One For The Good Guys

Man, this year is whipping by. It's February already. Puxatawney Phil either did or didn't see his shadow so we apparently have another 6 weeks to go before we can even begin thinking about Spring. It's hard to imagine Spring when you're digging out after a snow storm that dumped a foot of snow in the hood. I can call it a "hood" Right?


I think they call that creative license. It is whatever I say it is. You're free to disagree with me but, please, do it on your own time. The cancel culture is going to come and get you for cultural appropriation, Johnny! No, please. Not, me Mr Cancel Culture. I've not said anything that a thousand white nationalists before me haven't said. Only kidding. You see where I'm going with this. Right?

I read a story on Twitter this morning about a country western singer who lost his recording contract with a record label over some allegedly "racist" comment he made. It seems the left has zero tolerance for language that they find offensive. It doesn't matter that he apologized for making said comment. It doesn't matter that rap stars make millions talking about all kinds of nastiness and they are lauded in the media and on the left for their courage in taking on matters of social justice.

You know what they say. If the left didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all. And what about Coca Cola? They are now mandating that a certain percentage of their legal business now go to minority firms. This is rich. This is affirmative action all over again. Whatever happened to the rules about seeing to it that you hire the most qualified people, the most qualified firms, and, in general, the outfits that have the best record of accomplishment?

I don't mean to go off on a tangent this morning but this is where we are just two weeks into the Biden administration. It's a fucking disaster. Did I mention that the dems in Congress just voted to strip a republican member of congress (Marjorie Taylor Green) of her committee assignments for comments she made BEFORE being coming to Washington? Since when do the democrats get to decide who does and who doesn't get to sit on certain committees in Congress? Be careful what you ask for. Payback is a bitch and 2022 is just around the corner.

Maybe I do mean to go off on a tangent. I got me a little caffeine in my bloodstream and a spring in my step this morning. I'm listening to James Taylor but the music isn't matching my mood. I need to change that up. Maybe a little Jimi Hendrix will do the trick. A little "Purple Haze" or maybe a cranked up version of "Along the Watch Tower." I like it. Much better.

My guitar thing is coming along. My finger tips are getting appropriately calloused but that doesn't mean they don't feel sore from time to time. I wonder if that means that I'm bearing down on the strings more than necessary. The good news is that I'm doing something every day with guitar.

In addition to practicing certain scales daily, I'm working on fingerpicking routines and strumming patterns. I've not been at all focused on memorizing where certain notes are on the guitar but I think that's the next step. A good musician needs to know about notes, sharps, flats, octaves, etc. Right?

And the wind cries Mary! Love that song. Anyway, it's all good. I'm taking a crack here and there at playing along to songs on YouTube. Some beats are harder than others to replicate but that just reminds me that there is more to this guitar business than meets the eye. It also helps when I find a song or an artist that I like when it comes to playing along with songs. This is where YouTube shines.

I finally broke down and bought a new coffee bean grinder. I'm doing my part to get this damn economy up off it's knees after a dismal few months of Covid related sluggishness. As a brand, Cuisinart has served me well over the years so when it came time to revisit my supplies Cuisinart was front and center. I think it's been at least 25 years since I bought my last coffee bean grinder so that's a pretty good run. Pretty good indeed.

I'm replacing my old, put the beans in and hold down the top until I think I have the right grind, with a machine where I can select the grind and it has an automatic turn off feature when the job is done. Oh, and I can manage the setting on the machine to grind just enough beans for the job at hand.

The receptacle holds a half pound of beans so I'll fill that puppy up and I won't have to think about refilling it for maybe a week. Oh, and did I mention that it has a burr grinder? I'll have no more of this "pulverize the beans" business! No sireee, Bob. Those days are gone.

Nancy did a little bit of shopping yesterday. She came home with a few things that she had on her list. Unfortunately, they were not the precise items that she had in mind so she was not a happy camper. I think the miscues had something to do with the labeling and her selecting the wrong items when the time came to put them in her basket.

It was maybe buying a bag of M&M's and not noticing the label "fudge" on the packaging. It was buying a tub of vaseline and not noticing that it was scented. Scented just doesn't cut the mustard. It wasn't what she wanted.

I told her that products these days come in so many flavors, varieties, and scents, that it's easy to end up with the wrong items in your basket. That's no word of a lie. It's especially true when it comes to M&M's. The color patterns on the packaging remind me of a herd of zebra running full tilt on the plains of Africa with a family of cheetahs in hot pursuit.

Licking your chops while surveying a lone Zebra feeding in the tall grasses is one thing. Chasing down that Zebra steak while trying to visually sort through the galloping mess of black and white stripes in a blinding cloud of dust is another matter altogether.

Just to be clear, Nancy is the cheetah and the M&M's in this example represent the herd of Zebra. Mother Nature wanted nothing but the best for the zebra so thought long and hard about how to protect the species from any and all natural predators. The geniuses behind the marketing of the M&M's, on the other hand, want the hungry eyes of the salivating public. The more dizzying and dazzling the display, the better.

It's also to their advantage to confuse the general public when the time comes to have them make their selection. With any luck, you'll find that you actually like this or that new flavor and that helps the company's bottom line. It's no less satisfying for the cheetah if and when they are successful. Success begets success and that isn't lost on the cheetah. Nancy took one bite of the fudge flavored M&M's and nearly spit it out. Maybe success doesn't always beget success.

I mentioned that I thought she was probably somewhat distracted while in the store and that probably didn't help. It's hard to be discerning and distracted at the same time. On one hand, you want to make your choices and get to the checkout counter while the getting is good.

The longer you stay in the store, the more opportunity you have to contract the dreaded Covid-19. You may or may not be sharing aisle space with someone harboring an even more virulent variant of the virus. You're hyperventilating just thinking about it. You're also breathing recycled air and that can't help you think any more clearly. Is it really any surprise that you buy something that you didn't intend to buy? And no, my little darlings, I don't think you're losing your mind.

I'm reading another story about the Biden bullshit again this morning. Trump gave communities across our great country some say in if, when, and how many refugees/illegal aliens of any stripe were allowed to resettle in their communities. Well, Sleepy Joe did away with that business. It's come one, come all.


He gave the big middle finger to every cotton picking community in our country and he alone will now decide what this invasion looks like. Never mind that not a one of these border crossing criminals is being tested for covid before entering our communities. No sir, not in Joe Biden's America.

Add to that Biden's nixing of Trump's agreements with Central American countries regarding immigration, and you have a real WTF moment for our great country. Say what you will about Trump, he had it right. As for Biden, we knew this is what we were in for and allegedly 80 million people still voted for him. Sure they did. Whatever you say, Karen. The democrat's goal of turning red states blue and creating a one-party government is getting closer to reality every day.

It breaks my heart to even have to put this Biden business in writing but there you have it. Somebody has to do it, right? We have to run these mother fuckers out of office on a rail in both 2022 and 2024. That has to be job number one.

I'm still gobsmacked that anyone could vote for the democrats after everything we've seen in the last year or two but I guess you can't fix stupid. And maybe there's some truth to the business about the indoctrination that goes on in our schools if what we're seeing in the populace is a manifestation of that so-called indoctrination.

Did I tell you that Mrs G got the Pfizer jab the other day? That's one of two, boys and girls. She says they (CVS?) came into her facility and did her and some 500 of her fellow residents. They just went down the line knocking on door after door until they got them all done.

They were required to sit for the obligatory 15 minutes to see if there were any adverse effects and off they went. She didn't know if there were any abstentions but I would imagine there were probably a couple. She walked away with a sore arm but that was it and she seemed to be satisfied all in all. Good stuff.

Nancy and I popped down to Massachusetts yesterday. I guess I should say that we ended up there after considerable hemming and hawing. We knew we wanted to be out of the house on such a nice day but we had no particular destination in mind. Sunday can be a busy day on the highways and byways so we girded ourselves for all of that and decided we would just have a go at it come what may. We weren't wrong about the traffic.

By the time we arrived in Newburyport, MA, it was early afternoon. It was warm enough for a short walk so we parked in town and stuck to the sunny side of the street while making our way through town on foot. The walks were sometimes icy and sometimes not. Most people in town wore masks and seemingly, and sometimes grudgingly, gave a wide berth to fellow passerby's.

Nearly every shop we walked past had a sign in their window advising prospective customers on the proper use of the face mask. "Face masks must cover both your mouth and your nose", the signs read with one or more words usually bolded. Each and every store also had a sign up indicating just how many customers they allowed in their store at any given time.

When retailers start to interfere with the normal ebb and flow of foot traffic in and out of their retail space by erecting barriers where none previously existed, they will likely see fewer customers. I offered to wait outside while Nancy spent a little time in one or more of the stores but she was having none of it.

The shops, on the whole, are small and tight in this historic seaport founded in 1764 and accommodate barely more than a handful of people even in pre-Pandemic times. No handbag, glad bag, or pair of earings was worth contracting what could be a death sentence.

Someone tweeted this morning that everyone in the White House was in tears last night after Tom Brady and the Tampa Buccaneers won the Super Bowl last night. They were distraught, of course, because Brady won and it's a well known fact that Brady is something of Trumpster. They probably could have cared less who lost but they really didn't want Brady to win if that makes any sense.

This was the premier public event that would cap off the political season and establish once and for all the dominance of the leftists. One of the two announcers for the network carrying the game was about as biased as an announcer can be without wearing the colors of his team on air. It was blatant and in your face. Of course, the media is the propaganda arm of the leftists so it's no surprise that they might be looking to take a victory lap now that the election is in the rear view mirror. Only, it was not to be.

The cameras cut to a lot of people in the stands during the game but I never saw them cut once to the governor of Florida, Governor DeSantis. He is a republican governor in a republican state that voted overwhelmingly for Trump in November, 2020. The State of Florida, under DeSantis, has the least restrictive guidelines dealing with the pandemic and this has been a burr in the saddle of the leftists from day one.

It irks the likes of CNN and their brethren in the main street media to no end. His success in managing the pandemic, and that of his state, run contrary to the goals and narratives pushed by the mask nazis in the media. Let's just say that the good guys won one last night with Brady's win. Knowing now what I know about the leftists crying in their soup, Brady's win was sweeter than sweet.

There were several videos on Twitter where the CNN's of the world were reporting from various local hotspots in an around Tampa both before and after the game. The double masked reporters gave breathless accounts of drunken revelers who wore no masks and actually seemed to be enjoying themselves.

They had such utter contempt for the revelers and their disregard and unwillingness to follow the "science" that they actually accused the lot of them on air of threatening the health and welfare of the American public by not following the usual advice by the CDC, i.e., wearing masks, practicing social distancing, etc..

The left wing media got themselves another scalp this past week when they took the beloved Lou Dobbs off the air. The silencing of conservative voices continues unabated. Lou was well known for referring to the democrats as the "radical left" and we conservatives loved him for it.

He was an unabashed supporter of President Trump although he wasn't afraid to speak up when he disagreed with one or more of Trump's policies. I'm guessing that they will be coming for Tucker, Maria Bartiromo, and others soon enough. Is it too radical a notion to suggest that this will not end well?