Catching Up

We finally got around to getting Mrs G out of the house in one of our weekly visits to Exeter. It was an impromptu sort of thing really but that is what we did. It just so happened that Evan had joined us on this visit, which he is prone to do from time to time, and the lot of us decided that we would take a trip to town where we might go visit a particular store.

Mrs G had given us gift certificates to the store and she now had one for Evan so off we went. The store is a fancy pants market of sorts and not one that either Nancy or I would probably go out of our way to frequent and as such I couldn't recall the last time I had gone there. I only had a vague sense of what we might find but I was a willing participant and, well, along for the ride as they say.


Evan had his eye on the King Pao chicken behind the glass in the deli counter and I had all I could to stay focused with the crowds bumping, nudging, and milling about. I told Nancy after the fact that they really need to engage the services of a Feng Shui expert to improve the flow in that market.

It's no wonder that markets generally have aisles and rows. Consumers need pathways that route them in and out of the store while providing them with choices along the way. If you feel like you are in a corn maze then finding the exit becomes more important than "shopping."

Evan and I went back and forth with the man and woman behind the deli counter about peanut products in the King Pao chicken and we were assured that they used none in the preparation of the dish. It's always a negotiation of sorts and getting a cursory response is generally not what we're looking for when asking the question.

So when the young woman offered to go upstairs to inspect the ingredient list we were good to go. If there is the slightest hesitation on the part of the vendor, or sometimes more concerning, a response that is seemingly too quick, it is just enough to give us pause and more often than not we abandon the notion of buying one or more products that may or may not contain peanuts.

Mrs G made her purchases at the deli and made her way out of the store to an adjoining business while Evan, Nancy and I walked around the store a bit. It was really quite a store and I hadn't remembered it being quite as full fledged as it was. We'll have to go back there when it is less busy so we have a chance to browse at our leisure.


I purchased some chili and parmesan cheese and I'm not sure what Nancy bought. Evan said something about this being his new haunt and that gave us a bit of a chuckle. He ordered a couple of chicken dishes from the deli and some nice looking coleslaw to go with it. I suspect Evan avoids some stores because of his level of real or imagined comfort or discomfort with peanut products, etc. so it's good to see him find a store that works for him.

We dropped Evan off at his place and then drove Mrs G back to her place. She didn't know where Evan lived precisely so she was happy to get a better sense of the place. When we pulled up to Evan's place Mrs G was pointing up to the third or fourth floor to get a confirmation one way or the other as to which apartment he lived in.

Evan was vocal in his opposition to such antics and made no bones about it. Mrs G wasn't being all that conspicuous but that wasn't the point. She took it all in stride and that was the right response under the circumstances. We said our goodbyes and that was that.

I think I have this new computer thing all figured out. Making the transition to a new platform after 11 years using the same computer maybe wasn't the challenge that I thought it was going to be. It ended up being more seamless than I imagined it would. But it's done now except for those applications that I haven't tried to use yet to see if they're supported in my new operating system.

And there were some anxious moments which there always are when considering going from the status quo to god only knows what. It's fairly easy to go from bad to worse when you're talking about technology so one has to tread lightly and go slowly into the night as it were.

I'm in a good place now and I've learned and unlearned a few things in the process. Better to stay nimble as the learning curve is just ahead on the technology highway and those curves can be treacherous. In the words of Uncle "Sleepy" Joe Biden, "slow down, man!"

Evan has plans to go with his friend Noah to a Red Sox game tomorrow night in Boston. Their itinerary is sufficiently dicey such that Nancy and I will give him a ride down and back. We'll go to a movie or something to wile away the hours and pray that the game doesn't go into extra innings.

It will late enough as it is when it all wraps up and we're probably talking after 11 or so. Evan dropped off a few things to eat at our house today which he plans to bring to the game or eat beforehand depending on how it goes. Not sure how the whole peanut thing will work out since peanuts and ball games go hand in hand. It's just one more thing to worry about I suppose.

I tried working on this here blog when I got my new computer up and running and it was acting really weird. I was 2-3 generations removed from Rapidweaver's most recent version so I wasn't really surprised to see it wasn't working well. So I went from version 6.4 to 8.2 and 8.2 is just amazing!

This is what I was hoping for when considering the update and I am not disappointed. No sirree Bob! I haven't tried to publish anything yet so we'll see how that goes. I'm kind of running out of digital hurdles now that everything is set up so I might well enjoy a new challenge.