Tuckered Out

It's a damp morning here on the seacoast after a rainy day yesterday. What I wouldn't give for a little sunshine. We are in New England, so what they say about waiting five minutes for a change in the weather might be just what the doctor ordered. I turned on my little space heater just to take the chill off, so that's helping. I usually throw on a light coat this time of year or maybe an extra sweater to warm up before I get started with this here journal. There is no substitute for real heat, so that's where my space heater comes in. Buckle up, boys and girls. I think we're in for a long week. It's nothing specific, just a hunch.


I'm not quite sure what to make of this kerfuffle about the letter signed off on by the 50 intelligence types declaring as they did before the 2020 election that the Hunter Biden laptop story was likely a Russian disinformation campaign. Biden called it just that when he first referenced it in a debate with candidate Trump at the time. We're now finding out that the letter was a hoax and it had nothing to do with Russian disinformation, and Biden knew it. Not only did Biden know it, but the allegation is that Biden put these signatories up to signing the letter so he could frame it as such in the debate. In other words, Biden lied to the American people. That's nothing new in and of itself for Joe Biden since he is a pathological liar, as evidenced by his long history of plagiarizing speeches, etc.. And then we have our current Secretary of State, Blinky Blinken, who was allegedly complicit in this so-called plot to deceive the American people.

The signatories themselves knew full well that there was no truth to the Russian disinformation campaign, yet each and every one of them put their name on that document. What sitting or retired intelligence officer worth his or her salt puts their reputation at stake for a flimsy and cheap plot that will, in the fullness of time, be exposed and, with it, their names and their reputations? I'm guessing that this had more to do with keeping Donald J Trump out of the Oval Office than it did with installing Bumbles Biden as our new Commander-in-Chief, but that remains to be seen. Whichever the case, the election of one Bumbles Biden in the year of the Lord 2020 now and forever more qualifies as a stolen election. Elections have consequences, and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. It is but one of many crimes allegedly committed by the Biden Crime Family and their minions. Each and every one of them needs to be brought to justice.

I keep seeing these stupid polls popping up here and there saying that Americans want neither Bumbles Biden nor Donald J Trump as their next president. The pollsters understand that that is not how our electoral system works. Right? Both Biden and Trump have competition within their own parties, and we have a primary process that will deliver, for better or worse, a nominee to run in the general election. The Republican candidate may or may not be Donald Trump, and the Democrat candidate may or may not be Bumbles Biden. In other words, people have choices. They can cast their votes accordingly in both the primary process and the general election. For what it's worth, the Republicans appear to be putting all the candidates on the stage during the primary process, yet the Democrats have announced that they will not be sponsoring any debates despite the fact that other Democrats have entered the race to replace Biden as Commander-in-Chief.

It might all make sense if we were talking about replacing a sitting president who Americans felt was doing a reasonably good job and the people wanting to run against him on the same ticket were ne'er-do-wells. Bumbles' approval ratings are in the thirties, so let's not mince words here. Americans, by and large, think Biden is doing a terrible job. Everywhere you look, from matters concerning the economy to foreign policy, Biden is missing in action. I heard someone the other day challenge anyone to point to one decision made by Biden or his administration that has benefitted the American people. If anyone, his decisions have benefitted our adversaries around the globe. When you consider that most of what the Congressional investigations have discovered thus far about monies flowing into the Biden family coffers comes from a somewhat expansive list of foreign countries, you start to understand why we are where we are. And, just for the record, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is no ne'er-do-well.

What is this crock of hooey I'm hearing about a Spring Offensive by the Ukrainian army? Ukraine can't keep the Russians from overrunning the besieged city of Bahkmut, so how do they expect to expel the Russians from Crimea? Even the Chinese see Crimea as belonging to the Russians and have stated as much publicly. The constant pleas from the Ukrainians needing more ammunition in order to continue to fight against the Russians tells me that Ukraine is in no position to take back anything, much less Crimea. They'll be lucky to save Kyiv at the rate things are going. The Russians announced today that they will no longer be taking prisoners. That may have potential Ukrainian conscripts thinking twice about signing up to go to the front lines. I'm also reading this morning about the Russians exchanging a certain number of fighter jets for a supply of drones from Iran. I'm guessing that drones are more apt to escape detection and therefore reach their targets than would a fighter jet. It's hard to know what's really happening on the ground in Ukraine, so you do your best to draw your own conclusions using the best sources you have at your fingertips.

Fucking A - Tucker Carlson is no longer on FOX. What the hell? It's a bit of a stunner, to be sure. I can't say that I had that on my bingo card. I guess I'm done with FOX now. Tucker was the only reason I was tuning in each night. Tucker was my go-to show Monday through Friday. No more. Fuck FOX and whoever was responsible for Tucker's departure. I hope that damn network goes down the tubes. To hell with them. I am curious, though, as to where we might see Tucker pop back up on the scene to do what he does best - get the truth out as to what the hell is happening in our country. I wouldn't mind if Musk hired Tucker as CEO of Twitter. The possibilities there are endless. We've got a presidential race to win in 2024, so whatever anyone can do to get Tucker's voice out is a good thing. And no, Brian Kilmead will never fill Tucker's shoes at FOX. Not today, not ever. Neither will that Kevin Corker guy. There's only one Tucker.

I guess Bumbles is running again. I'm waking up this morning to a video, presumably of that idiot announcing his run for another term. What presidential candidate in his or her right mind announces their run for another term in a video? He's running with Cackles, his Vice President. She's another idiot of unknown time and proportion. It's just so embarrassing on so many levels. Can you imagine the utter surprise of global leaders hearing about Bumble's gambit for a second term? Just when they thought that America couldn't look sillier, weaker, or more idiotic on the world stage, Bumble's handlers roll out a video of a presidential candidate who can't otherwise announce his candidacy without using cue cards and an earpiece that tells him what to say and when to say it. I'm afraid this isn't going to end well for America and her allies across the globe. We've already witnessed the near-destruction of our country and our culture under Biden's "leadership" for the last two years. We're quickly moving into the dustbin of history, or worse, if the past is any indication of what's to come.

I have to say, Tucker was a truther when it came to getting the news on Ukraine, the January 6th Insurrection, and other oddities like Ray Epps. I'm guessing FOX will no longer have truthtellers like Colonel McGregor coming on to tell us what's really going on in Ukraine. You would think that our damn congressmen and congresswomen would be out front with the very same news, but I'm guessing that they are all in for whatever our government wants to do regardless. I see a lot of news coming out of the White House these days about sending billions of dollars to this country and that country for this cause and that cause and it's fucking crickets from Congress. I thought they controlled the purse strings. Are we back to the days when we have to ask if our leaders in Congress are compromised by donations from China, threats from the White House, or subject to harassment and ridicule by political forces on the left? We just can't turn a blind eye to it all. And don't tell me that I need to listen to this or that podcast to get my news. I have neither the time nor the inclination to go down that road.

I guess this is the end of the road for Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I'm sorry to see that the store couldn't cut the mustard. It did have a niche, I'll give it that much. I think the stock in its heyday was somewhere around $70 a share. It closed yesterday at around $.19 a share. If I had a few extra sheckles to play with, I might like to buy a few thousand shares in the event that a white knight steps in at the last minute to snap it up at a bargain basement price. I suppose you can find the same sorts of things at Kohl's or Target, so that may have contributed to their demise. I feel bad for the employees who will be losing their jobs as the stores close their doors in the coming months. The unemployment lines aren't getting any shorter these days, with companies far and wide either closing their doors or scaling back their workforces to pre-pandemic levels. Maybe what they say about a coming recession or a hard landing, in the words of some economists, looks to be shaping up as just that. What, pray tell, am I going to do with all of my 20% coupons from Bed, Bath, and Beyond that I've accumulated over time? I guess I could write them off as "missed opportunities."

I'm starting to think that the reelection of Bumbles Biden is in the bag. Not because I think he's been a good president but rather because he and his party have the wherewithal to steal the election just like they did in 2020. I mean, if Trump was unable to prevent the steal in 2020, who the hell is going to step up to the plate in 2024 and put a stop to the criminal activity of the Democrats? That's not to say that Trump didn't try to stop it in 2020, because he and his people certainly did. The powers that be in our country were simply unwilling to admit to the fact that elections in our country are even vulnerable enough to be stolen, much less willing to give someone like Trump the tools he needed to bring these culprits to justice. We're the greatest country on the face of the earth, after all. I've got news for them. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere, and it does every day of the year in other countries. Now, I'm afraid to say, it's here in America to stay. The Democrats might even tell you that Trump stole the election from Hillary Clinton in 2016. It's balderdash, of course.

I'm having some difficulty filling in the void created by the firing of Tucker Carlson. I've stopped watching FOX completely now, and I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do with that hour of time that I now seem to have free. It's not like I'm going to tune into other channels during that hour since most are hosted by leftists who, at least for now, seem to be singing the praises of FOX for firing Tucker. I've been watching some prerecorded UFC stuff, but the missus is unhappy with that, so I'm not sure how long that's going to last. I could listen to podcasts here and there if I thought I had the patience to do it, but that doesn't seem likely either. Eight o'clock at night is not a good time to be picking up a book to read, so that's not in the cards. If I thought I could spend even one more minute looking at my iPad after being on the damn thing for the better part of the day, I would. I now understand, and have for a long time, I suppose, why Steve Jobs never let his children close to the electronic devices created for the masses by his company, Apple Inc.

What is this I'm hearing about Trump and the debates on the Republican side of the aisle? So, Trump is saying that he may not participate in the debates? He may be a bit miffed because he was allegedly not consulted when his party put together the schedules for the debates. Trump is the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room, after all. Would anyone even watch the darn debates if Trump weren't on stage? I like Vivek, and I can tolerate Nikki Haley, but, quite honestly, it's not much of anything if Trump takes his balls and goes home. You know what I mean. Maybe Trump feels that if Bumbles Biden doesn't have to debate because of his elevated status within the party, Trump shouldn't have to debate either. Besides, if the Democrats stand by while Republicans beat the living hell out of each other during the debates, that's a good thing. Right? Well, for them, maybe. It is certainly not good for the rest of America. Case in point: Joe Biden.


Speaking of Bumbles, did you happen to see pictures of that old fool in the Rose Garden at the White House yesterday with the leader of South Korea? Someone snapped a picture of Biden holding a cheat sheet giving him the question and answer to be asked by a specific individual from the LA Times. The cheat sheet actually had the woman's picture on it so Bumbles could pick her out from the crowd standing in front of him. I showed the missus the picture, and she thought it was a Photoshop job created to make Bumbles look bad. She still doesn't get it no matter how much evidence I put in front of her, how many gaffes he makes, how stupid he looks, or the disastrous end result of the decisions that the people who are really running our country make. To top it all off, Bumbles was asked a question about his age, and despite the fact that he was wearing those stupid aviator shades that he always hides behind, you could tell that he was reading from his cheat sheet when giving his answer. Not surprisingly, the LA Times reporter is now unavailable for comment.

Did I mention that Mrs. G contracted Covid? You'd think that after getting every shot and subsequent booster available to her that she might have a fighting chance at avoiding the dreaded Covid. I suppose they'll tell us that had she not been vaccinated that her illness would be that much worse. They might go so far as to say that had she not been vaccinated, she might not have survived her bout with Covid. Who knows where she got the virus. I don't think they bother tracking anymore, so I guess it is what it is. She's confined to her unit for a period of time, and when she does emerge, she'll need to wear a mask for a day or two. Thems the rules. She said something about it not getting into her chest or lungs, and for that, she was grateful. Now, I suppose we'll all be on pins and needles waiting to see if long Covid develops. Every little thing that comes up will be viewed through the lens of long Covid. Not that any of it matters because there's nothing to be done. I don't even think they can diagnose long Covid. There's no test for it. Fuck it, is what I say. Live and let live!

What on earth was Maybelline thinking when they put that little fruitcake, Dylan Mulvaney, up as the new face of their product line? Have they not been paying attention? Have they learned nothing from the good folks at Anheuser Busch, the parent company of Bud Lite? Busch is paying a steep price for putting Mulvaney's poopy face on their beer cans. People are pouring that pisswater into the drains of America about as fast as they can take it down from their shelves. Sales are off by some 20%. Not a day goes by when I see some influencer on Twitter using Bud Lite cans as target practice. Is this all about virtue signaling? Who risks the very viability of their company, not to mention the damage that it can inflict on their reputation, by hugging up on some little queer fella who runs around in a skimpy dress and pigtails acting like he's a nine-year-old girl. This is what passes for culture in the year of the Lord 2023? I'm still waiting for women in America to stand up and say I've had enough of this butt-fuckery. I'm a real woman, and I won't have these little pussies like Dylan Mulvaney making a mockery of womanhood. We're not going to stand for it.

The Ev man joined us yesterday for a road trip to Dover. We got a lot done on our outing, so that was a good thing. We even got some things done that we didn't expect to be doing, like getting the Ev man a haircut (high and tight) at Lucky's in Portsmouth. They had a last-minute cancellation, so they were able to squeeze him in. It took longer than any of us expected, and he complained after the fact that the barber talked too much. No one likes to hear the barber's life story when you're just stopping by for a quick tidy. I surprised the Ev man with a stop at Starbucks, where I bought him a pound of high-octane single-origin Sumatra coffee for his espresso machine. It's his first-ever pound of coffee since I gave him my old espresso machine, and I think he was delighted beyond words to have it. We stopped at Best Buy for a quick look at PlayStation games, televisions, and coffee machines. We also had a chance to stop into Tuttles in Dover, where Ev stocked up on some of his favorite to-go meals. All in all, it was a good day for the Ev man and the fam.

Before I forget, can I buy the magazine, Consumer Reports, in the store, or is it subscription-based only? I'm asking because I see that the latest edition has a section on hearing aids. Mrs. G has been inquiring about them as of late, so I'm thinking she might like to see what Consumer Reports has to say about the latest and greatest in hearing aid technology. Prices and performance are all over the map, and I'm not sure the old adage "you get what you pay for" applies to hearing aids. In other words, just because one pair is more expensive than the other doesn't mean paying more gets you more for your money. I didn't look too closely at the article, but I think you can pay thousands of dollars for a pair of hearing aids and still not be happy with the results. Given that, maybe you're better off paying less and just accepting the fact that your hearing is never going to be as good as it was back in the day. Just suck it up, buttercup. I'm not even convinced that Mrs. G has an impairment that justifies paying top dollar at the hearing aid center, so there's that.

I thought I saw Scott Adams (of Dilbert Fame) offer to conduct a debate between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Vivek Swarmy-something on Twitter yesterday. I thought it was a terrific opportunity for two of the current lower-tier candidates to mix it up a little bit, and, god willing, get more exposure than they might otherwise get. Vivek tweeted that he was game and invited Kennedy to join the debate. I'm not sure how I feel about Adams as a debate moderator, but he's smart as a whip and not likely to show any bias, so I think he might do just fine. I guess they could hold the debate on Spaces on Twitter since I can't think of a better or maybe more suitable venue for the debate. Each of the participants can just call in from the comfort of his or her respective homes, and the rest of us can log on and have a listen. I don't know how to voice my approval while on Spaces so you won't see me clapping at responses I like or, conversely, booing at responses I don't like. Both Vivek and Kennedy are decent sorts as politicians or politician wannabes go, so I'll pass on the snark after the fact on Twitter if warranted. Still waiting on Kennedy's response…

Bumbles Biden was asked the other day about his latest trip overseas while surrounded by his so-called fans or supporters on the lawn of the White House. He couldn't remember and was reminded by someone in the group, a child if my recollection is correct, that he was in Ireland just within the last two weeks. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. The fool can't remember what he had for breakfast on any given day. No one ever asks that question, so you don't if he knows one way or another. They don't ask because they know he doesn't know. Is anyone concerned that this impotent and corrupt old fool has access to the nuclear codes? The clamoring from the clapping seals in the media about Trump's mental instability and his access to the very same codes when he was president was non-stop. They urged his cabinet members to oust Trump using the 25th Amendment before we all died in a dust-up with another yet-to-be-named nuclear power. When it comes to Biden, it's crickets from the media. They look the other way because he's their guy. They don't seem to realize or don't care, that "looking the other way" is going to get us into World War 3.

Who is this twat, Jean Carroll, who is suing Trump for defamation over some rape accusation that happened twenty-seven years ago? She's one of many, I suppose, whom the Democrats have offered up as sacrificial lambs in their futile attempts to dirty up Trump in the eyes of his female supporters ahead of the 2024 presidential sweepstakes. Apparently, in cross-examination, Trump's defense team got her to admit that she had harassed Murdoch, the owner of FOX. I can't recall if the harassment was sexual or not since I can't find an article on the matter. It seems my liberal search engines are working overtime to suppress that fact about Ms. Carroll. Then, she goes on CNN and starts talking about rape fantasies and the like, and Anderson Cooper quickly moves to a commercial when she starts to go off the rails. Does this remind anyone of that woman who came out against Gorsuch when he was being vetted for a Supreme Court seat? She was allegedly raped, too, but she couldn't remember any details about the night in question. I suppose the Manhattan moonbat jurists will convict Trump nonetheless, and they can now add rapist to their montage of nasty adjectives to describe a man that they, the liberal elite, once held in high esteem. Mission accomplished, you might say.

Just a quick postscript on the coffee that I bought for the Ev man the other day. He phoned me after the fact and mentioned that his espresso machine wasn't working with the coffee. I had him bring over both his espresso machine and the coffee that I bought him, and we sorted it out. As it turns out, I asked the folks at Starbucks to give me an espresso grind when I purchased the coffee, and they apparently ground the shit out of it. I returned the coffee to a different Starbucks store because it was closer to home, and they replaced the bag of coffee free of charge and told me to be sure to ask to have the espresso ground using a number-4 setting in the future. Good on them. They didn't have to replace the coffee. It was my fault for not asking for the right grind in the first place. I have a grinder at home, and I have it set to the finest grind, and it works fine, so I figured I was good to go. Little did I know that when you grind coffee beans until they're fine as baby powder, the grinds will clog the shit out of your machine. Lessons learned, baby cakes. Lessons learned.

I'm starting to get a little concerned with the attacks from the left on the conservative jurists sitting on our Supreme Court. First, you have that complete idiot bartender Congresswoman from Queens, Ocasio Cortez, going after Clarence Thomas for a longstanding relationship that he's had with a close family friend going back decades. She can't get close enough to him with a pillow, ala Antonin Scalia, so she's going public with her demands that he step down. When that line of attack went nowhere, Senate Democrats requested that Chief Justice Roberts, a conservative, appear before them to discuss ethics as it relates to Supreme Court justices. Roberts, of course, basically told them to fuck off in so many words. Thank God that we have a 6-3 conservative majority on the Court, is what I say. I might prefer a 9-0 conservative Court, but that's just me. Now, Justice Alito, another wonderful conservative on the Court, is striking back against these liberal loons and tells the media that he has a good idea who was behind the leak on the Dobbs case. Give them a taste of their own medicine, Justice Alito! Hang them out to dry! Spank em and spank em good.

Biden's time is running short, and the Leftists want nothing more than to have Bumbles put another Justice or two on the Supreme Court in his remaining time in the White House. What they'd really like to do is to run existing conservatives off the Court in as expeditious a way as possible. By hook or crook, as my dad used to say. My suggestion to the Republican justices would be to watch their back, hire additional security, and stay out of public spaces where they are vulnerable to attack. The Democrats can't pad the court since they don't have the votes. The chances of a Democrat winning in 2024 are getting slimmer by the day after the complete and utter failures by Bumbles and the stooges that surround him in the White House, so they can't hang their hat on being in the White House for the next four to eight years when a seat might open up. This all bodes well for yet another pick or two by Trump when he is sworn into office in January 2025. That is, unless the Democrats are successful in stealing yet another election.

Elon Musk (of Twitter fame) sat down with Bill Maher last night for an interview. I saw one clip where Musk was relating a story he'd heard about teachers in one particular district in San Francisco who were allegedly indoctrinating students whose parents hadn't a clue about what they were being taught in class. I don't know that I have that exactly right, but Musk went on to say that one student, when asked about George Washington, said that he was a slave owner. I think Musk said something to the effect that they (the students) should know more than the fact that Washington was just a slave owner. He's not wrong, of course. But, there are young fertile minds to warp, and there is precious little time in order to push their Leftist ideology on them, so the material fact that Washington saved our Republic is going to have to be put on the back burner. I think it's that whole CRT bullshit that the Leftists and their praetorian guard in the media continue to tell us isn't being taught in the classroom, but we know better. Whites are bad, and blacks are being held back by White Supremacists and Trump supporters. That's what they'll have you believe, and they'll stop at nothing when it comes to perpetuating the racist mythology.

The missus tells me that there's a collection of Haitians holed up in the lobby of one of the major hospitals in downtown Boston. My question is, how the hell did they get there, and why is nobody looking to send their sorry asses back to where they came from? I've not read anything about it, so I don't know the particulars, but I suspect it's like so many other stories we hear these days about the plight of illegal aliens. It's never about the plight of the Americans on whom these illegals are foisted. That would be xenophobic, don't you know. When you have a senile president saying, c'mon in, the water is fine, it's a recipe for disaster. It just is. Is anyone shedding any tears for the family of five killed by a Mexican National yesterday? Does anyone care that our president is in bed with the Mexican Cartels in the largest case in modern history of human trafficking? If I'm not mistaken, the Haitians are refusing to leave the lobby of the hospital. I can assure you if the local homeless population moved into the hospital's lobby, they'd be given a hot meal and sent on their way by the local constabulary.

Even if you could make the case that the Haitians should be allowed to stay in our country because they have a reputation for being superb healthcare workers, and our hospitals are short of that sort of talent at the moment, shouldn't they be getting in a queue somewhere outside our borders awaiting their turn at the American dream? That's how our immigration system should work. I'm guessing that these holed-up Haitians have children and elderly among their numbers. I also assume these children are not going unschooled. Who's paying the freight to educate these youngsters? Are there gang members in their midst? Have the employees of the hospital been instructed not to report things that go missing, like pocketbooks, drugs, and the like, for fear of further ostracizing and traumatizing these illegal aliens? I'm also guessing that no one is missing any meals. Who's footing the tab to feed these people? How long can anyone afford to do that without putting their own solvency at risk? It's a clusterfuck of unknown proportions and one that will, at some point, come to a head. Are we talking Waco here? Maybe it's more of a conundrum than a clusterfuck, but one worth watching to be sure. Stay tuned.