Aliens from Uranus

This story about the Chinese weather balloon isn't going away. Is it true that Biden tried to cover up the story? Had it not been seen by the good people in Montana, the spy balloon sent to our shores from China might well have gone on its merry way across our country with the full approval and sign-off of treasonous Joe Biden. That would make our military complicit in Biden's treasonous actions. That would be General Milley. You know, the same ass clown of a general who called either China or Russia on the back channels and behind Trump's back when Trump was president to assure them that he would make sure that Trump did not go through with certain plans that might threaten their countries. Biden's actions should infuriate every red-blooded American.


If Trump can be impeached over a phone call, this fool in the White House can certainly be impeached as an obvious agent of the Chinese Communist Party. How much more proof do we need? If our Intelligence Agencies were doing their job, they would also connect the dots between Hunter's laptop and the classified documents found everywhere on properties owned by Joe Biden. Biden has been selling our country's secrets for years, and China has been the biggest recipient of Biden's secretive and treasonous largesse. America has never had a more compromised president. They have the goods on the Biden Crime Family. This is how they do business. Is it any wonder that every one of Biden's policies has weakened and not strengthened our country?

I finally broke down yesterday. The container of chocolate pudding in my refrigerator was calling my name. Johnny, I'm over here! I'm right behind the container of cottage cheese! Come and have a taste, won't you? I'll be damned if I didn't do just that. It's been a good three weeks of depriving myself of sweets and sugary stuff as I try to break this sugar habit of mine. It gets worse. You can't have chocolate pudding without whipped cream. The can of whipped cream then started calling my name. Johnny, you can't have pudding without me, can you? I'm over here next to the milk! I'm satisfied that I had some pudding and whipped cream but not too much of either. I seem to have broken the pattern of buying and eating the proverbial bag of cookies in one sitting, at least for now.

While shopping at Trader Joe's over the weekend, I bought a couple of packages of cauliflower crusts the size of a small to medium-sized plate. In addition to losing my taste for sugary foods, I'm trying to avoid white bread and all things that tend to spike blood sugars, including pasta and the like. I've not had a lot of luck when experimenting with cauliflower crusts in the past. The worst thing I can say is that they've tasted like cardboard. But I like pizza enough to keep trying different things until I find just the right recipe. I'm also of the mind that if you load the pizza up with enough toppings, you won't even notice that the crust tastes like shite. Trader Joe's had the good sense to put all of the mixings required to make a good pizza alongside the package of crusts, so I was good to go. To quote the missus, "This pizza is delicious!" I agreed.

The missus returned from her day in Massachusetts last evening after spending the day working with the Ross man. She arrived home bearing gifts in the form of cookies. I saw them but was not desirous of them, if that makes any sense. Thankfully and maybe not surprisingly, my spoonful of chocolate pudding and whipped cream earlier in the day did not set me up for a lapse in judgment when the missus arrived with the cookies. It was an empowering moment. It's where I wanted to end up when I started this thing two to three weeks ago. Had the missus consumed one or more of the cookies in front of me, I think the result would have been the same. She did bring me a tuna poke' bowl containing a packet of sauce that, according to the contents listed, had 8 grams of sugar. I moistened the chunks of tuna with a bit of sauce and discarded the rest. That's how you do it. One day at a time.

I lied to the Ev man the other day when he asked me if I had brought jugs of water up to his apartment. I told him I planned to do that while he was off on his self-imposed sabbatical in Haverhill, Massachusetts. I was afraid that if I told him I hadn't brought the jugs of water up as promised, he might insist that I not do it. I want him to have the jugs of water, so I might have brought them up regardless. I'm not one to foist things on him when he says he doesn't want them, but I know, and he knows that the tap water in his town is pretty bad, so having half a dozen gallon jugs of Poland Spring water on hand is a good thing and not a bad thing. Now that I told him I had already brought them up, my goal is to get them there before he arrives home. I don't make a habit of lying to the Ev man, but you do what you have to do sometimes. This is one of those times.

Bumbles is giving his State of the Union speech tonight. No, I will not be listening to his lies and fabrications. The one question on lots of minds across our country will be, can the old fool make it through the hour required to read from the teleprompter without drooling, falling asleep, stumbling over his words, grimacing like the creepy old fuck that he is, calling out to dead politicians in the audience long passed, referring to someone other than his wife as his wife, likening every republican on the planet as "MAGA extremists," or will he do something else unscripted and unpredictable? I'm not sure what I'll do if the missus insists on watching what will likely be a debacle of a speech. I'll have to marinate on that. Will Kevin McCarthy, the new republican Speaker of the House tear up his speech as Pelosi did when Trump stood at the rostrum? God, I hope so. What's good for the fucking goose is good for the demented gander.

If he says one godamn good word about the Chinese after their bullshit with that balloon over these past two weeks, the Republicans should stand up and walk the fuck out of the building. Is there one Republican member of Congress who has the balls to rise to his feet and call Biden a liar when he starts lying through his teeth? If they do, I've got my checkbook ready to write that man or woman a check for their upcoming reelection. How many times will this abject disgrace of a compromised president refer to Trump and then go on to take credit for policies put in place by Trump? By the way, can anyone remember the last time Biden stood before the press to give a press conference? I think it's been months, if not a year or more, since that happened. He doesn't give them because he can't speak without his little note cards, and he can't very well bring index cards to a press conference. He's as stupid as the day is long and twice as corrupt. How did we even get here?

Am I the only American concerned that Biden is getting us into a kinetic war with Russia? As Biden likes to remind us, we keep pushing military hardware and related assets into Ukraine for "as long as it takes." As long as it takes to do what, you old fool? Defeat Russia on the battlefield in Ukraine? Help the Ukrainians drive the Russians out of Crimea? Not a night goes by when I do not see some news network in our country pushing for even more military assets to be sent to Ukraine. We've now agreed to send tanks. The tanks haven't even rolled off the assembly line here in the USA, and Ukraine is pushing for fighter jets. If Zelensky had his way, we would have already nuked Moscow on behalf of the Ukrainian people, so we all know what that grifter wants. Tell me again where Ukraine has or is acquiring the manpower and know-how to operate these sophisticated weapons systems. I saw one tweet this morning about the Ukrainians using chemical weapons against Russians, violating some treaty or other. It's likely another fabrication in an attempt to deepen and prolong the conflict. It's a neocon's wet dream.

The missus asked me last night if I had any ideas on what goals she might want to put down in writing for her job. I blithely told her to make some stuff up and to be careful not to make any of her goals measurable. I suggested to her that we might want to see if we can get into that new AI tool called Chat GPT or something like that. Why wrack your brain when you can have some program spit it out in a matter of seconds? Why rely on your innate intelligence when artificial intelligence is faster and better suited for such tasks? I googled it and was informed that requests were backed up and I'd be notified when the application was available. That was two days ago. I guess I'm not the only one wanting to use this tool. I'm doing this more out of curiosity than anything else, but quite frankly, we all know what bullshit it is to come up with your own goals. Having employees unilaterally decide what they do or do not want to achieve is a recipe for disaster. We all know that what passes for success these days is nothing more than an iterative process born out of diversity, equity, and inclusion. You can't make this stuff up (yes, you can.)

I cannot tell a lie. Last night, I caught one clip of the Liar-in-Chief giving the State of the Union speech. He was rambling on incoherently about fentanyl and the destruction it was causing in our country. There's only one problem with that. He created the problem we have with fentanyl by opening our borders and allowing the flow of drugs and human traffickers across our border. Imagine the audacity of that damn fool even to mention the problem we have with drugs and illegal aliens in light of his policies allowing it to happen. I've never observed a more raucous response to something a president has said while giving the State of the Union than I did last night when practically every republican was on their feet yelling, hooting, and hollering their disapproval to remarks about fentanyl made by Bumbles. I think it was Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green whose voice stood out from the crowd when she called him a liar from the rear of the room. On the other side of the political aisle, every democrat got up and out of their seats every time Bumbles uttered something incomprehensible. What the hell was that all about?

I've also seen a few clips this morning of other comments made by Bumbles last night. He said something about republicans wanting to do away with Social Security and Medicare. That is another big lie that the democrats love to repeat again and again in an effort to scare the elderly who rely on those programs for their survival. Again, the Republicans were on their feet and yelling what sounded like expletives from their side of the aisle. I saw one tweet this morning about decorum and how this kind of behavior was unacceptable when it happened while Trump was president, and it's unacceptable now. I disagree with that. Nobody should stand by silently while a lying fool of a president spews his nonsense to a national audience. I saw another clip where Bumbles said something about needing refineries for at least another ten years, in case anyone needed a reminder that the democrats are going to continue to push and push hard to do away with any and all carbon-based industries, and that brought cries of derision from the Republicans and applause from the leftists in the audience.

I don't have the TikTok app on my devices, and I believe everything I hear about people who do and whose data gets transferred to China. It seems fairly straightforward to me. If you don't want your data transferred to China, don't install the app on your devices. I also hear that what Americans see when they watch TikTok videos outside of China is very different from what the Chinese get to see when they use the app. The youth in China get to see more educationally based content than their counterparts across the globe. That tells me that the Chinese understand the app's power and use it to their advantage at every turn. I only bring this up because I think YouTube has its own version of TikTok. It's called Shorts. If the two have as much in common as I think they do, I now understand how addictive this platform can be. Once I start watching the videos, I can't stop. Much of the content is silly but sometimes instructive and sometimes not. I can learn a new lick for my guitar playing or watch people pulling pranks on unsuspecting targets. It can also be a colossal waste of one's time. Maybe that's what I like about it. Dopium?


I spent some time yesterday watching CSPAN, where they were televising the hearings about Twitter's role in the 2020 election and their suppression of stories designed to elevate Biden's chances of winning the presidential election. More specifically, how Twitter executives worked hand-in-hand with the FBI to make sure that the Hunter laptop story didn't get the attention it deserved in the days leading up to the election. Government working with private industry to do something that government has no business doing, and I'm referring to suppressing free speech here, is patently illegal.

It was pretty clear in listening to the testimony that the FBI had a hand in the process, and Twitter was a willing and complicit partner in the crime. Twitter was a woke company at the time, with 99% of their employees voting for democrats, so it was no surprise that they were willing to use the tools they had at their disposal to deep-six a presidential candidate they considered toxic. It was worth watching, if for no other reason than to see the liberal's heads exploding as truth after truth was extracted from the four ex-Twitter employees sitting before Congress.

Another story that got little to no attention from the main street media yesterday was the expose' in The Times detailing the Biden Administration's role in blowing up the Nordstream pipeline. The pipeline delivered oil and gas to various European countries before it was blown up. It was a clear act of international sabotage against a sovereign country. There was a lot of finger-pointing in the wake of the bombing, but all the evidence at the time pointed to the United States as having a central role in the plot. Now that the truth has been revealed, assuming that the story is legit, where do the various parties harmed by the actions taken by the US go to get their day in court?

I'll have to read the entire story on Substack to get all the details, but whose interests were being served by blowing up the pipeline? It was certainly not in the interests of the countries and people who relied on the pipeline to heat their homes and run their factories in the upcoming winter months throughout Europe. Was it done to ensure that Russia could not weaponize the pipeline against Germany and other European countries in the aftermath of their invasion of Ukraine? What, if anything, will Russia now do to retaliate?

Did I mention that the Congressional hearings went dark yesterday on CSPAN just as the Republican majority started talking about Twitter's role in collaborating with the Taliban? I'd never heard that story, so it had my full attention. I never got the scoop because they were off-air for approximately two hours after the power went out. That has never happened before in Congress. I'm talking about the power going out when they are in the middle of the hearings. Does anyone honestly think that this was just a fluke?

Later in the day, many social media platforms, including Twitter, reported power outages and related problems with their services. I tried sending a couple of tweets but got a response that I had exceeded the number of daily tweets I was allowed to send. It might have been the second or third tweet I sent on the day, so I figured something was not quite right in Twitter land. How much of this blackout and offline business I saw was intentional? Was it just a coincidence that it was occurring on the same day Republicans in Congress were hammering the ex-heads of Twitter? Was this the Empire striking back?

It's February 10th, and temperatures here on the seacoast are expected to hit the high fifties today. There isn't a lick of snow in sight, and we've had hardly any snow thus far this winter season. If we are to get anywhere close to our annual average snowfall of around 100 inches, we will have to get some pretty big storms between now and the time Spring rolls around. As someone who loves to ride their bike year-round, I'm not complaining. I may even wear shorts on my bike ride today. I've also not bought into the snow removal job for my neighbor that I think is on my list of to-do's if and when we get the next big storm.

I have a good mind to approach her later this year to let her know I have my hands full clearing my property when it snows, much less doing the same for others. She is recuperating these days from having broken her hip a few weeks back, so I feel somewhat obligated to lend a hand when she gets snowed in. I don't mind helping out in a pinch, but I could get my ass handed to me should the mother of all storms descend upon us. Physically speaking, that is. Lastly, the missus wouldn't appreciate it if I keeled over while clearing a path for my neighbor so her dog has a place to pee. Just sayin'.

I am so sick and tired of the lies being told to us by our government and their praetorian guard, the media. Their latest salvo is more nonsense about Chinese "weather" balloons. They are now reporting that the Chinese have balloons flying over a number of countries. It's a subtle or not-so-subtle attempt to water down or contain the mess that Bumbles and his generals created by not shooting down the balloon the minute it entered our airspace. They want you to reach the conclusion that balloons are all over the place, and no other country is shooting down balloons over their territory, so what we did was probably over the top.

So what if we waited until the balloon traversed our entire country? These balloons present no threat, and the fact that they go about their business over other countries without being shot down should prove our point. Have they considered for even a moment that no other country has reported these balloons over their country because THERE ARE NO BALLOONS FLYING OVER THEIR COUNTRIES? Oh, and Biden's people are saying that they have alerted these other countries to the existence of the weather balloons. Like they don't have their own fucking satellites that would have already alerted them to the balloons.

I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have a good handful of tweeters from Europe filling me in minute by minute on what's going on in Ukraine. I don't believe a damn word I read in our press, so I'd probably not read anything. I take these tweets with a grain of salt, but I find that if I juxtapose the tweets of a half dozen reporters out of the region, I can usually end up with something that passes for a credible news story. Much of the reporting I see in the form of tweets is regionalized regarding things like Russian missiles striking specific Ukrainian targets, etc. This morning I'm seeing a number of tweets about Russian missiles flying over Moldovia en route to targets in Ukraine. Moldovia is a member of NATO, so that could technically trigger article five or some such nonsense that calls for the involvement of all NATO members when one NATO member is attacked. Chances are this story just goes away in the next twenty-four hours.

I have only a passing interest in the Superbowl on Sunday night, but I'll probably tune in just for shits and giggles. What the hell else is there to do on a Sunday night? I'll pass on the freak halftime show they have planned, and I don't even have to second guess that decision because you know it's going to be a left-wing circus complete with men who think they're women and women who think they're men. It will be a raunchy mosaic of woke fuckery, which you'll probably not want to allow your children to watch. Anyway, I told the missus that I might like a nice chef's salad for the occasion. I'm trying to eat better these days, which means passing on things like chicken wings, pizza, and other finger foods that taste good but have zero nutritional value. I'm not sure which team I want to root for. The Philadelphia team is a bit full of themselves, so I wouldn't mind seeing them get their clocks cleaned. The same is true for the Mahomes quarterback guy, so seeing him go down in flames wouldn't bother me either.

I was out food shopping last evening with the missus, and I just happened to notice the price of the organic red peppers. We absolutely love the sweetness of a cut-up organic red pepper on our salads so we pass on the garden variety peppers and go directly to the organic variety when shopping. Do you know that the peppers were $3.49 a piece? Are you fucking kidding me? What kind of red pepper fetches a $3.49 price tag? I usually look for a pepper that has a deep red coloration. The darker the red, the more antioxidants it has, or that's the general consensus. I think I need to pay less attention to the coloration and more attention to the size of the peppers since they come in different shapes and sizes. I want my fucking money's worth. It's nice that they wrap the individual peppers up in plastic, although I'm not sure why they bother. Does it prolong the shelf life of the pepper? Is it strictly for aesthetics? Is that one of the reasons I'm paying through the nose for the damn things? How can I find out how much organic red peppers cost a year ago? Inquiring fucking minds want to know.

This morning, I'm in a pissy mood, but I feel pretty good. What gives? I'll be tuning into Steve Bannon's War Room show around 10 to get the real poop on what's happening worldwide. I like to practice my guitar licks while listening to Steve and his guests, so I'll be doing some of that. I tell myself that I should concentrate on one or the other but not both. I think there's some value in watching and listening to Steve while simultaneously going through the motions on my guitar. It's all about improving my muscle memory and, better yet, learning to play while not looking at where I have to place my fingers. And then you have what they call chord progression, which is a nice way of referring to where you put your fingers next after playing a particular chord. You can probably tell by my simplistic explanations that I'm a complete noob as a guitar player. I figure if I pick the damn thing up every day, I'll get better at something sooner or later. I can feel it going somewhere, but it all feels very unchartered.

Quite frankly, I'd like to get an update from Steve on when he thinks China will invade Taiwan. Whenever I see a tweet from that woman I follow on Twitter who moved to Taiwan from the States recently, I worry about what might become of her once the shooting starts. It goes without saying that that sentiment goes for any and all Americans currently residing on the island of Taiwan. She and her husband reside in a high-rise on the island and frequently post videos of their poodle running around the apartment, trying to get his bearings in his new environment. I wouldn't want to be thirty stories up when the bombs start to fall, but that's just me. China will likely overwhelm the island with military might when they invade, so it may be decisive enough to avoid an otherwise protracted air and ground battle. That would improve the chances of my Twitter acquaintance surviving the conflict. I thought there was a seasonal advantage to China's waging the war across the Straits of Taiwan. Is that still true? In other words, this is the time of year when the weather in the straits that separate Taiwan from mainland China is most conducive to waging a naval blockade or attack by the Chinese forces. Now or never?

What the hell was that all about? There was wall-to-wall coverage last night around 8pm EST on all the networks about NORAD shooting some unidentified obect out of the sky over the Yukon territory. "It was cylindrical in shape", they kept repeating. I told the missus that the fighter pilots who shot it down knew damn well what they were shooting down because they wouldn't have done it without getting a good look at it first. I also told the missus that it was probably some distraction created out of whole cloth by Bumbles and his Administration to take our attention away from something else. Did it surprise me that every ex-military twat they brought on the telly to talk about it mentioned that spy balloons from China were sighted during the Trump Administration as well? I guess they're still trying to tweak narratives to distract us from the simple fact that they (Biden Adminsitration) allowed a spy balloon to traverse our entire country before shooting it down just a few days ago. These clowns are fucking pathetic. I knew the gig was up when I read the following tweet on Twitter: We're being invaded by aliens from Uranus. Oh, and can you guess what all of the talking heads on the Sunday morning talk shows later this morning are going to be talking about after last night's faux invasion? Bingo.

I'll end with this: The NFL has decided that they will feature singers singing both the National Anthem and the National Black Anthem before the game starts later tonight. Who gives a flying fuck about the Black National anthem? Does anyone even know what that sounds like? Raise your hand if you are getting sick and fucking tired of this equity and diversity bullshit. Would it surrpise me to see them march a half dozen black or otherwise under-represented minorities out to half field to present them with repartations checks before the game? It would not. Would it matter that these so-called recipients or their ancestors were never subject to slavery? Probably not. I'm guessing that the affirmative action thing back in the eighties and nineties, which failed miserably, didn't help these caucasion twats alleviate their collective guilt in the least so now they're doubling down. Whatever happened to pulling yourself up by your bootstraps to achieve your own verison of the American dream? No handout from any governmental agency ever helped anyone get to the pinnacle of anything. There, I said it.