Rocket Man

Ray has put Mrs G on notice. She needs to be on the mend and back in the saddle for the upcoming Kentucky Derby on May 7th. I'm not sure what Ray and Mrs G do together precisely but she needs to be fit by the time the Derby comes along. It could be something as simple as passing out tickets and announcing winners at the viewing. That's a tall order knowing what we know about Mrs G's alleged disinclination to push the envelope when it comes to getting back on her feet. We sure hope that she wants this more than she's letting on. Maybe being ambulatory isn't all its cracked up to be. If it's just manual dexterity and a pretty face they're looking for, Mrs G might be their gal. What about Ray?


Will he give a whit about her being or not being back on her feet? Companionship comes in a lot of different flavors so maybe he'll be satisfied just to have her sitting by his side. It goes without saying that he could do a lot worse than hanging out with the likes of Mrs G. There are plenty of folks in her facility who don't have the desire or wherewithal to interact with people around them much less carry on a casual conversion from time to time. Mrs G is not one of them. Not even close. All we know about this Ray character is what we've heard on a couple of phone messages that he's left for Mrs G so there's that. More lately, those very same messages seem to be more impactful. If she's looking for a reason to get back on her feet, she seems to have found one.

I have a good sense of what Mrs G's mood looks like on any given day. I can tell you with absolute certainty that her mood is better after she's had a word or two with this Ray fella. I can also tell you with absolute certainty that her mood is a real shit when she thinks he's going to call and doesn't. Mrs G was talking to me the other day about a woman she knows at her facility who lost her ability to speak. This was apparently a bridge too far for her so-called boyfriend. He was out the door before you could say lickety-split. Mrs G didn't say it in so many words but I got the distinct impression she was not wanting the same fate for herself when it came to her relationship with Ray. No sireee, Bob.

But, I digress. The leftists are starting to lick their chops now at the prospects of Donald Trump being indicted and put behind bars. They think this is just what they need to rally their base for the upcoming midterm elections in November. If they can put their main political opposition in jail, there isn't anything they can't do to deliver what it is that their base thinks they want or need. It doesn't matter that putting your political opposition in jail is the hallmark of the Weimar Republic in Germany back in the 30's. It doesn't matter that this is what they do in banana republics. The only question now is whether or not Biden's DOJ is willing to do the political bidding of one of the most demented and corrupt Presidents since the founding of our Republic.

It's one of a couple of competing narratives out there in the media today. The other is the cacophony of stories about Hunter Biden and the alleged crimes of the Biden Crimes Family and Bumbling Joe's complicity in same. It's a crescendo of sorts on both counts that seems to be approaching peak insanity by any measure. Trump has yet to announce that he is running in 2024 but he's made it clear in every rally that he holds that he wouldn't be out on the stump were it not for his desire to make America great again..again. The longer Biden's DOJ waits to indict Trump, the more political it will look once they do it (not that it wouldn't look political were they to do it today). What is that saying again? If you come for the king, you best not miss?

As for this Biden Crime Family thing, if there was ever a better reason to appoint a Special Prosecutor I'm not aware of it. A politicized DOJ under Biden pursues their political opponents while looking the other way when the President of the United States and his family profits from deals made with the enemies of the United States. Influence has always been for sale since Joey Bumbles Biden got into office and the stench of the corruption has only gotten worse as he ascended to the Senate, then to the Vice Presidency, and now to the Presidency of the United States. I hope I'm wrong about the Attorney General and his DOJ under Biden. He seems like a decent sort so maybe he'll do the right thing.

The other calculus that I think everyone is overlooking is the fact that any attempt to put Trump in jail will result in a backlash the likes of which we haven't seen in this country since God only knows when. It could well keep democrats out of power for the next one hundred years. There would be a tsunami of republican voters at the polls in 2022 and 2024 registering their anger and frustration at a political party that had the audacity to attempt to put one of their own behind bars for clearly political reasons. In other words, their statement would be unequivocal: this is not who we are as a country. No person, party, or department involved in this conspiracy would be spared once the republicans return to power.

It looks like this pedo enabler of a Supreme Court nominee is going to make it to the highest court in the land here in the United States. What is her name again? Katanji Jackson Brown? Not one republican in the Judiciary Committee voted for her, and in fact, they voted "no" time and time again until all republican votes were counted. No sooner had those votes been logged than we started to hear from RINO's (Republican in name only) Romney, Collins, and Murkowski. All intend to vote "yes" once this goes to the floor of the Senate. This nominee's record is abysmal and it would be a stain on our Republic were she to get on the court but that isn't stopping these three freaks of nature. Here's hoping that a they pay a steep price come re-election. It's a lifetime appointment for chrissakes. WTF.

A friend asked me recently about any plans I might have for Spring cleaning. I said that I had no plans and that would have been the God's honest truth when I said it. Here I am just a week or two later and I seem to have more projects in the works than I thought possible. I'm actually feeling a little behind the eight ball truth be told. I'm making a list and checking it twice. It won't get my undivided attention if I don't put it down in writing. I'm not going to say what plans I have because that would be the literal definition of a death knell. Suffice it to say that I'm excited to have something to work on and I actually completed a little project yesterday. There is nothing like completing a project to give you the oomph to move on to the next project on your list.

I'm not quite sure what to make of this Elon Musk thing. He's one of the richest men on the planet and something of a renaissance man. You have to admire him for the things that he's done and the contributions that he's made to our overall society here in the United States. As founder and CEO of Tesla, he's done what other automakers could only dream of doing when he created and delivered an electric vehicle the likes of the Tesla. So, when I woke up yesterday morning to hear on the news that Elon Musk a bought 9.2% stake in Twitter, I was, well, intrigued. Why would Musk buy such a large chunk of Twitter? He is a free speech advocate so there's that. I had heard rumors about his wanting to launch a Twitter-like start-up so maybe he had a hostile takeover in mind when he bought what he did. Did I mention that Musk's company, SpaceX, develops rockets?

I'm a little less clear on what being the largest stockholder in a company means but I'm guessing we'll know fairly soon. I'm also guessing that he'll probably have a pretty good say in what the company does or does not do. He may insist that Donald J. Trump be allowed back on the service. Imagine that. Knowing what I know about Twitter's practice of shutting down voices, shadow banning comments, and permanently removing customers that they don't agree with from their service, I think that could be changing. I read somewhere that some of the leftists who run the joint are thinking of leaving the company after Musk's purchase of their stock. That would be incredibly good news. As a propaganda tool for the left, and Biden's government more specifically, Musk is likely going to deep-six their asses. So good!

I find it interesting that every time I log into my Twitter account here in my state I see a negative story about one or more people running against the current crop of worthless democratic congressmen and senators from my state who "represent" us in Washington. The placement of that story at the top of my feed is no coincidence. Twitter knows just enough about me so that they can now target me. I put the word "represents" in parentheses because they really represent the interests of their political party from Joe Biden on down and can care less about what we the people of our great state want or care about. Therein lies the genius of Twitter, I suppose. They do the bidding of the democrat party and they protect their own when all is said and done. It's pretty nice to have Big Tech in your corner when you're in need of powerful ally to push back on your political opponents.


One tweet at the top of my Twitter feed this morning is about a local republican candidate who allegedly voted twice (in different states) in 2016. I'm all about dumping every last democrat in office come this November so knowing that my candidate (he'll need to win the primary first) voted twice barely moves the needle for me. In other words, it's not enough of a reason for me to either vote for the democrat candidate or maybe stay home in November. If the democrats can look the other way when the time comes to put a pedophile enabler (Jackson) on the Supreme Court, then it shouldn't be much of push for me to look the other way on a lesser charge of my candidate voting twice. Keep in mind that you can't believe a fucking thing you see on Twitter not to mention the fact that much of the lying you see is intentional, blatant, and unapologetic.

The missus has her knickers in a bunch these days about the fact that our neighbors are building a garage on their property. It's not just any garage. It's a three-car garage! God fucking forbid! You should see her. She's following every last zoning or board meeting online where this so-called garage is being discussed and her imagination is running wild. I think it's not so much the placement of the garage but rather the size of the garage that has her in a tizzy. The missus is all of a sudden concerned that our neighbors won't be required to remove their old driveway before putting in a new driveway. Apparently, a home in our town with more than one driveway is a bridge too far for the missus. If that home is in our neighborhood, much less right next door, that's a fucking problem.

I'm more of a go-with-the-flow kinda guy so I don't share her concerns about the garage. We have a garage. I think everyone should have a garage. Who doesn't want a garage? A heated garage is even better if you can afford it. In fact, I feel sorry for people who don't have a garage. You know they want one but maybe can't afford one. If I were Elon Musk, I'd put together a plan to build garages for everyone on the planet in between planning sessions to send one or more rocket ships to Mars. Who knows. Maybe building a three-car garage will enhance property values here in the hood. I doubt very much, knowing what we know about the planning that is going into the building of this garage, that it's going to be an eye sore or otherwise detract from local property values. Lastly, I don't know what's taken our neighbors so long to get around to doing this. Git er done!

These garage builders I'm referring to are full-fledged loons who not only voted for Biden but had a huge banner on their front lawn asking people to vote for Biden in the days and weeks leading up to the 2020 presidential election. I knew they were died-in-the-wool democrats so that didn't surprise me but putting up the banner seemed so desperate to me. I think I didn't realize how much they despised Donald J. Trump. Maybe it was the man or maybe it was his policies. Whatever it was, they seemed triggered. That surprised me too since Trump has always been a big supporter of Israel and they are off that a particular ethnic persuasion as well so go figure. I know there are Jewish people who don't like Trump. I get it. Part of me has to wonder if they don't now, seeing as they do what Biden has done to our country, miss Trump's infamous mean tweets.

This Title-42 thing that threatens to let millions of illegal immigrants into our country through our southern border should Biden sign off on it, and he will, is yet another one of the democrat's efforts to reset the new world order here in the United States. Democrat Senators in border states are running for the hills knowing full well that Biden's policies as it relates to the Title-42 issue mean that they will lose their seats in Congress to their republican opponents. I'm delighted at the thought of taking back the majority in the Senate and the House but I'm less enthralled with the thought of letting millions of illegal immigrants into our country.

The democrats are desperate to turn our red states blue so they can win elections in perpetuity. They couldn't care less about what that means to the citizenry currently residing within our borders. Governor's DeSantis of Florida and Abbott of Texas are threatening to bus the flood of illegal immigrants that cross the borders of their respective states to sanctuary cities throughout the United States. Making blue states bluer is fine with me. Flood their neighborhoods with these illegals and see how they feel. Let them experience the impact of the invasion first hand. There's nothing like having illegal immigrants defecating on your front lawn to get ones attention. That will be the least of their problems.

Our country is facing so many headwinds these days with inflation and other problems that you have to wonder why Biden and his minions are willing to make matters even worse by letting millions of illegal aliens into our country. Why would a president have any interest in seeing his country go to hell in a hand basket? We're talking about a president who probably can't remember what he had for breakfast on any given day. It tells you a lot about the people who surround him and what constituencies they serve. They are about to be reminded in the upcoming midterm elections that the majority of Americans don't agree with much of anything that Biden and his handlers behind the scenes are forcing on them. It's going to be an electoral bloodbath.

It's also likely to be the beginning of the end for one Joey Bumbles Biden. Once the republicans take back the house they are likely to begin impeachment proceedings in earnest. The first charge will be the President's abdication of his responsibilities as it relates to the protection of our borders. Biden's grasp of reality due to his advanced dementia is tenuous at best today so it's hard to imagine he'll be up to the rigors of an impeachment and all that entails once the proceedings begin. If Harris takes over and she continues Biden's policies, she'll be brought up on charges as well. There will such a hue and cry from the citizenry that the democrats will lose whatever good will they'd hoped to build upon after the election of one Joey Bumbles Biden. We're talking toast here, folks. It's over. It's all over.

Where the Ev man be? He has a call with his place today to talk about this and that. We've told him that this call was coming up and he needed to make himself available. Since when does he not return his phone calls? I'm also not sure if this is one of those calls where his mom sits in or not. Sometimes she's an active participant and sometimes she's not. I checked his texts yesterday to see when he last texted. I checked one other source and noticed that he had made a purchase or two in the last 24 hours. We phoned him and our calls did not go to voice mail so that was good. He's around and he's just ignoring our efforts to contact him? What up, dude? We don't recognize this Ev man.

That was yesterday. I hope he's come to his senses today and will get around to returning our calls. That reminds me. His mom hasn't seen him for maybe a couple of weeks now and she wouldn't mind doing so if only so that she can lay eyes on him. It's one thing to get a sense of someone in the course of a phone call and quite another to size someone up face to face. Has he lost or gained weight? Is he taking care of himself? Are his clothes clean? What's he been up to and how do those words of his roll off his lips? How much of what he's telling us are we to believe? How much of what he's telling us is designed to make us feel good? I don't think that he thinks that we think the worse on any given day but we do have good days and bad days like any parents and that is not lost on him.

I bought some ratatouille at a local shop recently and it reminded me how much I like that dish. It's easy enough to make so I should be making my own. Today is a rainy day and I'll have a bit more inside time that I had planned so maybe I'll make a pot of ratatouille. The missus can take it or leave to so I'll not be making it with her in mind. I'm sure she'll have no objections one way or another although if she had her druthers she might rather have me making something that we both enjoy. I'd also rather be making it when the vegetables I'll be using are in season but you make do with what you have seasonality be damned. It means making a trip to the supermarket for the ingredients as well so I'll have a chance to pick up a few things that we're running short on.

The missus won't eat the salads that I make without croutons so croutons are on my list. I suppose that I could make my own croutons but the store-bought croutons are just fine and I can avoid all the fuss and muss involved in making them at home. I know, I know. Sometimes it's easy peasy to throw a piece of toast in the toaster and, voila, you're halfway there. So what if I don't have the requisite spices and condiments to bring my crouton creations to life? If I top my salads off with a nice drizzling of balsamic vinegar and organic cold-pressed olive oil who will be the wiser? My salads are usually chock full of things like beets, carrots, kalamata olives, broccoli florets, marinated mushrooms, and chunks of freshly diced avocado so she's likely not to notice that her croutons are homemade if I choose to go that route. Did I just talk myself into making homemade croutons?

One of our favorite take-out places that we love to frequent closed their doors yesterday. It was our go-to joint for everything Italian. Their sauces and dishes were, in a word, to die for. They were the best around by far. No other place came even close. It was Northern Italian on steroids. The Ev man doesn't know it yet but he's not going to be happy when gets word that they've closed their doors. We'd buy him three and four dishes at a time and they might last him a day or two. Their dishes were priced right at around $10 an entrée and I can't recall a time at their shop when we had the luxury or being able to peruse the dishes without one or more customers breathing down our necks while waiting for their chance to make their selections. Who's going to tell the Ev man?