Suck it Up

Seems like this holiday season is upon us in a hurry this year. Hardly saw it coming. I am not one of those guys who buys gifts ahead of time so am already behind the eight ball. Not that I am much of a buyer to begin with and if the health of the economy depended on folks like me during the hoilidays to push it over the top then we're in a heap of trouble. It didn't help that Thanksgiving was late this year. That kind of scrunches thing up. Accordian-like you might say. I'm not sure that the holidays this year will be as bad as the whole business we experienced a couple of years back when St. Thomas was front and center but it might rank a close second. At least we'll have a Christmas tree this year if not two (one small one in the bay window.) And, while we might have otherwise looked forward to having our son come home from school for the holidays, it is with considerable regret and never easy to discuss without grimacing even a little bit, that he seems to be home for good. Where we go from here is hard to say. One holiday at a time.


Why is Bill Cosby not in jail? And don't give me that bullshit about the statute of limitations. I never did like that guy. I think he started giving me the willies back in the early eighties when he denied paternity to a daughter who was clearly making her case at the time and rather convincingly if my recollection serves me right. And I suppose the scores of women now alleging he drugged them before assuaulting them are all wrong? That is some pretty kinky and sick stuff. He was laughing all the way to the bank as a humorist and stand-up comedian at the time which makes it all that much more unbelievable. He's like a serial killer who amuses children while donning a clown suit and commits murder and mayhem when out of his suit. Yes, the old John Gacy syndrome. I don't think Jimmy Carter's wife, Rosalyn, ever got over the stigma of having posed for a picture with him in his clown suit at some benefit months prior to his getting nabbed for killing all of those itinerant teenage boys. Maybe he can use the Jekyll and Hyde defense if he ever gets into the court room. He can crack all the jokes he wants once he is behind bars. My advice to him if that ever comes to pass? Do not drop the soap.

Well, it was a dandy little holiday luncheon at work yesterday. We went to a nice little haunt in Dover where the food was good, the beverages pleasantly intoxicating, and the company predictably pleasant. Speaking of Jekyll and Hyde, you never know what you might see when folks are out of their element and under the influence of alcohol so I was keeping an eye out for such things. Not that I could stop someone from dancing on table tops or going off on a profanity laced tirade but you like to think that your simply being there (as a manager) might make it that much less likely. The restaurant was something of a brew pub and my folks wasted little time selecting brews whose alcohol content, acidity, and other attributes were stenciled out on a life-sized chalkboard hanging from the wall. It made the process of making a selection that much more more enjoyable and even fun. The food was remarkably appealing once served and we all marveled aloud as each dish was placed on the table. There were pumpkin and chorizio flatbread pizza's, bacon cheese burgers and fries, 7-cheese grilled cheese sandwiches, salads, and some equally interesting side dishes. Everything that should have been hot was hot, everything that should have been cold was cold, and it was all in all a delightful meal. I can't remember the last time I left a $28 tip for lunch but the service was impeccable so the gratuity was well deserved. My only regret was that I didn't have a chance to take the grab gift that I brought to the affair. Not a very nice thing to say but these grab things are always a catch-as-catch-can deal and you get what you get. Suck it up, Johnny Boy.