
Here we go, fellow patriots! We are off and running! It's 2022 so let's get this fucking party started! Listen to me, Mr Bluster himself. All dressed up and nowhere to go. Got to start somewhere. No? I have no New Years resolutions so I should probably start there. I feel pretty good about staying on track with this here blog in 2020 so let's see if we can keep that going. Yeah, that's a pretty good place to start. I already put a bow on 2020 so we can say good bye to last year. Onwards to 2022!


We ain't got a lick of snow hereabouts so that's weird. Maybe there is something to the global warming bullshit the liberals are pedaling. There is no electric car in my immediate future so my pedal is to the metal with the carbon foot-printing that the libs so despise. I'll have no solar panels on my roof and no windmills in my backyard yard either. I plan to resist with every fibre of my being. I don't care how much I have to pay for gasoline at the pump. And, if I want to keep the thermostat at 70 degrees in my house, I'll damn well do as I please. Hrrruuumph!

It all fits so well with the liberals and their emasculation of our armed forces and the transitioning of our economy from a carbon based economy to a wind based economy. I read somewhere yesterday that Germany is in the process of doing away with their nuclear power plants that have been in operation now for decades. In the meantime, countries like China and Russia are doubling down on the production of carbon based industries that will likely sustain and support their expansionist goals into 2022 and beyond.

These woke generals of the Biden Administration are doing their level best to remove elements of our armed forces that they deem "extremist." Of course, they get to define what they consider "extremist" but we all know where they're going with it. They want to purge the best and the brightest, likely Trump supporters all, and anyone else with an iota of testosterone who will stand up and speak out about what they perceive as threats to our institutions from the left. A weakened and pussyfied military is a more maleable military and one that will do the bidding of a corrupt and illegitimate president like bumbling Joe Biden. What more could they ask for?

Where the devil is Jeff Kuhner? He's my main man on WRKO who I listen to starting at 6 every morning. Going into year end I remember him coming on the radio one morning talking about how he thinks he might have picked up Covid from his son. "The kids these days", he said. "They're bringing everything home from school including the dreaded Cove." "I feel like I've been hit by a truck." I don't know if he ever completed that day's show since I rarely listen to him for the entire four hours of his morning show.

I do know that he hasn't been on since before Christmas. I was fully expecting to hear him back on his show this morning both bright eyed and bushy tailed after being off for what, maybe four weeks? It's the New Year, for chrissakes. He's had time to get well and I'm really not happy that I'm not hearing him. I've googled this and that looking for his obituary, god forbid, and found nothing. I checked his Twitter feed and nothing there either. He has a very loyal base so I'm surprised that he's not reaching out to us with an update on his health and when he might be coming back to do his morning show. Crickets.

The purge of conservative voices continues this week with Twitter permanently ousting Congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Green. She is an outspoken critic of everything Biden and she's been stripped of her committee work in Congress so she's grabbed her megaphone and is rattling cages coast to coast against the leftists who are doing their level best to destroy our country. I appreciate her. We need more voices like hers. I suspect that she will be a major voice in Congress when the republicans take back the House in 2022. She may even lead the charge in impeaching one Joseph Biden.

So, I hope the powers that be behind the radio station that employs Jeff Kuhner aren't taking this opportunity to also silence his voice. He has been a constant critic of the Biden Administration and wholeheartedly believes that the democrats stole the election from Donald Trump. There is a lot at stake in both 2022 and 2024 so I wouldn't be surprised to see liberal power brokers try to control who does and who doesn't have a voice in 2022 and 2024. Its will make a difference in which party controls both congress and the White House in the years ahead.

Update: Jeff Kuhner contracted the Delta variant of Covid-19 and was in dire condition according to the person sitting in for him this morning. He was treated with monoclonal antibodies and Ivermectin and is now on the mend. He expects to be back in the saddle on WRKO next Monday morning. Oh, and he wouldn't haven't done anything different when it comes to taking the vaccine. He doesn't believe in mandates and he has never been anti-vaccine. He is all about choice. He is grateful for all the letters, cards, and notes wishing him well during these difficult times. It's good to hear from the old boy.

Uncle Wally informed us yesterday that Carli has come down with Covid. The timing is a little suspect but he believes she came in contact with the virus after spending time with friends on New Year's Eve. She just has a case of the sniffles thus far so no reason for alarm. People in her age group are more likely to get hit by lightning than die from some Covid related illness so there's that. I'll want to reach out to Uncle Wally today or tomorrow to see what, if any, mitigation measures have been put in place to protect other family members. Everyone is vaxxed to the max in their household so they should be fine even if it infects the lot of them.

I put our trail cam out last night and programmed it to be active between the hours of 10pm and 5am. I placed it on our back deck where I thought we might get a little action because of the heated bird bath we have there. It got pretty cold last night so I'll have to see how the camera held up to the temperatures that got down around 14 degrees overnight. I think 14 degrees was the threshold on the lower end so it will be a good test. If there is nothing on the disk then I'll have to rethink where I might put the camera the next go-round. I'm not sure that moving it after one night makes sense so I'll have to think about that a little bit.

This voting rights bill bulllshit that the democrats are pushing is a crock of hooey. It's nothing more than an attempt by the Federal Government to hijack the rights of the state legislatures to control their own elections. It's a constitutional matter, you dumb fucks. Read the Constitution. It's all there in black and white. The bill also assumes that the democrats will always be the stewards of our Oval Office so take from that what you will. Power in perpetuity is what the leftists want and they will stop at nothing to get it. If I'm not mistaken, I think the democrats are two votes short of being able to pass this legislation. Joe Manchin to the rescue again?

What I'm less certain of is what rules in the Senate that they might be able to change that would get them over the finish line without those two votes from Senators Manchin and Sinema. What the democrats fear, should this legislation not pass, is that the changes put in place since the 2020 elections by key swing states in order to correct certain shortcomings, will make it more difficult for them to steal elections going forward. The sanctity of the voting process must be preserved. That means leaving it in the hands of the individual states as was intended by our Founding Fathers. They were mindful of the tyranny that a federal government might impose if left to their own devices. It's almost like they saw it coming.

But I digress. I'm hearing that Trump has now cancelled his press conference that was scheduled for January 6th. I thought his speech was intended to set the record straight about what did and did not happen in our nation's capitol on January 6th, 2020. He's apparently planning to cover this material when he holds his rally in Arizona in the middle of January. With the kangaroo court of leftists and RINO's holding hearings in Congress on what version of January 6th they want the public to not only see but commemorate, I'd hoped that Trump's speech would offer a much needed alternative view.

Trump had such success with individualized and stylized speeches on specific topics in the days and months leading up to the Presidential election of 2016. I thought this was just one more speech that would do just that. The timing seemingly coincided with other fanciful and contrarian media events looking to memorialize the event in the minds and eyes of the voting public. If they can portray our former president as a criminal who fashioned a government take-down for personal gain, they can probably get just enough Americans on board with that view such that Trump wouldn't stand a chance winning a second term.

Let's call a spade a spade here. This is all happening because they know that Trump would beat Biden, and really any democrat for that matter, like a rented mule in 2024. The Attorney General of New York subpoenaed Donald J Trump, Don Jr, and Ivanka Trump the other day looking once again to further criminalize a family for no other reason that to paint them with a broad and damning brush. Trump has filed suit against the Attorney General for their harassment of the Trump family and Trump enterprises. The Attorney General actually ran for the office promising to bring Trump to justice. As they say in the old Soviet Union, show me the man and I'll show you the crime.

These are political tactics of Stalin's Russia or something you might expect to see in North Korea. It makes me sick. Criminal indictments, as ludicrous as that sounds, can't be far behind. Will they also be putting them in jail like so many January 6th participants who, to this day, are held behind bars without being charged and without any offer of bail? Yes, my friends, this is Joe Biden's America. This is your Democrat party in the year of the Lord, 2022. They thought that the Obama presidency would pave the way for a perpetual democrat presidency but Trump had other plans. Just between you and me, I believe that Trump still has other plans. Here's hoping.

Today is January 6th. A day that will go down in infamy. No, not really. It's a day that the leftists are doing their level best to memorialize as a day that our democracy nearly died because of the actions of one Donald J. Trump and his supporters. The leftists and their media lackeys tried desperately to sell it as an insurrection yet no one has been charged with insurrection. That hasn't stopped them from making this the next best, or baddest, thing since 9/11. But none of this has anything to do with the actual date on the calendar. It has everything to do with painting Trump and his supporters as far right extremists. You know, the kind of extremists that you can't possibly allow to come to power.

They need to be careful here not to cross the veritable rubicon when it comes to making allegations and potentially charging a former president with criminal activity. That puts the hard core leftists in a box of sorts. If they can't put Trump behind bars they will likely have to live with the fact that he not only can run for president again but that he is likely to win if and when he runs. If they are able to lock Trump up, then it is only a matter of time before the republicans lock up a president or former president of the opposing party. The horse will have left the barn and there will be no looking back.


It does make me wonder what the left wing media is going to talk about tomorrow (January 7th.) The public will likely moved on from January 6th although many leftists hope that January 6th will go down in infamy. How long can they possibly expect the public to follow their tiresome stories about maybe one more grandmother or perhaps a Trump supporter in a wheelchair who they've located and now want to bring to justice for their actions on January 6th. It's being reported that the Department of Justice has actually expanded their net and they are now looking to track down people who were not even on the grounds of the Capitol that day. WTF?

When Trump does address all of this in his January 15th rally in Arizona, he damn well better have something to say about the patriots who have been arrested and locked up without bail and the ability to see their family members since being arrested some months ago. It needs to be full throated and, well, Trumpian. It needs to be said with the same passion and fervor as his comments back in 2016 when not a rally went by when he didn't say something about either building a wall or maybe locking her (Hillary) up. Well, that bitch is still running free and the wall never got built in total so I guess fervor is one thing and fulfillment is another. Maybe it's all about giving people hope when things seem hopeless.

We're likely going to get between 6 and 8 inches of snow today. Ev is over for the duration of the storm and his car is tucked away in our garage. This is what we do when we get snow storms here in the Northeast. The whole business about moving his car here, there, and everywhere at his apartment building so the plows can plow the upper and lower lots without having to deal with plowing around cars is, I think, a bridge too far for the Ev man. As such, he has a standing invitation to hunker down with the missus and me when storms are in the forecast.

I don't know that this is a bring our world to a standstill kinda storm but it's enough to slow it all down and take stock of where we are, ask ourselves what do we need to get ourselves through the next day or two, and is what we have on hand enough to do the trick. I can get by on dried beans and brown rice if push comes to shove but the Ev man is a different story. He will need a meal or two or maybe three to get through it all. So, the missus and I went off yesterday seeing what we could find so that no one would have to worry about what we do and do not have in the refrigerator when the Ev man goes looking. Oh, and the missus is fine with rice and beans too. Just sayin'.

I always say that about rice and beans but if it ever comes to the point where that is all we have then I might be looking for a re-do. Did I really say that about rice and beans? I just shoveled a spot on our back deck and spread a bit of thistle around for the Junco's that seem to be looking for something to eat. They don't strike me as picky eaters. If they are open to eating thistle seeds then I have some good news for them. I have a large bag of thistle and I am in the sharing mood. Just don't wait too long, you little buggers, since the snow seems to be falling somewhat relentlessly at the moment and it won't be long before it disappears from sight.

I have another bag of combo thistle and sunflower seed concoction but I won't put it down because I don't want to attract any squirrels or other rodent-like animals to the area. They have a tendency to dominate the space once they come around and the Junco's, being the little scaredy cats that they are, don't respond well to bullies and will look elsewhere in order to continue their foraging. Although the Junco's seem to be around in groups, they don't seem to share well. They'll not stand side by side feeding on the same seed, unlike some other species, and maybe that says something about their competitive nature. What the hell do I know?

It's a nice fluffy snow so what's not to like? It will be easy to shovel and maybe even a little fun to get around in assuming we get out and about during the storm. You know how the missus likes to take a walk to the end of the street and back when we have these snow storms. Is it really a snow storm if we only get 6 to 8 inches? Maybe not by Montana standards but we don't live in Montana. And when the snow is light and fluffy like this, it sticks to the trees and coats everything it touches giving our neighborhood and environs a winter wonderland kinda look. Grab your boots, baby! We're going outside!

This is probably a good day to just grab a book, sit by the fireplace, and catch up on my reading. I've been meaning to look at Alex Berenson's book about the pandemic. I need to see someone reconstruct this nonsense and put it into some kind of perspective now that we're going into our third year of the pandemic. Berenson has been all over this from day one. He has been a regular on Tucker Carlson's show on FOX as maybe a voice in the wilderness when voices like his have been few and far between. It takes a certain amount of courage to swim upstream in a tide that is gushing in the opposite direction so I'm thankful for what he has to offer.

Speaking of Tucker, he had Senator Ted Cruz (Texas) on his show last night to explain why he referred to the January 6th rioters in our nation's capitol as "terrorists." Cruz's comments came earlier in the day at a Congressional hearing and it ignited something of a viral firestorm since he is the last person you would expect to hear use that kind of language as it relates to Trump supporters. I'm not sure what Cruz is running for in the coming months, be it President or another Senatorial stint, but he quickly realized that his choice of words were likely to alienate his supporters either way. You either walk back comments like that, and you do it quickly, or they will bury you and write you off for dead.

I'm not sure that Cruz did himself any favors by going on Tucker's show. It was a namby-pamby apology and Tucker so much as told him so. Tucker wasn't buying what Cruz was selling. He told Cruz that Cruz was one of the more articulate people in the Senate, if not the most articulate, and he knew better than to use a word like "terrorist" when referring to Trump supporters. I think Tucker's response took Cruz by surprise and he looked a little shell shocked. It was hard to gauge how much of what Cruz was saying was heartfelt and Tucker's pushing back wasn't helping Cruz's case. All-in-all, I would give him maybe a 4 out of 10 but that's about it. And, I like Ted Cruz, so there's that.

Headline this morning in the NewYork Times: "
Amy Schneider became the first woman in the game show’s history to surpass $1 million in winnings during regular-season play." Wait one fucking minute, Jack. This is one of those trans jobs. You know, not REALLY a woman. I'm not trans-phobic or anything but I'm one of those old fashioned fellas who believes that there are only two genders. Is it genders, or is it sexes? To put it more simply, you're either born with a pair or you're not. This dude was born with pair and he'll die with a pair. I don't care how many operations he has to change any of it.

I'm all for getting these people the counseling that they need. I think the sexual dysphoria thing is real. We've all heard the stories of little Tommy wanting to dress up in his sisters clothes and little Sally wanting to hang out with the guys instead of joining her buds who prefer to join mom in the kitchen for an afternoon of baking. I can imagine that the parents of these children have unimaginable struggles that they probably never saw coming. Some reach the acceptance stage and some never reach the acceptance stage. Some go to their graves wondering what they could have done differently.

We are in a day and time when and where these congenitally confused individuals want the world to recognize them as what they want to be and not what they really are. Maybe they're getting a little tired of having to sit at the back of the bus, metaphorically speaking. "Be loud and be proud" is the their new rallying cry. You can't blame them for wanting more. That said, I draw the line at referring to them by the wrong gender. I'll not be addressing a man as I would a woman and vice versa. I don't care how many laws they pass that make pronouns a thing. Oh, and feel free to call me "old fashioned."

That doesn't stop rags like the New York Times from indulging them in their wildest fantasies. That may have something to do with the fact that the New York Times is wanting to play nice with the fanciful types whose city they share. It is the paper of record, don't you know. And just because the NYT does it doesn't mean that the rest of us have to like it. It doesn't mean that we can't say something just because someone or something might be offended. Why can't we be loud and proud too?

I wonder how real women feel about this misappropriation or hijacking of their sexual identities by these dysphoric imposters. Are they thinking, you go girl? Or, are they thinking that these men who think they're women need to stay in their own lane and stop co-opting the feminine mystique that real women have worked so hard over the years to cultivate and preserve? "Mystique" may not be the right word but you get my drift. And what about this asshat (man) who is competing in swimming competitions around the country as a woman and winning, not surprisingly, handily.

Women in these swimming feats don't stand a chance against a man who thinks he's a woman. You'd be surprised at how a little extra musculature can help get you from point A to point B faster when it comes to sports. This is not lost on the real women in those competitions. Just when you think you've reached the pinnacle of your sports career by going for the gold in your preferred sport of swimming, you're forced to stand at the starting line with a "women" sporting a three day stubble of what's left of his beard and a bulge in his Spandex that says in ways a woman can't, "I've got this."

Were I a woman standing on that starting line, I would urge every other female contestant standing with me to stay standing when the pistol goes off. Let this clown show of a man who thinks he's a woman do his thing and let the world know that we're having none of it. We want our old world back and we want it now. We have rights too! It will be the veritable shot heard round the world. It will be the start of a new world where real women compete with real women and real men compete with real men. You know, the way it used to be before the world went to hell in a hand basket.

Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest. Next up, the Supremes are getting ready to rule on Biden's vaccine mandates. I listened to a little bit of the oral arguments and I was astounded at the ignorance of some of the Justices on precisely what this Covid thing is and what Biden and his minions are trying to accomplish. Were they just throwing shit against the wall to see how much they could get away with? How can they come to any kind of conclusion when they don't understand the problem? I'm referring to the liberals on the court here just so there's no confusion. Here's hoping that the conservatives on the court have done their homework and can cut through the bullshit.