Lake George 2014

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

Good morning, Lake George! We just dropped Ev off at Pace yesterday and Nancy and I are alone here on Katskill Bay, Lake George. Nice to be back for sure. It's a little after 5 in the morning on an early September morning. Temps are supposed to be a bit on the warm side this week so not sure it is going to feel like early fall but one can only hope. August was a cool month as summer months go so I was hoping that we might see that continue into my vacation week here at Lake George. Maybe I can eek out a few cool nights and that might be just fine. We are right on the lake. Surprising close I would say. You can practically reach out from the front porch here and touch the water. Not that I would want to do that but just saying.


Maybe a good week for Sandy bay though. With the summer crowds on the wane we will have the bay to ourselves, No getting up early to be the first boat there and we can have any buoy our little hearts desire be they close to the shore or further out where diving off the boat is more advisable. Rollie was good enough to share his boat and we will try to get out on the lake as much as possible. I haven't looked at the forecast except to say that Rollie mentioned that it was going to be in the eighties most of the week with rain on Friday. Truth be told, I like a stormy day from time to time here on the lake. Nothing like battening down the hatches against the forces of Mother Nature to help direct one's attention to the important things in life.

And the beds upstairs in this house, well I can tell you right now that Goldilocks would have her pick but have some trouble picking out one that is just right. I could tell right away that the first bed we tried out was sagging from the start and we were too tired to try out the rest so that was that. I should be thankful that the bed was comfortable enough so that I was able to get some sleep but not so comfortable that I was willing to stay in bed beyond 4am. And the stairs leading to the upstairs bedrooms, well they are atrociously steep and almost built after the fact when they constructed this home on the lake in the early 1900's. The woodwork and panelling throughout the house is really nice and befitting of homes built in the traditions of Adirondack homes built in the early 1900's here on the lake. The gas stove is a welcome sight as are the spacious and airy rooms throughout the home. The ceiling fans, of which there are many in this house, are seemingly too big for some rooms while being too small in others. The fireplace, one that we will likely not be needing this week, is just right.

The lake already has a slight ripple on it as daylight dawns and is likely to pick up in intensity as the day goes on. That is way it is on the lake. It either has nary a ripple through 10 in the morning or it start out with a breeze that persists throughout the day. I should probably look at the forecast so I can plan accordingly. I'll get my fishing gear together and probably do a bit of that in the days to come. I'll need to get a license but no hurry. A 3 day license should do the trick. I still don't know if one needs a license to cast your line off your own dock. You would think I would know that after all of my years on this lake.

I did have a few words with Nancy this morning about Evan. We commented about the fact that he expressed zero desire to take any pillows to Pace but promptly confiscated two of ours when we dropped him off yesterday. That's Evan for you. He's on the third floor in Dow and has an african american for a room mate. Not sure what he was expecting when he said he wanted to go to an urban school but I think he is starting to get the bigger picture. I don't think it matters one way or another quite honestly. There are cultural differences to be sure but more notably because his room mate hails from the Bronx and Evan was born and raised in the State of New Hampshire where blacks are distinctly in the minority. With Obama's open failure to secure our borders that might well change. Ev might be well advised to take an extra credit or two in Spanish if he expects to compete in this new world community.


But we're proud of that boy for his getting a job and keeping that job the entire summer. It was good for him to learn a bit of responsibility and to earn a few dollars in the process. It was good for him to see the kind of work that he may not want to pursue and that shagging shopping carts has a limited shelf life. We think he may have learned a valuable lesson or two in terms of managing his money and paying more attention to the particulars where money is concerned. In other words, he needs to safeguard his hard earned dollars and not lose the checks in the squalor of his unkept bedroom due to inattention or recklessness. What if he relied on those dollars to feed his family or to keep a roof over his head? Good lessons learned for sure.

It's hard to say how Evan feels about going back to school. You wonder if he just does it because we expect him to do it. I wonder that for sure. Boys his age don't always see the bigger picture so their parents are sometimes responsible for putting them on track and keeping them on track. I asked him if he had a class that he was particularly interested in taking of all of all the classes he signed up for. Crickets. More crickets. I'm trying to remember if I was that obtuse at his age. That disengaged. That flatlined. I did tell him that if he got through his years of college in one piece that we would pay off his loans. I could almost see that registering in his eyes and wafting through his brain as a good thing. Not sure he ever considered the fact that the loans he had taken out would come due one day and he would have to tend to them. It is true that we wanted him to have some skin in the game so structured his obligations that way but not a big deal in the scheme of things. You do your job and we'll do our job. Right.

The Jihadists are at it again. Another beheading by the ISIS group. It's hard to know what to believe when you listen to the press so I try to steer clear of the 5th estate. And I have no interest in watching that stuff on video so who knows if it is even real. It could be staged. Right? But all of this Six Sigma. Yes, I told myself that I would take no vacation this year until I had done everything within my control to learn all there was to learn about this so-called methodology. I wanted to give it all a chance and would make up my own mind after all was said and done as to whether or not I thought it was something that would work for me and my team. No one told me about the magic I would find when I finally opened my eyes. I wonder if they knew when they spoke so eloquently of the methods and mindsets. If they did they certainly did not let on. Some of the trainer had curious smiles from time to time and others kept it close to the vest now that I think back on the classes I attended. But no one prepared me for what I ultimately found when we started the process.


I waited far too long to take a vacation. The next time they suggest that we go for months on end without a vacation I will push back with all my might. The residual nonsense that accumulates in your head when you don't take a vacation to clear your head is just something you don't want to either experience yourself or, worse yet, subject your people to in any way, shape, or form. And now that I am on vacation, I am wanting to learn everything I can. I am wanting to know everything I can. I am wanting to shout from the mountaintops with this newfound energy and zeal of mine. Can't do that without getting locked up though so I will keep it to myself for now. No shouting from the mountain tops; no white suits; no baying at the moon; no nothing.

I'm hanging out at the local Starbucks where they have a sign near the cash register that says something along the lines of, if you don't like your beverage, let us know. I thought that had a particularly negative twist to it and said so. Not sure if the barista thought I was angling for a free coffee or if I was just another over-caffeinated nut job the likes of which he sees with annoying regularity over the course of his eight hour shift. Nonetheless, I like the idea that if we do love the coffee we should let them know (which provides super positive feedback to the staff preparing the drinks) and spurns them to make even better drinks the next time they get an order. And, you could add to that, if they don't love their coffee (implying that it was made especially for them - with love!) that they should say so and the good folks at Starbucks will make it right for you. Maybe I'll send Howard a note. Might be good for a free coffee the next time I'm in need for one.

God, this chair is uncomfortable. It's one of those old wooden chairs the likes of which your fourth grade teacher might have you sit in while doing your penance. It makes me wonder if this isn't by design; better to have you stay for the length of time it takes you to drink your beverage and no longer. Better to free up the seats for paying patrons and not patrons who want to hang out for hours on end using the Wi-Fi and sipping an endless beverage for $1.75. One only has to look around here in this store because I am the only one in this upper section and have been the only one since I arrived some forty minutes ago. There are other chairs that I would consider but none that would allow me to tap away at my pad here so I guess I'm schtuck. It has been a busy day on the lake though so I'm happy to be doing something a little  different. Enough fishing for now; enough eating for now; enough bicycling for now; and yes, I'm good with the red organic grapes too.

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014


What is it with those stupid fucks who think that water skiing at 6:30 in the morning is a good idea? What about my peace and tranquility? Those kids can't be anymore than 9 or 10 so I blame their parents or whoever it is that is getting behind the wheel of that boat at this ungodly hour so those kids can have themselves a little fun before starting their school day. What the hell are they thinking? Who is wearing the pants in that family? What miscreant of a parent does this sort of thing? Did they not have themselves enough fun over the summer months? Maybe one or more of the runts has something viral and in the face of a certain death they are pushing the limits of whatever little time they have left on terra firma. If they any closer to our dock on their next round I'll help them push their limits.

That was some storm that blew through here last night around 9. We were adequately warned so knew something was coming but it seemed so still that we did nothing to prepare until it was almost too late. By the time we heard the thunder it had started to rain and the winds were starting to pick up. I pulled myself together and ran down to the dock to clear the decks of fishing poles, chairs, and the the like. Even though the boat was under cover it was not adequately protected from the wind so I went about putting the cover on the boat while the rain was coming down horizontally and the night skies were lighting up like the Fourth of July in Baghdad. Drenched to the bone, it took me a little while to sort out the cover and all the snaps many of which were compromised and secured nothing. Fearing that the winds would tear the cover off the boat given half a chance, I made sure it was as secure as it could be and braced myself as I made my way up the hill and back to the camp. We went to sleep last night to the sound of rain gently falling through the canopy of trees surrounding our camp and it was peaceful and serene.

I have a good mind to make a good breakfast this morning. Something good to start the day off on the right foot. Yesterday was not a culinary disaster necessarily but we could have demonstrated a bit more constraint when and where sweets were concerned. And, it is probably safe to say that we ate more than we usually do for a couple of reasons. One, I think Nancy is fighting off a cold and, two, we pushed the limits with our biking and that always leaves me feeling the need to replenish whatever stores of proteins or fats or whatever gets depleted when you do that to yourself. Anticipating that we would be doing what ended up doing yesterday, we even brought peanut butter here to the camp for just that reason. Now, we just need to use the peanut butter. I'd like to go for a nice hike today so may even bring the peanut butter as a snack when the going gets tough. Buck mountain beckons as they say in the song so now it just depends on how Nancy feels and so we'll see. maybe we'll just spend the day swimming in Sandy Bay. That would work too.


Hmmm. Sandy Bay. Not a bad idea. Took the boat over there mid morning and there was nothing for traffic on the lake. Just what the doctor ordered. Nancy was still a little under the weather and taking it all in stride as we made our way into the bay. We were one of three boats in the bay at that hour and it probably wasn't going to be getting much busier so it didn't much matter where we tied up. Some buoys are better than others and we gravitated to the side of the lake that we always go to where the buoys were dispersed much more liberally. In other words, we would have our privacy and then some so that was good. I sometimes like to listen to the radio while wiling away the hours and today was no different. Clouds moved lazily across the sky casting shadows on the mountains to the east while the Sagamore Hotel sat due north but looking much closer due to the mere size of the hotel. There was barely a chop across the water although that changed as the hours faded into early afternoon on the lake.

A boatload of teenagers appeared shortly after we arrived and we heard them make reference to the last day of summer. Not sure what school they planned to go to but I felt the truant officer in me rising up and I wondered aloud while no one listened or even cared. Maybe that truant officer goes by the name of scrooge too. I eventually turned my attention to other matters and even spent a bit of time in the lake luxuriating in the medicinal waters of the lake. Well, hyperbole is acceptable when talking about Lake George so just go with it. That's what I tell myself. Enjoy life and the hell with everything else. Johnny boy, you are on vacation. Start acting that way. C'mon, Nancy! Come in the water with me. Forget your cold. Forget the fact that you are not feeling particularly well. Take a little siesta beneath deck and we'll see you when you wake up. She did and went on to enjoy a brief swim after the fact. Could the air at the lake be any clearer? The waters any cleaner? The company any better?

Thursday, September 4th, 2014

Another day on the lake. Going to be a warm one today but not to worry. We're not sure what we have for plans but there are a few things on the back burner and up for consideration. Maybe we'll go to Saratoga. Maybe we'll hike up Buck Mountain. Maybe we'll just hang out in Sandy Bay for the better part of the day. Where will we go to ride our bikes if we decide to do that? Will we let the heat decide our fate? If it turns decidedly north then we may take refuge in the cool waters of Sandy Bay. The hike may give us a bit if a reprieve as well since the trails up the mountain are often shaded and not terribly steep. You can certainly tell by the traffic on the lake at this early hour that the weekend crowd is getting an early start on the weekend. They are not quite ready to give up on the summer of 2014 no matter the month and forgetting the fact that we are now in the month of September and well past the start of the school year.


The dinner at the Harvest was a good one last night. We met the sisters for our annual dinner while visiting here in Glens Falls. The whole experience was a bit surreal at times. The food was ok but the presentation was sub-par. Kathy ordered a chef salad and it gave every appearance of a bowl overflowing with chopped meat of some kind almost as though they back up a truck and tipped it until the bowl was overflowing. God help us. I think Kathy might have preferred a pizza but none of us were interested so she went with the salad. Don't take this the wrong way but I think the angle she was playing was that she might like to order something the likes of which she could take home after all was said and done. All I can say is that I am glad that I didn't order that salad. I would have sent it back to the kitchen and asked that they work a little harder to make it look like a salad. Is that too fucking much to ask?  

Lise ordered the taco salad and I'm not sure I've ever seen a taco salad that looked quite like that. This restaurant might make a good pizza but they clearly have their work cut out for them on the entrees we ordered. Her taco salad looked like an slightly elevated Mexican omelet without the eggs. There was a shell that was barely discernible and one that I would otherwise expect to see rising up at odd angles from her plate but it was not so much. Lise is not a complainer and she went about eating her dinner without so much of whisper or a whimper. I like that about Lise. Then Kathy started in about her not being able to eat processed meat and it left me wondering what she thought she had in front of her if it wasn't processed meat. It was. My turkey club was pathetic. A club sandwich is supposed to be robust and a handful and a minimum. Where the sandwich was lacking in stature, the same could not be said for the french fries on my plate. I had to look carefully to even find my sandwich beneath the mountain of fries and found myself wishing that I had ordered something in the place of the fries. Can someone please help me find my sandwich! Oh, there it is.....BORING!


And the waitress.... I got the impression that she was not thrilled to be waiting on a couple of middle aged women which is what she was looking at until Nancy and I arrived. I'm not sure that her mindset shifted all that much even after she found herself looking at a full booth. Kathy had ordered a glass of wine before we arrived and the waitress no doubt thought the girls were settling in for the night. I made some comment to Lise about the place being busy for a Wednesday night with a particular type of clientele and Lise chimed in with a rather prescient comment about people on the government dole. The comment came seemingly from first hand experience. Been there, done that is what I was hearing. Not personally, of course, but that was her experience in dealing with the customers in her line of business. So the waitress was friendly but not overly engaging and she did what she had to to do her job. Sometimes perfunctory is good. I think it did not warrant the tip that Nancy gave her but there you have it.

But it was good to see the sisters again. Kathy was lamenting the fact that Rollie had not given her a boat ride on the lake as yet this summer and she seemed somewhat put out by that fact. Reading between the lines, I tried my level best not to fall into that trap and deftly avoided offering to provide same. Maybe Kathy has some matriarchal complex issues the likes of which leaves her feeling entitled or at least deserving of certain benefits where her siblings are concerned but that is not something I subscribe to in any way shape or form. Get in line is what I say. Being the eldest entitles you to nothing. So I said nothing but made a quick mental calculation about the remaining hours of daylight on the lake and factored in my desire to take them for a ride and ultimately decided that it was not something I cared  or even wanted to do. Maybe I have some complex issues of my own but we don't need to go there this fine morning. I'm not even sure where "there" is so it is clearly not time well spent.

And all of this nonsense about a certain man at a certain seafood business ten years Kathy's junior expressing interest in her and her not being interested or maybe only interested in something platonic. It was a little like having a "kiss your sister" discussion which was not anywhere that I was interested in going but Kathy had other ideas. Was she intentionally trying to sabotage my dining experience? Maybe she wanted what was left of my club sandwich but was too polite to ask. Nobody is that manipulative. I'm thinking to myself, if you want a platonic relationship get yourself a dog. Oh, but she can't have any pets where she lives. They run much too tight a ship to allow that sort of thing. And then I ran down the list of men she has cavorted with over the years and expressed my concerns that going where no man has gone before was not her modus operandi and that she should not proceed with caution given her particular shelf life. Well, maybe I didn't put it like that exactly. But, I did resurrect the name of Jimmy Williams if for no other reason than to bolster my case and give evidence to support my concerns. Yes, Kathy darling, the bloom is not quite off the rose as yet but it is decidedly less fragrant and infinitely less seductive than it once was. Can I say that as her brother?


The whole boat thing here at the lake is weird. And kathy was whining a bit about the fact that Rollie didn't throw a party at the lake this summer. I reminded her that Rollie spent his vacation this year in Europe with his family and had but a few days here on the lake in which to relax and let down his hair. I'm sure the last thing he was thinking about was how to entertain the family in the waning days of the summer of 2014. There is that whole expectation game thing again. I too care little for doing any entertaining in my short time here at Lake George. I want peace and quiet and time to reflect and all that sort of thing. Getting together with the sisters for a little dinner is good but that is the extent of my outreach interests. I'm not sure I care all that much for taking the boat out truth be told. We've been here since Monday night and we've been to Sandy Bay once and it is Thursday already. It is nice to have it available to be sure and just to know it's there and ready if that is something we want to do. I guess I've been doing more reading that usual and writing in this here journal has been a bit of fun and I do feel as though I've not written all that much this year so catching up isn't a bad thing.

Fast forward to PM on Thursday. A whirlwind of a day to be sure. Nancy went for a walk while I chilled at the camp. So much so that I can't for the life of me remember even now what I was doing during her departure. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed by the fact that there is no dish strainer in this joint and without a dish drainer I'm lost when it comes to cleaning, restoring order, and or putting things back in their rightful place. Who writes about these kinds of things? And so the counter is strewn with this and that most of which would not be so obvious if only I had a dish drainer. Why would you rent a place to someone without a dish drainer? You wouldn't. I'm sure I can find a way around the problem by using the dishwasher but I'm less inclined to use the dishwasher than is Nancy so I'm wanting to leave the chore to her but I think she is equally overwhelmed. I think I'll take the bull by the horns and just do it. Get it done. Be the man I was meant to be. Say what?

So we boated to Long Island and walked the entire distance around the island from the ranger station and back to the boat. It took us a good hour and a half and that was without taking a break. C'mon, Nancy, keep up! She dillied and dallied and was occasionally out of sight at which point I waited for her to come into sight before moving on. C'mon, Jihad Nancy! Step it up! I rattled off a number of nuanced names until one got her attention and she seemed to make more an effort thereafter to keep up. It was decidedly cooler beneath the canopy of trees that lined the perimeter and interior of the island like random umbrellas sprouting from the earth with no intention other than to provide shelter to those inhabitants of the island seeking shade in their midst. Their roots threatened to snag our feet at ever turn and we stepped up, around, and over their protruding arteries all the while being careful not to lose our footing in the process.


We were not alone on the island. It is one thing to be on the island in the middle of the summer where you have a shared rationale with the other campers, hikers, and other wayward souls trying to lose themselves in nature. It is quite another to be there after the summer crowds have long gone and the reasons for being there are not easily discernible. Couples, I understand. Older couples are even easier to understand. They are probably looking for something lost. Something not easily rekindled but nonetheless something worth looking for. We walked past their sites and sometimes glanced their way and sometimes not.

It was the single man in the boat that arrived after us and looked somehow out of place that drew my attention. We outdistanced him with ease since he had still not secured his boat as we moved off along the pathway that hugged the shoreline. As we came up on the other side of the island and headed north we saw him again. He was idling in his boat and moving slowly along the shoreline within sight of our path.  We were quite certain that he was well aware of us as was the case when we first laid eyes on him. Again, we lost sight of him for what turned out to be the last time and that was that. I had no further need to tap my inner Jihad John and any and all thoughts of joining the likes of ISIS to toughen my resolve were no longer necessary. Just as well. I'm a lover...not a fighter.

We ended up in Bolton Landing as we are prone to do while on vacation. It has become a destination of sorts that we like to travel to by boat and it is a town that welcomes boaters as evidenced by the accommodations they make  available at the local pier. It was a nice ride there as well. Temperatures here in the Adirondacks in September don't usually run this warm but we were seeing temperatures in town in the eighties and probably off those highs when out on the water. In other words, it was a relief to be heading north on the lake where there was a stiff wind, sporadic white caps, and a gentle spray that came over the bow of the boat from time to time bringing even more relief from the heat. Rollie's boat is big enough so that as persuasive as the rolling waves were on the lake, the boat tamed them without so much as a whimper. It offered comfort where a smaller boat might not. It offered luxury where a lesser vessel might not. It offered a certain peace of mind to those ill equipped to deal with such things. It was just right for the occasion and we were making every minute count.

That bean restaurant did not quite work out this time around. As willing as we were to give it a try we were not willing to have lunch in a restaurant with no air conditioning when there were other equally decent places to go within walking distance that had air conditioning. It was just too warm to do that so we moved along after realizing that the diner had no air conditioning.

Friday, September 5th, 2014

Joan Rivers died. That sick mother with the mannequin affect finally packed it in. Her shrill and invective filled delivery is finally a thing of the past. Where will her hordes of sicko followers go now? Good fucking riddens is what I say. And what about all those minimum wage workers across the nation going on strike until they get their $15 dollars an hour? Get yourself an education and then we'll talk. That's what I say. Is it my imagination or are most of these miscreants black? I don't see any Asians striking. I don't see any Indians striking. It's the mother fucking entitlement community speaking with one voice again. You know Al Sharpton (Charlatan) is somewhere there in their midst. He wouldn't miss a chance to capitalize on a little race baiting when and where the opportunity represents itself. Now that the Ferguson matter has died a natural death he needs to  find another cause. Yes, Reverend Al, you absolute piece of shit, this cause seems to be right up your alley.


The liberal establishment continues to flex its collective muscle and now has its sights set on the owner of the Washington Redskins football team. They are demanding that he not use the term "redskins" in the name of the team and have conspired with the government to force a change that pleases them and their liberal constituents. Forget for a minute that the Indians of that particular persuasion are not offended in the least. Do not bow to these sons of bitches is what I say. There is no end to their vitriol and passion for political correctness and it has to stop. It is especially disturbing that the forces of government have been corralled and utilized in order to do the bidding of the liberal establishment. This will not end well. The Obama administration would have it no other way. Yes, they are co-conspirators in this battle. Has anyone in the Obama administration read the fucking Constitution? How about he Bill of Rights? Will somebody please impeach that bastard?

Isis is coming! Isis is coming! Now that the Obama administration has labeled them the Jay-Vee team and turned their sights away from them in an effort to further assuage the far left who wants no part of nation building or wars of any kind, they have given the Isis groups the air they need to breath; the room they need to grow; and the resources they need to do what they do best. They are effectively beheading their way across the MidEast taking christians and all non-Muslims alike in their path. They have decimated entire towns and cities in their march across large areas between Syria and Iraq. They are now threatening to continue their march until the flag of Isis flies over the White House. Word also has it that they have conspired with Mexican Cartels to help infiltrate our southern borders where they can bring death and carnage to a town near you. It is an idealogical battle where death of its participants carries its own rewards which makes it particularly nasty but effective. And when our fearless leader, the great Obama, decides that enforcing the laws of the United States by protecting our borders is not a priority, then he effectively aids these Isis groups and others in their efforts to find and kill Americans. Why has this bastard not been impeached?

So, here we are on the eve of 9/11. With thousands of illegal aliens crossing our borders and being transported to towns across our country without the blessing or knowledge of the recipient communities I am left wondering about the future of our country. When the Obama administration ignores requests by members of Congress to provide information on the movement of these illegal aliens I am left wondering what kind of fucking banana republic we are living in. Is this what Obama meant when he said that he would "fundamentally transform America"? More immediately, I am left to wonder about what might happen on 9/11 since it seems to be an anniversary that the Muslim Jihadists take some stock in and want very badly to celebrate. Can you say "Benghazi?"
And to think that one of the principal architects of the Benghazi matter where four Americans died in the streets of Benghazi is now planning to run for the highest office in the land, the Presidency of the United States. Have we gone fucking nuts? Why are these people not rotting in jail somewhere?


But I digress. It is a delightful morning here on the lake. It is a cool morning with a slight breeze out of the south and conditions are a wee bit overcast. It is nice to get a break from the sun every once in a while. Nancy is doing her Adams Family puzzle next to me here on this table and we are both wondering, in our own little ways, as to what we might have for breakfast. I'm a protein guy and have no use for cereal, bread, or muffins. Give me eggs, black beans, and Canadian Ham any day. And if you throw all those things together and add a little shredded cheese and salsa I'll be good to go. I like mushrooms and broccoli too and, on occasion, I can be talked into having a little onion thrown into the mix too. Did I mention that I bought some really nice olive oil in Saratoga last night? I might well use it today when I make breakfast. Hmmm. Can't wait.

Saturday, September 6th, 2014

That will do it, kiddies. Or, that's a wrap. Pick your poison. Any way you slice it, just to dish up another overused cliche, our week here at the lake is over. It's toast. A swell week though as the Beaver would say. Weather was good; seeing family was good; boating was great; swimming was stellar; fishing, or the one day I went fishing, was mighty fine; and time with my honey worked out well too. Didn't see a lot of the family but that was by design. Didn't get around to visiting the cemetery either. I've always found that little exercise to be a bit on the macabre side so am not unhappy we didn't around to it. I wrote quite a bit in this here journal and that felt and still feels good. maybe it was just a convenient excuse to sit in Starbucks and drink coffee. Like I need an excuse to do that.

If the rain holds off that will be good since Rollie asked that I drive his boat back to Assembly Point. Not a problem, bro. Happy to do it. I would just prefer that it not be raining when I make the trip. Not worried about getting wet but the boat would be a veritable slop by the time I arrived at my destination. And then there is the clean-up after the fact and all the rest. Still not sure how this morning is going to play out. I may get one more chance to sit in Starbucks while Nancy shops at the button factory type place in downtown Glens Falls. That would be fine. I'f I don't write in my journal I will spend the time reading. I just don't know where I'd be without my trusty iPad. Life before this damn thing must have been tedious indeed so I'm delighted that it came along. Thank you, Apple! Thank you, Steve Jobs! RIP!


I think that Mexican food we had last night in downtown Glens Falls was terrific. I especially liked to guacamole but thought the chicken burrito I had was one of the better burritos I've ever had. Talk about winning the hearts and minds of the American public. How bout the tummies? The tummies need a little lovin too. Yes, they do. My compliments to the chef. Nancy had fish tacos with salmon which was exquisite or so she told me. She was as effusive in her praise of the dish as was I in praise of my own. And to think that we entered the place only after finding another place on the strip less inviting. We were seated but the location was much too dark so we got up and walked out. You vote with your feet these days. They either wow you or they lose your business. The Mexican restaurant sat on a roundabout and the menu warned that you sat outside at your own risk so we took a table just inside the front door. We originally thought it too warm to stay but got acclimated while waiting for our take out and stayed to eat our dinner. Good decisions all around. And the orange soda that Nancy ordered? Well, that worked out just fine too. It complimented the meal nicely.