part and parcel of the framing before I can put the unit in the window, so that could be a challenge. This is one of those units that is bisected such that half of the unit sits outside the window, effectively putting the compressor unit on the outside of the house. Quieter is good. It's a Midea air conditioner if you're interested in finding out more.

Well, I guess if Trump says that he's been indicted, then I guess we should take his word for it. Y'all knew how the timing of all of this was going to work. Right? The minute the news came out that Biden was involved in a treasonous pay-for-play arrangement that garnered him and his crackhead son, Hunter, a cool $5 million apiece, they had to suppress that news somehow. Working with the "Justice" Department, the DOJ notified Trump's attorney's that he was under indictment for charges related to his handling of classified documents once he left the White House. It was promptly leaked to the media in advance, of course, and the maelstrom of Trump's indictment flooded the networks like a firehose on steroids. How fucking convenient was that? The praetorian guard of the corrupt and illegitimate Biden regime is going to ride this wave right into 2024 when they fully expect that their boy, Bumbles, will take his oath to protect and defend our country for another four years.

Trump's case will likely not be resolved by then, so he will have these so-called charges hanging over his head for the duration of his run for the presidency. So much so that if you're a Trump-hating socialist or just some liberal twat sitting on the sidelines watching all of this go by, you have to be taking a certain amount of pleasure in seeing the opposition party's candidate gasping for air and likely facing a life sentence once he's found guilty on all charges. He can't possibly be elected president of the United States with all of these charges pending, or can he? Let's cut through the haze here, shall we? The only reason Trump is being indicted is because he is an existential threat to the Democrat Party and the presidency of Joseph Biden, or Scranton Joe, if you prefer. Or is it lunch-bucket Joe? Now that Congress has seen the document regarding the $5 million dollar payments to the Bidens, let's get this fucking impeachment hearing underway. Let the American people find out who the real criminal is. Let's see how long Biden's praetorian guard can keep this story under wraps. If I'm a Republican member of Congress, I'm already in touch with the networks and putting them on notice that impeachment hearings are imminent, so plan accordingly.

I appreciate the fact that the first guy out of the gate last night when this news hit the wires was Trump's opponent in the Republican primary, Vivek Ramaswamy, who lambasted Biden and his Department of Justice for their role in Trump's indictment. He knew exactly what they were up to, and he called them out. He also promised that, if elected, he would pardon Trump for any and all charges assuming he was found guilty of anything. Good for him! I don't think that will be necessary since I fully expect Trump to win the presidency in 2024, but Vivek's heart is in the right place. Where the hell are his other primary opponents? Have they nothing to say? Do they not realize that it's Trump today, but it could well be them tomorrow or the next day? I think I read that Asa Hutchinson, another of Trump's opponents, demanded that Trump step down. Fuck that clown show of a candidate and send his ass packing back to Arkansas forthwith. If that's the hill he wants to die on, then let him have at it. I think DeSantis came out late with some sort of criticism of Biden, but I'm guessing he was waiting to see how others were going to react first. That's not the sort of fuck we need sitting in the Oval Office. It just isn't.

Did you read that Wall Street Journal story about China building a spy base in Cuba? The Bidenistas were quick to come out and say that there wasn't any truth to the story. My question would be, how much did China pay Biden and his family to look the other way while they build this thing on the island just 90 miles off our coast? It's kinda like that whole Chinese spy balloon thing that Biden allowed to traverse our country, and not just in a willy-nilly fashion. It flew over our most sensitive military installations, and, in some instances, it made several passes over key sites vacuuming up everything in sight. By the time Biden gave the approval to shoot the balloon down after it left the continental United States, it had already uploaded the data it collected, and Biden knew it. Again, how much did China pay the Biden family to do China's bidding? Maybe the question is, or should be, what do the Chinese Communists have on Joe Biden that he is willing to sell out our country to keep their secrets under wraps? I'm guessing this Cuba story isn't going away anytime soon.

Mrs. G has decided that she wants to sell her car. She asked the missus if she might ask me if I would be willing to give the dealership a call to see how much they might be willing to pay for it. That's just ducky. There's only one problem. A car dealership isn't going to give you shit for your car. Even if they did want to buy it, they still wouldn't give you a fair shake. They're in business to make money, and the more money they give you for your car, the less money they make. The other problem, as I see it, is that Mrs. G has a number in mind that she got with my help. For better or worse, I helped her look up the Kelly Blue Book value of her car on the web. The only way we're going to get anything close to what we saw on the web is to sell it outright to a private party. I want no part of any of this if you want to know the truth. In other words, I don't want to make her problem my problem. I've got enough problems. Relatively speaking, that is. How do you tell a ninety-two-year-old that she's on her own?

I don't know why they have to make things so difficult. I have this Weber grill, and I can't tell one way or another how much gas I left in the tank at any given moment. It's got this spring gizmo that is supposed to give you something of a visual read on how much gas you have left based on the weight of the gas canister, but I'll be damned if I can make any sense of it. I ordered a meter of sorts from Amazon yesterday that will give me precisely what I need to know. I've only ever had one tank since I bought the grill a couple of years ago, so it's never really been an issue before. These gas tanks are meant to be returned to the store and replaced with a full tank when they're empty. You never really buy the tank itself. I returned the original tank last week, thinking that I didn't want to be in the middle of a grilling session and have the damn thing die on me. I'm not so sure I didn't return the tank when it was still half full. All of that gets fixed with this new meter I bought. At a minimum, I can feel good about not returning a tank to the store that still has a way to go before it runs out of gas.

Have you seen "Tucker on Twitter"? He's put out a couple of episodes thus far. If you didn't know any better, you'd think you were still watching Tucker on FOX. The background is different, and these Twitter episodes are quite a bit shorter by maybe half compared to his previous shows on FOX, but it's unmistakably Tucker being Tucker. I can see why FOX wants to sue him. Apart from the contractual issues surrounding his departure, the show looks and feels a lot like his old show, but it is not a FOX production. If I had any complaint, it would be that the episodes are too short. He covers far too little of what he used to cover. Having guests from time to time might be nice, but there are none at the moment. I find myself having to remind myself that I'm watching his show on Twitter, and that takes a little cognitive twist here and there. I don't know if I'm doing myself any favors by saving the episodes and watching them at the hour that I used to watch them on FOX, but it is what it is. It's a little like DVR'ing his show or watching him on demand when you see his video posting to Twitter. You can watch it at your leisure or save up a few and watch them all at once, or maybe not at all.

The missus and I started watching an Apple TV show called "Extrapolations" on the telly last night. The first few minutes were filled with scenes of global devastation and population displacements across the globe caused by Climate Change. I wish Apple would take their woke shit and stick it where the sun don't shine. Everyone knows Climate Change is a hoax. Well, everyone except the Moonbat leftists and their cult-like followers, that is. Why Apple chooses Climate Change as the hill they choose to die on is anyone's guess. It took us all of two minutes, if that, between the time we figured out what Apple was selling and the time we turned the channel. When Apple isn't selling its Climate Change bullshit, they're all in on shows involving equity, inclusion, and diversity. We're not watching those shows either. If Steve Jobs were still alive, he'd likely be having none of this. I'm still a fan of Apple products, but they seem to be more than a little confused about who their audience is when it comes to producing television shows for the American public at large. I don't know. Maybe it's just me.

Speaking of cultists, have you heard the latest from John "Botox" Kerry lately? What the hell is he these days? Is he like the Deputy Climate Change Czar or something? He's just a complete fool. He said something recently about the number of people on our planet and the fact that the Earth simply cannot sustain this number of people going forward. What the hell is he even talking about? If I had to guess, I'd say that Johnny Kerry was one of those elites running around the globe during the 2020 pandemic telling everyone to get their jabs and wear their masks while he did neither. I'd also guess that he thinks that not nearly enough people died during the Covid era and, had he his druthers, he would have liked to see the number of dead Americans multiplied by a factor of ten or so. He's the ghastliest of the ghastly. He even looks like death warmed over. He's probably also one of those freaks who wants his body put in some kind of cryogenic chamber after his death so he can be resurrected along with his fellow elitists when they perfect the science. Don't think for a minute that he doesn't have a reserved seat with his name on it in the bunker beneath our nation's capitol for the day the big one hits. I'm talkin' nuclear.

What did I tell you? No sooner did the story come out in the WSJ about China building a spy base in China than the Pentagon sent their gaslighters out to quash the story. It ain't happening, or so they said in so many words. That was a tell, my friends. The sooner they come out and try to kill the story, the sooner you know they're lying through their teeth. Well, Bumbles admitted yesterday that China has been in Cuba since 2019 doing precisely what he and his cronies denied so vehemently the other day. I can hear them in the Pentagon now. I wish that senile old fool would keep his mouth shut. He's going to get us all killed. Whether Biden spilled the beans in a spasm of demented truth-telling or whether he just couldn't keep denying the story any longer, we'll never know. Now that we do know, what the hell are we going to do about it? Why has this been kept secret since 2019? What did Bumbles know, and when did he know it? How much, if anything, did the Communist Chinese Party pay the Biden family to look the other way? Do not get me started.

You have to admit, Trump has a pair like no one else. He was notified of a pending indictment just the other day, and he was in both Georgia and North Carolina last night giving speeches and ripping this prosecutor, Jack Smith, a new one. He even had a few disparaging words about Smith's wife. God bless him! Trump, I mean. He's taking none of this sitting down. In fact, the more I read about these charges, the more I think they are much ado about nothing. Keep in mind that this prosecutor, Smith, is a failed and vengeful prosecutor who pursued one case to the point where the Supreme Court voted 9-0 to overturn the conviction. I'm a little surprised he hasn't been disbarred. That wasn't his only shameful prosecution. Also, keep in mind that Merrit Garland hired him not to find the facts and make a recommendation to prosecute or not prosecute but rather to, as they say in Russia, "find me the man, and I'll find you the crime." This has nothing to do with putting bad guys in jail or holding bad guys to account. It has everything to do with taking Trump off the field so Biden can be reelected. Trump knows it, and so do we. All 100 million or more of us.

I'll not be watching any of the Sunday talk shows this morning. I can't stand to watch the leftist media crow about Trump's indictment and all of their sick prognostications about which Gulag Trump will be spending his remaining days in once he's convicted. I have to say, though, even my Twitter feed has fewer and fewer headlines about Trump's indictment, so maybe their making an effort not to put the cart before the horse for a change. This whole thing could be dismissed in short order. He's going before a judge that he appointed in Miami in a couple of days, and she could give the prosecution's case the old heave-ho. I can hear her now: "Get the fuck out of my court, you piece of shit. With everything we know about the alleged crimes of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and others while they have been charged with nothing, you expect the court to hear this case against your political opponent"? Wouldn't that be something? Trump is saying that even if he is convicted, he's still running. His conviction is subject to review by the Supreme Court given his previous role as Commander-in-Chief, and last but not least, three of his appointees sit on that very same court. Game-Set-fucking Match!

Consenting Adults

It's Monday, Memorial Day, and we're off and running on another exciting week here on the seacoast. Who knows what bees I'll have in my bonnet between now and the time I wrap up this week's blog a week from today? That's a thing, right? Bees in the bonnet? If I never had any bees in my bonnet, what the hell would I write about? I've got to exorcise these demons in my head somehow. Thems the bees I'm referring to. They come and go as bees will on any given day, but I think I finally have them flying in formation. Kinda like the butterflies that people get in their tummies before making a speech. If you can get them flying in formation, the world is your oyster. It seems I'm going to club these baby seals of mine to death with cliches. That's a thing, too, right? Cliches?


A family acquaintance of ours took her Rolex watch to get cleaned the other day. I know, I know. Who the hell wears a Rolex watch these days? Speaking of clubbing baby seals, wearing a Rolex watch in public is asking for trouble. I suppose it depends on where you go with that Rolex of yours on your wrist, but you definitely want to avoid certain areas, if you get my drift. Anyway, she takes this watch of hers to a jeweler in town and asks about having it cleaned. They quoted her a price of $1,500 US dollars to have it done, and that didn't include the cost of any parts that might need replacing. I'm thinking to myself, holy jumping Jesus. Why is it so expensive? Maybe it's true what they say about if you can't afford the maintenance, then maybe you shouldn't buy it in the first place. If I had to guess, I'd guess that this was probably a gift back in the day. Price aside, there's something to be said for sentimental value. Let's find a Rolex service center and get this done right. Forget the cost.

I'm not a big watch guy, so one should take any advice I have to give on watch procurement or repair with a grain of salt. I'm more inclined than not to purchase my watches at Walmart. I go to a lot of places and do a lot of things where I don't want to have to worry about having my watch stolen or somehow compromised. I'm talking about the gym, biking, and that sort of thing. I've never fancied having an Apple watch since having to charge my wristwatch every so often seems ridiculous to me. Why would I choose to buy a watch that I need to recharge when I can buy a watch that I don't have to recharge? It's a little like buying an electric car. Who the hell wants to buy a car that you have to plug in every night when you can buy a car that you never need to plug in? The technology is changing so rapidly that I'm afraid that by the time I decided to buy the car, or the watch for that matter, my purchase would be outdated, technologically speaking. Does that make me a troglodyte? A Luddite?

I know it makes sense for Zelensky and his toadies to send drones into downtown Moscow but to what end? Is it the beginning of a larger counter-offensive that Ukraine has been talking about now for a while? Have they forgotten about Crimea and their plans to recapture Crimea from the Ruskies? I'm guessing Zelensky and his generals want to inflict a little pain and discomfort on the Russians to let them feel the kind of fear and dread that the Ukrainians have been experiencing for the last year or so. Maybe they think it will turn the Russian people against Putin, and that alone will bring the military action to a grinding halt when nothing else could. When you think of the kinds of things that qualify as an escalation in this brush-up between Russia and Ukraine, sending drones into Moscow definitely fits the bill. Now, the Russian people are fighting for their homeland. Nothing girds the soul of a nation more than seeing your homeland under attack. How do you say "all hands on deck' in Russian?

The dressing down of Bumbles Biden and his clown car of an entourage continues on the world stage. The latest humiliation comes in the form of a bitch slap to Biden's Defense Secretary, Loyd Austin, by his counterparts in the Chinese military. China has rebuffed Austin's efforts once again to set up meetings to improve communications between the two superpowers. I'm no foreign affairs expert, but I'm thinking that this can't bode well for any number of things, including the long-term well-being of Taiwan. All I see in the news these days is news about the Chinese president, Xi, making economic and military pacts with this or that nation across the Globe while Bumbling Joe Biden calls a lid every day at 9 am and puts in a four-day workweek before flying back home to Rehobeth, Deleware for a three-day vacation. It would seem that America's power on the world stage under Biden is receding while China is ascendant. Does any of this have anything to do with the millions of dollars transferred into Biden's coffers by the Communist Chinese Party? You tell me.

You've got to hand it to Bumbles. He has the audacity to step up to the podium and excoriate the president of Uganda for signing off on laws having to do with homosexuality while he turns our nation into a laughingstock on the world stage by staffing his administration with perverts and misfits. He fights for the rights of his leftist constituencies to continue the slaughter of American babies in abortion centers while putting prayerful protestors in jail. He looks the other way while Leftists District Attorneys funded by George Soros release hardened criminals by the thousands back into the streets to continue their assaults on the American public while jailing peaceful protestors from January 6th whose only crime was to be in Washington on that fateful day back in 2020. He says nothing while the woke culture freaks impose their unnatural predilections on society enabled by corporate entities like Target and Anheuser Busch. He looks the other way while human traffickers on both sides of the border rape and prey on every man, woman, and child heading north to our country's porous borders. This kind of rabid hypocrisy runs deep in the DNA of the Bidens, Bumbles notwithstanding.

Yesterday was quite a day. Everything was going according to Hoyle until around 8 in the morning. The missus appears in the doorway complaining about a sliver of sorts under her fingernail. Knowing that this was probably something more than just a trifle, off we went to the local urgent care center. Oddly enough, she wasn't in excruciating pain, so that was good. Anyway, that all took a couple of hours to get squared away. The sliver came out, and she now has a tender fingertip for the time being. We stopped and had a nice breakfast at the Golden Egg restaurant in Portsmouth. That was a treat. I can't remember the last time we had breakfast out. I managed to prepare a nice late-afternoon meal for the family, which we enjoyed on our back deck. I made nice chicken/spring vegetable skewers for the missus and the Ev man and I had hotdogs with steamed buns and macaroni salad. The weather was a comfortable 65 degrees with almost zero humidity. I even managed to mow our lawn and get in a bike ride to boot in the early evening. Don't you just love the early days of summer?

Y'all know who Tara Reade is. Right? She's the woman who accused Bumbles Biden of rape. She never got a hearing of any kind in the media here in the States, to nobody's surprise. I guess the Me-too Movement only goes so far. If you're accusing a sitting Democratic President like Bumbles Biden of rape, nobody's interested in your story. Not the media, not the Justice Department, nobody. If you're Donald J Trump, at least in New York State, they will create new laws to allow your accusers to come forward many decades after the alleged offense despite your inability to remember any of the details of the decades-old whatever. Just when you thought you'd heard the last of Tara Reade, she turns up in Russia. Wut? I thought it was a joke when I first heard it. Apparently, she fears for her life here in the United States. You've heard of the Clintons. Right? You've heard of Vince Foster. Right? It makes you wonder if Tara still has that "blue dress." You know, the one with the DNA on it. It's all very reminiscent of the Monica Lewinsky thing, with one notable exception. Can you say consent?

My brother from another mother gave me a framed picture a while back of him sitting in his boat just offshore on Lake George, New York. We've had it hanging here in the house for a good couple of years now. We were over at the Ev man's place to give him a hand tidying up the other day, and we talked about the fact that he had no wall hangings of any kind. The Ev man has a long history with Lake George, relatively speaking, and he's pretty tight with my brother from another mother. Well, as tight as one can be living as far apart as we do. You can see where I'm going with this. I was not want one way or another to part with the picture, but it seemed to me to be a proper bequeathment under the circumstances. Now that he has the picture, I'll want to follow up with him to make sure that he does a proper job of putting it up on the wall in his apartment. We gave him a little thingy that he can use so he doesn't have to put a nail in the wall, so here's hoping that works. He's pretty excited to have the picture, and I think he thinks he knows just where he wants to hang it.

I'm liking this backlash thing that we see happening with Anheuser Busch. They underestimated the tolerance of their customer base for the likes of Dylan Mulvaney and everything that he/she/they/it represents. They're stock has taken a shellacking from the day that that twat's face first appeared on Anheuers Busch's beer cans. Target did not do themselves any favors by hiring a gay Satanist to oversee their fashion line, and now they're being properly Bud-Lighted by parents who are having none of it. I think I'm liking Bud-Lighted as a verb. It just works. Target's stock has lost billions in value since parents have awakened to their woke nonsense. I think Kohl's is next on the chopping block. If you're guessing that they too have some nose-studded and tattooed LGBTQ type running their fashion lines, I think you'd probably be correct. Gay people involved in the fashion business is nothing new, but there's this new radicalism in the LGBTQ community these days that, for better or worse, rubs most people the wrong way. Retailers seem to have forgotten that customers vote with their dollars.

It looks like Chris Christie is going to get into the presidential race. He's not in it to win it like the other announced candidates. He's in it to bring Trump down. Christie was on the sidelines, just waiting to see what DeSantis's entrance to the race would mean for Trump's seemingly unstoppable ascendency to the nomination. Well, now he has his answer. Trump's numbers have actually improved despite both DeSantis's entrance into the race, not to mention Trump's mounting legal woes coming from District Attorneys in blue states and Special Prosecutors assigned to Trump's case by Biden's Justice Department. Trump isn't wrong when he accuses the Biden Justice Department and others of election interference. What Christie doesn't realize is that any ad hominem attacks against Trump, especially coming from Christie, will likely be seen for what they are: Cheap shots at a one-time president whose base still holds him in considerable esteem. Then, where is he? What does he have left? Christie, I mean. If he has any aspirations for higher office in the future, he'll be wise to hold his tongue, sharp as it is.

I'm running out of reasons not to square away our garage. It's that age-old procrastination thing that only gets worse the older you get. I should probably change the oil in my snowblowers and get them ready for the upcoming winter season. I always tell myself that these are things that I need to do, yet I inevitably drag my feet when it comes to getting them done. I can't forget to follow up with the oil guys who walked away with the filter from my furnace with the promise to find and install a replacement. It's been a good week since he was here servicing our furnace, so I think it's time to follow up. One of these days, I'm going to get around to washing the windows here and there throughout our house. I also need to get my act together and put a coat or two of paint on the walls in the Ev man's bedroom. That's been on my mind to do for a good five years or so. One day at a time is what I tell myself. You can only do so much. If I do nothing else today, I need to replace the canister of gas on my grill. She's getting low, as best I can tell. Oh, and I need to shop around for a new air conditioner.

I think I need a new router. I blew out a couple of the ports on the back of my router when a storm blew through the area last summer, so that may have been the beginning of the end. I found a pretty good workaround so that I didn't have to buy a new router, so that was good. Did I mention that that surge also took out a couple of my Apple TV's? Now, whenever I hear thunder or the crack of lightning in the distance, I immediately disconnect my Apple devices from the ethernet cords that tether them to my router. Anyway, my router has developed this weird little problem of going offline for 2-3 minutes at a time, maybe a handful of times every day. It's idiosyncratic at best if that's the right word. I can live with it, but it gets a bit old after a while. The missus is less accepting of these kinds of things since she relies on the computer to do what she needs to do every day. I've done the restarting routine and all the rest, so I finally relented and ordered a new router yesterday. Let's hope this does the trick.

I ended up driving to a couple of stores to see what they had in stock for routers. That is just an exercise in futility. The stores seem to have a limited supply of routers which struck me as a bit odd. Is everyone buying router/modem combos these days? I can tell you unequivocally that if I had one of those combo jobs, I'd still be trying to troubleshoot the issue that I'm having. I'm thinking that the stores are carrying fewer routers because most people are buying their routers online. That's me thinking out loud. The biggest problem with buying one from an online place like Amazon is that they have too many to choose from. They also have a pretty good selection of lower-priced units, which were conspicuously absent from the shelves in the two stores that I visited. The sweet spot for me in terms of pricing is somewhere between $100 and $200. I'm also a little reluctant to buy a brand that I have little to no experience using, although that's probably just a bias on my part. Most of them are plug-and-play these days. What the hell am I going to do if this doesn't fix my problem? Anyway, my point here is to say that I would have saved myself considerable time and expense had I just gone to Amazon from day one. Screw the brick and mortars.


I saw a story yesterday about Russia taking out Ukraine's one and only naval vessel. How long will it be now before Zelensky prostrates himself once again before the Western powers in a bid to have them supply Ukraine with naval vessels to replace the one taken out by the Ruskies? Now that the Ruskies have Crimea, doesn't that render the country of Ukraine landlocked? I know shit about the geography of Ukraine other than the fact that Russia is to the east of Ukraine and every other country in Europe, with the exception of Sweden and Finland, which lie to the north, lie East of Ukraine. That shouldn't stop Zelensky from making the request. He can always trade any naval vessels or aircraft carriers he gets for something else he needs. Do you think there's a chance that some Western power would give him a nuclear device? God forbid. What about those weapons that we've given to Ukraine that are now ending up in the hands of the Cartels in Mexico? That is messed up. Bumbles Biden keeps ramping up the rhetoric, and his nitwits in the Military Industrial Complex are a "no" when it comes to accepting terms tendered by Putin to bring Russia's aggression to a grinding halt. God only knows where this ends up. No place good is what I'm thinking. Will NATO troops get involved just to keep Zelensky in power?

Bumbles took another fall yesterday. Forget for a minute that his speech to the Air Force graduating class was nasty and mean in terms of his tone and content. He was going on and on about his trying to get into the Naval Academy in his youth. What that had to do with the group he was addressing is anybody's guess. Who knows how much of what he was saying was even true? I don't think he knows from one minute to the next, given his considerable cognitive impairment. Oh, and he said something about this year's class at the Academy being the most diverse in history. He just can't fucking help himself. Somebody is going to have to explain to me like I'm a fifth grader how diversity makes us stronger. So, Bumbles goes to walk off the stage, and he falls flat on his face like the dumb incoherent fuck that he is. This wasn't his first fall, nor will it be his last. This is what passes for our Commander-in-Chief these days. So humiliating. It took three of four people to get him back on his feet, as he was physically incapable of getting up on his own. Paging Dr. Jill. Paging Dr. Jill.

Just so you know, Doctor Jill is off by her lonesome on some junket to visit several Middle Eastern nations. She's the new Biden Crime Family bagman since Hunter's role has fallen under increased scrutiny these past few months. I guess that makes her a bag woman, right? She'll allegedly be collecting checks from leaders around the Middle East who want more access or more favorable treatment from her husband during his remaining time in office. Who knows how many more LLCs the Bidens will have to set up to accommodate the beneficence of the donors she plans on shaking down. Then again, Congressman Comer is all over the LLC scams utilized by the Bidens, so she may insist on payments in cash. Who's going to check her luggage when it goes through Customs? Nobody, because Air Force One and its personnel don't go through Customs. See how that works? I mean, nobody would even suspect the First Lady of the United States of this sort of thing. Right? It's the perfect crime until it isn't.

I don't think any conservative worth his salt thinks that Speaker McCarthy did what he had to do when it came to dealing with this debt ceiling issue. All you need to know is that they couldn't have passed it out of the House had it not been for the Democrats who voted for it. That's never a good sign. He pushed the bill through with zero caps on how much the Democrats can spend between now and January 2025. Who does that? This had nothing to do with advancing the interests of the Republican Party or, for that matter, the American people. It was the Uni-Party doing what the Uni-Party always does. They closed ranks, and they did what they always do - they fucked the American people, and they fucked them (us) good. The Democrats will now likely add trillions more to the debt that we already have sitting out there to the tune of $32 trillion dollars. God help our children and our grandchildren, is what I say. Worst of all, McCarthy bent over and gave away the store to that radical leftist, Hakeem Jeffries, the minority leader, in order to get his commitment that the Democrat votes would be there for him when he needed them. He's (McCarthy) gotta go.

I don't know why I did that. I recorded a song on my iPhone that I've been practicing on my guitar just to get a sense of what it sounds like. Maybe I'm being too critical. It sounded like shite. It was so bad that I didn't even pick up my guitar yesterday, and I never let a day go by when I don't at least pick the damn thing up and do something with it. It's all about keeping my callouses intact, if that makes any sense. You work too long and too hard to develop callouses as a guitar player, and you don't want to lose all of that hard work and time spent by going a day or two or more without playing. Now, I'm stuck. Do I give up on that particular song, or do I look to get over this little hump of mine by practicing and perfecting the song even more? It is true that I think I get better every time I play that particular song. Maybe I'm just saying that because I'm getting better at playing notes without looking at the strings. I'm such a noob. The song I've been working on is Paul McCartney's "Blackbird" in case you're curious. I'm not even singing along, so don't even go there. That's a whole other ball of wax. I know, I know. Don't give up your day job.

I set up my new router this morning. I was hoping for a bit more of a bump in download speeds, but that doesn't seem to be the case. That's not why I bought the new router, but one can dream. Right? I needed to fix my problem of getting intermittent connection blackouts. I think I'm good to go now, so we'll see. The other thing I need to work on is the static coming out of my speakers that seems to come and go depending on where I place certain electrical devices on my desk. Sometimes it's just a matter of snugging up connections here and there or rearranging equipment that might be interfering with each other. There is such a tangle of wires in and around the desk that I'm not terribly inclined to try and sort them out. I know that day's coming, and I know that I'll feel better having put that issue in the rearview mirror. I tell myself that I can't make matters any worse. When it's all sorted, what I end up wondering is why it took me so long to do it. It's the way of the world, I tell myself. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I used to appreciate the likes of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green because she was a fighter. She is a gal from Georgia with more testosterone in her pinkie than a lot of the people and politicians she surrounds herself with in the sewer we know as Washington, DC. The more I see of her these days, the more I wonder just how far she has her head up Speaker McCarthy's ass. She supported him in his bid for the Speakership, and she couldn't stop smiling when he took the gavel from the stooge, Nancy Pelosi. I think she thought she had the world by the balls with the Speaker in her back pocket, indebted as he was to her after winning the Speakership position. In a perverse turn of events, what she doesn't or didn't realize was that she was quickly becoming, for better or worse, McCarthy's little bitch. She voted with him on the disgusting giveaway to the radical Dems, and she and her turncoat Republican peeps quickly caved to the radical Minority Speaker of the House, Jeffries, on the debt ceiling bill. She came out the other day saying something about the imminent release of the J6 tapes, and not twenty-four hours later, she's telling her conservative base that releasing the tapes could risk Capitol security. The words coming out of her mouth sound more McCarthy than Green, and with good reason. That little bitch thing is not a good look.

The missus asked if I might find a way to effectively paste text of her choosing into a document without doing the typical copy/paste routine. Oh, and I can't be downloading any fancy schmancy software onto her work PC that might get her in hot water with the mucky-mucks in the IT department where she works. I thought I had found something the other day (AutoHotKey) in some open-source software on the web that I thought might work, but she was on to me, and she had me delete it all before I even got started. I told her that I thought it might help her prospects for the future if she showed a little chutzpah now and then. I get the whole thing about malware and all the rest, but you can't hide under your bed for fear of the boogeyman for the rest of your professional life. Can you? Anyway, it just so happens that the good folks at Logitech just released an update to their software for their mice and keyboards that does precisely what the missus wants. The user simply assigns the trigger (button on the mouse) and then assigns the action associated with the trigger (prints text of your choosing.) Voila! It's mouse related, so it's probably not on anyone's radar in the IT Department. Can you say, "happy as a clam"?

Have you ever seen the television show "Top Chef"? We've been watching it seemingly forever. I think it's on something like season 20. Padma and Tom are the two mainstay judges who have been on board since day one. We're in the final week of this year's challenge, and we're down to three contestants. I think the more skilled and infinitely more creative chef of the three is a guy named Buddha. The other two, Sara and Gabri, are two that I wouldn't have bet on still being around this late in the game. Maybe someone can explain to me how Sara won the latest challenge with a fucking mushroom soup? They were serving their prepared dishes to the best chefs in the world, and she puts a bowl of fucking soup in front of them? I thought the contestants were supposed to be upping their game now that they're down to one last challenge before the season's winner is announced. This Gabri guy is always burning something or mismanaging his time so that he leaves one or more of his creations off the table when the time comes to serve the judges. Oh, and I'm getting more than a little tired of hearing about Gabri's woes as a lad growing up in Mexico. Is it me, or is he playing the underprivileged illegal alien card in order to gain the sympathies of the judges in order to walk away with the $250k prize money?


Oh my God! The debt ceiling! We're going to default! Bumbles Biden is throwing around the 14th amendment like there's no tomorrow. That's the amendment that he believes gives him the authority to raise the debt limit without Congress. It would create a constitutional crisis, some say. The courts would have to get involved, and who knows what bills would have to go unpaid while they sort that out. Biden's own Treasury Secretary says that using the 14th Amendment is just bunk in so many words. Here's the deal. Bernie Sanders' fingerprints are all over this plot to bring down whatever it is that he and his socialist counterparts in Congress want to bring down. What precisely is their end game here?


I like the prospects of the stock market losing 45% or more of its value if this all goes to shit. It would be the mother of all buying opportunities. Timing is everything. I'm also reminded that the days and weeks following the raising of the debt limit can also be quite tumultuous in the stock market because the signing off on a deal provides opportunities for those in power to take spending to new heights. It's a devil's brew, to be sure. I suppose I can just sit back and enjoy the ride and see where it all goes. For now, anyway, I'm wanting Speaker McCarthy to stick to his guns. Hold Bumble's feet to the fire and remember that you have all the cards. I'm not certain whose political goose gets cooked if it all goes sideways, but you need to put a stake in the ground somewhere, and I think McCarthy has done that with the legislation passed by the Republicans.

Did y'all see any of the videos posted to Twitter of Bumbles in Japan over the weekend at the G7 gathering? Can you be any more humiliated as an American citizen? There was this one 2-minute clip where he was going on and on about who the fuck knows what. I wish the video had shown the faces of the people in the audience. They must have been completely gobsmacked at the nonsensical nature of what they were witnessing. One headline I saw this morning said that European leaders are "quietly" preparing for Biden's loss in the 2024 election. This is what happens when you send a senile leader to meet with other world leaders who know senility or late-stage dementia when they see it. To see it in the leader of the free world who has his fingers on the nuclear codes to the second largest arsenal of nuclear weapons on the planet had to be truly frightening.

Bumbles will probably blame the default, should it happen, on the group that he lovingly refers to as "extreme MAGA." Gotta blame someone, right? He'll probably say that the Republicans are not willing to go along because they want to hurt his chances for reelection. He'll have his excuses all worked out, and he'll use the bully pulpit to gaslight the bejesus out of the American people. With any luck, the Supreme Court will step in and spank the shit out of him for the sheer audacity of trying to use the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling on his own. It's about time we send the radical leftists a message that we have a Republic, and we'll not tolerate tyrants of any stripe, demented or not demented. That said, we all know that Bumbles is just the mouthpiece for the leftists that have taken over our government. This message is for them too.

Did you hear that fucking soy boy and Bumbles hack, Jake Sullivan, on the Sunday morning shows yesterday? Did he actually say that it was all right for the Ukrainians to use US military hardware to attack positions in Crimea? These fucking warmongers are going to get us nuked. Putin has been very clear about what Russia is willing to do if Ukraine attacks its homeland. Everyone knows what he's referring to. You would think that, at a minimum, Sullivan might soft pedal that kind of language, knowing full well how incendiary it sounds. On the other hand, Ukraine can't even defend cities like Bakhmut, so I'm not sure they have the wherewithal to launch an offensive to retake Crimea. I guess clowns will be clowns. The circus is always in town when Biden is around.

I'm waking up this morning to a picture splashed across the front pages of every newspaper in America of a large U-Haul van that had smashed through the gates of the White House overnight. Lying on the ground in front of the van was a perfectly poised Nazi flag. You couldn't take a picture of the van without showing the Nazi flag, so there it was for all the world to see. It was by design, of course. You can't go on the telly as president of the United States and warn the country about the resurgence of White Supremacy without having an example from time to time to prove your point. The sad part about this entire propaganda campaign being run out of the West Wing in the White House is that there are people who will believe this shit. That's why they do it. It was just last week that we saw a large contingent of well-muscled and clean-shaven Caucasian masked men marching lockstep through our country's capitol while carrying White Supremacy banners. Anyone with half a brain could see they were FBI agents. Even sadder when considering this charade is the fact that the Democrat party has completely coopted our Intelligence agencies, or is it the other way around?

I'm in the camp that always thought that Kari Lake, the woman who ran for governor of Arizona in 2022, never stood a chance of winning her court cases after "losing" her election to one of the most moronic governors this country has ever seen, Katie Hobbs. It just seemed too rigged from the get-go. Lake was too polished and too tied at the hip with Donald J Trump to ever win a statewide election. She was too much of a threat to the establishment with all of her talk about putting a stop to the flow of illegal aliens coming into Arizona, essentially by issuing a declaration of invasion, stopping the flow of fentanyl at Arizona's border, and ironically enough, she promised to restore election integrity to the voters of Arizona. She had to be stopped at any cost by the establishment. I would go so far as to say that she will never get a fair hearing in any Arizona courtroom, no matter how strong her case is, how many witnesses she puts on the stand, or how convincing her evidence is at the end of the day. She is simply damaged goods at this point. And Katie Hobbs is still the worst governor in the United States, bar none. That's saying a lot.

How are we supposed to look at this move by the NAACP to warn people of color from going to Florida? Is it designed to create space between Governor DeSantis and blacks that DeSantis might need should his candidacy for the presidency become a thing? Fewer blacks in Florida may well result in less crime in the Sunshine State if you believe the statistical models. Less crime these days is a good thing if you're running for president. The NAACP accuses DeSantis of wanting to erase black history by restricting diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. I guess, by extension, this includes Latino Americans as well. Make no mistake about it; the Democrat party and the NAACP are of one mind when it comes to achieving and keeping political power. They'll kneecap whomever they need to kneecap in order to keep power. The NAACP is but one of many organizations that are likely to jump into the fray to do the Democrat's bidding between now and when voters cast their first votes in the 2024 election. Me thinks the NAACP is the least of DeSantis's worries. My advice to DeSantis, for what it's worth: Ignore them.

Do you know what I don't like about DeSantis's candidacy? I don't like the fact that a huge part of his ascension to the nomination assumes the takedown of Donald J. Trump. DeSantis is relying on the deep state to come and do what he is otherwise unable to do. That spiteful little fuck is hoping and praying that there will be enough indictments and other legal pitfalls between now and the first primaries such that he can peel off enough disenchanted Trump supporters to make a go of it. If he succeeds, who do you think he'll be indebted to? That's right, the deep state. The very deep state, in fact, that Trump is promising to dismantle if and when he is reelected for a second term. How do we know DeSantis has the backing of the deep state? Look at the usual cast of losers supporting his candidacy. You've got Karl Rove and Jeb Bush, just to name two of the more high-profile losers. As I said, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth about this guy. I'm not saying that that's not true about others entering the race, but everyone else is in single digits, with DeSantis being the exception.

DeSantis is going on Spaces with Elon Musk on Twitter tonight at six o'clock to announce his candidacy. That's a hard pass for me. I'm not interested in hearing what he has to say one way or the other. I am curious as to how Trump might counter DeSantis's appearance on Spaces if for no other reason than to let just a little air out of DeSantis's balloon. You know, a distraction play of sorts. Something right out of the Trump playbook. I'd be a little disappointed if Trump let this shindig on Twitter Spaces come and go without saying or doing something. I'd also say that Twitter Spaces is not the kind of place you'd expect to find a certain demographic. Maybe what I'm saying is that Twitter Spaces isn't for everybody. I'm just not sure who DeSantis thinks he's appealing to by announcing his run for the presidency on Twitter Spaces. Maybe this is a power play by Elon Musk to get people to sign on to his platform. Musk has invited others as well, so this thing he's doing with DeSantis should not be misconstrued as an endorsement. Will Trump jump on Spaces during DeSantis's announcement just for shits and giggles? #BadBoy

My bike riding is coming along. I took a few days off last week for no particular reason, but I'm back in the saddle now. One thing I've noticed now that I'm wearing fewer things on my ride, including taking off my heavier winter gloves and trading them in for the usual biking gloves you see people wearing during the summer, is that my hands grip the handlebars differently. I liked the padding that I had with my heavier winter gloves for whatever reason. I've decided, and I don't know why it took me so long to reach this conclusion, that I prefer a heavier-duty handle grip. It dawned on me while I was on my ride last night, and I told myself that I would look on Amazon when I got back to the house. I don't always remember to follow up on things that occur to me while I'm on my ride, so there's that. Anyway, I placed the order, and my new grips should be here in a day or two. The bad news is that they cost $26. The good news is that I have a bunch of points saved up and available to use for the purchase.

It looks like things are about to get interesting for Target. They are reportedly concerned that they are vulnerable to the same sort of savagery that was laid at the feet of Anheuser Busch (Bud Light) after going down a rabbit hole of a sales campaign with the likes of Dylan Mulvaney. I told the story not long ago about being in a local Target where they hung mural after mural on their walls throughout the store featuring black people. I think it was an attempt of sorts to sell the inclusion, diversity, and equity bullshit to their customers. That sort of thing falls flat when you can count the number of black people in your community on any given day on one hand. Who are they proselytizing to precisely? Anyway, what I didn't know is that Target stores sell all of these newfangled get-ups for trans types, including clothing that allows you to tuck things away and God only knows what else. All of this stuff was front and center in their stores until the CEO rang up the managers and told them in no uncertain terms that the inventory had to be moved to a less visible location in their stores out of fear of a public backlash, ala Dylan Mulvaney and Bud Light. Let the chips fall where they may, is what I say.

True to my word, I steered clear of the DeSantis rollout on Twitter Spaces. From what I hear, it was a DeSaster. That's the way Trump put it, anyway. I heard that the so-called launch of his campaign on Spaces got off to a bad start. People were talking over people; the system was apparently unable to deal with the number of people signing on to Spaces; and this went on for a bit before they got it all squared away. I agree with one person I listen to that DeSantis has a beautiful family, and why he let someone talk him into a venue that didn't use his family as a backdrop was nothing if not a fireable offense. He probably can't do that because it would be tantamount to admitting that he couldn't get the job done when it was the one and only job that he had to do, and he still couldn't get it right. DeSantis doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who admits his mistakes. Forgive me if I already said this, but he really is a whiny little fuck. He was all over the television shows last night, and I damned near turned the thing off because I've heard and seen enough. I think I'm not alone.


I feel a little bad for the Musk man. This was his one chance to strut his stuff. It was his one chance to show that his company, Twitter, was the up-and-coming global town square that he envisioned from the day he purchased the company. DeSantis was one of many candidates that he hoped would use his forum, Twitter Spaces, to roll out their campaigns or just to offer forums for listeners of all political or non-political stripes to participate in open-ended discussions about this, that, and the other thing. I've listened in on some of them myself, and I can tell you that they are interesting and compelling on a lot of different levels. A lot depends on the subject matter and the backgrounds of the moderators. Anyway, Elon can't be feeling good about how he let the DeSantis people down. Elon puts rockets on the moon, satellites in our skies, and driverless cars on our roadways. This was not a "Mission Accomplished" moment for either DeSantis or Elon. You can get away with that when you're Elon Musk. He'll live to fight another day. As for DeSantis, this was a missed opportunity. Not fatal by any stretch of the imagination, but a missed opportunity nonetheless.

The Ev man will be stopping by for a visit this morning. If the Lord's willing and the creek don't rise, we'll take a ride across town and see if we can't pick up a nice butterfly bush for the missus. The Ev man said something yesterday about maybe stopping into Whole Foods to do a bit of food shopping while we're out and about. That's fine, I told him. I told the missus last night that we need to remind ourselves to mention to the Ev man that parking in and around Jersey Mike's in Portsmouth, should he decide to go there at some point, is tight as tight can be. The missus and I stopped by Jersey Mike's in Portsmouth last night, and it was a shit show in terms of the parking in and around the store. It seemed as though there were too many spaces in too tight a spot, not to mention the fact that there were too few parking spaces to support the number of stores. The design probably worked well on paper but not so well once one or more cars started to either enter or leave the assigned parking spaces. Adding either weed or alcohol to the mix, and you have something akin to a whirling dervish on steroids. A veritable hellscape, if you will.

It was kinda sad to hear that the musical icon, Tina Turner, died yesterday. She was a little before my time and, quite frankly, I confuse her from time to time with Aretha Franklin. I was surprised to hear that she was living in Switzerland at the time of her death. How the hell did she end up living in Switzerland, of all places? Can any American just pack up their things and move to Switzerland? It piqued my curiosity, so I asked ALEXA about Ms. Turner's net worth at the time of her death. Not because I thought you have to be wealthy to live in Switzerland, but if you are going to live there, it probably helps to have a lot of money. Her net worth was some $250 million! Good for her. And this morning, I'm reading a story about how Ms. Turner moved to Switzerland because they "treat you like you're Madonna." That's obviously a dated reference if you've seen any more recent pictures of Madonna. One too many facelifts is all I'll say. Think Wayne Newton. Tina Turner was eighty-three years old at the time of her death. Talk about a legend. She's leaving us far too soon. Godspeed, Tina!

The Supreme Court ruled yesterday against the Biden Administration and the EPA in its dispute over regulating wetlands. I remember hearing about this when Trump was president. The EPA issued regulations that essentially tied the hands of farmers when it came to managing their own farms if there was so much as a puddle on their property. I know that's a drastic oversimplification, but I'm no court reporter, so that's all I got. The good news is that the Biden Administration has been using the EPA to further its efforts on everything relating to Climate Change, so we now have a legal bulwark in place to slow down or even stop Biden's use of the agency to advance the Progressives' nutty interests. I think the decision was 9-0, so I'm not sure that packing the court, as the Progressives want to do, would have much of an effect were this issue to come before the court again. This is a win for the good guys. It's a bitch slap for Bumbles and his radical leftist regime. That won't stop Bumbles from continuing to issue rules from the Oval Office, but we take it one day at a time with these monsters.

What is this I'm hearing about Chinese hackers working behind the scenes to shut down communications in Guam? Does this have anything to do with making it more difficult for the United States to respond as quickly as necessary should the Chinese decide to move ahead with their "reunification" of Taiwan? Now, this morning, the Chinese are reporting that the United States has been hacking something or other in their country. I don't think this sort of thing helps diplomacy as diplomacy goes, so that's probably not a good thing. It seems to be more of a tit-for-tat kind of thing, truth be told. I don't hear the Chinese denying that they've hacked the Bejesus out of Guam, but then again, saying nothing is sometimes more effective than issuing a denial. I always think of a shell game when I hear about these kinds of things. You know, follow the shuffling of the three shells and see if you can figure out which shell is hiding the pearl when the shuffling stops. If China invades Taiwan this weekend, we'll know for sure what they were up to. Maybe a day late and a dollar short, but we'll know. Until then, it's sheer conjecture.

The missus and I stepped out last night for a meal at a local pizza joint. There were no waiting lines, and they seated us at a booth overlooking the parking lot and in full view of their wood-fired brick oven. We each ordered a salad, and we ordered a large cheese pizza to share. The food was pretty good, and it just felt good to be out and about having a meal for a change. We've been getting far too much take-out lately, and it was time to go out to a restaurant and order off a damn menu for a change. Service was pretty good, but the salads were slow in coming despite our request that our server bring the salads to the table ahead of the pizza. I think the missus was not happy that our server hadn't been by our table to see how things were going until we were a good three or four slices into our pizza, but that aside, I think we enjoyed ourselves. When I ordered a root beer to have with our meal, the missus reminded me that I probably didn't need the soft drink. That didn't stop her from having a swill here and there, and being the dutiful husband that I am, I refrained from telling her that she probably didn't need the soft drink. Neither of us drinks soda as a rule, but we both enjoy a little root beer on ice with a hot pizza from time to time. It was just nice to be out for a change, and on that, we were both in agreement.

I hate holiday weekends. It gets a little too busy hereabouts, and it interrupts my usual scheduling when it comes to bike rides and other things. For example, I'll need to get out on the road early this morning before traffic starts to pick up. There will be more cars parked along the road on which I travel, and that has me worrying about car doors opening, cars pulling in and out of tight spots, children with beach hats and pails in hand darting out into my path, drivers under the influence of just about everything, and then there's me doing my best to avoid it all. I suppose I could take the back roads, but that wouldn't be as much fun, and besides, I'm a creature of habit, so there's that. In the offseason, I ride when I feel like it, day or night. Well, just before dark, anyway. My biking aside, there's a general dearth of news on holiday weekends, and that never sits well with me, being the news junkie that I am. I guess I could start a new book. Maybe I'll tackle one of those songs by James Taylor that I've been wanting to learn to play on my guitar. Did I mention that there's no shortage of things that need doing around the house?

I read a piece in Zerohedge this morning online about our country sending some 700 US troops down to Peru. WUT? These are the things that you never hear about in the mainstream media. I guess I'm not even sure I know who they're referring to anymore when they refer to the mainstream media. The article was quick to mention that we already have some troops on the ground in Peru, perhaps as part of a larger peacekeeping force. What I didn't know until I read this article is that there is an unpopular unelected left-leaning group in charge of the country of Peru that has the sympathies and support of the Biden Administration and who is preventing the citizenry from holding elections. It gets worse. This Junta in charge, if that is what and who they are, has been using brutal crackdowns against the citizenry to control "regions recently engulfed in violence." So, the United States is now participating in violent crackdowns in order to prevent rightful elections? Whatever happened to Biden's wanting to uphold the sanctity of democratic norms wherever they exist? If I had to guess, I'd say Biden couldn't even find Peru on a map, given his cognitive challenges. Hell, he's probably still looking for the men's room in the Oval Office. Sadly, Peru is probably one of many countries where our influence, for better or worse, is just business as usual for the US. That doesn't make it any less disturbing.

It does make one wonder what sorts of tactics the Biden Junta is going to employ in 2024 to hold on to power here in the United States come Election Day. The Democrats changed a lot of laws in a lot of states in 2020, which helped them get Bumbles over the finish line. By hook or crook, you might say. They appear to be using lawfare here in the run-up to the 2024 elections in order to take the leading candidate, Donald J Trump, out of the race. This is what happens when you are successful as a political party in politicizing institutions like the Department of Justice and their affiliated investigative agencies like the FBI, etc. The orders go out from the White House, and the next thing you know, you're hearing about arrests and detentions of your political foes. How do you stop any of it? This has to be what our Founding Fathers warned us about some 250 years ago when they authored the Consitution. Was it Benjamin Franklin who said in response to a woman who asked if we had a republic or a monarchy replied, "A Republic, if you can keep it."

I almost forgot. We had the dreaded Covid virus around in 2020, which gave rise to the entire absentee ballot bullshit. Trump declared victory on Election Night in 2020, only to lose those states that put him over the top once they allowed an avalanche of questionable mail-in ballots to be counted. I heard the other day that China is experiencing a resurgence of a much deadlier variant of the Covid virus now in circulation. Will we find ourselves back in absentee ballot hell come Election Day 2024? What are the chances that China is involved or otherwise complicit in keeping their boy, Beijing Biden, in office? He's a fully owned asset of the Chinese Communist Party if you believe the rumors out in the ether. He and his family have been bought and sold by many of our adversaries, including China. We have the receipts. Well, James Comer and the Republicans in Congress have the receipts. What does all of this mean? How does our selling out our sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO) fit into anything? Is the WHO in the business of printing ballots during pandemics?

It sounds like Speaker McCarthy and Bumbles Biden have agreed to a framework as it relates to raising the debt ceiling. So much of their bullshit is nothing more than smoke and mirrors, so we'll see how it fares when it goes back to their members for consideration. If I hear even a hint of applause from the Leftists, I'll know that McCarthy folded like a cheap suit. How do you even justify raising the debt ceiling and adding trillions more in debt to the thirty-two trillion we already have on the books? How is the stock market going to react? Will it be one of those infamous buy the rumor and sell the news stories? Yellen says we run out of money on June 5th, so we'll see how this thing unfolds this coming week. The inflation numbers that came out last week probably mean that we'll see yet another 25-basis point hike in interest rates when the Fed meets again in early June. The stock market has barely flinched with recent interest rate hikes, so I'm guessing that they'll still be looking to squeeze what little froth still exists out of the markets with this next interest rate hike.

It sounds like Mrs. G might be giving up driving. She sounds like she's okay with it, so that's good. Thankfully, it's not one of those "we need to wrench the keys out of her hands" to stop her from driving routines. She said something about our taking her shopping at her favorite stores once a month. I told the missus that this would be a good opportunity for her and her mum to have some solid mother/daughter time. In other words, she's on her own. The missus that is. Mrs. G was going on and on about hearing aids, but seriously, I haven't a clue what she was talking about. There is nothing wrong with her hearing if you want my opinion. I told the missus that it might have something to do with when she's having dinner with her buds in the dining room. You know how there is just a cacophony of sounds in any busy dining room that would make it difficult for anyone with the best of hearing to decipher small talk coming from someone across the table from you. It probably doesn't get any easier the older you get.

And then there is the issue of what to do with her car. I looked at a couple of sites on the web (Kelly's Blue Book / Edmunds) that gave us a pretty good idea of what her car might be worth in a private sale. Mrs. G was surprised at how much her car was worth. If you've gone out to buy a new or used car lately, you know what I'm talking about here. Prices, for some reason, are through the roof. That's good for Mrs. G and anyone else looking to sell their vehicles. For the prospective buyer, not so much. The private sale price was so generous that I told Mrs. G that she could afford a little wiggle room in her negotiations without feeling like she was giving away the store. We're talking about a fifteen-year-old car here. The car has low mileage, which certainly helps resale value. Mrs. G has what she needs to make an informed decision. She can donate the car if that is her want. Someone in her building has actually expressed interest in Mrs. G's car on behalf of her grandson. She may be less interested when she hears what Mrs. G is asking, but that's a story for another day.

The Ev man attended a picnic at his place yesterday. He texted us a picture of his paper plate to make his point. He'll be joining us tomorrow when we throw a few shrimp and maybe a dog or two on the barbie. I don't know how much fuel I have left in the tank on my grill, but I suppose I'll find out. I use the grill so seldom that I should have an ample amount of fuel, but I just don't know for sure. We picked up some chicken in a lemon pepper marinade which I'll use to throw together a few skewers together with onions, mushrooms, red peppers, and whatever else I can find. I still need to get the deck furniture out of storage and put it together for another season of grilling and chillin' here on the seacoast. I'll give the lawn a good cut today so everything will look trimmed and tucked by the time the Ev man arrives tomorrow. We want to be on our best behavior, so there's that too. Only kidding about the behavior thing. Family is family. You let your hair down, and it is what it is. I don't have a dessert on hand, or in mind for that matter, but I might have a cookie or two around if someone feels the need. The Ev man will be happy to hear that I found the Doritos he's been looking for. Hot mustard flavor?

Bye Bye Bakhmut

Here we go, boys and girls. We got ourselves another humdinger of a week ahead of us. Round and round it goes, and where it stops, nobody knows. Maybe it doesn't stop. Maybe it just keeps on going and going and going. It's all blather on my part, of course. It's me not knowing where to start this week's blog. It's me without inspiration. It's me with the Monday morning blues. Maybe a turnaround Tuesday will be better. God help me if I'm not up and running by the time Wednesday rolls around. Do I even feel like writing this morning? Do I have anything to say? Do I have anything to say that's interesting and new? I don't have any answers, just questions, and more questions. I've asked a few of them here this morning. Well, let's get this party started, shall we?


I don't know shit about politics in Turkey, but I do know that President Erdogan was one of two contestants on Election Day in Turkey yesterday. Turkey is a member of NATO, so I'm guessing some folks had opinions on Erdogan and whether or not his remaining in power was a good thing or a bad thing. The minute I read somewhere that Bumbles Biden and his toadies were trying to influence the race in Turkey to effect the ouster of Erdogan, I was all in for Erdogan. This is the same clown, and I'm talking about Bumbles here, who got into office with 81 million votes in 2020. Right. So, Bumbles and his toadies take their 2020 blueprint on the road to Ankara and beyond in order to get rid of someone whose politics they disagree with. I'm not even sure what a Leftist government in Turkey looks like. Erdogan is in tight with Putin, as I understand it, so maybe Bumbles and his boys wanted someone who would be less chummy with the Russian strongman. More to come.

I'm reading a lot of stories about people with reservations in hotels in Upstate New York who are being told that their reservations are being canceled so that the hotels can house illegal aliens. One hotel was reserved not for some wayward Mexicans or Guatemalans but rather for people from the Middle East. Wut? This tells me a lot about the diversity of these so-called aliens coming across our porous borders at the invitation of Bumbles Biden and his Democrat party. How sure are they that these folks plan to vote for Democrats when the day comes? There are probably plenty of these illegal aliens from Central and South America who are willing to take low-paying jobs to survive, but can the same be said for people from the Middle East? How about all of the Chinese Nationals coming into our country illegally? We're talking about some five million illegals at last count, so this is a problem foisted on the American people that isn't going away. But the real problem, according to Bumbles Biden, is White Supremacy. Loosely translated, he's talking about Trump supporters.

What is this bullshit about Biden Crime Family whistleblowers disappearing? What are we supposed to infer from that? Are we to infer that without the whistleblowers, we'll never see the Biden Crime Family brought to justice? You've got the damn bank records that lay out the extent of Biden's crimes across the globe, so take those records and build a racketeering case, for chrissakes. There is a RICO statute on the books last I knew. Subpoena each and every last Biden family member who received money to testify and let each and every one of them testify as to what they did, what service they provided, and let the appropriate indictments flow from those testimonials. Do I have to draw them a picture? I'm also just a little bit incredulous that the only examples of grift are from his days as Vice President. Certainly, you've heard the expression, power corrupts, and Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Right? Keep digging, boys. There's more here than meets the eye.

If what we're hearing about the whistleblowers is true, you can probably add murder to the list of crimes committed by Biden and his associates. We're talking Hillary Clinton level crimes here. Remember Vince Foster? He's the guy who worked with Hillary, and he turned up dead allegedly by his own hand. Others say that she had him killed because he threatened to expose their relationship. None of it was ever proven, but that doesn't mean there wasn't some truth to it. There have been any number of other Clinton associates who have turned up dead over the years, and a lot of them looked, well, to be unnatural, if you know what I mean. So, I'm not buying the disappearing bullshit. If they're not dead but just in hiding, find them and get them on the witness stand. We've got a Republic to save, and we're running out of time. If the Democrats win back the House in 2024, all the investigations go away. This is who they are. This is what they do.

Durham released his report yesterday. You know, the long-awaited report by Special Counsel Durham on the Russia-Gate hoax. That only took four fucking years. It proved conclusively that Hillary Clinton and her cabal, including a number of stooges from our Intelligence Agencies, plotted to distract and disgrace a duly-elected president of the United States. That tells you all you need to know about just how vindictive Hillary Clinton is and what she undertook to exact her revenge on the man that she blames for denying her her place in history. Let's get one thing straight. Donald Trump saved our Republic from an even swifter descent into hell than we're currently experiencing under Bumbles Biden had Hillary Clinton won the presidency instead of the Donald. Even after the release of Durham's report, clowns who were instrumental in the execution of the scam against Trump in the FBI, like Peter Strzok, who now works for CNN, had the audacity to go on television and say that Durham got it all wrong.

There were no recommendations in Durham's report that anyone be held to account. There were no referrals to the FBI for actions taken by these criminals to undermine a duly elected president of the United States. None of that makes any sense. Does that not just give the Democrats a license to wash, rinse, and repeat as needed when they disagree with the outcome of an election? This is the two-tiered system of justice that Republicans have been complaining about forever and a day. If you're a Democrat and you get charged with a crime, you likely see your charges dismissed or, should your case be heard, you end up with a slap on the wrist. If you're someone like Donald Trump, who they call an existential threat to our Democracy, laws get changed that enable your prosecution and make your imprisonment that much more likely. Anyone associated with you, if your name is Donald Trump, is investigated and brought up on trumped-up charges, which only get lessened if you agree to tell the investigators what they want to hear about Trump's alleged misdeeds. It's getting more than a little tiring.

The same is true of criminals like Sam Bankman Fried and that babe who ran the Theranos scam a few years back. Neither of them has seen a day in jail, thanks more than likely to their political connections. The Fried guy has yet to see his day in court and may never see the inside of a courtroom if he and his attorneys have any say in the matter. All of the scumbags involved in the Russia hoax, like James Comey and others of his ilk, are out there writing books, doing nightly shows on CNN and MSNBC, and laughing all the way to the bank while not losing one minute of sleep for their involvement in the crime of the century. The Theranos babe has actually been convicted of her crimes, yet I see pictures of her every day in the Daily Mail walking the beach with her children while her counterpart in the scam, I think his name is Sonny, is behind bars and will be for the next fourteen years. Where is the list of high-profile Democrats who spent time on Epstein's Island? That's what I'm talking about. It's fucking nowhere.

If the reports that I'm reading are correct, the Russians took out a Patriot Missle System last night in Ukraine. I suppose that's a righteous score if you're sitting in the Kremlin. If you're sitting in Kyiev, where they had placed this Patriot Missle System, you're probably wondering how the Ruskies had managed to pull this off. If I'm Putin, I'm targeting every Patriot Missle System that the Americans put in Ukraine. The same is probably true of the tanks that have been delivered to Ukraine in the last few months. I don't know that Sun Tzu had tanks and anti-air missile systems in mind when he wrote his book on waging war but taking out your opponent's ability to defend themselves had to be somewhat of a recurring theme in his writing. Beyond that, who the hell really knows what's going on in Ukraine? My sense is that this is a war that Ukraine is ill-suited to win, even with assistance from the West. Will Ukraine even exist after all is said and done? What will NATO have to show for its efforts if Ukraine ends up becoming a totally owned territory of the USSR? Just shooting from the hip here.

Can I get back to this Durham thing for a minute? I'm hearing a lot of people talk about the fact that nobody is being held to account for the soft coup that the Democrats, from Obama right down to the Leftists in our media, pulled off in an effort to oust a duly elected president of the United States. You heard that right. Not only Obama, but Bumbles Biden was in the Oval Office with Obama when the subject of this coup was discussed. That makes Bumbles complicit in the crime of the century, which nobody, well, most Democrats anyway, wants to now move on from. I heard some left-wing cuck on the telly last night telling the host of the show that he would like nothing better than to have the Republicans talk about 2016 and 2020 between now and the 2024 election because, in his humble opinion, Americans are ready to move on already. That's the tell. When they tell you to move on, what they're really saying is that they are afraid that all of this cabal and soft coup shit is going to come back and bite them in the ass.

Durham's report is really an expose' truth be told. It exposes the Democrats for the devious fucks that they are, and it tells you that they are willing to do whatever it takes, including conspiring with other agencies in our government to effect the change that they see as necessary. They so demonized Trump and his followers in the media and elsewhere that the public was willing to look the other way when it came to the hijinks that the Democrats were willing to employ. It was "the ends justify the means" on steroids. It was reminiscent of the good old days back in 2012 when the Speaker of the House, Harry Reid, lied on the floor of the Senate about Mitt Romney not paying his taxes. After Romney lost his bid for the presidency, Reid was asked about his comments that Romney hadn't paid his taxes, which Reid knew was a lie, and he replied, "It worked, didn't it"? This has to be part and parcel of the Republican messaging going into 2024. Our Republic needs a real come-to-Jesus moment if we're ever to get back on track, and Donald J Trump is the man who needs to carry that banner across the finish line. For starters, when Donald J Trump tells you that they stole the election from him in 2020, you can now believe him.

We're watching this reality show on Netflix, which takes you inside a New York City hospital where they take you through a typical day in the lives of doctors, patients, and caregivers. It's the real thing, so it comes with a warning label: If blood and guts make you queasy, this show may not be for you. I'm kidding about the warning label, but I'm not kidding about the blood and guts. I've never been all that curious about what getting a caesarian section looks like, but it's something that once you've seen it, you can't unsee it. If you asked me if I wanted to watch a brain surgeon extract a tumor from the brain of a two-year-old, I might well take a pass. I've seen that now, too, so I've increased my tolerance for something that I thought I'd never be able to do. Watching a surgeon insert a shunt into a fellow's spine from right behind his ear, and do so with considerable effort, was a bit difficult to watch, but I got through that too. There were a few gunshot patients, young black men mostly, and plenty of anti-gun rhetoric to go along with those stories. The care provided was real, and you can't say enough about the commitment of the people doing these jobs, be they surgeons or ambulance drivers. The missus likes the show, too, even if she does close her eyes when the going gets tough.

I've been practicing the Beatles song, Blackbird, on my guitar now for a while, and I think I'm starting to get it. I'm kind of a monkey-see, monkey-do player, so don't get any pictures in your head about my sitting down with the local Philharmonic Orchestra any time soon. I don't know if I'll ever be able to play it without looking at the strings, so I'll just put that out there. When I get to the point where I think I'm making some progress, I watch Paul McCartney play it on YouTube, and it reminds me that I still have work to do. I actually visualize playing it when from time to time without my guitar in hand, so that's kind of interesting. I wonder if musicians do that as a rule. The nice thing about YouTube is that you can see on any given day a good handful of people who play the very same song, and each one offers a different spin on this technique or that technique which you may or may not want to use in your own playing. I also have to admit to using the tabular stuff to get the precise notes down. I know, I know. That makes me a noob, to be sure. Sometimes, you do what you have to do. One thing I worry about, just a little bit, is that I spend so much time learning one song at a time, that I forget how to play the other songs I've learned to play. Oh, well. the trials and tribulations of a noob.


I stopped watching FOX after they canned Tucker Carlson. I've never cared for Hannity, whose show followed Tucker at nine o'clock, although he spent a lot of time putting on Biden bloopers, so the missus insisted that we tune in from time to time. I could never watch an entire Hannity show because I think he's a bit of an idiot. If I have to listen to him tell his story again about his being a paper hanger and a poor paper hanger at that in his youth, I think I'd rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick. I don't think he spent any more time than was necessary talking about the firing of Tucker Carlson, and maybe that shouldn't surprise anyone since Tucker cleaned his clock nightly in the ratings. Now, FOX is moving Hannity into Tucker's eight o'clock hour from his nine o'clock stint, thinking that this is their solution to bring back viewers that they lost when they fired Tucker. I've got news for FOX. They are never going to regain the trust of their viewers after firing a long line of trustworthy conservative hosts, including Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly, and others. FOX is the new Bud Light, as far as I'm concerned. Go woke, go broke, you motherfuckers.

The missus asked me the other day if I could use Chat GBT to make a written speech shorter. You know, more concise. Succinct. The speaker, not my missus, has a ten-minute limit, and the speech, at least on paper, looked to be longer than that. I was a little surprised to get this request from the missus since she is typically not all that trusting when it comes to putting proprietary materials out in the ether. That is precisely what you're doing when you use a tool like Chat GBT. That is the essence of AI. Algorithms don't work well unless they have access to a boatload of data from which to fashion responses. I wasn't sure how to pose the question to Chat GBT, so I put it as bluntly as I knew how. I think my specific request went something like this: "Make this speech more succinct." I then copied and pasted the section of the original speech into Chat GBT. The missus forwarded the two shortened sections that Chat GBT spit out to the speaker, or the author of the original speech if you will. He was astounded! He wrote back, Fantastic! Fantastic! Fantastic! He's a wordsmith par excellence, so I have to believe that what Chat GBT did for him was something that not even he could anticipate or expect. It saved, and this is no word of a lie, probably a good eight hours of work that he and my missus would have had to spend getting the speech down to the required length.

I read somewhere this morning that Ukraine has a law in place that is designed to keep people from posting videos online of the damage/carnage inflicted by the Russians. Yet, you can tune in to CNN at any time, day or night, and they can show you pictures of their choosing to go along with narratives of their choosing. CNN's coverage is predictable: The Russians are losing 100,000 soldiers a day, the Russians are running out of ammunition, The Russians are committing war crimes in Ukraine, and it's all Ukraine all the time. It's just a matter of time before Ukraine's counter-offensive starts and they take back Crimea. That's the CNN line. Well, the line of either the Ukrainians or the US military, anyway. I suppose social media has a part to play in the propaganda of war, so none of what CNN does or says should surprise anyone. Then again, propaganda only works as long as you have no other sources of information. Ukraine may have laws against getting out the truth, but truth tellers will find a way to get their message out, laws or no laws.

I saw a story yesterday about American companies picking up Ukrainian businesses for a song and a dance. The story went on to say that Bumbles Biden is now in a position where prolonging the war puts these American investments at risk. All of a sudden, stories abound of countries that were on the cusp of sending F-35s to Ukraine and are now hedging. Without the fighter jets, Ukraine cannot effectively wage a war against the Russians, and that will effectively force Zelensky to reconsider his current stance that there will be no negotiations that don't return all Ukrainian territories to Ukraine. It does beg the question somewhat about who is going to get what when this is all over. Or, maybe more to the point, how much of the former Ukraine territory will be ceded to the Russians. Maybe the Russians are on the verge of overrunning Ukraine in its entirety, and then who knows where we all go from there. I've never bought the line from the countries bordering Ukraine that Russia has designs on their territories, but that's not likely to stop NATO from indulging in such nonsense for their own collective benefit. To the victor go the spoils?

I placed my order this morning for a pair of earbuds designed by Amazon costing $39. I've never had a lot of luck with earbuds for whatever reason, but I think Amazon is one of those companies that, given half a chance, will get it right. I've never purchased Apple earbuds because I think they're too expensive. I've wondered, too, about just how easy they are to lose if one or more falls out while bike riding or whatever. I have a particular interest in being able to answer my iPhone while bike riding instead of having to stop my bike long enough to take the call. That isn't to say that anyone wants to hear me huffing and puffing while having a chat, although that might be something of an exaggeration on my part. There are no reviews available for these earbuds since the release date is in early June, so I guess I'm throwing a bit of caution to the wind here if that's the right expression. I'll also be wearing them around the house from time to time when the missus needs a little privacy, and I'm not wanting to disturb her. Who knows, if she likes them, maybe she'll fancy having a pair of her own.

I guess DeSanctimonious is finally jumping into the presidential race next week. Just what we fucking need, one more asshat telling everyone that Trump can't win. Don't we get enough of that from the Democrats? I think the Democrats believe it, but they won't say it publicly because they think Trump will be easier to beat than DeSanctimonious. Just between you and me, and let's pretend we're in the confessional here, the Democrats are planning to steal the election anyway, so it really doesn't matter which Republican wins the nomination. The only hope is if Trump so overwhelms the demented Bumbles Biden in the general election, that they can't steal it. Let's face it, DeSanctimonious needs the support of Trump supporters to win, and Trump supporters, or at least most of them, think that it was stolen from Trump in 2020, and they want another bite at the apple for their candidate in 2024. If DeSanctimonious or someone else steals the nomination from Trump, they ain't getting anywhere near the White House with Trump supporters sitting on their hands instead of going to the polls. Oh, and this goes without saying, I don't think it matters how many indictments they bring against the former president. He is, and will continue to be, the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room, bar none.

I don't know that Biden is a sure thing for the nomination on the Democrat side of the house either. Some people think that neither Trump nor Biden will be at the head of their respective tickets come 2024. I haven't even broached the possibility that a third-party candidate could enter the race. By the way, what the heck is going on with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? He's in it to win it, or so he says. I've seen a couple of full-page ads for him here and there, but I think he needs more television time. He's not going to get that from the main street media since they're solidly in the Biden camp. Why anyone thinks that getting behind that demented old fuck is their ticket to the White House, I'll never know. Maybe they figure that if he beat Trump the first time that he can beat him again. Maybe they think that he's the only Democrat who can beat Trump. I think that people may be underestimating just how much more demented Joe Biden will be a year and a half from now and just how much more people are going to be yearning for someone, anyone, who can start to turn this shithouse of a country around that we've become under Biden's "leadership." Let's not forget that a lot of people think that Joe Biden isn't really in charge.

With electricity rates going through the roof these days, I'm thinking that I might want to look at our old air conditioners and see if upgrading one or more of them makes sense. One of the units we have works really well, but it's the older of the two units that we have, and it's probably the least efficient unit of the two. What I worry about is that all of these new rules that Bumbles and his Climate Change freaks have put in place that offer plenty when it comes to efficiency, but they fall flat when it comes to performance. Put another way, they use less electricity, but they don't cool as well as they have in the past. I'm a big fan of bells and whistles, so I think I might be an easy sell if I see something that I like. Something as simple as a good remote or a Bluetooth connection might do the trick. It can't be any noisier than it already is, so there's that. The missus says that we should get the ball rolling and we shouldn't wait until it gets hot outside to make our move. Nobody wants to be in a fucking queue at their local Home Depot looking at air conditioners when temperatures are in the nineties, and the sweat is pouring off your brow.

Pictures and stories online about Bumbles Biden's attendance at the G7 meeting in Japan are just humiliating. One picture shows that he has a complete script in front of him, including instructions on when to speak and what to say. We're talking word for word here, not a framework or phrases that he might want to use. Another video clip shows him stumbling down a set of steps like an old fool. Were it not for a Japanese person who was standing at the bottom of the steps to offer a steadying hand, the fool might have taken a spill. He's had so much plastic surgery that I'm not even sure he can close his eyes anymore, much less blinking his eyes from time to time. Another video posted showed Bumbles needing a notecard to speak with fellow world leaders at the G7. WUT? Whose idea was it to put this demented old fool in this predicament? His handlers probably had no choice, given the weightiness of the meeting. What were they going to say? The debate on increasing our debt ceiling was more important? Can you imagine what the attendees of the G7 are thinking as they cast their eyes on the pathetic image of the man in their midst who is likely suffering from late-stage dementia and who purports to represent the United States of America? Is he in some way, shape, or form symbolic of America's decline on the world stage? God help us is all I can say.

It looks like Tim Scott, the senator from South Carolina, is going to enter the presidential sweepstakes this coming week. It's just a matter of time before maybe John Bolton and Chris Christie also jump in. Let's not forget Mike Pence. He's likely to get into the race as well. Oh, and then there's DeSantis. Some of these people are in the race for one reason and one reason only: To make sure that Donald Trump doesn't get the nomination. They will be seen for who and what they are: Assassins. Nobody likes or appreciates spoilers in the world of politics, so they'll all stay in until the first primary, when most or all of the one-percenters will drop out. It reminds me a little bit of 2016 when Ted Cruz was the last man standing in Trump's way until he wasn't. I suspect DeSantis will be the Ted Cruz of 2024 when all is said and done. Trump's base knows that 2020 was a stolen election, and they now have a chance to restore the man to his rightful place in our beloved White House for another four-year term. To that, I say huzzah!

I was heartened to read a story the other day about a trans type (biological male) who came in first place in a bicycle race of some kind. The good part of that story was that the real women, and it makes me sad even to have to throw in that qualifier, who came in second and third place in the race, decided against taking their rightful place in the winner's circle. That's how you do it, ladies. That's how you fight back against this poison that the Democrats have unleashed on our culture. I might have preferred that the ladies, and I'm talking about the contestants with the XX chromosomes here, not enter the race at all. Did they know that the rules had changed to allow biological men to enter the race? Would they have entered the race had they known? Now we learn that one of the two winners, either in second or third place, is saying that she didn't even know she was competing against a biological male. She had her own reasons for not appearing in the winner's circle. Call me a doubting Thomas on this one. You need to stand up and say it and say it proud and say it loud, ladies. This is no time for sissies. This is a fight worth fighting if there ever was. Let's do this!

Can you believe it? The Wagner Group, a private military company, defeated the Western proxy organized, trained, and supplied army, plus their foreign brigades and companies, by taking Bakhmut earlier today. It didn't happen overnight, but it's all over now, and that's not a good sign for Ukraine and its hopes for establishing and keeping a beachhead, as it were, against the mighty Russian forces. I'm not so sure, given what we've seen of Bakhmut, that it's not a pyrrhic victory as victories go. I think Bakhmut was once a thriving city of 70,000 Ukrainians before the shit hit the fan. Now, if you're looking down on Bakhmut from 10,000 feet, the city resembles a charcoal briquette turned to ash. Russia might as well have dropped a tactical nuke in the middle of City Hall in Bakhmut. It would have saved a lot more lives, assuming folks got a running head start out of town. NATO is really taking this loss on the chin. Someone has some splainin' to do. With all your horses and all your king's men, you couldn't beat this ragtag group of mercenaries sent by Wagner? Here's the kicker: You'll likely hear nothing about this humiliating defeat by the Russians and their proxies in the mainstream media. It's all over but the gaslighting.


The hummingbirds are late this year. They arrived last evening and we're thrilled beyond words. For the last few years they've been arriving earlier and earlier in the month of May. So you can imagine our surprise when they failed to show up around the first few days of the month. We put the usual sugar water concoction out for them ahead of their arrival, thinking they might well appreciate the foresight on our part to have something refreshing and sweet waiting for them. The much anticipated day came and went, and despite all the fanfare on our part, our fine feather friends failed to appear. On the very day, albeit one week later, that I chose to change the water in our two feeders since the water was looking a bit cloudy, the hummingbirds finally showed up in the early evening. I still don't know if these hummingbirds, however many there are when all is said and done, are the very same hummingbirds that return every year or if they and their fine feathered friends are just here by happenstance.


While we're on the subject, we've been having an issue with one of the two hummingbird feeders we put out every year. I noticed that one particular feeder had been consistently emptied of its sugar water overnight. The feeder was completely emptied by some creature that was crafty enough to empty the feeder without knocking it off its perch. I envisioned a deer perhaps tipping it to one side or another with its snout just enough to release the liquid inside but not enough to tip it over. Were the feeder to fall to the ground, the liquid would drain away, and all would be lost. What kind of animal makes that calculus? I'm now on day two of putting one of those Stealth Cams out overnight to see if I can see what we're dealing with. Last night, what looks to be a raccoon knocked my camera over but not before getting a quick but blurry picture of his Bandito mug. Well, one eye's worth, anyway. Problem solved. I think I'll just bring that feeder in at night.

We've got a pretty interesting week ahead by any reasonable measure. The Republicans in Congress will be laying out the case against the Biden Crime Family on Wednesday. I need the time and venue of that event. Let's hope we're not just talking about C-Span here. We need prime-time coverage of this breaking story. It's really the culmination of several months of investigation by Congressional investigators, so maybe it's not all that "breaking." Every American knows that Biden has been on the take for the last fifty years of his time in Government, so let's hope this is the straw that breaks the camel's back, as it were. Then, Trump is doing a CNN Town Hall on Wednesday night, so that should be fun. Maybe even nauseating knowing what we know about the network hosting the Town Hall. How about the debt ceiling meeting on Tuesday? Will McCarthy succeed in negotiating on his terms? Or, will Biden stick to his guns and not give an inch? Did I mention that Trump has a stunning six-point lead over Biden in the latest Washington Post poll? Biden's latest approval rating is at an all-time low of thirty-six percent. Simply abysmal.

I'm not quite sure what to make of that incident on our southern border the other day when this guy ran down and killed eight Venezuelans, at last count, waiting at a bus stop. The driver was driving a Range Rover. The driver looked to be Hispanic as well, so who knows what he was thinking when he took aim and barreled headlong into the group of men. Once I got a good look at the driver, who ended up in handcuffs sitting in the middle of the road after the ensuing carnage, I wondered how he ended up behind the wheel of a Range Rover. Did the car belong to him? Was the car stolen? If it was stolen, did he set out to steal a car that would inflict the most damage possible? The speed at which he traveled in the moments leading up to the impact, and which was caught on camera, was excessive and, well, homicidal. Did the driver know his victims? Had his victims wronged him somehow? So many questions. So few answers.

Although I said that I'm not watching any more FOX television after they fired Tucker Carlson, I tuned in to the Hannity show ever so briefly last night. The missus enjoys seeing Biden's gaffes, and Hannity typically shows a couple here and there in the first segment of his show. Truth be told, they are less of a "gaffe" and more of what you get when you put a senile old fool on a stage with his cue cards or a teleprompter. Remember when Biden used to read the instructions on the teleprompter instead of the text that he was supposed to read? That's what we're talking about here. Anyway, Hannity had Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on, and it was just a little bit weird. Hannity was going off script, seemingly wanting to portray Kennedy as a conspiracy nut when he pressed him about his beliefs on who he thinks killed his father and his uncle. I turned to the missus and said, "My God, the guy is entitled to think what he wants to think about the CIA and others who may have been involved in the murders of his father (Robert F. Kennedy) and his uncle (John F. Kennedy). No?" "That doesn't make him a conspiracy nut."

It went from bad to worse when, toward the end of the interview, Hannity confused everybody by asking Kennedy if he would vow not to travel by private jet. Hannity clearly had it in his head that Kennedy was some kind of Climate Change cultist, and he was determined to call him out on his hypocritical views of traveling by private jet while working hand-in-hand with the globalists to have the rest of us reduce our collective carbon footprint. The only problem with that is that Kennedy is neither a climate change cultist nor is he a card-carrying member of the Claus Schwab globalist community. He's a longtime eco-lawyer and activist who has been fighting tooth and nail against polluters, Big Pharma, and their poisonous vaccines, and the list of his other fights in and out of the courts are lengthy, but he's had no positions on the use of private jets. Kennedy should have slapped him silly at the mere allegation, but I think he was stunned by what he heard coming out of Hannity's mouth. Hannity owes the man an apology.

I'm getting a little worried that this dog and pony show being put on by the Republicans in a couple of days is going to be nothing but performative. They intend to lay out the case that the Biden Crime Family is just as corrupt, if not more corrupt than anyone knew or realized. By performative, I mean that they'll make their case, but it will be just that and nothing more. Newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post won't cover it, and none of the liberal talk shows will give it any oxygen. Then what? I'm hearing that the Republicans have yet to subpoena any people who have the goods on the Bidens, and that's worrisome. How can you make your case if you're not willing to hear from all the witnesses? The Committee looking into the January 6th "Insurrection" subpoenaed not only witnesses but they went after their e-mails, their phone records, and their bank records. They had power, and they left no stone unturned in their efforts to conduct a thorough and exhaustive investigation. The Republicans have one chance to get this right, and that's what I'm worried about.

I can't believe that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is going to come off looking good in this shindig that the Republicans have planned. Everyone knows that the DOJ has had Hunter's laptop for a good couple of years now, and they've done nothing despite having evidence of criminal activity right under their noses. That makes them complicit in the crimes committed by Hunter, and to a greater extent, the extended Biden Crime Family. How can they (DOJ) not know about Joe Biden's corruption which dates back decades, and some of it is on tape for everyone and anyone to see? What kind of country do we have where our Intelligence Agencies look the other way when the President of the United States, a duly elected officer of our Republic, carries on a like a two-bit Mafioso fattening his and his family's coffers at every turn? The DOJ's role looks more like a protection racket than an institution that is supposed to uphold everything that we hold dear when it comes to Lady Justice. The Press Conference come Wednesday morning will be, for all intents and purposes, an indictment of both the Biden's and the DOJ, and that will be a sad day for America.

Do you think it's possible that the Republicans planned to unveil their evidence the day before Title 42 expires, knowing full well that the story would get snuffed out of existence and replaced with horror stories about the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens rushing into our country? The very newspapers and news outlets who assiduously avoided any and all stories about our open borders will now embrace the story like never before if that's what it takes not to cover the revelations laid out by the Republicans in their press conference. That's what I mean when I say that this dog and pony is going to be performative. This is the Uni-party doing what the Uni-party does best. This is why people like Joe Biden feel like they can do whatever the hell they feel like doing, and there will never be any consequences. It's why the American people are losing faith in their government and its institutions. It's why they work overtime to indict and jail ex-presidents while allowing graft and corruption to continue unabated by the sitting president. In fact, any and all efforts to jail said ex-presidents are likely being engineered by the sitting president in question. There, I said it.

When it comes to the millions of people coming across our borders illegally, what the hell are we supposed to do with them? There aren't enough low-wage jobs for them to do, assuming any of them have incentive one way or another to enter the workforce. Do we even have enough space in our jails to lock up the child molesters, the gang bangers, the pimps, the child traffickers, the wife beaters, the petty thieves, the hardened criminals, the car thieves, and God only knows who, or what else? With tax receipts dropping like a rock due to a faltering economy and staggering inflation, how are communities supposed to continue to support these illegal aliens with free healthcare, free education for their children, free transportation for their loved ones back home to join them, free cell phones and free coverage, and free whatever the fuck else. Wait until they find out that they are not entitled to any of the reparations windfalls currently under discussion in states like California.

Speaking of reparations, what is this I'm hearing about Governor Gavin Newsom saying that he will not support the payment of reparations? He was quoted as saying something about reparations being more than just about money. Just when I thought this reparations thing was going to give some oxygen to Newsom's candidacy for the upcoming 2024 presidential sweepstakes with blacks across our fruited plains, it turns out that he's not a fan of cutting those checks. This all assumes that Biden decides not to run, of course. It also assumes that Kamala Harris steps out of the way as the Democrat's second choice should Bumbles stumble at the starting line. I think a lot of black Californians already have those reparations checks spent, so Newsom is going to have his work cut out for him when the time comes to tell them that there won't be any checks.

Democrat-run cities across the United States are already trying to figure out how to pay reparations to their black citizenry after seeing that the plan to do the same in California was picking up speed. They have to be taking some comfort in Governor Newsom's off-the-cuff comments this morning. What we may all be missing in this sleight-of-hand maneuver is that having promised blacks millions of dollars per person and now having to reel that in is not going to go over well with an already inflamed constituency. Maybe that was the plan all along. Get their hopes up and then dash those hopes, thereby sending them into the streets with their truncheons and Molotov cocktails. Newsom can ride to the rescue with an olive branch of sorts, albeit not the millions of dollars promised, but a salve to soothe the savage spirits nonetheless, and he will emerge with his frontrunner status fortified and intact relative to the 2024 presidential sweepstakes.

This E. Jean Carroll courtroom drama thing is now in the history books. Trump was found guilty by a Manhattan jury on one count of defamation and one count of sexual battery. Trump was found not guilty of rape. The judge in the case instructed the jury that if Trump was found to have as much as planted a kiss on the woman in this 27-year-old case, and I'm paraphrasing, he could be found guilty of sexual battery. I think the jury took that as the judge giving them license to run roughshod over the accused in this case, one Donald J. Trump, and they did just that. It didn't help Trump's case that this trial was held in Manhattan, a bastion of liberal lunacy where pillorying Donald Trump is a favorite pastime if not a pathological obsession. Liberals were popping champagne corks coast to coast when the verdict came in a little after three o'clock Eastern Standard Time. You'll never know it because they'll never say it, but they were likely gobsmacked that they can't now refer to Trump as a "rapist." They were so looking forward to hanging that moniker around his neck in order to separate him from his female followers. Sorry, not sorry.


I'm seeing quite a lot of building going on hereabouts. One development of townhouses just a stone's throw away from where we live had two-bedroom townhouses going up for sale in the $650k range. They sold out in short order. I suspect this will serve to help keep teachers employed in our schools since declining birth rates in our community, not unlike birth rates nationwide, have been in decline for the past few years. Another nearby development is currently under construction, although I'm less clear on what the plans are for those units. Call me xenophobic, but the last thing I want to see in our community is the occupation of new housing units by migrants who have come into our country illegally, who have little to no connection to the people in our community, and who are saddled with who knows what when it comes to the criminal element or diseases infectious and otherwise. It's a potential recipe for disaster.

The missus was watching some town meeting on the computer last night that was taking place in a town about an hour north of where we live. They were discussing what to do with the latest tranche of migrants who came into Portland, Maine, and then filtered down to the small town in Southern Maine where they now reside. I use the word "reside" advisedly because none of these small towns, despite all of the liberal do-gooders who reside in these towns and who would give their left testicle to house and feed them given half a chance, know what to do with them or, more to the point, how to provide for them. They barely have the resources to keep their rainy-day funds afloat, much less to provide for the well-being of every Jose, Juanita, and Diego, who think that America's streets are paved with gold. I'd give them free transportation back to their country of origin, but that's just me. One woman spoke up and said that she was concerned for her safety. I'm guessing they gave her short grift. Biden's open border policies are designed to flood our country with Democrat voters and to ensure that the Democrats never lose another election for the next hundred years. We can't let that happen.

I thought that the Republicans put on a fairly convincing case against the Biden Crime Family yesterday morning. They held the promised presser and provided the public with details about just how corrupt and how extensive the Biden Crime Family's exploits are and have been going back a number of years. It was, at the same time, an indictment of the Department of Justice, which has been either concealing or has otherwise turned a blind eye to the corruption right under their noses. The Democrats, to a voter, seem to be just fine with the crimes being committed by Joe Biden. Nobody even winced when the Republicans revealed that monies coming from foreign countries were pouring into the bank accounts of Biden's grandchildren. The Committee's work continues by their own admission, and there is reportedly much more work to be done. Where this ends up is anyone's guess, but, to me, to allow this sort of corruption at the highest levels in our government to continue makes us no different than the banana republics that we as a country have claimed to be the very antithesis of who and what we are as a nation.

The Department of Justice was ready for this day - the day that the Republicans in Congress promised the American people that they would reveal the results of their investigations into the Biden Crime Family. No sooner had the Republicans ended their press conference than the Department of Justice announced the arrest of Congressman George Santos for fraud. What did the libtards in the mainstream media talk about all day? You guessed it. It had nothing to do with the corruption of the Biden family or the presser by the Republicans in Congress who laid it all out in excruciating detail. It was a well-timed arrest by the Department of Justice, and it was designed to give the media the excuse they needed to ignore the story. Their message was clear - Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. The George Santos story was a nothing burger, but it was just enough to juice up the headlines long enough to take the Biden story out of the headlines. It was "mission accomplished" for all intents and purposes. It doesn't make the Bidens any less corrupt, but it gives them the unmistakable imprimatur that they can continue to perpetuate their grift without fear of reprisal or worse.

I watched the much anticipated live Town Hall put on by CNN last night featuring Donald Trump. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, and I was simultaneously suspicious of CNN's motives in putting on the Town Hall for a man that their network had banned for the last few years. Would they have plants in the audience who had questions for Trump that were written by CNN moonbats? Would the moderator take the opportunity to try and make Trump look bad so as to diminish his standing in the upcoming Presidential sweepstakes? Town Halls are, by their very design, meant to be forward-looking affairs where the audience has an opportunity to hear from and get a sense of what a candidate has to offer the country on subjects ranging from foreign affairs to domestic policies. When the moderator attempts to fact-check the comments of the guest at every turn, which Kaitlin Collins did to Trump, it becomes more of a debate than a Town Hall. It was simply not a good look for the moderator, and it deprived Trump of what little precious time he had to connect with the audience of registered Republican and undecided voters.

I wouldn't say that Trump came loaded for bear, but he was there to do his thing, and nobody was going to get in his way, much less a persnickety and sometimes snarky moderator with an agenda. Trump actually called her "nasty" at one point in the hour-long Town Hall. If there were any questions remaining, after all was said and done as to whether or not the moderator was up to the task before her, the fact that the network cut the Town Hall short due to Trump's command of the audience and the subjects being discussed told you everything you needed to know. In short, it was a bad night for CNN and an astoundingly good night for Donald Trump. I think it was a good reminder to anyone watching as to why the American public voted as they did in 2016 to elect Donald J. Trump to be the president of the United States. His performance last night essentially cemented his position as the frontrunner and likely nominee of the Republican party in 2024. It was probably not a good night for the Nikki Haley and Chris Christie of the party. That's a good thing.

Do you know what else caught my eye? That tart and loser, Liz Cheney, ran a television ad that aired halfway through the CNN Town Hall with Donald Trump. Did I mention that the good folks of Wyoming voted her out as their Congresswoman in the last year or two by something like a 70-30 percent margin? The ad was all about the 2020 "insurrection" in our nation's capital. Cheney and a Committee of Democrats tried desperately to get the DOJ to indict Trump for his alleged role in the insurrection, but they failed miserably, and, after months of televised hearings, the dog and pony show had little to no net effect on Trump's support. They put on one of the most expensive and disingenuous dog and pony show ever produced in our nation's capital. Now, having been thrown out of Congress by the good people of Wyoming, Liz Cheney is making it her mission to see to it that Trump never serves a second term as president of the United States. What she fails to understand is that if you come for the king, you'd better kill the king. If you don't, he will only get stronger.

We Americans are waking up this morning to a new world. One that is barely recognizable from the America that we knew just yesterday. The Title 42 thing, which kept tens of thousands of illegal aliens on the other side of our southern border, has now expired. Maybe ten thousand illegal aliens a day will now be pouring into our country invited as they have been by a president of the United States that can't tell you from one day to the next what day of the week it is. Maybe what we're really experiencing is Barack Obama's third term since he promised during his tenure that he planned to basically transform our country. He was going to be a transformational president. With Biden so cognitively impaired, it's the only thing that makes sense anymore. Someone else has to be pulling the strings behind the scenes. We can try to figure out who to blame from now until the cows come home, but we're in the thick of it now, so, as they say in the movies, buckle up.

Why are we now getting any guidance from our local officials on what precautions to take when these illegal aliens filter into our towns and cities under the darkness of night? Are they afraid we'll be running to our local gun stores and stocking up on firearms and ammunition in order to protect ourselves and our families? Are they afraid to admit that they had any part in this disaster of epic proportions? Are they afraid to admit that they are helpless to stop any of it from impacting our schools, our emergency rooms, our judicial systems, our streets, and our families? What mother or father wants to explain to their child that they can't go to summer camp, can't attend extra-curricular sports or programs for accelerated students, all because budgets and resources are under duress due to the influx of foreigners? I'm not buying any of the bullshit that we hear coming out of the White House about jobs that would go unfilled without these illegal aliens. I, for one, would happily give up eating romaine lettuce if it meant keeping these people out of our country. It makes you wonder. Will the government make rape kits as available as the Covid test kits were at the height of the pandemic?

I keep hearing from the leftists that Trump is an existential threat. Oh, and they can't stop talking about his lies. If only Kaitlin Collins had been able to fact-check everything coming out of Trump's mouth the other night in the CNN Town Hall, she could have exposed him for the liar that he is. Just how addled are these mother fuckers? Biden lies through his teeth every time he opens his mouth, yet you hear nothing from his praetorian guard, the media. I heard that his press secretary, whatever the fuck her name is, didn't get one question from the media types in the room about Congressman Comer's press conference the other day when he and his congressional counterparts laid out a devastating trail of corruption and pay-to-play for the public to consider. I'm getting a little off-topic, but it's all one big ball of wax, isn't it. Biden and his people will tell you with a straight face that our southern border is closed. That's a lie. You see where I'm going with this. Right? Then again, the ends always justify the means when it comes to the libtards. That's just how they roll.

I watched this weird clip yesterday when the sitting Secretary of Defense (Lloyd Austin) was before the Senate discussing this and that. Little Dicky Durbin (Democrat) was pressing the Secretary about why he wasn't providing the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague with information related to alleged war crimes committed by Putin. Durbin mentioned several other departments that had been cooperating with requests from the ICC, but the ICC had apparently not heard back from the Secretary of Defense. It was kind of an interesting insight into how the sausage gets made in Washington. The Secretary seemed unwilling or evasive even in offering any kind of answer that came close to satisfying Durbin and his fellow senators. He (Austin) said something about needing to protect his troops or something to that effect. They agreed to take the conversation offline. Did the secretary see this whole ICC issue as being some kind of red line which he was unwilling to cross? Could he reasonably be accused of protecting Putin? And, to be honest, nobody in their right mind thinks that Putin is going to be held accountable by some kangaroo court in the Hague. Right? It's delusional at best.

I've not been following this debt ceiling thing too closely since we all kind of know how it works. There's a bit of a pissing match between the two political parties in Washington, assuming that you have Democrats controlling one or more houses of Congress and the Republicans controlling the White House, or vice versa. Janet Yellen has a deadline out there, maybe in the June-July timeframe when, if the ceiling doesn't get raised, all hell is going to break loose. This and that recipient will not be getting their checks, and the credit rating of the United States will be notched down a tad or two to reflect the tumultuousness of the moment. The stock market is showing little to no interest in this debt ceiling thing which is interesting. The VIX has barely budged, and it's still in the 16-17 point range on any given day. The Market has been remarkably resilient in the face of it all, albeit thanks to a handful of FANG stocks that continue to perform well. That could all change as we get closer to the deadline. For now, the casino is open for business, come what may.

It sounds like Elon Musk is about to put a woman in charge of Twitter who is a card-carrying member of the World Economic Forum. I don't like the sound of that. If I might, allow me to repeat what James Woods tweeted this morning, "It was fun while it lasted." If I'm not mistaken, the World Economic Forum is a cabal of globalists who want to run the world. All the jet-setters and Climate Change cultists fly off to this particular forum in Switzerland each year while lecturing the rest of us about our reducing our carbon footprints. What am I missing here? Maybe more importantly, what is Elon missing? Another person tweeted, "They finally got to him." This hire is seemingly antithetical to everything that Elon has promised since the day he bought Twitter and ended the Deep State's control over one of the more powerful social media sites on the web. Someone else tweeted about the fact that we're likely to see the return of the infamous shadowbanning that was so prevalent before Musk took over. They effectively shut down or suppressed conservative voices, especially in the days leading up to the 2020 election. Say it ain't so, Elon.


I went to bed last night reading my Twitter feed about how every asset in the Russian military, from submarines to nuclear bombers, had departed from their bases and were heading toward Ukraine. Whatever the Russians had in mind, it was on and on in spades. I wasn't sure if this was a retaliatory strike in response to Ukraine's drone attacks on oil tanks in Crimea in recent days or maybe just a preemptive strike to counter Ukraine's promised Spring counteroffensive. Whatever the case, I would have to catch up after the fact since I was going to sleep. I can't be sure about the full scope of the attack since I'm just now catching up the morning after, but what I have read tells me it was a long night in certain cities in Ukraine. A long night indeed.


I'm not sure why these conflicts need to take as long as this one seems to be taking. Don't get me wrong; I have no particular dog in this hunt, so I couldn't care less who wins. I just know that the body counts don't get any lower the longer the conflict goes. Maybe I should have a dog in this hunt. Maybe I should not want Russia to invade a sovereign country like Ukraine. If Ukraine wants to be one of the most corrupt shitholes on the European continent, that's their business. If Ukraine wants to join NATO, then who is Russia to tell Ukraine that they can't join NATO? At some point, the longer these conflicts go on without a clear winner, the more it looks like one side is in it to punish the other side. I have to believe that Russia has the means to deliver a decisive blow, yet the daily grind goes on, and the bodies continue to stack up on both sides.

This one poster on Twitter that I follow was offline for a few hours last night. He's usually a reliable source when it comes to getting news out about who's doing what to whom in the war between Ukraine and Russia, so I have to wonder if the powers that be wanted to take his posts down so as not to inform one side or the other about the impact of the strikes on Ukraine by the Russian military. They are perfectly happy to remind me night after night that the Ukrainians are holding their own in Bahkmut against the encirclement of the Russian forces. They are just as happy telling me night after night that the Russians are striking population centers instead of military targets, which is against one convention or another when it comes to waging war. Narratives are important and never underestimate the power of the government and their praetorian guard, the media, to spin a narrative in order to fashion public opinion. That would make Elon Musk complicit. No?

The missus reminded me that the hummingbirds are scheduled to arrive for the summer season here in New England soon, and we should have the feeders out when they arrive. I think the same ones return year after year, but I'll be damned if I can confirm that one way or another. She offered to buy me a container of that red nectar you see in stores around this time of year, but I say no when it comes to food dyes and unnatural substances. Nothing but the best will do for my fine feathered friends, so the missus offered, and I accepted, to make her own version of the hummingbird food that we know they love: I think it's four parts of water to one part granulated sugar. They'll be here until early September, so we want to get off on the right foot by having their food out early this year. All I could say when she brought up the subject was, "is it that time of the year already?"

Are the Democrats right when they say that their ticket to the White House in 2024 is Donald Trump? In other words, Trump is so toxic to Democrats, thanks to the non-stop demonizing of Trump since 2016 by the national media, that Democrats will crawl over broken glass to vote for Biden if Trump is the nominee. This shows you the power of the media in determining who and who doesn't get to sit in our beloved White House. Since the media is in the pocket of the leftists and the Democrats at large, this no doubt gives the media the imprimatur they need to do their official or unofficial bidding. It is true, as they say, that Biden didn't win the 2020 election. Rather, Trump lost the 2020 election. The only way Biden ever got to eighty million votes is that people voted for Biden because of their hatred for Trump. I do wonder if Trump has ever come to terms with why he lost in 2020, although there were enough reasons to wonder if the hijinks employed by the Democrats didn't create votes out of whole cloth after the tallies had Trump winning on the night of the election.

I think it's also true that Trump was so toxic, thanks to the media, that most people who had any control over any part of the election process were willing to do whatever it took to ensure that Trump didn't win the election, even if that meant breaking the law. In my book, that's the classic definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Yes, it exists. There were a lot of people in the government, call them the Deep State if you will, who also had an interest in seeing to it that Trump didn't get a second term in office. They had wars to wage, a military-industrial complex to feed, and plans to replace leaders in shithole countries across the face of the planet, and Trump being in office was antithetical to every last one of those plans. People who typically profited from such governmental skullduggery were essentially put on ice for the duration of the Trump presidency. As rules go, getting between a neocon and a governmental contract is never a good or healthy place to be.

In the not-too-distant past, aggrieved parties took matters into their own hands. Think Kennedy assassination. Didn't the CIA or others have a hand one way or another in that sordid business? Maybe I've been watching too many Oliver Stone movies. I worry about that sort of thing when it comes to Trump. As I said, honest players do dishonest things in the interest of maintaining the status quo. Money and influence make an even more compelling case to effect change when effecting change is the order of the day. The Democrats have already shown us that they are willing to do anything to get and keep power when they installed a hapless senile old fuck like Joe Biden as president of the United States. Now, keeping senile and demented old Joe in power at all costs is mission-critical for the Democrat party and their deep-state counterparts. Maybe we don't need to worry about Trump since the Democrats believe that he's their ticket to another term for Bumbles. Lots can happen between now and then.

Speaking of Trump, he's scheduled to do a town hall meeting with CNN right here in the state of New Hampshire in a couple of weeks. You heard me right, a town hall with CNN. CNN, the network that Trump has been referring to as fake news since he came down the elevator in 2016. Kaitlin Collins will be the moderator for CNN. I don't know what to make of her as a moderator for this event, so I guess we'll see. Had they used Dana Bash instead, a Trump-to-the-bone hater, I might have worried about things going south from the jump. I think John King might have passed muster as a moderator as well, but he's not in the mix.

Trump will be taking questions from a live audience, so it should be a hoot. Don't think for a moment that CNN isn't going to have a couple of Trump haters planted somewhere in the audience, just waiting for their chance to ask off-color questions like how often do you beat your wife, did you rape E. Jean Carroll in that department store dressing room, etc. That just goes with the territory when you go into the lion's den. Good on Trump, though. FOX wants nothing to do with him, so their ratings will continue to suck even more than they have in the wake of Tucker Carlson's firing. That's more gravy for networks like NewsMax and CNN and more exposure for Trump, for better or worse.

I'm reading about another oil tanker grab this morning in the Straits of Hormuz. The Iranians now have possession of another American oil tanker. I think this is the second tanker grab in the last two to three weeks. I don't watch or listen to mainstream news, so I don't know how this is being portrayed, if at all. That's my point. It isn't about the oil tanker. It's about the mainstream media who tell us Americans what they want us to hear. Maybe more to the point, we get the news that the White House wants us to hear, or not hear, whichever the case. It could be that the media doesn't want to create a crisis in the news that would sideline or embarrass their president in the White House. It could be that they don't want the financial markets to overreact and set something in motion that they can't control. That's what a praetorian guard does. The ends always justify the means when it comes to attaining and holding on to the reins of power.

Were Trump in office, the leftists in the media would have round-the-clock coverage since seeing a video of Americans held hostage would be welcome news for the mainstream media since it would serve to diminish Trump's standing in the eyes of the American people. They would be, sad to say, likely praying for harm to come to the Americans being held hostage. What are the chances that Bumbles Biden is working behind the scenes with the Chinese and the Iranians to snatch these tankers in order to drive up the price of oil? The price of oil is dropping like a stone these days due to recessionary forces, i.e., a lack of demand at the pump due to fewer people in the workforce, people who never returned to work in the office following the pandemic, etc. A slack demand for oil also reduces the federal tax dollars collected at the pump at a time when tax collections are down measurably due to a faltering economy. And, we all know how the Climate Change freaks feel about oil. Bumbles has their back at every turn. I'm guessing nothing comes of any of this. Or, if it does, we'll only hear about it if it serves the pleasure of the fool in the Oval Office.

What is this I'm reading about Bumbles sending Pakistan $500 million to English teachers in Pakistan teaching transgender youths. Give me a fucking break. I mean, this is a joke. Right? They're putting this out there as a trial balloon. Right? I thought they tossed gay people off highrises in countries like Pakistan. I want to be careful here since not all gay people are transgender if that makes any sense. Nor, are all transgenders gay. See what I did there? Anyway, what we do in our own country when it comes to this transgender stuff is one thing. It seems we don't even have our own house in order when it comes to trans issues (think Bud Lite), so we ought not to look to export these cultural oddities to other countries where they may not be welcome. Surely there are better uses for American tax dollars in our own country. States are passing laws left and right to stop the madness associated with gender identity issues and the mutilation of our children before they reach the age of consent. Bumbles and the radical trans activists who surround him should take note.

So you thought we'd seen the last of the spy balloons when Bumbles allowed those spy balloons from China to traverse our country a few months back. Bumbles ordered it shot down over the Atlantic after it had done its job, and never another word was heard about if they recovered it, what they found when they recovered it, or anything else of the sort. Now, they tell us that there is another spy balloon flying over Hawaii of unknown origin and capability. Don't believe a fucking minute of it. They know exactly where it came from, and, if I'm right about this, they know the precise mission that it's on. It's also possible that Bumbles and his clowns in our defense establishment floated the sucker so they can shoot it out of the sky and look like tough guys for being so "decisive." They know that Americans know that we have satellites in orbit that track these sorts of activities, so why do they lie to our faces about this shit. And, after the last embarrassing international kerfuffle with the Chinese spy balloon, why would our military even think twice about shooting that fucker out of the sky? They wouldn't, unless Bumbles told them to stand down. Can you say "compromised"?


Speaking of being compromised, Congress issued a couple of subpoenas yesterday to the FBI to produce a particular document that proves that Joe Biden was engaged in a pay-for-play arrangement with a foreign country. Now we're talking. Biden, according to the document in question, took money in exchange for his influencing policy in our country. That's treason, no matter how you slice it. This subpoena came out of a whistleblowers account of what transpired when Biden was Vice President. It involves Ukraine somehow. The whistleblower may have knowledge of the specific form that Congress is looking to subpoena because he or she may have completed the form. I'm surprised that someone doesn't have something more current, although the Biden bank records Congress has received to date paint a perhaps even more devastating pay-for-play gambit since it involves up to 12 Biden family members in the alleged chicanery. It's a bombshell of an allegation, although you'd never know it from listening to the mainstream media. They're not even covering it. It's crickets.

You know things are getting bad when even FOX goes out of their way not to report news like this. I tuned into Neil Cavuto on FOX while on my bike ride yesterday, just as this story was breaking in my Twitter feed. The news hit the wires maybe an hour before I went on my ride, so I thought I might get the scoop from FOX. Cavuto must have gotten word from the top that he was to avoid the story like the plague. Do you know that Cavuto went with a 4-hour-old story about a shooter in Atlanta who was still on the loose after shooting five people in a hospital waiting room? Not only did he go with the story from the start, but he spent the entire hour on the story. Shootings in our cities are somewhat commonplace these days, so harping on this story seemed, well, over the top if you want my honest opinion. It had everything to do with avoiding the Biden story and very little to do with the shooter on the loose. Why would FOX be so interested in not covering the Biden story? Is it because the story might give oxygen to the effort to bring Biden down? What, are they in bed with CNN these days? I'm not so sure I'm wrong about this.

The other story in the news yesterday, along with the Biden corruption story, was the drone attack on Putin and the Kremlin. FOX and Cavuto could have easily spent the hour talking about that, but they did not. Again, I think it was FOX's feeble attempt to hide the breaking news about Biden. If you had any suspicions about FOX going over to the other side, now you have your proof. That isn't to say that they won't be forced to cover both the drone attack story and the Biden corruption story because I think they will. As of this morning, just twenty fours hours later, Russia is holding the United States responsible for the attempt on Putin's life. I guess we're inextricably linked to any and all activities carried out by the Ukrainians, and that includes attempts, misguided or as futile as they turn out to be, on Russian lives and Russian infrastructure. We are in a proxy war with Russia, so I'm not sure their allegations are unfounded. Russian warships have been seen in recent days mapping out oceanic undersea cables, which could if destroyed, disrupt global communications. This has a Nordstream 2 feel to it, if I'm right about this. What's good for the goose?

Meanwhile, the little grifter in his camouflage tee shirt, Zelensky, is running around Europe doing God only knows what. At this point, it looks like Putin has put a target on his back after the failed assassination attempt. It's game-on, as they say in the business. You should have heard the turds on the telly last night making the case that it's okay to try and assassinate Putin because he invaded Ukraine, but the rules of war don't allow for reciprocal action by Putin. I don't think Putin sees it that way, and it sounds like the wanted posters are already up on every street corner in and around the Kremlin. Could the untimely death of either of these two men at the hands of one or the other change the trajectory of the conflict in Ukraine? I'm thinking that's entirely possible. It does make you wonder if Putin knows the whereabouts of his nemesis at any given point in time. Do you think it's possible that Zelensky is working on behalf of China as he bleeds the West of resources so China will have an easier time of it when the time comes to bring Taiwan back under the CCP umbrella? Just thinking out loud here.

I heard someone say yesterday that it was the first day in our history when every bank stock in America was down. Can you say, contagion? Even the big boys like JP Morgan and Bank of America were down by the close of the market at 4 pm Eastern time. This is despite the assurances from everyone from Bumbles Biden to Jerome Powell that our banking institutions are strong and dependable. Don't get me wrong. Just because a handful of regional banks have collapsed in the last few weeks doesn't mean we're going to hell in a handbasket. The bigger banks have stepped in at the last minute and bought up these banks on the brink at fire sale prices. Maybe that's the point. Maybe that's been the game plan all along. That didn't stop Powell from raising rates in his announcement last week, so we're probably not out of the woods yet. Well, the regional banks aren't out of the woods yet, to be more specific. Does this have anything to do with our government's efforts behind the scenes to digitize our currency? I don't know, but I'll be damned if I want the government to know how I make my money and how I spend my money. Nor do I want them freezing my assets because they don't like my politics. Is there anyone who thinks that can't happen?

If it's true that Bumbles Biden handed off the Artificial Intelligence (AI) issue to his Vice President, Kamala Harris, to deal with, then we are truly in some deep shit. The leaders in AI, like Microsoft and Google, met at the White House yesterday, and Harris sat in on said meetings. That should scare the living hell out of anyone paying attention. I don't think anyone thinks that she has the bandwidth or the attention span to absorb what these people have to say on the topic of AI. The head of AI at Google stepped down last week and is now devoting his efforts full-time to warning the public about the dangers of the technology. He was probably not at this particular meeting, but that is neither here nor there.

Did you see the headline in the news the other day about companies who were not hiring any more employees until they could fully see how AI might otherwise do those same jobs? I mean, holy jumping Jesus. This damn horse is out of the barn for better or worse, and I don't think anyone, including VP Harris, can do anything to stop it. You can bet your sweet rear end that our enemies are going full bore in the race to the AI finish line, whatever that means and whatever that looks like. I suppose there are just as many ways to use this technology for good as there are for bad. Can it cure cancer? If not, why not? I actually googled a few things yesterday because I'm interested in seeing what AI tools like Chat GBT can do for me. I know I'm just scratching the surface, but you have to start somewhere. Right?

We're two or three days out now from the breaking news about that balloon flying over Hawaii, and it's fucking crickets in the news. That's what I mean when I say that Biden's praetorian guard, the mainstream media, covers what it deems to be good news for the Democrats in office and Biden more specifically, and it suppresses everything that it deems to be bad news that could damage Biden's prospects for a second term. Were it in the news, there would most certainly be a hue and cry from Americans about spy balloons and Biden's feckless bending over for his masters in Beijing. I suppose the balloon is doing what spy balloons do as we Americans go about our business being none the wiser because we have such short attention spans. The damn thing is probably hovering up my every stroke at this here keyboard as I sit here this morning wondering how my day is going to play out. Don't think for a minute that the Bidenistas aren't taking full advantage of the 24-hour news cycle that we live in to both inundate us with minutia and, maybe more importantly, distract us from the things we should be concerning ourselves with.

Apple reported reasonably good earnings after the Market close last night, so maybe we'll see some green shoots today. We've not seen any meaningful corrections as of late due to the problems in the banking sector, so maybe that tells us something about the resiliency of the market in the face of the enormous headwinds that surround us. I thought the financials were the proverbial canary in the coal mine when it comes to the financial markets. I guess it's true until it isn't. Apple makes up some ridiculous percentage of both the S&P and the NASDAQ, so that may well explain why we've not seen any corrections in the overall indices. I look at Apple, and I see a company in decline. They make some great products, but when is the last time they manufactured anything even close to being considered innovative? Steve Jobs has to be rolling over in his grave at just how boring and creatively stunted the company that he created has become. Throw in the fact that their supply chains run through Beijing and that exponentially increases Apple's risks to external events. I think some comeuppance is in order. Overdue, even.

There is a coronation taking place across the pond today, and it's sucking the oxygen out of the 24/7 news cycle. I mean, who gives a flying fuck about a coronation of a king? For what it's worth, I'd like to see the dismantling of the Monarchy. I'd like to see the estates that are now in the hands of the Royal family either turned into museums or given over to the homeless and their ilk. You can sell them to the latest up-and-coming pop stars for all I care. If there's a British Black Lives Matter organization, maybe they could use a palace or two to remind their brethren that reparations work, and they are living examples of same. Let the King and his extended brood go get real jobs like everyone else. Who the fuck has waiters and footmen these days anyway? Someone to dress the Royals and prepare their meals while people are living in the streets of London and begging for their next meal? The Days of Lords and their Serfs seem like something out of a storybook for children, so I'll be ignoring the lot of it today as best I can. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.

Do you suppose Chat GBT might write me a script that I can use to negotiate the upcoming renewal of my services from Sirius Radio? It's the same schtick year in and year out. We call them up at renewal time and threaten to cancel our services, and after a certain amount of cajoling and caterwauling, they relent and offer the usual 75% discount just to keep us in good stead. I figure they'll be on to us sooner or later, and then where will we be? Does anyone pay full price for their services? Maybe it's precisely the people who pay the full price that allows those of us not wanting or willing to pay full price off the hook. Is my apprehension misplaced? What would I do if they ignored my pleas? Now that I've had the pleasure of their services all these past years, would I really tell them to screw? It seems like it was just yesterday that we were having this very same discussion here in our household with the fam last year. Do we keep it? Do we let it go? Who wants to do the negotiating? Let's git er done!

Have you seen that story about the black Michael Jackson impersonator getting choked out on the floor of the NY subway by the ex-marine? The black fellow succumbed to the chokehold and died shortly thereafter in a NYC hospital. I don't know what led up to the impersonator being taken down and put in a chokehold, but I suspect he was threatening the people in the subway car, and one thing led to another in short order. The black fellow had a long history of mental illness and an equally impressive rap sheet, as rap sheets go. The ex-marine had an equally impressive background, and he was doing, well, he was doing what you might expect a marine to do under the circumstances. You know what they say, once a marine, always a marine. I truly wish that the black fellow hadn't died. I wish that the ex-marine didn't have to live the rest of his life wondering how things might have turned out had he applied just a little less pressure to the man's carotid artery. Sometimes, just sometimes, no one wins.

I don't know what to make of this reparations thing that California has going. I don't know who qualifies and who doesn't, but it has something to do with blacks with a historical tie to the slave trade. I'm shooting from the hip here, so don't hold me to any of it. The latest is that the so-called eligible recipients are now not satisfied with the one-something million dollars per person that is currently under consideration. Who can blame them for wanting more when the ink isn't even dry on any one or more of the proposals? They aren't taking this sitting down, to be sure. Most of them probably already have the money, or most of it anyway, already spent before any one or more of them have two nickels to rub together. That creates a mighty strong incentive to do whatever you can to up the ante in advance of any decisions by the people writing the checks. If that means rioting, looting, or calling in that ambulance chaser, Benjamin Crump, or the Crumpster as they refer to him in Harlem, then that is what you do. No stone need go unturned when and where the righteous dare to tread.

I'll end this week's blog with a couple of thoughts about the killings in the mall in Texas yesterday. What was this mass killing all about? The cops killed the killer, so I'm guessing we'll get the version that they want us to get. So it doesn't get lost in the shuffle, I'll say it loud, and I'll say it now: Rest in peace, y'all. I'm pretty sure the shooter was Hispanic, so that strikes me as unusual. Were his victims Hispanic? Can we draw any conclusions from the people that he gunned down in cold blood as to what motives he might have had for doing what he did? Nothing can justify what he did, for sure, but we can take lessons from these shootings if that makes any sense. Maybe it was Cartel related. You don't want to not pay your dues to the Cartel that brought you here from that shithole south of the border that you used to call home. Maybe he had a bone to pick with recent arrivals who took his job, impregnated his daughter, stole his F-150, or otherwise irked him until he broke. I can't make sense of any of it.

Tuckered Out

It's a damp morning here on the seacoast after a rainy day yesterday. What I wouldn't give for a little sunshine. We are in New England, so what they say about waiting five minutes for a change in the weather might be just what the doctor ordered. I turned on my little space heater just to take the chill off, so that's helping. I usually throw on a light coat this time of year or maybe an extra sweater to warm up before I get started with this here journal. There is no substitute for real heat, so that's where my space heater comes in. Buckle up, boys and girls. I think we're in for a long week. It's nothing specific, just a hunch.


I'm not quite sure what to make of this kerfuffle about the letter signed off on by the 50 intelligence types declaring as they did before the 2020 election that the Hunter Biden laptop story was likely a Russian disinformation campaign. Biden called it just that when he first referenced it in a debate with candidate Trump at the time. We're now finding out that the letter was a hoax and it had nothing to do with Russian disinformation, and Biden knew it. Not only did Biden know it, but the allegation is that Biden put these signatories up to signing the letter so he could frame it as such in the debate. In other words, Biden lied to the American people. That's nothing new in and of itself for Joe Biden since he is a pathological liar, as evidenced by his long history of plagiarizing speeches, etc.. And then we have our current Secretary of State, Blinky Blinken, who was allegedly complicit in this so-called plot to deceive the American people.

The signatories themselves knew full well that there was no truth to the Russian disinformation campaign, yet each and every one of them put their name on that document. What sitting or retired intelligence officer worth his or her salt puts their reputation at stake for a flimsy and cheap plot that will, in the fullness of time, be exposed and, with it, their names and their reputations? I'm guessing that this had more to do with keeping Donald J Trump out of the Oval Office than it did with installing Bumbles Biden as our new Commander-in-Chief, but that remains to be seen. Whichever the case, the election of one Bumbles Biden in the year of the Lord 2020 now and forever more qualifies as a stolen election. Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. It is but one of many crimes allegedly committed by the Biden Crime Family and their minions. Each and every one of them needs to be brought to justice.

I keep seeing these stupid polls popping up here and there saying that Americans want neither Bumbles Biden nor Donald J Trump as their next president. The pollsters understand that that is not how our electoral system works. Right? Both Biden and Trump have competition within their own parties, and we have a primary process that will deliver, for better or worse, a nominee to run in the general election. The Republican candidate may or may not be Donald Trump, and the Democrat candidate may or may not be Bumbles Biden. In other words, people have choices. They can cast their votes accordingly in both the primary process and the general election. For what it's worth, the Republicans appear to be putting all the candidates on the stage during the primary process, yet the Democrats have announced that they will not be sponsoring any debates despite the fact that other Democrats have entered the race to replace Biden as Commander-in-Chief.

It might all make sense if we were talking about replacing a sitting president who Americans felt was doing a reasonably good job and the people wanting to run against him on the same ticket were ne'er-do-wells. Bumbles' approval ratings are in the thirties, so let's not mince words here. Americans, by and large, think Biden is doing a terrible job. Everywhere you look, from matters concerning the economy to foreign policy, Biden is missing in action. I heard someone the other day challenge anyone to point to one decision made by Biden or his administration that has benefitted the American people. If anyone, his decisions have benefitted our adversaries around the globe. When you consider that most of what the Congressional investigations have discovered thus far about monies flowing into the Biden family coffers comes from a somewhat expansive list of foreign countries, you start to understand why we are where we are. And, just for the record, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is no ne'er-do-well.

What is this crock of hooey I'm hearing about a Spring Offensive by the Ukrainian army? Ukraine can't keep the Russians from overrunning the besieged city of Bahkmut, so how do they expect to expel the Russians from Crimea? Even the Chinese see Crimea as belonging to the Russians and have stated as much publicly. The constant pleas from the Ukrainians needing more ammunition in order to continue to fight against the Russians tells me that Ukraine is in no position to take back anything, much less Crimea. They'll be lucky to save Kyiv at the rate things are going. The Russians announced today that they will no longer be taking prisoners. That may have potential Ukrainian conscripts thinking twice about signing up to go to the front lines. I'm also reading this morning about the Russians exchanging a certain number of fighter jets for a supply of drones from Iran. I'm guessing that drones are more apt to escape detection and therefore reach their targets than would a fighter jet. It's hard to know what's really happening on the ground in Ukraine, so you do your best to draw your own conclusions using the best sources you have at your fingertips.

Fucking A - Tucker Carlson is no longer on FOX. What the hell? It's a bit of a stunner, to be sure. I can't say that I had that on my bingo card. I guess I'm done with FOX now. Tucker was the only reason I was tuning in each night. Tucker was my go-to show Monday through Friday. No more. Fuck FOX and whoever was responsible for Tucker's departure. I hope that damn network goes down the tubes. To hell with them. I am curious, though, as to where we might see Tucker pop back up on the scene to do what he does best - get the truth out as to what the hell is happening in our country. I wouldn't mind if Musk hired Tucker as CEO of Twitter. The possibilities there are endless. We've got a presidential race to win in 2024, so whatever anyone can do to get Tucker's voice out is a good thing. And no, Brian Kilmead will never fill Tucker's shoes at FOX. Not today, not ever. Neither will that Kevin Corker guy. There's only one Tucker.

I guess Bumbles is running again. I'm waking up this morning to a video, presumably of that idiot announcing his run for another term. What presidential candidate in his or her right mind announces their run for another term in a video? He's running with Cackles, his Vice President. She's another idiot of unknown time and proportion. It's just so embarrassing on so many levels. Can you imagine the utter surprise of global leaders hearing about Bumble's gambit for a second term? Just when they thought that America couldn't look sillier, weaker, or more idiotic on the world stage, Bumble's handlers roll out a video of a presidential candidate who can't otherwise announce his candidacy without using cue cards and an earpiece that tells him what to say and when to say it. I'm afraid this isn't going to end well for America and her allies across the globe. We've already witnessed the near-destruction of our country and our culture under Biden's "leadership" for the last two years. We're quickly moving into the dustbin of history, or worse, if the past is any indication of what's to come.

I have to say, Tucker was a truther when it came to getting the news on Ukraine, the January 6th Insurrection, and other oddities like Ray Epps. I'm guessing FOX will no longer have truthtellers like Colonel McGregor coming on to tell us what's really going on in Ukraine. You would think that our damn congressmen and congresswomen would be out front with the very same news, but I'm guessing that they are all in for whatever our government wants to do regardless. I see a lot of news coming out of the White House these days about sending billions of dollars to this country and that country for this cause and that cause and it's fucking crickets from Congress. I thought they controlled the purse strings. Are we back to the days when we have to ask if our leaders in Congress are compromised by donations from China, threats from the White House, or subject to harassment and ridicule by political forces on the left? We just can't turn a blind eye to it all. And don't tell me that I need to listen to this or that podcast to get my news. I have neither the time nor the inclination to go down that road.

I guess this is the end of the road for Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I'm sorry to see that the store couldn't cut the mustard. It did have a niche, I'll give it that much. I think the stock in its heyday was somewhere around $70 a share. It closed yesterday at around $.19 a share. If I had a few extra sheckles to play with, I might like to buy a few thousand shares in the event that a white knight steps in at the last minute to snap it up at a bargain basement price. I suppose you can find the same sorts of things at Kohl's or Target, so that may have contributed to their demise. I feel bad for the employees who will be losing their jobs as the stores close their doors in the coming months. The unemployment lines aren't getting any shorter these days, with companies far and wide either closing their doors or scaling back their workforces to pre-pandemic levels. Maybe what they say about a coming recession or a hard landing, in the words of some economists, looks to be shaping up as just that. What, pray tell, am I going to do with all of my 20% coupons from Bed, Bath, and Beyond that I've accumulated over time? I guess I could write them off as "missed opportunities."

I'm starting to think that the reelection of Bumbles Biden is in the bag. Not because I think he's been a good president but rather because he and his party have the wherewithal to steal the election just like they did in 2020. I mean, if Trump was unable to prevent the steal in 2020, who the hell is going to step up to the plate in 2024 and put a stop to the criminal activity of the Democrats? That's not to say that Trump didn't try to stop it in 2020, because he and his people certainly did. The powers that be in our country were simply unwilling to admit to the fact that elections in our country are even vulnerable enough to be stolen, much less willing to give someone like Trump the tools he needed to bring these culprits to justice. We're the greatest country on the face of the earth, after all. I've got news for them. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere, and it does every day of the year in other countries. Now, I'm afraid to say, it's here in America to stay. The Democrats might even tell you that Trump stole the election from Hillary Clinton in 2016. It's balderdash, of course.

I'm having some difficulty filling in the void created by the firing of Tucker Carlson. I've stopped watching FOX completely now, and I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do with that hour of time that I now seem to have free. It's not like I'm going to tune into other channels during that hour since most are hosted by leftists who, at least for now, seem to be singing the praises of FOX for firing Tucker. I've been watching some prerecorded UFC stuff, but the missus is unhappy with that, so I'm not sure how long that's going to last. I could listen to podcasts here and there if I thought I had the patience to do it, but that doesn't seem likely either. Eight o'clock at night is not a good time to be picking up a book to read, so that's not in the cards. If I thought I could spend even one more minute looking at my iPad after being on the damn thing for the better part of the day, I would. I now understand, and have for a long time, I suppose, why Steve Jobs never let his children close to the electronic devices created for the masses by his company, Apple Inc.

What is this I'm hearing about Trump and the debates on the Republican side of the aisle? So, Trump is saying that he may not participate in the debates? He may be a bit miffed because he was allegedly not consulted when his party put together the schedules for the debates. Trump is the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room, after all. Would anyone even watch the darn debates if Trump weren't on stage? I like Vivek, and I can tolerate Nikki Haley, but, quite honestly, it's not much of anything if Trump takes his balls and goes home. You know what I mean. Maybe Trump feels that if Bumbles Biden doesn't have to debate because of his elevated status within the party, Trump shouldn't have to debate either. Besides, if the Democrats stand by while Republicans beat the living hell out of each other during the debates, that's a good thing. Right? Well, for them, maybe. It is certainly not good for the rest of America. Case in point: Joe Biden.


Speaking of Bumbles, did you happen to see pictures of that old fool in the Rose Garden at the White House yesterday with the leader of South Korea? Someone snapped a picture of Biden holding a cheat sheet giving him the question and answer to be asked by a specific individual from the LA Times. The cheat sheet actually had the woman's picture on it so Bumbles could pick her out from the crowd standing in front of him. I showed the missus the picture, and she thought it was a Photoshop job created to make Bumbles look bad. She still doesn't get it no matter how much evidence I put in front of her, how many gaffes he makes, how stupid he looks, or the disastrous end result of the decisions that the people who are really running our country make. To top it all off, Bumbles was asked a question about his age, and despite the fact that he was wearing those stupid aviator shades that he always hides behind, you could tell that he was reading from his cheat sheet when giving his answer. Not surprisingly, the LA Times reporter is now unavailable for comment.

Did I mention that Mrs. G contracted Covid? You'd think that after getting every shot and subsequent booster available to her that she might have a fighting chance at avoiding the dreaded Covid. I suppose they'll tell us that had she not been vaccinated that her illness would be that much worse. They might go so far as to say that had she not been vaccinated, she might not have survived her bout with Covid. Who knows where she got the virus. I don't think they bother tracking anymore, so I guess it is what it is. She's confined to her unit for a period of time, and when she does emerge, she'll need to wear a mask for a day or two. Thems the rules. She said something about it not getting into her chest or lungs, and for that, she was grateful. Now, I suppose we'll all be on pins and needles waiting to see if long Covid develops. Every little thing that comes up will be viewed through the lens of long Covid. Not that any of it matters because there's nothing to be done. I don't even think they can diagnose long Covid. There's no test for it. Fuck it, is what I say. Live and let live!

What on earth was Maybelline thinking when they put that little fruitcake, Dylan Mulvaney, up as the new face of their product line? Have they not been paying attention? Have they learned nothing from the good folks at Anheuser Busch, the parent company of Bud Lite? Busch is paying a steep price for putting Mulvaney's poopy face on their beer cans. People are pouring that pisswater into the drains of America about as fast as they can take it down from their shelves. Sales are off by some 20%. Not a day goes by when I see some influencer on Twitter using Bud Lite cans as target practice. Is this all about virtue signaling? Who risks the very viability of their company, not to mention the damage that it can inflict on their reputation, by hugging up on some little queer fella who runs around in a skimpy dress and pigtails acting like he's a nine-year-old girl. This is what passes for culture in the year of the Lord 2023? I'm still waiting for women in America to stand up and say I've had enough of this butt-fuckery. I'm a real woman, and I won't have these little pussies like Dylan Mulvaney making a mockery of womanhood. We're not going to stand for it.

The Ev man joined us yesterday for a road trip to Dover. We got a lot done on our outing, so that was a good thing. We even got some things done that we didn't expect to be doing, like getting the Ev man a haircut (high and tight) at Lucky's in Portsmouth. They had a last-minute cancellation, so they were able to squeeze him in. It took longer than any of us expected, and he complained after the fact that the barber talked too much. No one likes to hear the barber's life story when you're just stopping by for a quick tidy. I surprised the Ev man with a stop at Starbucks, where I bought him a pound of high-octane single-origin Sumatra coffee for his espresso machine. It's his first-ever pound of coffee since I gave him my old espresso machine, and I think he was delighted beyond words to have it. We stopped at Best Buy for a quick look at PlayStation games, televisions, and coffee machines. We also had a chance to stop into Tuttles in Dover, where Ev stocked up on some of his favorite to-go meals. All in all, it was a good day for the Ev man and the fam.

Before I forget, can I buy the magazine, Consumer Reports, in the store, or is it subscription-based only? I'm asking because I see that the latest edition has a section on hearing aids. Mrs. G has been inquiring about them as of late, so I'm thinking she might like to see what Consumer Reports has to say about the latest and greatest in hearing aid technology. Prices and performance are all over the map, and I'm not sure the old adage "you get what you pay for" applies to hearing aids. In other words, just because one pair is more expensive than the other doesn't mean paying more gets you more for your money. I didn't look too closely at the article, but I think you can pay thousands of dollars for a pair of hearing aids and still not be happy with the results. Given that, maybe you're better off paying less and just accepting the fact that your hearing is never going to be as good as it was back in the day. Just suck it up, buttercup. I'm not even convinced that Mrs. G has an impairment that justifies paying top dollar at the hearing aid center, so there's that.

I thought I saw Scott Adams (of Dilbert Fame) offer to conduct a debate between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Vivek Swarmy-something on Twitter yesterday. I thought it was a terrific opportunity for two of the current lower-tier candidates to mix it up a little bit, and, god willing, get more exposure than they might otherwise get. Vivek tweeted that he was game and invited Kennedy to join the debate. I'm not sure how I feel about Adams as a debate moderator, but he's smart as a whip and not likely to show any bias, so I think he might do just fine. I guess they could hold the debate on Spaces on Twitter since I can't think of a better or maybe more suitable venue for the debate. Each of the participants can just call in from the comfort of his or her respective homes, and the rest of us can log on and have a listen. I don't know how to voice my approval while on Spaces so you won't see me clapping at responses I like or, conversely, booing at responses I don't like. Both Vivek and Kennedy are decent sorts as politicians or politician wannabes go, so I'll pass on the snark after the fact on Twitter if warranted. Still waiting on Kennedy's response…

Bumbles Biden was asked the other day about his latest trip overseas while surrounded by his so-called fans or supporters on the lawn of the White House. He couldn't remember and was reminded by someone in the group, a child if my recollection is correct, that he was in Ireland just within the last two weeks. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. The fool can't remember what he had for breakfast on any given day. No one ever asks that question, so you don't if he knows one way or another. They don't ask because they know he doesn't know. Is anyone concerned that this impotent and corrupt old fool has access to the nuclear codes? The clamoring from the clapping seals in the media about Trump's mental instability and his access to the very same codes when he was president was non-stop. They urged his cabinet members to oust Trump using the 25th Amendment before we all died in a dust-up with another yet-to-be-named nuclear power. When it comes to Biden, it's crickets from the media. They look the other way because he's their guy. They don't seem to realize or don't care, that "looking the other way" is going to get us into World War 3.

Who is this twat, Jean Carroll, who is suing Trump for defamation over some rape accusation that happened twenty-seven years ago? She's one of many, I suppose, whom the Democrats have offered up as sacrificial lambs in their futile attempts to dirty up Trump in the eyes of his female supporters ahead of the 2024 presidential sweepstakes. Apparently, in cross-examination, Trump's defense team got her to admit that she had harassed Murdoch, the owner of FOX. I can't recall if the harassment was sexual or not since I can't find an article on the matter. It seems my liberal search engines are working overtime to suppress that fact about Ms. Carroll. Then, she goes on CNN and starts talking about rape fantasies and the like, and Anderson Cooper quickly moves to a commercial when she starts to go off the rails. Does this remind anyone of that woman who came out against Gorsuch when he was being vetted for a Supreme Court seat? She was allegedly raped, too, but she couldn't remember any details about the night in question. I suppose the Manhattan moonbat jurists will convict Trump nonetheless, and they can now add rapist to their montage of nasty adjectives to describe a man that they, the liberal elite, once held in high esteem. Mission accomplished, you might say.

Just a quick postscript on the coffee that I bought for the Ev man the other day. He phoned me after the fact and mentioned that his espresso machine wasn't working with the coffee. I had him bring over both his espresso machine and the coffee that I bought him, and we sorted it out. As it turns out, I asked the folks at Starbucks to give me an espresso grind when I purchased the coffee, and they apparently ground the shit out of it. I returned the coffee to a different Starbucks store because it was closer to home, and they replaced the bag of coffee free of charge and told me to be sure to ask to have the espresso ground using a number-4 setting in the future. Good on them. They didn't have to replace the coffee. It was my fault for not asking for the right grind in the first place. I have a grinder at home, and I have it set to the finest grind, and it works fine, so I figured I was good to go. Little did I know that when you grind coffee beans until they're fine as baby powder, the grinds will clog the shit out of your machine. Lessons learned, baby cakes. Lessons learned.

I'm starting to get a little concerned with the attacks from the left on the conservative jurists sitting on our Supreme Court. First, you have that complete idiot bartender Congresswoman from Queens, Ocasio Cortez, going after Clarence Thomas for a longstanding relationship that he's had with a close family friend going back decades. She can't get close enough to him with a pillow, ala Antonin Scalia, so she's going public with her demands that he step down. When that line of attack went nowhere, Senate Democrats requested that Chief Justice Roberts, a conservative, appear before them to discuss ethics as it relates to Supreme Court justices. Roberts, of course, basically told them to fuck off in so many words. Thank God that we have a 6-3 conservative majority on the Court, is what I say. I might prefer a 9-0 conservative Court, but that's just me. Now, Justice Alito, another wonderful conservative on the Court, is striking back against these liberal loons and tells the media that he has a good idea who was behind the leak on the Dobbs case. Give them a taste of their own medicine, Justice Alito! Hang them out to dry! Spank em and spank em good.

Biden's time is running short, and the Leftists want nothing more than to have Bumbles put another Justice or two on the Supreme Court in his remaining time in the White House. What they'd really like to do is to run existing conservatives off the Court in as expeditious a way as possible. By hook or crook, as my dad used to say. My suggestion to the Republican justices would be to watch their back, hire additional security, and stay out of public spaces where they are vulnerable to attack. The Democrats can't pad the court since they don't have the votes. The chances of a Democrat winning in 2024 are getting slimmer by the day after the complete and utter failures by Bumbles and the stooges that surround him in the White House, so they can't hang their hat on being in the White House for the next four to eight years when a seat might open up. This all bodes well for yet another pick or two by Trump when he is sworn into office in January 2025. That is, unless the Democrats are successful in stealing yet another election.

Elon Musk (of Twitter fame) sat down with Bill Maher last night for an interview. I saw one clip where Musk was relating a story he'd heard about teachers in one particular district in San Francisco who were allegedly indoctrinating students whose parents hadn't a clue about what they were being taught in class. I don't know that I have that exactly right, but Musk went on to say that one student, when asked about George Washington, said that he was a slave owner. I think Musk said something to the effect that they (the students) should know more than the fact that Washington was just a slave owner. He's not wrong, of course. But, there are young fertile minds to warp, and there is precious little time in order to push their Leftist ideology on them, so the material fact that Washington saved our Republic is going to have to be put on the back burner. I think it's that whole CRT bullshit that the Leftists and their praetorian guard in the media continue to tell us isn't being taught in the classroom, but we know better. Whites are bad, and blacks are being held back by White Supremacists and Trump supporters. That's what they'll have you believe, and they'll stop at nothing when it comes to perpetuating the racist mythology.

The missus tells me that there's a collection of Haitians holed up in the lobby of one of the major hospitals in downtown Boston. My question is, how the hell did they get there, and why is nobody looking to send their sorry asses back to where they came from? I've not read anything about it, so I don't know the particulars, but I suspect it's like so many other stories we hear these days about the plight of illegal aliens. It's never about the plight of the Americans on whom these illegals are foisted. That would be xenophobic, don't you know. When you have a senile president saying, c'mon in, the water is fine, it's a recipe for disaster. It just is. Is anyone shedding any tears for the family of five killed by a Mexican National yesterday? Does anyone care that our president is in bed with the Mexican Cartels in the largest case in modern history of human trafficking? If I'm not mistaken, the Haitians are refusing to leave the lobby of the hospital. I can assure you if the local homeless population moved into the hospital's lobby, they'd be given a hot meal and sent on their way by the local constabulary.

Even if you could make the case that the Haitians should be allowed to stay in our country because they have a reputation for being superb healthcare workers, and our hospitals are short of that sort of talent at the moment, shouldn't they be getting in a queue somewhere outside our borders awaiting their turn at the American dream? That's how our immigration system should work. I'm guessing that these holed-up Haitians have children and elderly among their numbers. I also assume these children are not going unschooled. Who's paying the freight to educate these youngsters? Are there gang members in their midst? Have the employees of the hospital been instructed not to report things that go missing, like pocketbooks, drugs, and the like, for fear of further ostracizing and traumatizing these illegal aliens? I'm also guessing that no one is missing any meals. Who's footing the tab to feed these people? How long can anyone afford to do that without putting their own solvency at risk? It's a clusterfuck of unknown proportions and one that will, at some point, come to a head. Are we talking Waco here? Maybe it's more of a conundrum than a clusterfuck, but one worth watching to be sure. Stay tuned.

The Good Fight

I'm looking forward to watching Jim Jordan and his Committee in the hearings scheduled for this morning in New York City. They'll be grilling Manhattan's DA, Alvin Bragg, on his use of federal funds in protecting, or not protecting, as the case may be, the good people of New York. I sure as heck hope it's going to be televised, but it's 7 am here on the east coast, and I still don't know for sure if it is going to be televised. The gist of the hearings, truth be told, is to get to the bottom of Bragg's indictment of Donald J Trump as yet one more indication of the Democrat's weaponization of our justice system. Jordan wants the world to see and hear everything. Bragg, not so much.


Elon Musk is in the news today for a couple of reasons. One, he has this enormous rocketship scheduled for launch sometime today whose odds for a successful launch he put at 50-50 just last week. It's a multi-billion dollar project, so why would he say something like that? It sounds to me like he's taken a page out of the Donald J Trump marketing tips and tricks book. People will be more interested in tuning in to the launch if they think it's going to fail. Smaht. Elon is also on Tucker tonight for an hour-long interview. They've already put out a teaser where Elon tells the world that our government's intelligence agencies have had access all along to people's DM's. I assume that stopped when Elon took over as CEO of Twitter. I also assume that anyone direct messaging on Twitter probably assumes that they don't have complete privacy in terms of what they're sending by way of direct messages when using Twitter.

The Boston Marathon kicks off sometime this morning. Can you imagine running twenty-six miles? Just think about what that's doing to the cartilage in your knees. Every fucking step of the way, you're jarring and grinding the bones in your knees and your feet to a pulp. This is what passes for a good time? You've got to be a full-throated moonbat and climate cultist to be one of several thousand people running in that grueling marathon today. You know the Kenyans always win, so why bother? Around about mile 20 or so, people start losing control of their bowels. That can't be good. Passing wind is one thing. It's quite another to be soiling your shorts while running uphill and against the wind. Runners keep coming back year after year, so there must be something to it. Whatever it is, it's lost on me. I don't even care who wins, so there's that.

I think I set an all-time record for making a quiche and getting it in the oven this morning. The missus will be pleased when she gets up. She loves a little quiche in the morning, and so do I. I made it with sauteed mushrooms, and steamed broccoli, and I added both shredded Mexican cheese and a sprinkling of feta cheese before throwing it in the oven at three hundred and fifty degrees. I'll serve it with a side dish of ice-cold grapefruit segments. For dinner, I'm thinking of using some soy-based product I purchased this past week at Trader Joe's to make a nice chili. We've been enjoying veggie chili from time to time from a local store, and now it's my turn to make a batch. We stopped by that very same store last night looking to buy something for dinner, and we came home with some nice minestrone soup. It was the perfect night for it, although I might have preferred to have less pasta in it since I'm trying to cut pasta out of my diet.

Did I mention that the missus sucked me into helping her out with her jigsaw puzzle? It's a thousand-piece puzzle with far too much blue sky. You puzzlers out there know what I'm talking about. I usually let her do her own thing when it comes to puzzles, and I do my own thing with, well, whatever. I could tell at the outset that she had bitten off more than she could chew, so I asked if she might like my help. I've found the experience oddly satisfying. Maybe not so much that I want a puzzle of my own the next time around but maybe enough to lend a hand if asked. Or, conversely, to feel slighted if I'm not asked. I can see how people get addicted to such things, and I'm not above getting my own kicks and wanting more kicks after this puzzle is done. We sat down at one point, and we were working the puzzle together, albeit at our own speeds. As soon as I realized she was getting more pieces and faster than I was, I started to lose interest. Maybe I don't like being rushed. Whatever.

Both Mike Pompeo and Glenn Youngkin have opted out of the Republican presidential sweepstakes in 2024. That narrows the possible field of contestants to Trump, probably Ron DeSanctimonius, and a few other less well-known names like Haley, Scott, and maybe a John Bolton type here and there. The prevailing wisdom was that if Trump had one or two opponents, the chances of him getting the nomination were less than were he to be up against a dozen or more like he was in 2016. Trump is getting the lion's share of endorsements thus far, so that can't hurt. DeSanctimonius isn't even in the race yet, although that is likely to change fairly soon. DeSaanctimonius is good, but he's no Donald Trump. I don't know that he'll ever be the proverbial eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room, either. It's still early, so a lot of things can change. This country is in trouble, so I have to imagine that that will be an impetus for change at the polls in the next presidential election. I would go so far as to say that if Biden runs, you'll see even less of him than you do now. Oh, and he'll not be joining any debates any time soon. Dr. Jill simply won't have it.

Now we're hearing that even more Biden's received monies from overseas sources. I think we're up to nine family members who received money from countries like China. I'll need more details before I can nail any of this down, but it's horrific on the face of it. Can you imagine taking money in exchange for selling out your country's secrets? I mean, who does that? If I had to guess, I'd say Joe Biden has always been on the take ever since he went to work as a Senator at the age of twenty-nine. The stakes increased exponentially when he became Vice President and, as President of the United States, the world was his fucking oyster. There were now no limits to what he was willing and able to sell, nor were there any limits to whom he would sell to. There was a time in our history when we would rightly call this what is: Treason. Now, they just call it graft. Everyone does it. It's the cost of doing business. It's the modern-day version of pay-for-play. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

I watched Tucker Carlson's interview last night with Elon Musk. It was pretty good. It was the Musk, I think, that we've all come to know if you've been paying any attention at all to what he's been doing here and there. He got into AI a bit, but he didn't really flesh it out, at least not to my satisfaction. I wanted to know what it means to me. You know, the little guy. What can I do with it? What can it do for me? What can it do to me? I guess I've heard that you can design it with a liberal bias, or not, so that's a little concerning. I think Elon knew a lot more than he was saying but was probably not at liberty to say any of it out loud. We probably don't want to know the ugly side of AI because it would probably scare the bejesus out of us. Imagine this tool in the hands of the North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un. What have the Chinese done with this tool? They steal all of our secrets, not to mention the secrets the Bidens have sold to them, so why wouldn't they have the keys to the AI kingdom? I don't even know that Tucker knew what questions to ask when it came to the AI issue. He seemed more interested in knowing if Elon had seen any extraterrestrials in his travels.

I'm reading this morning about China stepping in to negotiate peace between Israel and the Palestinians. I thought Joe Biden was the leader on the world stage. Isn't he the guy who is supposed to be doing these kinds of things? Well, Joe Biden is nowhere to be found. If you want to start looking for him, you might want to start your search in one of his many beach homes in Delaware. You know, the beach homes he purchased on the meager salary he received both as a US Senator and then as Vice President. In the meantime, other leaders around the world are going to step up to the plate, and you may or may not like how things turn out. As for China, we've seen a number of leaders from other countries going to China recently to swear allegiance to Xi and the Chinese Communist Party.

More often than not, they have more than a few disparaging words to say in public and on Chinese soil about the warmongering and hypocritical ways of the United States before departing for home. We're talking about countries like France and Brazil here, previously considered longtime allies of the United States. Did I mention that they are all committing to the de-dollarization of their economies? That's a whole other ball of wax. There is a veritable vacuum of leadership due to the ineptitude, corruption, and disengagement of the Biden presidency at large, and that is an unmistakable disservice to America, Americans, and the world at large.

I almost forgot. Did you hear Elon Musk's explanation as to why he was able to cut loose some 80% of his staff at Twitter after he took over? He said that these were people dedicated not to the operational side of Twitter but rather to pushing certain social agendas on behalf of governments, social justice causes, etc. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but you get the idea. Does that have anything to do with the massive layoffs we're hearing about these days? I read that even Ernst and Young is planning layoffs. You know things are bad when they start to lay off the bean counters. I think the answer to that question is "no." Oh, and Disney is going to be laying off a ton of people. I'm just not sure that all of these layoffs have anything to do with cutting loose their in-resident social justice warriors. I wish that were the case, but I'm afraid I would be wrong in jumping to that conclusion. What kind of a shit show do these layoffs portend, exactly?

I was a little uncomfortable with how quickly Musk dismissed the idea of UFO's when Tucker asked if he'd seen any in his travels. Musk has thousands of satellites orbiting in outer space, so Tucker probably assumed that he had a clue one way or another about the prospects of life on other planets. Musk was so dismissive that I'm left with the feeling that he knows damn well we're not alone in this galaxy we inhabit. Why wouldn't he just say that? I know scientists are skeptical by nature, but Musk is both a dreamer and a scientist, so I expected more from him. Maybe he's a fucking alien. He would probably be the first person to tell you that just because you can't see something with your own eyes doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. When you think of people who create things out of whole cloth, the first person that comes to mind is Elon Musk. I don't know, I'm probably making too much of it. It was just weird.

I watched the mayor of New York City step up to the podium the other day and blather on about the dietary habits of the people living in that great city. He said something about how eating meat and dairy was contributing to emissions issues relating to the consumption of said products. He promised to enact new laws to reduce the emissions from food, mainly from meat, in a bid to meet arbitrary emissions goals by 2030. Wut? It struck me as a skit from Saturday Night Live. I'm thinking to myself, you have got to be kidding. What kind of dystopian nonsense is this? Who put him up to this? Is this Bill Gates pushing his plant-based products again? Does this have anything to do with the new world order that people like Bill Gates and that loser, John Kerry, are always talking about? I'm talking about the new Globalist agenda for the 21st century. Today, the plan is to get rid of all the gas stoves. Tomorrow, they're coming for your cheeseburgers and shakes. Well, by 2030 anyway. Fuk em all.

I can't keep up with all of this bullshit from the Leftists. One minute they're putting the puss of nutjobs like Dylan Mulvaney on beer cans, and in the very next breath, they're telling us what we can and cannot eat. Oh, and they're telling us what we can and cannot drive. It's probably a mistake not to take these clowns seriously. They can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. Look no further than what's become of our country in the last two years since Bumbling Joe Biden took up residence in our beloved White House if you need an example. We're a veritable laughing stock on the world stage. It's also a global thing, if I'm not mistaken. Just the other day, Germany shut down their last three nuclear power plants, and rates immediately increased by 45%. They have a damn energy crisis on their doorstep created in part by their participation in the Ukrainian conflict but, perhaps more acutely, brought on by the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, thanks ostensibly to Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland. I guess saving the environment is more important. It's a scam.


Just when I thought I'd seen everything there is to see coming out of the socialists in the Biden White House, I'm reading something this morning about a new proposed rule that says that mortgage seekers with good credit scores (650 and above) will be hit with a surcharge that effectively subsidizes people with less stellar credit scores thereby enabling people who wouldn't normally have access to the housing markets the ability to purchase a home. To my mind, this rule will discourage buyers with good credit scores from purchasing homes, and it will put people who have a proven record of default or an inability to manage their financial affairs in a position of defaulting once again. Does this remind anyone of the subprime banking collapse in 2007 that brought down Lehman? Why on earth would you penalize people who have done everything right from the moment they got their first credit card so that you can show favor to people who have no regard for the rules of the road when and where personal finance is concerned? It's just all so backwards, like so many other things we see and hear coming out of the Biden White House.

I watched Robert F. Kennedy Jr's presidential announcement yesterday with great interest. I'm delighted to see someone get in the race on the Democrat who will challenge the frail and demented old fuck, Joey "Bumbles" Biden. I have a lot of respect for Kennedy for his advocacy over the years for various and sundry causes that have always put him at odds with a certain segment of the Democrat party. I'm thinking of changing my party affiliation in the primaries to vote for him in the hopes that we can send Bumbles to the aftercare facility where he belongs. Kennedy's announcement is pissing off a lot of Democrats, to be sure. They see Bumbles as their ticket to beating Trump in 2024 based on their mistaken belief that Biden beat him in 2020 - he didn't. I'm not so sure that Kennedy doesn't-have more in common with Trump than Biden on certain things, so there's that. Kennedy was critical of Trump in his speech about the Covid shutdown in 2020, which Trump put in place. He was critical of Biden for sending billions of dollars to Ukraine while cutting benefits for food stamp recipients here at home.

I was wondering if Tucker Carlson was even going to cover Kennedy's announcement when I tuned in to watch his show that very same evening after his announcement. Not only did Tucker bring it up, he actually had Kennedy on his show. I thought to myself, holy shit. Kennedy will need votes from both Democrats and Republicans when the time comes, so going on Tucker made some sense. It also occurred to me that Kennedy was persona-non-grata as far as the mainstream media is concerned. I'm quite sure that each and every outlet got a call from the White House threatening to cut off their lines of communication should they dare give Kennedy so much as a minute of favorable coverage.

No sooner had Kennedy made his announcements than pictures started to circulate on social media sites with Kennedy standing side by side with icons in the conservative universe. The sicko dems are throwing everything they have against the wall in their bid to take Kennedy out of the race or, at a minimum, to diminish his stature so he's no longer considered viable as a candidate. This is what they do - this is who they are. We'll see this coming Sunday which shows Kennedy does or does not appear on. They can avoid lesser candidates like Maryann Williamson without much blowback. When it comes to a Kennedy, I'm thinking not so much. Good for him for fighting the good fight. His father, were he alive today, would be proud.

I made a nice batch of chili yesterday. It's not exactly a Springtime dish, but I purchased some soy product in the last week or so that I didn't want to go bad, so I was off and running. I usually like a nice beef chili, but the missus doesn't do beef, so I try to make a veggie chili now and then just to make her happy. I've never tried using a soy-based product when making chili, so I threw caution to the wind and hoped for the bloody best, as they say in the business. The end product looked and tasted okay, but there was something about it that just didn't pass muster. The missus ate her portion gustily, and I tried to match her spoonful for spoonful, but it just wasn't working for me. I shared none of my misgivings with the missus since I was afraid if I said anything that she might well shy away from eating more of the chili. I guess I could try it again today. Maybe I'll smother it with onions, cheese, and anything else that I think will take my mind off the fact that it's not really beef chili. Then again, I could freeze the lot of it and just forget about it. I gag just thinking about having another spoonful. Some things in life take getting used to. This soy stuff is one of those things.

I'm happy to hear that our Justice Department is doing something about these so-called Chinese police departments that have popped up across our country in the last few years. Who in fuck sake thought that was a good idea? The Chinese have no power or control over the Chinese people here in the United States. I'm guessing that the Chinese people in our country are here because they didn't or don't care for living under the umbrella of tyranny that is the Chinese Communist Party back in Mainland China. I have to give it to the Chinese government thought. They have chutzpah, thinking that they could just throw up a shingle and they would be up and running as a legitimate law enforcement agency. So, good for our Justice Department in taking down the Chinese police station in New York City.

I have to say, though, our Justice Department only arrested 2 people when they announced the arrests the other day. That's pretty fucking lame. It looks like window dressing to me. Add to that the fact that they announced arrest warrants for 24 others who currently reside in China for people who will never come back to face justice, and it leaves you wondering about their real motives. If you want us to take you more seriously on this issue, there are about 99 more of these Chinese police stations across our country, including one more in the same city where you did this bust. Oh, and don't forget all of the young Chinese men of fighting age that they are allowing to come in through our southern border. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Ignorance is bliss. I'm reminded of that fact every day when I read yet another story in the news that raises the hackles on the back of my neck. We seem to be moving slowly but inexorably toward a world war with Russia and China. What is this bullshit about our congressmen and women engaging in war game scenarios involving China and Russia? They should be spending their time pushing to get Bumbles in front of them to make his case, if there is one to be made, for going to war with either China, Russia, or both. I'm hearing that one of the scenarios involved China invading Taiwan in 2027. Nobody thinks that China is going to wait that long. The biggest fear seems to be that American businessmen and women, and Americans in general, are not sufficiently prepared for such an eventuality. What would they do if their overseas supplies of everything from drugs to silicon chips all of a sudden just stopped? To make matters worse, if that's even possible, consider who Biden has put in charge of ensuring the viability of our supply lines: Pete Butt-Edge-Edge.

I might have preferred not to read that article, knowing how dire our collective situation is. Probably in the same way that people avoid watching horror shows on the telly because they don't like going to bed at night having to consider that demonic forces may be lurking beneath their bed. Does it concern anybody that China has not taken phone calls from either Biden or the clowns he surrounds himself with in the last two months? It should. It's not a surprise that China has no respect for Blinken and his cohorts. They bitch slap them every time they meet anywhere, so I'm guessing that they're thinking enough is enough. And Russia, if what I'm reading is correct, seems to be laying the groundwork for cutting undersea cables supplying this, that, and the other thing to the UK. Does anyone think that one or more of our leaders here in the United States ought to get in front of a microphone to explain to the American people what the hell is going on? Is that not what the eighty million people that allegedly voted for Joe Biden voted for? Someone is better than no one at this perilous time in our history.

Bumbles is expected to announce his candidacy for a second presidential term next week. No, this is not an April Fool's joke. He'll be 82 years old, and he'll be eighty-six at the end of his second term if he stays in office for the full four years. Just for context, understand that he's been cognitively challenged since day one of his first term. There are days, even now, when he or his staff calls a lid as early as nine in the morning. Word has it that he'll not be standing at a podium when he makes his announcement. I'm hearing we'll be seeing a video instead, which, as one might imagine, is because Bumbles is no longer capable of delivering a speech from a teleprompter or anything else for that matter due to his advanced dementia or whatever. We'll see the usual clapping seals in the media applauding his energy and his vigor and offering their full-fledged support for another four years. The rest of us, and that would be everyone who didn't vote for Bumbles in the first go-round, will be filled alternatively with dread and despair for what lay ahead should his candidacy succeed.

On the Republican side of the ledger, Larry Elder announced that he's running for president. I like Larry, but he doesn't have a chance in the world of becoming president. It begs the question as to why he's even throwing his hat in the ring. Is he hoping that he'll be asked to join a ticket as a vice presidential candidate? I don't see that as a viable option either. Maybe he's just jumping into the fray to grease the skids for Trump in the hopes that he'll get a spot somewhere in Trump's administration. I think it's true when they say that the more candidates that run, the greater the chances are that Trump will get his party's nomination. Trump does not favor a one-on-one with any one other candidate, especially someone like Ron DeSanctimonioous. That said, DeSanctimonius is lagging solidly behind Trump in every poll thus far. That could change when DeSanctimonius declares that he's running, but that, too, remains to be seen. Chances are, by the time we get to 2024, things will be so dire that we'll look to the candidate offering both gravitas and experience, and neither of those two adjectives applies to DeSanctimonious.

It looks like the folks at Anheuser Busch gave the boot to that clown of a marketing executive who thought that putting Dylan Mulvaney's face on the can of every Bud Lite beer across our fruited plane was a good idea. If you fancy trannies, that's your business. If you decide that fancying trannies is in the best interest of the American public, you need to get your head examined. And now, you'll need to find employment elsewhere if you're the marketing executive that foisted that bullshit on what used to be an adoring public who couldn't get enough of what you were selling. People will vote with their feet and their money, and that is exactly what they did in this case. Good for them. It's good to see someone standing up against this cultural rot the left is selling these days. Now, we need to be just as vociferous when it comes to getting and keeping biological males out of women's sports. It's amazing to me that State Legislatures across our great country see the need to make laws ensuring that women don't have to compete in sports against men who think they're women.

James Woods posted a tweet to Twitter last night of Bumbles Biden giving a speech of some kind and challenging anyone not to blink for the better part of the two minutes it took Bumbles to give his speech without blinking. I could have phrased that better, but it is what it is. And then, my girl in Taiwan chimed in, saying that it's all about the dementia meds he's on. It was creepy as fuck, I have to say. He's crusty as can be and getting crustier by the day, so he's not especially easy on the eyes from the get-go. It's almost like someone winds him up and then props him up in front of a microphone, where he blurts it all out and not always in the right order. You have to wonder, seeing how everything we see coming out of the White House these days is race-based, if it isn't really Obama and his peeps like Susan Rice pulling the strings behind the scenes. I can't be the only one thinking these things, can I? Now that I think of it, we may be living through the transformation that Obama promised to the American people when he was elected. The very same transformation, by the way, that the American people roundly rejected when they elected Donald J Trump in 2016.

I don't know how stores expect to stay in business when you have hordes of people, mostly from marginalized communities based on the videos I've seen, trashing your place of business and making off with everything and anything they can get their hands on. I suppose laws in places like California make stealing and looting even more appealing since you have to steal more than $900 before you are forced to face any sort of judicial comeuppance. Having Soros-funded district attorneys in other shithole cities across our country means that it will be even less likely that you'll be locked up for your transgressions if you fit a particular racial profile. As for the corporate types watching all this from afar, they can't very well fund BLM on one hand and then insist that the scofflaws trashing their stores be put behind bars on the other hand. Anyway you slice it, anarchy is never a good look. I don't know that putting everything behind lock and key is the answer either. Maybe desperate times demand desperate measures.


My God, is there any truth to the rumor that it will be 85 degrees later this week? Temperatures barely get into the fifties this time of year, so 85 seems like a bit of a stretch. I'll have to get my bike rides in early in the day. I made it a point to get an early start yesterday, given that it was Easter and traffic along the ocean would only get heavier the longer I waited to get out on the road. The missus asked me the other day why I usually wait so long to ride every day. It's usually based on motivation, or maybe I'm just waiting for the temperatures to warm up a bit. Sometimes, if the wind is expected to pick up in the afternoon, or maybe rain is on the way, I'll try and beat it all by getting out on the road by 10 or 11 AM. Sometimes, the fear of not getting in a ride will get me out for a ride.


Easter is not a big deal hereabouts, but I will say that we ended up doing very little of what we had planned to do. We had planned to take Mrs. G out for a ride, and we thought that she might like to have one or more of the take-out dishes we had in mind to give her. By the time Easter came around, I felt like doing none of it. I think the missus was still game, but I told her that I was not, so that was that. We hadn't heard from the Ev man all day, so we phoned him later in the afternoon to tell him that we would drop by with the take-out dishes we had bought the previous day. If we do nothing else, we try to go out for a ride just to get out of the house at least once a day, so stopping by to see the Ev man was just what the doctor ordered. We walked around downtown Exeter for a bit, and we ordered some Asian take-out. It was worth noting that one of the brick buildings in downtown Exeter bore a date of 1770 up around the eaves. That makes it 250 years old! It was settled, according to Wikipedia, in 1638.

We'll start to see first-quarter earnings from the banks this week, so that should be interesting. Financials have lagged this past quarter, and I'm guessing banks are part and parcel of that bleakness. I don't know how I feel about this bear/bull market business anymore. I don't even know how we're still in the low 4,000's in the S&P with all of the carnage we've seen beneath the surface over these past few months. It's true as well that there are just a handful of high rollers, from the tech sector, especially, that have held up the market, so maybe I do know why we are where we are. The constant banter from the Fed heads about this or that pivot in terms of raising or not raising interest rates has also come to the rescue here and there to keep things buoyed. They understand how important a strong stock market is to the psyche of the American consumer. It's a veritable Kabuki dance with the devil, and, in the end, the devil always gets his due. You can only put so much lipstick on that pig.

It seems that the Chinese have now completed their three-day military encirclement of the island of Taiwan. Was it a dry run for the real thing? You know, the invasion of the island itself? Was this what they promised when they got their knickers in a bunch over the president of Taiwan visiting the United States? I'll take from their response that they (China) are not happy with all of the talk about the US assisting Taiwan with military assets and fortification of same in anticipation of a full-scale assault by the Chinese mainland. It's almost like the boy who cried wolf these days when it comes to China and their preoccupation with everything Taiwan. At some point, and maybe we're already here, the good folks in Taiwan and the people around the world who care about such things will just ignore whatever China says and does when they take to the waters of the Straits of Taiwan in a fit of bluster over whatever.

Did you see any of the coverage of that little French pissant, Macron, during his visit to China this past week? Protestors are burning down the City of Paris over revised retirement rules, and this little baguette Macron takes a delegation of French businessmen to China while Paris burns. On his departure following his visit, Macron said something about moving away from the US dollar, and he never pushed back one bit on Xi's claims on Taiwan. In fact, he said something about America being on its own when and where protecting Taiwan was involved. That had to be music to Xi's ears. I'm not sure the US would be so eager to run interference when China invades Taiwan were it not for the fact that the EU and other allies had our back. Now, I'm not so sure they do have our back. It is yet one more example where the United States has lost face on the global stage due to our having a senile, feckless, and woke old fool at the helm of our nation. The cat is out of the bag.

You wonder if Bumbles even knows where he is from day to day. The old fuck hasn't had a press conference in months if not years. His praetorian press may even yearn for the good old days when Bumbles had his list of people to call on and his cue cards at the ready when Bumbles took prearranged questions. In other words, even though he knew what questions were going to be asked, he still needed to read from the cue cards when giving his answer. Even then, his handlers limited the number of questions that he was willing to take to one, maybe two. These days, the trepidation on the face of his handlers when someone asks a question out of the blue is palpable. This is the leader of the free world? This is what passes for a Commander-in-Chief of the greatest nation on the face of the planet? It's no wonder that the rise of China is so worrisome to Americans who fear that having a demented president sitting in the Oval Office makes us more vulnerable, less powerful, less capable as an ally, more subject to ridicule, and less competitive as a nation in apparent decline.

Bumbles made a statement in the past week about his plans to run for the presidency in 2024 but has yet to make a formal announcement. Meanwhile, this clownish governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is running around the country giving speeches and sounding very much like a presidential candidate. Can you think of a bigger buffoon than Gavin Newsom running for the presidency? If he does for our country what he's done for California, we're fucking toast. People couldn't get out of California fast enough when the pandemic hit a couple of years back. You couldn't find a U-Haul if your life depended on it. Oh, but people vote for him regardless, his supporters say unabashedly. The illegal aliens vote for him because they know that without governmental assistance, they'd be better off back in Guatemala or whatever other shithole of a country they escaped from. The Leftists in Hollywood live behind 8-foot walls and have security up the wazoo, so they could care less. What nobody outside the Oval Office knows is how and when the Democrats plan to replace Bumbles with Gavin. And then, of course, there's what to do with Kamala Harris.

I mean, who wants more of what Bumbles Biden has given us? Raise your hands! And, how are we supposed to make sense of what we see happening to Donald J Trump? Is the prevailing thought inside the Democrat tent that the more indictments they bring against Trump, the less likely it is that he can win a general election? Are they thinking that no matter how ludicrous the charges are that it's really just the weight of the charges that will turn suburban moms away from a candidate with that much baggage? Have we learned nothing from the day that Trump came down the escalator and the Democrats declared all-out war and threatened from day one to impeach him? Have we learned nothing from the actions of the FBI and other intelligence agencies who got in bed with Hillary Clinton in order to bring down a duly elected president? This is just more of the same, folks. They're going to muddy him again with these indictments, but not so much that he won't win the primaries. He'll just be easier to beat in the general election, or so they think. It's Machiavelian, I tell you.

There was another senseless shooting this week. This fella went to work one morning and opened fire on his fellow employees minutes before the bank opened for business. He had apparently been informed previously that he was going to lose his job. I thought people got walked out the door when they got fired. Box up your shit, and the security guard will escort you out of the building. The shooter's pronouns were he/him. Does that tell us anything about his frame of mind? Maybe I'm dating myself, but I never put my preferred pronouns on my resume back in the day. Anyway, imagine the abject panic and fear around the conference room table as this guy whips out his AK-47 and starts spraying the room with bullets. Was he targeting specific individuals? Did he spare anyone in the room? It's a sad story, really. Sad in the sense that it had to come to this. Sad that people had to lose their lives when it could have been prevented. Why didn't he seek help? Why didn't his parents or friends see this coming and do something to head it off?

This apparently had less to do with guns and more to do with his mental health, which was clearly deteriorating by the minute. Like the tranny killer in the Christian school just weeks before this yesterday's killing, the killer allegedly had a bone to pick with his or her victims. None of it would have happened had either of these two killers resolved their differences in a way that didn't involve guns. Was the goal to inflict as much pain and/or death as possible? How do you hate someone so much that nothing short of ending their life satisfies your lust for killing in your deranged mind? You'd think we as a society would benefit from some sort of post-mortem in these kinds of cases. Unfortunately, that will never happen because they want you to stay focused on the narrative that guns kill people, and the fewer guns we own, the fewer victims we'd see. Killers will find a way to kill if killing is what they want to do. Let's get them the help they need before these kinds of things happen.

It's looking more and more like both the raid on Mar-a-Lago and the indictment of Donald J Trump were done at the request of the Biden Administration. Jim Jordan, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has now subpoenaed Fatso Bragg to appear before his committee so the American people can know all there is to know about how it came to pass that for the first time in American history, a former president of the United States has been indicted. Jordan will follow the breadcrumbs all the way to the White House if that is what it takes. A FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request has already produced records that Biden was behind and approved the raid on Mar-a-Lago. Bragg has now filed suit to stop Jordan's subpoena, but that will likely fail spectacularly since Congress has not only the right but the duty to perform its oversight duties when it comes to entities in the Judiciary who use federal funds in their prosecutorial roles. If justice is to be served here, Bragg will be both disbarred and prosecuted, and Biden will be impeached for using the power of the federal government to jail his likely political opponent in the 2024 presidential elections. Like I said, if there is a God.

I thought I saw something in my Twitter feed this morning about the EU falling in line with Macron's comments in China this past week about needing to distance themselves from the US and, maybe more importantly, the US dollar. I also saw something about Australia resolving some of its differences with China. What the fuck? Who isn't jumping on China's Belt and Road initiative? Is this the thanks we get for pouring billions of dollars into the shithole, Ukraine, to protect the countries in Europe from the ravages of Putin and the Wagner Group? I thought the Europeans cared about an ever-expanding Russian territory at the expense of one or more countries in the EU. Is it possible that the recent trove of American intelligence documents found on the internet exposing the corruption behind the Ukraine morass has our allies thinking twice about the motives of one or more countries involved? Or, worse yet, China has convinced the rest of the world that America is a country in decline, and they are planning accordingly. It's the new world order, don't you know.

I was telling the missus last night about the latest leak of intelligence materials posted to a gaming site called Discord. Don't quote me on the name of the gaming site. It was a pretty big deal as leaks go, and its effects were far-reaching. I think the materials were akin to a road map for the Ukrainian Spring Offensive against Russian forces on Ukrainian soil. It laid out in detail which countries would play a part, and it even speculated on end-game body counts for each of the participants. Here's the kicker: The missus hadn't a clue about any of it. She reads all of the liberal rags like the New York Times and certain sections of the Wall Street Journal, and she had seen nothing about the leak. What the hell is that all about? Everybody and anybody who needed to see the materials got to see the materials because they were readily available on the Internet. Why would these publications choose not to cover them? I think they are still looking for the leaker, or whatever they call people who post stolen state secrets to the internet these days. What do you suppose Russia is doing with these so-called materials? And, inquiring minds want to know. Is the Spring Offensive still on?

You know what else I'm seeing less of these days? I'm seeing fewer and fewer posts in my Twitter feed about what's going on in Ukraine. Something tells me that it has something to do with not giving one side or the other information about troop movements, casualty counts, and whatever else qualifies as intelligence on the ground. This isn't Elon Musks' decision. This must have something to do with a request by our government to put the kibosh on reports from various and sundry reporters on the ground in Ukraine. I'm tired of them trying to control what we hear, how much we know, and how we're supposed to feel about any of it. It's okay, I guess, that they sign off on what they want us to know when accounts of this and that get published in rags like the NYT and the Washington Post. I'm being facetious, of course. One thing they can't control are the voices of patriots like Colonel McGregor, who appears now and then on Tucker Carlson. In so many words, he says the Russians are beating the bejesus out of the Ukrainians. That probably explains why our government is working with Twitter to turn off the spigot of reporting from the field.

At what point does our country cut and run? Isn't that what Bumbles Biden and his cohorts do? Think Afghanistan. You can't keep throwing money and arms at a losing venture, can you? What sense does that make? Maybe the question now is, how do we save face when we stop supplying Ukraine with these things? What narratives will take shape in the media allowing the war hawks in Congress to step back from their insane and seemingly endless support for the war in Ukraine? The only question left now is how much Ukraine territory will be ceded to Russia when the dust finally settles. Someone should be asking the grifter, Zelensky, for an accounting of the billions of dollars we've sent to him and his oligarchs and how much of that bounty can be clawed back from banks and institutions across Europe. If we see Zelensky hanging from a rope when this is all over, it will be because the good people of Ukraine had the good sense to ask why so many of their countrymen had to die needlessly when they could have avoided it all by ceding territory sooner than they did. It's a reasonable question. Think Nuremberg.

I read an article last night about Tupperware. Tupperware was a $50 stock some five years ago. It closed yesterday at $1.52. The article said something about Tupperware going out of business. On one hand, this story is like so many other stories about stocks that have fallen on hard times in the last year or so. You hear a lot about the resiliency of the major indices like the NASDAQ and the S&P, but what they don't tell you is that only a handful of the Amazons and Apples of the world are what's holding up the indices. Tupperware was the go-to container before go-to containers became fashionable. These days, nobody pays full price for Tupperware when you can go to the Dollar Store and pay Dollar Store prices for the same product. Tupperware is still the standard in a world of knockoffs, so I'm grateful for its commitment to quality despite the costs and risks to its business for doing so. Is there anyone who doesn't have Tupperware in their kitchen? Here's hoping that some white knight will step in and restore Tupperware to its rightful place in the pantheon of great products that have graced our kitchens since Earl Tupper introduced his first bell-shaped container to the public in 1946.

It's amusing to me how some of these big box stores bend over backward on the diversity, equity, and inclusion bullshit. The missus and I were in Target the other day, and she pointed out the fact that all of the murals gracing the walls throughout the store were of black people in various and sundry poses. They were benign enough in that I saw no blowhorns, no raised fists, no black people shouting from rooftops, no one crying for social justice, and oddly enough, no pictures of white people. Oddly enough, my ass. This was by design. Somebody somewhere in the Target organization, most likely hired as a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) officer, decided that demographics be damned. The organization would push its DEI bullshite on the public no matter what. It mattered not a whit that the state and stores in which they plan to hang their murals have a black population that amounts to a pee hole in the snow, statistically speaking. I don't think I've ever seen a black person in this particular Target. And by the way, what about Asians? Where are their pictures? How about Indians, native-born or not? Forgetting the color of their skin, when do we get to celebrate the children in our society? Are they not the future?

I listen to this one particular person on progressive radio here and there just to get a sense as to the latest cultural and social injustices from her perspective. Lately, she's been making a lot of noise about what life will be like when white people are no longer in the majority in our country. Can you imagine? It almost sounds like a threat or a reckoning of sorts that awaits us. You know, like the white farmers in South Africa who fled their farms, fearing for their lives and the lives of their children when the blacks took power and descended on their properties in the dark of night, wielding machetes and carrying kerosene-soaked torches. You can hear the vengeance in her voice as she takes calls from like-minded vigilante wannabes. Somebody has been drumming some evil shit into her head since she was born, is what I'm thinking when I listen to her going off on this and that tangent. She's never in the "can't we all get along" camp, and it's always about exacting some form of social or racial comeuppance for her and her peeps living in so-called marginalized communities. I'm in the glass-half-full camp, so I'm having none of it. I don't think that's going to matter.

Every other day or so, I hear about one country or another developing some hypersonic weapon that can reach this or that destination. More often than not, that destination is the United States. I heard yesterday that Kim in North Korea now has a ballistic missile that can reach the United States. I'm no whiz when it comes to geography, so the first thing that I wanted to know when I heard that story was the relative proximity of North Korea to either the west coast or the east coast. I was willing to feel better about my long-term prospects for survival, knowing that I live on the coast which is basically out of reach when it comes to Kim and his particular form of craziness.

How silly am I? I'm also thinking that losing California in the process may not be such a bad thing after all. Did I really just say that? I don't think that the Democrats, assuming they are in power when shit hits the fan, politically speaking, would allow North Korea to take out a state that is the key to their political future. We would have to do something preemptively, and that portends bad things for the Hermit Kingdom. Kim knows that too, right? See how tenuous and potentially dangerous all of this missile talk is? Here's the bottom line: Kim is the least of our worries.

They finally caught up with the culprit responsible for leaking governmental secrets. He wasn't a spy, nor was he one of those guys wishing to drop a dime for ideological reasons, as far as anyone can tell. Some people think the suspect, Mr. Teixeira, is far too young and was unlikely to have access to the materials that he's been charged with leaking in light of his rank as a third-class airman in the Massachusetts Air National Guard. He has now been charged with espionage in a Federal Court in Boston, Massachusetts. When Bumbles Biden was asked by a reporter about the leaked materials, he shrugged it off as a "nothing burger."

I'm quite certain that our allies and enemies who have seen, and have quite possibly been implicated one way or another in the leaked materials, didn't think the leaked materials were a "nothing burger." It's just one more oddball response in a series of oddball responses from a bewildered and demented oddball of a president that leaves you wondering about lights on at the top of the stairs. And then you have Majorie Taylor Green, the Republican Congresswoman from Georgia, who is singing Mr. Teixeira's praises for getting the truth out to the American people about what the hell we've been doing in Ukraine and elsewhere during Bumble's first term. Make of it what you will.

Another bombshell of a revelation coming out of those leaked materials was that there were four spy balloons sent our way from China earlier this year, not just the one we all knew about that Biden allowed to traverse our country before giving his approval to have it shot down off the coast of North Carolina. Remember that bullshit? Oh, we can't shoot it down over Montana. We can't take a risk of having the remnants fall to earth and injure someone or something on the ground. How stupid do they think we are? Don't answer that.

So, they had the entire country following the one balloon in the news for the better part of a week that we all knew about because someone in Montana snapped a photograph of it when, in fact, there were three others that no one in our government was talking about. The kerfuffle in the headlines every night would have been fourfold if not more if the public knew about ALL the spy balloons directed by China to gather intelligence over the continental United States. If Bumbles allowed the one balloon to spy on us, he sure as hell allowed the other three to do the same thing. Where are the fucking impeachment hearings? Is this not treasonous behavior by our nation's Commander-in-Chief? I'm getting a little tired of asking that question.

There was ANOTHER train derailment yesterday near Moosewood Lake in Maine. This is in the wake of that killer fire in Texas this past week that killed 18,000 head of cattle. The aerial videos of the "accident" in Maine showed clouds of billowing black toxic smoke rising up from the scene and drifting across the sky towards the pristine waters of Moosehead Lake. This could be another East Palestine, Ohio, disaster in short order. You know, the one you never hear anything more about despite the fact that the residents of that small town are dying a slow but certain death due to the chemicals that poisoned their town a few months back after a train derailed in their town. Let me know when you start to understand that we're under attack on our own soil by God only knows who. Are we talking about Russians here? Have the Communist Chinese infiltrated our southern border? You know, the one that Bumbles and his administration don't bother even monitoring anymore. Worse yet, are we under attack by our own government? Is this how they express their disgust with those of us still unwilling to buy their electric cars and buy into their climate change bullshit? Make it make sense.

Did you happen to see the video of the mayhem on the streets of Chicago last night? I think this is the beginning of the end for that once-great city in the Mid West. If you thought you'd seen it all during Lori Lightfoot's tenure as mayor, you would be wrong. If what we saw last night in Chicago is any indication of what's to come once the new mayor of Chicago is sworn in, the city of Chicago is for some serious shit. It was well on its way to a lawless hellhole with Lightfoot in office. It's going to be a lawless hellhole on steroids when Johnson is sworn in. Did you see that clown talking about not giving his students a failing grade because he doesn't believe there is any such thing as a "failing" student? Keep it up, dickwad. Keep making the poor poorer, the destitute more destitute, the drug-addled even more drug-addled, the desperate youth even more desperate, and the city in which it all takes place even more lawless than it already is. If you think the departure of the four Walmarts in town is a fluke, keep doing what you're doing. Your city, our nation's once great city, will be but a hollowed-out shell of its former self in short order. Let the voters decide, my ass. I'm not sure this is what our Founders had in mind when they crafted our Constitution.

The world is falling apart, and Bumbles Biden is touring Ireland with his bagman of a son and their criminal entourage. Not that having him sitting in the Oval Office would make any difference because it wouldn't. What is it going to take to get that damn fool to stand at a podium for two minutes to answer a few questions? It has to be a terrifying prospect for his handlers. One that keeps them up at night, if I had to guess. You think our enemies don't see this? You think they aren't moving ahead with plans to take advantage of one of the greatest countries on the face of the earth while its leadership is fiddling and diddling away in a far-off land? Our country is, for all intents and purposes, in an undeclared war with Russia, seemingly unprepared for the devastation that the Chinese Communists are wanting to bring to our shores, and completely paralyzed and transfixed in the cultural trenches of our society by photos of a biological male pretending to be a female while posing in a tub of suds and holding up a once-iconic brand of one of America's many brands of beers. If this isn't a recipe for disaster, I don't know what is.


Remember that Amazon order that the Ev man and I were expecting? At the last minute, he got an update from Amazon that his order had been delayed. Only by a couple of days, mind you, but delayed nonetheless. Here's my take: Amazon laid a few thousand workers off in the last few weeks and took a hit to their bottom line due to the layoffs. To make up for the shortfall and to not incur the wrath of Mr. Bezos himself, some enlightened fuck behind the scenes decided that they should start "selling" highly desirable goods that were never actually in the pipeline in the first place. If you didn't factor in cancellations, this would provide a much-needed spike in their sales figures, and it would give a robust boost to their bottom line. Here's the problem: Customers like the Ev man will go viral with their angst when they find out they've been deceived.


Speaking of layoffs, I got a kick out of the announcement by Mcdonald's that they told all of their employees to stay home on a particular day this coming week. They apparently don't want employees anywhere near the corporate offices or stores when they tell them they're losing their jobs. I wonder if they got that idea from Elon Musk when he informed many of his employees of their layoffs at Twitter in a similar fashion. In the case of Twitter, they found out that they had lost their jobs when either their badges didn't work when they appeared at work or when they couldn't log into work remotely. The layoffs at Mcdonald's could happen today, so that sucks for anyone losing his or her job, and I suspect there will be many who will lose their jobs. The standing joke for people losing their jobs heretofore was that they could go to work at McDonald's if and when they got laid off. Now, I'm not sure where one goes given this environment. What company isn't laying off employees?

I don't have much time to write this morning because I'm heading out to see my dermatologist shortly. I have no issues, per se, but that doesn't mean he won't find one or two things he wants to inspect more closely. That's fine. That's why I'm going to see him. He'll see things that I can't. There are areas on one's body that never get inspected for the simple fact that you can't see them. On your back, for example. On the backs of your legs for another example. Maybe even along your hairline in the back of your head. I'm not sure what he'll be looking for exactly, but there are always spots, dots, and thingies that dermatologists have been trained to see before anyone else. Some of the deadlier cancers they find on people look innocuous enough, but they can be deadly if not treated promptly. That's why we pay these guys and girls the big bucks.

Today is the day. Trump will be going down to City Hall or whatever in New York City where he will be arraigned. The charges aren't even worth talking about since they are all contrived. You would think the judge might have the good sense to dismiss this bullshit out of hand, but, as Alan Dershowitz says, the judge would have a hard time going home at night to a family who likely would not take matters lightly were he to let Trump off. I get it. This tells you all you need to know about these sick mothers who call themselves progressives, but, when their actions are laid bare, they show the world who they really are. Word has it that there will be no mug shots, no gag orders, no cameras in the courtroom, no handcuffs, and I'm not sure what else. They will do their best not to make any more of a folk hero out of Trump than they already have. Were Trump not a man of the people, they might have an easier time of it. His coffers have already been fattened by more than seven million dollars from first-time donors, so I'm guessing Trump would say, were he asked, so far, so good.

I feel bad for Trump and his family today, but I feel far worse for what is happening to our country as a result of this action by a New York City District Attorney. Trump will emerge stronger than he already is, no matter how long it takes. I'm not sure our country survives. Maybe we're further down the proverbial rabbit hole than I ever suspected. I agree with Trump's attorney, Joe Tacopina, when he was discussing Trump's issues last night on the telly, and he referred to events scheduled for today as "surreal." He's still having a hard time getting his head around the fact that the Democrat Party has stooped to this level where they would actually conjure up criminal charges in an effort to keep Joe Biden's likely opponent for the Presidency off the ballot. Or, better yet, behind bars and off the campaign trail. It's that banana republic thing all over again. For better or worse, that is where we are. That better not be who we are as a country. If so, God help the lot of us.

Here is what I say: Unleash the hounds of hell on the leftists. Go after these soulless communists like there is no tomorrow. Indict as many as you can, and we'll pick up the pieces after the fact. Build more jails, so we have somewhere to house them when the verdicts come down. Change the laws and allow us to put people on death row who would dare to jeopardize our republic and our way of life. Unseat all of these freakish liberal justices put on the courts during Biden's tenure. They are likely, to a person, wholly unqualified to protect the rule of law and our Constitution. I don't care how many votes they got from Republican senators. Round up the leftist rabble-rousers in the media and put them behind bars until we can determine the full extent of their complicity in the crimes committed by Biden and his cohorts. If their crimes qualify, construct the gallows and clear the calendars for a public spectacle the likes of which will, God willing, restore our collective faith in the rule of law.

I'm still trying to figure out why NBC went with a story yesterday about that Chinese weather balloon. So, everything that Biden told the public about the balloon and what he did or didn't do to protect our country from the threat was all bullshit. NBC is now reporting that the balloon did exactly what everyone thought it was doing. If you need a reminder, Biden allowed the spy balloon to traverse our country while vacuuming up data and everything else in its path. Biden and the clowns around him fed stories to the media about how we had the technology to prevent the balloon from completing its mission, and the public fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. Fact of the matter is, the balloon got the data that it wanted and transferred it in real-time back to Beijing. We, the American people, were gaslighted and treated like a bunch of stooges. Biden did the bidding of his masters in China, and the safety and security of our nation was compromised as a result of his actions. Why would NBC go with this story? And where are the articles of impeachment? Republicans?

Both a runoff mayoral election in Chicago and a Wisconsin Supreme Court seat were decided yesterday. The mayoral election was a bit of a surprise since the leading candidate, at least until yesterday, was a pro-cop Democrat. After Lori Lightfoot's disastrous term, the election of a pro-cop candidate was viewed as a turning point for the besieged city of Chicago. The other ass-clown on the ballot was a communist who, despite losing in the polls in recent months, pulled out a win last night to the likely chagrin and disappointment of Chicagoans citywide. Does anyone in their right mind think that this election, like so many others these days in our country, wasn't stolen, rigged, or otherwise purloined? The city of Chicago and its citizenry will rue the day when they ushered a communist, by hook or crook, into the corner office in their once-great city.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court seat was another loss for the good guys. Did the good people of Wisconsin really understand the consequences of voting in a leftist who would, thanks to their newfound majority on the Court, make it easier than ever to kill babies in the womb, steal elections by exponentially expanding lockbox voting, and God only knows what else? Was the outcome in Wisconsin another example of a stolen election? The Leftists seem to have perfected the art of stealing elections if these two elections yesterday are any indication. How do they do it? Who helped them? What role, if any, did the White House play in the alleged theft of these two elections? What will the Haitian lesbian twat of a White House spokesperson, Jean-Pierre, say about the outcome of these two races today when she gives her daily presser? Will she sing the praises of the communist mayor and the leftist Supreme Court Justice on behalf of Bumbles and his minions? No doubt.

I took some comfort in an article I read yesterday about a Democrat in the North Carolina legislature who changed her party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. That gave the Republicans the majority in the legislature in that great state. They can now override any hooey that their Democrat governor comes up with, which is just terrific. We need more wins like this across our great country. We need convincing wins, not just a few squeakers from time to time. We need to get the word out that we're no longer a banana republic, as difficult as that is for Democrats to accept. Democrats flourish when and where the rule of law is twisted, distorted, and left to wither on the vine. Look no further than the once-great cities of our nation with democrats sitting in their corner offices. They are virtual crimeridden shitholes from coast to coast. Did I mention that the Republicans in my state here in New Hampshire voted against creating a sanctuary city within our state despite considerable pushback from the Democrats in our legislature? They will stop at nothing to destroy our values and our way of life. This is who they are.

I agree with Victor David Hanson on one thing. These radicals on the left will stop at nothing to prevent Donald J Trump from becoming president in 2024/2025. Don't think for a moment that they aren't determined to put him behind bars for the rest of his life. Aside from taking him off the playing field for 2024, they want their pound of flesh for Hillary Clinton's defeat in 2016. When they finally released the indictment against Trump in downtown Manhattan yesterday during his arraignment, it became painfully clear to both Republicans and Democrats that the 34 counts against Trump were spurious at best and hardly the kind of charges that anyone would consider when planning to arrest and jail a former president of our great Republic. No matter the egregiousness of the charges and what they mean for Donald Trump and our country at large, the Democrats will continue to press their case. They may even be able to get a conviction from a uber-jury jury in the liberal bastion that is Lower Manhattan. We're witnessing the destruction of the rule of law in our country, and nothing illustrates that better than what we're seeing happen to Donald J Trump and his family. Today it's Donald Trump. Tomorrow, it's you and me.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is not too happy with the president of Taiwan paying a visit to the United States. Fuck them and the rickshaws they rode in on. Really, I mean, who gives a fuck what the CCP says or does? So what if they are promising to retaliate? Does anyone care? I'm not talking about the good people of China here. I'm talking about the toadies of the CCP. From what I'm hearing, the CCP is threatening to stop any and all ships coming and going across the Straits of Taiwan. The Taiwanese have stated that they will not cooperate with the lawless activities of the CCP, so there you have it. Both sides are dug in, whatever the hell that means. Meanwhile, the president of Taiwan is doing her thing, hobnobbing with Kevin McCarthy and a bi-partisan group of congressmen at the Reagan Center in California. If nothing comes of the CCP's actions in the Straits of Taiwan, it will be just one more example of China's relentless bullying of its neighbor, Taiwan. Nobody likes a bully.

I have to say, I felt a little bit sad when I read the account of the tech guy, Bob Lee, getting stabbed to death in San Fransicko. I don't know Bob Lee from the man on the Moon, but he was an accomplished person by most accounts who made a name for himself in a field that has made enormous contributions to our society over the past decade or so. If some pathological fuck can take the life of someone like Bob Lee, none of us is safe. His senseless death highlights the dangers of living in some of these crime-ridden cities that have become lawless in recent years. It's no wonder that people of means are fleeing these places for a better life, a more certain future, and to escape the depravity of hellholes like San Fransicko. My heart goes out to the people and their families left behind, who don't have the means to escape and will never have the support and protection of the scumbags who have been elected to run things. Run things they have, right into the fucking ground. Nothing short of hellfire and damnation will even come close to cleansing the rot that has taken hold in these places.

I drove by one of my old haunts yesterday, and I noticed that the parking lot used by employees was almost empty. I'm not good at estimating such things, but I'd say that the parking lot typically housed several hundred to a thousand or more cars five out of seven days of the week. If there were twenty cars in the lot when I drove by this past Monday morning, that would be an exaggeration. The good news is that the employees still have jobs. The bad news, at least for the local economy, is that these people are now working from home and have been since the pandemic kicked off in the February-March timeframe in 2020. It's no wonder local businesses are having trouble getting by. They are selling fewer goods and services and therefore need fewer and fewer employees. The employees working from home are putting fewer miles on their vehicles, so they are maybe selling their cars and/or buying fewer cars since their vehicles are lasting longer. Companies no longer need to house their employees and can now offload the excess real estate they once pridefully referred to as their "Home Office." Change can be good, but this feels different. It just does.

There's another Kennedy running for president! He's running as a Democrat. Go figure. I won't vote for Democrats, so I won't be voting for him. He's challenging Bumbles Biden for the nomination, so that's interesting. I think he's thinking, and I think I agree with him, that Bumbles will be in after-care by the time the 2024 elections come around. It makes me wonder if we'll see other Democrats jumping in now that Kennedy has broken the ice by throwing his hat in the ring. I've heard nothing in the media about the Kennedy announcement, but that shouldn't surprise anyone.


This Kennedy, I think his name is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is an environmental attorney and an anti-vaxxer activist. I actually respect the work he's done in the area of vaccines. He's right up there, along with other iconic standouts that have stood up to the orthodoxy during these past few years of the Pandemic. Good for him. He's also, as far as I know, not a loon. Not a leftist loon anyway. He could actually bring the Democratic Party back to the center if that's even possible anymore. As a Party, they may be too far gone. Too deeply steeped in the ideology of radicals like Saul Alinsky. Too taken with the task at hand of bringing America to her knees.

I'm glad to see people pushing back against all of these companies going woke. Since when does it make sense to anyone that Budweiser hires a trans type to endorse its beer? Kid Rock put out a video showing him blasting away at cases of Bud Light to let the higher-ups at Budweiser know that they can kiss his ass before he'll have another Budweiser Lite or whatever. These companies have gone insane. Is this the result of companies creating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) departments? Everyone should boycott the shit out of their products until they capitulate. That means no Levi Jeans, No Budweiser products, no Tampax, and right down the fucking line. Bury these sick fucks alongside their sicko icons like that Mulavaney character. Maybe I shouldn't blame him. He's getting rich in the process, and I encourage self-promotion. That's the American way. These culture wars are not going to end well for the people or the companies that promote them. And dammit, ladies, stand the fuck up and tell the world you'll not be tolerating these biological male freaks who pretend to be women. Every minute of every day until the job is done.

That was quite the kerfuffle (Insurrection?) yesterday in the State House in Tennessee. Some members of the Tennessee House were apparently getting in everyone's grill on the issue of gun control, and the next thing you know, the entire House was voting to expel these so-called troublemakers. They ended up expelling two of the three main culprits and, for better or worse, the two expelled were both black. The one who didn't get expelled was saved from expulsion by one vote. She was quoted as saying something about the fact that the only reason she didn't get expelled was because of her skin color. Can you imagine? Did I mention that these three troublemakers were all Democrats? Did I have to mention that all three were Democrats?

It seems to me that the members of the House felt that a certain comeuppance was in order, and they voted accordingly. I don't know the racial makeup of the House in Tennessee, so I can't say for sure if what I was watching was some form of political partisanship or, worse yet, some form of racial targeting because of their skin color. That didn't stop the leftists in the media from crying, racist, racist, racist. This is what they do to sew racial division in our country whenever and wherever they can. This is who they are. This is what they do. As always with the Democrats, it's all about the guns, but it really isn't.

Watch out, Clarence! The Leftist Democrats are coming for you! If the Leftists can't pad the Supreme Court with additional members aligned with their left-wing political ideology, they will do everything they can to remove any and all Republicans sitting on the Court to make room for one or more of their own members. There are a few articles out there in the ether recently about Clarence Thomas accepting gifts from some high rollers. Is this all they have? Clarence is the only black conservative on the Court, so it makes perfect sense that they want to see him replaced. The Leftists will never get their agenda done with a 6-3 Conservative majority, and the reign of Bumbles Biden looks like it's on life support as I sit here a year and a half out from the next presidential election. Stand tall, Clarence! Tell these crazies on the left to pound sand in ways only you can, and use as many expletives as are necessary in order to make your point. We've got your back.

Do you suppose there's any truth to the rumor that the war plans for the upcoming Spring Offensive in Ukraine were leaked? It ostensibly tells a very different story than the one that Biden's Pretorian Media has been telling us for the better part of two years now. For one, it allegedly reveals for the first time that both American and British players are on the field of battle in Ukraine. That shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Mercenaries play a part in most conflicts across the globe, and they come from every corner of the globe. Here's my take: I don't believe a word they're telling us about this so-called breach. We're being gaslighted again by our own government. They are using Social Media once again to mislead, redirect, lie to, and outright bullshit both the American public and the Russians. If I had to guess, I'd say Putin isn't buying any of it. It's Stupidity 101 once again from Bumbles and his crew of incompetents in Washington. I do agree with people who say that these clowns in the White House are angling to get us into World War III. God help us.

I'm also a little concerned about stories I'm hearing about Bumbles and what he's planning to do to do away with our gas-guzzling automobiles. I hear that he's planning to push out new standards on auto emissions that will effectively fail every car on the road today when people show up for their annual inspection. Who the fuck does this clown think he is? I'm guessing every red state across our fruited plains will file suit to stop the implementation of said clownery. Let the leftists who are still driving gas-powered cars in blue states deal with the demented fuck in the White House on their own time. Fact of the matter is, there is neither the infrastructure nor the availability of reasonably priced electric cars to support such a policy. Maybe Bumbles and his minions don't want you driving at all. Maybe they want you to use government-supplied transportation to commute back and forth from your government-leased homes. If the goddamn auto manufacturers and the oil producers would get off their lazy asses and start pushing back against this buffoonery, we'd all be better off.

Oh, and they're doing the same thing with incandescent light bulbs. I don't know if the new rules are out yet, but when they do come out, don't expect to see any of your favorite light bulbs in stores. I went looking in Home Depot this past week, and all I could find were the wimpy LED bulbs. I remember when Trump ran in 2016, he promised to do away with the ban on incandescent bulbs, and he did just that. Those were the days when 100 watts was 100 watts. You can't even find a 100-watt LED bulb. They don't exist. If you could find one, it would be comparable in intensity to a 60-watt incandescent bulb. You can thank the climate cultists for yet another rule that makes a mockery of things we once took for granted. Pretty soon, we'll be using candles to light our homes. No, I guess that wouldn't fly with the nutjobs on the left either, so I don't know where we go from here. I'd like to hear one or more of the presidential candidates shouting from the rooftops about restoring some of these niceties we've become accustomed to over these past many decades. That would go a long way toward ameliorating my anxiety. How bout you?

Tomorrow is Easter. I told the missus we ought to take Mrs. G out for a ride just to get her out of the house. Who doesn't enjoy a nice ride on a sunny Sunday springtime afternoon? She said something to us the other day about not wanting to stand in line for Easter dinner at her facility, so I'm guessing she'll be available to go for a ride. We suggested to the Ev man that he join the lot of us for the ride we have planned. I think the jury is still out when it comes to the Ev man. He might have more important things to do, although we might disagree with him on what's more important. However things roll out, I bought a few take-out dishes at Sophies in Hampton this afternoon, so everyone who shows up and wants a take-out dinner will have a take-out dinner. I had to ask the missus because I truly don't have a clue. Do you think she (Mrs. G) likes eggplant parmesan? Maybe she'd prefer stuffed shells? The Ev man already put in his order. His order was for one more dish than I had planned to order for him but isn't that always the case? The Ev man wants what the Ev man wants.

Bumbles has invited the two ass clowns legislators that were expelled from the Tennessee House last week to the White House. There was a third ass clown as well, but she did not get expelled, so I'm not sure if she got an invite. The two invitees are black and, as they always do, the Democrats look to turn every event possible into the next Selma Bridge crossing, the next great speech by Martin Luther King Jr., the next Rosa Parks, who, as we know, is the black woman who refused to move to the rear of the bus back in 1955. In other words, never let a good crisis go to waste. This is what they do. This is who they are. It would be embarrassing if it weren't so obvious. Are minorities in our country that dim-witted that they fall for these shenanigans created out of whole cloth for consumption by the underprivileged amongst us? Apparently, the Democrats think so. They'll do whatever it takes to keep the racial rift alive as long as it gets folks back to the voting booth on election day. It's just disgusting.

Charnel House

Here we go, folks! We've got another week on our hands, so let's do this. I don't know what lies ahead but we'll try to separate the wheat from the chaff for the next seven days or until I push out this week's blog next Sunday. Speaking of chaff, what the hell were they thinking in the White House when someone decided to send our Vice President, Kamala Harris, to Africa? The headline I read said something about pushing back against China's growing influence on the continent. They know that Kamala Harris is the laughingstock of the Administration, second only to the most demented president in the history of our Republic. Right? It sounds like a case of a day late and a dollar short to me. Does this have anything to do with the deaths of a number of Chinese workers at the hands of their African hosts that I saw in the headlines somewhere last week?


Then, you had Bumbles in Canada last week. Instead of giving thanks to his Canadian hosts while speaking to the Canadian Parliament, he thanked "China" instead of "Canada." I don't know why people still refer to his stupid comments as "gaffes" because they are clearly not gaffes. They are malapropisms or utterances of an old fool who has lost the ability to apply filters in his advanced age. Of course, he meant to say China. Everything Bumbles does favors China. Why wouldn't he want to thank them for their largesse regarding the benefits that have accrued to his extended family due to his cozy relationship with the Chinese Communist Party? It's pay-to-play on steroids. Why do we not have the tools as a country to sort all of this out and put the people committing the crimes behind bars where they belong?

I've seen a few comments here and there recently about a pending selloff in the stock market. How do people know such things? One person made the point that we had similar events in 2008 that led to a selloff despite assurances by our government that our banking institutions were in good shape. I think they referred to that as the "Lehman moment." One person drawing a parallel does not a prediction make, but when you hear others warning of the same thing, it might be a good idea to sit up and pay attention. Then, there are others who say we're at a crossroads and the markets could just as easily rally from hear. Whose wagon do you hitch your horse to? There are also stories out there about China selling off our treasuries and buying gold. That sounds like "safe harbor" talk to me. What about all of these countries now conducting trade in something other than the US dollar? What will that mean for our economy?

My missus texted me when she was visiting with her old boss in Massachusetts yesterday. She asked me if I could find the AI-generated photos of Donald J Trump being arrested and send them along to her. Her hosts are longtime critics of Donald Trump, so I knew their interest in seeing the actual pictures, forgetting for a moment that they were created out of whole cloth, was an obscene indulgence at best. They would no doubt share them with their like-minded friends, which was fine. I made the same request of ChatGBT, albeit with Joe Biden being walked out of the White House in an orange jumpsuit. ChatGBT, the liberal chatbot that it is, responded by saying something about not wanting to produce images that might lead to violence or something along those lines. So, what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander?

What the hell! A trans activist went into a Christian school in Tennesee yesterday and killed four people. She was a biological female identifying as a male. We seem to have an epidemic of these types of mass murders taking place these days. What is that all about? How much of what we're seeing results from the drugs these people are taking as they go through the transitioning process? They've clearly been radicalized by some LGBTQ faction that seems to think that they can only get their message out through the use of violence. How much of this violence has to do with Catholic communities rising up against the freaks wanting to put on drag shows in their communities? Is this the tranny community saying that if they can't have access to our children, they'll make sure that we don't have access to our children either?

Just last week, Tucker Carlson pointed out the irony of how militant the trans activists have become these days while their political bedfellows, the democrat party, have been trying to take away everyone's guns. I haven't paid much attention to the leftist media in the wake of this tragedy, but I suspect the lot of them have come out as they usually do with calls for more laws restricting the sale and use of firearms. I saw footage of a presser by Biden who, instead of decrying the event from the jump, started talking about how he has a freezer full of ice cream "just upstairs." You can't make this stuff up. The Biden clown show continues. The police have released video footage of the killer breaking into the school and going from room to room as mass killers are want to do. It seems a little too soon for me, seeing as we're barely twenty-four hours out from the massacre, but that's just me. This is some sick shit.

I've often wondered if specific types of people aren't targeted for radicalizing, knowing full well that they are more likely than not to wreak havoc in ways that allow others to more easily pursue their political objectives. I don't know how else to explain the mass killings we see from time to time. Some are clear-cut cases of hate crime. If this killer in Tenessee had hate in her heart, it surely wasn't for the children that she gunned down in cold blood. I'm guessing she had her knickers in a bunch about something altogether different. She wrote no suicide note, but she did leave a manifesto which we have yet to see in its entirety. I would also say that if the tranny community is looking to gain a wider swath of acceptance in the community at large, this is not the kind of press that gets you closer to that ideal. From a risk-profiling standpoint, we now need to add men wearing dresses and women sporting stubble to our cast of characters requiring our attention. They have nobody to blame but themselves.

The missus and I are watching this show on Netflix entitled "The Night Manager." It's a schlock of a show, and I could walk away from it today, and I'd have no regrets. Well, I'd regret the time I spent watching it when I could have been watching something better. So, there's that. The missus likes it, so we'll watch it to the end. It is watchable, it's just not memorable. It's some spy kind of flick that might have been better had they cast a Matt Damon type. There is zero chemistry between the two main characters, yet they seem to be on a boyfriend-girlfriend trajectory that is, well, cringeworthy at best. Here's the part that's really weird: More than half the actors portraying characters surrounding the President of the United States in the show are Chinese. How much do you want to bet that the Chinese government funded this picture, if not in its entirety, then surely just enough to give them a say in who gets what roles. To what end, you ask. I'm asking the same fucking question. That is some subliminal and not-so-subliminal shit all at once. It's not sitting well with me.

I don't know what's going on with my guitar practice. I pick it up every day and do something with it, so I feel good about that. I'm leaning into finger-picking lately and getting away from the strumming that seems to be going nowhere. I have some basic fingerpicking patterns down, and I work to expand those patterns every time I pick up my guitar. I hesitate to call what I do "playing the guitar," so I don't. If it sounds musical, which it does from time to time, I just go with it. Don't ask me to play something you might know because I can't. I'm a little like those contestants who show up on American Idol playing songs they've written instead of familiar favorites. They're just a little more difficult to get your ears around. I have an audience of one when I play, so who cares if what I do passes for playing or not? It's what I do. It's who I am.

I guess I need to rethink this trans shit in the wake of the trans-terrorist who gunned down those people in Tennessee. I'd never considered that these trans types might be militarized or radicalized such that they could go out and do what this one individual did in Tennessee. I figured they might be arming themselves for self-protection, and we do have a second amendment, so it makes perfect sense. Truth be told, they're an odd lot at first glance, so if they glean unwanted attention from people who would want to do them harm now and then, I can see where they might want to arm themselves. If it's true what they say about this woman with the he/him pronouns taking innocent lives because the Tennesseans passed a law against drag shows and gender-affirming surgery for minors, then we're talking about a horse of a different color. Before we assume that every trans person is a terrorist, let's get a look at that manifesto so we have all the facts.

What the hell, man? Another train/barge derailed and has fallen into the Ohio river spilling its toxic contents into the river. Maybe it was a barge that broke free from the tugboat that was towing it. Whatever. My point is that these freaky accidents seem to be happening every other day. Are they really freaky, or is it something more sinister? I'll take domestic terrorism for $200, Alex. This is the second or third accident in the last month to imperil the Ohio river and all of the people living downstream from the accidents. Who would have a reason to do these sorts of things? How precisely does one manage to wreak such havoc without someone noticing or otherwise having knowledge of the plot? I still think it has something to do with the people streaming illegally into our country across our southern border under cover of darkness. I think Trump was right when he said, "they're not sending their best." I think he was referring to gang members from El Salvador. I'm thinking about saboteurs from God only knows where.

I listened to one republican Congressman last night talking on the telly about how one or more Chinese banks are now providing financial records on the Biden Crime Family. I know there was at least one congressional committee looking into the Biden Crime Family, but I didn't have Chinese banks releasing information on my bingo card. The congressman admitted they were getting little to no cooperation from US banks on the Biden inquiries. Where are the fucking subpoenas? Drag these fuckers in front of congress and let them plead the fifth. That is not going to go over well with the American people. It's just more of the same bullshit from the left. They protect their own. They have Joe Biden's back. It's important that they protect their fellow leftists come hell or high water. They do so at their own peril. If it turns out that these banks have looked the other way while laundering cash payments made to the Biden Crime Family by the Chinese Communist Party and other bad actors across the globe, they will be held accountable. Does Xi Jinping deserve a hat-tip here?

What the fuck is a Trans Day of Vengeance? I'm not even sure what that looks like. Vengeance for what, exactly? I guess we'll find out. They are scheduled to assemble on the steps of the Supreme Court this weekend. They have a permit to do this, right? Will there be violence? The very word vengeance implies violence. If it's a march they want, march away. If they have speeches to make, go ahead and make your speeches. It wouldn't surprise me to see a bunch of feds dressed up in MAGA gear showing up at the rally to make a little mischief. You know, like they did on January 6th in our nation's capitol. There is nothing the media would love more than to show MAGA types clashing with trans activists on the steps of our beloved Supreme Court. It would be the death knell for Trump and his followers. The public couldn't possibly tolerate this level of insanity in the wake of the insurrection in 2020. It would be a bridge too far. Well, that's the plan anyway. Be there or be square. No, really.


I was listening to some discussion of geopolitical events on Spaces on Twitter yesterday. It reminded me of just how myopic we, as Americans, are when looking at the world. It also reminded me of how differently other countries view us Americans on the world stage. I'll be blunt, it's not a pretty picture. It's not necessarily anti-American either, so none of the discussion had anything to do with radicalizing this or that person or having anyone come around to someone else's point of view. There was very little anyone had to say that was favorable about Biden and his Administration and their incompetence on the world stage. I didn't need to tune into Spaces to hear those kinds of comments. I felt that the discussion I was listening to was head and shoulders above anything that I might hear on terrestrial radio. Keep in mind that the level of discussion on any particular day in Spaces depends on the people participating in the discussion. It's also good to keep your wits about you since when all is said and done, all you are really listening to is a bunch of people sharing their opinions. It is indeed the veritable global town hall that Elon Musk promised us when he purchased Twitter. Promises made, promises kept.

Someone will have to explain to me what it means if countries around the world stop using the US dollar. Explain it to me like I'm a fifth grader. I keep hearing about countries like China and others now making purchases in other currencies. What the hell is a Petrodollar? Who is using the Yuan again? What's going on with the British pound? I don't even know if I'm stating the problem correctly. Or, if it's a problem at all. Others say that if the US dollar is no longer the premier currency, then we can't possibly maintain the level of debt that we now have. We'd end up like Venezuela. Right? I've heard others say that it is happening at an accelerated rate, and that's not a good thing. Are politicians afraid to talk about it because it might cause a crash in our financial markets? Whatever the case, it's happening. France bought 65,000 tons of LNG using the Chinese Yuan just the other day. It was France's first Yuan-denominated trade. The tweet announcing the trade ended with this: "We are witnessing the end of the US dollar Hegemony." It's both interesting and potentially apocalyptic. No?

Headline: Train derailment in Raymond, Minnesota. If it's another day, it's another disaster happening in our country. It's another what-the-fuck-moment. What toxic bullshit was this train carrying this time? Did I mention that they evacuated the entire town? I'm telling you, this is what Biden brought to our shores when he opened the floodgates of hell on our southern border. Come one, come all! Destroy our country from within, and we'll put you up in five-star hotels in the city of your choosing. Tell me again that Joe Biden isn't a trojan horse for some of the worse actors on the world stage.

Well, here's some good news on the tranny front: Republicans in Kentucky overrode the Democratic governor's veto and passed laws to stop the so-called gender-affirming care (Let's call it what it is: Genital mutilation) afforded to Kentucky's confused and gender-troubled youth. Hell, it gets better. Teachers in Kentucky will no longer have to address their students by their preferred pronouns. If you were born a Johnny, you will be addressed as "Johnny." Not Juanita, not Joni, and you'll like it. And goddammit, you'll use the restrooms as per your biological sex. It's our way or the highway, boys and girls.

So, now we hear that Audrey (Aiden?) Hale, the Trans terrorist who took six innocent lives in the Tennessee school shooting, was allegedly receiving counseling from the pastor of the facility. Did she go to this particular school looking to exact revenge? Was this pastor a fiddler and a diddler? Was one or more of the bullets chambered designated for the pastor? I hate to even think along those lines, but these are the times in which we live. Is that why we've not seen the manifesto? Will we now have to wait to see if charges are brought against the pastor? Or, will we get a whitewashed version of a manifesto that bears little to no resemblance to the document carried across the threshold and into the school by Ms./Mr. Hale without so much as a hint of her so-called relationship with the pastor? The pastor's daughter was one of the six victims. Was her death a retaliatory killing? What virulent hatred did Ms./Mr. Hale harbor against the other victims such that they deserved to lose their lives that fateful day? I'll end with this: The longer they go before releasing the manifesto, the less confidence I'll have in the contents of said manifesto.

Just when you thought Alvin Bragg, the DA investigating Donald J Trump, couldn't do something more stupid, he does just that. You know that indictment Trump was warning us about? Well, Bragg finally filed it, and Trump is now under indictment. Trump is the first ex-president in the history of our Republic to be indicted. He was indicted on a trumped-up charge by a Soros-funded Democratic stooge in downtown Manhattan with something concerning a seven-year-old case involving a porn actress. Let's call this what it is. It is a blatant case of election interference. Trump is the odds-on-favorite to not only win the nomination but to take the presidency back from Bumbles Biden in 2024. His odds of winning have only improved since the announcement of the indictment.

The Democrats will look to humiliate Trump further when the booking takes place next week, and no one should be surprised when they attempt to make the case that he should be jailed until trial. And then, each of the Democratic states across our fruited plains will try to pass laws barring the placement of anyone under indictment from appearing on their ballot for the 2024 election cycle, thereby robbing Trump of his ability to garner enough electoral votes to win the election.

I heard a couple of suggestions over the past twenty-four hours after Trump's indictment that I thought were worthy of consideration. One gentleman suggested that the other announced candidates for the presidency should step down and throw their support to Trump. Another said something about filing impeachment proceedings against Bumbles within the next two weeks. Someone else said something about filing indictments far and wide against Democratic persons. How about the GOP House not signing off on the debt ceiling increase until the Democrats drop the charges against Trump? All were in agreement that, as a nation, we have now clearly crossed the rubicon with the indictment of an ex-president. There is no going back.

I'm waking up to a very different America this morning, the morning after Trump's indictment was announced. I don't know how in the space of twenty-four hours, we've become a police state, but that is where we seem to be. Maybe we've been a police state all along. When it all started is anyone's guess. When we as Americans lose faith in our justice system, it is indeed the beginning of the end. It's not like we didn't see this coming. We've been living in a two-tiered system of justice for some time now, where republicans are jailed, and democrats never even get charged. When the Biden Crime Family is allowed to do what they do across the globe without so much as a second look from our own Department of Justice, you know we have a problem. When the democrats decry violence against transexuals even after one of their own murders children in cold blood, you know we have a problem. When the demented president of the United States, Bumbles Biden, says that transexuals "Shape our Nation's Soul," you know we have a problem. It's only going to get worse.

I keep seeing tweets about the US sending another billion or two, maybe three, to the clown in Ukraine, Zelensky. I thought this is why we voted in a majority of republicans in the last election. We need to stop funding these freaks in Ukraine. If anything, stopping the funding would hasten the end of that fiasco of a border crisis. Not that it should matter to us. Ukraine is of no importance one way or another to the safety and security of the American people. It just isn't. This must have something to do with the obsession that the Democrats have with Russia. Trump went to Russia to mend fences with Putin, and that apparently triggered the hell out of the neocons inside our military-industrial complex. I believe Trump when he says he would end this Ukraine mess in a day if elected for another term. That's probably why they're trying to put him in jail. I will cut our congressman some slack since they're out for a week on Easter vacation. That said, they'd better show some damn backbone when they return when it comes to this Ukraine funding. Shut off the fucking spigot!

Where was I reading somewhere yesterday that some guy was facing ten years in prison for posting a meme about Hillary Clinton in 2016? Are you fucking kidding me? There were millions of memes during that period. I know, because I saw most of them having to do with the election. Most of them went viral with millions of views. I don't know how many rubicons we can cross in any one week, but this is yet another rubicon crossed. Is this yet one more example of a rogue leftist jury in a rogue leftist jurisdiction like Manhattan returning a predictable yet clearly unconstitutional verdict? It certainly looks like it has less to do with the law and more to do with the upholding of certain Marxist values. These are the same courtrooms, judges, juries, and venues they hope to use when bringing Trump to justice or what passes for justice in the minds of these communists. As for the meme stuff, it is clearly an affront to the first amendment. Who would dare even post an election-related meme after this verdict, knowing that some toadies from the FBI might appear on their doorstep in the middle of the night? The Supreme Court should want to see this case.

I was watching Miranda Devine from the NY Post on the telly last night. She talked about how the leftists love all of this Trump indictment stuff on a 24-7 loop because it takes the Democrat's, and Biden's, more specifically, criminal acts off the front pages of every newspaper, talk show, and television network coast to coast. This has to be particularly annoying, and this is me speaking, for the Republicans in Congress who uncover another tranche of money wires from numerous of America's foes to the Biden Crime Family every other day. This is probably the first of several indictments for Trump, so the left will be milking this puppy all the way to the 2024 election. It will be a total media saturation of mugshots, chyrons, headlines, and back-to-back stories of Trump's alleged criminality. I think their thinking is that there won't be anyone left who is willing to vote for Trump by the time the voting starts. This is Biden's pretorian guard doing what pretorian guards do. This is all about who gets to sit behind the curtain in the White House in 2024. We all know that won't be Bumbles Biden. He's too far gone.

The Ev man and I ordered something from Amazon a few days ago. It's scheduled to arrive today. Here's the problem: When I look at their tracker, the thing we ordered hasn't even shipped yet. How is that possible? Does this have anything to do with the layoffs at Amazon over the last few weeks? Did someone fire the Tracker guy? We love the Tracker guy. Tracking your package is half the fun when you order something from Amazon. We ordered a big ticket item, as big ticket items go, and I'm here to tell you that as I sit here this morning with a delivery date on their site of "by today at 10pm", the Tracker tells me that it hasn't even shipped. What does that mean? Is it sitting in a warehouse nearby such that it doesn't really need to be "shipped"? Hello, Jeff Bezos! We have a problem. The Ev man is as perplexed as I am. This being delivery day and all, expectations are high, and our collective anticipation is through the roof. But this tracking thing is telling me something else. Dude.

What is this I'm hearing about sending "peacekeepers" to Ukraine? It wasn't the United States, but it was a NATO thing, so I guess that would include the United States. That's code for boots on the ground, mother fuckers. That's code for body bags and booby traps. This is Vietnam all over again. Or, redux, as they say in the movies. We're still sending Ukraine billions which is a colossal fucking mistake, in my opinion. But, this is pure unadulterated escalation. This has World War III written all over it.

I thought Congress was the only deliberative body that could declare war. Who the fuck gave Bumbles the right to commit anything or anybody to the charnel house that is Ukraine? We'll have to see how this plays out, but I don't have a good feeling about it. Nor, should you. Remember when Trump referred to places like Ukraine as "shitholes" and was summarily excoriated by the media and the deep-state neocons? I do too. Remember when Trump visited Putin in an attempt to improve relations? I do too. Now, look where we are. It's a clusterfuck, no matter how you define it. I guess what they say about elections having consequences and stolen elections having catastrophic consequences, is correct.

Lead Dog

Xi Jinping is in Russia this morning to meet with Putin. Xi is ostensibly looking to broker a deal to bring the Ukraine war to an end. Bumbles is going to be so mad if Xi pulls this off. Bumbles has sent hundreds of billions of our hard-earned tax dollars to Zelensky and the oligarchs in Ukraine so he and his cronies in the Democrat party can prop up one of the most corrupt countries on the face of the planet. Don't forget ten percent for the big guy. Bumbles has never looked more pathetic and inept as the Ukrainians lose city after city to the Russians despite their logistical and financial support from the West. For the sake of the Ukrainians and world peace more broadly, let's hope Xi is successful.


I want to steer clear of listening to any liberal talk shows this week as they are likely to be giddy with glee as the District Attorney in New York City indicts Donald J Trump. You know, that guy. The forty-fifth president of the United States. There has never been a more serious breach of our judicial system in our Republic's 245 years of judicial jurisprudence. Tell me again that this has nothing to do with paying off a sleazy porn star. We all know what this is about. It's about destroying your political opposition so they can't beat you in the upcoming presidential election in 2024. This is what the Democrats do when they have complete control of the judiciary. Don't think for a minute that Bumbles Biden's hands aren't all over this sham of an exercise. Well, the people who are propping him up anyway. For what it's worth, here are my two cents: What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Or, more to the point, payback is a bitch.

Trump urged his followers to protest should he be perp-walked into a downtown New York City courtroom. If I'm not mistaken, it is our right as Americans to protest as we see fit. We don't even need an excuse to protest. Grab your pitchforks, placards, and friends and relatives, and get down to City Hall or wherever to let your voices be heard. The problem with this approach is obvious to anyone who knows how this all works. We've seen it firsthand in places like the January 6th "Insurrection" in 2021 when Federal Agents and their brownshirts, Antifa, showed up in plainclothes to inflame and criminalize an otherwise peaceful gathering in order to cast the activities in the worst possible light. If they can add the charge of inciting a riot to Trump's already ridiculous list of laws that he's allegedly broken, all the better. Be careful out there.

I never thought I'd find time to get my bike ride in yesterday, but I did. Between standing by to be available for my missus while she was assisting a friend with purchasing a new iPhone and having a little lunch with the Ev man, I wasn't sure I would have time to get out for a ride. I even stayed home while Ev went out to pick up a burrito for lunch so that I'd be available should the missus call me with a question. Sometimes, I have to be careful not to let the opportunity to get my ride in slip away with the passing of the day. The later it gets in the day, the easier it is for me to talk myself into not going for a bike ride. This is especially true on days like yesterday when temperatures were in the thirties, and winds were gusting up to 40 mph along the coast. I'm not complaining. I got it all done. I enjoyed my time with the Ev man and was happy to be there for the missus when she needed me.

My biggest regret yesterday, and I don't typically spend much time regretting things, is that I ate the brownies that the missus brought home with her from her trip to Massachusetts. I've been so good about not eating sugary things and things that bump your blood sugar in the night that it's notable when I lapse as I did yesterday. The scariest part was that I did it so mindlessly. They say an occasional cookie or treat won't kill you so that makes me feel a little bit better. Not a lot, but a little. I'll keep telling myself that I'm not going to give up everything I've gained, or lost in this case, just because I had a little brownie. I'm not on the precipice of some hellacious sugar bender like a junkie with a baggie full of fentanyl and a bottle of scotch. Not that I'm looking to cast blame, but what the hell was the missus thinking bringing brownies into our house?

I heard someone bring up the issue of Trump and his Secret Service detail and whether or not he will lose the detail if he is denied bail and put in prison. I'm thinking to myself; this is a joke. Right? Are they really going to deny Trump bail on an indictment that is made up out of whole cloth? I'm actually starting to have my doubts about Trump even being arrested. It's just too much of a stretch the more I learn about what they plan to charge Trump with when all is said and done. Even Alan Dershowitz says that it's a joke. Not in his fifty years of teaching and practicing law has he seen this sort of thing, or so he says. That's pretty much the sentiment of most people who know what the democrats are up to here. It's no more than an extension of the January 6th Committee, and they want Alan Bragg, the NY District Attorney, to do what they couldn't: Lock Trump up. Put him in an orange jumpsuit. Put him behind bars. Dirty him up good so he can't run for president in 2024.

Did you happen to hear DeSantis's comments about the rumors of Trump's imminent arrest? Talk about milqtoast. It was actually worse than that. He stood at the podium and made a point of repeating the business about "hush" money and "prostitutes" a couple of times just to ensure that if you didn't hear him the first time around, you surely did the second time around. With friends like this, who needs enemies? Right? I used to think that Trump might have DeSantis on the ticket as his Vice President, but it's clear to me now that DeSantis is in it to win it all by his lonesome. He's ready to cut the throats of anyone he sees as a competitor, including Trump. I've got news for Governor DeSantis. Without Trump supporters, he'll never see the White House unless and until Trump sends him a postcard from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue after he wins a second term. I wonder if DeSantis has any idea just how bad his little speech came across to Trump supporters across the country.

So, what's it going to be, Jerome Powell? Will you raise interest rates 25 basis points or 50 basis points? I guess we'll find out later today or tomorrow. Some think the latest bank bailouts will have the Fed pausing or passing on another increase when the Fed head, Powell, steps up to the podium today or tomorrow. A lesser know fact, especially when it comes to the bailout of the Silicon Valley Bank, is that many of those bailed out when our Treasury Secretary, Yellen, announced that all deposits would be covered in full, were high rollers and the elite of the elite.

In other words, Yellen bailed out the bank to ensure that the wealthiest of the wealthy didn't lose a nickel in the collapse of the institution. The rest of us will now be on the hook to pay for that by getting banged with higher bank fees and God only knows what else. We're left holding the bag, and that just ain't right. If Powell takes his foot off the gas when it comes to raising interest rates because of Yellen's bending over for the elites, inflation will only go higher from here, and we'll have the likes of Yellen and her sort to thank for higher prices of just about everything under the sun going forward.

Today is the day, according to the Daily Mail. The day that will go down in infamy. No, it's not Pearl Harbor. It's the day the Daily Mail says that Donald J. Trump will be indicted. Donald J. Trump, the former 45th president of the United States. How does a British rag know about such things? I thought it was illegal for the District Attorney's office to leak such things. Did I mention that Rand Paul, Senator from Kentucky, says that this Bragg guy should be put in jail for indicting a former president of the United States on such flimsy evidence that they apparently think is the crime of the century. The order to indict Trump no doubt came down from the White House to find something, anything, to take Trump out of the race. He's dominating in the polls and would likely prevail in a head-to-head race against the feeble and demented Joe Biden in 2024. The Democrats have worked too hard to secure their power to let Donald Trump come in and undo everything Bumbles has done since 2020.

If anyone around the world has any doubts about the United States and what our country has come to in the wake of the stolen election in 2020, they need to look no further than what our judicial system is planning to do today to a former president of our once great country. George Washington, our first president, must be rolling over in his grave. The tyranny that so many of those who came before us fought to prevent by giving us our Constitution and, in many cases, their lives to protect and preserve, is now upon us. This clarion call by the Democrats of "no one is above the law" rings hollow in the ears of people who know the law and know that what the Democrats are doing today has nothing to do with the law. What they say about grand juries indicting ham sandwiches is also true, and it is especially true when we're talking about where these indictments are coming from. The liberal sewer that is New York City couldn't be more obliging to a Democrat party that wants, and has always wanted, to see Donald J. Trump behind bars. Today is their day. The bars part will have to wait.

This may be the beginning of something much bigger than Donald Trump if that's even possible. This may be the beginning of the Democrat's purge of any and all MAGA republicans from the political landscape. You know how that works. It won't end with MAGA republicans. You may be familiar with the saying that the Jews used back in the day when Hitler came for them. They came for the protestants, and I said nothing. They came for the Catholics, and I said nothing. You see where I'm going with this. How many despots in the history of despots around the world secured power over their political foes by jailing, demonizing, murdering, and casting them as enemies of the state? Anyone watching the January 6th Committee and what they did, and continue to do, to republicans, conservatives, and MAGA types should tell you everything you need to know about the tactics the Democrats are willing to employ to secure and keep political power. When they tell you who they are, you'd best pay attention.

If we ever needed more evidence that denying Merrick Garland a seat on the Supreme Court during Trump's first term was the right thing to do, just look at what he's not doing today as some derelict Soros-funded District Attorney in New York City indicts a former president of the United States. Now Attorney General Garland could step up to the podium today, and he could announce to the world that this is not who we are as a country. He won't because he is just another cog in the leftist wheel of power in our nation's capitol. Thank the baby Jesus Donald J. Trump had the opportunity to select a conservative to sit on our highest court instead of the fool Garland, who Obama nominated. When you consider that rumors persist that it's not Biden, but Obama who is pulling the strings behind the scenes in the White House, it all starts to make sense. Hillary was supposed to carry the torch for the Leftist movement started by Obama when Obama left office, but Trump upset that applecart. They are playing for keeps this time around. They are playing for all the marbles.

Well, so much for Trump's indictment. I'm fast-forwarding twenty-four hours, and his so-called looming indictment looks like it may not happen. It sounds like the Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, failed to provide the Grand Jury with certain exculpatory evidence that would clear Trump in a New York minute. I don't have all the facts at hand, so I'll not get my hopes up too high because you should never underestimate the looniness of the left when it comes to wanting to see Trump behind bars. I do think that we'll see one way or another today since the Grand Jury is scheduled to meet this morning in downtown Manhattan. I also hear that the DA's office is in a bit of a tough spot since many of Bragg's fellow prosecutors disagree with Bragg's pushing for this indictment. Not because they like Trump but rather because it's a weak and ridiculous case being brought against a former president of the United States. It's not how our judicial is supposed to work.


The lefties are not going to be happy if Bragg drops this case. George Soros, who donated a million dollars to help put Bragg in office, is not going to be happy to see Bragg drop this case. They'll move on, of course, to other pending cases against Trump as they always do. I'll try to tune into Sirius this morning to listen to the loons sitting behind the microphones on the progressive stations before the case is actually dropped with the hopes of hearing the whining and the gnashing of teeth as they sense that the case is slipping away. Slipping away like every other tantalizing indictment against Trump that never materialized. Who is this toady of a prosecutor in Georgia wanting to bring RICO charges against Trump and others who allegedly conspired to overturn an election? What's her name again? Winnie? Whiny? Fannie? Finnie? I can hear Trump now: Make my fucking day. He'll destroy that piece of shit just like he is now about to take Bragg out with the trash in Downtown Manhattan. Trump did tell us that we would get tired of winning. He wasn't wrong.

I saw Tudor Dixon (Republican candidate for governor in Michigan in 2022) on the telly last night. She was telling we Americans about how the State of Michigan is offering tax incentives to China to build a factory in the middle of the State. It isn't bad enough that we have to hear story after story about the Chinese government buying up property across our country? Many of the sites are within spitting distance of military installations and other secretive governmental sites. I saw some footage on the telly the other night of Chinese Nationals coming across our Southern border along with other illegal aliens from other countries across the globe. What the fuck is going on?

Ms. Dixon went on to explain that the agreement with the Chinese relating to the factory in Michigan stated that there would be a contingent of officials from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) allowed to operate within the confines of the acreage housing the factory. So, now we're actually inviting the CCP to reside within the boundaries of our country? The same CCP who is the sworn enemy of our country? The same CCP who rules their citizens in China with an iron fist? Get out of town! No, really! Get the fuck out of town! Where's Bumbles?

Why has there been an almost virtual blackout of Xi's visit to Russia? I'll tell you why. Because it exposes just how weak and pathetic Biden and his cast of fools in the White House have been when and where it comes to their foreign policy chops. Xi and Putin are forming military and economic alliances with other countries around the globe, and the United States has no seat at the table. The Chinese and the Russians have agreed to conduct business utilizing their own currencies to the exclusion of the US dollar, which weakens the US dollar on the global stage.

NATO is weak and getting weaker by the day as Russia pushes further and further into Ukrainian territory by the day. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. Joe Biden has no seat at the table because none of the world leaders want Joe Biden at the table. Consequently, America has no seat at the table. The mainstream media, Biden's pretorian guard, won't tell you that, but I will. This is part and parcel of Joe Biden's deal with the devil when he and his extended family got in bed with the Chinese Communist Party. America is paying the price for Biden's treasonous ways.

I'm getting so tired of all of this trans this and trans that nonsense. I've so lost track of what it all means. The missus and I were watching a show on the telly last night, and someone used the term "deadnamed." I said to the missus, "what the fuck is deadnamed"? She informed me that that term is used to describe the name you and others use to refer to yourself before your transition. I assumed by "transition," she meant before you switched genders. Not that you can do that because you are what you are, so maybe we're just talking about what or who someone thinks they are. Again, I'm talking about boys and girls—maybe, more to the point, men and women. Don't get me started on this cis male and cis female bullshit. Why the hell are we turning our world upside down for a population of these folks who, at last count, were but a pee hole in the snow, statistically speaking? I'm guessing it has something to do with distracting us from the things that count, and none of that bodes well for Biden et al.

I wish Yellen and her people in Washington would stop fucking around with the financial markets. If the market is going to drop a thousand points in the space of three or four minutes at the end of any given day, then maybe they should just let it unfold organically. The DJIA was up some 500 points during the morning yesterday, then turned negative in the early afternoon, and only started to turn northward again when Yellen reversed her position on bailing out banks and their depositors in the event of a default. You know when you see these kinds of precipitous drops or reversals, especially at the end of the day, that someone behind the scenes is doing something to produce a particular outcome. That outcome, more often than not, is one that favors investors and, more importantly, investor sentiment. It is every bit the proxy that the government would have you believe that it is, that is to say, a proxy for the economy and the well-being of the consumer. If you are a bear, you want to see the bottom drop out of the market. You want to see capitulation and any and all froth taken out of the market. Only then can we start to see green shoots and the start of a new bull market.

I finally got into ChatGBT yesterday. That is to say, I signed up online and made my first request. It was pretty cool. I shared the result of my first query with my brother from another mother, and he started whining about it being nothing more than a template-driven process. I suppose to some extent, one might see it that way. I told him to stop being a damn Luddite. I told him I could have it do a few more things that he might find more interesting. I'll admit that my first query was pretty lame. I asked ChatGBT to write a sympathy letter to my brother for the loss of his beloved family friend and pet parrot, Betsi. He has no parrot, of course. I asked that the letter include the fact that Betsi loved to eat Fruit Loops. My brother asked that I resubmit the letter request by changing the parrot to a dog and the Fruit Loops to Puffed Wheat. I thought the results were sufficiently different to suggest that it was not template-driven, but my bro disagreed. ChatGBT is so much more than that. It's wicked smaht!

I had a good mind to suggest to the Ev man that he have ChatGBT write a nice birthday card to his mom. I thought it might be interesting to see what that looked like. I wasn't wanting to take the Ev man off the hook by having ChatGBT do all the heavy lifting but really just for kicks more than anything else. The more I thought about it, the less I liked the idea. ChatGBT couldn't possibly come up with the twists and turns of phrases that the Ev man is so famous for when it comes to writing notes, cards, and the like. I'll admit to being a little partial to his writing skills since he is our son, but I don't think I'm speaking out of turn when I say he has the stuff. You know, the stuff. I was so convinced that turning to ChatGBT for shits and giggles was not a good idea that I never brought it up with him. I think he gets as much satisfaction, if not more, from writing the cards as we do from reading the cards that he writes. Does that make sense? He makes it look so effortless. I'd like to see him start a journal or something, but he's shown no such inclination to do so. Maybe someday.

What a hoot. The Ev man sent me a text and asked that I share it with his mom. It read as follows: "No more Ragnar." He had shaven off his stubble of a beard, a goatee really, as a present to his mom on her birthday. Not sure what possessed him to do that but do that he did. I don't think we indicated to him one way or another that we were pleased or displeased with his appearance when we said he reminded us a bit of Ragnar Lodbrok as he sat in the chair in the corner of our front room wearing a wool hat and sporting a stubble of a beard. Maybe there was some telepathic shit between the two of them that moms and sons share that I completely missed. Did the Ev man feel bad that he had no gift for his mom on her birthday? If he did, he didn't say so. It's not like he felt bad that he didn't have a gift for and I did because I didn't. We're in the doghouse, Ragnar and me. Again. Well, me, anyway. For the umpteenth time.

There was another yet-to-be-explained explosion overnight somewhere in Pennsylvania. An explosion in a chocolate factory killed two workers, while seven other workers have gone missing. I don't know what's going on with all of these unnatural mishaps or worse where we have trains derailing, buildings collapsing, egg farms going up in flames, food factories being destroyed, chocolate factories exploding, and that's just scratching the surface. Is our government trying to desensitize us to what's coming down the pike? Are these self-inflicted atrocities? If we somehow wake up one morning, or God forbid in the middle of the night, to Chinese or Russian warplanes dropping bombs here and there across our fruited plains, will we be more or less comprehending if we've already been exposed to these types of events? It's dystopian, I know. Funny thing is, these things happen, and that's the end of it. We never find out the whys, the who's, or the whats. And what the hell is going on with all of the incapacitated airline pilots? Only in Biden's America, is what I say. God help us.

I was watching this spokesperson from the US military giving his customary midday update to the press yesterday, and he was answering questions from the press about events in the last twenty-four hours in Syria. What a fucking stooge. Our forces had been under attack for the better part of a day or two, with reports on Twitter and other non-mainstream outlets of serious injuries and a number of yet-to-be-determined casualties, yet this clown was playing down the event like it was business as usual. He proceeded to report that these attacks were one or two of maybe hundreds that our forces have experienced since the beginning of the year, implying that it was just another fucking day in Paradise. Just more fucking gaslighting from the assholes running things in Washington, DC. And, then we see Bumbles stepping up to the podium while on a visit to Canada to say that we didn't want any trouble with the government of Iran over these Syrian attacks, or some such schlock. Get off your fucking knees, you feckless fuck. Lay down the fucking law. We're the United States of America!

Who is that little twat, Greta Thunberg? What grade was she in when she admonished the world (How dare you!) that we were facing an existential threat due to climate change if we didn't start to take climate change more seriously? The fifth grade? We cannot let these moronic flat-earthers win the policy wars when it comes to this bullshit. It's worse than a pandemic. I think they start feeding our children this nonsense from the moment they step into the classroom in elementary school, and that has to stop. I read about one township in the state of California that was planning to outlaw filling stations. That's a gas station for the noobs out there. They know there is no longer a hole in the ozone. Right? Remember that crock of hooey? And who gives a shit about polar bears? They'll figure it out. If they don't, maybe they deserve to go extinct. No species gets a free pass to the next generation. If you're worried about more powerful storms, build better buildings. Last but not least, I ain't going into any kinetic war with a country like China which builds two coal-producing plants a day with my little solar-powered this, that, and the other thing. That's a recipe for disaster.

DeSantis hasn't even declared that he's running yet, and he's already flipping and flopping like a fish out of water. I think the official term for the missteps he's been making is "unforced errors." It's so bad that the one network that has embraced DeSantis to date, FOX, has now agreed to allow Hannity to have Trump on for an hour interview next week. Trump hasn't been on FOX since losing the 2020 election, and maybe even further back than that. Fox's banning Trump was not Trump's idea, just to be clear. The latest polls have Trump at 53% or something like that and DeSantis well behind with a distant 20-something percent. DeSantis has actually dropped several points in the polls over the last month or so due to statements and such that he's made here and there. In political parlance, they refer to what DeSantis has been doing in response to his missteps as a "clean-up on aisle 9." I'm now hearing some suggest that DeSantis may want to sit this one out and come back in 2028. He's clearly not ready for prime time. What's this I'm hearing about a Trump rally in Waco, Texas, tonight with some fifteen thousand people queued up to attend? See where I'm going with this?

I've seen enough Trump rallies over the years that I don't feel the need to watch this one tonight since he tends to repeat the same old stories, the same old jokes, and the same old tropes about the media and the swamp creatures in Washington DC. The only reason I may tune in is to see the man take a well-deserved victory lap after trolling the District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, this past week over the much anticipated but now rather questionable indictment over Trump's involvement in a 7-year-old non-disclosure agreement with a porn star. It sounds rather Trumpy when I put it like that. There's only one Trump and another four years in the White House to complete the job he started back in 2016 sounds about right to me. Who knows. Maybe he'll roll out some new material tonight. There's no shortage of grist for the mill, and I wouldn't mind seeing Trump hit one or two out of the park, just for old-time's sake. Maybe he'll roll out a new nickname or two for the lackluster second-stringers vying for the nomination. You know what they say. If you're not the lead dog, the view is always the same.

Rue the Day

I haven't looked at the futures in the financial markets yet this morning, but the DAX is down over two percent. I'm just curious about where we might find ourselves this coming week after two regional bank failures this past week. Yellen (Treasury Secretary) announced that the FDIC would cover insured and uninsured depositors to prevent a contagion of sorts from bringing down the whole kit and kaboodle. They're not calling it a bailout, but that is precisely what it is.


This is a taxpayer-funded bailout, plain and simple. Whatever happened to the $250k limit? If you had more than that in the bank when the bank went under, you were up shits creek without a paddle. I gather this has something to do with the fact that both banks, SVB and Signature, are woke banks. Both are more concerned about equity, diversity, and inclusion to the exclusion of profitability. That is always a recipe for pure fuckery. Perhaps you're familiar with the expression, go woke, go broke.

We didn't know about the collapse of the Signature Bank until Yellen announced the bailout of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB.) Two banks collapsing within days of each other does not a banking system collapse make, but it sure is a good start. Both of these banks were publicly traded banks, so their stockholders and debtholders are now completely fucked. I suspect some people bought their stocks precisely because they were "woke" institutions. Those stocks and bonds have now gone to zero. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? You take risks, and sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose.

I am particularly bothered by the fact that the FDIC is making the depositors whole regardless of the $250k limit. What's next? If I buy Amazon stock and the stock goes into the toilet, will the government send me a check to compensate me for my losses? Forget for a minute, if you can, that Biden is also proposing to tax your unrealized gains in his latest budget proposal. This is pure unadulterated insanity. Do you see my concern? And, how do you think the people in East Palestine, Ohio, feel this morning? They can't get Petey Butt-Edge-Edge, or Bumbles Biden, to show up in their town after a train derailment poisoned their entire town, much less bring a check to cover the expense of cleaning up everything that needs to be cleaned up. Oh, that's right. Those are Trump voters.

If I had money in a regional bank, would I be looking to withdraw those monies this morning at first light? Will I be the only one standing in line waiting for their doors to open? If I owned stock in a regional bank, how much downside would I be willing to endure before I sold it all? Maybe I'm better off selling it today and letting the chips fall where they may. I look at the clown show that is the Biden Administration, and I have zero confidence that they know what the hell they're doing to deal with this financial crisis we find ourselves in. It's the lack of confidence in the leadership of our country that is at the root of many of the problems we see at this moment in our history. It doesn't help that we have a senile old fool sitting in our White House. He's the face of what passes for leadership on the world stage, and that is a serious problem. I think Obama said it best: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

If I'm not selling or transferring assets today, maybe I'm taking a few sheckles out just in case we end up with a real cluster and greenbacks are hard to find. What would I have to trade if I needed to feed my family? I could sell some of our shit on Etsy, but you're assuming we'd still be able to do that, and I'm not so sure that's true. If I had some cash, would I be in a better place were I to buy some gold coins with which to barter? Do I have any skills to bargain with if I run out of things to sell? How about our food supplies? While I still have a couple of nickels to rub together, should I be looking to order some mail-order food stuffs? You know, the kind of vacuum-packed supplies that last some ten to fifteen years. I think the bottom line is that we are totally unprepared to survive in a dog-eat-dog world. Thank God for the second amendment.

I'm new to Spaces on Twitter, although for now, at least, I'm just dropping in to listen. It's where you go on Twitter to listen to people discussing issues. It's live, and it's kinda neat. I wonder just how efficient this format is when it comes to influencing people beyond what you see in the section of Twitter that is just text. There is usually a host and any number of active participants on any given subject. The level of expertise on part of the speakers, especially with the bank failures in the news as one example, is incredible. These guys and gals know of which they speak. It can also be a black hole, or a rabbit hole if you will, where conspiracies and other things go to die. The good news is that plenty of people know what they're talking about in Spaces, so speakers going off on a tangent are often quickly reined in. If you have the time and inclination, it's like finding a radio talk show whose participants are discussing a topic near and dear to your heart, be it knitting, politics, or banking failures.

Yesterday (Monday) is now in the history books. With the bad banking business in the news, predicting how the day would shake out regarding bank stocks and the stock market generally was hard, if not impossible, to sort out. Bank stocks were hit pretty hard during the day, and many bank stocks stopped trading during the day due to volatility issues, etc. If you were conspiracy-minded, you probably thought these two to three recent bank failures were just two of many more bank failures to come where the three to four remaining banks standing at the end of the day would force us to accept the dreaded digital currency. I had to laugh as I watched some of the talking heads on the telly wax on and on about how Biden's three-minute speech at 9 am in the morning went a long way to allay people's fears about bank contagions and the like. Do you mean the speech where he read his cue cards and promptly scurried off stage as reporters continued to pepper him with questions? Anyway, the major indices were a bit up or down at the end of the day, depending on which one you were interested in. Mission accomplished?

I saw a tweet from the woman that I follow on Twitter who moved to Taiwan with her husband recently. She asked if anyone thought moving her money from a bank in the United States to Taiwan might be a good idea. As an aside, she blames Biden for her losses in the stock market in 2022, and she can't wait to vote for Trump again should he get the nomination. By her own admission, her retirement account is down about 25% thanks to Biden's incompetence, and the woke fucks he surrounds himself with in the White House. What do you tell her? She can wait for more shoes to drop in the American stock market, or she can wake up one morning to invading forces from Mainland China. She could follow the crowds and move her monies to one or more major banking institutions like JP Morgan, etc. The Mainland China thing is worrisome on a lot of levels. If you wake up to someone holding a bayonet to your throat, your bank account balance is the last thing you're worrying about. That's my two cents, for what it's worth.

What's happening with the American drone that the Ruskies forced into the Black Sea yesterday morning? It was apparently flying over international waters when it was taken down. If I had to guess, it was probably gathering intelligence for the Ukrainians in their war with Russia. The usual warmongers like Senator Lindsey Graham are beating their chests and calling Bumbles Biden the new Rodney Dangerfield on the global stage for not responding with guns-a-blazing. I'm not sure it calls for that kind of response. If we're really wanting to keep our involvement in the Ukraine war at current levels, that is to say, keep doing what we're doing, then we should let bygones be bygones and just tell the Ruskies to keep their distance the next time. If we don't want to give the Ukrainians F-16s because we don't want to be dragged into the conflict, then we can't very well let this drone thing get blown out of proportion.

I'm thinking a lot about the near misses I'm hearing about these days at airports and such. Tucker Carlson was talking not long ago about various diversity hires that airlines seem to be making and to the exclusion of more qualified candidates. I've said as much in my blog posts, and I'm happy to repeat myself: I want to lay eyes on the pilot before getting aboard any scheduled flight. That isn't to say that you can't have a perfectly qualified candidate from a marginalized community somewhere rise up and become the best of the best. You absolutely can. I don't know what I'll be looking for, so I'll welcome suggestions on same. Should I discount male pilots wearing prosthetic breasts? How about women with bulges in places you wouldn't expect to see bulges? Should I be concerned about male pilots wearing women's designer dresses? How about pilots wearing pro-abortion pins on their lapels? Or, pilots wearing sneakers emblazoned with "Fuck Trump" decals? This isn't about Petey Butt-Edge-Edge anymore. It's bigger than him. We need to figure this out and fast.

There are days when I wish I had been born a black person. More to the point, a black person with roots steeped in the Californian slave trade. I know, that sounds crazy. Right? Who would wish that upon anyone? It was a dark period in our history, and many a slave probably rued the day when they landed on our shores after being shipped like cattle across the raging seas back in the day. There's only one problem with that picture. If I'm not mistaken, California did not have a slave trade, per se. If I'm right about that, why are governmental officials in California trying to decide how much money each and every one of the descendants of said slaves should receive as reparations?

All right, so I only wanted to be black with an ancestry in the slave trade so I could get in line and collect my five million dollars. Does that make me a bad person? It's not doing blackface, is it? State budgets aside, what would giving that much money to thousands of black people even look like? That's a discussion for another day. I'm happy to take race out of the picture and apply the principle to any group of people. Now imagine how those black people might react when government officials decide that reparations are warranted, but they just don't have the money to pay them. I can hear them now: "I feel your pain." Something tells me that ain't going to cut it. Every race baiter from Al Sharpton to that Crump fella, and let's not forget BLM, will be on-site beating the drums of discontent and pushing for payment, or else. It's a bridge too far, I tell you. It will be Selma on steroids. Me thinks they've created a monster, but that's just me.

I am getting off to a slow start this morning. I'm not sure why. It's not like there isn't stuff out there worth commenting on. There surely is. I always worry about days like this where I sit down at my keyboard and just draw blanks. I've said all I want to say about bank contagion and the like. I could probably go on a bit about Governor DeSanctimonious and his comments about Ukraine being nothing more than a border dispute. Conservatives across the board denounced the Governor's comments. Since when are conservatives pro-war? Didn't we laud Trump for his stance against waging wars across the globe? I'm not talking about the usual neocons. You know, those neocons who never saw a war they didn't like. When you see what's happening today with our country facing imminent and simultaneous conflicts with countries like China, Russia, and North Korea under democratic leadership, I think we need voices like Trump's and DeSantis out there on the hustings walking back some of this crazy talk.

The Ruskies have already warned us that if we interfere with any more of their flights over the Indian Ocean, they will declare war against the United States. Kim in North Korea has warned the United States of serious consequences if we proceed with planned joint exercises in South Korea in and around the Korean peninsula. China has signed a joint pact with Iran, Russia, and Saudi Arabia. In other words, Bumbles Biden has us in a fucking tinderbox that could go sideways in a hurry. How the hell did we get here? Is there some doctrine out there that says we're better off if all of our adversaries have their nuclear warheads pointed in our direction? Is this Biden wanting to distract our populace from a rapidly deteriorating economy? Is Bumbles drinking the "wartime president's are more popular" Koolaid? Interestingly, we hear nothing from our NATO partners in response to the bellicose messaging from our sworn enemies. I wonder why.


The headlines on CNN when it comes to the war in Ukraine these days have become so predictable. Erin Burnett, in particular, who comes on at 7 pm ET every night, feeds her audience a steady stream of schlock that says the Ruskies are running out of men and ammunition. She'll throw in an interview or two with disaffected Russian soldiers from the front to help make her point. I haven't quite figured out what she's hoping to accomplish other than to possibly and intentionally mislead her viewers into thinking that the billions of dollars we've sent to Ukraine were not a lost cause. On the other hand, if you've ever heard Colonel Douglas McGregor giving his opinion on the topic, he'll tell you that the Russians are beating the hell out of the Ukrainian troops daily. If we're to believe McGregor, Russia is winning this war and winning it handily. McGregor's fear is not that the Russians will win the war, but rather that the United States will do something stupid to get us into an intractable conflict with a nuclear superpower. I think his exact words included the word "insanity." This is on you, Bumbles.

It sounds like one of the Congressional committees led by Republicans has finally received the documents they requested from the US Treasury regarding banking transfers between the Bidens and various countries. There used to be a process in place that identified unusually large money transfers between banks and government officials before Bumbles ordered that process shut down early on in his administration. Bumbles couldn't very well have congressional oversight when it came to his family's overseas dealings. How would he explain the tens of millions of dollars exchanged between countries like China and Russia and the members of his immediate family? God forbid anyone suggest that Joe Biden, and his extended family, were involved in an international pay-for-play scheme. He's Scranton Joe, for chrissakes. One revelation thus far is that more members of the extended Biden family are involved in these schemes than previously known or suspected. Cast your net far and wide, is what I say.

This guy Comer in Congress is like a dog with a bone. He will get the dirt on the Biden Crime Family come hell or high water. All of this will lead to an impeachment of the most corrupt president of our country since its founding. Unfortunately, you'll not find one democrat willing to convict Biden in the Senate, so it's unlikely Bumbles will get the boot from our beloved White House. The good news is that we'll dirty the sucker up so badly that he'll hopefully resign from office in disgrace. Then again, here you have a president of the United States selling out his country to the Communist Chinese Party for a few sheckles for he and his family members. As soon as he is out of office, the gravy train for the Biden Crime Family is over. Unless and until that happens, Bumbles will continue to lie about his affiliations and associations with the CCP, his son Hunter's business dealings, and God knows what else. The bad news for Bumbles is, we've got the fucking receipts. People are talking. Can you say "treason?"

It's a story that the main street media won't talk about. Biden is their boy, and they'll defend him until the end. By the way, these payments or wires from the CCP started in 2017, well before the 2020 election when Biden garnered some eighty-million votes to win the presidency. What role did the CCP play in getting Bumbles across the finish line and into the White House? How did Biden get more votes than any previous president on record, including Barry Obama? You know, the Manchurian candidate from Kenya. The very same guy, incidentally, who says he went to Harvard, yet none of his supposed classmates at Harvard remembers anyone named Barack Obama. Once in office, the CCP started calling in their chips. Biden has done a lot of things that have benefitted the CCP directly, including selling down our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to the CCP at a steep discount, sidelining the production of petroleum products nationwide, weakening our armed forces by implementing woke policies, and not holding the CCP responsible for the millions of Americans who died from the Chinese virus (Covid) just to name a few. Make no mistake about it. The media has been and continues to be, complicit.

I thought I saw a list of bills recently proposed by various legislatures across the country to bring in digital currencies. These damn bills need to be killed in the crib. I don't have the intellectual bandwidth to understand the entire scope of what that might mean for our citizenry, but one example that comes to mind is the fellow who inadvertently jaywalks and finds that the fine for his jaywalking has been deducted from his bank account. He was identified with facial identification software and fined accordingly. You know our government can read license plates using satellites in outer space, so don't be surprised when you find your bank account docked for every mile you go over the speed limit. No transaction will go untaxed, and they will take monies as they see fit, whether they be for their Climate Change projects, their social justice initiatives, their endless wars, and their insatiable appetites for domestic intelligence gathering (spying), and you will comply like the sheep that you are. Just say "no," dammit.

Poland is the first country to send fighter jets (4) to Ukraine. Slovakia reported this morning that they are sending 13 fighter jets to Ukraine for their upcoming Spring counteroffensive. What would you do if you were Vlad? Would you bomb every airfield in Ukraine to smithereens? Would you target the planes with your own fleet of fighter jets? Would there be dogfights across the skies of Ukraine day and night? I've not heard Vlad issue any threats one way or another as it relates to the introduction of fighter jets to the conflict, although that isn't to say he hasn't. UPDATE: Putin responds: "We will destroy them without impacting the course of the war." Well, there you have it. The introduction of these fighter jets is, in my opinion, escalatory in nature and quite possibly an existential threat were they to be used to strike targets inside Russia itself. I'm not sure that either side needs to throw more cordwood onto what is already a bloody and smoldering pyre of insanity. That said, I hear very little about airstrikes in Ukraine by fighter jets from Russia. Most of what they launch into Ukraine comes from offshore assets if what I read on Twitter is correct. That's a big if.

The worse our economy gets here in the United States, the more I worry about Bumbles getting us into a kinetic war somewhere to divert our attention from his utter malfeasance and incompetence. Xi Jinping, the leader of China, is visiting Russia in the next week or so, and I hear that Bumbles is beside himself thinking that Xi will somehow broker a deal to bring the war in Ukraine to an end. Wait a minute! I thought Bumbles was the leader of the free world. Isn't he supposed to be leading the charge when it comes to managing world affairs? Surely, if Xi Jinping can pull this off, it will reveal Bumbles for the stooge that he is and has been since Russia invaded Ukraine a couple of years back. All of the lives lost on both sides of the conflict and for what? So Bumbles and his fellow stooges in NATO could beat their chests trying to eke out a pyrrhic victory in the corrupt wasteland that is Ukraine? Will Bumbles go out of his way to queer the deal prior to Xi's arrival in Moscow? How precisely will he do that? And, at what cost to America as the "shining city on the hill," as Ronald Reagan so eloquently stated in his 1988 State of the Union speech.

North Korea is saying they now have eight hundred thousand men who have volunteered to fight should their leader, Kim, call them into service. Something tells me that volunteering isn't really a thing in North Korea. It sounds a little too democratic to me. Democracy isn't really a thing in North Korea either. When Kim tells you to jump, you ask him how high. When Kim tells you to fight, you ask him when and where. What do you think happens to conscientious objectors in North Korea? The better question is probably, what happens to their children and, God forbid, their extended families, should you refuse the "request" of your leader when he calls you into service. I don't know if eight hundred thousand men are going to cut the mustard if shit really hits the fan on the Korean Peninsula. Don't the Americans have tens of thousands of troops stationed in South Korea? What kind of standing army does South Korea have? I guess we'll find out soon enough. Kim has promised to declare war should the US and South Korea proceed with planned military exercises in the next week or so. Just between you and me, I could use a mean tweet or two about right now.

The missus will lend a hand to her old boss in Massachusetts tomorrow. He needs to replace his old iPhone 7 with an updated version, probably an iPhone 14. I don't think the 15s are out yet. Anyway, she's a little sketchy about how all of this will go down. When I say "lend a hand," it's probably more accurate to say "hold his hand." That is to say, I'm not sure he could do this were it not for my missus. He's of that generation where there were no such things as mobile phones or computers so there's that. He's just not conversant on the subject(s), so he doesn't know what questions to ask, who to ask them of, or anything of the sort. That's where my missus comes in. She's marginally better equipped to do all of this, and perhaps more importantly, he trusts implicitly on such matters. If the Apple store where they plan to make the purchase provides the right level of support when the two of them visit the store tomorrow, I think it will work out just fine. In my experience, updating your iPhone is never really seamless. If anyone can make it seem seamless, it's the uber-efficient and well-trained staff at the Apple Store. When all is said and done, he is still going to have to learn to live with an iPhone 14 that no longer has a "Home" button. That could be a bitch.

What is all this nonsense in the news about Trump being arrested next week? Please don't tell me some fool in a district attorney's office in New York City will arrest a former president of the United States over some hush money paid to a porn star seven years ago. I mean, who does that? This must be some half-cocked wet dream of the left-wing media consultants so they can put up chyrons daily on the telly about Trump while ignoring the bigger story of the collapse and jailing of the members of the Biden Crime Family.

As icing on the cake, they have to be hoping against hope that the non-stop pictures of Trump in an orange jumpsuit will remind the voting public that he is no longer a viable candidate for the highest office in our land in 2024. You know this sort of thing only happens in banana republics. Right? I think this has less to do with the District Attorney's office in New York and more with Biden's FBI and our collective Intelligence agencies. They are all working towards one end: Stopping Trump from returning to the Presidency in 2024. More importantly, keeping the presidency in the hands of the leftists who now control the levers of our country. That is, until the twelve million illegal immigrants Biden has brought into our country become eligible to vote. Then, and only then, will their control of our government in perpetuity be assured.

When it comes to arresting Donald J Trump for a nothing burger in New York, it will be interesting to see who in the Republican party takes a stand to push back against the audacity of the left to try to jail their political opponents ahead of a presidential election in 2024. I'm now seeing people on Twitter who had no plans to vote for Trump in 2024 standing up and tweeting that there is nothing more important than voting for Donald Trump in 2024. I would hasten to add for folks who don't have all the facts when it comes to Trump that the left has been trying to put Trump in jail since he came down the elevator in 2016 to announce his candidacy. They tried to tarnish his presidency by putting the man through two bogus impeachments, neither of which resulted in his removal from office. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is real. And those republican candidates hoping to gain an advantage by Trump's arrest, yet saying nothing about his arrest, will rue the day they turned their back on Donald J Trump in his time of need. We will not forget.

Time Will Tell

My charge this week is simple. It's to do what I do every week. I just keep kicking the can down the road. How I do that and what that looks like changes from week to week, but I'm sitting here this morning to do just that. I remember thinking yesterday while on my bike ride that the sun was a little higher in the sky, and it was starting to look and feel like Spring had finally arrived. I had flashbacks to my youth when I looked forward to that last little bit of snow and ice receding from the school playground so I could finally play marbles with my mates during recess at St. Alphonsus Elementary School. Anyway, I think I'm in a good place now, both physically and mentally, to kick off a new bicycling season. That's always a good feeling.


I listened to Trump's speech at CPAC over the weekend. It was a pretty good speech. It was compelling in a lot of ways. He reminded me of what we must accomplish as conservatives get our country back. He wasn't too snarky, and some of the stories he used to repeat with some regularity were missing. So many of his good ideas can get lost in the shuffle when he starts repeating himself, and people tune out. It was a receptive crowd, and the applause was genuine and frequent. What I worry about is that the media and milqtoast republicans have so demonized this man that a lot of people who once promised to crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump will now either stay home, or they'll vote for Bumbles Biden again.

We have a tremendous opportunity to remove Biden from office in 2024. Many people think that Trump might be screwing the pooch by running since he's already lost once to Biden. The same republicans who decided they didn't like Trump's tweets back in 2020 and couldn't vote for him then might be similarly afflicted come 2024. You would think that the devastation Biden has wrought in just two years, much of it forewarned by Trump, would be enough to get people off their couches and to the polls in two years. Potential indictments in several states will keep Trump's name in the news, and not in a good way. The leftists who pine for a more socialist state will be taking no chances on a Trump comeback, and it will get ugly. They made one mistake by not pulling out all the stops for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and they paid a steep price when Trump won. Never again.

One thing is for sure. We Conservatives need a brawler in the White House in 2024. These lunatics on the left are out of control on so many issues. If nothing else, stopping the incessant beating of war drums by democrats and neocons would be reason enough to vote for any republican, including Trump. Trump told Kim from North Korea that he had a bigger button than Kim to get Kim to the negotiating table when Kim was launching ballistic missiles every other day across the Sea Of Japan. That's the kind of out-of-the-box thinking we need in our next president, and nobody does it better than Donald J. Trump. The one thing that I think I heard Trump regret in his speech is that he didn't dispatch armed forces to areas across our country to put down the Antifa riots that raged across our fruited plains during his first term. He had one job.

If the Ukraine thing is not resolved by then, will voters find Trump to be too incendiary a candidate to take over the reins of what will likely be a nation torn apart by virulent pro and anti-war forces? Will these so-called mythical eighty million voters who voted for Biden in 2020 return to vote for him again if we're in a full-fledged war against Russia? Is this what they signed up for? Where are all the lefties who staged the anti-war protests in the sixties? Where the hell is Jane Fonda? They all keep putting lipstick on this pig (Biden), and he looks no better now than when he first walked stiffly into the Oval Office in 2020. Russia may be the least of our problems if China keeps up with its heated rhetoric against our country. I've never seen such a thing. And now, North Korea is threatening to declare war against the United States if we persist with pushing back on their ballistic missile testing. If this is what passes for foreign policy in the Biden Administration, we're in some deep shit.

I've never put much stock in the January 6th Committee that held hearings for the better part of a year following the so-called insurrection. I've always seen it as a kangaroo court put together to amplify the ruse that Pelosi and her minions constructed to frame Donald J. Trump and prevent his return to the White House for a second term. It always seemed a bit curious to me that Biden's Department of Justice was sending all of these "insurrectionists" to jail one after another for what looked to me to be nothing more than a trespassing charge if that. They held as many of them as they could identify without bail pending their trials like they were an imminent danger to our very Republic. The DOJ even withheld what could have proven to be exculpatory video footage of the events that day to ensure no stone went unturned in putting these people behind bars. Every last liberal media outlet amplified the lies of the January 6th Committee and raised their champagne glasses in unison every time another sentence was handed down.

It was all a lie. A big lie, truth be told. We know that now because we saw the footage of that day on the telly last night. Let's give credit where credit is due. Tucker Carlson received the footage after Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Speaker of the House, released it. He and his production crew spent the better part of a week reviewing the 40,000 hours of footage and released the first video last night in what will be two nights of coverage ending with tonight's show. I'm surprised that this footage wasn't destroyed after the Committee had finished using it to frame Trump. They hired a television producer to finagle the video clips in a dishonest and damnable way to deceive the public in a prime-time airing of the footage. It was a charade, pure and simple. It was no coincidence that Nancy Pelosi's daughter was in the Capitol building that day with her production crew shooting the event footage. People were breaking windows and climbing walls, so that part was true. It was not true that police officers were murdered that day, yet this lie was repeated time and time again by the liberal media. It was one of many big lies.

Tucker admitted that he and his people did not have access to facial recognition software, so they couldn't do more to identify people that should have been outed as rabble-rousers, conspirators, or worse yet, federal agents. Yes, Federal agents. Why was the fed involved in anything that fateful day? Fateful in the sense that Ashley Abbot lost her life when she was shot in cold blood by a Capitol policeman. Did our Federal Government have a hand in Pelosi's farce to try and frame and send to jail one of the most successful presidents in our lifetime? We know how slimy those fucks are because of their involvement in the Russia hoax, where they effectively colluded with the Hillary Clinton campaign to bring down a duly elected president of the United States. Thanks to Tucker, we learned last night that this Epps guy lied to the Committee about his role in the January 6th event. If I recall correctly, Epps sent a text to his nephew admitting to orchestrating the break-in of the Capitol that day.

I don't mean to beat this thing to death, but I want to say that I feel very bad for the people who have gone to jail for what looks to be a simple case of trespassing. How do they now get their lives back? Who will step in and make this right? The Shaman guy is sitting in jail for a four-year prison term for doing what? Tucker's footage shows him being walked through the capitol building with capitol police at his side. At no point do they try to detain him or eject him from the premises. I'm sorry, but you might expect to see all of this in a banana republic, not the United States of America. George Washington must be rolling over in his grave. It's more than shameful. Our Judicial system should be ashamed. Our politicians should be ashamed. The media should be ashamed of their role in this shitshow. The people in jail have mostly been vindicated by the footage Tucker and his team released last night. Sadly, no one is likely to be held accountable.

The missus and I settled in last night and waited for the second of two installments of the January 6th "insurrection" to air on the Tucker Carlson Show. We waited, and we waited, and we waited. That gasbag Chuckles Schumer went on the floor of the United States Senate yesterday and publicly pleaded with the head of FOX, Rupert Murdoch, to stop Tucker from following through with his promise to share more footage of that fateful day. I didn't think for a minute that anything, much less a request by a whiny little bitch like Chuckles Schumer, would stop Tucker from doing what he does best: Exposing the political and cultural injustices in our country. I'm even more surprised that Tucker made no reference to the fact that he had no intention of following through with another night of footage from January 6th. He was told to stand down, yet he said nothing about it. I thought Tucker had a backbone, but I'm starting to wonder. Is somebody going to memory-hole the footage now? Is that it? We've seen everything we're going to see? Do we have a goddamn free press or not?

It's a sad day indeed when you can't tell who to believe on any given day. Take this Senator Diane Feinstein story, for example. They reported that she went to the hospital with a case of shingles. You're kidding. Right? What's next? Gout? She's ninety years old, and the light at the top of her staircase, dim as it is these days, went out long ago. She's a reliable vote for the democrats in the US Senate and has been for several decades, so they keep wheeling her out to pull the lever whenever a vote arises where they need her participation. Why don't they just tell us that the old bag has outlived her usefulness? Why don't they tell us that she can't remember her name anymore, much less which political party she represents? Like Bumbles Biden and that goofball stroked-out senator from Pennsylvania, Johnny Fetterman, both of whom can't complete a sentence without cue cards, they keep wheeling these damn fools out onto the stage so they can fulfill their duties like the leftist props that they are. Who cares what their constituents think? Thanks for voting me into office. Now fuck off.

Jay Powell, top dog at the Fed, went before Congress yesterday to give his bi-annual assessment of where we are and where we're going regarding interest rates, etc. The financial markets took exception to his far-too-hawkish comments, and the major indices quickly and decisively slipped into the red. The markets have seemed particularly resilient lately despite a world of tumult and negative stories in the press about world wars, the possibilities of a nuclear holocaust, new and troubling variants of bird flu and Covid, out-of-control spending by our politicians, and rising rates of bankruptcies and credit card debt. How markets have been going up is anyone's guess. I mean, who invests monies in a stock market facing this many headwinds? Money market funds are fetching close to five percent interest, so why risk investing in the stock market when you can get 5% without taking any risk? Not to worry. Another fed head will come out today or tomorrow and comment on easing rate hikes or whatever, and we'll be off to the races again. More froth, more speculation. More problems for Mr. Powell.

My Twitter feed was blazing last night just before bedtime with activity about this and that missile launch staged by the Ruskies. I asked ALEXA what time it was in Kyiv to understand better the dread people in Ukraine felt as missiles flew into neighborhoods across their country. Were people going about their business in the early morning hours, getting ready for work, putting on coffee, and dressing their children for school? Were they in bed for the night, praying as they might that they would wake up to fight another day? In reading the online version of the Daily Mail this morning, I'm getting up to speed on where the missiles hit, how many reached their targets, and the damage that ensued. The article clarified that the strikes were in retaliation for missiles launched into Russia by the Ukrainians a day or two prior. I know this is an undeclared war, but when does Russia need to explain to anyone why they're doing what they're doing? Isn't that the very essence of war?


I'm just trying to imagine what it must be like to have another country flying sorties and dropping bombs in our backyards. To say that we Americans are unprepared for such a thing is an understatement. Would the eighty million people who allegedly voted Biden into office be singing his praises with missiles whistling over their homes and daycare centers where their children huddled up in terror beneath their desks? Would anyone have second thoughts about the ability of our woke military to respond to such a threat on our homeland? Dropping bombs is one thing. Having occupying forces walking through our backyards would be quite another. How would we protect ourselves and our families? Would things have turned out differently had we voted for the man with the mean tweets instead of the man with an advanced case of dementia? How stupid will those of us (not me) who fought tooth and nail for green energy and the rights of men to compete with women in women's sports look now? How will equity, diversity, and inclusion feed and clothe our children when our enemies are at the gate? Just thinking out loud here.

It sounds like these Congressional hearings on Covid have now pretty much proven that Fauci was a liar. Senator Rand Paul had him dead to rights months ago when he accused him of covering up the fact that the virus came out of the lab in Wuhan. Now that we know Fauci lied, where is the accountability? The damage has been done. Millions of people across the globe died during the pandemic. China will never allow a more thorough investigation into the lab, so this investigation dies on the vine. I guess it's good to get the people involved in the horror show from day one on the record but, quite honestly, that's not going to bring anyone's loved ones back from the dead. I'd rather they spend their time finding out why so many governors early on in the pandemic sent so many of their elderly afflicted with the disease into nursing homes when they knew just how virulent and deadly the virus was. Was it an all-out effort to cull their Medicare and Medicaid rolls of the elderly who were draining state budgets and resources? These were all democratic governors in blue states. We're talking about the likes of Cuomo and Grethen Whitmer in New York and Michigan, respectively. When and where will their families find justice?

I know that watching Congressional hearings isn't everyone's cup of tea, but yesterday's oversight hearings with Jim Jordan as chairman was something else. I don't recall the name of the hearing (Sub Committee on the Weaponization of Government?), but it was some watchdog thing. The two guests before the Committee were Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger. Elon Musk hired Taibbi and Shellenberger directly or indirectly to review and release Twitter files about how the Social Media giant conspired with our Intelligence agencies to suppress free speech. Our government was essentially hiring someone to do what they were otherwise not allowed to do by law (our Constitution).

The most amazing thing about the hearings was how the democrats on the Committee conducted themselves. They weren't interested in the truth, as Jim Jordan said aloud many times throughout the hearings. Someone else said it best: The Democrats were issuing in every question posed to the two guests, in a roundabout way, a warning to anyone else who might want to step forward to work with Republicans in exposing the democrats that they too would be excoriated and blackballed. The expression that comes to mind is, when someone tells you who they are, you best pay attention. It was just shameful, but this is who they are. Kudos to Taibbi and Shellenburger for not backing down. The democrats exposed themselves for the sleazy operatives that they are. Their sheer unadulterated leftist lunacy was laid bare for everyone to see.

Dr. Naomi Wolf has been a guest on Steve Bannon's Warroon show many times, talking about Covid and the dangers of same. My one sentence about her doesn't give her nearly the recognition that she deserves for everything that she's done to expose the perils of Pfizer and their dreadful vaccines, the role of the government and the media in perpetuating Pfizer's fraud on the American public, and basically not buying into the Covid-related bullshit being pushed by her political party, the Democrats. Dr. Wolf posted a lengthy and heartfelt letter of apology to conservatives on Twitter yesterday for having bought into her party's left-wing nonsense relating largely to the January 6th hoax that the democrats unleashed on America. She saw the January 6th footage released by Tucker Carlson earlier in the week. She came to the very uncomfortable conclusion that her party had sold her a bill of goods in order to demonize a former president, to mislead half of the voting public, and to create a false narrative with which to satisfy their own delusional goals. I've never seen such a thing from a died-in-the-wool member of the Democrat party. Good for her!

And now we have the first forced bank closure in the United States since 2008. Wait a minute. Hasn't Bumbles been running around the country lately pumping his fists and beating his chest about how great his policies have been for our economy? What a fucking loser. When asked about the SVB bank closure, he and his people referred any and all questions to the Treasury. SVB was the sixteenth largest bank in the country, in case you're curious. How it all came to pass is a bit of a mystery. There was a run of sorts on the bank. That is to say, people were running, not walking, to get their money out of the bank. Who precisely was urging people to take their money out? What did they know about the bank's internal issues that would prompt anyone to urge the public to make their withdrawals? Some say it was a scheme to get Jay Powell, the head of the Fed, to stop raising interest rates. Seeing as this happened on a Friday, we're now on hold to see what happens to any number of other regional banks when they open their doors on Monday.

I'm not sure that what we're seeing isn't a replay of what transpired when banks went under back in 2008. Then again, this may be just the Black Friday moment that our government needed and wanted in order to transform our currency into a digital currency making big government both bigger and more intrusive. Did they want it bad enough to orchestrate it? Is that what we're seeing? That might explain how they somehow corraled just the right number of companies and individuals with assets in SVB to go and demand payment within twenty-four hours, thereby rendering the bank insolvent. They contacted Jamie Dimon, he contacted his contacts in the business, and the rest is history. I took the Jamie Dimon reference from reading about this SVB thing on Zerohedge. SVB was also apparently a large depository for crypto funds, so that's another shitshow of altogether different proportions. Think FTX. If you had less than $250k in SVB, the FDIC has your back. Anything more, you might be fucked.

You have to admit, it's weird seeing people lining up outside banks to withdraw their money in the year 2023. I can't remember the last time I walked into a bank. Can't they just go online to do their banking? Did someone hire actors to stand outside a bank they knew was closed as insolvent to inflame passions? If that's the case, here's my advice: Hire more actors the next time. You want to see lines around the block and not just what appeared to be a smattering of people milling about with smiles on their faces. You want to see abject fear. Sorry, didn't mean to go sideways with my nonsense. I guess it makes sense that the bank's website was probably overwhelmed, and if you lived within spitting distance of the bank, it made perfect sense to go there in person. If there is a contagion component to this bank failure, it could spread to other areas of the economy. Do you have enough food on hand if we see a run on the grocery markets? Do you have a stash of cash you can use to get by if we see a complete collapse of our banking system?

None of this helped the stock market this week. We're now pretty much flat for the year on the S&P, down on the DJIA, and up maybe 3% in the NASDAQ. The regional bank stocks got absolutely smoked over the last few days. The SVB bank stock was down 60% on Thursday before dropping another 40% on Friday. The prevailing thinking on the street after the SVB bank collapse is that Jay Powell will likely not proceed with another round of interest rate hikes in the quarter to half percent range at the Fed's next monthly meeting. I think I already referred to this fact. Will an admission by the Fed that they've hiked rates too fast too soon bring on just more froth and speculation the likes of which the Fed has been trying to quash with the rate hikes? All of this is above my pay grade when it comes to sorting it out, but it's fun to fiddle with nonetheless. Maybe Powell will adopt a wait-and-see attitude before raising rates further to let the existing rate hikes do their thing, whatever that may be.

I'm sitting here on a Sunday morning, just an hour away or so from sending this week's blog out. I think everyone is walking on eggshells at the moment, wondering what will happen when the financial markets open tomorrow. Will someone in the federal government step up to the plate to allay people's fear about their monies in various institutions across our fruited plains? Will Bumbles step up to the podium at the White House and blame the whole kit and kaboodle on Trump? Will they just let bygones be bygones and let the markets do what markets do after years of zero interest rates? Is it the hard landing everyone was talking about? How long will Jay Powell keep his job if the contagion gets out of hand? Isn't this what he was hired to do? Oh, that's right. He was on board when interest rates were at zero. It is a reminder to us all about how tenuous our grasp is when it comes to what we all think we "own." If you're looking at your balances on a computer screen day after day, then that is precisely what it is. It's a number on a computer screen. Try buying a cup of coffee and a doughnut with that in hand. Good fucking luck.

Those cauliflower crusts from Trader Joe's are the bee's knees. I made a couple of plate-sized pizzas for the missus and me yesterday, which were just outstanding. I added some broccoli, mushrooms, onions, and calamari olives to the pizzas to give them a bit more color and body. Oh, and I crumbled some feta cheese on top before putting them in the oven at 450 degrees for about 7 minutes. I even warmed up the plates I planned to put the pizza on. My only complaint is that cauliflower crusts don't crisp up like regular crusts. They tend to get soggier rather than crisper the longer they stay in the oven. That said, who doesn't enjoy putting a smile on the face of their honey? I have a couple more crusts left, so I'm thinking of making a couple of broccoli and cheese enchilada-like sandwiches in our George Foreman grill for dinner. We want to throw together a lentil soup dish today, too, so it looks like a busy day in the kitchen. None of this happens unless and until I clean the kitchen first. I'm a little behind the eight ball, so my work has been cut out for me. Everything in good time, boys and girls.

I sent my brother from another mother an article about the SVB bank collapse. He responded in an e-mail saying something about having his stuff with JP Morgan. I suppose the people who had their "stuff" with Lehman Brothers back in 2008 felt equally protected from the vicissitudes of the financial markets when things went to hell in a handbasket literally overnight. I didn't want to say that to him, though. I don't know enough about how these things work, so I'll keep my concerns to myself. You would think that you might be able to grasp the more technical aspects of how banks go down the shitter when interest rates go up, but I've listened to a lot of explanations, and I'm no closer to understanding it all than I was when I heard my first explanation. It's like listening to someone speaking a foreign language. I'm not sure it's all that complex a subject, but it's one that I can't get my head around. There are a lot of things I don't understand and will probably never understand, so I'll leave it there. Maybe the only thing that matters now is how the financial markets interpret the news when the futures markets open tonight. Will we be back in Bear Market Rally town by morning, or will we have a veritable clusterfuck of a stock market selloff on our hands? Only time will tell.

Smoke and Mirrors

This morning, I asked the missus: Is it my imagination, or did you not sleep a wink last night? The truth of the matter is, when she doesn't sleep well, I don't sleep well. When I don't sleep well, I wake up feeling less well-rested, more prone to irritation, and less focused. I don't like waking up feeling less focused. There is literally no way to get this train back on the tracks without catching up on the sleep that I lost. I'm not against taking a nap somewhere along the line, but I'd rather not wake up feeling like I need to do that. Maybe the good news is that I have the luxury of taking a nap if that is what I require. As for the missus, not so much. Not nowadays, anyway.


I need to get on the stick and make the chili recipe that I've wanted to make for the better part of a week now. I prefer meat in my chili, but I occasionally enjoy a good veggie chili. I have all the ingredients, so I need to get to it. The missus won't eat my beef chili so I usually make her a side portion without the meat. That won't be necessary if I can get it all together today. We also have a nice lentil soup recipe that we should make before the spinach that I bought for the recipe goes bad. There's plenty of snow in the forecast for the upcoming week, so it will nice to have a good pot of hot chili readily available. That reminds me. I need to talk to the Ev man today to hammer out a schedule to get his car over here and in the garage. The storm is expected shortly after midnight tonight, so today is the day to get the details sorted.

I already have an e-mail from my neighbor about the snow that fell overnight last night. I don't know if that's her way of telling me to get on the stick and over to her driveway to clear the snow or if it's just her making a casual observation. What message will I be sending if I don't respond? Will she interpret that as my saying that I'll be there when I get there? Or, worse yet, will she interpret that as do it yourself if you want it done now? I plan to do my driveway in the next couple of hours, and then I'll pop over and do hers after I do mine. That's fair. Right? By doing mine first, I want her to know I have my priorities straight. She will always be second fiddle when it comes to snow removal. If she doesn't like it, she can clear her own driveway. I'm trying to be a good neighbor. No, really.

The missus and I were out and about late yesterday afternoon, walking around in downtown Portsmouth. They really need to do a better job of clearing the sidewalks when it snows. There are a lot of brick sidewalks, and they get very slippery when it snows. Putting down sand or salt probably doesn't pass muster with the locals who make such decisions. The missus and I had to walk hand in hand. Not because we're all lovey-dovey but because we thought leaning on each other might keep us upright should one or both of us lose our footing. The ankle-high snow banks separating the sidewalk from the curb where we parked were all but impossible to traverse unless you followed the tracks already laid down by pedestrians that came before you. Nothing was easy. Nor did we have any luck deciding on where we might like to stop for something to eat. For some reason or other, that's never been easy for us. Pandemic or no pandemic, it's always tough.

I thought Tucker Carlson would start unveiling footage of the January 6th "insurrection" on his show last night. That never happened for whatever reason. I know other groups also wanted to see the footage, and some of those groups have brought lawsuits. "It isn't fair that the Speaker of the House in the United States Congress should give this footage to a conservative media member and him alone," they whined. Tucker never explained why he had nothing to share despite his promise to his audience last week that we'd see it this week. I don't personally care who the Speaker shares the video with, but I do care that someone shows everything there is to show that effectively lifts the veil on what really happened on that fateful day back in 2020. Maybe we'll see it tonight. I also think there's a ton of footage, so it might have to be shared over several of Tucker's shows. Let's get this damn party started!

How the hell are we supposed to process everything we hear about Covid and the Wuhan labs? So, the Energy Department has now stated unequivocally that they believe that Covid started in a lab in Wuhan. Since day one, Trump has been saying this; many others have chimed in with the same theory. Most "theorists" have been blackballed, shut down, shadow banned, or roundly criticized by our government officials and their praetorian guard, the main street media. Conservative media is now showing many of those clips on a loop. It has to be somewhat embarrassing to the talking heads who were out front early on and vociferous with their condemnation and ridicule of people making those assertions. Where are the apologies? Has even one of those dopes walked back their comments? Not on your life. The bigger question now is, why. Why would China want to kill millions of people across the globe? Was that their intent?

I don't think I like the tone of what I hear from the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) these days. When the spy balloon thing was front and center in the news, China was insanely critical of the United States for shooting down their balloon. They conveniently said nothing about the fact that they were flying spy balloons over our country. Forget the fact that Bumbles Biden allowed the damn thing to traverse our country sucking up everything in sight for thousands of miles from coast to coast. I'm not sure that I take issue with the CCP accusing the Biden Administration of hypocrisy as it relates to Biden's criticism of China providing military assets to Russia when his Administration has been doing the same thing with Ukraine. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. No? I saw something this morning about China taking issue with our government banning the TikTok application on all government hand-held devices. You know, the very same TikToc application that sends data back to Beijing. My only question is, what the hell took Bumbles so long to do this?

Did you see footage on the telly of that wily old coot, Janet Yellen, in Ukraine? What the hell is our silver-haired octogenarian of a Treasury Secretary doing walking around in a war zone halfway around the world, rubbing up on Zelensky with a check for a billion dollars? We've already given Ukraine a hundred billion or more. How much more of our blood and treasure must we bleed before Zelensly and his comrades are satisfied? Who decides that? You would think that Zelensky does by how Biden and his minions prostrate themselves at Zelensky's feet at every turn. It makes me fucking sick to my stomach. When will the Europeans step up to the plate with their checkbooks? We look like fucking patsies on the world stage, and for what? So Bumbles and his crew can say they're fighting for democracy? They know Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. Right? Does this have anything to do with ten percent for the big guy? What about our people? What about East Palestine? Our homeless vets. Our mentally ill and homeless citizens?

It wouldn't surprise me at the end of the day to find out that Zelensky and his buddies have squirreled away billions of our dollars in a Switzerland bank account so he can live high off the hog when he's finished fleecing the Ukrainian people and all the suckers around the world who were dumb enough to send him money. I hope the Ukrainian people catch on to him sooner rather than later so they can bring him to justice. Maybe that's at the end of a rope, maybe it's in a jail cell. Someone has to pay a price for all of the lives needlessly lost in Ukraine so Zelensky and his friends could enrich themselves while Ukrainians die by the thousands on the ever-contracting front lines against Putin's war machine. Would it surprise anyone to find out that Zelensky doesn't even reside in Ukraine? I might even go so far as to say that Hollywood has done their part by constructing sets to mimic downtown Kyiv so Biden could be seen as America's Churchill during his visit to "Ukraine." Smoke and mirrors.

It looks like Twitter is down this morning. How am I supposed to catch up on the news? It's very disconcerting. Has one or more of Elon's people taken down the system in sympathy with those impacted by the latest round of layoffs at Twitter? You kick a bunch of these entitled but talented fucks to the curb, and you never know what kind of blowback you'll get. Who doesn't think that Elon will get the last laugh? I do feel a little exposed, though. It's part and parcel of who I am and what I do in the early morning hours on any given day. God forbid I have to go to or some such website to get my news. I stopped looking at his nonsense ages ago, so I'll just put that out there. Headlines on run-of-the-mill rags like the Washington Post wouldn't lower themselves to chime in the trials and travails of Twitter, but might well tell me who won the mayoral race in Chicago last night. Yes, I'm delighted that Lightfoot is toast. She was a real piece of shite.

I thought I heard a story or two about the Ukranians lobbing a couple of somethings across the border and into Russia. Not sure if they were drones, missiles, or what. I thought Vlad had said something about the end of times should this conflict cross into Russia. Will he be unleashing the hounds of hell now? I thought I saw pictures of one of Russia's oil refineries taking a direct hit. I thought the Ukrainians needed long-range missiles to hit inside Russia and that no country was willing to provide Ukraine with the missiles for fear of escalating the conflict or dragging one or more NATO countries into the conflict. This is how rumors get started. Who thinks for a minute that had a Russian refinery taken a direct hit that Putin would allow pictures of the resulting inferno to get out for the world to see? Putin is a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them. By the way, Has Putin declared war on Ukraine? I don't think he has. Officially, I mean.

Is Bumbles still selling China oil out of our Strategic Oil Reserves? Why is nobody talking about the Strategic Oil Reserves anymore? That's the oil store we as a country should use in an emergency. In the days leading up to the 2022 mid-term elections, Biden was accused of selling off our strategic petroleum reserves to bring down prices at the pump to favor democrats running for office. Prices dropped below $5 a gallon and have fallen even further. Oil prices spiked after Russia invaded Ukraine, and we all thought we'd be paying $10 a gallon at the pump, but that never came to pass. Home heating oil also spiked to over $5 a gallon, making for a long and expensive winter for many folks living on the margins. That, too, never came to pass. It's been a mild winter here in the Northeast, so that's helped keep prices lower than they might otherwise be. We're still far from the $1.99 a gallon at the pumps when Trump was in office. Just sayin'.

Speaking of living on the margins, people who qualified for food stamps during the pandemic have now lost that benefit since the pandemic is officially over. If I'm not mistaken, I think people received an extra $200 a month in food stamp benefits during the pandemic. Can you imagine receiving that kind of benefit only to have it taken away? This is the problem with these types of benefits. Imagine having a bogey like that and all the good it does in helping the poor and underprivileged deal with issues like food insecurity. Food stamp recipients might end up with as little as $26 a month in benefits now that the program has ended. You might as well not have any benefits at all for all $26 a month gets you these days. How are people living on the margins supposed to compensate for that shortfall? Food banks would be one way. Charity from friends and family would help. Still, financial independence is a cherished and noble goal in our society, yet it remains out of reach for many people. That's just a fact.

My chili turned out pretty good. It's a keeper is what you're supposed to say when you find a recipe that clicks. I made enough so that we might be able to freeze some for a rainy day. I think what I liked most about it was the consistency. The missus said it was borderline too spicy, but that didn't stop her from finishing her dish. You can put just about anything in chili and get away with it. My recipe used summer squash, corn, red and green peppers, and three types of beans. I served the missus a nice hot dish of chili with a piece of fresh buttered sourdough bread. I sprinkled the chili with a nice blend of Mexican cheeses. I passed on the bread since I'm trying to avoid things like white bread. It's all about staying away from the foodstuffs that spike my blood sugars. I almost put margarine on the bread I served the missus but thought better of it when I looked at the margarine. It looked sick. There's just no substitute for real butter. I think I'm done with the margarine.

There's another case of a human dying of the bird flu in the news this morning. I'm unsure if this is China's latest attempt to poison the world's population or maybe just another pandemic in its infancy. The missus mentioned to me the other day that if a poultry farmer finds even one case of bird flu in the birds they house, they are forced to kill all their birds. That seems a little heavy-handed to me but okay. Did I also see something about treating the chickens with an mRNA vaccine of sorts? These bastards are doing everything possible to get those damnable vaccines into our bloodstream. It wasn't enough that big pharma paid every politician in sight to force the jabs on us until we wised up and saw their efforts for what they were. If anyone asks me if I plan to have a chicken dish anytime soon, my response will be, "hell no!" I don't care how many "mRNA-free" stickers I see on the packaging.

More and more reports are coming out on the inefficacy of masks. I've never put much stock in them anyway. They are usually slipping here and there on our faces, and, more often than not, you're using your hands to readjust your mask. How many times have you been warned to keep your hands away from your face to prevent transmission of viruses and other things? It's just another case of how we deal with things like pandemics that only come once in a hundred years. If you look at pictures of the smallpox pandemic in 1918, you'll see the same old rags hanging off people's faces that you saw in 2020. We haven't learned a goddamn thing. I asked the missus if she would consider not wearing her mask everywhere she goes in light of the reports. She told me she'd continue to wear it while shopping at places like Walmart and our local grocery stores. I still see people driving alone in their cars while wearing masks, so I guess it could be worse.


The American woman I follow on Twitter, who now resides in Taiwan with her husband, posted a 360-degree video of the view from her apartment on the fourteenth floor. It was a pretty-pretty nice view. Now that the Chi-Coms have announced that they are moving up their timeline for reunifying Tawain with mainland China, I have to run her video through my mind with a filter. If you've seen the smoldering ruins of many a Ukrainian city or village after a constant barrage of missiles by Russia, you know where I'm going with this. We're talking hollowed-out, decimated, unimaginable. Will she and the hubster be forced into subterranean shelters for endless days and weeks while subsisting on a finite supply of canned rations while Taiwan fights for its very existence above ground? Will I even recognize her when she's perp walked out of her shelter by her Chinese captors? Will her American citizenship be a burden or, better yet, a get-out-of-jail-free card? Knowing what I know about the Democrat's appetite for waging war in shitholes worldwide, I don't see this ending well for this woman or her husband should China invade Taiwan. It's just a matter of time.

I'm no tactician, but I don't see how we here in America mount a credible defense for Taiwan thousands of miles away against a country the size of China, which is, relatively speaking, a mere stone's throw away from mainland China. The disadvantages of doing so are countless. Even if we were to win, that is to say, we could keep the chi-coms from occupying Taiwan, how would we sustain such a victory longer term? Maybe it's not much different from what we see with Cuba, just 90 miles off our shores. I don't know where I'm going with all of this. I think it's a bit foolhardy to underestimate China's might, willingness, and ability to do what they want with Taiwan. Hell, they waltzed into Hong Kong, and we did nothing. Why is Taiwan different? They (China) have more of everything than we do in terms of their tools to wage and win a war, if we're to believe what we hear, and that has to count for something. Right? Convince me, if you can, that we should be willing to sacrifice American blood and treasure to protect Taiwan from China. I'll wait.

I think I'll do what I did when this whole Ukraine thing kicked off back a year or more ago. I went looking this morning for people to follow on Twitter who know a thing or two about what's happening daily between China and Taiwan. You have to be careful when you do this. You never know who is tweeting state-sponsored propaganda and who is giving you the straight poop. The same can be said for the people I followed back in the day about Ukraine and who I continue to follow. You could say I pick and choose who I want to believe on any given day. Words are one thing, and video is quite another. Everything you see or read is intended to send a message. When the Ukrainians post pictures of dead Russians piled up like cordwood to suggest they have the upper hand, I'm getting out my bullshit meter and looking for evidence that what I'm looking at has been staged. I do the same thing when looking at pictures posted by the Wagner Group. It makes it that much more difficult to call winners and losers.

Have I chimed in yet on this whole drag show thing? Yes, I see it as yet another weapon of the left to distort and pervert our social mores. As if it isn't bad enough that the leftists have control over our educational systems, they need to go after our society's most cherished and valued members, our children. I don't get their overt attempts to sexualize our children, but that seems to be what they want to accomplish when holding these so-called drag shows in our communities. I've seen the videos, and believe me, they are not only not staged, but they leave little to the imagination. I'm not against pole dancers, per se, but when male pole dancers dress up like women and strut their stuff while inviting three-year-olds to stuff dollar bills into their garter belts, I'm calling them out. Arrest the mother fuckers and put laws in place to put these perverts out of business. If they want a cultural conflagration, we'll give them a cultural conflagration. Twerk at your own peril, you perverts.

Have you seen the videos of groups of people, usually from marginalized communities, going into stores in our bigger cities and walking out with armfuls of merchandise? That really pisses me off. Somewhere along the line, someone has convinced these losers that they are somehow entitled to help themselves to whatever the damn hell they think they're entitled to, and all they have to do is to show up and take it. Soros has put all the right attorneys in office to ensure that none of these criminals are charged, much less jailed, for their transgressions against society. The Walmarts of the world, and other big box joints like Walmart, are taking matters into their own hands. Good for them. They are packing up and moving the hell out of these god-forsaken shithole communities and heading for greener pastures where looting and pillaging are still against the law. Mom-and-pop stores likely have no such option available to them, so if budgets allow, I suggest that they put everything from toothpaste to tapioca behind bars to make it difficult, if not impossible, for the criminals to help themselves. Now you understand why the left is so hell-bent on taking away your guns.

I told the missus this morning that I had a good bike ride yesterday. It was a cold and cloudy thirty-seven degrees out of doors, and rain was in the air but not yet visible to the naked eye. It was just one of those days where I was both dressed perfectly, so I wasn't too hot or cold, and the cold moisture-saturated air was hyper-conducive to supercharging my energy stores and putting that extra spring in my step. I had to let up on the peddling here and there when I realized I was discharging energy at a seemingly reckless and breakneck pace. I steered clear of the painted white lines on the blacktop, thinking, perhaps incorrectly, that the surface of the painted lines was slicker and more dangerous beneath my careening tires. Traffic was lighter than usual along the Boulevard, which gave me a license to do as I damned well pleased, and all I could think of when I was coming down the home stretch was, feets don't fail me now.

The missus and I stopped by Otto's in Exeter, NH, yesterday afternoon to pick up a pizza on our way home from visiting Mrs. G. We ordered a large mushroom and Vidalia onion pizza for $26. This same pizza a year ago probably cost eighteen dollars or less. I could count the number of mushrooms on the pizza on one or two hands. The onions were hard to find, but I convinced myself they were probably tucked beneath the cheese topping somewhere. The crust was pretty darn good, but not twenty-six dollars worth. I usually give my crust to the missus to gnaw on, but I ate my own crust this time around. It had a buttery crispness to it that I quite enjoyed. As of late, I've been steering clear of bread products, but I rather enjoyed this particular indulgence, delicious as it was. We had a hankering to try out this pizza place, so that is what we did. It's not our favorite pizza joint in town, but it's a close second.

It's hard to believe that March has arrived here on the seacoast. Well, not just here, anyway. I guess that goes without saying. We're supposed to get close to a foot of snow today, but nothing is coming down at the moment. Maybe it's the big guy's way of telling me to get out and clear the few inches that have already fallen before the storm resumes. I'm keeping an eye on the temperatures since this thing could turn to all rain, which would make for a sludgy mess. I have no problem with sludge, per se, but my snowblower will invariably clog up, and then where would I be? My neighbor wouldn't be pleased if I failed to show up since she is still recovering from hip surgery. As it's March, and warmer temperatures are likely on the way, maybe I will do nothing and let Mother Nature do what she does best. One thing I won't be doing is shoveling. That would be tempting fate, and nobody in their right mind does that in times like this. First things first. What's for breakfast, little darlings?

Was there any particular reason that the White House had to release a story yesterday afternoon about Biden's doctor removing a cancerous lesion from Biden's chest? Who gives a flying fuck? The release of this story is about as meaningless as the bullshit releases they sent out after Bumbles had his most recent physical. Where is the report on Bumble's faltering cognitive function? Where are the reports from the Intelligence Agencies about money laundering and other criminal activities being conducted out of our country's beloved White House by the Biden Crime Family? Has this demented old fuck declared his run for the 2024 presidency yet? Oh, that's right. Doctor Jill, the one with the fishnet stockings, says that he's going to run. I guess that means he's running. We're talking about the same "president" who hasn't stood at a podium and given a press conference in over a year. There is no number of cue cards or earpieces feeding him answers that would get him through a presser. Again, when will we, the American people, hear anything resembling the truth coming out of this administration? No wonder we're a laughingstock on the world stage.

I'm waking up to yet another clown from Biden's Administration going over and shaking hands with that grifter Zelensky in Ukraine. This time it's our Attorney General. What the hell is the Attorney General of the United States doing traveling halfway around the world to shake hands with the criminal, Zelensky? Last week it was Janet Yellen, our Treasury Secretary. What the fuck is going on? Curious minds want to know. I'm beginning to think that these staged events are happening not in Ukraine but on a Hollywood set somewhere in the foothills of Hollywood, California. I said the same thing when I saw Bumbles Biden stumbling stiffly alongside the camouflage-clad Zelensky as they allegedly made their way through the streets of Kyiv, Ukraine's capital city. There is just no fucking way these clowns traveled to Ukraine for what amounted to a photo op with the grifter who has effectively fleeced our country's taxpayers of tens of billions of dollars. I'll ask again. Where are the Congressional hearings? Have we no fucking heroes left? Stand the fuck up and be counted! Godamnit.

I'll end this little tirade of mine with one last little clusterfuck. I was watching this show on the telly last night called "The Watchful Eye." It got pretty good reviews on IMDB so I decided to give it a try. Besides, I like Hulu productions as much as the next guy (or gal). Don't get me going with any of your binary or non-binary bull. Anyway, you hear rumors about this network and that network going woke. I couldn't care less as long as I don't feel like they're trying to bamboozle me with their cultural bullshit. Apple productions are notoriously woke and, with a couple of exceptions like "Servant" and one other show whose title escapes me at the moment, I avoid them like the plague. Anyway, this Watchful Eye show is the first show I've ever seen where actors introduced themselves using their pronouns. It was a real WTF moment. There may have been other clues but being the ludite that I am they may well have gone right over my head. I'm not saying that I won't finish watching the series. I am saying that this better not be the start of some goddamn trend or I'm going to be done. Maybe they can start labeling shows woke and pre-woke. God help us.

Buckle Up

Bumbles is in Kyiv this morning on a surprise visit to see his fellow huckster, Zelensky. His handlers probably told him he was going to a rally in Rehobeth, Delaware, and to just read the cue cards they put in his hands. Where is the bagman, Hunter? Is he still pulling down $83k a month from his job as an oil and gas expert working for Burisma? Where's doctor Jill? You know, the brains of the operation and Bumble's personal care assistant. Yes, that's right—the one with the fishnet stockings.


Bumbles is in Kyiv, offering the Ukrainian people unending support through money and arms to assist the Ukrainians in their border dispute with their neighbor, Russia. His specific promise is "as long as it takes" whenever he is asked about America's commitment to Ukraine. In contrast, our borders here in America are wide open to every criminal, every terrorist, every rapist, and every last indigent and uneducated scoundrel from all over the world. Bumbles and his minions wouldn't have it any other way. But, when it comes to the good people of Ukraine and their sacrosanct borders, tell me what you need, says Bumbles.

Meanwhile, Bumble's Vice President, Kamala Harris, calls Putin a war criminal on the world stage and threatens to haul his sorry ass before the World Court in Hague, where he will be charged with war crimes. She's come a long way from her early days in San Fransisco when she gave hummers on her lunch hour to her main squeeze at the time, Wille Brown. Her grasp of world history is sadly lacking if she thinks Bumbles and his stooges will waltz into downtown Moscow and pull Putin from some spider hole in the ground as Bush did with Saddam Hussein. This clown car of an administration is clearly out over their skis when it comes to sorting out the intricacies of what passes these days for international diplomacy. Putting American boots on the ground in Ukraine will be the least of our worries as Americans if we allow this fool of a president to continue down this perilous path. Congress, are you listening?

Is it any surprise that the Ukrainian people are singing Bumble's praises this morning as he gives his speech from downtown Kyiv? Where would they be without NATO countries sending them unlimited weapons and money? Ukraine might have come to the negotiating table long before now, and tens of thousands of their fellow citizens might still be alive had the West not interfered with a border conflict. The West continues to spread their bullshite about Russia not stopping at Ukraine's borders if they are allowed to take Ukrainian territory without any resistance. That would put Russia into direct conflict with NATO forces, and nobody believes that Russia thinks that's winnable. The West might have crossed the rubicon now that we've called for Putin's capture and arrest. It likely incentivizes Putin to double his efforts and put the entire country of Ukraine in his sights. And now, China openly states that it will support Russia in its war with Ukraine.

What is it with all these industrial accidents we're seeing nationwide today? The train derailment in Ohio is but one of many examples. It has a "careening" feel, making me wonder what shoe we'll see drop next. It seems that our transportation infrastructure, as is our nation's food supply, is being targeted, as seen with various fires at poultry farms countrywide. Add to that various unexplained network outages, and you start to get a little curious about where the hell this is going. Is this payback for Biden's alleged part in destroying Russia's Nordstream Pipeline? Is this part and parcel of the "famine" Biden referenced in a speech he made in Europe some months ago? How much of what we see has to do with Biden and his cozying up to the Chinese Communist Party? They own Bumbles and the entire Biden crime family lock, stock, and barrel, so you have to figure they'd be looking to cash in on their investment sooner or later. Will we even have any gas left in the tank, or the weaponry, or the will to fight if and when China attacks Taiwan? Is that fight even in our best interests as national interests go?

We have so many nationals from so many countries, including nationals from China, crossing into our country illegally that you can't discount the fact that some of those crossers might be doing what they've been sent here to do. This is what terrorists do when dispatched to do a job. Bumbles Biden has already told them he is looking the other way if they can find their way to our southern border. In other words, come one, come all. I guess it may not be difficult to torch a food processing plant if you have the tools and the will to pull it off. A plus is receiving a stipend from the government that sent you there to do the job. It's all conjecture on my part, but you have to be open to conspiracies when you see your country going to hell in a handbasket. You can't go on thinking that none of what you're seeing isn't by design.

Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, has released countless hours of video of the January 6th "insurrection" to Tucker Carlson to look over and show to the public as he sees fit. The video will likely show the American public that the so-called "insurrection" was not an actual insurrection. Rather, I expect some of the footage to vindicate many people who have since been convicted and jailed. It will likely prove without a doubt that Nancy Pelosi was instrumental in making the insurrection possible and crafting the spectacle to set up and further demonize Donald J Trump as the leader of some far-right Nazi-like movement. Her January 6th Committee would be Washington's Court of the Hague, and she would televise every moment of it in living color with witnesses hostile to our former president. She even had her daughter's film crew on the premises during the event, capturing the politicians fleeing for their lives and cowering in fear behind doors and beneath desks.

This film has never been released to the public at Pelosi's direction since it would make their case against Trump next to impossible. How do you explain the Capitol Police opening doors and waving people into the People's House through entrances not typically open to the public? How do you explain the masses of orderly protestors who came and went without tearing down statues and breaking down doors like your everyday Antifa rabble-rouser? I don't know how they managed to keep this footage from the defense attorneys. How did judges allow this to happen? Is this what a kangaroo court looks like? We lock people up because we don't like their politics? Every democrat was silent as every last defendant was found guilty and given lengthy sentences. I hope to God that this footage we're about to see exposes the insurrection nonsense for the scam that it was and that we see many, if not all, of these people who have been sentenced released. How do we now find justice for them?

I might have preferred to see this video released on Twitter. It deserves an honest airing, and I'm not sure we'll see everything we need to see if Carlson gets to pick and choose what we see. Context is important, so Tucker can provide that as he sees fit. I also trust him to show the video that best captures the lies and fabrications that the democrats have dishonestly laid at the feet of the American public since this all began. The democrats knew well in advance of Trump's plan to go to Washington DC, on January 6th for a planned rally, and they weren't about to let that opportunity slip by without putting a plan in motion to send as many Trump supporters and Trump himself if possible, to jail. We'll hopefully see the extent of the participation of the FBI and other Intelligence agencies in the creation and exacerbation of the event that unfolded that day. It will lay to rest the lies that the democrats continue to tell about the five or more Capitol police that died that day. The only person who died on January 6th was a Trump supporter, Ashley Babbit. She was shot down in cold blood by an undercover policeman who has yet to be held to account for gunning down an unarmed "trespasser."

What the hell is the foreperson of the Georgia Grand Jury doing making the rounds on national television looking and talking like a crackhead as she seems to suggest that there are several high-profile people that they plan on recommending for indictment? I thought this was supposed to be a secret grand jury. I'm guessing she couldn't say no to CNN and MSNBC, who are literally and figuratively salivating at the prospect of seeing names of indictees like Donald Trump, Rudi Guiliani, and others in bold on their chyrons on a twenty-four-hour loop. There is no price too high that they wouldn't be willing to pay, given half a chance. Is this not the very definition of stupid? Unfortunately, these woke sickos, and I'm referring to the foreperson here, are the types that the leftists love to pack juries with these days. The good news is that having the foreperson jumping the shark like this can be grounds for many things, including the dismissal of charges against those indicted. Even if nobody ultimately gets recommended for indictment, this drip-drip-drip of negative media can be bad for someone like Trump, whose attention is laser-focused on winning back the White House.

I'm getting a little worried about the constant warmongering I'm hearing and seeing coming from Biden and the neocons. It's not enough that we're giving hundreds of billions of our taxpayer's money to Ukraine, we now have to worry about getting into a kinetic war with Russia and China over some fucking backwater of a country like Ukraine? And we have this senile old fuck of a president making the rounds in Poland giving speeches like he's Winston Churchill? Do they know that Bumbles Biden is one raised hand away from being ousted from office using the 25th amendment? That's the amendment that removes a president from office when they no longer have the capacity to do the job due to a physical or mental deficit. It wasn't that long ago that I thought Biden was sleepwalking us into a confrontation with Russia. Now, I'm more of the mind that it's all very deliberate. I'm not talking Cuban Missile crisis just yet, but we're getting closer by the minute.

Maybe Bumbles thinks his chances of winning a second term will be bolstered if he's a bona fide wartime president by the time 2024 rolls around. His approval numbers are already in the low forties, so he can't go much lower. If body bags carrying the bodies of our boys and girls start rolling into our country by the tens of thousands, will Americans still be singing the praises of the fool on the Hill who thinks he's Winston Churchill reincarnate? More worrisome to me is that our military is more concerned with equity, diversity, and inclusion these days than about fighting and winning wars. We simply can't have men hunkering down in European foxholes wearing lipstick and donning stiletto heels and fishnet stockings. That only increases the chances that we'll see LGBTQ flag-draped coffins rolling off the backs of US transport planes, and that is never a good look. All of this assumes we get ourselves involved in a conventional war. If Biden and his woke generals go nuclear, all bets are off. We'll need more urns and fewer coffins if we need anything at all.

I'm constantly amazed by the number of cars passing me by while biking that fail to give me a wide berth. Sometimes there are no cars in sight, and the cars that pass me have every chance to cross into the other lane, if only a little, but they don't. It's almost as though they don't see me or, worse yet, they choose to ignore me. I don't know that they wish me harm, but by passing me as closely as they do, sometimes I'm left to think the worst. I'm used to it for the most part, so I do my best not to make it difficult for them by staying in my lane and as far to the right in my lane as possible. I've considered veering from side to side from time to time just to let them know that I'm unpredictable and that they should adjust accordingly. Thankfully, my trusty mirror tells me a lot about what's coming my way, and I've been known to drive off the pavement and onto the dirt or grass if my spidey sense flashes red. I also think there are some malevolent types out there who wouldn't think twice about knicking a biker given half a chance. And then there are those people who just don't care, have had a bad day at the office, have broken up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, or whatever.

Trump went to East Palestine yesterday. Neither Biden or Butt-Edge-Edge have shown up since the accident a week or so ago. I'm always suspicious of politicians who show up when these things happen. It's kinda like the lawyer who shows up at the scene of an accident and starts handing out his business card to everyone in sight. They call those guys and gals ambulance chasers, and for good reason. I'm not sure that this wasn't anything more than a photo-op for Trump, but I'm willing to give him credit for showing up and lending his support to the good people in Palestine who are struggling with the ecological hell that has descended on their town in the wake of the train derailment. It's actually a little bit sad that the major television networks, including FOX, decided not to cover his visit because they wanted to give Trump as little oxygen as possible. They deprived the good people in that town of coverage that would only help to highlight their plight, but it was more important to the networks that they deny Trump any airtime whatsoever, so that is what they did, or didn't do.

I saw a story last night about the airlines here in our country hiring airline pilots based on diversity, equity, and inclusion standards rather than competence. In case you're wondering how this story ends, the black pilot crashed his 737 into the water killing all three people on board. He, the pilot of the fated 737, was hired not because he had a stellar record of flying over a number of years but because of his skin color. It was more important to the airline that they hire someone of color to prove their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion than putting someone behind the yoke of that Boeing who actually knew what the hell he was doing. Does that mean you'll never see me boarding a flight with a black pilot in the cockpit? You bet your ass it does. This isn't because I think black men or women can't be good pilots. It's because I can't trust the airlines not to put the health and welfare of their passengers ahead of their commitment to a leftist ideology that demands they hire pilots based on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's a cancer on the industry, and they're just getting started.


The missus and I were out and about last night around six o'clock with temperatures in the low twenties. It was raining, which was really weird considering how cold it was outside. It looked like a fine icy drizzle, and it definitely was not snow. I could see it building up on our windshield, and I was running out of buttons to press to make it go away. Thankfully, we were just out to pick up a nice cauliflower crust pizza so we didn't have far to go. I could just imagine someone commuting and having to deal with the ice accumulating on their windshields every few seconds. The roads seemed okay, but roadways tend to turn to ice rinks when this sort of thing happens. There's a bit of a buildup of hardened snow on our driveway this morning, and it's not something that I can use my snowblower on. I'd like to think that temperatures might warm up a bit and melt the darn stuff, but it's only supposed to get colder from here on in. The good news is that we have a garage, so I won't need a blowtorch to get into my car. The even better news is that we didn't lose our electricity overnight.

I'm reading on my Twitter feed that we plan to send around 200 American troops to Taiwan. There is also a response from what appears to be a valid Chinese Twitter account telling the US in no uncertain terms that Americans will be targeted first should they decide to invade the island of Taiwan. I don't suppose that sending a small contingent of US troops to Taiwan would forestall any plans that mainland China might have regarding Taiwan, so I'm not sure what Bumbles and his incompetent crew in the White House had in mind when hatching this latest plot of theirs.

It sounds like something that one or more of the soy boys surrounding Biden came up with, and Biden, being the idiot that he is, gave what appeared to be a nod when, in fact, he was probably just falling asleep. Did I mention that North Korea is threatening a declaration of war against the United States? It's probably just Chairman Kim being Chairman Kim. It will not stop the US from going ahead with their planned joint military exercises with South Korea off the coast of Korea. Still, it's one more fucking log on the bonfire that is our international diplomacy being stoked by the fool of all fools in the White House, Bumbles Biden.

I don't quite understand China's role in this whole Ukraine versus Russia thing. On one hand, they're trying very hard to be the grownup in the room by suggesting a settlement of sorts in order to save lives. On the other hand, they are sending drones to Russia for use in the conflict. Are they not crossing a rubicon of sorts with the drones? How does the West deal with this matter concerning China's expanded role in the conflict? Do we buy fewer of their goods to stock Walmart's shelves? I'm sure Pete Butt-Edge-Edge is all over this. He's done such a great job with the East Palestine disaster that I want him at the table when they around to discussing this. That's a joke. I'm just kidding. No, really.

CNN interviewed foreign nationals fighting in Ukraine on their program last night. I had visions of mercenaries from around the world going to the shithole that is Ukraine not to fight to the death to protect Ukraine's national integrity but rather to ply the trade for which they've been trained. Maybe someone decided that showing the faces of Ukrainian fighters in the field was counterproductive for some reason. Like, hey, that's Billy Bob what's his name from Kiev! Let's hunt down his family, and we can shell the shit out of his town just to show them we mean business. Thanks for nothing, CNN.

There's a vote of some kind coming up in the Senate I think about giving the World Health Organization (WHO) power over sovereign countries like the US when dealing with pandemics. Would it surprise anyone that Bumbles Biden would want to sign off on this bullshit? I think the US Senate has the final say if I understand how this all works. It would mean that the WHO gets to dictate everything associated with battling pandemics however pandemics get defined by the WHO. Had they been the final word on who did and didn't get the vaccines here in the US when Covid came around, Americans wouldn't have had a say. It's also important to understand who finances the World Health Organization and which country holds sway over the policies they implement. I'm talking about China here. Do you want the Chinese Communist Party telling you which and how many jabs to take for those viruses or pandemics they deem "dangerous?" The answer is simple: You do not. I can hear all of the red state governors now hollering out in unison: Go fuck yourself! Read the goddamn Constitution. There's something about state's rights that you might be interested in. I think it's the tenth amendment to the Constitution.

I'm seeing an awful lot of stories these days about the bird flu. None of the stories portend good things. Even worse, whenever I sit at the computer, I see that the missus has left up a website about the bird flu. She goes to bed thinking and worrying about this kind of stuff. Have we seen any stories of human-to-human transmission? We have not. But this is how it all starts. Right? Remember all the talk about the bats and the wet markets in China when we here in the West started hearing about Covid? "It's not really a problem until we have evidence that it is being transmitted from human to human," they said. Not long after that, we started to hear accounts about the immense swaths of death and destruction as the virus laid waste to unsuspecting Europeans. You know how this story ends. We're in for another go-round of pandemics if this bird flu thing gets started in earnest. As for the missus, she is barely getting back to normal after hiding out for two years during the Covid craze. Let's hope this thing doesn't become the next contagion for her sake.

I've watched a little bit of the Murdaugh trial on YouTube. It's quite a story. I don't have an opinion on his innocence or guilt in the murder of his wife and youngest son, but I'm not sure I've ever seen someone admit to having lied about this, that, and everything under the sun for as long as he has. It's no wonder his wife was on the verge of getting a divorce. I'm surprised that there wasn't another woman in the mix. I'm referring to an affair of sorts. You had everything else. It's a classic case of when things start to go bad, they really start to go bad. No wonder he was popping pills day in and day out. Some 50-60 a day if we're to believe what he says about how many pills he consumed. Neither he nor his sons were seemingly held to account for anything, including the alleged murder of the gay guy who allegedly had a "relationship" with Buster Murdaugh or the death of the young woman who died in the boating accident when Paul Murdaugh was behind the wheel and drunk out of his mind. It probably doesn't matter if they find him innocent or guilty of the murder of his wife and son. He's not likely to see the light of day outside of a prison again anyway, so that's that. Lock him up and throw away the key. Git er done.

I'm trying to think if I have anything else to say before I kick this week's blog to the curb. We have more snow coming in a few days so that's good. We have a lot to make up for after a remarkably snowless month of February here in New England. That will make for more work for me, and probably less biking, but winter will soon be in the rear view mirror once March rolls in. I can never remember. Is it in like a lamb and out like a lion, or the other way around? Either way, it means gusty winds and that makes for a more difficult ride up and down the coast. Well, one way anyway. The wind is usuallly either at my back or in my face. I've not decided which I prefer. What elese you got, Johnny boy? Did I mention that the missus brought me a poke' bowl back from her visit to Massachusetts yesterday? It was a salmon poke dish with sweet rice and other things. I prefer tuna but they were out of tuna. Thank you, darlin'. You're always thinking of me.

She brought a used PC home with her from one of her clients. He upgraded to a iMac reccently, and the PC was now just in the way so she offered to get rid of the darn thing for him. I guess it's our problem now. Do we need a used PC for any reason? I don't think so but it could come in handy. I'll need to figure out how to wipe the hard drive and, if I'm not mistaken, I think I'll need certain software for that. Or, we could just clean her up and take her to the town recycling center. That's probably where she's going to end up sooner or later. You know how I feel about taking other people's trash. I've got enough of my own for chrissakes. Well, more to the point, we've got enough of our own. She should have charged her client with a cleaning fee or some such fee for taking the damn thing off his hands. Nothing is free these days. Right?

I'll need to see the lineup of talking heads for this morning's television shows before I decide if and what I want to watch. It will be interestimng to see if the train derailment story in east Palestine is still in the news. The networks can always lean into the Ukraine story if they're wanting to avoid other stories less favorable to Bumbles Biden and his minions. You know why Bumbles never went to East Palestine. Right? The townfolk would have been shouting expletives from the sidelines and that wouldn't make for good press when Bumbles is planning to announce a run for his second term. His handlers simply wouldn't allow him to go there even if he wanted to. He doesn't know where he is or where he's going half the time anyway so it probably doesn't matter. He just reads the script in front of him. That's how the demented old fuck rolls. Tell me again how he got eighty-one million votes. It's such bullshit.

The Ev man gave a call this morning. He gave me an update on the things we bought at Whole Foods yesterday. He was okay with the mozzarella balls but the sauce wasn't very good. He also complained about the fact that he once again underestimated how much milk he thought he was going to need when he bought what he bought at Whole Foods. I tried to convince hin that he should be buying both a larger sized container of milk and maybe more than one but he wasn't buying what I was selling. Not that he isn't open to suggestion, becasue he certainly is. I think, like I said, he underestimated what he was going to need. The missus and I plan to pick up his car in the next day or two before the next storm because he likes to have his car garaged during the storms. I think it spares him the trouble of moving his car back and forth between the upper and lower lots of his complex so they can clear the snow from both lots after every storm. That's fine. You do what you can for family. It's always about the family. Maybe we can drop off a couple of gallons of milk when we stop by.

Train Wreck

Can you believe all the bullshit we hear from the White House about these things they're shooting out of the skies? One general was quoted on air saying that he couldn't count out the fact that these "objects" might be extraterrestrial flying objects. Who the hell do they think their kidding? Bumbles and his minions sitting in the White House have gone from allowing a Chinese Communist spy balloon to traverse our entire nation and sucking up every bit of intelligence before shooting it down after it drifted offshore to shooting down everything in sight in the space of three to four days. Members of both parties in Congress are complaining about the lack of transparency coming out of the White House, and for good reason.


What are Bumbles and his trash heap of a crowd that prop him up day-to-day hiding? Does it have anything to do with the revelation in the last few days about Biden's role in blowing up the Nordstream pipeline? Have they found more classified documents in one or more of Joey's several beach houses in Delaware? How about the derailment of the train in East Palestine, Ohio, that is presently spewing dark rain clouds filled with hydrochloric acid into the atmosphere putting every living thing within a hundred-mile radius at risk? As for the train accident, does this have anything to do with the recent negotiations between the Union and the freight line company? Maybe we now know why the Unions insisted that the lead trains have more than one conductor on board. And curious minds want to know. Why are they arresting reporters who attempt to write about this incident? It's only the worst industrial accident in the history of the United States.

This is where the Republican majority in the House of Representatives has to step up to the plate. It wouldn't surprise me to know that all of this shit hitting the fan simultaneously is nothing more than a smoke screen to distract Congress from their ongoing investigations into the Biden Crime Family, the corruption of our Intelligence agencies, and other related misdeeds. Congress will run out of committees to delve into everything that needs delving into, which would suit Joey and his den of thieves just fine. Where the hell is Butt-Edge-Edge in all of this? Isn't he Biden's Secretary of Transportation? Shouldn't he be the face of the administration regarding this horrible accident in Ohio? It's fucking crickets. If I see one more picture of that clown breastfeeding his infant with fake breasts, I think I'm gonna lose it. They probably want to run that loser for president in 2024, so they can't very well show him in a bad light. God fucking forbid.

It's so funny. The Chinese are now reporting sightings of UFO's. You know it's a tongue-in-cheek poke at Biden and his feckless generals. They know what Biden's up to with all of his bullshit, and they're taking full advantage of the situation. They've seen fools like Biden before, and they're playing him like a fiddle. They're also pretty busy pouring over all the data they obtained from their spy balloon that Joey allowed to traverse our country for the better part of four days a week ago. Is it me, or does it seem weird to you that we're shooting these so-called objects out of the skies in places that make it almost impossible to find the remnants of whatever it is that we're shooting down? We're also using some pretty big guns to take these things out of the sky. It almost ensures that there will be little to nothing left to analyze with any degree of specificity.

Let's call this what it is. It's a wag-the-UFO story. Did you hear that general say something about there being no apparent propulsion system on board the unidentified craft? Oh, it gets better. There were other reports about these unidentified crafts interfering with the electronics onboard the fighter jets that were in pursuit. How fucking stupid do they think we are? It's almost like they're rehashing and retooling every story we've ever heard about UFO's to gaslight the living shit out of us. I think the American people have had enough of their bullshit. No, I know the American people are fed up. It''s all just another god dammned smokescreen put up by the tragedy that is the Biden Administration these days. This UFO story will likely fade away just as quickly as it came into being, and they'll be off and running with some other cockeyed narrative to distract us from their incompetence. We can't let that happen.

I wasn't planning to take sides one way or another for this year's Super Bowl. That said, I was getting a little tired of hearing about the Philadelphia Eagles and how great they are. I thought that taking them down a notch or two might be a good thing. I have nothing against Philadelphia, per se, or the sports teams that come out of Philadelphia, so I had no axe to grind one way or another. As they say in the movies, I made no wagers and had no expectations, so I wasn't in it to win it. It was a pretty good game to watch, and they seemed to be matched up pretty well as professional football teams go. I was a little worried when Mahomes hobbled off the field just before halftime after being tackled on a play. When he returned to the field after halftime, he was just fine. Whew. I will say that the one penalty called against the Eagles in the last few minutes was pure unadulterated hooey. It gave the Chiefs a new set of downs, allowing them to control the clock and set up the winning field goal in the last few seconds of the game. That's how you do it, boys. Well done.

I agree with the tweets I'm reading these days about the train disaster in Ohio. Get the goddamn executives from the company that owns these trains in front of Congress and the American people, and let's get to the bottom of how this happened. More importantly, who instructed the media giants like CNN and MSNBC to cover this up? Who gave the order to light the chemicals carried in those rail cars on fire? This is worse than the Bhopal accident in India in 1988 or thereabouts. This is a bigger ecological disaster than Chernobyl. How about Three Mile Island?

Fish are dying by the hundreds of thousands in the streams and rivers within a 100-mile radius of the chemical mushroom cloud they created when they deliberately ignited the chemicals. Oddly enough, the government has already approved the return of the residents just days after they ordered the area evacuated. Wut? The chemicals from the fire are already being found as far away as West Virginia, some 200 miles away. And then you have the clownish Transportation Secretary, Pete Butt-Edge-Edge, on television laughing about the sighting of spy balloons without saying a word about the disaster in Palestine, Ohio.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Biden and his praetorian media are covering this up because they realize that if the story got legs, they would likely lose voters in surrounding states like Ohio and Pennsylvania in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. That would be a death knell for anyone running for president. Another theory I've heard espoused says that East Palestine, Ohio, is what they refer to as flyover country, so it doesn't warrant any attention by our Commander-in-Chief, Bumbles Biden, since the residents in those communities voted for Trump in 2020 by a 7-1 ratio.

I watched one woman on TikTok talking about the fact that neither FEMA nor the Red Cross even bothered coming to town to assist the families and businesses impacted. Can you blame them? That's their fucking job! Put on your hazmat suits, get your lazy little asses down to the site, and do your job. I'm guessing that Bumbles Biden thinks that talking publicly about the incident would give it more oxygen, and that's the last thing he wants to do. Bumbles is also missing in action when it comes to commenting on the balloons or the extra-terrestrials, as his Four Star General suggested in the last week. Truth be told, Bumbles is utterly and ridiculously incapable of answering questions without cue cards, and these events simply don't lend themselves to prepackaged questions and answers. He's also not going to get away with picking and choosing who he wants to take questions from when he stands before the media throng. Those days are fucking O-V-E-R. The American people deserve answers, and they deserve them now.

Tucker Carlson covered the rail disaster in Ohio last night on his show, but even he failed to give it the level of attention it deserves. The vinyl chloride that was deliberately ignited following the spill turned into hydrochloric acid in the skies over Ohio, and Tucker never mentioned the term "hydrochloric acid." There's probably only so much you can say on television without being charged by one or more governmental agencies with inciting a riot or, worse yet, turning the population against the government itself. Consequently, the good people in Palestine, Ohio, whose population is likely to suffer for decades due to the negligence of government and corporate interests, have likely lost their town, livelihoods, and voices. They will suffer in silence, and nobody will give a damn. They will watch in horror as their relatives, parents, and children suffer and die of this or that cancer that can be traced back to the incident that nobody outside of East Palestine, Ohio, ever wanted to talk about. The writing is on the wall. The epitaphs will write themselves.

I don't like to have any one particular story dominate my blog on any given week, which is also true regarding this story about the train wreck. There are so many tentacles and tendrils that flow from this story that it's hard not to find some thread, no matter how flimsy, that gives me a reason to keep tugging away at the threads. I was embarrassed watching the governor of Ohio talking about the incident yesterday afternoon. He said something about getting away from the town as quickly as possible and snickered when he said it. Who does that? You know whose voice you're not hearing? I'm talking about John Fetterman. That asshole of a stroked-out lumberjack who won the Pennsylvania Senate seat last year. He's the same guy who couldn't string two sentences together in his one and only "debate" with Dr. Oz. Well, I hope all those leftists in Pennsylvania who voted for that clown are now getting their money's worth. This is what happens when you steal an election. Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. As the crow flies, Pennsylvania is a stone's throw away from East Palestine.

I keep asking myself, is CNN the mouthpiece for the Biden Administration when it comes to pushing out propaganda about the war in Ukraine? CNN seems to be the only mainstream network covering the story so I tune in every night at seven to get what passes for an update. All I hear what's-her-name (Erin Burnett?) talking about every night is how despondent the Russian soldiers are and how they are doing everything they can to avoid joining their brethren on the front lines in Ukraine. She keeps showing the same clips of the Russians running over their fellow soldiers in tanks in their desperate attempts to escape the impending onslaught of the Ukrainian troops. She loves to play back recordings of Russian soldiers on the front lines whose telephone calls have been intercepted and translated for consumption by the American media. They are essentially a call for help. A desperate plea, if you will, to save them from a certain death at the hands of the mighty Ukrainian army.


Yet, other stories in the press tell a very different story. They tell us that Russia is winning, albeit at a grindingly slow pace, and that one Ukrainian town after another seems to fall by the wayside with each passing day. Then, and only then, will CNN admit that the town taken was, as conquests go, insignificant and without any real value. Why would CNN, or the government behind the scenes, want us to believe that the Ukrainians are winning this war? I'm guessing it has a lot to do with ensuring that the American people continue to support the war effort and the flow of money and armaments that their representatives in Congress pass or don't pass.

Whatever the Bidenistas are trying to accomplish with this proxy war of theirs against Putin, they are not about to let the Military Industrial Complex get kneecapped without using every last tool in their toolbox, including propaganda, if not outright lies and fabrications, to get the job done. They've worked too hard and too long to demonize the Russians to get us to this point in time, and they are not likely to give up without pulling every last trick out of their asses to deceive whoever it is that they need to deceive to complete the task at hand. To the extent he is of any use at all in this scam of all scams on the American public, Biden is the penultimate useful idiot.

I need to buy tires for our car. What I worry about, since I watch way too much television, is that this war in Ukraine is going to metastasize into some sort of global conflict. Reports from the front lines in Ukraine inform us that ammunition is in short supply. NATO countries are doing their best to keep up with the demands of the Ukrainians fighting the war for everything from bullets for their guns to transport vehicles and, God willing, fighter jets. How long will it be before Bumbles Biden decides he wants to nationalize key industries in our country to ensure that we're able to continue to provide the corrupt shithole that is Ukraine with everything they need to continue fighting the "good" fight? Something as non-strategic as tires could become scarce as commodities go, which would mean higher prices and less availability. Imagine having to factor all of that into my thinking. You can bet your bottom dollar that when I do get new tires, my car will be garaged every night lest I wake up one morning to find my car up on blocks and my tires ripped from my car rims and all.

I don't mean to belabor this train derailment disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, but where the hell is Bumbles? Why hasn't he addressed the nation about this ecological nightmare that is East Palestine? The people in East Palestine are afraid to return to their homes, and the people who have returned to their homes are scared to death that every sip of water they take, every breath they take, brings them closer to coming down with some form of cancer due to the chemical spill in their backyard. And where the hell is Pete Butt-Edge-Edge, Biden's Transportation secretary? Is this not his wheelhouse? Every day that passes when the good people don't hear from the President of the United States is another day they get to endure what has become a deafening silence from the White House. Maybe we shouldn't be surprised. Bumbles has also been missing in action on the "balloons" we shot out of the sky in the last few weeks. Maybe one or more of the eighty or so million people who allegedly voted for him in 2020 can explain his absence. I'll wait.

I saw something this morning about Russia threatening to destroy satellites used by Ukraine to obtain real-time intelligence on troop movements, etc. We can barely shoot unidentified flying objects out of the sky, and Russia is talking about destroying something orbiting our planet in outer space? It's weird to think that countries have armed satellites in outer space, but that's what they're telling us, so I guess it's true. No wonder Elon Musk informed the Ukrainians that his Starlink Satellites were not to be used for offensive purposes. This could be a game-changer for the Ruskies. That said, NATO countries probably have countless satellites that provide real-time mapping of the terrain and movement of hardware and troops to the Ukrainian generals on the front lines. Many of those satellites are probably armed as well. This could get really interesting really fast. I can hardly wait to hear Bunbles at the podium trying to explain what the hell is going on with our assets in outer space. Is the International Space Station a valid target? I have questions.

I'm watching a snowstorm some seven days out from today. We could get up to a foot of snow or maybe more. Weather predictions get a bit sketchy the further out they go, but seven days is not too bad. I think that means that we will get snow, and the only question remaining is how much snow we will get. More to the point, how much more or less than the twelve inches they now predict will fall on that day. It's probably not too early to stock up on a few things if we get slammed and the roads hereabouts become impassable. We have no snow on the ground at all at the moment, so having a foot of the white stuff fall in the space of a few hours could pose a problem for fair-weather drivers and commuters. That probably depends on when the snow starts and ends. Nonetheless, it's on my radar now, so I'll be ready for it. We can probably count the number of sizeable snowstorms on one hand between now and the end of the Winter, so let's enjoy it for what it is.

The Grand Jury in Fulton County, Georgia, released a portion of their findings on their inquiry around fake electors yesterday. This has something to do with Trump's phone call to the Governor back in 2020 when Trump asked the Governor to "find" votes for him that would overturn Biden's win in the state. So, this dickwad of a backwater district attorney named Fani Wallis thought she'd put together a grand jury that would hopefully return an indictment of Trump and his cronies just in time to embarrass Trump and derail his 2024 presidential ambitions. The portion of the findings that they did release referenced possible perjury indictments but nothing more. Remember that Trump was never called to testify, so none of the perjury nonsense has anything to do with him. I think the Grand Jury heard testimony from 75 witnesses, so it was a thorough airing to be sure. Aside from the fact that no jury in Georgia would ever convict Trump of anything, much less fraud, this looks to be a monumental nothing burger of a case. It's also a colossal embarrassment for the left, who want so badly to see Trump behind bars. Too bad, so sad. Go fuk yourselves.

Speaking of presidential ambitions, what do you think of Nikki Haley throwing her hat into the ring? I heard someone refer to her as Chris Christie in heels. Maybe it was John Bolton in a skirt. Not exactly a ringing endorsement if I do say so myself. She's a bit of a twat, in my humble opinion. She probably has the requisite street cred given her previous roles as a governor of South Carolina and the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Still, I can't see her as president of the United States. She reminds me a little of Jeb Bush in terms of her style and her politics. Thank God Trump dispatched that fool early on in 2016. Trump has already downplayed her entrance into the race to no one's surprise. He's likely just getting started. She's probably in for a brutal bitch slapping by the time Trump is finished with her so be careful not to contribute to her war chest too soon. She was here in New Hampshire regaling a roomful of her supporters last night with Don Bolduc at her side. I thought Bolduc was a Trump supporter. Haley offered Bolduc her support on Bolduc's losing bid to unseat Mags Hassan in the 2022 Senatorial run, so maybe he's just returning the favor. Is it too soon for her to drop out?

I hear Trump is going down to East Palestine to the train derailment site. Good for him. Meanwhile, his only other opponent in the race, Nikki Haley, is hitting the trail in New Hampshire. Which candidate has the chutzpah to put on their big boy pants and get down to the site in Ohio to draw attention to the plight of everyday Americans who are suffering because of the inaction of our federal government? The residents of East Palestine have been denied federal assistance for whatever reason, and Trump is likely going there to throw his support behind the community. That's how you do it. No sooner had Trump announced his visit when the federal government caved, and they will now be offering much-needed assistance to the community. Funny how that works. Now, suppose Trump can somehow negotiate a truce in Ukraine. In that case, he'll be enemy numero uno with the neocons and the military-industrial complex in Washington, DC, but a hero to everyone who wants to stop the bloodshed in the shithole that is Ukraine.

I'm reading a story in the local papers this morning about a hotel in a nearby city in our state that is now being used to house the homeless and migrants. I guess that when they refer to "migrants," they're really talking about illegal aliens. I'm also guessing that most of the people being housed are illegal aliens, not the homeless. So, when they say that every state is a border state when it comes to Biden's open border policies, they weren't fucking kidding. What do we know about these "migrants" besides that they're a drain on resources that are likely already stretched? There are only so many sheckles to go around, and I'd prefer they not go to people who are in our country illegally. I'm not worried about these aliens taking our jobs. Why would they when they have everything they need without lifting a fucking finger? Maybe we can export them to a sanctuary state like Massachusetts. Better yet, why not send them to Martha's Vineyard? I'm sure the Obama's would open their lavish 20-acre estate to these good people. You see where I'm going with this. Right?

I have a good mind to reach out to my brother from another mother to tell him that the cloud of chemicals created when the trains derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, last week is now heading his way. I don't have a timetable, but the states of New York and Vermont were mentioned as states that the disaster in Ohio could impact. I suppose that were there even the slightest change in the jet stream, we here in New Hampshire could also be impacted. Amy Winehouse once said, "what kind of fuckery is this?" I agree with that sentiment. I can only hope that whatever it is that is making its way to our state is so diluted by the time it gets here that we're talking parts per billion instead of parts per million. As for my brother from another mother, he's on his own. Were I him, I'd be more concerned about his governor, who wants to eliminate any and all carbon-based fuels in his state by 2030 or some such nonsense. She's (Hochul) bought this green new energy bullshite hook, line, and sinker. We cannot let these retards impose their looniness on our lot. Wake up, folks.

Tucker Carlson interviewed a young unmarried mother with three children from East Palestine who posted a YouTube video showing the impact of the chemicals on a creek bed behind her home. The video showed her throwing a rock into the middle of the stream. No sooner had the rock stirred the sediment on the bottom of the crick than a colorful chemical sheen rose to the surface, expanding in all directions from the epicenter within seconds. It was sickening. She talked about not having a car and walking to the local store to purchase bottled water to cook, to bathe herself and her children, and all on her dime. She was clearly not a woman of means. I was reminded that there are people in our own country who don't have a pot to piss in despite our living in the wealthiest country in the world. Fast forward forty-eight hours, and I've seen a tweet or two from her thanking everyone for sending water and asking that they redirect future contributions to local firehouses in her community. This is the America that I know and love. Maybe Trump can drop a new car off at her house when he visits next week. That would be something. God help them all.

Aliens from Uranus

This story about the Chinese weather balloon isn't going away. Is it true that Biden tried to cover up the story? Had it not been seen by the good people in Montana, the spy balloon sent to our shores from China might well have gone on its merry way across our country with the full approval and sign-off of treasonous Joe Biden. That would make our military complicit in Biden's treasonous actions. That would be General Milley. You know, the same ass clown of a general who called either China or Russia on the back channels and behind Trump's back when Trump was president to assure them that he would make sure that Trump did not go through with certain plans that might threaten their countries. Biden's actions should infuriate every red-blooded American.


If Trump can be impeached over a phone call, this fool in the White House can certainly be impeached as an obvious agent of the Chinese Communist Party. How much more proof do we need? If our Intelligence Agencies were doing their job, they would also connect the dots between Hunter's laptop and the classified documents found everywhere on properties owned by Joe Biden. Biden has been selling our country's secrets for years, and China has been the biggest recipient of Biden's secretive and treasonous largesse. America has never had a more compromised president. They have the goods on the Biden Crime Family. This is how they do business. Is it any wonder that every one of Biden's policies has weakened and not strengthened our country?

I finally broke down yesterday. The container of chocolate pudding in my refrigerator was calling my name. Johnny, I'm over here! I'm right behind the container of cottage cheese! Come and have a taste, won't you? I'll be damned if I didn't do just that. It's been a good three weeks of depriving myself of sweets and sugary stuff as I try to break this sugar habit of mine. It gets worse. You can't have chocolate pudding without whipped cream. The can of whipped cream then started calling my name. Johnny, you can't have pudding without me, can you? I'm over here next to the milk! I'm satisfied that I had some pudding and whipped cream but not too much of either. I seem to have broken the pattern of buying and eating the proverbial bag of cookies in one sitting, at least for now.

While shopping at Trader Joe's over the weekend, I bought a couple of packages of cauliflower crusts the size of a small to medium-sized plate. In addition to losing my taste for sugary foods, I'm trying to avoid white bread and all things that tend to spike blood sugars, including pasta and the like. I've not had a lot of luck when experimenting with cauliflower crusts in the past. The worst thing I can say is that they've tasted like cardboard. But I like pizza enough to keep trying different things until I find just the right recipe. I'm also of the mind that if you load the pizza up with enough toppings, you won't even notice that the crust tastes like shite. Trader Joe's had the good sense to put all of the mixings required to make a good pizza alongside the package of crusts, so I was good to go. To quote the missus, "This pizza is delicious!" I agreed.

The missus returned from her day in Massachusetts last evening after spending the day working with the Ross man. She arrived home bearing gifts in the form of cookies. I saw them but was not desirous of them, if that makes any sense. Thankfully and maybe not surprisingly, my spoonful of chocolate pudding and whipped cream earlier in the day did not set me up for a lapse in judgment when the missus arrived with the cookies. It was an empowering moment. It's where I wanted to end up when I started this thing two to three weeks ago. Had the missus consumed one or more of the cookies in front of me, I think the result would have been the same. She did bring me a tuna poke' bowl containing a packet of sauce that, according to the contents listed, had 8 grams of sugar. I moistened the chunks of tuna with a bit of sauce and discarded the rest. That's how you do it. One day at a time.

I lied to the Ev man the other day when he asked me if I had brought jugs of water up to his apartment. I told him I planned to do that while he was off on his self-imposed sabbatical in Haverhill, Massachusetts. I was afraid that if I told him I hadn't brought the jugs of water up as promised, he might insist that I not do it. I want him to have the jugs of water, so I might have brought them up regardless. I'm not one to foist things on him when he says he doesn't want them, but I know, and he knows that the tap water in his town is pretty bad, so having half a dozen gallon jugs of Poland Spring water on hand is a good thing and not a bad thing. Now that I told him I had already brought them up, my goal is to get them there before he arrives home. I don't make a habit of lying to the Ev man, but you do what you have to do sometimes. This is one of those times.

Bumbles is giving his State of the Union speech tonight. No, I will not be listening to his lies and fabrications. The one question on lots of minds across our country will be, can the old fool make it through the hour required to read from the teleprompter without drooling, falling asleep, stumbling over his words, grimacing like the creepy old fuck that he is, calling out to dead politicians in the audience long passed, referring to someone other than his wife as his wife, likening every republican on the planet as "MAGA extremists," or will he do something else unscripted and unpredictable? I'm not sure what I'll do if the missus insists on watching what will likely be a debacle of a speech. I'll have to marinate on that. Will Kevin McCarthy, the new republican Speaker of the House tear up his speech as Pelosi did when Trump stood at the rostrum? God, I hope so. What's good for the fucking goose is good for the demented gander.

If he says one godamn good word about the Chinese after their bullshit with that balloon over these past two weeks, the Republicans should stand up and walk the fuck out of the building. Is there one Republican member of Congress who has the balls to rise to his feet and call Biden a liar when he starts lying through his teeth? If they do, I've got my checkbook ready to write that man or woman a check for their upcoming reelection. How many times will this abject disgrace of a compromised president refer to Trump and then go on to take credit for policies put in place by Trump? By the way, can anyone remember the last time Biden stood before the press to give a press conference? I think it's been months, if not a year or more, since that happened. He doesn't give them because he can't speak without his little note cards, and he can't very well bring index cards to a press conference. He's as stupid as the day is long and twice as corrupt. How did we even get here?

Am I the only American concerned that Biden is getting us into a kinetic war with Russia? As Biden likes to remind us, we keep pushing military hardware and related assets into Ukraine for "as long as it takes." As long as it takes to do what, you old fool? Defeat Russia on the battlefield in Ukraine? Help the Ukrainians drive the Russians out of Crimea? Not a night goes by when I do not see some news network in our country pushing for even more military assets to be sent to Ukraine. We've now agreed to send tanks. The tanks haven't even rolled off the assembly line here in the USA, and Ukraine is pushing for fighter jets. If Zelensky had his way, we would have already nuked Moscow on behalf of the Ukrainian people, so we all know what that grifter wants. Tell me again where Ukraine has or is acquiring the manpower and know-how to operate these sophisticated weapons systems. I saw one tweet this morning about the Ukrainians using chemical weapons against Russians, violating some treaty or other. It's likely another fabrication in an attempt to deepen and prolong the conflict. It's a neocon's wet dream.

The missus asked me last night if I had any ideas on what goals she might want to put down in writing for her job. I blithely told her to make some stuff up and to be careful not to make any of her goals measurable. I suggested to her that we might want to see if we can get into that new AI tool called Chat GPT or something like that. Why wrack your brain when you can have some program spit it out in a matter of seconds? Why rely on your innate intelligence when artificial intelligence is faster and better suited for such tasks? I googled it and was informed that requests were backed up and I'd be notified when the application was available. That was two days ago. I guess I'm not the only one wanting to use this tool. I'm doing this more out of curiosity than anything else, but quite frankly, we all know what bullshit it is to come up with your own goals. Having employees unilaterally decide what they do or do not want to achieve is a recipe for disaster. We all know that what passes for success these days is nothing more than an iterative process born out of diversity, equity, and inclusion. You can't make this stuff up (yes, you can.)

I cannot tell a lie. Last night, I caught one clip of the Liar-in-Chief giving the State of the Union speech. He was rambling on incoherently about fentanyl and the destruction it was causing in our country. There's only one problem with that. He created the problem we have with fentanyl by opening our borders and allowing the flow of drugs and human traffickers across our border. Imagine the audacity of that damn fool even to mention the problem we have with drugs and illegal aliens in light of his policies allowing it to happen. I've never observed a more raucous response to something a president has said while giving the State of the Union than I did last night when practically every republican was on their feet yelling, hooting, and hollering their disapproval to remarks about fentanyl made by Bumbles. I think it was Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green whose voice stood out from the crowd when she called him a liar from the rear of the room. On the other side of the political aisle, every democrat got up and out of their seats every time Bumbles uttered something incomprehensible. What the hell was that all about?

I've also seen a few clips this morning of other comments made by Bumbles last night. He said something about republicans wanting to do away with Social Security and Medicare. That is another big lie that the democrats love to repeat again and again in an effort to scare the elderly who rely on those programs for their survival. Again, the Republicans were on their feet and yelling what sounded like expletives from their side of the aisle. I saw one tweet this morning about decorum and how this kind of behavior was unacceptable when it happened while Trump was president, and it's unacceptable now. I disagree with that. Nobody should stand by silently while a lying fool of a president spews his nonsense to a national audience. I saw another clip where Bumbles said something about needing refineries for at least another ten years, in case anyone needed a reminder that the democrats are going to continue to push and push hard to do away with any and all carbon-based industries, and that brought cries of derision from the Republicans and applause from the leftists in the audience.

I don't have the TikTok app on my devices, and I believe everything I hear about people who do and whose data gets transferred to China. It seems fairly straightforward to me. If you don't want your data transferred to China, don't install the app on your devices. I also hear that what Americans see when they watch TikTok videos outside of China is very different from what the Chinese get to see when they use the app. The youth in China get to see more educationally based content than their counterparts across the globe. That tells me that the Chinese understand the app's power and use it to their advantage at every turn. I only bring this up because I think YouTube has its own version of TikTok. It's called Shorts. If the two have as much in common as I think they do, I now understand how addictive this platform can be. Once I start watching the videos, I can't stop. Much of the content is silly but sometimes instructive and sometimes not. I can learn a new lick for my guitar playing or watch people pulling pranks on unsuspecting targets. It can also be a colossal waste of one's time. Maybe that's what I like about it. Dopium?


I spent some time yesterday watching CSPAN, where they were televising the hearings about Twitter's role in the 2020 election and their suppression of stories designed to elevate Biden's chances of winning the presidential election. More specifically, how Twitter executives worked hand-in-hand with the FBI to make sure that the Hunter laptop story didn't get the attention it deserved in the days leading up to the election. Government working with private industry to do something that government has no business doing, and I'm referring to suppressing free speech here, is patently illegal.

It was pretty clear in listening to the testimony that the FBI had a hand in the process, and Twitter was a willing and complicit partner in the crime. Twitter was a woke company at the time, with 99% of their employees voting for democrats, so it was no surprise that they were willing to use the tools they had at their disposal to deep-six a presidential candidate they considered toxic. It was worth watching, if for no other reason than to see the liberal's heads exploding as truth after truth was extracted from the four ex-Twitter employees sitting before Congress.

Another story that got little to no attention from the main street media yesterday was the expose' in The Times detailing the Biden Administration's role in blowing up the Nordstream pipeline. The pipeline delivered oil and gas to various European countries before it was blown up. It was a clear act of international sabotage against a sovereign country. There was a lot of finger-pointing in the wake of the bombing, but all the evidence at the time pointed to the United States as having a central role in the plot. Now that the truth has been revealed, assuming that the story is legit, where do the various parties harmed by the actions taken by the US go to get their day in court?

I'll have to read the entire story on Substack to get all the details, but whose interests were being served by blowing up the pipeline? It was certainly not in the interests of the countries and people who relied on the pipeline to heat their homes and run their factories in the upcoming winter months throughout Europe. Was it done to ensure that Russia could not weaponize the pipeline against Germany and other European countries in the aftermath of their invasion of Ukraine? What, if anything, will Russia now do to retaliate?

Did I mention that the Congressional hearings went dark yesterday on CSPAN just as the Republican majority started talking about Twitter's role in collaborating with the Taliban? I'd never heard that story, so it had my full attention. I never got the scoop because they were off-air for approximately two hours after the power went out. That has never happened before in Congress. I'm talking about the power going out when they are in the middle of the hearings. Does anyone honestly think that this was just a fluke?

Later in the day, many social media platforms, including Twitter, reported power outages and related problems with their services. I tried sending a couple of tweets but got a response that I had exceeded the number of daily tweets I was allowed to send. It might have been the second or third tweet I sent on the day, so I figured something was not quite right in Twitter land. How much of this blackout and offline business I saw was intentional? Was it just a coincidence that it was occurring on the same day Republicans in Congress were hammering the ex-heads of Twitter? Was this the Empire striking back?

It's February 10th, and temperatures here on the seacoast are expected to hit the high fifties today. There isn't a lick of snow in sight, and we've had hardly any snow thus far this winter season. If we are to get anywhere close to our annual average snowfall of around 100 inches, we will have to get some pretty big storms between now and the time Spring rolls around. As someone who loves to ride their bike year-round, I'm not complaining. I may even wear shorts on my bike ride today. I've also not bought into the snow removal job for my neighbor that I think is on my list of to-do's if and when we get the next big storm.

I have a good mind to approach her later this year to let her know I have my hands full clearing my property when it snows, much less doing the same for others. She is recuperating these days from having broken her hip a few weeks back, so I feel somewhat obligated to lend a hand when she gets snowed in. I don't mind helping out in a pinch, but I could get my ass handed to me should the mother of all storms descend upon us. Physically speaking, that is. Lastly, the missus wouldn't appreciate it if I keeled over while clearing a path for my neighbor so her dog has a place to pee. Just sayin'.

I am so sick and tired of the lies being told to us by our government and their praetorian guard, the media. Their latest salvo is more nonsense about Chinese "weather" balloons. They are now reporting that the Chinese have balloons flying over a number of countries. It's a subtle or not-so-subtle attempt to water down or contain the mess that Bumbles and his generals created by not shooting down the balloon the minute it entered our airspace. They want you to reach the conclusion that balloons are all over the place, and no other country is shooting down balloons over their territory, so what we did was probably over the top.

So what if we waited until the balloon traversed our entire country? These balloons present no threat, and the fact that they go about their business over other countries without being shot down should prove our point. Have they considered for even a moment that no other country has reported these balloons over their country because THERE ARE NO BALLOONS FLYING OVER THEIR COUNTRIES? Oh, and Biden's people are saying that they have alerted these other countries to the existence of the weather balloons. Like they don't have their own fucking satellites that would have already alerted them to the balloons.

I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have a good handful of tweeters from Europe filling me in minute by minute on what's going on in Ukraine. I don't believe a damn word I read in our press, so I'd probably not read anything. I take these tweets with a grain of salt, but I find that if I juxtapose the tweets of a half dozen reporters out of the region, I can usually end up with something that passes for a credible news story. Much of the reporting I see in the form of tweets is regionalized regarding things like Russian missiles striking specific Ukrainian targets, etc. This morning I'm seeing a number of tweets about Russian missiles flying over Moldovia en route to targets in Ukraine. Moldovia is a member of NATO, so that could technically trigger article five or some such nonsense that calls for the involvement of all NATO members when one NATO member is attacked. Chances are this story just goes away in the next twenty-four hours.

I have only a passing interest in the Superbowl on Sunday night, but I'll probably tune in just for shits and giggles. What the hell else is there to do on a Sunday night? I'll pass on the freak halftime show they have planned, and I don't even have to second guess that decision because you know it's going to be a left-wing circus complete with men who think they're women and women who think they're men. It will be a raunchy mosaic of woke fuckery, which you'll probably not want to allow your children to watch. Anyway, I told the missus that I might like a nice chef's salad for the occasion. I'm trying to eat better these days, which means passing on things like chicken wings, pizza, and other finger foods that taste good but have zero nutritional value. I'm not sure which team I want to root for. The Philadelphia team is a bit full of themselves, so I wouldn't mind seeing them get their clocks cleaned. The same is true for the Mahomes quarterback guy, so seeing him go down in flames wouldn't bother me either.

I was out food shopping last evening with the missus, and I just happened to notice the price of the organic red peppers. We absolutely love the sweetness of a cut-up organic red pepper on our salads so we pass on the garden variety peppers and go directly to the organic variety when shopping. Do you know that the peppers were $3.49 a piece? Are you fucking kidding me? What kind of red pepper fetches a $3.49 price tag? I usually look for a pepper that has a deep red coloration. The darker the red, the more antioxidants it has, or that's the general consensus. I think I need to pay less attention to the coloration and more attention to the size of the peppers since they come in different shapes and sizes. I want my fucking money's worth. It's nice that they wrap the individual peppers up in plastic, although I'm not sure why they bother. Does it prolong the shelf life of the pepper? Is it strictly for aesthetics? Is that one of the reasons I'm paying through the nose for the damn things? How can I find out how much organic red peppers cost a year ago? Inquiring fucking minds want to know.

This morning, I'm in a pissy mood, but I feel pretty good. What gives? I'll be tuning into Steve Bannon's War Room show around 10 to get the real poop on what's happening worldwide. I like to practice my guitar licks while listening to Steve and his guests, so I'll be doing some of that. I tell myself that I should concentrate on one or the other but not both. I think there's some value in watching and listening to Steve while simultaneously going through the motions on my guitar. It's all about improving my muscle memory and, better yet, learning to play while not looking at where I have to place my fingers. And then you have what they call chord progression, which is a nice way of referring to where you put your fingers next after playing a particular chord. You can probably tell by my simplistic explanations that I'm a complete noob as a guitar player. I figure if I pick the damn thing up every day, I'll get better at something sooner or later. I can feel it going somewhere, but it all feels very unchartered.

Quite frankly, I'd like to get an update from Steve on when he thinks China will invade Taiwan. Whenever I see a tweet from that woman I follow on Twitter who moved to Taiwan from the States recently, I worry about what might become of her once the shooting starts. It goes without saying that that sentiment goes for any and all Americans currently residing on the island of Taiwan. She and her husband reside in a high-rise on the island and frequently post videos of their poodle running around the apartment, trying to get his bearings in his new environment. I wouldn't want to be thirty stories up when the bombs start to fall, but that's just me. China will likely overwhelm the island with military might when they invade, so it may be decisive enough to avoid an otherwise protracted air and ground battle. That would improve the chances of my Twitter acquaintance surviving the conflict. I thought there was a seasonal advantage to China's waging the war across the Straits of Taiwan. Is that still true? In other words, this is the time of year when the weather in the straits that separate Taiwan from mainland China is most conducive to waging a naval blockade or attack by the Chinese forces. Now or never?

What the hell was that all about? There was wall-to-wall coverage last night around 8pm EST on all the networks about NORAD shooting some unidentified obect out of the sky over the Yukon territory. "It was cylindrical in shape", they kept repeating. I told the missus that the fighter pilots who shot it down knew damn well what they were shooting down because they wouldn't have done it without getting a good look at it first. I also told the missus that it was probably some distraction created out of whole cloth by Bumbles and his Administration to take our attention away from something else. Did it surprise me that every ex-military twat they brought on the telly to talk about it mentioned that spy balloons from China were sighted during the Trump Administration as well? I guess they're still trying to tweak narratives to distract us from the simple fact that they (Biden Adminsitration) allowed a spy balloon to traverse our entire country before shooting it down just a few days ago. These clowns are fucking pathetic. I knew the gig was up when I read the following tweet on Twitter: We're being invaded by aliens from Uranus. Oh, and can you guess what all of the talking heads on the Sunday morning talk shows later this morning are going to be talking about after last night's faux invasion? Bingo.

I'll end with this: The NFL has decided that they will feature singers singing both the National Anthem and the National Black Anthem before the game starts later tonight. Who gives a flying fuck about the Black National anthem? Does anyone even know what that sounds like? Raise your hand if you are getting sick and fucking tired of this equity and diversity bullshit. Would it surrpise me to see them march a half dozen black or otherwise under-represented minorities out to half field to present them with repartations checks before the game? It would not. Would it matter that these so-called recipients or their ancestors were never subject to slavery? Probably not. I'm guessing that the affirmative action thing back in the eighties and nineties, which failed miserably, didn't help these caucasion twats alleviate their collective guilt in the least so now they're doubling down. Whatever happened to pulling yourself up by your bootstraps to achieve your own verison of the American dream? No handout from any governmental agency ever helped anyone get to the pinnacle of anything. There, I said it.


Good morning, world! Can you believe that February is just two days away? What about those weird football playoff games on the telly yesterday? Purdy, the 23-year-old quarterback for the 49ers, was taken out of the game early with an injury. He was replaced by a third-string guy who clearly was not up to the task of getting his team across the finish line. It made the game less interesting to watch, and it didn't get any better as their opponents racked up touchdown after touchdown. The final score was something like 31-7. In the second game of the day, the Bengals player shoved the QB of the Chiefs after both had gone out of bounds, which garnered a penalty that put the Chiefs within range to get a field goal in the final seconds of the game, which put the Chiefs up 23-20 over the Bengals. I mean, who does that? Did he intentionally throw the game?


The Ev man just messaged me with a picture of his purchases sitting on a conveyor belt at a local grocery store. He said something about not having any food at his house. I texted him back and told him that I thought he needed to buy bigger milks. I don't think he disagrees with that, but he never texted me back, so that's that. I'm glad to see him doing a little shopping to get what he needs instead of just hitting a drive-up window at a local Mcdonald's or other every time he needs something to eat. There was a time in the not-so-distant past when he wouldn't go out food shopping, so it's a bit of a relief to see him out there. It was so bad at one point that I suggested he place his order ahead of time and pick it up at the appointed hour. He could get the things he needed without stepping foot in the store. We tried that once or twice with some success.

I really need to get the tires squared away on our car. If that means I'm buying replacement tires sooner than necessary, then so be it. I can't have the missus out on the highway, especially during the winter, running the risk of getting into an accident because she has tires that aren't up to snuff. I noticed some unusual tread wear on the front right tire that had me wondering how things got so bad so fast. I was in the shop not long ago, and I know they suggested I get an alignment, but the tire wear looked normal, so I didn't follow up. The good news is that I'm close enough to needing to replace the tires anyway, so I'll pop into Portsmouth for an alignment. The dealership wanted some $300 for an alignment. Let's see how much this garage in Portsmouth charges.

My guitar practice is coming along pretty well. I've been trying to learn this particular song, and it's taking a long time. I've discovered that you need to start slowly, and the speed will come in time. If you try to rush things, it all falls apart. It's a muscle memory thing, or so I'm finding out. The song I'm working on doesn't sound quite right when I play it slowly, so I've been intentionally rushing my playing. And predictably, I'm tripping all over myself. I need a metronome. That should help me with the beats-per-minute thing. Should I buy a separate metronome or simply get a metronome app on my phone? Does needing a metronome mean that I'm a more serious student? One thing I like about this song I'm learning is that it involves a certain fingerpicking style. I'm not just strumming away like a blithering idiot in my practice sessions. I'm sure music theory isn't far behind. Stay tuned. No, really.

I wonder how the citizens in Ukraine feel about all of the military hardware being shipped to their country. I'm talking about the everyday Joe, or whatever the Ukrainian equivalent for Joe is in that country. I'm talking about the mothers and fathers who might like to see a cessation of hostilities so they can send their children to school without worrying about their being raped or killed en route. Does this latest acquisition of tanks from countries around the world give them more or less confidence that the neighborhoods in which they and their families live will even exist in the coming weeks and months? It's true that some might prefer death to life under Russian rule, but there must be others who might want to take their chances regardless. Has anyone seen any polling on Zelesnky's leadership? And now Ukraine is reportedly looking to acquire jets. Biden says no, but this is the same clown who said "no" to tanks not long ago.

Did anyone see Tucker Carlson's segment last night on America's food supply? I tuned in a little late, so I didn't see the initial clip he played about Biden when he referenced food shortages in America while giving a speech in Europe. I also haven't heard anything about Biden's comments in the media. That's no surprise. They continue to do the bidding of the Democrat party by suppressing Biden's idiocy while playing up things that otherwise appeal to his lunatic constituency. Tucker talked about egg production in the country and mentioned that chickens are laying fewer eggs due to the feed being fed to them. In whose interest is it to reduce the number of eggs made available to the American consumer? And then you have the suspicious fire the other day that killed thousands of chickens in a plant somewhere in Connecticut. It sure sounds like a reality-based conspiracy to me. The price of eggs is already out of reach for everyone but the uber-wealthy, so where the hell is this all going?

Should I head to the store today to stock up on food? What should I purchase? How much food will I need to survive this famine coming down the pike? If I put a garden in this summer, will it be plundered by the millions of illegal aliens crossing into our country at the invitation of Joe Biden and his Democrat party? What firearms will I need to purchase to protect myself and my family? Will firearms even be available when the time comes when I need one? I read an article not long ago that sang the praises of eating bugs and how they are a likely source of protein in the future. Well, folks, the future seems to be now. These articles don't appear willy-nilly. These are probably the same ass-clowns who want you to go out and buy an electric car so we can allegedly reduce our carbon footprint on the planet. They never tell you that without a carbon-based economy, we're easy pickings for the global depots who, just incidentally, are building more coal-fired plants and not fewer.

You know that these idiots in the Biden Administration plant stories in the media just to see what kind of reaction they can get. Right? More to the point, they realize that introducing these bizarre ideas gradually is better than implementing them right out of the box. It''s the old frog in the boiling water routine. A more recent example is the gas stove nonsense, where they plan to outlaw the production and use of gas stoves. They don't care who they hurt, how many businesses they put out of business, or who may have an opposing view. These are the leftists doing what leftists have done from the jump. It's their way or the fucking highway. This is also what a one-party government looks like. Think California or New York. Both are bastions of the nuttiest of the nutty. And not just nutty, dangerous. Maybe starving people is just one more arrow in their quiver for controlling the population. You'll eat bugs, and you'll be happy. I'm old enough to remember when owning a Prius was the wet dream of every leftist coast-to-coast. Times sure have changed, and not for the better.

I don't know about you, but I'm a little concerned about where all this stuff I hear about Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going. Chat GPT has been in the news lately as the latest and greatest example of how one particular form of AI will revolutionize our society. It's very convincing, you have to admit. It's quite obvious how devastating this application can be for certain careers. You'll no longer have job postings for people to write computer code. If you work in Hollywood and you need a scriptwriter, just dial up the Chat GBT app, and you are off and running. Bigger picture, I'm concerned about who controls the reins of AI in our society. Is that even possible? I don't want the leftists anywhere near this tool, but that may be asking too much. They have control of everything else, from our educational institutions to what propaganda they get to spew out from the sewer that is Hollywood, so the horse may have already left the barn, euphemistically speaking. Is this what losing control feels like?

Speaking of horses leaving the barn, are you hearing the stories about the illegal aliens in New York City? The first question I have is if they are invited into our country by Bumbles Biden and then put up in the finest hotels in one of our greatest cities, can they still be considered "illegal"? Anyway, it turns out that these animals are trashing everything in sight in the hotels in which they're being housed. We're not talking about the Motel Six chain of motels. These are some of New York City's finest hotels which ordinarily fetch a hefty price and are usually only frequented by high rollers. These ungrateful fucks have been given everything they need, and this is the thanks they give? Now, they want to move out of the hotels and into some of the real estate on the West side of New York, where condos go for tens of millions of dollars. I have no sympathy for the people who brought these ingrates into our country or those who decided that putting them in our hotels was a good idea. You make your bed, and you fucking sleep in it. The good news is that we know where to find them when the time comes to deport their lazy, ungrateful, and criminal asses. The bad news is they are still flowing into our country at the rate of a million illegal aliens a month.

If I'm not mistaken, the Republicans in Congress just announced that they are bringing Articles of Impeachment against Mayorkis, the guy responsible for the policies that allow all of these animals into our country. He is the ass clown who, when asked about the border, will tell you with a straight face that we have no problem at the border. The problem is, Biden will just replace him with another leftist freak who will be just as bad, or God forbid, even worse. How eager do you think some of the poorest of the poor living in abject squalor in some of the shithole countries south of our border are going to be to come to our country after receiving texts, pictures, and videos of the lavish lifestyles now being afforded to their loved ones who braved the trip northward to America? They'll be coming across our border by the tens of millions a month. These hearings on the border crisis kick off in a week, and I plan to tune in. There would be no congressional hearings if the democrats controlled the House of Representatives. They approve and applaud Biden's immigration policies. The sooner they turn our states blue, the sooner they can turn our country into another California or New York City. God help us.

We'll hear from Powell today on the future of rate hikes. The consensus seems to be that he'll announce a 25 basis point rate hike. In my opinion, there is still much too much froth in the financial markets, and announcing a 25 basis point rate hike will only fuel more froth and speculation. If you have been watching the stock market over the last few weeks, you'd think Powell was planning to announce rate cuts today. You know, the pivot thing. A veritable soft landing. Corporate earnings and forward guidance across the board have taken a hit, but valuations have remained elevated. None of this portends good things for inflation rates, which is at the crux of what drives or doesn't drive the Fed to do what they do with interest rates. With China opening its markets, competition for raw materials globally will only stoke inflation rates in the US and elsewhere, so I think Powell needs to get out in front of this with something more than a 25 basis point rate hike. Marginally higher unemployment rates also don't seem to be impacting demand for goods and services, so I suspect the culling of the corporate herd will continue unabated for the foreseeable future.

I was out food shopping the other day and was about to pick up a moderately sized block of feta cheese when I noticed the price. They wanted ten bucks for that block of feta cheese. I put it right back on the shelf. I don't know who they think they're squeezing, but I don't need feta cheese that much that I'm willing to pay three times the price I was paying just a month or two ago. I like feta cheese, but not that much. Maybe this is how they make up for falling sales numbers - they just raise the price to make up for the difference. Not on my dime, you mother fuckers. These clowns hear the word "inflation" and don't want to be the last kid on the block to raise their prices for fear of being left behind. There is such a thing as pricing your product out of the average consumer's reach. Is this any worse than the two small heads of organic broccoli I saw on the shelf the other day with a price tag of $9.95? I didn't buy those either.


Fast forward 24 hours, and I can now report that Powell came out and announced an interest rate hike of 25 basis points. As I mentioned, it's not enough to tamp down demand where it can directly impact inflation. Why would he signal risk-on to the investment community when his previous messaging was just the opposite? Maybe he's accepting the fact that inflation is likely to stay elevated as long as we're on a perpetual war footing with our involvement in the Ukraine/Russia conflict. That being the case, he's increasing interest rates to make sure that the mom-and-pop investors who can't afford to have their live's savings in the casino (stock market) get a return of some kind on their savings, however marginal. The wealth effect created by gains in the stock market for those who still have money to invest will keep the economy humming along as well, so it's a win-win. Housing will remain largely unaffordable for the average Joe; Electric vehicles will remain largely out of reach for the average consumer; inflation will continue to cut into family budgets across the board, and everything will be reassessed after we stop sending every last one of our tax dollars, and then some, to the panhandler in Ukraine.

I heard on the news yesterday that they "raided" Biden's beach house in Rehobeth, Delaware. It was all done with the cooperation of the president and his attorneys, they reported. This comes three weeks after they reported that other files were found in another of Biden's residences. What took the FBI so long to get their sorry asses out to the Rehobeth site? Biden has had more than enough time to clear that residence of any incriminating documents before the FBI showed up to conduct their search, and one has to wonder. Was that the plan all along? It's a damn Kabuki dance by Biden and his DOJ, and nobody's buying their bullshit. I continue to ask why the intelligence agencies are covering up crimes by the Biden Crime Family when they have all the evidence they need to send Joey and his entire cabal of criminals in that family to prison for a hundred years. Maybe that should tell us what a rat's nest the DOJ and their brethren agencies are. Does any of this remind you of the stories of old about J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI back in the day, who kept secret files on governmental officials to use as he saw fit when he needed a favor, if you know what I mean?

The funeral for that guy who the five cops killed was held yesterday in Memphis. I think his name was Tyree Nichols or something. Tyree was black, as were the five rogue cops who beat him to death. We still don't know why the cops pulled him over. You would think that would be an important part of the story. Not that it would justify what the cops did to him because nobody deserves to die at the hands of the police. The media wants this story to be all about police brutality and the oppression brought about by White Supremacy and racism. Never mind that none of the participants were white. This is George Floyd 2.0. Or was his name Floyd George? I can't remember. Anyway, just when you thought they couldn't exploit this young fellow's death enough, who shows up at the funeral? None other than race hustlers like Al Sharpton, The clownish Vice President Harris (Wille's main squeeze), and other notable race baiters who will go unmentioned here. This was your democrat party doing what democrats do. They live and die by the cardinal rule, "never let a good crisis go to waste." Race exploitation is just the cherry on top.

Stop the damn presses! Are you telling me that a Chinese spy balloon is hovering over our ICBM sites in Montana, and this idiot Biden sitting in the White House won't issue the order to shoot it down? How much more do we need to see to convince us that the Bidens are card-carrying members of the Chinese Communist Party? The media immediately covered for Biden by saying that Biden issued the order to shoot it down, but the Military talked him out of it. That's bullshit. If we had a spy balloon hovering over Beijing, how long do you think it would take the Chinese to shoot that fucker out of the sky? You know how this works. Right? You give them an inch, they take a mile. When we fail to protect our interests against enemies who would do us harm, this opens the door to even more skullduggery. The Chinese have to be laughing their asses off at the sheer incompetence and idiocy of what passes for American leadership sitting in our nation's White House. They know, of course, that they own Bumbles Biden, and he'll do what they tell him to do. It's humiliating, to say the least.

I feel pretty good about seeing Ilhan Omar kicked off the Foreign Affairs Committee yesterday by a majority vote in the House of Representatives. She's the vile antisemite sitting in Congress who referred to 9/11 when she uttered the insanely contemptible phrase "somebody did something." She was referring to what her brethren did on that fateful day in 2001 when 3,000 of our fellow Americans lost their lives when the Twin Towers collapsed in New York City. She's free to spew her hatred in other committees should she so choose, but not on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Good riddance is what I say. Her fellow Democrats had their little five-minute speeches before the vote, where they acted like the whiny little bitches that they are. The histrionics were embarrassing and not a good look for our country. And, I have to ask the question. If she hates America so much, she should return to the shithole that is Somalia, where she came from. Bon voyage, bitch! That's french for good riddance.

I'm on a bit of a tear this morning. That Chinese spy balloon thing has my mind going in a thousand different directions. Maybe someone will come to their senses today and do what needs to be done. It's an act of defiance by one of our sworn enemies, and we're acting like we're willing to look the other way no matter what they do. I thought the Chinese had crossed the line when they opened up police stations in select cities across America to police their own people. Are we a sovereign country or not? Nobody said or did anything to stop that out-and-out bullshit. Now we have these spy balloons flying over our cities, sucking up the bandwidth of intelligence or whatever passes for intelligence these days in our country. This is a seminal moment in our nation's history, folks. I'm guessing it won't be long before Chinese cruisers are seen off our shores, or, God forbid, the Chinese military will be training their troops on our soil. What if the Chinese put up another spy balloon? How many spy balloons are too many spy balloons?

I've been riding my bike this past week, with temperatures hovering around thirty degrees without much trouble at all. I wanted to tell the missus that I was never chilled one way or another for even a moment. She never asked, so I never said anything. I've got all the right gear to wear when it gets cold, so it's not like I'm braving anything if you get my drift. It's more about wearing the right number of layers than anything else. I'm not sure it's possible to wear too many layers when it gets into the twenties, but I'm always pushing the limits and trying different things. Let's just say that the jury is still out. Temperatures will be in the single digits today, with wind chills well below zero. This will not be a good day to be out and about on my bicycle. I might be okay with riding when temperatures are in the twenties, but the wind chill factor has me thinking twice about just how ballsy I want to be about doing this. The thought of taking a day off feels pretty good, too, so that's how I'm leaning like it or not.

It was minus nine on our thermometer when I got up a little before six this morning. Wind chills are running in the minus twenty to minus thirty range as I sit here at the keyboard in my jammies and wool hat. The missus was talking to me yesterday about how furnaces can't quite keep up when the temperatures get this cold. That was her roundabout way of telling me to keep the fucking thing running come hell or high water. We generally turn off our heat during the night, but last night was an exception. I was a bit fearful that the lines running from our oil tank to our furnace might freeze, and then where would we be? We'd be up shit's creek without a paddle, as my dad used to say. I had visions of being put on hold for hours when calling for service and having things go from bad to worse as the temperatures inside our house plunged in the overnight hours. I went to bed listening to what I thought was a furnace struggling to keep up with the demands to push even more heat into our home than it was designed to deliver. I woke up every few hours and turned it down a notch or two, thinking that doing so would give it a much-needed break. We have another 24 hours of this cold before temperatures start to moderate.

There has been no resolution overnight on that so-called Chinese weather balloon flying across our fruited plains. It's still up there sucking up data from here, there, and everywhere over cities and towns in the continental United States. You know we're not getting the real story from our government. Right? They've spun themselves in circles on this one, but the balloon continues on its directed path unmolested per orders from Bumbles himself. There is a hue and a cry across our land to shoot it out of the sky, but Bumbles is having none of it. Biden's military said something about the dangers of a debris field that could endanger lives if the balloon was shot out of the sky. Tell that to the people in Montana, where there are more cattle than people. It could have been brought down when it entered Alaskan air space for chrissakes, but Bumbles was content to bend over once again for his masters in Beijing, and the balloon was allowed to proceed on its path. There are now rumors of a second Chinese balloon that may either be entering or has entered our air space. Do we need any more evidence that the Biden crime family has been bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party? I certainly don't.

I was telling the missus the other day that I was home with her the morning of 9/11 in 2001 when the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center in NYC. My first thought was that someone in a Cessna had lost their way in the myriad of high rises that dot the NYC skyline and had crashed headlong into one of New York City's more prominent buildings. I remember thinking before leaving for work that morning that there was enough confusion in the reporting about what precisely had flown into the building that I might want to follow up once I was in my car and en route to my job. The missus disputed my account and thought it unlikely that I was still home at 8;45 am that morning when the first plane hit. "You would have been at work or, at a minimum, well on your way to work at 8:45 back then, Johnny", she insisted. It's the one day in my life, tragic as it was for our country, where I have an almost perfect memory of what happened, where I was moment by moment, for at least the better part of that fateful day. Sorry, sweets. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

It's Sunday, and I need to get this week's blog out the door. I won't keep you much longer. I can hardly wait to watch the Sunday morning talking heads singing Bumble's praises for having the courage to shoot down the weather balloon that finally found its way out of the continental USA and off the shore of South Carolina by yesterday morning. You'll not hear one of them criticizing our fearless Commander-in-Chief for allowing the balloon to traverse our great nation coast to coast before giving our military the go-ahead to shoot it out of the sky. The weather balloon, which was really a spying and reconnaissance balloon piloted by the Chinese Communist Party, has effectively scooped up every last bit of intelligence and data they were looking to collect as it flew over every one of our nation's premier military installations. The data was back in Bejing by the time Bumbles gave the order, but that won't matter to Biden's praetorian guard, that is, the media. Americans know better, and this feckless piece of trash sitting behind the Resolute desk in our Oval Office has sold out our country once again. Just a complete and utter disgrace.

War Drums

Good morning, boys and girls! How is everyone this morning? We have another week unfolding before our very eyes, and who doesn't love to have front-row seats in the greatest show on earth? That's a lot of bluster on my part, to be sure. I hope I can deliver. I'm feeling a little anxious just thinking about it. It has very little to do with me, thank God, but I have my tickets just like everyone else. Whether I get up on stage and join the chorus remains to be seen, so you'll have to stay tuned to find out. Like Nancy Pelosi used to say when they asked her about the legislation that she was looking to pass, she said, "you'll have to pass it to find out what's in it." The same can be said for Johnnyblog. You'll have to read it to find out what's in it.


It's funny how you get used to things, and when the time comes to change things up, you wonder what took you so long to do it. We have forever been complaining about the lighting that we have in our computer area, and we've made no efforts whatsoever to rectify anything. You get so married to the status quo that you become resistant to change, even when that change can be for good. I don't mean to beat around the bush here, so let me get to the point. I was looking around in Home Depot yesterday, and I ended up by hook or crook in the lighting section of the store. One particular lamp, an LED lamp with a swivel stem, caught my eye. My God, I thought to myself. This will be the bees fucking knees on our desk. Now that I have it up and running, it's incredible. It puts our 60-watt soft white light bulb/lamp to shame. That's how you do it.

I hope to put a lovely broccoli and cheddar quiche in the oven this morning before the missus wakes up. I like to mix a carton of egg whites with an egg or two just for color and maybe to take the cholesterol down a notch or two. I can only go on with what they tell me, and they tell me that eating too many eggs can be bad for your cholesterol. It's not something I worry about, but it is something I'm mindful of. I'll need to steam up some broccoli beforehand, and I'll want to saute a few Baby Bella mushrooms to throw in as well. I'd love to add some Canadian bacon, but that is not something the missus enjoys, so maybe I'll make a side of bacon for myself. I don't use a crust when I make this particular recipe, and you'd never know it didn't have one if someone didn't bring it to your attention. A pie crust would be just fine, but it's not on my list. I'd also like to throw in a little feta cheese before popping this puppy in the oven.

I don't know what got into me yesterday. I had so much energy that I didn't know what to do with it. Does this have anything to do with my efforts over the last week or so to purge my system of sugar? I think it does. I have another week to go of minimizing sugar and carbs in my diet, so who knows where all of this is going? Anyway, I was running around the house doing things that I'd been avoiding doing for weeks and maybe even months. You know, little things like putting things away that should have been put away a long time ago. It was liberating, I have to say. Having the energy was important, but having the missus offsite was also important. The things you do when left to your own devices says a lot about what you value when push comes to shove. If what happened to me yesterday says anything, it says that I value organization over chaos, clarity over confusion, and maybe sanity over insanity. It was all good.

We finally got some real snow hereabouts. It wasn't much, maybe five inches or so, but it was enough that I had to get out the snowblower. The snow fell off and on throughout the day, and I worried that the mix of rain and snow might be such that I'd be out with the snowblower trying to move the resulting sludge. That's never fun. And don't forget, I also do my neighbor's driveway. It occurred to me that I might have to tell her that I couldn't do her driveway since my snowblower doesn't do a good job moving sludge. Then, where would she be? Up shit's creek without a paddle, as my old man used to say? Just call me a fair-weather snowblower if you must. I do not want to push myself into an early grave so her dog can have a place to pee. Granted, her dog is more important to her than my life is to me, so let's say that right up front. Anyway, the "sludge" never came to fruition, so I tidied everything up, and her dog now has a place to pee. For now, anyway.

I read a few tweets this morning about that Buffalo Bills football player (Damar Hamlin) who collapsed on the field of play a few weeks back. The tweeter said something about the fact that the guy who showed up at the Bills game over the weekend was not, in fact, Damar Hamlin, despite reports to the contrary. Now that I think about it, when I saw the image of the guy on the telly, he was standing in the shadows and behind closed doors such that you couldn't really tell who it was. He, or whoever he was, was wearing what appeared to be an inflatable jacket, and I thought to myself when I first saw him that he must have some kind of defibrillator beneath the jacket. Why would anyone indulge in such tomfoolery if that was not Mr. Hamlin? I have to agree with the tweeter, it had to be a ruse of some kind. To what end, for God's sake?

Is the real Damar Hamlin lying on a cold stone slab somewhere, awaiting the embalmer? Is Mr. Hamlin strapped into a rocking chair somewhere where he has round-the-clock care? There was a lot of discussion when all of this went down that Mr. Hamlin might have suffered brain damage while they worked feverishly to revive him in the moments after he collapsed. Reports were that they brought him back to life a couple of times before the ambulance arrived. All of that aside, I'm more interested in why someone thought it a good idea to have this imposter show up in the stands and behind closed doors to give the appearance that Damar Hamlin was alive and well. Is this the work of Big Pharma doing its level best to craft yet another narrative to cover their sorry asses when it comes to the killer vaccine that they've unleashed on the American public? I also think the tweeter was right when he said that were Damar Hamlin still with us that he would have been on the Good Morning Show with Robin Roberts by now.

I'm reading a story or two this morning about a few high-level governmental officials in Ukraine getting thrown out of office for corruption. This is a joke. Right? Just so you know, the words "Governmental officials" and "corruption" are synonymous when it comes to shitholes like Ukraine. This has to be some kind of political power grab, a consolidation of sorts to give Zelensky even more control. You know what they say, "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Or is this an unraveling of sorts? An unraveling, if you will, of the entire government under the grifter, Zelensky? Maybe the powers that be have decided that putting billions of dollars worth of military hardware and might in the hands of someone like Zelensky is not the best idea since sliced bread. He is, after all, a comedian, and comedians typically don't make good generals. If I'm right, Zelensky isn't long for this world.

And then you have the tanks. It reminds me of the back-and-forth discussion a while ago about whether or not we would send planes to Ukraine. I'm not sure why that never happened, but it didn't. You can't believe a word you see or hear from either side. I'm convinced that every story I see on CNN is a story that either Ukraine wants Russia to see or, conversely, Russia wants Ukraine to see. Would it surprise anyone that CNN plays both sides against the middle? Or that CNN is a patsy for the Putin regime? Anyway, this tank story might have some legs. Russia has threatened to burn the tanks should they arrive on Ukrainian soil. I don't even know what that means. Are we talking napalm in the morning here? Maybe some sort of technical nuke? Were I Putin, I'd be concerned that the West is now in it to win it. Stalingrad or bust?

Hasn't Putin already warned that if Russia's national security were threatened, he would stop at nothing, including using nuclear weapons, to protect their national sovereignty? Indeed, he has. Is there a Russian translation of the expression, what's good for the goose is good for the gander? In other words, Putin has been doing his level best to lay waste to Ukraine, albeit with limited success, but damn Zelenssky and his men if they try to fight back and win. The West will raise the ante once again by sending the tanks, so we'll see what difference that makes. The delivery of Patriot Missile systems to Ukrainian soil won't be far behind. We'll soon discover what Putin means by "burning" the tanks. Will it be more hyperbole, or will he follow through on his promise? Should the West decide at some point that they finally have Putin on the ropes, what then?

It also seems to me that Putin is in a bind. He can't threaten nuclear war without accepting that Russia might be incinerated in the process should that come to pass. It almost takes the nuclear stuff off the table. That leaves him fighting a war of attrition which, if you believe everything you hear from the western media, that is a war that Putin is losing. Why don't we ever hear about troop strength or conscript availability in the country of Ukraine? I hear the term "meat grinder" now and then, referring to what Ukrainian troops must be experiencing on the front lines. Do they have an inexhaustible supply of men willing to go into battle against the Ruskies, or are they working with a largely mercenary army thanks to the generosity of the Western nations? Russia has the Wagner group fighting on their behalf, and Belarus is on the verge of joining the battle on the side of the Ruskies. This is starting to look more and more like Vietnam all over again.

Fast forward 24 hours, and I'm reading in the news that Ukraine is calling all Ukrainians residing in Europe to return to Ukraine to help fight in the war. I was asking this very same question in my previous paragraph. If I'm a Ukrainian waking up in Italy this morning, I'm reading this headline and saying, hell no. I love my country but not enough to go back into that meat grinder that is now Ukraine. How long will it be before we end up giving Ukraine nukes? At what point does Putin say, let's take care of matters once and for all? Is there anything that Putin can do in Ukraine before the arrival of the tanks heading there some three to four weeks out? What would that be, precisely? I'm talking about some preemptive action that would render the tanks less useful than they might otherwise be. Alternatively, how do you sneak something the size of a tank battalion into a country without ending up on someone's radar?

With every European country now participating in the Ukrainian conflict, how long will it be before Putin declares war on countries like Germany and England? They are basically already at war with Russia, albeit in a proxy war. They all seem to have bought into the fallacy that has likely been sold by Bumbles and his crew in Washington that, should Ukraine fall, Putin will come after their countries next. I'm old enough to remember that when all of this started, the big question on everyone's lips was, what does Putin want? How much of Ukraine does he intend to "conquer"? Surely, they said repeatedly, Russia doesn't have the ability to take the entire country. It's too big, they said time and time again.

The war has grown exponentially since then, thanks largely to the resources thrown at Ukraine by the West, and it seems oddly unstoppable now for the very same reason. The big question now is, how far is each side willing to go to attain what they consider a victory? There has to be something short of complete annihilation that would appeal to one side or the other. No? How many men left standing is too few to continue the fight? How lifeless does the country of Ukraine have to become before someone decides it's no longer worth fighting for? At what point do targets in Russia become fair game for the weapons being wheeled into Ukraine? You know, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. That fool, Zelensky, is on television talking about how the West can help rebuild Ukraine after the war. The war isn't close to being over, and that stupid fuck is on national television shilling for more cash. It's beyond despicable.

The missus is up and talking to me this morning earlier than usual. She tells me that this is the first time she's waking up to the sounds of birds singing. I haven't noticed that, but it makes sense. It won't be long before they're out and about building nests and making babies. It's the circle of life thing, I suppose. At what point do we allow ourselves to start feeling good about the prospects of Spring arriving? How many more snow storms will have to come and go before we're done with them for another season? I was out on my bike yesterday after taking a six-day hiatus due to the weather. It's no longer the cold that keeps me from biking; it's the snow and ice that have yet to be cleared from the roadways and bike paths on those same roads. God, it felt good to be back out there again.


I almost didn't make it. Biking, I mean. We had problems with the Ev man's car again, which sucked up the better part of the early afternoon. There were so many things that seemed to go wrong yesterday that I told the missus that my going on a bike ride might be pushing the envelope. I'm not one to tempt fate; it felt like a fateful day. I told the Ev man that had someone told me that it was Friday the thirteenth, I might have believed them. I fell prey to what can only be described as confirmation bias when I took notice of a woman walking along a sidewalk with her dog, whose head was sticking out of her backpack. Who does that? What is someone trying to tell me? And then, after dropping the Ev man back at his house, I drove away only to be held up by a train rolling through town with 50 freight cars in tow. The matter of Ev's car, which we thought was nothing more than a dead battery, turned into something worse. That's what I'm talking about here.

Have you ever watched Jesse Waters on FOX? I think he's a complete idiot. What programming networks have on their shows tells me a lot about how they view their viewers. When you have a frat boy like Waters dishing up his nonsense five days a week, don't think for a moment that FOX doesn't think anyone watching is just as stupid as the guy they have on reading the teleprompter. Anyway, I was flipping through the channels, and I just happened to see this idiot, Waters, pushing a narrative that Hunter Biden was an asset for the CIA when he was shaking down foreign governments on behalf of the Biden Crime Family. That's why, he continued, the investigation of Hunter Biden will never become a criminal investigation. I'm thinking to myself, wut? So, this Waters guy is now a stooge for the intelligence agencies? He's spewing their bullshit to try and throw everyone off the scent of Hunter and his demented and corrupt father, Bumbles? Maybe this explains why the FBI has done nothing for two years despite possessing Hunter's laptop, and all the evidence of crimes committed contained therein. Sorry, I'm not buying it. Not for one fucking minute.

I don't usually pay much attention to what this group, Project Veritas, puts on the web, so let me just start there. Most of what I see them put out on the internet in the way of undercover videos go nowhere. Maybe they play up these revelatory releases too much, and then the real thing is a nothing burger. So what if they get someone on video saying something dishonest? Since when is anyone surprised that people are dishonest? Is it criminal? Maybe, maybe not. How is what Project Veritas does any different than that show back in the sixties, called "Candid Camera"? We laughed at the hilarity of it all back in the day. Anyway, this latest video from Veritas, where they out an executive from Pfizer, is quite something. I was less interested in hearing what he (the target) had to say in the video and more interested in seeing what passes for a Pfizzer executive in this day and age. My God, what a flipping twat! These are the people developing vaccines to protect people across the globe from Covid? No fucking wonder we see twenty-somethings dropping dead in their tracks after receiving the vaccine.

I hear that the US senate is now scheduling hearings in the wake of this video from Project Veritas. I mean, what the hell have they been waiting for? It took a video from Project Veritas to get their attention? They didn't think that people dropping dead after receiving the vaccine warranted a closer look at what Pfizer has been doing? Maybe they should put Project Veritas on their payroll so they can have an excuse to look into a few more things. I suspect that the Senate might be more interested in what this executive had to say than how he appeared in the video. Bringing him in for questioning might be interesting, if he lives that long. The guy thought he was out on a date impressing a potential paramour when, in reality, he was being videotaped by an undercover person from Project Veritas posing as a potential paramour. What was that he said about mutating viruses?

Speaking of nothing burgers, I'm happy to report that the problem with the Ev man's car turned out to be a nothing burger. There is a "fused" cable that connects the battery to the starter that apparently went bad. That's why we couldn't jump the car with jumper cables. It didn't need a jump. It needed a new cable, or better yet, forget the fused cable altogether. It didn't need a new starter, it didn't need a new battery, it didn't need anything of the sort. The car did need a tow, and it did need the attention of a professional to put all the pieces together. The missus and I like to drive by the repair shop once we've dropped the car off to be repaired to see if we can tell where he is in the process of fixing what needs to be fixed. If the car is in the back lot around the corner from the entrance, that's a good sign. It tells me that the repair has likely been done. If he hasn't called me, and the car is sitting in the back lot, it tells me that it was a minor repair and he didn't need my permission to go ahead and fix the problem. It was a fifty-buck fix. That's it. It could have been so much more.

I'm always sorry to hear when someone loses their life needlessly, but in the case of this guy in Memphis who died after being beaten by five cops, it always leaves me wondering if they might not have lost their lives had they complied with the commands issued by the officers. It was difficult to tell what preceded the scene where the cops pulled this fellow from his car. Still, one has to imagine that it was hopefully a textbook case of cops seeing a bad guy doing bad things and then doing what they needed to apprehend the criminal. If brute force is called for to subdue or otherwise control the alleged criminal, that might explain why they yanked this fellow out of his car and forced him to the ground. The suspect continued to struggle, as best I could tell by watching the video, and he did subsequently get loose and run for it, which may well justify actions taken by the police who were trying to subdue him in the first place.

I didn't watch the entire video, so I don't know how he ended up dead within shouting distance of his mother's home. CNN reported that his final words were "mamma" or something similar. He was a black man who was "killed" by five black police officers. That's just a fact. The officers have now been charged with second-degree murder. The mainstream media went into in full George Floyd mode. They promptly dispatched their reporters to hot spots across several cities from coast to coast to cover the anticipated riotous actions once the Memphis Police Department released the tape. One network displayed a news dispatch released by Antifa instructing their members to "burn it all down." Traffic in and around the city of Memphis was brought to a halt by hordes of angry black people enraged by yet another heavy-handed police action that resulted in the death of one of their own. There wasn't a policeman in sight. How much of this will change once the full story emerges is anyone's guess. This is Joe Biden's America in the year of the Lord, 2023.

We all know that Antifa is just another enforcement arm of the Biden Justice Department. They are colloquially referred to as "Biden's Brownshirts." They do the bidding of Bumbles and his democrat party. Do you need a race riot? The word goes out from the White House, and the next thing you know, it is going out across social media to every last maggot hiding in their mom's basement that their participation is needed to restore social justice. Bricks need to be delivered to participants, bats and truncheons need to be collected and distributed, targets need to be identified, and the appropriate footage needs to be taken and sent to their contacts in the leftist media in order to fan the appropriate flames of civil unrest when the time comes. People will die, property will be destroyed in the name of social justice, and the left will applaud them. There will be no investigations. There will be no congressional hearings. Biden's brownshirts will wreak havoc at will, and the DOJ will look the other way. Like I said, Biden's America in 2023.

I was following a thread or two on Twitter last night before bedtime about explosions here and there in Iran. These explosives were reportedly delivered by drones and were, no doubt, targeted with pinpoint precision. Does this have anything to do with reports in the media within the last week of America declaring or going to war with Iran? I remember thinking that Iran has many bad actors, and America has no shortage of reasons for wanting to see them put in their place, but don't we already have our hands full with arming and financing a proxy war in Ukraine? There was no mention of America being involved in these bombings on Twitter, but who did it and who gets the blame is almost an afterthought in the scheme of things. The obvious culprit would be the State of Israel which also has a lot of reasons why they might want to take out a target or two in Iran. I don't know much about drones, but they sure come in handy when you can't launch missiles or fly sorties to reach your targets.

I'm on day number 14 today of my attempts to cut back on my sugar consumption. It's working pretty well, if I do say so myself. The first few days were the most difficult. Nobody said going cold turkey was going to be easy. It's all about ridding your diet of those foodstuffs that spike your sugars like pasta, bread, etc. I know it sounds like something you can just nip in the bud by buying fewer cookies and candy bars every time you go to the store, but it's not that easy. The frequency with which I purchased these items, not to mention how much of what I was buying got consumed in short order, was of concern to me. I started to hate how little control I had over making such purchases. I got to the point where I thought it was literally going to kill me if I didn't do something to make it stop. The cravings have largely dissipated, but I'm mindful of how easy it would be to go back to that lifestyle were I to drop my guard for even a minute. For now, mission accomplished.

Trump was in New Hampshire yesterday, giving a policy speech. It's his first policy speech since he announced his run for the presidency in 2024. I listened for a while and then stopped listening when all I heard from him was the same old stories he gave back in the day when he held rallies almost weekly. Who the hell is writing his speeches? It all sounds so tiring. He's like the grandfather who's lost a step or two and continues regurgitating stories from his youth. It's one thing to listen to Bumbles Biden talk about his days with Corn Pop. You know he's a demented old fuck, so you just ignore him. Despite his age, Trump is not supposed to come off as an old man. Trump is the one 70-something who has always burned the candle at both ends and the guy who still has gas in the tank after everyone has gone home for the night. He'd better fix this and fix it fast. I'll still vote for him if he gets the nomination, but I can't listen to him until something changes for the better.

Bye Bye Bumbles

Let's get this party started, boys and girls. It's a new week. It's time to let our hair down and mix things up a bit. We got some snow overnight, so that's interesting. Just when I thought we were going to have a snowless winter, I woke up to an inch or two on the ground. I'll clear a section on the back deck to throw a few peanut thingies out for the birds. They seem to like the food I'm putting out, so that's good. I have to believe that foraging for food after a snowfall has to be more difficult than less, so I'm happy to offer an assist. I'll also want to keep an eye on the temperatures outside since moving snow with my snowblower becomes a chore if it gets too damp and heavy when the melting starts.


I'm not a huge football fan, but I will watch a game or two on the telly, given half a chance. I watched some of the two televised games yesterday between the Giants and the Vikings and the Buffalo Bills and the Miami Dolphins. Man, that is some physical shit. Those guys take a beating over the course of every game, forgetting for a minute what they must endure over the course of a season. I can't imagine the toll that it must take on their bodies over time. Such is the sacrifice that professional athletes make, I suppose. Maybe they think to themselves that they'll get in and get out, make a few bucks, and go on to something else for the rest of their lives. Then again, I'm not sure that's the way it works. I don't know how much money they make, but at some point, they have to ask themselves, was it all worth it?

The Ev man was over the other day, and we went out shopping for mattresses. His mattress is barely four years old, but it's definitely starting to sag and ripple in all the wrong places. It needs to be replaced, so that's that. We stopped at a Portland Mattress factory store in Portsmouth and looked around at mattresses on their showroom floor. I know that foam mattresses were all the rage at one point, and they still fetch a pretty good price, but I'm more interested in the tried and true spring or coil mattresses. They, too, have foam included in their construction, but it's minimal. We found one mattress, or model, that was around $800, which seemed to be the sweet spot between comfort and pricing. I made a mental note to myself that the next time we go looking at mattresses, we're going to bring a pillow along. None of the mattresses had a pillow on them. How do you determine how comfortable a mattress is or isn't without having a pillow under your head? I'll cut to the chase: You don't.

The missus and I stopped over at the Ev man's place yesterday to help him spruce the joint up before the inspection that is scheduled for this coming Thursday. There wasn't a lot to do, truth be told. The missus did a few dishes while the Ev man and I watched the football game. I putzed around the bathroom a little bit and helped with a couple of other things, but I think we were in and out of there in the space of an hour. The Ev man gets pretty particular about what he does and doesn't like us to clean up, so we go along to get along. Anything under his bed is off-limits. He has a collection of this and that next to his television that he refers to as a work-in-progress, so we leave that be as well. The missus and I want to leave as small a footprint as possible when paying the Ev man a visit, and he's good with that approach. I would also say that his place looked as good as we've seen it in some time, so it's good to see him staying on top of things. Baby steps. Right?

Tucker Carlson had an interesting theory about why all of our airports were shut down this past week for the better part of twelve hours. He mentioned that a handful of other countries also shut down their airports simultaneously, which I was totally unaware of. That would seem to be an important piece of information for anyone trying to understand what happened. No? The other piece of information which seemed to tie all of these loose threads together was the fact that Bitcoin increased by some 20% in the space of a couple of days during this so-called shutdown. Tucker's hypothesis, which some on the left might refer to as a wild-eyed conspiracy theory, was that hackers had hacked into the systems that controlled our airlines and demanded ransom to be paid in Bitcoin. Our government's injection of billions of dollars in purchases of bitcoin is the only thing that could possibly account for the increase in the value of bitcoin that occurred during that brief 24-hour period of time.

If true, wouldn't that be the fucking bees' knees? Biden and his gang of fools tried to put another one over on us by blaming it on a computer glitch. I actually bought that bullshit like the fool that I am. I should have known better. Who's decision was it to lie to the American people about what really happened that fateful morning? Now that I think of it, shouldn't someone in Congress be demanding that the Transportation Secretary, Petey Butt-Edge-Edge, get his sorry little ass down in front of them to explain to the American public why every last airport in our nation was shut down without notice stranding millions of flights and passengers across our country? What are we hearing from the Republican House of Representatives? Notta. They are going along to get along. That is not why we sent them to Washington. They are complicit in the crime covered up by the Bidenistas through their very silence. If Tucker has now shamed the Republican house into doing the right thing, then I say, yeah, baby! Whatever it takes is what I say.

Let me throw another log on the fire. What if this was just another ruse to send more money to that grifter, Zelensky, and his band of thieving oligarchs in Ukraine? There must be a money trail. I mean, Biden and his minions can't just write a check to pay off these hackers. Right? I thought Congress had control of the purse strings. Is there a ten percent fee somewhere in there for the Big Guy? I have questions. The money sent to the hackers aside, how vulnerable are we as a nation if someone sitting behind a keyboard can shut down our nation's air travel? What if that someone was someone sitting in a country like maybe Russia, who we just so happen to be fighting a proxy war against in the backwater of a country, Ukraine? I'm guessing that it wouldn't have much impact on our military flights if we needed to get a fighter squadron into the air in a hurry. Is there a chance in hell that these very same hackers have the codes to our nuclear arsenal? Just one last question: How in hell's name might they have obtained these codes? Does any of this have anything to do with the classified documents that they found in the boxes stored behind Biden's Corvette in his garage in Rehobeth, Delaware?

Mrs. G will be happy to hear that her car has passed its annual inspection with flying colors. I may have mentioned that I took it to be inspected after Mrs. G expressed some anxiety about taking her vehicle to a local garage. Her anxiety seemed to stem from the question about where she might park once on the premises, but I think it was more than that. I think the entirety of the process was more than she thought she could navigate. Maybe she worked herself into a tizzy thinking through the various and sundry outcomes involved in the process. She had mentioned something to us somewhat recently about someone saying that she needed work done on her car. That may have left her feeling a little vulnerable. Nobody likes to think that someone would take advantage of a ninety-year-old when they bring their car in for inspection, but we all know there are some pretty unscrupulous characters out there who would be happy to separate you from your money. Anyway, I got in and out, and everything passed. It will be one less thing for her to worry about. That's a good thing.

Have you ever tried to cut sugar out of your diet? It's a bitch. I swear to Christ that the sugar they put in food these days ain't the sugar your grandma used to use to make her molasses cookies back in the day. I'm not even talking about high fructose sugar here. I'm talking about the run-of-the-mill sugar that they add to everything you buy in the store. I'm old enough to remember when I could sit down with a cold glass of milk and a couple of Oreos, and I'd be happy as a clam. These days, I pop one of those fuckers in my mouth, and I can't stop eating them until I've finished off the entire package of cookies. The makers of Oreos and the rest of the food manufacturers out there have figured out not only how to get us into the stores to buy their products, but they've figured out how to get us to consume their products in a single sitting. No wonder we have a national problem with obesity that is bad and getting worse by the day.

I'm fighting back starting this week. I'm going on a diet that will, God willing, reset whatever it is that makes me eat this crap like it's going out of style. I'm doing it one day at a time. I can tell you that on my first day without sugar, and adding to that the carbs that drive my blood sugar numbers along with it, I was feeling pretty good about not having consumed any sugar for just one day. That's how you do it, babycakes. It's probably a little like alcohol anonymous if you think about it. Everything is one day at a time. Day two is now also behind me, and I think I can feel my waistline shrinking. No, really. There is something to be said for momentum. Maybe it's all in my head, but I think I'm actually getting up and out of bed in the morning with a bounce in my step. The usual floorboards that let me know when I've put on a few too many pounds are now strangely silent. I have a few more days before I can add fruit back into my daily regime. Then, I can have one serving per day for the first week and two servings per day in the second week. Now, if I can only get the missus on board.

I'm trying to teach myself how to play the song by Kansas, Dust in the Wind. It's not going well. I like the fact that I have the finger-picking part down pretty well, but, having said that, my version of the song bears little resemblance to the song you hear on the radio. As an extreme novice on the guitar, this finger-picking stuff can take some getting used to. I'm picking all the right strings, but I think I'm not picking them fast enough to the point where it sounds like the actual song. I don't even want to tell you how long I've been at this. I've decided that I don't really aspire to be the second coming of John Denver, and I don't have the vocals to do James Taylor, so if I work long and hard enough at this finger-picking stuff, maybe I'll end up being able to whip off something recognizable. I'm practicing every day, so maybe I need to practice longer and practice with fewer distractions every day. It's just one of many reasons that I give myself for getting out of bed every day. Oh, and thank the baby Jesus for YouTube.

I sent an e-mail to Mrs. G yesterday telling her that her car passed inspection with flying colors. I thought I was doing her a solid by taking her car to get inspected when she was disinclined to do the same. She never responded, so it makes me wonder. Maybe she feels as though I should have stepped up to the plate sooner to get it done. I half expected to get a thank you, at a minimum. Maybe she's forgotten that I took her car to get inspected. Surely, my e-mail would have brought all of that back into focus were that the case. No? I'm probably overthinking this, but it just strikes me as odd that she's not responded at all. Maybe this is no different than the list of things that she has for me to "fix" every time the missus and I pay a visit. One and done, as it were. I never signed up to be her handyman, but I think she thinks I am, for better or worse. I should have nipped that in the bud long ago. I'm not asking for flowers, but a sweet and simple "thank you" might be nice. Am I asking for too much?


I want to watch this show on the telly out of the UK entitled "Souls." I think it has something to do with a lost plane and a young man who, after barely surviving a car accident, recalls a previous life as a pilot of that very plane. I'm a big fan, or an aficionado as they say in the business, of plane crashes and the forensics involved in same, so this baby is right up my alley. It's also one of those shows that the missus would never in a million years sit down to watch with me. It's no fun watching television alone since half the fun is dissecting the lot of it after the fact. I wish her psyche weren't so fragile, but it is what it is. Maybe there's a transference of fear and dread in watching people die a horrific death on the telly, even if only vicariously, that takes her to a bad place. Whatever the case, I am, as she likes to say, yoyo. That's missus-speak for you are on your own. It doesn't work perfectly, but it's close enough.

I've never seen any of the daily press conferences put on by the White House by the infamous black Haitian lesbian Karine Jean-Pierre. No, really. I've seen a lot of clips of her abject buffoonery and have had a good laugh along the way. She's something of a caricature of herself, truth be told. The words coming out of her mouth aside, she has this clownish appearance that gives her even less credibility than she might otherwise claim in her role as press secretary for the president of the United States. Anyway, the basic requirements for the position she holds require that she answer questions or, at a minimum, give the appearance of trying to answer the questions. It's probably more of an art than a skill, but whatever the case, she likely comes up short more often than not based on what I've seen in both the aforementioned clips and in today's appearance in front of the White House Press corp.

After watching her for the better part of an hour, I am more convinced than ever that she is particularly ill-suited for the position. The rumors circulating on the dark web about her gender identity being her single most important qualification for the job are probably not wrong. The press corp peppered her relentlessly with questions about the latest revelations about Biden's various and sundry caches of classified documents discovered here and there across various properties owned by Biden. She answered each and every question regarding the classified documents by referring them to the White House Counsel's office. It became a feeding frenzy of sorts, and the press corp did what they do best when they smell blood in the water: They piled on and continued pressuring her for answers. I thought to myself while watching the fiasco, this is not the same press corp that not that long ago wouldn't have gone nearly this far when asking questions about their beloved democratic icon, Joe Biden. Something has changed.

I feel a little sorry for the press corp knowing that they have to attend these pressers where they are practically assured of walking away with next to nothing of note with which to write their articles or otherwise inform their listeners or readers. I don't think I heard anything coming out of her mouth that was something you could take to the bank. It was a colossal waste of time for anyone who thought they were there to get information from the one person behind the podium who allegedly had the president's ear. My sense in watching her at the podium was that she has very little to no access to Biden and that anything she says or does on his behalf in her role as press secretary is of her own making. What was obvious was that she was doing her level best to cover up or redirect any and all questions about Biden's criminality when it comes to the issue of leveraging our nation's secrets for his and his family's personal financial gain. That makes Karine Jean-Pierre, Press Secretary extraordinaire, complicit in the crimes committed by the man sitting in the Oval Office.

Some people seem to think that all of this classified leak stuff would have never happened had the people behind the scenes at the White House decided that they were going to get behind Biden's run for reelection in 2024. Tucker Carlson went so far as to say that our votes don't really count anymore. There are powers behind the scenes who decide who sits in the office and who doesn't sit in the office. Were that the case, how did Trump win in 2016? It does make you wonder. Was it their intention all along to put someone like Biden in the White House, knowing full well that he would do their bidding? Was their so-called bidding the destruction of America? If they could somehow find a man corrupt enough, vile enough, perverted enough, and senile enough where he would put the interests of his family above those of his country, they would have their perfect puppet. Good old Scranton Joe would restore the institution to its previous glory that Trump had nearly brought to the brink of ruination since his election in 2016. That was their opening bid, anyway. Unfortunately, for America, it worked.

I don't think anybody would miss Joe Biden if he were kicked to the curb tomorrow. There, I said it. We'll see soon enough if all of this classified document stuff is enough to get him to resign. If it takes something more, like maybe impeachment proceedings, to remove him, then I'm good with that too. He finally responded yesterday to all of this business about the classified documents, but it was nothing more than what we usually see from Bumbles. He read from his script and took no questions. What a surprise. I know I feel better despite not having heard the entire speech. He's hard to watch, much less listen to. It doesn't help that everyone in America knows he's a liar and a thief. That's just for starters. Shall we talk about his daughter's diary entries? We know he has this weird thing for children that may or may not be associated or otherwise related to the showers that he took with his prepubescent daughter back in the day. Those are her words, not mine. Will we breathe a sigh of relief when Kamala is sworn in for the duration of Biden's first term, or will we gird ourselves for what's to come?

I'm all over the place this morning, and I feel bad about that. Brush it off, Johnny Boy, and get on with it. The day is young, and your day is just getting started. I was a little disappointed yesterday when the Supreme Court said something about being unable to determine who had leaked an early draft of the Dobbs's decision earlier this year. You know, the decision that ultimately overturned Roe vs. Wade. How is that even possible? The Supreme Court has been investigating for months now, and this is all they have to say? It hardly seems possible. What and who are they covering up for? If it turns out to be a clerk, they need to be summarily fired, and their reputation destroyed for degrading and impugning the trust of one of our most treasured and essential institutions. It hardly seems possible that one of the justices had a hand in this. If they can't determine who did what, what's to stop someone from doing this all over again in the future? Was the leak even all that consequential when all was said and done? I'm not sure. Nonetheless, the Supreme Court has to do better. Our Republic depends on it.

My nearest neighbor, who happens to be on the mend after breaking her hip earlier this summer, sent out an e-mail, basically bringing everyone up to speed on her progress, or lack thereof. She mentioned something in her e-mail about clearing a path on her property for her dog in the wake of our recent snowfall. This particular task, at least for now, has been assigned to the fellow staying with her, who is scheduled to leave for Florida in two weeks' time. He's no spring chicken, so if I had to give him any advice, I'd tell him to take it slow. More troubling to me was the intimation in her missive that the path that he was planning to clear would still need to be cleared after the departure of her friend. Who precisely did she have in mind for that job? Is she expecting me to do the job in addition to what I already do for her? I've been clearing her driveway of snow these past couple of winters, and it's not been a big deal one way or another. Well, I figured if I didn't respond to her e-mail, which I've not done, maybe she'll take the hint. It's more than I want to take on, so we'll let the chips fall where they may. Plan accordingly, dearie.

We enjoyed a lovely piece of halibut for dinner last night. The missus has a recipe that we love to make, and it calls for steaming the fish in a broth of diced tomatoes and calamata olives. We have fish so seldom these days that we have to remind ourselves from time to time that we should be eating more fish and not less. We live on the seacoast, for chrissakes, where the fish is almost always fresh and, as they love to say in the shop, straight off the boat. We have no excuse for not adding more fish to our diet. As I've already mentioned, I'm kicking carbs to the curb, for now, to break my addiction to sugar, so having fish is a no-brainer. The missus can make this recipe in her sleep too, and that's a good thing since, and don't tell her I said this, but she's no Gordon Ramsey. You put the fish in some aluminum foil, add the tomatoes and juices, and stick it in the oven for maybe ten to fifteen minutes. I might have liked to have had a half-pound or so of broiled asparagus to go with the fish, but, alas, that was not in the cards. Tonight, God willing, we'll have chicken and brussel sprouts.

I follow this one particular woman on Twitter who announced recently that she's moving to Taiwan for two years in a couple of weeks. Her husband has a two-year stint with some company there, or so she says. It got me thinking, who the hell has Taiwan on their bingo card as a destination du jour, knowing what we all know about China's designs on Taiwan? Being an American will not give him a pass one way or another once the shooting begins. He and his wife will head to the local fallout shelter together, like everyone else, once the missiles start flying overhead. Hell, the two of them could end up dead if things go to hell in a handbasket, Ukrainian style. She has a military background, so I suspect she understands all too well what she's getting herself into. For all I know, her husband is training the Taiwanese on how to use sophisticated weaponry that either has been or will be provided to Taiwan should China follow through on its plans to reunify the country of Taiwan. As for America joining that fight on behalf of our allies in Taiwan, I think that's a whole lot of wishful thinking.

Besides, every NATO country, including the United States, has largely depleted its military assets and, consequently, its capabilities on behalf of the Ukrainians in its fight against the Russians. Hell, we went on bended knee to our military cupboards in South Korea just last week, looking for spare parts to send to Ukraine. It's not something that you'll hear our military brass talking about, but that is where we are, folks. That said, it seems we don't have a lot to offer Taiwan or anyone else if things go sideways in the near future. Maybe that was the plan from the jump. That would explain why China has been largely absent when and where the Russian war in Ukraine is concerned. The more the West bleeds out, militaristically speaking, the less they have in the tank when it comes to rushing to anyone's aid. We, the United States, may even come up short were we to have to confront the CCP on our soil should that come to pass. We still have nukes, though. Oh, wait. So do they.

It sounds like Nikki Haley is thinking about throwing her hat into the ring as a presidential wannabe in 2024. She loves to say that she's never lost a campaign as if we're supposed to infer from that that she'd win if she runs. It sounds like she's setting herself up as Trump's vice presidential running mate if you ask me. I approve of her politics in the sense that she's a conservative, but I'm not sure she has the requisite curb appeal to sell herself as a national candidate. She was governor of South Carolina, and she was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, so she's not chopped liver. You have to give the lady her due. She's put in the time, and she has a record of accomplishment. I'm just not seeing her in the mix when the primaries in the Mid West roll around. I can hear them now: Nikki who? They might well say the same thing about Ron DeSantis. Trump is and will continue to be the veritable 800-pound gorilla in the room. These other candidates must think long and hard about taking Trump head-on in the primaries. Maybe they do it to gain name recognition. Maybe they do it to position themselves as a potential vice president. Maybe they don't do it at all.

Just when you thought Biden's classified document fiasco couldn't get any worse, they found another tranche of documents this weekend at one of his homes in Delaware. I've lost count on the number of documents that they've fouud since last November. This time around, it was the DOJ performng the search, not Biden's attorneys. And then there's this: Ron Klein, Biden's Chief of Staff, announced his departure in two week's time. Klein is the brains of the operation so that can't be good for Biden. It's possible that Klein doesn't want to get indicted as a co-consiprator once they start to unravel Biden's extensive criminal enterprise. You also have to imagine that the Republican majority in the House and their committees that plan hearings on Biden corruption beginning in February also play into everything that we see unfolding. Biden is now a veritable Dead Man Walking. The expose's from his pretorian guard, the mainstream media, will only ramp up from here. They want him gone.

The Big Guy

Remember Ashley Babbit? She was the only person killed on January 6th, 2020, when Americans took their grievances peacefully and patriotically into the People's House in our nation's capital. She was killed by one of the Capital Police Force when she attempted to enter an area where this particular policeman was waiting with his gun drawn. Ms. Babbit was unarmed and posed no real threat, yet she was gunned down in cold blood. Worse yet, he was lauded by the government for his actions, and an internal investigation resulted in no charges whatsoever. This particular police force is now Kevin McCarthy's police force. Will he do the right thing by reopening the investigation and holding hearings about what really transpired on that fateful day? Will he hold every last one of Pelosi's henchmen responsible? America will be watching.


We took Mrs. G out for a ride yesterday. I had wanted to watch the New England Patriots play the Buffalo Bills on the telly a little after noon, but it was such a beautiful day outdoors that staying indoors for the afternoon seemed sinful at best. Y'all know I could give two shits for the game of football, and we're not talking soccer here, but I have a particular interest in seeing the New England Patriots get their asses handed to them. Who watches a game on the telly to see someone lose? Right? I had a hundred and one ways to follow up on the game, so off we went to pick up Mrs. G. I thought we might surprise her by taking her to Kentucky Fried Chicken in Seabrook, but that went sideways when the missus spilled the beans before we even got out of sight of Mrs. G's independent living facility. You know what they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men.

Mrs. G seems fairly preoccupied these days with where she may or may not have to park when she goes to get her car inspected. So much so, in fact, that before we left for Seabrook yesterday, she insisted that we drive by the garage where she planned to have to car inspected so she might get a better sense as to where she might be able to park when she arrives for the inspection. My sense, as I sit here thinking about it this morning, is that she's overly wrought about all of this and that me and the missus ought to take care of that for her. I just sent her an e-mail suggesting as much, and I suspect she'll be open to our offer. It begs the bigger question, of course, that if she has this amount of consternation about something as straightforward as parking, might it be time for her to consider getting off the road altogether? Just thinking out loud here.

I need to do a better job when it comes to collecting my thoughts and putting down ideas on what I might put in this here blog every day when I sit down to write. I seem to get ideas here and there throughout the day, and when I sit down every morning to do this blog thing, I can't recall any of it. Maybe it's time to take away my car keys. Only kidding. All of it could have been avoided if I had had the presence of mind to keep a notepad or something on my person to keep track of the things I wanted to write about. I'm getting the job done, so maybe it isn't that big a deal. In other words, I have a track record that I can point to that says notes aren't necessary, and shooting from the hip, at least for me, works pretty well.

I read somewhere yesterday about a college south of where I'm sitting that now requires their students and faculty to wear masks. I am so tired of these fucking health zealots and Nazis who haven't a clue about this Covid bullshit. I'm probably also not wrong about assuming that they also require their student body to be immunized and boosted with the latest and greatest vaccines from the Pfizers of the world. You know, the same vaccines that are allegedly responsible for twenty-somethings dropping dead while engaging in sports activities, be they basketball players, martial artists, or football players. When will they get it through their fucking heads that masks are useless against these viruses and, if anything, they keep people from developing natural immunities to the normal seasonal stuff that comes around every year? It's especially irritating when you consider the fact that the latest strains of Covid, by most reports, are less dangerous and seldom lethal.

I told the missus yesterday about Bumbles Biden's trip to El Paso on our southern border. I told her that it was all smoke and mirrors. Bumbles has been taking a considerable amount of heat over the last couple of years for not going to our southern border while leaving that very same border open to hordes of illegal aliens who now plague our towns and cities. Who knows who and what these people are, what crimes they've committed, what pathogens they carry, and what their intentions are now that they're here? Anyway, Bumbles, in his demented state, made his way down to the border town to do whatever presidents do when they pay a visit. What our media didn't tell you is that Bumble's advance team cleaned the streets and alleyways of every last illegal alien in sight so Bumbles wouldn't be embarrassed by their presence. More importantly, the media would have a sanitized version of El Paso to sell to the American public that counters the vicious and persistent rumors of what has become of our border towns since Bumbles opened our borders. Like I said, smoke and mirrors.

I like what our new Republican House of Representatives is doing now that we have a Speaker in place, but I worry about how much of what they do or announce that they've done is purely performative. They passed something last night about defunding the IRS, or more to the point, they effectively clawed back billions of dollars in funding that the previous democrat congress passed into law that would add 87,000 new IRS agents to the rolls. It sounds good, and who doesn't like the idea that the common man can now sleep better at night knowing that their chances of being audited by the IRS is less likely, but one has to wonder whether or not the House of Representatives has the power to unilaterally reduce or cut the funding that has already been passed into law. The devil is always in the details, so we'll see where this goes. Maybe this is just another pig in the poke deal where you think you're getting something when you're not.

I don't think I realized that the IRS funding of 87,000 new agents was designed to provide funding for the Green New Deal, the Administration's Climate Change initiatives, etc. It's all a crock of hooey if you ask me, so taking a meat cleaver to the lot of it makes imminently good sense to me. Have you heard the latest? The Biden Administration wants to outlaw gas stoves. Wut? Can they do that? You know what's next, right? They'll point to some study that says marginalized communities are disproportionately impacted by the use of gas stoves, and, God forbid, that needs to be rectified. The sooner, the better. They'll get some Biden judge to sign off on the rule, and, voila, you can kiss your fucking gas stove goodbye. Do you have a gas fireplace? They're probably coming for that too. How about your favorite restaurant? You know, the one down the street that cooks your favorite dish using gas stoves. Their days are numbered too.

Tell me that this latest story about Biden and the classified files that he's had for years now isn't the juiciest story going. You should hear the liberal media spinning the facts to separate Biden from Trump and the alleged criminality of the "crimes" committed. There is no criminality on the part of Biden, they say. He forgot that the darn things were there. No harm, no foul. His attorney's called the people who are responsible for storing these items, and they have since been turned over to them. There's one big difference between the two stories. Trump had the right to declassify documents, and Biden, as Vice President, had no such authority. That makes what Biden did a criminal matter. Where is the Special Counsel, Attorney General Garland? Where are the articles of impeachment by the republican House of Representatives? Let's fucking go!

Did I mention that I bought a second Echo Dot? I want to do things with these devices that may not be possible, but I'm a hacker at heart, so where there is a will, there is a way. Can I use these devices as Bluetooth speakers? I read somewhere that previous models had an external speaker plug, but the model I now have has no such thing. Can I play an audiobook on my phone on my Echo Dot? Or will the Echo only play audiobooks from places like Audible, etc.? I'm not a big fan of audiobooks, but I like to push the functionality of these devices to the point where I know what they can and cannot do. Some things are not advertised for one reason or another, and those are the so-called Easter eggs that I'm looking to tap into. Is any of this making any sense? I now have devices in two separate rooms but don't know to manage how and when they work together if they work together at all. I might want to say, Alexa, transfer my music to the other room. Will that work? What do I do when the missus says that she wants some privacy? Do I turn down the volume on the device that is in the room she occupies? Is that even necessary? I need to sort these things out.

I heard yesterday that we are bringing Ukrainian soldiers to America to train them on how to operate the Patriot Missile Systems. It's just one more example of the West fighting a proxy war against Russia while using Ukraine as a backdrop for it all. How sophisticated can these systems be that they need to take these fighters off the field of battle so they can train them for however long it takes them to do the training? If you were fortunate enough to go to America while your fellow soldiers were dying by the hundreds back in the homeland, how excited would you be to get back on a plane to go to the meat grinder that is Ukraine when the training was over? You know where all of this is going. You know that Americans will ultimately end up operating those Patriot Missile Systems. Here's my advice to Zelensky: Cut a fucking deal and stop the senseless killing of your countryman, for chrissakes. There is not now, nor will there ever be, anything approximating an assured destruction of your enemy, the country of Russia. No amount of money from the West will assist you in that endeavor.

I caught a clip last night with Robert Kennedy and Tucker where they were discussing how the government has been using social media platforms to stifle free speech. It's not as benign as it sounds. Kennedy made the point that social media platforms, by virtue of their freewheeling nature, allow voices and opinions that often depart from the news that the government wants you to hear, and they are having none of it. If the government can control what news gets reported, it can essentially control the messaging. If it can control the messaging, it can control the populace. It shouldn't surprise anyone that Twitter, in the pre-Musk era, employed maybe hundreds of ex-governmental types, and those employees were complicit, if not directly responsible, for the banning or silencing of voices that offered opinions contrary to those offered by the mainstream media. This is not the America that our Founders envisioned. It is the America that they warned that we could lose were tyranny to come to our shores. We are now on the precipice of that reality. It's time to wake up.

My goodness! What's that? Did you say that they found a second tranche of classified documents that Biden had in his possession? Holy cow, Batman! The funny thing is, they aren't telling anyone where they found this second tranche of materials. You can ask until the cows come home, but nobody's talking. You know what that means. Right? They were likely not stored in a locked closet like the first tranche. Not that being in a locked closet means anything because getting into a locked closet, unlike accessing the inner sanctum of Mar-a-Lago, which had 24/7 governmental security, is a relatively easy thing to do. One has to wonder, why now? Why is all of this coming out now? Is this the deep state looking to rid the White House and the country of the moron sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office? Have they decided that he (Biden) and his criminal family have done enough damage? Is this how it all ends?

I tuned into CNN last night and then turned to MSNBC, and neither channel featured the discovery of this second tranche of classified materials as their lead story. Can you imagine if the Feds had discovered a second tranche of classified documents in one or more of Trump's properties? Every last one of these liberal shows would be on fire, with their respective hosts and guests calling for the immediate imprisonment of Trump and his extended family. What the hell kind of simulation are we living in, anyway? I flipped back and forth throughout the hour, and they never covered the story. I'm looking at a couple of headlines this morning, and I see that the White House asked the networks to ignore the story after it broke. Do we have a free press or not? Is this not a story worth covering? Does anyone care that Biden likely shared these classified documents with America's enemies like China, Russia, etc.? How much were they paid? Just how compromised are we as a nation now that Biden has sold us out for his sixty pieces of silver?


Poor Kamala. She must have figured that she'd be our sitting president by now. Bumbles Biden could barely string two sentences together as a presidential candidate back in 2020, with his dementia worsening by the day, if not the hour. Even with the use of a teleprompter, Bumbles was and still is, a laughingstock on the world stage. Kamala was probably promised that she could measure the drapes in the Oval Office while Bumbles was sitting behind the Resolute desk, and Bumbles was so far gone that he probably wouldn't even notice that she was there with her measuring tape in hand.

I think the media is largely constrained these days by their loyalty to both their leftist ideology and their leader who sits in the White House to put his deficiencies on display anymore, so we now have what can only be described as a sanitized version of Bumbles on the stump. I think this is what they refer to as a sleight of hand in the world of chicanery. None of it gets Kamala any closer to her dream of being the first female president of the greatest country on the face of the world. That has to be a great source of consternation for her and her staff, who probably joined her in the Vice President's residence, thinking they would join her in the White House in the near term. That may still happen, but it hasn't happened yet.

I'm more and more impressed with Common Roots every time I go there. My latest purchases included a nice sweet potato corn chowder, three containers of mushroom chili, a nice turkey dinner complete with mashed potatoes and gravy, and a lovely container of roasted vegetables. One never knows what to expect when one goes to their store looking for foodstuffs for dinner, so it's always nice to be surprised on the upside. I can't say that I've ever been disappointed, but I haven't much interest in vegan dishes, so more often than not, I end up walking away with little to nothing to show for my efforts. If I'm not wanting to disappoint the missus by arriving back home with little to nothing for an upcoming meal, I'll grab a blueberry or lemon poppyseed muffin on my way out the door. But, having said all of that, maybe what I see here early on in 2023 is an effort to expand their menu in a way that is pleasing not just for the vegans but for the rest of us as well. Whatever they're doing, they need to keep doing it.

The early morning snow has tapered off now, and we're expecting it all to turn to rain for the rest of the day. I threw a handful of little peanut nuggets out onto our back deck that I bought the other day at a local store, and they have largely disappeared beneath a thin veneer of snow. I can never keep the names of the bird species straight, so I can't say for sure which birds made a beeline for the nuggets, but that congo line has gone flat now that the nuggets are no longer visible. I have a good mind to shovel a section of the deck off so the birds can have easier access to the food I'm putting out for them, but maybe it's not a good idea with rain in the forecast. I topped off my thistle feeder, and I restocked my suet feeder the other day, so whatever we have coming down the pike in the way of bad weather, it'll likely not deter the birds that typically grace us with their presence in good weather and in bad.

What was all of that nonsense with the air traffic nationwide coming to a grinding halt yesterday? Initial reports said something about a computer issue. So, planes in the air were okay to go about their business, but none were approved to take off. So that you know, we've not seen a nationwide shutdown of our airlines since 9/11. What was this, exactly? Was it a dry run to see how our country handles a shutdown in an emergency? Was it a dry run to evaluate our country's defenses should, God forbid, we be attacked by a foreign enemy? Was it due to the sheer unadulterated incompetence of our country's Secretary of Transportation, Mayor Pete Butt-Edge-Edge? You know, the guy who couldn't fix the potholes as mayor of his town, South Bend, Indiana? Yeah, that guy. That's who we're talking about. The very same clown who loves to talk about how he proposed to his husband in an airport terminal. Yes, the very same guy who mismanaged our country's supply chains back in 2021, which resulted in hundreds of container ships stacked up at ports coast to coast. Or, was this a thinly disguised redirection play to give the media a good excuse not to talk about the second tranche of classified documents found in Biden's possession? Maybe all of the above. What say you?

Did I say second tranche of classified materials? Well, neighbors and friends, we now have three tranches of classified materials that have been uncovered at one or more of Biden's residences. We didn't know about the third tranche until yesterday's press conference by Attorney General, Garland. He set out the timeline, and if you were paying attention, you learned that Garland recently discovered the existence of yet a third tranche of classified materials. You never heard a peep about the third tranche in the media. Maybe they knew and didn't want to pile on when their man was down on all fours, and maybe they didn't know at all. Garland also announced that the Justice Department had named a Special Counsel to investigate possible criminality on the part of one Bumbles Biden for crimes related to the theft, possession, and possible distribution of said files. All felonies, I might add. Here's the kicker: Garland announced his investigation into Trump's mishandling of documents when he knew about Biden's alleged crimes but said nothing. Can you say, "double standard"?

It's all very delicious, don't you think? What, pray tell, was that nonsense rolling off Bumble's lips about his garage being as safe a place as any because that's where he stores his Corvette. Is he out of his fucking mind? Was that not an admission of guilt? The media put a video of Biden's garage on a loop where you could see boxes stacked upon boxes in the rear corner of his garage. The garage door was open, and his Corvette sat outside the garage in the driveway. I want to know who had access to the garage and when were these so-called classified documents placed in the garage. I hope I'm not repeating myself, but how precisely did Bumbles get these documents out of the White House? Did he steal them? Did he sell their contents? Did Hunter have access to these documents? We know Hunter was rubbing up against the head of the Chinese Communist Party back in the day, so what role did he play in the placement or distribution and possible sale of these classified files?

There is a lot of concern on the part of those of us who want to see justice done here that the Special Counsel assigned to Biden's case is just another government hack who'll whitewash it all. I'm just repeating what I heard many people saying yesterday in the aftermath of the presser by the Attorney General. You have to believe that once someone starts scratching the surface of what's in play here that they are going to find far-reaching tentacles into the multi-faceted Biden Crime Family and their sordid and unscrupulous worldwide pay-for-play and money laundering schemes. That should come as a surprise to nobody. Others were saying that Congress needs to wrestle this away from the Department of Justice, where they can do a proper investigation. If criminality is uncovered, Articles of Impeachment can be fast-tracked, and the appropriate criminal referrals can be made to the agencies that deal with such things. If Biden is ultimately found guilty of treason, which is quite likely, we all know how that movie ends. Let's just call it just desserts.

Is it me, or does this look like someone is out to get rid of Bumbles? Who the hell is dropping a dime on where all of these classified files are being found? Nobody's buying Biden's bullshit about the story of his attorneys who were sent to box up his office at the Penn Center when they discovered the files. Nobody pays attorney's fees in the $1k to $2k per hour range to box up and move files. I mean, they just don't. How about the files that were discovered in his garage in his home in Rehobeth, Delaware? How the hell would anyone even know to look there? Was that search set in motion by Garland and his people? Did the FBI search Biden's residences, and it was never announced? One lamebrained democrat suggested that the files might have been "planted" by someone looking to frame or otherwise bring down Bumbles Biden. I also heard that Biden was looking to announce his candidacy for a second term this week, and all of this classified stuff has pretty much nixed that eventuality for now.

Most of the mainstream media is leading with the story of the untimely death of Lisa Marie Pressley this morning. If you were hiding under a rock in the past twenty-four hours and woke up to these headlines, you'd know nothing about Bumbles Biden being the subject of a criminal inquiry by the Department of Justice. That's how the mainstream media does what they do. They misdirect, they confuse, they lie, and they deliberately tell stories to distract from stories they don't want you to know about. They are the penultimate praetorian guard. If they want Bumbles Biden off the front pages, they'll make something up so they don't have to inform you about what's really taking place in our nation's capital. They'll even overplay their hand by blowing a story like Pressley's death out of proportion if that is what they need to do. Does anyone give two fucks about Pressley's death? Apart from her fans and family, probably not. Does this look like one of those vaccine-related deaths? Indeed it does, but no one is even suggesting that that angle is worthy of a byline. The Pressley family is probably pleased with the coverage, but the stench of the Biden story persists and is still the real story of the day.

It looks like my financial newsletter was right when it predicted a bit of a run-up in the stock market in January. How high and far it goes is yet to be seen. And then what? Are we back in Slumpsville for the rest of the year? Is this the end of the bear market? This isn't how bear markets end, as far as I know. Whatever happened to the capitulation stage? Are we not going to see the mother of all buying opportunities? I have a lot of questions, as you can see. And what's up with the run-up in the coins this morning? I don't follow bitcoin, but I do know that they were up around $65k a coin not that long ago, and then they dropped to $15k a few months back. They're up to $20k this morning. I guess that's good for the crypto crowd, who have held their coins all the way down from $65k. We know one thing. Hope springs eternal. Tell that to the people who bought Teslas only to see Musk reduce the purchase price of new Teslas by 10-20% due to the dropoff in the price of materials used to build his vehicles. That's good for buyers but bad news for sellers.

Speaking of Musk, I'm a bit disappointed in what he's doing with Twitter. I'm still being shadowbanned, and I'm not the only one. I don't even bother posting anymore because whatever I say never sees the light of day. I use Twitter as a news feed for the most part. I heard somewhere that you'll never see Musk posting anything bad about the Chinese because he's beholding to them for both the financing that they provide as well as the fact that he has a manufacturing facility in Shanghai. In other words, he's bought and sold. The Chinese Communist Party has him by the balls, and when they tell him to jump, he jumps. Consequently, there is a dearth of news and truth when it comes to knowing what we need to know about our existential enemy, the Chinese Communist Party. I saw a tweet from one of my favorite tweeters this morning about the Fauci files. "Did I miss them?" she tweeted. Musk promised that he'd release it all, and none of that seems to be coming to fruition. I'm not even seeing that many tweets this morning about Biden and his theft and leveraging of classified files. It's only the biggest story since Donald Trump came down the elevator in 2016. What up, Elon?

I'm really looking forward to the Congressional hearings on everything from how Biden and his people fucked up the Afghanistan withdrawal to how our Intel agencies were behind the January 6th insurrection bullshit. The Republicans are in charge now, so I expect we'll see the lot of these criminals subpoenaed and frogmarched into our nation's capitol. I want to see their texts, their phone call logs, and if criminal referrals are warranted, I want to see lengthy jail sentences handed down. They should be treated no less harshly than the January 6th defendants and, God willing, more harshly when and where appropriate. As I understand it, Jim Jordan will be chairing the first hearing about Biden and the recent revelations concerning the discovery of classified files in Biden's possession and the assignment of a Special Counsel to oversee the investigation. You start tugging at the threads on that story, and it will be the beginning of the end for Bumbles and his minions. Speaker McCarthy is even talking about expunging Trump's two impeachments due to the faulty basis on which they were launched. That's what we're talkin' about.

I'm also reading some tweets this morning about an increase in the flow of military air traffic in and out of Poland. The tweeter seems to suggest that there is a possible amassing of NATO troops on the border of Poland in advance of what could be the start of a chapter in the war in Ukraine. Another tweeter reports the sighting of Russian Strategic Bombers flying over Ukraine. Is this Biden's wag-the-dog moment? Are we supposed to rally around this fool of a president as he puts Americans in harm's way due to a border skirmish in which we have little to no national interest? We see it for what it is. It will be a sad day indeed if we lose one ounce of American blood on Ukrainian soil because Bumbles Biden wants to distract Americans from the showcase of a Hague-like trial that will most certainly expose him and his family for the corrupt criminals that they are. These are all high-flying postulations, to be sure, but you have to believe that there's a kernel of truth in every tweet you see, no matter how ridiculous they sound. Jump to your own conclusions if you dare.

It will be interesting today to see how all of this Biden classified documents business is handled by the Sunday talk shows. It will tell us a lot about where we are in terms of the democrats looking to oust this demented fuck from office, or will it be an all-hands-on-deck effort to get behind their Commander-in-Thief? Clearly, Bumbles is now a liability, and perhaps even a threat to the Democrat's efforts to hold onto power come 2024. Don't believe for a minute that the talking points have not been circulated far and wide by the Democrat establishment to ensure everyone stays on script. That may well be easier said than done. We'll see the usual phalanx of Democrat hacks doing what they do best: Lying through their teeth. It may not be nearly enough to stave off the obvious questions that lead to the inevitable conclusion that Bumbles has been stealing our country's secrets for decades and has been selling them to the highest bidder across the globe to fatten his family's coffers. Am I wrong?

Bad Dude

Here we go, boys and girls! We've got ourselves a new year to navigate, so buckle up. I call them as I see them, so you'll not get any prognostications from me. I don't even own a crystal ball, for chrissakes. Can you believe that we haven't a lick of snow on the ground? We're a couple of weeks into Winter, so I should be careful about beating my chest when it comes to this sort of thing. Don't get me wrong. I think having a bit of snow might be nice. Not enough to make travel difficult but just enough to coat everything would suit me just fine. The missus would disagree with me. You won't find her walking outside if the paths hereabouts are slippery with snow and, God forbid, ice. Everything in moderation.


It seems like this Christmas holiday thing is going on forever. Is it because Christmas was on a Sunday this year? Did that extend the number of days to celebrate somehow? I'd have to do the math, which would settle it once and for all. It's just a feeling at this point, and I, for one, am ready to put the holidays behind me. I live and breathe from one news cycle to another, and when news cycles are so messed up, as they typically are during the holidays, I feel like a fish out of water. Today is the last of the holidays, and I say good riddance. I'm ready to get on with things. Let's do this. Today, I'll be putting away ornaments and taking the tree outside. I'll whip our kitchen into shape after neglecting it for the last couple of days so we can wake up tomorrow to a fresh start.

I put up my 2023 calendar, and I've already filled in one square for the bike ride that I took yesterday. I track the days I ride and the temperature on the day that I ride. I like to be able to look back on any particular period of time and feel good, or not, about how much biking I got in as a corollary for getting exercise or not. If I can say that, for any given year, I rode more than three thousand miles, then I would say it was a good year. If I can point to a particular season when I rode despite the frigid temperatures out of doors, then that tells me that I can endure more than most when it comes to my resolve to get exercise no matter what. I'm the guy that scales icy cliffs, hypothetically speaking, when everyone else is snuggled up next to the fireplace. Which guy or gal do you want to be? What cliffs do you plan to scale in 2023?

I am worried about the economy in 2023, and I think I'm not alone. These asset bubbles we see popping here and there are a direct result of prolonged periods of zero interest rates. In other words, the punchbowl of free money has been out for far too long. Some say it has created even more distance between the rich and the poor, making the rich even richer while the poor have no assets to begin with, so they remain in the proverbial doghouse. I think they refer to this condition as "wealth inequality." I understand none of this, to be clear. I'm just parroting what I hear in the chat rooms and hallways where people smarter than I have something to say on the matter. If you are amongst those who lost money in their 401k's in 2022, you don't need a financial degree to know something is out of whack. Things are about to get more out of whack if these people are right. It bears watching; that's all I'm saying.

That Lula guy was sworn in over the weekend in Brazil as the latest in a number of leftist leaders to take charge of their countries in our hemisphere. I thought Bolsonaro was going to have the army take charge and preserve what little democracy that great country has by keeping him in power. I don't know shit about politics outside our country, but I do pay attention when I see leftists stealing things at the expense of their countries and their citizenry. If what I also hear about Lula's cozy relationship with the Communist Chinese Party is true, then I think we can kiss Brazil goodbye as a democracy.

Lula served jail time after his first stint as president of Brazil for fattening his coffers at the expense of his country, so I guess I would say expect more of the same. Brazil is a veritable gold mine of natural resources, so don't be surprised to see China raping and pillaging every last minable mineral that Brazil has while Lula looks the other way. This damnable "ten percent for the Big Guy" seems to be a global phenomenon. They're all stuffing their fucking pockets while the sun shines.

I wonder how much of what we hear coming out of Ukraine is true. The latest is that Ukraine has successfully used defensive weaponry from the West to shoot down a very high percentage of incoming rockets and drones. Russia is also reportedly hellbent on destroying Ukraine's infrastructure if we're to believe the latest reports from the Ukrainian government. If Russia is indeed running short of things to launch into Ukraine, which has also been reported, then taking out Ukraine's infrastructure as an alternative to targeting their citizenry might well cause millions of Ukrainians to die of exposure. If Ukraine's defensive weapons are working as well as they say they are, then who knows what Russia might do next.

The missiles and the drones aren't getting the job done, or so we are left to surmise, so you move on to other offensive weapon systems. Whatever happened to the air war over Ukraine? Is there one? Maybe Russia doesn't do flyovers, knowing they might be shot down by weapon systems provided by the West. Lastly, I would ask how much of what we know or don't know is being choreographed by Zelensky and his minions to keep the funds from the West flowing. How emasculated do we (U.S.) have to be regarding money and weaponry before we, too, are easy prey for the world's despots who would welcome and perhaps even plot our demise?

The House of Representatives votes for a new Speaker of the House today. It is so good to see that drunken old twat, Pelosi, getting kicked to the curb by the incoming Republican majority. Who replaces her remains to be seen. I'm a no-vote for Kevin McCarthy, so I'll put that out there for public consumption. He's about as milqtoast a fellow as they come, and I'll be unhappy if he somehow manages to get the votes he needs to become Speaker of the House for the upcoming term. I don't think he has the votes. I want a barn burner of a conservative to go in and burn that place down. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

I also want a new January 6 Committee subpoenaing and dragging the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Ray Epps in front of Congress to answer questions about what really happened on January 6th, 2020. I want every last fucking e-mail and phone call any, and all democrats sent or exchanged during the original January 6th Committee. Let's be sure to leave time to investigate the Biden Crime Family and the myriad of Intelligence agencies that have aided and abetted their crimes since Bumbles was inaugurated on January 20th, 2020.

They can vote to elect a Speaker of the House who is not in the House of Representatives. Did you know that? Hell, they can vote to elect Donald J. Trump as Speaker if they so choose. Wouldn't that be something? Do we even know if they have a candidate who can get the 218 votes they need to become Speaker? I think it's not a big deal if they don't wrap this up today since many of the committees don't start work until the end of the month. I also don't know if dragging this business out helps or hurts the republicans in the long run, so rather than take a chance that it does, here's hoping they close ranks today or tomorrow on their choice for Speaker. The republicans have but a five-member majority, so I also don't know what difference that may or may not make in the final analysis. I think it means that the more conservative members of their party get to dictate what does and what doesn't happen during their two-year stint as a Majority party. I'm okay with that.

Did you see clips of that Buffalo Bills player collapsing under his own weight in their nationally televised football game last night? He got up off the ground after making a tackle and then almost immediately fell to the ground. As of this morning, he's intubated and lying in a hospital bed and fighting for his very life. We've seen this movie before, boys and girls. It's almost exclusively what you see when people keel over and die after receiving their Covid vaccine. I've read some accounts of what happened, or what appeared to happen, by medical professionals, and all agree that it was likely due to an event with his heart. I've seen some references to the Covid vaccine as being a probable cause, but only the medical professionals treating him know for sure, and they aren't talking. Not publicly, anyway. Should he die, you'll also not hear a word about the autopsy results. It will undoubtedly show evidence of massive clotting due to the vaccine. As I said, we know how this movie ends.

Apparently, the Chinese are up in arms about countries around the world subjecting their citizens to Covid testing as a condition of entry to their countries. Nobody trusts the Chi-Coms as far as they can throw them, and this seems to be a reasonable policy decision to protect their citizens and their health system from being overwhelmed with whatever strains of Coviud that these Chinese travelers might be carrying intentionally or unintentionally. If I were a citizen living in China and I came down with Covid, I would jump on a plane and get the hell out of Dodge as quickly as possible.

How is it possible that China is even allowing these Covid-infected people to depart their country? Haven't we all heard the stories about the Chinese closing down city after city across China after finding a single case of Covid in the population? This is all very reminiscent of what happened in 2020. And what about the story out of Italy where they determined that fifty percent of the passengers on two planes arriving from China were infected with Covid? You can draw your own conclusions.

Have you looked at your electricity bill lately? Our bill this month is almost double from just a year ago. Our usage is roughly the same compared to the same period a year ago, but the cost has almost doubled. What the hell? This can't be sitting well with folks on fixed incomes. It may mean that people are eating less well or maybe even buying fewer medications since they can no longer afford them. It's not like these good folks can sell their homes or make other adjustments to counter these price hikes. Maybe there's a fund of sorts that they can tap, assuming they qualify for same. How do the electric companies justify these rate hikes, anyway? Is it because of Ukraine? Does it have anything to do with Ukraine? Have the prices of raw materials required to generate the power gone up at the same rate? Are all of these variables part of the inflationary environment that we find ourselves in? It's all very ugly, no matter how you slice it.

Speaking of ugly, I was out food shopping yesterday, and I looked at sliced turkey in the deli section. I was specifically interested in oven-roasted turkey since that is what we usually buy when we buy sliced turkey. We haven't bought sliced turkey in a while, so you can imagine my shock when I saw how much it cost. Sliced turkey in Hannafords was $11.99 a pound. I think I actually did a double-take when I looked at the sticker on the package. I'll have to go looking for older circulars from Hannafords to see how much turkey cost before all of this inflation stuff started. I hope to do that today. If I recall, I used to be able to buy a pound of sliced turkey for $7 or so. I guess that was back in the day when a dollar was worth a dollar. It was back in the day before the Federal Reserve started printing money like it was going out of style to deal with the Covid crisis. Just a paragraph or two ago here in this blog, I was lamenting the rise in our monthly electric bills. Now, I'm seeing inflation eating away at my purchasing power in the supermarket. Needless to say, I didn't buy the turkey.

Why would I buy sliced turkey for $11.99 a pound when I can buy a whole turkey for $.99 a pound? The question then becomes, when you factor in the cost of the electricity to cook the turkey and the time it takes to do it all, is my true cost for a pound of turkey back up around $11.99 a pound? What do people do who have large families to feed? I can assure you, they are not buying sliced turkey for $11.99 a pound in the supermarket. I think the only people who can afford the expense of the food we see spiraling out of control in our supermarkets these days are those people who are on some governmental program like food stamps or whatever passes for food stamp programs these days. I do not begrudge them the opportunity to buy foodstuffs they might not otherwise be able to afford. Why should they settle for lentils when people who can afford to pay the inflated prices are having steak and shrimp?

The House of Representatives never did elect a Republican Speaker yesterday, so they'll be back at it today. They called it a night after three rounds of voting, which netted Kevin McCarthy somewhere around 200 votes. He needs 218 votes to get the Speakership. McCarthy is part of the swamp in Washington, so I'm glad to see that we have some principled republicans who don't want him as Speaker and who are willing to stand up and say so.

It troubles me to hear people like Newt Gingrich refer to the 20 holdouts as insurrectionists when clearly our beloved Constitution provides the appropriate selection process that we see playing out in our Nation's Capitol. My personal preference would be to see McCarthy drop out and let the chips fall where they may. I'm perfectly okay with a Scalise or a Jim Jordan or, really, anyone but Kevin McCarthy. Who was it that referred to these twenty holdouts as the Taliban? They should be ashamed of themselves. Let's see where this goes today, shall we?


I see that NetFlix has a new series out about Bernie Madoff. I'm quite interested in seeing it, so I hope the missus won't put up too much of a fuss when I tell her it's the next show in our queue to watch. She may tell me that I'm on my own, and that's fine too. I hope they do a similar show about Sam Bankman-Fried someday soon. They both ran Ponzi schemes, and many well-intentioned folks lost their life's savings in the process. Had their "investors" not heard the admonition repeatedly throughout their lives that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true? Maybe the Bankman-Fried thing is a bit different in that he misused customer funds but he never intended to defraud anyone. That, too, is criminal, but I'm not quite sure it fits the definition of a Ponzi scheme as defined by Hiram-Webster. So maybe Sammy spends 50 years in prison instead of the 110 years that Madoff received as a sentence way back when. And what about that skank of a girlfriend that Sammy and his fellow employees were banging in the Bahamas? She's going away too, right?

When it comes to scams, I have to wonder why our Intelligence agencies have next to nothing to say about the crimes committed by the Bidens. They have the goods. They have all the records they need to put the Bidens away for a long time. The laptop alone that Hunter left behind in the repair shop has more than enough evidence to put them all in jail for a long long time. Yet, the Biden's go about their criminal affairs without any fear of being arrested or anything of the sort. Maybe the Agencies have nothing in their manuals that allow for the frogmarching of the President of the United States and his illegitimate spawn out of the White House. Surely they know where the Bidens have deposited the profits from their illegal enterprises across the globe. Where are the search warrants and the morning raids to confiscate these things? Is it possible that the Agencies are using what they have against the Bidens to blackmail Biden and his accomplices? To what end is anyone's guess, but power is an unparalleled aphrodisiac in the sewer that is Washington, D.C. Who was it that said power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?

Tucker Carlson was talking about electricity rates on his show last night on FOX. Tucker's show is the only show I watch on FOX. That doofus Hannity is an absolute piece of shit. I can't stand to listen to him, much less watch him. Insofar as this McCarthy saga goes, Hannity has had his head so far up McCarthy's ass that it's been pathetic. That tells you everything you need to know about his politics and the politics of the FOX network. FOX is ripping the twenty holdouts a new asshole every day FOX is on the air, and they continue to sing the praises of McCarthy. It's disgusting. Anyway, Tucker said something about the fact that the Democrats have put all of this shit in these various bills these last two years that call for making solar and wind power an integral part of our power grids. No fucking wonder we're experiencing brownouts and crazy-ass increases in our electricity bills. They're determined to destroy every last carbon-based fuel source that our country has relied on for hundreds of years. These climate change freaks need to go. Otherwise, I'm not sure we survive this madness.

I ended up coming home with an Echo Dot from the Falls this year. I've never had any such thing, so I was more than a little curious. I've certainly been aware of the Echo Dot and related products by Apple and others but never thought I'd have any use for one. I'm an Apple guy so Siri has always been there for me if I thought I needed to use it. I can count the number of times I've asked Siri a question in the last two years on one hand. I'm sure she has a lot more to offer, but I'm a simple man, so my requests have been simple. Now that I have this Echo Dot thing set up, I think I'm having a come-to-Jesus moment with the utility of the technology. I even have the missus talking to her, for chrissakes. The missus asked if she might speak to someone with a male voice. I'm thinking to myself as I'm listening to her, get your own Echo Dot if you want a male voice. It's my Dot, and if I like Alexa's mellifluous voice, which I do, then I'll be keeping her voice.

My requests of Alexa are still along the lines of what I may have asked Siri over the years, but I'm starting to think that Alexa's responses are responses that I might not have gotten had I asked Siri the very same questions. I'm such a noob when it comes to this stuff. Is this what they refer to as artificial intelligence? You know, the AI thing? Does the Echo Dot improve every time you use it because it learns more about you and can better anticipate your wants and needs? Alexa said something last night about a cloud. I think she's referring to the place where all of these communications are stored. I'm a little leery about this cloud stuff because it suggests I've lost a little privacy in the process. If I were a terrorist and started talking to myself while assembling god knows what, would I have the FBI showing up at my door? Would anyone care if I started talking to myself about making spice cakes for a local charity? Uh, probably not. You see where I'm going with this, right?

Can Alexa help me become a better guitar player? Can she wake me up at a time certain every morning? Can she remind me to pay a bill by month-end so I don't end up having to pay late fees? Can she give me the latest score from the football game played last night? What else can she do? I like being able to ask her to play me a little music. I wasn't happy when the missus said something about a penis when addressing Alexa last night. If she wants to talk dirty to an inanimate object, that's her business. She should get her own device if that is what she's looking for. My personal preference would be to ask Alexa to scrub that word from my cloud, but alas, that horse has left the barn.

I also like the fact that Alexa glows when I have a message or text, although I'm uncertain how Alexa taps into any of that. She's always listening, isn't she? Who else is listening? Can anyone hack into my Echo Dot and listen to our private conversations? Did I mention that Alexa put something in my Amazon cart while I was watching a television show the other night? She said as much, so I deleted it from my cart right away. This is some creepy shit, but I like it.

Speaking of terrorists, what was this story about the twenty-something from Wells, Maine, going to New York City to wreak havoc? I think he used a knife of sorts to attack a couple of police officers around New Year's Eve, and, in return, he was shot while in the act. He wasn't killed, so the police may yet find out more about what motivated him to do what he did. According to the report, he also wrote a note to his parents before leaving for NYC, indicating that he expected to die while committing his acts of violence. I'm not buying this whole radicalization thing. I'm not buying the business about his becoming a Jihadist due to some happenstance viewing of this or that terrorist website.

It is also true, according to the reports, that his parents had alerted the local constabulary about their son's behavioral oddities. I'm more inclined to think that this fella suffered from a mental health issue. Would an intervention by mental health professionals have been more productive than his parents ratting him out to the local police? It was likely easier for his parents to accept the fact that their son had become a Jihadist than to admit that he was in the midst of a mental health crisis. It didn't have to end this way. That's all I'm saying.

Mrs. G says that her independent living facility has had a good handful of Covid cases recently, but the cases have been mild, and none has resulted in anyone being hospitalized. They are going to Defcon five by insisting that everyone don their masks again while traversing the hallways and that all of the residents take their meals in their apartments instead of eating in the main dining room. I'm hearing nothing in the local media about "two weeks to stop the spread" or any other of the types of nonsense that we saw hereabouts in 2020.

Does any of this have anything to do with the stories we've heard over the last couple of weeks about Covid-carrying Chinese nationals traveling to countries worldwide? Not sure, but if people aren't dying by the boatloads due to a more transmissible but less dangerous strain of Covid, should we even care? How does any of this square with what we see in the media out of China, where families are burning their dead relatives in the streets due to a lack of facilities to house and store their dead? I prefer to think that not wearing a mask allows my body to do what it does naturally, which is to say it confronts these viruses and then responds in kind by strengthening my immunity to Covid and other bad actors. Immunologically speaking, of course.

We listened to an update yesterday from the doctors treating the football player who collapsed on the field in Cincinnati last week. It seems like he's progressing well, and it was something of an upbeat assessment in the final analysis. The missus and I found it interesting that not one reporter of the twenty or so reporters asking questions asked if the Covid vaccines played a role in the player collapsing in the field on that fateful day last week in Cincinnati. Asking questions like that, as we all know, can be a career-limiting move these days since Big Pharma has so much power over the media and institutions when it comes to what does and what doesn't get into the mainstream media when it comes to anything related to the Covid vaccines.

I suspect that this blackout of sorts applies to the treating physicians as well, although they are better suited by virtue of their profession to talking their way out of any absolutist positions one way or another as it relates to causation. They were equally evasive about any proposed return to the field, absurd as that sounds right now, although that didn't stop anyone from probing that seemingly remote possibility. He can move his arms and legs, and that's as good a sign as we can hope for right now.

I'm waking up this morning to hear that this rat bastard, McCarthy, won the Speakership after fifteen rounds of voting. He's a fucking snake, and everyone knows it. The principled holdouts, twenty in all, got whatever concessions they were looking for, and that's, as they say, all she wrote. It won't be long now before he's rubbing up against the left and doing their bidding as well. To call his support in the conference tepid would be an understatement. These conservatives now have him by the grapefruits, and that's a good thing. What I don't get is how it is that there are so many moderates in the conference after most of them came to power during Trump's era. Why are they bending over for the likes of McCarthy, who everyone knows would sell them down the river in a New York minute? He's no conservative. Maybe what they say about the democrats and the republicans being a uni-party, which is to say they vote in the interests of the swamp and not their constituents, is true.

I was telling the missus just before bedtime last night that I had forgotten, or maybe I never paid that close attention back in, just how long Bernie Madoff had been pulling off his Ponzi scheme (40 years) before he was caught. I also mentioned that I didn't know there was so much money involved. All of that happened back in the day when a million dollars was worth a million dollars. I think Madoff's tally was something like twenty billion or so, involving investors from 125 countries. I also never considered the fact that some investors knew what Bernie was doing, and they still gave him money.

They knew he was running a fucking Ponzi scheme! He never showed any losses on the fraudulent statements he mailed out so who wouldn't want to go with Madoff? And Bernie was a coy one, he was. A real tricky Dick. He told prospective investors "no" often enough that they wanted to give him even more of their money after he finally "relented." The other thing I found out by watching the series on NetFlix is that Madoff never traded any stock. He just took people's money and did the Ponzi thing for years and years. He destroyed a lot of lives. The missus and I disagree on the extent of his wife's involvement or not. I can see him keeping her at arm's length for her own protection. Then again, he was a bad dude.

I was telling the missus the other day that the next time we go to see Mrs. G, we should bring over a bottle or two of the red wine that she likes. Let's not wait until she asks us to do just that. I don't want her worrying about coming across as an alcoholic looking for a fix if she has to ask us to replenish her red wine stores every time we pay her a visit. I'm probably right about none of this, and we may never know since died-in-the-wool alcoholics have no shame and would sell their souls for a drink under the right circumstances. In other words, she could probably give a flying fuck what we or anyone else thinks about what she drinks, whether she drinks, how much she drinks, or who she drinks with. That is one of the benefits of surviving as long as she has and doing it her way every step of the way. Anyway, maybe we do it my way out of respect for the woman. I don't give two hoots about what or how much she drinks, but I do know she prefers the twist-top bottles of wine to the corked ones.

What do you think about Nancy Pelosi's replacement? He (Hakeem Jeffries) strikes me as a radical's radical. He's the kind of guy you would expect to see Sunday after Sunday sitting in the front row of Obama's pastor's church, belting out the hate for America and all she represents. Who thought handing the gavel to this clown was a good idea? He's the worst that America has to offer, but you might well say that about all the democrats on that side of the political aisle in Washington, D.C. And, what the hell kind of name is Hakeem? Has anyone asked whether or not he's been radicalized? That's what I took from his speech last night. He's going to take that adoring lot of his in Washington even further to the left if I had to guess. Is that even possible? How long will it be before they're referring to him as HJ, you know, like AOC? The first order of business for the Republican majority should be to get the FBI file on this guy. Let's find out who or what we're dealing with straight away.

New Year's Day 2023

Did everyone have a nice Christmas? For those of you not celebrating the birth of baby Jesus, how was your holiday? We didn't have a white Christmas hereabouts, so the kids who got sleds and skates for Christmas will have to wait just a while longer. As far as I can tell, everyone in our household is happy with the presents Santa brought. I got the soap I wanted, the missus has a new device from Apple, and the Ev man really really liked his EVE gear. The missus was a little worried that the EVE gear might be sub-par in the quality department, so you can imagine how happy she was when that turned out not to be an issue. I think my only complaint about all the activity on Christmas Day was that the vegetable lasagna we ordered from Common Roots was a little too runny. I don't know if it was overcooked or what, but I was not expecting soupy.


Maybe mushy is a more appropriate adjective for the lasagna meal. I don't even know that it's something that I would complain about were I in a position to give Common Roots feedback on the dish. We ate it, so that has to count for something. We even sent the Ev man home with a container of it to have in a pinch. I made a nice basket of garlic bread to have with the lasagna, and I sent the remaining half loaf of French bread home with the Ev man to have at his leisure. He's not a big bread guy, but I have to imagine that he'd have a bit of the bread with the lasagna if it's within reach when he sits down to eat. I even took a bike ride yesterday afternoon with temperatures in the mid-twenties. It was about as brisk as it gets this time of year, but I wasn't about to pass on a nice opportunity to work off some of that lasagna dish.

I should probably stop whining and start counting our blessings. We have a home, and a lot of people around the world are without homes for various and sundry reasons. Mostly, not through any fault of their own, I would hasten to add. We have food to eat and that, too, seems like a bit of a luxury when people around the world are going hungry also through no fault of their own. I'm thinking of war-torn areas of the world here, and not the hordes of illegal aliens that are invading our country. They have all the food, the footwear, and the fanciful electronic devices they need, thanks to the NGO's, the democrat party, and other miscellaneous and sundry agencies who advocate for their coming to America.

How about the people dying by the hundreds of vaccine-related deaths in our United States? We only hear about the high-profile types who keel over mid-activity because it would be difficult for the Mainstreet media not to mention them. Nobody keeled over in our household yesterday, so we're happy about that to be sure. The cause of death is always undetermined, but anybody with half a brain knows that the deaths are related to the vaccines that have been forced upon us by our government and our institutions. While we're on this subject, what the hell is going on in China? One minute they report that they are doing away with lockdowns and they are resuming life as normal. Well, whatever passes for normal in China, that is. And now, just barely 24 hours later, they are reporting 5,000 deaths a day from Covid, and they have reversed their position on lockdowns.

The video coming out of China where they are burying and burning their Covid victims is truly horrific. How can this sort of thing be contained? When this Covid thing started back a couple of years ago, all we heard about was some dreadful disease coming out of the wet markets in China. The reports were all over the place. Some reports talked about people eating bat soup that had been infected by the bats. It all seemed so far away. And then, Trump put a stop to airline traffic to and from China, ostensibly nipping this thing in the bud. The democrats screamed racist, racist, racist because that is what they do. That is who they are. It wasn't long before Europe was ravaged by Covid, and we here in the United States started to horde toilet paper ahead of the Covid wave that came ashore from points east. So, how should we view this latest breakout in China? Who can we count on to stop the flights now?

All of this portends bad things for the new year. Some of it is simply a continuation of what we've seen this past year. North Korea is sending drones and ballistic missiles here, there, and everywhere. China is sending even more fighter jets and carriers into and over the Straits of Taiwan, and Russia is strengthening its ties with the Mullahs of Iran. It seems improbable, but I also hear reports about Ukraine attacking airfields and installations inside Russia. Both you and I know that this wouldn't be happening without the financial assistance of the west. The world is on the brink of something, but I'm not quite sure what that is as I sit here this morning. Did I mention that America has a demented president sitting in our White House? That is not helping. We've got a military that now insists that our soldiers not refer to their superiors as "sir" or "ma'am" so as not to misgender them or some such bullshit. No wonder the world has gone or is going, batshit crazy.

Mrs. G had the family over for a nice holiday get-together yesterday. It's always good to see the extended G family, no matter the occasion. I don't think I've seen Mrs. G any happier than she appeared to be yesterday, surrounded by family and friends. I wonder if her children in attendance knew just how much it meant for their mother that everyone was together once again. I can see where that sentiment might be lost on children who view the occasion as just another parental visitation. As a casual observer, I'm here to tell you that the Mrs. G that I saw yesterday was more relaxed, less reserved, infinitely more joyful, and dutifully attendant and happily so to every one of her children's whims. She laughed aloud as they talked about their lives, warts and all. Her days of playing the hostess by walking from guest to guest, offering cookies and glasses of champagne are behind her, so those of us who could did so happily. Opening presents was almost an afterthought, but we got around to that, too, as the afternoon wore on. Santa was good to Mrs. G this year, and celebrating the holiday with her children made the occasion that much more joyful.

The Democrats are about to make Trump's tax returns available to the public. I have to wonder, who gives a shit? I mean, really, who gives a good goddamn? Most people wouldn't begin to know how to interpret their own tax returns, much less Trump's tax returns which are probably voluminous and more complicated than most people understand. Are they hoping against hope that one or more of his returns will show a loss so they can cast him as something other than the billionaire that he is? Do they realize that carrying forward certain losses and offsetting gains for any given year is allowable under our tax code? The lousy Democrats fought Trump tooth and nail right up to the Supreme Court to get access to Trump's returns so they could spew their lies and whip up negative sentiment against a man they have been trying to tear down since he came down the escalator back in 2015. They will be revealed for the fools that they are soon enough, or maybe not soon enough. Time will tell.

I'm amused at this George Santos boondoggle. I know nothing about him, but as I understand it, he was duly elected to Congress for the upcoming session by the constituents in his district. Where that district is, I haven't a clue. I don't even know what state we're talking about. Anyway, he apparently lied about many things during his campaign ranging from where he was employed to which schools he attended. Now, the Democrats want him to resign in the wake of these revelations. I can't imagine their calls for his resignation have anything to do with his lying to his constituents.

After all, the Democrats have a Commander-in-Chief (Biden) who lies whenever he gets in front of a teleprompter. He was actually forced out of a presidential campaign back in the day for lifting speeches word for word from an Irish politician across the pond. No, what the democrats actually want is to force Santos to resign so they can chip away at the 5-person majority that the republicans hold in Congress. God help the republicans, and the American people, if they allow the democrats to pull this off. Republicans must bite their collective tongues and welcome Congressman Santos to the new Congress.

We're winding down here now, and year-end is just a few days away. Any and all hopes for a Santa rally seem to be lost. It looks like we're going to end the year with the S&P down 20% and the NASDAQ down some 30%. I'm not sure anyone predicted this back in January of this year. Year-end returns for the S&P in 2021 were 28%, give or take, and some prognosticators predicted 5,000 for the S&P for year-end 2022. We should have known that we were in for a bloodbath of a year in 2022 when members of the Federal Reserve sold their stocks and other holdings at the market's peak in 2021. The era of zero interest rates was coming to an end and the only question left to be answered was whether we would have a hard landing or a soft landing. In other words, how painful would this be for market participants? Funny thing is, we've not seen the customary elevator-down when it comes to the indices. We may yet, but we haven't yet. If the indices finally catch up to the average stock, which is what usually happens, God help us all.

I heard someone on the telly the other day refer to Bumbles Biden as an asset of the Chinese Communist Party. Who can argue with that knowing what we all know about the Biden's and their affiliations with various parties within China? The point they were making was that Bumbles wouldn't do a thing were the Chinese to invade Taiwan. The Chinese know this, and the American people know this. Oh, Bumbles and his minions are making a lot of the fact that we're working with Taiwan to strengthen their defenses against their Chinese aggressors, but when push comes to shove, America is in no position to defend Taiwan and China knows it. It's a kabuki dance, and both parties on the dance floor are yucking it up as they go round and round the dance floor. Bumbles is getting his ten percent off the top, or maybe more, and President Xi is licking his chops at taking back the island of Taiwan. Quite frankly, I'm not sure what Xi is waiting for. Bumbles is in Xi's back pocket and has been since his inauguration in 2021. Taiwan is and has been his for the taking.


Fast forward 24 hours or so and here we are. We’re in Lake George staying at the Marriott. The Clarion closed down for a bit for whatever reason and this is where we ended up. Does the missus like it? Well, not really. Our room is on the 5th floor which is always a non-starter for the missus. She’s complaining about the toilet not being high enough and she doesn’t think that our room is really a two-bedroom. My only complaint thus far is the missus isn’t happy. You know what they say: Happy wife, happy life.

It’s my own fault that I didn’t get a good night’s sleep. I didn’t give any thought to which side of the bed might be a better side to sleep on and that was a mistake. I own it. I know full well how important it is to be consistent when it comes to sleeping on the same side of the bed every night. I mean, people don’t change that up from night to night, do they? They don’t. What is that irritating noise coming out of our bathroom? It sounds like a dispenser gone rogue. I’m here alone and the missus and the Ev man are off getting the Ev man a haircut. I’m trying to concentrate and that dispenser isn’t helping.

I had hoped to catch up with my brother from another mother this morning but I didn’t plan anything since I didn’t know what frame of mind I’d be in when I woke up. I didn’t want to feel obligated to get out of this here hotel room at the crack of dawn if I wasn’t up to it. I was up sometime during the night looking at my iPad so I knew I’d be tacking extra time at the end of my sleep cycle to make up for the time I was up looking at my Pad. I’m not alone in making this calculation, am I? I mean, if you’re not getting your usual eight hours or whatever, you need to compensate for that somehow. Right? It was just as well that I didn’t commit. That’s the bottom line.

I also didn’t have access to coffee right away so that made me a little edgier than usual. I called the front desk a little after eight and asked if they might have a comparable room on a lower floor that we might have for our final night here. That didn’t work out either so we’re just going to have to bite the bullet. I do think that the missus would be more open to getting out of the hotel more often if she didn’t have to walk up five flights of stairs every time she wanted to return to our room. Starting to get the picture? The menu in the elevator looked interesting. The prices seemed reasonable, and they have a Caesar salad for $12. That’s right up the Ev man’s alley. Do you suppose we could get it to go? How would that work?

I’m listening to Led Zeppelin singing their song, Ramble On. That’s kinda what I’m doing here in this blog. I’m making hay while the sun shines, as they say. Will everything go sideways when the missus and the Ev man return? Probably. I’ll lose what little focus I have, and I’ll feel more conspicuous than I want to feel as I punch out the letters on this here keyboard. I’m no typist, so make of that what you will. The music is helping, the coffee is helping, and if the good Lord’s willing and the sun don’t shine, I’ll get down what I want to get down before they return. I think in terms of paragraphs, if that helps. Three paragraphs is an average day, and anything more is just gravy. Think jimmies on a sundae if that helps.

Did I mention why we’re here in town? My brother from another mother has a party at his home between Christmas and New Year every year, and we do our best to make it. It’s always weather dependent, and this year was no different. We ran into a flurry here and there in Vermont, but they didn’t amount to much of anything. You should have seen the missus at the first sight of snow. She can be such a rube when she thinks we’ll have to drive in the snow. Is rube the right word? Probably not. I’m talking white knuckles here, so let’s stay with that idea. Truth be told, there are some nasty hills to go up and down when driving through Vermont, so maybe the missus was on to something.

The missus and I had a nice walk around town when she and the Ev man returned from getting his haircut. He requested a buzz cut, and he asked that they leave the top a little longer. They did a nice job, and the Ev man couldn’t be happier. When the Ev man is happy, we’re happy. The missus took a particular interest in an ice sculpture arrangement that someone was building down the other side of Fort William Henry. It was hard to know precisely what they were building, but there was also an igloo under construction that looked like it could accommodate a large crowd. There was next to no signage, so you couldn’t really put anything on your calendar. That seemed a little silly to me, but that’s just me.

Fast forward another twenty-four hours or so, and we're back on the seacoast. We never did stay that extra day this time around when we visited the Falls, so maybe next year. Today is Saturday if we're trying to nail down which day of the week it is, which is always difficult when the holidays come around. Add travel to the mix, and it gets even more difficult to sort out which day of the week it is. Anyway, it's good to be back home. The hotel room at the Marriott never quite worked out as well as we'd hoped. It wasn't a two-bedroom as advertised, although the Ev man had his own space, and that was the goal from the jump. I don't know why the missus had her knickers in a bunch about it, but she did. She complained, but it made no difference. There were no discounts, no free weekends, no recompense of any kind forthcoming,

We had a good trip, and it was good to see the fam again. The few flurries that we ran into on the way up to the Falls aside, the ride was largely uneventful. It always helps when the weather cooperates. It was actually in the fifties on our return trip, so that felt a little climate change-ish if you get my drift. Did you see all of those unsold Christmas trees at the store we love to stop in just outside Woodstock, Vermont? What was that all about? The missus tells us that they feed them to the goats or some such nonsense so maybe they won't go to waste. I want to know, or maybe understand, why they had so many trees that went unsold. I suppose it's possible that the liberal moonbats in Vermont took to the wild-eyed notion that cutting down the trees in the first place was some abomination against nature, and they weren't going to abide by any of it holiday or no holiday. The possibilities are endless. Maybe someone just ordered too many trees. Maybe they priced them too high?

Neither Krissy nor Katie showed up at the party in the Falls so that was too bad. Auntie Neesy and Cliffy called in sick but sent their lasagna, so that was fine. David never did show up despite saying that he would earlier in the year. Woodrow reached out to Robbie but couldn't get the Facetime thing working, so we all hollered "Merry Christmas" while Woodrow held up the phone. Everyone else was in good spirits, and we wasted no time catching up over lasagna and berry pie. Missus Woodrow outdid herself, as usual, in seeing to it that nothing was left to chance when it came to providing for her guests. Our usual Indian grab was a little weird in that with fewer people involved in the Indian grab, it took on a different look and feel. I think everyone walked away with what they wanted, but I can't say for sure. If not, they have no one to blame but themselves since the give and take of it all was both cordial and generous. Everyone looked to be in good health, so there were no concerns there aside from one or two people going on and on about sore joints. Oh, and hats off to Auntie Neesy; the lasagna was to die for.

Today is New Year's Eve. Well, New Year's Eve day, I guess. The missus tells me that there is a new restaurant coming to downtown Portsmouth featuring grilled cheese sandwiches. They will have a few different soups, and they will also be selling liquor. That's a new twist. Grilled cheese and booze. The liquor license was probably necessary in order to pull it off. Downtown Portsmouth is just too pricey otherwise. You'd never make it just selling sandwiches and soup. Others have tried and failed. The missus likes grilled cheese sandwiches, so I gather we'll be making an appearance at some point. I wonder if they take to-go orders. On second thought, I like my grilled cheese sandwiches hot and dripping with cheese, so taking it to-go doesn't quite cut the mustard. Could I microwave that puppy once I had it home? Anything is possible. I'm still trying to figure out how the liquor fits into it all since I can't think of one drink that goes with a grilled cheese sandwich. Something like a Bloody Mary might work.

Do I have any New Year's resolutions? I think eating better and getting a little bit more exercise would be good. If I can keep plugging away at learning how to play the guitar, that would be good. I'd also like to read a bit more since I've gotten away from reading books in 2022. I've been immersed in the tit-for-tat world of Twitter for most of 2022, and that has not helped my powers of concentration, if you know what I mean. The missus bought me a pair of binoculars for Christmas, so I might do a bit more bird watching, although that can be terribly sedentary exercise, and sedentary is not good when you're looking to move about more rather than less. I'll want to get a better lay of the land when it comes to investing in markets during periods of time when the Federal Reserve is tightening monetary policy. We're still in an inflationary bear market, and we all know how they end, so caution will be warranted. Is it possible that 2023 will see more destruction in the indices and a net loss in the same for the second year in a row? Without a doubt. Nobody said that any of this was going to be easy.

I don't know why but I'm up and about on New Years' day and feeling full of dread. What is that all about? It is not how I wanted to start the year; I can tell you that. It might have something to do with everything I need to do around the house after being away for a couple of days. Is it a feeling of being overwhelmed? Will I feel better after I get a few things squared away? It's almost distracting in a way. I want to get through this here blog so I can get it out the door in an hour or so and I don't need any distractions. Now, I feel like I'm rambling. Did I mention that they think they have the killer of those four Idaho college students? The guy is a doctoral student in criminology so go figure. How does that make any sense? Whose bingo card was he showing up on back at the FBI's profiling lab? I gather that finding his DNA at the scene helped close the deal. I hear some fool on the force out in Idaho leaked that tidbit to CNN. What the hell were they thinking? How much did CNN pay them?

I meant to tell my brother from another mother the back story on the binoculars I gave him for Christmas but thought better of it at the last minute. I didn't want him to know that he was getting the pair of binoculars that my missus gave me for Christmas. I liked them so much that I thought he might like a pair as well. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to buy him a new pair and have them in hand by the time we left for our trip to New York to see him and his family. I ordered a pair for myself and had them delivered elsewhere since they would likely be delivered whilst we were away.

The pair I gave him wasn't used, per se. I did take them out of the box and I didn't have to destroy the box in the process so it all looked very pristine when I finally put it all back together and threw a little wrapping paper around it. If he thought he was getting a pair of used binoculars when he opened the package, he didn't say as much. As I said, they weren't really used in the truest sense of the word. All right, I looked at one bird sitting on our bird feeder. Some things are better left unsaid.