Bad Boys

Thank you for stopping by, officer Webster. You say Evan has been driving around town terrorizing innocent bystanders in that big old Volvo? The fellow over on Allehson Road actually stepped in front of the car to slow Evan down and after Evan came to a complete stop he stepped on the gas and sped off? And, since you did not witness the incident, you can't write him a ticket? You don't say. Yes, kids these days. I will certainly call Evan and have him call you when he returns home. I know you feel it's important to speak to him. It's important that Evan understands the consequences of his actions and that when he is behind the wheel of a car the consequences can be catastrophic indeed. Nancy has aways said that he drives too fast. I've not seen that myself but can imagine that under the right circumstances he might well he doing that sort of thing. I may have even done the same thing once or twice when I was his age. After calling Evan's cell and not getting through to him, I left a message to the effect that the Rye police were looking for him and that he needed to come home right away. And that is what he did. He took responsibility for his actions. He didn't try to blame another or have his parents call. He manned-up as they say and called the officer directly. He was understandably contrite and confessed to his misdeeds and the officer must have been sufficiently satisfied of that fact because he did not come to our home to speak directly to Evan. I thought that was his plan after speaking to him earlier in the evening but it all worked out in the end. And now, the Nan and I get to talk about the consequences. He will most certainly be on the receiving end of that conversation. And, rightfully so.


I have to thank sister Denise for this next item. She bought Nancy and I a Moosewood cookbook many many years ago and we just loved it and still have it to this day. It's a little tattered and torn to be sure but serviceable nonetheless. So, when I went looking for a gift for my sweetness on her birthday it was Evan who suggested that we go to Barnes and Noble. I'm not certain if it was he who said anything about a cookbook but once there it occurred to me to go looking for just that item. Wouldn't you know it that they had quite a selection of Moosewood cookbooks. I will admit to letting my attention waver ever so slightly when making the purchase and I inadvertently picked up a low fat version. Well, that puppy went back the next day and was exchanged for a more robust version. I see so many things that I want to make in it. There is one recipe for Mac and Cheese that calls for silken tofu. Of course, we are always trying to get more protein in Evan's diet so this may be just what the doctor ordered. We can't tell him about the tofu for sure. Not sure he even knows what tofu is or that he's even heard of it. Surely, if he knew, the game would be up and he wouldn't be interested. As it is, it looks terrific and I think he'll enjoy it. I may even have a spoonful or two myself. I guess at the end of the day she has the book in hand, a husband who is willing to make one or more recipes for her enjoyment, and you could say it is simply the gift that keeps on giving. What's not to enjoy.

Life goes on. I'm 4 bike rides into the 2011 season and even though we're technically in Spring here in New England it still feels like winter. We just can't seem to get the daily temperatures out of the 30's no matter how hard we try. As if we have any control over that sort of thing. We're still using the wood stove and it is almost April. Thank god our supplies are plentiful. We could probably use a few more cans of black beans for the fallout shelter but who's counting. Only kidding. I am having second thoughts though about the merits of paying DirecTV as much as I do month in and month out. I get my content from so many different sources that I just can't justify the expense anymore. Just yesterday, when my darling was getting ready to catch the train to Boston, I was on the cusp of downloading the most recent episode of Top Chef so she could watch it on the iPad when she decided she couldn't the wait the extra 2 minutes it was going to take me to do it. That is the world we live in. I use my iPad to pull down internet radio and enjoy that throughout the house when the signal is strong enough. I really should invest in an extender unit. My god, it's only $79. I can be such a cheap bastard sometimes. You know what it is? I am just not in the habit of spending my hard earned dough. You know what they say about habits. They die hard. And, we are creatures of habit. And so it goes.