What Would Jesus Do?

It looks to be a snowy day of sorts. It's coming down so lightly that you have to look hard just to see it but it's out there. It's coating everything rather than piling up so that's good. Driving is likely to be a bit tricky but I'm not going anywhere so who cares. Nancy may have an appointment on her calendar but she's been up and she doesn't seem concerned. If she's not concerned, I'm not concerned.


So much bad shit going on out there in the world today. Biden is now getting us back in the Paris Climate Accord which is a complete disaster. He's agreed to talks with Iran after an Iran sponsored terrorist group killed an American citizen in the Middle East not even a week ago. Our public schools will now be teaching critical race theory again under the benign sounding guise of "
Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CR-S)." Biden is even looking to give amnesty to foreigners who have already been deported. Wake up, America!

Why would you invite a flood of Mexicans and others across the globe into our country when unemployment rates are so bad that our own citizens can't find meaningful work? Why would you open our borders to hordes of plague carrying aliens when we're in the midst of a global pandemic? Why would you look to silence voices on Social Media when voices are all we have left in our quivers with which to resist the surge of leftist ideology within our borders?

Who else feels that we're just biding our time until 2024 rolls around so we can vote these leftists out of office once and for all? Grandiose promises by the leftists made during the 2020 campaign are falling by the wayside with each passing day. Gone are the promises of a $15 dollar minimum wage. Gone are the promises of eliminating up to $50k in college debt. Gone are the promises of not eliminating fracking and other forms of energy production that gave our country energy independence for the first time in our country's history.

All of those rubes who voted for Biden thinking that he was going to mail them a stimulus check for $2,000 are now scratching their collective heads now that Biden and his minions are talking about sending out checks of maybe $1,400 instead. I know it goes without saying but Trump was the first president in ages who not only kept his promises but exceeded that which he promised. He reset the standard by which future presidents would hopefully follow. Well, republican presidents anyway.

Trump's popularity is roughly 59% in the latest polls after they failed to convict him for a second time in the Senate. Compare that to the ratings of the members of Congress whose poll numbers are in the 20's and you have a recipe for a Trump comeback in 2024 of landslide proportions.

I think I heard that some democrat in Congress is proposing a bill that would keep presidents impeached for a second time, namely Trump, from being buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Another democrat in Congress is suing Trump for some nonsense related to the January 6th event at the Capitol building.

These assholes are persistent if nothing else. I'll give them that. The list of things they've tried since he and Melania came down the elevator in 2015 to bring him down have all failed miserably. Now, they're looking to bring lawsuit after lawsuit until they drive him into the financial gutter or until he promises not to run again in 2024 whichever comes first. I don't know who they think they're endearing themselves to since I think it makes them look petty and insignificant. You know what they say. If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.

Is it wrong to want all of our own citizens vaccinated before we give so much as a syringe-full of vaccine to the citizens of another country less able to fend for themselves during this pandemic? I suppose we have some moral imperative of sorts as the greatest country on the face of the planet (hubris?) that says we should do everything we can to help others in need. That said, do we not as individual families want to make sure that the people living in our own households have the bread they need to survive before offering a crust to a neighbor? What would Jesus do?

What's this kerfuffle in Albany, NY about Governor Cuomo and his role in the unnecessary deaths of thousands in nursing homes across the State of New York? Isn't this the same ass clown who got an Emmy for his daily televised Covid-19 updates? Isn't this the same ass clown who wrote a book about his herculean efforts in battling and beating back the mighty Covid virus? Isn't this the same ass clown whose state has the record by and far for rates of death, hospitalizations, etc when it comes to Covid?

Why would he send all of those elderly patients sick with the disease back into the nursing homes when field hospitals and the hospital ship, "Mercy" sat docked in New York City with hospital beds at the ready but largely unfilled? And he had the unmitigated gaul to go on CNN time and time again with his brother, another ass clown in his own right, to laugh and make jokes about his popularity with women and his "success" in protecting the people of New York from the dreaded Covid. Yes, all of those elderly who now are deceased and forever off the medicaid rolls and off his budget. See where I'm going with this?

But we have a justice system under Biden that looks the other way when it comes to crimes committed by democrats and crucifies and incarcerates republicans so who knows if Cuomo will pay a price for what he's done. I'm not even sure what culpability looks like when it comes to policies written and implemented by governors whose policies result in thousands of unnecessary, and maybe even intentional, deaths.

We have people in the Biden Justice system who will not prosecute blacks because of the color of their skin no matter how egregious the crime so there''s that. What may contribute to Cuomo's undoing is the fact that he represents a threat to Biden's second term in 2024. It's probably far better to kneecap him now than to face him in the primaries. And let's not kid ourselves. We're talking about Kamala's second term. There, I said it.

I had a good mind yesterday to make chili not with beef but with chicken. It's a new twist on an old favorite and hopefully one that gets a little traction hereabouts. It's healthier, that's for sure. I've never liked the grease that I squeeze out of the beef when preparing the dish with beef. It's actually all the grease I don't see and the globules of grease that I'm not able to squeeze out that I have to believe is winding its wicked way through my veins with every spoonful. But that's what gives it the flavor, they say. It's all the fat.

I baked the chicken and shredded the cooked breasts with a fork just like the recipe said. I debated cubing the chicken instead but stayed true to the recipe and went with the shredded version. It was reminiscent, really, of the kind of chicken you find in barbecued chicken sandwiches and the like. And maybe it was a bit chewier than I might have preferred but with just the right amount of chili pepper and cumin it was the bees knees. So, now we have a pot of chili to eat at our leisure and, with or without chilled avocado slices, chicken chili is here to stay.


I was telling Mrs G that Fauci's latest proclamation was that vaccinated family members can now likely hug after they've had their jabs. The elbow bumps and hand gestures from afar will be a thing of the past, according to the Fauch (rhymes with couch.)

She tells us that they are planning to open up her facility to the public sometime soon and that will likely come as a bit of a relief to family members who have had to improvise here and there just to see their loved ones living at her place. Nobody's sure on what's to be done with those folks preferring not to be vaccinated. I mean, who wants to even sit at the same table with them?

We drove Mrs G over to the local Starbucks so we could grab a couple of coffees on the go. She gets out and about on her own but who doesn't like to be taken for a drive when the opportunity presents itself? I walked into the store since the line of cars for the drive-through was a bit too long for my tastes.

We weren't in any particular hurry but I thought Nancy and her mum might like a little one-on-one time so in I went. Had I not gone in, I might not have bought Mrs G a nice piece of lemon cake so there's that. My Flat White was less than zero. A little more consistency from Starbucks might be nice. At $6 a pop, it's not asking too much, or is it?

What the hell is going on on our southern border with Mexico? I'll tell you what's going on. The Biden Administration has thrown the border wide open to every Tom, Dick, and Harry from points south of the border. Not sure what the Spanish translation is for those names but maybe we're talking about Juan's, Jose's, and Paco's. Oh, and don't forget the moms and their bambinos. They're likely pulling up the rear and getting in line for Biden's promise of citizenship. Who the fuck died and made him king? Republicans, where are you?

All of this, at least on the border with Texas, is happening during a historic deep freeze in Texas. It seems the power grid supplying electricity to Texas, all comprised of energy sources including gas, wind, and solar, was never built to withstand freezing temperatures the likes of which Texas is now experiencing.

Frozen pipes are bursting, gas lines have gone dormant, solar panels across the state have a coating an inch or more thick with snow and ice, and yet, the flow of migrants and illegal aliens continues not only unabated but with a velocity not seen in many years on the southern border. This is Biden's America. This is your democrat party. This is what stolen elections look like. Welcome to America, and God help Texas.

The next book I have in the queue to read will be about the Johnstown Flood. I think that's the one involving a flood of molasses resulting in the deaths of any number of people in town. Can you imagine? Sticky wicky. Before I get the the Johnstown Flood, I need to finish this book I'm reading now about Cystic Fibrosis which is a good 600 pages long but very readable.

It's not a medical book, per se, but rather an account of how a national grass roots organization rose up out of nothing to meet the medical and emotional needs of children and families affected by this dreadful and terminal disease. I'm not usually interested in going 600 pages into anything but this one justifies an exception. It reminds me of a disease that is a bit closer to home and, thankfully, not nearly as terminal.

We've had so much snow and cold as of late that I'm missing out on my bike rides. Nancy tells me that I should avoid going to the gym until I get my jabs just to be safe. That leaves me, well, fiddling and diddling. Maybe I get on the treadmill here at home and maybe I don't. Maybe I go for a walk and maybe I don't. Yes, I have my guitar and my books at the ready in case I get bored and tired of all the inactivity but these are mere distractions. Maybe today is the day I get back to the gym. To hell with the virus. Gotta do what you gotta do. Hrrrrumph!

I tuned in to FOX last night, which I am loathe to do as you know, and watched a bit of the Tucker show. He had an ex-democratic operative on and she was talking about how this virus thing has given our politicians the justification to turn our country into a police state.

City after city and town after town telling their citizens that they have no right to a legal and lawful assembly, no right to attend religious services, and no right to speak out against things they deem to be against the state. When people from both sides of the political aisle stand up to a government that has gone too far, we're maybe one step closer to taking back our government. God willing.

The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that they will not be hearing a case about the alleged illegalities in the 2020 election. They wouldn't hear Trump's case during the election even though Trump's attorneys had a boatload of evidence that the election was stolen because they said he had "no standing."

And now, maybe they think that if they hear and rule on the case they might have to reach a verdict for Trump and where would that take us. But, by not taking the case, they are sending a clear message that all bets are off for nipping stolen elections in the bud going forward. It's tantamount to another free pass right into the end zone for the democrats. They must be pinching themselves.

I'll close with a tip of the hat to Pepsi-Cola. Coca-Cola has taken race baiting to a new level by introducing training to all employees on "How to be less white." That's it. I'm done with Coke. I'm tired of being told how racist I am and I'll not feel one iota of guilt for saying it.

In fact, I'll be boycotting not only Coke but any shows I watch on the telly that depict whites as racist and blacks as a subjugated race. We all know Hollywood is out to stick it in our faces with their propaganda about this cultural horseshit and I'll not be party to the propaganda. Over and out, mother fuckers!