Game Set Match

Why is everything so glitchy all of a sudden? My keyboard and mouse are acting up, and I'm not sure why. Things that were working just fine yesterday are working like shite today. It's been raining for about three days straight here on the seacoast. Do you think that has anything to do with anything? We had a few hours here and there where I probably should have gotten my bike ride in, but I didn't. Thems the shakes, babycakes. But it's a new week, so we get to do everything anew. The coffee and the music are helping this morning, but I may need more than music and coffee as the week wears on. Sometimes a simple nap will do. A walk on the beach? A nice meal with the missus? Maybe all of the above, or none of the above.

Nice Beach

It's so funny and yet so predictable. The hummingbirds that come back year after year to our feeders and our backyard just disappear for a couple of weeks in or around the beginning of June. I suppose it has something to do with their nesting or whatever. What, pray tell, are they snacking on while they're not having the lovely nectar that the missus and I serve up to them day after day? It's nothing but a sugar water concoction, but you'd think it was the nectar of the Gods the way they sip it down. I worry a little bit that our feeding them keeps them away from the nutrients that they typically get when they drink from the seasonal plants and flowers hereabouts. I'm not sure that's time well spent on my part. The feeders will be there when you get back, my little friends. Not to worry.

I never change the water in the feeders without wearing plastic gloves. When it comes to the feeder on our back deck, I know for a fact that we have a resident raccoon who occasionally drinks the sugar water from the feeder, so God only knows what germs he or she leaves behind. It doesn't happen every night, but it happens often enough that I need to do a better job of planning to either take the feeder down or otherwise position it so the raccoon can't get at it. I went to Walmart the other day looking to buy more plastic gloves, and they had none. Well, not the kind that I was looking for, anyway. I hate it when that happens. Just when you find something that you like and something that works well, it disappears from the shelves. Now what do I do? Do I look online to see what Amazon carries? Do I look for a suitable or not-so-suitable substitute? File this under "The Lord works in mysterious ways": I found exactly what I was looking for at Ocean Job Lots. Never mind that the gloves came from China. I bought five 100-packs of gloves for one dollar a package. Thank you, Jesus!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. will be on Twitter Spaces today with Elon Musk. That's pretty cool. I hope it goes better than the Spaces experience with DeSantis and Elon. Let's just say I hope they've worked out the kinks. I won't be voting for Kennedy, but I do want him siphoning off Biden's votes and fragmenting the Democrat Party Politics. I like Kennedy, and I think he's more of a middle-of-the-roader than the majority of the Democrat party, whose politics have gone hard left toward Socialism. Maybe he can bring them back from the brink if he gets in. You'll still have the lefties who won't settle for anything short of communism, so that's worth keeping an eye on. To a person, they go to bed each night with a tattered and well-read book by Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals," under their pillow. Now, if the major networks would just give the guy, I'm talking about Kennedy here, a little more oxygen. Twitter Spaces is a good start.

Kennedy will also be on with Michael Smerconish on Sirius this morning at 11. The last time Smerconsih gave Kennedy air time, he spent the majority of the time asking him about Trump. Or, maybe he was grilling him about his stance on vaccines and the war in Ukraine. Smerconish won't admit it, but he's a card-carrying member of the Democrat party, and he faithfully executes his role in same by doing their bidding at every turn while pretending to be a neutral observer. He's not kidding anyone. Did I mention that he is also a CNN host and lackey? So, he'll pretend to interview Kennedy while putting a knife in his backside as only Smerconish can. It's Biden or bust. The worst he makes Kennedy look, the better it is for both Biden and Smerconish, and that is not lost on Smerconish. If he loses a few listeners who were leaning Kennedy, so be it. It's a small price to pay for getting Bumbles and his corrupt administration across the finish line in 2024. A win is a win.

I don't know about you, but I don't have much faith in the people in Washington whose job it is to hold our public officials responsible. It really is a cabal. A veritable rats nest, if you must know. We all knew the fix was in for Bumbles Biden when the cabal learned about Biden's digitally raping Tara Reade and simply looked the other way. It's true what they say about power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely. And now, we're hearing that the FBI has irrefutable proof that Biden changed American policy in his role as Vice President in the Obama administration in exchange for $5 million dollars. I'm not sure which country we're talking about, but it really doesn't matter. That, my friends, is the definition of treason. The FBI has refused to turn over the document to Congress despite threats of being held in contempt. So, our Justice Department, an oxymoron if I've ever heard one, is now complicit in the crimes of the Biden Crime Family. This will go nowhere, and the sickness in our institutions will continue unabated. If only the Republican Party had the stones to do what the Democrats would have done long ago if a Republican sitting in the White House were accused of similar crimes. I'm talking about impeachment.

What do you think about Robert F. Kennedy Jr's allegation that Anderson Cooper (CNN) took $12 million dollars from Pfizer to tout Pfizer's vaccine during the Covid-19 craze? How does that work exactly? Now that the management of CNN is aware of the allegation, is this something worth pursuing? There must be something in the fine print of his employment contract that says taking money from an advertiser to push their products is unethical or immoral. Right? With everything now coming to light about the dangers of the vaccines back in the day and the relentless push by the media and government officials to mandate or cajole the unvaccinated to get vaccinated, and to think that the people pushing the vaccines the hardest were getting rich at the same time, there's a bit of a stench to all of it. The Andersen Coopers of the world told us time and time again that the vaccinated couldn't spread the virus and, if you were vaccinated, you wouldn't get the virus. They were all lies. They lied, and people died. Here we are again. Where is the accountability?

I listened to Kennedy on Twitter Spaces yesterday with Elon Musk and others. I can't tell you how refreshing it was to listen to a man who has actual convictions and who has a worldview that he can actually articulate. If you listened to the same thing I listened to, you more than likely walked away with a total understanding of why the Biden camp has to do everything it can to make sure that Biden doesn't end up on a debating stage with Kennedy. That's kind of sad if you think about it. Bumbling Joe would be exposed for the fraud and the intellectual lightweight that he is, and Kennedy would offer the Democrats and Americans at large a vision of a multi-textured future for America that Joe Biden could never come close to articulating. The promise of a better America has to be at the top of every American's wish list, and it's critical that any and all contenders for the Presidency of our country articulate that vision. Kennedy isn't my cup of tea for a variety of reasons, but he deserves a place on the stage. Shame on the Democrats if they continue to silence his voice.

Do you happen to have any extra bedrooms or space in your house that is, in a word, underutilized? Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, is now talking about paying people to take illegal aliens into their homes. Apparently, they are running short of five-star hotels in the Big Apple to house these illegals. They've effectively evicted disabled vets and other Americans who have fallen on hard times to make room for the hordes of illegals that have been bussed into New York City from our southern border. Adams isn't screaming at the top of his lungs to stop the madness and close the borders. No siree, Bob. He wants you and others like you in New York to accommodate these people by opening your doors and your hearts to their plight. What he's not telling you is who these people are, where they come from, what diseases they carry, what threats you and your family may face by putting them up, and which jails or mental health facilities they were released from before they were bussed to our borders and invited in by Bumbles Biden and the radical socialists in the Democrat Party.

Adams seems to think that anyone in New York who has fallen on hard times and who may be having a hard time keeping a roof over their head may now be interested in this new incentive program being offered by the City. Make no mistake; today, it's the carrot. Tomorrow, it will be the stick. Sooner or later, anyone and everyone who was willing to take the offer will have taken the offer. We still have hundreds, if not thousands, of illegal aliens, coming across our borders every day, so you do the math. I don't know if it's eminent domain or something like eminent domain, but mayors across our country will sooner or later mandate that anyone who can take illegals into their homes must take them in or face the consequences. All I can say is, thank God for the second amendment. A man's home is his castle, and he has the right to protect his home and his family. Beyond that, he has the right to push back against the tyranny of a government that would threaten the sanctity of both our homes and our Republic. Now you know why they want to take your guns.

It looks like the Republican Party is going to call for a vote in the House tomorrow morning (Thursday - June 8th) to hold Wray, the head of the FBI, in contempt of Congress for not turning over the document that allegedly proves that Joe Biden took five million dollars from a foreign country in exchange for altering American foreign policy. Wray briefed Congress the other day on the document that they had in their possession but that they chose not to provide to James Comer and his Committee. The FBI said something about people's lives being put at risk were the document to see the light of day. No sooner had the FBI finished their briefing than the Democrat chair of the Committee took to the podium to downplay the document and its importance. When it comes to the Democrat Party, it's all about protecting Bumbles Biden at all costs. By extension, you can probably link in Obama since Bumbles was Vice President under Obama at the time. What did Obama know, and when did he know it? Were Biden's treasonous ways going on right under his nose, and he didn't know anything about it? That's highly unlikely. Now, that very same Democrat, Raskin is his name, just a foul fuck of a Congressman, is looking to strip off Republicans so they don't have enough votes to hold Wray in contempt. We'll see.

(Update) Wray will be sharing the document referenced above with Comer's committee. There will be no vote to hold Wray in contempt of Congress. Ok, let's put that down in the "we're making progress" column. On a completely different subject, what did you all think about Tucker's return to the airwaves? His new show on Twitter is entitled "Tucker on Twitter." It wasn't long enough if you ask me. It was a brief and very quick ten minutes. If you didn't know any differently, you might have thought he was back in the saddle at FOX. He still wore a suit and tie and didn't look any different. There was a different background suggesting that he might be broadcasting from his summer place in Maine. I made a point of waiting until eight at night to watch the "show." What can I say? Old habits die hard. I've been tuning into Tucker for years at eight o'clock at night on FOX, so now I'll do it on Twitter instead. That's how I roll, babycakes. FOX is suing him now for breach of contract, whatever that means. I'm guessing FOX doesn't appreciate him replicating his old show on a different platform. Too bad.


Trump has now been notified that he is the target of a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice. Everyone is on pins and needles, expecting an indictment to drop any day now. To say that network wonks aren't gleeful with this development would be an understatement. Biden is so desperate to put his main political opponent behind bars that he has to be absolutely chomping at the bit. There is simply no pathway to a second term for Biden as long as Trump remains in the race. There's only one problem with Biden's devious plan. Everyone sees it for what it is. It gets worse. Biden is far more guilty of process crimes and other crimes related to classified documents, and again, everyone knows it. We've all seen the pictures of Biden's garage in Delaware with classified documents strewn about next to his beloved Corvette. With Wray now revealing the documents that put Biden at the center of a $5 million pay-for-play arrangement with a foreign government, we're no longer talking about classified documents. We're talking about treason. Before I forget, remember that Trump had every right to the documents he took from the White House. Your move, Attorney General.

My new Echo Buds arrived yesterday. I've never had a pair of earbuds that just hang from your ears without any cords attached. Truth be told, they feel weird. I told the missus that I'll not be wearing them while biking for a while. Not until I get some comfort level with them that they'll not be falling out of my ears while riding anyway. I thought that I could answer phone calls with them by tapping twice on the buds. I had the missus call me a couple of times, and I was unable to answer my iPhone by tapping on the buds. What the hell am I doing wrong? Or did I buy a pig in a poke? It's not like this was a purchase off eBay, for chrissakes. I expect more from Amazon. Apple wouldn't be pulling this shit. I noticed, too, that the packaging that the buds came in was eerily similar to the packaging I've seen in the past of Apple products. It was flimsier, cheaper, and not at all up to snuff compared to what Apple ships. The buds weren't terribly expensive ($39 on sale) compared to how much Apple charges for their buds. Is this one of those "you get what you pay for" deals?

If you told me that I'd be buying my next air conditioner from Amazon, I might have told you that you were out of your mind. We have this old 10,000 BTU air conditioner that is getting a little long in the tooth, and it's probably not all that energy efficient. Neither the missus nor I can even remember where we got the air conditioner if that tells you anything about how old it might be. It has always done a nice job for us, so it will be like saying goodbye to an old friend who has been with us through thick and thin when I finally get around to bringing it to the recycling center. I'm a little concerned that this new unit we're buying won't do as good a job as my old unit for the simple fact that it's one of those newfangled energy-efficient models. It has the same BTU output, so time will tell. There is also some bracketing I'll need to sort out as part and parcel of the framing before I can put the unit in the window, so that could be a challenge. This is one of those units that is bisected such that half of the unit sits outside the window, effectively putting the compressor unit on the outside of the house. Quieter is good. It's a Midea air conditioner if you're interested in finding out more.

Well, I guess if Trump says that he's been indicted, then I guess we should take his word for it. Y'all knew how the timing of all of this was going to work. Right? The minute the news came out that Biden was involved in a treasonous pay-for-play arrangement that garnered him and his crackhead son, Hunter, a cool $5 million apiece, they had to suppress that news somehow. Working with the "Justice" Department, the DOJ notified Trump's attorney's that he was under indictment for charges related to his handling of classified documents once he left the White House. It was promptly leaked to the media in advance, of course, and the maelstrom of Trump's indictment flooded the networks like a firehose on steroids. How fucking convenient was that? The praetorian guard of the corrupt and illegitimate Biden regime is going to ride this wave right into 2024 when they fully expect that their boy, Bumbles, will take his oath to protect and defend our country for another four years.

Trump's case will likely not be resolved by then, so he will have these so-called charges hanging over his head for the duration of his run for the presidency. So much so that if you're a Trump-hating socialist or just some liberal twat sitting on the sidelines watching all of this go by, you have to be taking a certain amount of pleasure in seeing the opposition party's candidate gasping for air and likely facing a life sentence once he's found guilty on all charges. He can't possibly be elected president of the United States with all of these charges pending, or can he? Let's cut through the haze here, shall we? The only reason Trump is being indicted is because he is an existential threat to the Democrat Party and the presidency of Joseph Biden, or Scranton Joe, if you prefer. Or is it lunch-bucket Joe? Now that Congress has seen the document regarding the $5 million dollar payments to the Bidens, let's get this fucking impeachment hearing underway. Let the American people find out who the real criminal is. Let's see how long Biden's praetorian guard can keep this story under wraps. If I'm a Republican member of Congress, I'm already in touch with the networks and putting them on notice that impeachment hearings are imminent, so plan accordingly.

I appreciate the fact that the first guy out of the gate last night when this news hit the wires was Trump's opponent in the Republican primary, Vivek Ramaswamy, who lambasted Biden and his Department of Justice for their role in Trump's indictment. He knew exactly what they were up to, and he called them out. He also promised that, if elected, he would pardon Trump for any and all charges assuming he was found guilty of anything. Good for him! I don't think that will be necessary since I fully expect Trump to win the presidency in 2024, but Vivek's heart is in the right place. Where the hell are his other primary opponents? Have they nothing to say? Do they not realize that it's Trump today, but it could well be them tomorrow or the next day? I think I read that Asa Hutchinson, another of Trump's opponents, demanded that Trump step down. Fuck that clown show of a candidate and send his ass packing back to Arkansas forthwith. If that's the hill he wants to die on, then let him have at it. I think DeSantis came out late with some sort of criticism of Biden, but I'm guessing he was waiting to see how others were going to react first. That's not the sort of fuck we need sitting in the Oval Office. It just isn't.

Did you read that Wall Street Journal story about China building a spy base in Cuba? The Bidenistas were quick to come out and say that there wasn't any truth to the story. My question would be, how much did China pay Biden and his family to look the other way while they build this thing on the island just 90 miles off our coast? It's kinda like that whole Chinese spy balloon thing that Biden allowed to traverse our country, and not just in a willy-nilly fashion. It flew over our most sensitive military installations, and, in some instances, it made several passes over key sites vacuuming up everything in sight. By the time Biden gave the approval to shoot the balloon down after it left the continental United States, it had already uploaded the data it collected, and Biden knew it. Again, how much did China pay the Biden family to do China's bidding? Maybe the question is, or should be, what do the Chinese Communists have on Joe Biden that he is willing to sell out our country to keep their secrets under wraps? I'm guessing this Cuba story isn't going away anytime soon.

Mrs. G has decided that she wants to sell her car. She asked the missus if she might ask me if I would be willing to give the dealership a call to see how much they might be willing to pay for it. That's just ducky. There's only one problem. A car dealership isn't going to give you shit for your car. Even if they did want to buy it, they still wouldn't give you a fair shake. They're in business to make money, and the more money they give you for your car, the less money they make. The other problem, as I see it, is that Mrs. G has a number in mind that she got with my help. For better or worse, I helped her look up the Kelly Blue Book value of her car on the web. The only way we're going to get anything close to what we saw on the web is to sell it outright to a private party. I want no part of any of this if you want to know the truth. In other words, I don't want to make her problem my problem. I've got enough problems. Relatively speaking, that is. How do you tell a ninety-two-year-old that she's on her own?

I don't know why they have to make things so difficult. I have this Weber grill, and I can't tell one way or another how much gas I left in the tank at any given moment. It's got this spring gizmo that is supposed to give you something of a visual read on how much gas you have left based on the weight of the gas canister, but I'll be damned if I can make any sense of it. I ordered a meter of sorts from Amazon yesterday that will give me precisely what I need to know. I've only ever had one tank since I bought the grill a couple of years ago, so it's never really been an issue before. These gas tanks are meant to be returned to the store and replaced with a full tank when they're empty. You never really buy the tank itself. I returned the original tank last week, thinking that I didn't want to be in the middle of a grilling session and have the damn thing die on me. I'm not so sure I didn't return the tank when it was still half full. All of that gets fixed with this new meter I bought. At a minimum, I can feel good about not returning a tank to the store that still has a way to go before it runs out of gas.

Have you seen "Tucker on Twitter"? He's put out a couple of episodes thus far. If you didn't know any better, you'd think you were still watching Tucker on FOX. The background is different, and these Twitter episodes are quite a bit shorter by maybe half compared to his previous shows on FOX, but it's unmistakably Tucker being Tucker. I can see why FOX wants to sue him. Apart from the contractual issues surrounding his departure, the show looks and feels a lot like his old show, but it is not a FOX production. If I had any complaint, it would be that the episodes are too short. He covers far too little of what he used to cover. Having guests from time to time might be nice, but there are none at the moment. I find myself having to remind myself that I'm watching his show on Twitter, and that takes a little cognitive twist here and there. I don't know if I'm doing myself any favors by saving the episodes and watching them at the hour that I used to watch them on FOX, but it is what it is. It's a little like DVR'ing his show or watching him on demand when you see his video posting to Twitter. You can watch it at your leisure or save up a few and watch them all at once, or maybe not at all.

The missus and I started watching an Apple TV show called "Extrapolations" on the telly last night. The first few minutes were filled with scenes of global devastation and population displacements across the globe caused by Climate Change. I wish Apple would take their woke shit and stick it where the sun don't shine. Everyone knows Climate Change is a hoax. Well, everyone except the Moonbat leftists and their cult-like followers, that is. Why Apple chooses Climate Change as the hill they choose to die on is anyone's guess. It took us all of two minutes, if that, between the time we figured out what Apple was selling and the time we turned the channel. When Apple isn't selling its Climate Change bullshit, they're all in on shows involving equity, inclusion, and diversity. We're not watching those shows either. If Steve Jobs were still alive, he'd likely be having none of this. I'm still a fan of Apple products, but they seem to be more than a little confused about who their audience is when it comes to producing television shows for the American public at large. I don't know. Maybe it's just me.

Speaking of cultists, have you heard the latest from John "Botox" Kerry lately? What the hell is he these days? Is he like the Deputy Climate Change Czar or something? He's just a complete fool. He said something recently about the number of people on our planet and the fact that the Earth simply cannot sustain this number of people going forward. What the hell is he even talking about? If I had to guess, I'd say that Johnny Kerry was one of those elites running around the globe during the 2020 pandemic telling everyone to get their jabs and wear their masks while he did neither. I'd also guess that he thinks that not nearly enough people died during the Covid era and, had he his druthers, he would have liked to see the number of dead Americans multiplied by a factor of ten or so. He's the ghastliest of the ghastly. He even looks like death warmed over. He's probably also one of those freaks who wants his body put in some kind of cryogenic chamber after his death so he can be resurrected along with his fellow elitists when they perfect the science. Don't think for a minute that he doesn't have a reserved seat with his name on it in the bunker beneath our nation's capitol for the day the big one hits. I'm talkin' nuclear.

What did I tell you? No sooner did the story come out in the WSJ about China building a spy base in China than the Pentagon sent their gaslighters out to quash the story. It ain't happening, or so they said in so many words. That was a tell, my friends. The sooner they come out and try to kill the story, the sooner you know they're lying through their teeth. Well, Bumbles admitted yesterday that China has been in Cuba since 2019 doing precisely what he and his cronies denied so vehemently the other day. I can hear them in the Pentagon now. I wish that senile old fool would keep his mouth shut. He's going to get us all killed. Whether Biden spilled the beans in a spasm of demented truth-telling or whether he just couldn't keep denying the story any longer, we'll never know. Now that we do know, what the hell are we going to do about it? Why has this been kept secret since 2019? What did Bumbles know, and when did he know it? How much, if anything, did the Communist Chinese Party pay the Biden family to look the other way? Do not get me started.

You have to admit, Trump has a pair like no one else. He was notified of a pending indictment just the other day, and he was in both Georgia and North Carolina last night giving speeches and ripping this prosecutor, Jack Smith, a new one. He even had a few disparaging words about Smith's wife. God bless him! Trump, I mean. He's taking none of this sitting down. In fact, the more I read about these charges, the more I think they are much ado about nothing. Keep in mind that this prosecutor, Smith, is a failed and vengeful prosecutor who pursued one case to the point where the Supreme Court voted 9-0 to overturn the conviction. I'm a little surprised he hasn't been disbarred. That wasn't his only shameful prosecution. Also, keep in mind that Merrit Garland hired him not to find the facts and make a recommendation to prosecute or not prosecute but rather to, as they say in Russia, "find me the man, and I'll find you the crime." This has nothing to do with putting bad guys in jail or holding bad guys to account. It has everything to do with taking Trump off the field so Biden can be reelected. Trump knows it, and so do we. All 100 million or more of us.

I'll not be watching any of the Sunday talk shows this morning. I can't stand to watch the leftist media crow about Trump's indictment and all of their sick prognostications about which Gulag Trump will be spending his remaining days in once he's convicted. I have to say, though, even my Twitter feed has fewer and fewer headlines about Trump's indictment, so maybe their making an effort not to put the cart before the horse for a change. This whole thing could be dismissed in short order. He's going before a judge that he appointed in Miami in a couple of days, and she could give the prosecution's case the old heave-ho. I can hear her now: "Get the fuck out of my court, you piece of shit. With everything we know about the alleged crimes of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and others while they have been charged with nothing, you expect the court to hear this case against your political opponent"? Wouldn't that be something? Trump is saying that even if he is convicted, he's still running. His conviction is subject to review by the Supreme Court given his previous role as Commander-in-Chief, and last but not least, three of his appointees sit on that very same court. Game-Set-fucking Match!