Inauguration Day - Trump 2017

This has been a long time coming. Thank the baby Jesus that that wretched prevaricator Hillary Clinton did not win the election. Thank the baby Jesus that our great nation saw the writing on the wall early on in this battle between Clinton and Trump for the highest office in our land. We had the choice between going with the status quo for another 4 years (Clinton) or "Making America Great Again" with Donald J. Trump. One was an alleged felon who ran a slush fund selling influence from her position as Secretary of State and the other a self-made billionaire with international interests and a bombastic pomposity that was refreshing and surprisingly honest in the eyes and hearts of his followers. And follow him they did. By the tens of thousands in state after state in the months leading up to the election they attended his rallies with their red hats, banners, and hopes held high. It certainly helped that he was not a politician and he will be the first non-politician and non-military person to ever hold the office of President of the United States. While the democratic party licks their wounds and indulges their lackey's in whatever shenanigans they can dream up to deny Trump a hard earned and well deserved victory, Donald J. Trump readies himself at this very hour to take the oath of office for the highest office in the land today at noon in our nation's capitol. God bless him and god bless our great nation. This is a new beginning.

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While the liberal press rages in their editorials coast to coast that there is not one hispanic in his cabinet, the millions upon millions who voted him into office are quick to remind them that Trump hires people based on their qualifications and their proven track record of success. He couldn't care less about perspectives. Another common lament from the liberal press is that his cabinet is stacked with millionaires and billionaires. Trump is quick to remind anyone paying attention that having achieved success in life is a plus and not a minus. They would rather he hire losers without a track record of success? If they have learned nothing else they should also know by now that this man is not a slave to political correctness. He does not buy into the mainstream bullshit when it comes to globalism and climate change and he stands squarely behind our men in blue and those who would protect our great country from domestic and foreign foes alike. Perhaps more importantly, he is simply not ideological and that is difficult if not impossible to grasp or comprehend by those who operate in the halls of power in Washington, DC.

There will be no tsar of social change in the Trump administration and transgender issues will fade to black as the Donald does what he does for all Americans. There are rumors afloat that Trump will have a dance with Kaitlyn Jenner (formerly Bruce Jenner - Olympian) at one of the many inaugural balls today in Washington DC. That should surprise nobody who knows anything about the real Donald J. Trump. He is neither a racist, a xenophobe, a misogynist, or a member of the Klu Klux Klan. Just ask him - he'll tell you.

It's no wonder that so many people on both sides of the political aisles don't like and likely mistrust this man who would be our president. The media has been and continues to be rabid in their negative coverage of Trump from the moment he announced his candidacy coming down the escalator in Trump Tower in NYC in 2015. The fourth estate had their candidate and it was not Donald J. Trump. Trump had but one newspaper endorsement during the general election while his opponent had many. Many members (Never Trumpers) of the Republican party vowed to vote for his opponent and against him. He was simply unfit in the eyes of many on both sides. The Amercian people saw it differently. His detractors now wish aloud for his failure to justify their hateful prognostications. It should surprise no one in the months to come when the economy get squarely back on track that the media will portray these positive changes as a continuation of Obama's progress rather than attributing it Trump and his administration. That is who they are; that is what they do.

My hope is that Donald J. Trump will be one of our most successful presidents and that he will restore honor and love of country that has been under attack during the eight years of Barrack Hussein Obama's presidency. He will restore dignity to a country that has lost her way in the world thanks to the apologist in chief, Barrack Obama. He will restore faith in her institutions that have otherwise been used as a cudgel to bludgeon their political opponents. He will rid the various departments within our government that have been politicized and will right-size her culture once again where we can rely on the words of those representing us in the hallowed halls of congress. Perhaps most importantly, he can and will speak openly and honestly with the people of our country and that his honesty will be rewarded by a passionate and loving public. Should he make our government smaller, that will be a bonus. Should he make it smarter, that will be a bonus. That's a lot to hope for but this is what inaugurations represent by and large. Here's hoping.