Have a Heart

Whoever said moving a blog was easy? And, did I tell you that Mrs G had heart bypass surgery yesterday? She resisted for as long as possible but finally determined that for the sake of her ailing husband she ought to have it done and have it done without delay. And so she did. At the age of 81 it had to be a very difficult decision. You figure that your date with the baby Jesus is imminent at that age yet the force of nature demands that you not give up. It helps if your husband needs a helping hand around the house and hasn't driven a car for the better part of the last five years. If I had to guess, I might even go so far as to say he doesn't have a clue when it comes to running the dishwasher. We're there with a helping hand if he needs it but thus far he has shown great resiliency in the face of the calamity that surrounds him. It helps that his dear wife is out of sight as the very sight of her might well frighten or at least singe his fragile sense of reality. We keep him apprised of all the milestones and he is appreciative and thankful knowing that she will return to his side before long. When offered the chance to speak to him on the phone from her hospital bed she politely declined. Her voice was raspy and hoarse from the tubes that had been inserted into her throat and while they have since been removed her voice has not fully recovered. She knows her husband well enough to know that speaking to him in a voice almost unrecognizable might well cause him discomfort and angst. Better to wait for another day.


The Junior prom has come and gone. Evan attended both the Portsmouth and St. Thomas proms and seemed to enjoy himself. His mom helped with the wardrobe and saw to it that he had everything he needed to make the occasion(s) just perfect. I hope to post pictures in the slideshow section so keep an eye out. Did I tell you that he also picked up a job in a restaurant in downtown Portsmouth? He had it in his mind to get a job at this particular place and he set about to do just that. They had him go in for a stint on Friday night to see if he was okay with the work and 7 hours later he was ready to go home. What seemed to delight him more than anything was the fact that the chef cooked him a burger to order. One of the best he's ever had or so he said. And he is finicky enough about food that any such praise coming out of his mouth should not be taken lightly. Now we're waiting for them to call back and give him a schedule. We can then start to fret about transportation issues and the like. I'm of the mind that a boy his age needs a car but his mom and I are strangely enough not on the same page. I remind her that she can certainly feel free to make her way downtown after one or more shifts that end close to midnight but I will not be making that trip. And, it bears repeating, she gets up even earlier than I do to go to work.

It seems that I tell Ev very year at this time to "finish strong." The reference is to his school work and his studies specifically. I only find that it is worth repeating because he usually finishes anything but strong. Maybe if I said nothing he might be more inclined to stay on track. I'm running out of time to say that though since he is going into his senior year. It was a good thought, Johnny boy. I'll save my laments about his eating habits for a later blog. For today anyway, he has one last test at school and he and Noah will be going up to the lake house. There they will stay and party the night away with others of their ilk willing and wanting to celebrate yet another year gone by the boards.