Gonna Sip Me Some

It's hard to believe that summer seems to be winding down. It's almost September and the days are getting shorter, the nights are getting cooler, and crowds down on the boulevard are thinning out and getting back to whatever it was they were doing before summer came along. It's another season gone by the boards as they say in the movies. See ya later, alligator. Arriva doochy. Don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out. Next up? Pumpkin spice lattes and maybe a little of this and a little of that. All in good time.


The Little League World Series has come and gone and the winners have claimed their prize. It almost doesn't matter who won and who lost. I suppose it's better to win than it is to lose but there's something to be said for the experience. No? We rooted for this team and that team along the way and despite the fact that the team from New Hampshire didn't win the big enchilada, we were happy to see them in the hunt. It almost didn't matter that there were no international teams on board because of Covid. Would I have liked to see our guys and gals beat the team from Saudi Arabia? You betcha. And then there is always Japan.

The attendees to this annual event were limited to family only and that kept the crowd sizes in check. For all the hoopla about the virus, it hardly seemed to matter to the kids playing or their family members in the stands. There was literally no social distancing. Almost no one was wearing a mask outside the officials officiating on the field and I don't think any of the coaches wore masks. So much for setting a good example is what I say. Maybe it tells us all we need to know about this crock of a virus we're calling Covid. The children get it and go on with their lives. The elderly and infirm, not so much. Seems like a grand design to me.

I barely mentioned the deaths of the 13 or so soldiers in Afghanistan last week. It was devastating. I had wrapped up my journal entries for the week a day or two early and I couldn't bring myself to extend it any longer since it was already too long. I might have said that I thought these soldiers died needlessly and they would be alive today were it not for the nonsensical decisions of one Sleepy Joe Biden and his cast of woke fucks in the military and the State Department.

That's a fact and it isn't lost on anyone who's been paying attention. I'm still not sure Biden has ordered the flags of our country to be flown at half mast. The moron couldn't attend the casket ceremony without looking at his watch and wondering just how much longer he would have to stand at attention at an event that he would have just as soon missed had he his druthers. He is the Commander-in-Chief, after all. If he wants to be back at the White House eating his afternoon oatmeal and taking a nap at his leisure, who's to say he can't have his way?

In retaliation for the killing of our nation's finest, Biden and his bumbling generals have now bombed a few back streets in Kabul, killed a few children in the process, and despite requests for the names of the so-called terrorists they say they killed, they will not release any names. Word in the street is that they killed a few planners but no bigwigs got taken out. When I hear the word "planner", I think about limp wrists, plaid tablecloths, and wicker baskets filled with grapes, wine, and cheese. How about you?

If there is anything good coming-out of this disaster in Kabul, it is that the military seems to have strengthened their defenses around the airport which may yet save more lives between now and the time we exit the airport for good. It's too late for the fallen, but hindsight is 20-20. Right? Speaking of fallen, have you seen the seen the video of Biden sitting in the Oval Office with the Prime Minister of Israel? The PM is prattling away while Sleepy Joe seems to be catching a nap. His eyes are closed, his chin appears to be dropping to his chest, and there is no response of any kind to the words being spoken by the PM. He is just a national fucking disgrace, he is. A demented clown in his own right.

The missus asked me the other day, "Johnny Boy, I'm not seeing anything in the news about Afghanistan. Is it over?" "What, pray tell, are you reading these days that gives you that impression?" I responded. "Well, the Boston Globe and the New York Times", she responded. I went on to tell her that these two rags have little to no interest in writing about Biden's disasters. They would prefer, as they apparently have, to move on to other things. If the newspapers that you read don't cover a story like Afghanistan, then it doesn't exist. See how that works?

I suppose that we'll not be hearing a lot about the Americans left behind in Afghanistan now that the war is officially over. It's not something that the American media has any interest in covering since it can only add to Joe's woes and the woes of the people who supported him and who will now be up for re-election in 2022.

We Americans have short memories and the democrats will be relying on that truism as the election nears. The media may even flood the zone as we near November of next year in order to accelerate the news cycle leaving what little remnants of Biden's disasters we do remember in the proverbial dustbin of history.

Nonetheless, his party will pay the price for supporting his sorry ass and there will be a great awakening for those of us who knew better from day one. It's (the election) a little more than 12 months from now and it can't come fast enough. Biden won't be up for re-election until 2024 but no one really expects him to be on the ballot when 2024 rolls around. In all likelihood, we'll be looking to replace Harris instead of Biden. As I sit here today, that seems like a sure bet.

We'll start by putting republicans back into power in the Congress and relegating the Biden-loving democrats that now head up committees to lesser roles where their voices will no longer matter. The only lingering question I have is, will the Americans who now receive monthly checks because of the boondoggle bills passed by the democrats be willing to put those very checks at risk by now voting for a republican? I think the democrats are counting on people voting their self-interests. How it turns out remains to be seen.

I'll have to ask the Ev man if he wants to go fishing when we're away on vacation. I've lost some of my interest in fishing but that could all change in an instant if I get a good tug on my line. There are licenses to buy, rod and reels to prep, and bait that I'll need to buy if and when we decide to do this. Maybe I'll invite my sister along who I'm told enjoys fishing although I've never been fishing with her. I don't think of fishing as a girl thing but that probably dates me a bit. Maybe it's just the worm on the hook business that makes it a cringe worthy experience for girls. I don't mean to make excuses for them. Do I even know what the hell I'm talking about?

We're talking fresh water fishing here, folks. I like to know what I might have on the end of my line when I start reeling it in. If it's a really hard tug and draw, maybe I've got me a nice bass or, better yet, a nice trout. If I decide to go fishing using minnows or crawfish for bait, I will probably avoid catching smaller varieties like yellow perch or bluegills. That would suit me just fine. Then again, catching something is better that catching nothing. No?


I have caught bass with worms but your typical lunker would most likely look elsewhere for a quick meal. We'll get an early start and maybe head for one of our favorites spots off the north end of Elizabeth Island. We'll pan fry the big ones and throw back the little ones. Not really. That just happens to be the title of one of my favorite Steely Dan songs. I don't think anyone eats fish out of the lakes in the Northeast anymore. If I missed a memo somewhere along the line I'll happily adjust my thinking on that issue. You couldn't keep the filet knife out of my hands as a kid and, now, I don't even keep one in my fishing box.

I may just drag my feet on all of it until we get up to the lake and then we'll see if it's something that I'm wanting or not wanting to do. It's called "going with the flow." We''ll have a boat at our disposal that may or may not lend itself to fishing. I won't be able to bring my espresso machine along when we go up to the lake. It's too big and it would take up too much space in the car. We'd have to leave something else behind just so I could have my morning espresso. Someone would have to go without their favorite pillow or blanket. The missus said something about bundling up the bedding and strapping it to the top of the car. Really?

Reuter's has a story out this morning about Biden and his discussion with the leader of Afghanistan in the months leading up to our pulling our troops out of the country. This is one of those stories from an anonymous source in the State Department which, in and of itself, is surprising. People only drop dimes like this when republicans are in office. It's an actual transcript of the call and maybe with a little audio but I'm not certain of that. It has all the makings of a quid pro quo deal the likes of which they impeached Trump over. Worse than that, it contradicts what Biden and his buddies have been telling us about them not knowing that the fall of Afghanistan was imminent. That was a lie. Now, we know.

My adrenaline is running red over this one. Who will cover it in the media? Will anyone care? What republicans will take to the rostrum demanding Biden's resignation? Maybe more importantly, what democrats will demand his resignation? Will this provide the impetus that the Harris (VP) lovers need to unseat Joey so she and her minions can slide into the Oval Office? This is a doozy of a story and it needs to get legs and get legs fast. It's hard to ignore so the media can't ignore it. They can, however, spin it until it collapses under its own weight. When the democrats start to turn on their own, and they might just do that here, it's all over.

The month of September is really quite nice here along the coast. The summer crowds have departed and the roadways are once again devoid of traffic as far as the eye can see. This is a good thing if you are a cyclist. Hell, if you're a walker you might even get to cross the highway without looking. That's not something I would advise but you get the idea. I feel bad for the local businesses but they know the routine. You make hay while the sun shines or you don't make it at all.

We stopped by one of our favorite restaurants last evening to pick up a quart of their chowder for dinner. It's a restaurant that we never frequent during the summer months because it is just too busy. Their chowder is good but it's not worth the hassle all things considered. They had a couple of hand scrawled signs taped to the regular menu which hung outside their take-out window putting customers on notice that "Prices have increased" and "These items are no longer available." We're not familiar enough with the regular pricing since we avoid going there in the summer so the increases, whatever they were, went unnoticed by us. Fourteen dollars for a quart of the best seafood chowder on the Seacoast seems more than reasonable.

If it's Thursday, it's time to start thinking about what we might bring over to Mrs G when we see her tomorrow. We're out and about enough that it wouldn't kill us to stop someplace and pick a little something up that we think Mrs G might enjoy. The Ev man may be stopping by today too so I'll want to have something on hand for him to take home with him. He enjoys Panera's tuna sandwiches so maybe I'll grab a couple of those while the missus is out getting a haircut this morning. He's been complaining that his EZ pass isn't staying on his windshield so I should probably take a look at that. Lot's to do today, folks. Places to go, people to meet, things to buy, and things to think about buying.

I bought a 4-pack of Apple Air Tags the other day. I've been wanting to have a couple for us and one or two for Evan. He's always losing his wallet and other things so we'll see if these Air Tags don't help him keep better track of things. We've looked at other tracking gizmo's in the past but none have really worked for us one way or another. There is a product called the "tile" that does the same thing as the Air tag but it has a battery that cannot be replaced. That is just a non-starter. I'm also not sure that the Air tag isn't a superior product in terms of functionality so I'm looking forward to giving it a test drive. Just so you know, I'll not be posting any reviews to YouTube.

The Air Tag is nice, and maybe even a little slick, and it's what you might expect from Apple. Funny thing is that it doesn't come with a holder of any kind. You need to buy an accessory if you're wanting to attach it to your luggage, your dog's collar, your wallet, etc. These so-called holders originally sold for $35 when the Air Tag was announced which was a complete disgrace. They cost more than the actual Air Tag for chrissakes. It wasn't long before the marketplace stepped in and now you're seeing knock-off's in the $10-$15 dollar range. I wouldn't be surprised to see that a lot of these knock-off's are manufactured in China. I should care about that but I don't.

They sure do things in Texas a little bit differently. Their legislature came up with a law called the "Heartbeat" law and the governor signed it into law. It says that if a heartbeat can be detected, then no abortion can be performed. It won't be the State that steps in to enforce the law. It will be any Tom, Dick, or Harry who learns of the abortion and decides to sue the people aiding and abetting anyone who was involved in the carrying out of the procedure. Hell, they can sue the Uber driver who drove the pregnant woman to the clinic if they so desire. Everybody and anybody can be sued for the bounty of $10k per the law.

Well, this has the libs in an uproar. They just didn't see this one coming. As you know, the libs want unfettered access to the abortionists for any woman looking to get rid off an unwanted pregnancy. To make their lives even more miserable, the Supreme Court voted to leave the law in place with a 5-4 vote. Yes, these are Trump judges for the most part since he put at least three of the five on the court. That has to hurt. Now, I suppose we'll have to wait to see how it washes out once the first case winds its way through the courts and back up to the Supremes. Until then, the libs tears are simply delicious. I'm gonna sip me some.

Next post will be Tuesday, 9/14.