Let's Go Brandon!

Just when you thought the Hildabeast (Clinton) was dead and buried, she emerges yet again to terrorize the masses with her long history of corruption and sleaze. I've seen some video snippets of her demonizing Trump and others of "his ilk." Her words, not mine. The possible return of Trump to the national stage represents an existentialist threat to our democracy. Again, her words, not mine. As Bumbling Joe Biden likes to say, so here's the deal: Biden forces her VP, Harris, out of office by maybe making her an offer she can't refuse. Then, Joey brings in Hillary as his likely successor. Voila!


It's no wonder that Harris has a puss on her every time she appears in public. She's the political version of dead politician walking. Just when she thought she was on the precipice of being the first woman president, she's now facing a deadly and likely protracted process whereby she is forced from her present position and likely delegated to the veritable third rail of politics. What that is and what that looks like is yet to be seen but have no doubt. The powers that be are coming for her and the Hildabeast is calling the shots every step of the way.

Hildabeast said something to the effect that if Trump and people like him are not brought to account that they would likely rise again and that, of course, would be the end of our democracy. It's not like the leftists haven't been trying to take Trump out. The New York AG is talking about bringing Trump in to talk to him about misrepresenting the value of his companies in order to get loans. The January 6 commission is likely to subpoena Trump and do whatever it takes to try and paint him with the widest possible brush in order to disqualify him as a presidential nominee in 2024.

I think this is the CNN model of bringing down the political opposition. If you talk long enough and hard enough about the nastiness or unworthiness of one or more candidates, he or she will likely never gather the head of steam necessary to win the nomination of his or her party. Demented Joe's presidency is in its first year and things haven't gone well to say the least. Three more years of Joey and his bullshit will probably doom the democrats and they might not gain power for another generation. That being the case, CNN and their affiliates as propaganda arms of the democrat party, have not another moment to waste. Bring out Hillary and let's get this party started!

This game-set-match scenario works even better if they force Joey out of office before his term ends and they install Hillary to complete his term. She gets what she wants, which is to be the first female president, and the country gets fucked in the process. I don't know that there is anything that the republicans can do to stop this from happening. Hell, when she emerged from her political sabbatical and appeared on television yesterday, she read what her acceptance speech would have looked like had she won back in 2016. Who in their right mind doesn't think that she isn't telling her faithful followers what her acceptance speech is going to sound like when she replaces Bumbling Joey?

Maybe it's high time to release the video of Bill Clinton out on Pedo Island for all the world to see. It's not like we don't have the goods on the Clintons. How about their shenanigans in Haiti? Did I mention Vince Foster? And what about the Clinton Initiative or whatever the hell they call it. Talk about graft and corruption. Maybe the republicans can drag Monica Lewinsky out of mothballs and have her recount the oh-so-many blowjobs she gave Bill while he was president. She may still be in love with Bill so one needs to tread carefully there. Just know that the James Carvilles of the world are still out there and they are salivating at the prospects of a return of the Clinton's to power. It goes without saying that he is one creepy fuck. Don't forget Paul Begala.

The missus is getting a little bit antsy about traveling to New York for Uncle Wally's party. I think she thinks we're temping the Covid gods by going from the fire pan into the fire. That is to say, the covid positivity rates are high here where we live but they may be even higher in Uncle Wally's back yard. I don't think she's concerned about the two of us but maybe more so about the Ev man. He's still unvaccinated and I totally endorse that knowing what I know about heart issues that can develop when young people his age get vaccinated. He doesn't need one more thing to worry about when it comes to his health. He'll be just fine if he gets the virus. Statistically speaking, that is.

I'm in the "fuck the booster" camp when it comes to getting that shot. I think I read somewhere where the recommendation at some point may be that people get a booster every 5 months. How cray-cray is that, I ask you. I really am amazed that I don't see more people on social media calling out the comparisons between the "Dopesick" show on Hulu and the current insanity we're seeing with the vaccines for what amounts to a coronavirus that isn't much deadlier than the common flu. The Hulu show is all about how a pharmaceutical company developed and marketed a highly effective but also highly addictive opioid as something barely addictive. They kept coming up with devious ways to push the drug just to prop up sales. The lying, the despair, and the deaths continued unabated. Sound familiar?

I'm convinced that every damn politician around the globe is getting his or her palms greased by the Pfizer's of the world with a boatload of cash for pushing and, yes mandating, that people get these vaccines whether they want them or not. The big dogs at Pfizer must think that they've died and gone to heaven now that they've arranged these uber lucrative agreements with companies and governments around the world. The politicians couldn't be happier since these democrats who currently hold power genuinely like the idea of being able to hogtie and whip their constituents into submission. You know, just like they do in countries like China, North Korea, etc.

If you can take away the rights of people without firing a shot then that in and of itself must be incredibly empowering to the democrats. It's the old frog in the boiling water business. The democrats are turning up the heat while we frogs simmer on the back burner with what we think is resentment about our seemingly hopeless predictament. Does anyone even notice that we're giving up our rights left and right? Their end game of securing the power necessary to take full and total control of the government in perpetuity is now at hand. Their lust for power knows no bounds. If that means they continue to take away our rights however incrementally then it's game-fucking-on. Buckle up, kids!

In the meantime, the Jan 6 committee in Washington continues with their charade of a kangaroo court. If they can only get the Justice Department to go along with their recommendations that Trump and every one associated with Trump be put behind bars before the next election, they will have accomplished their goal. Trump is the nominee-certain if he decides to run and that would most assuredly ensure majorities in both the House and the Senate for the Republican Party were he to win the election in 2024. It would be Trump's party and Trump's country to run and that scares the hell out of the democrats. So much of what they've put in place will be undone overnight. That's a good thing.

No sooner did this kangaroo court of a committee get hold of texts and e-mails of key players in the republican than they started reading them aloud to anyone who would listen. So, am I to understand that these personal texts are now grist for whatever mill the democrats say they are? They can twist and turn them into what ever they think will be the most damning version of what their little minds can conjure up and they won't stop there. Look at what the democrats did to Trump after he had a perfectly run-of-the-mill conversation with the president of Ukraine. They tortured that simple call into a sham impeachment and put our country through a meaningless and meandering months long quasi-judicial process.

These are not the actions of an opposing political party. These are not the actions of a normal legislative body. These are the actions of a Stasi court. The democrats are ruthless and relentless in the tactics they employ and losing is not an option. Politics has become a zero sum game and it has only served to polarize the party's and the players on both sides of the political football. I like the term that Steve Bannon uses when describing how the democrats play the games they play. It's "smash mouth" politics. If the republicans can only find their balls long enough to figure it all out they might think twice about enabling a befuddled old fuck like Joe Biden. It's a disservice to the nation that they can't.

The missus and I disagree on who should and who should not receive treatment in hospital ER's when it comes to the unvaccinated. She thinks that hospitals have no business treating the unvaccinated when the only reason that the unvaccinated are showing up in the ER's is that they wouldn't agree to get the jab. She thinks that they need to be punished for the decisions that they make because their decisions may just impact the delivery of care to others if and when the availability of health care becomes something they need to dole out on maybe a first-come first-serve basis. Maybe she thinks that the unvaccinated will require more intensive services and that may mean that there are fewer services remaining for the people who got the jab when it first became available.


There is a certain "they need to be spanked" mentality to her thought process that concerns me. Whatever happened to "first, do no harm." Is that not the oath that a doctor takes when he or she gets into the doctoring business? What about the doctors themselves? Do they have any say in the process? Will hospitals turn the unvaccinated away even though they have unvaccinated doctors and health care workers on staff? It's all so convoluted. Meanwhile, the vaccine passports required in places like New York City have resulted in numerous arrests of people who, like Rosa Parks in days of old when blacks had to sit in the back of the bus, were determined to stand up to what they perceive to be unjust and possibly even discriminatory practices. A form of medical apartheid if you will.

Big tech titans like Twitter are punishing users who say things like "the vaccinated can transmit the virus" when the science couldn't be more clear on that particular issue. Vaccinated people can and do transit the virus. I've said it before and I'll say it again. What the Pfizer's and the Moderna's want to put in your arm is not a vaccine. Their so-called vaccines do not prevent you from getting the virus. It is a therapeutic at best and maybe not the best option for a lot of people. You hear very little about other options when it comes to treatment of this flu-like virus. That, my friends, is by design. Why would someone take this vaccine into their bodies when they know that they can pop a pill or take another course of action that will help to alleviate their symptoms?

We're planning to visit Mrs G in her independent living facility over the holidays. Family and friends will be on hand to celebrate the holiday with Mrs G. I suspect she has already put her order in for a cheese platter or some such thing so her guests will have food and drink available. Her facility has rules around who can and who cannot enter the facility based on who is and who is not vaccinated. That means, for all intents and purposes, that the Ev man and Wille Wonka and The Chocolate Factory will not be in attendance. How does that make any sense? What threat do they pose to the elderly in the facility that we who are vaccinated do not? We can all transmit the virus to Mrs G and she can transmit the virus to us. It's a regular fucking circle jerk. Let's not pretend otherwise.

I was telling uncle Wally up in the Falls last night that New York had a bill (A146) in their Assembly that would allow the constabulary to take someone off the streets and confine them to a facility of their choosing for up to 90 days if the person was deemed to be an imminent threat to the overall health of the general public. This bill has been in circulation since 2016 and has been vetoed by the governor each of the last four years. Now that they have a new governor, no one should take it for granted that it will not be passed into law. The potential for abuse is already obvious when you see how people are being arrested and jailed for something as innocuous as not having the proper papers (vaccine passport) when entering a food and drink establishment. This bill needs to be killed in the crib.

I think there's a consensus amongst the liberals that the people resisting vaccines are, by and large, Trump supporters or Republicans. There is a certain rabidness in the words and expressions they use when referring to people who are pushing back against getting the jab that should concern us all. To say that they are particularly gleeful about these apprehensions and arrests is an understatement. They would look most favorably upon this bill being proposed in New York as yet one more tool in their toolbox to demonize, collar, and lock up their political opponents. Yes, I'm talking about Trump supporters and republicans. If other non-republican constituencies get swept up in the net while on the way to the hoosegow, that would be what they affectionately refer to as "collateral damage."

We're expecting snow today so that should be interesting. We have none at the moment so maybe we'll have a white Christmas and maybe we won't. I've been out the last few days on my bike and I'll have to decide today, with snow coming maybe midday, whether I think I need to ride this morning just to get my ride in or do I take the day off. My muscle memory has been kicking in as of late when I've taken time off from biking so I'm not too worried about losing the big mo by taking a day or two off. The more days I ride in a row the better muscle memory I have so I think I'm in pretty good shape even if I do pass on getting a bike ride in today.

I'll need to talk to the Ev man about what he wants to do today with the incoming snow event. He's not a fan of having to jockey his car around in the parking lot at his facility when they get accumulating snows. He'll hunker down with us from time to time but we suggested to him that we could come pick up his car if he'd prefer. The only downside with that arrangement is that he'll be without wheels should he need to go grab something to eat. We could suggest that we bring him a few things just to tide him over and we'll bring his car back to our house so he doesn't have to worry about dealing with it. It's a little after 7 in the morning here and I'm a little surprised we haven't heard from him. Maybe he's doing his own thing. That's fine too.

I'm feeling a little bad for the retailers. It's maybe the last weekend before Christmas and news reports have the viruses raging and, to make matters worse, we've got a snow event on the way. They're recommending that people stay off the roads. Some of that has to do with it being the first "storm" of the year so no one should be surprised that they'd like to keep folks off the roads while they're out there with the plows and other snow removal machines. As for the virus thing, shows are closing down on Broadway in New York City and major sports teams are delaying or postponing games because players are testing positive for the virus. Just so you know, CNN isn't helping. All panic porn, all the time.

I have to wonder if all of this so-called panic porn isn't by design. Who has what to gain? It can't hurt if you're trying to get your most vulnerable vaccinated. I think that's the end game. Bumbling Joey Biden said something yesterday about it being a deadly winter for the unvaccinated. He continues to perpetuate the myth that the vaccinated have nothing to worry about. He is such an asshole. He said nothing about natural immunity, herd immunity, or therapeutics. You know, the thing. C'mon, man! And, of course, the CNN's of the world play right along with the Demented-in-Chief. They've long gotten rid of the charts that show the number of people infected and dying because those visuals were only important during the Trump era. As you well know, the ends justify the means.

Maybe the White House should have pumped the brakes a little more back before Black Friday when they were urging everyone to make their Black Friday and Christmas purchases early due to the supply chain issues. "You'll be waiting a long time for the goods you want for your loved ones at Christmas so you'd better get your orders in now", they told you. That was followed by endless videos of cargo ships stacked up like cordwood off the coast of California waiting to unload their goods. Visuals are important when you're trying to sell a narrative. Well, it now seems that people followed their advice and they are done with their holiday shopping. Finito. That will not bode well for December sales figures and that will be yet another black eye for Bumbling Joey and his minions. Can they do anything right?

Is there anything sadder on God's green earth than to see parents standing in line with their children waiting to get into a facility so they can get their jabs? What the hell are they thinking? Their children no sooner run the risk of getting sick and dying of covid than the man on the moon. This is what happens when you lap deliriously at the punch bowl of Koolaid that Joey and his minions in the media are putting out there for the masses. I suppose there's a sliver of sheep that can't resist and they can't resist because they've gone astray and have placed their faith in the false god we call "Government." Wake the fuck up! This is not George Orwell's 1984! We're talking about your children here for chrissakes.

But, there they were all morning long at our local fire station. Lined up like Bo Peep and her little ones heading in to get their little jabs. What do they know about this experimental drug that the government is telling them that they need in order survive this latest surge? Do they know that it's experimental? Do they know that the manufacturer of the drug has requested that they not divulge the ingredients of the vaccine for 75 years? Do they know that they will probably survive without being hospitalized or incapacitated? Do they know that the mortality tables show their age group with a survival rate of 99.9999%? Just follow the crowd into the showers, my little ones. We'll be done before our soup gets cold.

Evan and I drove by on our way to Moe's where we hoped to pick up a nice meatball sub for the Ev man. I didn't saddle him with what I had going through my mind. He's got enough on his plate these days. One day at a time. The snow had yet to begin but the children were probably thinking snow and not Pfizer and for that I'm thankful. I wondered to myself what might be going through the Ev man's mind as we were driving past the fire station knowing as I do that he is not vaccinated. I never asked and he never offered a word one way or another. Has he thought any more about getting a jab? Is he more convinced than ever that jabs are for Koolaid drinkers and pussies? For now, I'm fine with the status quo. And so, apparently, is he. The missus? Not so much.