Vacation Boy

What is a boy to do with so much time on his hands? My first vacation all year and I'm sitting on my hands on a sunny Monday afternoon. The day isn't over just yet though. My honey's are doing their own thing and I don't expect to see them for a few hours. I should probably tend to the garden but haven't much interest. After all, it wasn't my idea this year. I had every intention of letting it go and picking it up next season. But Nancy insisted so we bought the plants and threw them in the ground without so much as an afterthought. Now that tomatoes are popping up and peppers are waiting to be picked I'm reminded that there is work to do and why I've had no interest from day one. We'll have a septic solution installed on Thursday and we're hopeful that that will do the trick. At a minimum, we can use all of our utilities again. That should save us a few dollars and it is something we should have had done a long time ago. I'm surprised the Mrs. put up with it.

lke george

The financial markets have been doing better. Personally, I want to see the bottom drop out of the market just before the election so we can get Barry and his buddies out of the White House. We don't need to be sending the Obama's on junkets here, there, and everywhere on the public's dime. His first three years have been abysmal and we're left with gas prices nearing $4 per gallon, unemployment over 8%, and taxes that are about to go through the roof when the provisions of Obama care kick in. He came into office in 20008 offering hope and change and the nation got neither. Our first black president. What were we thinking? Were we alleviating some historical sense of national guilt over our sins of the past relative to blacks? Whatever the case, I hope we have the good sense to move on and not perpetuate this nonsense. Even the liberal press seems to be taking flight although it is far from over and the Romney/Ryan team need to make their case to the voters of this nation if they are to prevail in November. Right-wing radio is urging Romney to take the fight to him and stop with the Harvard niceties. Don't think for a minute that Barry and his buddies from Chicago are going to cut Mitt any slack. Axlerod will see to that. And we haven't heard the last from the likes of Al Sharpton and Ed Schultz on MSNBC.

I was hoping to find a good book to read this week. I think I have one and I got started this morning but need to pick it up again. I like to read and take great pleasure in a good book but rarely find the time to read. There are just too many distractions it seems. Why am I listening to that screeching McPhee on WRKO? Was it really necessary to put her on with Todd Fineberg? With Todd, at least, you can listen to reasoned discussions on every conceivable topic. I'm not sure that she can stay in the ring with Todd so her debut may be short lived. That is okay with me. Ever since Tommy the felon fell from Grace on the morning show and left to ply his trade with hacks from the past, Todd has been doing a fine job with only an occasional irritation from his sidekick, Cooksie. The less we hear from Cooks, the better.