Off and Running

I'm glad we were able to catch up with Rollie during our time at Pace this past week. Our schedules worked out well enough so that we had time to go have dinner with him in Tarrytown. I was hoping he might have time to stop by the school just so he can get the lay of the land should he wish or otherwise have to visit Evan when he is in the area. My guess is that he was tired from a long day after driving into the Bronx for a business meeting and he had had enough. So we took a drive the 20 minutes or so it took to get there and we had dinner at a local diner. It was as cheesy a diner as you might find with octogenarian waitresses and greek management types schooling the staff. Even the patrons at that hour of the evening seemed somewhat macabre in a pedestrian but usual way. Rollie and I ordered the chef salads and Rollie ordered an extra dressing while regaling us with stories of his trip to the west coast. Sounds like he made time to visit with the relatives on brother Jim's side of the family and their extended families. Where brother Jim is, no one knows for sure. Off on a binge perhaps or recovering from one thing or another in a place not of his choosing. Nancy had a nice chicken sort of thing which she seemed to enjoy. I'll have lemon with my iced tea and hold the sugar.

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Our time at Pace was time was well spent even if we didn't go to all the events. We even got two Pace snuggies out of the deal. We'll have to give one of them to Nancy's mom. They are sure to keep her warm in the upcoming winter. And now the task of figuring out what he needs and what we do when he's gone is front and center. Do we get him an expensive Mac laptop and run the risk of having it stolen or do we get him a less expensive PC and have him load up the damn thing with all kinds of games? I think he knows his own weaknesses well enough to know that a Mac would be the better choice but he is just not ready to jump in with both feet. Nancy and I were running around Target last night looking for bedding and other things for him and just trying to get a jump on the process. Seems Nancy has a good idea of the things that he needs and is off and running. I suggested that Nancy use his room as her office, or at least the desk in his room that he will no longer be using. We sat on the steps outside the coffeehouse in downtown Portsmouth and came up with more than a few good ideas that we actually had fun talking about. Not to rush the boy out of the house or anything.

I have noticed that Evan is no longer hanging with his usual crowd and that is probably a good thing. Those boys are just BAD! Noah and Sebastian seem a better choice leading up to the time they all leave for college and Nancy couldn't be happier to see her son making good choices. You do have to wonder why after all this time that Evan is changing course in who he hangs out with. Maybe he had a wake up call that prompted him to make a decision that he was unwilling to consider beforehand. Stranger things have happened. Noah is going to Clark University In Worcester and Sebastian is going to Clemson in NY I think. I don't want to get too smug about things just yet. There is still plenty of time for Evan to take a wrong turn or go down a road where he has no business going. I shall ask my friends to keep an eye on him just as an extra precaution. It can't hurt. He will more than likely still say that he is going to Jeremy's house when asked where he is heading and that is probably no more than his desire to have a little privacy when it comes to his affairs. I supposed he is entitled since he is of age. There are no girlfriends that we know of and that aspect of his life has always been a mystery and one which we are unlikely to figure out any time soon. Bad boys and broken hearts go hand in hand so we shouldn't have our heads buried too deeply in the sand. Suffice it to say that his life is his own. It wasn't always that way but it is now so that is that.