Twist and Turn

Finally getting a break from the heat. Nancy planted the broccoli yesterday so we'll see how that turns out. The garden, overall, looks pretty darn good. The weather has been favorable for growing especially for those plants that love the heat and humidity. And the rain pattern this year has been somewhat consistent so there has been very little need to water. Nancy bought a soaker hose just to be safe and that too has worked well in a pinch. I'm committed to putting in a better fence next year and I would like to put in some raised beds as well but that seems to be more daunting of the two tasks. But we have four tomato plants in all and they are going gang busters so we will sure enjoy the fruit of our labor when the time comes for picking. It is too bad that Nancy's sunflowers didn't work out and I think we need a new strategy to deal with them. I should give that some thought. I should also remember to pick some of the spinach leaves that Nancy planted on the side of the house near the clothesline. They look good. Not plentiful by any stretch of the imagination but we'll give them a little more time to develop before we go pulling off leaves to eat. I just hope we beat the resident animals to the punch. They don't miss much.


Maybe it's a good thing that Nancy is taking her mom to Massachusetts today. I have appraisals to write and a lawn that is in need of a haircut. I should not waste this opportunity. I'm guess that Nancy will get up, we'll get ready and go for a bike ride, and I will head off to work for 2-3 hours to see if I can knock off an appraisal or two. I'm not too far behind the eight ball so I think I don't need to kill myself. After so many years doing this sort of thing, I have it down pretty well. That goes for the delivery as well. Just not a big deal. And I think the annual surveys reflect that which is a good thing. Better to be ahead of your peers and have less work to do in the human relations area of your job. Employees can be tough lot when they set their minds to it. But, I digress. I just started reading the book, Truman" by David McCulloch and it looks like a great book so far. You know how a good book sucks you in and takes you for an unforgettable ride? Well, this book has that kind of promise. And that book, River of Darkness? That was very interesting as well. I do like so like stories involving exotic travel and corners of the world involving the Amazon and Arctic have a special appeal to me. So, Johnny boy, hows do you explain Truman? Nothing terribly exotic about rural Missouri, is there? I guess we'll find out. After all, he did become president. Can't be all that boring.

Where did this shoulder pain come from exactly? Well, not sure. Seems to radiate across my shoulder blades from right to left like a searing hot knife cutting through butter. Clairemont did a couple of perfunctory checks, gave me a prescription for extra strength Advil, and sent me on my way. Oh, yes. He asked that I do some exercises and promised to follow up in a few days with me. I was hoping that my incredible powers of recuperation would see the end of this problem and that would be the end of it. Not so much. There is something enduring about this pain that troubles me. And all this talk about frozen shoulder syndrome? That is some scary shit. This stuff happens to other people. Not moi! So I will be relentless in pursuit of a cure and I have to believe that the exercises will send me down the right path. It is not otherwise terribly disabling but I have to be careful about what I choose to tackle and I have to move my body accordingly. Anything requiring a severe twisting or turning may have to wait. I think mowing the lawn is doable. Lake George will have to wait. Until early September, that is. When the children are gone and the bays have see the last of the boats and families for the summer. Johnny…it's Valahalla calling!