Ad Nauseam

We're off and running again for another week, for better or worse. I have no bones to pick with anyone about anything one way or another, but that is always subject to change. I'll be watching to see if they close down our government by the end of the week and what that might mean for financial markets. I'm all for not funding the government of Ukraine and the pensions of people halfway around the world when we have our own problems here in the United States. I'll be watching as another busload or two, or three, or more, of illegal aliens, get dumped into NYC and how that works out for the Biden-loving politicians, and we'll have to see if the price of Brent Crude eclipses the $100 mark. Biden has already severely depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), so he'll not be able to use that to lower prices at the pump in the upcoming presidential year.


I suppose I'll watch the second Republican debate this Wednesday. If it's anything like their first debate a few weeks ago, it will do little to change the dynamics of the race where Trump is concerned. Trump didn't attend the first debate and reportedly has no plans to attend this upcoming debate. The only people who seem to care about Trump's participation in the debate are those people in the debate whose standing might be elevated at Trump's expense were he to attend and subject himself to the uppercuts and barbs of his ne'er-do-well opponents in the race. Then again, there is a long list of politicians in the rear-view who thought that getting the better of Trump in a debate was their ticket to the White House. Seventeen of them, in fact, if anyone's counting. All political heavyweights in their own right. They all have one thing in common: They learned the hard way that Donald J. Trump is the undisputed eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room.

I'm a little skeptical of that ABC poll that had Trump up by 10 points over Biden. They rolled that puppy out just ahead of the Sunday talk shows, and that probably wasn't a coincidence. It also makes sense to mention that it was a national poll, and we all know national polls don't mean shit in our electoral system. Was someone in the Democratic sphere trying to light a fire under the people who think that Biden is the key to their electoral success in 2024? One or more of the shows showed Trump kicking Biden's ass in every conceivable category, from the economy to the protection of our southern border. Maybe they're trying to tell that Jack Smith a-hole that he needs to conjure up a few more indictments and keep em coming until something breaks. I read a story yesterday about Jack Smith and that he hasn't provided Trump's defense team with much of anything ahead of the trials as scheduled between now and Election Day 2024. That does not bode well for Jack Smith.

I think it was Elon Musk who posted a tweet critical of the mainstream media for not covering the crisis created by Biden's open-border policies. He's not wrong. I pointed out to the missus the other day that I read the Boston Globe from cover to cover, and there was not so much as a mention of the seven million illegal aliens who have come into our country illegally since Biden's inauguration. Boston and her suburbs have been decimated with busloads and planeloads by the tens of thousands of illegals coming into her cities and towns at all hours of the day and night, yet not a fucking peep out of local newspapers like the Boston Globe. Keep in mind that the Boston Globe is owned by the New York Times. They love the destruction and mayhem these illegals bring to our shores and our Republic, so they're not likely to rat them out in the rags they pass off as newspapers. Elon wasn't wrong. They say nothing, and they hope that no one notices.

Speaking of blackouts, when was the last time you saw a piece anywhere about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s race for the Democratic nomination? This morning, there was an article in some mainstream newspaper about some Democrat or other considering a run against Biden. Nowhere in the article was there anything about Kennedy, who, at last count, had something north of twenty percent support in the Democrat party. He's getting no air time because the powers that be in the Democrat party have already decided on who they want to put up as their nominee, and it isn't RFK jr. I don't know what happens if Kennedy runs as a Libertarian. Cornell West has the far-far-left side of the political party nailed down, and that may take three to four points away from Biden. Not nothing, but not enough to do any real damage to Biden unless the results from election night are super tight at the margins. I'm a little worried about Kennedy's appeal to Republican voters and what that may mean in a tight race. Just thinking out loud here.

I ordered four free Covid tests yesterday. I know how much the missus loves to use those tests when she gets a case of the sniffles, so I'm just being a good and dutiful husband by placing the order before she asks me to place the order. It's really just stupid when you think of it. Who knows what variants are going to be floating around by the time it comes to use one of these test kits? Why do they distribute tests ahead of any one or more variants surfacing in the general population? It's almost like they know what's coming down the pike, and they want to be prepared. What else do they know about these viruses, and how is it that they know what they know? Are Biden and his corrupt cabal working with the Chinese Communists on the next best strain of these deadly variants? Are they determined to go through with their lockdowns so they can steal another election? Is that what this is really all about? How many Americans are Biden and his shock troops willing to sacrifice to get reelected? I'm guessing that the quick and dirty answer is however many it takes.

I guess I'm not the only one who watched the debate between Maria Bartiromo and Matt Gaetz this past Sunday on Maria's show, Sunday Morning Futures. I sat in stunned silence as Matt Gaetz laid out the case for pushing back against going along with Speaker McCarthy's desire to pass a short-term Continuing Resolution in order to keep the government open. Gaetz is one of five rebels within the Republican party in Congress who are insisting that they are done with going along to get along when it comes to aiding and abetting the criminal cabal called the Biden Crime Family. The Republicans have a four or five-member majority in Congress, which, just coincidentally, gives these five rebels more say in what gets or doesn't get passed. Anyway, Speaker McCarthy has been in bed with the Bidenistas every step of the way when it comes to funding the government. Gaetz and his fellow rebels have had enough of it. I was equally stunned when Maria pushed back like the McCarthy lackey that she's become. I thought she was better than that. Hers was such a harsh rebuke, and Gaetz made such a good case that she posted a tweet on Twitter after the fact and admitted that she was still evolving on the issues. It's a good start. We're several days out from the discussion, and everyone is still talking about it. It's literally gone viral.

I don't know that these so-called government shutdowns are that big of a deal. I also think that the jury's out when it comes to deciding who wins and who loses in the wake of a government shutdown. That is not to say that the fearmongering hasn't already begun. Just yesterday, Biden was quoted as saying that blacks will be impacted disproportionally. Biden is losing support in the black community hand over fist to Trump, maybe to the tune of 15-17%, according to some polls, so I suppose it behooves him not to say something, anything. Some reports say that the United States will lose its stellar credit rating should the shutdown be a prolonged affair. All of this nonsense is designed to force Gaetz and his gang to back off and succumb to the wishes of the Uni-Party in Washington. Oh, and as far as funding the war in Ukraine goes, that will trickle to a stop if she closes down. Here's what I say to Gaetz and his gang: Stay strong and stand in the breach as long as it takes to pass these single-item bills of yours. I don't care if it takes you two weeks or two months. Fuck the Ukrainians! Fuck our credit rating! Fuck the Uni-Party and McCarthy and their bending over for the Biden Cabal. Let's get this party started!

There is something distasteful about a bunch of Republican presidential candidates running around with their hair on fire in the hopes that the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room gets taken out of the race so they can take his place. You and I know that that is the only reason that any one or more of them is still in the race. It just isn't a good look. They should all bow out and get behind the candidate who is the clear choice of the American people by some 40 points, according to most polls. People will be voting for Trump even if he is sitting in a jail cell by the time Election Day rolls around. That's how determined most Americans are to put an end to the criminal conspiracy that is the Biden presidency. That door has to close on January 20, 2025, lest our blessed Republic be subjected to four more years, and God only knows how many more they will steal in the years ahead of Marxist rule. The longer these ne'er-do-wells stay in the race, the more likely it is that it will fracture our party ahead of the election, and that will not bode well for what remains of the Republican party should it come to that. DeSantis can help himself by bowing out now and pledging support to Trump. He will need their support in 2028 if he has any designs on the White House going forward. It may be too late for him. The damage has been done. Self-inflicted as it is.

I've got a nice mushroom and broccoli quiche in the oven this morning. The missus will be pleased. I told her that I was planning on making one the other day, so today is the day. I didn't tell her when I was going to make it, so that will be my surprise to her when she walks into the kitchen all blurry-eyed and still half asleep. I should have bought some grapefruit to go along with it, but I wasn't thinking. What else is new? Did I mention that I make my quiche without a crust? I'm not sure how I got on that kick, but it is what it is. I also saute the mushrooms and steam the broccoli before throwing it all together in a lightly greased 9-inch pie pan. Oh, and I top it off with a bit of cheddar and feta cheese. I think the feta cheese gives it a bit of a bite, if you will. I also never use a timer when I bake my quiche. I do keep a close eye on it, and if there is ever a question about it being cooked enough, I can always throw it in the microwave for a minute or two to firm things up. Honestly, if the top is browned nicely by the time I remove it from the oven, it is usually good to go. Tell me I'm not the only one who serves their quiche with a dollop of mustard on the side.

Temperatures dipped into the low forties along the seacoast here last night. Fall is here without being here, if you get my drift. I made a point of bringing our big palm plant in off our back deck last night, not knowing how cold it would get. Again, a real missus pleaser. I did something for her without her asking me to do it. That always gets me a few points. The plant is on the inside looking out this morning, and it looks perkier than usual. It's almost as though it's pleased to have been brought in when it could have spent a long cold night outside in the near-frosty weather. I think they call that anthropomorphizing. I could be wrong. We've had this palm plant forever, so I'm inclined to err on the side of caution when it comes to seeing to it that it has everything it needs not only to survive but flourish. I won't ever claim to know how much or how little water it needs, so I leave that up to the missus. I do know that it gets quite a lot of rain sitting outside all summer as it has, and it doesn't look any worse for wear, so we'll leave it at that.

It figures. No sooner had the news about the Communist Chinese Party wiring money directly to the home of one Joseph Biden come out than a moonbat judge in New York City ruled that Trump had defrauded this and that party over the last thirty years by inflating his net worth in order to build his real estate empire. It never fucking fails. Biden's praetorian guard, the mainstream media, can't possibly cover the Chinese wiring money to the Bidens, so it needs a backup story to run cover to cover. If the Trump story also sends chills and thrills up the backside of every moonbat New Yorker who has always wanted Trump either behind bars or bankrupt, then the timing of the Trump story couldn't be more opportune. Add this to the 130 counts that various moonbat district attorneys around the country have already filed against Trump, and they've got what they believe is the recipe for taking Trump out of the presidential race. They couldn't be more wrong, of course. This braindead judge actually valued Mar-a-Lago at $18 million. I'm guessing this all goes away when it gets appealed, but that's probably a couple of years away. Trump will be in the second year of his second four-year term when the ruling comes down in his favor. God willing.


This smash-and-grab shit in major cities here in the States is getting out of hand. Target said yesterday that they are closing four stores in four major cities due to crime, theft, etc. Just last night, there was a video on Twitter of the cops tussling with smash and grabbers running in and out of an Apple store in downtown Philadelphia. Did I mention that they were all black? Or do they prefer to be called African American? I'm a little surprised that the cops even showed up. Shop owners typically tell their employees not to interfere with thieves when they're pillaging and looting. No life is worth any amount of merchandise that they might lose to the robbers. Not to be cynical here, but it wouldn't surprise me to see the piece-of-shit governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, step up to the podium today to denounce the thieves and issue an ultimatum to any and all scum planning similar activities that it will not be tolerated. Imagine that. A governor of a blue state enforcing the letter of the law. I can hear the liberal establishment now. Josh for President! Josh for President! It's a fucking ruse. Don't fall for it. Good ole Josh is all about diversity, equity, and inclusion. This is racial and economic justice, but you'll not hear those words coming out of his liberal claptrap. That is, not until he's firmly installed as president.

My God, what a shite of a debate. I don't even know where to start. Two FOX moderators and some Spanish toady kicked the debate off IN SPANISH. What the fuck? I know FOX has gone to the damn dogs since they fired Tucker, but I barely recognized the FOX that was running this debate. Dana Perino is an old, washed-up Bush spokesperson, so you know where she was coming from, and she didn't disappoint. Did these clownish moderators even ask any questions about the Biden Crime Family and their treasonous exploits in selling influence across the globe for the last 25 years or more? They did not. The candidates constantly talked over one another, and the moderators were, to a person, unable to reel any one or more of them in. Nikki Haley was horrible. She showed her true colors when she told Senator Scott to "bring it" when he was accusing her of some impropriety or other. You could sense the venom running through her veins. Ms. Haley, I knew Margeret Thatcher. Margeret Thatcher was a friend of mine. Ms. Haley, you're no Margeret Thatcher. That's me talking. And what about Crispy Kreme? What's with calling Trump Donald Duck? How old are you? You want to be what again?

I saw a Daily Mail poll this morning after last night's debate, and they had Trump (who was not in attendance) winning the debate, with Ramaswamy running close second at 27%. I thought Vivek had a pretty good night, but in an all-out food fight, it's difficult, if not impossible, to pin a first-place medal on anyone's lapel. Senator Scott and Nikki Haley went after Vivek on his relationship with China, and I'm not sure he adequately defended himself. We already have one wholly-owned asset of the CCP in the White House. We certainly don't need another. He is the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to this line-up, so that has to count for something. Pence looked washed up and just tired. He made some ridiculous comment about sleeping with his wife for the last twenty-seven years, and you knew he was toast. It didn't matter what else he had to say the rest of the night. DeSantis had one more chance to separate himself from the Keebler Elves and failed miserably. I don't think they asked him a question until the debate was half over. FOX was clearly trying to highlight Nikki Haley. They've given up on DeSantis after his poll numbers have, in some cases, dropped into the single digits. I don't know what else to say. I don't think the debate changed the trajectory of Trump's ascendency to the nomination in the least. He's my guy, so I guess I'm good with that, everything else being equal.

The Republicans are officially kicking off their Biden impeachment inquiry today, starting at ten this morning. I'm not really sure what to expect. They have three witnesses who, I think, will be testifying as to what is required legally to proceed with such an inquiry. I believe the committee members will be revealing what evidence they've collected thus far. I'm also guessing the Democrats in attendance will be objecting strenuously to just about everything coming out of Comer's mouth. Comer is the guy running this thing for the Republicans. He's a dog with a bone, and that sits well with me. I don't know that there is anything new that I haven't heard before by way of evidence, but I'm open to being surprised. My other challenge will be to sit long enough to watch it all without feeling guilty that I'm wasting my day away. Maybe I can pick it up on the radio and do something else at the same time. I have windows to wash, just to name something top of mind. I'm also a little unclear as to where we go from here. Will any of this be in prime time? You know, like the Democrats who televised their January 6th hearings in prime time.

Upgrading operating systems is so much fun. I don't know why I bother other than to say that it's out there to download for free, so why not? Everything is supposed to be just a little bit better, a little bit brighter, and with bells and whistles that you'll probably never bother to use, but they're there for the taking nonetheless. What I failed to consider before I started downloading and updating everything is that if the missus needed the computer, and if I were to run into any glitchiness, which I did, it would put the kibosh on her planned activities. The longer our computer was out of commission, the more angst it would cause the missus, and that's never a good thing. Shame on me for not planning for these so-called contingencies. That's how I roll sometimes. I throw caution to the wind, and I'm off and running no matter the outcome. What could go wrong? Right? Long story short, my browsers wouldn't connect to my WiFi. Longer story short, it was due to known issues with antivirus software that I had to sort out, and that took more time to sort out than I'd like to admit. What else doesn't work?

I'm on a bit of a roll now. I've decided that if I clean two windows a day, I can have all the windows done in our home in a reasonably short period of time. It's surprisingly satisfying to see what a difference it makes. It's almost like living in a new home. Everything is so much brighter and cleaner. The light coming into the house is now much less diffused, and things that have been out of focus due to our dirty windows are now back in focus and deserving of their own attention. It was so gradual that you never noticed that you stopped noticing. We had so many trinkets and whatnot hanging from our kitchen windows, and now that they've been stripped away while I attended to the windows, I'm no longer certain that I want to put them back. I'm talking about funnels, glass hummingbirds, paper cutouts of our child's handprint, etc. Now that everything is so much clearer and cleaner, it's time to move on. Imagine how we're going to feel when every last window in our house has been cleaned. Then what? Where will I turn my attention to then? The walls? The floors?

I like Mark Levin as a radio talk guy, but the more I listen to him whining about his recent book (Democrats Hate America) not selling, or, even worse, being blacklisted, he's become an unbearable bore. He lashes out at retailers like Barnes and Noble for not making his book more available while praising companies like Costco for putting it front and center in their big box stores. His constant hawking on his shows about his book, the best one he's ever written, he's quick to tell you, has me running for the exits. I have no problem with self-promotion, but he seems like he won't rest until his book is at the top of every last number-one list in America. I want no part of that charade. I think the final nail in the coffin for me is his disingenuous arguments about the government shutdown brought about by the handful of, and these are his words and not mine, arsonists like Matt Gaetz and his colleagues. They want to shut off funding to the Ukraine government until Biden agrees to deal with the invasion on our southern border. Levin wants everything Ukraine funded until we're completely bankrupt, no matter the fallout. He won't tell you that, but that's the game he's playing. By the way, I've read a couple of excerpts from his book, and if you've listened to him on the radio for any period of time, his book is just a regurgitation of what you hear everyday ad nauseam on his radio show. There, I said it.

It sounds like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has had enough of the Democrat party. Can you blame him? They're cutting him off at the pass at every turn while he's running a reasonably robust ground game to try to win his party's nomination. Thanks to the stranglehold that the party has on the levers of power within the Democrat Party, Kennedy will never get enough oxygen to make it out of the primaries. I think he's about ready to announce that he's going to run as an Independent in early October. If there is a God, I hope he siphons off Democratic votes by the tens of millions from Biden when all is said and done. I think 76% of people in the Democrat party say that Joe Biden is too old and that they want someone else to run in his place. Here's their chance, is what I say. I think there are far fewer who feel the same way about Trump, so maybe it's less of an issue for him. I guess what I'm saying is that I want to get excited about Kennedy's upcoming announcement, but I'm still not sure what it means. Maybe in the short term, watching the gnashing of the teeth and the pearl-clutching amongst the Democratic elite about Kenney's announcement and what it means for their candidate, Bumbles Biden, will provide me with a much-needed dose of comic relief. I want to see them sweat. Does that make me a bad person?

What the hell happened to the water dispenser I ordered from Amazon? It's long overdue. If I'm reading this tracker shit right, the dispenser never made it out of wherever it was sitting when I first placed the order maybe a month ago. I am not a happy camper. I've been spoiled by Amazon, I suppose, since they usually deliver my orders on or ahead of time. Why is this particular item an outlier? I think I have no choice now but to cancel the order. That means that I'll be running around here and there to see who has what for water dispensers. Is it possible that every last machine on the market has been set aside for the illegal aliens who continue to arrive in our country by the tens of thousands every day? What else am I no longer going to have access to because of Biden's open border policies? I also have to say that the absence of communication from Amazon on the item I ordered surprised me. If you can't get it out the door, how about providing me with an eta? Notta. Not a fucking thing. Not an e-mail, not a text, not a phone call, nothing. I think I'm going to have to reassess my relationship with Amazon. I don't even know who to complain to. Do they even give two shits?

I saw an article somewhere last night that talked about the fact that the State of Maine, just north of here, is one of the whitest states in the union. It also has a very elderly white population and birth rates that will hardly help keep companies in Maine staffed in decades to come. The plan now is for Maine to import as many blacks and other minorities as they can while Bumbles Biden is still in a position to fulfill Obama's promise to transform America fundamentally. Maine will be the new Zimbabwe in years to come. If you prefer, the new South Africa. Will white farmers and landowners be forced from their properties to make way for members of the new marginalized communities? Will blood be shed on the streets of towns like Kennebunk and Augusta in the name of reparations? Is there enough white guilt in these heretofore-gilded townships to pass the torch to a new generation of barely educated interlopers? What, pray tell, does any of this portend for not only Maine but for America's future? We're about to find out.

How dare that bloated and disgusting traitor, General Milley, disrespect President Trump on his way out the door? He's the same old fat fuck who phoned either China or Russia behind Trump's back during Trump's first term to assure them that the United States had no intention of launching a nuclear first strike against them. He may not have mentioned Trump by name, but everyone knew who he was talking about when he was making his remarks on his way out the door. When Trump takes back the White House on January 20th, 2025, he should immediately have Milley arrested and charged with treason. He should be court-martialed by his betters and dispensed with per the code of whatever the fuck it is that deals with traitors to our country. Trump should have the honor of stripping the medals from Milley's uniform and perp-walking him out of the brig before he gets placed back into the general lockup for the duration of his days. If necessary, round up Milley's accomplices and subject them to the same judicial review and disposition if found guilty.

The missus and I were in the local Home Depot yesterday in search of the perfect water dispenser. Can someone tell me what the hell Home Depot is doing putting out Christmas shit in the month of September? They had everything from lights to fake trees to those stupid reindeer that people put on their lawns every Christmas season. I don't know when that stock rolled in because I'm not a frequent shopper at Home Depot, but if it was anytime during the month of September, then it was too early. Not that it probably matters much since there were probably more staffers in the store than customers despite it being a Saturday night. Maybe we missed the crush of shoppers hitting the stores during the daytime hours. Or, maybe the state of things these days says that people don't have a lot of discretionary income in Joe Biden's America, and what little discretionary income they do have, they are not spending it on tinsel and ornaments at their local Home Depot on a Saturday day or night. I don't think I heard any Christmas music playing in the background, but that is likely to change pretty quickly now that October has arrived. There is nothing like Christmas music to take your mind off things and, if the good is Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, get you to spend money that you don't have.