Taking Down the Deep State

I think Trump may have been influenced by reviewing tapes of previous Paul Ryan v Joe Biden debates before heading into the debate with Sleepy Joe Biden. He wasn't going to let Sleepy Joe get away with the same kind of bullshit that he got away with when debating Ryan. All I'm saying is that Trump arrived onstage with an attitude. You could see it in him before he even opened his mouth.


Biden looked and sounded weirdly programmed and he had this pasty appearance that made him look even older than his 77 years or so. He had this bad habit of calling Trump names throughout the debate using words like racist, fool, clown, etc. It was not a good look. His responses to questions and allegations posed by Trump were either non-existent or met with flat out denials. Anyone watching or paying any attention knows that the allegations thrown out by Trump were undeniably true.

The moderator asked Biden about rumors of Biden padding the Supreme Court if elected and Biden went off on some harangue and never answered the question. We'll take that as a "yes", Mr Vice President (That's me talking.) Trump complained during and after the debate that he ended up debating two people referring to the never-ending interruptions by the moderator, Chris Wallace.

Some people say that Trump did himself no favors by not letting Bidden answer questions before interrupting him. We never got to see the Biden who can't complete sentences, can't get his thoughts out, and is more likely than not to make a fool of himself given half a chance.

It was hard to say who was doing a better job of getting under their opponents skin. Trump came close to the edge more often than not but it had more to do with his interactions with the moderator than with Sleepy Joe. I guess the one adjective that comes to mind for me which best describes Biden's attitude towards Trump in the debate is "dismissive." Trump made the point time and time again that he "did more in 47 months than Biden did in 47 years." It's a compelling argument.

Evan gave me a call the other morning and said something about having left his car down in Massachusetts. I think I was only hearing every other word coming out of his mouth but one word that came through loud and clear was the word "shenanigans." I didn't ask what he meant by that and he didn't volunteer an explanation. It occurred to me that he might have forgotten precisely where he left the car and I had visions in my head about how we might go about trying to solve that problem. Memo to me: Don't jump the gun, Johnny.

He did say, because I asked, that he wasn't in any trouble. That didn't come as a surprise but it was good to hear him say the words nonetheless. And the other good news was that he knew precisely where he had left the car. When I drove him down to get it there wasn't a moments hesitation when it came time to take certain exits off the highway, certain lefts and rights, and there she be. His car was sitting in the parking lot of a local CVS just where he left it. All is well that ends well, I suppose.

I'm waking up this morning to hear that Trump and Melanie have the dreaded Covid-19. Maybe no one should be terribly surprised to hear this news. He's a very active president and he's surrounded by people day in and day out by people who have been exposed to this, that, and the other thing. And this virus knows no bounds so it's out there and until it isn't any longer all we can do is try to steer clear of it. If we get the darn thing, chances are pretty good that we'll survive unless there are co-morbidities at play and then all bets are off.

It comes at a weird time for the president and the nation. The general election is a month out and this will take Trump off the campaign trail for the next couple of weeks or more depending on how things progress. I don't know how this might play in the polls, and ultimately, in the voting booths once November 3rd rolls around. Will the remaining two presidential debates be cancelled? How will the president assure the nation day-to-day that he is not in failing health? Will he just end up being asymptomatic and not otherwise sidelined for the duration? All good questions.


I trust that his aides are working around the clock looking for a way to turn this so-called negative into a positive. Something that can help him gain a little more traction in the polls and maybe even get a sympathy vote of sorts that could nudge him over the finish line four weeks out. This could be very good for the president. They say he's behind in the polls so every little bit helps.

My advice to the president would be to continue to be as visible as possible. Let the nation know that he's doing well and standing strong against this invisible and malicious agent. That is something that the nation can rally around. It could be the president's own personal 911 moment but without the mound of rubble beneath his feet and a blowhorn at his lips. He's been in the hospital some 24 hours or so now and I've seen maybe one tweet from the president. It's not enough. How much of this is by design?

The initial reaction of Sleepy Joe's camp to the news of Trump's Covid-19 contraction might be one of celebration and elation. I would caution them not to pop the champagne prematurely. They also have to be careful not to lick their collective chops in public in a way that has them presiding over the ostensible demise of a president.

I think the attention of the nation is now focused on the health and well being of our Commander-in-Chief so Biden's people might as well pull their ads from the airwaves. As I sit here thinking about this I'm thinking there might be little divine intervention going on. Who was it that said, "never let a good crisis go to waste"?

Is it possible that all of this is the result of some greater conspiracy to infect the President and his people in order to throw the election to Joe Biden and his party of leftists? The President's handling of the Covid-19 crisis was the centerpiece of the democrats case against Trump going into October just one month out from the general election. That all changed with the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the nomination of Amy Cony Barrett to the Supreme Court.

What better way to bring it all back around to the virus than to bring that very virus to the doorstep of the man who has allegedly minimized it at every turn going back to March of 2020. I would disagree with that assessment but that is what Biden's people would have you believe. It would be a ruthless and daring strategy by the democrats to pull off a stunt of that magnitude. Did the Chinese government have a hand in this macabre plan? Nobody has more to gain than the Chinese but that seems a bridge too far.

But here we are just a day out from the President and his team flying off in a helicopter from the grounds of the White House bringing he and his team to Walter Reed Hospital where he is expected to receive various treatments for his infection. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard one or more of the president's people use the expression, "abundance of caution" over the last 24 hours I'd be a very rich man.

We can understand his people wanting to put a good face on a bad situation but we saw Trump walk to the helicopter appearing as he did to be in reasonably good health. Something isn't adding up here. Maybe what we're seeing is a takedown of the deep state in progress where the President is protected off sight while the minions of the deep state are rounded up and jailed or moved to Guantanamo for safekeeping. Is Durham's investigation in full takedown mode? We were told that we'd see nothing until after the election. Another ruse?

I read somewhere yesterday that Trump did not communicate with the Gang of Eight in Congress before he left the White House. That conversation would presumably lay the groundwork for any discussions about succession should certain events occur. Not having that discussion makes no sense if Trump's health and well being is imminently at risk. And there are no plans to have Pence take power in the event that Trump cannot carry out his duties so there's that. Does any of this make any sense to you? Of most concern may be the fact that he has stopped tweeting. Nothing. Notta. WTF!

This conspiracy business makes me feel a whole lot better about everything. It tells me that Trump isn't really sick so he won't be dying anytime soon. It tells me that I'm not altogether wrong about the forces of good that carry considerable sway when it comes to deciding who does and who doesn't preside as President of our great country. It tells me that we are of one mind about the dangers that a Joe Biden presidency represents and how critical it is that that he and his minions not take power in any way, shape, or manner. Our "checkmate" moment may not come until election day but come it will. I have no doubt.