Opposing Forces

People are not taking this sitting on the sidelines stuff too well. Americans are used to working. In the name of protecting the citizenry from death by virus, many governors are shutting down everything in sight. Schools are closed. Non-essential Businesses are closed. Air travel has all but ground to a halt. You can't even get a haircut in most states.


Some governors are making it difficult for their citizenry to cross town or state lines to visit relatives or go to their vacation homes. Now facing fines and arrests at the slightest infractions, Americans are rising up and taking their country back.

Hundreds if not thousands of people took to the streets in their cars in Michigan yesterday to rebel against the liberal governor of that state who has taken liberties away from their citizens in ways that can only be described as alarming.

I'm reading today that shops here and there across the nation are threatening to open their doors for business regardless of shut down orders by state officials mandating that their doors remain closed. This is a form of commercial anarchy that we've not really seen before in our country.

It is perhaps the indomitable American spirit rearing up and rebelling against the heavy hand of big government bureaucrats who see this as an opportunity to create the ultimate nanny state. It is a state where the citizen relies solely on the government for their sustenance and solace day in and day out. Without the government, they are nothing.

The so-called nanny state government decides which shops stay open and which shops stay closed. The very food that you put on your family's table each night depends on the largesse of government. If you are one of the more fortunate ones, you now have the same rights as the illegal alien who waded across the Rio Grande river under the darkness of night to step foot onto the soil of our great nation.

Leftists across the country see an opening in the midst of this pandemic for a Venezuelan style takeover of our government. With each and every American citizen now confined to quarters as it were, their elected leaders in Washington can push for voting methods that take advantage of this opportunity that will ensure that they are able to steal any and all elections going forward using ballot harvesting, mail-in voting, etc.

In order to perpetuate this persistent vision of fear, death, and despair, the leftist media is now forecasting a second wave of this coronavirus which is allegedly even more virulent and more deadly than the first wave. Whatever it takes to keep the citizenry cowed and under the thumb of their big government oppressors, the media is there to do the heavy lifting required by their benefactors behind the curtains of big government. Opportunities like this only come once in every hundred years so the left is understandably emboldened.

Sky high unemployment rates and reports of millions of people now putting in claims to collect unemployment are reminiscent of headlines during the great depression of 1929. The small print that people almost never read hastens to add that it was government that shut down the businesses in order to halt the spread of a virus rather than a collapse of a business-based economy caused by internal or external events. Context is critical but quite often hard to find especially if you're only able to grab a headline here and there.

The other story that the media does not want you to hear is that this disease afflicts a lot of people but only kills a small percentage of that population who for all intents and purposes has a life expectancy of six months or less. Ethicists would argue and do argue that, comparitively speaking, there is far greater danger to the overall population when an economy is shut down due to the despair that sets in over issues such as joblessness, alcoholism, suicides, and sheer hopelessness. As President Trump is quick to remind us, you never want be in a place where the cure is worse than the disease.

The first wave of $1,200 relief checks have now gone out to the American public. The monies are intended to provide a lifeline to unemployed folks who need to pay their rent, pay their light and power bills, etc. The intended consequence, of course, is that these monies will be put promptly back into circulation in order to support those businesses that have been deemed for better or worse, "essential." The Federal Reserve cannot bail out our economy at large so this is at best a short term solution.


In many cases the relief Bill passed by Congress calls for additional funds to be paid out to the unemployed above and beyond what one might otherwise receive. In other words, the recipients of same are not only going to be getting more than they made while working, but it is also true that they will have little or no incentive to return to a job that paid a lesser amount prior to the pandemic. It is a windfall to be sure but one that is short lived by design.

President Trump will be announcing a plan in a little over an hour that will spell out in some detail just how our economy is going to reopen now that the peak period of this pandemic has largely come and gone in most states. How this dovetails with Governor Cuomo's plan for New York where he estimates that New York will not reopen for another 4 weeks is unclear. And then there is Governor DeWine of Ohio who plans to reopen around the first of May.

Maybe the plan will be industry specific. Maybe Trump's plan depends on the availability of testing and the number of cases in one or more geographic locations. Maybe it depends on the ability and availability of trackers to monitor and mobilize when a known case emerges on the scene. There are a dozen or so states that have very few cases at all. And then there are states, New York being one of them, where you have downstate and you have upstate. Downstate is a viral cesspool while upstate has very few cases indeed.

We might well see a pattern, if my suppositions above have any merit to them at all, where states with republican governors look to open up in the near term whereas governors from blue states will look to extend the shutdowns for an interminable number of weeks or months.

It is certainly not in the best interests of the governors in blue states to have President Trump take credit one way or another for getting things up and running again and they certainly don't want to give Trump enough time to kickstart and return to the booming economy we had before this pandemic came along. No, that would not serve them well with Joe Biden on the democrat ballot for President in November.

One thing you can take the bank. That is, regardless of the President's plan to get our nation back to work you will not hear a positive word about it from the Main Street Media. They have one goal and one goal only. That is, to get Trump out of the White House come November.

Whatever it takes, how ever long it takes, however many people they need to run over in the process, you can bet your bottom dollar that they are all in to get the job done. By the time election day rolls around in November, if you only ever pay attention to anything but the media, it will be "The Grapes Of Wrath" frame in and frame out. If Trump is successful in bringing our country and our economy back around to where we were just six weeks ago, he will enjoy a well deserved second four-year term as our President.