Going Viral

Cases of the coronavirus (Covid-19) are on the increase and deaths attributed to same are also on the increase. At last report there were in excess of a thousand infected in the U.S. with a mortality rate of around 2-3%. There is no question that there is more than a modicum of hysteria out there although I've not seen a lot of that in my recent trips to the local stores. You really don't know when you see someone pushing a cart around the store chock full of "stuff" whether that is their usual weekly shopping haul, or more insidiously, someone preparing to be locked down for an extended period of time.


I have a good mind to call my peeps to see how they're doing as this virus ramps up across the world. What preparations are they making in order to protect themselves and their families. Do they have underlying conditions that may make them more susceptible this virus? Is one or more of my peeps working in an environment where 50 or more employees are under one roof making the community spread aspect of the virus more likely? Coming in contact with the public has its own issues so how will that work for one of my peeps who does that day in and day out?

Schools are closing left and right and students will have to attend classes online in order to continue their pursuit of higher education. Massachusetts will not have their St. Patricks Day parade this year nor will Harvard and other universities ask that their students return from Spring break. It's hard to say what the economic impact of this lockdown is but it probably isn't pretty. If people aren't frequenting stores, if people aren't traveling by planes, trains, or automobiles, how do you reasonably sustain a system that relies on all of those things in order to fuel our economy?

For the presidential candidates, this could be interesting. The presumptive favorite of the leftists is one addled Joe Biden. He would be well served if he didn't hold any rallies from now until the general election in the Fall. His handlers would be most pleased that they didn't have to have him out on the stump where his dementia or early Alzheimers is there in spades for all the world to see. He can't even give a victory speech these days without his dentures coming loose making an already garbled and unintelligible speech that much more garbled and unintelligible.

Trump on the other hand would be handicapped by not having rallies where he is accustomed to having tens of thousands in attendance. It is a major recruiting tool for the president so his people need to figure this out and figure it out fast. It would come as no surprise were we to see a democrat governor or two shut down events where large numbers of people congregate just to see to it that Trump cannot work his magic to the detriment of his opponent.

With Sanders (The Bern) now on the ropes having lost any number of states to Joe Biden in the primaries, it is just a matter of time before Trump's opponent is the only one left standing in the way of Trump's victory in November. The other obstacle is the coronavirus. That is a potentially more dangerous minefield to navigate and will require a less sensational and more magnanimous Trump. If he has any shapeshifting skills, he best put them to work for the American public. They will expect no less.

Nancy suggested the other day that I not go to the gym for a while so that I can limit my exposure to the coronavirus. I think that's not a bad idea. That place is a petri dish of nastiness on a normal day without the overlay of the coronavirus so I'm good with taking a break. Besides, I have alternative means to get exercise which don't involve the gym and if push comes to shove I can always jump on the treadmill here at home. Not sure what Nancy plans to do about her various and sundry yoga classes and such. What's good for the goose is good for the gander?


And what, pray tell, does this mean for Mrs G? She is a captive audience in her little world and she is subject to the whims and particulars of whatever passes through their doors be they good or bad. As one of hundreds of residents in her complex, all are considered to be in that demographic where contraction of the virus would put them at extreme risk. There is a Nora virus going around at present in her building and environs and each of the residents is more or less confined to their units until it passes through.

Their dining room serves meals daily for the residents and they congregate in large numbers at the appointed hour each day in order to enjoy a lovely meal surrounded by friends and acquaintances. When they opt out for whatever reason they can have their meals delivered to a nearby pick-up spot. Something tells me that she may see the end of these dining collectives and that would be unfortunate. Socialization is a key to good mental health among the seniors living there so less socialization would not be a good thing. You can't help but wonder if and when visitors and visitations will be curtailed.

As for the primaries on the democratic side of the house, Bernie Sanders got spanked again last night in a mini Super Tuesday. He didn't even have the common decency to speak to his supporters at the end of the night. He hightailed it back to one of his many lakefront homes in Vermont and has no planned speaking engagements. He's a fucking Marxist so I'm happy to see him and his sicko Antifa followers take a lump or two. Our nation has soundly rejected what he was offering and residents of our great country marched to the polls and pulled the lever for his opponent to send that very message.

If I hear him say one more time about his damn "movement" I'm going to toss my cookies. I never could get my head around what his youthful followers thought they saw in him other than the "revolution" that he was promising. What is it about a fucking revolution that they find so appealing? I get a little anti-establishment, but revolution? The Brits threw these socialists out when they voted in Boris Johnson as PM last year. We Trump supporters voted with our feet when we rejected the establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton, and put one Donald J. Trump into office in 2016. Leftist ideology is a losing ideology. It needs to be exorcized like the cancer that it is.

Before I wrap this up let me just say this. If I hear one more person talk about "people of color" I think I'm going to lose my mind. I thought we stopped referring to people of color when we stopped referring to American Indians as "Redskins." I'm old enough to remember when whites were whites and blacks were blacks and not so-called "people of color." You had whites and you had blacks and you had everything in between and that was just the way it was.

Now you have people of color and what? There is no such thing as people of no color so where does that leave we white folk? Out in the fucking dark, that's where it leaves us. This is by design, my little darlings. We are the new underclass and we are helpless to stop it. When Ronald Reagan urged his fellow citizens to pull themselves up by their bootstraps he was talking about all Americans. Whatever happened to that America? What happened to our shining city on the hill?