Nice tee shirt, Barack!

I must say. It doesn't look good for my party this year. The republicans have really dug themselves into a ditch with the failing economy, a war in Iraq that was founded on false pretenses, and with a president whose popularity ratings are below those of Richard Nixon the day he left office. Its no wonder Barack Obama is heading into the election with a wind at his back. I am perhaps one of many republicans who find Obama, his socialists tendencies aside, to be an acceptable candidate when issues such as temperment, intelligence, and leadership are considered. I am not alone. Just this past week, William Weld and Colin Powell endorsed Mr. Obama. The gravity of these endorsements cannot be underestimated. Then again, I think it an indictment of John McCain and his VP pick, Sarah Palin, as much as it is a plug for Mr. Obama. Did I mention that Barack Obama is black? And in my lifetime no less. Who-da thunk? This is going to be interesting to be sure. I've taken the day after the election off to take it all in. I want to hear the scorched earth cries from the sidelines by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Don't they know by now that the Bill Ayers bullshit just isn't cutting it? Apparently not. Guilt by association went out the window with the Bush administration and the american public is having none of it this time around. Looks like Hillary is going to have to wait until 2016 before she and Bill get another shot at the presidency. She will be even older and more haggard than she is now. That's all right. Her supporters aren't getting any younger either.

I think we'll put it down on the calendar. It worked out so well this year that I'm sure the boys will want to take another swing at it next year. Yes, the trip to LG and the indoor water park at the Great Escape worked out as expected. The boys spent most of their time in the water as was expected. The good news for us was that they needed no hand holding and may have even enjoyed the independence afforded them. Both Nancy and I got in our exercise and did what we wanted to do despite a less than spectacular exercise set-up at the hotel. For me, it was an extended walk to Walmart and points south early on in the day and bit of time on the treadmill. We managed to take a ride in Uncle Wally's boat despite the cold weather and windy white capped conditions on the lake. His new boat was fierce and feisty and full featured complete with kitchen, head, and surround sound although we never got to test out the surround sound. The darn thing has two dashboards. Can you imagine? In fact, Uncle Wally and I had breakfast on Sunday at Johnny Rockets and had a chance to hash it all out. I do regret the fact that the boys never got together with Carli and that Rollie never got to see the boys due to their being too busy with other things. That is how it should be when you're fourteen. I know, were I fourteen again, that I wouldn't have it any other way. So, we'll do it again all thing else being equal.

What about that stupid bitch working for McCain in Pennsylvania who carved a "B" in her left cheek and blamed it on a big black man about 6 feet 4 inches. The black man, allegedly, had seen the McCain bumper sticker on her car and wanted to teach her a lesson. The "B", in case you are still in the dark (no pun intended) is for "Barack". Oh, I guess he must be a Barack Obama supporter. To add injury to insult, he robbed and fondled her. That's what big black men do. Especially the big black ones. Right. Boy, if that doesn't gin up some racist hatred in the white community in Western PA. Were it not for the fact that it was all contrived, it would have been just what MCain needed to revive his failing campaign in that oh-so-critical battleground state. And to think that the communications director for McCain in that state wanted to peddle it, an unvetted account to be sure, to the media as truth is about as bad as it gets. What were they thinking? So that's what the kitchen sink looks like...