Napalm in the Morning

Not sure where I'm going this morning but I guess we'll see. I'm kind of in between and betwixt if you know what I mean. Not sure if I feel up to this, that, or even the other thing. I'm hungry but I'm not wanting to make anything before Nancy has a chance to join me. We almost got around to having lobster rolls last night but opted for salads from the Ohana Kitchen in Portsmouth instead. Maybe we'll have lobster rolls tonight instead.


I think we were just thinking that we paid $24 for a lobster roll the other night at a local restaurant and when all was said and done we wondered why we hadn't just bought a pound of lobster and made our own rolls. It would have been cheaper and maybe even better. All you need is smattering of mayonnaise, a spritz or two of lemon, and a nice lightly buttered and toasted hot dog roll to hold your lobster in place while you consume it one delightful bite at a time. I'm just not sure what we were thinking.

Evan and I ordered burgers which turned out to be pretty good. I'm not a big burger guy but I don't mind having one once in a while. The burgers came with a pretty good serving of fries in a separate container many of which I left for Evan to have later in the evening at his convenience. I think I prefer the skinny little shoestring fries that you see in fast food restaurants like McDonalds to the plumper kind we received which just kind of slump when you pick them up with your fingers. A few extra minutes in the fryer might have crisped them up nicely.

Evan's stay this time lasted the better part of a week and he might have stayed longer if he didn't have certain appointments to keep. I think he likes the predictability of meals, the change of scenery, and perhaps even the absence of responsibilities when he comes to visit. He never announces how long he intends to stay or what his long or short term plans are. He arrives on our doorstep with his backpack/laptop slung over his shoulder and heads for his room more often than not without saying so much as a word. That's Evan.

I felt bad for Evan this visit because we couldn't get his air conditioner to work. It wasn't so hot that he couldn't tolerate it but it would have been nice if we could have gotten that up and running. He doesn't like the windows open as a rule since his allergies can be unforgiving this time of the year is over exposed to the elements. If it became unbearable he could always head back to his place where he has central air conditioning but he stayed the course and finally left for home yesterday.

As for the air conditioning, Nancy saw something online about the installation of a central air conditioning unit with the offering of a fairly substantial rebate attached. She gave them a call and arranged for someone to pay us a visit and give us an estimate. I think that was her way of saying that this purchase makes sense and we're going to go ahead with it so get on board. It's just another example of getting around to doing something that we should have done a long time ago. The in-window air conditioners have worked over time throughout our house but we're moving on now. It's time.

As for the pandemic I think we're all just waiting around now to see if the rates of anything pandemic related spike in the wake of all the riots, protests, and everything George Floyd. Or, is it Floyd George? If they don't, it will be most revealing. It will tell us that this whole pandemic stay-at-home bullshit has been a major hoax. I think we already see that in some of the states that opened up early. Their infection and hospitalization rates have been muted at best. In fact, I think we're a couple of weeks away now from being able to go to a Trump rally. Fuck the pandemic and the horse it rode in on!

If Trump is out there on the hustings wooing his faithful followers and fan base then what will sleepy Joe do? If there was one thing about the pandemic that the democrats just loved it was that they got to see Trump sidelined. You couldn't have more than a handful of people in the same room at the same time or they would all die a horrible death from the dreaded Coronavirus or so they told us. It was so contagious that they couldn't make hand soap fast enough. States were competing with each other to get the necessary garb with which to protect their front line health workers and their patients from contracting this virus, the Wuhan virus. It was the end of civilization as we know it.

This is going to be a problem for Joe Biden. I don't know that he can do a rally. He's barely able to read from a script or a teleprompter without going off the rails. He has without a doubt some form of dementia that is evident in everything that he does and says. His handlers have their hands full with a man beset with some form of degenerative cognitive decline and with certain proclivities towards the underaged that are better not discussed in polite company. This man is going to be the defacto head of the democrat party going forward? And how would they replace him at this late stage now that he has won the nomination? How indeed.

I'll tell you one thing though. If these BLM radicals, or as these progressives as the liberals like to refer to them, keep pushing this "defund the police" bullshit the entire country is going to be up in arms and they will turn out in droves for Trump in the Fall. The riots as of late have so ravaged the liberal cities that their mayors have gone on bended knee to Trump seeking funds with which to rebuild their city infrastructure. The businesses impacted are picking up and leaving these lawless bastions at the collective chagrin of their mayors who are begging them not to leave. We're not talking about some podunk city out in the middle of nowhere. We're talking about Chicago, Milwaukee, etc. You heard that right.


I keep going back to the idea of these lunatics getting into power if Biden somehow wins the presidency in November. If these woke protestors and nut jobs associated with the democrat party get their way they will be forcing people, organizations, and politicians to take sides in this culture war that we find ourselves in. If you ain't woke, then you're a White Supremacist.

If you want know what they have in store for we "White Supremacists" then you need look no further than the violence they doled out on the streets of main street America during the riots in the wake of the George Floyd matter. Today, they want the police gone. Tomorrow, they'll be coming after you. Today, they run roughshod through the streets and back alleys of our major cities. Tomorrow, they'll be marching through downtown Smallville, USA, and you better have your shop windows boarded up and your local police department tucked away and out of sight.

If I didn't know any better I would say that what we're seeing is right out of the Al Sharpton playbook. You publicly shame individuals and organizations into admitting to their collective white guilt over oppressing people of color and then you make them apologize and prostrate themselves until they find themselves wishing that they had paid the reparations at the outset. In any other world that would be called blackmail or extortion. Sharpton has turned it into an art form and to we "white supremacists" it looks like every other form of race baiting that we've seen come out of the black community since the days of Jesse Jackson.

Maybe the end game for the so-called progressives and democrats is to gin up a tide wave of angst in the communities of color so that they will come out in large numbers come November to vote their candidates into office. The big prize, of course, is the Presidency so the end always justifies the means when and where getting into the Oval Office is concerned. It doesn't mean that we can't and won't fight back but they have the torches and the megaphones at the moment and that never ends well.

These types of anarchic uprisings in the aftermath of an unjustified killing of a black man at the hand of a white policeman often bring about change for better or worse. Were it simply a matter of finding justice for the black man and his family that would be one thing. Reform of certain practices like chokeholds and other types of restraints and may also be warranted. But painting policemen coast to coast with the same brush because of one or two bad apples here and there is a policy destined for failure. It is tantamount to an assault on the front lines of the men and women of the police forces across our nation who have dedicated their lives to protecting and serving we the people. They deserve our respect.

Maybe there is another end game, their real end game, that we're seeing play out in plain sight right now in a six square block area in the State of Oregon. It is a city of 750,000 that is under siege by a group of radical anarchists who have occupied the offices and buildings, essentially the seat of government, and have constructed a perimeter to protect their positions from external forces.

It wasn't good enough to simply defund or get rid of the police. What they intend to do with their newly occupied territory is as yet unclear. The fact that they think they can do what their doing without gaining the notice of governmental authorities tells you everything you need to know about just how woke or maybe even insane these insurgents are.

This could be Trump's "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" moment." He can be the guy sitting on the beachhead after a long night of routing out the terrorists and parading them through the streets of the city in leg irons. His supporters would quickly forgive him for the time spent in the bunker beneath the White House while the White House was under attack.

The Oregon citizenry may be annoyed at the uprooting of their heroes given their hard leftist leanings but most of America would be ecstatic that they have a President who is fighting to take back our streets, towns, and cities. Leave our goddamn statues alone, leave our flags and our institutions alone, and get the hell out of town. This is the Trump we put in office in 2016 and this is the Trump we need to step up. Now is a good a time as any. America needs you.