In Your Face

Wherever you look hereabouts these days you see rainbow flags, rainbow umbrellas, rainbow this, that, and the other thing. What precisely is the community saying with this generous outpouring of support and sappy admiration for the gays in and around their businesses and neighborhoods?

Come on in, we love your queerness? We are not and never have been bigoted when it comes to the LGBTQ community? We stand at the ready to fight to the death against those who would deny you the right to love and cherish one another? We support your alternate lifestyles irrespective of the carnal deviances promoted by those of you living on the fringe and near fringe? Or, we just want your hard earned dollars.


Is it gay pride day, week, or month? I've lost track but the flags are still flying so I'll have to get back to you. In the meantime, how many parades must we endure before this collective queerness plays itself out in our otherwise mostly heterosexual communities?

Do they see themselves as separate and apart from the rest of us when it comes to the rights afforded to us by the Constitution? Do they expect us to not look away and to avert the eyes of our children when their vulgar displays of affection are out in the open for all to see? Or, is "vulgar" indeed in the eye of the beholder?

We are still a morale people at our core and our sensibilities are easily offended by outliers of any kind. This is especially true when genders and the traditional roles of same are twisted and perverted to the point where one no longer knows which is which. It can be confusing. It is not the world that most of us grew up in nor is it a world that most of us want for our children. Clearly and savagely, the genie is now out of the bottle and not likely to be put back in the bottle anytime soon.

Social liberals have confused matters even further by chipping away at the mainstays of our communal niceties by pushing legislation to allow men to use women's rooms and women to use men's rooms. In extreme cases, third genders are allowed on drivers licenses and birth certificates.

We "breeders" are no longer taking the lead when and where it comes to defining societal norms. Our heterosexual heritage is under constant assault by those in the media, by images displayed on the covers of magazines and newspapers, by stories written and plays directed, and by those who knowingly preach and proselytize to our children in classrooms across the nation.


Morality aside, I am all for people having a voice. I am all for people coming out of the shadows. Minority groups across the nation are crying out but not always in ways that endear them to the rest of society. Putting square pegs in round holes has and never will be easy.

There are black voices for and against reparations. There are women looking to increase their numbers in an otherwise male dominated Congress in our nation's capital. There are young people looking to make a difference when it comes to our gun laws, and then there are people like me who look to social media platforms for self expression.

But there seems to be a militancy emerging amongst the queer folk and minority groups in general. An "in your face" militancy if you like. If you are not one of them you are not welcome in their midst. There is a surliness in their behavior that is edgy and unfamiliar. It is unfriendly and decidedly oppositional. It is mean, bold, and unyielding. It is not a good look.

The patchwork of our culture is fraying at the edges and coalitions are forming for the wars yet to come. It's no longer enough to simply wish for a bigger soapbox. Everyone wants their pound of flesh and god help you if you get in their way. Happy trails is what I say. Just remember, without we breeders you would be nothing. Not so much as a mote in God's eye as they say. Start your revolution with that in mind.