Mr Mamby Pamby

I'm left scratching my head when I hear Evan asking us to send him things that he can just go get himself. What is that all about? Walking to his mailbox to get his mail has to be equally as difficult as walking or going to the school store where I'm sure they stock the sort of things he's wanting. Ethernet cords-check; iPhone charging cables; check. What the hey is what I say. Maybe we'll not send him the requested items and we'll see how he manages. I'll tell him that if he can't spell what he's wanting that we will not send it to him. That should take care of his recent request for the ethernet cord. That was mean. It would probably incite him in a way that might be unbecoming. God only knows. He says that his new roommate has yet to move in for the new school year. This is the same thing that happened last year and as much as I thought it was good because it would Ev some space and time to get acclimated to his new digs I think it might have been better to adjust with the new roommate in place. I think Ev is never better left to his own devices and structure and continuity are and will always be positive pillars for that boy. Finding a few buds on campus wouldn't hurt either. Not sure he makes an effort in that regard so probably doesn't get the full benefit of the college experience. Maybe this year will be different.


All this mamby pamby bullshit about boots on the ground or no boots on the ground is getting a bit tedious. Obama and his gang of leftists are torn between wanting to wage a war against ISIS to give the appearance that they are capable of such things while their constituencies wring their collective hands at the very thought of engaging in any kind of warfare for fear of appearing hypocritical in the wake of Bush's so-called nation building during his tenure in the White House. The leftists are dancing wildly on the talking head shows giving cover to their commander in chief as he does his level best to mollify the Islamic groups across the Middle East and elsewhere whom he privately and proudly supports by pushing policies that sound tough but in effect are meaningless. As ISIS and their ilk continue to behead their way across the Middle East, Obama has directed his commanders to initiate air strikes to degrade and destroy ISIS positions but has no coalition of any kind because his message is very mixed indeed and lacks the commitment that would otherwise be required before other countries are willing to make their own commitment.

This is the natural aftermath of a president whose actions differ from his words and where he once drew a red line and then failed to follow through, so are his actions now seen as feckless and indecisive. This is the natural aftermath of president who negotiated the release of a deserter and follower of Islam in exchange for 5 Taliban leaders but won't pick up the phone to negotiate the release of a marine imprisoned in Mexico for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is the natural aftermath of a president who threatened to charge the parents of James Foley who wanted desperately to try and negotiate the release of their own son who was ultimately beheaded by his captors much to the horror of our nation. And then this despicable president, who spoke about the beheading in a national forum, and then proceeded to run off to the golf course within ten minutes of leaving the podium where he had photo ops taken of he and his friends giving each other high-fives. Whose idea was it to elect this community organizer? Get boots on the ground now and get the job done. Have the congressional parties vote on the matter and get them on the record before the November elections so their constituents can cast their votes accordingly. And before you cast your votes, be sure to factor in the inevitability that the president will be granting amnesty to more than 5 million illegal aliens after the November elections. Another natural constituency in the making.