Biden or Bust

It's hard to say where this coronavirus thing is going. It started ostensibly in Wuhan China and is now in most countries in the world. The mortality rate of the virus is slightly higher than that of the usual seasonal flu and it's especially dangerous for people with compromised immune systems like the elderly, etc. But the fear of this virus seems disproportionate to the harm it threatens. People die of viruses. The flu is a virus. People die of the flu. Let's move on.


Being in and around large crowds where the virus can easily spread between carriers and non-carriers is probably not something that one would want to do in this environment. Cruise ships are definitely off limits and airline travel to destinations far and wide have been canceled at least for the time being. The economic impact of these events cannot be understated. When people are afraid to leave their homes for fear of being infected with a deadly virus it is a problem.

If you are out shopping for face masks, hand sanitizers, toilet tissue, and other miscellaneous pharmaceuticals you are probably too late to the game. We've stocked up so no worries here on the home front. And then there is the media. Whipping up hysteria by providing daily body counts is what they love to do in the age of Trump. If it threatens his re-election in November of this year then they are all in. He is, as they like to say, an existential threat to the well being of our country and our country will not survive if he has another four years in office.

One of the tools in Trump's re-election toolbox is his ability to attract tens of thousands of his followers to his rallies which are then televised far and wide. If those rallies are no longer feasible due to the inadvisability of people congregating in large open spaces then that will be a problem. Trump is dismissive when it comes to such issues and says as much when asked the question in public settings. That may have more to do with allaying the fears of the public about such things. Just between you and me, I think his messaging could use a tweak or two.

Nancy and I took a drive to a nearby town early yesterday afternoon where we thought we might like to have a nice lunch. We'd not been to this particular restaurant before although we'd read or heard good things about it so thought it seemed like a good time to pay a visit.

It was a garden variety diner with garden variety selections as we discovered when we sat down a little after 1 in the afternoon. The ambiance was appropriately cheesy. Management had made an effort to usher in the advent of St. Patricks day by stringing Christmas lights throughout the establishment. Leftover green tinsel from holidays past had been fashioned into shamrocks and hung from the artwork on the walls. By all accounts, it was a good crowd for a payday Friday afternoon.

Our waitress was pleasant and cheerful and probably young enough to think that this was just a job that did nothing more than put food on her table, clothes on her back, and a roof over her head. It was hard to imagine that she thought it was much more than that but time has a way of moving on and leaving you behind doing something you never planned to do so I guess only time will tell.


One thing I've always liked about eating in diners is that the fare is typically inexpensive, predictable, and standardized. Ordering a bowl of chili in a backwater town in New Hampshire should be no different than ordering the same dish in sunny downtown Pasadena, California.

It's been a while since I've eaten in a diner so maybe I've forgotten but one thing I wouldn't and shouldn't expect is that the food served would look and taste like it came from a can. Such was the case with the cup of chili and the side of coleslaw that I ordered with my sandwich yesterday.

My turkey club sandwich, on the other hand, was nicely toasted, the turkey recently roasted, and the bacon neither too crispy nor too rubbery. Lest you think I ordered more than I could consume in any one sitting, the plan was to have but half a sandwich if that and take the other half to go. All in all it was good to get out of the house for a while, have a bite to eat, grab a flat white at Starbuck's, and call it a day. We have no plans, as you can well imagine, to return to that particular restaurant.

Not to get too long winded here but what the hell is going on with Joe Biden? This cognitive decline issue is hard to watch and social media isn't helping to keep it under wraps. What we once thought to be considered mere gaffes are now seen for what they are. Which is to say, a man in near collapse when it comes to his cognitive abilities. To say that his condition is deteriorating is probably an understatement. Are the democrats that desperate that they would put a man on the world stage with his obvious age-related issues? What the hell are they thinking?

Bernie Sanders must be thinking that he's died and gone to heaven as he and everyone else watches Joe Biden just withering on the vine. In Joe's mind I'm sure he's thinking nothing of the sort and he may well be under the mistaken impression that the people around him are singing his praises when they are in fact secretly hoping against hope that he can hang on long enough to take back the White House for his party in November.

Everyone around Joe Biden, including his family and his supporters, should be ashamed of themselves for what they are doing to this man. He belongs in a home, not on the world stage making his case demented as it is that he should be the next president of the United States. The ads against Joe Biden throughout the summer and fall months, should he win his party's nomination, will be brutal and there are no shortage of videos and pictures which are readily available which speak to Biden's ongoing and worsening problems.