Winners Win

Finally. It's caucus day in Iowa. It's the beginning of the end of the Biden regime. Next Tuesday, we go to the polls here in New Hampshire for the first primary in the country. Trump has had a consistent lead in both contests, but the weather could have an impact on just how well he does. In fact, as far as polling goes, Trump's lead in the Iowa race is the largest lead of any candidate in the history of Iowa's caucuses according to the Des Moines Register. We'll see if that translates to a kick-ass margin after all is said and done. Trump told his supporters that even if they die in the process of getting out to vote that it will be worth it. That sounds a little Yogi Bear-ish, but okay. They also say that Trump's voters are older, so braving the frozen tundra, the black ice, and everything else that comes along with living in Iowa in the middle of winter, could impact the number of his supporters making it to the polls.


I was listening to a conservative talk show host in America this morning who was having a conversation with a reporter in Israel on all things Israel. The reporter in Israel actually commented on the fact that Joe Biden has never once spoken the name of any one or more of the Americans being held hostage by Hamas since they were kidnapped on October 7th, 2022. I've been saying this since day one. Nobody knows who the hell these people are and that's exactly how Joe Biden and his keepers want it. The last thing they want while they're trying to get their feeble old fuck of a president back into office is to have anyone harping day in and day out about his inability to free his fellow Americans. Those of us who have been paying attention know all too well that Biden is more than happy to condemn these people, whoever they are, to death at the hands of their captors if it means keeping their names out of the media.

There are stories in both The Guardian and The Telegraph this morning about how Iran is now the main power in the Middle East thanks to Joe Biden. Is this really a surprise to anyone? I've not read the articles, so I'm not sure what they lay out as evidence for their claims. What is known is that Biden has funded Iran since coming into office in 2021 by not enforcing sanctions put in place by the Trump Administration. It has allowed them to sell their oil to whomever they please, funding terrorism across the world as is their wont, and along with their proxies, control the waterways and airways in and around the Middle East and do pretty much as they damn well please. Another article coming out in the wake of the retaliatory bombings of the Houthis (Iran proxies) talks about the fact that the massive bombing campaign by the US and the UK did very little to no real damage to Houthi's infrastructure. This was, no doubt, Biden's promise to the Mullahs in Iran that their interests would be protected despite everything they might hear to the contrary. And, make no mistake about it, Iran moves closer and closer each day to having a nuclear device with which to wreak even more havoc in the Middle East. Again, they couldn't have done any of it without the beneficence and sign-off by crooked Joe Biden and his handlers.

Well, there you have it. The Iowa caucuses have come and gone, and Trump won with over 50% of the vote. He won an unprecedented 98 out of 99 counties. Word has it that the one county he didn't win was due to Democrats voting in the Republican caucus. DeSantis came in second with 21% of the vote followed by Haley with 19% of the vote. Vivek ended up with 7% of the vote and summarily suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump. Chris Christie wasn't wrong when he said that Nikki Haley was going to get smoked. No wonder he didn't endorse her. Put another way, you could say that 81% of the people who turned out to vote in the caucuses voted for someone other than Nikki Haley. So much for suburban moms who have given up on Trump. Here's the truth of the matter: They haven't. Trump did better amongst all groups compared to 2016, and he did better with Republican women than he did with Republican men. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Ron and Nikki. Tell me again about that ticket you got punched out of Iowa, Ron. The more people saw of Ron DeSantis the less they liked him. To think that he was projecting a win in Iowa. Sorry, not sorry.

I'm not sure how you can make the case for the big MO (momentum) going into New Hampshire if you're Nikki Haley. If anyone has the big MO going into New Hampshire and beyond, it's Trump. DeSantis is pretty much skipping New Hampshire and going directly to South Carolina. If he can effectively erode what little support Haley has in South Carolina, that might well be the final nail in her coffin. I think Ron wants to be the last guy standing when they take Trump away in handcuffs. What he doesn't understand is that Trump's absence in the campaign will not necessarily inure to his benefit. Another thing seems to be clear after Trump's convincing win in Iowa last night. That is, his supporters are going to vote for Trump regardless of his legal status. They see these 91 indictments for what they are. It's lawfare plain and simple. Eighty-one percent of the people who voted for Trump last night don't believe that Biden won the 2020 election fair and square. There, I said it. They think that Biden and the Democrat party stole the 2020 election. I won't mind at all if Trump embarrasses both Nikki Haley and her biggest supporter, Governor Sununu, here in New Hampshire a week from now. Like Governor what's her name in Iowa who came out for DeSantis, Sununu will likely suffer the same fate.

I agree with Trump. It's time to get behind the one guy who can deliver for the American people. I know it's a bit self-serving, but it's true. Can you imagine the drubbing DeSantis and Haley are going to take on Super Tuesday come March? The longer DeSantis stays in the worse it's going to get for him. He's pretty much alienated every Trump supporter who might otherwise vote for him in 2028 were he to do the right thing and get out of the race now while throwing his support behind Trump. We're going to need a cohesive party going into November if we're to beat Biden and his band of election thieves. That is never going to happen if these ne'er do wells like DeSantis and Haley stay too long. Maybe that's the strategy. They're okay with another four years of Biden if that is likely to improve their odds in 2028. You might even say that they're okay with four years of Kamala Harris and her radical Administration since that is more likely than not with Bumbles Biden on the cusp of going directly from the White House to a home for the severely cognitively impaired. Donors may have the final say here going into the home stretch. At some point, they are throwing good money after bad. I think that the time is now.

What the hell is this? An ARG poll that has Trump tied with Haley in New Hampshire at 40%? Is this what they call a push poll? A poll designed to mislead and confuse the electorate? A poll that might well encourage people to go out and vote for Haley (or against Trump) by lying to them about the strength of her numbers. These are people who might otherwise stay home knowing that their candidate (Haley) doesn't have a chance against the man coming out of Iowa (Trump) who just won 98 out of 99 counties and a 30-point lead against his second-place opponent. Can you believe the audacity of Haley on caucus night in Iowa where she took to the podium at the end of the night and declared it a two-person race? Did one of her people forget to tell her that DeSantis came in second place? It's also important to note that we here in New Hampshire are tainted by the poisonous politics of the State of Massachusetts. These scumbags from Massachusetts are likely planning to do their lot in improving Haley's chances by showing up at the polls on election night and casting illegal votes just to take down Trump. All you need is one or two poll watchers to look the other way, or God forbid, take a "donation" from George Soros or another one of Haley's Democrat donors to help perfect the steal.

Speaking of perfecting the steal, what is up with Putin coming out and saying that the election in the US was stolen with the use of mail-in ballots? He must be referring to the 2020 election. Right? What is he up to? What proof is he willing to offer and how will that evidence get through the myriad of firewalls put up by Biden's praetorian guard, the mainstream media? No sooner did Putin make his comments than Biden approved some form of support or other for Ukraine to prolong its war with Russia. Maybe that's Biden's way of saying that two can play that game. Remember when Trump called out to China in one of his 2016 rallies to release Hillary Clinton's 30,000 e-mails that went missing after Congress subpoenaed them? "China, if you're listening, please release Hillary Clinton's e-mails." I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea. Trump, probably unsurprisingly, is not now making a similar request lest Biden's state-run media run with the narrative that Trump is one of Putin's stooges. He (Trump) has bigger fish to fry, and he doesn't need to give Biden's media anything to derail what is shaping up to be a juggernaut of a campaign, unlike anything anyone's seen in the last one hundred years here in the United States.

Why is it that leaders of other countries feel the need to come out and make ridiculous comments about the potential dangers of another Trump presidency? Trudeau is one of the more recent leaders to make these assinine assertions. With a second Trump presidency looking more likely than not, are they not making matters worse for themselves by alienating Trump before he even gets inaugurated? I mean, who does that? Is this part and parcel of Biden's campaign to reach out to these other countries and have them badmouth Trump until the cows come home in order to make Trump seem more toxic and less acceptable on the world stage as a leader of the greatest country on the face of the earth? If other countries are raising concerns about Trump, maybe voters in the US should pay attention and vote for the "other" person whomever that may be. See how that works? Little do they know that should that "other" person be someone like neocon Nikki Haley, the prospects for global peace and prosperity will wither away like a juicy grape on a hot summer's day. I get it that these globalists hate populists wherever they pop up across the globe. Thankfully, populism is on the march across the planet, and no turds in the proverbial fishbowl like Trudeau and others of his ilk can stop it.

It was kind of cool seeing Ramaswamy taking the stage with Trump at the Trump rally here in New Hampshire last night. He's an America First guy through and through. He's always spoken highly of Trump so it's no surprise that he decided to endorse Trump after getting out of the race after Iowa. I'd like to think that most or all of Ramaswammy's followers are now in Trump's camp. That should help Trump put a little more distance between himself and Neocon Nikki. She has been surging if you believe the narrative being pushed by the mainstream media. If "surging" has you in third place in Iowa, I should think they (the media) might want to start looking for other more suitable adjectives to describe whatever it is that they think they can reasonably sell. "Surging" doesn't seem to be cutting the mustard. It's also true that it's probably easier to steal elections where you have primaries instead of caucuses. We've all seen the videos of people stuffing ballot boxes and voting multiple times in various and sundry locations in order to pump up their candidate's numbers. And then, when the time comes to audit certain locations, voila, the records go missing. Getting back to Ramaswamy, I think he appeals more to the younger voters so that can't hurt Trump's chances at corraling the demographics he needs to box out neocon Nikki on election night. Oh, and hats off to Senator Rand Paul for putting up the Never Nikki website.


I should try to make a dish for supper tonight. Maybe vegetarian chili which the missus likes. We don't prepare enough meals at home so we should try to change that up in 2024. I bought one of those pre-cooked chickens for last night's dinner and served it with Jasmine rice and broccoli. Can you say "path of least resistance"? I tend to stay away from recipes that have too many ingredients so veggie chili may not be the best recipe for me to tackle. I like a nice beef chili, truth be told, but the missus doesn't, so we need a compromise of sorts. How about a nice crockpot dish? It shouldn't be that hard to find a good crockpot recipe to make. We'll be out and about today so we can pick up whatever ingredients we need. I probably ought to take this opportunity to clean out the refrigerator after our latest bout with COVID-19. It's a helter-skelter shitstorm in there if you must know. I think I've already managed to get rid of the stuff we'll no longer be eating so I'm now left with something akin to an organizational challenge. I like to open our refrigerator door and see what's in there without having to move this and that out of the way. See where I'm going with this?

Remember Steve Cortes? He was a huge Trump supporter in Trump's 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns. He was a regular guest on Steve Bannon's War Room show. For whatever reason, he jumped ship in the 2024 campaigns, and he went to work for the DeSantis campaign. So much for loyalty. Guess what? He's back to supporting Trump. I read that this morning and had a good laugh. It will be interesting to see if Bannon has him back on his War Room show. Bannon doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who holds grudges so I'll be paying close attention to his show today and tomorrow. Do you know who else is singing Trump's praises? Jamie Dimon, the CEO and Chairman of some bank or other. You know, the guy with a Democrat heart and a Republican brain. Those are his words, not mine. It sounds a lot like he's looking to run for president in 2028. He will need Trump's base if he's going to stand a chance. I'm not sure how formidable he would or would not be. I'm all for non-politicians being presidents, so I'll just throw that out there. Can I throw one more log on the fire? I watched a video this morning of Michael Moore singing Trump's praises. What kind of upside-down world are we living in?

I think Moore correctly predicted Trump's win in 2016 when he properly assessed the unhappiness that the citizenry was having with establishment politicians. He's a Michigan guy, as I recall, and he had a stake one way or another in what GM plants in Michigan were doing or not doing in order to prevent their plants from leaving the United States. I think I'll see if I can't find one or more of the videos that Moore produced back in 2016 just to refresh my memory. Part of Moore's schtick back in the day, if I recall correctly, was to warn about Trump although what he was warning folks about escapes me at the moment. Maybe he thought Trump, as a businessman, wouldn't work hard enough to prevent our domestic auto plants from leaving the country. Nonetheless, it's good to have him back on board assuming that the video I was looking at was kosher and not some AI production designed to confuse and mislead. Speaking of auto plants, have you seen all the recent stories of these electric vehicles and the problems they've had with them now that the cold weather is upon us? It could be the proverbial death knell, maybe a death rattle at a minimum, for these so-called batteries on wheels. It just confirms what I've felt all along: These things are not ready for prime time.

Today is Friday, the Friday before Primary Day here in New Hampshire. Howie Carr just posted overnight tracking poll figures showing Trump at 51.8% and Nimrata with a distant second at 35.4%. Was it that old coot, Senator Judd Gregg, I saw on television last night predicting that Trump couldn't get over 50% here in New Hampshire? I'm guessing he'll be eating crow come Primary Day, and that'll be a sight for sore eyes. Even Governor Sununu, who was just saying the other day that his girl, Nimrata, would beat Trump here in New Hampshire, is now admitting that she'll likely come in second place. Let's face it. The only reason Nimrata is getting 35%, if she gets that, is that DeSantis hasn't really either campaigned or caught on here in New Hamshire. Maybe this is the two-man race that Nimrata was referring to when, as the candidate who came in third in Iowa, she stated unequivocally that it was now a two-man race. If I'm not mistaken, Trump has edged up from previous polls, and Nimrata has edged down. The more people get a closer look at her, the more they dislike her. This is what happens when you go up against the most popular president in recent times. You may or may not like Trump, but he is the undisputed 800-lb gorilla in the room.

I especially like to listen to these left-wing hacks who are clutching their pearls every time they see another indictment of Trump and his poll numbers go up instead of down. They are going to indict Trump right into the White House if they keep this up. Would Trump be doing as well as he has had none of these lawfare issues come to the fore? It's unknowable. I think it's not hurting Trump that none of these indictments seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. That says a lot about just how weak the cases against him are. When you look at that junkyard dog that Biden brought back from The Hague to put Trump in prison before he could beat Biden on Election Day, it smacks of election interference and the good people of our country are not standing for it. Every day we get closer and closer to Trump being the defacto nominee of the Republican Party, and that will put the judges and prosecutors going after Trump in a box. Everything is political at that point and trying to rush through a conviction just so they can say that Trump is a convicted criminal may just put Trump over the top and right into the Oval Office. Not that he won't get there without the conviction, mind you.

Is James Carville about the biggest asshole on the face of the planet, bar none? He's the scumbag we all know from his days back in the Clinton era. Well, they've dragged him out of whatever hole he's been hiding in to suggest that Trump has the clap. He's referencing a recent photo taken of Trump where he appears to have blisters on his hand. It makes for a nice chyron for those networks who are not only happy to discuss the possibility that it's true but who also want to get something, anything going virally that can take Trump off his present trajectory. Maybe they're taking talking points from Trump's Republican opponents, or maybe more likely, from Biden's handlers. If you can dirty up your opponent in a race, it can't hurt. Right? Maybe they think that the Evangelicals will find Trump's "clap" as a sign from the Big Guy that Trump is morally unfit to be president. Expect to see and hear more of this from the left-wing media, who, like a dog with a bone, will run with it as long as they can. James Carville will be the talk of the town and MSNBC and CNN will have him on around the clock until the story, as scurrilous as it is, has run its course. This is who they are. This is what they do.

Yesterday was a hellscape around here. The missus interrupted me mid-sentence a little after eight in the morning to tell me that we weren't getting any heat out of our furnace. I figured it was just getting warmed up and would sooner or later start pumping out warmer air. With temperatures in the mid-twenties, I took a closer look at the vents and determined that the missus was on to something. I called the technicians, and they had someone come over to the house by one-ish. Fifteen minutes or so after he arrived I saw him coming out of our cellar with what looked like a motor of sorts. Sure enough, he didn't have the tools he needed to get the job done so off he went to his shop to finish the job. He was gone for a good two to three hours before he arrived back here at the house. I was thinking the worst. After two to three hours, can you blame me? I was thinking the motor was completely fucked and beyond repair. I was just waiting to hear the doorbell ring where I'd get the bad news. I had visions of having to have a new furnace installed and having to wait some three to four weeks for the installation. None of that happened, thank the baby Jesus. He had the thing back together in short order, and we had heat once again. Fucking A.

Trump continues to accumulate endorsements like there's no tomorrow. The big news yesterday was that Tim Scott, the senator from South Carolina, was endorsing Trump instead of Nimrata (Nikki) Haley, the person who may have been responsible for Scott's ascendence to the US Senate in South Carolina during her governorship. Scott also ran for president in this cycle but dropped out earlier in the process. You know things are bad when you can't count on the people you've helped along the way to prop you up when you need propping up. It's just another nail in the coffin for Nimrata. I don't think that either DeSantis or Haley thought that Trump would be the juggernaut of a candidate that he's become in this cycle. He's simply sucking all the air out of the room and leaving their poor asses by the side of the roadway. The fact that this is happening so early in the process, and we've had but one caucus thus far, says a lot about the strength of Trump's campaign. You might even say that it's historical if we're to be honest about it. I don't know that there are any politicians in South Carolina that have endorsed Haley now that Scott has come out for Trump. If she's smart, she'll get out after next Tuesday's race here in New Hampshire. Getting shellacked by Trump, which is what it looks like based on the latest polls out of South Carolina, in your own state's primary come February 3rd simply won't look good on her resume if she expects to run again in 2028 or later.

I don't think I have any preferences one way or another when it comes to Trump's VP pick. Someone who qualifies as a MAGA successor would be fine considering the fact that Trump can only serve one term. The movement isn't going away, and the Department of Justice can't put them all in jail, so we'll need someone who can carry on Trump's "America First" legacy. I would not be happy to see him go with Nimrata Haley so I'll just put that out there. DeSantis screwed the pooch by running against Trump so he's out. Does Trump need to have a woman on the ticket? I'm not sure. Who might that be? Not sure. I like Byron Donalds, the Congressman from Florida so I could go for him. He'd be the first black Republican president if he were to win in 2028. Are there states out there that Trump can win that he wouldn't otherwise win if he didn't have a minority or a woman on the ticket? Again, just don't know. I like Tulsi Gabbard, but I just don't know how she would go over with the MAGA base. It can't hurt that she's left the Democrat Party. Or, maybe more accurately, the Democrat party left her. We'll have to see a few more cards come out of the deck before we start to get a clearer picture of who is and who isn't on Trump's shortlist. One thing is for sure. He won't be picking a dimwit like Kamala Harris. No sireee, Bob. Not in a million years. Not Donald J. Trump.

DeSantis canceled a number of appearances today on the Sunday talk shows. That only happens when a candidate plans to drop out. Right? The New Hampshire primary is two days away (today is Sunday) so he still has time. If he gets out and endorses Trump, then it's just Trump and Nimarata left in the race. You don't suppose he'll be endorsing Nimarata, do you? That would make zero sense. Nimarata is going to get her arse kicked by Trump all the way through, well, pick your primary. Any primary. She's toast. Did you see the Trump rally in Manchester last night? Holy shit, talk about a 2016 redo. It was Trump mania all over again. Trump had a political contingent up from South Carolina to endorse him and he brought them all up on stage. These are people who had worked with and for Nimrata Haley when she was a two-term governor in South Carolina. That had to be embarrassing for Nimrata. Add to it the several pieces in the latest Daily Mail about her affairs with other men while her husband was fighting in wars overseas, and I'm just not sure how much more her campaign can take before it completely implodes. They have a seriously flawed and imperfect candidate. It's just a fact. That's the last twenty-four hours in a nutshell. If DeSantis isn't dropping out, he might as well drop out because that's all the Sunday talk shows are going to be talking about. It will take on a life of its own, with or without him.

I see Boston Mayor Wu is up here in New Hampshire pushing the "write-in-Biden" bullshit. He's not on the ballot in New Hampshire because he elected to skip New Hampshire so he could go straight to South Carolina where he has more than enough black support to propel him to wins in subsequent primaries. So what the fuck does he have his surrogates up here in New Hampshire for if he didn't give two fucks about getting votes out of this state? Fuck him and the clown show that he surrounds himself with. Speaking of traveling, I saw a piece on him this morning that had him going back to his home in Deleware for another vacation. They calculated that he's spent 39.4% of his presidency on vacation. And you fucking wonder why our country is going to hell in a handbasket. Speaking of these dipshit leftists from Massachusetts like Mayor Wu, we have enough leftists of our own so stay the hell down in your Marxist hell hole if you don't mind. Leftists, I'll remind you, who are likely transplants from Massachusetts. They came here to get away from the taxes in Massachusetts but brought their politics with them. That's right. We lovingly refer to them as Massholes.

Did I just hear that DeSantis dropped out and endorsed Trump? Whoa Nellie! Here we go!