Charnel House

Here we go, folks! We've got another week on our hands, so let's do this. I don't know what lies ahead but we'll try to separate the wheat from the chaff for the next seven days or until I push out this week's blog next Sunday. Speaking of chaff, what the hell were they thinking in the White House when someone decided to send our Vice President, Kamala Harris, to Africa? The headline I read said something about pushing back against China's growing influence on the continent. They know that Kamala Harris is the laughingstock of the Administration, second only to the most demented president in the history of our Republic. Right? It sounds like a case of a day late and a dollar short to me. Does this have anything to do with the deaths of a number of Chinese workers at the hands of their African hosts that I saw in the headlines somewhere last week?


Then, you had Bumbles in Canada last week. Instead of giving thanks to his Canadian hosts while speaking to the Canadian Parliament, he thanked "China" instead of "Canada." I don't know why people still refer to his stupid comments as "gaffes" because they are clearly not gaffes. They are malapropisms or utterances of an old fool who has lost the ability to apply filters in his advanced age. Of course, he meant to say China. Everything Bumbles does favors China. Why wouldn't he want to thank them for their largesse regarding the benefits that have accrued to his extended family due to his cozy relationship with the Chinese Communist Party? It's pay-to-play on steroids. Why do we not have the tools as a country to sort all of this out and put the people committing the crimes behind bars where they belong?

I've seen a few comments here and there recently about a pending selloff in the stock market. How do people know such things? One person made the point that we had similar events in 2008 that led to a selloff despite assurances by our government that our banking institutions were in good shape. I think they referred to that as the "Lehman moment." One person drawing a parallel does not a prediction make, but when you hear others warning of the same thing, it might be a good idea to sit up and pay attention. Then, there are others who say we're at a crossroads and the markets could just as easily rally from hear. Whose wagon do you hitch your horse to? There are also stories out there about China selling off our treasuries and buying gold. That sounds like "safe harbor" talk to me. What about all of these countries now conducting trade in something other than the US dollar? What will that mean for our economy?

My missus texted me when she was visiting with her old boss in Massachusetts yesterday. She asked me if I could find the AI-generated photos of Donald J Trump being arrested and send them along to her. Her hosts are longtime critics of Donald Trump, so I knew their interest in seeing the actual pictures, forgetting for a moment that they were created out of whole cloth, was an obscene indulgence at best. They would no doubt share them with their like-minded friends, which was fine. I made the same request of ChatGBT, albeit with Joe Biden being walked out of the White House in an orange jumpsuit. ChatGBT, the liberal chatbot that it is, responded by saying something about not wanting to produce images that might lead to violence or something along those lines. So, what's good for the goose isn't good for the gander?

What the hell! A trans activist went into a Christian school in Tennesee yesterday and killed four people. She was a biological female identifying as a male. We seem to have an epidemic of these types of mass murders taking place these days. What is that all about? How much of what we're seeing results from the drugs these people are taking as they go through the transitioning process? They've clearly been radicalized by some LGBTQ faction that seems to think that they can only get their message out through the use of violence. How much of this violence has to do with Catholic communities rising up against the freaks wanting to put on drag shows in their communities? Is this the tranny community saying that if they can't have access to our children, they'll make sure that we don't have access to our children either?

Just last week, Tucker Carlson pointed out the irony of how militant the trans activists have become these days while their political bedfellows, the democrat party, have been trying to take away everyone's guns. I haven't paid much attention to the leftist media in the wake of this tragedy, but I suspect the lot of them have come out as they usually do with calls for more laws restricting the sale and use of firearms. I saw footage of a presser by Biden who, instead of decrying the event from the jump, started talking about how he has a freezer full of ice cream "just upstairs." You can't make this stuff up. The Biden clown show continues. The police have released video footage of the killer breaking into the school and going from room to room as mass killers are want to do. It seems a little too soon for me, seeing as we're barely twenty-four hours out from the massacre, but that's just me. This is some sick shit.

I've often wondered if specific types of people aren't targeted for radicalizing, knowing full well that they are more likely than not to wreak havoc in ways that allow others to more easily pursue their political objectives. I don't know how else to explain the mass killings we see from time to time. Some are clear-cut cases of hate crime. If this killer in Tenessee had hate in her heart, it surely wasn't for the children that she gunned down in cold blood. I'm guessing she had her knickers in a bunch about something altogether different. She wrote no suicide note, but she did leave a manifesto which we have yet to see in its entirety. I would also say that if the tranny community is looking to gain a wider swath of acceptance in the community at large, this is not the kind of press that gets you closer to that ideal. From a risk-profiling standpoint, we now need to add men wearing dresses and women sporting stubble to our cast of characters requiring our attention. They have nobody to blame but themselves.

The missus and I are watching this show on Netflix entitled "The Night Manager." It's a schlock of a show, and I could walk away from it today, and I'd have no regrets. Well, I'd regret the time I spent watching it when I could have been watching something better. So, there's that. The missus likes it, so we'll watch it to the end. It is watchable, it's just not memorable. It's some spy kind of flick that might have been better had they cast a Matt Damon type. There is zero chemistry between the two main characters, yet they seem to be on a boyfriend-girlfriend trajectory that is, well, cringeworthy at best. Here's the part that's really weird: More than half the actors portraying characters surrounding the President of the United States in the show are Chinese. How much do you want to bet that the Chinese government funded this picture, if not in its entirety, then surely just enough to give them a say in who gets what roles. To what end, you ask. I'm asking the same fucking question. That is some subliminal and not-so-subliminal shit all at once. It's not sitting well with me.

I don't know what's going on with my guitar practice. I pick it up every day and do something with it, so I feel good about that. I'm leaning into finger-picking lately and getting away from the strumming that seems to be going nowhere. I have some basic fingerpicking patterns down, and I work to expand those patterns every time I pick up my guitar. I hesitate to call what I do "playing the guitar," so I don't. If it sounds musical, which it does from time to time, I just go with it. Don't ask me to play something you might know because I can't. I'm a little like those contestants who show up on American Idol playing songs they've written instead of familiar favorites. They're just a little more difficult to get your ears around. I have an audience of one when I play, so who cares if what I do passes for playing or not? It's what I do. It's who I am.

I guess I need to rethink this trans shit in the wake of the trans-terrorist who gunned down those people in Tennessee. I'd never considered that these trans types might be militarized or radicalized such that they could go out and do what this one individual did in Tennessee. I figured they might be arming themselves for self-protection, and we do have a second amendment, so it makes perfect sense. Truth be told, they're an odd lot at first glance, so if they glean unwanted attention from people who would want to do them harm now and then, I can see where they might want to arm themselves. If it's true what they say about this woman with the he/him pronouns taking innocent lives because the Tennesseans passed a law against drag shows and gender-affirming surgery for minors, then we're talking about a horse of a different color. Before we assume that every trans person is a terrorist, let's get a look at that manifesto so we have all the facts.

What the hell, man? Another train/barge derailed and has fallen into the Ohio river spilling its toxic contents into the river. Maybe it was a barge that broke free from the tugboat that was towing it. Whatever. My point is that these freaky accidents seem to be happening every other day. Are they really freaky, or is it something more sinister? I'll take domestic terrorism for $200, Alex. This is the second or third accident in the last month to imperil the Ohio river and all of the people living downstream from the accidents. Who would have a reason to do these sorts of things? How precisely does one manage to wreak such havoc without someone noticing or otherwise having knowledge of the plot? I still think it has something to do with the people streaming illegally into our country across our southern border under cover of darkness. I think Trump was right when he said, "they're not sending their best." I think he was referring to gang members from El Salvador. I'm thinking about saboteurs from God only knows where.

I listened to one republican Congressman last night talking on the telly about how one or more Chinese banks are now providing financial records on the Biden Crime Family. I know there was at least one congressional committee looking into the Biden Crime Family, but I didn't have Chinese banks releasing information on my bingo card. The congressman admitted they were getting little to no cooperation from US banks on the Biden inquiries. Where are the fucking subpoenas? Drag these fuckers in front of congress and let them plead the fifth. That is not going to go over well with the American people. It's just more of the same bullshit from the left. They protect their own. They have Joe Biden's back. It's important that they protect their fellow leftists come hell or high water. They do so at their own peril. If it turns out that these banks have looked the other way while laundering cash payments made to the Biden Crime Family by the Chinese Communist Party and other bad actors across the globe, they will be held accountable. Does Xi Jinping deserve a hat-tip here?

What the fuck is a Trans Day of Vengeance? I'm not even sure what that looks like. Vengeance for what, exactly? I guess we'll find out. They are scheduled to assemble on the steps of the Supreme Court this weekend. They have a permit to do this, right? Will there be violence? The very word vengeance implies violence. If it's a march they want, march away. If they have speeches to make, go ahead and make your speeches. It wouldn't surprise me to see a bunch of feds dressed up in MAGA gear showing up at the rally to make a little mischief. You know, like they did on January 6th in our nation's capitol. There is nothing the media would love more than to show MAGA types clashing with trans activists on the steps of our beloved Supreme Court. It would be the death knell for Trump and his followers. The public couldn't possibly tolerate this level of insanity in the wake of the insurrection in 2020. It would be a bridge too far. Well, that's the plan anyway. Be there or be square. No, really.


I was listening to some discussion of geopolitical events on Spaces on Twitter yesterday. It reminded me of just how myopic we, as Americans, are when looking at the world. It also reminded me of how differently other countries view us Americans on the world stage. I'll be blunt, it's not a pretty picture. It's not necessarily anti-American either, so none of the discussion had anything to do with radicalizing this or that person or having anyone come around to someone else's point of view. There was very little anyone had to say that was favorable about Biden and his Administration and their incompetence on the world stage. I didn't need to tune into Spaces to hear those kinds of comments. I felt that the discussion I was listening to was head and shoulders above anything that I might hear on terrestrial radio. Keep in mind that the level of discussion on any particular day in Spaces depends on the people participating in the discussion. It's also good to keep your wits about you since when all is said and done, all you are really listening to is a bunch of people sharing their opinions. It is indeed the veritable global town hall that Elon Musk promised us when he purchased Twitter. Promises made, promises kept.

Someone will have to explain to me what it means if countries around the world stop using the US dollar. Explain it to me like I'm a fifth grader. I keep hearing about countries like China and others now making purchases in other currencies. What the hell is a Petrodollar? Who is using the Yuan again? What's going on with the British pound? I don't even know if I'm stating the problem correctly. Or, if it's a problem at all. Others say that if the US dollar is no longer the premier currency, then we can't possibly maintain the level of debt that we now have. We'd end up like Venezuela. Right? I've heard others say that it is happening at an accelerated rate, and that's not a good thing. Are politicians afraid to talk about it because it might cause a crash in our financial markets? Whatever the case, it's happening. France bought 65,000 tons of LNG using the Chinese Yuan just the other day. It was France's first Yuan-denominated trade. The tweet announcing the trade ended with this: "We are witnessing the end of the US dollar Hegemony." It's both interesting and potentially apocalyptic. No?

Headline: Train derailment in Raymond, Minnesota. If it's another day, it's another disaster happening in our country. It's another what-the-fuck-moment. What toxic bullshit was this train carrying this time? Did I mention that they evacuated the entire town? I'm telling you, this is what Biden brought to our shores when he opened the floodgates of hell on our southern border. Come one, come all! Destroy our country from within, and we'll put you up in five-star hotels in the city of your choosing. Tell me again that Joe Biden isn't a trojan horse for some of the worse actors on the world stage.

Well, here's some good news on the tranny front: Republicans in Kentucky overrode the Democratic governor's veto and passed laws to stop the so-called gender-affirming care (Let's call it what it is: Genital mutilation) afforded to Kentucky's confused and gender-troubled youth. Hell, it gets better. Teachers in Kentucky will no longer have to address their students by their preferred pronouns. If you were born a Johnny, you will be addressed as "Johnny." Not Juanita, not Joni, and you'll like it. And goddammit, you'll use the restrooms as per your biological sex. It's our way or the highway, boys and girls.

So, now we hear that Audrey (Aiden?) Hale, the Trans terrorist who took six innocent lives in the Tennessee school shooting, was allegedly receiving counseling from the pastor of the facility. Did she go to this particular school looking to exact revenge? Was this pastor a fiddler and a diddler? Was one or more of the bullets chambered designated for the pastor? I hate to even think along those lines, but these are the times in which we live. Is that why we've not seen the manifesto? Will we now have to wait to see if charges are brought against the pastor? Or, will we get a whitewashed version of a manifesto that bears little to no resemblance to the document carried across the threshold and into the school by Ms./Mr. Hale without so much as a hint of her so-called relationship with the pastor? The pastor's daughter was one of the six victims. Was her death a retaliatory killing? What virulent hatred did Ms./Mr. Hale harbor against the other victims such that they deserved to lose their lives that fateful day? I'll end with this: The longer they go before releasing the manifesto, the less confidence I'll have in the contents of said manifesto.

Just when you thought Alvin Bragg, the DA investigating Donald J Trump, couldn't do something more stupid, he does just that. You know that indictment Trump was warning us about? Well, Bragg finally filed it, and Trump is now under indictment. Trump is the first ex-president in the history of our Republic to be indicted. He was indicted on a trumped-up charge by a Soros-funded Democratic stooge in downtown Manhattan with something concerning a seven-year-old case involving a porn actress. Let's call this what it is. It is a blatant case of election interference. Trump is the odds-on-favorite to not only win the nomination but to take the presidency back from Bumbles Biden in 2024. His odds of winning have only improved since the announcement of the indictment.

The Democrats will look to humiliate Trump further when the booking takes place next week, and no one should be surprised when they attempt to make the case that he should be jailed until trial. And then, each of the Democratic states across our fruited plains will try to pass laws barring the placement of anyone under indictment from appearing on their ballot for the 2024 election cycle, thereby robbing Trump of his ability to garner enough electoral votes to win the election.

I heard a couple of suggestions over the past twenty-four hours after Trump's indictment that I thought were worthy of consideration. One gentleman suggested that the other announced candidates for the presidency should step down and throw their support to Trump. Another said something about filing impeachment proceedings against Bumbles within the next two weeks. Someone else said something about filing indictments far and wide against Democratic persons. How about the GOP House not signing off on the debt ceiling increase until the Democrats drop the charges against Trump? All were in agreement that, as a nation, we have now clearly crossed the rubicon with the indictment of an ex-president. There is no going back.

I'm waking up to a very different America this morning, the morning after Trump's indictment was announced. I don't know how in the space of twenty-four hours, we've become a police state, but that is where we seem to be. Maybe we've been a police state all along. When it all started is anyone's guess. When we as Americans lose faith in our justice system, it is indeed the beginning of the end. It's not like we didn't see this coming. We've been living in a two-tiered system of justice for some time now, where republicans are jailed, and democrats never even get charged. When the Biden Crime Family is allowed to do what they do across the globe without so much as a second look from our own Department of Justice, you know we have a problem. When the democrats decry violence against transexuals even after one of their own murders children in cold blood, you know we have a problem. When the demented president of the United States, Bumbles Biden, says that transexuals "Shape our Nation's Soul," you know we have a problem. It's only going to get worse.

I keep seeing tweets about the US sending another billion or two, maybe three, to the clown in Ukraine, Zelensky. I thought this is why we voted in a majority of republicans in the last election. We need to stop funding these freaks in Ukraine. If anything, stopping the funding would hasten the end of that fiasco of a border crisis. Not that it should matter to us. Ukraine is of no importance one way or another to the safety and security of the American people. It just isn't. This must have something to do with the obsession that the Democrats have with Russia. Trump went to Russia to mend fences with Putin, and that apparently triggered the hell out of the neocons inside our military-industrial complex. I believe Trump when he says he would end this Ukraine mess in a day if elected for another term. That's probably why they're trying to put him in jail. I will cut our congressman some slack since they're out for a week on Easter vacation. That said, they'd better show some damn backbone when they return when it comes to this Ukraine funding. Shut off the fucking spigot!

Where was I reading somewhere yesterday that some guy was facing ten years in prison for posting a meme about Hillary Clinton in 2016? Are you fucking kidding me? There were millions of memes during that period. I know, because I saw most of them having to do with the election. Most of them went viral with millions of views. I don't know how many rubicons we can cross in any one week, but this is yet another rubicon crossed. Is this yet one more example of a rogue leftist jury in a rogue leftist jurisdiction like Manhattan returning a predictable yet clearly unconstitutional verdict? It certainly looks like it has less to do with the law and more to do with the upholding of certain Marxist values. These are the same courtrooms, judges, juries, and venues they hope to use when bringing Trump to justice or what passes for justice in the minds of these communists. As for the meme stuff, it is clearly an affront to the first amendment. Who would dare even post an election-related meme after this verdict, knowing that some toadies from the FBI might appear on their doorstep in the middle of the night? The Supreme Court should want to see this case.

I was watching Miranda Devine from the NY Post on the telly last night. She talked about how the leftists love all of this Trump indictment stuff on a 24-7 loop because it takes the Democrat's, and Biden's, more specifically, criminal acts off the front pages of every newspaper, talk show, and television network coast to coast. This has to be particularly annoying, and this is me speaking, for the Republicans in Congress who uncover another tranche of money wires from numerous of America's foes to the Biden Crime Family every other day. This is probably the first of several indictments for Trump, so the left will be milking this puppy all the way to the 2024 election. It will be a total media saturation of mugshots, chyrons, headlines, and back-to-back stories of Trump's alleged criminality. I think their thinking is that there won't be anyone left who is willing to vote for Trump by the time the voting starts. This is Biden's pretorian guard doing what pretorian guards do. This is all about who gets to sit behind the curtain in the White House in 2024. We all know that won't be Bumbles Biden. He's too far gone.

The Ev man and I ordered something from Amazon a few days ago. It's scheduled to arrive today. Here's the problem: When I look at their tracker, the thing we ordered hasn't even shipped yet. How is that possible? Does this have anything to do with the layoffs at Amazon over the last few weeks? Did someone fire the Tracker guy? We love the Tracker guy. Tracking your package is half the fun when you order something from Amazon. We ordered a big ticket item, as big ticket items go, and I'm here to tell you that as I sit here this morning with a delivery date on their site of "by today at 10pm", the Tracker tells me that it hasn't even shipped. What does that mean? Is it sitting in a warehouse nearby such that it doesn't really need to be "shipped"? Hello, Jeff Bezos! We have a problem. The Ev man is as perplexed as I am. This being delivery day and all, expectations are high, and our collective anticipation is through the roof. But this tracking thing is telling me something else. Dude.

What is this I'm hearing about sending "peacekeepers" to Ukraine? It wasn't the United States, but it was a NATO thing, so I guess that would include the United States. That's code for boots on the ground, mother fuckers. That's code for body bags and booby traps. This is Vietnam all over again. Or, redux, as they say in the movies. We're still sending Ukraine billions which is a colossal fucking mistake, in my opinion. But, this is pure unadulterated escalation. This has World War III written all over it.

I thought Congress was the only deliberative body that could declare war. Who the fuck gave Bumbles the right to commit anything or anybody to the charnel house that is Ukraine? We'll have to see how this plays out, but I don't have a good feeling about it. Nor, should you. Remember when Trump referred to places like Ukraine as "shitholes" and was summarily excoriated by the media and the deep-state neocons? I do too. Remember when Trump visited Putin in an attempt to improve relations? I do too. Now, look where we are. It's a clusterfuck, no matter how you define it. I guess what they say about elections having consequences and stolen elections having catastrophic consequences, is correct.