Bowls and Balls

I was happy to see that Trump directed his people to take down the Spanish version of the website. We have one official language (English) in this country of ours and we should not continue to accommodate the multitude of languages and cultures that exist across the face of the planet just to prove that we have bought into multi-culturism and globalism hook, line, and sinker. Can you say, ASSIMILATION? That is precisely the message we now need to communicate to those planning to come to our country illegally whether they get here by swimming across the Rio Grande or they attempt to break the law by overstaying their visas. We sure as hell do not want to be sending the wrong message to our spanish speaking neighbors on our southern border that the policies under Obama will continue unabated and that they can continue to flow across our borders unmolested. By now, I'm assuming we've armed the drones and equipped our forces at the southern border in order to enforce our laws as a nation. No more of this catch and release nonsense as constructed under Obama. As Trump said over and over again during the course of his campaign, they can come to our country but they will have to come LEGALLY. Enough is enough.

File Jan 25, 8 22 56 AM

Sean Spicer, Trump's spokesman, gave some mamby pamby explanation yesterday at his first full news conference when asked about removing the Spanish version of WhiteHouse.Org website. He should have stated unequivocally that we are an english speaking nation and that is precisely what we intend to communicate by having an english-only website in our nations capitol. Any vestiges of political correctness around this issue only plays into the hands of the leftists who typically rely on such subterfuge to perpetuate what they view or wish to portray as cultural or mainstream norms. Trump continuously denounced political correctness on the campaign trail so it is a little surprising to see his people using it when they speak on his behalf. It's possible that stating it in such unequivocal terms would likely unleash a shit storm of criticism from the leftist press corps and he was looking to avoid any such thing in his first news conference. There is likely a delicate balance between defense and offense when going head to head with an unfriendly press. Were Trump speaking about such things, the headline would likely read "Trump being Trump." "Spicer being Spicer" doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

I don't watch football by and large so have no interest in it one way or another. I do love to hate the the New England Patriots though and if there is a remote chance that they will lose on any given Sunday during the season I will try to tune in. Since the Patriots are usually favored to win I never actually watch televised games. I do so love to see them get spanked when it does happen but these things are hard to predict so I have to savor any and all highlights shown after the fact. Better yet, there is a sports radio station in the greater Boston area that I listen to after any loss where they have breathless pom-pom boys who love to sing the teams praises but who are otherwise useless and pouty if and when the team loses. Tom can do no wrong (he's the best.) Bill can do no wrong (he's the best.) If things go awry on the field of play resulting in a loss for the team, it's always someone else's fault. The pom-pom boys stiffen their resolve and mount a defense in order to further savor any shred off man-love they can muster. These men (Tom and Bill) are not mere mortals in any event. Just ask them. They'll tell you.
File Jan 25, 8 21 51 AM
Two weeks from this past Sunday the Patriots will be going to the Super Bowl to play the Atlanta Falcons. Here's hoping that the Falcons hand them their asses and expose them for the frauds that they are. I want to watch as they sack Tommy time and time again only to see Tommy scream at his teammates with tears in his eyes for not protecting him as they've been hired and trained to do. His on-field hissy fits are legendary and girly-like. He is not a man's man. He is, well truth be told, a pussy. There, I said it. When he and his band of New England pussies go up against the weaponized Falcon team it will be a spectacle for the ages. This is one game I don't want to miss. The look on Billy and Tommy's face as Billy fumes from the sidelines and Tommy sulks back to the bench after the last play of the season will be well worth the price of admission. Go Falcons!