Seventh Heaven

There you have it. We survived the flight back from Florida. All of that angst over what? It was bumpy from time to time but certainly not enough to require that you keep you seat belts on all the time. We amused ourselves to pass the time by listening to iPods, iPhones, and iPads. All devices designed to distract, enlighten, delight, and otherwise pass the time. I loaded my iPad for bear when we left by making sure that I had audiobooks to listen to, music to enjoy, movies to watch, and books to read. The Pad was so popular that I had a hard time keeping it in my possession and away from Evan and Nancy. Not that I didn't want to share but surely they brought their own toys. On the other hand, I was pleased that the Pad was universally popular. It is living up to its reputation as a phenominal device. The first of its kind for sure. It has turned out to be so incredibly popular that notebook and laptop makers have begun to take notice as it is putting serious downward pressure on sales of all such devices. It is still king of the devices even if it doesn't have flash. Any worries I had when I first purchased it about Nancy not taking notice were short lived. She doesn't use it as much as I do but you risk bodily harm when you try to extract it from her when she's reading her mail, checking her sites, or otherwise enjoying the iPad experience. I do wish that I had purchased one with more memory but I do not regret not getting the 3G model as WiFi does the trick for me. With WiFi being more and more accessible while on the road, it is not an issue. Not that I take the device out of the house all that much but when I do I like to haver access. Lastly, you can't find a hotel, coffee shop, or laundromat in the whole of the land that doesn't have WiFi these days so you are simply good to go. Or, as in the words of Evan's generation, it's all good.

florida car

Looks like we're in for a rainy easter weekend, boys and girls. Evan will have no baseball practice today. Just to take the chill off, I may fire up the wood stove today as temperatures are presently in the 30's. Did I tell you that Da took a spill? So Mrs G says. That was the bad news part of the good and bad news on the Da front. The god news is that he has come out of his months long funk and is his usual self. That is good. When we were enjoying our trip to Florida and going nowhere in particular, we would always quote Da's favorite expression. "Nobody's chasing us", we would chime. That is so true and worth saying out loud. But, in all seriousness, falling is not good and certainly not good for someone who has spent the better part of the last few months in a stupor of sorts. And you just don't hit the ground running after months on the lam, physically speaking. Take it slow, Da. A little bit at a time. Walk a little further each day. Do a little more activity each and every day. Remember as well that your significant other needs time to adjust. Time to adjust her schedules. Time to adjust her expectations. Time to adjust to you. But we have a prayer into the baby Jesus this fine Easter weekend that you will do just fine. The fall was a wake-up call. You were awakened to your limitations and capabilities. You were awakened to your frailties and facilities which, once diminished, are now awakening and seeking their own accord. Life is too short to try to do it all in one day so take your time. We'll be there to lift you up when you fall. It's your job to see that you stay on your feet. Do that for us. More importantly, do that for yourself.

The Ev man was no sooner home than he was off to hanging with his buds. He took a quick shower to shake off the cobwebs and left the house without so much as a wave of the hand. Next thing we knew he was texting his momma that he was at a friend's house. Then he was off to the movies. He wouldn't divulge which movie, of course. We worried as we always do that he may not be eating properly. We worried that he was hanging with people that we had concerns about. And who is Katia? He sends her quite a few texts and she seems to have replaced Molly in the squeeze box category. Who knows who these people are? We've never met them. Do they sport nose rings and tattoos on their buttocks? Maybe they wear thongs and hip hugging jeans that reveal same. They don't call so we don't even know what they sound like. Are they polite? Do they slur their speech and make a mockery of the english language? Are we talking trailer trash here? Not that we should care since his life is his own but inquiring minds like to know. Women have a way of taking you down a particular path. I know. I was lucky to meet and marry one of the better ones. And, of course, you want the best for your children. The best that life can give them. I guess I'll end this tirade with a comment about taking showers on the road. Ev was feeling liberated and lucky at the hotel because he could take a shower as hot and as long as his little heart desired. And that he did. He must have been in there for more than a half hour. We simply let him luxuriate. We asked no questions. We didn't knock and we didn't holler out for him. We knew he was in seventh heaven. We just let him be.