Turkey Anyone?

We arranged to get a local turkey this past week and hope to enjoy it around the table with Nana Da come Thanksgiving. Not sure where the thing came from or what it was free of but given the price and the precautions we're hoping for the best. That is to say, grain fed would be nice and no saline to speak of would be good. Hormones should be absent as well @ 3.89 a pound. Interestingly enough, the instructions for the 19-pound bird were to pack it in ice until Thanksgiving and run off the liquid every now and then so it doesn't sit in water for an extended period of time. Ice is not inexpensive so when added to the overall price I guess I can say that I wish we had picked it up closer to Thanksgiving instead of the Sunday before. I plucked out the innards and enjoyed them pan fried during the week and even took a gizzard along with me to work one day for a mid morning snack. It was de-lish! We thank the baby Jesus for many things this holiday and the turkey will be an honorable and appropriate offering to the gods of Thanksgiving.

It will be the first Thanksgiving where Nana Da have not been up to task of cooking for the day. We offered to cook everything but potatoes and one or two other dishes. Our challenge will be to prepare everything at our house and take the movable feast as it were across town while keeping it hot enough to consume once we reach our destination. Thankfully, they live close enough so that the task is not insurmountable. For those travelers taking to the skies, the newfangled body scanners at the airports across the nation are raising more than a few eyebrows. "Don't touch my junk or I'll have you arrested" reminds me of the "don't taze me, bro" iconic cry of the public as they react to seemingly extreme measures exacted by the local police or their brethren, the now infamous TSA screeners. The picture on the Drudge Report of the three year old with his shirt off while facing his TSA frisker is perhaps the most sensational by far but only for the moment. Most people still agree that if it keeps them safe then it is at most an inconvenience. I think we underestimate the resolve of the extremists who are bent on killing Americans who fly the friendly skies. Perhaps the winner in this tug of war is the leftist government who as a result of the real or perceived threats can enact measures on the public that would surely make even George Orwell wince. Big brother has never been so bold.

Evan's favorite during the Thanksgiving holiday is deviled eggs. Nana usually makes them but it's out turn this year. I tried to talk Nancy into having apple sauce out of the jar but she was not so disposed. Have it your way, little pumpkin. Even the crock pot sweet potatoes will take some time so she will have to get those started early. I will have to calculate as well how long it will take to cook a 19 pound turkey @ 325 degrees. Wouldn't want to let that get away from me and ruin the timing of everything. Did I tell you that Nancy and I had breakfast at Hebert's this morning after dropping Evan off at school? No sooner had we ordered than Nancy's parents strolled in. It was just too funny. We were about the only people there which made it even stranger. We chattered about the plans for Thanksgiving and who was cooking what, the aggressive actions of North Korea in the bombing of South Korea, and other miscellaneous nonsense that I've since forgotten. I was happy to see them out and about given Mrs G's latest health issues. It is a sunny day but very windy and cold enough so that a wood stove is in store for us. Stoke it up, baby! Let's get the party started.

Ticket to Anywhere

All eyes are on Evan this week. He got his drivers license this past Tuesday after 6 months of driving with us and having completed a driving course in Portsmouth. We think he's ready and he thinks he's ready which is probably more important. The third time was the charm in getting an appointment with someone to take the driving portion of the test so that is how it went down. I can't say he was tolerant of all the setbacks along the way but most of it had to do with the fact that he could only do what he had to do at the Registry after school. He just didn't have enough time to complete everything in one fell swoop. So be it. He's got the rest of his life to lament his time at the Registry but something tells me it is already a distant memory. He is pumped to have his license and now he just needs to get his grades up so we can pull down a discount on his insurance. Last night was his first night out alone and he described it as scary after the fact. It might have been better had he gone on his first drive during the day but he did not and that is that. He left the house at around 5:30 to go to Josh's house and we told him to have the car home at 8:30. After several phone calls and resulting delays, he rolled in around 9 and asked to be driven to Nick's house for the evening. God only knows what goes on over there.

The Mrs wasn't wanting him to take the car at all and is having some difficulty letting go of her little boy. I am at the other end of the spectrum where I see him doing what he needs to do to grow and there are social and gravitational forces at play that we have little or no control over. Not putting him behind the wheel of a car will do nothing to prevent him from moving forward so you just have to learn to let go. I got a smirk out of him on the way to school this past week when I told him that now that he has his drivers license he will have to get his boating license. Maybe even a pilot's license. Nothing is out of reach now that he has proven to himself that he can do what is necessary to pass tests and what not to get what he wants. Well, let's start with a good high school education, shall we? Where having a drivers license impairs or impedes his ability to get that done, and as long as we can connect the dots between the two or more activities, we need to reign it in or provide incentives that involve car usage or access. It is no longer enough to say no television or computer during the week. Did I tell you gas is approaching $3 a gallon once again?

But we shouldn't fool ourselves. He is not the same person after coming home from his first drive. He has sampled the sweetness of freedom and the electricity that comes with mobility. His life will quite simply never be the same. Our lives will never be the same. Looking at him after coming through the door after his first drive was telltale. He looked older, more mature, more self assured, and somehow taller and more robust. It was all about attitude and poise. It was all about Evan. We will continue to put limits on his driving activities and putting my car in storage will make that perhaps easier to do. He will need to learn as well that as parents he needs to work with us until we are ready to let go. That is not to say that the struggles are not over but simply to say that we are all going down an untravelled road and into unchartered territory. We knew this day was coming. That doesn't make it any easier to accept. Maybe the axiom "it is what it is" is all we can say. After all, parents get the final word. Right?

Dark Paths

First, he's in the inlet off Lang road and then he's down that little road that takes you to the other end of Parson's field. I thought he said he was going to Jeremy's house? Thank the baby Jesus for GPS and the marvels of modern science. We now know where he is even though he says that he is elsewhere. What, pray tell, is he doing down these dark paths and who is he with? It was 10:30 at night for christ sakes. He doesn't have enough friends with licenses that we know of that might take him to these forlorn places so he must be with someone older. Older is not always better. Older can be downright bad. If we press him for details he will learn not either leave his phone at home or he will turn the little bugger off and we'll be in the dark for sure. If he's kicking back with babes, that's one thing. If he's doing something worse, and you know what I mean, that's quite another. Now that we know that he has a penchant for such things, we'll want to follow his activities more closely.

Nancy, Evan, and I had a brief discussion at the dinner table last night about driving and restrictions on same. That is to say, we're concerned about what he plans to do once he gets his license. We're most concerned about his driving at night. Not because we don't think he's experienced, although that is certainly true, but it is the other things that worry us more. We framed the discussion around his being better off not being in a position to have to provide a ferry service to his friends without licenses and cars. Needless to say it was not a big selling point but it would prevent him from letting kids in his car that he might not otherwise feeling any obligation toward. I think the rules of the road for Evan, at least for the next year or so, is that he can only have one other individual in the car with him at any given time under the age of 21. As parents, we're trying to proceed with caution as we go into the fray with our eyes hopefully wide open. Maybe it's more appropriate to say wide open and scared straight. Just like any other parent of a teenager with a newly minted license. He has his entire life ahead of him to enjoy the fine art of driving. Let's hope he survives long enough to get over his inexperience.

Woe is Nana and Da. She has not been feeling particularly well as of late and we found her hunkered down on the couch beneath a sea of blankets last night wen we arrived for our weekly visit. They had a chicken pot pie was in the oven and they had not otherwise been out of the house for the day. She had a little fever and was feeling perhaps a little viral and even looked a bit pale under the lights. I think it's never a good thing when they are not able to get out of the house and do what they usually do because routine is important to folks in their position. We recorded as we usually do and will someday publish what may become the chronicles of Nan and Da. We'll be sure to keep a close eye on the Nana for now and Nancy intends to call her today to see how she's doing. Our day is not otherwise so busy that we cannot reach out to them in some way. With Da cemented to the TV for the Patriots game starting around 1pm, we'll hope that Nana takes advantage of that opportunity to go out for some fresh air and a change of scenery. That will do her some good. Keep on keeping on, Mrs G. We're counting on you. And, by the way, so is Da.

It's Just a Door

The Patriots can't suck enough. I'm not talking about Paul Revere. But enough about them. It's been a wild weekend here and I've been wicked busy. Winter is closing in like a front sweeping across the plains and the days, while mild when the sun shines, go stone cold under the cover of darkness. So cold, in fact, that you want to make sure that the storm windows are in place and that was one of my many chores this weekend. I would hasten to add that there were dishes to prepare (chili), groceries to buy, leaves to rake, bike racks to remove, coolant to purchase, leaves to dump, dumps to visit, tires to inflate, dishes to wash, pods and pads to charge, radio to pay attention to, chocolates to consume, movies to stream, conversations to have, restaurants to frequent, dishes to admire, ads to peruse, and bikes to deliver. The bike delivery was the most difficult and the most delayed by far. I just don't know what it is about Jack that Evan struggles with as horrendously as he does. He wanted to drop the thing off at the bottom of the driveway where he was out of sight of the house and I wouldn't have any of it. You get right on up there and you do it now. You should have heard me. Just like a real parent.

I do worry about that boy. I worry that I haven't asked him to do the kinds of things that fathers ask sons to do just to make them feel worthy if nothing else. I've gone over this ground before so I won't bother doing it again. I worry about other things too. I worry that he doesn't listen to his body and I worry that he is reckless about the kinds of things he puts in his body. He hasn't made the connection between the way he fees and they he eats as yet. I would even go so far as to say that I hope the woman that he marries has more common sense that he. I hope that she has the capacity to understand his condition and that she does for him what he has not yet demonstrated that he can do for himself. That is, manage his condition so he is not a danger to himself nor a danger to anyone else. We're talking about the hidden dangers of low blood sugar and all that entails. When you're on foot and feeling miserable that's one thing. When you're having an episode and behind the wheel of a 2 ton vehicle traveling at 65 mile per hour that's quite another thing. God forbid he ever gets a pilots license. Speaking of licenses, he wants to go for his drivers license before he forgets everything he learned in class. I can understand that sentiment. Who says he doesn't have a good sense of self?

Can we back up to the door that I put on this past weekend? Yes, let's. I am just so proud. That puppy looked to be a bear to put on but I took it step by step and persevered as it were. It was not an inexpensive door and I was not one to want to take any chances in putting all the pieces together. If I thought there was a chance I might render it useless or worse then I wanted to pay the $97 they were charging to have someone come over and put it up. It was touch and go at times and I think the handle mechanism may have been the most daunting but turned out to be less daunting than I thought it would be. I am just a regular Bob Villa. Yes, I am. Now, I want to go to Home Depot and hang out in the hardware section to see what I can see. Did I tell you I had Nancy take a little iPhone video of me in front of the completed door? I have a good mind to tell Nancy that I put the handle extender on the inside instead of the outside but that would surely stick in her craw and I just won't have it. It's hardly noticeable. Really? Yes, Really.

Mr. Optimistic

Where is your confidence, Johnny boy? I be talking about the darn door. The one we bought to replace the door leading into the kitchen. She's a fine pupster. As fine as they make them. She's solid and heavy and will be a nice buffer between our kitchen and our garage which is not heated but rarely gets below freezing during the course of the winter. Problem is that there are too many pieces and the measurements too precise for my left brain approach to things. That is to say, I do poorly when following instructions is required and prefer to work backwards from the completed picture I have in my head of the task at hand. I have not given up as that too is not in my nature. It was left to a moment in time when I have the luxury of time to sort through things and see if I can't get closer to that completed view in my head of the door hanging perfectly in place and my family standing idly by with admiring eyes. Go ahead, guys. Give her a tug. That's me. Just call me Mr. Optimistic.

I just can't get excited anymore about soccer pictures. When Nancy asks me to look over her shoulder to see her pictures I can't bring myself to muster even the slightest interest feigned or otherwise. I'm not sure how she takes that although I'm sure she wouldn't want me to do it just to do it. I don't do well when I'm just going through the motions to go through the motions and she knows it. I'm not even sure that when I decline that I do so with sufficient grace for her tastes. Knowing that I might get the same treatment from her when I ask her to look at something of mine is no deterrent. There's a certain coldness to my disinterest that has to chill her to the bone but maybe she's seen it before and knows better than to insist when insisting only makes matters worse. I'm hopeful that she will love what she does with pictures no less and that keeps both of us going on our separate but dual paths. Such is marriage and such is life.

Evan has to be careful about what he eats and when he eats and we know all to well that he does poorly in managing that part of his life. It is to his detriment to not eat regularly but he fails to recognize the clues that his body provides and takes risks when doing so. There is clear and convincing evidence that prolonged periods without food, even one of the three staples per day, leaves him in a downward emotional spiral where he sometimes seems to embrace his inner ager and refuses to eat with even greater conviction. It is a conviction born out of confusion, anger, and near delirium caused by plunging blood sugars but he understands none of it. In such moments of self induced irrationality, he fails to see that his only salvation is food but is usually too far gone to do what is necessary to resuscitate himself. As his parents, we know the signs all too well. Why he doesn't is the question he needs to answer before he goes off on his own. After 16 years, we had hoped to be in a better place with all of this but we are not. I don't know that any of us, including Evan, have the luxury of another 16 to figure it all out.

Etsy Schmetzi

That girl is just a hound for Etsy. Can't take her eyes off it. She is troubled by the shipping costs but appreciates the hand crafted buddha's and multicolored scarves that so adorn the site. It is her home away from home where goods made in China need not apply and can't otherwise be found. It is a world between consignment and retail where real people sell real goods and buyers remorse is rare. It is a site second only to Meningioma Mamas but a wicked close runner-up for the little time that she has to pay attention to such things. I would not begrudge her the shipping costs given her familial feel for the site and if it gives her comfort then it is a good thing. I am reluctant to close the Etsy pages she leaves open overnight on the computer screen but have done so on occasion if only to impress upon her that if they are not bookmarked then they may well be gone in the morning. I am opening and closing far too many things in the early morning to think twice about saving such things. She knows me and she knows that. If she doesn't, she should.

There aren't too many things of mine that Evan fancies but my sweaters are high on the list. He particularly likes to wear them to school and I'm not sure that he wears them anywhere else. Like most teens he hates the clothes we buy him and prefers to wear clothes of his friends whenever possible. But the sweaters, yes the sweaters, he can't get enough of them. Almost every morning, between the months of October and March, he'll ask me if I have any sweaters that he can wear to school and what he is really asking is if I know where the sweaters are so he can decide himself which one he wants to wear for the day. More specifically, in which pile of clothes can they be found. For a boy who wore shorts to school between grades 1 and 8 because he was too hot wearing anything else, this is something of a welcome change. Of course, the school dress code has a lot to do with his not wearing shorts and other nonsensical items and I certainly don't have a problem with the resulting look that is minimally collegiate and even mainstream in appearance. Thank god they don't allow them to wear hats. Remind me to ask for sweaters at Christmas so Evan might have an even larger selection to choose from in the coming months. If nothing else, it will make them infinitely easier to find.

I'm hoping for a full scale repudiation of Obama and his policies in two weeks time when it is expected that both the Senate and House will shift once again to the Republicans. Two years hence, I expect Obama himself will be thrown out and the socialist-in-chief can go off and work on his memoirs. It will be a year of transformation even for the Republicans whose ranks have been infiltrated by the so-called tea party candidates. That said, the republicans will have the tea party types to thank for their re-emergence as a valid political party after they were roundly thrown out of favor in the wake of the George Bush presidency. They paid the price for putting the likes of Bush in office and were on death's door to say the least. Yes, we are in for another round of throw-the-bums-out. Can't happen fast enough for the likes of Democratic do-gooders like Carol Shea Porter here in NH and others of her ilk across the nation. Be gone, you filthy swine. Take your tax and spend politics and get lost. We've had enough. My guess is that we will see the likes of Mitt Romney emerge once again as a candidate in two years time. We've voted a black man as a president; voting in a Mormon should be easy. Go, Mitt!

Have and Have Nots

Hola. Well, we had a swell time down there in Cambridge yesterday. It was comfortable for an early October day and I timed my travel just right so that I arrived at the hospital a little after 4:30. That was the plan. Nancy came through the door at 4:50 or so and with a smile on her face and a spring in her step as she navigated through the rush hour traffic to my side of the street and into the car where I was waiting patiently. I meant to tell her that I still feel a flutter of anticipation when I see her after not seeing her for a while but didn't and regret it. It was a deja vu moment and it played out as it always does. That is, without me saying it but certainly wanting to. Not sure what that means. I just hope I never stop feeling it.

We enjoyed our time in Harvard Square having a nice coffee at Peets, sitting on a bench in the park just outside Peet's doors, people watching, wondering what a tractor trailer from the Mid West was doing driving through the square, watching a random Parcor type hop, skip, jump, and hurdle his way in and out of traffic, up and down fences, and in and out of sight in a matter of seconds, wondering where the homeless types spend the night, ignoring the pleas of a young girl with a backpack and blurb about hostels in the hopes that she would go away, placing a folded dollar bill in an upside down hat at the feet of a local troubadour for his entertaining ways and oh-so-tasty licks, and last but not least, making our way to JP Licks and enjoying the ice cream but feeling annoyed by canned whipped cream and the handful of teenage Asian smokers who ruined the moment for us as we tried to enjoy our treats in peace while seated in tight quarters at tables arranged in front of the store on the main stretch. That place, I mean Harvard Square, is a haven for the have's and have-nots. I thank the baby Jesus for the fact that we had a place to spend the night; a home to go home to. Not true for many of the transient types we laid eyes on in the square last night.

Evan, that ever elusive son of ours, texted us around 8:30 that the back door was open. Seems he latched the others and nearly barricaded himself in the house as the darkness of night fell on our tranquil town. He was nowhere to be found when we arrived home around 9:30 and that we knew and expected. So, why on earth did he leave every last light on in the house? I think he has some latent anxiety about boogey men and the likes and even going back to his childhood he knew enough to draw the curtains tightly before settling in for the night so as to not invite demons unnecessarily. Not a hide-under-the-bed kind of scared but more subtle than that. This is the same boy who never hesitated when asked by gal pals and the like to TP homes in the community well after midnight. Not sure what to make of it all. Sometimes, it's just better to document the lot and move along. That's what I do here. Did I tell you he turned off Location Services on his iPhone so we couldn't tell where he was? That gives me the Heebie Jeebies. We need to find a way to work through that issue. Yes we do.

Driving us Crazy

And a fine October morning it is here in the Northeast. Where the hell has the year gone? Speaking of gone, is it possible that Nancy lost her beloved yellow biking jacket? How do you misplace something so colorful? How do you leave it behind and not notice that it's gone? I suspect that it is here somewhere. That will be my challenge today. While she is off doing notes with Rosman for the day, I will take up the challenge and do my very best to find the sucker. As priorities go, cleaning behind the dryer so we don't all go up in flames is important; making chili so we have a stand-by meal on hand during the week is important; returning Jack Mackey's bike so the garage man can get into our garage and fix our garage door opener is important; mowing the lawn before it gets too far away from me is important; working with Ev on Western Civ so he can go into his exam with some level of confidence is important; going for a bike ride so I can stay on top of my health is important; cleaning the chimney before it gets too cold and too icy to get up on the roof is important; moving along on the DVD of our summer vacation before the 2011 year is upon us is important; and that is my to-do list in a nutshell.

This driving thing with Evan is moving along. He's been driving with us in the car for more than 6 months and seems to be doing ok. Nancy would tell you that he is not particularly focused when driving and uses the 1-hand-on-the-wheel example to illustrate her point. He's playing with this, that, and other thing while driving and paying attention to everything but that which is front of him on the road. Texting is not illegal as yet in NH but seems likely to go on the books in the near future given the rash of accidents across the nation due to teens and cell phone use. I think he's doing okay but wish he would be more diligent about looking around before putting the car in reverse. Now that he's been on the highway and just about every other road imaginable, he has no undue consternation about roads less traveled or highways that once seemed daunting given the constant rush of vehicles and his relative inexperience in that kind of environment. I do need to get him acclimated to driving a standard, though. I told him that he may meet a babe some day who hands him the keys to her Maserati and how he may want to consider in advance how to respond to that offer assuming he never learns to drive a shift. Oh, Mr Weasly! You forgot your lunchbox! Just one of many images that comes to mind for me. How bout you, Ev?

That Facetime chat with Rollie last week was a hoot. The video was flawless and the synchronization of video and voice was pristine. Real 21st century stuff if I do say so myself. Reminds me of the old Dick Tracy comics from the 50's when the characters ran around with wristwatch radios and how those types of devices were so far fetched for the times. Just a hoot. And as I sit here writing this stuff I am listening to Sirius radio over the internet and that too is pretty ducky. Here's hoping the Yankees fall out of 1st place today and into the wild card position where they are forced to play Minnesota; here's hoping the Patriots get their collective asses handed to them by Miami in tomorrow nights game in Miami; here's hoping that I catch up with what I believe to be our resident mouse who keeps us awake at night and is elusive as can be; the only question remains is where I might deposit him once I catch his sorry furry ass. Yes, I am a humane trapper and intend to cash in on all the good karma that accrues from such benevolence one fine day. Just not any day soon assuming benefits accrue in the afterlife and not before.

A True Trifecta

Dude. So many apps so little time. Well, I finally upgraded to the iPhone 4. Where I go from here is anyone's guess but they say the sky is the limit. Little did I realize the extent of Evan's unhappiness with not having an iPhone when he arrived home the other day with a 2G model that he bought ($80) from someone at school. The damn thing had a cracked screen and an artifact splash which is the only way I can accurately describe it. After failing to get it up and running with the existing sim card, I decided to go to the local AT@T store to see if they could assist with a fix. Ideally, now that I am 13 months into my existing 2-year contract, it made sense to inquire about an upgrade to 4G for me and I would simply give Evan my 3GS. I think he was not expecting that to play out in his favor but I could tell that he clearly held out hope when I laid out my plan. Yes, I think it's fair to say that he was hopeful.

I shut down Facebook this past week on the computer after realizing that Evan was spending study time on Facebook and not doing his work. He soon realized that he was out of business and mentioned same to his mom. He knows it is a counterproductive activity especially with his schedule at school and all. So, he was unhappy but probably knew it was the right thing to do and once it was no longer an option then the temptation was just gone. I'm not looking to close down his social life but I am wanting him to get a good education and the latter trumps the former. I did tell him though that I would turn it back on for the weekend and he was fine with the plan. And so he went off to school with a new haircut, the promise of getting a hand-me-down 3Gs iPhone, and a weekend ahead. A true trifecta from his perspective.

As for Nan and I, we had our own little plans after I worked out all kinks of the upgrade business with the folks at AT&T. Since it was burrito Friday, as I call it, I headed over to Chipolte's to pick up a burrito for Evan. He was off to a soccer game in Manchester after school so he was expected late. We made arrangements to have him picked up and Nan and I had dinner at the Carriage House. By the time we arrived home at 7:30, he was still not home. He arrived shortly thereafter and he seemed to be in an unusually good mood. His focus was laser-like and the first thing he asked about was the phone so he got that good news and was like a kid in a candy store. His own 3Gs. Imagine that. His 3G was stolen last year, replaced with a 2004 Razor which he didn't much care for, upgraded to a 2G iPhone with a broken screen, and now was in possession of a 3GS. It was all most too much to hope for. And then we told him we had a burrito for him in the fridge. You'd think that boy was in seventh heaven (and he was).

And so I'm up early this morning as usual to play with my toys which are soon to become Nancy's toys. Maybe we can share.

Birthday Burrito

Well, by Jesus, the weekend has arrived. Mornings fixing breakfasts for the Ev-Man and seeing Nan off in the dark are over for another week. I'll get to do it all over again in a couple of days for yet another week. Between now and then I have some time to myself to do as I please. Some things never change though. For instance, I'm up early to keep the distractions at a minimum so I can have my thoughts to myself. You just never know where the wife is going to go with her thoughts but she is likely not to want to go there alone. Yes, darling, we can check out that new thrift store in town today of you wish. And wasn't that a terrible thing about the local attorney/coach arrested for something having to do with drugs, forging prescriptions and the like. That family is prominent and well established in the community and their members have a long history of involvement in local sports programs. I know this is a terribly liberal comment but he must have some real problems. He should probably seek some professional help. The irony is that his father in-law is a well known local physician. I wonder if anyone suspected. Maybe the problem is not his alone.

Thank you little darling for bringing me home some delicious italian food from work yesterday. I enjoyed the succulent eggplant parmesan and wasted little time eating it once you arrived on the scene. It makes me want to make some of my own. I had some eggplant in our garden this year and each of the four plants I planted produced one eggplant each. Seems a bit meager to me. Hardly worth the effort. It is a beautiful vegetable though. I love the texture and the look. It has a skin that feels like soft leather and a color that seduces. Speaking of colors, we recently bought some fiesta-wear dishes and they too come in colors that seduce. I love serving scrambled eggs and lightly toasted bagels on a red or blue plate where the colors all complement each other and it is just sweet. Did I mention that I took Evan to Chipolte's for a birthday burrito? He actually stood in line with me which was a little unusual since he is not one to want to be seen with his parents. He does so love those burritos though. I bought one for Nancy and I and mashed up an avacado to have with it. It was just yummy.

Evan says that school is easier this year than last. That is surprising since I was under the impression that it was going to be more difficult. That school has a tough and demanding curriculum and they expect a lot of their students. Add to that the dimension of sports and all that entails and you wonder when the child has any time to themselves. Maybe the idea is to keep the idle time to a minimum so they are not distracted by the usual pitfalls. That hasn't stopped Evan. His social life has been as active as ever as far as we can tell. That is to say, he is never home. He does get his homework done and seems much more self directed in that area this year. That's good because his mother is not around as much. Now we just have to teach him not to leave dishes around the house; make sure that he puts the milk away after using it; not to leave towels on the floor because we're not picking up after him anymore; and to make sure that he lifts the toilet seat when he does his business. Not sure why we're working on the latter so late in the game but we are. What to do. What to do. Oh, and he turned 16 this past Thursday?

On Fire

I just don't know where all of this energy is coming from today. I'm cleaning from top to bottom, grocery shopping, doing laundry, and thinking ahead about tomorrow and what I might do then. Maybe it's the weather. It's fall-like and cool but sunny and not so much as a lick of humidity to worry about. It's the kind of day you want to do everything you can because you might not see another one like it anytime soon. Nancy and Evan spent the day running around to soccer games and such and I missed the boat to join them but wasted no time making my own plans. And now, as we close in on early evening, I feel liberated and relieved of the weight of my to-do's which started out as considerable and now are considerably less. And maybe the only reason I'm sitting here at this hour is the coffee I've had which just adds fuel to the fire. Not sure that was necessary today.

It was the kind of day where it was easy to take pleasure in doing simple things like hanging laundry on the clothesline, vacuuming, tucking in flannel sheets, and driving to the dump to drop off excess newspapers and such. I finished watching a foreign movie on my iPad entitled "Time of the Wolf" which I had seen before but was well into it before I realized it so finished watching it anyway. I think I stayed with it because I had forgotten how it ended. It was clearly not a memorable ending even after seeing it a second time. They could have done more with it in my humble opinion. I'm queueing up a few National Geographic airline disaster flicks and previewed another Nat Geo flick about anaconda's which seems very interesting indeed. Evan is enjoying a DVD set of Seinfeld and says that his favorite character is George. I would have guessed otherwise but there you have it. Truth of the matter is that you just think you know your child. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just ask him.

I suppose driving school will come and go and so will his sixteenth birthday which is next week. There is no anticipation or other swelling of anything that could pass for excitement around this date which is but days away. He hasn't asked for anything to celebrate the occasion nor has he talked about it much. Maybe girls are different. My 16th was too long ago to remember but I'm guessing I was wanting what every other red blooded 16 year-old wants which is a drivers license and the freedom to exercise everything that the license has to offer. Did I tell you he is off to a party in Kittery, Me., tonight? It seems like just yesterday that he stood at his mothers knees and trembled at the prospect of going off to pre-school. To think that we watched him from behind a two-way mirror to make sure that he was assimilating as well as could be expected in the local Montessori school. Good god. What's next? Oh, yes. Did I tell you that he didn't want to get his hair cut today because he was going to the party tonight? La-di-dah.

Labor Day 2010

I'm feeling somewhat better about this weekend now that Monday has arrived and I have done some of the things I had hoped to do. I had high hopes that I might get around to stacking wood, washing cars, cleaning bedrooms, and the list goes on. I hoped too that I might get to look more closely at some of the films I've archived if for no other reason that to say that I finally got around to doing it. Now that I've figured out how to stream movies to my TV from my computer I can no longer offer any reason under the sun as to why I would not otherwise start to dip into my film inventory. Getting the streaming part down was made that much easier after I finally bought a dual band router with every capability under the sun and all I had to do was be inquisitive enough to make it all work. What amazes me is that I can take movies in any number of formats, may of which include films compressed to relatively small size, maybe as small as 500 mb, and display them in full HD on my screen without any distortion whatsoever. If you have unlimited access to films, which I do, then the world is quite literally your oyster.

Not sure when I became such a big film buff but there you have it. Unfortunately, Nan and I do not enjoy the same kinds of films. My tolerance for violence, blood and guts, and sheer horror exceeds hers so seldom do we sit down together for a viewing. I'm better off carving out a few quiet moments when I can, pulling the covers up around my chin, and settling in for the duration. There is also the angst that goes along with trying to coordinate our viewing and I won't be dissuaded because she is not in the mood, she is otherwise involved, or she is not sure that she will like what I have chosen for us to watch. Maybe the fact that she has so little faith in my ability to select a movie which will be of universal appeal leaves me little choice but to leave her completely out of the equation. I do like my indie films but would quickly concede that you can even catch Hal Holbrook ("That Evening Sun") in one if you look hard enough. I liked Repo Men (2010) as well but tend not to like Sci Fi all that much. And I have a self-confessed soft spot for documentaries or HBO movies the likes of "Something to Lord Made" which tells the story of Vivian Thomas and Dr. Blakely of Johns Hopkins. Maybe I'll be a film critic when I grow up. Or, maybe I'll just continue to sit in the back of the "theater" eating my popcorn and looking at life through the eyes of my heroes. Yes, that is what I'll do.

The three of us sat in a near empty Ice House on a Sunday of Labor Day weekend and enjoyed our fare. Tables around us and out of doors were largely unoccupied when we arrived but that changed too as time went on. Nan had a nice haddock sandwich, Ev had chicken fingers, chocolate milk, and sweet potato fries, while I had a turkey club and an order of fries which I shared with Nancy. A fitting end to a long weekend. Evan talked about his sleep-over at Colby's house in Exeter with he and ten of his friends. Nancy was content to try figure out where she had seen the license plate "Smugs" before and wanted to rehash what she had learned earlier in the day about the most popular color for a car, and I was kept busy moving my order of fries around to places on the table where Evan could not otherwise reach them. He didn't object to our using his barbecue sauce to dip our fries so I should have been a little more generous but wasn't. Not in any mean spirited way, mind you, but more in a parental way. I don't mind saying that as a soon to be 16 year-old he is quick with his hands and that made my task that much more challenging. We even talked about having ice cream after Ev decided to go sit in the car to get warm but didn't. We'd irritated him enough for one night. Thanks for nothing.

Enjoy the graffiti art series.

Hell Hath no Fury

Earl was a dud. More of an Esther than an Earl. By the time it (the "Hurricane") reached our shores late last night it was a whisper of its former self. It had been downgraded to a tropical storm and far enough off shore so as not to cause a problem for the coastal communities like ours. I closed the windows in the house before going to bed for fear of horizontal rains and fierce winds reducing our humble home to a pile of match sticks. That is a bit of an exaggeration but not overdone compared to what the local press as far south as Boston was selling.

Good ole Duval Patrick, the esteemed but more than likely one-term governor, shut the state of Massachusetts down with an order which forbade all but the most essential personnel from going into work on Friday. A political ploy designed to give the state workers the day off and make the Labor Day weekend 4 days instead of 3. It is good for the unions, good for the employees, and a luxury afforded to the Governor by Mother Nature. I would have liked to see a little more beach erosion myself but it was not to be. Not even here in the Live Free or Die State. It's doubtful that Duval cared much given that he was hunkered down in the below-ground command center located in the heart of the city of Framingham, Ma. It was designed to house he and his fellow hacks and their families for months at a time in the event of a short or long-term crisis. The taxpayers, of course, are left to their own devices.

Yesterday was a first for the Ev man. He failed to do what was necessary to get his arse to a regularly scheduled soccer game. All he had to do what make arrangements with his good friend to get a ride but he didn't do that. He was on Facebook with his friend earlier in the day so shame on him. He made the mistake of going into our bedroom, turning on the air conditioner, and promptly falling asleep. That shouldn't surprise anyone considering the fact that he had a sleep-over the night before and probably didn't get any sleep at all. Shame on us for letting him go to a sleep-over the night before an event. He was understandably contrite but that may have been designed to minimize the firestorm that was brewing in our heads and hearts. Nan was convinced that had she been home she would have been able to see that he made it to the game. That is what mothers do. Evan called me at work after waking up late and I wasn't having any of it. That was the end of that conversation.

This damn head cold has been dogging me all week. I was a hack-fest earlier in the week and quelled it with some over-the-counter drugs which left me feel stoned and stupified. I was determined to rid myself of the cough and if taking mind altering drugs was necessary to make that happen then I was willing to do that in spades. It is a mistake I won't make again. Drugs just don't feel right in my body and, like alcohol, it is something I resist with every fiber of my being. I'll have to find something more natural the next time. Even if it means that I have to bring a jar of honey to work. Can you imagine?

Spirited Choices

The Blue Angels are in town. Again? The constant fly-overs here in Rye gives one the impression that the Blue Angels are always in town. They sometimes seem so close you can reach out and touch them. They must be awfully tantalizing for the Hezbollah at heart who vacation in these here parts at this time of the year. Lebanon is just too hot during July and August and who isn't willing to travel a few thousand miles or so for a Maine lobster. I hear Boston to Beirut flights are not all that expensive and the amenities while aboard make the flight that much more bearable. All of this is my round-about way of saying that I need to whip up a batch of hummus and see if I can't find our large lobster pot to cook up a couple for the family. The prices almost doubled overnight with the Angels in town and I told the wife we'll wait until after Labor Day and then we will purchase our first lobsters of the season. I love the way they look at you just before you drop them into the steaming cauldron. Stop your screaming and take it like a lobster. Darling, is the lemon and butter ready to go?

I wish these damn fonts would cooperate. Can't seem to find one that I like. With so few to choose from it shouldn't be that difficult but then when you consider the fact that you get to control the size all bets are off. Too many choices is sometimes a bad thing. Speaking of too many choices, I'm thinking that if I had to do it all over again that I would grow more tomatoes and fewer zucchini's; more eggplant and fewer peppers; and more cherry tomatoes and fewer beefsteak tomatoes. While the foliage on the plants of those vegetables I don't plan to re-plant grew like gangbusters they bore little fruit. I don't think it's an issue of space but am willing somewhat to reconsider if research proves that I planted them a little too close to one another. My 10x10 space was compact and I have to admit to getting a little greedy and maybe even having a few too many plants after my trip to the local Home Depot this Spring. If the store had farm animals to sell I probably would have bought one or two of them as well. Just call me hopeless.

Ev made the varsity soccer roster this year and I think he's ok with that. I also think that making the team and being able to say you made the team has value to a fellow his age. It doesn't matter that he's a mere second stringer except that I think he's somewhat relieved to know he doesn't have to do battle with the hairier and more muscular types who would just as soon run him over than look at him. I've seen the trepidation in his eyes before and it isn't pretty. As a dad you want to make it easier for him but he is on his own. He needs to fight his own battles even on the soccer field. If the game is a mere metaphor for life itself, and it surely is, he will need to toughen up just a little bit if he is too survive. He's got the genes but he just doesn't know it yet.

Sandy Bay 2010

Welcome to Sandy Bay vacation day 2. Or, is it day three. It's Monday so it is what it is. We had family up yesterday and it was both a celebration of Carli's birthday and a family get-together. I think we're in love with this spot here at the edge of the bay with not a soul on one side and neighbors on the other side that might as well not be there for all the noise they don't make. There was some debate yesterday about just how old the girls were that we've seen about. Paddling here and there between their place and the bay on the other side of our camp they came flirtatiously close on several occasions. With wandering eyes and directionless paddling, they veered left and then right and always off course but not once we're they so close that the boys even began to notice. I think Evan and Noah are probably 2-3 years older than them at least physically. So much for that. I do wish that the boys might find some lads or others their age that they can run around with, go boating with, or maybe just to go down to the corner to have a soda or something like that.

I have all I can do even today to get them to stop filling that canoe with water. Probably not a good idea, I told Evan. It doesn't belong to us and filling it with water could be construed as abusive. Go jump off the boat or find some other way to amuse yourselves. After considerable hemming and hawing, we finally got around to going fishing this morning. Evan caught the biggest fish; I caught the most; and Noah came in a close second in both categories having caught at least one of everything. He announced quite proudly that if he were to catch something never caught in Lake George heretofore that we would call it a Schwegerle fish. Or, maybe just a Schweg for short. As expected, we caught the largest fish while using crawfish as bait. It was always a challenge to catch a fish without having it swallow the hook and certainly not as easy as it sounds. And once landed with the hook in its mouth, the challenge was to get it out without killing the fish. At one point, I had my hand nearly inside the mouth of his bass while trying to extract the hook which looked to be buried deep in its gullet. It was a bloodless extraction and we took that to be a good sign. How it plays out in the natural order of things is another question. We'll just never know.

I knew those darn shorts I had on last night were not especially deep in the pockets but I never suspected that I might drop the iPhone outside the car like I did. The device can be slippery and heavy and easy to lose under the right circumstances. Last night was no exception. I dropped that puppy outside the car when we drove off to bring Rollie home. I didn't see it again, nor did I know that I had dropped it, until I arrived back at the camp well after dark. Nancy saw it first but didn't think anything of it as it lie ahead of the car on the ground and nearly in the woods. It was lit up as though just activated or perhaps even happy to see us after a long 2-3 hour wait. Before I ascribe too many human attributes to it, I am reminded that it is just a phone. Well, maybe not just a phone. It is an iPhone. One that we can ill afford to lose given that it is near and dear to our hearts. Even Nancy loves it! And she saw it first. God knows what we might have thought had it disappeared during the party. Probably better not to go there.

I must admit that it is nice to get the boys away from their usual environment of constant sleep-overs, facebook, World of Warcraft, and the other ill and negative forces that are in constant supply in their day-to-day lives. Up here, they are, in a word, unplugged. That is how I like to see Evan. I like to hear him complaining about the sand in his hair; his mom constantly after him to put more lotion on and to wash his hands before sitting down to eat; watching and hoping that he doesn't invite too much danger into his day or that of his best friend, Noah. The whole business of wanting to go fishing and with such enthusiasm. There is certainly less scowling moment to moment and that is as it should be. But, at the moment, and I think a little honesty is called for here, they are tooling around in that damn canoe in waters way over their head and far from the anchor spot which is where I expect them to be spending their time.

It was nice that the family could make it up yesterday. We expect maybe a little much when we invite people up on such short notice. I guess it is what it is. Everyone looked good and no one complained about anything in particular if you exclude the usual bitching and moaning about lousy jobs, lousy employers, and jobs that take some getting used to. Significant others, while not in attendance or even in attendance, sat on the sidelines and out of earshot while family issues were glossed over, delved into, and even met head on from time to time. No senseless violence occurred as it was way too nice a day and people were just not in the fighting mood. Moody yes, but pissy, no. I do think that if we had some coffee on hand as the afternoon drew on that we all would have been better prepared. Rollie and his Dunkin Donuts; Me and my Starbucks;  Kathy and her cup of java from wherever; and Denise, well, it's hard to say. Can't recall that she was pining for a cup. Won't make that mistake again.

Lise couldn't make it so we'll need to get down to see her before we leave the Falls. Maybe we can take her to dinner. Why is it that all the yahoos have to congregate right in front of our place here on what was an otherwise beautiful Monday. I think they are actually trying to tie their boats together. Just wait till the cops come by. I expect they will have something to say about it. Where are the cops when you need them? They damn near snagged us this morning when I was tooling back to the camp after a morning of fishing and the boys were not wearing their life vests. I guess I could have told them that the boys were 16 but that would have been a lie. And, if I told them that they were 16 they might well have asked me for their fishing licenses. Can't have it both ways, Johnny boy. I certainly couldn't lie to the officers with the boys paying attention to every word. Not a good idea. Thankfully, they passed us by with a wave of the hand. We returned a wave and that was that. See ya.

Day Three

Maybe you know you're having a good vacation when you can't remember what day it is. Or, for that matter, what day you're writing about in your journal. Then again, it's a little difficult to write about a days events ahead of time so I guess you're always writing retroactively. Or is it retrospectively? I have to admit feeling a little aimless as I sit here halfway through our family vacation in Sandy Bay, Lake George. Truth be told, I'm not sure aimless tells the whole story. As I read about the recent rash of prison suicides here in Washington County, I'm reminded that there are things to be thankful for and if aimless is the worst of it then I have the luxury of just letting it pass by. A big part of me doesn't know how to relax just like I think I never really learned how to swim even though I can put one arm ahead of the other and kick my legs to propel myself in a pinch. Always doing what I have to just to keeping moving ahead. I guess a lot of life is nothing more or less than maintenance.

I'm off kilter with my coffee and caffeine consumption this vacation. Maybe, just maybe, that has put the whole of my vacation in a cocked hat as it were. I keep looking for reasons to explain why I'm feeling the way I am but I'm not having much luck. Do you think it is because I'm not doing something that I should be doing? I should be doing a little work-work and I brought some stuff with me to do but don't have the oomph to get it together. I'd rather languish I guess. I have the luxury this week anyway of ignoring the work that I brought along even though I know it would be easier to do this week than wait another week. It's called setting yourself up for disaster. And then, when I pull it off at the last minute desperate all the obstacles, it will seem somewhat heroic. Maybe that is the story of my life.

Evan and Noah had their little swim this morning and I was a little worried that after sighting a snapping turtle yesterday around the boat that they might have second thoughts about having that swim. Any swim for that matter. Did I tell you that they went to Adirondack Extreme yesterday? It was a 4 hour zip line experience unlike any other. They navigated a  mile long perilous route of wires, poles. ropes, perches, and nets roughly 50 feet off the ground. They got off to a slow start when the instructor had one of the least likely to succeed types in the lead position. She had to be at least 50 pounds overweight and not agile in the least. We couldn't quite figure out what she doing there and even today as I sit here thinking about it there are no answers. Nancy and I watched them for the first hour until we could no longer follow their progress from the ground. I suppose if the woman had not been in the lead, it might have been a 3 hour plus adventure and not a 4 plus hour stint. All the boys wanted when they emerged from the woods was a meal at Dirty John's. So that is where we went. We thought we might get something down in the town of Bolton but that was not an easy sell. I'll have three hots with the works and a side of potato salad.

Evan and Noah went water skiing yesterday after being out fishing for a bit. It seemed like the right thing to do. There were very few boats around and the water was relatively calm. really just perfect for the sport. Noah did better than expected which means he got outside the wake while skiing which is something Evan never did. After last year when Evan pierced his ear drum on our first day of vacation I think he is understandably hesitant about tempting fate once again. He did fine otherwise and seemed to enjoy the experience. The two of them have expressed a desire to go tubing but I have to go to Rollie's house to get a piece of equipment and I haven't got around to that yet. I'm getting there, I'm getting there.

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010.

Not to dwell on it but I think there are a couple of things that I might have done differently had I to do them over again. I would certainly not forget my Melior pot so as not to be denied my cup of java first thing in the morning. I would more than likely find a way to bring my bike a since exercise is a key component to getting my day off on the right foot. I think those two things more than anything else are things that I didn't do this time around and it was a mistake. I wasn't motivated enough to find an alternative exercise despite my intentions to do just that. I was able to get a coffee each day but sometimes not before suffering the crapola one suffers from waiting too long to have your coffee. But enough of that already.

There was one moment on the boat when Evan had caught a fish and the fish had swallowed the hook and he didn't know where to begin or how to get the hook out. When I took the fish from him with every intention of working the hook free myself he asked that I simply give him a few pointers and that he could do it himself. It reminded then and reminds me now that I probably have a tendency to do it for him rather than show him how to do it whatever it is. I didn't give him any pointers since it was something of an exercise in futility given that the fish was not salvageable. I actually gave up trying to pull the hook free and finally put the fish under my foot and the hook seemed to come loose as if by magic. Still not sure how that happened. I do think having crayfish on board was a good idea if for no other reason than it gave us a better chance to catch larger fish. And we did. Or, should I say, Evan did.

Nancy seems to enjoying herself and taking it easy as she should. I'm not sure she is spending any less time in the kitchen but I am pitching in when and where I can. I am happy to make the boys italian subs, or sandwiches from time to time as the opportunity presents itself. I would hasten to add that I have enjoyed using the Fiesta dish set they have here at the house when serving meals. There is something about colors that give complexion, context, and compliment to dishes served. I found myself admiring the variations when serving dishes using avocado, red onion, pickles, etc., and might have overlooked them were it not for the dish ware. Nancy came prepared to make her own special recipes including chicken enchilada's, lemon squares, lemon poppyseed muffins, black bean salad, fruit salad, and tuna noodle salads. Noah's favorite is the enchilada's that Nancy makes so she was sure to offer him a second helping which he graciously accepted.

There are times when you get to compare your child to others and when the comparisons are side by side it can be painfully apparent that your child either lacks or has more than his share of the usual social graces or amenities given any particular situation. At breakfast, for example, Noah was offered eggs and bacon which he was more than happy to accept. Evan wanted nothing more than cereal even though the better choice for him was the eggs and bacon being offered by his mother. It is not uncommon for Evan to be a bit nasty and almost belligerent when he gets up in the morning. Despite these many years that have passed since we came to find about his affliction with GSD, we are still not entirely certain if what we're seeing is due to the GSD or simply his being a miserable bad boy upon waking. One picture that we took while at the Adventure Extreme place was of Evan laughing and I remarked that we rarely see that expression on his face. That should tell you something.

We're not sure what next year will bring. Evan will be 16 and he may have a job which may well prevent us from coming back to Lake George. It will be the first year in many years that we have not come here and I will miss it. Then again, what kind of job would Evan have where we couldn't take him away for a week during the summer? He has shown some disinterest in being a counselor at Chingagook which surprises both his mother and me. But, so be it. I think he would be a good counselor as he is good with children but if he chooses otherwise then we will not pursue it.

Nancy is at Chingagook with Evan and Noah as I sit here typing away on my Bluetooth keyboard using my iPad as a screen. It is a chilly wind blowing from the north and I can see white caps north to Dome Island. I zipped my Polartec fleece to the top to stay warm and marvel at the boats and the occupants of same bobbing up and down in the bay in front of me. I suspect that the water may be warmer than the air. The voices of children and adults attempting to entertain them fill the air although not in great numbers on a day like today. The day is better suited to going to Great Escape and not swimming, boating, or any other water sports for that matter. That said, I think it would be nice to take the boys out on the waters with Rollie's boat. It is rough enough to make it memorable but not so rough as to put a scare in them.

Hot Tamale

I think we like Chipolte's. They serve a nice robust burrito with all the trimmings and it is prepared right in front of you. You can hear the natural farm raised chicken sizzling on the grill at the back of the store and the folks preparing your meal are friendly and accommodating. You pray to the baby jesus that when they are rolling up your burrito that they need every last bit of muscle to corral all of the goodness so that none spills over on to the foil wrap. God forbid any should go to waste. I stopped after work and brought two pups home for Nan and Ev. Ev was down the street at Noah's and his mom gave him a call to come home for Chipolte's. Yesssssss, he exclaimed. He was home in minutes and sitting down to a scrumptious burrito complete with moms guacamole and a cold glass of milk. Life is good.

Ev and Noah sat around watching the movie, Shawshank Redemption, last night. He's on a prison movie kick as of late. Not sure what he finds so fascinating about them but I suppose life behind bars can be interesting to watch from your couch especially for someone who has no concept of what life behind bars is like. With any luck, it will provide a powerful deterrent. Not that Ev has any leanings in that direction but you know how easy it is for youths to go wayward on you. They get in with the wrong crowd, get hooked on the wrong medications, get in the wrong car, or just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. So watch away, laddie. Get your fill. Oh, and maybe you will think twice before referring to your friends as "nigga's". I know it's a term of endearment these days but you'll say it one too many times in the wrong company and find yourself in trouble. There are a lot of nuts out there with nothing to lose. Just open your eyes.

This is the summer of my solo bike riding and I'm not sure that's for the best. Nan is on the mend and may not get on her bike for the rest of the summer. It's a mixed blessing I would say. I enjoy her company but need to ride my ride so often pull away when my muscles feel the need to push. I don't think it bothers her and going for a bike ride means just that. I do my thing and she does hers and we often meet up at key spots along the route. When she is not there, as is the case at the moment, I'm staying a little less long at our usual meeting spots and the moments I am there are less enjoyable because she is not with me. I guess that is the sum and substance of it all. Not a big deal but one certainly worth mentioning.

Trips and Traps

I hope this isn't a bloody mistake. I'm eyeing a Razr phone on Craigslist and have agreed to pay a few bucks for what seems to be a replacement phone for Ev. Well, all right. I'm putting up 25 clams for the darn thing. I don't think the price is too good to be true but it does seem like a good deal so I'll keep my fingers crossed. The seller does not have a pay pal account and maybe that is the first flag. I've asked for his address so I can send a money order so we'll see what he comes up with. Maybe I can verify his address and maybe I can't. He did offer his phone number but there is not really any reason to call so I won't. He even offered to meet half way but that too turned out to be a bad thing since Ev did not want to make the trip. If he isn't willing, I'll be damned if we're going to make the trip just so he can have a phone. Let's see some personal sacrifice here, dude. Then again, he couldn't have been more succinct in his response; why should I make the trip if he is willing to ship it to us. Good point, dude.

Nan and I took a trip to a local waterfront restaurant instead. Evan went his own separate way. I had a very tasty little dish of bean and pork stew and Nancy opted for their grilled cheese sandwich. We ordered an iced tea which, once served and twice swilled, seemed at first blush too sweet and undrinkable. Wouldn't you know it that the darn thing had no sugar whatsoever according to the waiter. It was Morrocan Mint. And we are supposed to now that how? I swilled the rest between bites while Nancy had water to drink. I'm not sure what Nancy was in the mood for but the menu seemed to be short on excitable items so she settled on a grilled cheese. We eyed tables around us for ideas but found none. Nancy saw what she thought was a fish sandwich but I poo-pooed that idea given that it was not on the menu. There is no such thing as far as I can see, I assured her. It was only after she had eaten much of her sandwich and the waiter had stopped by our table that we asked him if they had any fish dishes. Oh, didn't I tell you, he queried? I must have forgotten to mention the special. That, my friends, is the story of our lives. As Nancy would tell it, we are just invisible sometimes.

Nan is walking her walk now and getting stronger by the day. Biking is out of the question until she gets clearance from her doctor. I expect that will not be a problem when the time comes. But first, we have a vacation to contend with. When I say "contend", what I mean is that it is usually very demanding and this year unlike years past I will not have Nancy to help. Not as much as in years past that is for sure. I will pray to the baby Jesus that Evan pulls his weight and then some. I would just like to see someone step up to the plate for a change instead of having everything fall on my shoulders. I guess what I'm saying is that I'd like to have a vacation of my own without all of the hard work that goes along with bringing a couple of teenagers on a week-long joy ride. The anticipation alone is exhausting and I'm not sure I'm going to survive it. There isn't enough coffee in the world to keep me going long enough to do everything I need to do. We'll do our best like we always do. That's all you can do. Having the Thule should help. If nothing else, I will be able to see out the back window.

Seldom a Dull Moment

We are, by definition, not party animals. Ask anybody who knows us. So it shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone to know that we spent our 4th of July eve in the local Walmart. You know how it is with that place. You go in for one thing or other and the next thing you know you're wheeling out a cartload of things you never knew you needed. I try not to buy produce at Walmart since it looks more appealing elsewhere but I will do organic if I'm in the mood. But, that isn't what we were looking for last night. We just needed a garden hose. We got our hose and more. To the tune of $111.11 I might add. And that sniveling cashier of ours with a nasty case of rosacia sneezed mightily on to his hands as he was finishing up the customer in front of us. I will give him one thing. He was probably the most efficient cashier I've ever seen. He actually made an effort to keep the cold things with the cold things and he came around the register with his scanner thingy so we wouldn't have to lug the 24 bottle flat of water on to the conveyer belt. It was priceless. Well, not really.

Me iPad is working out nicely. I'm a huge fan of documentaries and other videos which I download from the internet almost daily. It is such a pleasure to watch them on the pad since the resolution is near HD and just terrific. I like nothing better than to curl up with the pad and watch an episode of BostonMed, a documentary from the Discovery channel entitled "Best Kept secrets of the FBI, a Frontline documentary on "The Wounded Platoon, an Australian Highway Patrol episode, and well, you get the idea. I tried to get Evan to watch the Deer Hunter on the pad but he wasn't interested. I'm putting the pad through its paces and enjoying it as I go along. I'm not listening to audiobooks or reading much on the pad and that goes for magazines I have on the device as well. I may get to that when we go on vacation but for now it's video and news all the time. Since I do not have the 3G model, I will have to plan on obtaining a tethered connection using my iPhone when on vacation. Where there is a will there is a way. At least that is what they say.

It promises to be a hot and humid day here on the coast but we sometimes get a break being as close to the ocean as we are. We'll see. Did I tell you that we love our new fridge? I'm a little surprised at the level of my excitement when it comes to an appliance. I guess we endured our other fridge through good times and bad with all the noises, the unplanned condensation, the unreliable temperatures, and the lack of space just to mention a few. In hindsight, we should have bought a new fridge a long time ago. Even now, our freezer section is a jumble of leftover stuff that we couldn't bring ourselves to throw away. I'm liking the new family attitude about organization and tidiness when it comes to the fridge section. We did not get the water line hooked up and this fridge has no ice maker in the door so it's not an issue. We gave the delivery men a 20 spot for their efforts and given that we got free delivery it all seemed to work out for the best. I took a couple picture of our garden yesterday which I will plan to post here so enjoy.

The 4th of July Blues

Ev arrived home the other day with a gash below his eye. He was in a I want you to look at it - I don't want you to look at it mode. It wasn't bleeding and it didn't look like much but it did look like a serious wound. We ended up taking him to the hospital in Exeter and he had 2 stitches and a tetanus shot. The 4 hours in the emergency room was probably the worst part of it all. No, I take that back. He can't go in the water for 5 days and that probably is worse. Reminds me a little of last summer when on our first day at Lake George he punctured his ear drum and was out of commission for the entire week we were there. It is supposed to be hot the next few days so no lake house and no beach for the Ev-man. That was 2 days ago. Last night he was sick so we're not sure what's going on with him. He'll probably be heading out today to see a doctor about his ills. A lot may depend on how he is when he gets up. His mom will probably tell you that he's going regardless.

It is true that once his health takes a turn for the worse whether it be respiratory or otherwise that he does not rebound quickly. He is a robust boy but he requires close follow-up when he hits the skids. And then there was the whole thing with eating yesterday. Maybe he was just not feeling well or was his sometimes usual cantankerous self but he was quite accusatory about not having anything to eat in the house. He started his day with sugar (a banana) and it was all downhill from there. You just couldn't get a good meal in him. All he wanted was carbs and a quick fix. He was't even interested in a sub from Hungry Horse for lunch. When he finally sat down for dinner and had some spaghetti and meatballs, he was over-hungry and still irritable as hell. Maybe this whole 5 days without going in the water is not going to be an issue. He didn't even go to Nana and Da's for her birthday cake. And a lovely cake it was. Mrs G hit the big 8-oh. Mr G was quick to remind us all of that fact. Between mouthfuls, that is. Pass the rhubarb sauce and whipped cream please.

This cell phone business has been painful ever since Ev had his iPhone stolen at school. Those bastards. I thought I was smart when I plucked a used cell phone from a box at work and rejiggered the puppy to work with his sim card. We're paying for the service so he needs a phone and that was my motivation. Well, he's never liked that damn phone and the antenna finally broke so that puppy is history. You could even say that it died a natural death. Neither of us is eligible for a new iPhone just yet so I guess we're back to square one. Next steps, who knows. I'm not going to worry about it. I'll just let him figure it out. Even if that means that we're paying for the service but not using it. I should say, since we do have one iPhone in service that we're paying a steep price for the use of that one phone. So be it. And a happy 4th of July to you.

One more thing. We're having a new refrigerator delivered today. We've upgraded to a 25 cubic foot from a 19 cubic foot. Oh, darlin. Shouldn't we be decreasing our carbon footprint instead of increasing it? Well, I have to say that the old unit runs seemingly far too much and has to be consuming an inordinate amount of energy given all of its rattles and non-stop operation. I think she's just showing her age. I know the feeling. The feeling I like better is the one where we have a unit where the internal lights are not only LED but they don't work intermittently and the darn thing keeps its cool. Literally. This time, we got one with the freezer on the bottom instead of our side by side. Never thought we'd do that but there you have it. It's arriving this morning so I have work to do before they deliver it. Wish me luck.

Long Gone

Heeee's back! Yes he is. I've been busy as a one-armed paper hanger and that is all I can say about that. Departed but not dead. Since I dropped off the face of the planet back in February there has been a lot to report that never got reported. Can't remember but the highlights these days and even then just the more significant highlights. Ev completed his first year at school for one. I guess he did as well as can be expected and that is all we'll say about that. We're proud of him for doing as well as he did given the struggles he endured during the year. Nothing a first year student wouldn't otherwise be exposed to but I think the newness and totality of it all was a little more than Ev had anticipated. Thanks to his momma for being his study buddy especially in Spanish. I will say that I think he picked up his game towards the end of the year which helped his overall grade. The fact that he was done with sports probably helped. For my part, I was happy to be able to drop he and Noah off at school day in and day out on my way to work.

Ev has been learning to drive this year as well. I have been especially careful not to drive carelessly while driving them to school for fear of having him pick up on my bad habits. You know, gunning it through yellow lights, not coming to complete stops, flossing my teeth while steering with my knees, stuff like that. I don't have the heart to tell his momma that he probably picked up a few things here and there just by watching me drive. I shouldn't have to tell her. right? The one time he tried to drive my car (standard shift) he couldn't get it to move forward on our street. He got all kinds of frustrated and called it a day. We'll have to revisit that because he can't go through life not knowing how to drive a standard. That's a little like going through life not knowing how to swim. It can limit your experiences on the upside. Don't get me going on the babes in his life. There are too many to mention and I've never laid eyes on even one of them. It isn't like he brings them around. I'm not sure he knows I know they exist.

Nan has been dealing with her own demons as of late but seems to have survived the worst of it. We have been there for her and that is the best we can say about that. I think we're all on to bigger and better things now with the worst of it all now in the rear view mirror. I think she's planning to make a key lime pie for dinner so it will be all hands on deck for that puppy. Her mother and father are doing well all things considered and continuity on that end is a good thing. We put a lovely garden in this year and it is all of 10' x 10'. I erected some fencing around the perimeter to keep the critters out and things are looking pretty good. Getting enough sun is key and I think we have a good 6 hours or so for those plants that require that much sun.

Well, I need to get my buttocks on my bike and out onto the boulevard for my morning ride. What about that BP oil spill? Think it will ever get up our way? God forbid.

Ants in me Pants

Ev has ants in his pants and has gone away for a week to see if he can't get rid of them. At a minimum, he will be looking for distractions to take his mind of the darn things. The good news is, he will be in a new place, a warm place, a place that even I would rather be than where I am at the moment. He flew into Ft. Lauderdale last night and the plan was to spend the night there and drive to the Keys in the morning. I've been to Ft. Lauderdale and it is one place worth looking forward to and he has all week (looked forward to going, that is). Maybe even before that but I 'm not sure. Maybe it all started when he got an invite to join his friends family for a week in the keys. If there is anything sweeter for Ev than being out of school for a week, it would be being in Florida without his parents. Let's hope he makes the best of it. We reminded him to always stand up straight, don't hunch at the dinner table, be a gracious guest, make sure you wear sunscreen, don't swim with the sharks, and just have fun. We're grateful that the invitation came his way. Nan and I are way too busy to have offered him anything even close given our busy schedules. Make no mistake though, this will be a break for us as well. How do they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder? Absolutely.

Speaking of ants, where the hell did they come from? All of a sudden we have a bunch of the little black devils walking around our kitchen like they own the place. They think they're funny. When they think that I've seen them, they stand absolutely still. Not sure what they're smokin' but they're not fooling me. When I get the chance I will sweep them off the counter with a swipe of my hand and will proceed to crush them underfoot. The bigger they are, the better since I like to hear the crunch of their little spines as they meet their fate. I'm hoping that their brethren can hear their screams and get the message that they are not welcome. If I spy too many in one viewing, I am like a crocodile waiting at the river bend while the wildebeest wade in to cross. It's a feeding frenzy and I leave a literal graveyard of ant carcasses in my path of destruction. But now, I'm willing to employ a more reliable and perhaps more humane method of ant annihilation. It's sweet to the taste, worthy of bringing home to the queen, and lethal in its delivery. Ah, yes. The inimitable Boric Acid. Ding dong, the queen is dead, the queen is dead, the queen is dead. That's what happens when the soldiers bring the "food" back to the queen. She ingests a lethal dose and it's sayonara. As they say in the movies, see ya! Or, as they say in our house after the treatment, "look ma, no more ants!"

My schedule for tomorrow is just chock full. I'd like to find the time to change the oil in my car and may just get around to doing it. I think the weather is going to cooperate. My next challenge is to use a set of jacks that I have hanging around the garage to get my car far enough off the ground to allow me to get under there to do what I have to do. Never having used jacks before, I'm a little apprehensive but not so much so that I feel the need to do it with someone around just in case. You know, in case the damn things don't hold their weight as advertised and I get my head pinned against the pavement or worse. Not that I would be hollering out were that to happen so maybe it doesn't matter. It is an uncharacteristic sort of thing for me to be doing so I will surely proceed with caution. Never mind. I've changed my oil now and everything went fine. The jack thing worked pretty well. Note sure why I've never considered that before. I'm off to catch up on any number of things. Later

And The Saints Come Marching In

Super Bowl Sunday. It's the Saint's vs the Colts. Who gives a bleep? We'll be loading up the car with marinated chicken wings and double fudge brownies and heading over to the in-laws place in about an hour to take it all in. Not sure they care a whit either but it's a convenient reason to get together so that's what we'll do. It will take the place of our usual Sunday evening visitation and even though we plan on it year after year we still call ahead just so they know we're bringing the wings. I'm not sure after all these years that its necessary but it's a little like knocking before entering. It's the right thing to do. I will admit to being a little more interested in football than I've been in the past. So I'll carry the flag for the Saints since they are the underdogs in the game. I'm big on underdogs. What catholic boy worth his salt hasn't taken a lesson from David and Goliath? I'd like to think that I had at least one ear open when Sister Santa-claus was promising eternal salvation to those of us willing to go forth in life and do the lord's work. It may well take a miracle to put the Saints over the top tonight.

I don't know that I've spent a lot of time talking about organic foods but I'll put in another plug here just in case I haven't. I know I've spent a lot of time talking about making chili, hummus, and maybe some other things like that but I want to give ample time to the ingredients I use in making all those things I make. I think this is a relative new thing for me and it may have all started when I began to read up on using quality ingredients whenever possible. No, I take that back. I bought some organic bananas once and I couldn't believe how much better they tasted than non-organic bananas. They say that normal garden variety produce is grown in soil that has been depleted of everything organic due to the rampant use of chemicals. As they say in the commercials, you can taste the difference. Now, no one buys all organic because it is just too expensive. Forget that to jeopardize your health by not eating organic may actually shorten your life span. Anyway, there are plenty of articles on what it makes sense to spend your money on when it comes to buying organic. For my money, I like to buy organic garlic, organic lemons, organic avocados, bread made with organic ingredients, and, occasionally, organic red peppers. Try it, you'll like it.

Tonight, I will be eating my homemade chili before heading over to the in-laws. I just don't want to end up over with a heady appetite and nothing to eat but chicken wings. The damn things, as tasty as they are, are loaded with sugar. Even the ketchup used in making the wings is drenched with high fructose sugar and that stuff is just bad to the bone. As for the brownies, I will be keeping my distance assuming I can muster a "no" when asked if I'd like to have my brownies with a scoop of coffee ice cream. You know how grandparents are. They like to ply their grandchildren with sugar and it's high-fives all around with after each mouthful. Eat it all up now, Johnny boy, they say. Have that one and I'll get you another. I can hear them now. They are just going to love you to death. Now you understand why grandparents don't make the best babysitters. This is no time to be judgmental. I've got a game to attend and a team which needs my support. Even is it is from the sidelines. Go Saints!

Miles To Go Before We Eat

Hmmm. The iPad, eh? A notebook or Kindle-like device that serves as a reader, a photo book, a device to store and listen to your music, and seemingly much more. Apple came out with it so it must be a good thing. I think there are things I'd like to do with it that I can't but I know if I wait long enough I will. Be able to do the things that I now can't, that is. I read somewhere online that the very name of the device, the iPad, conjures up visions of a feminine hygiene product. You always have your detractors and naysayers when something truly revolutionary comes along and this time is no different. You may recall those nitwits in centuries past who thought the world was flat despite scientific evidence to the contrary. The makers of the Kindle and other e-ink devices may want to consider their options or face a death of a thousand cuts in the marketplace. I, on the other hand, may not buy one until I can be certain that it is hackable. Owning a device like the iPad without the ability to multi-task, or run apps not otherwise available through the Apple store, is not something that I would ordinarily consider. This time around should be no different.

Our wood stove is having a difficult time keeping up with the cold this morning. It's 5 degrees outside here on the seacoast and it may have dipped below zero overnight. I see on the Post Star website this morning that the Falls is still in minus territory although just barely. I guess I'm learning after all these years that our stove works well as long as the temperatures don't dip too dramatically. I have been able to coax a meager few extra kilowatts out of it by burning wood that is seasoned to perfection; by sweeping the chimney on a more frequent basis to ensure optimal air flow; and by removing the metal plate in the front of the old burner to maximize the burn rate. I've learned over time that concepts as simple as wood placement within the stove can make or break a good fire. I don't know wood well enough to know what I'm handling but have figured out over time that a heavy log will burn longer and dense is good when facing a long and cold New England winter night. Only occasionally have I had to get up in the middle of the night to put more wood on the fire. Last night was not one of those nights. When I got up at 5am it was calling my name. Temperatures overnight had fallen to 54 degrees in the house. A veritable three dog night.

After dropping the Ev-Man of at a buds house last night the Nan and I decided to have dinner at the local 99. We were looking for something quick and we were not disappointed. Everything about the 99 is pedestrian but we knew that going in. What we celebrated after walking out was that we were able to avoid the quick and easy pasta or burger hits which may have satisfied in the short run but would have been ruinous to our collective health in the long run. Rather, we had salads of sorts and that was fine. Nan's had a chicken ceasar and I ordered a chicken cobb salad. I shied away from the wedges of shortbread served with the salad until I could resist no longer at which point I sopped up the remaining blue cheese dressing on my plate with the wedge of bread in one hand and in one quick motion popped it in my mouth. If we lamented anything it was the fact that we were charged $2.50 for two soda waters with lime. We both agreed, however, that plain water would simply not have been the same. One other thing that did not go unnoticed while at the restaurant was the heat. It was deliciously warm and inviting on so many levels. It was so pleasant, in fact, that we barely noticed that we were never offered coffee or dessert after our meal. The check came without a whisper of any such offering. Not that we would have ordered anything anyway.

Trollops Gone Wild

I am on such a tight schedule today. For a Sunday, that is never a good thing. If I take anything away from the day's activities, and hopeful accomplishments, I hope it will be a sense of satisfaction. The satisfaction one gets in knowing that you've done everything you can and you did your best in doing those things. Since I've already knocked a few things off the list and it isn't even 8 am yet, I can tell you that I feel like I have a leg up. It may sound funny but I cleaned the kitchen this morning and I did it in stealth mode. I like to surprise my honey every now and then and it just so happens that I know she doesn't like to go to bed when the kitchen hasn't been cleaned but that is just the way it is sometimes. She'll drag herself out of bed soon thinking that she is starting her day behind the eight ball only to find that while she was dreaming of faraway lands and strapping buccaneers in tights her husband was taking care of her in ways she couldn't yet appreciate. Isn't that what husbands are for?

I bristle with anger when it happens and I just wish she wouldn't be so insistent. I like to take care of things in my own way, in my own time, and alone if I so choose. For example, when I decide I want to move wood from the wood pile into the house there are times when I want to do it alone. I don't want any help. I don't need help. I prefer to have a go at it myself and I don't want any help even when offered. Along comes Nancy wanting me to have Ev help and I politely decline. She insists and I persist in my objections to the point of irritation. Evan senses from the ensuing altercation that his assistance is not needed and my resistance is so strong sometimes that I think he takes it personally. It's the old mountain from a mole hill kind of thing and it gets out of hand and everyone walks away in a huff. I guess she thinks that if I never look to him for help that he will think less of himself or perhaps be less capable because I've failed to impart some crucial father-son lesson in the walk of life. That part I understand but still need to go my own way in my own time. Even if that means getting up before the rest of the family on a dreary Sunday in mid winter to get things done.

And then there was Jasmine. She texts him when he's sleeping. She texts him when he 's not. She texts him when she thinks we're not looking but we are. When we have his phone we see them before he does even if only for a moment. That moment is sometimes enough to ask the question, "who is this Jasmine." Would we feel any better if the texts came from a Abagail or maybe even a Sarah? Jasmine is almost as bad as Crystal but not quite. I know that sounds terribly prudish but it is what it is. Maybe her father is jeweler. One thing is clear in the texts we've seen. There is something going on. Parents know these things when they see them. It's almost a been there, done that kind of thing. We've asked him who she is but he is tight lipped. Not willing in the least to give up his teenage trollop or, more to the point, allowing us to think that he is anything but an innocent kid with the best of intentions when it comes to girls. The subject has never come up until now and he shows no more inclination to discuss it now than he did when he was half his current age. All in good time, I suppose. Some things are better not rushed.

Square Pegs and Round Holes

I'm such a dunce sometimes. I'm running around like a mad man trying to find a chimney brush because I'm determined to do that job myself. I just don't believe in paying someone for something that I can do myself. It also gives me the impetus to learn something new and at my age that is a good thing. So I ran off to Ace Hardware first thing yesterday and picked up a brush that looked just right. I only realized that I had a problem when I tried to put the square 6" steel brush into a round hole while standing on the roof of my home. A light rain had begun and I was not happy to find that once I put the brush in that not only was I not able to get it in but I couldn't get the damn thing out. Ah, the square peg in the round hole dilemma. If I had paid attention, I would have realized that I needed a round brush. You know, that is just the story of my life sometimes. One bone headed thing after another. It is a fault to be sure and I have spent a lifetime avoiding the pitfalls of such stupidity but with varied success over the years. Maybe that is why I don't spend a lot of time looking in the rear view mirror. It is just not time well spent. Maybe if I put it down for the world to see, as I am here, it will go away. Not likely.

The rain I referenced in the previous paragraph turned to snow overnight. I think we got every inch they predicted and maybe even a little more. I had planned to take MLK day off today anyway so I'm glad I don't have to drive to work in this crap. Evan had a sleep over at a friend's house so the darling wife and I are left to our own devices. I'm keeping a close eye on the temperatures as they are closing in on the freezing mark and I want to make sure that I have a chance to clean up the snow before it turns to rain. We probably got 6 inches or so and that would be just sloppy. Nancy, too, has decided that going to work would not be a good choice for her and with the distance she has to travel it is just not worth it in these conditions. She would spend more time on the road then she would in the office. Speaking of square pegs in round holes.

I am not a big MLK fan so I won't be going to any breakfasts in his honor. I wouldn't have voted to institute such a day for a man but might well have considered having a holiday for civil rights or some such thing. Nonetheless, I am happy to have the day off and would tip my hat to the MLK were I to pass him on the street. There are bigger fish to fry from a political perspective as I sit here the day before a special election in Massachusetts where they are looking to fill the seat of the beloved Edward Kennedy. Well, beloved in the eyes of the hacks who line the political hallways of that state anyway. It's Coakley the dem vs Scott Brown the Republican. Brown has a vacation home in my town here on the seacoast and he is reportedly a man's man, a dedicated father, and a surprise victor in tomorrow's election. Did I mention that should he win that the democrats will lose the 60 vote majority in the senate? At a time when Obama is running our country into the toilet, we need men like Scott Brown to win. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Brrrr Rabbit

It's a cold one out there this morning! A meager 16.7 degrees without the wind chill. I checked the temps in the Falls this morning and they too are in the middle of a deep freeze with temps in the teens. I put a few more logs in the wood stove, filled up the bird feeders, and pulled me wool cap down over me ears. I have to say that this year of all years in the past few I think we have the best load of wood ever. It is seasoned just right, it ignites easily, burns hot and long, and is a pleasure to work with. I like knowing that when I fill the stove before bedtime that it will last through the night even on the coldest of nights and it does. Even Nancy remarked on the quality of the wood this year and that's saying something. My next challenge is to find a set of brushes to clean the stovepipe. I'm more than mindful of creosote buildup and want nothing more than to be able to deal with it myself rather than paying someone to clean it for me. No reason I can't jump in with both feet being the capable chap that I am.

Life goes on in the usual fashion here on the seacoast in early 2010. Like everyone else hereabouts, we have not-so-distant memories of last winter's ice storm which knocked out our electricity for a good 4 days. We never did go out to buy a generator in the wake of that experience and I would hasten to add that it was not on our list of to-do's as winter approached this year. We did talk a lot about doing a better job of keeping more food on hand and I think we are better off than we were last year at this time. You can cook a lot of things on a wood stove if need be and our on-hand supplies reflect that mindset. While I think we're better off, I think there is still room for an additional buffer here and there. One thing we've not explored, and I think it may be worth exploring, is the universe of dried food stuffs available. Not sure where we would start looking but everything is but a click away in this world of ours so I should probably plan to do just that.

One of our biggest challenges these days is getting Ev to pay attention to his eating. Although he is not a diabetic, he should be eating like one. That is to say, he should be eating regular meals with an emphasis on protein intake and less of an emphasis on carbs. A little balance would be good but even that eludes him these days. Why doesn't he know that he needs to eat in a particular fashion? I'm certain he knows what it's like to be hungry and I have to believe that it is something that he would otherwise avoid given the choice. Ev, stick something in your pocket, we tell him. You are going to be hungry and you will be thankful you have something to eat. It falls on deaf ears. He leaves the house from time to time without the appropriate attire, i.e., no coat, and he is as equally as irresponsible when it comes to his eating. What to do, what to do. It probably goes with the territory as any parent would tell you in describing their experience with teenagers. If only Evan were a normal teenager.

Fireworks and Ice Sculptures

Well, we never quite made it to NY for the holidays. Had my cold been less extreme, I might have braved it. Had the weather been more promising, we might have considered it. We had our grab gifts bagged up and ready to go but it seemed like there was a perfect storm brewing on so many fronts this time around that it just wasn't meant to be. The holidays fell on a Friday this time around so I was happy to have a stretch of time between Christmas and New Years to make a full and satisfying recovery. I've often considered getting sick as an opportunity to reboot my system and to get a new start. There is nothing like 96 straight hours of cable television, NyQuil, and Canada Dry ginger ale to rekindle one's sense of self and well being. If I had it to do all over again, I might like to be a cold case detective. Not sure that I have the stomach for it but I do like a good murder mystery from time to time. Who doesn't.

All of this talk about Facebook. Nancy wants me to block the site so Evan can't connect with his friends. She would shut down his social network with a vengeance and let the chips fall where they may. She has seen enough of the snarky language used by his peers and she doesn't like it. Not one bit. It can be radical, racist, insensitive, immature, bone-headed, and just downright nappy at times. I think that is what Evan likes about it. There is little about it that comes close to being Columbine-like, sinister, more alternatively, Aryan Brotherhood-like or worse. Oh, there are occasional references to sex or suggested activities involving same but it all seems bombastic and typically teen-like when taken in the proper context. Mothers don't deal well with context as we all know. There is very little grey when it comes to rearing children and doing everything possible to protect them from themselves. Black is black. White is white. I'm with Ronald Reagan on this one when he says, "trust but verify."

We had a nice evening on New Years Eve in and around Portsmouth where we had Mexican food with friends, watched fireworks down by Mill Pond around 7:30, and took in the ice sculptures in downtown before heading home for the night. It was a pristine night in so many ways. Not too cold and not so warm that the ice sculptures might melt The night sky was clear and there was a blue moon on display to usher in the new year. Can you imagine a more spectacular backdrop for fireworks? And now, Homeland Security and Emergency Management is calling for a potential snowstorm which could bring 30-40 inches of snow to the seacoast. Seems unlikely but I'll defer to those who would save us from another 9-11. They did such a good job the first time around. On that note, Happy New Year everyone!