Carlin etal

It’s a pretty sweet day here on the coast. The sun is shining brightly and the forecast looks promising. We may even get a day without a thunderstorm for a change. That would be a relief. Having to run around the house closing windows and shutting off electrical things is getting old. There’s a lot to do but I don’t feel like doing much. I suppose most things can wait but the lawn can’t wait much longer before I take the mower to it. Like everything else today, that too is optional. I picked up a few books at the library the other day which I had planned to read but those plans too are on hold. Is there anything that isn’t on hold?

I have been catching up on George Carlin as of late since he won’t be down for breakfast anymore. You know how these scoundrels become even more famous after they die. George is no exception. Although, after watching some of his performances recently, I have to say that he seemed to me to be one angry mother. His use of the langauge was legendary but swinish at its essence. He used expeletives like a cheap whore and it seemed to me that he thought pretty highly of himself. I have to admit that while I got a few laughs, I was mostly aghast at how he ever managed to sell out shows the way he did. Maybe there are people out there who like to watch comedians who think like they do but can never bring themselves to speak up the way Carlin did. He was a mouthpiece for an entire generation of people who were angry at the world they lived in but didn’t have the presence of mind to articulate that hatred. He gave a voice to the mild mannered, the socially inept and the verbally repressed types, the ones likely to laugh at their own stupidity given half a chance. He was the bad boy of bad boys. Didn’t surprise me a bit to learn that he dropped out of the 7th grade. Good riddens, asshole.

I was telling my sweetie the other day that I think she has a lot of good ideas. I’m not sure I’ve known that all along but it seems that the more I get to know her the more I realize that it’s a fact. Like the other day, we’re riding down the boulevard and we passed a friends restaurant which had a sign outside advertising a new luncheon schedule. The sign showed the dates the place would begin their new schedule and it just so happened that it was to begun that very day. Nan’s suggestion was that they change the beginning date from 7/2 to “today”. Not a bad idea. While reviewing an ad placed in the local papers for the very same restaurant owner, Nancy noticed that there was no address on the advertisment. She mentioned this to the owner who immediately exclaimed that everyone knew where the restaurant was so it wasn’t an issue. A bit short sighted I would say, and I’m in Nan’s camp on this one. The list of these types of observations and intuitions goes on and on and it’s worth mentioning if for no other reason than to get it down in writing. You go, girl.