Clarion Call

I'm getting so tired of this heat and humidity. It looks like we're in for some relief a couple of days out, so that's a good thing. Every day has been in the high eighties with high humidity for the last couple of weeks. Our air conditioner has been working overtime, and while it's nice to have, I do wish we would get a break of sorts from the heat, so we wouldn't have to have the AC on all the time. If these green energy freaks get their way, we'll no longer be able to afford to turn on the air conditioning, and trying to survive brownouts will be an everyday occurrence. Oh, and if I see a wind turbine going up in my backyard, so help me, god, I'll tear the thing down myself.


The green energy zealots in Congress, and I'm referring to the democrat party as a whole in Congress, voted over the weekend to pass Biden's one trillion dollar Build-Back-Better bullshit of a bill. Not one republican voted for the bill. Have you ever seen a bigger group of sheep than what we're seeing today in the Democrat party? This bill gives billions away to green energy projects, raises taxes on millions of hard-working Americans and small corporations, and hires some 200k new IRS auditors who will descend on the good people of our country like a plague of locusts. God help the mom-and-pop operations that are barely surviving in Biden's America today as it is. I also can't imagine that the regulations coming out of this bill will favor, in any way, shape, or form, existing policies around domestic oil production. That means that every American will pay more at the pump when prices are already twice what they were two years ago.

What politician or politicains in their right mind pass a bill that raises taxes before a mid-term election and during a period of raging stagflation? The democrats think that this is just what the doctor ordered. They are collectively turning cartwheels in the halls of Congress after delivering the votes to pass this monstrosity of a bill. If the republicans and anyone else in our great country are looking for a reason to throw these fools out of office this November, this will be your chance. Do they seriously think that the American people approve of this tomfoolery? Is anyone listening to their constituents? Oh, right. I love paying $6 a gallon of gas at the pump. Everything goes on the credit card, so there's nothing to worry about. If it all comes crashing down sooner or later, I'm sure Bumbles Biden will sign off on another stimulus package to bail our sorry asses out.

I do think that the democrats believe this will light a fire under their voters so that many of them will carpool if they have to get to the polls in November. They'll be tripping over themselves to get to the polls to make sure that Joey Biden keeps democratic majorities in both houses so they can build on their so-called successes in reining in Climate Change and forging their dreams of a new Venezuala here in the United States. Well, the good people in our country might want to have a say in how that all plays out. They kinda liked things the way they were before Bumbles Biden got his 81 million votes in the 2020 elections. We were moving away from what the leftists hoped would be a liberal global world order, and Trump was indeed on his way to making America great again.

To hear the liberal media go on and on about Joey's long string of achievements after the passage of this bill is enough to make me sick. The fool can't find the men's room in the Oval Office, and you want me to believe that he even knows what the hell is going on? He was in seclusion in the White House these last seven days due to back-to-back bouts of Covid, or so they would have you believe. The minute he gets a clean bill of health, he's seen strolling across the lawn at the White House on his way to a helicopter which will take his sorry ass back to his beach house in Rehobeth, Deleware. How about standing in the breach and doing your fucking job? I take that back. Every day that he's sufficiently cogent enough to eat his oatmeal without wearing a bib, he should get the hell out of Dodge before he and his corrupt administration do even more damage to our great republic. Asta-fucking-la-vista!

Do you want to talk about the FBI raid on Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago? We all know what's going on here. If they can convict Trump for not turning over documents to the government following his stint as president, they can effectively stop him from running for president in 2024. That's the goal. Biden's brownshirts, doing what Stasi agents do on behalf of their party, were doing Biden's dirty work yesterday when 30 FBI agents stormed Trump's south Florida home. Trump's polling show that he would crush the pathetic demented Joe Biden, and the Democrats are not wanting to wait for the outcome of that election in 2024 to do what they can do to make sure that Trump never gets in the race from the jump. This is what third-world banana dictators do to their political opposition. We have clearly crossed the rubicon here in our once great Republic. Now I want to see who stands up against this tyranny and who doesn't. The world is watching.

I wish that people would stop comparing this to Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton. It's true that both Biden and Clinton are guilty of far more egregious crimes against the state, and it's true that neither has been held accountable. We also know that there is a double standard when it comes to who the Deep State targets and who they put in jail. If you're a Democrat, you will not be held accountable. If you're a republican or a Trump supporter, prepare to have the FBI show up on your doorstep, and you would be advised to have a plan in place where your family can go on without you once you are held without bail for an indeterminate amount of time in an undisclosed location. Ask any number of Trump advisors, friends, and business associates how that has worked out for them since Trump came down the escalator with Melania in 2015 and announced his run for the presidency.

But this is about preventing Trump from running in 2024, which makes this Mar-a-Lago raid different. This is about putting your political opposition in jail so they can't beat the bejesus out of you on Election Day. This is about the Deep State protecting their power and keeping people like Trump from coming into power and ripping out the rot of the Deep State root and branch. Trump did a good job of exposing the criminals in his first term, but he hired too many Deep State actors who, even now, look to stab him in the back as he prepares to make another presidential run. What I'd like to see now is the turning out of patriots at the polls coast to coast to send the message that what Biden and his corrupt administration are doing is not only wrong, but it's bad for our Republic.

If the Deep State was worried about America First populism taking hold in our country, and assuming they saw this as a direct threat to their holding power longer term, I think that horse has left the barn. Trump endorsees have been winning their primaries hand over fist since the primary season began. Every last one of them has been running against the establishment, and most all have beaten their opponents in the primaries like a rented mule. This is not going to end well for the democrats. They can put Trump away for the rest of his days, but his legacy will be carried on by the people he has chosen. Unless the democrats steal the election in the mid-terms, and they were successful in doing that in 2020, so we shouldn't put that past them, republicans will win back the Congress, and they can start to hold the Deep State responsible for their actions.

In light of what happened to Trump yesterday when they raided his home in Mar-a-Lago, this should tell us all we need to know about what Biden and his corrupt Administration are planning to do with the additional eighty thousand IRS employees they plan to hire after passing this latest boondoggle of a bill this past week. Obama unleashed a weaponized IRS on his political opponents when he was in office, and this looks like a stepped-up version of that very same plan. I don't know where all of this ends, but the trajectory of these constitutional travesties we're all witnessing is troubling indeed. The adage I'm reminded of when I look around is, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely," Or, as Steve Bannon tells us day after day, "Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences." If there has ever been a clearer clarion call to get out to the polls and save our great country, this is it. It's now or never.

I threw in the towel yesterday and decided not to ride my bike. The consistently hot days that have spanned some ten days or so now, with temperatures approaching or exceeding ninety degrees every day, have finally taken their toll. My ride can be a challenge in and of itself but riding in the glaring hot sun with historic humidity levels is a horse of an entirely different color. More than anything, I think it was just the cumulative effects of the sun and the heat that had me throwing in the towel. You would think that riding earlier in the day would provide some relief, but you would be wrong. By "early," I'm talking about getting out on the road before nine in the morning. Was it just my body and my head telling me it was time to take a break? That is entirely possible. Today, the temperatures have cooled off, so I'm looking forward to getting back on my horse and doing what I love to do.

I feel like I'm running out of things to say this morning. I have something of a personal goal every week to publish so many pages, and if I don't get more done today, I'm just going to feel more pressure as the week goes on to get more of whatever down on paper. What if I run out of things to say? What if I get tired of saying the same old things day after day? It's been a long time since I stopped writing entirely, so I don't think I want to go down that road again. I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish anyway other than to get something, anything, down on paper every day. Some people want nothing more than to maybe read a good book every day, see a good television show, visit a favorite friend or two, or take their dog for a walk, but for me, it's all about the journal. Other times, when you've said everything there is to say on any given day, it's all about moving your body. There's a lot to be said for staying active. It's too easy when you're cooped up every day inside while trying to stay cool to lose a bit of toning around the edges, and that's not a road you want to find yourself going down. Like I said, getting back on the horse is important.

Man, my new Husky air compressor is just the fucking bee's knees. I bought it to replace an older air thingy that I used regularly to fill up my bicycle and car tires, and that sucker was getting a little long in the tooth. Well, maybe a lot long in the tooth. For the sake of forty dollars, I could have spent an eighth of the time I've spent waiting for my old air compressor to inflate my tires had I bought this Husky unit sooner. It really is unbelievable. I knew this new pump was working wonders on my bike because I've used it a few times already, but I wasn't sure how it would work on my car tires. My old Volvo has rims that aren't exactly airtight, so they require a topping off here and there on occasion. I did that for the first time yesterday using my new Husky, and it worked great. My days of going to the gas station and pumping quarters in the machine in order to inflate my tires are over. I can do what I need to do right here in my driveway with my new Husky pump. Just sayin'.

I told the missus the other day that I will not be making her salads for lunch anymore. I told her I was getting a little tired of being her short-order cook in so many words. This is not what I signed up for. Besides, not having to be home when she needs her lunch every day is liberating. I can be out and about doing whatever I want to, and I don't have to worry that the missus is not having a proper lunch because I'm not there to prepare it. Clearly, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction, and I don't see it swinging back anytime soon. I suppose if there was a little more reciprocity in the preparing of meals hereabouts, I might feel a little less strongly about having to take these drastic measures. Would it be too much to ask to have her prepare a few finger sandwiches from time to time?

Is anybody out there celebrating the hiring of eighty-seven thousand new IRS agents? This little gem was stuck in the latest Bill passed by the democrats in Congress. You have to ask yourself, why would the democrats want to hire that many new IRS agents? Do they see these new IRS agents as Biden's new brownshirts? You know, the armed agents who show up on the doorsteps of the average American family wanting to pour over every aspect of their lives asking a lot of questions about political party affiliation, causes you've donated to, and other personal questions that are, quite frankly, none of their fucking business. But, it is their business now, thanks to the democrats who signed off on this Bill. Can the Republicans reverse this nonsense once they take back the House of Representatives this Fall? Send the lot of them packing before they sit down to their first tutorial as new IRS agents. With our nation, 30 trillion dollars in debt, don't tell me that this Bill is meant to increase revenues at a time when we're sending $5 billion a week to the shithole, Ukraine. That's a crock of hooey.


I was looking at a few gyms online yesterday, thinking I might like to get in shape before Winter rolls in. One gym, in particular, caught my eye since it was a lot less expensive than the others. Now that I have all this extra time on my hands since I'm not preparing meals for the missus, I don't really have a good reason not to join a gym if that is how I choose to spend my free time. There was only one problem. I started filling in the appropriate blanks until I got to the part of the form that asked about my gender. Say what? Had it been a simple binary question asking me to declare which of the two biological genders I was born into, I might have said, okay, that's not too intrusive a question. And, I would readily admit that some people might be confused when it comes to simple questions like that since they might identify as something other than what you might find on their birth certificate. I know, I know, it's confusing.

Who would be the wiser if I were to sign up online as a female but then appear in person as a male? Fine, pick one gender or the other and complete the form. Nobody cares. They used to care, but nobody cares anymore. Everyone is too damn scared of being accused of being transphobic. Is that even a word? The form gave me four choices and not just the two that would seem to be, well, normal. There were Male, Female, and Non-Binary, and I think the fourth choice was like, It's none of your fucking business. I think this place might be too woke for me. That's good to know because I'm a go-woke-go-broke kind of guy, and I won't have anything to do with them if I think they subscribe to this nonsense. I'm voting with my feet, and they'll not be getting my business. I'd like them to know that they are not getting my business because of their wokeness, but I'm not sure how to do that. Not that they would probably give a hoot.

The Ev man dropped off some wet clothes for us to wash for him last night. He should have brought them over sooner. You don't want to let those things sit around too long. I'm glad he finally got around to doing just that, and he tells us that things are now in order. We should probably work with him to get more towels, so he's taking care of water problems with towels instead of using dirty clothes. You live, and you learn, or so they say. I sent him a follow-up text a couple of hours after he left our house, telling him that we noticed that he might have been struggling a bit and to make sure that he was taking care of himself. His response was straight and to the point: "Bathroom smells better." That's the Ev man in a nutshell.

The missus and I had a lovely meal at the Great Bay Marina yesterday afternoon. We arrived well before the rush hour, so we had a good table, a great view, and an enjoyable walk down on the docks after our meal. It was fun looking at all the beautiful boats docked at this particular marina, and I couldn't help but imagine myself behind the wheel of one or more boats just for shits and giggles. This specific marina was a far cry from the cramped and swampy marinas, the likes of which we've become so familiar with over the past few years when visiting Lake George, NY. This was a deep water marina where boat slips were spacious and more accommodating to operators whose docking skills were marginal at best. Everything was so tidy. Everything was in its rightful place. It's a world that I'm familiar with but less so when it comes to boating on the open seas. I'm more of a lakes guy, so there's that. I can still dream, though. Right?

We're a few days out from the FBI's raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago home in South Florida, and the furor over what increasingly looks like a political hit job gets worse by the hour. You would think that someone, anyone, involved or responsible for raiding the home of a former president of the United States might step up to the plate in the wake of the raid to explain to the people of our great country why our Justice Department was acting like a rogue dictator in some South American shithole. It took the AG three days before he did a press conference. He did little in his pressor to assuage the concerns of a profoundly skeptical public who has seen this same rogue Justice department work in concert with the democrats since Trump came down the escalator in 2015 to announce his run for the presidency to destroy Trump and his movement.

What documents or state secrets could Trump possibly have in his possession that would warrant this kind of rogue action on the part of Biden's Justice Department? And, what makes them think that Trump would keep anything that valuable in a place where he knew someone might come looking for it? Trump has been out of office for nearly two years, so why hasn't someone come searching sooner if what they're looking for is so valuable? We can't be talking about love letters written on the back of bar napkins to Kim Jung Un, can we?

Was this a desperation move in the wake of a disastrous January 6 Committee to further taint Trump and the people he has endorsed in primaries across the country at a time when he and his endorsees have been surging in the polls against the feckless democrats? To be clear on the optics of what we're talking about here, the Biden Crime Family (Including Hunter) was seen boarding Airforce One for a flight to a vacation spot in South Carolina on the day that Trump's home was raided. The alleged criminals go their merry way while our "Justice" Department takes down their political opponents. They leak misinformation to the press to further implicate Trump that seems preposterous on its face. Espionage? Are they kidding? Having classified information at Mar-a-Lago about nuclear something or other? They have to be making this stuff up. They know that rump, in his official capacity as president, could declassify anything he chose to declassify. Right?

Man, these financial markets have been booming these last few weeks. Just yesterday, the S&P was up 1.7%. I guess the only question is, is this the official end of the bear market, or is this a raging bear market rally? If the latter, how much further do you think we have to go before the market gets back on track with the decline that was well underway before this rally began? You know what they say about bear market rallies. They get going pretty good, suck everyone into thinking that the worst of the bear market is over, and then all hell breaks loose to the downside. I'm happy for my peeps who saw their 401k plans decimated early in this bear market and now see much of that reversing. They can get on with their dreams of retiring early, resuming vacations that maybe they canceled, and start thinking about life getting back to normal. You know, the way it was before the shit hit the fan in early 2022. Who wouldn't like a repeat of 2021 when the S&P was up 28% by year-end?

Where the hell did that little bastard come from? There's a little mouse in my house, and I can't think of anything that focuses the mind more than having a little mouse in your house. He was walking around here in my back room like he owned the joint and right the hell in front of my eyes. He didn't seem to have a worry in the world. I worry that where you see one mouse, there are likely more. I have a few traps that I'll need to put out, and I'll see if I can't nip this problem in the bud. But I have to wonder, how did this little bastard get into our house? Did we bring him in with something else we were carrying? If that's the case, we can only hope that once we kill this little fucker we'll be one and done. Life is never that simple, but one can hope. I'll put out fifty traps if I have to if that is what it takes to get it done. I'll change the bait if peanut butter isn't doing the job. What else do little mousies like?

The CDC changed its guidance yesterday on what people exposed to Covid should be doing. Previously, people exposed to someone who tested positive were asked to quarantine for a few days or until they had successive negative test results. Now, you can skip the light fantastic and go about your life like you were never exposed. Are they now admitting their previous guidance was too heavy-handed or even unnecessary? What about all of the variants we've been warned about since all this bullshit began? I was in the doctor's office yesterday where masks were still required, so nothing has changed there.

The missus tells me that doctor's offices will likely never do away with the mask requirement Covid or no Covid. I can tell you that the doctor who spent time with me spent more time adjusting the stupid mask on his face than he did anything else. It wasn't even an N95 mask, so I'm not sure why he bothered. I felt sorry for him. He was a resident in his third year, and I'm pretty sure that he was thinking to himself, if I had known that I would be required to wear a mask to my job every day for the rest of my working life, I might have become a pipe fitter like my father and his father before him.

The missus couldn't be happier these days, and it has nothing to do with me. If it's August, it's time for Little League Baseball. We signed her up with ESPN plus, and she's watching Little League Baseball to her heart's content. I've set up her iPad so she can watch it while she works. It's muted, of course, but the announcers' words flash across the screen so she can read them at her leisure. Maybe she wants to catch the goings on out of the corner of her eye, and that's fine too. She doesn't have a favorite team yet, but I suspect that the closer we get to when and where teams head off to Williamsport, PA., that might change. She's rooting for the teams from our state to win, of course, but they lost too many games and will not be going to the finals in Williamsport. The Little League World Series will see a return of the international teams this year after two years of a hiatus due to Covid. It's all over in a couple of weeks, but with several daily games, the missus is in her summer sweet spot. That isn't to say that she doesn't do other things while watching her games.

We returned Mrs G's car to her yesterday. It's been sitting in our driveway for the better part of three months since Mrs G's operation. The plan was to drive it on occasion since it wasn't doing Mrs G much good sitting around her place where she was on the mend after her surgery. If we got it out of the driveway and on the road once or twice a month that would be overstating the number of times we actually drove the car. I guess that's better than not using it at all but it's still less than it should have been used. Now that Mrs G is feeling better, she'll have her own set of wheels to get out and about. There is no reason why she can't do her own food shopping or just take a Sunday ride in the country if that's what she feels like doing. She won't be nearly as ambulatory as she was prior to her surgery but that shouldn't prevent her from using her car. That's the plan as of today anyway. Keep on keeping on, Mrs G!

I'm sitting here on a Sunnday morning wondering if I have anything to look forward to in the next few days. You know, something tthat I can feel good about. I want a little more of that winning that Trump used to always talk about. He said, and I quote, "You are going to get so tired of winning." It was so true but I haven't had much to celebrate since Bumbles Biden got into office. I do more praying these days than celebrating. Praying that our good country doesn't collapse under the fraud that is the Biden Administration. Anyway, it's one day at a time. Actually, this coming Tuesday we'll see Liz Cheney get the boot in the republican primry in Wyoming. God willing, that is. She's been a rabid Trump hater like forever. The good people of Wyomng need a Congresswoman who is willing to do the work for the people of Wyomng and not a piece of shit like Cheney whose sole purpose in life seems to be to make sure that Trump never returns to the presidency. Trump won Wyoming by something close to a 70% to 30% margin. That's how you do it. Like I said, God willing.