July 4th, 2013

Oh, the pain. My poor darling. Her tooth is killing her and she is beside herself with pain. It's that bloody dentist that she chose to go to in Portsmouth. I think she's convinced of that now. Every visitation it's something new. Our dentist retired last year and neither of us decided to go to the dentist that took over Dinnerman's business. Not sure why really but that is just how it all shook out. I've never seen Nancy in such a quandary with her teeth in all the time I've known her. The pain emanating from the problem area has spread to surrounding areas to the point where she no longer knows which tooth is the culprit. She certainly knows which tooth she had an issue with so she will simply have to backtrack. So, tomorrow, we will go to see the dentist who did the root canal and we'll see what he says. She liked him well enough so seeing him again may well offer the appropriate amount of reassurance and just enough of it to get her back on track. She took some pain killer last night that just zonked her and she went out like a light. It was a work day and I tried as I might to get her to call in sick but she wouldn't have any of it. I warned her that the 4th of July traffic leaving the city of Boston was about as bad as it gets but she was resolute in her determination to go to work come hell or high water. I think she paid a high price for that decision and she knows it. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.


Nancy's sister, Debbie, will be paying a visit today and will stay with Mrs G for a couple of days. She is very interested in going to see the fireworks so I hope Nancy is up to it. I don't relish the idea of going off with Debbie and her mother to Hampton where they will be celebrating the fourth with fireworks, etc.. I'm guessing that Debbie will want to take the lot of us off in her new Honda CRV and that will be fine. It should fit the four of us comfortably. Between now and then I have a lot to do. The bloody lawn requires my attention and it is a bit overdue so I best get moving. The kitchen is in rough shape as well so I will look to remedy that situation. I'm just not sure how reliable Nancy is going to be today. I'm not sure that it is a holiday that she has been waiting for with baited breath so perhaps her disappointment will be temporary. The bigger issue, for her, is Evan. Where is that boy? We last heard from him last night when he said that he was coming home from Johnny's in Hampton. He never showed up. Never made it home. I remind Nancy that he is almost 19 so doing what 19-year olds do. They stay out all night with some frequency. It should not be alarming in any way, shape, or form but it is clearly upsetting to Nancy. To top things off, some fuck is eating the tips off her sunflowers. She is not a happy camper.

I don't know what the hell is going on with our country. It seems like every time we turn around there is a ruling, some decision, some law that is being implemented that changes the social fabric of our culture. It is as though everything is upside down. Supreme court rulings favoring gay marriage and the institution as we know it is gone. The centuries old definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is so repugnant to those on the left that they would overturn heaven and earth to force their views into the mainstream. Allowing children to be adopted by same sex couples is a recipe for disaster. What kind of warped mind sees that as a healthy thing for a child? Yet, the liberal courts approve these monstrous arrangements with great regularity. Nationalized healthcare is another abomination. These are all gift from the progressive types who march in a single file towards socialism and the nanny state. These are the folks who want to take from the rich and give to the poor until the rich have no more to give. These are the left minded liberals who have found an effective partner in the press in moving their agendas forward. The ballot box has become their best friend.

And now, with the left looking to force an unwanted and unpopular immigration bill on the nation, it is only a matter of time before they get what they want. That is to say, this bill gives them 30 million new voters to the democratic party. That sort of deluge turns red states blue and blue states bluer. The Republican party will become a party of the past and the left will be free to continue their march towards socialism. Their ability to spy on anyone anytime in the name of preventing terrorism has given them an even more insidious weapon with which to ferret out their enemies. We know how that works in China. We'll soon know how that works in our beloved country when we see the drones overhead and gestapo marching door to door enforcing the laws and political views of the left. Where the fuck are the republicans in this bloody mess?