Welcome Back, Kuhner!

The Kuhner-man is back! Mr Jeff Kuhner is back on the radio on WRKO in Boston after being off for maybe 4 weeks because he came down with the dreaded Covid. He's singing the praises of monoclonal antibodies and Ivermectin that he believes saved his life. The effects of the drugs, when he finally had access to them, were almost immediate. The fact that the federal government is trying to stop the flow of these drugs to states tells you everything you need to know when it comes to their obsession with trying to sell the jabs when therapeutics like the antibody treatments and Ivermectin work so well.


The Kuhner-man couldn't have been more clear about where he believes this Covid thing came from. That is to say, it was clear to him that this virus came from a lab. I've heard this story before. Everyone who comes down with it tells the same story. It almost feels synthetic, is what they say to a person. The Kuhner-man talked about people he knew who had received the jab and the follow-up boosters who were just as sick as he was or maybe even sicker. More to the point, the vaccines do not work and Fauci and his minions need to be held accountable for their role in this fiasco.

I'm glad the Kuhner-man is back on the radio. We need his voice in this fight against big government and the tyranny of the leftists who control our government. I'm talking about the Biden's and the Fauci's of the world and all of their sycophantic followers. You know, all of the 81 million people who voted for Bumbling Joey in the 2020 election. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. It is what it is, I suppose. If we can take back the House in 2022, we can get the proper investigations started and maybe, god willing, we can send a few of these criminals to prison.

The Supreme Court has had the Biden vaccine mandate thing for a couple days or more now and I'm wondering what's taking them so long to make a decision. Was it Justice Sotomayer (Liberal) who lied about the status of children afflicted with covid when she said there were 100k children lying in acute care settings with the virus? If the other justices didn't know that she lied when she uttered that nonsense they must know it by now because it's been throughly vetted in the most media outlets. Well, media outlets who have an interest in seeing to it that Americans get the facts and not the propaganda that the Bidenista's want you to hear.

Maybe they figured that they now need to take a deeper dive on the statistics before making a decision. You know, get to the bottom of what it really happening with this virus and the so-called vaccines. The vaccines that, by and large, have proved to be ill suited to dealing with the Omicron variant. Why would you agree to a mandate that forced people to get vaccines that simply don't work. In fact, they may do more harm than good. There are numerous stories of footballers, I think we're talking about soccer players here, who have died shortly after getting the jab. Oh, we're not supposed to talk about that, are we now?

How about the push by the Bidenista's to get younger people vaccinated? Young people have almost zero chance of succumbing to the virus so you have to wonder why the government thinks that they need to get the jab. Here in New Hampshire, in statistics just provided by the State, there have been 51k confirmed cases of Covid in young people between the ages of 0 and 19 since the beginning resulting in one death. That's right, I said one death. I have to believe that the one child that died had one or more co-morbidities. How many children will the government put at risk or, worse yet, condemn to death by giving them this vaccine that is still considered an "emergency use only drug"?

I think we are starting to see some cracks in the well crafted veneer that is the CDC. The director of the CDC was on the telly the other day saying the silent part out loud. She actually said that 75% of the deaths reported were actually for people who had four or more co-morbidities. She also clarified that many of the cases now lying in hospitals across our country were in the hospital for reasons other than Covid and were subsequently diagnosed with Covid. It was a real what-the-fuck-moment.

When one fellow was asked what this thing was all about, and I'm talking the obsession with wanting to get the jab into everyone's arms, he said very simply, "follow the money." If that doesn't make you sick, nothing will. The health and well being of our nation is now at the beck and call of Big Pharma? Are we guinea pigs to be jabbed, stabbed, lied to, cajoled, and all by the people we elect to public office? This is what we elected them to do? Never mind 10% for the big guy (Biden.) We're talking some serious kickbacks here and, when all is said and done, many of them must be imprisoned for their part in the scam.

Did I mention that I got suspended by Twitter? I'm not even sure if it's something that I said or maybe a meme that I shared. Funny thing is, even though I lost all of my follower information, I can still do a search for certain people or company's on Twitter and I can see their latest posts. I can't retweet, reply, send DM's, or anything like that. It's weird. Does "suspend" imply that my suspension is temporary? When suspended in the past, I could always see that I had x number of hours or whatever until my service was fully restored. I see none of that now so I don't know if it's temporary. I almost don't care.

I must have hit a nerve though. I think they're (Twitter) working overtime to expel conservatives and other critics of the liberal establishment ahead of what looks to be a landslide in November by the republicans when they take over the House of Representatives. The good news is that there are other options these days for we truth-tellers and truth-seekers. They are slow in getting on their feet so patience is the key for those of us wanting alternative platforms. Even Donald Trump is expected to have a platform up and running in February so we'll see what that looks like.

The Donald is having a rally on Saturday in Arizona so I'm looking forward to watching that on the telly. I don't know that I'm looking forward to hearing anything in particular but there is plenty of fodder in the queue so he shouldn't have any trouble sussing it all out and doing what he does best. Maybe he'll promise to pardon all of the January 6th defendants who have been sitting in jail since January 6th. He needs to recognize these so-called "insurrectionists" and he needs to condemn a Justice system that is responsible for treating them like dogs.

But, I digress. I thought I saw something yesterday about the Justice Department setting up a Unit to go after domestic terrorists. This, my friends, is Joe Biden's America. You know what they mean by "domestic terrorists", right? That would be anybody who speaks the truth about what we see going on in our country under the tyrannical rule of one Joseph Biden. It would be parents who dare speak out against what they see happening in their children's classrooms. It would be anyone who has a contrarian word to say about the Biden Administration's handling of the Covid pandemic.

Oh, and that would include anyone who believes in the so-called "big lie" that Biden stole the election. In other words, if you're not drinking the Administration's Kool-aid, you're suspect. It makes me wonder if those people planning to go to Trump's rally in Arizona this weekend aren't just a little concerned that the FBI and maybe this new Domestic Terrorism Unit are planing to infiltrate the rally for nefarious purposes. It's doubtful we'll see Ray Eps, since he's still denying his role as an alleged FBI agent in the January 6th riot, but the FBI has other agents and other means of doing what they do.

Maybe they'll plan to arrest everyone who attends the rally. Using facial recognition software, they will show up on their doorsteps in the pre-dawn hours in the weeks and months leading up to the mid term elections in November, 2022, just to send a message that if you're a supporter of Donald J Trump then that makes you an enemy off the state. I said it before and I'll say it again. This is Stalin-esque. Since when did it become fashionable in the United Sates to go after your political opponents and, worse yet, demonize his or her supporters and criminalize their behavior?

Did I mention that Mrs G doesn't like chimes? Who knew? I'm just now finding this out after she said something about it during the Christmas holiday. I wanted to get a better sense of what that was all about but she seemed singularly uninterested in talking about it. Just when you think you know someone, this comes out of left field. Not that it matters one way or another. Maybe it's a childhood thing. Maybe she's sensitive to certain tones or sound patterns the likes of what you get when chimes are really chiming. It's a cacophony of sorts that I find pleasing to the ear but not so for Mrs G. That's fine.

You know what they say about certain erratic patterns of light and how that can sometimes trigger a psychosis. Maybe the same is true with Mrs G and the sounds emanating from chimes. I'm guessing that's a nut we'll not soon crack so let's not beat it to death. She was inquiring about a certain soup establishment hereabouts the other day which resulted in her placing an order with me to pick her up some chicken noodle soup and maybe a greek salad assuming they have one or both available during my visit. Will do, Mrs G. I'm on it.

Man, I'm really hoping that Senator's Manchin (West Virginia) and Sinema (Arizona) stick to their guns when the time comes to vote for this Voting Rights piece of shit that the Democrats are looking to pass. They have already said that they are not willing to change the rules around the filibuster in order to get this legislation over the finish line and the dems are wanting to hold their feet to the fire by having them vote for it (or against it) next Monday on Martin Luther King Day. Do they really want to be the only two democrats senators who vote against a voting rights bill on Martin Luther King Day? I don't think either of them appreciate this desperate tactic so prepare to see the bill down in defeat. Here's hoping. Fingers crossed. Prayers placed. A little divine intervention would be nice.

The Ev man has had a problem or two with his car lately. His right rear tire has been losing air and he keeps getting messages on his dash that he promptly sends along to me after taking a picture of the message with his iPhone. That's fine. He got an even more urgent message the other day and I thought I'd better go over to his place to get a closer look at the problem. I asked him beforehand if he might take a look at the tires and, you know, just to get a visual. He remarked, "I'm no tire expert." He's so right. It is a little hard to tell sometimes if it's not totally flat. Compared to the other tires, maybe you can see a difference.

On the way over to his house I drove by a Tire Warehouse that was just up the street from his home. One way to nip this puppy in the bud is to just bring his car in and see what they have to say. Will they be able to fit me in quickly? Do they do drop-in's? It's just a slow leak for chrissakes. How much can it cost to fix that? With inflation raging under Bumbling Joe Biden, one can never be sure. Do they even have the employees on hand to get the job done? How many are out and on the dole because of a case of Covid or two? There was only one way to find out. I took his car and stopped in.


The Ev man wasn't interested in going along so I took the car over there myself. After the fact, I was up front with him and told him that this was something he could and should do for himself. It was an easy peasy job after all was said and done. I didn't think to tell him this at the time, but I should have told him that it was no different then going to his favorite sub shop and ordering a sandwich. Maybe I should have insisted that he go with me just to see how easy it was. It turns out that all he needed was a new valve stem on one of his tires. It was a $20 fix. It took maybe 20 minutes in total.

Ev has a bigger problem with some water getting into the cabin of his car when it rains and snows. I don't usually bring my cars to the dealer unless it's a problem that I think they are maybe both familiar with and that they have the appropriate tools necessary to get the job done. I'm guessing this is a long-standing problem with the specific model of Evan's car that they probably know all about and can likely apply a fix quickly and efficiently. We'll see how much this is going to cost but I'm thinking I'll be paying a premium for their services so I should be prepared to be shocked (but not surprised.)

I also asked that they take a look at the "check engine light" indicator on Ev's car which has been on for the last three weeks or so. It came on after that vacuum thing-a-ma-bob fell off his air filter hose. You know, the one that I struggled to pop back in and failed miserably. "It's the size of a fist" as I described it to the fellow at the service desk yesterday, but I couldn't really tell if he knew what I was talking about or not. The engine light never came on before that thing fell off so I'm guessing there is a connection. You know, 1+1=2, right? I just don't think that when I finally found someone to pop the thing back into place that everything got snugged up properly.

I've had a good mind to start a list of the things that have gone from bad to worse in the used car that we purchased for the Ev man back in 2020. Is this car the best thing since sliced bread or is it a lemon extraordinaire? I wouldn't say that there always seems to be something going wrong with the car but it sure seems that way. The minute you get one thing fixed, something else pops up. It's like a fucking game of whack-a-mole. He likes the car and so do I but it sure seems quirky for a car with only 70k miles. I sometimes think the car isn't quite right but it's never something that I can put my finger on.

One thing that I was pleased to see yesterday when I stopped by Ev's place was that he was bagging up some of the trash that had accumulated in his car prior to our bring it to the dealership. When I arrived, I saw him carrying a fast food paper bag as he was walking away from the car. I thought that odd since I had stopped to pick up a sub or two on my way over to his house, and had informed him of same, so why would he have gone out for food. He informed me that he was cleaning out his car before it went off to the dealer for repairs, hence, the bulging fast food bag he was carrying. Cleaning out his car has never been a priority so this was a welcome sight. Good for him.

Ev insisted that I go up to see his place when I was over. "I hope you brought your mask, dad." "You're going to need it", he said. He had apparently spent a lot of time cleaning and sorting out his place and I think he was looking for a bit of positive feedback. I can't be sure but I think his usual modus operandi when it comes to cleaning his apartment is to let thing go to hell in a hand basket and then take a deep dive when things get to a certain point. I've seen both ends of the spectrum and his place looked good yesterday but not perfect. That's not a criticism, it's just a fact.

I didn't say anything about the "not perfect" piece but he took note when I opened his microwave and then looked in his refrigerator. The microwave was in need of a good washing out and the refrigerator had lots of things, boxes and bottles and the sort, that were probably empty and better off in the trash than in his refrigerator. I hope he doesn't have my gene. You know, the one that has me leaving one or more stones unturned when I clean up. Maybe it's a dirty dish that I leave on the counter when everything else is spotless. There is a part of me that stops short when I'm otherwise on a roll and close to attaining what they refer to in the house cleaning business as "mission accomplished." I'm not sure where that comes from, but I know it when I see it.

What a difference a day makes. Both Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema are saying that Biden's Voting Rights bill is dead in the water. The democrats needed both of their votes in order to pass this bill that would federalize much of the election processes that currently are the bailiwick of the individual states. Federalizing theses processes would effectively give the federal government control of the processes and would enable and empower a corrupt democrat administration to put their stamp of approval on any and all election outcomes in perpetuity. In other words, it would empower them in their efforts to steal elections with impunity.

Sinema and Manchin were having no part of this scheme. Thank the baby Jesus! No republicans were planing to vote for it so the democrats would have to do it alone but needed all hands on deck. While the senators thought that the bill had some merit, they did not want to do a carve out on the filibuster to get it done. This is a huge victory for the American people. Biden has effectively been emasculated and, despite his last minute lobbying by showing up and making his pitch in the halls of Congress, the bill now has two fewer democrat votes and the bill will not now become law.

It was stunning to see a deflated and demented Biden standing alone in the hallways of Congress with a microphone in his face while members of Congress walked around and by him like he was an itinerant panhandler wandering from corner to corner in Times Square. It was almost like he didn't even exist. He looked pathetic and irritated that he even had to lower himself to go to Congress on bended knee but there he was. I don't know what fool of an advisor put him up to this stunt but he had to know in his heart of hearts that he was never going to get the support of Senator's Manchin and Sinema. It was all so futile.

Can anything else go wrong in the Biden Administration? Has anything gone their way? Their Build Back Better bullshit of a bill went down in flames just a few weeks ago and now this with the Voter Rights bill. Inflation has gone scorched earth and the Fed seems impotent when it comes to scaling back their printing of monies and raising interest rates. Everything is out of whack for demented Joey and his minions and it's hard to see how they come back from any of this. Certainly, Kamala Harris is not the answer. And, how about the Supremes knocking down the vaccine mandate? More winning!

There are currently 25 or so democrats who have announced their retirement from Congress. That number is expected to go to maybe 35 by the middle of February or so. That should tell you everything you need to know about what the mid term elections are going to look like. Spoiler alert: The democrats are going to get smoked. Was there ever a time in the history of our country when you had a president with approval ratings barely in the 30's and his party won seats in the mid terms? Uh, no. Let the fucking impeachment hearings begin is what I say.

I have to laugh. I was listening to this idiot on the radio yesterday talking about how past presidents whose approval ratings after their first year in office were abysmal and who subsequently improved their those ratings in years two and three. This may be true with past presidents but we're talking about bumbling Joey Biden here. We've never had a president more cognitively impaired than Bumbling Joey. Yet, not a mention of any of that. How do you not factor that into any predictions about what may or may not become of Joey Biden's remaining time in office?

Keep selling the unicorns and rainbow bullshit is what I say. And yes, the reporting on this issue came from a CNN contributor whose network's sole purpose is to prop up this doofus from Delaware and gloss over any and all imperfections real and perceived. Truth be told, the report begs credulity. If you're willing to write a piece and fail to make so much as a reference to his cognitive decline, then you give your readership short shrift and that is unforgivable. This is may be yet one more example of why CNN's ratings are in the toilet. Let me count the ways.