God Help Us All

I just don't know what's going on any more in this country of ours. A nut job goes into a church in Charleston, South Carolina and kills 9 people and the next thing you know the country is calling for the banning of the display of the confederate flag, the president of our great country is calling for the banning of guns, and there is an out and out assault on the very symbols that have been part and parcel of our republic since day one. There's more. The Supreme Court decides that words don't matter when they uphold Obamacare despite the fact that it is clear from reading the law itself as originally constructed that federal subsidies were not allowed. There's more. The Supreme Court finds that dignity of the individual is paramount and that gay marriage will be the law of the land from here on in. No sooner had that decision come down when the White House and it's current occupants, the radical leftists hailing from South Chicago, decided that it was appropriate that the White House be bathed in all of the colors of the rainbow to celebrate the victory long sought by the LGBT community and their brethren. Tell me again when you've seen this sort of display to celebrate say the fourth of July, the victories of our troops, or some other such thing? There's more. Ben and Jerry's, the ice cream purveyors, decided that they too would celebrate the gay marriage law by producing a "gay" flavor. Our institutions, or what is left of them, are being torn apart by leftists who despise everything this country has ever stood for and will not rest until we are transformed into a socialistic society the likes of which you can find south of our border or elsewhere across the globe. We can't say we weren't warned. Obama came into office with the promise that he would "fundamentally transform" America. God help us all.

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It is one dreary fucking day here on the Seacoast. The rain is coming down at a good clip and that is the story for the balance of the day I'm afraid. That's fine. I have work to do here in the house and I may go into the office to do a little work as well. Nancy too will be making a trip into Boston for the day and is not thrilled that she needs to make that drive in the rain. We revamped our phone plans yesterday and upgraded our devices. The new iPhone 6 is pretty sweet and I think Nancy is really going to like her new phone. It's nicer all around. It has a larger screen with bigger icons and a much improved display although it is only a 16GB model. We really should have bought her a 32GB model. We'll have to manage her apps a little better and get her photos off the device once they start to pile up. Evan is going to get Nancy's old 5S and not a iPhone 6. I opted for the iPhone 6 plus and will pick that up on Monday. I'm a little worried that it might be a little too big but I guess we'll see. I'm just happy to be done with the Galaxy 4 I've been using for the last two years. I just never warmed up to that device so left it in my backpack most of the time where I had access to it at work if I needed to use it. We'll give these toys a twirl for a couple of years and see how it goes. If and when Evan gets his act together he can upgrade to a 6 or more. For now, he'll use the 5S.

So, whaddup with Evan? Good question. Maybe we always knew this about him and maybe we didn't. He's a little short on initiative if you know what I mean. I'm talking about the spark required to get up off your arse and make something of yourself. It just ain't happening. We're certainly not helping and, in fact, we may be enabling him. Maybe we should be turning off the internet so he is not gaming 24-7. Maybe we should be charging him rent and see where that goes. He is certainly less than helpful around the house and insisting on anything makes matters worse and not better. He did a little work for the Dan man up the street although that gig is intermittent at best. HE NEEDS A REAL JOB. Just got off the phone with Mrs G. She called me to report that her flag was up and holding strong even with the nasty winds and driving rains whipping up and down the coast today. We're socked in as they say. I was standing in our driveway last night before coming into the house and could hear the foghorns blowing just off the coast warning ships near and far of the pending storm and surging seas. I was hoping to get in a bike ride today but that is a distant dream now as I sit here sulking at 6:47pm on a Sunday night. I'll lift my spirits with some sushi I picked up today at Philbricks and call it a day. Did I mention that I'm swilling a little cold brew? Damn delicious! Thank you for the update, Mrs. G. We now have one less thing to worry about.