Winners and Losers

Tomorrow is the big day here in New Hampshire. It's Primary Day, 2024. It's the day we get to send that sniveling little toady, Nimarata Haley, packing and back to wherever she came from. My guess is that she'll want to get out of the presidential race before the South Carolina primary, where Trump is beating her by huge margins. Let's call a spade a spade: South Carolina is Trump country. We're seeing Republicans across our fruited planes coalesce around Donald J. Trump like never before. Americans are simply not going to let Biden and his Justice Department decide who can and who can't be president of our great country, and they are speaking with one voice. They say that polling states like New Hampshire is difficult if not impossible, yet the average of many of the major polls here in New Hampshire have Trump up anywhere from ten to twenty points over Nimrata. The only way Nimarata wins at this point is if she steals it with the help of our RINO governor.


I'll pick up the Ev man a little after noon on Tuesday to take him to vote. He's a little skittish about the whole thing, but only because he's not done it in a few years. He is registered, and I drove by the polling place last night, so I know where it is, so we shouldn't have any issues come Tuesday. I think he's more than thrilled to be casting a vote so there's that. Would he be going if I didn't offer to drive him over there? Probably not. I look at this as a chance to grease the skids so, come November and the general election, he can go to the polling place and take care of business himself. The weather looks like it'll be cooperating tomorrow with clear skies and temperatures in the mid-thirties. That's pretty nice for this time of year. Nobody has a good reason not to get out to vote. Does a bigger turnout help or hurt Trump? I'm not sure about that either. We just have to do our civic duty and let the chips fall where they may.

I saw a number of tweets yesterday from Haley's camp where she was complaining that she's always been discriminated against because of her brown skin. That's funny, I didn't hear a peep out of her about her brown skin when she was trying to win the Iowa caucuses. So she plays the race card when she thinks it's going to help her, and she avoids mentioning it when it doesn't. Oh, and then she slams Trump for his racist comments when he refers to her by her ancestral name, Nimrata. Is your birth name Nimrata, or is it not, bitch? We don't have many minorities here in New Hampshire, so I'm not sure why she's pulling the "brown skin" rabbit out of her hat now. Is she, by any chance, making a play for Democrats who plan to vote for her in the New Hampshire Republican primary? Yes, if you're a registered Independent here in New Hampshire, I think you can choose which party's ballot you wish to take when you go into the polling place.

DeSantis may have helped himself by getting out before the New Hampshire primary and endorsing Trump. I might have preferred that DeSantis show up at Trump's rally last night in Rochester, NH, and take to the stage to sing Trump's praises, but he didn't for whatever reason. Now we know why the likes of DeSantis and others running against Trump have never bad-mouthed Trump when on the campaign trail. If they stood a chance at winning anything at all, they would need the support of Trump's base to do it. As for the leftists in the media, they constantly complained about the fact that not one of Trump's opponents would take Trump to task for anything. They were desperate to see Trump weakened by politicians in his own party to the point where he stood little to no chance of beating their candidate, the demented Joe Biden. Haley will be out of the race shortly, I believe, and Biden's praetorian guard, the media, will be back to talking non-stop about Trump's ninety-one indictments and criticizing Biden's Department of Justice for not indicting and convicting Trump sooner. That window is still open, but closing fast.

Primary Day is finally here in New Hampshire. We're down to Trump and neocon Nikki Haley. Haley won all six votes last night in Dixville Notch. It means nothing. I swear to God that the leftists have infiltrated the minuscule town of Dixville Notch just so they can try to sway a presidential election every four years. It ain't happening this year, folks. Not on my fucking watch. I'll vote twice if I have to. Well, not really. You know what I mean. We cannot let this sniveling nutbag Haley anywhere near the levers of power. Not today, not ever. We need to send her and her Democrat donors packing by a good ten to twenty points tonight if we're going to make that happen. The bitch will probably still not get out of the race. The longer she stays in the longer she'll be relegated to the political equivalent of Siberia. In other words, it will be a cold day in hell before anyone in our political party offers her so much as a crumb of bread, much less an ambassador's post or other. The longer she's out there badmouthing Trump, the more difficult she makes it for the Party to coalesce around Trump and ultimately beat Biden in November. She knows that all too well yet she hangs on like the shitbag that she is.

The Supreme Court is not helping. They rendered a 5-4 opinion yesterday in favor of the Biden Administration allowing the Federal Government to cut the razor wire that the State of Texas has laid down across the river separating Mexico from Texas. What the fuck were they thinking? They're basically agreeing with the Federal Government that it's all right for millions of illegal aliens from third-world shitholes to invade our country and nobody, including the States along our Southern border, can do a damn thing about it. Barret and Roberts, the two so-called conservatives, voted with the three liberals on the court. I get Roberts. People have long wondered what the liberals have on him because he sides with the liberals more often than not. Maybe Roberts spent time on Pedo Island or some other nonsense. Whatever they have, it's powerful. I just don't know about Barret. Maybe it's all about protecting the administrative state for her. The Federal Government knows best. Right? All of this is above my pay grade so I may be missing something. What I do know is that this decision is going to fuel even more crossings and even more pain for the good people in Texas and other states along the southern border. It's probably just a matter of time before the citizenry takes matters into their own hands, whatever that looks like.

I saw a tweet yesterday warning people about illegal aliens invading our homes and our inability to fight back because the laws on the books are more likely than not to favor illegal aliens than American Citizens. I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea. You can't tell me that homeowners along our southern border aren't sleeping with one eye open and a weapon of some kind at their side to protect their families and their possessions should that become necessary. I think the word has gone out from the Federal Government that crimes committed by illegal aliens are not to be reported or if they are, neither the country of origin nor the immigration status of the perpetrator are to be mentioned. I guess we don't have the right to know these things anymore. I see the faces of these criminals in the news, and without sounding like a racist or a profiler, I can tell that there is always more to the story than meets the eye. The crimes committed are typically more heinous and more gruesome than we're accustomed to seeing. Yet, not a word about their being a recent border crosser from who the fuck knows where. The fact of the matter is that they are coming across the border in numbers that make it impossible for our Border Patrol to reasonably vet. Now, with this decision from the Supremes, our Border Patrol have once again become nothing more than escorts. It's a bloody disgrace. No, really.

Trump won last night's New Hampshire primary. The Associated Press announced Trump as the winner 8 minutes after the polls closed. I think he received the most votes of any non-incumbent in the history of the New Hampshire primary. The final tally has Trump at 55% and Haley at 43%. Trump got 70% of the Republican vote in the state. We have a primary that allows Democrat-leaning independents to vote in the Republican primary. That explains why Haley got as many votes as she did. When the primaries move to states where only Republicans are allowed to vote in the primaries, Haley will get blown out of the water and in short order. Did you hear her speech last night? She came out when Trump was only ahead by 7%, and you would have thought that she won the race if you were paying any attention to the words coming out of her mouth. This is the same twat who, when she came in third in Iowa, stepped up to the podium and announced that it was now a two-man race.

Apparently, Haley is staying in the race and to the detriment of the Party. As long as Haley is throwing haymakers at Trump, Trump has little choice but to engage her using already scarce resources at his disposal. He cannot get on with the business of taking on dementia Joe Biden and Deep State. You can almost say that Haley is working on behalf of the Democrats to either weaken or take down Trump before Election Day this coming November. Polls have Trump ahead in Haley's home state of South Carolina, which holds their primary on February 24th. She is a two-term governor from that State, but that doesn't seem to make any difference to Trump supporters. South Carolina is Trump country to the core so that bodes well for The Donald. I suppose Haley could stay in through March when Super Tuesday rolls around just for shits and giggles. Something tells me that this strategy will be an easy sell to her donors who want anybody but Trump. They will keep writing the checks, and she will continue her ridiculous campaigning to the never-Trumpers and disaffected Republicans. None of this is going to help us beat Biden, but she could give two shits. That tells us a lot about the real Nimrata (Nikki) Haley.

I took a bit of perverse pleasure in Trump's win last night. Our dope of a governor, Sununu, has been running around the state promising everyone and anyone who would listen that his candidate, Nikki Haley, was going to run the tables on Donald Trump. Just how much sway does this idiot really think he has when it comes to making a difference in a state primary? I think he introduced her in every diner and hunting lodge in New Hampshire thinking, incorrectly I might add, that his endorsement would deliver a knock-out blow to Trump on Primary Day. Haley and Sununu are birds of a feather to be sure. They spend more time on CNN and MSNBC than they do more middle-of-the-road networks. Is Sununu looking for a contract with CNN? That may be part of it. Now that his girl has gone down in flames, CNN may be reconsidering any offers. Did I mention that Trump won all but one county in New Hampshire? As for Haley's future in electoral politics, every day she stays in the race with Trump she becomes more and more of a pariah. She'll be lucky to get elected as dog catcher when all is said and done. People want her out, and they want her out now. And no, Nimrata, you are not going to be Trump's Vice President.

Both Ramaswamy and Senator Tim Scott spoke at Trump's victory speech. I have to say, I'm more and more impressed with both of these men the more I see and listen to them. They give an air of credibility to the whole America First thing, and they speak to its virtues in ways that Trump can't or doesn't. I've always thought that Vivek was a little too pro-Trump to the point of making him suspect. Now that I see Trump and Vivek standing side by side and beating the same drums in unison I think that my concerns were probably unwarranted. Vivek can articulate issues like no other. Can you imagine him in a debate with Kamala Harris? By the time he was finished with her, she'd be looking for someplace to hide. He would illustrate in real time the danger that our Republic would face should dementia Joe have to step aside for health reasons. If that doesn't scare the bejesus out of anyone watching that debate, nothing will. Hell, I'd pay to see Vivek ripping Kamala a new one in a face-to-face debate. I have to believe that Trump is thinking the same way now that it's time for him to narrow his choices for VP.


I underestimated Texas's resolve when it comes to protecting its borders from the hordes of illegal aliens invading our country. The Governor of Texas, Greg Abbot, wrote a letter to the White House after the Supreme Court allowed the feds to cut the razor wire that Texas had put up, basically telling them that they are standing their ground when it comes to protecting their borders. It's a state's right to protect its borders especially when the Federal Government won't, wrote Abbot. What I didn't see coming were all the additional red states (25 in total) that have now come to the aid of Texas in its fight against the Biden White House. This situation bears watching. What will they do? What will Abbot's National Guard do if the Feds show up to cut the razor wire? Will this result in what people love to refer to as a constitutional crisis? Will Bumbles Biden back down? Or, will he issue "shoot-to-kill" orders to the feds he's dispatched to the border? What will Trump do or say about this ever-worsening crisis? He's almost obligated to make a statement of some kind. What will Birdbrain Haley have to say about it? Will she beat Trump to the punch and take the side of the red states ahead of the primary in her state of South Carolina? Don't let that happen, Donald.

I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. I'm reading a story in the Daily Mail this morning about a real estate developer in Chicago who was rehabilitating one of his buildings when illegal aliens decided they were going to move in and take over the building. Here's the kicker. The developer told the cops to leave the illegal aliens alone. Apparently, he's a liberal do-gooder who earned his fortune trading cryptocurrency and decided that he wanted to do good things with his money by providing housing to illegals after seeing pictures of them eating out of garbage cans in and around the snowy streets of Chicago. Allowing illegals to do as they damn well please, including breaking and entering into buildings they have no business being in, sends altogether the wrong message. Today, they break into unoccupied buildings. Tomorrow, they are breaking into homes and residences without the express approval of the homeowners. Is this what they refer to as replacement theory? Is that what this whole illegal immigration thing is all about? I also can't imagine this do-gooder is getting rave reviews from his fellow developers in Chicago and elsewhere. Not everyone can afford to just turn over the keys to their buildings to people whose sole purpose for being there is to squat and rot in the buildings until they get evicted one way or another. It's a dangerous precedent.

At least two of Birdbrain Haley's deep-pocket donors have now backed out of contributing to her campaign after her shellacking in the New Hampshire primary. It's also now coming out that a lot of Birdbrain's financial support is coming from Democrats. They want her in the race as long as possible in order to keep Trump's focus off Biden. The more money that Trump has to spend fending off Birdbrain, the less money he'll have on hand to go after Biden. That's the theory anyway. That is not going over well in Republican circles. It's no wonder that everyone and their brother in the Republican establishment is calling for her to drop out. She's a shameless shill for the Democrats, and she has to go. If the current polls in South Carolina portend anything, maybe her getting her ass kicked in her own state three weeks or so from today will be the beginning of the end of her miserable campaign. As for DeSantis, he's running around badmouthing Trump after dropping out a week or so ago. I gather he has zero interest in 2028 because that's what he's going to end up with if continues to run his mouth - fucking zippo support from the MAGA core. Maybe he's still butt-hurt after getting his ass kicked in both Iowa and New Hampshire. You don't get five percent in a New Hampshire primary and stay in the race in any meaningful way. That's true in 2024, and it's true in 2028. I think that people just think that he sucks as a candidate. Sorry, not sorry.

I got my first bike ride in for the 2024 year yesterday. I would have been up and running sooner if COVID hadn't come along. That's my final answer, and I'm sticking to it. I'm waking up to a rainy January morning so it doesn't look like I'll be getting in back-to-back bike rides. I suppose if it clears up later today, anything is possible. I canceled my gym membership yesterday because I wasn't going with any consistency. As we all know, consistency is the key to a good workout routine. I'll have to work harder at getting in more bike rides as difficult a task as that can be during the winter months here in New England. The missus was looking forward to getting in a walk today, so she's not going to be happy to wake up to rain. We should plan to get out and about today so there's that. Maybe we'll pay Mrs G a visit. Do you think she'd like to have a ham sub from Jersey Mikes? We should bring something. We can check with the Ev man to see if he needs anything while we're over in Exeter visiting Mrs G. I've been meaning to top off his windshield washer fluid, but there's probably no need to do that straight away, especially if it's still raining by the time we get to his place. I know, I know. I'm all over the place this morning.

If you're in the stock market, you're probably a happy camper these days. I see these tweets now and again from people who are shorting the market and who end up closing out their shorts with a loss. I think that's how it works. In other words, the market doesn't seem to ever go down. In a market like this, nobody wants to be out of the market, so everyone jumps in, hoping to ride the damn thing to the moon. Here's the deal. I think Biden's people are rigging the shit out of the market so as to create this illusion of wealth and prosperity. He has an election to win after all. When the PCE numbers came out yesterday, I saw one analyst refer to the numbers as "Goldilocks" numbers. The results were not so weak that people wanted to flee the stock market and they weren't so strong as to discount rate cuts in the near future. Quite frankly, the adjectives used to describe the PCE numbers being put out into the ether by Biden surrogates in the media were, at least by the end of the day, were in and of themselves over the top. The S&P was up a measly half percent by the end of the day. Not exactly something to crow about. Another tweeter said something about the fact that we're probably in for a "rug pull." Yes, everything reverts to the mean sooner or later so he wasn't wrong. Then again, in a rigged market, things can go a lot further in one direction or another than you think. For now, at least, enjoy the ride. Come on in. The water is just fine.

There were a number of headlines in the news yesterday about a medium-security prison in Massachusetts, MCI-Concord, that the State is planning to close. I was thinking to myself, what a perfect place to house illegal aliens. What the hell is the governor of that state running around asking her constituents to open their doors to families of illegal aliens when she has a prison sitting empty that can house a shitload of illegals? I mean, what's wrong with this picture? Many of the illegal aliens are likely coming from similar surroundings back in their country of origin. That is to say, we all know that these so-called shithole countries have emptied their prisons and institutions of inmates they no longer wanted and have given them free passage to the southern border of our country. I'm guessing that the moonbat governor of Massachusetts feels that there is no need to further traumatize these poor criminals and miscreants by having them live in 8x8 cells when they can otherwise be put up in five-star hotels and motels with free healthcare, free education for their spawn, and a monthly stipend that most senior citizens, American citizens, would kill for. Before that state spends another taxpayer dollar on housing these illegals, they need to open the doors of the prison and have them file in one by one, be deloused, and then assigned as necessary to the appropriate cell for themselves and their family members.

I'm glad to hear that Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, has deemed any arrangements coming out of the Senate regarding immigration as dead on arrival (DOA). You've got Biden running around now saying that if he is given a bill to sign that he will close the border. That is a crock of bullshit, and the American public knows it. We have a lying senile grifter for a President who can shut the border down tomorrow using existing law, but he is doing no such thing. He has his praetorian guard, the media, lying through their teeth for him and accusing Trump of queering the deal that will effectively allow for untold more millions to cross our borders. Let me get this straight. Did they just put this entire invasion of illegal aliens on Trump? So, now it's Trump's fault that we have ten million more illegal aliens in our country than we did when Biden got inaugurated? Trump needs to hold a press conference tomorrow on everything border-related. Do not let the media frame this border issue for another second. I'm sure you've noticed by now that every time they mention the border they never mention Biden's name at the same time. That is no coincidence. All of these political machinations in the halls of Congress probably mean that neither Ukraine nor Israel will get another penny in funding in the foreseeable future. That works for me, at least when it comes to Ukraine. We'll have to wait and see what it all means for Israel.

This one person I follow on Twitter is tweeting from her home in Taiwan this morning that both Chinese and Russian ships are surrounding the island of Taiwan. She sounds a little concerned, to say the least. China is always buzzing the island of Taiwan with something or other just to let the Taiwanese know that they can so maybe this is just more of the same. The Russian thing is weird, though. I don't ever recall Russia playing a part in China's intimidation tactics. I wouldn't think that China would need Russia in order to send the messages they like to send to the people of Taiwan. Is this just Russia messaging the world that they are able to juggle more than one conflict at a time? Is this China messaging the world that Russia will be joining the efforts to take down the island of Taiwan should push come to shove? I don't know what any of it means. I do know that the temperature of all things military-related is at an elevated state around the globe. This is what happens when you have weak to non-existent leadership in the United States, which is an undeniable fact at this moment in history. Did I mention that the United States just announced that they are placing nuclear warheads in the UK due to concerns over Russia's real or imagined expansionist goals? How well do you think the good people in the UK are sleeping tonight knowing that they are soon to become ground zero when Russia launches their preemptive nuclear strikes? Just thinking out loud here.

We spent a little time with Mrs G yesterday afternoon going over this and that. I brought over my Apple TV and hooked it up at her house as an alternative way to access Amazon Prime. She enjoys movies on Prime from time to time but accessing Prime on her Samsung television has been a bit of a bear. I don't know if it has anything to do with the age of her television or what, but the Apple TV gets you connected with Prime, Netflix, or whatever lickety-split. We gave her the remote and she took to it all like a fish to water. I've already ordered the Apple TV from Apple so we'll have it in hand when we visit next week. She also purchased an inexpensive transistor radio that she was thinking she'd use around the house. What she didn't tell me when she ordered it was that reception on the AM band in her facility is abysmal. You know me. I always have a workaround for those kinds of things. I downloaded the iHeart app on her iPad and set her up with a couple of her favorite radio stations out of Massachusetts. I think I'll need to go over how to access the app on her iPad and a few other things with her the next time we visit, but that's good for now. I may have to put the app on her main page so she doesn't have to go searching for it. You know how frustrating that can be.

If I can get another bike ride in today that will be my third bike ride this week. Just call me the come-back kid. We've got a snowstorm coming in overnight tonight so I'm hoping I'll have a window of time to get out on the road before any of it starts. I picked up the Ev man's car yesterday so we'll get that in the garage before the sun goes down tonight. Now that the missus and I are over our COVID nonsense, I can get the car back to the EV man at any time without having to rely on the missus to lend an assist. If he wants his car back straight away after the storm, I can drive it over, and he can drop me back here at the house. He gets to avoid that whole rigamarole of cleaning off his car and moving it from the upper lot to the lower lot (and vice versa) of his place so they can clear the areas of snow as necessary. He's not incapable of doing it, but he's just as happy not to have to deal with it if it isn't necessary. I was telling the missus just last night that winter is half over, for chrissakes, and it hasn't been that bad as winters go. I look out onto our lawn and I see green. A mottled green, to be sure, but green nonetheless. I regret missing out on most of January when it comes to my daily exercise routine because of COVID, but you play the hand you've been dealt when it comes to this kind of stuff.

There were stories galore in the news yesterday about Trump having conversations with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joining the Trump ticket as Vice President. Here's the kicker. There was another story, well below the fold, that none of it was true. Who floats these kinds of stories? I was hoping to catch Trump's rally yesterday on the telly but missed it all when we paid a visit to Mrs. G instead. I was thinking that he would address it one way or another and maybe dismiss it out of hand to expose the corrupt mainstream media. I don't know what happened so there's that. I like Kennedy, but he's a Democrat through and through, so he has no place on a Republican ticket if you ask me. If this whole Nimrata Haley thing has taught me anything, it's the fact that Trump needs the people who voted for Haley to get him over the top in November. I'm not talking about the Democrats and the Never-Trumpers who voted for Haley. They are never going to vote for Trump. I'm talking about suburban moms and the like. I also don't know where any of this third-party or no-name ticket nonsense is going that has to be said. Maybe this whole Kennedy thing was nothing more than a distraction. A distraction from what, I don't know. I'll leave that for better minds than mine to decipher. Just let me know what horses are in the race and when the race begins.