Socialists and Sons of Ragnar

Looks like Bernie Sanders is getting up a head of steam in these here early primaries and caucuses. I look at that crusty old fuck and I see a nasty and irascible old curmudgeon spewing out his hatred for everything American and I can't for the life of me understand his appeal to whatever they call the younger generation these days.


I looked long and hard at his supporters as they stood behind him on the stage like clapping seals after winning the Nevada caucuses last night and I was hard pressed not only to not see any people of color but I don't think there were any people there over the age of 25. If there is such a thing as a modern day version of the brown shirts that protected Hitler as he rose to power they certainly passed the first qualifying round given their fervor and blindness to the communistic fervor he espouses. And he is always so fucking angry!

There isn't much a firewall out there that will stop him from getting a plurality of the delegates much less a majority by the time the convention rolls around. If the super delegates steal it away from him on the second ballot they and the party they represent will most certainly lose the whole ball of wax for the democrats in November.

Bernie's followers, or brown shirt wannabes, will either stay home come November or they will vote for Trump to defeat whomever it is that the democrats nominate in his place. This is kind of a replay of 2016 truth be told. Trump has said time and time again that our country will never be a socialist country. We Trump supporters and everyday Americans damn well better step up this coming November or the rising tide of the Sanders movement warts and all may well bring communism to our collective doorsteps.

But we're just getting started. I am happy to see that other socialist and fake indian, Elizabeth Warren, get barely 10% of the vote out of Nevada. That means she gets squat for delegates not having garnered the minimum of 15% in order to qualify. My guess is that she is staying in the race in the event that Bernie's recently implanted stents somehow fail and he falls by the wayside which would provide a potential opening for her as the only remaining socialist on the stage. Biden is barely hanging on with a second place finish after placing 4th and fifth in the preceding two contests.

Video emerged yesterday of Biden stating that his son was Attorney General of the United States. He was no such thing. The dude has dementia if not early stage Alzheimers and this is but the latest in what has been a litany of gaffs and mistruths. People no longer need to try to understand why Barack Hussein Obama has not endorsed him by now. He was a reasonably good Vice President but that was then. This is now. It's over, Joe. It's time to go home.

If Butt Boy gets any more traction beyond what he has now I will raise my ire accordingly. Until then, it is sufficient to say that this country is not ready for a gay president. The coastal elites may welcome it but the heartland will cough up a hairball before they agree to cast their ballots so that two consenting males can carry on as they please within the halls of the venerable institution that we fondly refer to as the People's House (White House.)


We might even long for the day when the sordid tales of Lewinsky's blue dress were the talk of the town. Thankfully, it will probably never come to that. And thanks again to the good and god fearing folk of the Heartland and beyond across our great nation for putting upon the necessary guardrails. So I'll be tuning in to the main street media this morning to watch with abject delight as the leftists in the media twist themselves into pretzels in an attempt to come up with a solution to their "Bernie" problem.

Were it not for the fact that Trump will beat Sanders like a rented mule in the general election this Fall they might well embrace Bernie's socialistic tendencies. As it stands now, Bernie's ascendency threatens all the down ballot races and the democrats will more than likely lose not only the presidency but the House and they will assuredly not regain the Senate. Maybe for that reason alone they will take up the "never Bernie" mantle and use it as a cudgel to craft narrative after narrative until they destroy him.

Ads are already going up on billboards and other venues across the nation depicting Sanders as a far left socialist who heartily embraces ludicrous programs like the Green New Deal and other programs that threaten to destroy a vibrant and expanding economy in our great country. In his bewildered rage he is accosting the sensibilities of everyday Americans in his lust for power.

To put it simply, this is not going end well for he and his faithful but misdirected followers. Will they take to the streets with their Antifa masks and tiki torches and try to burn it all down? That is entirely possible. We need to be prepared for that eventuality.

Did I mention that Evan stopped by yesterday? His phone finally died. Or, to be clear, his screen went black and between the two of us we could not resusitate it. It is an iPhone 6 and has been surviving on borrowed time ever since the screen splintered some time ago. It never seemed to bother him much so we left it at that. He did have an iPhone 11 for a period of time which we gave him for his birthday and which he lost along the way somewhere. That is always painful.


But his iPhone 6 was not dead. I could hear it making noises and I could do other things limited as they were but it was, for all intents and purposes, unusable. I plugged it in to the computer and it wouldn't even show up in iTunes. There are certain screen commands required on the phone to, 1) have it appear in iTunes, 2) get past the password requirements, and 3) to have it become a trusted device so I could back it up when if and when it did show up in iTunes.

I fiddled with it long enough to find out when and where on the blackened screen I had to press the appropriate numbers and commands in order for it to show up in iTunes. He needed a new phone so we ordered that from Apple. The plan is to restore the phone from the backup I created by fiddling as I did with the screen commands until the device showed up in iTunes so I could back up the phone. So far, so good. And yes, I told his mom, Evan has some skin in the game. He will pay for the phone in good time, or should I say, over time.

He and I headed over to Starbucks for a late afternoon coffee while his mom went off to a Yoga class. It's a sunny and warm day here on the coast and Evan was looking forward to his favorite beverage and I mine. He ordered an iced Flat White while I had a tall hot Flat White. Evan seemed a little restless today so I worried that the caffeine might add to his restlessness but he seems none the worse for wear.

Did I mention that we stopped and grabbed him a nice caesar salad to go before heading home? And, being the lucky ducks that we are, Nancy promised to stop by the Mexican restaurant in Kittery on the way home to grab dinner to bring home. So much take-out so little time. It's all good.