What Would General Patton Do?

I don't know if we'll ever know the full story behind the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis but it resulted in charges being brought against the policeman who held him down for an interminable amount of time which apparently led to his death by asphyxiation or other. It was all caught on video and man was it hard to watch. I'm still not sure I've watched it from beginning to end. But Mr Floyd's demise and the story behind it has been all but lost in the larger story of what happened in the wake of those fateful moments on the day he died.


Rioters took to the streets in our bluest cities coast to coast torching cars, burning down businesses, attacking policemen in their precincts, burning down those very same precincts, and just wreaking havoc as rioters are want to do. Politicians running those cities failed their citizens in every conceivable way when they allowed the rioters to destroy everything in sight without pushing back, without issuing directives, without calling in the National Guard to protect people and property from these so-called anarchists.

This was never about George Floyd. This was about appeasing your anarchist base and giving in to the lawlessness and hostilities that all of that represents. This was never about the death of a black man at the hands of a white policeman. It was about the feral nature of a constituency raging against the structural indecencies of a society that they never adopted as their own. It was almost as though everything was in the queue and ready to go before George Floyd every stepped into the path of the white policeman.

But the failures of the leftist leadership of those cities now scarred and left smoldering in the aftermath of three nights of rioting is both telling and reprehensible. Many of the businesses burned down or destroyed were black owned businesses that will never be rebuilt. The anarchists even attacked and attempted to burn down or destroy institutions like the CNN headquarters building in Atlanta whose headlines, chyrons, and personnel have supported and even given rise to their causes over time. It was all so indiscriminate.

Who were these renegades and social outcasts who took to the streets to inflict their carnage so willingly and wantonly? How is it that they were mobilized so quickly and what instructions did they carry with them when they went into the night with their bandana covered mouths and truncheons in hand? Many but not all were black. Some carried "Black Lives Matter" signs. Some carried "No justice, No Peace" signs. And then you had those people holding "I can't breathe" signs which were ostensibly the last words ever spoken by Floyd George before he expired.

The collective message of the anarchists when all was said and done was unclear. Efforts by roving newsmen to glean a message from the mouths of the marching anarchists were largely unsuccessful. My hope when all is said and done is that the good and well intentioned people living decent lives in these god forsaken places rise up and rid themselves of these politicians whose ugly ideology has now been bared for all to see. They unapologetically seek the destruction of a republic that we hard working and god loving Americans spent the better part of 200 plus years to build and perfect.

We're not there yet but we'll be damned if we're going to allow these ne'er-do-wells to tear it all down before we get a chance to build our perfect union as defined by our founding fathers. I heard someone say that they thought President Trump should Nationalize the Guard and have them stand at the ready across our great country to protect people and property as necessary. Otherwise, the Guard is directed State by State and this does little to project a united front that is all but necessary when waging and winning a war against a feral vein of anarchists. My advice to Trump: Do it and do it now! We're in a war we can't afford to lose.

I'm sitting here Sunday morning thinking that I'll not be watching the talking head shows this morning. I haven't looked to see who is going to appear on which shows but if it's nothing more than a line-up of stooges from the democrat party decrying the death and destruction of Americans over the weekends due to the very existence of Donald Trump then I think I'll take a pass.

If Trump's allies can find one or more of the networks to bring them on to talk about how this madness gets resolved then I might be interested in listening to what they have to say. I think most Americans are disgusted with what they've seen and heard about what's happening on the streets of our country over the last forty-eight hours and we need less finger pointing and more solutions. If Trump is the law and order president that he professes to be then I want to see him stepping up to the plate and sending the necessary assets military and otherwise to the areas in our country that need them. God only knows the democratic governors of these lawless cities aren't getting the job done.

Maybe it's the time I spend on Twitter reviewing and responding to tweets that has me all riled up. Nancy does no such thing and I wonder if she even knows anything about anything. If she does maybe she doesn't care. It's easy enough to disregard if it isn't in your face and it is not in our faces here in New Hampshire. Well, not in our back yard anyway. She goes about her merry way doing her puzzles, reading her newspapers, and occupying her time with her magazines and such but has seemingly little interest in what's happening on the streets in cities across our country. I can hear her sweet loving voice now, "Darling, shall we have dinner on the deck tonight?"


She's not seen what I've seen over the past forty-eight hours. I had to laugh. One looter was photographed coming out of Cheesecake Factory store carrying a cheesecake. Another video showed a stream of looters running in and out of a Nike store through a shattered street front window carrying armloads of merchandise. Some wore masks but most did not. I loved the video of the black officers arresting this heavyset middle aged female rioter who took a swing or two at the arresting officer before his partner stepped in and clocked her with a well executed roundhouse punch left leaving her out cold on the pavement like a sack of potatoes.

There was another video of an anarchist who had taken an AR-15 out of a burning patrol car and who was holding it indecisively when an undercover policemen came out of the blue and took the weapon from his arms before he was able to do any damage to himself or others. Was I alarmed or concerned when I saw police behind the wheels of their SUV's pushing their way into crowds without any apparent concern for their welfare? I was not. It may have been a disproportionate response to the madness of the crowds around them but nothing about this craziness in the streets has been proportionate. Nothing fucking whatsoever.

One store owner arrived on the scene where looters were milling around his store and maybe even trying to gain entrance. He calmly exited his vehicle, grabbed his shotgun from the back seat of his car, and approached his business while discharging his weapon in the direction of the looters. This is American decisiveness at its finest! And then there were the rioters who stood in front of the White House gates perhaps hoping to gain entrance and maybe even burn it to the ground. Did they realize Trump wasn't even there? But this wasn't about Trump. I don't think I saw one anti-Trump sign the entire evening. Not a one.

As if this whole pandemic thing wasn't enough to deal with we now have this rioting nonsense going on. But they're killing people out there so it's not nothing. Who is behind all of this? It's far too coordinated not to be funded and orchestrated by someone or some organization. I don't even think it's a matter of wanting justice for the death of Floyd George since the perpetrator in this crime is already under arrest. I think it's maybe a distraction of sorts or some kind of planned mayhem to throw a wrench into the upcoming elections. Or maybe it's just something that was planned but got way out of hand way too fast and with nowhere else to go they just keep forging ahead. Who the bloody hell knows.

Does anyone find it interesting that there are any number of Hollywood heavyweights that are paying the freight to bail out these anarchists? That makes them complicit in the crimes that have committed by these animals. One heartbreaking photo showed an innocent victim, perhaps a passerby or store owner, face down on the ground with his arms and legs jutting out at unnatural angles from his body and with blood streaming from his mouth onto the pavement. He was encircled by a crowd of ruthless anarchists looking down upon him from above with disgust and sheer hatred in their eyes. James Woods, the inimitable long time and well respected actor, put it best when he added the following caption to the photo: "Savages"

It makes sense now that Trump will be designating the Antifa organization as a domestic terror organization or something along those lines. What took him so long? And why not do the same with these Black Lives Matter asshats? They are effectively a criminal organization that, at least in this case, has hijacked a perfectly good and decent protest over the death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer and has turned it into something ugly and evil.

I'm seeing stories this morning about huge pallets of bricks being dropped in advance at sites throughout various cities across our country to be used ostensibly by the looters and rioters later in the evening. What the hell is going on in our country? There were tweets last night indicating that Trump was taken into the bunker at the White House as thousands of race rioters surrounded his residence. The rest of we Americans have no bunker and no place to run and hide if they come for us. The question I'll be asking is the question that I want Trump asking himself as he takes cover during this insurrection. That is, what would General George Patton do? Anything less just won't cut the mustard. That's all I got.