Taking A Turn For The Worse

All right already. Speaker Pelosi and her gang of democrat miscreants in the House of Representatives impeached Trump a second time. She's a god awful disgrace. They used his words at a rally as a pretext for the articles of impeachment and from there it was just a matter of having more votes than not in order to impeach Trump. The Senate will not be taking up the matter until after Sleepy Joe is in office so it remains to be seen what difference that makes, if any.


There is still a social media blackout of everything Trump so you won't be seeing any of his tweets, etc., any time soon. The Twitters and Facebooks of the world are doing the bidding of the democrat party and silencing Trump to satisfy the bloodlust of their base. You have a media that has been bad mouthing the president for some four years now and you wonder why he's still standing much less tweeting. Well, that too has now come to a grinding halt.

The left-wing media in our country has never been able to, despite their constant vitriol and fabrication of stories designed to destroy Trump, separate Trump from his supporters. My personal preference would be for Trump to announce his second run for the White House on Biden's inauguration day on the 20th of this month. He might have to tweak the timing a little bit so he can do it from the Oval Office or maybe the Rose Garden at the White House but that's my recommendation.

Then, Trump can spend the next four years exposing and casting Biden and his minions as the imminent danger to our great Republic that he and they most surely are. How Trump gets his voice out to his 75 million followers remains to be seen. He won't get any help from the losers who are now silencing him but he does have options so it's not futile by any stretch.

I'm also not sure how he prevents the democrats from stealing another election in 2024 just like the last election in 2020. If anything, they have perfected the art of the steal and will likely not abandon that strategy especially in light of the fact that they paid no price one way or another for their malfeasance.

I'm sitting here just completely gobsmacked by the fact that this guy, Biden, with all of his baggage, is going to be inaugurated as President of the United States barely a week from now. It doesn't matter that he is a puppet of the Chinese Communists. It doesn't matter that he has been running a successful pay-for-play operation out of the White House for his entire eight years while serving in the Obama Administration.

It doesn't even matter that he's had questionable interactions with pre-pubescent children as evidenced by pictures scattered here and there across the web. It also doesn't even matter that, in his own words, he bragged that "We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

There are just too many people in and out of government who looked the other way for one reason or another. Maybe their interests were self-serving or maybe they were just ready to have this Trump thing go away once and for all. Maybe there are those in government who never accepted the fact that an outsider with no political experience could step into the presidency and assume a position at the head or our government that was otherwise meant to go to the next seasoned politico in line.

That Trump was as successful as he was in spite of his opposition is a reminder to us all that we need to rid ourselves of the notion that only politicians can ascend to the highest office in our great nation. It was his very success, no doubt, that scared the bejeezus out of the political parties on both sides of the aisle.

Trump's "America First" policies had, and still have, immense appeal across racial and ethnic lines and threatened to weaken the very coalitions that have historically been the backbone of one or the other main political parties here in our country. Given half a chance, more than 90% of his supporters stand ready to vote for him again.

Where we go from here is anyone's guess. That said, Trump's movement is alive and well and just biding its time before it comes back to the fore. If anything, the theft of a rightful election that we all know Trump won handily is a good starting point or rallying cry for his next four-year term.

I don't know who out there in the political orbit at this very moment could assume the Trump mantle were Trump not to run again so that gives me pause. A continuation of the America First policies are a good start but the movement needs a firebrand like Trump to steer it through the perilous waters that constitute the Washington swamp.

I heard someone yesterday argue that the word "swamp" was inappropriately used in this context. A swamp, after all, is a viable ecosystem. The term "cesspool" is more appropriate. I agree with that.


The blue states, meaning the states run by democrats, have largely kept their economies shut down since Trump announced that the entire country was ready to reopen after being shut down for a period of time last year due to the pandemic. The red states reopened on schedule and their economies rebounded as expected. The blue states did not reopen.

Their collective thought process was that if they stayed closed down then Trump would not then reap the benefits of a sitting president when the economy rebounded. After all, they were looking to take back the White House in 2020 and they didn't care how many lives or livelihoods they had to destroy to achieve that end.

With the Biden inauguration just a week away now, the blue state governors are announcing that they are now reopening their economies come hell or high water. "There won't be anything left if we don't", declared the killer of senior citizens, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York. The problem now is that there isn't much left to reopen.

The virus has reemerged as expected and death counts and hospitalizations continue to escalate. Rollouts of the vaccine have been, by and large, mismanaged by many of the blue state governors. Cuomo, for example, is prioritizing smokers, hookers, and inmates to get the vaccine while the most vulnerable, namely the senior citizens, are dying in unprecedented numbers.

Business owners and citizens alike are moving out of the blue states for greener pastures (red states.) The margins in the congress are also not such that any bailouts for these flailing and failing blue states will be likely in the near future. Reopening their economies while in the midst of a resurgence of the virus will likely only exacerbate matters.

I think one or more of the governors in these blue states could care less and probably look forward to escaping their fate at the polls by joining the Biden Administration. If you are Governor Cuomo in New York, you have a built in constituency of more than eight million citizens living in the barrios and backwaters of New York City so losing any election is unlikely if not impossible. Other governors in blue states likely enjoy the same protections given overwhelming majorities of minorities who reside in their inner cities and who vote blue no matter who.

There are even some reports about variants or mutations of the virus emerging here and there across the globe. The UK, for example, shut down all ports of entry to their country in the last week in order to protect their citizenry from one now identified new variant. Germany, in the last few days, announced that they are shutting down for a period of time once again. No one knows if the current vaccines are even of any use against these new variants. And, yes, these new strains have now been detected here in the states.

There are also reports out of Norway about deaths resulting from the new Pfizer vaccine as well. It seems that the elderly are the most susceptible so people are being asked to weigh the risks of taking the vaccine against the available "shelf life" of the recipient. In other words, if you're in your nineties and in reasonably good health then the vaccine may not be for you. You probably even stand a reasonably good chance of surviving the virus if you do get it especially if you have no other underlying co-morbidities.

It just seems that there is an awful lot they don't know about the vaccines. Or, maybe they do know a lot about the vaccines and the public is not being told. Even with the vaccine, you're being asked to continue to take the usual precautions, i.e., wearing a mask, staying socially distanced from those around you, etc.. I thought I read something yesterday about the virus being with us forever and that seems, well, unimaginable.

As of right now, our understanding is that the vaccine simply keeps you not from getting the virus but rather from your getting sick after being infected with it. They think you can still infect others thus the continuation with the usual precautions. Biden has made comments over time about "shutting it all down" to stop the virus so it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he attempted to do just that once he's in office.

I'm not sure Biden has the right to mandate it so I can see the red states remaining open in open defiance of his "mandate." He and the people around him are the tyrannical types so expect to see behaviors consistent with that mindset coming into play if his mandates are met with resistance.

I don't think we're talking Tiananmen Square here but I could be wrong. And don't expect the Supreme Court to come in at the last moment to save anyone. They failed miserably when it came to upholding the Constitution when States were stealing the election from Trump. They will likely fail us again.