Zero Deaths

NH has ten new cases of coronavirus overnight with zero deaths to date. Still doesn't feel like a pandemic to be honest. I guess until you see it on your doorstep or have someone close to you affected by it it just isn't a big deal. I'm still wearing my gloves out when I go food shopping so here's hoping that provides protection of some sort. I don't feel the need to don one of those N95 masks even though we have a few in stock here at the homestead.


There are calls far and wide for folks who have the masks to donate them to their local hospitals, etc. All of this hoarding at the outset of this thing has caught people and institutions alike short of the mark when it comes to having a good backlog of masks. Trump talked yesterday in his presser about how the masks are thrown away willy nilly when they maybe should be sanitized and put back into service instead. He's probably right.

I don't know how many masks we have precisely but I want to make sure that when the day comes when we need one or more that we have one or more to use. People using them in the stores is on the increase and I'm getting used to the idea that if and when the day comes to put one on when I am out and about that I will not feel like the odd man out one way or another.

Yesterday was the second day in a row that I took an extended ride on my bike and put in close to 19 miles. It's probably high time that I changed things up since I've been riding the same route day in and day out for what seems like forever. It's definitely a push and I have to wonder if there isn't an outer limit to what I can physically achieve on any given ride both in time and miles. For now, I'm pushing and adapting.

Evan paid a visit late yesterday afternoon. I think he was probably happy to have the company. He and I went and picked up a take-out meal at Wingz for dinner. Nancy stayed home but was delighted to have the chicken caesar wrap that she and I shared while Evan enjoyed his ten piece meal once we arrived back home. He likes them "hot" and with plenty of ranch dressing for dipping.

There were some preliminary discussions about getting burritos and maybe even a pepperoni pizza but we went with the Wingz and that was fine. The three of us got on the phone with Mrs G before he left to go home so I think she was happy to hear his voice. When he does get on the phone with her both his mom and I know that he is in a good place. When he goes for an extended period without eating I think he is not in a good place so we're always after him to stay on top of his food business. It's worrisome I tell you.

We're expecting a bit of snow in a couple of days so Evan may come back and spend the night before his visitation with Seacoast on Tuesday. I'm still picking up things for him at the supermarket while I'm there so that he doesn't have to and that is working out pretty well. He's just not the kind of guy who makes a list of what he wants even though I think that is precisely what he should be doing. I've even offered to make a list with him but we just never seem to get it done.


I think a lot about particulates in the air these days. They say that the virus is not an airborne virus but it is known to spread by people sneezing and coughing so they surmise that the droplets remains airborne for a period of time before dissipating. I think about that more often than not when riding my bike since I'm passing people who are riding, running, walking, etc. I tell myself that if they were sick that they wouldn't be out doing what they're doing and it's not worth worrying about.

All the same, I'm pulling my scarf up around my mouth and nose as best I can and holding my breath while passing folks on the roadway whenever possible so I don't inhale anything I shouldn't be inhaling. And then there are times when the absence of traffic allows me to give them a wide berth and we smile at one another from a safe distance if the mood allows. All of that exertion has to result in a respiratory whirlwind of sorts and not the kind of whirlwind that you want ride into without the proper protection.

And then there is the part of me that hopes that we here in the "Live Free or Die" state never find ourselves in mandatory stay at home setting because of this virus bullshit. Just when I'm breaking out of a years long biking routine into something that is more productive and all in all just healthier I don't need more restrictions coming down the pike.

I don't know if it's global warming or what but the winters have been milder and milder over time allowing me to get out on my bike with greater and greater frequency. You are always building on what you have in place or at least I am. You keep doing that until you can't. Let's hope our governor doesn't go there. Other states have gone there in various ways but maybe none so extreme as to outlaw those looking to get out of doors for a little exercise. At the end of the day, would I risk being arrested for doing what I love to do? Maybe.

Our next door neighbor came by with a homemade jambalaya and some homemade bread yesterday. Isn't she sweet. I was napping when she came by so Nancy navigated the drop off. I didn't ask but I hope she did what she needed to do to practice "social distancing" so as not to take any unnecessary risks.

Nancy is already fearful as the next gal when it comes to this dreadful virus so I trust she followed her instincts, hyperbolic as they are sometimes, when taking possession of Betsi's soup and bread. We don't see much of Betsi these days except in passing so it was nice of her to reach out with her neighborly offering. The bread was still warm when we applied a generous lathering of butter and jam. It made for the perfect mid afternoon snack.