End Times

I'm beginning to wish that I had never gotten the jab. They're now saying that it not only doesn't offer full protection against the virus, but that you now can carry that ever-deadly (Delta) viral load and infect everybody in your community. You may not even know you have it but you will assuredly be Patient Zero in your community unless you wear six masks and agree to complete your mail-in ballot when the 2022 elections roll around. Oh, and Dr Fauci says so. Any questions?


Another thing I don't get is why so many organizations are making the jab mandatory for their employees. I'm just a little suspicious when I see that these are the same organizations that have joined the various woke causes of the left like Disney, Coca-Cola, etc. They know that these vaccines are "experimental." Right? What the hell is going on? Now that the word is out that the vaccines just aren't cutting the mustard, how can they continue to push the jab nonsense? It's just one more nightmare of a public relations fiasco coming out of the Biden Administration. One of many, I might add.

Just for context, it's important to add here that the Delta variant has been around for a while in Sweden resulting in very few deaths and maybe even fewer hospitalizations. Sweden just dropped their last mask mandate that had something to do with public transportation so that should tell us something about how effective masks are when it comes to protecting you from the virus. I'm reading this morning where some government official in Australia is saying that these viruses are going to be around forever. You heard that right. Forever. We'd be smart to just learn to live with it. Enough with the damn fear mongering.

Somewhere along the way, I must not have dotted all my i's and crossed all my t's. I keep getting these texts from the CDC telling me that I haven't yet gotten my second of two jabs. Nothing could be further from the truth, of course. It also annoys me that the CDC has any records concerning my vaccinations. I thought they were not supposed to have a database of any kind that tracks Americans when it comes to this vaccine. I have no intention of telling them to go screw. I'm just going to ignore the texts. It's none of their fucking business whether I'm vaccinated or not. What does "vaccinated" even mean anymore? It certainly doesn't mean "safe."

Japan is hosting the Olympics this summer. Japan is a stalwart ally of our country (unlike Beijing, China) so that is maybe one of many reasons for me to be tuning in. Yet, I've not watched any events. You don't have to love your country to watch your fellow countrymen competing in the Olympics, but it certainly helps. If your countrymen and women are using the Olympics as a backdrop for their social justice causes, then there's not a lot to love there. Let them take a knee, raise and pump their fists, and piss all over the American flag on their own time. Oh, and I have a piece of advice for Americans. Don't be sending men to compete in women's events. It's not a good look.

I'm not only not interested in watching these so-called woke Olympics, I'm actually pulling for the American's to lose. I can't say that I'm proud of that but it's the only silver bullet I have left in the chamber with which I have to fight back. When I heard that the women's soccer team lost to Canada, I couldn't have been happier. There were a handful of kneelers on that team who were profiting handsomely off the field thanks to their woke politics. They couldn't hate America enough. As if losing to a team that they'd never before lost to before wasn't enough, they made matters worse by being poor losers. Who does that?

When the gymnast, Simone Biles, decided that she no longer wanted to compete for the gold for reasons related to mental health, she was applauded by the leftist media for her courage in the face of adversity. Prior to her decision not to compete for the gold, she was also the darling of the leftist media. She was the new black hope. She was the one athlete that little girls could look up to and emulate for all the right reasons. When are we as a country going to start sending our best to these events?

The leftist media projected their hopes and dreams on Ms. Biles and when Ms. Biles stepped off the stage, they covered for her endlessly. Here's my take: She didn't have the grit, the determination, or the skills to get the job done. She took a place on the team that might have gone to a more worthy athlete. This is what happens in America when everyone, including the losers, gets a trophy. No one goes home empty handed. Children never learn the true value of competition. It's altogether the wrong message. We can do better as country.

And then there was this asshat (Gwen Berry) representing the United States in the hammer toss competition who said that, were she to win a medal, that she would be dissing our flag for all the world to see. She finished 11th out of 12th in the competition. A little divine comeuppance is just what we needed, so this pup is heading home to the country she despises. Her face will not be appearing on any cereal boxes, she'll not be going on any late night talk shows, and she'll have to think long and hard about her future prospects. I don't know that Walmart places a premium on prospective employees with experience in hammer throwing so there's that.

Speaking of asshats, what's with this Cuomo thing? You know, the luv gov. The governor of New York who loves to hug everyone and their mother. This is what Italians do. Right? He's on the hot seat now that the Attorney General of New York has completed her investigation into his alleged unwanted dalliances with woman in and out of his administration. It seems the 11 women that have come forward to date have all had their accounts corroborated. The investigative team documented both federal and state crimes in their month's long investigation. No charges will be filed against the governor as a result of their findings. Wut?

The gov (Andrew Cuomo) probably has the goods on many of the people in state government so he can count on them not turning on him. He's looking at Governor Northam in Virginia and sees how he survived after a series of black face photos surfaced and figures he too can survive with the passing of time and fading memories. I don't recall what legacy Mario Cuomo (luv gov's father) left behind him as governor when he retired, but the Cuomo's have been cashing in on his legacy ever since. The old man must be rolling over in his grave seeing how his son has now sullied the Cuomo name. There is no coming back from something this sordid and something this criminal.

I suppose they could impeach the luv gov. It takes 2/3rd's of this and 2/3rd's of that to do it. It's a reach. Even if he were to stay in office, what kind if environment would that be for females who have to work side by side with him knowing what they know about his perversions, penchants, and proclivities? How could they be certain that he wouldn't attempt to fondle or otherwise defile them with his unwanted gestures, his leering looks, his disgusting and suggestive remarks, or maybe with his grubby paws. They could never escape his lustful eyes or his old-man salivating at the sight and scent of their youthfulness and vulnerability. He'd have to make sure that there were no witnesses. It would be his word against theirs next time. That's always worked well for him in the past.


The communist contingent of Congress men and women stood on the Capitol steps singing Woody Guthrie's, "This Land is Your Land, this Land is my Land." They were celebrating Biden's 90-day extension of the moratorium against evictions for renters unable (and mostly unwilling) to pay their rent due to the spread of the Delta variant of Covid-19. First and foremost, Biden has no authority to do any such thing. Secondly, this moratorium is nothing more than an illegal action by the government against homeowners. It's tantamount to confiscation of their private property and a threat to their financial well being.

This is what communists do. They don't believe in the ownership of private property. If they can strip away those rights by governmental dictate, all the better. The Supreme Court already weighed in on this matter and clearly stated that only Congress has the right to legislate remedies as it relates to this matter. Biden swore an oath to support our Constitution and is now ignoring the Constitution with his most recent proclamation to extend the moratorium by 90 days.

Someone needs to spank this mother and spank him hard. I don't know that the Supreme Court has the wherewithal to drag this despot out of the corner office in order to put a stop to his lawlessness, but someone needs to step up to the plate. It's all about satisfying the blood lust of the left leaning flank of his party. They won't be satisfied until they see blood flowing in the streets and capitalists coast to coast locked up and their assets confiscated and redistributed. I'm still waiting for even one republican to stand up and proclaim to all the world that he or she is calling for Biden's impeachment for his many violations of the oath that he took when inaugurated. Tick Tock Tick Tock.

What's this I'm hearing about the doomsday variant? You know, the variant that hasn't evolved yet. Fauci says it's coming and it's deadlier then ever. So deadly, in fact, that none of the existing vaccines will help you escape its deadly grasp. What the fuck is he talking about? How does he know about such things? Did he help develop these viruses with the assistance of the Chinese Communist party? Senator Rand Paul has exposed this fraud, Fauci, time and time again for his role in not only the financing and development of these viral agents, but his role as chief scaremonger for the Biden-ista regime. It's just beyond the pale. You can only cry "wolf" so many times before people stop listening. We're there and then some, folks.

Apple has announced that they will now be scanning Apple devices coast to coast for images on devices that depict children in unsavory ways. That's laudable, at first glance. Who knew they were capable of such things? How long has this technology existed? Why haven't they done this sooner? I get a little concerned when I think back to a time when one or more family members living on Main Street, USA, were indicted on charges of a sexual nature for bringing film of their children playing in the tub to the local film developer. If Apple can surreptitiously scan devices without the knowledge of the device owner, who knows what will pass muster and what won't. Today, it's Apple. Tomorrow, it could be anybody.

The missus and I paid Mrs G a visit yesterday afternoon. She's doing well. We took care of a few computer related items like changing the ink in her printer and we gave her a hand in setting up passwords on a couple of her accounts. I'm not sure that she wouldn't have muddled through these mundane tasks herself but we were there and happy to help so that's what we did.

Sometimes, having something to do while visiting Mrs G keeps things moving and, more often than not, it keeps the discussion lively. We brought her a nice loaf of apple cinnamon bread from Tuttles to have with her coffee and she seemed pleased to have it. I think we'll try to take her out for a ride the next time we visit. She still has her car but there's nothing like riding shotgun when you're wanting to just take in a little scenery far from the maddening crowds. Well, as maddening and crowded as it gets in an independent living facility anyway.

The missus and I grabbed a couple of fish sandwiches at Lexie's in Exeter before heading home. They make a damn good fish sandwich. It's fried, so that's not ideal, but it's lathered with this and that sauce, piled high with coleslaw, and then served on a toasted or steamed bun. I think the latter. It was against my better judgment, but I also ordered a chocolate milk shake and an order of fries to go along with our sandwiches. To ease any residual guilt we might have felt both during and after consuming such a meal, we agreed to share the shake and the fries.

I'd forgotten that Lexie's doesn't take Apple Cash. We left our credit cards behind, so I had to read the credit card information off my iPhone to the woman behind the register. I think it wasn't her first rodeo so I was pleased to see she took it all in stride. No huffing, no puffing, no nasty looks. It made it that much easier to leave her a nice tip. Speaking of first rodeo's, I've decided that I really don't need to take my wallet with me in my travels any more. I have everything I need on my iPhone although I now keep my license in my car in the event someone needs to see it for proof of something or other. Easy peasy.