Sweetness of Spring

Tell me something about yourself, Johnny boy. Well, I never drink any milk once it gets down to the bottom of the jug. The way I look at it, the milk producers can never effectively filter out all of the chemicals of a product like milk nor do they try. It would be far too expensive and they would have to, in turn, pass those costs along to the consumer. So, in my own little way, I just don't drink the milk when the gallon jug gets to the bottom. If there are any residual hormones or something more insidious like pesticides, I'm hoping they are heavier than the milk and find their way to the bottom so they can be avoided. Buying skim milk as I do goes a long way towards ensuring that the "heaviness" theory works as advertised. Here's to your health!


Signs of spring are unravelling in earnest here along the coast. We heard our first peepers (peeper frogs) while biking a back road along the ocean late yesterday afternoon. The days are longer, the sun is well off the horizon at high noon, and the eccentric sounds of the Red Winged Blackbird can easily be parsed out of the usual white noise on any given day if one cares to listen carefully. I even saw a Red Robin the other way but they can be a fickle bunch and I suspect they've been around for a couple of months now. It's hard to believe that we had a snow storm this past Friday and there is barely a telltale sign of it anywhere as I sit here on Sunday morning reading the headlines online.

Evan got his snow day and that was his only focus as he laid his head down to sleep on Thursday night. Today, we'll do our best to swill the sweetness of spring. I'll watch Clay Buchholz do his level best to pitch a winning game against the Texas Rangers who have taken 2 of 3 in the season opener against the Red Sox. If I get the slightest whiff that he's not doing what I hope he can and will I will turn my attention elsewhere. It is far too beautiful of a spring day to be inside for any appreciable period of time. It's 9:11 in the morning and 42 degrees here on the coast. I'll be making Portabello mushroom reubens for lunch and I'll be making meatloaf with garlic mashed potatoes and curried corn made with coconut milk for dinner.

I'm tickled too to have my Matrix back on the road. With gas prices at $3.50 a gallon, I can ill afford to be driving anything that gets less than 30 miles per gallon. While it doesn't help that the Matrix requires premium gas, I still come out ahead in any comparison to our other two cars. I took her off the road in November and felt guilty from time to time over the cold and snowy winter months as she sat outside exposed to the elements. I did my level best to turn her over at least once a week just to run the engine. Fact of the matter is, that car doesn't handle well in the snow so I simply don't drive it. Nor did I have any business driving anyone to school as I did day in and day out over the winter months knowing what I do about how the car handles in snow, There were times last winter that I couldn't even get any traction on the slightest incline leaving the school parking lot so taking her off the road was the right thing to do. Now that she's back on the road, I'm wanting to take her everywhere and am coaxing my darling sweetness to do the same. That's what we're talking about.