Call To Arms

I'm old enough to remember when Biden paid Iran tens of billions of dollars to release five Americans being held in Iranian jails. I said at the time that the payments had nothing to do with the release of the jailed Americans. Biden was planning to enrich the Iranians prisoner release or no prisoner release. We know that because we know that Biden has done nothing to enforce Trump's sanctions that robbed Iran of monies during Trump's first term, which they would have otherwise used to export terrorism and fund their proxies like Hezbollah and Hamas. It makes me just a little curious now why Biden has done nothing to help the American hostages being held by Hamas. I'm not sure we even know how many Americans are being held hostage because the media simply isn't covering the story. Is it possible that Biden is working behind the scenes with Iran to release the hostages just ahead of the election in November? How devious is that? Team Trump needs to get out ahead of this.


This is some 3-D chess the Democrats are playing. Is it conceivable that the Democrats and their praetorian guard, the media, released this 13-year-old story about Governor Kristi Noem shooting her dog to try and take her out of the running for Trump's Vice Presidential pick? They must know that Trump is close to selecting his vice president, if he hasn't already, although I'm not sure when he plans to announce his decision. The Democrats have, no doubt, done their polling and decided that Noem would be a strong pick for Trump. Is it a coincidence that no sooner did we learn about Noem than we see stories about Trump sitting down with DeSantis, the governor from Florida? Hell, maybe none of this has anything to do with Democrats. Maybe it was Team DeSantis that put the Noem story in circulation and then cobbled together this last-minute meeting with Trump. Maybe DeSantis figures that this is the only way he gets into the White House in 2028. He's probably right.

Tesla stock is up around 10% in the pre-market this morning. Not sure what, if anything, it has to do with Musk's visit to China over the weekend. Their stock has not been doing well, so maybe this is just a countertrend in a longer-term downtrend. GM reported that they lose a good chunk of dough on every electric vehicle they sell. Rental car companies can't get electric cars off their lots fast enough. Nobody wants to either buy or rent them. I see Teslas on the road today, and I think of people buying a pig in a poke, chasing a fad, and now owning something that, if they had to do it all over again, they might not. Tesla stock, all else aside, being up early on today is probably a good sign for the financial markets today. We saw a strong move in the market last Friday, so today, if it turns out to be a good day, might be confirmation that this current countertrend we're in has further to go. Maybe it's not a countertrend at all. The pullback of five percent or more a week ago may prove to be nothing more than a shallow correction. We need a few more cards to come out of the deck.

The missus and I visited a local Ford dealership over the weekend. We've seen a number of Ford Broncos on the road lately and thought they warranted a closer look. Not that I would ever buy a Ford. American cars these days are, by and large, cheesy and cheap. The dealership had a half dozen Bronco's on their lot with a price tag in the $50k-$60k range. I like the design of the Bronco, but one look at the interior reminded me why I've seldom wanted to own one of my own. The cheesiness was off the scale. Maybe they think that by selling an "off-road" model, they can skimp on the bells and whistles and still get the price they want for the vehicles. Who the hell knows what they're thinking? You can actually get into a comparably priced Audi or Volvo for the same price and without half the cheesiness. How about one of Ford's F-10s, you ask? I don't get those either. Who wants to drive a damn tank around town that you can't get in and out of without a step ladder? Speaking of electric vehicles, I don't think I saw one electric car or truck on their lot. That's telling, to be sure.

Did you hear about the four or five US Marshalls getting gunned down in North Carolina? That is some tough business. I don't know who would want to be a cop these days with everything going on. I heard the story on the news and was just a little curious about who would do such a thing. You have to imagine that it takes a skilled marksman to do the kind of damage that we see in this case. Right? Is there an outside chance that the Marshalls involved didn't have proper training, or worse yet, they were DEI hires? I'd rather not go there if you don't mind. I see that the story made its way into the Daily Mail this morning. What struck me about the story both yesterday and this morning is that we have no photo of the shooter or shooters. What is that all about? Were they illegal aliens? Were they minorities? Had they been white nationalists, we'd probably have their pictures by now. That's just how our media rolls. Fast forward ten minutes. I've now done a page refresh on the Daily Mail, and I see that they posted a picture of one of the shooters. He is a black man going by the name Terry Hughes. According to the article, Mr. Hughes was a firearms felon. Not sure why it took them so long to post his photo. He's dead now, so the community can unlock their doors and go back about their business. As for the Marshalls, may they rest in peace.

I haven't paid a lot of attention to the news reports about students and faculty members on college campuses around the country protesting Israel's relentless bombing of civilian populations in Gaza. I agree with those who say that the country-wide protests look organized if for no other reason than they all use a certain type of tent in their encampments. Am I wrong in assuming that they are trying to pressure Biden and his corrupt government to force the hand of Netanyahu in Israel to cease and desist the indiscriminate bombing of Palestinians? Biden is supplying the bombs for chrissakes. It all seems so schizophrenic. I'm also probably not the only one uncomfortable with their seemingly vitriolic displays of hatred for Zionism, aka, the Jewish people. Where is Biden, and why has he not condemned the students? At a minimum, he should be speaking out about the antisemitic bent of the messaging coming out of these encampments. I also hate to see American college students buying into what can only be described as Hamas-like hate speech against Israel and the Jewish people. It's all so reminiscent of Germany in the late thirties when Hitler came to power. Where the hell is our FBI when you need them? They're busy infiltrating church groups and PTA meetings; that's where they are. C'mon, man.

The White House Correspondents' Dinner comes and goes every year around this time, and most people couldn't care less about it. It's typically just a bunch of fawning reporters and government groupies paying homage to their party leaders for one night out of the year. If I see any cuts from it in the media after the fact, I usually just change the channel. It's the same old tired characters, the same old tired jokes, and the same old back-slapping old fucks who attend year in and year out, no matter the party in power. After hearing about a few of Biden's comments this year at the dinner, I'm more convinced than ever of the symbiotic relationship between the leftist media and the Democrats. I've known forever that the leftist media is just another arm of the Democrat establishment and a vital one when it comes to putting out messaging for the Democrats or not putting out messaging when that's more appropriate, but this year is different. Biden's comments to his adoring and sycophantic audience were, in fact, a call to arms. Faced with polls worse than those Jimmy Carter experienced, Biden now, more than ever, needs his praetorian guard, the media, to prop him up and, more importantly, to take down his political rival, i.e., Donald J. Trump. It's not enough that he has Trump sitting in a courtroom and facing years in jail for a seven-year-old misdemeanor, which they hope to turn into a felony. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

There's another story out this morning about how Biden is flying tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into swing states. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. If they can't win elections outright, they steal elections. This is precisely what Biden and his Democrat Pary are doing. How is it possible that these states are planning to allow these non-citizens to cast votes in our federal elections? If I had to guess, the Democrats are working overtime to water down the requirements to vote so that anyone showing up at the polls gets to cast a vote. No voter ID is required. Come to think of it, Texas has been shutting down its borders, which effectively funnels all of the illegal aliens into Arizona, where the illegitimate governor, Hobbs, will look the other way while they cast their votes come November. Arizona, as you know, is a swing state. Pennsylvania is a mail-in ballot state, so stealing that one is pretty much a done deal. The Party in power decides who wins. Once again, advantage Democrats. It's a brazen move by a corrupt institution, the Democrats, but you do what you have to do to stay in power. Never mind that they are laying waste to our institutions and our culture in order to stay in power. Sadly, the tentacles of their corruption have made their way into our judicial system, making them complicit in the crimes being committed by the Democrats. America will never be the same.

How is it that I heard one report out this morning about several men wearing Palestinian scarves who surrounded a Jewish woman and then beat her senseless, yet I don't see that story anywhere else? You'd think that would be a big story in the whole Israel-Gaza storyline that has been unfolding on campuses across our country in the last week or so. Protests are one thing; violence is quite another. Is it time to start asking how many of these Hamas hate fomenters have come across our southern border in the last twelve to twenty-four months? Connect the fucking dots, for chrissakes. It gets worse. Now, Biden is talking about flying tens of thousands of Palestinians from Gaza into our country. It gets worse. He plans to give them more rights than they or any illegal alien deserves, including a path to citizenship. Over my fucking dead body, is what I say. Biden wants to bring the very same animals who committed the atrocities against the Israeli people on October 7th to our country. Is this Biden extending an olive branch to the Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan, and elsewhere in order to get them out to the polls to vote for his sad ass come November? Is Biden correct in assuming that he has the Jewish vote in the bag since they, by and large, vote blindly and passionately for Democrats each and every presidential cycle? Is it any surprise, given Biden's praetorian guard, the media, that we're not seeing this story about the men beating up the Jewish woman? At this rate, Jewish people will be demanding that they be allowed to vote using absentee ballots lest they be accosted on their way to the polls. #MissionAccomplished

My bike is five years old now. As bikes go, she's getting a bit long in the tooth. I was out for a ride yesterday, and my chain started slipping. I was literally worried that I wasn't going to make it up one of the hills in the final stretch of my ride. I envisioned that I might have to get off my bike and walk it up the hill, which, given how narrow that particular stretch of the road is, is perilous in its own way. Was the problem going to get even worse with time? Could I fix the problem myself? If I brought it in for a fix, how long would I be without my bike? I've only started to hit my stride in riding my entire route without making excuses for stopping short here and there these past few months. You know what they say about excuses. Everyone has one. I'm all about momentum this time of the year when it comes to biking, so let's just say this was an unexpected and unpleasant development. The good news is that the folks at Colonial Bike here in town gave me the bad news about just how expensive it was going to be to fix my problem. It will be cheaper to buy a new bike than to have the old one fixed. It's been five years since my last new bike, so I suppose it's time. Just file that under "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
The missus just called me to tell me that the Hummingbirds have arrived for the 2024 season here in the Northeast. They come every year at this time. I can't be certain that they are the same ones from last year, but if I had to guess, I'd say they are indeed the same Hummingbirds. Just to be clear, the missus called me from our bedroom. We have two feeders: One is outside our bedroom window, and the other is outside the room that I'm sitting in now. We mark the calendar every year when they arrive and when they depart. For the last five years or so, they've arrived every year on May 2nd. In anticipation of their arrival, I prepared our two feeders yesterday and hung them outside. Was there a chance that they might not show up at all? Yes, of course. Might they be late, and I'd be forced to change the sugar concoction at least once before they finally showed up? I suppose. The funny thing is, I left our bedroom window open last night just enough so that we'd hear the fluttering of the Hummingbird's wings before we ever laid eyes on them. That is precisely what happened this morning. Drink long and hard, my little friends. It's the very least I can do for you.

The missus thought I should take this new bike for a ride before I actually purchase it. Yesterday, when I took my old bike in to be fixed, I took a quick look around the showroom floor and found this one particular bike to my liking. It's the same kind of bike that I've been riding for the past 15 years or so, only a more recent model year. I'm big on basic functions when it comes to buying my bikes and less enamored of the so-called bells and whistles you get with more expensive bikes. I've never been one to ride the bikes with the skinny tires. They ride circles around me on the road, but I'm more of a tortoise than a hare in going from point A to point B. It's never been about getting there faster for me. I sometimes think that I get more out of my bike ride when I'm required to make more of an effort, which is where I end up when I'm pushing a bike with thicker tires. Maybe it's all in my head. Anyway, I think the missus is wrong to suggest that I take the bike for a spin before wheeling it off of the showroom floor. I don't say that often about the advice that she gives me now and then, but having said that, I think this time is different. Here's hoping, anyway.

Thanks for nothing, Jerome Powell. He's the Fed head who came out yesterday to give his little speech about interest rates and the likelihood of rate cuts or, God forbid, more rate hikes. I listen to none of it. I do, however, watch with great interest how the financial markets react to what he says. I also like to catch snippets of his speech, or at least the essence of what he said, on social media and in other news reports. That's my way of backing into what he said without feeling the full brunt of what may be a hawkish day of messaging on the stump for the head of the Fed. At 3 PM, the indices were spiking on something or other he said, and then, all of a sudden, a rug pull and a plummet. What the hell, Jerome? This is how it goes when the Fed head speaks. You'd think that at this stage in an election year that the Fed Head would be more accommodating. He wants to keep his job. Right? Maybe he wants to work for Trump. That would be bad news for Joe Biden. It would be good news for America. I give you nothing but the unvarnished truth here. Well, most of the time, anyway. Jerome did say something about stepping back a bit from the whole quantitative tightening thing so we should see a bit of liquidity making its way back into the market. That's never a bad thing for the stock market.

I never know if I'm supposed to take the Daily Mail seriously or not. There's an article in the Daily Mail this morning that says something about Joe Biden working with Walmart to lower prices ahead of the 2024 election. What the fuck is this? How stupid does he think the American people are? Does he think that Mrs. Garcia is going to come home from her shopping trip to Walmart and sing Joe Biden's praises after paying less than five dollars for a dozen eggs? I can hear her now: "Look, hon, eggs are below $5 a dozen at Walmart!" "Joe Biden is the fucking bee's knees!" "He's got my vote!" I have to believe that Walmart is thinking that if Trump gets back into office, and starts to ramp up tariffs against China, stores like Walmart will take it on the chin. It's no surprise to anyone that most of Walmart's inventory comes from China. No wonder they're willing to get into bed with Dementia Joe. It's all about the bottom line for Walmart and other retailers like them. They could give two shits that America is going to hell in a handbasket under Joe Biden's "leadership." They have stockholders to please, so they do what they have to do to not only survive but flourish. This is the power of the incumbency at its finest. I'm just not sure it's enough to overcome the last four years of sheer destruction wrought on America by the policies of Joe Biden.

I'm not sure what to think about all of these pro-Hamas protests on campuses across our country. I hear that the Democrats wish that they would go away. I think they think that they are not good for Biden and his re-election efforts. Are the protests just one more example of things going to shit under the Biden Administration? Or, is there something more nefarious going on here? Are these protests simply a primer for something else in the months ahead? Do all of these lawless activities make it more or less likely that people will go to the polls to vote for the Democrats in November? Is there something really twisted about the undercurrent of antisemitism coming out of these protests that somehow unites one or more factions wanting and willing to vote for Joe Biden in November? I'm talking about Dearborn, Michigan, here. Funny thing is, there are only a couple of weeks left before students leave their respective campuses for the summer. Was this a temporary firestorm, or witches brew if you will, of student unrest on campuses across our country concocted by Democrats in order to achieve a certain end result? Was it intended as a distraction? Something to take our eyes off the miserable economic times brought to us by Joe Biden? My eyes are wide open and I just can't make heads or tails of it. Not sure where we go from here.

People can talk all they want about the ridiculous Trump trial currently underway in New York City. They can talk all they want about how the judge should have recused himself because his daughter is profiting from the trial. They can talk all they want about how nobody even knows what Trump is being charged with here, as we are two weeks into this trial. None of it matters. When the time comes for the jury to do their thing, they are going to convict Trump. Not because they were able to determine his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, no sirree, Bob. They are going to find him guilty because that was their charge from the start. I don't know how they put twelve "unbiased" citizens on a jury who will then do the State's bidding no matter what the evidence shows, but Trump being the existential threat to our democracy that he is, you do what you have to do to get them to return the verdict you want. Anything and everything else is just noise. It makes for good television if you are a faithful follower of leftist media like CNN and MSNBC. You get to drink from the firehose of everything "Orange Man Bad" from sun-up to sunrise. The rest of us sane Americans have to hope that the higher courts can step in, and quickly, to right the Good Ship Donald before political rigor mortis sets in and the dye of a dying and defeated campaign is cast.

The dreaded bird flu is coming. You can just feel it. It's a government psyop operation in order to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president. Not a day passes by when there isn't an article in the news somewhere about the bird flu passing from animal to animal. One article I read suggested that the virus was finding its way into our food supply through infected cows and the milk they produce. Another article talked about cats that died after drinking milk from cows that had contracted the virus. I looked at a couple of photos online today of someone who contracted the flu virus and what it does to your eyes. To me, their eyes just looked bloodshot. I didn't read the article because I knew what the article was designed to do. I know the message they want to send. I know the fear they want to sew. One thing will lead to another and it won't be long before communities far and wide are recommending that we mask up for the health of the community. Of course, they can't have people standing in line at the voting places with a killer virus on the loose. Courts will mandate that we utilize mail-in ballots to cast our votes in the general election in November. Fake mail-in ballots are already rolling off the presses in Democrat shitholes from coast to coast. You can feel it in your bones. You know it's coming.

This Jack Smith classified documents case against Trump seems to be unraveling at warp speed. Judge Canon, the judge overseeing the case in Florida, has insisted on transparency from the start, and that has never been good for Smith's case. The unredacted versions of Smith's documents have revealed the Biden White House's involvement from the start. This case has entrapment written all over it. The goal all along was to convict Trump of mishandling classified documents or perhaps obstruction when they couldn't prove mishandling. The real goal, of course, is to make sure that Trump can't get back into the White House. More to the point, to ensure a second term for Joe Biden. Judge Canon is now insisting on reviewing notes from the grand jury who indicted Trump in a Washington, D.C. courtroom. This is not a positive development for Smith or the Biden White House. The alleged "crimes" were committed in Florida at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, which explains Judge Canon's handling of the case. Yesterday, Smith's team admitted their mishandling of the files they removed from Mar-a-Lago. Worse yet, they admitted that they misrepresented (lied) to Canon's court in a prior hearing about the handling of the very same files. I think I have most of this right. The only question in my mind now is when Judge Canon is going to dismiss this case with prejudice. Oh, and when will Biden's DOJ be held responsible for interfering with an election?

It's sad to see that our country has come to this but it is what it is. It's Joe Biden's America, don't you know? I'm talking about the new law in Tennessee that allows for the arming of teachers. Enough of these stupid-ass gun-free zones. They are basically invitations to nutjobs across the spectrum who would wish to do harm to students, teachers, maintenance men, you name it. They'll be thinking twice before going into a school in Tennessee to unleash their madness. The very thought of someone shooting back should have them rethinking their designs. A side benefit might be that students will think twice before giving their instructors any lip. Imagine a student taking a teacher to task who is not only bigger than you but who also has a 45 caliber canon in full sight hanging on their hip with an additional clip on the opposite hip for good measure. An ill-intentioned student is likely to pause and pay attention when his or her teacher tells them to get back into their seat. Nobody wants to go home at the end of the day in a body bag, so you follow the rules and keep any sick thoughts you might have to yourself. You might as well throw that manifesto of yours in the trash for all the good it's going to do you. Never mind that not one Democrat voted for this measure. It literally deprives them of any and all opportunities they might have to advance their arguments on gun control that, God forbid, they would run with in the event of another school shooting. This is who they are.

NBC is reporting that Biden's handlers are looking to shorten his speeches. "It's quality over quantity," they say. Who the fuck do they think they're kidding? I gather that this "get him out more often because it will be good for his image" thing has not worked out well for him or his handlers. They thought that confining Trump to a courtroom in Lower Manhattan while Biden gave stump speeches across the country was just what the doctor ordered. Boy, were they wrong. Being wrong has been a mainstay, and soon to be the legacy, of the corrupt and demented presidency of one Joeseph "Lunchbucket Joe" Biden. They can only prop this loser up for so long, and that day has come and gone. Cue cards and teleprompters that once offered him a lifeline in light of his diminishing cognitive function no longer do so. There's only one problem. The American people expect more from their presidents, even those presidents who have found their way into our Oval Office by hook or crook. If you don't have the mental capacity to call a spade a spade or to call out antisemitism when it's antisemitism, then they have every right to demand your ouster. Being president means living in the moment and stepping up to the plate to reassure Americans when they need reassurance. And to think that this fool sitting in the White House was touted as the one individual who would bring sanity back to our nation's Capitol when he ran for president back in 2020. You know that he doesn't have anything to say because he's incapable of saying it, whatever the fuck it is that he's trying to read off his cue cards. There, I said it.


Sons of bitches. Congress passed the bill to give that grifter and his oligarch friends in Ukraine a shitload of our money again. What the hell happened to Speaker Johnson? Didn't he say not that long ago that there wouldn't be another penny for Ukraine unless we saw funding and protection for our southern border? Word has it that he went into a skiff with one or more of our intelligence types, and they put the fear of God in him. Maybe they threatened to drum up fake child molestation charges against him were he to continue fighting against the funding for Ukraine. I've given up on these Republicans in Congress who roll over each and every time and end up doing the bidding of the Democrats. Why the hell do we even vote for these fuckers? What good are they? Even if Trump wins the election, does anyone really think that a Congress of pussies is going to allow Trump to get anything done? And then, when the bill passed in Congress, the Democrats, to a person, waved little Ukrainian flags like the stupid cunts that they are. I honestly don't know where we go from here.


Trump's lawfare trial in NYC continues today with opening statements by both sides. It's just so much Kabuki theater. The plan all along has been to convict him, and nobody in their right mind sees this fiasco going any other way. If they can paint him as a serial womanizer or a man or low moral character along the way, all the better. Testimony from hookers, ex-cons, and publishers of nudie mags named Pecker, are all on the hook to lay out the details of their relationships with Trump going back years. If you thought that Trump's comments, "Grab them by the pussy" was bad, you ain't heard nothing yet. For those of you who think that the impaneling of a jury of Trump's peers was on the up and up, think again. They were, no doubt, selected with great care prior to showing up for their appointments with the court. There was nothing random about their selection. This is a pure and unadulterated weaponization of our judicial system by Biden, his Justice Department, and the Democrat Party to take out Biden's political opponent, aka Donald J. Trump.

What the hell is going on with these anti-Jewish movements on the campuses of American universities these days? I've never seen so many Hamas-loving sympathizers in my life. Their apparent vitriol for the Jews is over-the-top. You'd think the October 7th massacre of Israelis would have engendered a little more sympathy for Jews around the world rather than the rabid hatred we're seeing unleashed on university campuses these days. It's a damn tinderbox out there if we're to believe what we're seeing on the nightly news. Not that anyone watches the nightly news, but you know what I'm talking about. It's so bad that Jews have to be careful now about where they go, who they associate with, and what they say in public. Does anyone remember the last time that Biden spoke to this issue in any meaningful way? Never mind that he hasn't held a press conference with the American people in the last three years. If he doesn't have their (Jews) backs, who does? Who will? Saying nothing makes him complicit in any crimes committed against the Jewish people. And then there's Dearborn, MI.

I look forward to listening to oral arguments from the Supreme Court on Thursday of this week when Trump's presidential immunity case is heard. This is only the second time that I've ever tuned in to these types of hearings before the Supreme Court. Now that I think of it, we've only been able to do this as of recently anyway. I'll have to look that up. I last listened when they heard the case of Colorado v. Trump when they tried to remove him from the state's ballot for his participation in the January 6th "insurrection." In listening to the arguments, you got a pretty good sense of where it was going to end up, and that was true in the Colorado case. While the Marxists in the media will argue that Trump doesn't have absolute immunity for his actions while president, a more nuanced argument may emerge here when all is said and done. That is to say, any and all presidents have immunity for their official acts as president, but that may not extend to acts not considered official. If this results in sending the case back to the lower courts to determine what was and what wasn't "official," this case will never get to trial before Election Day this Fall. Sorry, not sorry.

I don't know who these clowns in Australia think they are. I'm referring to some governmental official in Australia who is calling for Elon Musk to remove certain videos involving a terrorist attack on a certain church official from Twitter's servers WORLDWIDE. Who the fuck does she think she is? In what universe does she think she has the authority to control anything beyond Australia's borders? I don't know much about Australia other than the heavy-handed tactics of the Australian government that played out day in and day out during the pandemic. Who the hell puts these clowns in any position of responsibility? Why would you give anyone like that any authority whatsoever? We all saw what happened to that clown of a leader in New Zealand after her bullshit directives during the pandemic resulted in her being removed from office. She may have stepped down in order to avoid a humiliating defeat at the polls, but I can't recall exactly. I've also heard rumors over the years about the influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Australia. This kinda smacks of something you'd see in a totalitarian regime like China. Then, you have to ask yourself how it is that the CCP gets its insidious tentacles into the inner workings of the Australian government. You might ask the same question about our government.

I saw a tweet the other day that, if true, is troubling. It said that Biden is making it difficult for Americans to extract resources from our lands so that he can deliver a resource-rich country to the Chinese Communist Government when he hands it over to them. I know, I know. It's out there. Right? How else do we explain Biden's policies that benefit the Chinese Government each and every time at the expense of our own country? What was it that he banned in the last week or so? Oh, right. He banned oil exploration in the Arctic or something along those lines. What was that all about? Was he angling to win the votes of the natives in that stretch of the Arctic? Not so much. He could give two shits for the natives in the Arctic or the votes that he may or may not get from them. The environmentalists are probably singing his praises, thinking that Scranton Joe is the best president in their lifetimes since forever on environmental issues. Joe Biden couldn't care less about the environment or the environmentalists. He does care about who's signing the next wire transfer that is going to benefit him and his extended family. He's reached the pinnacle of his career, and he's not about to walk away from the pot at the end of the rainbow. If setting aside some of America's most coveted oil and mineral reserves for his global paymasters is what it takes, then Scranton Joe is in with both feet.

Jesus. The President of New Guinea is not happy. He is taking to the airwaves in response to Biden's comments about his uncle Bosie, who Biden insists was devoured by cannibals when his plane was shot down over New Guinea during WWII. Can you blame the president of New Guinea? Were the story true, the president of New Guinea might not have a leg to stand on when pushing back against America's demented president and plagiarist. The story isn't true, of course. Most of the stories Scranton Joe tells aren't true. He's got a gift of blarney, don't you know. If it isn't on his cue cards, he makes it up. That's when he runs into trouble. The media won't fact-check him, so now everyone and anyone who planned to visit New Guinea is having second thoughts thanks to Biden and his off-handed, ludicrous statement about cannibals. Who's next? What country is next? Now that I'm on the subject, if I hear one more clown talk about Biden and how he overcame his stuttering, I think I'm going to puke. Joe Biden's stuttering is a media creation. It's just more smoke and mirrors to obfuscate the obvious, which is that Joe Biden has a stage-5 dementia problem. In all the analyses we hear these days of Joe Biden, good and bad, dementia is the one subject that is the veritable third rail of media coverage. Nobody mentions it. They don't dare. They go along to get along. End of story.

At the end of last week, the stock market dipped five percent or more, depending on the indices you were looking at. After 23 straight weeks of gains, nobody was surprised to see things pulling back a bit. Even fewer people were surprised by the conviction of the move down. Nobody thought the bottom was put in after the week-long descent, but everyone was of the opinion that the market was oversold and probably overdue for a bounce. That's what you see in healthy markets. Right? You get a bounce that lasts for a few days or more, and then you see a continuation of the correction. That pattern continues until the market finds support, and then buyers step back into the fray and do what buyers do. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. The trend is your friend. All in all, if we're back on track now, it was a pretty shallow correction as corrections go. Maybe that says something about the strength of the market when all is said and done. Some folks might have liked to see more of a correction or maybe another leg or two down, but the consensus seems to be that the bottom is in, at least for now. Not sure how any of this is possible, with inflation, bond yields, and oil prices being what they are, but markets can ignore a lot of things for longer than one thinks.

I have to give Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) a shout-out this morning. She's been doing the Lord's work on the various lawfare cases against Trump. Her focus, at least as of late, has been on the documents case before Judge Canon in Florida. And I have to say thank God for Judge Canon. She's not letting this asshole of a federal prosecutor, Jack Smith, off the hook for a minute. Smith has been trying to introduce government exhibits, which are almost completely redacted, and Judge Canon is having none of it. Now that we've seen the unredacted versions of the documents, thanks to Julie Kelley, who has released them all on Twitter, we know why Smith was trying to keep them from prying eyes. If I'm understanding what I'm seeing, this thing was an Obama-Biden effort, working with Biden's Justice Department, from the jump to ensnare Trump in an obstruction case. It's all there in black and white. Judge Canon has yet to set a date for the trial, which you know is not making Smith happy. I don't know at what point Canon throws this case out, but I have to believe that we're getting closer and closer with each passing day. You're hearing nothing about the contents of these unredacted documents in the mainstream media. That tells you everything you need to know.

We're watching this show entitled "Manhunt." It's an Apple production about the killing of Abraham Lincoln and the tracking down of his killer, John Wilkes Booth. It's about as woke a production as one can imagine. If you closed your eyes and just listened to the show, you'd likely be able to substitute certain players referred to as "extremists" in the show with Trump and his supporters. You'd never know from watching the show that it was Democrats during that period who wanted to keep negroes on the plantation. Lincoln, a Republican if there ever was one, is played by this effeminate clown of an actor in the show without so much as a whisper of gravitas. That was a disgrace. It was akin to having Jim Carey play the part of Ronald Reagan. I guess no one should be surprised to see Apple trying to weigh in with their bullshit to try and influence any voters who may still be on the fence when it comes to who they plan to support in November. Just understand that the government officials left behind in the wake of Lincoln's assassination are nothing like the clown car we have in Washington today with Joe Biden in the lead clown car. And Trump followers, never mind how Booth and his radicals are portrayed in this flick, are America-loving and God-fearing and want nothing but the best that America has to offer. The same cannot be said for Biden and his Democrat Party in our country today.

What have we got here? The Arizona Attorney General has indicted several people who allegedly helped set up an alternate slate of electors for Trump in the 2020 election. I don't know enough about this "alternate electors" process to say whether the process itself is good or bad, but this indictment smells bad. I think the Attorney General in Michigan is getting ready to do the same thing in her state. C'mon, folks. We all know what this is. It's another attempt by the Democrat Party to taint, tarnish, and bankrupt anyone affiliated with Donald Trump so they can put them all behind bars in the days and months leading up to the November election. Does anyone believe for a minute that this isn't being coordinated with the Biden White House and Biden's Department of Justice? Trump is currently holding a lead in both Arizona and Michigan, and that is unacceptable to the Democrat Party. This is also what totalitarian governments do. The message they are sending out across the transom of American politics is that if you have any affiliation with Trump or have acted on his behalf to bring him to power, you will be ostracized, canceled, and put behind bars.


This can't be sitting well if you're a conservative sitting on our Supreme Court. They know a scumbag when they see one, and Democrats have been telling us who they are since Trump came down the escalator to announce his run for the presidency in 2015. This is just more of the same and probably not a big surprise to the Supremes. That said, we've never had such an obvious theft of an election by interference in the history of our Republic as we're seeing now. When the Democrats use the law as a cudgel to take out their political opponents in a presidential election, as they clearly doing in places like NYC, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, and Florida, the Supremes are likely standing at the ready to do their part to reign in the criminal behavior of the Democrats. The Supremes will hear oral arguments today on Trump's presidential immunity, so we'll get a good sense when we listen to the arguments as to what measures, if any, they are willing to consider when it comes to pushing back against these radicals in the Democrat Party. This may be their only chance since if Biden is re-elected he will more than likely push for adding additional seats to the Court. Spoiler alert: They will not be Republican seats.

Trump's visit to the bodega in NYC last week was such a success that it looks like he's trying to do more of it. He's campaigning on the streets of NYC this very morning, talking to large crowds about his dreams for America, the reckless and disastrous Biden Administration, Biden's endless wars, and the enduring financial crisis that Biden's policies have wrought in the last three years under Biden's "leadership." I don't know that Trump can win New York in November but don't tell him that. He's the undisputed heavyweight of Manhattan when it comes to realizing his dreams, and Trump has been punching above his weight his entire life. He can do for America what he's already proven that he can do for the Manhattan skyline. He has a record that anyone would be proud of, both as a prior president and a developer in what was once the greatest city on the face of the earth. Taking his soapbox and his message of change and optimism onto the sidewalks of NYC before the city awakens is just Trump being Trump. This is who he is. This is who he's always been. Now you know why the Democrats are doing everything they can to stop him. It's not going to work.

Can someone please explain to me, like I'm a fifth grader, why Biden thinks that telling people that he's going to increase the capital gains tax from roughly 15-20 percent to 40-50 percent is a good idea in an election year? He's even talking about taxing unrealized gains which is just crazy. Oh yeah, I want to vote for the guy who's going to take more of my earnings through taxation. Maybe that message resonates with Biden's constituents who don't have a pot to piss in, but it's sheer lunacy to those good God-fearing folks who work their entire lives and have a few sheckles to throw into the casino that we call the stock market. Biden is even talking about doing away with Trump's tax cuts, which expire in 2025. That would represent a two percent tax increase for every American. You may recall that Biden promised that he would never raise the taxes for those Americans earning less than $400k a year. I just don't know how many more reasons any of us need to not vote for this clown in November. Also, understand that once he's elected, he's likely to step down and put Kamala Harris in charge. For those of us trying to put a stake into the heart of the progressive movement in America and all the insanity it represents, putting Kamala in charge is the very last thing we need in America. Wake the fuck up!

After listening to the Supreme Court's oral arguments yesterday on presidential immunity, I think we have reason to believe now that this is going to be good for Trump. We won't know their decision until June or so, but if I had to guess, I'd say there will be no trial on Jack Smith's Jan-6 bullshit case before the election. The Supremes may well nix all of the State cases from NYC to Georgia and back again. They were having none of what the attorney for the federal government was selling. I think I've been right on this all along. The Supreme Court isn't about to let a handful of Biden's henchmen and any number of Democrat district attorneys across the country make a mockery out of our Constitution. It's a farce that we Americans have to go through this at all, forgetting Trump for a minute, but thank the baby Jesus for a conservative majority on our country's highest court. Somebody needs to spank these lawless pricks in the Biden Administration and spank them hard. Yesterday was a good day for America. It was not a good day for the leftist media, who melted down in spectacular fashion before our very eyes and ears. It was a sight/sound to behold. I hope to sip even more liberal tears today as the mourning continues unabated.

I think I missed Justice Amy Coney Barret's comments yesterday when I was listening to the arguments. She raised the issue of state prosecutions against current and former presidents, which tells me that she and her counterparts on the Court have been paying very close attention to Biden's lawfare cases against Trump. This isn't necessarily about Trump. The Supremes see what the rest of we Americans see, which is a government cabal attempting to jail their political opponent using state prosecutions. They are likely eager and willing to put an end to all of it, which, just incidentally, helps Trump. How happy is he, and I'm talking about Trump here, that he put three of the six conservative justices on the Supreme Court during his first term? You might say that Trump was prescient in doing what he did to grease the skids to put the Justices on the Court. Isn't that what people say about Donald Trump? He has an almost eerie record when it comes to warning the American people about what the future holds. Maybe eerie isn't the right word. It sure feels other-worldly if we're to be honest. Call it what you like.

I e-mailed Mrs. G yesterday and told her to pick something off the menu at our local seafood restaurant, and we'd bring it along when we pay her our usual weekly visit today. She responded with her request for a fried haddock sandwich with french fries. Who doesn't love a nice fish and chips meal? That sounds good. Right? We've come a ways now from the days when we couldn't decide what we'd bring over when we visited. She loves Dunkin Donut's jelly donuts, so when all else failed, we'd pick up a couple of those puppies. Showing up empty-handed was just a non-starter. The deliberations on what to bring would occasionally start as early as the day after our visit when something or other might come up in conversation. I prefer surprises, so I'm always on a bit of a fishing expedition when I listen to what she has to say about some of her favorite dishes. She also loves liver and bacon, but that dish doesn't travel very well, so it's come off our list of things to deliver. We've brought chicken sandwiches these last two trips, and she's certainly enjoyed them. Personally, I think she fancies the crinkle fries more than the chicken, but that's just me. Nothing says that she might not rather go out for a bite to eat. We can do that too.

I was in Home Depot the other day looking at various things. I noticed that they had a number of mowers for sale, most of which were electric. In fact, seven out of eight push mowers were electric. Eight of the eight big sit-down mowers on the floor were electric. What the hell is going on? Have the Climate Change cultists gotten to the mower industry, too? Did I hear about any regulations coming out of this leftist White House dictating that we can't own gas-powered lawnmowers anymore? I did not. Does that mean that they didn't put something out in the middle of the night to take yet another remnant of traditional Americana off the table for those of us who might prefer to keep our gas-powered devices? Or, is this simply one particular supplier who has gone woke and bought wholesale into the sham that is Climate Change? Maybe I'm overthinking this. Maybe Home Depot has turned the corner from the Trump-supporting days of 2016 and is now firmly entrenched in everything left of center. I'll be visiting Lowes in the near future to see their line-up of mowers and power tools. While I'm there, I'll be checking out their line-up of gas stoves. If they have any, that is.

I've never been a big Bill Barr fan, so I'll just put that out there. For those unfamiliar with the man, he was Trump's attorney general. He's been fairly critical of Trump on many issues and has been vocal in his criticisms. My recollection is that Barr was unwilling to investigate any of the nuanced reports of voter fraud across the country during the 2020 election. That was his job, and he failed miserably. I suspect that history will not be kind to Bill Barr when all is said and done. That said, Barr has also been quite vocal about who he will and who he won't vote for or support in the 2024 election between Biden and Trump. He is unequivocally in the Trump camp. He's seen the damage inflicted on our country by the Biden Administration, both domestically and around the world, and let's just say that he's not a fan. He laid it all out in excruciating detail for Kaitlin Collins on CNN last night on her 9 PM show, who was gobsmacked when he pushed back on her ridiculous and relentless efforts to get him to criticize Trump for everything from Jan 6 to the 98 or so criminal indictments pending against him. This was not the go-along-to-get-along Bill Barr she's interviewed in the past. Times are a changin'.

I have to laugh when I hear stories about people like Stephen Speilberg taking over key aspects of Joe Biden's presidential campaign. It reminds me of the saying, "You can put lipstick on the pig, but it's still a pig." I'm also reminded of what happened when Hollywood types took control of the January 6th Congressional hearings in terms of what the nightly hearings, once televised, would look like. America tuned out and saw the nonsensical hearing for what they were. I've got news for Stephen Speilberg and his ilk. Americans have already made up their mind about Joe Biden, who he is, who he isn't, and what he's done to bring down one of the greatest countries on the face of the earth. It's a little late to bring in the make-up man and to try and recast a doddering and corrupt old fool as the next best thing since sliced bread. It's only going to get worse for Joe Biden between now and Election Day. I heard Victor David Hansen say recently that during the Regan campaign, it was in the last two months before the election when voters and voter sentiment moved en masse from Carter to Regan. I'm not so sure that the movement toward Trump hasn't already begun. It is unlikely to move back in Biden's direction any time soon. Joe Biden and the Democrats have only themselves to blame. They can soon blame someone else when Biden goes down in flames on Election Day: Stephen Speilberg. He'll just move on to his next project. There will be no "next project" for Joe Biden. That's all, folks!

I agree with Steve Bannon (Warroom) when he says that what we're seeing is a criminal conspiracy against Trump involving the Democrat Party and, yes, even Republicans. He says that Congressman Jim Jordan should be holding hearings about the various and sundry parties that are bringing these ridiculous indictments against Trump from Florida to Arizona. I think the Supremes are doing some of the heavy lifting as it relates to state district attorneys trying to put Trump in jail, so we'll see where that goes. I hope they delay releasing their decision on the presidential immunity case until August or September just to take the wind out of the Democrats' sails, who want the case back before Judge Chutkin in New York so she can keep the ball rolling toward an almost certain conviction. Maybe Bannon is right when he says that Republicans don't want Trump back in office either, so they're doing their part to stifle or stop his candidacy. They're happy to win their own races come election day with Trump at the top of the ticket, but they will more than likely vote with the Democrats if and when Trump becomes president. That is a sad fucking state of affairs. What they don't understand is that Trump's America-First agenda is the only agenda we Trump supporters will support come this election day or any other election day going forward. It has nothing to do with Donald J. Trump. It has everything to do with America.

I saw something yesterday about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. coming out for reparations. Politically speaking, that puts him to the left of Biden. It's yuge! The very promise of reparations for blacks and those descendants of slaves who can prove that their lineage goes back to the slave trade has been catnip for black voters at the polls. Who doesn't want a new Cadillac Escalade sitting in their driveway? Sanctuary cities from New York to San Fransicko can ill afford to roll out reparations programs, considering the fact that most of them don't have a pot to piss in, but that hasn't stopped them from lying to their constituencies with the promise of reparations in exchange for their votes. The decision to announce their support for reparations by Team Kennedy is a game changer. If anyone had any ideas about who Kennedy, as a third-party candidate, was going to hurt come Election Day, it's now pretty clear that he'll be taking more votes from Biden than he will from Trump. It has everything to do with the promise of reparations. Since Kennedy is clearly not going to win the election as a third-party candidate, you have to wonder if his goal in announcing the reparations thing has anything to do with throwing the election to Trump. Or, perhaps more to the point, making sure that Biden doesn't win. Good for him.

I've always wondered why illegal aliens weren't required to get vaccinated with the COVID-19 shots when they entered our country. It's a good question. Right? I listened to Dr. Naomi Wolf give a talk yesterday on vaccinations in Canada and the devastating impact on male sperm counts and other reproduction-related issues concerning both males and females. It has everything to do with the massive drop in birth rates and whether or not these so-called mandated vaccines are to blame. Knowing what we know about these studies and knowing what we know about how illegal aliens are not required to get the vaccinations, there is only one conclusion you can draw. That is, our government is looking to increase the population of black and brown people at the expense of white Americans of European descent. American institutions did the job that our government couldn't when it came to imposing mandates. Imagine America, if you can, with people of European descent in the minority. I'm not saying that we're going to look like South Africa in the short term, but there could be a reckoning of sorts should that day arrive. By the way, did Tony Fauci conspire with the Chinese to come up with this vaccine? You know, the one that has people keeling over dead at the age of thirty-five and coming down with deadly cancers right and left? And, what are we to conclude when we hear that our congressmen and senators were never required to get the vaccinations?


What is this bullshit about Joe Biden greenlighting Iran's attack on Israel? Does that mean that Biden knew about the attack and he approved Iran's launch of the attack? Is that to say that the Mullahs wouldn't have attacked Israel were it not for Biden's sign-off? Who the fuck is Joe Biden to sign off on any attack against Israel? In the wake of the attack, Biden pleaded with Israel not to respond. Is it not up to Israel to decide what Israel does and does not do? Let's just say that I have questions. How much of this back story is going to be suppressed in the media today as I sit here on a Monday morning? One angle might be that Biden wants to head off any escalation in an existing conflict in the Middle East or elsewhere that would drive up oil prices, and ultimately prices at the gas pump, in the months leading up to the election in November. The economy is already a shitstorm and a headwind of Biden's making, so there's that. No need to throw kerosene on a fire already in progress.


I'm feeling a little depressed this morning. I'm not sure why, exactly. The sun is shining, my coffee is still hot, and I don't have a lot on my plate today that I want to avoid one way or another. It looks like a pretty good day for a bike ride, so that's something to look forward to when all is said and done. It is true that I'm struggling a bit with having something to say, so maybe that's it. Then again, this isn't my first rodeo. Been there, done that. I just have to get back in the saddle and do what I always do when this happens. Does any of this have anything to do with the fact that Trump's "Stormy Daniels" trial is starting today in Midtown Manhattan? I don't think so. This thing is going to last for a couple of months, and the only thing happening in the next two or three weeks has to do with jury selection. That won't stop the Trump haters in the media from spewing their usual nonsense, so I'll have to steer clear of that if I can.

We'll have to see if world stock markets can get back on track today after a tough day last Friday. Nothing good happens when the VIX goes above 15 and when major indices break the 50-day moving average, so we'll see if both of those things turn around today. I understand why Iran attacking Israel for the first time had everyone's attention on Friday and over the weekend. You just never know what Iran is capable of when push comes to shove. Israel killed some of Iran's top commanders in the attack on Iran's consulate in Damascus last week, so you had to believe that the Mullahs might have had something special in mind for the Israelis. It was much ado about nothing by the time Iran announced on Friday night that they were done launching projectiles into Israel. Well, aside from the terror that some Israelis may have experienced as a result of the seemingly continuous barrage of missiles that exploded over Tel Aviv, thanks to Israel's spectacular dome defense system. Israel can now turn their attention back to the usual bad actors on their borders like Hamas, Hezbollah, and, to a lesser extent, the Houthis.

I thought Trump said he could solve the Ukraine / Russian conflict within twenty-four hours of his inauguration. I think he was referring to something having to do with his best-selling book, the "Art of the Deal." Now, he's saying that the money we give to Ukraine should be a loan. Which is it, Mr. President? You said that Russia would have never attacked Ukraine had you been president. The majority of the American people want no part of the Russia / Ukraine conflict, just so you know. You also know full well that were we to loan a nickel to that corrupt shithole Ukraine that we'd never see any of it repaid. What the hell kind of fool do you take us for? Is this your idea of paying lip service to the Deep State so they'll be less strident in pushing back against the idea of your presidency? What am I not getting about this thing? How am I supposed to square this circle? It sounds like Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House, is putting a bill to fun Ukraine on the House floor at the end of this week. I'd like to think that this decision of his would be the end of his speakership, but you gave him your full-throated support this past week down in Mar-a-Lago so he may be able to hang on. It's a clusterfuck either way. It is not what the American people want. Period, end of sentence.

Did you happen to see the pro-Hamas types out in numbers yesterday across the country clogging bridges and other thruways in protesting Israel's treatment of Palestinians in Gaza? These are some sick fucks. Who rallies their fellow men and women in support of killing, raping, and ethnically cleansing any ethnic group, never mind Israelis. Think October 7th. Maybe more disturbing were the policemen and women who stood silently by watching it all go down without arresting or collaring one of them. They could have cared less about emergency vehicles that were prevented from reaching their destination. Anyone heading to catch a last-minute flight at the airport, that wasn't happening. You know, don't you, that one phone call from the White House to enforce our laws and clear any and all obstructions from these fairways was all that anyone needed to fix the problem? Here's the deal: This was the Biden White House siding with the progressive left in their efforts to pressure Israel to cease and desist in their efforts to kill every last member of Hamas in Gaza and elsewhere. This was the Biden White House acting in sympathy with Muslim populations in Dearborn, Michigan, for purely political reasons. Here's the bottom line: You have a clown in the White House who does not now, nor have they ever, had Israel's best interests in mind. As for the protestors, expect more of the same.

I hear what Elon Musk is saying about preparing for future growth for his car company, Tesla, but one can't help but wonder if there isn't more to that story. I'm referring to the announcement yesterday that Tesla is laying off ten percent of its employees worldwide. There may have been something buried deeper in that report about competition from China, but that's a story for another day. My guess, and this may be somewhat self-serving, is that it has more to do with the lack of interest in electric vehicles altogether. They can't sell them because nobody wants them. You've heard what they say about destination anxiety when it comes to electric cars. Right? You never know if you're going to get to your destination because you can't be sure that you'll find a charging station when you need one. If you do find a charging station, there may not be a spot available because there is a line two blocks long of vehicles just waiting for their turn to sit at the pump for the extended period of time it takes to charge their battery. I don't think any of this is going away. As for Tesla the company, they may be just one more electric car thrown on the ash heap of history at the end of the day. So much for Biden's zero-carbon goals by the year 2030.

I agree with Monica Crowley when she tweeted that she would crawl over broken glass to be seated as a juror in Trump's trial in New York City. Can you imagine? "You're in" would be the sweetest words a Trump supporter could hear if this sort of opportunity presented itself. Were it me, I would pray and plot every moment of the trial inside and outside the courtroom on how I was going to end this fiasco one way or another when the final day arrived when I had the opportunity to vote on Trump's guilt or innocence. I would be steely in my opposition to my fellow jurors, who more than likely would cajole, persuade, and ultimately probably want to humiliate or banish me for not going along with the rest of the crazed leftist Manhattan moonbats on the jury. I would argue as vociferously as I could that this was a sham trial from day one. I would remind my fellow jurists that Michael Cohen went to jail for lying, and his testimony should be tossed. I would ask that they resist the temptation to take any of the testimony coming from the whore, Stormy Daniels, or other salacious "experts" who may have posed for Playboy or other publications as nothing more than Bragg's desperate plea to keep jurors from falling asleep during the trial where accounting entries were discussed at length. See where I'm going with this?

I have to laugh. I'm reading a story about Kamala Harris having a chat with Zelensky, during which she requested that Ukraine not attack Russia's oil facilities. How ironic is that? Now, who's working with the Russians to win an election? The last thing Biden can afford to have happen is to see the prices at the gas pump spiral out of control in the midst of a cratering economy with inflation that is sticky, if not unrelenting. Biden has deliberately depleted our strategic petroleum reserves, which helped him and his minions keep prices at the pump down in the weeks leading up to the 2022 mid-term elections. I thought those reserves were meant as a backup for the American people in the event of some cataclysmic event. That is, of course, until you have one of the worst presidents in the history of our great Republic facing an electoral disaster. Then, you pull out all the stops. You deplete the reserves, you put your political opposition in jail, and you work with our adversaries around the globe to ensure that oil prices stay in check. This is the same Kamala Harris whose only job during her first year as Vice President was to manage our southern border. She was our border Czar. Right? How has that worked out for you?

Speaking of politicians and their devious ploys to stay in office, have you heard the latest about that clown of a governor in California? I'm talking about Gavin Newscum. He's setting up an office of genealogy in the state in order to establish a historical record in order to pay reparations if and when that day comes. How fucking Orwellian is that? I guess it's one way to keep minorities on the plantation. Who is going to vote for the other guy if you already have your guy working on a plan to pay reparations? As an aside, just imagine what you can do if you have the DNA of all of the citizens living in your state. It would also be a mistake to think that this is just about black people. You'd be surprised how many people are going to hand over their DNA when there is a chance, however small, that you, too, might participate in one of the biggest payouts in the history of our country. For someone like Newscum, who has national political ambitions, this could be the catnip he needs to drive minorities to the polls when he decides that he wants to run for president. This is bigger than forgiving student loans. This is bigger than the offer of a free college education. This is bigger than the promise of lower prices at the pump. Who needs to steal an election when you can win it outright with the promise of an Escalade in every driveway?

I'm not sure that the Democrats are going to get the mileage they think they're going to get by putting Trump on trial in New York City. Trump actually paid a visit to a bodega in Harlem after being in the courtroom in downtown Manhattan all day yesterday. Not just any bodega, mind you. It's the same bodega where the shop owner killed a robber during a hold-up last year. The District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, the same District attorney who is now looking to convict Trump in a NYC courtroom, brought charges against the bodega owner who killed the robber. The charges were dropped after a hue and a cry from locals. Residents of the area turned out in huge numbers to see Trump. If you had any misgivings about Trump being an outcast in the minority community because of his alleged crimes against the State or, to a lesser extent, his alleged crimes as they relate to accounting entries made by his bookkeeper to pay off a hooker like Stormy Daniels, seeing the locals singing his praises would dispel all of it and more. If any of what we saw yesterday in downtown Harlem was sincere in the least, Trump may now have a fighting chance to win NYC in November. The truth of the matter is Trump has never stopped fighting for New York, and the good people of the city know it.

My head is a completely blank slate this morning. Now that I think of it, what the hell happened in the Senate Impeachment hearings yesterday in Washington, D.C.? That asshole, Schumer, somehow got away with proclaiming that Mayorkis was not guilty of any of the three of four impeachment articles brought against him by the House of Representatives. I'm not sure that Schumer had the right to do that since no such provision exists in the Constitution for the dissolution of charges by a mere vote of the Majority. Are we all just supposed just to roll over and allow Schumer and the Democrats to make this shit up as they go along? Are there no consequences for making a mockery of our beloved Constitution? Who is going to hold them to account? Other Democrats? Nope, they just go along to get along. This is what they do. This is who they are. Not a day goes by when I hear someone in our nation's capitol say that something is unconstitutional, yet nothing is ever done to restore whatever norm has been torn asunder. Maybe what they say about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely is true. Now you know why the Bidenistas are so reluctant to give up power. Now you know why it's more important than ever to drive these feral dogs out of our Republic come Election Day in November, root and branch if necessary.


I steamed up some mussels for dinner last night. It promised to be a quick, fat-free dish that I could whip up in no time flat. I was on my own, of course. The missus wanted no part of the mussel dish. I think she has this thing about not eating clams and other things of the sort that might carry deadly pathogens. She ordered a quart of seafood chowder from a local restaurant that I was more than happy to pick up for her on my way home from running an errand. Were it not for the potatoes in the chowder, I might have joined her in having a bit of chowder for dinner. I picked out a few little shrimp from the chowder when she wasn't looking and went on about my business without anyone being the wiser. I contemplated cooking up some whole wheat pasta to have with my mussels but decided at the last minute that it would delay my meal by a good half hour, so that was that. There would be no pasta. I also wasn't interested in smothering my mussels in a red tomato sauce if that is what it came to after preparing the pasta. I steamed the mussels in a nice white wine and garlic sauce and they were ready to eat in about five minutes, start to finish. Just a darn good and inexpensive meal for under eight dollars.

I'm beginning to wonder what role, if any, the World Health Organization (WHO) will play in this fall's presidential election. There are rumors that the United States (Joe Biden) plans to give the WHO sovereignty over our country's health issues. I can't be sure about the timing of this so-called transfer of authority, but I also can't help but wonder if this isn't just coincidentally coinciding with a present-day surge in cases of human bird flu. Think about it. It gives Biden plausible deniability if and when WHO shuts down our country and forces the issue of mail-in ballots, which, as we all know, is how the Democrats stole the 2020 election. The modus operandi of this pandemic is not unlike what we saw when COVID-19 came along. It started with a rumor, and then we saw videos of Chinese healthcare workers in hazmat suits fumigating the streets of Beijing. Then reports started coming out of Europe of elderly people having respiratory issues and dying in rather short order after contracting the virus until Trump gave the order to stop any and all incoming flights from China. I don't know anything about the bird flu in terms of how lethal it may or may not be, but maybe none of that matters. What matters is that Joe Biden gets reelected, bird flu or no bird flu. Just don't call me "conspiratorial."

Dont'. This is all that our fruitcake of a president had to say when cautioning Iran not to attack Israel and then similarly with Israel when they announced plans to attack Iran. Neither Iran nor Israel gave two shits about what our clown of a president had to say. What does that tell you about Biden's moral authority on the world stage? What it tells me is that he has none. What kind of possible moral authority does a person have when he can't complete a sentence without the use of cue cards? How do you give any credence whatsoever to a president who fabricates stories on the campaign trail about his uncle, a pilot, being shot down over New Guinea and who is then consumed by cannibals? None of it is true. Where the hell are the fact-checkers in the media? Then, he cautions Israeli President Netanyahu not to invade Haifa. Haifa, for those of you who don't know, is a major city in Israel. Biden confused Haifa, the city in Israel, with Rafah, the city of one million or more Palestinians living in southern Gaza. There is no cleanup in aisle eight because when you do live interviews, this is what you get. You get an American president who issues monosyllabic ultimatums to world leaders who pay him, or the clowns surrounding him, no attention.

I checked my Twitter feed before going to bed last night and saw that Israel had conducted a bombing raid over major cities in Iran. This was, if we're to believe everything we hear and see in the news, a retaliatory raid after Iran sent some three hundred drones into the skies over Israel just last week. Another tweet talked about futures in the stock market tanking overnight on news of the attack. I left it there, turned off everything, and went to sleep. After four days of losses in the major indices, the last thing we needed was to have someone throw kerosene on a smoldering fire of a market. If you were a futures trader, you probably moved all of your chips into the middle of the table on the likelihood of an even steeper and more precipitous decline in the stock market in the intervening hours of the early morning. As of first thing this morning, it seems that news about the width and breadth of Israel's attack on Iran's cities and nuclear facilities was largely exaggerated. If I'm to believe what I'm reading in my Twitter newsfeed, Israel is now trying to figure out why the United States leaked information about the attack on Iran to the media. The media then ran with the story like it was the beginning of World War III. Of course, they did.

We'll see if the market can rally today on the news that last night's attack was largely a nothing burger. There will be no nuclear holocaust. Both Israel and Iran will live to fight another day. I'd like to see a good counterrally that gets the SPY back to within 100 points of the all-time high. I think that with interest rate cuts seemingly off the table for the foreseeable future, we'll see yields continue to climb, and that is never good news for the stock market. Oil prices spiked on the news of the attack last night but came back down after reports that the raids were largely performative. I'm not sure when, where, or how these Kabuki dances between Israel and Iran are going to end, but they seem to be petering out as I sit here this morning. I'm also wondering if what they say about selling in May and going away, as it relates to the stock market, is a truism this year. If you consider the fact that the market has been up for 24 consecutive weeks in a row since last October, you have to think that it needs a breather sooner or later. A bit of distribution or profit-taking is always healthy for a market. I'm also banking on the fact that the pullback we're seeing in the market is a garden-variety correction and not the beginning of a bear market. We'll need a few more cards to come out of the deck before we know for sure. Jerome Powell, what say ye?

You know that part and parcel of Biden's strategy in this election is to keep Trump in the courtroom and off the campaign trail. Right? The other thing that comes to mind for me is the call early on in Biden's campaign that the more people see "Lunch Bucket" Joe, the better off he'll be. "People want to see more of President Joe Biden, not less", they proclaimed. He's been running around Pennsylvania campaigning while Trump is sitting in a NYC courtroom. There's only one problem. Every time Biden opens his mouth, he makes some stupid or nonsensical comment that goes around the world and back again before he or his handlers have a chance to clean it up. It just continues to feed the narrative that the guy is not ready for prime time. Why is there not more caterwauling in the media about keeping Biden away from the nuclear codes? He has no business doing any campaigning because he's simply not right in the head. "Infirm" doesn't begin to tell the story. The print media gets to say that he's killing it when it comes to the economy and his handling of international affairs. If you're reading the Washington Post or the New York Times, Biden is the best thing since sliced bread. The rest of us Americans and the world at large, who could care less about fish wrappers like the New York Times, know better.

Trump is ahead in most swing-state polls and tied with dementia Joe in states like Pennsylvania as of today. You know what that means, right? The Democrat Party gets to work putting together a plan to take advantage of the "nip and tuck" condition, as it were. We've all heard the stories about trucks backing up to the back door of the tabulation centers at three in the morning with boxes of ballots that someone just happened to notice were lying around uncounted. It's deja vu all over again. Remember in 2020 when Trump came on television at 10 o'clock on election night to announce that he was ahead by tens of thousands of votes in Pennsylvania and other states? Well, we all know how that turned out. Once they counted all the ballots, notice that I didn't say valid ballots, the tide had turned, and Biden had taken the lead and the election. Voila'! Or, should I say, mission accomplished? The die is cast, my good friends. They know what they have to do, and they are greasing the printing presses as we speak. The only thing they don't know as of this moment is just how many ballots they need to print. I can hear them now. Let's print an extra ten thousand, just in case. We can burn the ballots we don't use.

The Democrats' key is to get as many mail-in ballots as they can, manufactured or otherwise, to stuff into drop boxes or other receptacles across our fruited plains. Maximizing the number of mail-in ballots is also important. In 2020, the Democrats used the pandemic to scare the bejesus out of their voters in order to facilitate the use of mail-in ballots on an industrial scale. I talked about the bird flu a few paragraphs back as a likely "pandemic" that the Democrats could use as yet another scare tactic in order to maximize the use of mail-in ballots in 2024. Remember, the key to having a trunkload of ballots available for dispatch to a tabulation center that is "short" of votes for Biden is to flood the zone with ballots so that no one would question a last-minute box or trunkload of ballots should they show up in the middle of the night. It's almost an expectation at this point. This is what they're going to do. If you think this is far-fetched, let me give you an update on the bird flu thing. I'm seeing stories now about how the bird flu virus has moved into our milk supply. This was not a thing a week ago. Everyone drinks milk, so none of us are safe from the virus were it to pass from cow to human. Wait for it. My guess is that Biden is just waiting for the World Health Organization (WHO) to take control of our sovereignty over health issues before the alert goes out that the bird flu is now active in the human population, and we're once again knee-deep in a deadly pathogen-rich pandemic.

Fuck Benny Johnson. Is that the guy's name? He's the congressman who headed up the corrupt January 6th Committee in Congress in the wake of the January 6th riot in our nation's capital. Anyway, he's introducing legislation that removes Secret Service protection from any politician who is found guilty of a felony and sentenced to jail. His target, and the target of this Democrat legislation, of course, is Donald Trump. Johnson knows that one of the problems that most of the leftist judges have with putting Trump in prison for his alleged crimes is that Trump has Secret Service protection for the rest of his life as a former president. This makes it almost impossible to put Trump behind bars as it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the Secret Service to protect Trump. Let's understand one thing about these dirtbag Democrats. They want Trump dead, and if they can't manage that, they want him behind bars for the rest of his life. They don't want him to have any protection behind bars because they want bad things to happen to him. I mean, really bad things. How sick are these mother fuckers? That's a rhetorical question. I don't know that Congress has the authority to make any of this happen but that won't stop them from trying. It won't happen with Johnson as Speaker unless you have a few RINOs who go along with the Democrats. Or, maybe it never goes to a floor vote, thanks to Johnson. What happens when Johnson is no longer Speaker? All bets are off.

I don't know much about this Title IX thing that Biden put through this past week (becomes effective in August), but it sounds eggregious. I think Biden's revision of Title IX essentially makes it a federal crime to try and keep men out of women's locker rooms and women's sports. It doesn't stop there. You can now add homeless shelters, prisons, nursing homes, lesbian groups, and bathrooms to the toxic mix of places that men who are confused about their genders have access to. Suburban moms, are you fucking listening? Dads with daughters, are you listening? Black dads and moms with daughters, are you listening? If you have a daughter thinking that she's going to go to the best schools on a sports scholarship, think again. It's one thing to compete against your own gender, but it's something else to have to compete against a man who has the muscle to both beat you and harm you at the same time. We've all seen the videos. Oh, and I think that under this new and revised Title IX, it is a felony to misgender someone. Did I mention that under these revised rules, the accused no longer has the right to confront and challenge their accuser? Put on your big-boy pants, girls. This is happening in real-time. This rule may only be applicable to federally funded institutions, but that's a pretty damn large umbrella of institutions. I've probably only brushed the surface here, but what I've seen so far suggests to me that the pendulum has swung too far to the left under the Biden administration when and where it comes to satisfying the lust of the LGBTQ lobby. God willing, that all changes on Inauguration Day, 2025.

Coup d'état

Welcome to another week. I have an oil change appointment this morning, so I hope I don't forget it. Not that I would, mind you. I might get caught up in doing this or that and forget that I had other things scheduled. It wouldn't be the first time. I finally got back out on the road for my daily bike ride yesterday after being off the road due to bike repairs and bad weather. I never push the envelope after being out of the saddle for a week or so because I know myself well enough to know that that sort of thing can end badly if I'm not careful. That said, I rode half my usual route and enjoyed every minute of it. It looks like we have another sunny day on tap today, so I'll be out there again this afternoon, God willing. That extra five or ten degrees that we see over the course of a day can make the difference between riding while wearing gloves and riding without having to need gloves. I think I get a better ride when I'm not laden down with layer after layer of whatever to keep me warm over the ten miles or so that takes me up and down the coastline. That's just me.


I'm getting a little tired of being the only cook in the house. I never signed up to be someone's short-order cook, but that's just how I feel. Then there's the additional guilt that comes along with not preparing a meal and having my better half go to bed hungry. I've shared my feelings on this issue before, but nothing ever changes. I don't know what she's going to do when I'm not around to do it anymore. Maybe she'll find another person to do what I've been doing all these past many years. I suppose she could get take-out more often. Something would have to change. I'm not even that reliable or creative a chef, truth be told. I'll prepare an occasional quiche for our breakfast, which I'll serve with grapefruit when available. I usually make a nice salad for our lunch, and maybe we'll have something like chicken on a skewer or locally caught fish, if it looks good, with some seasonal vegetables for dinner. We have some reliable take-out joints we frequent, but those, too, are getting a little long in the tooth. I'm not sure where we go from here.

Trump is going to lay out his ideas on abortion today. I'm not sure what the format looks like, but it may be similar to the various and sundry presentations that he did in the run-up to the 2016 elections. Those presentations back in the day on everything from national security to laying out who he planned to have in his administration went a long way towards winning the hearts and minds of people who were maybe a little uncomfortable in voting for a guy who spent his last fourteen years hosting a fabulous television show called "The Apprentice." He was up against a media that spent every waking hour casting him as a huckster and a showman. They were all in for Hillary Clinton at the time, so none of it came as a surprise. Trump is a common sense guy, so I expect his policies on abortion will be similarly fashioned. Never mind that he put three of the conservative justices on our highest court who did away with Roe vs. Wade. I don't know what the middle road on the abortion issue looks like, but expect Trump to address the exceptions like rape, incest, and the health of the mother head-on. For now, he may or may not commit to anything beyond those issues.

Today, there is a total eclipse of the sun that is viewable in our state. I could give two shits, quite honestly. I will not be one of the many flat-earthers out there with those stupid cardboard eyeglasses peering up at the sky. I hope that the more sensible of the eclipse worshippers take the appropriate precautions, whatever that looks like. I don't know if everything I've been hearing about fried retinas and the like is just another old wives tale or science that we're to believe. I'm also a little suspicious of these stories I'm hearing about people flocking to states like mine today just to "see" the event. I mean, who does that? Is this some sort of pagan ritual that I'm not familiar with? Are there things that we should or should not be doing on a day like today? Things that we should shy away from just in case? Is this anything like the full-moon nonsense that has people acting silly and, for lack of a better word, weird? It should all be over by 3 in the afternoon. Our next event of this sort doesn't come around for a decade or two, so plan accordingly. Hey, what about my bike ride this afternoon?

There are days like today when I wake up, sit at this here desk, and don't have a clue as to what I'm going to put down on paper. That's probably not a bad place to start. Think of it as a blank slate. Right? I worry sometimes that I'm spending too much time writing about this or that, and it might come across as being obsessive. So, I resist picking up where I left off the previous day when I might have had a lot to say about something like politics. The Trump thing is always good for a paragraph or two. He's also always in the news, so there is always something new to discuss. My bike riding gig is a reliable fallback story when nothing else comes to mind. I'd have more to say about that if I could remember from one day to the next the kinds of things that come to mind during my hour-long jaunts. That's just a fact. I keep telling myself that I need to keep a notepad handy to write down things when they come to mind, but I have yet to do that. In an odd sort of way, I really don't like to be too organized when it comes to writing in this journal. I like the free flow of whatever comes to mind, even if it means talking too much about things that I continue to talk too much about.

What am I hearing about Brazil and its ongoing beef with Elon Musk? Apparently, they are giving him a hard time about what he's doing or not doing to rein in free speech on his platform, X (Formerly Twitter). I don't know that Brazil has banned Musk's social media platform altogether, but they have told him that, if I'm not mistaken, he cannot run his Starlink business in Brazil. What one has to do with the other, I don't know. Imagine for a moment that you are living in or around the Amazon rain forest and, thanks to Musk's Starlink satellites, you now have access to the internet. Now imagine that your government decides that they don't like the internet provider, and they take it all down overnight. Poof. You are in the dark. You no longer have quick and easy access to the outside world. You are cut off from family and friends. Is the Brazilian government cutting off their nose to spite their face? They, too, no longer have access to the other regions of their country. Right? Does any of this have anything to do with the leftist Lula government working with the Biden regime to spank Musk for his so-called transgressions here in the States? This needs some serious sorting. Today, it's Brazil. Tomorrow, it could be coming to a neighborhood near you. America, are you listening?

I heard Hugh Hewitt talking about David Cameron, the Secretary of State in the British government, coming to the United States to visit with Trump. When I first heard the story, I thought to myself this is a good thing. Cameron and others of his ilk from various countries are coming to get a little face time with the man who will more than likely be our 47th President of the United States. It was also a huge slap in the face to the Bidenistas, who have no choice but to sit back and watch it all go down in Mar-a-Lago. Joe Biden doesn't know what day of the week it is, and his handlers probably don't even tell him about Cameron's visit. Nobody gives a flying fuck about the demented clown eating his oatmeal in the back room on the second floor of the West Wing without so much as a care in the world. What I'm finding out, thanks to Hugh, is that Cameron is here to sell Trump on funding the war in Ukraine. I'm talking about the bill for the $60 billion that Speaker Johnson refuses to bring to the floor for a vote. Knowing Trump as I do and his malleability on issues depending on who is massaging his ego at any given time, I have some advice for The Donald. Don't fucking do it. Do not give Johnson any reason to think that funding Ukraine is acceptable. Here is what you tell Cameron: Not another fucking penny for the grifters and oligarchs in Ukraine.

I'm hearing a lot of rumors these days about Congressmen being bought off to leave the Republican party so the Democrats can take back the House of Representatives. There are some other examples I've heard of other people being offered money not to run in certain races. I believe Kari Lake said that she was offered money not to run for the Senate in the state of Arizona. What the hell is this? It feels sleazy and illegal to me. It's precisely what you'd expect the Democrats to engage in. What did I read this morning about RFK Jr's VP pick and efforts by the lefties to have her leave the race because they know she'll draw support from the progressive left? These Marxists with deep pockets are a threat to democracy, yet they accuse conservatives of the same. She's too rich, so they can't buy her off. Instead, they tell her that by running on the Kennedy ticket, it's more likely than not that they will tip the race to Trump. It's a bridge too far, dearie! She seems like a woman who can make up her own mind, so I hope she sticks to her guns and stays in the race. She knew what she was getting into. Both the Kennedy and Trump camps are of one mind when it comes to this election: They cannot allow Biden to either steal or win the election.

I think I'm going to pass on my favorite Springtime dessert later this month. In late April every year, I typically have strawberry shortcake with gobs of strawberries and whipped cream. I've been doing my best lately to stay away from sugar and other things that they say aren't good for you. I know how well I'm doing when I can walk by the pastry section of any particular store without putting one or more things in my cart. Here's another good example: I have two boxes of cereal on top of my refrigerator. One is a box of Raisin Bran, which I picked up during a shopping trip to Whole Foods. I stopped eating it after my first bowlful. It was just too sugary. The other box of cereal is a box of Shredded Wheat. I looked again yesterday after avoiding sugary stuff for the better part of a month and noticed that the Raisin Bran had 15 grams of sugar per serving. The Shredded Wheat had zero grams of sugar. It's true what they say about these sugary products. The more you consume them, the more you want to consume them. It's a vicious cycle. It's also not just sugar. It's white bread and pizza crust. It's the whole carb thing. You go from eating a slice or two to eating half a pizza at a time. I'm a little more sensible when it comes to avoiding the bad stuff these days, and I want to continue in that vein for the foreseeable future. Hence, there will be no strawberry shortcake this year. It's just easier to say "no."

I'm bored to tears over anything and everything having to do with abortion. It's just not my cup of tea. It's not the hill I want to die on. I do get annoyed, however, when I see Democrats trying to run this issue up the flagpole as the most important issue in the history of our Republic. It's all about rallying women to get to the polls where they think they're advancing the interests of the American public by voting for the same scumbags that have been destroying our country and our culture for God only knows how long. I don't know what it's going to take to get the Republicans on the right side of this issue. Does a "right" side of this issue even exist? As a people, we seem to be incapable of answering that question with any degree of clarity. You believe what you believe. They believe what they believe. As long as the Democrats frame the issue as a woman's issue, aka reproductive rights, that position seems to give them the upper hand. It's a cudgel that will take them to the promise land in politics if harnessed and wielded properly. That lesson is not lost on the Democrats.

The day before they released the latest inflation numbers, the stock market headed south mid-afternoon after tweets here and there suggesting that someone had leaked the numbers a day ahead of the actual report. How does this even happen? Whoever leaked the data wasn't wrong. The inflation numbers came in hotter than expected. I thought all along that the Fed would cook the numbers to put lipstick on the pig that is inflation and pave the way for a second Biden term. Well, not so much. Are the latest inflation readings the silver bullet that takes out the entire Biden Administration? Or does the Fed have another plan to boost chances for a second term for the aging and demented fool sitting in our White House? And what the hell is Biden doing commenting on interest rate cuts? It was almost like he thought the latest inflation numbers would give the Fed the reason they were looking for in order to cut interest rates. Was Biden telegraphing that a cut is in the works? Were Biden's comments a nod of sorts to the Fed that they need to get cuts out the door and fast? Never mind that interest rate cuts would be like throwing jet fuel on an inflation fire that is already burning too hot. I don't know about you, but I could use a mean tweet about right now.


I heard that Biden held a press conference on the White House lawn yesterday. Anyone with half a brain knows that Biden's idea of a press conference involves calling on reporters who were preselected to take questions. It gets worse. Biden actually reads his responses from a script that someone has placed on the rostrum. He wears those stupid aviator shades of his so that people in the audience can't see that he's reading from the notes. I don't know who the fuck he thinks he's fooling. And the compliant media plays along with the charade like the clapping and complicit seals that they are. Nightly newscasts replay cuts of Biden's speech in order to perpetuate the myth that Biden is a fully engaged and multi-tasking president doing the business of the presidency. It's a cluster fuck on the American public of monumental proportions. Nothing could be further from the truth. People around the world know we have a completely demented, corrupt, and infirm president at the helm, and they are likely incredulous that this could be happening to the greatest democracy on the face of the earth. Not to worry. The right-minded citizenry of our country wonders the same thing. It's like, when is this nightmare going to end? Spoiler alert: Not soon enough.

I had this really weird thought the other day. I wondered if everything that the Republican Congress has been doing to expose the criminality of the Biden Crime Family has really been an effort to take the influence-peddling issue off the table as a blackmailable issue for the countries that have been paying off the Bidens for decades. In other words, if Republicans put all the known Biden and Biden-related transgressions out there for the American public to see, and the end result is that nobody gives a fuck, then what possible leverage do the Chinese or Russians have were they to threaten Biden to do something that he doesn't want to do?

Don't get me wrong. Biden is allegedly a wholly owned asset of the Chinese Communist Party thanks to their "investments" in the Biden Family Trust going back decades. He would no sooner turn a blind eye to their requests than he would submit his letter of resignation as president of the United States. The very same countries that have been paying he and his family off for decades, if we're to believe Congressman Comer and his investigators, still have a role to play in upcoming elections if they are to more fully reap the rewards to which they think they are entitled. This was never about impeaching Joe Biden. It was always about protecting him from nefarious bad actors around the world who would wish to blackmail him. Never mind that he is the most corrupt president in the history of our Republic. We protect our own.

This FISA thing in Congress is a joke. They say that unless Congress passes this FISA bill, we'll no longer be able to spy on those bad actors around the world that would do us harm. Who the fuck do they think they're kidding? Bill or no bill, our government is going to spy on whoever and whatever they want to spy on. Is there anyone that our government hasn't spied on? That's a rhetorical question. I also don't know what the bill has to do with domestic spying, if anything, but you can bet your sweet arse that they can pretty much spy on you, me, or anyone else in our country at any time without fear of retribution.

Hell, they spied relentlessly on the Trump campaign when he ran for president in 2016, and they did it at the request of the sitting president at the time. I'm referring to the goat herder from Kenya. Look at it this way: If you have a cell phone, a computer, a Bluetooth device like an Alexa, or maybe a refrigerator with an internet connection, they are spying on you. They listen to your conversations, they track your physical movements, they know who you associate with, and they know every purchase you make, wherever and whenever you make it. If you've ever signed on to a genealogical website and given your DNA, they've got that, too. The websites have likely sold your DNA data to the Chinese government. If that isn't enough to keep you up at night, I don't know what is.

There he goes again. Biden has been bitch-slapped by the Supreme Court for trying to erase student debt at the expense of the American taxpayer. The courts were very clear: The President of the United States does now have the authority to do any such thing. Yet, I'm reading every other day that he's forgiving yet another tranche of student debt. It's a stark ploy to buy votes, plain and simple. Here's what I don't get. Just because some buffoon in the White House comes along and tells you that you don't need to repay your educational loans, it doesn't mean that you need to vote for the fool who forgave your debt with the stroke of a pen. It's especially true with the loser that we have sitting in our White House at the moment. Young people are moving away from Bumbles Biden and the Democrat party in record numbers for a variety of reasons and no amount of loan forgiveness is going to change that. I'm delighted to see that the Republicans are taking Biden to court again on this issue, but I'm not hopeful that anything is going to stop Biden and his handlers from continuing their unlawful and relentless attempts to flout the laws in order to boost their chances at the polls this coming November. This is who they are. This is what they do.

Someone needs to get on the stick and do a little investigating up there in the state of Maine. I want to know why Chinese nationals are permitted to run massive marijuana operations throughout the State of Maine without fear of being shut down by governmental agencies in the state. Both you and I know that the state of Maine has gone public with a couple of closures, if for no other reason than to give the appearance of doing something. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that the Chinese are padding the bank account of the Governor in the state? This is what the Chinese do. They bribe their way into countries, states, organizations, and local governments in order to get local officials to do their bidding.

China has perfected the art of blackmail, and there is no sweeter incentive than the promise of wealth beyond your means. When was the last time you heard Governor Mills even comment on the scourge of Chinese nationals invading the state she presides over? We're probably wasting our time thinking that she is keeping any of her ill-gotten gains in a local bank account. Those monies are stashed overseas and out of sight of prying eyes. I'd like to think that the good people of Maine might rise up and push back against the graft and people like Governor Mills, who allegedly sell their very souls for untold millions and at the expense of their fellow Mainers. This seems to be a pattern in blue states these days. The corruption is too deep. The citizenry is too complacent. Now and forever more, likely a lost cause. Think Massachusetts or California.

The world is on pins and needles now, and it's only a matter of time before Iran retaliates against Israel for their bombing of Iran's consulate in Syria, which resulted in the death of a half dozen or more high-level Iranian commandos. Israel has promised to retaliate by targeting key facilities in Iran. The United States has moved more military equipment into the region to assist Israel in defending against missile attacks coming from Iran. None of this helped the American stock market yesterday. The major indices dropped to or below their respective 50-day moving averages for the first time in months.

Iran has been attacking Israel for years with proxies like Hezbollah and Hamas but never directly. It would represent an escalation of untold consequences in the Middle East at a time when Israel already has its hands full with an ongoing war against Hamas and Hezbollah and, to a lesser extent, the Houthis in Yemen, who are actively trying to choke off supplies to Israel by attacking shipping lanes in the Red Sea. Who knows where this all goes in the coming days? We have seen nothing but tragedy and turmoil when and where it comes to America's foreign policy since Biden took office, so I'm not hopeful that any of this will turn out well. I do believe in an eye for an eye, so Iran is entitled to their pound of flesh, whatever that looks like.

I'm already tired of the Trump trial bullshit in New York City, and the trial hasn't even yet begun. Let's call it what it is: It's a
coup d'état . Barring any last-minute changes, the trial starts next Monday. This is the Left's wet dream of a trial that finally delivers the conviction that the Left has been yammering for for years ever since Trump came down the escalator in 2015 to announce that he was running for president. They'll stop at nothing to put him behind bars in order to further humiliate him and his family and to take him out of the running for the election in the Fall against demented Joe Biden. You know, the bumbling fool of a president who can't complete a sentence without reading from a cue card or a teleprompter. The very same guy who has run our country into the ground domestically and who has put a target on the backs of our citizens around the world.

I don't know if I'll be able to withstand even a moment of our country's media taking victory laps day in and day out after their reporters emerge from the courthouse each day with their breathless and dishonest renditions of the day's hearing. Trump's verdict, guilty on all counts, will likely be the verdict heard around the world. The media can then add "convict" to their list of deliberate and dishonest descriptors when reading their talking points about Trump. This is a very sad time in the history of our country, and nothing better captures the sickness and depravity of our politics than what we're about to witness in the City of New York under a magnificent skyline built over the past few decades by the man sitting in judgment. A once-proud New Yorker, I might add. No more.

Geez. Iran finally launched their attack on Israel, and it was, in my humble opinion, much ado about nothing. It hardly warranted taking our stock market down a few notches on Friday. I'm guessing it comes back with a fury on Monday. The so-called attack almost seemed performative. That is to say, it looked to be well-planned and coordinated with everyone involved. Most of the drones and missiles were shot down by allied forces or Israel. I think Israel is estimating that 99% of the missiles and rockets launched from Iran never reached their targets. Israeli media was pretty exuberant this morning in their reporting. I'm just reading all of this on X (Twitter) so maybe we take it with a grain of salt? Iran's attack was in response to Israel's bombing of Iran's consulate in Damascus, which killed a half dozen high-level Iranian commanders. It's also notable that none of the drones or missiles fired from Iran targeted civilian populations. Does this seem like a commensurate response to you? Israel is now contemplating a response to Iran's attacks, but it seems to me that the tit-for-tat should end here if they are to avoid a larger conflict in the region. If anyone has come up short, it's Iran. I have to believe that they have yet to get what they consider to be their "revenge." Rain check, anyone?

These Ukrainians I see on Twitter are something else. They really get a hair across their collective arses when they see Israel getting all the attention that they think they should be getting instead. I saw one tweet last night bemoaning the fact that the world was on full alert before Iran had even fired their first missile, while Russia's full-out and ongoing bombing of Ukraine's civilian populations received hardly a mention in the media. Never mind that a Republican congress has held up the United States's funding for Ukraine for several months now. We've given Ukraine more money than they deserve, and they can't account for half of it if you want to know the truth. Now they whine like an abandoned child when the United States tells them to fuck off and get to the negotiating table to settle matters with Vlad. That's the message coming from Republicans. The Democrats are more than willing to continue to send good money after bad to that shithole of a country. They can't allow Russia to win the war, don't you know? It would be the end of Western civilization as we know it. They'll go after the Baltic States next. It's fucking nonsense. Stop this money laundering scheme and stop it now.

Calm Before the Storm

We have a nor'easter coming down the pike—an April snowstorm if you can believe it. This storm will bring more snow than any other storm we've seen this winter. It's just on paper for now—that is, it's in the forecast. That said, my weather app says one thing, and the missus's weather app says something different. Her app always comes in less or lighter, if you will. I take no pleasure in getting the last laugh, especially when it comes to the missus, but I'm just sayin'. We're looking at between 15 and 18 inches coming in overnight on Wednesday and ending sometime Thursday. I hate these overnight storms. You can't get ahead of them unless you're willing to stay up all night and clear every five to six inches after it comes down. You wake up to an unplowable lot of snow at the end of your driveway, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. We're still three days or so out as I sit here this morning, so we'll need to see a few more cards come out of the deck before we get there.


I grilled up a few chicken breasts last night, and we sat down to a nice meal of organic chicken and seasonal asparagus. I had a good mind to throw together a skewer or two with red peppers, mushrooms, and chicken but decided against it at the last minute. I'm trying to stay away from starches, so I passed on the rice that I might have otherwise made. It was a bare-bones dinner but one that seemed to please. Interestingly enough, had the wicked winds that blew through the other night ripping the cover clean off the grill as it did, I might not have considered using the grill this early in the season. File that under "The Lord works in mysterious ways." I'm not sure why the baby Jesus would care one way or another when I decide to use my grill or not use my grill for the first time this season, but I'll leave that for my critics to weigh in on. Both the missus and I agreed that it was a well-deserved meal after a long and busy day. A suitable meal and a primer, if you will, for another busy day to come (today.)

I wonder if it's true what they say about China interfering with our elections. Even more so than Russia, if I'm reading it right. Would it surprise anyone to know that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would prefer to see the addled Joe Biden in office rather than Donald J. Trump? You know, the guy whose family has received tens of millions of dollars from various and sundry CCP-related organizations over the last few years. Let's just say that the CCP wants to protect its investment. If you think that the addled Joe Biden is going to look a gift horse in the mouth when every poll shows him losing bigly to Donald Trump, you would be wrong. How the CCP plans to lend a hand to demented Joe remains to be seen. Maybe they participate in the production of fake mail-in ballots. Maybe they release another something from the Wuhan lab just in time to suppress the vote come November. Maybe they hack just enough tabulation machines in swing states to give Lunchbucket Joe an insurmountable lead. Maybe they flood social media sites with bots to tamp down or ramp up fervor depending on the leaning of one or more critical constituencies. If we see Florida go blue, we'll know the fix is in. The only question remaining is whether the highest court in our land will care about any of it.

I caught Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on CNN last night when I was flipping through the channels. That was a bit of a surprise. Two weeks ago, nobody was giving the guy any oxygen, so it's interesting to see CNN stepping up to the plate. Honestly, I think they had him on just to try to embarrass him. Aaron Burnett, the host of the show, showed him two videos of his sister and his nephew, who referred to RFK as "an embarrassment." Ouch. He responded as well as you can respond to something like that by saying that families are loving and caring but also have differing opinions on things. I'm paraphrasing, of course. Burnett was also quite insistent on having RFK commit to the fact that Trump was guilty of being an insurrectionist or worse. RFK only half-heartedly replied in the affirmative, if only to prevent Burnett from going full mean girl on him. Now, instead of having the guy on these networks and going against the wishes of the Biden White House, the plan seems to be to have him on but vilify, embarrass, or belittle him as best they can. They need disaffected Democrats not to vote for him as an alternative to Biden in the Fall. If they can put him in bed, figuratively speaking, with Trump, all the better.

I think one thing we'll never see is RFK's vice presidential candidate on these liberal or looney left-wing shows. She's to the left of Biden's progressives, which would only endear her to Biden supporters. These are the same moonbats who vote for people like AOC and Bernie Sanders. RFK should have told CNN that he wouldn't come on their shows without his VP at his side. Chances are that had he said that, CNN wouldn't have had him on. All I know is that there is a whole lot of straddling by RFK and everyone else going on here. It's hard to know what his end game is because third-party candidates don't win elections, but they can sink the candidacy of one or the other major candidates in either the Democrat or Republican party. The Kennedy name alone is catnip for Democrats wanting to vote for someone other than Biden who think Biden has gone too far to the left. Throw in Democrats who are wanting and willing to vote for another Democrat but can't stomach the thought of putting Kamala Harris in the Oval Office, and you have something that is starting to look like a constituency forming in the middle for RFK. As difficult as it is for these left-wing networks to muddy up the Kennedy name, it's a small price to pay to put their boy, Biden, back in office for another four years. He has a job to finish, don't you know.

I don't think I realized that embassies were off-limits when it comes to going after your enemies. Now that Israel has bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria, resulting in the deaths of three or four of their commanders, it seems it could be open season on embassies across the world. You can't very well have places where people can hide out and not be touched by virtue of their location. That would effectively create a sanctuary city for the bad guys. It's one thing to say that ICE can't detain or arrest illegal aliens in downtown San Francisco. It's quite another to tell the Israelis that they can't take out their enemies if they know where they're holed up, be they in an embassy or hiding out in the thousands of miles of underground tunnels beneath Gaza. What Iran does now is anyone's guess. They are a vengeful people, or at least the Mullahs are, as far as I know, and that probably doesn't bode well for the Israelis. It's an eye for an eye if I'm allowed to go all biblical here. Are there a handful of Israeli embassies throughout the Middle East and elsewhere that are now on high alert? You know what they say about Pandora's box. Once it's open, hell hath no fury. Sorry if I'm mixing up my metaphors. Keep your eyes and ears open. That's all I'm saying.

I saw a report yesterday that the Biden Administration approved the sale of more bombs and lots of fighter jets to Israel. I wish they would be a little more circumspect when releasing this kind of information. We already look like we're all in when it comes to the sheer and utter devastation laid upon the Palestinian people in Gaza. We also know that Iran probably considers us to be involved one way or another in Israel's bombing of the Iranian embassy in Syria, which killed several of their commanders. That has us looking more than a little complicit. Not that we wouldn't want to stand by our ally Israel in their time of need, but upping our commitments across the board and announcing it to the world can be a double-edged sword if we're not careful. Maybe it's just our Military Industrial Complex flexing their muscles in a dangerous world. The good news, if there is any, is that this does little to assuage the concerns of the Palestinians and Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan. They've seen enough when it comes to Joe Biden and his pathological obsession to assist the Israelis and their lust for killing every last Palestinian in Gaza. Enough, you might say, to have them stay home on Election Day this Fall.

I'm going to have to write fast and save fast this morning because the winds outside are howling. It's only a matter of time before we lose our electricity. I have our generator ready to roll, and I placed it behind my car in the garage so I can move it out quickly when the time comes. Maybe the time won't come. That would be sweet. I filled a 5-gallon gas tank with the idea that I'd transfer the gas to the generator if it looked like we were more likely than not to lose our power. These Nor'easters are very unpredictable, and we don't lose power very often, but this looked like the real McCoy, so I emptied the gas into the generator. I'm also happy to report that if the power goes down, it will be during the daylight hours. I was not looking forward to doing any of this in the dark, so thankfully, that is no longer a concern. It looks like we have about an inch or two of snow and sleet-like stuff on the ground, so maybe we'll not see the eight or so inches that they were calling for. It's April, for chrissakes. Winter-be-gone!

I was telling the missus that it might be nice to have a pot of lentil soup to sustain us for the next couple of days. She was busy doing what she does during the day yesterday, so I went shopping for the ingredients. I really need to make a list when I go shopping. For some unknown reason, that is especially true when I go out for ingredients to make this lentil soup recipe. I always forget something. Yesterday, it was the spinach. Can you imagine? It's one of the main ingredients. To make matters worse, there are only a handful of ingredients so it's not like the list I might make would be too long or maybe unmanageable. The other thing that had my knickers in a bunch was the decision I had to make about which kind of lentils to buy. If the missus has told me once, she's told me a thousand times. We use red lentils when we make this soup. That didn't stop me from putting a bag of green lentils in my bag when I was doing my shopping. I felt pretty good about doing that because there was actually a lentil soup recipe on the back of the bag of lentils. Well, that didn't go over too well. The missus and I went out for red lentils just before dark, and we got the job done thanks to the good folks at our local Market Basket. One of these days, I'll get it right.

I had to run out yesterday morning for an appointment, so I didn't get my writing time in. I hate it when that happens. It's almost impossible to make up for the time I missed since the missus is on our computer for the better part of the day for at least three days a week. I'll see if I have enough gas in the tank this morning to make up for the time I missed. Maybe that means an extra paragraph or two if the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise. It's certainly not like there isn't enough going on in the world where I might want to weigh in on an item or two. I have no idea how long this storm is supposed to stick around so I should check the forecast. I think there's enough snow such that I'll need to get out my snowblower at some point. That aside, it's a hunker-down sort of day here in the hood. We have no particular place to go so, as Da used to say, nobody is chasing us. The only thing that might make this day more tolerable is having a nice wood stove to fire up and get cozy with. I'll have to see if the missus has other ideas, but I'm guessing she's good with staying close to home. The roads hereabouts are likely untreated and treacherous, so not for the faint of heart, as they say in the movies.

Will someone please explain to me why we have so many illegal Chinese aliens coming into our country? What the hell are they doing here? What the hell do they want? Who the hell is sending them here? I don't know anything about China and how difficult it is to get in and out of that country, but I think the answer to that question is "not too easy." That tells me that they are being sent here for a reason. They are also coming into our country at a time when every other Jose', Maria, and Mohammed from across the globe are crossing our border illegally, so the Chinamen don't exactly stick out like a sore thumb. Can you imagine if we weren't having these immigration issues and how we might take notice of Chinamen of fighting age coming into our country in the tens of thousands? There would be a hue and cry, I can tell you. Trump would have Xi on the phone in a New York minute. What the fuk, Xi! And what is Bumbles Biden doing? What does any guy who can't tell you what day of the week it is do on any given day? Fill in the blanks. I can also tell you with some confidence that the Chinese coming in are probably not picking lettuce or working in some slaughterhouse somewhere in the Midwest. What then?


How about this headline? "Biden prepared to express his frustration to Netanyahu in phone call Thursday." Can you imagine what Biden's cue cards would have to look like to pull this off? This fool can no sooner have a conversation, much less a heated conversation, with a world leader like Netanyahu than I can pull off a piano concert in New York's famed Madison Square Garden. You see what Biden's handlers are doing here. Right? They are flooding the "airwaves" with lies to give the American people the impression that Biden is getting the job done as president. I think they call that "gaslighting." What do you think our chances are of getting a transcript of that call? There is no transcript because there is no call. Or, rather, there won't be a call. We're seeing these kinds of reports every day now. They are all lies. They are lies because Biden is incapable of making the calls. The Democrats are lying because they can feel the power of the office of the presidency slipping away from them. They want it so bad that they are willing to cheat, lie, or steal to keep it. This is who they are. This is what they do. There is no price they won't pay.

Well, I might have been wrong about the phone call. There was a phone call, as it turns out, but I might have been right about Biden's participation in same. Reports say that Biden threatened Netanyahu to stop going after Hamas. He allegedly told him that Israel would be cut off from US support if he didn't cease their hostilities against Hamas. What does that tell you about the lengths that Biden is willing to stoop to win back the support of the Muslim population in cities like Dearborn, Michigan? He's throwing in with Hamas in order to pick up an electoral edge in states like Michigan. Is that not tantamount to throwing in with the Nazis in WWII to win an election? He is literally ensuring that Israel doesn't win the war against Hamas and that Hamas will live to fight another day and continue to kill Israelis as they did on October 7th. Whatever happened to our support for the only remaining democracy in the Middle East? Is it me, or does this horror show we're witnessing coming out of our White House have Obama's fingerprints all over it? And why is the goat herder from Kenya, Obama, running around the globe on clandestine missions advocating for God only knows what on Biden's behalf? Or, is this just what presidents do in their third term?

Reports also had Biden on a phone call with Xi Jinping yesterday. You have to admit, the guy is pretty busy for a fella with stage-5 dementia. Here's the kicker: No sooner did that phone call wrap up when John Kirby took to the podium in the West Wing briefing room to announce that the United States does not support independence for Taiwan. I saw a tweet suggesting that Kirby was giving Xi a virtual blowjob on national television, and that seemed to capture the sentiment of the moment. I'm pretty sure that our policy towards Taiwan has been to support them if and when China moved militarily against the island and its inhabitants. Is this yet one more example of Biden being in Bejing's pocket thanks to the various and sundry "investments" by the Chinese Communist Party to Biden and his extended family over the years? If I've said it once, I've said it a million times. "Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences." All the credit for that statement belongs to Steve Bannon. What Kirby's comment presages is anyone's guess. It could mean that China is planning to move on Taiwan and wants to be sure that Biden is clear about who put him in office. Think Wuhan. Think mail-in ballots.

Is it possible that China released the COVID-19 virus that killed millions of people around the world just to get Trump out of office? If your answer to that question is "no fucking way," then you don't understand anything about China and the goals and aspirations of the Chinese Communist Party. As a side note, the United States has been sending congressional delegations to Taiwan for years to show our support for their independence. How do think the Taiwanese are sleeping tonight after hearing Kirby walk back our support? If the US isn't going to intercede on behalf of Taiwan, ain't nobody going to step into the fray when the shit hits the fan. What message does this send to our allies across the globe who see the United States not willing to stand up against aggressors of fellow democracies when push comes to shove? And the Democrats say that Trump is a threat to democracy. Is this not a perfect example of Democrats accusing Republicans of things they are guilty of? What do they call this again? Projection? Never mind, of course, that going to war with China over Taiwan would be silly. We're not going to threaten to nuke them or anything of the kind. That's not the point. China waltzed into Hong Kong, and we didn't say boo.

Is the bird flu (H-Something) the COVID-19 of the 2024 presidential election cycle? First, we hear about huge chicken farms having to kill off their bird populations due to the infection. Then, we hear about entire herds of cows having to be euthanized because the bird flu has spread to them. I'm waiting now to hear about the first cow or bird-to-human transmission. After that, we'll hear the World Health Organization step in and announce that we have a full-fledged God-awful pandemic on our hands, and we have to pull out all the stops to prevent its spread. Does any of this sound familiar? How about this, "Two weeks to stop the spread"? Wasn't that how it all started in 2020? Hospital rooms were filling up with cases of elderly patients in respiratory distress, and dead people were being stacked up like cordwood in refrigeration trucks because they couldn't process them fast enough. Don't worry; I'm getting around to the masks. When they roll out the masks, you know that mail-in ballots aren't far behind. States can't very well have people standing in line at the polls on Election Day in the midst of an ongoing pandemic that is killing people willy-nilly.

I'm even reading something today about the threat of people eating eggs over easy. You can't even have eggs the way you want them in Biden's America in the year of the Lord 2024. WTF. The next thing you know, they will be telling us that we have to cook our meat well done. Just cook the shite out of it until it becomes like shoe leather. It isn't enough that these assholes want to put everyone behind the wheel of an electric car. It isn't enough that they want to take away our gas stoves and our refrigerators. These are the same ass-clowns that are putting illegal aliens up in five-star hotels with a monthly stipend in the thousands of dollars while we have homeless veterans sleeping in the streets. Now, the Democrats want to give these illegal aliens access to our voting rolls so they can cement their constituencies like never before. We are a good and loving people, but we have a government that has lost its way, and we Americans need to help get that train back on the right track. That is never going to happen with the current Administration in place. They are too corrupt, too compromised, and too far gone to fix any of that which they've created or caused by their actions or inactions. The world will be a better place without them. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I don't get it. Israeli's IDF took out a car carrying 7 people affiliated with Gaza's version of Meals on Wheels, and you'd think it was the end of the world as we know it. Israel made a mistake, and they've fessed up. I think that they probably thought they had a legitimate target when they took out the vehicle. Why is it that when we (the US) do this sort of thing, we simply move on? There is no apology. There is no hand-wringing. There are no apologies to the victim's families. Yet, Israel now has to bow to international pressure to take their foot off the pedal somehow and get to the negotiating table to sort out their differences with Hamas. None of this, of course, involves getting back any of the hostages as a prerequisite for finalizing a deal. It has everything to do with allowing Hamas to live to fight another day and to give Joe Biden the cover he needs with the Muslim community in order to get them to the polls in November. I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but it bears repeating. Israel should go ahead with their plans to roust the remaining Hamas fighters from Rafah and tell Bumbles Biden to fuck off. Red lines be damned. Israel has a country to protect. If I were Netanyahu, and I knew I could get rid of the fool (Biden) in the upcoming US election by ignoring his demands to protect Hamas, I would do precisely what Netanyahu is doing now. Keep on keeping on, Bibbi! The American people are with you.

I think Mrs. G is finally giving up on Kentucky Fried Chicken. However, she still loves their mashed potatoes, gravy, and coleslaw, so we'll continue to go there. I'm guessing the chicken may not be as good as it used to be. Maybe it's less crispy, or there's less meat on the bone. That's kinda of the way of the world these days. You get less for your dollar. The damn dollar stores are actually going out of business because they can't afford to sell anything for a dollar anymore. The missus and I stopped at both Dave's Hot Chicken, where a couple of their take-out meals cost $28, and at Bob's Chicken in Portsmouth, where we picked up mashed potatoes, gravy, and coleslaw before heading over to see Mrs. G yesterday. We'll see if Mrs. G takes a shine to Dave's chicken as her new go-to chicken joint. You can choose your heat at Daves, and we got Mrs. G a mild sauce. It's a little out of the way to grab Dave's, so I wouldn't be terribly upset if she said it wasn't her cup of tea when everything was said and done. On the other hand, it's a small price to pay to see that Mrs. G has a nice meal waiting on those evenings when she hasn't ordered anything from her usual menu items found at her facility.

The stock market (S&P) dropped a scary 1.1% the other day, dipping below the ever-important 21-day moving average for the first time in a long time. It had all the makings of a veritable rug-pull. The indices were humming along nicely until around 3 pm, and then it took a nose dive. The DJIA went from up 300 to down 500. That is an eight-hundred-point swing. I think it was the 21-day moving average. Could it have been the fifty-day average? Possibly. One guy on Twitter that I follow said something like, "I've been waiting for this." He's been calling for a 5-10% pullback since December. The question on everyone's mind was, is this the beginning of a bigger pullback or just an overreaction to some news report involving interest rates, oil prices, or maybe an escalation of hostilities in the Middle East? A pullback of sorts would actually be healthy. The markets are definitely overextended here since they've been on a tear since last November with no discernible pullbacks. Maybe we go sideways from here and then break out to the upside after a period of consolidation. We didn't have to wait long to see where it was all going. The very next day, yesterday in fact, the market recovered the entire 1.1% on a day when the ten-year yield was ramping up and oil prices were hovering in and around $90. So much for that dreaded 10% pullback. To the moon, Alice!

We're watching "Ripley" on Netflix. It's a pretty good show. We're more than halfway through the eight-episode series, and I'm still waiting for the cops to catch up with this guy (Tom Ripley.) The main character is a slick small-time scumbag who makes his living as a con man in New York City back in the fifties. The entire show was shot in black and white, which just adds to the overall gloom-and-doom vibe of the flick. As much as you come to despise this prick for all the things he's able to pull off, you can't help but admire how he stays one step ahead of the gumshoes, who, thankfully, now that we're up to episode 6, seem to have his number. I was hoping that Marge (Dakota Fanning), who plays the girlfriend of the fella (Dickie) that Tom ultimately kills and then assumes his identity, would have acted sooner on her suspicions about Ripley, but she does not. The second half of the show follows Ripley to Italy, where he lives the life of a wealthy American, not as Tom Ripley, but as Dickie, whose life Ripley takes in a bizarre scene when the two rent a small boat when Dickie plans to tell Ripley that it's time for him to move on from the life the two have been sharing in a villa overlooking the ocean. I'm loving this Inspector Clouseau type who picks up the investigation after Ripley kills yet another character who threatens to out him to the police. Can't wait to see how this turns out!

Between the wintry weather we've had this past week and the time I had my bike in the shop for repairs, I'm a good week or more out from my last bike ride. I hate it when that happens. My legs go all wobbly, and I become a lot less sure-footed. It's not a big deal as long as I can get back in the saddle without further delay, but it's a reminder to me how doing this bike riding thing is the bee's knees for my health and well-being. In NASA parlance, it looks like it is a go for today, assuming nothing else comes up in the interim. The missus and I plan to watch Iowa play undefeated South Carolina in the women's NCAA playoffs around 3 this afternoon. We've been hearing so much about the wunderkind, Caitlin Clark, and her exploits on the court that we need to see how this all plays out in what is otherwise her last game as a senior. Quite frankly, I could give two shits about basketball, be it women's or men's, and sitting down to watch two hours of it may, at the end of the day, may be a bridge too far, but I'm wanting and willing to make an exception when it comes to today's game. I have a nice spinach, mushroom, and feta cheese quiche in the oven, and that should help us get a good start to the day. We'll get the Ev man's car back to him at some point today, or at least that's the plan, and I'll probably throw some nice chicken skewers on the barbie tonight to end the day. Everything is subject to change at a moment's notice.

Last Fucking Straw

Let's do this, Donald! His bond monies are due today. Yesterday, he won a golf event, so I gather he's not spending a lot of time worrying needlessly about what's going to happen today. Does he have this puppy in the bag? Will the Attorney General of New York get the last laugh? This could be the mother of all public relations wins for The Donald if he plays his cards right. Is there anything that would incense his followers more than to see that rabid District Attorney laying down a yellow crime scene tape across his properties? How about throwing a chain on the entrance to his golf course in Bedminster? Frank Luntz, the long-time pollster with the bad hairpiece, told America just last week that were Latesha James to move ahead with her plans to shutter Trump properties, she might as well just put him in the White House because that's where he'll end up. Let's get this party started, Donald!


If I'm not mistaken, Truth Social will go public today under the stock symbol DJT. This has been in the works for a while, so the fact that it is going public on the day Trump has to pony up half a billion for the bond is nothing if not divine intervention. If I understand it correctly, he will have to wait six months before he can redeem any of his shares, so it's not going to help him get out of his current jam. What it does do, however, is to piss off the ne'er do wells in the media who want to see his wealth diminished to the point where he has barely a nickel to his name and no pot to piss in when it comes to funding his own presidential campaign. What the value of the stock looks like six months from now is also a big question mark. If Trump can clear a billion, then I think he'll feel pretty good about things. Well, let's say that I'd feel pretty good were I in his position. If this becomes a meme stock, all bets are off. To the moon, Alice!

The missus and I were watching a news report last night about a couple of squatters who killed a homeowner, stuffed her in a duffel bag, and then hit the highway with her credit cards and her Lexus. They finally caught up with the two teenagers after tracking activity on her credit cards. These squatter stories are getting worse by the day. Anyway, what we didn't see on the report was a photo of either one of the alleged criminals. Were they members of a marginalized community? Were they illegal aliens? Has our government told the media not to reveal photos of illegals when their crimes come to the fore? Would we have seen their photos if they were white? What would the media be showing were Trump sitting in the White House instead of dementia Joe? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. This is all about controlling the "illegal alien" narrative so as not to inflame the public by hyping up negative stereotypes ahead of the elections in November.

It's one thing to see videos of caravans of illegal aliens as they make their way up north to our country. It's another thing to see them climbing the walls Trump built or cutting through razor wire on the fencing put up by Texas to keep the illegals out of our country. Unless you see them congregating in places in and around your neighborhood, the stories are just stories. You and your family are safe for now. You know that the stories you're hearing about various diseases making a comeback in cities where illegal aliens have been welcomed have everything to do with the invasion at our southern border. Still, you and your family are safe knowing that you don't live in close proximity to one or more of these sanctuary cities. This squatter thing is different. Thank the baby Jesus that I don't have a rental house sitting empty that some Venezuelan might want to squat in. That doesn't mean I'm not sleeping with one eye open when I lay down to sleep every night. Today, empty rentals and neglected homes are an invitation to illegals. Tomorrow, maybe they could care less who is in the house. You know who else could care less? Joe Biden's Democrat Party.

The Appeals Court in New York reduced Trump's bond to $175 million from $350 to $400 million. They came through at the last minute, thankfully. You know that the number is obscene and was going to get reduced anyway. It was just a matter of time. The Appeals Court gave the big middle finger to Latisha James and the crooked cab driver turned judge, Judge Engoron. Trump stood outside the courtroom and laid out the Stormy Daniel case and how Biden's DOJ had people running the case out of the Southern District of New York against Trump. Don't tell me that Biden has nothing to do with these lawfare cases. His fucking fingerprints are all over them. You should have seen the hysterical left-wing media when Trump's bond was reduced. They were inconsolable. They were so looking forward to seeing James seize Trump's properties. They had likely sent reporters to each of Trump's properties, not knowing which property would be seized first. It was a complete clown show.

What the hell happened earlier this morning in Baltimore? I saw video of this huge tanker running into one of three or four bridge abutments, and the entire bridge collapsed. It reminded me of those buildings during 9/11 that collapsed for no apparent reason other than that they were in close proximity to the two main towers. Some people think that the fact that the two towers collapsed so symmetrically must have meant that someone planted explosives strategically throughout the building. Anyway, this bridge in Baltimore is now toast. I think there were a half-dozen cars and a tractor-trailer on the bridge when it collapsed. God help the lot of them, whoever and wherever they are. It's pretty clear from watching the video that the tanker never made any effort to change course as it approached the bridge. The lights on the tanker flashed on and off three times before coming in contact with the abutment. Was that an SOS of sorts? Was this tanker hijacked by one or more of Biden's border jumpers with the intent of creating some sort of mass hysteria event? Mark my word: This event is going to get memory-holed before conspiracy theories get out of hand and bring down Biden's chances at reelection in one fell swoop. Not that he hasn't already lost the election on paper, mind you.

This DJT stock thing is weird. What's to stop some sultan or other sort out of the Middle East or elsewhere from stepping in and buying a shitload of stock at regular or irregular intervals just to keep the stock elevated enough such that Trump's windfall would be well north of its current value of three billion once sold in the open market? Would that not effectively circumvent existing laws regarding the financing of campaigns by foreign entities? Trump could liquidate his tens of thousands of shares just ahead of the election, reap the incredible rewards, and simply say that continuing to hold stock during his presidency would be, well, unethical. Cashing out and seeing the value of the stock plummet may not be ideal, but then again, anyone investing in the stock knew all along that their investment was more of a contribution than an investment. If the majority of his "investors" are people who would otherwise donate $50 to $100 dollars to his campaign, and multiply that by millions of investors, then who's going to raise a fuss or file a lawsuit when the value of Trump's stock goes to zero when he sells his shares? Just thinking out loud here.

I need to bring my bike in for service today. Since we're expecting rain for the next two days, the timing is perfect. My back tire wobbles a bit when I ride, and not in a good way. The same thing happened with my last bike, which wobbled so badly that it rubbed against the frame and was barely rideable. I think I ended up buying a new bike or wishing that I had, considering how much it cost to repair the bike. I hate it when that happens. The winds are pretty nasty here along the coast this time of the year, so I don't need to contend with anything more when I'm out riding. That's just a fact. It's the old "in like a lion, out like a lamb" bullshit. I can never figure out which is which. Does that mean it's windy now but only gets better from here on in? Or is it the other way around? Some days, the winds are so fierce that I go half my usual route but work just as hard, if not harder, to complete my ride. I can tell right away when going one way or the other that my ride one way is going to be a breeze, but I'll end up paying the piper on the return trip. I don't have to guess what the return trip is going to look like. Been there, done that.

I don't know if I buy the argument that Biden and his cronies were involved in the planning that led to yesterday's "accident" in Baltimore when the cargo ship struck the bridge. I only put the word accident in quotes because I don't think they know how it happened yet. That didn't stop them from calling it an accident in the minutes after it happened in the early hours of yesterday morning. No investigation had taken place, and I don't think they had even interviewed the crew on the ship yet. Besides, the reconstruction of the bridge is going to be a long-term project, and, at least in the short term, it is going to create serious ripples in our supply chains. That sort of thing drives prices up for the consumer, not down. Higher prices in an environment that is already difficult because of higher-than-usual inflation rates do not help an incumbent president. It's a minus, not a plus. It also doesn't help when the demented fool of a sitting president lies through his teeth when he finally gets around to making a statement about the accident and who will pay for it. Even if it were a terrorist act, the question remains: Who benefits? Biden didn't invite these illegal aliens into our country to pull off terrorist acts that would put his political opponent (Trump) in office. Not to worry, though. Pete Butt-Edge-Edge is on the job.


Kennedy finally named his Vice Presidential running mate yesterday. She is a far-left loon from the bowels of San Francisco and about as progressive a running mate as one could imagine. I thought Aaron Rodgers, the football guy, might have been a better choice had Kennedy been looking to draft off Trump supporters. Kennedy's going further to the left may well hurt Biden, and that's good news for Trump. I guess we'll see which camp has more dedicated followers when we get to Election Day. There are a lot of older people out there who still have fond memories of the days of Camelot, summers in Hyannis, Jackie-O, and Little John Boy and would blindly vote for the Kennedy-Loon ticket, given the choice between Biden and Trump. There is an outstanding question about how many state ballots Kennedy can get on between now and Election Day. Maybe he just needs to be on a handful of states that are still in play this late in the game. As for polls, I'm starting to see articles and polls that show Biden neck-in-neck with Trump. Other reports show Trump getting enormous support from the black and Hispanic communities, so I'm taking those neck-in-neck polls with a grain of salt.

Speaking of polls, I saw a Harris-something poll that asked respondents who they would vote for if Trump was convicted of one or more of the crimes he's been indicted for. The assumption all along has been that Trump would give up a lot of support if convicted. The Harris poll shows very different results. It has Trump beating Biden by a sizeable margin, even with a conviction. The left-wing shills in the mainstream media have been, and continue to be, relentless in attacking Trump as twice-impeached, the first president in American history to be charged with a felony and a flim-flam man of questionable morals and ethics. We all know the game they're playing and whose side they're on in this thing. They want four more years for Biden so he can "finish the job." The American people, or at least most of them, would like to see Biden physically dragged out of the White House as soon as possible were it not for the fact that Kamala Harris is waiting in the wings to be the first black woman president in the history of our country. I suppose they could drag her out, too, but that would be extra-constitutional and probably not a good look on the world stage.

I was reading about a political race in Chicago in the last week or two in which the Republican candidate had a pretty good lead going into the final stretch. She was running on a platform of protecting the neighborhoods with an increased police presence. Did I mention that she is a white Anglo-Saxon female? Her opponent is a black fella from the hood, as far as I know. He is black, but I'm less clear on the "hood" part. Anyway, the tallying of the final results kind of slowed things down a bit, thanks to a newly discovered tranche of mail-in ballots that appear to favor the losing candidate. Tell me if you think this story sounds familiar. I'm wondering if this story caught Elon Musk's attention because he posted a tweet with a listing of countries that have banned mail-in votes due to the fraudulent use of same in elections across the globe. In the State of Pennsylvania, Republicans won a recent case in the Appeals court to ensure that signature verification is required when counting mail-in ballots. The Democrats are appealing. We're just getting started, folks. Like I've always said, if the Democrats can't steal an election, they can't win.

If I'm not mistaken, Joyce Craig, the former mayor of Manchester, is running for Governor here in New Hampshire. She seems to be all in on the abortion issue, thinking perhaps that the abortion issue will be the key to her success in the Fall. It worked so well in the midterms in 2022, so why not see if she can ride it all the way to the corner office in New Hampshire? Right? I don't know much about this woman but I do know she lost her race for reelection for Mayor to a Republican. I'm guessing the people of Manchester, a blue-collar community for all intents and purposes, had had just about enough of her bullshit and decided that she wasn't deserving of a second term. Maybe it was a third term. Blue-collar communities don't typically elect Republicans, so that should tell you all you need to know about Joyce Craig. Maybe Ms. Craig hasn't noticed, but our country and our state are being overrun with illegal aliens. Inflation is at an all-time high thanks to her Democrat party, and owning a home is completely out of reach for young people thanks to the policies of the Democrat party. Abortion and women's reproductive rights will be the rallying cry of all Democrats from coast to coast between now and Election Day. That's all they have.

What is this I'm hearing about a few blue states in our country that have set dates certain for outlawing carbon-based fuels. I'm talking about states that won't even allow the sale of gasoline-powered cars after 2030 or earlier. How the fuck is that going to work? These are the radical left climate change cultists who have every intention of driving our country into a ditch by forcing everyone to buy something they have no interest in owning or driving. If a Democrat governor runs your state, you can be sure that he or she is going to do everything they can to put you behind the wheel of an electric vehicle. Do you need another reason not to vote for a Democrat as your governor? New Hampshire, are you listening? This really has nothing to do with climate change. These Koolaid drinkers are putting our country at risk, intentionally or otherwise, of a takeover either militarily or by other means when they weaken our ability to wage war or resist external foes with nothing but the power provided by windmills and solar panels. Trump needs to fix this bullshit on day one when he's inaugurated. Just undo every last one of Biden's Executive Actions, and we should be good to go.

My bike is in the shop until next Tuesday, which really messes with my bike-riding schedule. I'm an every-other-day guy these days, so I suppose it's not the biggest deal. In other words, I'll survive. I brought it in for a wobbly back wheel. I was a bit fearful that I'd be going along at a pretty good clip, and my tire would come in contact with the frame, bringing everything to an abrupt halt. I don't always ride with both hands on the handle grips, so that could be a problem. I don't need to be tossed over the handlebars, aka ass over tea kettle. The bike shop quoted me numbers for a few different repairs that I didn't even know I needed, and I decided that replacing the tire was good enough for now. That repair alone cost $110. The other repairs pushed the total closer to $300. It's a $600 bike, so I might as well buy another bike if I'm going to pay $300 for repairs. God only knows if I can find another bike for $600 these days, inflation being what it is. I might have to go with a used bike. It has nothing to do with affordability. It has everything to do with how much I'm willing and wanting to pay for a bicycle. That's just how I roll.

I hear people say that the more Trump calls our elections "rigged," the more likely it is that his supporters won't go out to vote this Fall. Do you suppose the same is true every time he calls the 2020 election "stolen?" Are those just vicious lies put out there by the mainstream media to discourage Trump from making so-called spurious and spiteful references? I'm in the camp that says that we as a country cannot move on until we sort out what really happened in 2020. I believe more than fifty percent of Republicans believe as I do, and the polling on same bears that out. How we do that exactly is above my pay grade. We certainly can't rely on the Republicans in Congress to put this puzzle together. Half of them won't even agree to impeach Biden despite the avalanche of evidence that Comer and his people have accumulated over the past year and a half. Hell, the January 6th thing was a hoax, but that didn't stop the Democrats from putting together a kangaroo court of a committee to "convict" Trump of insurrection. I'd be satisfied at this point if they got Liz Cheney before Congress to testify under oath about her role in suppressing exculpatory evidence given by various and sundry witnesses back in the day. I'm not holding my breath.

It was quite a contrast. Trump attended the funeral of an NYC cop killed in duty yesterday while Biden, the goat herder from Kenya, Obama, and the frequent flyer to Epstein island, Bill Clinton, all gathered at the Radio City Music Hall for a $500k per-ticket fundraiser for Biden. None of what we saw Trump doing was out of character for him. The same can be said for the criminals and child molesters who gathered together to raise money for Biden. Now you have to ask yourself, if you had to put one or the other in our beloved White House for the next four years, who would you choose? Which guy would do more for the American people? Which guy would get us into or out of wars across the globe? Which guy would work harder to remove illegal aliens from our neighborhoods and Venezuelan squatters from our once-idle vacation or rental homes? Which guy would stop issuing Executive Actions that are slowly but surely killing our auto industry? Which guy would stop doing the bidding of the progressive and Marxist Left and lay ruination upon ruination on our culture and our youth? Is it too much to ask that we return to the days of inflation under 2% and gas at the pump at $1.73 a gallon? And yes, that would give us four more years of mean tweets. God, I miss those mean tweets.

The stock market has been on a tear since the end of October 2023. That's good for the one-percenters and those of you who have some semblance of something in your 401k. Some analysts think we're in a bullish cycle that will last for a decade or more. Inflation seems to be coming down a bit, or at least the rate of inflation is coming down, and the Fed seems to have some appetite for rate cuts in the June-July timeframe. That could provide rocket fuel for stocks. Market breadth has been improving, and rumors on the street seem to suggest that small caps might well join large caps after a long period of consolidation. If this has anything to do with the Fed, Powell, tipping the scales for Biden in the months leading up to the election, I don't hear anyone complaining about it. So what if we see month after month of upward revisions in the prior month's inflation and unemployment numbers? It's all about the here and now. The altruist in me worries that folks at the lower end of the income scale have little to no chance of participating in this market, and that's not a good thing. The market is probably overdue for a correction of some kind, but pullbacks should be brief and tolerable for those not wanting to see their gains evaporate in the space of two or three trading sessions. Remember, the trend is your friend.

What are you doing for Easter? Do you have a nice ham in the refrigerator that you can cook for family and friends on Sunday? Do you even give a flying fuck about Easter? Like every other holiday these days, it's just another excuse to celebrate. I'm not a big believer in organized religion, but I'm a sucker for a good tear-jerker of a movie when these religious holidays roll around. I think I'll watch "The Passion of the Christ" just to get in the mood. I will not be attending any church services, so get that out of your head. I sat in on some Unitarian service a few years back and found that they were even more shameless when it came to shaking down their parishioners during the service for monies to fund their operation. I get the part about needing money to keep the lights on and all that bullshit, but it's just so in-your-face. I'm also not sure that they've rid their ranks of the fiddlers and diddlers, so I certainly do not want to support that in any way, shape, or form. The fact that we hear so little about the perverts in their midst tells me that they've simply found a better way to keep their names out of the headlines. If these places, and I'm talking about the lot of them, go away tomorrow, I'm not so sure we wouldn't be better off. That's just me.

Biden has proclaimed today, Easter Sunday, as "Transgender Day of Visibility." Wut? If you're a Christian looking to celebrate this holiest of holy days, fiddlers and diddlers aside, you've got to be thinking that this guy has lost his mind. He's completely lost his fucking marbles. I'm surprised he and his people didn't post a video of Dylan Mulvaney wearing a crucifix of thorns while toting a basket of rainbow-colored Easter Eggs while prancing daintily across the lawn outside the West Wing of the White House. To add injury to insult, Governor Hochul of New York declared that New York State landmarks in New York would be "lit light pink, white and light blue" in celebration of Biden's "Transgender Day of Visibility." Just when you thought that Biden's FBI spying on Christian churchgoers was the last fucking straw, we have this travesty of a declaration. Did Biden do this to get on the good side of his Palestinian supporters in places like Dearborn, Michigan? He has supplied Israel with enough bombs to incinerate the entirety of Gaza and every one of its millions of Palestinian citizens, so he had to do something to get back in their good graces before the November Election. Will this be enough? Color me skeptical.

Make It Make Sense

Thank God for our Constitution. Can you imagine Joe Biden pulling a Putin? Having predetermined elections and having any and all political opposition taken out of the race by nefarious means? That's not to say that it's not happening with Trump, but one way or another, we would never see a third term for Biden, thanks to our Constitution. Was it President Roosevelt who was up for a third term? I'm not sure how that happened, so I should do a little homework before I blather on much more. How about Maduro in Venezuela? He's another strongman who will likely never lose another election. We all know how Venezuelans feel about him. They're all crossing our southern border to escape the monster. We're also getting their prisoners en masse, so, net-net, it's a mixed bag. I would also condemn the Republicans if they did what we see Biden and his regime doing day in and day out to make sure he gets a second term. By hook or crook, as they say in the movies.


Shall we call it the "Bloodbath Hoax"? The Democrats and their praetorian guard, the media, are in full spin mode after Trump made comments in his rally over the weekend about having a "bloodbath" if he's not elected in November. His comment was all about a financial bloodbath in the automotive industry, and it had zero to do with his winning or not winning the presidential election in November. The media would have us believe, even this morning, after the passing of several news cycles, that Trump is threatening a January 6th-style bloodbath should he lose the election. The good news is that social media stepped into the fray the minute lies started to circulate and called the lot of the news organizations out for their lies and misrepresentations. It does have me wondering if this wasn't a messaging sleight-of-hand crafted by Trump's handlers in order to out the criminality and hypocrisy of the mainstream media. Elon Musk even stepped in on Twitter (X) to correct tweets that sought to perpetuate the lie that the media wanted to go viral. All hands on deck?

I watched one of the liberal talking head shows on Sunday. If I have her name correctly, it was the show hosted by Martha Raddish. Talk about a loon-fest. If I was curious as to what strategy the media would employ to get their boy, Biden, back into the Oval Office for another four years, let's say I'm no longer curious. I'm referring to the part of the show where Raddish sits down with four or five other "anal-ists," and they discuss everything under the sun as it relates to politics and Donald J. Trump. After listening to the analysts beclown each other for the better part of fifteen or twenty minutes, the strategy seemed to be to smear Trump using any and all forms of rhetorical flourish available. They're not waiting for Trump to be convicted on one or more of the ninety or so indictments outstanding. That horse has left the barn. It's fucking game-on, and I'm not sure there isn't anything that they won't do or sign off on in order to see that Trump doesn't win the election. They are maniacally focused on taking him down before he gets one foot out of the gate. It may be too little, too late.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if the media weren't doing their best to create a cloud of toxicity of sorts around Trump such that someone might take their words, as intentionally despicable and virulent as they often are, as giving them license to do bad things to Trump and, by extension, Trump supporters. Trump is a threat to Democracy! If we learned nothing from the endless Russia Russia Russia trolling of the public by the mainstream media during Trump's first term, we learned that they would stop at nothing to use their platform as a political battering ram in order to defeat their enemies and prop up their political bedfellows. Keep in mind that it's not just the media. The entire Deep State and its political infrastructure are at risk should Trump be re-elected for a second term. There is no question that they have the will and the means to prevent Trump from winning the election or, worse yet, to see that he never becomes the nominee/president.

I see that the Kenyan goat herder Obama is in London visiting 10 Downing Street as I sit here this morning. What the hell is he doing anywhere on the world stage representing the United States? Forget for a minute that he is likely calling the shots, or maybe more appropriately pulling the strings, in the Biden administration. That would certainly explain why the United States' foreign policy is in a shambles. He's just confirming what everyone suspects, which is that he and his Marxist toadies are behind every decision that comes out of the White House. It's his third term, don't you know. For those of us who were on to this Kenyan goat herder a long time ago, it's like deja vu all over again. Is he there in London to assuage the fears that 10 Downing Street has about the declining mental health of one Joseph Biden? Is he there to assure them that the United States will stay the course when Michelle Obama gets sworn into office in January 2025? Has he gone so far as to promise them that Donald J. Trump will never be the 47th president of the United States? What then?

It's so funny. We're finally getting around to getting a generator that we don't have to wheel in and out of the garage every time we lose electricity. Our neighbor has a nice set-up where her generator turns on automatically when the power goes out. It's a bit more expensive than the stand-alone generator that we have, but, truth be told, it's time. I told the missus that were I to get hit by a bus tomorrow she would have to deal with the generator. She would have to wheel it out of the garage and pull the starting cord until it was up and running. Both she and I know that that ain't happening. She doesn't know the first thing about such things and she's probably not about to learn now. I asked the guy who came out to give us an estimate of how much I could get for my stand-alone generator. He said I might get around a grand unless I were willing and sell it the next time we have a storm. I don't have the estimate yet, but it's probably not going to be cheap to get all of this up and running. The funny part about all of this is no sooner did we start discussing the reality of doing this then I started to notice how many homes hereabouts have propane tanks and generators sitting on their property. I never noticed that before.

Maybe we'll get a gas stove if we're going to have propane tanks on the premises. I'm no Chef Ramsey, but I can appreciate how much nicer it would be to cook on a gas stove. On the other hand, every time I turn around these days, the cucks in the White House are coming out with one directive or another about stopping the sale of carbon-based appliances like gas stoves. More recently, they threatened to ban gas stoves in New York City. I think that went nowhere but make no mistake. These climate cultists ain't about to give up on their wet dream of getting rid of anything and everything that puts so-called pollutants into the atmosphere. It makes you wonder what their endgame is. I think it's all about weakening our country to the point where we are incapable of defending ourselves in the event of a global conflict coming to our shores. What else could it be? You don't honestly think that it has anything to do with cutting back on cancer rates or keeping ice floes around for the polar bears, do you? I can be a bit of a worry-wart sometimes when it comes to something like a gas stove. Did we leave the stove on? Did you turn off the gas stove? No, I thought you did. See where I'm going with this?

I'm sorry to see Peter Navarro go to jail for four months. He's headed to jail because he decided to ignore the subpoena sent to him by the J6 Committee. So that you know, Navarro was a personal advisor to President Trump during his first term. He thought, apparently wrongly (Until proven otherwise), that he had some sort of immunity that would preclude him from testifying. I'm not an attorney, so I may not have the terminology quite right, but it's probably close enough for government work. I'd be curious to know which prison he's heading to. Is it going to be a Riker's Island-type joint where he has to have eyes in the back of his head every time he drops his bar of soap while showering? Or, will it be the kind of place Martha Stewart stayed during her stay in prison after trading stocks using insider information? Knowing the Bidenistas as I do, I fear that Peter may be for a tough four months behind bars. Will his association with Trump help him or hurt him once he's on the inside? Maybe he can teach classes on economics to the lifers he's holed up with. I think he has a doctorate in economics. Since when do those types of people go to prison unless your name is Bernie Madoff? Only in Joe Biden's America. May God protect him.

Bumbles and his minions are publishing new emissions standards/requirements today. Is anyone surprised that car manufacturers will find it difficult, if not impossible, to meet these new standards? With electric vehicle sales slumping due to declining demand, they had to do something to turn that around in order to meet their ridiculous zero-carbon goals. Fuck the lot of them and the horse they rode in on. I ain't buying an electric car. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. I'll walk before I'll bow to the bullshit they're selling. I'm just waiting now for the manufacturers to sue the shite out of the government, who would see them lose their businesses before they'd let them roll another gas-powered vehicle off the assembly line. I hope the car companies in Michigan are listening. I hope the voters in Michigan are listening. If Trump wins Michigan in November, he takes back the White House, and all of this bull-fuckery goes away. Can Congress do anything to thwart the idiocy coming out of the White House? God, I hope so. Go big and go bold, is what I say. Trump wasn't wrong about the "bloodbath."

I have no idea what The Donald is going to do to raise the money he needs for the half-billion dollar bond he needs by next Monday. It's such an absurd fine to begin with that I don't know where to start. Will that cretin of a District Attorney really start liquidation proceedings of Trump's properties in order to satisfy the amount of the bond? I'm hearing more and more business bigwigs speaking publicly about what this means for investors around the world who may have been interested in investing in New York City but are now having second thoughts after watching what's been happening to Trump. To a person, they say that they've never seen anything like this, and it's the kind of thing that only happens in third-world banana republics but not in our country - until now. It's a cautionary tale, to be sure. Articles I'm reading say that thirty-some-odd bond companies have turned Trump down in his request to float the bond that he needs. Any guesses on how many of those bond companies were threatened not to do business with Trump or else? Would any of this be happening were Trump not running for president? Of course not. A little divine intervention would be nice.

I'm a little troubled by the latest ruling by a black federal judge in Illinois that illegal aliens have the right under the Second Amendment to bear arms. I only mention her race because I'm not entirely sure that there isn't a racial component to her decision. That is to say, she may believe in her heart of hearts that the only way we colonialists stay in power is if we have the wherewithal under the Constitution to protect ourselves should push come to shove. She'd likely like nothing better than to do what she can to improve the odds of her fellow blacks and other minority classes, including some ten to thirteen million recent arrivals now here in our country illegally, by granting them rights under the Constitution that don't otherwise exist. Think about it. If this invasion of tens of millions of so-called migrants brought to us by Joe Biden morphs into an armed invasion of young men of military age, this could be the revolution that blacks and other underprivileged classes have been crowing about for the last one hundred years. Unfortunately, we have an underbelly of complacency in our country that might well see our citizenry rolling over without a fight when the shit hits the fan. It would make January 6th look like a walk in the park. Is it any surprise that this Federal judge from Illinois is an Obama appointee? Let's get this damn thing overturned before it's too late.

Have you heard about the latest craze of squatting? No, not that kind of squatting. Get your mind out of the gutter. I'm talking about where you have homeless people breaking into homes that are on the market for sale or other and refuse to leave. This one case, coming out of Queens, New York, had the squatters replacing the front door with a new door complete with new locks, etc. When the owners show up and try to get them to leave, the squatters call the police on the owner. The owner actually got arrested in this case. In some cases, the squatters show a fake lease to the officers, and the officers have no choice but to turn the matter over to the court system. It can take months to resolve when courts are backed up, not to mention the delays caused by the backlogs created out of whole cloth when you factor in tens of thousands of itinerant illegal aliens whose cases are clogging an already clogged judicial system. I don't know about you, but I'm thinking twice before leaving my house these days. With my luck, I'd run out for a quart of milk and return home to find someone else living in my house. Johnny would not be happy. Can someone get me the number for rent-a-vigilante? I will not go quietly into the night.


What are we to make of these financial markets? The stock market has gone almost vertical since the beginning of November 2023. Is this 1999 all over again? No one is willing to go that far, but the market seems to be ignoring all the usual market forces that would otherwise give us a pause here and there before getting back on track. The good news for the bulls is that Powell delivered a dovish message yesterday promising to take his foot off the pedal when it comes to quantitative tightening and rate cuts. Anyone who's been paying attention to the wild fluctuations and last-minute surges in the day-to-day machinations of the market would tell you that someone somewhere has been tipping the scales to stop the market from going down. Pullbacks, which are normal in any market, are almost non-existent. Forget the 50-day moving average. We can't even break the 21-day moving average these days. This is also a little reminiscent of 2021. You knew things were getting frothy, but you couldn't get out of the market for fear of losing out. Hell, some people were taking out loans to buy stocks. The returns more than made up for the interest the banks were charging. How much, if any, does this have to do with the latest AI craze? Are we in the middle of another mania? Or, is this just Biden and his boy at the Fed, Powell, juicing the markets to win an election?

I'm thinking about the State of Arizona. As far as I know, the electorate is somewhat purple-ish. Presidential races are decided by a few thousand votes every four years. Polls this year have both Biden and Trump either up or down depending on the poll. Here's what I'm not understanding: There have been hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens pouring into Arizona, and the usual margins between the political parties have barely budged. You would think that the citizenry of Arizona might have an issue with the invasion of their great state by illegal aliens whose very presence in the state has every conceivable metric from crimes committed to meeting their health care needs just off the fucking scale. In other words, the guy who wants to deport them all, Trump, should be 10 points or more ahead at this stage of the game. Maybe more appropriately, Biden should be ten points behind. The senatorial race between Kari Lake and this Gallegos guy shouldn't even be close, yet Gallegos is four points ahead as I sit here today. Why on God's green earth would Arizonans want to send a Democrat like Gallegos to Washington when everyone knows that he would endorse Biden's bid to keep our borders wide open? You'll never convince me that Arizonans want more illegal aliens in their state. Are we then to conclude that roughly 50% of the Arizonans want more of the same? Make it make sense.

Did you see the hordes of illegals breaking through the razor wire fence down there in El Paso, Texas, yesterday? If you were watching CNN or MSNBC, you probably didn't. It was frightening. Biden told them to surge the border, and, God damn it, they are surging our fucking borders. What the hell are our National Guardsmen supposed to do? They did the best they could to stop the crushing crowds of filthy travel-worn migrants from coming into our country, but they were too few in number and not properly equipped to keep them from breaking through. Not one soldier raised his rifle or raised a hand to try and stop the feral mob. Imagine what the Biden Administration would do with film footage of one or more soldiers opening fire on the marauding migrants. You probably recall the hoo-haw they came up with a couple of years ago when the Border Patrol had officers on horseback trying to corral the border crossers. They accused them of whipping and traumatizing the poor migrants as they came to America to build a better life. Horseshit. Nobody got whipped or traumatized, but that didn't stop Biden and his people from condemning the actions of the officers and trying to put them out of their jobs.

I hope to hell the Appeals Court steps in today to put a stop to Lateisha's efforts to take control of Trump's properties. I know Monday is the deadline but nobody wants this to go down to the wire. And the last thing we want to see is this cunt of a District Attorney standing in front of Trump Tower in New York City, taking possession of the property and forcing the eviction of its tenants. The fine of some half billion dollars is beyond ludicrous for this so-called victimless crime, and someone needs to pay a political price for going down this road and trying to destroy a man and the legacy he's built up over the course of his lifetime. Everyone sees this for what it is. It's lawfare at its finest. If they can't put Trump behind bars before the election, they will bankrupt him and take everything that he's ever worked for in order to take him down. Don't think for a moment that Joe Biden isn't getting hourly updates on the efforts of everyone working on his behalf to destroy his political opposition. He's only ultimately revealed himself to be the corrupt and criminal politician that he's always been going back some fifty years. Here's the dirty little secret: It's not just Joe Biden. It's the cabal of leftist freaks working behind the scenes in our beloved White House.

It seems like everything this Biden White House touches turns to shit. They convinced the Ukrainians not to engage in talks with Russia at the beginning of the war, and we now have hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians dead. They keep trying to micromanage the Israeli war, and thankfully, Israel has ignored their overtures. There is something almost Machiavellian about how the Biden Administration conducts themselves across the globe. Having taken millions of dollars from our enemies overseas, it looks more often than not like Biden is bending over backward to protect or promote the interests of our enemies at the expense of our allies. I'm looking at an overseas headline this morning about Biden and his Administration calling on Ukraine to cease and desist in attacking Russia's energy infrastructure. You can't make this stuff up. Let me see if I have this right. Biden wants to send hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine so they can mount a credible and, God willing, crippling defense against the advancing Russian troops on Ukrainian soil. But, God forbid the Ukrainians launch a counter-attack on Russian soil. Here's the deal: Biden can't have the price of Russian crude influencing global markets and pushing prices up at the pump at a time when he's running for reelection. This has to have the Ukrainians wondering whose side he's on. Just another Putin stooge?

I think I need a new iPhone. I'm a few generations behind, so I think it's time. My phone still works fine, don't get me wrong. Should I be concerned that I can no longer get software updates? Let me rephrase that. I cannot update my current operating system to OS 17. Word has it that Apple is building AI into the iPhone 17, which is, as best I can tell, a couple of years out. The latest model available is the iPhone 15. They always do this. They put a rumor or two out there in the ether, and the next thing you know, you're deciding whether or not whatever it is they're promising is worth waiting for or not. If I'm not wanting or willing to wait, will the AI thing be available as a software update when they get around to rolling it out? I also have to decide which model I want from among the many models available. Do I want the Max Pro model? How about just the Pro model? Do I care more about size than price? Is the Max model too big to fit in my pocket when I go for a bike ride? Will this latest anti-trust lawsuit filed against Apple by the Justice Department have any bearing on anything? Next steps? I'm planning a visit to my local Best Buy, where I can see for myself what the various models look and feel like. Do I even want AI on my iPhone?

Did you hear about the terrorist attack in Russia yesterday, where around 115 people were gunned down in a large mall in Moscow? You never know what to believe when you hear these sorts of things, but this story seems to have legs. One story I saw put out a list of the countries offering their condolences and another story had the Kremlin criticizing those countries who had yet to offer their condolences. I think the United States was on both lists. Like I said, you never know what to believe. Another story had the culprits getting away, while this morning's news has a story about the four terrorists who were stopped in a car that was reportedly heading for the Ukrainian border. I asked myself, if I were a terrorist and I just killed a bunch of people in Moscow, would I be stupid enough to head for a border where the Russians were likely to be looking for me and my fellow assassins? You have to assume that the Ruskies probably thought that Ukrainians were involved. And then you have the infamous warmonger, Victoria Nuland, who said recently that Russia would be in for a few "nasty surprises." I can't even begin to read between those lines. I guess I'm still not sure what is and what isn't "fair game" when it comes to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Is this just more tit-for-tat? Or is this over the top, as they say in the movies? Maybe it depends on whose side you're on.

I'm hearing that some people are suggesting that this attack was a false flag operation by Russia. That is to say, Putin can now use the attack as a premise for an all-out attack on Ukraine without pushback from world leaders. It would be no different than what Netanyahu is now doing to Hamas. Despite the whining of various countries regarding the needless deaths of civilians, no one is pushing back on Israel's right to rout out their enemies wherever they are. Well, almost no one. There is also consensus about the fact that there are forces afoot who will not abide by any efforts to seek a settlement or resolution with the Russians. That may explain why we hear people like Macron out there threatening to send French troops into Ukraine. You don't really think that that's Macron speaking, do you? Who is he taking direction from? I think I can say with some confidence that the American people have no beef with Russia or her people. I can't say the same thing for our government. Who the hell knows what they're thinking? Maybe they have some ridiculous belief that our country can rise up out of the ashes after a nuclear holocaust and become the Marxist nirvana that they've always wanted. Here's my advice to Putin: Don't take the bait.

Bumbling Joe

God willing, it's going to be another good week. What the hell does that even mean? I went to bed last night, regretting not having cracked a book in the last two days. You'd think that in the space of twenty-four hours, I might make time to do that. Well, not so much. I did sleep in a Holiday Inn last night, so there's that. Only kidding. I made a nice dish of roasted vegetables last night, which the missus thoroughly enjoyed. I also don't know why it turned out as good as it did, or maybe why the missus liked it as much as she did, but she did. Maybe it was the combination of vegetables. Maybe it was the spices that I used. She had been complaining that she had been eating all day, and that's never a good thing. That's not a jag you want to be on. You tend to put things in your mouth that you know you're going to regret. If having a spoonful of peanut butter is one of those things, at least for me, it is not something I regret. Where am I going with this?


The missus wanted to watch some of the Oscars last night, so we tuned in. I don't particularly care for the host, Jimmy Kimmel, or any other host of late-night television, for that matter, so I'm just throwing that out there. I always worry that these ridiculous shows are nothing more than a platform for the Hollywood muckety-mucks, where they spend the better part of three hours spewing nonsense about the latest and greatest social injustices, whether it be the war in Ukraine, the struggles in the minority communities, or whatever. Sure enough, last night was no exception. Many attendees wore little red buttons signifying something about Ukraine. I'm guessing that it had something to do with supporting Ukraine with the $60 billion that they say they need to fight back against Russian aggression. The missus thought that the movie "The Flowers of the Killing Moon" starring DiCaprio and DeNiro should have won best picture. The movie "Oppenheimer" won instead. Knowing the Hollywood lefties as I do, or think I do, I was surprised that the American Indian actress in the movie "The Flowers of the Killing Moon," whose name escapes me, did not win best supporting actress. Oh well, just a couple of ditties about something that I could really give two fucks about. I'm okay with Oppenheimer winning.

I'm telling you, they are pulling out all the stops. When I say "they," I'm referring to Biden's handlers. Hugh Hewitt, a morning talk show guy I listen to occasionally, played back certain portions of an interview that some media type was having with Biden. I knew it was a hoax because Biden was speaking in complete sentences. Everyone knows this dunce can't string two words together, even when reading a teleprompter. What kind of deception is this bullshit? They are clearly trying to build on the narrative that started with his drug-fueled speech he gave in the "State of the Union. The clapping seals were out in force across the media after Biden's speech, saying that it was the best speech he's ever given and that if there were ever any doubt about his being ready to take on Trump as his party's nominee, he was now in it to win it. Shouldn't we expect more from our media when they sit across from the President of the United States and allow him to read his responses from a teleprompter? I tuned in late, so I didn't catch the entire interview, but I do not doubt that Hugh knew full well it was a farce. Everything with Biden is smoke and mirrors.

The missus has a friend who recently complained that he lost a lengthy Word document when he inadvertently saved it after erasing its contents. She was able to piece the document together after a bit of extra effort, but it amazed me that anyone could lose everything in a matter of seconds if he or she were not paying attention. Her friend utilizes a backup service, but the backup service backed up the bad version, and they had no ability to access older versions of the document. Let me qualify that. They could access older versions but only if the user was on a Windows platform. They were working on updating their systems to do the same for Mac users. Right. What I didn't realize, but came to realize after a bit of research, is that as a Microsoft 365 subscriber, her friend was entitled to download and use an application called OneDrive. OneDrive is essentially a cloud-based storage platform. Unfortunately, it was not set up on his Mac when he moved from Windows to an IOS platform. Among the features of OneDrive is the ability to access older versions of documents. Damn. Long story short, he now has OneDrive set up on his Mac. Better late than never.

I plan to watch Robert Hur testify before Congress today on his assessment as a Special Prosecutor after looking into Biden's handling of classified documents. He's the guy who decided against bringing charges because Biden was too addled, and any charges brought would likely not produce a favorable (guilty) verdict once all was said and done. I'm sure he'll be asked if, after seeing Biden's barn burner of a speech at the State of the Union, whether or not he'd like to reconsider his position on bringing charges. Not that it's an option now that the horse has left the barn but you have to figure it's going to come up. If there is any good news, it is that Hur is no longer an employee of the federal government, and he can now speak more freely about his findings and impressions after having interviewed Biden for several hours on matters relating to his handling of classified materials. Now that we've heard all about Biden's having taken money from various bad actors around the world in the past few decades, it's entirely appropriate to conclude, as many have, that Biden was peddling classified materials to the highest bidder. After hearing from Hur today, we'll better understand the scope of Biden's criminality. Perhaps even more telling may be what we hear from the Democrats as they circle the wagons to defend the leader of their party and the party's presumptive nominee for the presidency in 2024.

I don't think I realized that Republicans in Congress have a committee investigating January 6th. That's encouraging for many reasons, the least of which is that many American citizens are sitting in jail cells for doing nothing more than being in the Capitol on that fateful day in 2021. The sooner they expose the corruption behind the architects of the "insurrection," the sooner Americans can set the record straight on what J6 was and what J6 wasn't. When we hear about Liz Cheney's role in suppressing exculpatory evidence, one has to wonder what she had to gain from playing into the hoax that was J6. One has to wonder if she wasn't involved from day one in the planning and execution of the J6 hoax. Who was that other woman who testified that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of his limo to force the driver to return to the Capitol? As it turns out, that was all fake news. Where are the perjury charges? It's encouraging as well that the committee in Congress is looking into many players on the periphery, like Fani Willis, the DA who brought charges against Trump and 18 co-defendants. She sent a letter to the J6 committee asking for any and all relevant materials she could use to bring charges against Trump. I don't think I'm mistaken when I say this was all done to keep Trump from returning to the White House in 2025. Did I mention that Trump said yesterday that he intends to set the J6 prisoners free once he is re-elected? That is some righteous shite.

Mrs. G called last night with her knickers in a bunch. She sounded terrified. I thought something nasty happened, and I feared the worst. As it turns out, she called because she came pretty darn close to being scammed, or so she said. She received what she thought was an e-mail from Amazon offering to extend her Prime membership by three months. All she had to do was click on the link in the e-mail. I'm unsure how things rolled out from there, but instead of clicking on the link, she called Amazon to confirm what she thought might be a hoax. She should have been proud of herself for having the wherewithal to question the offer from the jump, yet she still sounded rattled to the core for having experienced the near-scam. Maybe it was nothing more than Mrs. G wanting to regale us with yet another story proving her capacity beyond a shadow of a doubt that she can still tell the good guys from the bad guys even at her advanced age. We'll never know what might have happened had she clicked that link. That's the good news. There is no bad news. It's all good.

I should have known that the Hur hearing would be a nothing burger. The Republicans did their best to question Hur and get to the bottom of Biden's criminality. The Democrats did their best to compare Trump's handling of classified documents to Biden's handling of classified documents. There also wasn't a lot of discussion about how demented Biden was when Hur interviewed him. Hur stuck to talking about the report that he wrote where he decided that a jury would more than likely not return a guilty verdict were it to go to trial. When pushed by one Democrat on the Committee, Hur said his report did not exonerate Biden. Fast forward to the evening talking head shows, and the Democrats were out in force twisting Hur's testimony into a fucking pretzel. This is what they do. This is who they are. Protect the head of your party at any cost. If it means lying through your teeth or gaslighting the bejesus out of your viewers, then that is what you do. I was also a little surprised that not one Republican mentioned anything about Biden stealing state secrets to benefit our enemies abroad. They've been investigating that angle for the better part of a year for chrissakes. Oh, and despite his autobiographer destroying the classified documents that Biden gave him, Hur decided he would not be prosecuted. Talk about a fucking double standard.

Trump now has the delegates he needs to clinch the Republican nomination. He's the first person in American history to win back-to-back nominations for three years straight. I looked at the votes cast in the Georgia primary last night, and the Republicans got twice the number of ballots cast compared to the votes cast for Democrats in that state. Am I correct in saying that that ain't nothing? If last night's primary in Georgia is any indication of the enthusiasm for Trump over Biden, then I will project here and now that Trump will walk away with Georgia in the general election in November. I believe the margin was a mere ten thousand votes between Trump and Biden in the presidential election in 2020. I went back and looked at the primary results in 2020 and found that both Trump and Biden got roughly one million votes each. Does the ridiculously low number of ballots cast by Democrats last night in Georgia have anything to do with the fact that Biden is the incumbent? Putting on my partisan hat for just a moment, I'm thinking that Biden's bringing our country to the brink of (fill in the blank) has a lot to do with the outcome of last night's primary. We need a few more cards to come out of the deck here, but it's starting to look like Trump's chances in November are getting better by the day.

Now we have to hope that Biden doesn't get us into a war with Russia ahead of the November elections. He sounds like a broken record when it comes to Ukraine and its war with Russia. It's nonstop "Russia won't stop with Ukraine" coming out of Biden's mouth, and that's worrisome. Putin commented recently that Russia will resort to using nuclear weapons if Russia's existence is threatened. I keep asking myself, what the hell is all of this heated rhetoric coming out of the White House? By the way, nobody believes that Putin has any intentions of doing anything more in Ukraine than that which is laid out in his comments when all of this started some two years ago. So, why does Biden keep pushing the envelope on the Russia issue? The French pipsqueak of a president, Macron, has a scheduled speech before his nation on Thursday. What are the chances that he will announce sending French forces into Ukraine? I don't give a flying fuck what the Frenchies do, but it better not have anything to do with what Biden does or does not have planned. If they want to send their young men to the killing fields of Ukraine, be my guest. If Frenchies start dying by the tens of thousands at the hands of the Russians, what obligation do we have as a NATO member to join the fight? I'm thinking none since Russia hasn't attacked France, but that won't stop Biden from trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat by sending our young men into Ukraine so he can win an election. F'ing clown.


Judge McAfee announced that he is dropping six of the thirteen or so charges against Trump in Fani Willis's case in Georgia. According to the judge, the District Attorney did not sufficiently define the charges, so Trump's defense team couldn't properly defend their client. Willis can refile the charges, but not without effectively delaying the trial until after the election. Or, Willis can proceed with the remaining charges without refiling charges and try to get a conviction before election day. We'll find out tomorrow whether Willis will be disqualified, so we're in a wait-and-see mode. Is the fact that the judge was receptive to this argument by Trump's defense team suggestive of anything? What are the chances that he's telegraphing that he will not disqualify Willis, but he agrees with Trump's defense team that Willis's motivation to bring these charges is questionable, if not unethical? At least for the time being, any news is good news when we hear these sorts of things about the multitude of lawfare cases that Biden's Department of Justice is bringing, directly or indirectly, against Donald J. Trump. Needless to say, I'll be tuning in online tomorrow to watch Judge McAfee hand down his ruling on the disqualification issue.

I could give two shits about what happens in Haiti. That is, unless it impacts America one way or another. Word has it that gangs are now running the island, and there is no real government in place to control much of anything. I've seen videos online of one of the gang leaders known locally as "Barbecue." The footage shows Barbecue pulling the leg off a body that was burning in the street and ripping off chunks of flesh with his teeth. You can't make this stuff up. Things are so bad that Haitians are getting on anything that floats to escape the maelstrom and are heading to the shores of Florida en masse. If this isn't a situation that calls for intervention by the federal government, I don't know what it is. Naval vessels should be intercepting these flotillas at sea and redirecting them to Guantanamo Bay, where they can wait until order is restored to their homeland. Will this be yet one more situation where Biden willfully ignores illegal entry into our country by people who have no right to be on America's soil? What can and what will Governor Ron DeSantis do to stop Haitians from invading the shores of his beloved state of Florida? What are the chances that Biden assists in the relocation efforts in order to create even more chaos for political gain? Then again, what's another two million or more illegal ne'er do wells in addition to the 10-12 million already here thanks to Biden?

I caught Lara Logan yesterday on Steve Bannon's show, WarRoom. She was talking about Trump's taking donations from some dude with deep pockets to change his position on banning TikTok. I recall Trump wanting to ban TikTok during his first term in office, but I can't recall how that effort ended. The audio they played of Trump now saying he is more concerned about how other platforms like FaceBook (META) might become more powerful with TikTok gone has me wondering how malleable Trump is on the subject. That wasn't the most interesting part. Politicians change their minds for a lot of different reasons. Logan suggested that this was potentially a trap for Trump in that should Republicans not win a majority in the House in November, there is a very real chance that Democrats might impeach Trump for collaborating with the Communist Chinese Party in order to keep their spying apparatus (TikTok) in place. Newly elected senators supported by McConnell, such as that fat fuck from Maryland, Larry Hogan, or Tim Sheehy, the guy who never saw a war he didn't want the U.S. to be involved in, would increase the likelihood of Trump being convicted in the Senate and tossed out of the White House. It's plausible enough to be scary. Good for Lara Logan in putting together the pieces. She's good. She's very good.

The missus has been after me for the last few weeks to take a ride up Maine way to visit a store called Mardens. We finally got around to taking that ride yesterday. Driving up Route 1 through Maine was nice, so that was good. It was also a nice day for a ride, with everything else being equal. We thought the Ev man might like to join us for the ride, but he had other plans, so he opted out. Aside from the ride itself, the Ev man didn't miss much when all was said and done. The store turned out to be more of a yard-sale style store than anything else. In and of itself, not the end of the world. That said, we didn't need to drive the better part of an hour or more to go to a yard sale. I mosied down an aisle of baking pans and thought to myself that this was just what the missus has been looking for. And the prices, they were to die for, as they say in the movies. When I brought the missus around to look at them, we both discovered at the same time that the pans were cheaper than cheap and not worth buying at any price. That about sums up, to a tee, everything the store had to offer. The missus and I agreed on one thing. We wouldn't be revisiting Mardens anytime soon. And no, I told the missus, the other Marden stores are probably not much better.

What is this ridiculous obsession that Biden and the Democrat party have with getting rid of Benjamin Netanyahu? I know shite about Israeli politics, so I can't say with any degree of confidence that Netanyahu's replacement would be any better. Maybe it's just this whole left-wing versus right-wing thing that the Democrats feel that they need to control. Maybe they don't like the way Netanyahu has been ignoring their pleas to scale back the war on Hamas in order to save innocent Palestinians from a fate worse than death itself. Netanyahu, in so many words, has told the Biden administration to fuck off. That, to me, seems to be the appropriate response considering what the Israelis are trying to accomplish. And then we see Chuckles Schumer, the Senate Majority leader, go to the well of the Senate to call for new elections in Israel. Since fucking when does a United States Senator take to the Senate floor and call for the displacement of a foreign leader? Are these clowns not satisfied with trying to put their own political opponents in jail here in our country such that they have to do the same thing around the world? Maybe they're trying to placate their left-wing Jewish base here in the United States, who would like nothing better than to see Netanyahu get the boot. And then there are the Muslims and Palestinians in Michigan who are not exactly feeling the love from this administration. They may or may not go to the polls to vote for Biden in November.

Today is the day. Today, we learn about the fate of one Fanny Willis and her boy-toy, Mr. Wade. It's been a long two weeks since Judge McAfee told the world he'd be handing down his ruling on the disqualification case against Willis and Wade. I'm not sure why he needed the full two weeks, but here we are. To be clear, removing these two perjurers from the case would be good for Team Trump. Any delay at this point, in addition to the half dozen or so charges that the judge recently dismissed, would extend a trial and possible conviction beyond Election Day in November. I'm also mindful that Team Trump has made a more-than-compelling case against the two lovers, which would, under normal circumstances, result in a "conviction" of Willis and Wade. It's probably too much to expect that the two would lose their law license as a result of their perjurious testimony. Splitting the baby at this point might see the two taken off the case and keeping their licenses while taking jail time off the table in exchange for their signing off on the agreement. I learned yesterday that McAfee will not hand down his ruling in open court, so I can put away my popcorn for another day. Nonetheless, a win is a win either way. Until it isn't, that is.

(Fast forward two hours) Fuck it. I'm giving up on the legal system. Judge McAfee let these two dopes off the hook with a slap on the wrist. Well, he said that one of the two needs to be removed from the case. Can you guess which one will be taking a hike? I'll give you a hint: It's not going to be Fanny. Her father, you know, the ex-Black Panther, must have made quite an impact on the judge when he told him that he's always advised his daughter to carry cash when she's out on a date. Just when I thought she had dug herself too deep a hole to climb out of with her tall tales about always carrying a cache of hard currency in the event she had to get away from a bad date in a hurry. There were other rather disparaging comments in the ruling by the judge suggesting that her lies and subterfuge on the stand were unbecoming of a public servant. He listed any number of ongoing inquiries by external agencies and organizations, not the least of which is Congress, that are either collectively or separately looking into Fanny and issues raised during her testimony before Judge McAfee. Here's my take: She will rue the day she decided to take down Trump for asking questions about the validity of election results. Let the investigations begin.

I think we'll put the Ev man in an Uber the next time he decides to visit his friend in Boston. It's a shitty drive if you're not accustomed to driving in and out of the city on a regular basis. He's only made that drive a couple of times, so you might be tempted to think he's getting better at navigating his way in and out of the city. He did say that he thought about giving us a call to give him a lift but decided against it for whatever reason. That's fine. The missus thinks his confidence will only grow with each trip, and I think there's probably some truth to what she says. He may even come to enjoy going down to the city for various and sundry reasons unrelated to the friend he now visits. I wonder how he'll feel about the Uber idea. I will ask him and we'll see soon enough. I'm also willing to look the other way when it comes to just how much it might cost. How would we feel if his car was stolen in the city? Would we then wish that we'd sucked it up and paid the price for him to take an Uber? Yeah, I think we would. In spades, if I'm truthful about it. Has the Ev man ever taken an Uber? Hmmm.

What do you suppose Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is up to when he says he's considering Aaron Rodgers as his Vice Presidential nominee? I heard someone suggest picking Rodgers could spell problems for Trump in states like Wisconsin in the general election. I still think that there are a lot of older voters out there who have fond, if not fading, memories of the Kennedys and the whole Camelot thing. They might well walk into the polls thinking that Joe Biden is a demented old fuck, so why not vote for a Kennedy instead. That checks the "I'll never vote for a Republican" box and then some. Better yet, "I'm not voting for the Orange Man" so there's that. I'm old enough to remember the insurgent campaign of Ross Perot, whose campaign put that sleazy fuck, Bill, "I never had sex with that woman" Clinton in the White House. Thanks for nothing, Ross. He's dead now, but you get the idea. The fact of the matter is, I don't know who would benefit from a Kennedy/Rodgers ticket in Wisconsin or anywhere else. To quote babbling Joe Biden, here's the deal: No sooner had Kennedy started talking about Rodgers as a potential running mate when stories hit the media about Rodgers calling the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings a hoax back in the day. That smacks as some trash talk coming out of the Biden White House. Now who's got their knickers in a bunch over a potential Rodgers VP pick?

So much for the Rodgers pick for Kennedy. He's announced that his running mate is none other than the ex-wife of a Google co-founder. She may be important in some circles, but I've never heard of her. Is it safe to say she's probably got the money the Kennedy campaign needs to run circles around their competition? Probably. Here's my response: Whatever. That's it. That's all I've got. Have you seen bumbling Joe Biden out there wearing his new sneakers? They are specifically designed to give added stability to the vertically challenged. We've all seen the old fool walking unsteadily and stiffly across the lawn outside the White House toward the helicopter. If I had to guess, he's walking a little too fast and unsteady for his handlers. One stumble, and he's falling flat on his face. How much do you want to bet he cannot get off the ground alone? Since it would be too obvious if they had someone holding his hand for additional stability, they opted for the best footwear that money could buy to solve the problem. Now, if they can just take the old-man-shuffling look out of his gait.

I'm getting a little tired of these stupid Committees in Congress run by Republicans who are supposedly looking into the criminality of the Biden Crime Family. Time is running out, and running out fast if they plan to do anything. If the Democrats take over the House in January, everything the Republicans have done will go up in smoke. It will be memory-holed forever. I can only conclude that they either don't have the evidence or they don't have the votes to proceed with Biden's impeachment. Yet, they continually come on Sunday shows like Maria Bartiromo's Sunday Morning Futures and talk about their ongoing investigations like they're going somewhere. They're not. As for the January 6th fiasco, Congressman Loudermilk promises to call many of the people who ran the J6 Committee, such as Liz Cheney, to testify under oath about their lies and transgressions. What the hell is he waiting for? She knows how the game is played. Time is clearly on her side. I don't know how much more of this lose-lose bullshit we can take before our Republic starts to lose its moorings.

Fighting Fanny

Word has it that the Supreme Court will come out today with its decision on Colorado's efforts to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado. If a couple of libs sit this one out, then we'll get a 7-2 decision in favor of Trump. I wish the Court had the balls to address the insurrection issue, but I guess they won't. Spoiler alert: It wasn't an insurrection. I'm just getting a little sick of these moonbats running around the country with their hair on fire, yelling insurrection, insurrection, insurrection. This is nothing more than the libs in a full-court press to keep Trump out of the White House and away from the levers of power. More to the point, Democrats intend to keep control of the White House even if it means stealing the election. It won't be the first election they've stolen, and it probably won't be the last.


I haven't decided yet what I will do tomorrow night when the election returns start to come in on Super Tuesday. It's all a forgone conclusion regarding who will walk away with what, so it's all a bit anticlimactic. Both Biden and Trump will win when all is said and done. Will we see fewer votes in some states than four or eight years ago due to a lack of enthusiasm for one or the other candidates? Can we draw any conclusions about Election Day in November based on the number of votes tallied for either the Republicans or the Democrats? One thing is for sure. Both parties will have surrogates readily available on every network to spin the results to favor their candidate or, conversly, to sully and downplay their opponents success. If their opponent has a bad night, kicking them when they're down isn't out of the question. This isn't about getting enough delegates to win their party's nomination. Not tonight, anyway, assuming neither of the candidates wins enough delegates to win the nomination outright. It's a litmus test for who's on track to be the nominee and who isn't. Then again, I already know the answer to that question.

Russia announced that they hadn't achieved their objectives in Ukraine as it relates to their efforts to denazify Ukraine. I'd forgotten why they invaded Ukraine, but it's all coming back to me now. I'm still not sure what denazification looks like. Is that a reference to nazis from World War II? Is Russia suggesting that Nazis fled to Ukraine from Germany after the war and have now set up camp in Ukraine? It's not like the nazis in Ukraine are walking around wearing nazi insignias, so how does Russia denazify anything when you can't tell a nazi from a garden-variety Ukrainian? I'd hoped that Russia might announce that they were close to achieving their objectives, and that would give them the morale high ground going into any negotiations that might take place. While we're on the subject, what the hell are we (the United States) doing rubbing up on a country full of nazis? Is any of this really true, or is this just Russia making it up as they go along to do what they really want, which is to keep Ukraine from joining NATO? I'm trying not to sound too ignorant, but I have questions.

This whole issue of presidential immunity for President Trump has morphed into something that seems more manageable over these past couple of weeks. It started out in the mainstream media as, "Oh my God, there is no way the Supreme Court would give any president immunity for ordering Seal Team Six to kill his political opponent." That proclamation gave every left-wing talking head in the media a narrative that they used to lull their Trump-deranged listeners into thinking that it was a no-brainer that the Supremes would decline Trump's plea for presidential immunity. Judge Chutkin would put the case back on the docket, and Jack Smith and his clown car of prosecutors would bring home a conviction for Team Biden just ahead of the election. A more palatable narrative of sorts has emerged in the last few days. It makes me think that the lefties realized that they got out over their skis with the seal team six bullshit. It goes like this: The Supremes will forge a nuanced framework for what and how much immunity presidents are entitled to and then send that framework back to the lower courts to determine which counts against Trump get tossed or kept. I think I like the way this is shaking out.

The White House public relations team seems to have a new strategy for dealing with the fact that we have a feckless and doddering old fool sitting in the Oval Office. In the last few weeks, we've started to hear more and more members of his party say that getting feckless (my words, not theirs) old Joe out in public would be just what the doctor ordered to renew Americans' confidence in their Commander-in-Chief. When his handlers realized that was a non-starter for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was that he couldn't speak without his cue cards and he couldn't walk without betraying his feebleness, they decided to have every member of his political party go on television and regale the public with stories of their interactions with the President. It was a cacophony of lies and fabrications, to be sure, but it was music to the ears of his supporters who stood by slack-jawed while Trump continued to take demented Joe out behind the woodshed, figuratively speaking, for a well-deserved beating in the polls. The White House simultaneously invited every world leader available to sit with feckless Joe in the West Wing to give the impression that he was doing the people's work. Shame on leaders like Meloni from Italy, who knew precisely why she was there and still agreed to perpetuate a fraud on the American Public.

I'm hearing that Trump's defense team in the RICO case in Georgia now wants to introduce yet another witness who claims to have intimate knowledge that Willis conspired with her lover, Wade, to conceal the truth about her relationship with Wade. I don't know if we're talking about someone who has tapes or some other form of evidence that is beyond impeachable or what. I also don't know if the judge needs any more proof than he already has to decide the case. I will say that speculation about how he will come down is rampant and runs the gamut from throwing the two lovers off the case and assigning it to another office to having them disbarred and brought up on charges of perjury. I also don't know why the judge needs two weeks to decide the case. Then again, going after a black woman in a position of power in the Deep South these days can be a dicey proposition. Maybe it wasn't lost on anyone that Fani chose to have her father, an ex-Black Panther, testify on her behalf. Was that a veiled threat against the court? Might we see a modern-day march on Selma in Fulton County if she's unceremoniously booted from the case? Will we see a re-emergence of the Fani Willis who stood tall and defiant in her church in recent weeks, whipping her fellow parishioners and fellow citizens into a rage over a litany of social justice issues in her community? God is on your side, Judge. The time is now.

Super Tuesday is now in the history books. Trump has accumulated just short of 1,000 delegates in his race thus far for the 1215 delegates he needs to win the nomination. He won every state last night except Vermont. It was close in Vermont, with Haley and Trump each walking away with roughly 8-9 delegates. Haley's wins to date are the District of Columbia and the State of Vermont. Trump, for all intents and purposes, is now the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party. Word has it that Haley will bow out today following a dismal performance last night. Her campaign hoped they might take a few more states than she did in last night's contests, so dropping out today seems like the right thing to do. Will she endorse Trump? Will it be a full-throated endorsement? She's already skating on thin ice after staying in the race longer than she should have, in my humble opinion, so she can stop now with her comments about Trump being too old and unable to beat Biden. It's time to let voters decide who will and won't win a second term. The No-Label folks will decide if they will assemble a third-party ticket this Friday. Then, we have Kennedy on the ballot in some states, running on the Independent ticket.

When he gave his victory speech last night, Trump looked and sounded a bit tired. The poor guy has to be burning the candle at both ends. I couldn't tell if he was giving his speech extemporaneously, but it looked and sounded like that might be the case. I hear that Haley issued a statement. Biden was nowhere to be seen. Biden had just as many wins as Trump last since he had no real competition, so where was he when all was said and done? Do his supporters not deserve to see and hear from the man they took the trouble to go out and vote for in 15 some odd states? Maybe his campaign was annoyed with the fact that "Uncommitted" got as many votes in as many states as it did. He probably wasn't terribly pleased with the fact that he got his ass kicked in American Samoa by a man nobody's even heard of. When it comes to the Democrat nominee and the various ongoing contests, nobody is saying the quiet part out loud. That is to say, a vote for Joe Biden is really a vote for Kamala Harris. Nobody in their right mind thinks that Joe Biden will make it another four months in the position, much less another four years. It goes without saying that Kamala Harris, as president, is about as frightening a prospect as one can imagine. It just is.

I'm hearing that Alex Jones brokered a meeting between Trump and Elon Musk. If there is any chance that Musk can help Trump financially, that's a good thing. Musk has been very critical of the Biden Administration on various issues, and immigration, at least as of late, is at the top of his list. Supporting a candidate who wants to close our borders and deport illegal aliens with criminal records, at least for Musk, is a no-brainer. I think it's not an easy decision for Musk since he supported Biden in the 2020 election. Musk also has any number of enterprises that intertwine with governmental agencies, so cozying up to the party in charge was probably not a bad idea at the time. If there is any truth to the fact that Biden intends to allow China to flood our market with cheap EVs made in Mexico, then voting for a man like Trump, who would never allow that to happen, makes sense. It might even be in Musk's interest to see someone like Trump slow down or put a stop to the Green New Deal bullshit that halts the production of vehicles using carbon-based fuels by the year 2035. When you own a company like Tesla, as Musk does, less competition is better for business. As for Trump and illegal immigration, I thought he said that he was going to deport them all. And now, he's just talking about deporting the bad ones? WTF?

If I'm not mistaken, Trump's tax cuts, which he implemented in his first term as president, will expire in early 2025. Why isn't Trump even talking about that as yet another reason for people to vote for him? There is also a rumor that Bumbles Biden will discuss hiking taxes in his State of the Union speech tonight. Elon Musk, are you listening? Do you want to reconsider your decision not to donate to Trump's campaign? He's going to propose a 25% tax on billionaires. That's you, Elon. None of these hikes will get through a Republican House of Representatives, so I'm not sure why they are even on the table for Bumbles. Maybe Bumbles is trying to divert our attention away from the disaster that he created on our southern border by even mentioning tax hikes. Or, maybe he's trying to divert our attention from the ravages of inflation that Americans experience every time they go food shopping. I'm sure the progressives who drive much of what Biden does will love all the tax talk and might even give our failing and flailing Commander-in-Chief a standing ovation tonight. Do you suppose the Democrats will invite any newcomers (illegal aliens) to Biden's speech tonight? And, pray tell, what kinds of drugs will they pump into Biden's veins to get him through the speech? I'll watch it so you don't have to.


It looks like Fanny is fighting back! I'm talking about Fani Willis, the disgraced District Attorney in Fulton County, Georgia. Don't tell me that she wasn't involved. I'm talking about yesterday's announcement of a prominent local black man who will now challenge Judge McAfee in the upcoming election in Fulton County. Do you suppose that his announcement has anything to do with the fact that Judge McAfee is currently deciding whether to disqualify Willis and Wade from the Trump RICO case? Is there any question in anyone's mind that if McAfee boots the two off the case, that Willis will rally the black community against McAfee to unseat him? Clearly, that is what we're seeing before our very eyes. It's just more skullduggery and intimidation from the corrupt and conniving Willis. A woman like Willis, who is willing to perjure herself before the Court, is a woman who will do anything to achieve her ends. She's fighting back like a cornered alleycat, and here's hoping that McAfee sees this for what it is and adjudicates the case based on the facts and nothing else. There should be no half-measures when it comes to the verdict. The world is watching, Judge McAfee. Do the right thing.

I spent the better part of the afternoon yesterday watching Ms. Merchant (defense counsel for one of Trump's co-defendants) testify before the Georgia Senate on YouTube about the Willis case. Willis is going to rue the day when she decided to hire and enrich her lover by doing the bidding of Biden's White House. Ms. Merchant testified that Willis met with Vice President Harris before indicting Donald Trump and 18 other defendants. It smacks of a concerted and coordinated effort between Willis and the White House to bring yet another lawfare case against Trump to influence the presidential election. I thought Willis denied ever going to the White House in her testimony before Judge McAfee. How do we square that fucking circle? Merchant also made the case in her testimony before the Senate that Willis broadened the scope of the investigation in order to add as many defendants as possible in order to increase the number of trials and, as a consequence of the expanded trial calendar, a bigger windfall for her lover in hours billed on the case. Willis had a financial, political, and personal interest in bringing the case, and Ms. Merchant pulled no punches in her testimony. You could tell that the Senators were completely gobsmacked by her testimony. They asked all the right questions and drew all the appropriate conclusions during the hours-long hearing. None of this bodes well for Ms. Willis's future as District Attorney for Fulton County.

What did you think of the State of the Union speech delivered by Bumbles Biden last night? Two minutes into the speech, I turned to the missus and said, "This is not a State of the Union speech. It's a damn campaign speech." They had good ole lunchbox Joe swinging from the yardarms and with who knows what kinds of drugs pulsating through his veins. He was amped up about as much as you can amp up a dementia patient without pushing them over the edge of the abyss. He came across as a mean, divisive, and disturbed individual shouting at the world while trying to rally the progressive whacko wing of his party to his side. Where were all the fact-checkers last night? He spewed lie after lie with his best and most vitriolic lies aimed at whom he constantly referred to as his "predecessor." He came hot out of the box at the beginning of his speech and started to falter only after the drugs started to wear off. His speech slowed, he mumbled and stared off into space, and he lost his place several times before making comments that had nothing to do with anything. It was an embarrassing outing for a president on the one night out of the year when most Americans look to the president for words of wisdom and the promise of better days ahead. This was not that. With any luck, this will be his last "speech" to the American people.

Did you see the part of the speech where he took aim at the members of the Supreme Court who were seated in the front row and took them to task for their part in overturning Roe Vs Wade? Just who the fuck does this clown from Scranton think he is? He knows that the Supreme Court is an equal branch of government. No? This is what lowlife politicians do when they don't get their way. I figured it was just a matter of time before Biden's backbenchers sitting in the audience donned in all-white garb to give a nod to the color of the suffragette movement started pelting the members of the Supreme Court with rotten tomatoes. Such was the vitriol in the words and maniacal facial expressions raining down from high where Biden stood sputtering and spitting as he strained to read the teleprompter before him. You could see that he was actually closing his left eye as he tried, occasionally and sometimes unsuccessfully, to focus on the words splashing in size 85 font on the teleprompter before him. He was, for all intents and purposes, and for one night only, a white, linguistically, and intellectually challenged Louis Farrakhan singing to the radical forces in his choir, and the American people be damned.

What is this bullshit Biden is talking about when he said something about America building a "pier" so that they can get supplies to the Palestinians in Gaza? He better not be fucking making plans to offload the Gazans to ships offshore and then onto the shores of America. I'm sure the Israelis would like nothing better than to have America take everyone out of Gaza so they can effectively separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. Maybe they'd like America to offload the entire population, including Hamas. That solves a lot of problems for Israel. Would anyone be surprised to learn that Biden and his Military Industrial Complex have every intention of supplying both sides of the war, the Israelis and Hamas, with weaponry to prolong the war at the expense of both parties in the conflict? This is who they are. This is what they do. I can also assure you that any supplies delivered to the Palestinians, however they are routed, will be going first to Hamas. No one is under any illusions about where any of the aid is really ending up. Israel is probably too reliant on America to push back on the deliveries, so the war will continue unabated despite America's best efforts to do whatever it is that they are trying to accomplish.

I caught a bit of footage of the Secretary of Defense (Austin) testifying before Congress the other day. He was asked how many bombs the United States had delivered to Israel that were being used to hammer the Palestinians in Gaza. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but you get my point. I think the number referenced was 22,000, give or take. I was thinking to myself, holy shite, we here in the United States are guilty by association for the carnage laid at the feet of the good people in Gaza. We could just as easily deny shipments of armaments to Israel, and, at least morally, we'd have considerably less blood on our hands. I suppose we have some allegiance to Israel in terms of supporting their efforts to quash Hamas and others who would like to see them pushed into the sea. I'd also be quick to admit that I have no real sense of the death and destruction that the Palestinians have experienced. I'm certain that it's a hundredfold worse than our media is letting on. Leave no doubt that the Palestinians and Mulsim populations in states like Michigan and elsewhere know better and realize that Americans know less because their government (Biden) wants them to know less, and the mainstream media is complicit in the coverup. Come Election Day, we'll see who, if anyone, is held accountable for the unforgivable sins of our leaders.

Mollie Hemingway has an article out about January 6th (J6) and how Liz Cheney and others involved in the mock Congressional hearings did everything they could to suppress the truth about President Trump and his role in seeing to it that there were sufficient resources on hand on January 6th to push back on any leftist groups like Antifa and others who they expected to be amongst the Trump protestors on the plaza that fateful day. Mollie did not mention any undercover Federal agents on hand who may have also played a part, but we've seen reports to that effect, so we can probably assume that those reports are true. She went on to say that the Colorado Supreme Court used the J6 reports, which we now know were false as they relate to Trump's role, to cast Trump as an insurrectionist and, ultimately, not legally allowed to be on the ballot. The truth of the matter is, according to Mollie, Trump offered 10,000 National Guardsmen, but that offer was declined by the mayor of DC, Marilyn Bowser. I'm not sure if this is one of Jack Smith's charges relating to Trump's indictment, but it's now been taken off the table if we're to take Mollie's account as legit. The devious and dastardly lengths that the Democrat party has gone to in order to destroy Trump and the MAGA movement, in collusion with their counterparts in the Republican party, is beyond insane. When in God's name is anyone, or any group, going to pay a price for their role in destroying one man and his political movement?


It's hard to believe, but we've got another primary tomorrow. Trump won the South Carolina primary over the weekend, and now we have a primary tomorrow in the state of Michigan. It's just Trump and Birdbrain Haley so it's not going to be much of a contest. I'm talking Republicans here. The Democrats have pretty much boxed out any of Biden's competition and made their contests more of a coronation than a primary race. Biden and his DOJ are doing their best to put Trump behind bars in order to complete the coronation process. This is what fascists do. The American people are going to have a say in who does and who doesn't go to jail when all is said and done. I'm referring to the election in November. To that end, I'm delighted that the Koch organization has announced that they are withdrawing support from Haley. Even the Koch organization wants to be on the winning side of the equation when the dust finally settles.


I read that when Trump finally has the nomination in hand after winning the right number of delegates as a result of primary wins, presumably after the Super Tuesday contests, he starts to receive security briefings. He also has access to additional funding. Who thinks that the establishment isn't going to give Trump the complete briefings that he's entitled to? Wait a minute. As an ex-president, isn't he already receiving security briefings? You know the Deep State is going to do everything it can to protect Biden and that invariably means that they have to find a way to kneecap his political opponents. Maybe it means keeping classified materials close to the vest so Trump can't use them against him. Not that Trump doesn't have enough material as it is. It does make you wonder what the Deep State is doing to keep Trump out of the White House. How many e-mails within the inner confines of the halls of Justice have been exchanged with the subject line, "Trump will never be president"?

I don't know much about Michigan and how it shapes up as a state that favors either Republicans or Democrats in presidential elections. Michigan has, at least historically, been heavily unionized thanks to key industries like the automobile industry and others. It's also no secret that Unions have been in bed with the Democrat Party going back to God only knows when. These days, much of the car manufacturing has moved to Mexico leaving sections of Michigan hollowed out. The plants still up and running now have the EV craze to contend with, which requires fewer workers and slimmed-down facilities. All of this is fertile ground for a Republican like Trump, who has promised to quash zero-carbon efforts by car manufacturers. He's also promised to place crippling tariffs on the importation of Chinese EVs, if I'm not mistaken. Then, and this is a more recent revelation to me, Michigan has a large and influential Muslim population who have distanced themselves from Biden and the Democrat Party due to his policies on Israel and Biden's failure to do more to protect the innocent lives of Palestinians in Gaza. The loss of these constituencies in Michigan could cost Democrats the election in the Fall. That's good news for Trump and America.

Will this latest news about Fanni Willis be the end of her and her lover, Mr. Wade? Somehow, someone came up with phone records between Fanni and her toy boy that tell a very different story than that to which she testified to under oath. She maintained all along, as did he that their relationship started AFTER she hired him to be the lead prosecutor in the RICO case against Trump and his fellow defendants. The entire case rests on the propriety of their relationship since the counsel for the defense has alleged that their relationship represents a conflict that could have an impact on the outcome of their judicial proceedings. This latest information, if validated, means that both Willis and Wade perjured themselves in their testimony. It's important to note that we now have literally thousands of texts and calls that the two exchanged during the period in question. I think it's pretty clear and conclusive now that she hired her lover to manage Trump's RICO case. If she lied to the court about her relationship with Wade and when it began, she is also no longer entitled to the benefit of the doubt when it comes to her testimony about who paid for what and who was and who wasn't reimbursed for their so-called vacations. Remind the Court again if you can, Ms. Willis, who is and who isn't on trial? I'll wait.

I was flipping through the channels on the television last night, and I was surprised to see that no one was talking about the Michigan primary tonight. Is that because Trump is expecting to win it by a sizeable margin and the networks have no plans, nor the stomach, to announce him the victor with each passing primary for fear of creating an aura of inevitability? Or, is the drama gone now that Trump beat Birdbrain going away in her own home state of South Carolina? Whichever the case, they can only put it off for so long since Super Tuesday is right around the corner with Trump likely sweeping the lot. Ratings being the mother's milk of nightly television and the veritable jackpot at the end of the rainbow every four years between presidential elections, they would be cutting off their noses to spite their faces if they ignored the contests altogether. It must really gall these left-wing television personalities to have to announce Trump as the winner in any given contest. You can see the disgust in their faces despite the drivel that comes out of their mouths. Sometimes it's subtle. Sometimes, it's not so subtle. I think it's one of those cognitive dissonance deals if I understand it correctly. Now you know why I prefer to watch the results come in on networks that despise Trump. I love to watch them squirm.

One guy who best illustrates what I'm talking about is Chris Cuomo on News Nation. You can see him turning different shades of ashen when confronted with anything that butts up against his utter and maniacal devotion to his political part and the party of his father before him, the great (and probably overrated), Mario Cuomo. This clown, and I'm talking about Chris Cuomo here, can't bring himself to admit that the immigration nightmare on our border was brought about by the policies of Biden and the Democrat Party. If he has an expert on his show to discuss the issue, he'll do his best to lay fault at the feet of both parties in Congress and their unwillingness to solve the problem. If his expert starts to get the better of the argument, and especially if the expert drags Biden's name into the discussion, you can see a palpable shift in Cuomo's comfort level before your very eyes. I love it when he has Bill O'Reilly on because O'Reilly takes him out of his comfort zone with facts that leave Cuomo flat-footed and looking like the cuck that he is. The fact that O'Reilly seems to take some kind of pleasure in undressing Cuomo on his own show adds to the enjoyment I experience while watching the two of them go round and round.

What the hell is President Macron thinking when he says that he's considering sending his fellow countrymen into the fray that is the current and ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia? He's nothing but a pissant of a leader and, in the eyes of the French people, a veritable flaky croissant of a man. No sooner did he make that proclamation than the president of Poland came out and declared that Poland would not be sending any of their soldiers to fight in Ukraine. I gather we're getting down to brass tacks here now that Ukraine is reportedly down to their last box of ammunition and they have but a handful of conscripts left to send to the front lines. It's all looking very grim for Zelensky and his oligarchs. Did I mention that Putin responded with a warning that should non-Ukrainian troops enter the fight in Ukraine that he would go to war with NATO? I've not heard Putin say anything about Sweden becoming a member of NATO, but I'm sure he will have something to say considering the fact that Sweden is on Russia's border and having a potential NATO country on Russia's border is but one of many reasons Russia invaded Ukraine. It also wouldn't surprise me at all were we to wake up one day in October, just days ahead of the November presidential election, to hear Bumbles Biden declare war on Russia. Americans have always rallied around their Commander-in-Chief during times of war. Right? If that's what it takes to beat Trump and save our Democracy in the process, don't put it past the Bidenistas to put our Republic at risk just to save his sorry arse in the November election.

Jesus. These primaries are coming fast and furious these days. Trump beat Birdbrain Haley by some 42 points in Michigan last night. Is it me or did Trump and the Republicans get a shitload more votes than the Democrats? I'm curious how this cycle's primary with Trump compares to past primaries without Trump. Birdbrain got some 26% so she's still got her anti-Trump bandwagon rolling along. I don't have the breakdown of who got how many delegates so that may have to wait until this coming weekend when Michigan holds a caucus. I think that's right anyway. I was watching coverage on CNN around 8:30 when who came on the network but Birdbrain herself? Who does that? I think the polling stations in some sections of Michigan were still open when she came on with Dana Bash. Of course, she was on her usual high horse of Trump can't win and all that sort of bullshit, and I finally just muted her. I could tell by watching the two of these cackling hens that Bash was more than delighted to let Birdbrain spew her usual vitriol about Trump, and she (Bash) couldn't have been more pleased. Talk about Cheshire cats. Have you ever seen a candidate go on a network the night the votes are coming in? It just smacked of desperation and of someone looking for free air time to rail against their political opponent.

I think the judge in the Fanni Willis case has all he needs to make a decision as to whether or not she and her lover, Wade, get disqualified in the Trump RICO case. He held a hearing yesterday, and the defense had Wade's divorce attorney on the stand for the better part of three hours. Let's just say he didn't do either himself or the Willis/Wade case any favors. They finally got him to admit in so many words that he was well aware of the fact that the relationship between Wade and Willis predated her assigning him to the Trump case. In other words, she (Willis) paid her lover (Wade) to take the case and then accepted kickbacks from him in the form of dinners, vacations, etc. I thought I heard the judge say something about having the defense give their final arguments this coming Friday without entering into evidence recent revelations about extensive phone records between Wade and Willis that further prove that their relationship predated his assignment to the case. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway. Today's testimony does not square with the testimony already provided by Wade and Willis. Let's call a spade a spade, They perjured themselves. There, I said it.

I don't know Wendy Willaims from The Man on the Moon. I wasn't inclined one way or another to watch the four-episode reality show documenting her trials and travails with what appears to be some form of alcohol-induced dementia. Maybe the missus insisted that I watch it with her. Or, maybe she wanted to see it, and I was just along for the ride. Ms. Williams also suffers from a condition that makes her eyes bulge out which is separate and apart from her dementia issues. I kept asking myself why someone thought it was a good idea to film this woman in her condition. I don't think she had the wherewithal to know enough about her declining health to realize that what she had agreed to was both sad and exploitative. The filmmakers admitted that they didn't know enough about her situation, and once they realized what they were dealing with, they ended the production. Most of the people in the documentary were family members or close associates who saw this woman go from being a star on television for the better part of fourteen years to what is essentially in the here and now a shell of her former self. I'll finish the show, and then I'll take a look on YouTube to see what the real Wendy Williams was like. I feel like I owe her that much.

When it rains, it pours. The Supreme Court finally ruled on Trump's case of presidential immunity. Much to the chagrin of the Marxist media and the moonbat rump swabs who follow them day in and day out, the Court agreed to hear the case. They could have kicked it back to the lower courts, but they did not. Keep in mind that Jack Smith, the rogue prosecutor brought in from The Hague by Biden's DOJ to get a conviction against Trump prior to the election, had gone to the Court this past December asking that they fast-track Trump's presidential immunity claim and the Court refused to hear it. Loosely translated, this development is not good news for Jack Smith. It means that none of these cases being brought against Trump will be tried before the November election. The Supremes won't even issue their decision until July. There simply is not sufficient time left on the calendar to get this in front of a judge and jury before everything butts up against the election itself. Did I mention that everything is stayed in the lower courts until the Supremes rule? It was a good day for Trump, and a good day for all God-fearing Americans who believe in the Justice system.


The Left was so hoping that their boy, Jack Smith, would deliver the goods before the election that they have gone on day after day singing his praises in the mainstream media and popping champagne corks in anticipation of seeing Trump convicted and put behind bars. Poll after poll showed Trump losing to Biden in November if convicted of any one or more of the crimes on which he was indicted. Never mind that each and every indictment brought by Smith was flimsier than the last. It's probably important to understand that this guy, Smith, has a very checkered past when it comes to going after politicians. In one case, which ended up in the Supreme Court when they overturned his conviction 9-0, he achieved his goal of taking down the politician by getting a conviction and, in the process, ruined the life and career of a good man. None of this is lost on the Supreme Court. My sense is that they see these cases for what they are: An attempt by a corrupt Biden Administration to take out their political opponent ahead of a presidential election. The Court has now effectively pushed the timelines out to favor Trump and simultaneously send a message to Biden's Justice Department that the gig is up. They know election interference when they see it, and they are not standing by and letting any of it go unchecked. Suck on that, Jack Smith.

What the hell is going on with Bitcoin? I don't know crypto from crapto so I'll just put that out there. I remember starting to notice when it was trading in the sixty-thousand dollar range give or take. It made me wish that I had gotten in on the crypto craze when it was trading in the thousands back in 2010 or thereabouts. Then, it went from sixty thousand down to sixteen thousand before bouncing back to sixty thousand somewhat today. It's a fucking roller coaster is what it is. Of course, I've also heard many a story in the last few years about coin companies going bust, wallets disappearing, and criminals like Bankman-Fried who amass fortunes on the backs of investors and then declare bankruptcy. I'll take my chances with companies that have actual products and reportable earnings. That's not to say that some of those companies don't become high flyers with nosebleed-level multiples. You know what they say. Here today, gone tomorrow. Think Sears and F. W. Woolworths. I'm a sucker for rags-to-riches stories so keep those coming. Where the price of Bitcoin goes now is anyone's guess. Can it go to a million? Sure. Will it go to zero? Probably not.

I'd forgotten that Apple was working on developing their version of an electric vehicle until I read this week that they're getting out of the business. Apparently, they're now transferring resources from the EV team to the Apple Team working on Artificial Intelligence (AI.) I don't think I ever had high hopes one way or another to get behind the wheel of an electric car developed by Apple, but you know what they say. Hope springs eternal. That whole industry seems to be taking it on the chin these days for a variety of reasons. Losing money on each and every EV model sold is simply not a sustainable business model. If it's true that two out of three EV owners typically rent cars when they go on longer trips, that's just fucked up. If I had an electric car, you could count me out when the temperature goes below freezing. Part of me thinks that Apple, with Steve Jobs at the helm, could have pulled this EV venture off. With Tim Cook at the helm, not so much. When was the last time Apple did anything really innovative? I'm sorry, they are just not cutting the mustard. As for their lineup of Dick Tracy watches, I'm just as happy with my $29 watch from Walmart that I never have to charge overnight. It's good to go when I am. Try harder, Apple.

Do you know who also isn't too happy about this latest Supreme Court ruling? You guess it. Birdbrain Haley. She's been hanging around primary in and primary out waiting for Jack Smith to put Trump behind bars so she can step in and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. That may not be the appropriate phrase, but it's close enough. Nobody likes a fucking vulture. I think I heard that she made some inane comment or other in voicing her apparent displeasure at the Court's ruling. It wasn't any different than that coming from the left-wing media that goes something like this: No one is above the law. Now, Birdbrain, what is your rationale for staying in the race? And I have to say this, does Trump look like David in the David versus Goliath drama now that he's slain most if not all of these lawfare dragons that he's faced? Americans love a good come-from-behind story, and if anyone has faced more improbable odds of winning any one or more of the 91 criminal indictments against him without stepping a foot in the courtroom, it's the one, the inimitable, Donald J. Trump.

That rogue mother fucker of a federal prosecutor, Jack Smith, is now looking to fast-track his classified documents/obstruction case against Trump in Eileen Canon's courtroom in Florida. He's desperate to get a conviction in any courtroom between now and Election Day. The Supreme Court took away his DC case against Trump last week, and that case will never go to court between now and election day. I'm hoping that Eileen Canon, a Trump appointee, will avoid a potential circus in her courtroom by denying Smith the chance to prosecute Joe Biden's political opponent, who just happens to be the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party, just a handful of months out from Election Day. If I'm not mistaken, Smith wants the trial to begin a week before the Republican Party holds its national convention in the July-August timeframe. Here we go again with the fucking election interference bullshit. You should hear the Marxist mainstream media. They've gone from clutching their pearls over the Supreme Court decision to salivating over the prospects of their boy, Jack Smith, getting Trump in front of a judge and jury ahead of the Republican National Convention this summer. Here's my advice: Be careful what you ask for.

I'm looking forward to watching the Willis trial on television today. I hear that they have a wine taster who is willing to testify that Willis paid cash for a tasting that she and her lover, Wade, attended while vacationing in Nappa Valley. Whether the judge allows this witness is another question. Just out of curiosity, what is the point of allowing this testimony? It hardly puts to rest the issue of who paid for what and when as it relates to vacations and dinners Willis and her lover enjoyed while doing what lovers do. The central issue is whether or not Willis hired her lover to manage the Trump RICO case and who benefitted financially (kickbacks) or otherwise from the arrangement. I think we have closing arguments today so that should put a nice big bow on everything that we've seen and heard thus far in the trial. I think the consensus is that both Willis and Wade perjured themselves during the course of the trial. I also think that nobody believes that their relationship began after Willis hired Wade to manage the Trump case. Will one or both be disbarred for perjury? Will the two agree to step down from the case in order to avoid the perjury charges? This is it, boys and girls. This is where the rubber meets the road.

We continue to see stories in the media about this or that illegal alien committing heinous acts against American citizens. The story about that Laken woman being brutally murdered by an illegal alien from Venezuela is just the latest horror show brought to our shores by Bumbling Joe Biden and his malevolent Administration. I see a lot of photos in the media of criminals alleged to have committed crimes, but they rarely tell the whole story. It's almost like there's a complete blackout by the media when it comes to crimes committed by illegal aliens. They just never tell us the country of origin or the immigration status of the alleged perpetrators. It gets worse. Biden, in his first trip to the border since his inauguration in 2021, referred to the illegal aliens as "newcomers." Can you fucking imagine? Trump was also at the border yesterday and rightly referred to them as "illegal aliens." Trump mentioned that he phoned the parents of the Laken woman to give them his condolences on the senseless murder of their beautiful child. Biden never bothered to pick up the phone. If her parents weren't Trump supporters before, they are now. Life's lessons come hard sometimes. You live, and you learn.

I keep waiting for somebody, anybody, to tell the truth about what they see when they get up close and personal with Joe Biden. We all know he's seriously demented, but none of us has any idea of what that looks like since we are, by and large, bystanders in the shit show we know as the Biden Administration. I guess it makes sense that no one in the White House is talking smack about their boss. That could be carreer ending. I guess it also makes sense that no world leader spending any time with Joe Biden is willing to spill the beans on the guy sitting across from him holding his cue cards for fear of not being invited back to the Oval Office. Or, even worse, have their funding cut off. Kevin McCarthy, the prior Republican Speaker of the House commented yesterday that every time he sat down with President Biden, Biden couldn't carry on a conversation without his cue cards. I think his exact words were, "He sticks to the cards." "He would just read from his cards." Is it too much to expect, and this is me speaking, to have a president who can complete a full sentence without having to look at a teleprompter or cue card? The stooge even had a teleprompter when he met with the Border Patrol in Texas yesterday. It's just unbelievable.

One story that seemed to fly under the radar these past couple of days is the story about the Jewish doctor in San Diego who was murdered by a guy named Mohammed. The headline alone is a little concerning. I'm not sure the story, even if you read it in the papers, is going to tell you everything there is to know about what really happened. If I had to draw my own conclusions, I might be tempted to think that this has something to do with Israel's war against the Palestinians in Gaza. I'd be curious to know if this Mohammed fellow is an illegal alien, allowed to enter our country by Joe Biden and given an airline ticket to the American city of his choice and a court date some 5-7 years out. What American Israelis have to be asking themselves is after hearing this story is, assuming they hear it at all, how many more Mohanmmeds are there out there? Another story that caught my eye yesterday was about some country, maybe France, who put money in their national budget to protect Jews in response, I suppose, to increased rates of antisemitism. Imagine what a move like this would do for Biden's support in the Jewish community were he to propose such a thing. Why he has their support, to begin with, aside from the fact that Biden is a Democrat, is a mystery to me.

I listened to the closing arguments in the Willis hearing yesterday. The attorneys representing Trump and his co-defendants were pretty darn good and covered everything from soup to nuts. I was less interested in what the State had to say to counter the arguments laid out by Trump's team but listened to a bit of it anyway. Let me just cut to the chase. The guy representing the State was hard to listen to. He was all over the place and not making a lot of sense in the process. At one point, the missus, who was on the computer just a few feet away from me, turned around and asked me, "Who is this guy"? The judge took exception to any number of his claims and challenged his grasp of the facts on several points. I was thinking to myself if this is the best that this particular office has to offer, it's little wonder that Willis and Wade have gotten themselves in the pickle that they find themselves in. Willis probably ran the office with little to no pushback from anyone who might otherwise offer her constructive feedback on how to best conduct herself in her personal and professional life. She sat at the head table just feet away from the judge wearing a slutty red dress with inch-long fake eyelashes and looking more like a hooker awaiting sentencing than the District Attorney for one of the largest counties in the State of Georgia. How much any of this has to do with what the judge decides at the end of the day is anyone's guess. Does he really need two weeks to render a decision?

What was I hearing yesterday about an appeals court in Washington coming down in favor of the January 6th defendants and slamming Biden's Justice Department for proposing that January 6th defendants receive enhanced sentences for "Interfering with the administration of justice"? In the one case in question, they did affirm the court's finding that the defendant did "obstruct Congress's certification of the electoral count." This latter case is currently under review by the Supreme Court and, if the Supremes disagree with the lower court, we could see many of these sentences reversed. Is it a surprise that any or all of these cases, including the cases against Trump, are falling apart? I also find the timing of these decisions interesting considering the release of even more footage of the January 6th "insurrection" by Speaker Mike Johnson. I heartily agree that those rioters who fought with the Capitol police should be punished as appropriate. Anyone else who was either inside or outside the Capitol building on that day, and who was arrested and charged, should be pardoned. Biden won't pardon them because his Democrat Party was responsible for the January 6th hoax that they continue to perpetuate to this day as the darkest day in the history of our Republic. It's no such thing. Not even close. Only Trump can pardon them now, and that will have to wait until he is inaugurated in January 2025. Unless, of course, the Supremes step in first.

Trump swept the caucuses in Michigan, Missouri, and Idaho last night. I don't know how many delegates he walked away with but I'm guessing if there were one or two stragglers here and there that they must have gone to Birdbrain. Will Trump be the first non-incumbent in the history of the primary/caucus system to win them all? Did I mention that he held two back-to-back rallies yesterday in North Carolina and Virginia? The polls have him losing to Biden in Virginia given Virginia's proximity to Washington DC and all the DC employees who could lose their jobs if Biden loses his. So, why the heck is he holding a rally in Virginia? Does he know something that we don't? Super Tuesday is coming up in a couple of days and I'm looking forward to it if for no other reason than we're going to see a throttling of Birdbrain like we've never seen before. I can't wait to see that concession speech, assuming she drops out after getting shellacked in over 15 states. We'll see if Trump bothers to mention her name in his victory speech. I don't think she deserves a mention, but that's me.

Day At The Beach

Let's get this party started, boys and girls. We've got a new week on our hands, so let's make the best of the next 7 days to get as much as we can down on paper. Today is President's Day so there's not much going on in the financial markets. I think Nividia reports on Wednesday, and that could swing things one way or another, but that's still a couple of days away. We also have perhaps another week of the Fanni Willis bullshit down there in Georgia. I don't know what to think about the prospects for that case. There is no jury so we'll have to see how the judge comes down at the end of the day. He's a white guy who's up for reelection in a mostly black district, so I'm not holding my breath. He also seems very decent so there's that. Will the Supreme Court decide both Colorado and the presidential immunity cases in Trump's favor? Let's hope so.


I read something yesterday about Putin threatening to nuke a few major cities in Europe and the United States if the powers that be attempt to claw back Ukrainian territories gained by Russia. I think Washington D.C. was mentioned specifically as were major cities like London, etc. Can you imagine? It sounds an awful lot like mutually assured destruction to me. There are no winners in these kinds of things. As much as I like to think it would reduce the number of scumbag politicians we have in Washington D.C., the collateral damage caused by the detonation would be unthinkable. Beyond unthinkable, actually. The same can be said for the sheer devastation caused by the missiles launched from sea to shining sea in Europe. The fervor and obsessive hatred of Putin and all things Russia day in and day out in the Halls of Congress must be tempered for the sake of our future and the futures of our children. Where there's a will, there's a way.

I was reading something yesterday about the fact that large portions of Ukraine have been ceded to multinational corporations over the last few years. So, Ukrainian boys and girls are giving their lives on the battlefield fighting to protect land that no longer belongs to Ukraine? It's one thing to ask your fellow countrymen to fight for your country and quite another to send them into the charnel house that is on the front lines with Russia in order to protect the interests of multinational corporations. That may explain why Zelensky would like nothing more than to have Americans fighting Russians in Ukraine. It may also help explain why he thinks he's entitled to an unlimited supply of financial and military support from the United States and other countries. It might be interesting to know as well just how much of Ukraine's territory now in Russia's sphere belonged to somebody other than Ukraine. Good luck getting any of that land back from Russia. It might also be interesting to find out which of the multinational corporations that now own vast tracts of land in Ukraine have donated to the Democrat Party. Let's not forget the Big Guy's cut (ten percent.)

I watched Trump's rally in Michigan this past weekend. I was thinking to myself, what the hell is he doing in Michigan when South Carolina's primary is this coming weekend (Feb 24th)? In looking at the primary calendar this morning I see that Michigan's primary is on the 27th of this month. Damn, I've heard little to nothing of the Michigan primary. I'm guessing that has a lot to do with the fact that Birdbrain Haley hails from South Carolina and that's where the media has been focusing their efforts. If I hear Birdbrain say one more time that we are going to have a female president and it will either be her or Kamala Harris, I think I'm going to lose it. She's so far gone that she was quoted on one of the Sunday talk shows yesterday saying that she either can't or won't endorse Trump if he's the Party's candidate in the Fall. That's one way to make sure that you'll never have another shot at the White House now that you've pissed off or otherwise alienated every last one of Trump's eighty-some-odd million supporters. The polls have Trump beating her by roughly thirty points in South Carolina so let's see if we can't put the final nail in her coffin there before she goes on to make an even bigger fool of herself in States like Michigan.

I don't spend a lot of time writing about Israel because it's a complicated subject and not something I know much about. I understand what Israel is trying to accomplish in routing out Hamas wherever they are and it makes sense to me. Do I think it's overkill in some areas? Yes, I do. That doesn't mean I think Israel shouldn't keep going until they achieve their objectives. Israel announced recently that they were going to send troops into Rafah, which is a Palestinian city in the southern Gaza Strip. That likely means more Palestinian civilian deaths and untold carnage the likes of what we've seen in Gaza overall. Here's the deal, as Bumbles Biden tells us: In order to satisfy the progressive moonbats whose support he'll need in the November elections in their eternal quest to stop Israel from killing Palestinians, even if it means that Israel will not achieve their objectives, Bumbles wants a vote in the UN to stop Israel from going into Rafah. Are you telling me that Biden is an empty suit whose policies depend on which way the wind is blowing at any given moment? That's exactly what I'm telling you. He just stabbed Israel in the back, but you wouldn't know that from reading fish wrappers like the New York Times. It's a sad sad state of affairs.

Well, there you have it. No sooner did I comment on Birdbrain Haley than she announced that she'll be making an announcement today at noon on the "state of the race." We're four days away from the South Carolina primary, and she is down, even by conservative estimates, some 25 points against Trump. This is one of those types of deals where you get the hell out of the race so you can live to fight another day. Nobody wants to get shellacked in their home state, I mean nobody. She's actually been stepping up her attacks on Trump as of late so stepping down now seems a little weird. Then again, what's the point of making this speech so close to the primary? Maybe she has a revelation of sorts to proclaim. Will this be yet another "grab them by the pussy" moment for Trump and his campaign? Who the hell knows? I wouldn't put anything past Birdbrain knowing how desperate she is to be elected president. She's never lost an election, don't you know. She'll be the first to tell you that. I'll be tuning in to hear what she has to say to be sure. If this is nothing more than a ploy to appeal to a wider audience, I'll be moving on to something else and quickly.

Now we have Prince William saying that too many Palestinians have been killed in the Israel-Hamas war and that the fighting should end "as soon as possible." He needs to mind his own fucking business. Are we Americans telling him and his Royal family to stop doing this or that when it comes to international affairs? Then again, maybe Bumbles Biden asked that the Royals weigh in and echo Bumble's constant crowing that Israel stop killing Palestinians. They know that Biden is senile. Right? Why would you go along with the wishes of a demented old fuck who, at any given time, doesn't know what day of the week it is? Maybe Willy is just tipping his hand on how he and his fellow Brits are planning to vote should it end up for a vote at the UN. I'm not a big monarchy guy so don't sound so surprised to see me taking shots at the Crown from time to time. I'm of the opinion that Buckingham Palace, and any number of other Crown-owned palatial estates dotting the English countryside, would be better put to use were they to be freed up to house the homeless. I'm not talking about housing illegal aliens from Rwanda. Don't get me going on illegal aliens.

Maybe it's me. I listen to Trump speaking these days, and I hear the same old tired stories. I love the guy and think he'll do a great job in his third term come January next year. But, I think his repeating the same old stories time and time again is a function of age and foreshadows a potential loss of linguistic flexibility that one typically associates with the onset of dementia or worse. That said, he's head and shoulders ahead of Biden by any stretch of the imagination as I sit here today. We've also seen how rapidly this sort of thing can advance in just a few years by comparing Biden now to when he was inaugurated three-plus years ago. How soon after Trump's inauguration will we see him taking extended vacations and calling lids halfway through the workday? We all loved his sparring sessions with the "fake news media" types, and those, too, could go the way of the albatross if I'm right about any of this. Then again, if what we're seeing is nothing more than Trump slowing down in old age then I think that's something that we can work with. As my guy, Gary Kaltbaum, loves to say, I think we need to see a few more cards come out of the deck before we get a better sense as to where we're going with any of this.

I don't mean to sound insensitive but why does the West need to praise this guy Navalny as some kind of martyr? Unless you bow to the leftist media and sing the praises of the guy while simultaneously blaming Putin for allegedly killing him then you are a Putin apologist, or worse. Of course, I condemn anyone who poisons or jails his political opponents, so if it's true what they say about Putin doing all those things to Navalny, then that's not good. You can despise Putin for what he does when it comes to silencing (or worse) his political opponents without demanding that one join a chorus of clapping seals who never miss a chance to pillory one of America's favorite straw dogs, Vladamir Putin. The mainstream media excoriated Trump for not having anything to say about Navalny's untimely demise in the immediate aftermath of his death and then gave him a few more editorial elbows when he said what he said when he said it, which was not soon enough for the leftist media. I just think that this is really about the Military Industrial Complex and their leftist enablers in Biden's White House finding one more reason to demonize Putin as if Putin's shock troops killing tens of thousands of Ukrainians since the beginning of the war isn't enough. Criticizing Trump is just icing on the cake.

The missus will sing my praises this morning when she finds out that I whipped together a mushroom, broccoli, and cheese quiche before the sun came up. It's been a while since I made a quiche so I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things now that I've made one. What getting back into the swing of things means exactly, I can't say. I do wish we had a nice grapefruit to go with the quiche. A smattering of home fries would be nice too. Does anyone care for a rash of bacon? Maybe we'll have to settle for a nice piece of buttered raisin toast. A half slice a piece would do the trick, I imagine. I have some orange juice in the fridge which we may or may not have with our breakfast. Why did I buy that in the first place? It's so sugary and sweet and not something that we typically keep on hand. How about some V8 with a squeeze of lemon? Now we're talking. I took a picture of the quiche right out of the oven because it is not nearly as pretty once it starts to cool and deflate. I could crawl back into bed and show the missus my photo before she has a chance to lay eyes on the now-deflated quiche. I could, but I won't.

I'm beginning to wonder if the Supreme Court is waiting until Friday of this week to issue their decisions on both the Colorado and Trump's presidential immunity cases. I'm not sure if that portends good or bad news for Trump. One of the left-wing media outlets had a chyron up the better part of the day yesterday announcing that the Court's decision was imminent. Other outlets said nothing because there was nothing to say. There was no announcement, which means that we could get the ruling today (Thursday) or possibly tomorrow. In New York City, the District Attorney, Letitia James, announced that if Trump doesn't put up the bond for the $350 million judgment in the civil fraud case, she will go to the courts and ask the courts to approve the seizure of his properties. I take a certain amount of pleasure in learning about the various and sundry real estate and financial institutions that are making plans to leave the Big Apple now that the Marxists have taken control of the Courts as evidenced by the Trump civil fraud case. Burn it the fuck down, is what I say. Is there any question in anyone's mind that once Trump Tower is confiscated that each and every tenant will be given 30 days to vacate the premises whereupon the units will be filled once again with illegal aliens from shithole countries around the world?

It seems crazy to me that getting these nonsensical judgments overturned, such as we see in Trump's civil fraud case, take as long as they do to get squared away, if at all. I would say the same thing about any convictions that may come down on one or more of Trump's criminal cases. Just so you know, Jack Smith has had many of his cases overturned by the Supreme Court, but the damage had already been done so there was little to no recourse for the plaintiff. What I'm saying is that Smith may get a conviction in court, and that conviction may get overturned, but not before Trump loses an election because he's been branded by a jury of his peers as a "felon." Such is Smith's mandate from Biden's DOJ, truth be told. I heard someone say that it will be two years before Trump's civil fraud case gets in front of an Appeals court. Maybe they were referring to the Supreme Court, which only hears cases after they've wound their way through the appeals court process. Once on the docket in the Supreme Court, it can take months before we get a decision. There is a chance that the New York Appeals Court will do the right thing and either throw out the case or substantially reduce the amount of the judgment. They cannot take the risk of seeing businesses fleeing the state en masse.


The stock market has been on a bit of a tear going back to the October bottom in 2023. Nvidia, the chipmaker, really juiced the Market yesterday. From the various and sundry tweets I read in the days leading up to the release of Nvidia's earnings after the close yesterday, you had two choices. If you thought the earnings were going to be gangbusters, you put all your chips in the middle of the table. If you thought they were going to fall short, you were shorting the bejesus out of the stock. It went without saying that as Nvidia goes, so goes the Market. You might even think of Nvidia as the new Apple (AAPL) since this is the kind of anticipation and Market reaction that we once saw when Apple reported its quarterly earnings. Let's just say that Nvidia didn't disappoint. It provided fuel for the entire Market, driving the NASDAQ (+2.9%) and S&P (2.11%) to an all-time high for the two indices. Is 2024 following the 1999 pattern in the stock market, where it went vertical for the better part of the year? Or, are things getting a bit frothy here where it makes sense to bank a few profits? One would hate to get out only to see the market continue its meteoric ascent. Then again, pullbacks, while typically healthy, can also be quite painful. Maybe there's something to be said for the cliche, "The trend is your friend."

Biden is hinting at putting together an executive action that will result in fewer people crossing into our country illegally. Wait a minute. Didn't the Democrats just try to get a bipartisan immigration bill across the finish line that did the same thing? That bill died a miserable death in the Senate and never made it to the House for a vote. Republicans have been saying since day one that Biden had all the power he needed to close the border and no additional legislation was required. I don't know who Biden and the people surrounding him think they're fooling with his latest offer of an executive action. Maybe they think that there are just enough voters who are gullible enough to believe that Biden wants to do something to solve the illegal alien problem that it can't hurt to put it out there as a trial balloon. Biden has allowed some ten million illegal aliens into our country since his inauguration, and he'll be keeping the gates open for another 10 million or so between now and Election Day executive action or no executive action. He and his Democrat Party are determined to turn red states blue to achieve their ultimate wet dream of a one-party rule country. And, don't think for a moment that if Biden wins a second term he and his party won't be packing the Supreme Court. If lying through your teeth is what it takes, Biden won't disappoint.

I finally bit the bullet and bought a soundbar for our new television. I had no idea that soundbars were a thing. When did this all start? I know television speakers can sound a bit tinny, but they're not so bad that you find yourself needing to "fix" the problem by adding a secondary sound source. Or, are they? Is that by design? Are the television manufacturers in cahoots with the soundbar manufacturers? Some of the soundbars I looked at online are more expensive than the televisions. Well, at least the television that we purchased recently. Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of a home theater as much as the next guy. I worry that we'll get to the point where televisions won't come with internal speakers anymore. The darn things, and I'm talking about the televisions, are wafer-thin to begin with these days. And, that's with speakers. I had to look around the back and the bottom of my set just to assure myself that I didn't buy a television set without speakers. Even then, I couldn't be sure that the vents I was looking at weren't for ventilation instead of sound. Just to be safe, I purchased a soundbar with a brand name that matches the brand name of our television. See how that works?

I'm starting to worry a little bit about the cash advantage that the Democrats have going into the final stretch between now and Election Day. You've got all of these well-heeled Hollywood high-flyers, high-tech billionaires, and music icons making contributions to the Democrat Party thinking, and probably rightly so, that cash is the mother's milk of politics. The Marxists can flood the airwaves with their propaganda while Republicans are still passing the hat for small-donor contributions at the local Home Depot. It's not helping that the Democrats and their Marxist counterparts in the legal system are levying outrageous and onerous fines on the leading candidate in our Party to further cripple our ability to level the playing field. I'm talking about the $400 million dollar fine levied aginst Trump. They knew full well that it was Trump's working capital that they were tapping and they gleefully took every last penny. If you can't put your political opponent in jail, robbing him of his ability to compete in a presidential race by taking his cash is the next best thing. These mother fuckers are playing for keeps. We need to do the same. What that means and what that looks like, I'm not sure. Brother, can you spare a dime?

Today (Saturday) is the South Carolina primary. What I didn't know about this primary is that anyone from either party (Democrat or Republican) who didn't vote in the Democrat primary earlier in the month can now vote in today's Republican primary. Where did I hear that Birdbrain Haley was urging both Republicans, and Democrats who missed the opportunity earlier this month, to show up and vote in today's primary? What that means is that she's asking Democrats to help carry her across the finish line since there aren't enough Republicans to get the job done. The polls have had Trump with a 25-30 point lead for a while now. What I don't know is whether or not those polls included Democrats. If they didn't include Democrats, and Birdbrain's folly works to her benefit, we could see a very different outcome tonight after the polls close. Birdbrain will be running around proclaiming to be the 2024 version of the Comeback Kid, and Trump will have to find a way to explain why he didn't win with a larger margin. I think the last thing we want to do at this point is to give any oxygen at all to the embers that heretofore had fueled Birdbrain's come-from-behind wet dream. We also cannot tolerate any more shenanigans than usual from the Leftist Democrats, Republican Never-Trumpers, and Republican presidential wannabes, who would give their firstborn in order to ensure that Biden scores a resounding victory in November.

In case you haven't noticed, there is a coordinated effort on behalf of the Biden White House, and leaders of countries around the world to bring pressure to bear on Speaker Mike Johnson and Republicans in the House of Representatives to approve a $60 billion Ukraine funding bill that has been languishing in the House for the last two weeks. Johnson has long made the point that we have no business sending money around the world to protect anyone's borders when our own borders are wide open. Let the mother fucking Europeans foot the bill if they are so determined to see that Putin doesn't win. That's me speaking. The question I have is, who the fuck does Biden think he is by going around the world on bended knee asking world leaders to roll out their propaganda machines to bring pressure to bear on our House of Representatives? We'll never know which leaders pushed back and which leaders rolled over, but that's not the point. I suppose it's also true that every penny we send to Ukraine is one more penny that they don't have to send to Ukraine. If it isn't the world leaders weighing in with their claptrap, Ukraine has their propaganda machines running full tilt with stories replete with photos and video from the front lines about ammunition running low, Russians advancing at an even greater clip, and soldiers who have lost one or more limbs and who want nothing more than to get back to their units where they can continue the fight for their country. Goebbels would be so proud.

And where is that fat fuck of a Secretary of Defense of ours? The last anyone knew, he was dealing with some kind of medical emergency and didn't have the common decency to tell anyone that he was out like a fucking light with a proctologist probing his arse with one or more tools of the so-called trade. So much for the chain of command. While he was gone, we've increased our military footprint across the globe and expanded wars on fronts that most Americans couldn't find on a map. With a befuddled president sitting in a war room watching reruns of Bugs Bunny, our Military Industrial Complex has been busy doing what they do best. It makes you wonder who the hell runs this country of ours. I even saw one post on social media yesterday from Taiwan where they had assembled a group of some kind. This was their message: If Ukraine doesn't win this war with Russia, there is little hope for us here in Taiwan that anyone will come to our aid when China brings a war to our shores. Just shut the fuck up. Besides, who in their right mind thinks that China can't get in and out of Taiwan before the rest of the world wakes up to what's happening on the island of Taiwan? Can you say, Hong Kong? I rest my case.

The South Carolina primary is now in the history books. Trump ended up with 60% of the vote compared to 39% for Birdbrain Haley. Keep in mind that the primary in South Carolina is an open primary which means that both Republicans and Democrats can vote in the Republican primary. You know damn well that Democrats voted en masse to try and pull Birdbrain's rotting carcass out of the ash heap that is her campaign. That is the only way she gets 39% in the primary. Upcoming states in the nominating process are mostly closed so Trump should kick her sorry ass to the curb all the way to the nomination. Trump could have the delegates/votes he needs for the nomination, 1200 or so, by the end of the day on Super Tuesday. Birdbrain will more than likely stay in the race even after Super Tuesday hoping against hope that Trump is put behind bars by the time the convention rolls around in August. Trump's delegates will never vote for Birdbrain so she's wasting her time. Who's going to tell her?

I tuned into the CPAC event over the weekend. The only speech I was really interested in was Trump's speech. He didn't disappoint. The CPAC straw poll, which polled participants at the event, had Trump at something like 94% to Haley's 6%. Needless to say, we all know that only the super party faithful show up at CPAC, so it's no surprise Trump did as well as he did. They also polled on Trump's VP pick and Vivek and Kristi Noem tied for the top spot. That's not a big surprise. I can't recall the exact results of the VP poll, but I have to believe that Tim Scott wasn't far behind. Someone said last night that no candidate has ever won all the nominating contests starting with Iowa in Jan and ending with South Carolina last night. Well, Trump did. One other interesting statistic is that only one candidate who won in South Carolina has ever gone on to lose the nomination. For all of those nitwits who have been clutching their pearls about not being satisfied or wanting a repeat of the 2020 race between Trump and Biden, here's my advice: Buckle up. Is there a chance that Birdbrain can join the no-party ticket and run as a third party when she loses her ass bigly between now and Super Tuesday? Maybe that's the game she's playing.

Willy Nilly

We got us a Nor'easter coming in tomorrow. We're expecting maybe half a foot or more of snow. It's all coming down during the day so that will be easier to deal with. There is nothing worse than waking up to a foot of snow on the ground. I'll go out several times during the day to clear a bit of snow and it will be easy peasy. A piece of cake. Anytime we have a Nor'easter, there is always the chance that we'll lose electricity. Do I have enough gas in our generator if that happens? I'll look at that today. It's times like these when I wish we had a home generator and not one of those free-wheeling units that I have to move in and out of my garage when we lose power. Maybe we'll rectify that this year. How much does that sort of thing cost anyway? Will I wish I had bitten the bullet down the road and got it done if I don't end up doing it now? Probably.


The Ev man was over for a visit yesterday. It's always good to have the Ev man pay a visit. It was Superbowl Sunday, of course, so we planned a nice spread to enjoy during the game. The missus made her lovely chicken wing recipe, and she threw together a pan of delicious cornbread to go with it. The plan all along was to have the Ev man leave for home later that evening with some very tasty leftovers. If that meant the missus and I had one less chicken wing a piece, so he would have more to take home, then that is what we did. He loved the Greek salad that I picked up from Martha's in Hampton. Is that in Hampton or Seabrook? I bought two large Greek salads, one for the missus and me and one for the Ev man. I actually stopped in to buy the salads, so the missus wouldn't have to stop there on her way home from Massachusetts. Bad things happen after dark and I wasn't taking any chances. I dropped the Ev man home just a bit after 8 pm and returned home just in time to catch the second half of the game.

Just because we have a snowstorm coming in tomorrow doesn't mean that I'm not going to try and get a bike ride in today. I'm satisfied if I can ride every other day these days seeing that February can be a cruel month weather-wise. If we're not getting too much snow to ride, then it's too cold to ride. We've had so little snow this winter that snow hasn't been a problem. It also hasn't been terribly cold so that's been great. What I don't need now, now that Spring is right around the corner, are back-to-back snow storms for the next few weeks that make riding more difficult than it has to be. Let's hope that this is a one and done snow storm, and I get to resume my biking activities as I would ordinarily do. Did I mention that I was riding the other day when temperatures along the coast topped out at 60 degrees? I couldn't believe the amount of traffic. It was worse than any summer day by a healthy margin. I saw an eagle on Eel Pond, and I stopped on the roadway to pick up a pair of sunglasses that someone had lost. It's finder's keepers, loser's weepers. It was also just a matter of time before someone or something ran over the shades. Not sure who's going to end up using them, if anyone.

Is it me, or are there an awful lot of Democrat politicians coming out in the wake of the Special Counsel's report and saying that they have regular conversations with President Biden, and that he's sharp as a tack? They are circling the wagons to protect one of the most corrupt and cognitively challenged presidents in the history of our country. He's being beaten like a drum in the polls by Trump, and he and his cabal are pulling out all the stops to do whatever they have to do to get his feeble ass back in the White House for a second term. I personally don't think he knows what day of the week it is on any given day, so one has to wonder who exactly it is if it isn't Biden who is willing to do whatever it takes to win the election in November. Is it Obama? Is it Susan Rice? Is it that asshole, Jake Sullivan? Is he the real president? The stuff coming out of the mouths of these Democrat politicians is really just a bridge too far. Is there any question about a damn one of them that they wouldn't sell their souls to keep this demented corrupt old fuck in office? This is who they are. This is what they do.

I don't follow the TikTok stuff too closely, but I do believe the scuttlebutt about TikTok being a tool of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I know that various past administrations have tried, without success, to ban the application because of its utility to the CCP. I think the government banned the use of the app on government-issued devices so that's probably prudent in a lot of ways. So, there is a story in the news today about Biden signing on to the TikTok app. That has probably been the plan all along. Biden's ties to Beijing and the CCP are well known, so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that he's now signed up to use the app. You know that Biden is very concerned about losing the youth vote to Trump and this may well explain why he's now signing up on TikTok. Do you think that he cares one whit about compromising national intelligence or some other bullshit if it means the difference between winning the election and losing the election? Don't delude yourself. He does not. Nor do the people he surrounds himself with.

Kamala "Word-Salad" Harris was quoted recently as saying "She is ready to serve." Who thinks that this complete nitwit of a Vice President hasn't been salivating since joining the Democrat ticket back in 2019 and just waiting for the then somewhat dementia-riddled Joe Biden to get taken out using the 25th amendment to our Constitution? I can hear her now. What the hell is it going to take to get this damn fool off the world stage? What do you mean I can't measure the drapes in the Oval Office? What aren't Biden's Cabinet members calling for a discussion about implementing the 25th amendment? Those are just a few examples. Biden also wouldn't be the first dementia patient to serve in the office of the presidency so there's that. You know things are bad when the New York Times calls for you to step down. To be honest, I'm not sure it will matter who sits in the Oval Office. It's the people behind the curtains that have been running the show since 2020, and I don't think that's going to change once Harris becomes president. Maybe we'll get presidential press conferences back again. That should be fun.

I'm sitting here wondering if I can watch the Fanny Willis hearing on television this week. It's a state court, so I should be able to tune in. Right? She's the cunt of a District Attorney in Georgia trying to convict Trump and his attorneys on RICO charges for making a telephone call on Election night in 2020. Remember that call? Trump was just trying to make sure that every VALID vote got counted. This particular case out of Georgia is part and parcel of a larger lawfare operation being run against Trump out of the White House to steal yet another election. Georgians see it for what it is. One of the defendants caught on to the shenanigans of Fanny and her boyfriend, Wade, the prosecutor she hired to handle the case, and is asking the Court to disqualify her and her beau from the case. Who doesn't love a little well-deserved comeuppance? Now, I think Trump's attorneys can reasonably make the case that she lied to the Court about her relationship with the prosecutor in terms of when that relationship started. It's coming apart at the seams, folks. At a minimum, Fanny's fat ass ends up in jail and the case gets reassigned. Best case scenario, it all goes away either as a result of Fanny's criminal behavior, or when Trump gets reelected in November.

I've been meaning to sit down and watch Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin for the better part of a week now. I think the damn thing runs around 2 hours. I hear that the first 30 minutes of the interview is Vlad giving Tucker a history lesson on Russia so I might fast forward through that section. Every time that I hear that Putin was willing to sit down and work things out with Zelensky early on in Russia's war with Ukraine, only to have those talks summarily scuttled by Biden's White House, I'm left slack-jawed about the needless deaths on both sides that could have been avoided were it not for the decisions made by Biden and his minions. That's one reason I want to listen to the interview. I also want to be sure that I go into the viewing/listening with my eyes wide open. Putin, no doubt, has his own agenda, so I need to take what he has to say with a grain or two of salt. I would apply the same filters to the bullshit coming out of government. I understand that Tucker also interviewed Tara Reade while in Russia. She is the US citizen who accused Biden of digitally raping her while she worked as an aide in Congress. Fearing for her life after accusing Biden of his alleged crimes, she moved to Russia out of an abundance of caution. If nothing else, it would be nice to see some suburban moms move back into the Trump column as a result of Reade's accounting of her alleged rape at the hands of a then-United States Senator by the name of Joseph Biden.

Trump has apparently filed paperwork with the Supreme Court on the issue of presidential immunity as a result of the lower court's decision that he is not entitled to immunity for crimes committed while president. The Supremes could force the lower courts to allow Trump to file to have his case heard by the entirety of the Appeals Court and, at the same time, insist that he not be treated any differently than any other defendant in terms of the number of days afforded to his team to file their case, for the courts to hear their case, etc. Is it me or does the presidential immunity issue seem to be tailor-made for the Supreme Court? What the hell do the lower courts know about the issue of presidential immunity? There is no precedent in the history of the United States on the issue. The lower courts, besieged as many of their legal counterparts are these days by Trump Derangement Syndrome, have neither the desire nor the patience to properly adjudicate the issue. Since there is no underlying crime in the case, forgetting the ninety-one lawfare indictments brought against Trump by Biden's henchman from the Hague, Jack Smith, the highest court in the land should take their time and give the case the consideration that it deserves. If that means issuing a stay on all related cases while putting the case on the docket in the Fall after the election, then so be it.

The Republicans finally got the votes to impeach that sack of shit, Mayorkis, on two articles of impeachment related to his flouting the law and ignoring his responsibilities to protect our borders. I don't care that the Senate probably won't even take it to trial. That's not the point, although I wouldn't object to listening to various arguments on both sides of the aisle as to the merits, or demerits as it were, of the case. I hope this piece of shit wears the stain of impeachment like a crown of thorns for his remaining days on the face of God's good earth. He is the first Cabinet member of any administration in the last 150-plus years to be impeached, so it's not nothing. I think a hat tip to Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene is in order. It might never have gotten off the ground were it not for Ms. Taylor. The leftists are likely now to go after Ms. Greene hammer and tong to inflict as much pain as possible. If they can put up a Democrat candidate to take her out on Election Day, they will raise the funds necessary and then some to do so. I think Speaker Mike Johnson also deserves a little credit. Were Kevin McCarthy still Speaker, it might never have gotten to a floor vote.

Man, I did not see that inflation number coming in as hot as it did yesterday. I thought Biden and his people were cooking the books to give us nothing but Goldilocks-like numbers on everything between now and the Election in November. The Dow was down by some 700 points during the day and ended up in the 400-plus area by the close of the Market. It was an interesting reversal on the day of an almost vertical trajectory in the stock market that began at the end of October 2023. Just when you think the market is never going to go down, wham! What the fuck, Jack! Did we just put in an interim top, or will the market ignore it all and get back on track today? I think we're still in the middle of earnings season, where some 80% of the companies have beaten estimates, so that may help in the near term. The higher inflation numbers, or the change in the rate of inflation, may have also put the kibosh on talk of cutting interest rates, so that's not good. Hell, they may have to increase interest rates in order to tame this sticky inflation we're seeing. Let's see if Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell can pull a rabbit or two out of their hats now that the markets are getting a bit wobbly. Are they, or are they not, responsible for price stability? Do they, or do they not, have an interest in seeing Bumbles Biden get reelected for a second term?


I like the idea of a deportation force to remove the ten million or so illegal aliens who have been encouraged by the Biden Administration to cross our borders en masse. I don't know that I understand where Trump is going with the plan when I hear reports that he plans on sending the force into blue states instead of red states. Maybe it's one of those Willie Sutton deals where, when asked why he robs banks, he responded, "That's where the money is." If I had to guess where I'd find the greatest concentration of illegal aliens, I would probably say that we're more likely to find them in blue states than in red states. There are programs galore in blue states that act like magnets for the masses coming from shitholes across the face of the globe where you're lucky to get two squares a day and a place to rest your weary head at night. Maybe it's all about getting the biggest bang for your buck if you're tasked with deporting as many people as you can and as fast as you can. As for residents living in red states, it may be nice to know, post-deportation, that you no longer have to go to sleep at night with a firearm by your side to protect your family should your home be broken into or otherwise compromised. You no longer have to worry about your daughters being accosted or that you may return to your home after work someday to find a family of illegals taking up residence in your home.

I'm getting a little concerned that with the loss of another Republican seat in Congress yesterday the Republicans may not have the votes they need to impeach Biden if and when that day arrives. Has that been the plan all along? Have the Republicans decided that their chances of taking back the White House in the Fall are better if they don't impeach Biden? Are they worried about kicking off a wave of sympathy for the beleaguered and demented old fuck by dragging his sorry ass through the rigors of impeachment in the House and a trial in the Senate? Who wouldn't want front-row seats to that circus? Did I mention that Tony Bobulinski, Biden's business partner back in the day, was in Congress yesterday, giving testimony behind closed doors? I don't know why they had to do that behind closed doors. Doesn't the public have the right to know about the Biden Crime Family and their alleged extensive criminal ventures across the globe? If we can't impeach Biden, how will the Committee that's been investigating Biden for the better part of two years now share the information they have with the American public so they know who they're voting for when they go behind the curtain in November?

Putin is quoted as saying that he would prefer Joe Biden to Trump in the upcoming election. Is that some kind of twisted 3-dimensional chess, or what? I think he said something about Biden being more "predictable." One thing we know about the Trump presidency during his first term was that our country was not involved in any wars around the globe. Much of that so-called deterrence had to do with the fact that no one knew what Trump was willing or capable of doing when push came to shove. Would he launch nuclear missiles willy-nilly? He wasn't a politician so he had no history for our enemies to draw upon when trying to decide what he would and would not do. Trump has even offered to broker a settlement to end the Russian aggression against Ukraine once in office for his second term, so one would think that would be of interest to Putin. It's also important to understand that Putin knows that Joe Biden is a bowl of oatmeal away from being committed to a long-term care facility. That means he ends up dealing with Kamala Harris. I don't even know what that looks like, but it should scare the bejeesus out of every American.

What the hell was Mike Turner thinking when he sent that cryptic tweet yesterday about some kind of imminent threat to our national security coming from Russia yesterday? The guy is a Congressman on the Intelligence Committee, for chrissakes, so it was kind of hard not to take him seriously when he said what he said on Twitter. Turner was basically saying that Americans have to right to know about threats imminent and otherwise coming from our enemies and that Biden should declassify the materials without delay. His tweet was a little more pointed than that, but you get the idea. The Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, went to the podium within a half hour of Turner's rant and promptly downplayed the matter. Turner's comments created a firestorm of concern that had some people wondering what the hell was coming down the pike. It felt a little like the Cuban Missile Crisis in the moment, but it never seemed to take on a life of its own over the course of the afternoon. As the dust settled in the early evening, people began to suspect that Turner's tweet had more to do with getting the House of Representatives to vote for the bill to give Ukraine $60 billion than it did with anything having to do with national security.

If it turns out that Turner was sitting in Ukraine with Zelensky when he sent that tweet, I think Turner needs to lose his seat on the Intelligence Committee and be sanctioned for his irresponsible behavior. Maybe the guy has lost his damn mind. We all know that Zelensky would like nothing more than to drag Americans into his war with Russia, so what he said to get Turner to send that tweet remains to be seen. I also saw articles yesterday about Ukraine running out of ammunition, so I understand that what we're seeing from the neocons in our country is a full-out propaganda assault on and against those people in Congress holding up the funding for Ukraine. Then you have the ass-clowns who will tell you with a straight face that any and all funding for Ukraine approved by Congress is really going to our defense contractors in our country to replenish our stocks, and if the funding doesn't come through, then their constituents who work in the defense industry may well lose their jobs and livelihoods. It's Goebbels-level propaganda on steroids. Putin won't stop with Ukraine if we don't stop him in his tracks, they warn. Yeah, it all looks like a ruse now that we're seeing it for what it is. Not another fucking penny! Sorry, not sorry.

Wow! Just wow. Have you been watching this legal drama involving Fanni Will and Nathan Wade unfold down there in Georgia? I'm watching the hearings on YouTube and thinking to myself, this is what passes for legal jurisprudence deep in the bowels of Fulton County, Georgia? These two complete ass clowns are wanting to take down Trump and his legal team on RICO charges? They'll be lucky if they keep their law licenses after this hearing. I think it's probably a good bet that Fanni and her entire office will be wholly and disgracefully disqualified after the revelations we've heard coming out of their mouths on the stand. All of these so-called cash payments that were exchanged between the two of them without so much as a receipt for any of the withdrawals. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that the cash used for their extravagant trips came from external leftist organizations who were, and still are, collaborating with the White House to take down Trump in yet another lawfare case? And you can't tell me, after listening to Wade, that this backwater ambulance chaser has the chops to take on a RICO case against the former president of the United States.

It was quite clear to anyone with any common sense that these two had concocted and collaborated on their stories beforehand. None of the sources and uses of cash could be verified and that was the plan all along. The attorneys questioned Wade at length about any receipts that he might have that could help prove that he was telling the truth. He was adamant that no receipts existed, and he was sticking to his story until they finally got him to admit that while he had no receipts, he did have statements. Wut? Fanni stuck to her story that she kept her cash at home and that was the source from which she reimbursed Wade for her share of the trips that they took together. If all of the cash that she kept at home came from her paychecks from the county, which were direct deposits into her bank, surely she could show a bank statement to that effect. She produced and offered nothing. What are the chances that Trump's people subpoena those records from the bank? Pretty good, I'd say. Did you hear her say that she took money from her campaign account for her private use? Can you say, "felony"?

I think the Trump attorneys have now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that she lied on the affidavits when she said that she had no romantic relationship with Wade prior to her hiring him as lead prosecutor on the RICO case. It's quite simple. She hired her boyfriend, who had never handled a felony case, to manage the RICO case against Trump and his co-defendants. The two of them, based on the unbelievable stories they've weaved while on the stand, are now in deep shit. I haven't even talked about Fanni's indignance and contempt for the process that was on clear exhibit in the courtroom. It was devastatingly not a good look. Let's just say she didn't do herself any favors. She was combative and defiant and was admonished twice by the judge for both her outbursts and her unwillingness to answer questions without filibustering. Her lies and deceptions aside, she broke every rule in the book when it came to courtroom protocol and decorum. None of it was lost on either the judge or the general public who, thanks to cameras in the courtroom, caught every damnable moment of it. As District Attorney for the County, she gave an unforgivable performance that was an example of what not to do in a courtroom.

We took the Ev man on a day trip up to Wells, Maine, yesterday. We planned to go to Renys department store to do a little shopping. I wouldn't say that it's our favorite store, but it's just far enough up the coast that it gave us a nice getaway for a few hours. What I've discovered recently about the Ev man is that he enjoys going shopping. I just think that's something that I didn't know about him until he and I dropped into Ocean Job Lots one day and I couldn't get him out of the store to save my life. That's a bit of an exaggeration, and we were there to do a little Christmas shopping at the time, so both he and I had good reason to be pouring over this and that ad nauseam. I figured that if he liked shopping at Job Lots, he'd really like shopping at Renys. I wasn't wrong. He tried on several items of clothing before making his selections, and we probably spent the better part of an hour in the store before calling it a day. The Ev man ended up with a much-needed update to his wardrobe including a pair of swim trunks that he'll need when we head to the Adirondacks later this summer. It was mission accomplished for the missus and me. Well, for the Ev man as well I suppose. I can't tell you how good I think he feels about having a few nice new things to wear. Getting out of town for the afternoon was pretty nice too.

I sometimes wonder if the leftists who have been out to destroy Trump since day one for the simple act of running for president ever considered that what they're doing to this man is, at the end of the day, actually helping him in his renewed bid to return to the White House for a second term. Why they hate him so much is another question altogether. I'm just shooting from the hip here, but I'd say that it has something to do with his exposing them for the Marxists that they are. He wasn't wrong about the fake news media, that's for fucking sure. This latest fiasco, which at first blush seems to be nothing more than an effort by the leftist courts in New York City to bankrupt a famous and storied NYC businessman and deprive him of his livelihood and his ability to wage a political campaign against his corrupt opponent, Joe Biden, actually has what could be considered a silver lining for Trump. What better illustrates the pathological obsession that the left has with Trump than the fine imposed on Friday by the radical judge Engoron in the NYC courtroom in the amount of approximately $350 million? They weren't done. The court also banned Trump from doing business in NYC for four years. This is some serious Bolshevikian bullshit. Alan Dershowitz had it right when he said that it reminded him of what Stalin once said: Show me the man and I'll show you the crime. Dershowitz's latest book, "Get Trump", goes into all of the lawfare cases against Trump in great detail.

The Marxists regaled their counterparts with fistbumps all around on MSNBC and elsewhere after the judgment was announced with the great news that it was the beginning of the end for the twice-impeached ex-president who also, in case you've forgotten, has 91 outstanding indictments against him for his "crimes" related to the 2020 election. Surely, with such an onerous fine and no ability to run his once-vaunted real estate empire in the greatest city in the world, it was just a matter of time before he folded his tent and called it a day. With Biden's only real competition now out of the race, he would be freed up to pursue even more radical measures in his upcoming second term designed to turn our great country into a third-world hellhole. Here's the silver lining as I see it. The ruling by the radical judge will not stand when appealed to the higher courts. It may need to go to the Supreme Court, but it will be overturned. Trump will get the last laugh. The $350 million dollar judgment is farcical on its face. It was so extreme that I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump get yet another more significant bump in the polls as people, in case they haven't already, start to see these cases for what they are: Biden and his DOJ going after his political opponent. Not unlike, I would remind you, of Putin poisoning and jailing his political opposition. Who knows, Biden may be taking his direction on how to bring Trump down from Xi and his communist party (CCP.)

I'm hearing that truckers across the country are now threatening to not transport goods in and out of New York City in response to the communists who are trying to bring Trump down. This is in response to the judge who levied a fine of some $350 million on Trump for his alleged crimes over the last two decades and more in NYC. There has to be a price to pay, or else these communists will move on to their next victim, and then their next victim, and on and on. They made a colossal mistake in going after one of the more iconic figures in the world, one Donald J. Trump. I hope they bring that fucking city to a standstill. I like the idea of starving the leftist fucks to death rather than some trucking blockade that creates a traffic nightmare for a day or two. Maybe the people in that city will think twice before seating rabid judges or using rabid judges to go after people they disagree with. I fully understand the Pavlovian response that liberals have to Trump. After four years of non-stop hateful propaganda by the television networks directed at Trump and his family, it shouldn't surprise anyone that putting Trump in jail is at the top of their wishlist. It's Trump derangement syndrome on steroids. It's high time we started to push back.

Can I back up to the shopping trip that we took to Renys in Maine for a minute? I was telling the missus that I thought I observed a fellow in the store who I recalled seeing on one of our prior visits. He appeared for all intents and purposes to be just another shopper. What I'm thinking now, in retrospect, is that he was a store security guy. Well, not exactly in retrospect. I had my suspicions when we were in the store. I'll never know for sure, but that's not my point. Given his proximity to the Ev man, I'd say that he was probably surveilling the Ev man as he went from rack to rack willy-nilly, trying on this and that article of clothing. The Ev man and I were standing just far enough apart that nobody would have thought that the two of us were together. It also pains me to say this, but the Ev man could have passed for a vagrant given his unkempt appearance. Were I a security guy, I, too, would have had my suspicions. It didn't help that the Ev man was wearing multiple layers of clothing as is his practice. How difficult would it be to replace, advertently or inadvertently, one of the many layers he was wearing with a shirt right off the rack? I quickly closed the ten feet or so between us and made it clear to anyone around us that the Ev man was not alone. That must have been just enough to allay any concerns that the security fellow had since I soon lost sight of him inside the store. I never shared any of it with the Ev man. It's just as well.

Guardian Angels

I saw this byline this morning while perusing the web: Trial Trump Vultures. Is that a headline or a byline? I don't know. What I do know is that it perfectly captures the mindset of the leftist clowns in the media and elsewhere who are endlessly and hopelessly clutching their pearls these days over the endless delays of the many conjured-up Trump trials. They are desperate to get a court, any court, to convict Trump thinking that there are just enough voters out there who would never vote for a convicted felon for president. They likely impeached him twice while in office, thinking that nobody would vote again for a twice-impeached president. When that failed, they changed the laws in New York to allow women like Jean Carrol to sue Trump for rape, thinking that women would find any candidate found guilty of rape or sexual misconduct unfit for office. I could go on and on with this lawfare nonsense, but we all know why we are where we are today when it comes to Trump. He's winning, and when he's winning, we're winning. He warned us that we'd get tired of winning. He wasn't wrong.


I don't get this ridiculous immigration bill that the bipartisan Senate just came out with. Can you believe that Mayorkis, the guy largely responsible for the 8-10 million illegal aliens that have come into our country in the last three years, will be responsible (if the bill is passed into law) for deciding how many illegals are too many illegals on any given day at the border? Congress is voting this week on impeaching Mayorkis, so that tells you all you need to know about his reliability as an impartial arbiter. As Bumbles would tell you, here's the deal. If the Republicans don't go along with this piece of shit, the Democrats will throw up their hands and blame the entire immigration nightmare on Trump and the Republicans. You can hear them now: We tried to solve this immigration issue, but Trump and his party wanted to have it as an issue to run on so they wouldn't cooperate with the Democrats. They wouldn't give Bumbles the power to solve the crisis so they (Republicans) have nobody to blame but themselves for the invasion on our Southern border. It's all nonsense, of course. The problem is, it may just work for the Democrats.

What the heck is Tucker Carlson up to? Is it true that he's in Moscow with plans to interview Putin? I thought I read about a snippet of the interview where Putin commented on the fact that Biden isn't really running the country. He probably knows more than we Americans do about the smoke-and-mirror campaign that Biden and his handlers have constructed to keep the truth about Biden's feeblemindedness out of the news cycle. While Biden's praetorian guard, the Main Street media, would never air the interview in a million years in order to protect Biden, the same can not be said for other more conservative outlets and social media sites. There is no doubt in my mind that Elon Musk would air the interview on Twitter in a New York minute. The sniping by the leftists in a bid to preempt any negative political fallout from the interview has taken on a life of its own. Tucker has been called everything from a Putin apologist to the son of Satan by Biden's protectorates in the media. Why don't we just let the interview speak for itself, and God-loving Americans can decide for themselves what they want or don't want to believe? Isn't that the beauty of living in America?

What is this I'm seeing in the news about people leaving Israel in droves? What is that all about? Does it have anything to do with the persistent rumors that Iran is getting closer by the day to having a workable nuclear bomb? Are the citizens of Israel not assured one way or another by the overwhelming presence of American military personnel and hardware sitting but a stone's throw off their coast? Does it have anything to do with the fact that despite Israel's best efforts at taking down Hamas, Hamas militants continue to take the lives of Israeli soldiers in the rubble and backstreets that were once a thriving place called Gaza? Israel declared this war after the deadly assault by Hamas on October 7th, 2023, so one can't fault Israel for going all in to save their country. Are the citizens of Israel concerned about the fact that the United States Congress seems to have twisted itself into a pretzel when it comes to supplying Israel with funding to help with their war efforts? It's not like Israel's enemies haven't noticed. Maybe this is just the inevitable ebb and flow that one experiences in wartime. An ebb and flow that, fortunately, or unfortunately, includes the departure of weak-kneed patriots and pissants who would rather save their own skin than take up arms to save their country. Good riddance is what I say.

I told the missus that I won't be joining her this coming Thursday when she goes off to sign a few papers at a law office in Portsmouth. I've got bigger fish to fry. The Supreme Court will be hearing oral arguments on Thursday from attorneys representing Colorado in their effort to remove Donald Trump from their state's ballot. CSPAN will be airing the oral arguments as I understand it. The effort by Colorado and other states to remove Trump from the ballot due to his alleged insurrectionist activities on January 6th, 2020, is so specious that I can't wait to hear the questioning by the justices and the likely insane and ridiculous responses by the moonbat attorneys from Colorado. I have to believe that this is going to be one of the more farcical hearings that the High Court has had to endure in the history of its institution. I also don't think anyone knows what the final decision is going to look like or on what basis they overturn the decision by the Colorado Supreme Court, so we may get a sense of where it's all going by the questions that are posed by the justices. Will they say that the law does apply but Trump hasn't been found guilty of insurrection? Will they say that the law was never intended to apply to presidents? Will they say that Congress and not the courts should be the final arbiter? Will they agree with the Colorado Supreme Court? Will they vote unanimously to overturn the Colorado Supreme Court?

For the second year in a row, Bumbles Biden is passing on the televised pre-Superbowl interview that has been a hallmark of the event in the last several years. We all know why he's not doing the interview. He's so far gone down the dementia path that he probably won't even know that his handlers have put the kibosh on the event. He was filmed recently at an event where he reminisced about sitting down at a G-7 meeting with President Francois Mitterand shortly after taking the presidency. There's only one problem with the statement. Mitterand has been dead for 30 years. In a nutshell, that's what we're talking about. I don't think he even knows who he is on any given day. I'm sure that Jill is constantly in his ear reminding him that he's the president of the United States. How many dementia patients do you know who wake up on any given day thinking that they're the president of the United States? That's a rhetorical question. Not one to miss an opportunity, Trump chimed in and offered to do the interview. Good for him. He said something about it being great for ratings. He's not wrong, of course. The networks would rather poke themselves in the eye with a sharp stick than give Trump an opportunity to upstage their candidate, Joey Bumbles Biden. He has an election to win, don't you know.

Trump is arguing that he has presidential immunity for the things he did while president. I tend to agree with that notion. This is an untested theory since no president has ever been charged with a crime after leaving the presidency. That means that the courts are going to have to decide the issue. The case brought by Biden's henchman, Jack Smith in DC against Trump for Trump's involvement in events on January 6th, 2020, and Trump's defense that he has immunity, is currently awaiting a decision by Trump's counsel as to whether or not they plan to appeal the Appeals court decision to the Supreme Court. The best case scenario is that the Supremes take the case and put it on the docket for after the general election in November. They have the opportunity to remove the case and associated ongoing and related cases from the courts so that we have an election in November that is unencumbered by potential convictions and the eventual overturning of said cases against Trump. It should be abundantly clear to the high court what Biden's corrupt DOJ is trying to accomplish by trying Trump in every venue under the sun and then some. They want a conviction prior to the election, pure and simple.

Were the Supremes to punt this case and send it back to the lower courts, we all know that DC is a Democratic stronghold when it comes to judges and juries. I think Biden won the district by some 95% in 2020. It also puts jurists in the position to decide the case in the days and weeks leading up to Election Day, assuming the case goes to trial before the election, not based on facts in the case but rather on which candidate they prefer in the general election. In other words, twelve liberal moonbats sitting on a jury in Washington, DC, will decide the outcome of the election. That's not exactly what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they put it all down on parchment paper. Margins in presidential elections being what they are, a few thousand votes either way in key swing states can put one or the other candidate in office. Having a convicted felon on the ballot and with a compliant media reminding the citizenry of the same on a 24-7 loop is the sort of thing that can make a difference. Don't think for a moment that the CNNs "s and MSNBCs don't already have those chyrons written and the narratives ready to go once the convictions are announced. And yes, I readily admit that I want nine Justices on the Supreme Court to also vote on the upcoming election. It's a vote to ensure fairness, not to sway an election.

I've lost sight of Curtis Sliwa over the years. He's the leader of the Guardian Angels, a non-profit crime-fighting and prevention organization in New York City. He and his organization were in the news on a regular basis a few decades ago when they were walking the streets and riding the subways of NYC while offering their services to protect the general public from criminals. Sliwa ran for mayor at one point or another, and as far as I know, he may still be on air with his weekly radio show. Fast forward to 2024, and he and his Guardian Angels are back on the streets protecting the public from the criminals that have come across our Southern border. They are busy collaring pickpockets, thieves, rapists, gangbangers, and other lowlife scum from shithole countries like Venezuela and Columbia. The Guardian Angels are not vigilantes in the truest sense of the word, but, were I mayor, I might well give them the tools they need to ensure that we have no repeat offenders when they dole out their own unique form of justice. These foreigners are not your garden-variety criminals. They think nothing of killing you for your pocketbook or iPhone, and they typically work in gangs. The more I think about this, the more I think we might need to resurrect the mafia to instill some real justice. Hell, where is Charles Bronson when we need him?


Today's the day we hear the arguments on the Supreme Court regarding the 14th amendment of the Constitution and the State's rights to take a candidate (Trump) off the ballot based on his alleged involvement in the January 6th insurrection in our nation's capital. It should be a humdinger of a hearing. I would go so far as to say that it should be required listening by these far-left loons who look to extra-constitutional measures to achieve their ends. That has got to stop. Sorry, not sorry. If the good Lord's willing and the creek don't rise, we'll see the lot of blue-state leftist loons clutching their pearls following the hearing if all goes according to Hoyle. Having gleaned that their prospects for a win in the high court are getting dimmer with each additional question posed by both conservative and liberal jurists alike, the mainstream media will more than likely not even mention the hearings after the fact. I have to believe that the Court will decide within a day or two so that's good, but we'll already have some sense of where it's all going by listening to the hearings today. Oh, and before I forget, Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin drops at 6 pm Eastern Standard Time. Suck on that, Deep State.

I heard someone suggest that it would be terrific if Carlson returned to the United States from Russia with that jailed Wall Street journalist in tow (He didn't). I think his name is Evan something. Can you imagine? And all the hysterics around Carlson's interviewing Putin are just nutty, to say the least. I think the EU wants to sanction Carlson. What the hell are they thinking? Piers Morgan agreed with Carlson's interview with Putin. He says that he would do it himself if he hadn't been banished from Russia. And you can bet your bottom dollar that any self-respecting journalist who calls himself or herself a journalist would give just about anything to sit down with Putin for an interview. You might say that something like that would qualify as a lifetime achievement or, at a minimum, a journalist's dream come true. Putin, despite his many failings and faults, is an enigmatic leader and a long-time head of State. Never mind that he poisons or jails his political opponents. And, you have to admit, hearing from the man himself is far superior to settling for the malevolent caricature created out of whole cloth by our left-wing media and pushed by the Military Industrial Complex. That's just a fact.

Holy jumping Jesus, Batman! Did you listen to the arguments before the Supreme Court yesterday on Colorado's removing Trump's name from the ballot? I've never done that before so I have to say that it was enlightening, to say the least. You really can get a sense of where the Court is going by listening to the questions they ask and the comments they make. To say that the lawyer representing Colorado before the Court wasn't ready for prime time would be an understatement. The Court literally ripped this clown a new one. It's a ridiculous assertion to begin with that you can think that you can remove someone from the ballot simply because you think they led an insurrection. The pro-Colorado contingent was so convinced that they had the goods on Trump that they were willing to take their case all the way to the Supreme Court. They made a mockery of the justice system in the process and the jurists sitting on the Court were having none of it. There was a lot less discussion about insurrection than expected and more talk about what constitutes an "officer" as it relates to the specific amendment the leftists were relying on to make their case. The consensus now is that the Court will return a 9-0 decision in Trump's favor.

I figured that I'd listen to the oral arguments and then get on Twitter to get a sense of what was and what wasn't blowing up. What I didn't have on my Bingo card was the release of the 300+ page report from the Special Counsel looking into Biden's handling of classified material which dropped mid-afternoon. The bottom line was not unexpected. The Special Counsel had no intention of indicting Biden, but not for the reasons you might think. The gist of it all was that they thought that by the time Biden finished his second term, he'd be eighty-eight years old, and no jury would be willing to indict him based on his obvious cognitive impairment. The report was quite clear about Biden being "willful" in his mishandling of classified materials. The report made several very critical remarks about Biden's mental state during certain interviews as it relates to memory of when his son died, when he was Vice President, etc. I even heard that Biden approved of releasing the Special Counsel's report, which seems crazy on its face, knowing what we now know about the contents of the report. Yes, the very same guy who took to the podium later that night to "set the record straight" about what was and what wasn't in the report. It was Clintonesque from the start. Some went so far as to suggest that the Special Counsel simply repurposed James Comey's report on Hillary Clinton from 2016.

The Joe Biden who stood at a podium in the White House before the American public last night lambasting the Special Counsel while referring to the president of Mexico as Sisi (Sisi is the president of Egypt), amongst other gaffes, is the same guy who in the last two weeks said that he'd had discussions with certain world leaders. Those very same world leaders just happened to have died some 30 years ago. In fact, Biden simply confirmed what the Special Counsel had written in his report by taking to the podium and looking lost, confused, and not really someone anyone wants anywhere near the nuclear codes. He lost his place several times and couldn't recall certain facts when making references to this and that. It was about as surreal as it gets. Even more surreal was the tag team of sycophants in the mainstream media who tried desperately to prop up the old fool after the fact. I even heard one clown suggest that this was the Biden that people wanted to see more of and that Biden should do more appearances. Can you imagine? Needless to say, yesterday was a boon to the Trump campaign starting with the Supreme Court and ending with both Biden's insane press conference and Trump's dominating the caucuses in Nevada.

It really is hard to imagine that Biden survives this latest volley of bad news. He's his own worst enemy at this point. One person said that were Biden in the military that, given his obvious cognitive impairments, he would be summarily dismissed from duty. The fact of the matter is, he's not going to get any better with time. This isn't something that you can fix. Were the Democrats somehow able to steal the election in November, the steal itself would be utterly incredulous knowing as the entire world does by now about Biden's failing faculties. More to the point, nobody would believe the results were Biden somehow able to come out on top. I think it was the Governor of South Dakota who suggested that she thought the Democrats were scheming to come up with a ruse that would force states to have people vote by mail-in ballot come November. Yes, she actually said that she thought the Democrats were scheming to steal the election. That is where we are in the United States of America in the year of the Lord, 2024. It's a sad fucking state of affairs. Did I mention that the world is watching?

I know it's hard to believe, but the White House actually sent out Kamala Harris to defend Bumbles the day after his disastrous speech. Yes, Kamala "word salad" Harris. She actually has lower ratings than Bumbles if you can believe that. Everything coming out of her mouth was nothing that wasn't already out there in the leftist ether. She slammed the Special Counsel for the gratuitous nature of his comments in the report they released. When you consider the number of lies that Bumbles told when giving his speech, I wouldn't be surprised to hear the Special Counsel come out and lay the facts of the case one more time just for clarification's sake. You can't let the lies take on a life of their own. Americans deserve to know the truth about who we have sitting in the White House, warts and all. As for Kamala, you have to believe that she's probably as close as she's ever going to be at this very moment in time to be the first black woman president. Or, should I be referring to her as a "person of color"? If they can get Bumbles across the finish line by hook or crook come Election Day in November, he can pass the baton to her in short order. As for her chances against Trump were she to be inaugurated now before the election, here's my advice to Kamala: Don't measure the drapes. Just sayin'.

The missus asked me why Trump hasn't had anything to say about Biden's disastrous 8 pm speech on Thursday night. Or was it Wednesday night? Can't remember. Anyway, I told her that Trump kicking Biden while he's self-destructing on the world stage probably isn't a good look. Certainly, the suburban moms wouldn't much care for it, and Trump needs suburban moms if he's going to take Biden and the Deep State out with the trash in November. I watched a bit of the Trump rally in South Carolina today, and Trump made plenty of references, and even mimicked a few, of Biden looking all confused when trying to exit the stage following one or more of his gibberish-packed "speeches." One thing that I was surprised to hear Trump talk about was Obama's role in the current nightmare being brought to us daily by the Biden Administration. Does he know something that we don't? Would that be considered piling on or maybe more to the point, over the top? The crowd loved it, of course. It's almost like trying to put out a candle with a firehose, but that's just me. No, that's Trump. All day long. Trump.

Did you hear Biden say that he was the most qualified person in our country to be president during his speech? Is that the craziest fucking thing you've ever heard? Houston, we have a problem! He also said something about finishing the job he started. What the hell is he talking about? Has anyone told him that his approval ratings are the lowest of any president in the history of our country at this point in his presidency? Hey, Joey! Nobody's buying what you're selling. We don't want your world wars that are killing our young men and women; we don't want your offshore wind farms that are killing the whales that we see washing up on our shores; We don't want your ten million illegal aliens and God only knows how many terrorists you've welcomed into our country; We don't want your rules dictating that men get to shower with our young women and compete with them in sports; We don't want a president that ignores our Supreme Court when they tell you that you can't forgive student loans; and we sure as shit don't want a president who rubs up on Chinese dictators and Iranian Mullahs in order to ingratiate and enrich himself and his extended crime family.

As I conclude this week's blog I can't but wonder what one or more terrorist groups that have come across our southern border at the invitation of Joe Biden and his fellow globalists in the White House might have in store for those attending one of America's premier sporting events this evening, the Super Bowl. I don't think it's an unreasonable question to ask. You don't think that the attendees might be thinking the same thing? I'd love to know how much more money they're spending on security compared to previous years. You know, before Biden let tens of thousands of terrorists walk into our country without asking about their intentions. Please, sir, I'm here to wreak havoc so I'd like to come in with my fellow terrorists if it isn't too much to ask. And, he continues, if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like one of those iPhones and debit cards you're handing out. This is what I'm talking about. Today, it could be the Super Bowl. Tomorrow, it could be some other venue. Let's hope security at the Super Bowl is staying one step ahead of each and every group they have on their list of terrorists likely to strike.

The problem with writing a weeklong blog is that I sometimes lose track of what I've said earlier in the week, and I end up repeating myself. I hate it when that happens. Have I mentioned that I think this whole Taylor Swift thing is over the fucking top? I'm probably dating myself, but I could give two fucks about Taylor Swift. And, what is this juvenile nonsense about the "swifties"? Both she and her football player boyfriend have literally sucked the air out of the room with all of their boyfriend/girlfriend antics. I'm just tired of it all. The more I see these two clowns, the more I buy into the conspiracy theories about the Democrats setting her up to be the best thing since sliced bread so they can ride her coattails all the way to the White House in January 2025. Maybe she's out there pushing the abortion bullshit around the clock. Maybe she comes out with a full-throated endorsement of Dementia Joe. I mean, who can resist that? Right? As an aside, every time I see this woman anywhere she looks and acts like she's dosed out on amphetamines. Maybe she's just a bit too full of herself, and she thinks the world wants more and not less of her, and she's more than happy to oblige her sycophantic fans. I just want her to go away. Get the hell off the stage and take that idiot boyfriend of yours with you. There, I said it.

Out With The Old

You knew it was just a matter of time before US soldiers were killed in the Middle East. The only question was, when, where, and how many? Biden's responses to attacks against American forces thus far have been performative at best. That is to say, they've blown up a few tool sheds and unoccupied tents in Yemen and other shithole countries but, beyond that, not much. God forbid that Biden anger his paymasters in Iran, to whom he's been trying to give the means to build a nuclear bomb since getting in office in 2021. Everyone knows the culprits targetting Americans are Iranian proxies, yet they receive assurances from the Biden Administration daily that we are not looking to engage them or otherwise go to war with them over overt acts committed by their proxies against American forces. So, now we have three Americans dead, and there are reports of refueling tankers heading to the Middle East. I thought we had 10,000 men and countless aircraft carriers off the coast of Israel. Did we not have a plan all along in the event that Americans were targeted or killed? Is this just more smoke and mirrors? More flatulence than competence? You be the judge.


The way things are going in Congress, I'm not sure that Ukraine is going to see another penny of American money. The latest rallying cry by those pushing Congress to do the right thing is, "no border protection, no money for Ukraine or Israel." I saw another headline just yesterday about the theft of US funds by Ukrainian criminals looking to siphon off funds that Congress had otherwise approved for the purchase of military equipment and armaments. There are a lot of Ukrainian politicians and oligarchs living high off the hog with stolen monies, while other headlines reveal that the conscription of Ukrainian forces is at an all-time low. In other words, even if they had the proper means to fight a war against Russia, no right-minded Ukrainian parent wants to send their child into the meat grinder on the Russian front. Ukraine has also, at least thus far, been unsuccessful in dragging the lot of NATO into its war with Russia. The only question left to be answered is, how much of Ukraine will remain in Russia's hands after the conflict has run its course.

Is there anyone out there in their right mind who doesn't think that we have a day of reckoning coming down the pike? I'm talking about our porous borders and the infiltration of our country by bad-ass actors who would wish us harm. Don't tell me that you thought Joe Biden was welcoming them into our country so they could enjoy an upgrade in their lifestyle. How are we supposed to parse out the various terrorists and the myriad of shithole countries that they've come from and what they may or may not have in common when it comes to their dastardly plans? The Chinese waltzing into our country across the southern border, all military-aged men, I might add, might have one thing in mind for us, and the so-called refugees from Syria and Somalia might have something entirely different in mind. Is this simply a case where any number of organizations, from Soros to the World Economic Forum, are effectively lining the pockets of Joe Biden and his extended crime family to grease the skids for illegal aliens regardless of their intentions once they arrive? And then you have the Mexican Cartels. Don't tell me that Joe Biden isn't getting a piece of that action.

A reporter asked John Kirby, Biden's National Security spokesperson, whether or not the President was going to be on hand when they fly the remains of the three reservists into Delaware. Not surprisingly, Kirby's response was noncommittal. Just when you think we have a Commander-in-Chief who has enough common sense to know an opportunity when he sees one, especially in an election year, his spokesperson lets us know otherwise. I don't want to drag race into the equation, but are blacks an important voting block for Biden or not? That's a rhetorical question. Did I mention that all three of the victims are black? Did I also mention that these heroes who gave their lives for our country, never mind that they were blown to smithereens while asleep in their barracks, hail from the great state of Georgia? Georgia, a state that Biden needs to win in November. That tells us a lot about what Biden's handlers think he can and cannot manage. I'm guessing that what that means is that his handlers think that they can't trust Bumbles to act or say the appropriate things, so they are better off not having him attend together. Never mind that the event is a stone's throw away from his vacation home in Delaware where he's spent 39% of his presidency.

Then you have Biden's clown of a press secretary on television saying something to the effect that these "folks" died while fighting on behalf of Biden's "Administration." I'm thinking to myself while listening to this complete idiot, you have got to be kidding. Since when are our soldiers fighting on behalf of an "administration"? Never mind that she referred to our soldiers as "folks." She couldn't even bring herself to mention their names. She couldn't bring herself to honor their deaths on behalf of a grateful nation by giving voice to these fallen heroes and saying their names aloud for all to hear. She has one fucking job as a spokesperson for the President of the United States. Is doing your damn job too much to ask. Maybe the leftists running the White House think that they have this thing in November all sewn up with Taylor Swift swaying any undecideds their way with her endorsements of this and that uber-leftist cause like abortion, etc., but I'm telling you here and now that right-minded "folks" see what the hell is going on in our country and are planning, to a person, to take the lot of them out with the trash on Election Day. From my lips to God's ears. Right?

I think Congress, or maybe a committee in Congress, is voting today on whether or not to impeach Secretary Mayorkis. He's the cunt in charge of everything immigration-related for the Biden Administration. I think it's been a hundred years or more since someone in his position has been impeached so this is a big deal. The Senate is unlikely to remove him from office, but that's almost immaterial at this point. Biden would just replace him with another globalist, and he or she would likely arrange for even more illegal aliens to enter our country if that's even possible. We need to send a message that what Mayorkis has done to our country with the explicit approval of Joe Biden's White House cannot stand. Greasing the skids to allow 8-10 million illegals into our country since Biden's inauguration is beyond comprehension and will likely not end well for either the illegal aliens or the citizens of our great country. I'll just say this one more time because it bears repeating: If you don't have a border, you don't have a country. For illustration purposes, Denver, Colorado, has a population of 713,000 citizens. They also now have 40,000 illegal aliens in addition to the 713,000 thanks to Joe Biden's immigration policies. We should be impeaching Biden for his gross malfeasance on the immigration issue, but Mayorkis seems to have taken center stage instead. Let's get this party started.

You know what else pisses me off? I've seen a couple of photos on Twitter these last two days of Biden sitting at the head of a table in a room surrounded by his National Security people where they are presumably discussing strategies on how to respond to the killings of three of our soldiers by Iran or their proxies. Biden looks all pensive and presidential, which is the first clue you have that this thing is an AI-generated fake. Biden's bib is nowhere to be seen, and there is no oatmeal dripping from his chin - another clue that this photo they're circulating is about as fake as Dolly Parton's tits. His crib sheets, or his cue cards, are nowhere to be seen and you know he doesn't go anywhere with his cue cards. His handlers were tickled that it projected Biden in just the right light. They weren't done. Not even a day later, they put out a photo of Bumbles sitting in a similar room, but he's no longer at the head of the table. Rather, he's sitting aside his security people wearing fatigues. He looks about ten to twenty years younger, and there's a hint of innate intelligence on his creaseless face. The lengths his handlers will go to to make Biden something he's not is, in a word, disturbing. How fucking stupid do they think we are?

The Fed guy, Jerome Powell, comes out today around 2 PM and does what Fed heads do every other month. They bob and weave, and they weave and bob, and then they bob and weave some more. Stop with the bobbing, mother fucker. Are you cutting rates? Are you raising rates? Are you leaving rates unchanged? What's the plan? Or, in Fed-Speak, what's the guidance? This is an election year, so Powell probably needs to be a little more accommodative than he might otherwise want to be. Does that mean he talks more and not less about rate cuts and their inevitability? Maybe he thinks he can take this opportunity to take the stock market down a few notches to let off a little steam after three straight months or so of gains. That might have investors clamoring for a return of Donald Trump to the Oval Office, so I think that's unlikely. I'm of the opinion that everything coming out of our government, including Powell's mouth even though the Fed is not a government entity, between now and the election in November is designed to further the narrative that everything is just fucking ducky. Put on your rose-colored glasses and come on in. The water's fine.

A video circulating on social media yesterday showed a group of about five or six illegal aliens getting the best of two of New York City's finest on the streets of New York. I think the illegals gave the cops a good thrashing by the looks of things. They could have killed the cops. None of that surprises me. We all know that Trump was right when he said that they're not sending their best. He was right when he said that these so-called shithole countries around the world are emptying out their prisons and their mental institutions and sending them to our country. The part of the story that gets me is that they collared these ne'er do wells and then promptly released them. Had these cretins been American citizens, they would have been dragged before a judge, adjudicated as a threat or a menace to the public, and then summarily put behind bars. Releasing these thugs sends altogether the wrong message. Rob, pillage, and kill at your pleasure. You'll not spend a day in jail. I'm quite sure that every city in our country has been instructed by Biden's Department of Justice that these illegals are not to be detained or arrested and that no records are to be kept if and when they run afoul of the law. Don't expect the media to look into any of it.

This Neuralink stuff is interesting. Implanting a chip in someone's brain as a brain-computer interface doesn't get any more futuristic. Leave it to Musk to come up with this shit. I saw someone liken it to Musk's production of the Tesla where the car is a useful prototype but not quite there yet. So, you implant a chip into the brain of a person who is physically compromised in one way or another, and you let the chip do its thing. Maybe it allows him or her to do things that they couldn't before they implanted the chip. That would be a good thing. Will it allow a man or woman to walk who otherwise can't? Will it allow them the luxury of thinking that they are mobile when they're not? Will it allow the blind to see and the deaf to hear? I'm punching well above my weight here so I should stop while I'm ahead. For people and their loved ones who have nothing to lose, maybe this is what the world needs. A little hopium goes a long way. God bless the person who stepped up to the plate and gave Musk and his team the approval they needed to move forward with the project/implant. To quote Neil Armstrong, "One step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Roxbury, Massachusetts, is a largely black municipality located in Boston proper. There was a story circulating yesterday about a Walgreens store in Roxbury that is closing its doors. Everyone is up in arms from the people who live in Roxbury to the politicians who represent that district and spend their waking hours elsewhere. The closure of Walgreens means that people who rely on the drugstore for their medications and foodstuffs will have to take their business elsewhere. There is probably no question that this will represent a hardship for many of their elderly customers. According to the article, "Walgreens has cited changes in the market and buying habits of customers as factors in their decision." That's a nice way of saying that they are sick and tired of getting robbed every time they open their doors. The law-abiding citizens of Roxbury can thank the miscreants of their community for screwing the pooch if that's the appropriate euphemism. Before I paint the citizens of that community with too broad a brush, it probably bears mentioning that the recent and ongoing influx of illegal aliens into Roxbury likely played a not-insignificant part in Walgreens' decision to close its doors. You reap what you sew, motherfuckers.


Bumbles Biden was in Florida the other day raising money for his campaign. Florida is a pretty red state these days so not sure where he found a friendly venue to try and sell his bullshit. He was actually quoted as saying that they (Democrats) plan to win Florida this coming November. That's some serious stage-5 dementia shit right there. His comments might have been more believable had he said that they planned to steal the Florida election. That would surprise no one. Bumbles is now heading down to East Palestine, Ohio. You may recall that he snubbed the residents of East Palestine after a train derailment in that town that turned into an ecological disaster. Trump went to the town and did what every good politician does when that sort of thing happens. Honestly, no one was surprised that Biden didn't pay a visit because East Palestine is in the heart of Trump country. Biden didn't even bother to send his half-wit Vice President, Kamala Harris. I'm just not sure what Bumbles thinks he's accomplishing by going into these Trump strongholds.

And what the hell is up with the polls? One reputable pollster had Trump winning six of the seven swing states and all seven when the third-party candidates were on the ballot. The very next day, Quinnipiac came out with a poll that has Biden winning with an impressive six-point lead over Trump. They can't both be right. Is there anyone out there with half a brain that thinks that Biden is beating Trump by six points? Our world is on fire, and we have an invasion of illegal aliens, and those are just two of many nightmares brought to us by the enfeebled and demented Joe Biden and his clown car of an administration. Speaking of clown cars, will the media please stop giving interviews to that neocon piece of shit, John Bolton. He's on a tear going from network to network ripping Trump on behalf of the deep state and neocon Nikki, or should I call her by her real name, Nimrata, Haley. I have the give the guy on News Nation credit for reminding Bolton of the progress made in the Middle East while Trump was president. I'm not talking about Chris Cuomo.

Speaking of those 40,000 illegal aliens descending on Denver, Colorado, I watched CNN cover that story on television last night. The CNN guy walked from tent to tent asking how the illegal aliens were making out in the cold weather. I was thinking to myself, let's see how many of these illegals choose to remain in Denver when the really nasty winter weather arrives. Maybe a winter in Denver is just what they need to make them rethink their coming to the United States. Instead of asking Denver residents to take these illegals into their homes, Denver would be smart to offer them free transport back to the shithole countries from which they came. By the way, where did these itinerant illegals get these thousand-dollar tents and five-hundred-dollar sleeping bags? I don't know how anyone can be sympathetic to the plight of these criminals when we already have an underclass of homeless and less advantaged Americans who rely on the largesse of these communities and whose lives are now at risk because illegals are sucking up all the resources. Nobody seems to give a shit about Americans who are down on their luck and living desperate lives. It's all about the illegal aliens now. That is not the America I know.

Another shocking number I saw yesterday was the 26,000 people coming across our southern border from China. Wut? Are you fucking kidding me? You know no one gets out of China without the express consent of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). Right? Just out of curiosity, why would the CCP want to send 26,000 men of fighting age to a country halfway around the world? Not just any country, mind you. We're the United States of America. Yes, they want freedom and all that bullshit, but I'm guessing that the CCP isn't all that interested in what they want. It's all about what the CCP wants. In the words of the inimitable Joe Bumbles Biden, let me be clear. The CCP wants to destroy the United States. They want to be top dog and they'll never be top dog with the United States occupying that rarified air. What if, you ask, the CCP has the sign-off from their man in the White House thanks to payments to him and his criminal spawn over the last few decades to do as they please? Imagine the weaknesses they could exploit. Today, it's 26,000. By the end of Bumble's first term, it could be fifty thousand. How many battalions is that? And all this time I'm thinking I need to brush up on my Spanish to prepare for what I thought would be a seasonal surge of fruit and vegetable pickers from Mexico and points south. Wrong.

I'm also hearing warnings about the Chinese targeting our water supply. If the Chinese already on our soil hadn't considered this possibility, they're all over it now. The FBI ought to keep these paranoid fantasies of theirs to themselves. While they're at it, try to track down a few of these people and put them on the first flight back to Beijing. How would they target our water supply exactly? And, why bother when we know they have all of these so-called bio-weapons at their disposal? Flip the lid on a test tube and let the chips fall where they may. Besides, who needs to try and break into a city's reservoir carrying a hundred-pound satchel of fentanyl? Did I just do what I'm accusing the FBI of doing? Do I need to keep my paranoid fantasies to myself? And, what would be the point of targeting our water supply? What would be the point of killing Americans in such large numbers? Is it all about creating chaos and unleashing terror in our citizenry? Does this have anything to do with one political party or the other trying to gain an unfair advantage in the upcoming presidential election in November? Just thinking out loud here.

I was chatting with my brother from another mother last night about the headsets recently released by Apple. I don't know what they do exactly and I really don't much care. I think the suckers retail for something like $3,500. What on God's good earth is worth that kind of money? I'm a big Apple fan, but I'd also be the first to admit that Apple is not the Apple it was back in the day when Steve Jobs ran the joint. Surely, they have first-rate iPhones and a nice slate of computing devices that go a long way to supporting their $3 trillion market cap. The problem and my bro agrees, is that Apple hasn't come out with anything new in ages. I'm still waiting for Apple to update their watches with the functionality that allows the user to test his or her blood sugar. That's just one example. I don't know, and I didn't ask if my brother, who owns a few shares of Apple stock, might be thinking that he might want to sell his Apple holdings while they're at an all-time high. He just sounded skittish, if you get my drift. Even more interesting is the fact that he hasn't upgraded his iPhone 13 pro max to the Titanium 15. He's always upgraded to the latest model, until now. "There's just nothing new", he said. That's what I'm talking about.

I thought that hair-brained judge in New York was going to decide Trump's fate by January 31st. This is the case brought by the nutjob District Attorney who accused Trump of conducting his business affairs in such a way that disadvantaged his fellow real estate developers. It was all about his providing financials to lenders that led them to believe that the properties he held as collateral were worth more than they were. I probably don't have that down exactly, but that's the jist of it. The proposed penalties for doing what every other real estate developer does and continues to do today are the loss of his license to do business in New York and a fine in excess of $300 million. I'm thinking the judge in this case hasn't ruled by his self-imposed deadline because the powers that be in New York City are probably warning him that this precedent could have every Tom, Dick, and Harry who owns a two-story building or greater selling their properties and getting the hell out of the State before the District Attorney comes for their businesses. Marxism is their goal, but they have to be careful not to kill the golden goose in the process. They simply are not going to let some two-bit fool in a black robe decide the fate of the city in his desire to humiliate and bankrupt the man most likely to be the next president of the United States. The dog has caught up with the car. Now what?

Is it true that Volvo is cutting the funding for their affiliate that produces electric cars? Man, that is great news. That is great news for the consumer and a bitch slap for the climate change cultists. Hopefully, this is the beginning of a trend in the automobile industry. I also think I hear that either Ford or GM are taking heavy losses on electric cars and trucks. They're just not selling. Nobody wants the fucking things. It's a damn battery on wheels if you must know the truth. You can't charge them fast enough in the Winter, and they are exponentially more expensive to fix when you break something. They sure are pretty to look at, and I'm talking about the Tesla here. Tesla owners will wax on and on until the cows come home about their cars, but I see enough Teslas on the secondary market at discount prices to know that not everything is unicorns and rainbows, even when it comes to Teslas. Sorry, Elon, not sorry. Also, keep in mind that these cars and trucks have been foisted on us by the Biden regime and their endless quest to achieve their zero-carbon wet dreams. How the automobile industry bought into the craze is beyond me, but they may not have had a choice. What they can't and won't do, for long anyway, is operate at a loss just to meet some sicko standards set by a demented old fool in the White House.

So, Bumbles Biden decides to be on-site in Delaware when the plane comes in carrying the bodies of three soldiers killed recently in a drone attack in Jordan. You figure that everything is political between now and the election in November so it would behoove Joey not to show up and pay his respects as Commander-in-Chief. He was there with his wife, Jill "fishnet stockings" Biden, and Austin, his Secretary of Defense. So far, so good. I watched none of the coverage, so I don't know what lengths the networks may have gone to in order to conceal his dementia-related behaviors. One curious observation that I learned about after the fact was that none of the families of the deceased who were also at the airport that day were allowed to be anywhere near the President and his entourage. There were no photos of Bumbles embracing the weeping parents or sniffing the hair of their children in ways we are all too familiar with. No parents were comforted by the president or his creepy wife, and they were clearly out of sight in the coverage provided by the networks. Were they afraid that the President might say or do something that might prove unsightly or unorthodox? If I recall, the last time Biden had occasion to do this sort of thing, he was caught several times looking at his watch. What's the hurry, Mr. President?

We finally got Mrs. G up and running with her new Apple TV. I think she likes it just fine, although she needs more practice with the remote in order to get the navigation piece down. You just can't predict how someone not familiar with how these things work will take to the task as it were. I think the missus and I were probably more frustrated than she was when we all sat down to walk her through how to use the remote. We probably made more out of things than we should have. Mrs. G just sat back patiently and even had a laugh here and there when she ended up navigating to places she had no intention of visiting. I might even go so far as to say she having a bit of fun trying it all out. She sent me two e-mails after the fact asking about things like passwords and subtitles so it's all good. She even said that she'd been watching the movie that she wanted to watch. It was "Flowers of the Killer Moon" or something like that. Mrs. G was having problems prior to getting the Apple TV in getting her Prime movies to show up on the screen on her Samsung television. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. Sometimes, she ended up clicking on the Prime icon, and it would just swirl and whirl a bit before telling her that it couldn't make the connection. That all goes away with the Apple TV. Good stuff.

Looks like Bumbles Biden won the South Carolina Democrat primary. I hear the numbers are down from 2020, which should tell us something about the fact that nobody wants to put a demented buffoon, and a corrupt one at that, back into the White House for another four-year term. I'm not quite sure why his opponents in the primary did so poorly, but I'm calling foul even if they won't. It's no longer fashionable to question election outcomes don't you know. Is there any question in anyone's mind that the South Carolina primary was rigged for Dementia Joe? The Democrats are so desperate to put that old fool back in the Oval Office that there is nothing they won't do, including keeping his opponents off the ballot in states like Florida. No, really. It's true. The DNC saw to it. Bumbles was also not on the ballot in the New Hampshire primary, but he won the write-in vote by a pretty good margin. How does that work exactly? They are going to keep pushing the narrative that Bumbles is the best thing since sliced bread and our country needs his leadership for another four years. The fact of the matter is, the world can't afford to have this old fool anywhere near the levers of power for another day, much less another four years.

The missus and I finally bought a new television set. It's one of those smart TV's that's smarter than a fifth grader. I've had it up and running for a day or so, and I have yet to learn how to turn the damn thing off. User ineptitude aside, she's a thing of beauty. Everybody and their brother have one of these new wrangled OLED sets, but the missus and I are new to the ball game. The timing couldn't have worked out better. Our old TV was getting seriously long in the tooth. Just recently, we've started to see vertical lines appearing on the 40-inch screen, and yesterday, the entire screen had a pinkish tint to it, which only went away when I turned the telly on and off. The good news is that I had already placed my order for the new set and it arrived on the scene just in time to take out the old and bring in the new. The missus is happy with the picture but says that it sits too low on the stand we have it on. I ordered an adjustable stand from Amazon just last night, so I think we're going to be good to go once it arrives. I won't deny that the learning curve seems steep, but I think I'm up to the task.

Winners and Losers

Tomorrow is the big day here in New Hampshire. It's Primary Day, 2024. It's the day we get to send that sniveling little toady, Nimarata Haley, packing and back to wherever she came from. My guess is that she'll want to get out of the presidential race before the South Carolina primary, where Trump is beating her by huge margins. Let's call a spade a spade: South Carolina is Trump country. We're seeing Republicans across our fruited planes coalesce around Donald J. Trump like never before. Americans are simply not going to let Biden and his Justice Department decide who can and who can't be president of our great country, and they are speaking with one voice. They say that polling states like New Hampshire is difficult if not impossible, yet the average of many of the major polls here in New Hampshire have Trump up anywhere from ten to twenty points over Nimrata. The only way Nimarata wins at this point is if she steals it with the help of our RINO governor.


I'll pick up the Ev man a little after noon on Tuesday to take him to vote. He's a little skittish about the whole thing, but only because he's not done it in a few years. He is registered, and I drove by the polling place last night, so I know where it is, so we shouldn't have any issues come Tuesday. I think he's more than thrilled to be casting a vote so there's that. Would he be going if I didn't offer to drive him over there? Probably not. I look at this as a chance to grease the skids so, come November and the general election, he can go to the polling place and take care of business himself. The weather looks like it'll be cooperating tomorrow with clear skies and temperatures in the mid-thirties. That's pretty nice for this time of year. Nobody has a good reason not to get out to vote. Does a bigger turnout help or hurt Trump? I'm not sure about that either. We just have to do our civic duty and let the chips fall where they may.

I saw a number of tweets yesterday from Haley's camp where she was complaining that she's always been discriminated against because of her brown skin. That's funny, I didn't hear a peep out of her about her brown skin when she was trying to win the Iowa caucuses. So she plays the race card when she thinks it's going to help her, and she avoids mentioning it when it doesn't. Oh, and then she slams Trump for his racist comments when he refers to her by her ancestral name, Nimrata. Is your birth name Nimrata, or is it not, bitch? We don't have many minorities here in New Hampshire, so I'm not sure why she's pulling the "brown skin" rabbit out of her hat now. Is she, by any chance, making a play for Democrats who plan to vote for her in the New Hampshire Republican primary? Yes, if you're a registered Independent here in New Hampshire, I think you can choose which party's ballot you wish to take when you go into the polling place.

DeSantis may have helped himself by getting out before the New Hampshire primary and endorsing Trump. I might have preferred that DeSantis show up at Trump's rally last night in Rochester, NH, and take to the stage to sing Trump's praises, but he didn't for whatever reason. Now we know why the likes of DeSantis and others running against Trump have never bad-mouthed Trump when on the campaign trail. If they stood a chance at winning anything at all, they would need the support of Trump's base to do it. As for the leftists in the media, they constantly complained about the fact that not one of Trump's opponents would take Trump to task for anything. They were desperate to see Trump weakened by politicians in his own party to the point where he stood little to no chance of beating their candidate, the demented Joe Biden. Haley will be out of the race shortly, I believe, and Biden's praetorian guard, the media, will be back to talking non-stop about Trump's ninety-one indictments and criticizing Biden's Department of Justice for not indicting and convicting Trump sooner. That window is still open, but closing fast.

Primary Day is finally here in New Hampshire. We're down to Trump and neocon Nikki Haley. Haley won all six votes last night in Dixville Notch. It means nothing. I swear to God that the leftists have infiltrated the minuscule town of Dixville Notch just so they can try to sway a presidential election every four years. It ain't happening this year, folks. Not on my fucking watch. I'll vote twice if I have to. Well, not really. You know what I mean. We cannot let this sniveling nutbag Haley anywhere near the levers of power. Not today, not ever. We need to send her and her Democrat donors packing by a good ten to twenty points tonight if we're going to make that happen. The bitch will probably still not get out of the race. The longer she stays in the longer she'll be relegated to the political equivalent of Siberia. In other words, it will be a cold day in hell before anyone in our political party offers her so much as a crumb of bread, much less an ambassador's post or other. The longer she's out there badmouthing Trump, the more difficult she makes it for the Party to coalesce around Trump and ultimately beat Biden in November. She knows that all too well yet she hangs on like the shitbag that she is.

The Supreme Court is not helping. They rendered a 5-4 opinion yesterday in favor of the Biden Administration allowing the Federal Government to cut the razor wire that the State of Texas has laid down across the river separating Mexico from Texas. What the fuck were they thinking? They're basically agreeing with the Federal Government that it's all right for millions of illegal aliens from third-world shitholes to invade our country and nobody, including the States along our Southern border, can do a damn thing about it. Barret and Roberts, the two so-called conservatives, voted with the three liberals on the court. I get Roberts. People have long wondered what the liberals have on him because he sides with the liberals more often than not. Maybe Roberts spent time on Pedo Island or some other nonsense. Whatever they have, it's powerful. I just don't know about Barret. Maybe it's all about protecting the administrative state for her. The Federal Government knows best. Right? All of this is above my pay grade so I may be missing something. What I do know is that this decision is going to fuel even more crossings and even more pain for the good people in Texas and other states along the southern border. It's probably just a matter of time before the citizenry takes matters into their own hands, whatever that looks like.

I saw a tweet yesterday warning people about illegal aliens invading our homes and our inability to fight back because the laws on the books are more likely than not to favor illegal aliens than American Citizens. I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea. You can't tell me that homeowners along our southern border aren't sleeping with one eye open and a weapon of some kind at their side to protect their families and their possessions should that become necessary. I think the word has gone out from the Federal Government that crimes committed by illegal aliens are not to be reported or if they are, neither the country of origin nor the immigration status of the perpetrator are to be mentioned. I guess we don't have the right to know these things anymore. I see the faces of these criminals in the news, and without sounding like a racist or a profiler, I can tell that there is always more to the story than meets the eye. The crimes committed are typically more heinous and more gruesome than we're accustomed to seeing. Yet, not a word about their being a recent border crosser from who the fuck knows where. The fact of the matter is that they are coming across the border in numbers that make it impossible for our Border Patrol to reasonably vet. Now, with this decision from the Supremes, our Border Patrol have once again become nothing more than escorts. It's a bloody disgrace. No, really.

Trump won last night's New Hampshire primary. The Associated Press announced Trump as the winner 8 minutes after the polls closed. I think he received the most votes of any non-incumbent in the history of the New Hampshire primary. The final tally has Trump at 55% and Haley at 43%. Trump got 70% of the Republican vote in the state. We have a primary that allows Democrat-leaning independents to vote in the Republican primary. That explains why Haley got as many votes as she did. When the primaries move to states where only Republicans are allowed to vote in the primaries, Haley will get blown out of the water and in short order. Did you hear her speech last night? She came out when Trump was only ahead by 7%, and you would have thought that she won the race if you were paying any attention to the words coming out of her mouth. This is the same twat who, when she came in third in Iowa, stepped up to the podium and announced that it was now a two-man race.

Apparently, Haley is staying in the race and to the detriment of the Party. As long as Haley is throwing haymakers at Trump, Trump has little choice but to engage her using already scarce resources at his disposal. He cannot get on with the business of taking on dementia Joe Biden and Deep State. You can almost say that Haley is working on behalf of the Democrats to either weaken or take down Trump before Election Day this coming November. Polls have Trump ahead in Haley's home state of South Carolina, which holds their primary on February 24th. She is a two-term governor from that State, but that doesn't seem to make any difference to Trump supporters. South Carolina is Trump country to the core so that bodes well for The Donald. I suppose Haley could stay in through March when Super Tuesday rolls around just for shits and giggles. Something tells me that this strategy will be an easy sell to her donors who want anybody but Trump. They will keep writing the checks, and she will continue her ridiculous campaigning to the never-Trumpers and disaffected Republicans. None of this is going to help us beat Biden, but she could give two shits. That tells us a lot about the real Nimrata (Nikki) Haley.

I took a bit of perverse pleasure in Trump's win last night. Our dope of a governor, Sununu, has been running around the state promising everyone and anyone who would listen that his candidate, Nikki Haley, was going to run the tables on Donald Trump. Just how much sway does this idiot really think he has when it comes to making a difference in a state primary? I think he introduced her in every diner and hunting lodge in New Hampshire thinking, incorrectly I might add, that his endorsement would deliver a knock-out blow to Trump on Primary Day. Haley and Sununu are birds of a feather to be sure. They spend more time on CNN and MSNBC than they do more middle-of-the-road networks. Is Sununu looking for a contract with CNN? That may be part of it. Now that his girl has gone down in flames, CNN may be reconsidering any offers. Did I mention that Trump won all but one county in New Hampshire? As for Haley's future in electoral politics, every day she stays in the race with Trump she becomes more and more of a pariah. She'll be lucky to get elected as dog catcher when all is said and done. People want her out, and they want her out now. And no, Nimrata, you are not going to be Trump's Vice President.

Both Ramaswamy and Senator Tim Scott spoke at Trump's victory speech. I have to say, I'm more and more impressed with both of these men the more I see and listen to them. They give an air of credibility to the whole America First thing, and they speak to its virtues in ways that Trump can't or doesn't. I've always thought that Vivek was a little too pro-Trump to the point of making him suspect. Now that I see Trump and Vivek standing side by side and beating the same drums in unison I think that my concerns were probably unwarranted. Vivek can articulate issues like no other. Can you imagine him in a debate with Kamala Harris? By the time he was finished with her, she'd be looking for someplace to hide. He would illustrate in real time the danger that our Republic would face should dementia Joe have to step aside for health reasons. If that doesn't scare the bejesus out of anyone watching that debate, nothing will. Hell, I'd pay to see Vivek ripping Kamala a new one in a face-to-face debate. I have to believe that Trump is thinking the same way now that it's time for him to narrow his choices for VP.


I underestimated Texas's resolve when it comes to protecting its borders from the hordes of illegal aliens invading our country. The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbot, wrote a letter to the White House after the Supreme Court allowed the feds to cut the razor wire that Texas had put up, basically telling them that they are standing their ground when it comes to protecting their borders. It's a state's right to protect its borders especially when the Federal Government won't, wrote Abbot. What I didn't see coming were all the additional red states (25 in total) that have now come to the aid of Texas in its fight against the Biden White House. This situation bears watching. What will they do? What will Abbot's National Guard do if the Feds show up to cut the razor wire? Will this result in what people love to refer to as a constitutional crisis? Will Bumbles Biden back down? Or, will he issue "shoot-to-kill" orders to the feds he's dispatched to the border? What will Trump do or say about this ever-worsening crisis? He's almost obligated to make a statement of some kind. What will Birdbrain Haley have to say about it? Will she beat Trump to the punch and take the side of the red states ahead of the primary in her state of South Carolina? Don't let that happen, Donald.

I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. I'm reading a story in the Daily Mail this morning about a real estate developer in Chicago who was rehabilitating one of his buildings when illegal aliens decided they were going to move in and take over the building. Here's the kicker. The developer told the cops to leave the illegal aliens alone. Apparently, he's a liberal do-gooder who earned his fortune trading cryptocurrency and decided that he wanted to do good things with his money by providing housing to illegals after seeing pictures of them eating out of garbage cans in and around the snowy streets of Chicago. Allowing illegals to do as they damn well please, including breaking and entering into buildings they have no business being in, sends altogether the wrong message. Today, they break into unoccupied buildings. Tomorrow, they are breaking into homes and residences without the express approval of the homeowners. Is this what they refer to as replacement theory? Is that what this whole illegal immigration thing is all about? I also can't imagine this do-gooder is getting rave reviews from his fellow developers in Chicago and elsewhere. Not everyone can afford to just turn over the keys to their buildings to people whose sole purpose for being there is to squat and rot in the buildings until they get evicted one way or another. It's a dangerous precedent.

At least two of Birdbrain Haley's deep-pocket donors have now backed out of contributing to her campaign after her shellacking in the New Hampshire primary. It's also now coming out that a lot of Birdbrain's financial support is coming from Democrats. They want her in the race as long as possible in order to keep Trump's focus off Biden. The more money that Trump has to spend fending off Birdbrain, the less money he'll have on hand to go after Biden. That's the theory anyway. That is not going over well in Republican circles. It's no wonder that everyone and their brother in the Republican establishment is calling for her to drop out. She's a shameless shill for the Democrats, and she has to go. If the current polls in South Carolina portend anything, maybe her getting her ass kicked in her own state three weeks or so from today will be the beginning of the end of her miserable campaign. As for DeSantis, he's running around badmouthing Trump after dropping out a week or so ago. I gather he has zero interest in 2028 because that's what he's going to end up with if continues to run his mouth - fucking zippo support from the MAGA core. Maybe he's still butt-hurt after getting his ass kicked in both Iowa and New Hampshire. You don't get five percent in a New Hampshire primary and stay in the race in any meaningful way. That's true in 2024, and it's true in 2028. I think that people just think that he sucks as a candidate. Sorry, not sorry.

I got my first bike ride in for the 2024 year yesterday. I would have been up and running sooner if COVID hadn't come along. That's my final answer, and I'm sticking to it. I'm waking up to a rainy January morning so it doesn't look like I'll be getting in back-to-back bike rides. I suppose if it clears up later today, anything is possible. I canceled my gym membership yesterday because I wasn't going with any consistency. As we all know, consistency is the key to a good workout routine. I'll have to work harder at getting in more bike rides as difficult a task as that can be during the winter months here in New England. The missus was looking forward to getting in a walk today, so she's not going to be happy to wake up to rain. We should plan to get out and about today so there's that. Maybe we'll pay Mrs G a visit. Do you think she'd like to have a ham sub from Jersey Mikes? We should bring something. We can check with the Ev man to see if he needs anything while we're over in Exeter visiting Mrs G. I've been meaning to top off his windshield washer fluid, but there's probably no need to do that straight away, especially if it's still raining by the time we get to his place. I know, I know. I'm all over the place this morning.

If you're in the stock market, you're probably a happy camper these days. I see these tweets now and again from people who are shorting the market and who end up closing out their shorts with a loss. I think that's how it works. In other words, the market doesn't seem to ever go down. In a market like this, nobody wants to be out of the market, so everyone jumps in, hoping to ride the damn thing to the moon. Here's the deal. I think Biden's people are rigging the shit out of the market so as to create this illusion of wealth and prosperity. He has an election to win after all. When the PCE numbers came out yesterday, I saw one analyst refer to the numbers as "Goldilocks" numbers. The results were not so weak that people wanted to flee the stock market and they weren't so strong as to discount rate cuts in the near future. Quite frankly, the adjectives used to describe the PCE numbers being put out into the ether by Biden surrogates in the media were, at least by the end of the day, were in and of themselves over the top. The S&P was up a measly half percent by the end of the day. Not exactly something to crow about. Another tweeter said something about the fact that we're probably in for a "rug pull." Yes, everything reverts to the mean sooner or later so he wasn't wrong. Then again, in a rigged market, things can go a lot further in one direction or another than you think. For now, at least, enjoy the ride. Come on in. The water is just fine.

There were a number of headlines in the news yesterday about a medium-security prison in Massachusetts, MCI-Concord, that the State is planning to close. I was thinking to myself, what a perfect place to house illegal aliens. What the hell is the governor of that state running around asking her constituents to open their doors to families of illegal aliens when she has a prison sitting empty that can house a shitload of illegals? I mean, what's wrong with this picture? Many of the illegal aliens are likely coming from similar surroundings back in their country of origin. That is to say, we all know that these so-called shithole countries have emptied their prisons and institutions of inmates they no longer wanted and have given them free passage to the southern border of our country. I'm guessing that the moonbat governor of Massachusetts feels that there is no need to further traumatize these poor criminals and miscreants by having them live in 8x8 cells when they can otherwise be put up in five-star hotels and motels with free healthcare, free education for their spawn, and a monthly stipend that most senior citizens, American citizens, would kill for. Before that state spends another taxpayer dollar on housing these illegals, they need to open the doors of the prison and have them file in one by one, be deloused, and then assigned as necessary to the appropriate cell for themselves and their family members.

I'm glad to hear that Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, has deemed any arrangements coming out of the Senate regarding immigration as dead on arrival (DOA). You've got Biden running around now saying that if he is given a bill to sign that he will close the border. That is a crock of bullshit, and the American public knows it. We have a lying senile grifter for a President who can shut the border down tomorrow using existing law, but he is doing no such thing. He has his praetorian guard, the media, lying through their teeth for him and accusing Trump of queering the deal that will effectively allow for untold more millions to cross our borders. Let me get this straight. Did they just put this entire invasion of illegal aliens on Trump? So, now it's Trump's fault that we have ten million more illegal aliens in our country than we did when Biden got inaugurated? Trump needs to hold a press conference tomorrow on everything border-related. Do not let the media frame this border issue for another second. I'm sure you've noticed by now that every time they mention the border they never mention Biden's name at the same time. That is no coincidence. All of these political machinations in the halls of Congress probably mean that neither Ukraine nor Israel will get another penny in funding in the foreseeable future. That works for me, at least when it comes to Ukraine. We'll have to wait and see what it all means for Israel.

This one person I follow on Twitter is tweeting from her home in Taiwan this morning that both Chinese and Russian ships are surrounding the island of Taiwan. She sounds a little concerned, to say the least. China is always buzzing the island of Taiwan with something or other just to let the Taiwanese know that they can so maybe this is just more of the same. The Russian thing is weird, though. I don't ever recall Russia playing a part in China's intimidation tactics. I wouldn't think that China would need Russia in order to send the messages they like to send to the people of Taiwan. Is this just Russia messaging the world that they are able to juggle more than one conflict at a time? Is this China messaging the world that Russia will be joining the efforts to take down the island of Taiwan should push come to shove? I don't know what any of it means. I do know that the temperature of all things military-related is at an elevated state around the globe. This is what happens when you have weak to non-existent leadership in the United States, which is an undeniable fact at this moment in history. Did I mention that the United States just announced that they are placing nuclear warheads in the UK due to concerns over Russia's real or imagined expansionist goals? How well do you think the good people in the UK are sleeping tonight knowing that they are soon to become ground zero when Russia launches their preemptive nuclear strikes? Just thinking out loud here.

We spent a little time with Mrs G yesterday afternoon going over this and that. I brought over my Apple TV and hooked it up at her house as an alternative way to access Amazon Prime. She enjoys movies on Prime from time to time but accessing Prime on her Samsung television has been a bit of a bear. I don't know if it has anything to do with the age of her television or what, but the Apple TV gets you connected with Prime, Netflix, or whatever lickety-split. We gave her the remote and she took to it all like a fish to water. I've already ordered the Apple TV from Apple so we'll have it in hand when we visit next week. She also purchased an inexpensive transistor radio that she was thinking she'd use around the house. What she didn't tell me when she ordered it was that reception on the AM band in her facility is abysmal. You know me. I always have a workaround for those kinds of things. I downloaded the iHeart app on her iPad and set her up with a couple of her favorite radio stations out of Massachusetts. I think I'll need to go over how to access the app on her iPad and a few other things with her the next time we visit, but that's good for now. I may have to put the app on her main page so she doesn't have to go searching for it. You know how frustrating that can be.

If I can get another bike ride in today that will be my third bike ride this week. Just call me the come-back kid. We've got a snowstorm coming in overnight tonight so I'm hoping I'll have a window of time to get out on the road before any of it starts. I picked up the Ev man's car yesterday so we'll get that in the garage before the sun goes down tonight. Now that the missus and I are over our COVID nonsense, I can get the car back to the EV man at any time without having to rely on the missus to lend an assist. If he wants his car back straight away after the storm, I can drive it over, and he can drop me back here at the house. He gets to avoid that whole rigamarole of cleaning off his car and moving it from the upper lot to the lower lot (and vice versa) of his place so they can clear the areas of snow as necessary. He's not incapable of doing it, but he's just as happy not to have to deal with it if it isn't necessary. I was telling the missus just last night that winter is half over, for chrissakes, and it hasn't been that bad as winters go. I look out onto our lawn and I see green. A mottled green, to be sure, but green nonetheless. I regret missing out on most of January when it comes to my daily exercise routine because of COVID, but you play the hand you've been dealt when it comes to this kind of stuff.

There were stories galore in the news yesterday about Trump having conversations with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joining the Trump ticket as Vice President. Here's the kicker. There was another story, well below the fold, that none of it was true. Who floats these kinds of stories? I was hoping to catch Trump's rally yesterday on the telly but missed it all when we paid a visit to Mrs. G instead. I was thinking that he would address it one way or another and maybe dismiss it out of hand to expose the corrupt mainstream media. I don't know what happened so there's that. I like Kennedy, but he's a Democrat through and through, so he has no place on a Republican ticket if you ask me. If this whole Nimrata Haley thing has taught me anything, it's the fact that Trump needs the people who voted for Haley to get him over the top in November. I'm not talking about the Democrats and the Never-Trumpers who voted for Haley. They are never going to vote for Trump. I'm talking about suburban moms and the like. I also don't know where any of this third-party or no-name ticket nonsense is going that has to be said. Maybe this whole Kennedy thing was nothing more than a distraction. A distraction from what, I don't know. I'll leave that for better minds than mine to decipher. Just let me know what horses are in the race and when the race begins.

Winners Win

Finally. It's caucus day in Iowa. It's the beginning of the end of the Biden regime. Next Tuesday, we go to the polls here in New Hampshire for the first primary in the country. Trump has had a consistent lead in both contests, but the weather could have an impact on just how well he does. In fact, as far as polling goes, Trump's lead in the Iowa race is the largest lead of any candidate in the history of Iowa's caucuses according to the Des Moines Register. We'll see if that translates to a kick-ass margin after all is said and done. Trump told his supporters that even if they die in the process of getting out to vote that it will be worth it. That sounds a little Yogi Bear-ish, but okay. They also say that Trump's voters are older, so braving the frozen tundra, the black ice, and everything else that comes along with living in Iowa in the middle of winter, could impact the number of his supporters making it to the polls.


I was listening to a conservative talk show host in America this morning who was having a conversation with a reporter in Israel on all things Israel. The reporter in Israel actually commented on the fact that Joe Biden has never once spoken the name of any one or more of the Americans being held hostage by Hamas since they were kidnapped on October 7th, 2022. I've been saying this since day one. Nobody knows who the hell these people are and that's exactly how Joe Biden and his keepers want it. The last thing they want while they're trying to get their feeble old fuck of a president back into office is to have anyone harping day in and day out about his inability to free his fellow Americans. Those of us who have been paying attention know all too well that Biden is more than happy to condemn these people, whoever they are, to death at the hands of their captors if it means keeping their names out of the media.

There are stories in both The Guardian and The Telegraph this morning about how Iran is now the main power in the Middle East thanks to Joe Biden. Is this really a surprise to anyone? I've not read the articles, so I'm not sure what they lay out as evidence for their claims. What is known is that Biden has funded Iran since coming into office in 2021 by not enforcing sanctions put in place by the Trump Administration. It has allowed them to sell their oil to whomever they please, funding terrorism across the world as is their wont, and along with their proxies, control the waterways and airways in and around the Middle East and do pretty much as they damn well please. Another article coming out in the wake of the retaliatory bombings of the Houthis (Iran proxies) talks about the fact that the massive bombing campaign by the US and the UK did very little to no real damage to Houthi's infrastructure. This was, no doubt, Biden's promise to the Mullahs in Iran that their interests would be protected despite everything they might hear to the contrary. And, make no mistake about it, Iran moves closer and closer each day to having a nuclear device with which to wreak even more havoc in the Middle East. Again, they couldn't have done any of it without the beneficence and sign-off by crooked Joe Biden and his handlers.

Well, there you have it. The Iowa caucuses have come and gone, and Trump won with over 50% of the vote. He won an unprecedented 98 out of 99 counties. Word has it that the one county he didn't win was due to Democrats voting in the Republican caucus. DeSantis came in second with 21% of the vote followed by Haley with 19% of the vote. Vivek ended up with 7% of the vote and summarily suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump. Chris Christie wasn't wrong when he said that Nikki Haley was going to get smoked. No wonder he didn't endorse her. Put another way, you could say that 81% of the people who turned out to vote in the caucuses voted for someone other than Nikki Haley. So much for suburban moms who have given up on Trump. Here's the truth of the matter: They haven't. Trump did better amongst all groups compared to 2016, and he did better with Republican women than he did with Republican men. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Ron and Nikki. Tell me again about that ticket you got punched out of Iowa, Ron. The more people saw of Ron DeSantis the less they liked him. To think that he was projecting a win in Iowa. Sorry, not sorry.

I'm not sure how you can make the case for the big MO (momentum) going into New Hampshire if you're Nikki Haley. If anyone has the big MO going into New Hampshire and beyond, it's Trump. DeSantis is pretty much skipping New Hampshire and going directly to South Carolina. If he can effectively erode what little support Haley has in South Carolina, that might well be the final nail in her coffin. I think Ron wants to be the last guy standing when they take Trump away in handcuffs. What he doesn't understand is that Trump's absence in the campaign will not necessarily inure to his benefit. Another thing seems to be clear after Trump's convincing win in Iowa last night. That is, his supporters are going to vote for Trump regardless of his legal status. They see these 91 indictments for what they are. It's lawfare plain and simple. Eighty-one percent of the people who voted for Trump last night don't believe that Biden won the 2020 election fair and square. There, I said it. They think that Biden and the Democrat party stole the 2020 election. I won't mind at all if Trump embarrasses both Nikki Haley and her biggest supporter, Governor Sununu, here in New Hampshire a week from now. Like Governor what's her name in Iowa who came out for DeSantis, Sununu will likely suffer the same fate.

I agree with Trump. It's time to get behind the one guy who can deliver for the American people. I know it's a bit self-serving, but it's true. Can you imagine the drubbing DeSantis and Haley are going to take on Super Tuesday come March? The longer DeSantis stays in the worse it's going to get for him. He's pretty much alienated every Trump supporter who might otherwise vote for him in 2028 were he to do the right thing and get out of the race now while throwing his support behind Trump. We're going to need a cohesive party going into November if we're to beat Biden and his band of election thieves. That is never going to happen if these ne'er do wells like DeSantis and Haley stay too long. Maybe that's the strategy. They're okay with another four years of Biden if that is likely to improve their odds in 2028. You might even say that they're okay with four years of Kamala Harris and her radical Administration since that is more likely than not with Bumbles Biden on the cusp of going directly from the White House to a home for the severely cognitively impaired. Donors may have the final say here going into the home stretch. At some point, they are throwing good money after bad. I think that the time is now.

What the hell is this? An ARG poll that has Trump tied with Haley in New Hampshire at 40%? Is this what they call a push poll? A poll designed to mislead and confuse the electorate? A poll that might well encourage people to go out and vote for Haley (or against Trump) by lying to them about the strength of her numbers. These are people who might otherwise stay home knowing that their candidate (Haley) doesn't have a chance against the man coming out of Iowa (Trump) who just won 98 out of 99 counties and a 30-point lead against his second-place opponent. Can you believe the audacity of Haley on caucus night in Iowa where she took to the podium at the end of the night and declared it a two-person race? Did one of her people forget to tell her that DeSantis came in second place? It's also important to note that we here in New Hampshire are tainted by the poisonous politics of the State of Massachusetts. These scumbags from Massachusetts are likely planning to do their lot in improving Haley's chances by showing up at the polls on election night and casting illegal votes just to take down Trump. All you need is one or two poll watchers to look the other way, or God forbid, take a "donation" from George Soros or another one of Haley's Democrat donors to help perfect the steal.

Speaking of perfecting the steal, what is up with Putin coming out and saying that the election in the US was stolen with the use of mail-in ballots? He must be referring to the 2020 election. Right? What is he up to? What proof is he willing to offer and how will that evidence get through the myriad of firewalls put up by Biden's praetorian guard, the mainstream media? No sooner did Putin make his comments than Biden approved some form of support or other for Ukraine to prolong its war with Russia. Maybe that's Biden's way of saying that two can play that game. Remember when Trump called out to China in one of his 2016 rallies to release Hillary Clinton's 30,000 e-mails that went missing after Congress subpoenaed them? "China, if you're listening, please release Hillary Clinton's e-mails." I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea. Trump, probably unsurprisingly, is not now making a similar request lest Biden's state-run media run with the narrative that Trump is one of Putin's stooges. He (Trump) has bigger fish to fry, and he doesn't need to give Biden's media anything to derail what is shaping up to be a juggernaut of a campaign, unlike anything anyone's seen in the last one hundred years here in the United States.

Why is it that leaders of other countries feel the need to come out and make ridiculous comments about the potential dangers of another Trump presidency? Trudeau is one of the more recent leaders to make these assinine assertions. With a second Trump presidency looking more likely than not, are they not making matters worse for themselves by alienating Trump before he even gets inaugurated? I mean, who does that? Is this part and parcel of Biden's campaign to reach out to these other countries and have them badmouth Trump until the cows come home in order to make Trump seem more toxic and less acceptable on the world stage as a leader of the greatest country on the face of the earth? If other countries are raising concerns about Trump, maybe voters in the US should pay attention and vote for the "other" person whomever that may be. See how that works? Little do they know that should that "other" person be someone like neocon Nikki Haley, the prospects for global peace and prosperity will wither away like a juicy grape on a hot summer's day. I get it that these globalists hate populists wherever they pop up across the globe. Thankfully, populism is on the march across the planet, and no turds in the proverbial fishbowl like Trudeau and others of his ilk can stop it.

It was kind of cool seeing Ramaswamy taking the stage with Trump at the Trump rally here in New Hampshire last night. He's an America First guy through and through. He's always spoken highly of Trump so it's no surprise that he decided to endorse Trump after getting out of the race after Iowa. I'd like to think that most or all of Ramaswammy's followers are now in Trump's camp. That should help Trump put a little more distance between himself and Neocon Nikki. She has been surging if you believe the narrative being pushed by the mainstream media. If "surging" has you in third place in Iowa, I should think they (the media) might want to start looking for other more suitable adjectives to describe whatever it is that they think they can reasonably sell. "Surging" doesn't seem to be cutting the mustard. It's also true that it's probably easier to steal elections where you have primaries instead of caucuses. We've all seen the videos of people stuffing ballot boxes and voting multiple times in various and sundry locations in order to pump up their candidate's numbers. And then, when the time comes to audit certain locations, voila, the records go missing. Getting back to Ramaswamy, I think he appeals more to the younger voters so that can't hurt Trump's chances at corraling the demographics he needs to box out neocon Nikki on election night. Oh, and hats off to Senator Rand Paul for putting up the Never Nikki website.


I should try to make a dish for supper tonight. Maybe vegetarian chili which the missus likes. We don't prepare enough meals at home so we should try to change that up in 2024. I bought one of those pre-cooked chickens for last night's dinner and served it with Jasmine rice and broccoli. Can you say "path of least resistance"? I tend to stay away from recipes that have too many ingredients so veggie chili may not be the best recipe for me to tackle. I like a nice beef chili, truth be told, but the missus doesn't, so we need a compromise of sorts. How about a nice crockpot dish? It shouldn't be that hard to find a good crockpot recipe to make. We'll be out and about today so we can pick up whatever ingredients we need. I probably ought to take this opportunity to clean out the refrigerator after our latest bout with COVID-19. It's a helter-skelter shitstorm in there if you must know. I think I've already managed to get rid of the stuff we'll no longer be eating so I'm now left with something akin to an organizational challenge. I like to open our refrigerator door and see what's in there without having to move this and that out of the way. See where I'm going with this?

Remember Steve Cortes? He was a huge Trump supporter in Trump's 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. He was a regular guest on Steve Bannon's War Room show. For whatever reason, he jumped ship in the 2024 campaigns, and he went to work for the DeSantis campaign. So much for loyalty. Guess what? He's back to supporting Trump. I read that this morning and had a good laugh. It will be interesting to see if Bannon has him back on his War Room show. Bannon doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who holds grudges so I'll be paying close attention to his show today and tomorrow. Do you know who else is singing Trump's praises? Jamie Dimon, the CEO and Chairman of some bank or other. You know, the guy with a Democrat heart and a Republican brain. Those are his words, not mine. It sounds a lot like he's looking to run for president in 2028. He will need Trump's base if he's going to stand a chance. I'm not sure how formidable he would or would not be. I'm all for non-politicians being presidents, so I'll just throw that out there. Can I throw one more log on the fire? I watched a video this morning of Michael Moore singing Trump's praises. What kind of upside-down world are we living in?

I think Moore correctly predicted Trump's win in 2016 when he properly assessed the unhappiness that the citizenry was having with establishment politicians. He's a Michigan guy, as I recall, and he had a stake one way or another in what GM plants in Michigan were doing or not doing in order to prevent their plants from leaving the United States. I think I'll see if I can't find one or more of the videos that Moore produced back in 2016 just to refresh my memory. Part of Moore's schtick back in the day, if I recall correctly, was to warn about Trump although what he was warning folks about escapes me at the moment. Maybe he thought Trump, as a businessman, wouldn't work hard enough to prevent our domestic auto plants from leaving the country. Nonetheless, it's good to have him back on board assuming that the video I was looking at was kosher and not some AI production designed to confuse and mislead. Speaking of auto plants, have you seen all the recent stories of these electric vehicles and the problems they've had with them now that the cold weather is upon us? It could be the proverbial death knell, maybe a death rattle at a minimum, for these so-called batteries on wheels. It just confirms what I've felt all along: These things are not ready for prime time.

Today is Friday, the Friday before Primary Day here in New Hampshire. Howie Carr just posted overnight tracking poll figures showing Trump at 51.8% and Nimrata with a distant second at 35.4%. Was it that old coot, Senator Judd Gregg, I saw on television last night predicting that Trump couldn't get over 50% here in New Hampshire? I'm guessing he'll be eating crow come Primary Day, and that'll be a sight for sore eyes. Even Governor Sununu, who was just saying the other day that his girl, Nimrata, would beat Trump here in New Hampshire, is now admitting that she'll likely come in second place. Let's face it. The only reason Nimrata is getting 35%, if she gets that, is that DeSantis hasn't really either campaigned or caught on here in New Hamshire. Maybe this is the two-man race that Nimrata was referring to when, as the candidate who came in third in Iowa, she stated unequivocally that it was now a two-man race. If I'm not mistaken, Trump has edged up from previous polls, and Nimrata has edged down. The more people get a closer look at her, the more they dislike her. This is what happens when you go up against the most popular president in recent times. You may or may not like Trump, but he is the undisputed 800-lb gorilla in the room.

I especially like to listen to these left-wing hacks who are clutching their pearls every time they see another indictment of Trump and his poll numbers go up instead of down. They are going to indict Trump right into the White House if they keep this up. Would Trump be doing as well as he has had none of these lawfare issues come to the fore? It's unknowable. I think it's not hurting Trump that none of these indictments seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. That says a lot about just how weak the cases against him are. When you look at that junkyard dog that Biden brought back from The Hague to put Trump in prison before he could beat Biden on Election Day, it smacks of election interference and the good people of our country are not standing for it. Every day we get closer and closer to Trump being the defacto nominee of the Republican Party, and that will put the judges and prosecutors going after Trump in a box. Everything is political at that point and trying to rush through a conviction just so they can say that Trump is a convicted criminal may just put Trump over the top and right into the Oval Office. Not that he won't get there without the conviction, mind you.

Is James Carville about the biggest asshole on the face of the planet, bar none? He's the scumbag we all know from his days back in the Clinton era. Well, they've dragged him out of whatever hole he's been hiding in to suggest that Trump has the clap. He's referencing a recent photo taken of Trump where he appears to have blisters on his hand. It makes for a nice chyron for those networks who are not only happy to discuss the possibility that it's true but who also want to get something, anything going virally that can take Trump off his present trajectory. Maybe they're taking talking points from Trump's Republican opponents, or maybe more likely, from Biden's handlers. If you can dirty up your opponent in a race, it can't hurt. Right? Maybe they think that the Evangelicals will find Trump's "clap" as a sign from the Big Guy that Trump is morally unfit to be president. Expect to see and hear more of this from the left-wing media, who, like a dog with a bone, will run with it as long as they can. James Carville will be the talk of the town and MSNBC and CNN will have him on around the clock until the story, as scurrilous as it is, has run its course. This is who they are. This is what they do.

Yesterday was a hellscape around here. The missus interrupted me mid-sentence a little after eight in the morning to tell me that we weren't getting any heat out of our furnace. I figured it was just getting warmed up and would sooner or later start pumping out warmer air. With temperatures in the mid-twenties, I took a closer look at the vents and determined that the missus was on to something. I called the technicians, and they had someone come over to the house by one-ish. Fifteen minutes or so after he arrived I saw him coming out of our cellar with what looked like a motor of sorts. Sure enough, he didn't have the tools he needed to get the job done so off he went to his shop to finish the job. He was gone for a good two to three hours before he arrived back here at the house. I was thinking the worst. After two to three hours, can you blame me? I was thinking the motor was completely fucked and beyond repair. I was just waiting to hear the doorbell ring where I'd get the bad news. I had visions of having to have a new furnace installed and having to wait some three to four weeks for the installation. None of that happened, thank the baby Jesus. He had the thing back together in short order, and we had heat once again. Fucking A.

Trump continues to accumulate endorsements like there's no tomorrow. The big news yesterday was that Tim Scott, the senator from South Carolina, was endorsing Trump instead of Nimrata (Nikki) Haley, the person who may have been responsible for Scott's ascendence to the US Senate in South Carolina during her governorship. Scott also ran for president in this cycle but dropped out earlier in the process. You know things are bad when you can't count on the people you've helped along the way to prop you up when you need propping up. It's just another nail in the coffin for Nimrata. I don't think that either DeSantis or Haley thought that Trump would be the juggernaut of a candidate that he's become in this cycle. He's simply sucking all the air out of the room and leaving their poor asses by the side of the roadway. The fact that this is happening so early in the process, and we've had but one caucus thus far, says a lot about the strength of Trump's campaign. You might even say that it's historical if we're to be honest about it. I don't know that there are any politicians in South Carolina that have endorsed Haley now that Scott has come out for Trump. If she's smart, she'll get out after next Tuesday's race here in New Hampshire. Getting shellacked by Trump, which is what it looks like based on the latest polls out of South Carolina, in your own state's primary come February 3rd simply won't look good on her resume if she expects to run again in 2028 or later.

I don't think I have any preferences one way or another when it comes to Trump's VP pick. Someone who qualifies as a MAGA successor would be fine considering the fact that Trump can only serve one term. The movement isn't going away, and the Department of Justice can't put them all in jail, so we'll need someone who can carry on Trump's "America First" legacy. I would not be happy to see him go with Nimrata Haley so I'll just put that out there. DeSantis screwed the pooch by running against Trump so he's out. Does Trump need to have a woman on the ticket? I'm not sure. Who might that be? Not sure. I like Byron Donalds, the Congressman from Florida so I could go for him. He'd be the first black Republican president if he were to win in 2028. Are there states out there that Trump can win that he wouldn't otherwise win if he didn't have a minority or a woman on the ticket? Again, just don't know. I like Tulsi Gabbard, but I just don't know how she would go over with the MAGA base. It can't hurt that she's left the Democrat Party. Or, maybe more accurately, the Democrat party left her. We'll have to see a few more cards come out of the deck before we start to get a clearer picture of who is and who isn't on Trump's shortlist. One thing is for sure. He won't be picking a dimwit like Kamala Harris. No sireee, Bob. Not in a million years. Not Donald J. Trump.

DeSantis canceled a number of appearances today on the Sunday talk shows. That only happens when a candidate plans to drop out. Right? The New Hampshire primary is two days away (today is Sunday) so he still has time. If he gets out and endorses Trump, then it's just Trump and Nimarata left in the race. You don't suppose he'll be endorsing Nimarata, do you? That would make zero sense. Nimarata is going to get her arse kicked by Trump all the way through, well, pick your primary. Any primary. She's toast. Did you see the Trump rally in Manchester last night? Holy shit, talk about a 2016 redo. It was Trump mania all over again. Trump had a political contingent up from South Carolina to endorse him and he brought them all up on stage. These are people who had worked with and for Nimrata Haley when she was a two-term governor in South Carolina. That had to be embarrassing for Nimrata. Add to it the several pieces in the latest Daily Mail about her affairs with other men while her husband was fighting in wars overseas, and I'm just not sure how much more her campaign can take before it completely implodes. They have a seriously flawed and imperfect candidate. It's just a fact. That's the last twenty-four hours in a nutshell. If DeSantis isn't dropping out, he might as well drop out because that's all the Sunday talk shows are going to be talking about. It will take on a life of its own, with or without him.

I see Boston Mayor Wu is up here in New Hampshire pushing the "write-in-Biden" bullshit. He's not on the ballot in New Hampshire because he elected to skip New Hampshire so he could go straight to South Carolina where he has more than enough black support to propel him to wins in subsequent primaries. So what the fuck does he have his surrogates up here in New Hampshire for if he didn't give two fucks about getting votes out of this state? Fuck him and the clown show that he surrounds himself with. Speaking of traveling, I saw a piece on him this morning that had him going back to his home in Deleware for another vacation. They calculated that he's spent 39.4% of his presidency on vacation. And you fucking wonder why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. Speaking of these dipshit leftists from Massachusetts like Mayor Wu, we have enough leftists of our own so stay the hell down in your Marxist hell hole if you don't mind. Leftists, I'll remind you, who are likely transplants from Massachusetts. They came here to get away from the taxes in Massachusetts but brought their politics with them. That's right. We lovingly refer to them as Massholes.

Did I just hear that DeSantis dropped out and endorsed Trump? Whoa Nellie! Here we go!


You didn't miss anything. I was sick as a dog last week and didn't post anything. The missus got tested, and she had COVID-19, so I probably had COVID-19, too. It was just enough to take the wind out of our sails for a solid week or more. It got so bad at one point that I had to turn my phone off so as not to hear the constant ding ding ding of people trying to get ahold of me. Enough already. Don't they know I'm sick? It would have been more bearable were it not for the incessant cough one gets with Covid-19. I'm still sucking on Halls's cough drops here nearly a week later since the cough seems to be the last vestige of this damn virus to give up. We've had spots here and there where we thought we'd lost our sense of taste but nothing long-lasting. Rice Krispies and blueberries has been our breakfast go-to, interestingly enough. God willing, we'll feel better this week and get back on track to feeling whatever passes for normal.

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The Supreme Court will hear arguments on February 8th on Colorado's efforts to remove Trump's name from the ballot due to his involvement in the "insurrection" on January 6th in our nation's capitol. I think these arguments lump in efforts in other states to do the same thing. Let's get one thing straight. January 6th was not an insurrection. It was a lot of things, but it was not an insurrection. It was a hoax perpetrated by the left to taint Trump and his supporters and to prevent them from ever gaining power again. We'll see how far the Supreme Court goes to sign off on the anti-democratic forces looking to establish a one-party state in our country. Will they invalidate the right of every American to vote for one Donald J. Trump just because the radical leftists in our country have found an argument in some amendment or other dating back to the Civil War? This is where the Supremes have to step in with a 9-0 decision in Trump's favor. Anything less will be destabilizing.

Thankfully, the snowstorm we've had in the last couple of days (first of the season) held off long enough so I could get back on my feet after this COVID-19 thing. How much snow do you think we got? I'm thinking close to a foot here in Southern New Hampshire. The birds at my thistle feeder have been going absolutely ga-ga. All of our bird feeders have been stocked up and ready to go from the jump ahead of this storm. You know how I hate to feel flat-footed when it comes to taking care of the birds. Did I mention that I think I saw a Tawney Shouldered Blackbird at one of my feeders yesterday? My bird book says they're not around here, so I'm not sure, but it sure looked like one. I was out at least three times yesterday in the wake of the storm, clearing this, that, or other things. My back deck is a bloody mess, and I'm not looking forward to working on that section of the house. If I can get some snow off my roof and a trail cleared from the street to my oil tank, I'll be doing well today.

Now I'm hearing that we have some damaging winds heading our way. Will we or won't we lose our electricity? If so, for how long? I think there's some rain coming along with this storm as well. That means I need to make more of an effort to get some more snow off our roof before all of this goes down. All we need is a collapsed roof on top of everything else. Did I read the article about the latest King Arthur baking contest correctly? Did they really say that it's for non-whites only? Fuck them and the horses they rode in on. They can take their white-ass flour and shove it where the sun don't shine. Do they think they're the only flour company that does what they do? Put me down for boycotting these DEI fucks or whatever brand of Kool-Aid they're drinking these days. I guess it wasn't enough for institutions to try and be more inclusive when it comes to minorities. You're not getting the job done unless you now exclude whiteness in all its form and function. All of this comes on the heels of the story out of Boston where Mayor Wu had a year-end party for non-whites. Wut? You heard me.

I don't really give two shits about this latest Lloyd Austin story. It sounds totally concocted. People realize that the Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C., has its own chain of command in place. Right? It's the premier military hospital in the United States for chrissakes. If Lloyd Austin was in Walter Reed and indisposed for any period of time, everyone up and down the chain of command would have been notified by the hospital, including the White House. What I can believe is that word went out to the White House and Bumbles Biden forgot what they told him about Austin's being indisposed. If Bumbles can even name half of the people in his cabinet at any given time I'd be surprised. He's that far gone. Anyway, what's this all about? Why are they blowing yet another smokescreen up our collective arses? What other story are they trying to cover up? Does this have anything to do with Bumble's trip to the church in South Carolina where he praised the actions of BLM during the 2020 riots? Did he just endorse another summer of rage in order to get himself back into the White House for another term?

I'm two weeks out from catching this damn COVID thing, or whatever, and this cough just won't go away. I'm getting just a little tired of going to sleep at night with a cough lozenge under my tongue so as not to keep the house awake with my hacking. Thankfully, the lozenges are doing the trick most of the time. I'm also taking far too many naps during the day. That suggests to me that this sickness is far from gone. I wouldn't say that I'm suffering from fatigue, but I tire more easily, and it seems to take me longer to recover from what little activity I find myself doing at any given time. I would just as soon leave dishes in the sink as clean them when they should be cleaned, and it takes something of a herculean effort to clean up when the time comes to clean up. I did the best I could when it came to clearing the foot or more of snow that fell on our roof overnight the other night. I'd clear a section and then take a break for a couple of hours before getting back to it. That's what I'm talking about. All I'm asking is to feel like myself again. Is that too much to ask? I don't think this is long COVID so let's not go there just yet. I'm also not feeling any brain fog or maybe one or two other symptoms that one usually associates with COVID. Did I mention that the missus isn't able to taste her food?

I saw a bit of video this morning out of New York where they were unloading busloads of illegal immigrants in front of a local high school. They are apparently jamming these illegals into school gymnasiums and telling locals that their children are going to have to do their schooling online or some such bullshit. Elon Musk chimed in on a tweet to the effect that it won't be long before the illegals will be coming for your homes. Remember when Maura Healy, the governor of Massachusetts, asked her citizens to open their doors to the tens of thousands of illegals being bussed and flown into her state? How many takers do you think stepped forward to open their doors to these people who have never been vetted and come from countries all over the world to escape God only knows what? Secretary Mayorkas, Biden's globalist-in-chief, is up for a vote of impeachment today in Congress so we'll see how that goes. He's about the slimiest mother fucker I've ever seen in all my years watching Washington, D.C. He can lie with a straight face as well as anyone, and that's saying a lot when it comes to the rats that occupy our nation's capital. I hope they run that fucker out of town on a rail when all is said and done. As for the families and the children whose lives are being sacrificed at the altar of globalism, Election Day 2024 can't come soon enough.

This Fanny Willis story isn't going away. She's the local district Attorney down in Georgia who brought racketeering charges against Trump and a number of his associates for trying to overturn an election. It's just one more case of lawfare being brought against Trump in order to put him in jail before the American people go to the polls this coming November. So, here's the twist. She hired a boyfriend of hers who had zero experience trying racketeering cases and paid him handsomely for his time. Invoices submitted by her boyfriend for his services, if you can believe this, show time billed for his services when he went to the White House to allegedly coordinate their efforts with White House Counsel to bring down Trump. Sorry, boys and girls, but that is election interference, plain and simple. How many other services were billed while these two lovers were galavanting around the globe from one vacation spot to another? Who in Georgia is going to call this for what it is? Who is going to call for Fanny to step down from her position as local district attorney on the Trump case? When are we going to see the governor step up to the plate and order an investigation into the affairs and the skullduggery around their attempts to put Trump and his associates in jail? I'll wait.

Chris Christie dropped out of the presidential race last night. There is a recording going around where he says something off-tape about Trump smoking Nikki Haley. I don't know if Christie endorsed Haley, but as I sit here this morning, I've heard nothing about any of it. One of the leftist loons I listen to on Sirius radio, Smerconish, was suggesting just yesterday that were Chris Christie to drop out that his 12% in the polls would, more likely than not, accrue to Haley's benefit. That would put her within striking distance, according to Smerconish, who was wetting his trousers just thinking about it. Smerconish was surmising that if Haley can pull off an upset in New Hampshire, it might be the beginning of the end for Trump. I think that some of this assumes that DeSantis drops out after Iowa, coming in a distant third place behind Trump and Haley. I'm not so sure that a third-place finish in both Iowa and New Hampshire is going to do much to help DeSantis's bid for the presidency either now or in 2028. That said, Haley is a piece of work. Watching her gleefully and deftly put the dagger in DeSantis's back time and time again in the debate on CNN has to be giving the decent folk in Iowa pause as they try to figure out who they want as their standard bearer in the 2024 presidential race. She's no Margeret Thatcher. That is for fucking sure.


As DeSantis and Haley were duking it out on CNN, Trump was holding a Town Hall on FOX. Trump was on his game. It certainly helped that just about every person the moderators called on in the audience planned to vote for Trump in the upcoming caucus. I wish Trump had talked more about what he plans to do in a second Administration beyond just undoing everything Biden has done. Getting us out of wars around the world is important but deporting every last one of Biden's illegal aliens is important as well. He did say something about that so that's good. He could have talked about doing away with electric vehicle mandates imposed on us by the Biden Administration as well as other "green" initiatives lauded by the Climate Cultists. He could have talked about choking off Iran from money now flowing into Iran thanks to Biden's looking the other way on sanctions. I didn't hear him say that he'd be shutting off monies to Ukraine so I'm left wondering about that. How about men competing in women's sports? What is he going to do to put a stop to that? I know instinctively that he's against this stuff, but it needs to be said time and time again.

The United States and the UK bombed sites in Yemen overnight. Biden hasn't been seen in 4 to 5 days, but he issued some kind of a statement about the bombings that I have yet to pay any attention to. Isn't Bumbles supposed to go to Congress when he decides to wage war on another country? Or, is that sort of thing just one more thing that Biden and his minions have unilaterally decided that they don't have to comply with? I did read somewhere that nowhere in his statement did Bumbles utter the name of the real troublemaker behind everything going on in the Middle East: Iran. Of course, we know that the Biden Administration has been infiltrated by Iranians with the full knowledge of everyone in the Administration. Let there be no doubt that Bumbles will continue to support Iran by ignoring any and all sanctions that have, to date, enriched Iran to the tune of some $100 million dollars. Or, is it $100 billion? Iran will, no doubt, continue to support the attacks by their proxies across the Middle East on Americans and American assets. How is this not just one more act of treason by a bewildered and demented Joe Biden?

Since much of what happened last night was telegraphed by Biden's spokespeople, it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Yemen had a chance to hide its assets underground prior to the bombing. It makes much of what transpired performative. It may well be the "wag-the-dog" strategy that has been employed more recently by presidents like Bill Clinton in order to get Americans to rally around the flag in the days and months leading up to the presidential election and, not coincidentally, the Commander-in-Chief. Oddly enough, the mainstream media is silent as I'm looking here and there at headlines this morning. You would think that they might take advantage of the Yemen situation to cast their ideological leader, Bumbles Biden, as the greatest Commander-in-Chief to ever come down the pike. Does this have anything to do with the fact that Biden and his Administration have involved our country and our military in just about every conflict across the globe since he came into office in 2021? Americans have had it up to here (holding hand above head) with Biden's fecklessness and incompetence. Whether it's our open borders, which Biden has failed to protect, or the economy, which is teetering on the edge, Yemen is yet another example of one more abject failure by the Biden administration that puts America and Americans at risk. That's a hard sell if you're in the media.

It's probably just a matter of time now before sleeper cells in the United States are activated to do what sleeper cells do. I'm talking about the 8-10 million illegal aliens that have poured into our country under Joe Biden's open border policies. You know that a pretty big percentage of these illegals have come here to wreak death and destruction on our citizenry. Has that been the plan all along? Is that the excuse Joe Biden plans to use when he institutes martial law and calls off elections until things "stabilize"? You know, like in Ukraine. I'm not sure how sleeper cells organize themselves, so I'm at a loss to say that this or that Yemeni sleeper cell is likely to be activated. Maybe it's a Hezbollah sleep cell working in concert with a Yemeni sleeper cell to get the job done. Americans are, and this is a guess on my part, what they consider to be "soft targets." In other words, it wouldn't take much to put a little bit of fear in the populace if that is their goal. I'm surprised that we don't have more of this sort of thing, given how open our society is, so that bears mentioning.

Biden finally emerged after being out of sight for the last four or five days. He showed up in Pennsylvania somewhere where the people with him were walking him here and there looking about as bewildered and senile as I've seen him. At one point, he announced, "My name is Joe Biden, and I'm in the United States Senate." He also, at one point, reached down near a pre-teen child sitting in a chair, seemingly wanting to get a good sniff of her hair before someone distracted him from the matter at hand. You could see the panic in his eyes, and it's not unlike the panic you see in patients with late-stage dementia when faced with something new or something unrecognizable. He had what appeared to be a drink in his hand, perhaps an ice cream drink that wouldn't easily spill were he to forget he was carrying a drink. Maybe it was his favorite chocolate chip ice cream that he constantly talks about when he can't otherwise remember his name or what day of the week it is. I just don't know who on his team thinks that having this demented old fool out in public does anything for his prospects in the upcoming presidential election. Someone asked him a question about bombing Yemen, and he responded with something about Iran not wanting a war with the United States. What he didn't say is that he continues to fund Iran by not enforcing sanctions against them. Like I said before, since when is that not an act of treason?

Taiwan is holding elections today. I believe that one of the people on the ballot is a Chinese person who, if elected, will bring the island of Taiwan more in line with the politics of the China mainland. That would not be good for Taiwan's independence as a nation. Is this an election that China can effectively steal? How will China react if their candidate doesn't do well in the final tally? Will they invade Taiwan under the pretense that the election was stolen? Aside from the presidential candidates on the ballot, are there other less high-profile candidates running for congressional seats that could also give more power to mainland China? I'll have to tune in to the war room with Steve Bannon this morning, where he'll be covering the race from soup to nuts. It's entirely possible that China has been waiting for this opportunity to take the island of Taiwan by storm alleging this or that infraction. Some people also think that having the US military spread as thin as it is across the globe makes it less likely that the US will have any gas left in the tank to push back against China were China to go into Taiwan with guns blasting. It's all by design, of course, knowing what we know about China having bought off the Biden family over the years.

All eyes are on the weather reports out of Iowa as the first-in-the-nation caucus takes place this coming Monday. As of today, it looks pretty darn cold but with not much precipitation in the forecast. It's possible that Trump voters, who are older, generally speaking, might be less likely to go out in the really cold weather, and that wouldn't be good for the Don. You can see the media spinning the outcome of any one or more races based on their biases and not even bothering to mention factors like the weather. Imagine spending zillions of dollars on your ground game in Iowa only to leave everything to the weather at the end of the day. It seems crazy at best but what the heck can you do about any of it? "Not much" is the answer. Then again, if Trump does well despite the weather, will the media applaud Trump's resilient base and the strength of his overall campaign? Some things are so obvious that they can't go unmentioned, but it's also true that the media finds a way to not say things when saying things will help people they don't want to win. There are also reports that DeSantis and his people are calling Trump voters and warning them not to go to the polls because of the weather. It's no longer "may the best man win." It's all about stopping Trump. If Haley and DeSantis need to join forces to make that happen, so be it.

Fast forward 24 hours and all is well in Taiwan. China's candidate didn't cut the mustard in Saturday's elections, and Taiwan put one in the "win" column. Democracies around the world rejoiced and sent along their congratulations. Everybody but, you guessed it, demented Joe Biden. He's not acknowledging their independence because China's CCP doesn't recognize their independence. In other words, Bumbles Biden is parroting the words of his paymasters in Beijing because that is precisely what they bought when they invested as heavily as they have in the Biden Crime Family. How much more evidence do you need that Bumbles Biden is a Manchurian candidate? It's so completely embarrassing as a citizen of the United States to have this demented old fool, Biden, doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party at every turn. Can you imagine if Trump were president and he came out against Taiwan's independence and in favor of the Communist Chinese Party? The media would literally rip him a new one and brand him a puppet of the CCP. When it comes to Biden, it's crickets from the mainstream media. Fucking C-R-I-C-K-E-T-S. Just a complete disgrace.