Sour Pusses

Maybe the rain will clear up and the sun will come out today. Hope springs eternal. For now, I'm just coming back from the store with a couple of breakfast sandwiches for the Ev man and me. Everyone is still fast asleep here at the early hour of 7:30 a.m. so if Evan gets up anytime soon he can choose between a sausage and cheese on a muffin or an egg and cheese on a muffin. He mentioned yesterday that he didn't care all that much for the sausage patties but I think he ate it all the same. I guess we'll see.


I, for one, don't like him getting up in the morning and having nothing in the house to eat. It's hard to say how he feels about that since he's never said one way or another but knowing what we know about his eating thing it can't be good. I might suggest to him that if he wants bacon on his egg and cheese sandwich that he microwave a couple pieces of bacon and throw it on for good measure. Is there anything better on a rainy early Spring morning than to have a nice hot egg and cheese on a muffin waiting for you when you wake up?

The store was surprisingly busy when I popped in around 7:20 this morning. They open at 7. Right? People were already lined up at the registers some two or three deep with baskets just really overflowing with what appeared to be groceries for a week or more. You were never more than a cart length's distance form the person either in front of you or behind you so the social distancing thing was easy to follow. I was happy to have but a couple of things in my basket but still kept my distance from the person checking out in front of me at the "12 items or less" register.

It was good to see the cashiers wearing the appropriate PPE's while ringing everyone up and out. We're talking gloves and masks although not all cashiers had them on. I saw one cashier at a competing store the other day wearing one of those plastic shields over her face. She wasn't taking any unnecessary chances with this coronavirus thing. For all anyone knew, she had elderly folks in her household and wanted to protect them by protecting herself. Smart girl. She deserves a raise.

I had a good mind to wander around a bit inside the store in case there was something else that I needed but for whatever reason I just wasn't remembering. Those days are over I'm afraid. You get what you need and you be quick about it. No fiddling, no diddling, and be on your way once you have what you went in for. Perusing is a risky business these days. Perusing in a crowded marketplace can be deadly. How is it that we're sixty years out from sending a man to the moon but we can't throw together a vaccine in the space of two years?

I do all the shopping so I'm the expendable one in our household. That's a fine how-do-you do. Spoiler alert: If I bring this coronavirus thing to our doorstep it's likely that my little darlings will get it too. With any luck, Evan won't be paying a visit that day.

I had planned to go get my car inspection thing squared away yesterday and Nancy was going to come along for the ride. When she figured out that the folks at the dealership might have step foot inside the car to maybe affix the inspection sticker to the windshield, she decided that that was a bridge too far. She was staying home and that was that. I wouldn't say that she is panic stricken over all of this but it's pretty close. We have mail sitting on our garage floor that's been there for the better part of a week so that should tell you something.

Can you imagine surviving this pandemic without cell phones, computers, etc.? I thank the baby Jesus every day that when I'm out making purchases that I can do it in a contact-less way by using Apple Pay on my iPhone. The facial recognition thing doesn't work well when I'm wearing a mask, and I have to take off my cotton gloves to punch in the passcode, but it's a small price to pay to stay safe. And I thank the baby Jesus once again for the internet so we have access to something other than the Main Street Media to inform us about this raging pandemic.


Now that President Trump has given the green light to states to open up again it's interesting to see who does what and who has plans to open up and when. Jacksonville, Florida, was the first to open up their beaches but it is limited to certain activities like running, walking, etc. Sunbathing is not allowed and social distancing will be enforced. God, it's a beautiful thing to see people doing things again that they were asked not to do for some four to six weeks just to keep everyone safe and to flatten the curve. We want our lives back!

I saw a tweet yesterday where Brit Hume said something to the effect that the whole reason for shutting everything down was so that we could flatten the curve. He went on to say that it was never about destroying the virus. Brit is correct. This virus is going to be with us for a while. It may even return in a more virulent form later in the year.

The democrats want a total capitulation when it comes to the U.S. and world economy and the only way they achieve that is if they keep everything shut down for months on end. That is the only way they can beat Trump and take back the White House in November. We're on to them. Thanks, Brit!

I was messaging with my peeps yesterday to find out who if anyone had received their $1,200 "relief" checks from the government. Some didn't qualify but those who did have received their checks so that's good. Distribution of the checks/monies has been iffy to say the least. You got a direct deposit if you met certain criteria and you will get a paper check signed off by the Donald himself if you meet other criteria. That's what they call getting a "leg-up" in a presidential year so good for Trump in seizing the opportunity.

The relief monies don't amount to much in the scheme of things but if it keeps the roof over a family''s head, if it keeps food on the table of a hungry child, if it keeps medicine in the cabinet an elderly person in need, if it's enough to fill a gas tank so a parent can drive to and from work to support their family, then it's a good thing. I'm hoping most people don't need the relief monies and that they can go out and spend the money on things they wouldn't otherwise buy in the middle of a pandemic. This is by and large the case with my peeps but for a lot of other people out there in pandemic land, that is probably not the case.

We gave Nancy's mom a call last evening. Her supply of Nips is reportedly long gone and she needs another infusion of Scali bread. She must be eating those Nips like candy. Oh, wait. They are candy. Didn't we bring her some 5 or 6 boxes not even a month ago? She said something about putting one of the two loaves of Scali bread we last brought her into the freezer for safe keeping. So much for that idea. I told Nancy that it's her turn to go into the stores for these items if she wants to keep her mom supplied with same. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times. She needs some skin in the game. Fair is fair.

Mrs G couldn't be happier with the attention paid to she and her compatriots at the facility by the management team. She seems to think that they are compensating for the niceties that they can no longer provide due to the precautions being taken to keep the coronavirus out of the facility. Being confined to quarters as she is, she is keenly aware of the ebbs and flows of their offerings.

Most offerings now arrive on her doorstep and most of them are expected but some are certainly unexpected. Meals are dropped off daily and things like flowers and ice cream show up on a more intermittent basis. Either way, all are just ducky and much appreciated by the residents.

Nancy and I took a bit of a ride yesterday late in the afternoon and when we returned to the house maybe an hour later Evan had departed. We didn't bother to look for a note since he's not keen on leaving notes. We looked for clues to explain why he may have left when he did but found none.

We didn't have any expectations one way or another as to whether he was planning to stay longer but maybe he just felt like going home for a change of scenery. He left without taking his winter coat so that was strange but not a big deal. "You would think Evan might leave a note to tell us where he was going", I lamented. "Where did we go wrong?"