The Good Fight

I'm looking forward to watching Jim Jordan and his Committee in the hearings scheduled for this morning in New York City. They'll be grilling Manhattan's DA, Alvin Bragg, on his use of federal funds in protecting, or not protecting, as the case may be, the good people of New York. I sure as heck hope it's going to be televised, but it's 7 am here on the east coast, and I still don't know for sure if it is going to be televised. The gist of the hearings, truth be told, is to get to the bottom of Bragg's indictment of Donald J Trump as yet one more indication of the Democrat's weaponization of our justice system. Jordan wants the world to see and hear everything. Bragg, not so much.


Elon Musk is in the news today for a couple of reasons. One, he has this enormous rocketship scheduled for launch sometime today whose odds for a successful launch he put at 50-50 just last week. It's a multi-billion dollar project, so why would he say something like that? It sounds to me like he's taken a page out of the Donald J Trump marketing tips and tricks book. People will be more interested in tuning in to the launch if they think it's going to fail. Smaht. Elon is also on Tucker tonight for an hour-long interview. They've already put out a teaser where Elon tells the world that our government's intelligence agencies have had access all along to people's DM's. I assume that stopped when Elon took over as CEO of Twitter. I also assume that anyone direct messaging on Twitter probably assumes that they don't have complete privacy in terms of what they're sending by way of direct messages when using Twitter.

The Boston Marathon kicks off sometime this morning. Can you imagine running twenty-six miles? Just think about what that's doing to the cartilage in your knees. Every fucking step of the way, you're jarring and grinding the bones in your knees and your feet to a pulp. This is what passes for a good time? You've got to be a full-throated moonbat and climate cultist to be one of several thousand people running in that grueling marathon today. You know the Kenyans always win, so why bother? Around about mile 20 or so, people start losing control of their bowels. That can't be good. Passing wind is one thing. It's quite another to be soiling your shorts while running uphill and against the wind. Runners keep coming back year after year, so there must be something to it. Whatever it is, it's lost on me. I don't even care who wins, so there's that.

I think I set an all-time record for making a quiche and getting it in the oven this morning. The missus will be pleased when she gets up. She loves a little quiche in the morning, and so do I. I made it with sauteed mushrooms, and steamed broccoli, and I added both shredded Mexican cheese and a sprinkling of feta cheese before throwing it in the oven at three hundred and fifty degrees. I'll serve it with a side dish of ice-cold grapefruit segments. For dinner, I'm thinking of using some soy-based product I purchased this past week at Trader Joe's to make a nice chili. We've been enjoying veggie chili from time to time from a local store, and now it's my turn to make a batch. We stopped by that very same store last night looking to buy something for dinner, and we came home with some nice minestrone soup. It was the perfect night for it, although I might have preferred to have less pasta in it since I'm trying to cut pasta out of my diet.

Did I mention that the missus sucked me into helping her out with her jigsaw puzzle? It's a thousand-piece puzzle with far too much blue sky. You puzzlers out there know what I'm talking about. I usually let her do her own thing when it comes to puzzles, and I do my own thing with, well, whatever. I could tell at the outset that she had bitten off more than she could chew, so I asked if she might like my help. I've found the experience oddly satisfying. Maybe not so much that I want a puzzle of my own the next time around but maybe enough to lend a hand if asked. Or, conversely, to feel slighted if I'm not asked. I can see how people get addicted to such things, and I'm not above getting my own kicks and wanting more kicks after this puzzle is done. We sat down at one point, and we were working the puzzle together, albeit at our own speeds. As soon as I realized she was getting more pieces and faster than I was, I started to lose interest. Maybe I don't like being rushed. Whatever.

Both Mike Pompeo and Glenn Youngkin have opted out of the Republican presidential sweepstakes in 2024. That narrows the possible field of contestants to Trump, probably Ron DeSanctimonius, and a few other less well-known names like Haley, Scott, and maybe a John Bolton type here and there. The prevailing wisdom was that if Trump had one or two opponents, the chances of him getting the nomination were less than were he to be up against a dozen or more like he was in 2016. Trump is getting the lion's share of endorsements thus far, so that can't hurt. DeSanctimonius isn't even in the race yet, although that is likely to change fairly soon. DeSaanctimonius is good, but he's no Donald Trump. I don't know that he'll ever be the proverbial eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room, either. It's still early, so a lot of things can change. This country is in trouble, so I have to imagine that that will be an impetus for change at the polls in the next presidential election. I would go so far as to say that if Biden runs, you'll see even less of him than you do now. Oh, and he'll not be joining any debates any time soon. Dr. Jill simply won't have it.

Now we're hearing that even more Biden's received monies from overseas sources. I think we're up to nine family members who received money from countries like China. I'll need more details before I can nail any of this down, but it's horrific on the face of it. Can you imagine taking money in exchange for selling out your country's secrets? I mean, who does that? If I had to guess, I'd say Joe Biden has always been on the take ever since he went to work as a Senator at the age of twenty-nine. The stakes increased exponentially when he became Vice President and, as President of the United States, the world was his fucking oyster. There were now no limits to what he was willing and able to sell, nor were there any limits to whom he would sell to. There was a time in our history when we would rightly call this what is: Treason. Now, they just call it graft. Everyone does it. It's the cost of doing business. It's the modern-day version of pay-for-play. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

I watched Tucker Carlson's interview last night with Elon Musk. It was pretty good. It was the Musk, I think, that we've all come to know if you've been paying any attention at all to what he's been doing here and there. He got into AI a bit, but he didn't really flesh it out, at least not to my satisfaction. I wanted to know what it means to me. You know, the little guy. What can I do with it? What can it do for me? What can it do to me? I guess I've heard that you can design it with a liberal bias, or not, so that's a little concerning. I think Elon knew a lot more than he was saying but was probably not at liberty to say any of it out loud. We probably don't want to know the ugly side of AI because it would probably scare the bejesus out of us. Imagine this tool in the hands of the North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un. What have the Chinese done with this tool? They steal all of our secrets, not to mention the secrets the Bidens have sold to them, so why wouldn't they have the keys to the AI kingdom? I don't even know that Tucker knew what questions to ask when it came to the AI issue. He seemed more interested in knowing if Elon had seen any extraterrestrials in his travels.

I'm reading this morning about China stepping in to negotiate peace between Israel and the Palestinians. I thought Joe Biden was the leader on the world stage. Isn't he the guy who is supposed to be doing these kinds of things? Well, Joe Biden is nowhere to be found. If you want to start looking for him, you might want to start your search in one of his many beach homes in Delaware. You know, the beach homes he purchased on the meager salary he received both as a US Senator and then as Vice President. In the meantime, other leaders around the world are going to step up to the plate, and you may or may not like how things turn out. As for China, we've seen a number of leaders from other countries going to China recently to swear allegiance to Xi and the Chinese Communist Party.

More often than not, they have more than a few disparaging words to say in public and on Chinese soil about the warmongering and hypocritical ways of the United States before departing for home. We're talking about countries like France and Brazil here, previously considered longtime allies of the United States. Did I mention that they are all committing to the de-dollarization of their economies? That's a whole other ball of wax. There is a veritable vacuum of leadership due to the ineptitude, corruption, and disengagement of the Biden presidency at large, and that is an unmistakable disservice to America, Americans, and the world at large.

I almost forgot. Did you hear Elon Musk's explanation as to why he was able to cut loose some 80% of his staff at Twitter after he took over? He said that these were people dedicated not to the operational side of Twitter but rather to pushing certain social agendas on behalf of governments, social justice causes, etc. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but you get the idea. Does that have anything to do with the massive layoffs we're hearing about these days? I read that even Ernst and Young is planning layoffs. You know things are bad when they start to lay off the bean counters. I think the answer to that question is "no." Oh, and Disney is going to be laying off a ton of people. I'm just not sure that all of these layoffs have anything to do with cutting loose their in-resident social justice warriors. I wish that were the case, but I'm afraid I would be wrong in jumping to that conclusion. What kind of a shit show do these layoffs portend, exactly?

I was a little uncomfortable with how quickly Musk dismissed the idea of UFO's when Tucker asked if he'd seen any in his travels. Musk has thousands of satellites orbiting in outer space, so Tucker probably assumed that he had a clue one way or another about the prospects of life on other planets. Musk was so dismissive that I'm left with the feeling that he knows damn well we're not alone in this galaxy we inhabit. Why wouldn't he just say that? I know scientists are skeptical by nature, but Musk is both a dreamer and a scientist, so I expected more from him. Maybe he's a fucking alien. He would probably be the first person to tell you that just because you can't see something with your own eyes doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. When you think of people who create things out of whole cloth, the first person that comes to mind is Elon Musk. I don't know, I'm probably making too much of it. It was just weird.

I watched the mayor of New York City step up to the podium the other day and blather on about the dietary habits of the people living in that great city. He said something about how eating meat and dairy was contributing to emissions issues relating to the consumption of said products. He promised to enact new laws to reduce the emissions from food, mainly from meat, in a bid to meet arbitrary emissions goals by 2030. Wut? It struck me as a skit from Saturday Night Live. I'm thinking to myself, you have got to be kidding. What kind of dystopian nonsense is this? Who put him up to this? Is this Bill Gates pushing his plant-based products again? Does this have anything to do with the new world order that people like Bill Gates and that loser, John Kerry, are always talking about? I'm talking about the new Globalist agenda for the 21st century. Today, the plan is to get rid of all the gas stoves. Tomorrow, they're coming for your cheeseburgers and shakes. Well, by 2030 anyway. Fuk em all.

I can't keep up with all of this bullshit from the Leftists. One minute they're putting the puss of nutjobs like Dylan Mulvaney on beer cans, and in the very next breath, they're telling us what we can and cannot eat. Oh, and they're telling us what we can and cannot drive. It's probably a mistake not to take these clowns seriously. They can do a lot of damage in a short period of time. Look no further than what's become of our country in the last two years since Bumbling Joe Biden took up residence in our beloved White House if you need an example. We're a veritable laughing stock on the world stage. It's also a global thing, if I'm not mistaken. Just the other day, Germany shut down their last three nuclear power plants, and rates immediately increased by 45%. They have a damn energy crisis on their doorstep created in part by their participation in the Ukrainian conflict but, perhaps more acutely, brought on by the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, thanks ostensibly to Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland. I guess saving the environment is more important. It's a scam.


Just when I thought I'd seen everything there is to see coming out of the socialists in the Biden White House, I'm reading something this morning about a new proposed rule that says that mortgage seekers with good credit scores (650 and above) will be hit with a surcharge that effectively subsidizes people with less stellar credit scores thereby enabling people who wouldn't normally have access to the housing markets the ability to purchase a home. To my mind, this rule will discourage buyers with good credit scores from purchasing homes, and it will put people who have a proven record of default or an inability to manage their financial affairs in a position of defaulting once again. Does this remind anyone of the subprime banking collapse in 2007 that brought down Lehman? Why on earth would you penalize people who have done everything right from the moment they got their first credit card so that you can show favor to people who have no regard for the rules of the road when and where personal finance is concerned? It's just all so backwards, like so many other things we see and hear coming out of the Biden White House.

I watched Robert F. Kennedy Jr's presidential announcement yesterday with great interest. I'm delighted to see someone get in the race on the Democrat who will challenge the frail and demented old fuck, Joey "Bumbles" Biden. I have a lot of respect for Kennedy for his advocacy over the years for various and sundry causes that have always put him at odds with a certain segment of the Democrat party. I'm thinking of changing my party affiliation in the primaries to vote for him in the hopes that we can send Bumbles to the aftercare facility where he belongs. Kennedy's announcement is pissing off a lot of Democrats, to be sure. They see Bumbles as their ticket to beating Trump in 2024 based on their mistaken belief that Biden beat him in 2020 - he didn't. I'm not so sure that Kennedy doesn't-have more in common with Trump than Biden on certain things, so there's that. Kennedy was critical of Trump in his speech about the Covid shutdown in 2020, which Trump put in place. He was critical of Biden for sending billions of dollars to Ukraine while cutting benefits for food stamp recipients here at home.

I was wondering if Tucker Carlson was even going to cover Kennedy's announcement when I tuned in to watch his show that very same evening after his announcement. Not only did Tucker bring it up, he actually had Kennedy on his show. I thought to myself, holy shit. Kennedy will need votes from both Democrats and Republicans when the time comes, so going on Tucker made some sense. It also occurred to me that Kennedy was persona-non-grata as far as the mainstream media is concerned. I'm quite sure that each and every outlet got a call from the White House threatening to cut off their lines of communication should they dare give Kennedy so much as a minute of favorable coverage.

No sooner had Kennedy made his announcements than pictures started to circulate on social media sites with Kennedy standing side by side with icons in the conservative universe. The sicko dems are throwing everything they have against the wall in their bid to take Kennedy out of the race or, at a minimum, to diminish his stature so he's no longer considered viable as a candidate. This is what they do - this is who they are. We'll see this coming Sunday which shows Kennedy does or does not appear on. They can avoid lesser candidates like Maryann Williamson without much blowback. When it comes to a Kennedy, I'm thinking not so much. Good for him for fighting the good fight. His father, were he alive today, would be proud.

I made a nice batch of chili yesterday. It's not exactly a Springtime dish, but I purchased some soy product in the last week or so that I didn't want to go bad, so I was off and running. I usually like a nice beef chili, but the missus doesn't do beef, so I try to make a veggie chili now and then just to make her happy. I've never tried using a soy-based product when making chili, so I threw caution to the wind and hoped for the bloody best, as they say in the business. The end product looked and tasted okay, but there was something about it that just didn't pass muster. The missus ate her portion gustily, and I tried to match her spoonful for spoonful, but it just wasn't working for me. I shared none of my misgivings with the missus since I was afraid if I said anything that she might well shy away from eating more of the chili. I guess I could try it again today. Maybe I'll smother it with onions, cheese, and anything else that I think will take my mind off the fact that it's not really beef chili. Then again, I could freeze the lot of it and just forget about it. I gag just thinking about having another spoonful. Some things in life take getting used to. This soy stuff is one of those things.

I'm happy to hear that our Justice Department is doing something about these so-called Chinese police departments that have popped up across our country in the last few years. Who in fuck sake thought that was a good idea? The Chinese have no power or control over the Chinese people here in the United States. I'm guessing that the Chinese people in our country are here because they didn't or don't care for living under the umbrella of tyranny that is the Chinese Communist Party back in Mainland China. I have to give it to the Chinese government thought. They have chutzpah, thinking that they could just throw up a shingle and they would be up and running as a legitimate law enforcement agency. So, good for our Justice Department in taking down the Chinese police station in New York City.

I have to say, though, our Justice Department only arrested 2 people when they announced the arrests the other day. That's pretty fucking lame. It looks like window dressing to me. Add to that the fact that they announced arrest warrants for 24 others who currently reside in China for people who will never come back to face justice, and it leaves you wondering about their real motives. If you want us to take you more seriously on this issue, there are about 99 more of these Chinese police stations across our country, including one more in the same city where you did this bust. Oh, and don't forget all of the young Chinese men of fighting age that they are allowing to come in through our southern border. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Ignorance is bliss. I'm reminded of that fact every day when I read yet another story in the news that raises the hackles on the back of my neck. We seem to be moving slowly but inexorably toward a world war with Russia and China. What is this bullshit about our congressmen and women engaging in war game scenarios involving China and Russia? They should be spending their time pushing to get Bumbles in front of them to make his case, if there is one to be made, for going to war with either China, Russia, or both. I'm hearing that one of the scenarios involved China invading Taiwan in 2027. Nobody thinks that China is going to wait that long. The biggest fear seems to be that American businessmen and women, and Americans in general, are not sufficiently prepared for such an eventuality. What would they do if their overseas supplies of everything from drugs to silicon chips all of a sudden just stopped? To make matters worse, if that's even possible, consider who Biden has put in charge of ensuring the viability of our supply lines: Pete Butt-Edge-Edge.

I might have preferred not to read that article, knowing how dire our collective situation is. Probably in the same way that people avoid watching horror shows on the telly because they don't like going to bed at night having to consider that demonic forces may be lurking beneath their bed. Does it concern anybody that China has not taken phone calls from either Biden or the clowns he surrounds himself with in the last two months? It should. It's not a surprise that China has no respect for Blinken and his cohorts. They bitch slap them every time they meet anywhere, so I'm guessing that they're thinking enough is enough. And Russia, if what I'm reading is correct, seems to be laying the groundwork for cutting undersea cables supplying this, that, and the other thing to the UK. Does anyone think that one or more of our leaders here in the United States ought to get in front of a microphone to explain to the American people what the hell is going on? Is that not what the eighty million people that allegedly voted for Joe Biden voted for? Someone is better than no one at this perilous time in our history.

Bumbles is expected to announce his candidacy for a second presidential term next week. No, this is not an April Fool's joke. He'll be 82 years old, and he'll be eighty-six at the end of his second term if he stays in office for the full four years. Just for context, understand that he's been cognitively challenged since day one of his first term. There are days, even now, when he or his staff calls a lid as early as nine in the morning. Word has it that he'll not be standing at a podium when he makes his announcement. I'm hearing we'll be seeing a video instead, which, as one might imagine, is because Bumbles is no longer capable of delivering a speech from a teleprompter or anything else for that matter due to his advanced dementia or whatever. We'll see the usual clapping seals in the media applauding his energy and his vigor and offering their full-fledged support for another four years. The rest of us, and that would be everyone who didn't vote for Bumbles in the first go-round, will be filled alternatively with dread and despair for what lay ahead should his candidacy succeed.

On the Republican side of the ledger, Larry Elder announced that he's running for president. I like Larry, but he doesn't have a chance in the world of becoming president. It begs the question as to why he's even throwing his hat in the ring. Is he hoping that he'll be asked to join a ticket as a vice presidential candidate? I don't see that as a viable option either. Maybe he's just jumping into the fray to grease the skids for Trump in the hopes that he'll get a spot somewhere in Trump's administration. I think it's true when they say that the more candidates that run, the greater the chances are that Trump will get his party's nomination. Trump does not favor a one-on-one with any one other candidate, especially someone like Ron DeSanctimonioous. That said, DeSanctimonius is lagging solidly behind Trump in every poll thus far. That could change when DeSanctimonius declares that he's running, but that, too, remains to be seen. Chances are, by the time we get to 2024, things will be so dire that we'll look to the candidate offering both gravitas and experience, and neither of those two adjectives applies to DeSanctimonious.

It looks like the folks at Anheuser Busch gave the boot to that clown of a marketing executive who thought that putting Dylan Mulvaney's face on the can of every Bud Lite beer across our fruited plane was a good idea. If you fancy trannies, that's your business. If you decide that fancying trannies is in the best interest of the American public, you need to get your head examined. And now, you'll need to find employment elsewhere if you're the marketing executive that foisted that bullshit on what used to be an adoring public who couldn't get enough of what you were selling. People will vote with their feet and their money, and that is exactly what they did in this case. Good for them. It's good to see someone standing up against this cultural rot the left is selling these days. Now, we need to be just as vociferous when it comes to getting and keeping biological males out of women's sports. It's amazing to me that State Legislatures across our great country see the need to make laws ensuring that women don't have to compete in sports against men who think they're women.

James Woods posted a tweet to Twitter last night of Bumbles Biden giving a speech of some kind and challenging anyone not to blink for the better part of the two minutes it took Bumbles to give his speech without blinking. I could have phrased that better, but it is what it is. And then, my girl in Taiwan chimed in, saying that it's all about the dementia meds he's on. It was creepy as fuck, I have to say. He's crusty as can be and getting crustier by the day, so he's not especially easy on the eyes from the get-go. It's almost like someone winds him up and then props him up in front of a microphone, where he blurts it all out and not always in the right order. You have to wonder, seeing how everything we see coming out of the White House these days is race-based, if it isn't really Obama and his peeps like Susan Rice pulling the strings behind the scenes. I can't be the only one thinking these things, can I? Now that I think of it, we may be living through the transformation that Obama promised to the American people when he was elected. The very same transformation, by the way, that the American people roundly rejected when they elected Donald J Trump in 2016.

I don't know how stores expect to stay in business when you have hordes of people, mostly from marginalized communities based on the videos I've seen, trashing your place of business and making off with everything and anything they can get their hands on. I suppose laws in places like California make stealing and looting even more appealing since you have to steal more than $900 before you are forced to face any sort of judicial comeuppance. Having Soros-funded district attorneys in other shithole cities across our country means that it will be even less likely that you'll be locked up for your transgressions if you fit a particular racial profile. As for the corporate types watching all this from afar, they can't very well fund BLM on one hand and then insist that the scofflaws trashing their stores be put behind bars on the other hand. Anyway you slice it, anarchy is never a good look. I don't know that putting everything behind lock and key is the answer either. Maybe desperate times demand desperate measures.