Keebler Elves

I thought I saw something this morning in my Twitter (X) feed about Google no longer using anything but mainstream news sources in its search engine. What does that tell you?" It tells me that they want you to see nothing but the narratives pushed by the Biden Administration and their praetorian guard, the CNNs and CBS's of the world. I, for one, appreciate the heads-up, and I'll be using everything but Google to do my searches. I have to tell you, though, there are days when I'm browsing Twitter, and it looks suspiciously like mainstream news. This new CEO Musk hired is just like the old CEO under Jack Dorsey. There's no less shadow banning, and some of the people I follow seem to either not be posting or, worse yet, I'm no longer alerted to their posts. I know that because if I look them up, their recent posts are all there. Anyway, Google can go to hell. I'm not sure Twitter is long for this world, either.

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Who are these twats talking smack about Michelle Obama running for President in 2024? Have we not had enough of these Kenyan grifters to last us a lifetime? It all seems quite preposterous to me, but think about it. They've got Trump going to prison for 450 years, and the next guy in line after Trump, if we're to believe the polls, is DeSantis, who is polling in the teens somewhere. It would be a cakewalk for any Democrat running, and even more so if that Democrat is an Obama. Someone is clearly floating a trial balloon on behalf of the Democrats, who would love nothing better than to have the Obamas back in the White House. My take is that Barry is the real guy behind the curtains, pulling the strings these days. Bumbles, the marionette, travels back and forth between the White House and his beach house in Rehobeth as directed, where you can catch him on any given day, either riding his bicycle with his shit-eating grin or sitting on the beach staring mindlessly out over the ocean at nothing in particular.

I'm getting a little sick and tired of these damn do-nothing Republicans in Congress. We gave them the damn majority in Congress with the expectation that they would do something to hold the Biden Crime Family to account. I don't care about the so-called August recess. I don't give two shits that they're back in their districts schmoozing with their constituents. That is not where they belong at this pivotal time in our country's history. Biden's Attorney General, Garland, just appointed a special prosecutor to look into Hunter Biden's crimes. You and I know that this is a sham of an appointment. The Republicans should be back in Washington pushing back against this nonsense. At a minimum, where is the fucking impeachment inquiry? McCarthy is looking more and more like a Biden rump swab every day he does nothing to fulfill his constitutional duty, which is to bring charges of Bribery and treason against a sitting corrupt president.

And that no-good piece of shit, Senator and Speaker McConnell, said something last week about not wanting to go down the impeachment road. Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that his wife has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), all of which would be exposed if they start looking into Biden's crimes and related shenanigans with the CCP? Biden has these people over a barrel. He knows where all the bodies are buried, so to speak. Do you think the Bidens are the only politicians in Washington, DC, that have been taking money from our enemies around the world?

That may explain why so much of what we see these days in Washington is performative. That is to say, it looks like they're doing something, but it's all smoke and mirrors. It pains me to point out the obvious, but I think it bears repeating. The Uni-Party protects its own. Now that Biden and the Democrat Party have effectively and wholly co-opted our intelligence agencies, there is no limit to the arrows that they now have in their quiver to control and silence their political opposition. Hell, they're proving the point by unleashing a prosecutor from The Hague to put Trump in jail for the rest of his life. Is it starting to make sense now? Are you awake yet?

Good old Fanny Willis. She's the Democrat hack of a District Attorney out of Georgia who just indicted Trump and a lot of others for "crimes" related to the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. This latest indictment makes it Trump's fourth indictment, in case you're keeping track. Everybody wants to be a hero, and this loser of a DA out of Georgia is no different. This little pudgy fucker thinks she is going to save Bumble's Biden's bacon in Georgia in 2024, and, God willing, should he "win" the election, he will appoint her to be his Attorney General in his second term. She will go down in history as one of the dumbest fucks of an Attorney General anywhere, and that says a lot. I can't speak for the people who put her in office, but if we've learned anything about Democrats and elections, we know that ballots can mean different things to different people. Would it be too much to ask how much of her campaign war chest came from George Soros? Did I mention that her office posted the indictments before the Grand Jury had even voted? You can't make this shit up.

I feel for the people in Maui. The fire that swept through that community in the last few days was fucking biblical. What do you do if you're one of the hundreds of people who now have no home to return to? Everything has been reduced to ash. What if you didn't have insurance? Do they even sell insurance on the island? Not to worry, though, Bumbles Biden has approved a payment of $700 to each and every citizen on the island. I'm not sure how one qualifies for the $700, but $700 is $700, so you do what you can to get a piece of that action. By the time all is said and done, $700 is probably what you'll spend for an outing at your local grocery store. I'm reading that people are so desperate that they are being robbed at gunpoint on the streets. How do the islanders process the fact that Bumbles Biden is supporting Ukraine and Ukrainians to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, but the best he can do for the islanders is a meager $700 per townie? Now, the islanders know how the people of East Palestine, Ohio, probably felt when they had a train derailment in town that poisoned their air and water earlier this year. Biden still hasn't stepped foot in the town. He has no plans to visit Maui either. His first response, when asked by a reporter about the unbelievably horrible events in Maui, was "no comment."

Can you imagine being an islander in Maui, sitting on the curb looking at a pile of ash where your home used to be, and hearing that kind of bullshit coming out of the President of the United States? That should tell you a lot about where Bumbles and his entourage are going to be when the nuclear weapons start coming to our shores. He'll be sitting pretty in the bunker several stories beneath the White House, watching real-time video of his favorite spot on Rehobeth beach and longing for the days when he can return to his spot beneath his favorite umbrella. He'll not be giving another thought to the millions of Americans vaporized by the incoming missiles and those who will wish they'd been vaporized but weren't by the grace of God.

We're talking about Scranton Joe here. He was going to restore civility to our people after four very long years of mean tweets by his predecessor. He was going to be the people's president, come hell or high water. Then came dementia, but Trump's tweets were still too mean. So mean, in fact, that he (Trump) still posed an existential threat to our Republic some three years after Biden's inauguration. Not wanting to leave anything to chance come the 2024 election, Bumbles has almost guaranteed his radical Marxist cult that he will imprison the one opponent he fears most will cost him the election. Welcome to Venezuela. Sorry, I digress. Prayers to the good people of Maui.

I still don't understand why the Supreme Court isn't stepping in to put a stop to this mess of election interference created intentionally by the Democrats to take out Joe Biden's opponent in the 2024 election. If they don't stand up to the illegal interference by one political party over their opposition party in our country's most important electoral process, they might as well pack up their bags and go home. He (John Roberts) is not the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He's the Chief Justice of the United States. How can he, and the other conservative Justices on the Supreme Court for that matter, stand idly by while the Democrats and their shills in courts across our land bring charges against an ex-president that threaten everything our country stands for when it comes to free speech, the right to contest elections and every other damn right that has been the birthright of politicians in our country since our founding? The only explanation that I can come up with is that they've bought into the narrative spun by the Main Street media since Trump came down the elevator in 2015. That is to say, Trump is an existentialist threat to our very democracy. When our highest court in the land drinks the Marxist Kool-Aid of the Left, it's all over. Like I said, pack your fucking bags.

What is this nonsense that we're hearing about China's economy falling on hard times? Who in their right mind believes a word coming out of Communist China when it comes to anything? In fact, I'm inclined to think the opposite when I hear them speak. One story in the news this morning is that they are asking the West to put a stop to any efforts by stockholders to unload sagging stocks ahead of what could be a real problem in China's real estate sector. What would that look like, exactly? I think I don't even understand what a sagging market in Beijing would mean for our economy here in the United States. Does it mean they buy fewer and fewer of our treasury bills because of a tanking yuan? Maybe more importantly, if any of what we're hearing about their economy is true, some are suggesting that Xi might look to distract his citizenry from their financial woes by rallying them to a nationalist call for unity by invading Taiwan. I'm just throwing things against the wall here to see if anything sticks. Our financial markets are off their recent highs and seem to be heading lower, so maybe I have my answer. Maybe it's time to head over to Walmart to see if they have any fire sale items I might be interested in.

I heard that the old hag, Hillary Clinton, was making the rounds on the Leftist talking head shows. She's taking a victory lap ahead of the potential jailing of one Donald J Trump. I think she thinks she's getting the last laugh. She may well be getting the last laugh, but as always, when it comes to Hillary Clinton, it just isn't a good look. I tweeted out that Trump should have put her behind bars when he had the chance. I'll never forget how relieved I was on the night of the election in 2016 when Trump won, and we, thankfully, averted the likely disaster of having the hag Hillary as our president for the next four to eight years. If you recall, she was the odds-on favorite to win that night. I still remember how all of her followers had piled into the Javits Center in New York City on Election night to celebrate with Hillary as the returns came in hour by hour. She was going to break the proverbial glass ceiling for women across the country who've dreamed of this night seemingly forever. Thank the baby Jesus that right-minded Americans had something else in mind when it came to Hillary Clinton. They had endured eight years of Obama's radicalism, and they weren't going to stand for yet another swinish candidate like Hillary Clinton to take the reins of our country. Enough was enough.

I'm not sure who has and who hasn't qualified for next week's Republican debate. I guess I'll tune in just to watch the hysterics of the clowns on the stage as they take potshot after potshot at Trump in an effort to see if it helps anyone or more of them to get out of the single digits. Trump is not expected to be in attendance. I saw a poll yesterday that, for the first time, had Trump at 60% with everyone else, as you can imagine, trailing badly. However, I will say this poll had Ramaswamy ahead of everyone else, although not by a large margin. I like Vivek, and I've said as much previously. I've always liked the idea of a businessman, or woman, running our country instead of these shithead politicians who think that they are entitled to be president by virtue of the fact that they've been politicians all their lives. That is not what our Founders had in mind when they created our Constitution. I expect Vivek to dominate the debate. Not because he is going to spend his time ripping Trump a new one because he probably won't, but rather because he is the one candidate most likely to elevate the conversation to talk about the issues that are of the most concern to everyday Americans. That's what he does. That's who he is.

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If Chris Christie walks into the debate like a bull in a China shop with his usual vitriol and disdain for the Donald, I'd like to see the audience, and I'm assuming there will be an audience, boo the bloody Jesus out of him. That should be a warning to every other Keebler Elf on the stage, with the exception of my man Vivek, who I'm guessing has no plans to talk about Trump other than what contributions Trump made during his first term, that trying to improve their lot at the expense of Trump is going to be a non-starter. I refer to Vivek as my main man because I'd like to see him in Trump's cabinet should Trump get back into the White House in 2024.

Hell, if Trump weren't running, I'd be all in for Vivek. He's a cool dude and smart as a whip. And who doesn't like a candidate who says that one of his first duties when he gets into the White House, is to get rid of all the three-letter agencies? I think everyone underestimates the appeal he has with the millennial-aged voters. If Vivek can corral them into Trump's camp when all is said and done, that can't hurt. I also need to give credit to Steve Bannon for coining the phrase "Keebler Elves." It fits all these never-Trumpers likely to be on the stage like a glove. Not that any one of them would admit to being a never-Trumper because that would be the end of their campaigns. Lastly, I think DeSantis has the most to lose in this debate. He comes across as a nasty, cold-blooded motherfucker, and with his numbers in some polls already in the single digits, that boy goes into this debate with his long-term prospects of being president already on life support.

Just when I thought we residents of New Hampshire were safe from the ravages of the millions of illegal aliens coming across our southern border because we do not live in a sanctuary state, I woke up to news yesterday that the Feds (ICE) had collared a Bolivian killer overnight in my town. I guess I was being a little naive, to say the least. Trump warned us that these shithole countries were emptying their prisons and shipping them off to our open borders, where welcome signs are posted every ten feet and in a hundred different languages. The Biden administration has ushered in roughly 7 million illegals in the last two years at the expense of every American in an attempt to turn red states blue. I guess I'm going to have to take stock of what weaponry I may or may not need in order to protect my loved ones. I'm not even sure that locked windows and locked doors are going to keep these animals from raping and pillaging their way through America. If I need to put up razor wire and turrets along the perimeter of our property, then desperate times call for desperate measures. What are you doing to protect your loved ones?

I also have to guess that stories like the one I referred to in the previous paragraph are not going to go very far in endearing the moonbats in Massachusetts, which is just south of here, to the pleas of their governor to open their homes, their vacant apartments, their spare rooms, and their hearts to the hordes of illegals flooding their state. Fuck that. Why would they do that when they're hearing stories of Bolivian contract killers on the loose just an hour away? Another story that I've been following is about a family who goes off with his or her family on vacation only to find upon their return that squatters have taken over their property. It gets worse. When the homeowner calls 911, he or she gets arrested. I'm not making this shit up. It seems like the only way to prevent this sort of thing is to not go on vacation in the first place. Stay in place with your firearm of choice at your side and hope for the best. Get yourself a good guard dog and sleep with one eye open. If you think starting a community watch program is the better option, go for it. I suspect this will not be the first criminal they arrest in my town, nor will it be the last.

What is this I'm hearing about Biden using a number of pseudonyms to communicate with Burisma officials when he was Vice President? Who does that? Maybe more to the point, why would someone do that? To make matters worse, he consistently carbon-copied Hunter, his crackhead of a son, when using these pseudonyms. Wait a minute. I thought Bumbles said that he was never in business with his son. Word has it that certain of these documents were leaked to Comer's committee in Congress. I gather that if you are not precise in terms of which documents you're requesting under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), no one is going to volunteer other documents that may or may not appear related. In other words, if you have a Leftist handling these requests and, quite frankly, running interference for Biden and the Democrat Party, you'll never get these documents that they know might somehow end up indicting Bumbles and his crackhead son. It's just more evidence of the alleged crimes of bribery and treason committed by Bumbles and his extended Biden Crime Family. Comer has given them two weeks to turn over the relevant documents.

It looks like the financial markets are in trouble again. Ten-year Treasury yields are spiking over 4.3%, oil is over $84 a barrel, and a gallon of gas at the pumps hereabouts is approaching $4. I don't think anyone's buying the inflation numbers coming out of Washington. There is no way that the month-over-month numbers are anywhere near 3.1%. Maybe that's a year-over-year number. Not sure. It was just a week ago that the S&P was up for 13 days in a row, and everyone began to think it would never go down. Maybe that's the definition of a Bull Market. Valuations are crazy high, so something had to give. I guess we'll see if what they say about markets taking staircase steps up and the elevator down is true this time around. The weird part, to me, is that we're in an elevated interest rate market with rates now over 5% and 30-year mortgages over 7%, and the stock market has just been gangbusters this year. That's not supposed to happen. Right? The market was down 20% to 30% last year, and we're up by roughly the same amount this year to date. We're not back to the highs of 2021, so this year may be nothing more than another leg up in an extended Bear Market Rally in an otherwise brutal bear market. Buckle up.

Kudos to the politicians in that New York City suburb who are saying "no" to Mayor Adam's efforts to move illegal aliens out of his city and into their town. I can't recall which township we're talking about, but they apparently have a large facility that could house large numbers of these illegal aliens were they to agree to do so. They want no part of these unvetted and illegal aliens who present an existential threat to the communities in which they may or may not be placed. Their social systems are already at capacity, their school systems are already maxed out for the upcoming school year, and to put it as bluntly as I can, the fucking inn is full. I'm paraphrasing, of course. If New York City wants to be a sanctuary city, that's fine. Find a way to deal with the hand you've been dealt. Busing these illegal aliens out of the city and into areas that want no part of them is a non-starter. Nobody in their right mind is going to sit back and suck it up when they see these overloaded buses arriving on their doorstep with illegal aliens demanding everything under the sun. It's a fight worth fighting if you ask me. Wins beget wins, and that's a good thing. The Marxist overlords in Albany may wish to pass bills to force the issue, but I don't see anyone taking this lying down. As long as we have pitchforks and a voice with which to speak, we'll be standing at the gates to protect our own. Nobody should expect anything less.

I don't know why but every time I read a story about a young man gone missing after a night out drinking, I'm reminded that the Smiley Face Killer is still out there and still operating under the cover of darkness. The latest story is of a young black man who took an Uber in San Fransisco and who is now nowhere to be found. They found his backpack containing two laptops and assorted accessories near the Golden Gate Bridge so that's not a good sign. Victims of this particular serial killer, if there really is a killer going by the name of the Smiley Faced Killer, are typically found floating in a body of water after the fact. The currents beneath the Golden Gate Bridge are particularly strong so his body, if it did end up in the water, is likely no longer in the vicinity of the bridge. This young fellow is, or was, depending on how things turn out, a recent graduate of Cornell University who was in San Fransisco to start a new job as a software engineer for Netflix. His loving parents are beside themselves as you might well imagine if I'm to glean anything from their appearances in the media. Their tears and pleas have thus far fallen on deaf ears. Do you know how many people go missing in a city the size of San Fransisco every year?

If it's August here in the Northeast, it's time to start paying attention to the New England Patriot football team. It's pre-season so it's never too early to start paying attention to how the team is shaping up for their 2023 season. I don't much care for the game myself, and even less so for the Patriots, but I do enjoy seeing the Patriots get their asses handed to them if and when that happens during the course of the season. I used to find the endless stream of malarky about the tag team of coach Belachick and quarterback Brady quite tiring despite their robust winning record. Like most people paying any attention at all to the team, I was never quite sure who, between Brady and Belachick, deserved what praise for winning everything they seemed to be winning back in the day. Was Belachick a genius? Was Brady the best quarterback in the league thanks to the coaching of Belachick? I guess we now know the answer to that question. Every since Brady left the Patriots, the Patriots have been a shit team under the coaching of Belachick. Now that we know who the fraud is, when is Kraft going to send the piece of shit, Belachik, to the sidelines? How many more seasons are the Patriots going to take it in the caboose before Kraft wakes up to the one person responsible for the endless losses and missed playoff opportunities under Belachicks "leadership"?

We've had some pretty torrential rains hereabouts lately but the sun is out and shining brightly this morning. The month of August is getting a little long in the tooth so I'm not sure if I still have to worry about running into heavy traffic and car lined streets when I head out on my bike ride. It's nice that the main road that I travel on has a nice bike path but it doesn't work too well when cars rather than bikes occupy that space. It forces beach goers with children and coolers onto the main road and that is just one more obstacle for me to consider as a bicyclist looking to avoid both traffic and people on foot. I think we're a week or two away from schools opening their doors for the 2023-2024 season so relief is right around the corner. That doesn't help me today so I think I'll still need to get out there early to see if I can avoid the crush of it all. Now you know why I prefer September of all the summer months to go biking. I like June for the same reason but summers can be such a hellscape for bikers hereabouts for the better part of two months and the relief when September rolls around is palpable, if that's the right word.

I don't know about that Mark Levin guy. He is hell bent on throwing the kitchen sink at Russia. To what end, I ask. How far does he want to escalate matters and how many Americans would he have die in the process? He's got a lot of bluster for a guy who sits behind a microphone four hours a day schooling his listeners on everything from the US Constitution to how the Unisted States should be conducting our foreign policy. By most accounts, Russia is eating Ukraine's lunch and it's just a matter of time before Kiev just keels over under the boots of their Russian invaders. I'm not convinced, like Levin is, that Russia is going to keep rolling into greater Europe once they reach Ukraine's borders. That's the kind of pablum that Washington sells the general public in order to keep the financing from petering out. The majority of Americans are now against sending as much as a dime more to the crooks and oligarchs in Ukraine. Some even believe everything they hear about Biden being so compromised by his alleged bribery of officials in Ukraine back in the day that he can't stop the financing without someone in the know in Ukraine dropping a dime if not an audio or visual recording or two of Biden's exploits with his crackhead son, Hunter.

The missus and I watched the televsion show, "A Small Light" over the last week or so. It's the story of the young woman, Ms. Mieps, who was largely responsible for providing shelter and sustenance to the Frank family in Nazi Germany for the two years before their their capture and delivery to the death camps. The missus was disinclined to watch the show given her hypersensitivity to anything having to do with the cruelty that was doled out to the Jewish people under Hitler's reign. Truth be told, she likes to keep any shows with even an iota of violence at arms length. That's just how she rolls. Anyway, I was a little surprised at how sympathetic certain Nazi's were portrayed in the film. It was almost as though they might have done something differently had they not doing the bidding of their Nazi masters. That was their argument once they were held to account in The Hague, for what it was worth. Not that it did them any good. Nobody was buying their bullshit. To this day, the collective guilt for buying into Hitlers fascism during his ascencion to power and beyond haunts Germany and their cittizenry. That should tell you something about their so-called sympathies towards Jews during that period.